2015-07-15 11:04:22 +02:00

112 lines
3.3 KiB

<table class="table table-condensed table-hover table-striped">
<tr bgcolor='$iftype'>
if ($bg == '#ffffff') {
$bg = '#e5e5e5';
else {
$bg = '#ffffff';
$type_where = ' (';
foreach (explode(',', $vars['type']) as $type) {
if (is_array($config[$type.'_descr']) === false) {
$config[$type.'_descr'] = array($config[$type.'_descr']);
foreach ($config[$type.'_descr'] as $additional_type) {
if (!empty($additional_type)) {
$type_where .= " $or `port_descr_type` = ?";
$or = 'OR';
$type_param[] = $additional_type;
$type_where .= " $or `port_descr_type` = ?";
$or = 'OR';
$type_param[] = $type;
$type_where .= ') ';
$ports = dbFetchRows("SELECT * FROM `ports` as I, `devices` AS D WHERE $type_where AND I.device_id = D.device_id ORDER BY I.ifAlias", $type_param);
foreach ($ports as $port) {
$if_list .= $seperator.$port['port_id'];
$seperator = ',';
$types_array = explode(',', $vars['type']);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($types_array);
$i++) {
$types_array[$i] = ucfirst($types_array[$i]);
$types = implode(' + ', $types_array);
echo "<tr class='iftype'>
<td colspan='5'><span class=list-large>Total Graph for ports of type : ".$types.'</span><br />';
if ($if_list) {
$graph_type = 'multiport_bits_separate';
$port['port_id'] = $if_list;
include 'includes/';
echo '</td></tr>';
foreach ($ports as $port) {
$done = 'yes';
$port['ifAlias'] = str_ireplace($type.': ', '', $port['ifAlias']);
$port['ifAlias'] = str_ireplace('[PNI]', 'Private', $port['ifAlias']);
$ifclass = ifclass($port['ifOperStatus'], $port['ifAdminStatus']);
if ($bg == '#ffffff') {
$bg = '#e5e5e5';
else {
$bg = '#ffffff';
echo "<tr class='iftype'>
<td><span class=list-large>".generate_port_link($port, $port['port_descr_descr'])."</span><br />
<span class=interface-desc style='float: left;'>".generate_device_link($port).' '.generate_port_link($port).' </span></td>
<td>'.generate_port_link($port, makeshortif($port['ifDescr'])).'</td>
<tr class='iftype'>
<td colspan='5'";
if (dbFetchCell('SELECT count(*) FROM mac_accounting WHERE port_id = ?', array($port['port_id']))) {
echo "<span style='float: right;'><a href='device/device=".$port['device_id'].'/tab=port/port='.$port['port_id']."/view=macaccounting/'><img src='/images/16/chart_curve.png' align='absmiddle'> MAC Accounting</a></span>";
echo '<br />';
if (file_exists($config['rrd_dir'].'/'.$port['hostname'].'/port-'.$port['ifIndex'].'.rrd')) {
$graph_type = 'port_bits';
include 'includes/';
echo '</td></tr>';
else {
echo 'None found.</td></tr>';