2015-08-18 17:25:07 +00:00

30 KiB

August 2015

Bug fixes

  • WebUI:
    • Fix web_mouseover not honoured on All Devices page (PR1592)
    • Fixed bug with edit/create alert template to clear out previous values (PR1636)
    • Initialise $port_count in devices list (PR1640)
    • Fixed Web installer due to code tidying update (PR1644)
    • Updated gridster variable names to make unique (PR1646)
    • Fixed issues with displaying devices with ' in location (PR1655)
  • DB:
    • Added proper indexes on device_perf table (PR1621)
    • Fixed multiple mysql strict issues (PR1638, PR1659)
    • Convert bgpPeerRemoteAs to bigint (PR1691)
  • Discovery / Poller:
    • Fixed Synology system temps (PR1649)
    • Fixed discovery-arp not running since code formatting update (PR1671)
    • Correct the DSM upgrade OID (PR1696)
    • Fix MySQL agent host variable usage (PR1710)
  • General:
    • Fixed path to in config.php.default (PR1673)


  • WebUI Updates:
    • Added support for Google API key in Geo coding (PR1594)
    • Added ability to updated storage % warning (PR1613)
    • Updated eventlog page to allow filtering by type (PR1623)
    • Hide logo and plugins text on smaller windows (PR1624)
    • Added poller group name to poller groups table (PR1634)
    • Updated Customers page to use Bootgrid (PR1658)
    • Added basic Graylog integration support (PR1665)
    • Added support for running under sub-directory (PR1667)
    • Updated vis.js to latest version (PR1708)
    • Added border on availability map (PR1713)
  • API Updates:
    • Improvided billing support in API (PR1599)
  • Added detection for:
    • Perle Media convertors (PR1607)
  • Improved detection for:
    • Windows devices (PR1639)
    • Zywall CPU, Version and Memory (PR1660)
    • Added LLDP support for PBN devices (PR1705)
  • Additional Sensors:
    • Added Compressor state for PCOWEB (PR1600)
    • Added dbm support for IOS-XR (PR1661)
  • Discovery / Poller:
    • Updated autodiscovery function to log new type (PR1623)
  • DB:
    • Added MySQLi support (PR1647)
  • Documentation:
    • Added docs on MySQL strict mode (PR1635)
    • Updated billing docs to use librenms user in cron (PR1676)
    • Updated LDAP docs to indicate php-ldap module needs installing (PR1716)
  • Alerting:
    • Reformatted eventlog message to show state for alerts (PR1685)
  • General:
    • Added more debugging and checks to discovery-protocols (PR1590)

July 2015

Bug fixes

  • WebUI:
    • Fixed API not functioning. (PR1367)
    • Fixed API not storing alert rule names (PR1372)
    • Fixed datetimepicker use (PR1376)
    • Added 'running' status for BGP peers as up (PR1412)
    • Fixed the remove search link in devices (PR1413)
    • Fixed clicking anywhere in a search result will now take you to where you want (PR1472)
    • Fixed inventory page not displaying results (PR1488)
    • Fixed buggy alert templating in WebUI (PR1527)
    • Fixed bug in creating api tokens in Firefox (PR1530)
  • Discovery / Poller:
    • Do not allow master to rejoin itself. (PR1377)
    • Fixed poller group query in discovery (PR1433)
    • Fixed ARMv5 detection (PR1522)
    • Fixed pfSense detection (PR1567)
  • Sensors:
    • Fixed bug in EqualLogic sensors (PR1513)
    • Fixed bug in DRAC voltage sensor (PR1521)
    • Fixed bug in APC bank detection (PR1560)
  • Documentation:
    • Fixed Nginx config file (PR1389)
  • General:
    • Fixed a number of permission issues (PR1411)


  • Added detection for:
    • Meraki (PR1402)
    • Brocade (PR1404)
    • Dell iDrac (PR1419,PR1420,PR1423,PR1427)
    • Dell Networking OS (PR1474)
    • Netonix (PR1476)
    • IBM Tape Library (PR1519,PR1550)
    • Aerohive (PR1546)
    • Cisco Voice Gateways (PR1565)
  • Improved detection for:
    • RouterOS RB260GS (PR1545)
    • Dell PowerConnect (PR1452,PR1517)
    • Brocade (PR1548)
    • Rielo UPS (PR1381)
    • Cisco IPSLAs (PR1586)
  • Additional Sensors:
    • Added power, temperature and fan speed support for XOS (PR1493,PR1494,PR1496)
  • WebUI Updates:
    • Added missing load and state icons (PR1392)
    • Added ability to update users passwords in WebUI (PR1440)
    • Default to two days performance data being shown (PR1442)
    • Improved sensors page for mobile view (PR1454)
    • Improvements to network map (PR1455,PR1470,PR1486,PR1528,PR1557)
    • Added availability map (PR1464)
    • Updated edit ports page to use Bootstrap (PR1498)
    • Added new World Map and support for lat/lng lookup (PR1501,PR1552)
    • Added sysName to overview page for device (PR1520)
    • Added New Overview dashboard uilising Widgets (PR1523,PR1580)
    • Added new config option to disable Device groups (PR1569)
  • Discovery / Poller Updates:
    • Updated discovery of IP based devices (PR1406)
    • Added using cronic for to allow cron to send emails (PR1408,PR1531)
    • Updated Cisco MIBs to latest versions (PR1436)
    • Improve performance of unix-agent processes DB code (PR1447,PR1460)
    • Added BGP discovery code (PR1414)
    • Use snmpEngineTime as a fallback to uptime (PR1477)
    • Added fallback support for devices not reporting ifAlias (PR1479)
    • Git pull and schema updates will now pause if InnoDB buffers overused (PR1563)
  • Documentation:
    • Updated Unix-Agent docs to use LibreNMS repo for scripts (PR1568,PR1570,PR1573)
    • Added info on using MariaDB (PR1585)
  • Alerting:
    • Added Boxcar ( transport for alerting (PR1481)
    • Removed old alerting code (PR1581)
  • General:
    • Code cleanup and formatting (PR1415,PR1416,PR1431,PR1434,PR1439,PR1444,PR1450)
    • Added support for CollectD flush (PR1463)
    • Added support for LDAP pure DN member groups (PR1516)
    • Updated validate.php to check for distributed poller setup issues (PR1526)
    • Improved service check support (PR1385,PR1386,PR1387,PR1388)
    • Added SNMP Scanner to discover devices within subnets and docs (PR1577)

June 2015

Bug fixes

  • Fixed services list SQL issue (PR1181)
  • Fixed negative values for storage when volume is > 2TB (PR1185)
  • Fixed visual display for input fields on /syslog/ (PR1193)
  • Fixed fatal php issue in shoutcast.php (PR1203)
  • Fixed percent bars in /bills/ (PR1208)
  • Fixed item count in memory and storage pages (PR1210)
  • Fixed syslog not loading (PR1219)
  • Fixed fatal on reload in IRC bot (PR1218)
  • Alter Windows CPU description when unknown (PR1226)
  • Fixed rfc1628 current calculation (PR1256)
  • Fixed alert mapping not working (PR1280)
  • Fixed legend ifLabels (PR1296)
  • Fixed bug causing map to not load when stale link data was present (PR1297)
  • Fixed javascript issue preventing removal of alert rules (PR1312)
  • Fixed removal of IPs before ports are deleted (PR1329)
  • Fixed JS issue when removing ports from bills (PR1330)
  • Fixed adding --daemon a second time to collectd Graphs (PR1342)
  • Fixed CollectD DS names (PR1347,PR1349,PR1368)
  • Fixed graphing issues when rrd contains special chars (PR1350)
  • Fixed regex for device groups (PR1359)
  • Added HOST-RESOURCES-MIB into Synology detection (RP1360)
  • Fix health page graphs showing the first graph for all (PR1363)


  • Updated Syslog docs to include syslog-ng 3.5.1 updates (PR1171)
  • Added Pushover Transport (PR1180, PR1191)
  • Converted processors and memory table to bootgrid (PR1188, PR1192)
  • Issued alerts and transport now logged to eventlog (PR1194)
  • Added basic support for Enterasys devices (PR1211)
  • Added dynamic config to configure alerting (PR1153)
  • Added basic support for Multimatic USV (PR1215)
  • Disabled and ignored ports no longer show by default on /ports/ (PR1228,PR1301)
  • Added additional graphs to menu on devices page (PR1229)
  • Added Docs on configuring Globe front page (PR1231)
  • Added robots.txt to html folder to disallow indexing (PR1234)
  • Added additional support for Synology units (PR1235,PR1244,PR1269)
  • Added IP check to autodiscovery code (PR1248)
  • Updated HP ProCurve detection (PR1249)
  • Added basic detection for Alcatel-Lucent OmniSwitch (PR1253, PR1282)
  • Added additional metrics for rfc1628 UPS (PR1258, PR1268)
  • Allow multiple discovery modules to be specified on command line (PR1263)
  • Updated docs on using libvirt (PR1264)
  • Updated Ruckus detection (PR1267)
  • Initial release of MIB based polling (PR1273)
  • Added support for CISCO-BGP4-MIB (PR1184)
  • Added support for Dell EqualLogic units (PR1283,PR1309)
  • Added logging of success/ failure for alert transports (PR1286)
  • Updated VyOS detection (PR1299)
  • Added primary serial number detection for Cisco units (PR1300)
  • Added support for specifying MySQL port number in config.php (PR1302)
  • Updated alert subject to use rule name not ID (PR1310)
  • Added macro %macros.sensor (PR1311)
  • Added WebUI support for Pushover (PR1313)
  • Updated path check for Oxidized config (PR1316)
  • Added Multimatic UPS to rfc1628 detection (PR1317)
  • Added timeout for Unix agent (PR1319)
  • Added support for a poller to use more than one poller group (PR1323)
  • Added ability to use Plugins on device overview page (PR1325)
  • Added latency loss/avg/max/min results to DB and Graph (PR1326)
  • Added recording of device down (snmp/icmp) (PR1326)
  • Added debugging output for when invalid SNMPv3 options used (PR1331)
  • Added load and state output to device overview page (PR1333)
  • Added load sensors to RFC1628 Devices (PR1336)
  • Added support for WebPower Pro II UPS Cards (PR1338)
  • No longer rewrite server-status in .htaccess (PR1339)
  • Added docs for setting up Service extensions (PR1354)
  • Added additional info from pfsense devices (PR1356)

May 2015

Bug fixes

  • Updated nested addHosts to use variables passed (PR889)
  • Fixed map drawing issue (PR907)
  • Fixed sensors issue where APC load sensors overwrote current (PR912)
  • Fixed devices location filtering (PR917, PR921)
  • Minor fix to rrdcached_dir handling (PR940)
  • Now set defaults for AddHost on XDP discovery (PR941)
  • Fix web installer to generate config correctly if possible (PR954)
  • Fix inverse option for graphs (PR955)
  • Fix ifAlias parsing (PR960)
  • Rewrote rrdtool_escape to fix graph formatting issues (PR961, PR965)
  • Updated ports check to include ifAdminStatus (PR962)
  • Fixed custom sensors high / low being overwritten on discovery (PR977)
  • Fixed APC powerbar phase limit discovery (PR981)
  • Fix for 4 digit cpu% for Datacom (PR984)
  • Fix SQL query for restricted users in /devices/ (PR990)
  • Fix for post-formatting time-macros (PR1006)
  • Honour disabling alerts for hosts (PR1051)
  • Make OSPF and ARP discovery independant xDP (PR1053)
  • Fixed ospf_nbrs lookup to use device_id (PR1088)
  • Removed trailing / from some urls (PR1089 / PR1100)
  • Fix to device search for Device type and location (PR1101)
  • Stop non-device boxes on overview appearing when device is down (PR1106)
  • Fixed nfsen directory checks (PR1123)
  • Removed lower limit for sensor graphs so negative values show (PR1124)
  • Added fallback for poller_group if empty when adding devices (PR1126)
  • Fixed processor graphs tooltips (PR1127)
  • Fixed /poll-log/ count (PR1130)
  • Fixed ARP search graph type reference (PR1131)
  • Fixed showing state=X in device list (PR1144)
  • Removed ability for demo user to delete users (PR1151)
  • Fixed user / port perms for top X front page boxes (PR1156)
  • Fixed truncating UTF-8 strings (PR1166)
  • Fixed attaching templates due to JS issue (PR1167)


  • Added loading bar to top nav (PR893)
  • Added load and current for APC units (PR888)
  • Improved web installer (PR887)
  • Updated alerts status box (PR875)
  • Updated syslog page (PR862)
  • Added temperature polling for IBM Flexsystem (PR894)
  • Updated typeahead libraries and relevant forms (PR882)
  • Added docs showing configuration options and how to use them (PR910)
  • Added docs on discovery / poller and how to debug (PR911)
  • Updated docs for MySQL / Nginx / Bind use in Unix agent (PR916)
  • Update development docs (PR919)
  • Updated install docs to advise about whitespace in config.php (PR920)
  • Added docs on authentication modules (PR922)
  • Added support for Oxidized config archival (PR927)
  • Added API to feed devices to Oxidized (PR928)
  • Added support for per OS bad_iftype, bad_if and bad_if_regexp (PR930)
  • Enable alerting on tables with relative / indirect glues (PR932)
  • Added bills support in rulesuggest and alert system (PR934)
  • Added detection for Sentry Smart CDU (PR938)
  • Added basic detection for Netgear devices (PR942)
  • addhost.php now uses distributed_poller_group config if set (PR944)
  • Added port rewrite function (PR946)
  • Added basic detection for Ubiquiti Edgeswitch (PR947)
  • Added support for retrieving email address from LDAP (PR949)
  • Updated JunOS logo (PR952)
  • Add aggregates on multi_bits_separate graphs (PR956)
  • Fix port name issue for recent snmp versions on Linux (PR957)
  • Added support for quick access to devices via url (PR958)
  • Added work around for PHP creating zombie processes on certain distros (PR959)
  • Added detection support for NetApp + disks + temperature (PR967, PR971)
  • Define defaults for graphs (PR968)
  • Added docs for migrating from Observium (PR974)
  • Added iLo temperature support (PR982)
  • Added disk temperature for Synology DSM (PR986)
  • Added ICMP, TLS/SSL and Domain expiry service checks (PR987, PR1040, PR1041)
  • Added IPMI detection (PR988)
  • Mikrotik MIB update (PR991)
  • Set better timeperiod for caching graphs (PR992)
  • Added config option to disable port relationship in ports list (PR996)
  • Added support for custom customer description parse (PR998)
  • Added hardware and MySQL version stats to callback (PR999)
  • Added support for alerting to PagerDuty (PR1004)
  • Now send ack notifications for alerts that are acked (PR1008)
  • Updated contributing docs and added placeholder (PR1024, PR1025)
  • Updated globe.php overview page with updated map support (PR1029)
  • Converted storage page to use Bootgrid (PR1030)
  • Added basic FibreHome detection (PR1031)
  • Show details of alerts in alert log (PR1043)
  • Allow a user-defined windows to add tolerance for alerting (PR1044)
  • Added inlet support for Raritan PX iPDU (PR1045)
  • Updated MIBS for Cisco SB (PR1058)
  • Added error checking for build-base on install (PR1059)
  • Added fan and raid state for Dell OpenManage (PR1062)
  • Updated MIBS for Ruckus ZoneDirectors (PR1067)
  • Added check for ./rename.php (PR1069)
  • Added install instructions to use librenms user (PR1071)
  • Honour sysContact over riding for alerts (PR1073)
  • Added services page for adding/deleting and editing services (PR1076)
  • Added more support for Mikrotik devices (PR1080)
  • Added better detection for Cisco ASA 5585-SSP40 (PR1082)
  • Added CPU dataplane support for JunOS (PR1086)
  • Removed requirement for hostnames on add device (PR1087)
  • Added config option to exclude sysContact from alerts (PR1093)
  • Added config option to regenerate contacts on alerts (PR1109)
  • Added validation tool to help fault find issues with installs (PR1112)
  • Added CPU support for EdgeOS (PR1114)
  • Added ability to customise transit/peering/core descriptions (PR1125)
  • Show ifName in ARP search if devices are set to use this (PR1133)
  • Added FibreHome CPU and Mempool support (PR1134)
  • Added config options for region and resolution on globe map (PR1137)
  • Addded RRDCached example docs (PR1148)
  • Updated support for additional NetBotz models (PR1152)
  • Updated /iftype/ page to include speed/circuit/notes (PR1155)
  • Added detection for PowerConnect 55XX devices (PR1165)

Apr 2015

####Bug fixes

  • Fixed ack of worse/better alerts (PR720)
  • Fixed ORIG_PATH_INFO warnings (PR727)
  • Added missing CPU id for Cisco SB (PR744)
  • Changed Processors table name to lower case in processors discovery (PR751)
  • Fixed alerts path issue (PR756, PR760)
  • Supress further port alerts when interface goes down (PR745)
  • Fixed login so redirects via 303 when POST data sent (PR775)
  • Fixed missing link to errored or ignored ports (PR787)
  • Updated alert log query for performance improvements (PR783)
  • Honour alert_rules.disabled field (PR784)
  • Stop page debug if user not logged in (PR785)
  • Added text filtering for new tables (PR797)
  • Fixed VMWare VM detection + hardware / serial support (PR799)
  • Fix links from /health/processor (PR810)
  • Hide divider if no plugins installed (PR811)
  • Added Nginx fix for using debug option (PR823)
  • Bug fixes for device groups SQL (PR840)
  • Fixed path issue when using rrdcached (PR839)
  • Fixed JS issues when deleting alert maps / poller groups / device groups (PR846,PR848,PR877)
  • Fixed links and popover for /health/metric=storage/ (PR847)
  • Fixed lots of user permission issues (PR855)
  • Fixed search ip / arp / mac pages (PR845)
  • Added missing charge icon (PR878)


  • New theme support added (light,dark and mono) (PR682,PR683,PR701)
  • Tables being converted to Jquery Bootgrid (PR693,PR706,PR716)
  • Detect Cisco ASA Hardware and OS Version (PR708)
  • Update LDAP support (PR707)
  • Updated APC powernet MIB (PR713)
  • Update to Foritgate support (PR709)
  • Added support for UBNT AirOS and AirFibre (PR721,PR730,PR731)
  • Added support device groups + alerts to be mapped to devices or groups (PR722)
  • Added basic Cambium support (PR738)
  • Added basic F5 support (PR670)
  • Shorten interface names on map (PR752)
  • Added PowerCode support (PR762)
  • Added Autodiscovery via OSPF (PR772)
  • Added visual graph of alert log (PR777, PR809)
  • Added Callback system to send anonymous stats (PR768)
  • More tables converted to use bootgrid (PR729, PR761)
  • New Global Cache to store common queries added (PR780)
  • Added proxy support for submitting stats (PR791)
  • Minor APC Polling change (PR800)
  • Updated to HP switch detection (PR802)
  • Added Datacom basic detection (PR816)
  • Updated Cisco detection (PR815)
  • Added CSV export system + ability to export ports (PR818)
  • Added basic detection for PacketLogic devices (PR773)
  • Added fallback support for IBM switches for Serial / Version (PR822)
  • Added Juniper Inventory support (PR825)
  • Sharpen graphs produced (PR826)
  • Updated map to show device overview graphs and port graphs (PR826)
  • Added hostname to API call for list_alerts (PR834)
  • Added ability to schedule maintenance (PR835,PR841)
  • Added ability to expand alert triggers for more details (PR857)
  • Added support for XTM/FBX Watchguard devices (PR849)
  • Updated Juniper MIBS and hardware rewrite (PR838)
  • Updated OpenBSD detection (PR860)
  • Added Macro support for alerting system (PR863)
  • Added support for tcp connections on rrdcached (PR866)
  • Added config option to enable / disable mouseover graphs (PR873)
  • General cleanup of files / folders permissions (PR874)
  • Added window size detection for map (PR884)
  • Added text to let users know refresh is disabled (PR883)

Mar 2015

####Bug fixes

  • Updates to alert rules split (PR550)
  • Updated get_graphs() for API to resolve graph names (PR613)
  • Fixed use of REMOTE_ADDR to use X_FORWARDED_FOR if available (PR620)
  • Added yocto support from entPhySensorScale (PR632)
  • Eventlog search fixed (PR644)
  • Added missing OS discovery to default list (PR660)
  • Fixed logging issue when description of a port was removed (PR673)
  • Fixed logging issue when ports changed status (PR675)
  • Shortened interface names for graph display (PR676)


  • Visual updates to alert logs (PR541)
  • Added temperature support for APC AC units (PR545)
  • Added ability to pause and resume page refresh (PR557)
  • Added polling support for NXOS (PR562)
  • Added discovery support for 3Com switches (PR568)
  • Updated Comware support (PR583)
  • Added new logo (PR584)
  • Added dynamic removal of device data when removing device (PR592)
  • Updated alerting to use fifo (PR607)
  • Added distributed poller support (PR609 and PR610)
  • Added PowerConnect 55xx (PR635)
  • Added inventory API endpoint (PR640)
  • Added serial number detection for ASA firewalls (PR642)
  • Added missing MKTree library for inventory support (PR646)
  • Added support for exporting Alert logs to PDF (PR653)
  • Added basic Ubiquiti support (PR659)
  • Numerous docs update (PR662, PR663, PR677, PR694)
  • Added Polling information page (PR664)
  • Added HipChat notification support (PR669)
  • Implemented Jquery Bootgrid support (PR671)
  • Added new map to show xDP discovered links and devices (PR679 + PR680)

###Feb 2015

####Bug fixes

  • Removed header redirect causing page load delays (PR436)
  • Fixed stale alerting data (PR475)
  • Fixed api call for port stats to use device_id / hostname (PR478)
  • Work started on ensuring MySQL strict mode is supported (PR521)


  • Added support for Cisco Wireless Controllers (PR422)
  • Updated IRC Bot to support alerting system (PR434)
  • Added new message box to alert when a device hasn't polled for 15 minutes or more (PR435)
  • Added quick links on device list page to quickly access common pages (PR440)
  • Alerting docs updated to cover new features (PR446)
  • IBM NOS Support added (PR454)
  • Added basic Barracuda Loadbalancer support (PR456)
  • Small change to the search results to add port desc / alias (PR457)
  • Added Device sub menu to access devices category directly (PR465)
  • Added basic Ruckus Wireless support (PR466)
  • Added support for a demo user (PR471)
  • Many small visual updates
  • Added additional support for Cisco SB devices (PR487)
  • Added support to default home page for printing alerts (PR488)
  • Tidied up Alert menubar into sub menu (PR489)
  • Added historical alerts page (PR495)
  • Added battery charge monitoring for (PR519)
  • Added Slack support for alert system (PR525)
  • Added new debug for php / sql option to page footer (PR484)

###Jan 2015

####Bug fixes

  • Reverted chmod to make poller.php executable again (PR394)
  • Fixed duplicate port listing (PR396)
  • Fixed create bill from port page (PR404)
  • Fixed autodiscovery to use $config['mydomain'] correctly (PR423)
  • Fixed mute bug for alerts (PR428)


  • Updated login page visually (PR391)
  • Added Hikvision support (PR393)
  • Added ability to search for packages using unix agent (PR395)
  • Updated ifAlias support for varying distributions (PR398)
  • Updated visually Global Settings page (PR401)
  • Added missing default nginx graphs (PR403)
  • Updated check_mk_agent to latest git version (PR409)
  • Added support for recording process list with unix agent (PR410)
  • Added support for named/bind9/TinyDNS application using unix agent (PR413, PR416)
  • About page tidied up (PR414, PR425)
  • Updated progress bars to use bootstrap (PR42)
  • Updated install docs to cover CentOS7 (PR424)
  • Alerting system updated with more features (PR429, PR430)

###Dec 2014

####Bug fixes

  • Fixed Global Search box bootstrap (PR357)
  • Fixed display issues when calculating CDR in billing system (PR359)
  • Fixed API route order to resolve get_port_graphs working (PR364)


  • Added new API route to retrieve list of graphs for a device (PR355)
  • Added new API route to retrieve list of port for a device (PR356)
  • Added new API route to retrieve billing info (PR360)
  • Added alerting system (PR370, PR369, PR367)
  • Added dbSchema version to about page (PR377)
  • Added git log link to about page (PR378)
  • Added Two factor authentication (PR383)

###Nov 2014

####Bug fixes

  • Updated Alcatel-Lucent OmniSwitch detection (PR340)
  • Added fix for DLink port detection (PR347)
  • Fixed BGP session count (PR334)
  • Fixed errors with BGP polling and storing data in RRD (PR346)


  • Added option to clean old perf_times table entries (PR343)
  • Added nginx+php-fpm instructions (PR345)
  • Added BGP route to API (PR335)
  • Updated check_mk to new version + removed Observium branding (PR311)
  • Updated Edit SNMP settings page for device to only show relevant SNMP options (PR317)
  • Eventlog page now uses paged results (PR336)
  • Added new API route to show peering, transit and core graphs (PR349)
  • Added VyOS and EdgeOS detection (PR351 / PR352)
  • Documentation style and markdown updates (PR353)

###Oct 2014

####Bug fixes

  • Fixed displaying device image in device list (PR296)
  • Fixed placement of popups (PR297)
  • Updated authToken response code in API to 401 (PR310)
  • Removed trailing / from v0 part of API url (PR312)
  • Added correct response code for API call get_vlans (PR313)
  • Updated yearly graphs to fix year variable being passed (PR316)
  • Updated transport list to be generated from $config (PR318)
  • Moved addhost button on add host page as it was hidden (PR319)
  • Added stripslashes to hrdevice page (PR321)
  • Fixed web installer issue due to variable name change (PR325)
  • Updated disabled field in api tokens (PR327)
  • Fixed not running from outside install directory (cron) (PR328)
  • Removed --no-edit from daily.php git pull (PR309)


  • Added ability to create api tokens (PR294)
  • Added icmp and poller graphs for devices (PR295)
  • Added urldecode/urlencode support for interface names in API (PR298)
  • Added new library to support on screen notifications (PR300)
  • Added authlog purge function and improved efficiency in clearing syslog table (PR301)
  • Updated addhost page to show relevant snmp options (PR303)
  • Added limit $config for front page boxes (PR305)
  • Updated http-auth adding user to check if user already exists (PR307)
  • Added names to all API routes (PR314)
  • Added route to call list of API endpoints (PR315)
  • Added options to $config to specify fping retry and timeout (PR323)
  • Added icmp / snnmp to device down alerts for debugging (PR324)
  • Added function to page results for large result pages (PR333)

###Sep 2014

####Bug fixes

  • Updated vtpversion check to fix vlan discovery issues (PR289)
  • Fixed mac address change false positives (PR292)


  • Hide snmp passwords on edit snmp form (PR290)
  • Updates to API (PR291)

###Aug 2014

####Bug fixes

  • Disk % not showing in health view (PR284)
  • Fixed layout issue for ports list (PR286)
  • Removed session regeneration (PR287)
  • Updated edit button on edit user screen (PR288)


  • Added email field for add user form (PR278)
  • V0 of API release (PR282)

###Jul 2014

####Bug fixes

  • Fixed RRD creation using MAX twice (PR266)
  • Fixed variables leaking in poller run (PR267)
  • Fixed links to health graphs (PR271)
  • Fixed install docs to remove duplicate snmpd on install (PR276)


  • Added support for Cisco ASA connection graphs (PR268)
  • Updated delete device page (PR270)

###Jun 2014

####Bug fixes

  • Fixed a couple of DB queries (PR222)
  • Fixes to make interface more mobile friendly (PR227)
  • Fixed link to device on overview apps page (PR228)
  • Fixed missing backticks on SQL queries (PR253 / PR254)
  • Fixed user permissions page (PR265)


  • Updated index page (PR224)
  • Updated global search visually (PR223)
  • Added contributors aggrement (PR225)
  • Added ability to update health values (PR226)
  • Tidied up search box on devices list page (PR229)
  • Updated port search box and port table list (PR230)
  • Removed some unused javascript libraries (PR231)
  • Updated year and column for vertical status summary (PR232)
  • Tidied up the delete user page (PR235)
  • Added snmp port to $config (PR237)
  • Added documentation for lighttpd (PR238)
  • Updated all device edit pages (PR239)
  • Added IPv6 only host support (PR241)
  • Added public status page (PR246)
  • Added validate_device_id function (PR257)
  • Added auto detect of install location (PR259)

###Mar 2014

####Bug fixes

  • Removed link to pdf in billing history (PR146)
  • librenms logs now saved in correct location (PR163)
  • Updated pfsense detection (PR182)
  • Fixed health page mini cpu (PR195)
  • Updated install docs to include php5-json (PR196)
  • Fixed Dlink interface names (PR200 / PR203)
  • Stop shortening IP in shorthost function (PR210)
  • Fixed status box overlapping (PR211)
  • Fixed top port overlay issue (PR212)
  • Updated docs and to update DB schemas (PR215)
  • Updated hardware detection for RouterOS (PR217)
  • Restore _GET variables for logging in (PR218)


  • Updated inventory page to use bootstrap (PR141)
  • Updated mac / arp pages to use bootstrap (PR147)
  • Updated devices page to use bootstrap (PR149)
  • Updated delete host page to use bootstrap (PR151)
  • Updated print_error function to use bootstrap (PR153)
  • Updated install docs for Apache 2.3 > (PR161)
  • Upgraded PHPMailer (PR169)
  • Added send_mail function using PHPMailer (PR170)
  • Added new and awesome IRC Bot (PR171)
  • Added Gentoo detection and logo (PR174 / PR179)
  • Added Engenius detection (PR186)
  • Updated edit user to enable editing (PR187)
  • Added EAP600 engenius support (PR188)
  • Added Plugin system (PR189)
  • MySQL calls updated to use dbFacile (PR190)
  • Added support for Dlink devices (PR193)
  • Added Windows 2012 polling support (PR201)
  • Added purge options for syslog / eventlog (PR204)
  • Added BGP to global search box (PR205)

###Feb 2014

####Bug fixes

  • Set to be executable (PR89)
  • Fix device/port down boxes (PR99)
  • Ports set to be ignored honoured for threshold alerts (PR104)
  • Added PasswordHash.php to adduser.php (PR119)
  • build-base.php update to run DB updates (PR128)


  • Added web based installer (PR75)
  • Updated login page design (PR78)
  • Ability to enable / disable topX boxes (PR100)
  • Added PHPPass support for MySQL auth logins (PR101)
  • Updated to Bootstrap 3.1 (PR106)
  • index.php tidied up (PR107)
  • Updated device overview page design (PR113)
  • Updated print_optionbar* to use bootstrap (PR115)
  • Updated device/port/services box to use bootstrap (PR117)
  • Updated eventlog / syslog to use bootstrap (PR132 / PR134)

###Jan 2014

####Bug fixes

  • Moved location redirect for logout (PR55)
  • Remove debug statements from process_syslog (PR57)
  • Stop from shortening hostnames (PR62)
  • Moved some variables from to (PR66)
  • Fixed title being set correctly (PR73)
  • Added documentation to enable billing module (PR74)


  • Deleting devices now asks for confirmation (PR53)
  • Added ARP discovered device name and IP to eventlog (PR54)
  • Initial updated design release (PR59)
  • Added ifAlias script (PR70)
  • Added console ui (PR72)

###Nov 2013

####Bug fixes

  • Updates to fix arp discovery


  • Added poller-wrapper (f8debf4)
  • Documentation####Improvements and additions
  • Added auto update feature
  • Visual updates
  • License tidy up started

###Oct 2013

  • Initial release