KodApa85 3c0d0c9fba Added support for Alpha Comp@s (#9871)
* newdevice: Added support for Alpha Comp@s

* fix: Updated state values
state values persist in database, even after deletion of devices.
Not a 100% how to purge them.
create_state_index($state_name, $states) doesn't update the database, if the states have changed

* refactor: comp@s OS state sensor now updated to latest format
2019-03-01 00:14:17 +01:00

3309 lines
180 KiB

-- Alpha Innovations S.A.
-- General MIB for Energy Site Monitoring
-- { iso org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) atsa(26854) }
-- ==============================================================================================
DisplayString, RowStatus
LAST-UPDATED "201705161600Z"
ORGANIZATION "Alpha Innovations"
CONTACT-INFO " Jean-Philippe Vanhulst
Postal: Alpha Innovations
Rue Alexander Fleming 1
B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
phone +32 10 438 382
DESCRIPTION "Alpha Innovations SNMP corporate naming convention
Organises the SNMP OIDs according to the
design centres that generate the different MIBs"
REVISION "201705161600Z"
DESCRIPTION "This revision is the fourth release of the MIB"
::= { atsaCorporate 1 }
atsa OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 26854 }
atsaCorporate OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { atsa 1 }
atsaUs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { atsa 2 }
atsaEu OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { atsa 3 }
atsaEuDevices OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { atsaEu 1 }
siteMonitoring OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { atsaEu 2 }
siteV1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {siteMonitoring 1}
siteV1GlobalStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "A textual string (alarms, normal or unknown) containing the status of the Site"
::={siteV1 1 }
siteV1GlobalAlarmSeverityType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The alarm severity type (critical, major, minor, warning, none, disabled) of the Site"
::= { siteV1 2 }
siteV1GlobalAlarmSeverityLevel OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The alarm severity level (0-9) of the Site"
::= { siteV1 3 }
siteV1GlobalAlarmSeverityTypeInt OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The alarm severity type as integer (critical=4, major=3, minor=2, warning=1, none=0) of the Site"
::= { siteV1 4 }
siteV1Description OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { siteV1 10 }
siteV1DescriptionNumber OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of entries in the Site Description table"
::= { siteV1Description 1 }
siteV1DescriptionTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SiteV1DescriptionEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The Description table of the Site"
::= { siteV1Description 2 }
siteV1DescriptionEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SiteV1DescriptionEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "A Description entry"
INDEX {siteV1DescriptionIndex}
::= { siteV1DescriptionTable 1 }
SiteV1DescriptionEntry ::=
siteV1DescriptionIndex Unsigned32,
siteV1DescriptionName DisplayString,
siteV1DescriptionValue DisplayString,
siteV1DescriptionEntryStatus RowStatus
siteV1DescriptionIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Description Index"
::= { siteV1DescriptionEntry 1 }
siteV1DescriptionName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Description Name"
::= { siteV1DescriptionEntry 2 }
siteV1DescriptionValue OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Description Value"
::= { siteV1DescriptionEntry 3 }
siteV1DescriptionEntryStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX RowStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The status of this table entry"
::= { siteV1DescriptionEntry 4 }
siteV1DescriptionList OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { siteV1Description 3 }
siteV1DescDescriptionSiteNumber OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The identification number of the site"
::= { siteV1DescriptionList 1}
siteV1DescDescriptionSiteName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The name of the site"
::= { siteV1DescriptionList 2}
siteV1DescDescriptionShortDescription OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "A short description of the site"
::= { siteV1DescriptionList 3}
siteV1DescDescriptionInfo OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Some more information about the site"
::= { siteV1DescriptionList 4}
siteV1DescDescriptionDescription OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "A free text zone to write a system description"
::= { siteV1DescriptionList 5}
siteV1DescDescriptionReference OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "A free text zone to write the customer reference of the system"
::= { siteV1DescriptionList 6}
siteV1DescDescriptionContactName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Contact Name"
::= { siteV1DescriptionList 7}
siteV1DescDescriptionPhoneNumber OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Phone Number"
::= { siteV1DescriptionList 8}
siteV1DescDescriptionStreet OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Street part of the site address"
::= { siteV1DescriptionList 11}
siteV1DescDescriptionCity OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "City part of the site address"
::= { siteV1DescriptionList 12}
siteV1DescDescriptionProvince OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Province part of the site address"
::= { siteV1DescriptionList 13}
siteV1DescDescriptionPostalCode OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Postal Code part of the site address"
::= { siteV1DescriptionList 14}
siteV1DescDescriptionRegion OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Region part of the site address"
::= { siteV1DescriptionList 15}
siteV1DescDescriptionCountry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Country part of the site address"
::= { siteV1DescriptionList 16}
siteV1DescDescriptionGroup1 OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Group Level 1 (For Armada Clustering)"
::= { siteV1DescriptionList 21}
siteV1DescDescriptionGroup2 OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Group Level 2 (For Armada Clustering)"
::= { siteV1DescriptionList 22}
siteV1DescDescriptionGroup3 OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Group Level 3 (For Armada Clustering)"
::= { siteV1DescriptionList 23}
siteV1DescDescriptionGroup4 OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Group Level 4 (For Armada Clustering)"
::= { siteV1DescriptionList 24}
siteV1DescDescriptionGroup5 OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Group Level 5 (For Armada Clustering)"
::= { siteV1DescriptionList 25}
siteV1DescDescriptionLatitude OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The latitude of the site"
::= { siteV1DescriptionList 31}
siteV1DescDescriptionLongitude OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The longitude of the site"
::= { siteV1DescriptionList 32}
siteV1DescDescriptionAltitude OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The altitude of the site"
::= { siteV1DescriptionList 33}
siteV1DescControllerSoftwareRevision OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The software revision of Comp@s (read only)"
::= { siteV1DescriptionList 91}
siteV1DescControllerOperatingSystemRevision OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The operating system of Comp@s (read only)"
::= { siteV1DescriptionList 92}
siteV1DescControllerCPU OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Information about the CPU"
::= { siteV1DescriptionList 93}
siteV1DescControllerCard OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Information about the hardware system containing Compas"
::= { siteV1DescriptionList 94}
siteV1DescControllerStarterVersion OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Information about the starter component of Compas"
::= { siteV1DescriptionList 100}
siteV1DescControllerFactoryCompasVersion OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Information about the revision of Compas in Factory folder"
::= { siteV1DescriptionList 105}
siteV1DescControllerUserCompasVersion OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Information about the revision of Compas in user folder"
::= { siteV1DescriptionList 106}
siteV1DescControllerFactoryFTPServerVersion OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Information about the revision of Ftp Server in Factory folder"
::= { siteV1DescriptionList 110}
siteV1DescControllerUserFTPServerVersion OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Information about the revision of Ftp Server in Factory folder"
::= { siteV1DescriptionList 111}
siteV1Alarm OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { siteV1 11 }
siteV1AlarmNumber OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of entries in the Site Alarm table"
::= { siteV1Alarm 1 }
siteV1AlarmTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The table of Alarm entries"
::= { siteV1Alarm 2 }
siteV1AlarmEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SiteV1AlarmEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "An alarm entry"
INDEX {siteV1AlarmIndex}
::= { siteV1AlarmTable 1 }
SiteV1AlarmEntry ::=
siteV1AlarmIndex Unsigned32,
siteV1AlarmName DisplayString,
siteV1AlarmActive DisplayString,
siteV1AlarmSeverityType DisplayString,
siteV1AlarmSeverityLevel DisplayString,
siteV1AlarmStartTime DisplayString,
siteV1AlarmStopTime DisplayString,
siteV1AlarmEntryStatus RowStatus
siteV1AlarmIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
::= { siteV1AlarmEntry 1 }
siteV1AlarmName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
::= { siteV1AlarmEntry 2 }
siteV1AlarmActive OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Is the Alarm active ? 'true' for active, 'false' for not-active"
::= { siteV1AlarmEntry 3 }
siteV1AlarmSeverityType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The alarm severity type (major, minor, warning, none, disabled) of this alarm entry"
::= { siteV1AlarmEntry 4 }
siteV1AlarmSeverityLevel OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The alarm severity level (0-9) of this alarm entry"
::= { siteV1AlarmEntry 5 }
siteV1AlarmStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The last start time of this alarm entry (null if never active)"
::= { siteV1AlarmEntry 6 }
siteV1AlarmStopTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The last stop time of this alarm entry (null if alarm active)"
::= { siteV1AlarmEntry 7 }
siteV1AlarmEntryStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX RowStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The status of this table entry - not used, only for MIB compliance "
::= { siteV1AlarmEntry 8 }
siteV1AlarmSummary OBJECT-TYPE
inventoryCANBusFail (0), -- Alarm : CAN Bus Failure
inventoryCANBusAddressingError (1), -- Alarm : CAN Bus Addressing Error
inventoryMissingCANBusNodeIDs (2), -- Alarm : Missing CAN Bus Node IDs
inventoryRunningCANLSSDeviceDetection (3), -- Alarm : Running CAN LSS Device Detection
inventoryRunningCANFirmwareUpgrade (4), -- Alarm : Running CAN Firmware Upgrade
controllerControllerRebootRequired (10), -- Alarm : Controller Reboot Required
controllerLastConfChangesUnsaved (14), -- Alarm : Last Configuration Changes Unsaved
xMLXMLHeartbeatPostFail (20) -- Alarm : XML Heartbeat Post Failure
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Summary bit vector with all the alarms state of the Site. A '1' means alarm active, '0' means not active. Unimplemented alarms are always '0'."
::= { siteV1Alarm 3 }
siteV1Event OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { siteV1 12 }
siteV1EventNumber OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of entries in the Event Table related to the Site"
::= { siteV1Event 1 }
siteV1EventTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The Event table related to the Site"
::= { siteV1Event 2 }
siteV1EventEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SiteV1EventEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
INDEX {siteV1EventIndex}
::= { siteV1EventTable 1 }
SiteV1EventEntry ::=
siteV1EventIndex Unsigned32,
siteV1EventId Unsigned32,
siteV1EventName DisplayString,
siteV1EventDateTime DisplayString,
siteV1EventSeverityType DisplayString,
siteV1EventSeverityLevel DisplayString,
siteV1EventEntryStatus RowStatus
siteV1EventIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
::= { siteV1EventEntry 1 }
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
::= { siteV1EventEntry 2 }
siteV1EventName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
::= { siteV1EventEntry 3 }
siteV1EventDateTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The date and time of the event"
::= { siteV1EventEntry 4 }
siteV1EventSeverityType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The event severity type ('major', 'minor', 'warning' or 'none')"
::= { siteV1EventEntry 5 }
siteV1EventSeverityLevel OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The event severity level (0-9)"
::= { siteV1EventEntry 6 }
siteV1EventEntryStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX RowStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The status of this table entry"
::= { siteV1EventEntry 7 }
siteV1Data OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { siteV1 13 }
siteV1DataNumber OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of entries in the Data Table related to the Site"
::= { siteV1Data 1 }
siteV1DataTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The table of Data entries"
::= { siteV1Data 2 }
siteV1DataEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SiteV1DataEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "A data entry"
INDEX {siteV1DataIndex}
::= { siteV1DataTable 1 }
SiteV1DataEntry ::=
siteV1DataIndex Unsigned32,
siteV1DataName DisplayString,
siteV1DataValue DisplayString,
siteV1DataEntryStatus RowStatus
siteV1DataIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The data index"
::= { siteV1DataEntry 1 }
siteV1DataName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The data name"
::= { siteV1DataEntry 2 }
siteV1DataValue OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The data value"
::= { siteV1DataEntry 3 }
siteV1DataEntryStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX RowStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The status of this table entry - not used, only present for compliance"
::= { siteV1DataEntry 4 }
siteV1DataList OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { siteV1Data 3 }
siteV1DataNetworkCurrentIPAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This is the actual IP address of the Comp@s platform. If the Ethernet cable is not correctly connected, the address will be"
::= { siteV1DataList 1}
siteV1DataNetworkCurrentIPMask OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This is the actual IP address of the Comp@s platform. If the Ethernet cable is not correctly connected, the address will be"
::= { siteV1DataList 2}
siteV1DataNetworkCurrentMACAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This is the MAC address of IP interface."
::= { siteV1DataList 3}
siteV1DataControllerLicensedOptions OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This is the options of the actual license."
::= { siteV1DataList 11}
siteV1DataTimeDateAndTimeLocal OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This is the local time of the monitoring."
::= { siteV1DataList 21}
siteV1DataTimeDateAndTimeUTC OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This is the UTC time of the monitoring."
::= { siteV1DataList 22}
siteV1DataControllerMonitoringMemoryUsed OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This is actual amount of RAM memory used by the application."
::= { siteV1DataList 31}
siteV1DataControllerCPUPercentageUsage OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This is actual percentage of CPU used"
::= { siteV1DataList 32}
siteV1DataControllerFreeFlashMemorySpace OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This is free flash memory available on the Comp@s card, in Megabytes"
::= { siteV1DataList 33}
siteV1DataControllerFTPServerStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Status of the FTP Server. Compatible only with version >= 2.26.X.X. The configuration is available at controller -> FTP Server page."
::= { siteV1DataList 35}
siteV1DataDataRecordsTotalFifoSizeOfSecondRecords OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
::= { siteV1DataList 41}
siteV1DataDataRecordsTotalFifoSizeOfMinuteRecords OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
::= { siteV1DataList 42}
siteV1DataDataRecordsTotalFifoSizeOfHourRecords OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
::= { siteV1DataList 43}
siteV1DataDataRecordsTotalFifoSizeOfDayRecords OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
::= { siteV1DataList 44}
siteV1DataInventoryCANBusNodeIDs OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The coma separated list of the node ids present on the CAN bus."
::= { siteV1DataList 51}
siteV1DataCloudLinkCloudLinkState OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Cloud Link State"
::= { siteV1DataList 166}
siteV1Config OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { siteV1 15 }
siteV1ConfigNumber OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of entries in the Config table related to the Site"
::= { siteV1Config 1 }
siteV1ConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The table of Config entries related to the Site"
::= { siteV1Config 2 }
siteV1ConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SiteV1ConfigEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "A Config entry"
INDEX {siteV1ConfigIndex}
::= { siteV1ConfigTable 1 }
SiteV1ConfigEntry ::=
siteV1ConfigIndex Unsigned32,
siteV1ConfigName DisplayString,
siteV1ConfigValue DisplayString,
siteV1ConfigEntryStatus RowStatus
siteV1ConfigIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The Config entry Index"
::= { siteV1ConfigEntry 1 }
siteV1ConfigName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The Config entry name"
::= { siteV1ConfigEntry 2 }
siteV1ConfigValue OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The Config entry value"
::= { siteV1ConfigEntry 3 }
siteV1ConfigEntryStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX RowStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The status of this table entry - not used, only for compliance"
::= { siteV1ConfigEntry 4 }
siteV1ConfigList OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { siteV1Config 3 }
siteV1CfgNetworkDHCPEnabled OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The monitoring will try to get an IP with the DHCP protocol if this parameter is set to True. By default, this parameter is set to False."
::= { siteV1ConfigList 1}
siteV1CfgNetworkIPAddressIfStatic OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The static IP address of the monitoring. This configuration parameter is not used if the DHCP is enabled. The default IP is"
::= { siteV1ConfigList 2}
siteV1CfgNetworkSubnetMaskIfStatic OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The static Subnet Mask of the monitoring. This configuration parameter is not used if the DHCP is enabled. The default mask is"
::= { siteV1ConfigList 3}
siteV1CfgNetworkDefaultGatewayIfStatic OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The static Default Gateway of the monitoring. This configuration parameter is not used if DHCP is enabled. This is only useful if the monitoring have to use a gateway, this is generally not necessary. The default gateway is"
::= { siteV1ConfigList 4}
siteV1CfgNetworkDNSIfStatic OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The static DNS of the monitoring. This configuration parameter is used to resolve URI and server name. This is not necessary if you are only IP address as target server. The default DNS server is"
::= { siteV1ConfigList 5}
siteV1CfgNetworkMaxTransmissionUnit OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Specifies the TCP/IP MTU for the network interface"
::= { siteV1ConfigList 8}
siteV1CfgTimeSNTPTimeServer OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The address of the server acting as SNTP timer server. If this server is not valid, the monitoring cannot update automatically his time. You can use several time server by usin a coma separator without space."
::= { siteV1ConfigList 11}
siteV1CfgTimeTimeZoneName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The Time Zone of the site"
::= { siteV1ConfigList 14}
siteV1CfgTimeSNTPTimeRefresh OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Set the time between synchronisation with the SNTP server (max 1000 hours, by default 178)"
::= { siteV1ConfigList 15}
siteV1CfgTimeSNTPTimeRecoveryRefresh OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Set the time to wait before retry if a synchronisation fail (max 1000 hours, by default 24)"
::= { siteV1ConfigList 16}
siteV1CfgWebServerWebServerSecurityEnabled OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This is a True/False parameter used to activate or deactivate the access control to the web server."
::= { siteV1ConfigList 22}
siteV1CfgWebServerWebServerPort OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This is an unsigned integer parameter used to configure the port at which the web server is accessible. By default, the port is 80. If you change this port, you must be sure that the traffic is allowed by your switches and routers on this port."
::= { siteV1ConfigList 23}
siteV1CfgWebServerWebAuthenticationMethod OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The web access security can be managed with 3 authentication methods: Basic Access, Digest Access or Basic with Radius."
::= { siteV1ConfigList 24}
siteV1CfgWebServerHttpsWebServerPort OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This is a port number to activate or deactivate the https web server - 0 or 443 by default"
::= { siteV1ConfigList 26}
siteV1CfgWebServerDefaultPage OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The default page displayed on logon (dashboard, site, summary, alarm_event, ...)"
::= { siteV1ConfigList 31}
siteV1CfgXMLXMLEventPostingActivated OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This is a True/False parameter used to activate or deactivate the XML event posting."
::= { siteV1ConfigList 41}
siteV1CfgXMLXMLEventPostingRefreshTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The minimal time in second between to calculation of the XML events to send. By default, this is done every two seconds."
::= { siteV1ConfigList 42}
siteV1CfgXMLXMLEventPostingTimeout OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The timeout in millisecond when trying to post XML data to a Web Server."
::= { siteV1ConfigList 43}
siteV1CfgXMLXMLEventPostingToSecOnlyIfPrimFail OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "If this parameter is set to true, the events will be sent to secondary only if primary server is not available. If this parameter is set to false, all the events will be sent to primary and secondary server"
::= { siteV1ConfigList 45}
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The list of the tables to send when an event is generated. (description,alarm,data,config,control). This allows to have armada database updated on event."
::= { siteV1ConfigList 46}
siteV1CfgXMLXMLHeartbeatTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This is the time between 2 XML Post of heartbeat. If set to 0, no heartbeat."
::= { siteV1ConfigList 51}
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This is a True/False parameter used to activate or deactivate the SNMP agent."
::= { siteV1ConfigList 61}
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Traps/Notification can be sent with SNMP V1, V2c or V3 format."
::= { siteV1ConfigList 63}
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "4 choices are available: No Authentication, V1 Community, V2c Community or V3."
::= { siteV1ConfigList 64}
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "4 choices are available: No Authentication, V1 Community, V2c Community or V3."
::= { siteV1ConfigList 65}
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "3 choices are available: MD5, SHA, Any"
::= { siteV1ConfigList 66}
siteV1CfgSNMPSNMPV3PrivacyAlgorithm OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "3 choices are available: DES, AES, 3DES"
::= { siteV1ConfigList 67}
siteV1CfgSNMPSNMPV3PrivacyPassword OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The global SNMP V3 Encryption Password. This one is common for all the users to avoid complexity"
::= { siteV1ConfigList 68}
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The SNMP V3 Local Engine ID string"
::= { siteV1ConfigList 69}
siteV1CfgSNMPSNMPV3TrapAuthAlgorithm OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "2 choices are available: MD5, SHA"
::= { siteV1ConfigList 72}
siteV1CfgSNMPSNMPV3TrapPrivacyAlgorithm OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "3 choices are available: DES, AES, 3DES"
::= { siteV1ConfigList 73}
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The SNMP V3 Trap UserName used for all the SNMP V3 traps"
::= { siteV1ConfigList 74}
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The SNMP V3 Trap Authentication Password"
::= { siteV1ConfigList 75}
siteV1CfgSNMPSNMPV3TrapPrivacyPassword OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The SNMP V3 Trap Privacy Password"
::= { siteV1ConfigList 76}
siteV1CfgSNMPSiteDescriptionIdsIncludedInTraps OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "List of site Description Elements to send on traps. (to have the site reference and the city in each trap for example). The list is separated with ';'"
::= { siteV1ConfigList 77}
siteV1CfgGenericGenerateEventOnConfChanges OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This is a True/False parameter used to activate or deactivate the tracking of configuration changes"
::= { siteV1ConfigList 81}
siteV1CfgDataRecordsAutoArchivePeriodDataRecord OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Period in hour to auto save records (when detailled and long duration records are needed). 0 means disabled."
::= { siteV1ConfigList 82}
siteV1CfgGenericGenerateEventOnControlExecution OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This is a True/False parameter used to activate or deactivate the tracking of control execution"
::= { siteV1ConfigList 83}
siteV1CfgGenericGenerateEventOnAlarmAcknowledge OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This is a True/False parameter used to activate or deactivate the tracking of alarm acknowledgment"
::= { siteV1ConfigList 84}
siteV1CfgInventoryRequiredCANBusNodeIDs OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This is a coma separated list with the required CAN bus node ids"
::= { siteV1ConfigList 91}
siteV1CfgInventoryLSSCANidrange OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "By default 50-80, means up to 50 Can Nodes like rectifiers with CAN Id 50 to 80. To support up to 100 rectifiers, change it to 1-100."
::= { siteV1ConfigList 92}
siteV1CfgInventorySystemNodesDefinition OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "dc3(30-100)"
::= { siteV1ConfigList 93}
siteV1CfgInventoryLSSCANOpenSavedConf OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
::= { siteV1ConfigList 95}
siteV1CfgUsersAdministratorLoginPassword OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This is the login and the password of the administrator. It is saved with a special syntax. First the login in clear, followed of 2 points, followed of the MD5 hashed password. If you change the login:password by entering a non hashed password, this last is automatically hashed."
::= { siteV1ConfigList 101}
siteV1CfgUsersUser1LoginPassword OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This is the login and the password of the user number 1."
::= { siteV1ConfigList 102}
siteV1CfgUsersUser2LoginPassword OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This is the login and the password of the user number 2."
::= { siteV1ConfigList 103}
siteV1CfgUsersUser3LoginPassword OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This is the login and the password of the user number 3."
::= { siteV1ConfigList 104}
siteV1CfgUsersUser4LoginPassword OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This is the login and the password of the user number 4."
::= { siteV1ConfigList 105}
siteV1CfgUsersUser5LoginPassword OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This is the login and the password of the user number 5."
::= { siteV1ConfigList 106}
siteV1CfgRadiusAuthenticationRadiusServer OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Radius Server address. If you have a secondary server, you could use a coma to separate it."
::= { siteV1ConfigList 111}
siteV1CfgRadiusAuthenticationRadiusPort OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Radius Port. If you have a secondary server, you could use a coma to separate it."
::= { siteV1ConfigList 112}
siteV1CfgRadiusAuthenticationRadiusSecret OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Radius PassPhrase"
::= { siteV1ConfigList 113}
siteV1CfgEmailEnableEmailFeature OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Enable/Disable the email feature"
::= { siteV1ConfigList 120}
siteV1CfgEmailSmtpServer OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Smtp Server. If you are using a domain name, make sure you configured the network Dns (CF5)"
::= { siteV1ConfigList 121}
siteV1CfgEmailSmtpDomain OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Smtp Domain. (Required by some servers.)"
::= { siteV1ConfigList 122}
siteV1CfgEmailSmtpUserLoginPassword OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Smtp Login and Password. The password is encrypted. To enter a new login and password, enter login:password and validate, the password will be encrypted."
::= { siteV1ConfigList 123}
siteV1CfgEmailMailSender OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Mail Sender (The 'From' of the emails you will receive)"
::= { siteV1ConfigList 130}
siteV1CfgEmailMailRecipients OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Mail Recipients, separated with semicolon ';'"
::= { siteV1ConfigList 131}
siteV1CfgEmailMinimalSeverityTypeToSendMail OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This is the minimal severity of the event to send a Summary Mail"
::= { siteV1ConfigList 135}
siteV1CfgControllerAutomaticReboot OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Cron rules used in order to restart automatically the controller. Before rebooting configuration, events and data records are saved."
::= { siteV1ConfigList 150}
siteV1CfgCloudLinkCloudEnabled OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Enable Cloud Connection"
::= { siteV1ConfigList 161}
siteV1CfgCloudLinkCloudServer OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Cloud Server"
::= { siteV1ConfigList 162}
siteV1CfgCloudLinkCloudPort OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
::= { siteV1ConfigList 163}
siteV1CfgCloudLinkCloudCredential OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Enter Credential of your AlphaCloud account in order to connect. You have to enter username:password in order to save your credential."
::= { siteV1ConfigList 164}
siteV1CfgCloudLinkCloudCluster OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Cloud Cluster"
::= { siteV1ConfigList 165}
siteV1CfgInventoryRS485ExtensionsConf OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The configuration string for RS485 Extensions"
::= { siteV1ConfigList 210}
siteV1CfgInventoryEthernetExtensionsConf OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The configuration string for Ethernet Extensions"
::= { siteV1ConfigList 220}
siteV1CfgScriptingEnabledscripts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This parameter enable all CompasLua Scripting capabilities. You can control scripts in Files -> Files manager > scripting tab."
::= { siteV1ConfigList 250}
siteV1CfgScriptingNumberofErrorsbeforetriggeringalarm OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of errors before triggering the scripting error alarm. When number of error is higher than this parameter, the alarm is triggered. If 0 is set, the alarm is deactivated"
::= { siteV1ConfigList 251}
siteV1CfgGenericReadAccessUserNumbers OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The list of the user numbers which have read access to this equipment. The user numbers are coma separated. The accepted user id are 1,2,3,4 and 5. Ex: 1,3,4"
::= { siteV1ConfigList 521}
siteV1CfgGenericWriteAccessUserNumbers OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The list of the user numbers which have write access to this equipment. This means that these users can modify the configuration element, the alarm settings and use the control elements. The user numbers are coma separated. The accepted user ids are 1,2,3,4 and 5. Ex: 1,3,4"
::= { siteV1ConfigList 522}
siteV1CfgGenericEventTableLength OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The maximum length of the table. The value must be comprised between 10 and 4000"
::= { siteV1ConfigList 601}
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "One or multiple target IP to send traps, coma separated. Ex:,"
::= { siteV1ConfigList 611}
siteV1CfgSNMPMinimalEventSeverityForTraps OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This is the minimal severity of the event to send a SNMP trap"
::= { siteV1ConfigList 612}
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This is the first URL at which the events related to this equipment must be posted. The XML ETSI standard is used in the posted data content."
::= { siteV1ConfigList 651}
siteV1CfgXMLXMLEventsPrimPostLogin OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The login which must be used when posting events to the primary server"
::= { siteV1ConfigList 652}
siteV1CfgXMLXMLEventsPrimPostPassword OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The password which must be used when posting events to the primary server"
::= { siteV1ConfigList 653}
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This is the second URL at which the events related to this equipment must be posted. The XML ETSI standard is used in the posted data content. This allows having redundancy with the management server."
::= { siteV1ConfigList 661}
siteV1CfgXMLXMLEventsSecPostLogin OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The login which must be used when posting events to the secondary server"
::= { siteV1ConfigList 662}
siteV1CfgXMLXMLEventsSecPostPassword OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The password which must be used when posting events to the secondary server"
::= { siteV1ConfigList 663}
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of PLC data. Every equipment can manage up to 30 user programmable data. Data elements are automatically added in the data table. Configuration parameters are added to set the PLC Data Name and the PLC Data Mathematical calculation. In order to use these functionalities, you need a license with the 'PLC' module"
::= { siteV1ConfigList 901}
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of PLC alarm. Every equipment can manage up to 30 user programmable alarms. Alarm elements are automatically added in the alarm table. The alarm parameters are added to set the PLC Alarm Name and the PLC Alarm Boolean condition. In order to use these functionalities, you need a licence with the 'PLC' module"
::= { siteV1ConfigList 902}
siteV1Control OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { siteV1 16 }
siteV1ControlNumber OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of entries in the Control table related to the Site"
::= { siteV1Control 1 }
siteV1ControlTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The table of Control entries related to the Site"
::= { siteV1Control 2 }
siteV1ControlEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SiteV1ControlEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "A Control entry"
INDEX {siteV1ControlIndex}
::= { siteV1ControlTable 1 }
SiteV1ControlEntry ::=
siteV1ControlIndex Unsigned32,
siteV1ControlName DisplayString,
siteV1ControlValue DisplayString,
siteV1ControlEntryStatus RowStatus
siteV1ControlIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The Control entry Index"
::= { siteV1ControlEntry 1 }
siteV1ControlName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The Control entry name"
::= { siteV1ControlEntry 2 }
siteV1ControlValue OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The Control entry value"
::= { siteV1ControlEntry 3 }
siteV1ControlEntryStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX RowStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The status of this table entry - not used, only for compliance"
::= { siteV1ControlEntry 4 }
siteV1ControlList OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { siteV1Control 3 }
siteV1CtrlControllerRebootController OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Writing a '1' to this control element will reboot the monitoring. Events and Records will be saved."
::= { siteV1ControlList 1}
siteV1CtrlControllerSaveConfAndRebootController OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Writing a '1' to this control element will first save the actual configuration and will reboot the monitoring after."
::= { siteV1ControlList 2}
siteV1CtrlControllerRebootControllerWithoutSavingRecords OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Writing a '1' to this control element will reboot the monitoring without saving records"
::= { siteV1ControlList 3}
siteV1CtrlNetworkApplyNetworkConf OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Writing a '1' to this control element will reconfigure the ethernet according to the Network Configuration. If you change the IP address in the config table without using this command after, the configuration is not applied."
::= { siteV1ControlList 6}
siteV1CtrlTimeForceSNTPTimeRefresh OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Writing a '1' to this control element will force the monitoring to try to refresh his time with the configured SNTP Time Server."
::= { siteV1ControlList 11}
siteV1CtrlTimeSetLocalTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Writing a date and time to this control element allows to manually change the local time of the monitoring. The syntax of the date and the time is: 2007-11-19T13:02:34"
::= { siteV1ControlList 12}
siteV1CtrlTimeSetUTCTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Writing a date and time to this control element allows to manually change the UTC time of the monitoring. The syntax of the date and the time is: 2007-11-19T13:02:34"
::= { siteV1ControlList 13}
siteV1CtrlTimeResetUptime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Writing a '1' to this control element will reset the uptime of the monitoring."
::= { siteV1ControlList 14}
siteV1CtrlControllerCleanandSaveXMLUserConf OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Writing a '1' to this control element will remove the configuration sections related to missing equipments, than save all the configuration of all the connected equipment in a XML format. This file is read when the monitoring is starting in order to configure the monitoring. This file is also accessible trough the FTP server or can be downloaded trough the web interface."
::= { siteV1ControlList 20}
siteV1CtrlControllerSaveXMLUserConf OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Writing a '1' to this control element will save all the configuration of all the connected (or previously connected) equipment in a XML format. This file is read when the monitoring is starting in order to configure the monitoring. This file is also accessible trough the FTP server or can be downloaded trough the web interface."
::= { siteV1ControlList 21}
siteV1CtrlControllerSaveInventory OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Writing a '1' to this control element will save save the inventory in a XML format. This file is read when the monitoring is starting in order to configure the monitoring. This file is also accessible trough the FTP server or can be downloaded trough the web interface."
::= { siteV1ControlList 22}
siteV1CtrlDataRecordsSaveDataRecords OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Writing a '1' to this control element will force the monitoring to save all the data records. This is useful if you want to unpower the Comp@s monitoring. This function is called automatically everyday."
::= { siteV1ControlList 33}
siteV1CtrlDataRecordsExportDataRecordsinCSV OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Writing a '1' to this control element will force the monitoring to save all the CVS records files. The CSV files are stored in the records folder."
::= { siteV1ControlList 34}
siteV1CtrlDataRecordsArchiveDataRecords OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Writing a '1' to this control element will force the monitoring to save all the data records. This is useful if you want to unpower the Comp@s monitoring. This function is called automatically everyday."
::= { siteV1ControlList 35}
siteV1CtrlDataRecordsDeleteAllDataRecords OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Writing a '1' to this control element will force the monitoring to save all the data records. This is useful if you want to unpower the Comp@s monitoring. This function is called automatically everyday."
::= { siteV1ControlList 36}
siteV1CtrlControllerEmulateRecords OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
::= { siteV1ControlList 40}
siteV1CtrlControllerReloadTranslations OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Writing a '1' to this control element will reload all the csv translation files"
::= { siteV1ControlList 41}
siteV1CtrlControllerReloadLicense OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Writing a '1' to this control element will reload the license file"
::= { siteV1ControlList 51}
siteV1CtrlControllerManageFTPServer OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This Control is used to manage the FTP Server"
::= { siteV1ControlList 55}
siteV1CtrlInventoryRemoveAbsentEquipments OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
::= { siteV1ControlList 61}
siteV1CtrlInventoryResetCANBusNode OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Writing a valid CAN bus node id to this control element will reset the correspondent device."
::= { siteV1ControlList 81}
siteV1CtrlInventorySaveCANOpenLSSConf OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
::= { siteV1ControlList 82}
siteV1CtrlInventoryStartNewInventory OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
::= { siteV1ControlList 83}
siteV1CtrlInventoryUpgradeNodeFirmware OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This control element is used to start the firmware upgrade of a CAN bus Node. You need to upload first the firmware trough ftp in the /user/firmware path. Then you need to write the id number of the CAN Node, followed by a coma, followed by the file name. Example : '101,SOFT_0000030_01.txt'."
::= { siteV1ControlList 91}
siteV1CtrlInventoryCancelFirmwareUpgrade OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This control element is used to cancel the running firmware upgrade of a CAN bus Node."
::= { siteV1ControlList 92}
siteV1CtrlFilesFlashBinary OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This control element is used to start a binary flash update. You need to upload first the firmware trough ftp in the /user/firmware path."
::= { siteV1ControlList 103}
siteV1CtrlFilesDownloadFileFromUrl OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This control element is used to download a file wiht HTTP get, the argument is an url. The file is saved in the upload folder"
::= { siteV1ControlList 110}
siteV1CtrlFilesDeleteUserUploadedFile OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This control element is used to delete a file in the user-upload folder. This is riskless as these files are not used, they are temporary files. "
::= { siteV1ControlList 111}
siteV1CtrlFilesMoveUserUploadedFile OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This control element is used to copy a file from the user-upload folder to another one. Be aware of what your are doing !"
::= { siteV1ControlList 112}
siteV1CtrlFilesExtractZipFileinuserupload OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This control element is used to delete a file in the user-upload folder. This is riskless as these files are not used, they are temporary files. "
::= { siteV1ControlList 113}
siteV1CtrlEmailSendSummaryEmail OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This control element is used to force the sending of a summary to the configured mail address"
::= { siteV1ControlList 120}
siteV1CtrlScriptingControlLuaScript OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This control element is used to control the lua scripting system. Available command are: enable[Enable Lua Capabilities], disable[Disable Lua Capabilities], restart[Restart All Lua Capabilities], refresh[Read the folder script (if you added a file when system is running)], enable filename[enable filename.lua located in folder user/scripts], disable filename[disable filename.lua located in folder user/scripts], restart filename : Restart fileName[file must be enabled], reseterrors[Reset all errors counters], reseterrors filename[Reset errors from filename"
::= { siteV1ControlList 250}
siteV1CtrlControllerAdvancedFunctionGenericCommandExecution OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This control is used to perform advanced operation."
::= { siteV1ControlList 300}
siteV1CtrlGenericClearMyEvents OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "By writing '1' to this control element, all the events of this equipment will be cleared."
::= { siteV1ControlList 501}
siteV1CtrlGenericClearAllEvents OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "By writing '1' to this control element, all the events of this equipment and all the events of all the sub-equipments will be cleared."
::= { siteV1ControlList 502}
siteV1CtrlGenericAddEvent OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This control element adds an event of severity none. The event name is the text written to this control element"
::= { siteV1ControlList 511}
siteV1CtrlGenericAddMajorEvent OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This control element adds an event of severity major. The event name is the text written to this control element"
::= { siteV1ControlList 512}
siteV1CtrlGenericResetDefaultNamesAndGroups OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This control element resets all the element Names, Groups and Subgroups to default values for this equipment"
::= { siteV1ControlList 521}
siteV1CtrlGenericResetDefaultNamesAndGroupsRecursive OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This control element resets all the element Names, Groups and Subgroups to default values for this equipment and all sub equipments"
::= { siteV1ControlList 522}
siteV1Notifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { siteV1 18 }
siteV1NotificationPrefix OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { siteV1Notifications 0 }
siteV1NotificationOfEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Notification generated when a new event appears"
::= { siteV1NotificationPrefix 1 }
siteV1Compliance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { siteV1 19}
siteV1ComplianceGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::={ siteV1Compliance 1}
siteV1FullCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION " The compliance statement for SNMPV2 entities which implement the SNMPV2 MIB. "
MANDATORY-GROUPS { siteV1GlobalGroup, siteV1NotificationGroup }
::= { siteV1Compliance 2 }
siteV1GlobalGroup OBJECT-GROUP
OBJECTS{siteV1GlobalStatus, siteV1GlobalAlarmSeverityType, siteV1GlobalAlarmSeverityLevel, siteV1GlobalAlarmSeverityTypeInt, siteV1DescriptionNumber, siteV1DescriptionName, siteV1DescriptionValue, siteV1DescriptionEntryStatus, siteV1DescDescriptionSiteNumber, siteV1DescDescriptionSiteName, siteV1DescDescriptionShortDescription, siteV1DescDescriptionInfo, siteV1DescDescriptionDescription, siteV1DescDescriptionReference, siteV1DescDescriptionContactName, siteV1DescDescriptionPhoneNumber, siteV1DescDescriptionStreet, siteV1DescDescriptionCity, siteV1DescDescriptionProvince, siteV1DescDescriptionPostalCode, siteV1DescDescriptionRegion, siteV1DescDescriptionCountry, siteV1DescDescriptionGroup1, siteV1DescDescriptionGroup2, siteV1DescDescriptionGroup3, siteV1DescDescriptionGroup4, siteV1DescDescriptionGroup5, siteV1DescDescriptionLatitude, siteV1DescDescriptionLongitude, siteV1DescDescriptionAltitude, siteV1DescControllerSoftwareRevision, siteV1DescControllerOperatingSystemRevision, siteV1DescControllerCPU, siteV1DescControllerCard, siteV1DescControllerStarterVersion, siteV1DescControllerFactoryCompasVersion, siteV1DescControllerUserCompasVersion, siteV1DescControllerFactoryFTPServerVersion, siteV1DescControllerUserFTPServerVersion, siteV1AlarmNumber, siteV1AlarmName, siteV1AlarmActive, siteV1AlarmSeverityType, siteV1AlarmSeverityLevel, siteV1AlarmStartTime, siteV1AlarmStopTime, siteV1AlarmEntryStatus, siteV1AlarmSummary, siteV1EventNumber, siteV1EventId, siteV1EventName, siteV1EventDateTime, siteV1EventSeverityType, siteV1EventSeverityLevel, siteV1EventEntryStatus, siteV1DataNumber, siteV1DataName, siteV1DataValue, siteV1DataEntryStatus, siteV1DataNetworkCurrentIPAddress, siteV1DataNetworkCurrentIPMask, siteV1DataNetworkCurrentMACAddress, siteV1DataControllerLicensedOptions, siteV1DataTimeDateAndTimeLocal, siteV1DataTimeDateAndTimeUTC, siteV1DataControllerMonitoringMemoryUsed, siteV1DataControllerCPUPercentageUsage, siteV1DataControllerFreeFlashMemorySpace, siteV1DataControllerFTPServerStatus, siteV1DataDataRecordsTotalFifoSizeOfSecondRecords, siteV1DataDataRecordsTotalFifoSizeOfMinuteRecords, siteV1DataDataRecordsTotalFifoSizeOfHourRecords, siteV1DataDataRecordsTotalFifoSizeOfDayRecords, siteV1DataInventoryCANBusNodeIDs, siteV1DataCloudLinkCloudLinkState, siteV1ConfigNumber, siteV1ConfigName, siteV1ConfigValue, siteV1ConfigEntryStatus, siteV1CfgNetworkDHCPEnabled, siteV1CfgNetworkIPAddressIfStatic, siteV1CfgNetworkSubnetMaskIfStatic, siteV1CfgNetworkDefaultGatewayIfStatic, siteV1CfgNetworkDNSIfStatic, siteV1CfgNetworkMaxTransmissionUnit, siteV1CfgTimeSNTPTimeServer, siteV1CfgTimeTimeZoneName, siteV1CfgTimeSNTPTimeRefresh, siteV1CfgTimeSNTPTimeRecoveryRefresh, siteV1CfgWebServerWebServerSecurityEnabled, siteV1CfgWebServerWebServerPort, siteV1CfgWebServerWebAuthenticationMethod, siteV1CfgWebServerHttpsWebServerPort, siteV1CfgWebServerDefaultPage, siteV1CfgXMLXMLEventPostingActivated, siteV1CfgXMLXMLEventPostingRefreshTime, siteV1CfgXMLXMLEventPostingTimeout, siteV1CfgXMLXMLEventPostingToSecOnlyIfPrimFail, siteV1CfgXMLXMLTablesToPostOnXMLEvent, siteV1CfgXMLXMLHeartbeatTime, siteV1CfgSNMPSNMPActivated, siteV1CfgSNMPSNMPTrapVersion, siteV1CfgSNMPSNMPGETMinSecurityLevel, siteV1CfgSNMPSNMPSETMinSecurityLevel, siteV1CfgSNMPSNMPV3AuthAlgorithm, siteV1CfgSNMPSNMPV3PrivacyAlgorithm, siteV1CfgSNMPSNMPV3PrivacyPassword, siteV1CfgSNMPSNMPV3EngineID, siteV1CfgSNMPSNMPV3TrapAuthAlgorithm, siteV1CfgSNMPSNMPV3TrapPrivacyAlgorithm, siteV1CfgSNMPSNMPV3TrapUsername, siteV1CfgSNMPSNMPV3TrapAuthPassword, siteV1CfgSNMPSNMPV3TrapPrivacyPassword, siteV1CfgSNMPSiteDescriptionIdsIncludedInTraps, siteV1CfgGenericGenerateEventOnConfChanges, siteV1CfgDataRecordsAutoArchivePeriodDataRecord, siteV1CfgGenericGenerateEventOnControlExecution, siteV1CfgGenericGenerateEventOnAlarmAcknowledge, siteV1CfgInventoryRequiredCANBusNodeIDs, siteV1CfgInventoryLSSCANidrange, siteV1CfgInventorySystemNodesDefinition, siteV1CfgInventoryLSSCANOpenSavedConf, siteV1CfgUsersAdministratorLoginPassword, siteV1CfgUsersUser1LoginPassword, siteV1CfgUsersUser2LoginPassword, siteV1CfgUsersUser3LoginPassword, siteV1CfgUsersUser4LoginPassword, siteV1CfgUsersUser5LoginPassword, siteV1CfgRadiusAuthenticationRadiusServer, siteV1CfgRadiusAuthenticationRadiusPort, siteV1CfgRadiusAuthenticationRadiusSecret, siteV1CfgEmailEnableEmailFeature, siteV1CfgEmailSmtpServer, siteV1CfgEmailSmtpDomain, siteV1CfgEmailSmtpUserLoginPassword, siteV1CfgEmailMailSender, siteV1CfgEmailMailRecipients, siteV1CfgEmailMinimalSeverityTypeToSendMail, siteV1CfgControllerAutomaticReboot, siteV1CfgCloudLinkCloudEnabled, siteV1CfgCloudLinkCloudServer, siteV1CfgCloudLinkCloudPort, siteV1CfgCloudLinkCloudCredential, siteV1CfgCloudLinkCloudCluster, siteV1CfgInventoryRS485ExtensionsConf, siteV1CfgInventoryEthernetExtensionsConf, siteV1CfgScriptingEnabledscripts, siteV1CfgScriptingNumberofErrorsbeforetriggeringalarm, siteV1CfgGenericReadAccessUserNumbers, siteV1CfgGenericWriteAccessUserNumbers, siteV1CfgGenericEventTableLength, siteV1CfgSNMPSNMPTrapTargetsIP, siteV1CfgSNMPMinimalEventSeverityForTraps, siteV1CfgXMLXMLEventsPrimPostURL, siteV1CfgXMLXMLEventsPrimPostLogin, siteV1CfgXMLXMLEventsPrimPostPassword, siteV1CfgXMLXMLEventsSecPostURL, siteV1CfgXMLXMLEventsSecPostLogin, siteV1CfgXMLXMLEventsSecPostPassword, siteV1CfgPLCNumberOfPLCData, siteV1CfgPLCNumberOfPLCAlarm, siteV1ControlNumber, siteV1ControlName, siteV1ControlValue, siteV1ControlEntryStatus, siteV1CtrlControllerRebootController, siteV1CtrlControllerSaveConfAndRebootController, siteV1CtrlControllerRebootControllerWithoutSavingRecords, siteV1CtrlNetworkApplyNetworkConf, siteV1CtrlTimeForceSNTPTimeRefresh, siteV1CtrlTimeSetLocalTime, siteV1CtrlTimeSetUTCTime, siteV1CtrlTimeResetUptime, siteV1CtrlControllerCleanandSaveXMLUserConf, siteV1CtrlControllerSaveXMLUserConf, siteV1CtrlControllerSaveInventory, siteV1CtrlDataRecordsSaveDataRecords, siteV1CtrlDataRecordsExportDataRecordsinCSV, siteV1CtrlDataRecordsArchiveDataRecords, siteV1CtrlDataRecordsDeleteAllDataRecords, siteV1CtrlControllerEmulateRecords, siteV1CtrlControllerReloadTranslations, siteV1CtrlControllerReloadLicense, siteV1CtrlControllerManageFTPServer, siteV1CtrlInventoryRemoveAbsentEquipments, siteV1CtrlInventoryResetCANBusNode, siteV1CtrlInventorySaveCANOpenLSSConf, siteV1CtrlInventoryStartNewInventory, siteV1CtrlInventoryUpgradeNodeFirmware, siteV1CtrlInventoryCancelFirmwareUpgrade, siteV1CtrlFilesFlashBinary, siteV1CtrlFilesDownloadFileFromUrl, siteV1CtrlFilesDeleteUserUploadedFile, siteV1CtrlFilesMoveUserUploadedFile, siteV1CtrlFilesExtractZipFileinuserupload, siteV1CtrlEmailSendSummaryEmail, siteV1CtrlScriptingControlLuaScript, siteV1CtrlControllerAdvancedFunctionGenericCommandExecution, siteV1CtrlGenericClearMyEvents, siteV1CtrlGenericClearAllEvents, siteV1CtrlGenericAddEvent, siteV1CtrlGenericAddMajorEvent, siteV1CtrlGenericResetDefaultNamesAndGroups, siteV1CtrlGenericResetDefaultNamesAndGroupsRecursive}
STATUS current
::= { siteV1ComplianceGroups 1 }
siteV1NotificationGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP
NOTIFICATIONS {siteV1NotificationOfEvent}
STATUS current
::= { siteV1ComplianceGroups 2 }
energySystems OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { siteV1 20 }
es1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {energySystems 1}
es1GlobalStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "A textual string (alarms, normal or unknown) containing the status of the Energy System"
::={es1 1 }
es1GlobalAlarmSeverityType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The alarm severity type (critical, major, minor, warning, none, disabled) of the Energy System"
::= { es1 2 }
es1GlobalAlarmSeverityLevel OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The alarm severity level (0-9) of the Energy System"
::= { es1 3 }
es1GlobalAlarmSeverityTypeInt OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The alarm severity type as integer (critical=4, major=3, minor=2, warning=1, none=0) of the Energy System"
::= { es1 4 }
es1Description OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { es1 10 }
es1DescriptionNumber OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of entries in the Energy System Description table"
::= { es1Description 1 }
es1DescriptionTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Es1DescriptionEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The Description table of the Energy System"
::= { es1Description 2 }
es1DescriptionEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Es1DescriptionEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "A Description entry"
INDEX {es1DescriptionIndex}
::= { es1DescriptionTable 1 }
Es1DescriptionEntry ::=
es1DescriptionIndex Unsigned32,
es1DescriptionName DisplayString,
es1DescriptionValue DisplayString,
es1DescriptionEntryStatus RowStatus
es1DescriptionIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Description Index"
::= { es1DescriptionEntry 1 }
es1DescriptionName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Description Name"
::= { es1DescriptionEntry 2 }
es1DescriptionValue OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Description Value"
::= { es1DescriptionEntry 3 }
es1DescriptionEntryStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX RowStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The status of this table entry"
::= { es1DescriptionEntry 4 }
es1DescriptionList OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { es1Description 3 }
es1DescDescriptionDescription OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "A free text zone to write a system description"
::= { es1DescriptionList 1}
es1DescDescriptionReference OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "A free text zone to write the customer reference of the system"
::= { es1DescriptionList 2}
es1Alarm OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { es1 11 }
es1AlarmNumber OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of entries in the Energy System Alarm table"
::= { es1Alarm 1 }
es1AlarmTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The table of Alarm entries"
::= { es1Alarm 2 }
es1AlarmEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Es1AlarmEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "An alarm entry"
INDEX {es1AlarmIndex}
::= { es1AlarmTable 1 }
Es1AlarmEntry ::=
es1AlarmIndex Unsigned32,
es1AlarmName DisplayString,
es1AlarmActive DisplayString,
es1AlarmSeverityType DisplayString,
es1AlarmSeverityLevel DisplayString,
es1AlarmStartTime DisplayString,
es1AlarmStopTime DisplayString,
es1AlarmEntryStatus RowStatus
es1AlarmIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
::= { es1AlarmEntry 1 }
es1AlarmName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
::= { es1AlarmEntry 2 }
es1AlarmActive OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Is the Alarm active ? 'true' for active, 'false' for not-active"
::= { es1AlarmEntry 3 }
es1AlarmSeverityType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The alarm severity type (major, minor, warning, none, disabled) of this alarm entry"
::= { es1AlarmEntry 4 }
es1AlarmSeverityLevel OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The alarm severity level (0-9) of this alarm entry"
::= { es1AlarmEntry 5 }
es1AlarmStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The last start time of this alarm entry (null if never active)"
::= { es1AlarmEntry 6 }
es1AlarmStopTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The last stop time of this alarm entry (null if alarm active)"
::= { es1AlarmEntry 7 }
es1AlarmEntryStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX RowStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The status of this table entry - not used, only for MIB compliance "
::= { es1AlarmEntry 8 }
es1AlarmSummary OBJECT-TYPE
none (0)
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Summary bit vector with all the alarms state of the Energy System. A '1' means alarm active, '0' means not active. Unimplemented alarms are always '0'."
::= { es1Alarm 3 }
es1Event OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { es1 12 }
es1EventNumber OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of entries in the Event Table related to the Energy System"
::= { es1Event 1 }
es1EventTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The Event table related to the Energy System"
::= { es1Event 2 }
es1EventEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Es1EventEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
INDEX {es1EventIndex}
::= { es1EventTable 1 }
Es1EventEntry ::=
es1EventIndex Unsigned32,
es1EventId Unsigned32,
es1EventName DisplayString,
es1EventDateTime DisplayString,
es1EventSeverityType DisplayString,
es1EventSeverityLevel DisplayString,
es1EventEntryStatus RowStatus
es1EventIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
::= { es1EventEntry 1 }
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
::= { es1EventEntry 2 }
es1EventName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
::= { es1EventEntry 3 }
es1EventDateTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The date and time of the event"
::= { es1EventEntry 4 }
es1EventSeverityType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The event severity type ('major', 'minor', 'warning' or 'none')"
::= { es1EventEntry 5 }
es1EventSeverityLevel OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The event severity level (0-9)"
::= { es1EventEntry 6 }
es1EventEntryStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX RowStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The status of this table entry"
::= { es1EventEntry 7 }
es1Data OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { es1 13 }
es1DataNumber OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of entries in the Data Table related to the Energy System"
::= { es1Data 1 }
es1Config OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { es1 15 }
es1ConfigNumber OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of entries in the Config table related to the Energy System"
::= { es1Config 1 }
es1ConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The table of Config entries related to the Energy System"
::= { es1Config 2 }
es1ConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Es1ConfigEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "A Config entry"
INDEX {es1ConfigIndex}
::= { es1ConfigTable 1 }
Es1ConfigEntry ::=
es1ConfigIndex Unsigned32,
es1ConfigName DisplayString,
es1ConfigValue DisplayString,
es1ConfigEntryStatus RowStatus
es1ConfigIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The Config entry Index"
::= { es1ConfigEntry 1 }
es1ConfigName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The Config entry name"
::= { es1ConfigEntry 2 }
es1ConfigValue OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The Config entry value"
::= { es1ConfigEntry 3 }
es1ConfigEntryStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX RowStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The status of this table entry - not used, only for compliance"
::= { es1ConfigEntry 4 }
es1ConfigList OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { es1Config 3 }
es1CfgEnergyMeterNumberOfGenericPulseEnergyCounter OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
::= { es1ConfigList 100}
es1Control OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { es1 16 }
es1ControlNumber OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of entries in the Control table related to the Energy System"
::= { es1Control 1 }
es1ControlTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The table of Control entries related to the Energy System"
::= { es1Control 2 }
es1ControlEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Es1ControlEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "A Control entry"
INDEX {es1ControlIndex}
::= { es1ControlTable 1 }
Es1ControlEntry ::=
es1ControlIndex Unsigned32,
es1ControlName DisplayString,
es1ControlValue DisplayString,
es1ControlEntryStatus RowStatus
es1ControlIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The Control entry Index"
::= { es1ControlEntry 1 }
es1ControlName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The Control entry name"
::= { es1ControlEntry 2 }
es1ControlValue OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The Control entry value"
::= { es1ControlEntry 3 }
es1ControlEntryStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX RowStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The status of this table entry - not used, only for compliance"
::= { es1ControlEntry 4 }
es1ControlList OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { es1Control 3 }
es1CtrlGenericClearMyEvents OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "By writing '1' to this control element, all the events of this equipment will be cleared."
::= { es1ControlList 501}
es1CtrlGenericClearAllEvents OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "By writing '1' to this control element, all the events of this equipment and all the events of all the sub-equipments will be cleared."
::= { es1ControlList 502}
es1CtrlGenericAddEvent OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This control element adds an event of severity none. The event name is the text written to this control element"
::= { es1ControlList 511}
es1CtrlGenericAddMajorEvent OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This control element adds an event of severity major. The event name is the text written to this control element"
::= { es1ControlList 512}
es1CtrlGenericResetDefaultNamesAndGroups OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This control element resets all the element Names, Groups and Subgroups to default values for this equipment"
::= { es1ControlList 521}
es1CtrlGenericResetDefaultNamesAndGroupsRecursive OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This control element resets all the element Names, Groups and Subgroups to default values for this equipment and all sub equipments"
::= { es1ControlList 522}
es1Notifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { es1 18 }
es1NotificationPrefix OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { es1Notifications 0 }
es1NotificationOfEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Notification generated when a new event appears"
::= { es1NotificationPrefix 1 }
es1Compliance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { es1 19}
es1ComplianceGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::={ es1Compliance 1}
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION " The compliance statement for SNMPV2 entities which implement the SNMPV2 MIB. "
MANDATORY-GROUPS { es1GlobalGroup, es1NotificationGroup }
::= { es1Compliance 2 }
es1GlobalGroup OBJECT-GROUP
OBJECTS{es1GlobalStatus, es1GlobalAlarmSeverityType, es1GlobalAlarmSeverityLevel, es1GlobalAlarmSeverityTypeInt, es1DescriptionNumber, es1DescriptionName, es1DescriptionValue, es1DescriptionEntryStatus, es1DescDescriptionDescription, es1DescDescriptionReference, es1AlarmNumber, es1AlarmName, es1AlarmActive, es1AlarmSeverityType, es1AlarmSeverityLevel, es1AlarmStartTime, es1AlarmStopTime, es1AlarmEntryStatus, es1AlarmSummary, es1EventNumber, es1EventId, es1EventName, es1EventDateTime, es1EventSeverityType, es1EventSeverityLevel, es1EventEntryStatus, es1DataNumber, es1ConfigNumber, es1ConfigName, es1ConfigValue, es1ConfigEntryStatus, es1CfgEnergyMeterNumberOfGenericPulseEnergyCounter, es1ControlNumber, es1ControlName, es1ControlValue, es1ControlEntryStatus, es1CtrlGenericClearMyEvents, es1CtrlGenericClearAllEvents, es1CtrlGenericAddEvent, es1CtrlGenericAddMajorEvent, es1CtrlGenericResetDefaultNamesAndGroups, es1CtrlGenericResetDefaultNamesAndGroupsRecursive}
STATUS current
::= { es1ComplianceGroups 1 }
es1NotificationGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP
NOTIFICATIONS {es1NotificationOfEvent}
STATUS current
::= { es1ComplianceGroups 2 }
es1DCSystems OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { es1 20 }
es1dc1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {es1DCSystems 1}
es1dc1GlobalStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "A textual string (alarms, normal or unknown) containing the status of the DC System"
::={es1dc1 1 }
es1dc1GlobalAlarmSeverityType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The alarm severity type (critical, major, minor, warning, none, disabled) of the DC System"
::= { es1dc1 2 }
es1dc1GlobalAlarmSeverityLevel OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The alarm severity level (0-9) of the DC System"
::= { es1dc1 3 }
es1dc1GlobalAlarmSeverityTypeInt OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The alarm severity type as integer (critical=4, major=3, minor=2, warning=1, none=0) of the DC System"
::= { es1dc1 4 }
es1dc1Description OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { es1dc1 10 }
es1dc1DescriptionNumber OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of entries in the DC System Description table"
::= { es1dc1Description 1 }
es1dc1DescriptionTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Es1dc1DescriptionEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The Description table of the DC System"
::= { es1dc1Description 2 }
es1dc1DescriptionEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Es1dc1DescriptionEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "A Description entry"
INDEX {es1dc1DescriptionIndex}
::= { es1dc1DescriptionTable 1 }
Es1dc1DescriptionEntry ::=
es1dc1DescriptionIndex Unsigned32,
es1dc1DescriptionName DisplayString,
es1dc1DescriptionValue DisplayString,
es1dc1DescriptionEntryStatus RowStatus
es1dc1DescriptionIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Description Index"
::= { es1dc1DescriptionEntry 1 }
es1dc1DescriptionName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Description Name"
::= { es1dc1DescriptionEntry 2 }
es1dc1DescriptionValue OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Description Value"
::= { es1dc1DescriptionEntry 3 }
es1dc1DescriptionEntryStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX RowStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The status of this table entry"
::= { es1dc1DescriptionEntry 4 }
es1dc1DescriptionList OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { es1dc1Description 3 }
es1dc1DescDescriptionDescription OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "A free text zone to write a system description"
::= { es1dc1DescriptionList 1}
es1dc1DescDescriptionReference OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "A free text zone to write the customer reference of the system"
::= { es1dc1DescriptionList 2}
es1dc1DescDescriptionProductName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The product name of the DC system monitoring"
::= { es1dc1DescriptionList 11}
es1dc1DescDescriptionHardwareReference OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The hardware reference of the DC system monitoring"
::= { es1dc1DescriptionList 12}
es1dc1DescDescriptionSoftwareReference OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The software reference of the DC system monitoring"
::= { es1dc1DescriptionList 14}
es1dc1DescDescriptionSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The serial number of the DC system monitoring"
::= { es1dc1DescriptionList 16}
es1dc1DescDescriptionManufacturingDate OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The production date of the DC system monitoring"
::= { es1dc1DescriptionList 18}
es1dc1DescDescriptionDistributionModuleProductName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The product name of the Electronic Distribution/LVD Module"
::= { es1dc1DescriptionList 31}
es1dc1DescDescriptionDistributionModuleHardwareReference OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The hardware reference of the Electronic Distribution/LVD Module"
::= { es1dc1DescriptionList 32}
es1dc1DescDescriptionDistributionModuleSoftwareReference OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The software reference of the Electronic Distribution/LVD Module"
::= { es1dc1DescriptionList 34}
es1dc1DescDescriptionDistributionModuleSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The serial number of the Electronic Distribution/LVD Module"
::= { es1dc1DescriptionList 36}
es1dc1DescDescriptionDistributionModuleManufacturingDate OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The manufacturing date of the Electronic Distribution/LVD Module"
::= { es1dc1DescriptionList 38}
es1dc1Alarm OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { es1dc1 11 }
es1dc1AlarmNumber OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of entries in the DC System Alarm table"
::= { es1dc1Alarm 1 }
es1dc1AlarmTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The table of Alarm entries"
::= { es1dc1Alarm 2 }
es1dc1AlarmEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Es1dc1AlarmEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "An alarm entry"
INDEX {es1dc1AlarmIndex}
::= { es1dc1AlarmTable 1 }
Es1dc1AlarmEntry ::=
es1dc1AlarmIndex Unsigned32,
es1dc1AlarmName DisplayString,
es1dc1AlarmActive DisplayString,
es1dc1AlarmSeverityType DisplayString,
es1dc1AlarmSeverityLevel DisplayString,
es1dc1AlarmStartTime DisplayString,
es1dc1AlarmStopTime DisplayString,
es1dc1AlarmEntryStatus RowStatus
es1dc1AlarmIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
::= { es1dc1AlarmEntry 1 }
es1dc1AlarmName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
::= { es1dc1AlarmEntry 2 }
es1dc1AlarmActive OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Is the Alarm active ? 'true' for active, 'false' for not-active"
::= { es1dc1AlarmEntry 3 }
es1dc1AlarmSeverityType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The alarm severity type (major, minor, warning, none, disabled) of this alarm entry"
::= { es1dc1AlarmEntry 4 }
es1dc1AlarmSeverityLevel OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The alarm severity level (0-9) of this alarm entry"
::= { es1dc1AlarmEntry 5 }
es1dc1AlarmStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The last start time of this alarm entry (null if never active)"
::= { es1dc1AlarmEntry 6 }
es1dc1AlarmStopTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The last stop time of this alarm entry (null if alarm active)"
::= { es1dc1AlarmEntry 7 }
es1dc1AlarmEntryStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX RowStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The status of this table entry - not used, only for MIB compliance "
::= { es1dc1AlarmEntry 8 }
es1dc1AlarmSummary OBJECT-TYPE
dCBusDCBusExtraLow (0), -- Alarm : DC Bus Extra Low
dCBusDCBusLow (1), -- Alarm : DC Bus Low
dCBusDCBusHigh (2), -- Alarm : DC Bus High
dCBusDCBusExtraHigh (3), -- Alarm : DC Bus Extra High
dCBusDCBusVoltageSenseFail (4), -- Alarm : DC Bus Voltage Sense Failure
aCBusMainsFail (5), -- Alarm : Mains Failure
aCBusMainsPartialFail (6), -- Alarm : Mains Partial Failure
aCBusMainsLow (7), -- Alarm : Mains Low
rectifiersOneRectifierFail (9), -- Alarm : One Rectifier Failure
rectifiersMoreThanOneRectifierFail (10), -- Alarm : More Than One Rectifier Failure
rectifiersMissingRectifiers (11), -- Alarm : Missing Rectifiers
batBatLastTestFailed (12), -- Alarm : Battery Last Test Failed
batBatOnDischarge (13), -- Alarm : Battery On Discharge
lVDBatLVDRelOpen (16), -- Alarm : Battery LVD Relay Open
batBatTempTooHigh (17), -- Alarm : Battery Temperature Too High
batBatTempTooLow (18), -- Alarm : Battery Temperature Too Low
batBatTempSensorFail (19), -- Alarm : Battery Temperature Sensor Fail
sensorsAmbientTempTooHigh (20), -- Alarm : Ambient Temperature Too High
sensorsAmbientTempTooLow (21), -- Alarm : Ambient Temperature Too Low
sensorsAmbientTempSensorFail (22), -- Alarm : Ambient Temperature Sensor Fail
digInputsDistributionBreakerOpen (24), -- Alarm : Distribution Breaker Open
digInputsBatBreakerOpen (25), -- Alarm : Battery Breaker Open
digInputsDigInput1 (26), -- Alarm : Digital Input 1
digInputsDigInput2 (27), -- Alarm : Digital Input 2
digInputsDigInput3 (28), -- Alarm : Digital Input 3
digInputsDigInput4 (29) -- Alarm : Digital Input 4
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Summary bit vector with all the alarms state of the DC System. A '1' means alarm active, '0' means not active. Unimplemented alarms are always '0'."
::= { es1dc1Alarm 3 }
es1dc1Event OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { es1dc1 12 }
es1dc1EventNumber OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of entries in the Event Table related to the DC System"
::= { es1dc1Event 1 }
es1dc1EventTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The Event table related to the DC System"
::= { es1dc1Event 2 }
es1dc1EventEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Es1dc1EventEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
INDEX {es1dc1EventIndex}
::= { es1dc1EventTable 1 }
Es1dc1EventEntry ::=
es1dc1EventIndex Unsigned32,
es1dc1EventId Unsigned32,
es1dc1EventName DisplayString,
es1dc1EventDateTime DisplayString,
es1dc1EventSeverityType DisplayString,
es1dc1EventSeverityLevel DisplayString,
es1dc1EventEntryStatus RowStatus
es1dc1EventIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
::= { es1dc1EventEntry 1 }
es1dc1EventId OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
::= { es1dc1EventEntry 2 }
es1dc1EventName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
::= { es1dc1EventEntry 3 }
es1dc1EventDateTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The date and time of the event"
::= { es1dc1EventEntry 4 }
es1dc1EventSeverityType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The event severity type ('major', 'minor', 'warning' or 'none')"
::= { es1dc1EventEntry 5 }
es1dc1EventSeverityLevel OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The event severity level (0-9)"
::= { es1dc1EventEntry 6 }
es1dc1EventEntryStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX RowStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The status of this table entry"
::= { es1dc1EventEntry 7 }
es1dc1Data OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { es1dc1 13 }
es1dc1DataNumber OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of entries in the Data Table related to the DC System"
::= { es1dc1Data 1 }
es1dc1DataTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The table of Data entries"
::= { es1dc1Data 2 }
es1dc1DataEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Es1dc1DataEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "A data entry"
INDEX {es1dc1DataIndex}
::= { es1dc1DataTable 1 }
Es1dc1DataEntry ::=
es1dc1DataIndex Unsigned32,
es1dc1DataName DisplayString,
es1dc1DataValue DisplayString,
es1dc1DataEntryStatus RowStatus
es1dc1DataIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The data index"
::= { es1dc1DataEntry 1 }
es1dc1DataName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The data name"
::= { es1dc1DataEntry 2 }
es1dc1DataValue OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The data value"
::= { es1dc1DataEntry 3 }
es1dc1DataEntryStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX RowStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The status of this table entry - not used, only present for compliance"
::= { es1dc1DataEntry 4 }
es1dc1DataList OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { es1dc1Data 3 }
es1dc1DataSystemDCMode OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The DC system can have 5 values: 'Float'(0), 'Equalize'(1), 'Battery Test'(2), 'Ac Failure'(3) or 'Safe'(5)"
::= { es1dc1DataList 1}
es1dc1DataSystemPreviousDCMode OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The previous value of the DC Mode : 'Float'(0), 'Equalize'(1), 'Battery Test'(2), 'Ac Failure'(3) or 'Safe'(5)"
::= { es1dc1DataList 2}
es1dc1DataSystemNiMHChargeMode OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
::= { es1dc1DataList 5}
es1dc1DataDCBusBusVoltage OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The DC bus voltage in volt."
::= { es1dc1DataList 11}
es1dc1DataSystemRatioDeliveredOnAvailablePower OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This is the ratio of the delivered power divided by the installed power, in %."
::= { es1dc1DataList 12}
es1dc1DataACBusMinutesSinceLastACFailBegin OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of minute since the last AC Failure begin"
::= { es1dc1DataList 13}
es1dc1DataACBusMinutesSinceLastACFailEnd OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of minute since the last AC Failure end"
::= { es1dc1DataList 14}
es1dc1DataRectifiersRectifiersOutPower OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The sum of the delivered rectifier power"
::= { es1dc1DataList 21}
es1dc1DataRectifiersRectifiersOutCurrent OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The sum of the delivered rectifier current"
::= { es1dc1DataList 22}
es1dc1DataRectifiersRectifiersOutPowerMax OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The sum of the deliverable rectifier power"
::= { es1dc1DataList 23}
es1dc1DataRectifiersRectifiersOutCurrentMax OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The sum of the deliverable rectifier current"
::= { es1dc1DataList 24}
es1dc1DataRectifiersNumberOfRectifierMax OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The maximum possible number of rectifier in this dc system"
::= { es1dc1DataList 31}
es1dc1DataRectifiersNumberOfPresentRectifier OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The actual number of present rectifier in this dc system"
::= { es1dc1DataList 32}
es1dc1DataRectifiersNumberOfAbsentRectifier OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The actual number of absent rectifier in this dc system"
::= { es1dc1DataList 33}
es1dc1DataRectifiersNumberOfActiveRectifier OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The actual number of active rectifier in this dc system. An active rectifier is a rectifier which is present, DC OK, AC OK and not in remote off."
::= { es1dc1DataList 34}
es1dc1DataRectifiersNumberOfACFailRectifier OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The actual number or rectifier in AC Failure."
::= { es1dc1DataList 35}
es1dc1DataRectifiersNumberOfDCFailRectifier OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The actual number or rectifier with DC Failure."
::= { es1dc1DataList 36}
es1dc1DataRectifiersNumberOfRemoteOffRectifier OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The actual number or rectifier in remote off."
::= { es1dc1DataList 37}
es1dc1DataRectifiersNumberOfOverTempRectifier OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The actual number or rectifier in Over Temperature."
::= { es1dc1DataList 38}
es1dc1DataLoadLoadPower OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Estimation of the load power consumption"
::= { es1dc1DataList 51}
es1dc1DataLoadLoadCurrent OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Estimation of the load current consumption"
::= { es1dc1DataList 52}
es1dc1DataBatBatInputCurrent OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Measurement of the battery input current. A negative value means that the battery is discharging"
::= { es1dc1DataList 61}
es1dc1DataBatBatInputPower OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Measurement of the battery input power. A negative value means that the battery is discharging"
::= { es1dc1DataList 62}
es1dc1DataBatBatTemp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The battery temperature"
::= { es1dc1DataList 71}
es1dc1DataBatBatTestState OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This is about the result of the last battery test. 10 values are possible : 'Never Tested'(0), 'Success'(1), 'On Going'(2), 'Failed: Timeout'(3), 'Failed: Vbus Too Low'(4), 'Failed: Load Too Low'(5), 'Failed: Ac Failure'(6), 'Failed: Canceled' (7), 'Failed: Lvd Opened'(8), 'Failed: No Battery'(9)"
::= { es1dc1DataList 72}
es1dc1DataBatLastBatTestDischargedCapacityRatio OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This is the battery capacity, in percent, discharged during the last battery test. This value is updated at the end of the battery test."
::= { es1dc1DataList 73}
es1dc1DataBatLastBatTestDischargedCapacity OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This is the battery capacity, in ampere hour, discharged during the last battery test. This value is updated at the end of the battery test."
::= { es1dc1DataList 74}
es1dc1DataBatLastBatTestFinalVoltage OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This is the bus voltage at the end of the last battery test. This value is updated at the end of the battery test."
::= { es1dc1DataList 75}
es1dc1DataBatBatTestDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The duration of the last battery test. This value is updated at the end of the battery test. This value can't be higher than 1440 minutes (24 hours)."
::= { es1dc1DataList 76}
es1dc1DataBatPreviousBatTestDischargedCapacityRatio OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This is the battery capacity, in percent, discharged during the previous battery test. This value is shifted at the end of the battery test."
::= { es1dc1DataList 77}
es1dc1DataBatPreviousBatTestDischargedCapacity OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This is the battery capacity, in ampere hour, discharged during the previous battery test. This value is shifted at the end of the battery test."
::= { es1dc1DataList 78}
es1dc1DataBatPreviousBatTestFinalVoltage OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This is the bus voltage at the end of the previous battery test. This value is shifted at the end of the battery test."
::= { es1dc1DataList 79}
es1dc1DataBatPreviousBatTestDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The duration of the previous battery test. This value is shifted at the end of the battery test. This value can't be higher than 1440 minutes (24 hours)."
::= { es1dc1DataList 80}
es1dc1DataBatPreviousBatTestState OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The result of the previous battery test - 10 values are possible: 'Never Tested'(0), 'Success'(1), 'On Going'(2), 'Failed: Timeout'(3), 'Failed: Vbus Too Low'(4), 'Failed: Load Too Low'(5), 'Failed: Ac Failure'(6), 'Failed: Canceled', 'Failed: Lvd Opened'(8), 'Failed: No Battery'(9)"
::= { es1dc1DataList 81}
es1dc1DataBatMinutesSinceLastTestBat OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of minute since the end of last battery test"
::= { es1dc1DataList 82}
es1dc1DataBatNextScheduledBatTest OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The date and time of the next time the scheduled battery test will run"
::= { es1dc1DataList 84}
es1dc1DataBatBatChargeCapacity OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The battery charge capacity, calculated by integration of the current."
::= { es1dc1DataList 91}
es1dc1DataBatCalculatedAutonomy OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Calculation of the remaining autonomy. This value can change following the load of your system and the maximal depth of dicharge configuration (CF39)."
::= { es1dc1DataList 92}
es1dc1DataBatBatCurrentIntegration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Actual value of the integration of the current, in Ampere * hour"
::= { es1dc1DataList 94}
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Actual state of the LVD"
::= { es1dc1DataList 101}
es1dc1DataRelsRel1State OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Actual state of the Relay 1"
::= { es1dc1DataList 111}
es1dc1DataRelsRel2State OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Actual state of the Relay 2"
::= { es1dc1DataList 112}
es1dc1DataRelsRel3State OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Actual state of the Relay 3"
::= { es1dc1DataList 113}
es1dc1DataRelsRel4State OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Actual state of the Relay 3"
::= { es1dc1DataList 114}
es1dc1DataSmartEnergyEfficiencyOptimizedNumberOfRectifier OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The optimal number of ON rectifier for Efficiency Optimization "
::= { es1dc1DataList 121}
es1dc1DataSmartEnergySystemLossWithoutOptimisation OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Estimation of the losses without optimisation"
::= { es1dc1DataList 122}
es1dc1DataSmartEnergySystemLossWithOptimisation OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Estimation of the losses with optimisation"
::= { es1dc1DataList 123}
es1dc1DataSmartEnergyRectifierModelUsedForCalculation OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The rectifier model used"
::= { es1dc1DataList 124}
es1dc1DataSmartEnergySmartEnergySavings OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Estimation of the losses with optimisation"
::= { es1dc1DataList 125}
es1dc1DataSensorsAmbientTemp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The ambiant temperature (second temperature sense)"
::= { es1dc1DataList 151}
es1dc1DataSensorsPulseCounter4 OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The counter value of the digital input 4."
::= { es1dc1DataList 204}
es1dc1Config OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { es1dc1 15 }
es1dc1ConfigNumber OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of entries in the Config table related to the DC System"
::= { es1dc1Config 1 }
es1dc1ConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The table of Config entries related to the DC System"
::= { es1dc1Config 2 }
es1dc1ConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Es1dc1ConfigEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "A Config entry"
INDEX {es1dc1ConfigIndex}
::= { es1dc1ConfigTable 1 }
Es1dc1ConfigEntry ::=
es1dc1ConfigIndex Unsigned32,
es1dc1ConfigName DisplayString,
es1dc1ConfigValue DisplayString,
es1dc1ConfigEntryStatus RowStatus
es1dc1ConfigIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The Config entry Index"
::= { es1dc1ConfigEntry 1 }
es1dc1ConfigName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The Config entry name"
::= { es1dc1ConfigEntry 2 }
es1dc1ConfigValue OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The Config entry value"
::= { es1dc1ConfigEntry 3 }
es1dc1ConfigEntryStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX RowStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The status of this table entry - not used, only for compliance"
::= { es1dc1ConfigEntry 4 }
es1dc1ConfigList OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { es1dc1Config 3 }
es1dc1CfgDCBusDCBusFloatVoltageat25degC OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The floating dc bus voltage of the system at 25 Celsius degree"
::= { es1dc1ConfigList 1}
es1dc1CfgDCBusDCBusVoltageExtraLow OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The bus voltage under which the alarm 'DC Bus Voltage Extra Low' is set."
::= { es1dc1ConfigList 2}
es1dc1CfgDCBusDCBusVoltageExtraLowHysteresis OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The voltage hysteresis on the alarm 'DC Bus Voltage Extra Low'."
::= { es1dc1ConfigList 3}
es1dc1CfgDCBusDCBusVoltageLow OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The bus voltage under which the alarm 'DC Bus Voltage Low' is set."
::= { es1dc1ConfigList 4}
es1dc1CfgDCBusDCBusVoltageLowHysteresis OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The voltage hysteresis on the alarm 'DC Bus Voltage Low"
::= { es1dc1ConfigList 5}
es1dc1CfgDCBusDCBusVoltageHigh OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The bus voltage over which the alarm 'DC Bus Voltage High' is set."
::= { es1dc1ConfigList 6}
es1dc1CfgDCBusDCBusVoltageHighHysteresis OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The voltage hysteresis on the alarm 'DC Bus Voltage High"
::= { es1dc1ConfigList 7}
es1dc1CfgDCBusDCBusVoltageExtraHigh OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The bus voltage over which the alarm 'DC Bus Voltage Extra High' is set."
::= { es1dc1ConfigList 8}
es1dc1CfgDCBusDCBusVoltageExtraHighHysteresis OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The voltage hysteresis on the alarm 'DC Bus Voltage Extra High"
::= { es1dc1ConfigList 9}
es1dc1CfgLVDLVDDisconnectVoltage OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The dc bus voltage under which the battery must be disconnected of the bus. This allows preserving the battery life. The load will be unpowered. This value has to be lower than the Battery test end voltage (CF70)"
::= { es1dc1ConfigList 10}
es1dc1CfgLVDLVDDisconnectDelay OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The delay in second before disconnecting the battery if the dc bus voltage is under the configured disconnected voltage. This avoids disconnection during a low bus transient."
::= { es1dc1ConfigList 11}
es1dc1CfgBatTempCompensationSlope OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The slope of the battery temperature compensation in mv/degree. For a 48V system, -72mV/degree is often used."
::= { es1dc1ConfigList 21}
es1dc1CfgBatMaxPosTempCompensation OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The maximal allowed positive compensation."
::= { es1dc1ConfigList 22}
es1dc1CfgBatMaxNegTempCompensation OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The maximal allowed negative compensation."
::= { es1dc1ConfigList 23}
es1dc1CfgRectifiersMinimalNumberOfPresentRectifiers OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The minimal number of rectifier which must be present. If there is less present rectifiers, the alarm 'Missing Rectifiers' is set."
::= { es1dc1ConfigList 25}
es1dc1CfgRectifiersRectifierModel OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The rectifier model"
::= { es1dc1ConfigList 26}
es1dc1CfgRectifiersForcedRemoteOffRectifers OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "A list of rectifier which are forced in remote off. The id of the rectifier must be coma separated. Ex: 1,3 will maintain rectifier 1 and 3 off."
::= { es1dc1ConfigList 27}
es1dc1CfgBatBatChargeCurrentLimit OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The maximal battery current when the battery is charging. The monitoring regulates the bus voltage in order to satisfy this condition. This parameter is often equal to the nominal battery capacity divided by 10."
::= { es1dc1ConfigList 31}
es1dc1CfgBatBatStringCapacity OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The battery capacity in Ah."
::= { es1dc1ConfigList 32}
es1dc1CfgBatBatTempLow OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The temperature under which the alarm 'Battery Temperature Too Low' must be set."
::= { es1dc1ConfigList 33}
es1dc1CfgBatBatTempHigh OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The temperature over which the alarm 'Battery Temperature Too High' must be set."
::= { es1dc1ConfigList 34}
es1dc1CfgBatBatTempHysteresis OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The hysteresis on the 'Battery Temperature Too High' and 'Battery Temperature Too Low' alarms."
::= { es1dc1ConfigList 35}
es1dc1CfgBatMinimalCurrentForDischargingAlarm OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The minimal discharging current to set the 'Battery On Discharge' alarm."
::= { es1dc1ConfigList 36}
es1dc1CfgBatCurrentHysteresisForDischargingAlarm OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The hysteresis on the 'Battery On Discharge' alarm."
::= { es1dc1ConfigList 37}
es1dc1CfgBatPeukertNumber OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The Peukert number relates to the internal resistance of a battery and provides an indication of the excpected capacity. The ideal number is 1. This value can be calculated with the formula: (ln(t2)-ln(t1))/(ln(i1)-ln(i2)) where tx is the autonomy in hours at a constant discharge current of ix Amps. Often, we use t1 = 1h and t2 = 10h"
::= { es1dc1ConfigList 38}
es1dc1CfgBatMaxDepthOfDischargeforAutonomyEstimation OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "It is generally recommended to discharge maximum 60% of the battery capacity to enhance battery lifetime. By default, 100% is used for autonomy calculation. This parameter can also be used to take into account the age of the battery"
::= { es1dc1ConfigList 39}
es1dc1CfgBatBoostAutomatic OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The boost mode must be automatically after the fact that during a mains failure, the bus voltage went under the configured 'Boost Activation Low Voltage'. This allows charging the battery faster."
::= { es1dc1ConfigList 51}
es1dc1CfgBatBoostActivationLowVoltage OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The voltage under which the boost mode can be activated."
::= { es1dc1ConfigList 52}
es1dc1CfgBatBoostTerminationVoltage OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The voltage over which the system must go back to floating mode."
::= { es1dc1ConfigList 53}
es1dc1CfgBatBoostTerminationCurrent OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The battery charging current under which the system must go back to floating mode."
::= { es1dc1ConfigList 54}
es1dc1CfgBatBoostTerminationTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The time in minute after which the system must go back in floating mode."
::= { es1dc1ConfigList 55}
es1dc1CfgBatBatTestType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Type of the battery test: <br> Capacity based: The battery must give the requested capacity before falling lower than a value <br>Time Based: The battery must sustain a defined load during a defined time."
::= { es1dc1ConfigList 69}
es1dc1CfgBatBatTestEndVoltage OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The voltage at which any battery test must be stopped. This value has to be higher than the LVD Disconnect voltage (CF10)"
::= { es1dc1ConfigList 70}
es1dc1CfgBatBatTestDischargeRatio OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The ratio of the battery capacity to discharge. If 30 is set, 30% of the battery will be discharged during the test"
::= { es1dc1ConfigList 71}
es1dc1CfgBatBatTestInterval OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of days between two automatically started battery test. If this parameter is set to 0, the battery test is not started automatically. The user can remotely or locally start or force this test."
::= { es1dc1ConfigList 72}
es1dc1CfgBatBatTestDischargeCurrent OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The current at which the battery must be discharged during a battery test. The monitoring regulates the bus voltage in order to satisfy this condition. The load current must be of course higher than this parameter."
::= { es1dc1ConfigList 73}
es1dc1CfgBatBatTestMinimalDischargeCurrent OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The battery current under which the battery test must be stopped because the load is too low."
::= { es1dc1ConfigList 74}
es1dc1CfgBatBatTestDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The timeout in minute after which the battery test must be stopped."
::= { es1dc1ConfigList 75}
es1dc1CfgBatBatTestRequMinutesWithoutMainsFail OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The minimal time in minute without mains failure in order to allow a battery start. This parameter is not taken into account when the battery test is forced."
::= { es1dc1ConfigList 76}
es1dc1CfgBatBatTestSchedulerCronRule OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
::= { es1dc1ConfigList 77}
es1dc1CfgSmartEnergySmartEnergyBooleanCond OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This is the boolean condition which allows or not to automatically optimize the number of rectifier in remote off."
::= { es1dc1ConfigList 83}
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This is a list of the node id of the Smart Electronic LVDs, coma separated"
::= { es1dc1ConfigList 86}
es1dc1CfgDigInputsDigInput1Name OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The name of the digital input 1"
::= { es1dc1ConfigList 91}
es1dc1CfgDigInputsDigInput1NormallyClosed OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "True/False value defining if the digital input 1 is normally closed. If this digital input is not in this default state, the related alarm is set."
::= { es1dc1ConfigList 92}
es1dc1CfgDigInputsDigInput2Name OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The name of the digital input 2"
::= { es1dc1ConfigList 93}
es1dc1CfgDigInputsDigInput2NormallyClosed OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "True/False value defining if the digital input 2 is normally closed. If this digital input is not in this default state, the related alarm is set."
::= { es1dc1ConfigList 94}
es1dc1CfgDigInputsDigInput3Name OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The name of the digital input 3"
::= { es1dc1ConfigList 95}
es1dc1CfgDigInputsDigInput3NormallyClosed OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "True/False value defining if the digital input 3 is normally closed. If this digital input is not in this default state, the related alarm is set."
::= { es1dc1ConfigList 96}
es1dc1CfgDigInputsDigInput4Name OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The name of the digital input 4"
::= { es1dc1ConfigList 97}
es1dc1CfgDigInputsDigInput4NormallyClosed OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "True/False value defining if the digital input 4 is normally closed. If this digital input is not in this default state, the related alarm is set."
::= { es1dc1ConfigList 98}
es1dc1CfgDigInputsDigInput5Name OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The name of the digital input 5"
::= { es1dc1ConfigList 99}
es1dc1CfgDigInputsDigInput5NormallyClosed OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "True/False value defining if the digital input 5 is normally closed. If this digital input is not in this default state, the related alarm is set."
::= { es1dc1ConfigList 100}
es1dc1CfgDigInputsDigInput6Name OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The name of the digital input 6"
::= { es1dc1ConfigList 101}
es1dc1CfgDigInputsDigInput6NormallyClosed OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "True/False value defining if the digital input 6 is normally closed. If this digital input is not in this default state, the related alarm is set."
::= { es1dc1ConfigList 102}
es1dc1CfgRelsDryAlarm1AlternativeBooleanCond OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Another Boolean condition to activate the dry alarm relay 1. The way to define boolean condition is detailed in the PLC chapter."
::= { es1dc1ConfigList 111}
es1dc1CfgRelsDryAlarm2AlternativeBooleanCond OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Another Boolean condition to activate the dry alarm relay 2. The way to define boolean condition is detailed in the PLC chapter."
::= { es1dc1ConfigList 112}
es1dc1CfgRelsDryAlarm3AlternativeBooleanCond OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Another Boolean condition to activate the dry alarm relay 3. The way to define boolean condition is detailed in the PLC chapter."
::= { es1dc1ConfigList 113}
es1dc1CfgRelsDryAlarm4AlternativeBooleanCond OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Another Boolean condition to activate the dry alarm relay 4. The way to define boolean condition is detailed in the PLC chapter."
::= { es1dc1ConfigList 114}
es1dc1CfgSensorsAmbientTempLow OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The temperature under which the alarm 'Ambiant Temperature Too Low' must be set."
::= { es1dc1ConfigList 131}
es1dc1CfgSensorsAmbientTempHigh OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The temperature under which the alarm 'Ambiant Temperature Too Low' must be set."
::= { es1dc1ConfigList 132}
es1dc1CfgSensorsAmbientTempHysteresis OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The hysteresis on the 'Battery Temperature Too High' and 'Battery Temperature Too Low' alarms."
::= { es1dc1ConfigList 133}
es1dc1CfgGenericReadAccessUserNumbers OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The list of the user numbers which have read access to this equipment. The user numbers are coma separated. The accepted user id are 1,2,3,4 and 5. Ex: 1,3,4"
::= { es1dc1ConfigList 521}
es1dc1CfgGenericWriteAccessUserNumbers OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The list of the user numbers which have write access to this equipment. This means that these users can modify the configuration element, the alarm settings and use the control elements. The user numbers are coma separated. The accepted user ids are 1,2,3,4 and 5. Ex: 1,3,4"
::= { es1dc1ConfigList 522}
es1dc1CfgGenericEventTableLength OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The maximum length of the table. The value must be comprised between 10 and 4000"
::= { es1dc1ConfigList 601}
es1dc1CfgGenericEventTableLengthByRectifier OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The maximum length of the table. The value must be comprised between 10 and 4000"
::= { es1dc1ConfigList 602}
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of PLC data. Every equipment can manage up to 30 user programmable data. Data elements are automatically added in the data table. Configuration parameters are added to set the PLC Data Name and the PLC Data Mathematical calculation. In order to use these functionalities, you need a license with the 'PLC' module"
::= { es1dc1ConfigList 901}
es1dc1CfgPLCNumberOfPLCAlarm OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of PLC alarm. Every equipment can manage up to 30 user programmable alarms. Alarm elements are automatically added in the alarm table. The alarm parameters are added to set the PLC Alarm Name and the PLC Alarm Boolean condition. In order to use these functionalities, you need a licence with the 'PLC' module"
::= { es1dc1ConfigList 902}
es1dc1Control OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { es1dc1 16 }
es1dc1ControlNumber OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of entries in the Control table related to the DC System"
::= { es1dc1Control 1 }
es1dc1ControlTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The table of Control entries related to the DC System"
::= { es1dc1Control 2 }
es1dc1ControlEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Es1dc1ControlEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "A Control entry"
INDEX {es1dc1ControlIndex}
::= { es1dc1ControlTable 1 }
Es1dc1ControlEntry ::=
es1dc1ControlIndex Unsigned32,
es1dc1ControlName DisplayString,
es1dc1ControlValue DisplayString,
es1dc1ControlEntryStatus RowStatus
es1dc1ControlIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The Control entry Index"
::= { es1dc1ControlEntry 1 }
es1dc1ControlName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The Control entry name"
::= { es1dc1ControlEntry 2 }
es1dc1ControlValue OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The Control entry value"
::= { es1dc1ControlEntry 3 }
es1dc1ControlEntryStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX RowStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The status of this table entry - not used, only for compliance"
::= { es1dc1ControlEntry 4 }
es1dc1ControlList OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { es1dc1Control 3 }
es1dc1CtrlSystemBackToFloat OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The dc system must go back in floating mode."
::= { es1dc1ControlList 1}
es1dc1CtrlSystemStartBatTest OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The dc system must start a battery test."
::= { es1dc1ControlList 2}
es1dc1CtrlSystemForceBatTest OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The dc system must force a battery test."
::= { es1dc1ControlList 3}
es1dc1CtrlSystemStartBoostMode OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The dc system must go in boost mode."
::= { es1dc1ControlList 4}
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Try to open the LVD. It could not work if the LVD is electronic, and the request will be canceled after 15 sec."
::= { es1dc1ControlList 11}
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The LVD must be closed"
::= { es1dc1ControlList 12}
es1dc1CtrlBatCorrectBatCurrentOffset OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
::= { es1dc1ControlList 21}
es1dc1CtrlBatResetLastBatTestState OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Reset the state of the last battery test. If an alarm 'Battery Last Test Failed' is set, the alarm will be cleared."
::= { es1dc1ControlList 41}
es1dc1CtrlSaveSaveConfInMCU OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Save configuration parameters in the MCU microcontroller. If comp@s is not present, the system will be correctly managed."
::= { es1dc1ControlList 51}
es1dc1CtrlAdvancedSetMCUSpecificConfId OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This control allows to reconfigure the MCU to support specific hardware configuration, with embedded distribution for example"
::= { es1dc1ControlList 55}
es1dc1CtrlDigInputsSetDigInput4CounterValue OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Set Counter Value"
::= { es1dc1ControlList 61}
es1dc1CtrlRelsInvertRel1StateForXSeconds OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Generate Pulse on relay 1"
::= { es1dc1ControlList 111}
es1dc1CtrlRelsInvertRel2StateForXSeconds OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Generate Pulse on relay 2"
::= { es1dc1ControlList 112}
es1dc1CtrlRelsInvertRel3StateForXSeconds OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Generate Pulse on relay 3"
::= { es1dc1ControlList 113}
es1dc1CtrlRelsInvertRel4StateForXSeconds OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Generate Pulse on relay 4"
::= { es1dc1ControlList 114}
es1dc1CtrlGenericClearMyEvents OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "By writing '1' to this control element, all the events of this equipment will be cleared."
::= { es1dc1ControlList 501}
es1dc1CtrlGenericClearAllEvents OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "By writing '1' to this control element, all the events of this equipment and all the events of all the sub-equipments will be cleared."
::= { es1dc1ControlList 502}
es1dc1CtrlGenericAddEvent OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This control element adds an event of severity none. The event name is the text written to this control element"
::= { es1dc1ControlList 511}
es1dc1CtrlGenericAddMajorEvent OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This control element adds an event of severity major. The event name is the text written to this control element"
::= { es1dc1ControlList 512}
es1dc1CtrlGenericResetDefaultNamesAndGroups OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This control element resets all the element Names, Groups and Subgroups to default values for this equipment"
::= { es1dc1ControlList 521}
es1dc1CtrlGenericResetDefaultNamesAndGroupsRecursive OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This control element resets all the element Names, Groups and Subgroups to default values for this equipment and all sub equipments"
::= { es1dc1ControlList 522}
es1dc1Notifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { es1dc1 18 }
es1dc1NotificationPrefix OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { es1dc1Notifications 0 }
es1dc1NotificationOfEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Notification generated when a new event appears"
::= { es1dc1NotificationPrefix 1 }
es1dc1Compliance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { es1dc1 19}
es1dc1ComplianceGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::={ es1dc1Compliance 1}
es1dc1FullCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION " The compliance statement for SNMPV2 entities which implement the SNMPV2 MIB. "
MANDATORY-GROUPS { es1dc1GlobalGroup, es1dc1NotificationGroup }
::= { es1dc1Compliance 2 }
es1dc1GlobalGroup OBJECT-GROUP
OBJECTS{es1dc1GlobalStatus, es1dc1GlobalAlarmSeverityType, es1dc1GlobalAlarmSeverityLevel, es1dc1GlobalAlarmSeverityTypeInt, es1dc1DescriptionNumber, es1dc1DescriptionName, es1dc1DescriptionValue, es1dc1DescriptionEntryStatus, es1dc1DescDescriptionDescription, es1dc1DescDescriptionReference, es1dc1DescDescriptionProductName, es1dc1DescDescriptionHardwareReference, es1dc1DescDescriptionSoftwareReference, es1dc1DescDescriptionSerialNumber, es1dc1DescDescriptionManufacturingDate, es1dc1DescDescriptionDistributionModuleProductName, es1dc1DescDescriptionDistributionModuleHardwareReference, es1dc1DescDescriptionDistributionModuleSoftwareReference, es1dc1DescDescriptionDistributionModuleSerialNumber, es1dc1DescDescriptionDistributionModuleManufacturingDate, es1dc1AlarmNumber, es1dc1AlarmName, es1dc1AlarmActive, es1dc1AlarmSeverityType, es1dc1AlarmSeverityLevel, es1dc1AlarmStartTime, es1dc1AlarmStopTime, es1dc1AlarmEntryStatus, es1dc1AlarmSummary, es1dc1EventNumber, es1dc1EventId, es1dc1EventName, es1dc1EventDateTime, es1dc1EventSeverityType, es1dc1EventSeverityLevel, es1dc1EventEntryStatus, es1dc1DataNumber, es1dc1DataName, es1dc1DataValue, es1dc1DataEntryStatus, es1dc1DataSystemDCMode, es1dc1DataSystemPreviousDCMode, es1dc1DataSystemNiMHChargeMode, es1dc1DataDCBusBusVoltage, es1dc1DataSystemRatioDeliveredOnAvailablePower, es1dc1DataACBusMinutesSinceLastACFailBegin, es1dc1DataACBusMinutesSinceLastACFailEnd, es1dc1DataRectifiersRectifiersOutPower, es1dc1DataRectifiersRectifiersOutCurrent, es1dc1DataRectifiersRectifiersOutPowerMax, es1dc1DataRectifiersRectifiersOutCurrentMax, es1dc1DataRectifiersNumberOfRectifierMax, es1dc1DataRectifiersNumberOfPresentRectifier, es1dc1DataRectifiersNumberOfAbsentRectifier, es1dc1DataRectifiersNumberOfActiveRectifier, es1dc1DataRectifiersNumberOfACFailRectifier, es1dc1DataRectifiersNumberOfDCFailRectifier, es1dc1DataRectifiersNumberOfRemoteOffRectifier, es1dc1DataRectifiersNumberOfOverTempRectifier, es1dc1DataLoadLoadPower, es1dc1DataLoadLoadCurrent, es1dc1DataBatBatInputCurrent, es1dc1DataBatBatInputPower, es1dc1DataBatBatTemp, es1dc1DataBatBatTestState, es1dc1DataBatLastBatTestDischargedCapacityRatio, es1dc1DataBatLastBatTestDischargedCapacity, es1dc1DataBatLastBatTestFinalVoltage, es1dc1DataBatBatTestDuration, es1dc1DataBatPreviousBatTestDischargedCapacityRatio, es1dc1DataBatPreviousBatTestDischargedCapacity, es1dc1DataBatPreviousBatTestFinalVoltage, es1dc1DataBatPreviousBatTestDuration, es1dc1DataBatPreviousBatTestState, es1dc1DataBatMinutesSinceLastTestBat, es1dc1DataBatNextScheduledBatTest, es1dc1DataBatBatChargeCapacity, es1dc1DataBatCalculatedAutonomy, es1dc1DataBatBatCurrentIntegration, es1dc1DataLVDLVDState, es1dc1DataRelsRel1State, es1dc1DataRelsRel2State, es1dc1DataRelsRel3State, es1dc1DataRelsRel4State, es1dc1DataSmartEnergyEfficiencyOptimizedNumberOfRectifier, es1dc1DataSmartEnergySystemLossWithoutOptimisation, es1dc1DataSmartEnergySystemLossWithOptimisation, es1dc1DataSmartEnergyRectifierModelUsedForCalculation, es1dc1DataSmartEnergySmartEnergySavings, es1dc1DataSensorsAmbientTemp, es1dc1DataSensorsPulseCounter4, es1dc1ConfigNumber, es1dc1ConfigName, es1dc1ConfigValue, es1dc1ConfigEntryStatus, es1dc1CfgDCBusDCBusFloatVoltageat25degC, es1dc1CfgDCBusDCBusVoltageExtraLow, es1dc1CfgDCBusDCBusVoltageExtraLowHysteresis, es1dc1CfgDCBusDCBusVoltageLow, es1dc1CfgDCBusDCBusVoltageLowHysteresis, es1dc1CfgDCBusDCBusVoltageHigh, es1dc1CfgDCBusDCBusVoltageHighHysteresis, es1dc1CfgDCBusDCBusVoltageExtraHigh, es1dc1CfgDCBusDCBusVoltageExtraHighHysteresis, es1dc1CfgLVDLVDDisconnectVoltage, es1dc1CfgLVDLVDDisconnectDelay, es1dc1CfgBatTempCompensationSlope, es1dc1CfgBatMaxPosTempCompensation, es1dc1CfgBatMaxNegTempCompensation, es1dc1CfgRectifiersMinimalNumberOfPresentRectifiers, es1dc1CfgRectifiersRectifierModel, es1dc1CfgRectifiersForcedRemoteOffRectifers, es1dc1CfgBatBatChargeCurrentLimit, es1dc1CfgBatBatStringCapacity, es1dc1CfgBatBatTempLow, es1dc1CfgBatBatTempHigh, es1dc1CfgBatBatTempHysteresis, es1dc1CfgBatMinimalCurrentForDischargingAlarm, es1dc1CfgBatCurrentHysteresisForDischargingAlarm, es1dc1CfgBatPeukertNumber, es1dc1CfgBatMaxDepthOfDischargeforAutonomyEstimation, es1dc1CfgBatBoostAutomatic, es1dc1CfgBatBoostActivationLowVoltage, es1dc1CfgBatBoostTerminationVoltage, es1dc1CfgBatBoostTerminationCurrent, es1dc1CfgBatBoostTerminationTime, es1dc1CfgBatBatTestType, es1dc1CfgBatBatTestEndVoltage, es1dc1CfgBatBatTestDischargeRatio, es1dc1CfgBatBatTestInterval, es1dc1CfgBatBatTestDischargeCurrent, es1dc1CfgBatBatTestMinimalDischargeCurrent, es1dc1CfgBatBatTestDuration, es1dc1CfgBatBatTestRequMinutesWithoutMainsFail, es1dc1CfgBatBatTestSchedulerCronRule, es1dc1CfgSmartEnergySmartEnergyBooleanCond, es1dc1CfgLVDBatLVDNodeId, es1dc1CfgDigInputsDigInput1Name, es1dc1CfgDigInputsDigInput1NormallyClosed, es1dc1CfgDigInputsDigInput2Name, es1dc1CfgDigInputsDigInput2NormallyClosed, es1dc1CfgDigInputsDigInput3Name, es1dc1CfgDigInputsDigInput3NormallyClosed, es1dc1CfgDigInputsDigInput4Name, es1dc1CfgDigInputsDigInput4NormallyClosed, es1dc1CfgDigInputsDigInput5Name, es1dc1CfgDigInputsDigInput5NormallyClosed, es1dc1CfgDigInputsDigInput6Name, es1dc1CfgDigInputsDigInput6NormallyClosed, es1dc1CfgRelsDryAlarm1AlternativeBooleanCond, es1dc1CfgRelsDryAlarm2AlternativeBooleanCond, es1dc1CfgRelsDryAlarm3AlternativeBooleanCond, es1dc1CfgRelsDryAlarm4AlternativeBooleanCond, es1dc1CfgSensorsAmbientTempLow, es1dc1CfgSensorsAmbientTempHigh, es1dc1CfgSensorsAmbientTempHysteresis, es1dc1CfgGenericReadAccessUserNumbers, es1dc1CfgGenericWriteAccessUserNumbers, es1dc1CfgGenericEventTableLength, es1dc1CfgGenericEventTableLengthByRectifier, es1dc1CfgPLCNumberOfPLCData, es1dc1CfgPLCNumberOfPLCAlarm, es1dc1ControlNumber, es1dc1ControlName, es1dc1ControlValue, es1dc1ControlEntryStatus, es1dc1CtrlSystemBackToFloat, es1dc1CtrlSystemStartBatTest, es1dc1CtrlSystemForceBatTest, es1dc1CtrlSystemStartBoostMode, es1dc1CtrlLVDOpenTheLVD, es1dc1CtrlLVDCloseTheLVD, es1dc1CtrlBatCorrectBatCurrentOffset, es1dc1CtrlBatResetLastBatTestState, es1dc1CtrlSaveSaveConfInMCU, es1dc1CtrlAdvancedSetMCUSpecificConfId, es1dc1CtrlDigInputsSetDigInput4CounterValue, es1dc1CtrlRelsInvertRel1StateForXSeconds, es1dc1CtrlRelsInvertRel2StateForXSeconds, es1dc1CtrlRelsInvertRel3StateForXSeconds, es1dc1CtrlRelsInvertRel4StateForXSeconds, es1dc1CtrlGenericClearMyEvents, es1dc1CtrlGenericClearAllEvents, es1dc1CtrlGenericAddEvent, es1dc1CtrlGenericAddMajorEvent, es1dc1CtrlGenericResetDefaultNamesAndGroups, es1dc1CtrlGenericResetDefaultNamesAndGroupsRecursive}
STATUS current
::= { es1dc1ComplianceGroups 1 }
es1dc1NotificationGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP
NOTIFICATIONS {es1dc1NotificationOfEvent}
STATUS current
::= { es1dc1ComplianceGroups 2 }
extensions OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { siteV1 21 }
es1InverterSystems OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { es1 25 }
es1RemotePowerFeedingSystems OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { es1 28 }