2012-05-15 17:03:35 +00:00

179 lines
5.5 KiB

if ($_POST['editing'])
if ($_SESSION['userlevel'] > "7")
$community = mres($_POST['community']);
$snmpver = mres($_POST['snmpver']);
$port = mres($_POST['port']);
$timeout = mres($_POST['timeout']);
$retries = mres($_POST['retries']);
$v3 = array (
'authlevel' => mres($_POST['authlevel']),
'authname' => mres($_POST['authname']),
'authpass' => mres($_POST['authpass']),
'authalgo' => mres($_POST['authalgo']),
'cryptopass' => mres($_POST['cryptopass']),
'cryptoalgo' => mres($_POST['cryptoalgo'])
#FIXME needs better feedback
$update = array(
'community' => $community,
'snmpver' => $snmpver,
'port' => $port
if ($_POST['timeout']) { $update['timeout'] = $timeout; }
else { $update['timeout'] = array('NULL'); }
if ($_POST['retries']) { $update['retries'] = $retries; }
else { $update['retries'] = array('NULL'); }
$update = array_merge($update, $v3);
$rows_updated = dbUpdate($update, 'devices', '`device_id` = ?',array($device['device_id']));
if ($rows_updated > 0)
$update_message = $rows_updated . " Device record updated.";
$updated = 1;
} elseif ($rows_updated = '-1') {
$update_message = "Device record unchanged. No update necessary.";
$updated = -1;
} else {
$update_message = "Device record update error.";
$updated = 0;
$device = dbFetchRow("SELECT * FROM `devices` WHERE `device_id` = ?", array($device['device_id']));
$descr = $device['purpose'];
if ($updated && $update_message)
} elseif ($update_message) {
echo("<br /><table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td>
<form id='edit' name='edit' method='post' action=''>
<input type=hidden name='editing' value='yes'>
<table width='500' border='0'>
<td><div align=right>SNMP Version</div></td>
<select name='snmpver'>
<option value='v1'>v1</option>
<option value='v2c' " . ($device['snmpver'] == 'v2c' ? 'selected' : '') . ">v2c</option>
<option value='v3' " . ($device['snmpver'] == 'v3' ? 'selected' : '') . ">v3</option>
<div id='snmpv12'>
<!-- To be able to hide it -->
<td colspan='2'><strong>SNMPv1/v2c Configuration</strong></td>
<td width='150'><div align='right'>SNMP Community</div></td>
<td><input name='community' size='32' value='" . $device['community'] . "' />
<div id='snmpv3'>
<!-- To be able to hide it -->
<td colspan='2'><strong>SNMPv3 Configuration</strong></td>
<td width='150'><div align='right'>Auth Level</div></td>
<select name='authlevel'>
<option value='NoAuthNoPriv'>NoAuthNoPriv</option>
<option value='AuthNoPriv' " . ($device['authlevel'] == "authNoPriv" ? 'selected' : '') . ">AuthNoPriv</option>
<option value='AuthPriv' " . ($device['authlevel'] == "authPriv" ? 'selected' : '') . ">AuthPriv</option>
<td width='150'><div align='right'>Auth User Name</div></td>
<td><input type='text' name='authname' size='32' value='" . $device['authname'] . "'></td>
<td width='150'><div align='right'>Auth Password</div></td>
<td><input type='text' name='authpass' size='32' value='" . $device['authpass'] . "'></td>
<td width='150'><div align='right'>Auth Algorithm</strong></td>
<select name='authalgo'>
<option value='MD5'>MD5</option>
<option value='SHA' " . ($device['authalgo'] === "SHA" ? 'selected' : '') . ">SHA</option>
<td width='150'><div align='right'>Crypto Password</div></td>
<td><input type='text' name='cryptopass' size='32' value='" . $device['cryptopass'] . "'></td>
<td width='150'><div align='right'>Crypto Algorithm</div></td>
<select name='cryptoalgo'>
<option value='AES'>AES</option>
<option value='DES' " . ($device['cryptoalgo'] === "DES" ? 'selected' : '') . ">DES</option>
<td colspan='2'><strong>SNMP Connectivity</strong></td>
<td><div align='right'>SNMP Transport</div></td>
<select name='transport'>");
foreach ($config['snmp']['transports'] as $transport)
echo("<option value='".$transport."'");
if ($transport == $device['transport']) { echo(" selected='selected'"); }
echo(" </select>
<td><div align='right'>SNMP Port</div></td>
<td><input name='port' size='32' value='" . $device['port'] . "' />
<td><div align='right'>SNMP Timeout</div></td>
<td><input name='timeout' size='32' value='" . ($device['timeout'] ? $device['timeout'] : '') . "' />&nbsp;
<td><div align='right'>SNMP Retries</div></td>
<td colspan='3'><input name='retries' size='32' value='" . ($device['timeout'] ? $device['retries'] : '') . "' />
<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Save" />
<label><br />
<td width="50"></td><td></td></tr></table>');