Jellyfrog edb36fd69d
More cleanups (#12715)
* PHPDoc

* Replace Auth > Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth

* Return inside when()

* use str_replace correct

* Misc

* dead code

* use int $port

* styleci
2021-04-08 08:14:49 -05:00

835 lines
24 KiB

namespace App\Models;
use Fico7489\Laravel\Pivot\Traits\PivotEventTrait;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\HasFactory;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\ModelNotFoundException;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsTo;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsToMany;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\HasMany;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\HasManyThrough;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\MorphToMany;
use Illuminate\Database\Query\JoinClause;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
use LibreNMS\Exceptions\InvalidIpException;
use LibreNMS\Util\IP;
use LibreNMS\Util\IPv4;
use LibreNMS\Util\IPv6;
use LibreNMS\Util\Rewrite;
use LibreNMS\Util\Time;
use LibreNMS\Util\Url;
use Permissions;
* @property-read int|null $ports_count
* @property-read int|null $sensors_count
* @property-read int|null $wirelessSensors_count
* @method static \Database\Factories\DeviceFactory factory(...$parameters)
class Device extends BaseModel
use PivotEventTrait, HasFactory;
public $timestamps = false;
protected $primaryKey = 'device_id';
protected $fillable = ['hostname', 'ip', 'status', 'status_reason', 'sysName', 'sysDescr', 'sysObjectID', 'hardware', 'version', 'features', 'serial', 'icon'];
protected $casts = [
'last_polled' => 'datetime',
'status' => 'boolean',
// ---- Helper Functions ----
public static function findByHostname($hostname)
return static::where('hostname', $hostname)->first();
* Returns IP/Hostname where polling will be targeted to
* @param string|array $device hostname which will be triggered
* array $device associative array with device data
* @return string IP/Hostname to which Device polling is targeted
public static function pollerTarget($device)
if (! is_array($device)) {
$ret = static::where('hostname', $device)->first(['hostname', 'overwrite_ip']);
if (empty($ret)) {
return $device;
$overwrite_ip = $ret->overwrite_ip;
$hostname = $ret->hostname;
} elseif (array_key_exists('overwrite_ip', $device)) {
$overwrite_ip = $device['overwrite_ip'];
$hostname = $device['hostname'];
} else {
return $device['hostname'];
return $overwrite_ip ?: $hostname;
public static function findByIp($ip)
if (! IP::isValid($ip)) {
return null;
$device = static::where('hostname', $ip)->orWhere('ip', inet_pton($ip))->first();
if ($device) {
return $device;
try {
$ipv4 = new IPv4($ip);
$port = Ipv4Address::where('ipv4_address', (string) $ipv4)
->with('port', 'port.device')
if ($port) {
return $port->device;
} catch (InvalidIpException $e) {
} catch (ModelNotFoundException $e) {
try {
$ipv6 = new IPv6($ip);
$port = Ipv6Address::where('ipv6_address', $ipv6->uncompressed())
->with(['port', 'port.device'])
if ($port) {
return $port->device;
} catch (InvalidIpException $e) {
} catch (ModelNotFoundException $e) {
return null;
* Get the display name of this device (hostname) unless force_ip_to_sysname is set
* and hostname is an IP and sysName is set
* @return string
public function displayName()
if (\LibreNMS\Config::get('force_ip_to_sysname') && $this->sysName && IP::isValid($this->hostname)) {
return $this->sysName;
return $this->hostname;
public function name()
$displayName = $this->displayName();
if ($this->sysName !== $displayName) {
return $this->sysName;
} elseif ($this->hostname !== $displayName && $this->hostname !== $this->ip) {
return $this->hostname;
return '';
public function isUnderMaintenance()
if (! $this->device_id) {
return false;
$query = AlertSchedule::isActive()
->where(function (Builder $query) {
$query->whereHas('devices', function (Builder $query) {
$query->where('alert_schedulables.alert_schedulable_id', $this->device_id);
if ($this->groups) {
$query->orWhereHas('deviceGroups', function (Builder $query) {
$query->whereIn('alert_schedulables.alert_schedulable_id', $this->groups->pluck('id'));
if ($this->location) {
$query->orWhereHas('locations', function (Builder $query) {
$query->where('alert_schedulables.alert_schedulable_id', $this->location->id);
return $query->exists();
* Get the shortened display name of this device.
* Length is always overridden by shorthost_target_length.
* @param int $length length to shorten to, will not break up words so may be longer
* @return string
public function shortDisplayName($length = 12)
$name = $this->displayName();
// IP addresses should not be shortened
if (IP::isValid($name)) {
return $name;
$length = \LibreNMS\Config::get('shorthost_target_length', $length);
if ($length < strlen($name)) {
$take = substr_count($name, '.', 0, $length) + 1;
return implode('.', array_slice(explode('.', $name), 0, $take));
return $name;
* Check if user can access this device.
* @param User $user
* @return bool
public function canAccess($user)
if (! $user) {
return false;
if ($user->hasGlobalRead()) {
return true;
return Permissions::canAccessDevice($this->device_id, $user->user_id);
public function formatDownUptime($short = false)
$time = ($this->status == 1) ? $this->uptime : time() - strtotime($this->last_polled);
return Time::formatInterval($time, $short);
* @return string
public function logo()
$base_name = pathinfo($this->icon, PATHINFO_FILENAME);
$options = [
foreach ($options as $file) {
if (is_file(public_path() . "/$file")) {
return asset($file);
return asset('images/os/generic.svg');
* Update the max_depth field based on parents
* Performs SQL query, so make sure all parents are saved first
* @param int $exclude exclude a device_id from being considered (used for deleting)
public function updateMaxDepth($exclude = null)
// optimize for memory instead of time
$query = $this->parents()->getQuery();
if (! is_null($exclude)) {
$query->where('device_id', '!=', $exclude);
$count = $query->count();
if ($count === 0) {
if ($this->children()->count() === 0) {
$this->max_depth = 0; // no children or parents
} else {
$this->max_depth = 1; // has children
} else {
$parents_max_depth = $query->max('max_depth');
$this->max_depth = $parents_max_depth + 1;
* Device dependency check to see if this node is standalone or not.
* Standalone is a special case where the device has no parents or children and is denoted by a max_depth of 0
* Only checks on root nodes (where max_depth is 1 or 0)
public function validateStandalone()
if ($this->max_depth === 0 && $this->children()->count() > 0) {
$this->max_depth = 1; // has children
} elseif ($this->max_depth === 1 && $this->parents()->count() === 0) {
$this->max_depth = 0; // no children or parents
public function getAttrib($name)
return $this->attribs->pluck('attrib_value', 'attrib_type')->get($name);
public function setAttrib($name, $value)
$attrib = $this->attribs->first(function ($item) use ($name) {
return $item->attrib_type === $name;
if (! $attrib) {
$attrib = new DeviceAttrib(['attrib_type' => $name]);
$attrib->attrib_value = $value;
return (bool) $this->attribs()->save($attrib);
public function forgetAttrib($name)
$attrib_index = $this->attribs->search(function ($attrib) use ($name) {
return $attrib->attrib_type === $name;
if ($attrib_index !== false) {
$deleted = (bool) $this->attribs->get($attrib_index)->delete();
// only forget the attrib_index after delete, otherwise delete() will fail fatally with:
// Symfony\\Component\\Debug\Exception\\FatalThrowableError(code: 0): Call to a member function delete() on null
return $deleted;
return false;
public function getAttribs()
return $this->attribs->pluck('attrib_value', 'attrib_type')->toArray();
* Update the location to the correct location and update GPS if needed
* @param \App\Models\Location|string $new_location location data
* @param bool $doLookup try to lookup the GPS coordinates
public function setLocation($new_location, bool $doLookup = false)
$new_location = $new_location instanceof Location ? $new_location : new Location(['location' => $new_location]);
$new_location->location = $new_location->location ? Rewrite::location($new_location->location) : null;
$coord = array_filter($new_location->only(['lat', 'lng']));
if (! $this->override_sysLocation) {
if (! $new_location->location) { // disassociate if the location name is empty
if (! $this->relationLoaded('location') || optional($this->location)->location !== $new_location->location) {
if (! $new_location->exists) { // don't fetch if new location persisted to the DB, just use it
$new_location = Location::firstOrCreate(['location' => $new_location->location], $coord);
// set coordinates
if ($this->location && ! $this->location->fixed_coordinates) {
if ($doLookup && empty($coord)) { // only if requested and coordinates not passed explicitly
// ---- Accessors/Mutators ----
public function getIconAttribute($icon)
return Str::start(Url::findOsImage($this->os, $this->features, $icon), 'images/os/');
public function getIpAttribute($ip)
if (empty($ip)) {
return null;
// @ suppresses warning, inet_ntop() returns false if it fails
return @inet_ntop($ip) ?: null;
public function setIpAttribute($ip)
$this->attributes['ip'] = inet_pton($ip);
public function setStatusAttribute($status)
$this->attributes['status'] = (int) $status;
// ---- Query scopes ----
public function scopeIsUp($query)
return $query->where([
['status', '=', 1],
['ignore', '=', 0],
['disable_notify', '=', 0],
['disabled', '=', 0],
public function scopeIsActive($query)
return $query->where([
['ignore', '=', 0],
['disabled', '=', 0],
public function scopeIsDown($query)
return $query->where([
['status', '=', 0],
['disable_notify', '=', 0],
['ignore', '=', 0],
['disabled', '=', 0],
public function scopeIsIgnored($query)
return $query->where([
['ignore', '=', 1],
['disabled', '=', 0],
public function scopeNotIgnored($query)
return $query->where([
['ignore', '=', 0],
public function scopeIsDisabled($query)
return $query->where([
['disabled', '=', 1],
public function scopeIsDisableNotify($query)
return $query->where([
['disable_notify', '=', 1],
public function scopeIsNotDisabled($query)
return $query->where([
['disable_notify', '=', 0],
['disabled', '=', 0],
public function scopeWhereUptime($query, $uptime, $modifier = '<')
return $query->where([
['uptime', '>', 0],
['uptime', $modifier, $uptime],
public function scopeCanPing(Builder $query)
return $query->where('disabled', 0)
->leftJoin('devices_attribs', function (JoinClause $query) {
$query->on('devices.device_id', 'devices_attribs.device_id')
->where('devices_attribs.attrib_type', 'override_icmp_disable');
->where(function (Builder $query) {
->orWhere('devices_attribs.attrib_value', '!=', 'true');
public function scopeHasAccess($query, User $user)
return $this->hasDeviceAccess($query, $user);
public function scopeInDeviceGroup($query, $deviceGroup)
return $query->whereIn(
$query->qualifyColumn('device_id'), function ($query) use ($deviceGroup) {
->where('device_group_id', $deviceGroup);
public function scopeNotInDeviceGroup($query, $deviceGroup)
return $query->whereNotIn(
$query->qualifyColumn('device_id'), function ($query) use ($deviceGroup) {
->where('device_group_id', $deviceGroup);
public function scopeInServiceTemplate($query, $serviceTemplate)
return $query->whereIn(
$query->qualifyColumn('device_id'), function ($query) use ($serviceTemplate) {
->where('service_template_id', $serviceTemplate);
public function scopeNotInServiceTemplate($query, $serviceTemplate)
return $query->whereNotIn(
$query->qualifyColumn('device_id'), function ($query) use ($serviceTemplate) {
->where('service_template_id', $serviceTemplate);
// ---- Define Relationships ----
public function accessPoints(): HasMany
return $this->hasMany(AccessPoint::class, 'device_id');
public function alerts(): HasMany
return $this->hasMany(\App\Models\Alert::class, 'device_id');
public function attribs(): HasMany
return $this->hasMany(\App\Models\DeviceAttrib::class, 'device_id');
public function alertSchedules(): MorphToMany
return $this->morphToMany(\App\Models\AlertSchedule::class, 'alert_schedulable', 'alert_schedulables', 'schedule_id', 'schedule_id');
public function applications(): HasMany
return $this->hasMany(\App\Models\Application::class, 'device_id');
public function bgppeers(): HasMany
return $this->hasMany(\App\Models\BgpPeer::class, 'device_id');
public function cefSwitching(): HasMany
return $this->hasMany(\App\Models\CefSwitching::class, 'device_id');
public function children(): BelongsToMany
return $this->belongsToMany(self::class, 'device_relationships', 'parent_device_id', 'child_device_id');
public function components(): HasMany
return $this->hasMany(\App\Models\Component::class, 'device_id');
public function hostResources(): HasMany
return $this->hasMany(HrDevice::class, 'device_id');
public function entityPhysical(): HasMany
return $this->hasMany(EntPhysical::class, 'device_id');
public function eventlogs(): HasMany
return $this->hasMany(\App\Models\Eventlog::class, 'device_id', 'device_id');
public function graphs(): HasMany
return $this->hasMany(\App\Models\DeviceGraph::class, 'device_id');
public function groups(): BelongsToMany
return $this->belongsToMany(\App\Models\DeviceGroup::class, 'device_group_device', 'device_id', 'device_group_id');
public function ipsecTunnels(): HasMany
return $this->hasMany(IpsecTunnel::class, 'device_id');
public function ipv4(): HasManyThrough
return $this->hasManyThrough(\App\Models\Ipv4Address::class, \App\Models\Port::class, 'device_id', 'port_id', 'device_id', 'port_id');
public function ipv6(): HasManyThrough
return $this->hasManyThrough(\App\Models\Ipv6Address::class, \App\Models\Port::class, 'device_id', 'port_id', 'device_id', 'port_id');
public function location(): BelongsTo
return $this->belongsTo(\App\Models\Location::class, 'location_id', 'id');
public function mefInfo(): HasMany
return $this->hasMany(MefInfo::class, 'device_id');
public function muninPlugins(): HasMany
return $this->hasMany(\App\Models\MuninPlugin::class, 'device_id');
public function ospfInstances(): HasMany
return $this->hasMany(\App\Models\OspfInstance::class, 'device_id');
public function ospfNbrs(): HasMany
return $this->hasMany(\App\Models\OspfNbr::class, 'device_id');
public function ospfPorts(): HasMany
return $this->hasMany(\App\Models\OspfPort::class, 'device_id');
public function netscalerVservers(): HasMany
return $this->hasMany(NetscalerVserver::class, 'device_id');
public function packages(): HasMany
return $this->hasMany(\App\Models\Package::class, 'device_id', 'device_id');
public function parents(): BelongsToMany
return $this->belongsToMany(self::class, 'device_relationships', 'child_device_id', 'parent_device_id');
public function perf(): HasMany
return $this->hasMany(\App\Models\DevicePerf::class, 'device_id');
public function ports(): HasMany
return $this->hasMany(\App\Models\Port::class, 'device_id', 'device_id');
public function portsFdb(): HasMany
return $this->hasMany(\App\Models\PortsFdb::class, 'device_id', 'device_id');
public function portsNac(): HasMany
return $this->hasMany(\App\Models\PortsNac::class, 'device_id', 'device_id');
public function processors(): HasMany
return $this->hasMany(\App\Models\Processor::class, 'device_id');
public function routes(): HasMany
return $this->hasMany(Route::class, 'device_id');
public function rules(): BelongsToMany
return $this->belongsToMany(\App\Models\AlertRule::class, 'alert_device_map', 'device_id', 'rule_id');
public function sensors(): HasMany
return $this->hasMany(\App\Models\Sensor::class, 'device_id');
public function serviceTemplates(): BelongsToMany
return $this->belongsToMany(\App\Models\ServiceTemplate::class, 'service_templates_device', 'device_id', 'service_template_id');
public function services(): HasMany
return $this->hasMany(\App\Models\Service::class, 'device_id');
public function storage(): HasMany
return $this->hasMany(\App\Models\Storage::class, 'device_id');
public function stpInstances(): HasMany
return $this->hasMany(Stp::class, 'device_id');
public function mempools(): HasMany
return $this->hasMany(\App\Models\Mempool::class, 'device_id');
public function mplsLsps(): HasMany
return $this->hasMany(\App\Models\MplsLsp::class, 'device_id');
public function mplsLspPaths(): HasMany
return $this->hasMany(\App\Models\MplsLspPath::class, 'device_id');
public function mplsSdps(): HasMany
return $this->hasMany(\App\Models\MplsSdp::class, 'device_id');
public function mplsServices(): HasMany
return $this->hasMany(\App\Models\MplsService::class, 'device_id');
public function mplsSaps(): HasMany
return $this->hasMany(\App\Models\MplsSap::class, 'device_id');
public function mplsSdpBinds(): HasMany
return $this->hasMany(\App\Models\MplsSdpBind::class, 'device_id');
public function mplsTunnelArHops(): HasMany
return $this->hasMany(\App\Models\MplsTunnelArHop::class, 'device_id');
public function mplsTunnelCHops(): HasMany
return $this->hasMany(\App\Models\MplsTunnelCHop::class, 'device_id');
public function printerSupplies(): HasMany
return $this->hasMany(PrinterSupply::class, 'device_id');
public function pseudowires(): HasMany
return $this->hasMany(Pseudowire::class, 'device_id');
public function rServers(): HasMany
return $this->hasMany(LoadbalancerRserver::class, 'device_id');
public function slas(): HasMany
return $this->hasMany(Sla::class, 'device_id');
public function syslogs(): HasMany
return $this->hasMany(\App\Models\Syslog::class, 'device_id', 'device_id');
public function users(): BelongsToMany
// FIXME does not include global read
return $this->belongsToMany(\App\Models\User::class, 'devices_perms', 'device_id', 'user_id');
public function vminfo(): HasMany
return $this->hasMany(\App\Models\Vminfo::class, 'device_id');
public function vlans(): HasMany
return $this->hasMany(\App\Models\Vlan::class, 'device_id');
public function vrfLites(): HasMany
return $this->hasMany(\App\Models\VrfLite::class, 'device_id');
public function vrfs(): HasMany
return $this->hasMany(\App\Models\Vrf::class, 'device_id');
public function vServers(): HasMany
return $this->hasMany(LoadbalancerVserver::class, 'device_id');
public function wirelessSensors(): HasMany
return $this->hasMany(\App\Models\WirelessSensor::class, 'device_id');