2010-06-17 10:46:04 +00:00

238 lines
7.9 KiB
Executable File

$id = $device['device_id'];
$hostname = $device['hostname'];
$community = $device['community'];
$snmpver = $device['snmpver'];
$port = $device['port'];
$valid_volt = array();
echo("Voltages : ");
## LMSensors Voltages
if ($device['os'] == "linux")
$oids = snmp_walk($device, "lmVoltSensorsDevice", "-OsqnU", "LM-SENSORS-MIB");
if ($debug) { echo($oids."\n"); }
if ($oids) echo("LM-SENSORS ");
$precision = 1000;
$type = "lmsensors";
foreach(explode("\n", $oids) as $data)
$data = trim($data);
if ($data)
list($oid,$descr) = explode(" ", $data,2);
$split_oid = explode('.',$oid);
$index = $split_oid[count($split_oid)-1];
$oid = "" . $index;
$current = snmp_get($device, $oid, "-Oqv", "LM-SENSORS-MIB") / $precision;
discover_volt($valid_volt,$device, $oid, $index, $type, $descr, $precision, NULL, NULL, $current);
## Areca Voltages
if ($device['os'] == "areca")
$oids = snmp_walk($device, "", "-OsqnU", "");
if ($debug) { echo($oids."\n"); }
if ($oids) echo("Areca ");
$precision = 1000;
$type = "areca";
foreach(explode("\n", $oids) as $data)
$data = trim($data);
if ($data)
list($oid,$descr) = explode(" ", $data,2);
$split_oid = explode('.',$oid);
$index = $split_oid[count($split_oid)-1];
$oid = "" . $index;
$current = snmp_get($device, $oid, "-Oqv", "") / $precision;
if ($descr != '"Battery Status"' || $current != 0.255) # FIXME not sure if this is supposed to be a voltage, but without BBU it's 225, then ignore.
discover_volt($valid_volt,$device, $oid, $index, $type, trim($descr,'"'), $precision, NULL, NULL, $current);
## Supermicro Voltages
if ($device['os'] == "linux")
$oids = snmp_walk($device, "", "-OsqnU", "SUPERMICRO-HEALTH-MIB");
if ($debug) { echo($oids."\n"); }
$oids = trim($oids);
if ($oids) echo("Supermicro ");
$type = "supermicro";
$precision = "1000";
foreach(explode("\n", $oids) as $data)
$data = trim($data);
if ($data)
list($oid,$kind) = explode(" ", $data);
$split_oid = explode('.',$oid);
$index = $split_oid[count($split_oid)-1];
if ($kind == 1)
$volt_oid = "".$index;
$descr_oid = "".$index;
$monitor_oid = "".$index;
$limit_oid = "".$index;
$lowlimit_oid = "".$index;
$descr = snmp_get($device, $descr_oid, "-Oqv", "SUPERMICRO-HEALTH-MIB");
$current = snmp_get($device, $volt_oid, "-Oqv", "SUPERMICRO-HEALTH-MIB") / $precision;
$limit = snmp_get($device, $limit_oid, "-Oqv", "SUPERMICRO-HEALTH-MIB") / $precision;
$lowlimit = snmp_get($device, $lowlimit_oid, "-Oqv", "SUPERMICRO-HEALTH-MIB") / $precision;
$monitor = snmp_get($device, $monitor_oid, "-Oqv", "SUPERMICRO-HEALTH-MIB");
$descr = trim(str_ireplace("Voltage", "", $descr));
if ($monitor == 'true')
echo discover_volt($valid_volt,$device, $volt_oid, $index, $type, $descr, $precision, $lowlimit, $limit, $current);
## MGE UPS Voltages
if ($device['os'] == "mgeups")
echo("MGE ");
$oids = trim(snmp_walk($device, "", "-OsqnU"));
if ($debug) { echo($oids."\n"); }
list($unused,$numPhase) = explode(' ',$oids);
for($i = 1; $i <= $numPhase;$i++)
$volt_oid = ".$i";
$descr = "Output"; if ($numPhase > 1) $descr .= " Phase $i";
$current = snmp_get($device, $volt_oid, "-Oqv");
if (!$current)
$volt_oid .= ".0";
$current = snmp_get($device, $volt_oid, "-Oqv");
$current /= 10;
$type = "mge-ups";
$precision = 10;
$index = $i;
echo discover_volt($valid_volt,$device, $volt_oid, $index, $type, $descr, $precision, $lowlimit, $limit, $current);
$oids = trim(snmp_walk($device, "", "-OsqnU"));
if ($debug) { echo($oids."\n"); }
list($unused,$numPhase) = explode(' ',$oids);
for($i = 1; $i <= $numPhase;$i++)
$volt_oid = ".$i";
$descr = "Input"; if ($numPhase > 1) $descr .= " Phase $i";
$current = snmp_get($device, $volt_oid, "-Oqv");
if (!$current)
$volt_oid .= ".0";
$current = snmp_get($device, $volt_oid, "-Oqv");
$current /= 10;
$type = "mge-ups";
$precision = 10;
$index = 100+$i;
echo discover_volt($valid_volt,$device, $volt_oid, $index, $type, $descr, $precision, $lowlimit, $limit, $current);
## Riello UPS Voltages
if ($device['os'] == "netmanplus")
echo("NetMan Plus ");
$oids = snmp_walk($device, "", "-Osqn", "UPS-MIB");
if ($debug) { echo($oids."\n"); }
$oids = trim($oids);
foreach(explode("\n", $oids) as $data)
$data = trim($data);
if ($data)
list($oid,$descr) = explode(" ", $data,2);
$split_oid = explode('.',$oid);
$volt_id = $split_oid[count($split_oid)-1];
$volt_oid = "$volt_id";
$precision = 10;
$volt = trim(shell_exec($config['snmpget'] . " -O qv -$snmpver -c $community $hostname:$port $volt_oid")) / $precision;
$descr = "Battery" . (count(explode("\n",$oids)) == 1 ? '' : ' ' . ($volt_id+1));
$type = "netmanplus";
$index = 500+$volt_id;
discover_volt($valid_volt,$device, $volt_oid, $index, $type, $descr, $precision, NULL, NULL, $volt);
$oids = trim(snmp_walk($device, "", "-OsqnU"));
if ($debug) { echo($oids."\n"); }
list($unused,$numPhase) = explode(' ',$oids);
for($i = 1; $i <= $numPhase;$i++)
$volt_oid = ".$i";
$descr = "Output"; if ($numPhase > 1) $descr .= " Phase $i";
$current = snmp_get($device, $volt_oid, "-Oqv");
$type = "netmanplus";
$precision = 1;
$index = $i;
echo discover_volt($valid_volt,$device, $volt_oid, $index, $type, $descr, $precision, NULL, NULL, $current);
$oids = trim(snmp_walk($device, "", "-OsqnU"));
if ($debug) { echo($oids."\n"); }
list($unused,$numPhase) = explode(' ',$oids);
for($i = 1; $i <= $numPhase;$i++)
$volt_oid = "$i";
$descr = "Input"; if ($numPhase > 1) $descr .= " Phase $i";
$current = snmp_get($device, $volt_oid, "-Oqv");
$type = "netmanplus";
$precision = 1;
$index = 100+$i;
echo discover_volt($valid_volt,$device, $volt_oid, $index, $type, $descr, $precision, NULL, NULL, $current);
$oids = trim(snmp_walk($device, "", "-OsqnU"));
if ($debug) { echo($oids."\n"); }
list($unused,$numPhase) = explode(' ',$oids);
for($i = 1; $i <= $numPhase;$i++)
$volt_oid = "$i";
$descr = "Bypass"; if ($numPhase > 1) $descr .= " Phase $i";
$current = snmp_get($device, $volt_oid, "-Oqv");
$type = "netmanplus";
$precision = 1;
$index = 200+$i;
echo discover_volt($valid_volt,$device, $volt_oid, $index, $type, $descr, $precision, NULL, NULL, $current);
## Delete removed sensors
if($debug) { print_r($valid_volt); }
$sql = "SELECT * FROM voltage WHERE device_id = '".$device['device_id']."'";
if ($query = mysql_query($sql))
while ($test_volt = mysql_fetch_array($query))
$index = $test_volt['volt_index'];
$type = $test_volt['volt_type'];
if($debug) { echo("$type -> $index\n"); }
if(!$valid_volt[$type][$index]) {
mysql_query("DELETE FROM `voltage` WHERE volt_id = '" . $test_volt['volt_id'] . "'");
unset($valid_volt); echo("\n");