Jellyfrog 0a351b49fd
Laravel 9.x Shift (#14504)
* Move `resources/lang` folder

* Shift registered middleware

* Remove `fruitcake/laravel-cors` dependency

* Streamline `$commands` property

* Upgrade to Flysystem 3.0

* Shift core files

* Convert `optional()` to nullsafe operator

* Remove unnecessary `$model` property

* Convert route options to fluent methods

Laravel 8 adopts the tuple syntax for controller actions. Since the old options array is incompatible with this syntax, Shift converted them to use modern, fluent methods.

* Convert deprecated `$dates` property to `$casts`

* Shift config files

* Default config files

In an effort to make upgrading the constantly changing config files
easier, Shift defaulted them and merged your true customizations -
where ENV variables may not be used.

* Bump Laravel dependencies

* Use `<env>` tags for configuration

`<env>` tags have a lower precedence than system environment variables making it easier to overwrite PHPUnit configuration values in additional environments, such a CI.

Review this blog post for more details on configuration precedence when testing Laravel:

* Fix error provider

* Match new symfony syntax

* Match upstream syntax

* Fix route syntax

* generate composer.lock

* Sync back configs

* routes

* composer

* Fix more flare

* fix cors

* sync lang

* Apply fixes from StyleCI (#14517)

Co-authored-by: StyleCI Bot <>

* bump larastan

* update packages

* wip

* Temporarily lower phpstan level

* Update phpstan.neon

* wip

* wip

* wip

* Apply fixes from StyleCI (#14592)

Co-authored-by: StyleCI Bot <>

* test

* Update CiHelper.php

* Update test.yml

* Update CiHelper.php

* Update CiHelper.php

* Apply fixes from StyleCI (#14616)

Co-authored-by: StyleCI Bot <>

* test?

* fix phpstan problems

* dont run snmpsim on github ci

* Fix whitespace

* More whitespace

* More whitespace ???

* I think the space broke it

* fix the reset of the whitespace

* hard code auth guard


Co-authored-by: Shift <>
Co-authored-by: StyleCI Bot <>
Co-authored-by: Tony Murray <>
2023-04-17 06:51:35 -05:00

204 lines
10 KiB

return [
'config:get' => [
'description' => 'Get configuration value',
'arguments' => [
'setting' => 'setting to get value of in dot notation (example:',
'options' => [
'dump' => 'Output the entire config as json',
'config:set' => [
'description' => 'Set configuration value (or unset)',
'arguments' => [
'setting' => 'setting to set in dot notation (example: To append to an array suffix with .+',
'value' => 'value to set, unset setting if this is omitted',
'options' => [
'ignore-checks' => 'Ignore all safety checks',
'confirm' => 'Reset :setting to the default?',
'forget_from' => 'Forget :path from :parent?',
'errors' => [
'append' => 'Cannot append to non-array setting',
'failed' => 'Failed to set :setting',
'invalid' => 'This is not a valid setting. Please check your input',
'invalid_os' => 'Specified OS (:os) does not exist',
'nodb' => 'Database is not connected',
'no-validation' => 'Cannot set :setting, it is missing validation definition.',
'db:seed' => [
'existing_config' => 'Database contains existing settings. Continue?',
'dev:check' => [
'description' => 'LibreNMS code checks. Running with no options runs all checks',
'arguments' => [
'check' => 'Run the specified check :checks',
'options' => [
'commands' => 'Print commands that would be run only, no checks',
'db' => 'Run unit tests that require a database connection',
'fail-fast' => 'Stop checks when any failure is encountered',
'full' => 'Run full checks ignoring changed file filtering',
'module' => 'Specific Module to run tests on. Implies unit, --db, --snmpsim',
'os' => 'Specific OS to run tests on. Implies unit, --db, --snmpsim',
'os-modules-only' => 'Skip os detection test when specifying a specific OS. Speeds up test time when checking non-detection changes.',
'quiet' => 'Hide output unless there is an error',
'snmpsim' => 'Use snmpsim for unit tests',
'dev:simulate' => [
'description' => 'Simulate devices using test data',
'arguments' => [
'file' => 'The file name (only base name) of the snmprec file to update or add to LibreNMS. If file not specified, no device will be added or updated.',
'options' => [
'multiple' => 'Use community name for hostname instead of snmpsim',
'remove' => 'Remove the device after stopping',
'added' => 'Device :hostname (:id) added',
'exit' => 'Ctrl-C to stop',
'removed' => 'Device :id removed',
'updated' => 'Device :hostname (:id) updated',
'device:add' => [
'description' => 'Aggiungi un nuovo dispositivo',
'arguments' => [
'device spec' => 'Hostname or IP to add',
'options' => [
'v1' => 'Usa SNMP v1',
'v2c' => 'Usa SNMP v2c',
'v3' => 'Usa SNMP v3',
'display-name' => 'A string to display as the name of this device, defaults to hostname. May be a simple template using replacements: {{ $hostname }}, {{ $sysName }}, {{ $sysName_fallback }}, {{ $ip }}',
'force' => 'Just add the device, do not make any safety checks',
'group' => 'Poller group (for distributed polling)',
'ping-fallback' => 'Add the device as ping only if it does not respond to SNMP',
'port-association-mode' => 'Sets how ports are mapped. ifName is suggested for Linux/Unix',
'community' => 'SNMP v1 or v2 community',
'transport' => 'Transport to connect to the device',
'port' => 'SNMP transport port',
'security-name' => 'SNMPv3 security username',
'auth-password' => 'SNMPv3 authentication password',
'auth-protocol' => 'SNMPv3 authentication protocol',
'privacy-protocol' => 'SNMPv3 privacy protocol',
'privacy-password' => 'SNMPv3 privacy password',
'ping-only' => 'Add a ping only device',
'os' => 'Ping only: specify OS',
'hardware' => 'Ping only: specify hardware',
'sysName' => 'Ping only: specify sysName',
'validation-errors' => [
'port.between' => 'Port should be 1-65535',
'' => 'The given poller-group does not exist',
'messages' => [
'save_failed' => 'Failed to save device :hostname',
'try_force' => 'You may try with the --force option to skip safety checks',
'added' => 'Added device :hostname (:device_id)',
'device:ping' => [
'description' => 'Ping device and record data for response',
'arguments' => [
'device spec' => 'Device to ping one of: <Device ID>, <Hostname/IP>, all',
'device:poll' => [
'description' => 'Poll data from device(s) as defined by discovery',
'arguments' => [
'device spec' => 'Device spec to poll: device_id, hostname, wildcard, odd, even, all',
'options' => [
'modules' => 'Specify single module to be run. Comma separate modules, submodules may be added with /',
'no-data' => 'Do not update datastores (RRD, InfluxDB, etc)',
'errors' => [
'db_connect' => 'Failed to connect to database. Verify database service is running and connection settings.',
'db_auth' => 'Failed to connect to database. Verify credentials: :error',
'key:rotate' => [
'description' => 'Rotate APP_KEY, this decrypts all encrypted data with the given old key and stores it with the new key in APP_KEY.',
'arguments' => [
'old_key' => 'The old APP_KEY which is valid for encrypted data',
'cleared-cache' => 'Config was cached, cleared cache to make sure APP_KEY is correct. Please re-run lnms key:rotate',
'backup_keys' => 'Document BOTH keys! In case something goes wrong set the new key in .env and use the old key as an argument to this command',
'backups' => 'This command could cause irreversible loss of data and will invalidate all browser sessions. Make sure you have backups.',
'confirm' => 'I have backups and want to continue',
'decrypt-failed' => 'Failed to decrypt :item, skipping',
'failed' => 'Failed to decrypt item(s). Set new key as APP_KEY and run this again with the old key as an argument.',
'new_key' => 'New key: :key',
'old_key' => 'Old key: :key',
'save_key' => 'Save new key to .env?',
'success' => 'Successfully rotated keys!',
'validation-errors' => [
'not_in' => ':attribute must not match current APP_KEY',
'required' => 'Either old key or --generate-new-key is required.',
'lnms' => [
'validation-errors' => [
'optionValue' => 'Selected :option is invalid. Should be one of: :values',
'smokeping:generate' => [
'args-nonsense' => 'Use one of --probes and --targets',
'config-insufficient' => 'In order to generate a smokeping configuration, you must have set "smokeping.probes", "fping", and "fping6" set in your configuration',
'dns-fail' => 'was not resolvable and was omitted from the configuration',
'description' => 'Generate a configuration suitable for use with smokeping',
'header-first' => 'This file was automatically generated by "lnms smokeping:generate',
'header-second' => 'Local changes may be overwritten without notice or backups being taken',
'header-third' => 'For more information see"',
'no-devices' => 'No eligible devices found - devices must not be disabled.',
'no-probes' => 'At least one probe is required.',
'options' => [
'probes' => 'Generate probe list - used for splitting the smokeping configuration into multiple files. Conflicts with "--targets"',
'targets' => 'Generate the target list - used for splitting the smokeping configuration into multiple files. Conflicts with "--probes"',
'no-header' => 'Don\'t add the boilerplate comment to the start of the generated file',
'no-dns' => 'Skip DNS lookups',
'single-process' => 'Only use a single process for smokeping',
'compat' => '[deprecated] Mimic the behaviour of gen_smokeping.php',
'snmp:fetch' => [
'description' => 'Run snmp query against a device',
'arguments' => [
'device spec' => 'Device to query: device_id, hostname/ip, hostname regex, or all',
'oid' => 'SNMP OID to fetch. Should be either MIB::oid or a numeric oid',
'failed' => 'SNMP command failed!',
'oid' => 'OID',
'options' => [
'type' => 'The type of snmp query to perform :types',
'output' => 'Specify the output format :formats',
'numeric' => 'Numeric OIDs',
'not_found' => 'Device not found',
'value' => 'Value',
'translation:generate' => [
'description' => 'Generate updated json language files for use in the web frontend',
'user:add' => [
'description' => 'Add a local user, you can only log in with this user if auth is set to mysql',
'arguments' => [
'username' => 'The username the user will log in with',
'options' => [
'descr' => 'User description',
'email' => 'Email to use for the user',
'password' => 'Password for the user, if not given, you will be prompted',
'full-name' => 'Full name for the user',
'role' => 'Set the user to the desired role :roles',
'password-request' => "Please enter the user's password",
'success' => 'Successfully added user: :username',
'wrong-auth' => 'Warning! You will not be able to log in with this user because you are not using MySQL auth',