Scott Horsley b6ed5751ec api: Allow more complete overrides on Oxidized output (#8633)
This patch provides the ability to override most aspects of the configuration output provided to Oxidized. This is now backwards compatible with any current groups defined previously but allows for extra features such as group overrides in Oxidized as well as IP changes (for hosts that are treated differently inside Oxidized), as well as ProxyHost additions. Of course, this goes further and allows for any flag that can be defined within Oxidized to be mapped in the config.


1) Define a group for these hosts
$config['oxidized']['maps']['group']['sysname'][] = array('regex' => '/^(foo|bar)/', 'group' => 'myGroup');
$config['oxidized']['maps']['group']['sysname'][] = array('regex' => '/^(baz)/', 'group' => 'anotherGroup');
2) Provide a proxy host for these hosts to bounce through
$config['oxidized']['maps']['ssh_proxy']['sysname'][] = array('regex' => '/foo/', 'ssh_proxy' => 'mySshProxyHost');
$config['oxidized']['maps']['ssh_proxy']['sysname'][] = array('regex' => '/bar/', 'ssh_proxy' => 'anotherSshProxyHost');
3) Allow overrides of IP addresses so the external DNS is not used for connections
$config['oxidized']['maps']['ip']['sysname'][] = array('regex' => '/baz/', 'ip' => '');
$config['oxidized']['maps']['ip']['sysname'][] = array('regex' => '/lala/', 'ip' => '');
As already mentioned, this doesn't stop with the above examples.


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2018-05-23 22:00:39 +01:00

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* Config.php
* Config convenience class to access and set config variables.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* @package LibreNMS
* @link
* @copyright 2017 Tony Murray
* @author Tony Murray <>
namespace LibreNMS;
use App\Models\GraphType;
use Illuminate\Database\QueryException;
use LibreNMS\DB\Eloquent;
class Config
* Load the config, if the database connected, pull in database settings.
* return &array
public static function &load()
global $config;
// Make sure the database is connected
if (Eloquent::isConnected() || (function_exists('dbIsConnected') && dbIsConnected())) {
// pull in the database config settings
// load graph types from the database
// process $config to tidy up
} else {
// just process $config
return $config;
* Load the user config from config.php, and, etc.
* Erases existing config.
* @return array
private static function &loadFiles()
global $config;
$config = []; // start fresh
$install_dir = realpath(__DIR__ . '/../');
$config['install_dir'] = $install_dir;
// load defaults
require $install_dir . '/includes/';
require $install_dir . '/includes/';
// import standard settings
$macros = json_decode(file_get_contents($install_dir . '/misc/macros.json'), true);
self::set('alert.macros.rule', $macros);
// variable definitions (remove me)
require $install_dir . '/includes/';
// Load user config
@include $install_dir . '/config.php';
return $config;
* Get a config value, if non existent null (or default if set) will be returned
* @param string $key period separated config variable name
* @param mixed $default optional value to return if the setting is not set
* @return mixed
public static function get($key, $default = null)
global $config;
if (isset($config[$key])) {
return $config[$key];
if (!str_contains($key, '.')) {
return $default;
$keys = explode('.', $key);
$curr = &$config;
foreach ($keys as $k) {
// do not add keys that don't exist
if (!isset($curr[$k])) {
return $default;
$curr = &$curr[$k];
if (is_null($curr)) {
return $default;
return $curr;
* Get a setting from a device, if that is not set,
* fall back to the global config setting prefixed by $global_prefix
* The key must be the same for the global setting and the device setting.
* @param array $device Device array
* @param string $key Name of setting to fetch
* @param string $global_prefix specify where the global setting lives in the global config
* @param mixed $default will be returned if the setting is not set on the device or globally
* @return mixed
public static function getDeviceSetting($device, $key, $global_prefix = null, $default = null)
if (isset($device[$key])) {
return $device[$key];
if (isset($global_prefix)) {
$key = "$global_prefix.$key";
return self::get($key, $default);
* Get a setting from the $config['os'] array using the os of the given device
* If that is not set, fallback to the same global config key
* @param string $os The os name
* @param string $key period separated config variable name
* @param mixed $default optional value to return if the setting is not set
* @return mixed
public static function getOsSetting($os, $key, $default = null)
global $config;
if ($os) {
if (isset($config['os'][$os][$key])) {
return $config['os'][$os][$key];
if (!str_contains($key, '.')) {
return self::get($key, $default);
$os_key = "os.$os.$key";
if (self::has($os_key)) {
return self::get($os_key);
return self::get($key, $default);
* Get the merged array from the global and os settings for the specified key.
* Removes any duplicates.
* When the arrays have keys, os settings take precedence over global settings
* @param string $os The os name
* @param string $key period separated config variable name
* @param array $default optional array to return if the setting is not set
* @return array
public static function getCombined($os, $key, $default = array())
global $config;
if (!self::has($key)) {
return self::get("os.$os.$key", $default);
if (!isset($config['os'][$os][$key])) {
if (!str_contains($key, '.')) {
return self::get($key, $default);
if (!self::has("os.$os.$key")) {
return self::get($key, $default);
return array_unique(array_merge(
(array)self::get($key, $default),
(array)self::getOsSetting($os, $key, $default)
* Set a variable in the global config
* @param mixed $key period separated config variable name
* @param mixed $value
* @param bool $persist set the setting in the database so it persists across runs
* @param string $default default (only set when initially created)
* @param string $descr webui description (only set when initially created)
* @param string $group webui group (only set when initially created)
* @param string $sub_group webui subgroup (only set when initially created)
public static function set($key, $value, $persist = false, $default = null, $descr = null, $group = null, $sub_group = null)
global $config;
if ($persist) {
if (Eloquent::isConnected()) {
try {
$config_array = collect([
'config_name' => $key,
'config_value' => $value,
'config_default' => $default,
'config_descr' => $descr,
'config_group' => $group,
'config_sub_group' => $sub_group,
])->filter(function ($value) {
return !is_null($value);
\App\Models\Config::updateOrCreate(['config_name' => $key], $config_array);
} catch (QueryException $e) {
// possibly table config doesn't exist yet
global $debug;
if ($debug) {
echo $e;
} else {
$res = dbUpdate(array('config_value' => $value), 'config', '`config_name`=?', array($key));
if (!$res && !dbFetchCell('SELECT 1 FROM `config` WHERE `config_name`=?', array($key))) {
$insert = array(
'config_name' => $key,
'config_value' => $value,
'config_default' => $default,
'config_descr' => $descr,
'config_group' => $group,
'config_sub_group' => $sub_group,
dbInsert($insert, 'config');
$keys = explode('.', $key);
$curr = &$config;
foreach ($keys as $k) {
$curr = &$curr[$k];
$curr = $value;
* Check if a setting is set
* @param string $key period separated config variable name
* @return bool
public static function has($key)
global $config;
if (isset($config[$key])) {
return true;
if (!str_contains($key, '.')) {
return false;
$keys = explode('.', $key);
$last = array_pop($keys);
$curr = &$config;
foreach ($keys as $k) {
// do not add keys that don't exist
if (!isset($curr[$k])) {
return false;
$curr = &$curr[$k];
return is_array($curr) && isset($curr[$last]);
* merge the database config with the global config
* Global config overrides db
private static function mergeDb()
global $config;
$db_config = [];
if (Eloquent::isConnected()) {
try {
\App\Models\Config::get(['config_name', 'config_value'])
->each(function ($item) use (&$db_config) {
array_set($db_config, $item->config_name, $item->config_value);
} catch (QueryException $e) {
// possibly table config doesn't exist yet
} else {
foreach (dbFetchRows('SELECT `config_name`,`config_value` FROM `config`') as $obj) {
self::assignArrayByPath($db_config, $obj['config_name'], $obj['config_value']);
$config = array_replace_recursive($db_config, $config);
* Assign a value into the passed array by a path
* 'snmp.version' = 'v1' becomes $arr['snmp']['version'] = 'v1'
* @param array $arr the array to insert the value into, will be modified in place
* @param string $path the path to insert the value at
* @param mixed $value the value to insert, will be type cast
* @param string $separator path separator
private static function assignArrayByPath(&$arr, $path, $value, $separator = '.')
// type cast value. Is this needed here?
if (filter_var($value, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT)) {
$value = (int)$value;
} elseif (filter_var($value, FILTER_VALIDATE_FLOAT)) {
$value = (float)$value;
} elseif (filter_var($value, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN, FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE) !== null) {
$value = filter_var($value, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN);
$keys = explode($separator, $path);
// walk the array creating keys if they don't exist
foreach ($keys as $key) {
$arr = &$arr[$key];
// assign the variable
$arr = $value;
private static function loadGraphsFromDb()
global $config;
if (Eloquent::isConnected()) {
try {
$graph_types = GraphType::all()->toArray();
} catch (QueryException $e) {
// possibly table config doesn't exist yet
$graph_types = [];
} else {
$graph_types = dbFetchRows('SELECT * FROM graph_types');
// load graph types from the database
foreach ($graph_types as $graph) {
$g = [];
foreach ($graph as $k => $v) {
if (strpos($k, 'graph_') == 0) {
// remove leading 'graph_' from column name
$key = str_replace('graph_', '', $k);
} else {
$key = $k;
$g[$key] = $v;
$config['graph_types'][$g['type']][$g['subtype']] = $g;
* Proces the config after it has been loaded.
* Make sure certain variables have been set properly and
* @param bool $persist Save binary locations and other settings to the database.
private static function processConfig($persist = true)
if (!self::get('email_from')) {
self::set('email_from', '"' . self::get('project_name') . '" <' . self::get('email_user') . '@' . php_uname('n') . '>');
if (self::get('secure_cookies')) {
ini_set('session.cookie_secure', 1);
// If we're on SSL, let's properly detect it
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS'])) {
self::set('base_url', preg_replace('/^http:/', 'https:', self::get('base_url')));
// Define some variables if they aren't set by user definition in config.php
self::setDefault('html_dir', '%s/html', ['install_dir']);
self::setDefault('rrd_dir', '%s/rrd', ['install_dir']);
self::setDefault('mib_dir', '%s/mibs', ['install_dir']);
self::setDefault('log_dir', '%s/logs', ['install_dir']);
self::setDefault('log_file', '%s/%s.log', ['log_dir', 'project_id']);
self::setDefault('plugin_dir', '%s/plugins', ['html_dir']);
// self::setDefault('email_from', '"%s" <%s@' . php_uname('n') . '>', ['project_name', 'email_user']); // FIXME email_from set because alerting config
// deprecated variables
self::deprecatedVariable('rrdgraph_real_95th', 'rrdgraph_real_percentile');
self::deprecatedVariable('fping_options.millisec', 'fping_options.interval');
self::deprecatedVariable('', 'discovery_modules.vrf');
self::deprecatedVariable('', '');
// make sure we have full path to binaries in case PATH isn't set
foreach (array('fping', 'fping6', 'snmpgetnext', 'rrdtool') as $bin) {
if (!is_executable(self::get($bin))) {
self::set($bin, self::locateBinary($bin), $persist, $bin, "Path to $bin", 'external', 'paths');
* Set default values for defaults that depend on other settings, if they are not already loaded
* @param string $key
* @param string $value value to set to key or vsprintf() format string for values below
* @param array $format_values array of keys to send to vsprintf()
private static function setDefault($key, $value, $format_values = [])
if (!self::has($key)) {
if (is_string($value)) {
$format_values = array_map('self::get', $format_values);
self::set($key, vsprintf($value, $format_values));
} else {
self::set($key, $value);
* Copy data from old variables to new ones.
* @param $old
* @param $new
private static function deprecatedVariable($old, $new)
if (self::has($old)) {
global $debug;
if ($debug) {
echo "Copied deprecated config $old to $new\n";
self::set($new, self::get($old));
* Get just the database connection settings from config.php
* @return array (keys: db_host, db_port, db_name, db_user, db_pass, db_socket)
public static function getDatabaseSettings()
// Do not access global $config in this function!
$keys = $config = [
'db_host' => '',
'db_port' => '',
'db_name' => '',
'db_user' => '',
'db_pass' => '',
'db_socket' => '',
if (is_file(__DIR__ . '/../config.php')) {
include __DIR__ . '/../config.php';
// Check for testing database
if (getenv('DBTEST')) {
if (isset($config['test_db_name'])) {
$config['db_name'] = $config['test_db_name'];
if (isset($config['test_db_user'])) {
$config['db_user'] = $config['test_db_user'];
if (isset($config['test_db_pass'])) {
$config['db_pass'] = $config['test_db_pass'];
return array_intersect_key($config, $keys); // return only the db settings
* Locate the actual path of a binary
* @param $binary
* @return mixed
public static function locateBinary($binary)
if (!str_contains($binary, '/')) {
$output = `whereis -b $binary`;
$list = trim(substr($output, strpos($output, ':') + 1));
$targets = explode(' ', $list);
foreach ($targets as $target) {
if (is_executable($target)) {
return $target;
return $binary;