Tony Murray db5fdf705d
Poll device job (#16306)
* Split out single device polling to a Laravel Job
Probably totally broken :)

* Add dispatch option to device:poll

* Fix up submodules

* Add missing logger parameter

* Apply fixes from StyleCI

* Update module format in test helper

* Apply fixes from StyleCI

* Use Log facade to match other code


Co-authored-by: Tony Murray <>
2024-08-25 19:56:50 -05:00

248 lines
8.3 KiB

namespace App\Jobs;
use App\Events\DevicePolled;
use App\Events\PollingDevice;
use App\Models\Eventlog;
use App\Polling\Measure\Measurement;
use App\Polling\Measure\MeasurementManager;
use Carbon\Carbon;
use Illuminate\Bus\Queueable;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\ShouldQueue;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Bus\Dispatchable;
use Illuminate\Queue\InteractsWithQueue;
use Illuminate\Queue\SerializesModels;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log;
use LibreNMS\Config;
use LibreNMS\Enum\Severity;
use LibreNMS\OS;
use LibreNMS\Polling\ConnectivityHelper;
use LibreNMS\RRD\RrdDefinition;
use LibreNMS\Util\Dns;
use LibreNMS\Util\Module;
use Throwable;
class PollDevice implements ShouldQueue
use Dispatchable, InteractsWithQueue, Queueable, SerializesModels;
private ?\App\Models\Device $device = null;
private ?array $deviceArray = null;
* @var \LibreNMS\OS|\LibreNMS\OS\Generic
private $os;
* @param int $device_id
* @param array<string, bool|string[]> $module_overrides
public function __construct(
public int $device_id,
public array $module_overrides = [],
) {
* Execute the job.
public function handle()
$this->os = OS::make($this->deviceArray);
$measurement = Measurement::start('poll');
$measurement->manager()->checkpoint(); // don't count previous stats
$helper = new ConnectivityHelper($this->device);
$helper->isUp(); // check and save status
// if modules are not overridden, record performance
if (empty($this->modules)) {
if ($this->device->status) {
if ($helper->canPing()) {
$this->os->persistGraphs($this->device->status); // save graphs but don't delete any if device is down
Log::info(sprintf("Enabled graphs (%s): %s\n\n",
$this->device->graphs->pluck('graph')->implode(' ')
// finalize the device poll
Log::info(sprintf("\n>>> Polled %s (%s) in %0.3f seconds <<<",
// add log file line, this is used by the simple python dispatcher watchdog
Log::channel('single')->alert(sprintf('INFO: device:poll %s (%s) polled in %0.3fs',
// check if the poll took too long and log an event
if ($measurement->getDuration() > Config::get('rrd.step')) {
Eventlog::log('Polling took longer than ' . round(Config::get('rrd.step') / 60, 2) .
' minutes! This will cause gaps in graphs.', $this->device, 'system', Severity::Error);
private function pollModules(): void
// update $device array status
$this->deviceArray['status'] = $this->device->status;
$this->deviceArray['status_reason'] = $this->device->status_reason;
// import legacy garbage
include_once base_path('includes/functions.php');
include_once base_path('includes/common.php');
include_once base_path('includes/polling/');
include_once base_path('includes/');
$datastore = app('Datastore');
foreach ($this->getModules() as $module => $status) {
$module_status = Module::pollingStatus($module, $this->device, $this->isModuleManuallyEnabled($module));
$should_poll = false;
$start_memory = memory_get_usage();
$module_start = microtime(true);
try {
$instance = Module::fromName($module);
$should_poll = $instance->shouldPoll($this->os, $module_status);
if ($should_poll) {
Log::info("#### Load poller module $module ####\n");
if (is_array($status)) {
Config::set('poller_submodules.' . $module, $status);
$instance->poll($this->os, $datastore);
} catch (Throwable $e) {
// isolate module exceptions so they don't disrupt the polling process
Log::error("%rError polling $module module for {$this->device->hostname}.%n $e", ['color' => true]);
Eventlog::log("Error polling $module module. Check log file for more details.", $this->device, 'poller', Severity::Error);
if ($should_poll) {
$this->saveModulePerformance($module, $module_start, $start_memory);
Log::info("#### Unload poller module $module ####\n");
private function saveModulePerformance(string $module, float $start_time, int $start_memory): void
$module_time = microtime(true) - $start_time;
$module_mem = (memory_get_usage() - $start_memory);
Log::info(sprintf(">> Runtime for poller module '%s': %.4f seconds with %s bytes", $module, $module_time, $module_mem));
app('Datastore')->put($this->deviceArray, 'poller-perf', [
'module' => $module,
'rrd_def' => RrdDefinition::make()->addDataset('poller', 'GAUGE', 0),
'rrd_name' => ['poller-perf', $module],
], [
'poller' => $module_time,
private function initDevice(): void
$this->device = \DeviceCache::getPrimary();
$this->device->ip = $this->device->overwrite_ip ?: Dns::lookupIp($this->device) ?: $this->device->ip;
$this->deviceArray = $this->device->toArray();
if ($os_group = Config::get("os.{$this->device->os}.group")) {
$this->deviceArray['os_group'] = $os_group;
private function initRrdDirectory(): void
$host_rrd = \Rrd::name($this->device->hostname, '', '');
if (Config::get('rrd.enable', true) && ! is_dir($host_rrd)) {
try {
Log::info("Created directory : $host_rrd");
} catch (\ErrorException $e) {
Eventlog::log("Failed to create rrd directory: $host_rrd", $this->device);
private function printDeviceInfo(?string $group): void
Hostname: %s %s
ID: %s
OS: %s
IP: %s
EOH, $this->device->hostname, $group ? " ($group)" : '', $this->device->device_id, $this->device->os, $this->device->ip));
private function recordPerformance(Measurement $measurement): void
$measurement->manager()->record('device', $measurement);
$this->device->last_polled = Carbon::now();
$this->device->last_polled_timetaken = $measurement->getDuration();
app('Datastore')->put($this->deviceArray, 'poller-perf', [
'rrd_def' => RrdDefinition::make()->addDataset('poller', 'GAUGE', 0),
'module' => 'ALL',
], [
'poller' => $this->device->last_polled_timetaken,
private function getModules(): array
if (! empty($this->module_overrides)) {
return $this->module_overrides;
return \LibreNMS\Config::get('poller_modules', []);
private function isModuleManuallyEnabled(string $module): ?bool
if (empty($this->module_overrides)) {
return null;
return isset($this->module_overrides[$module]);