Tony Murray 0d246a6ffc
Custom Maps: geo map and color backgrounds (#16020)
* Custom Maps: geo map and color background
tabs blade component
geo-map blade component and related script enhancements

* Update css/js

* style fixes

* update db_schema.yaml

* fix db_schema hand edit

* ignore phpstan being wrong

* Handle null

* another possible null spot

* Use standard file cache for custom map background images

* Create map->image as jpeg so we can compress it

* whitespace fix

* Fix background cancel button when other type is selected than the saved type

* Save and restore layer

* Map must exist before creating static image

* Don't show set as image button for Google and Bing.
Bing gives an odd error, but Google won't work.
2024-05-13 08:12:59 -05:00

166 lines
7.1 KiB

return [
'custom' => [
'title' => [
'edit_dialog' => 'Select Custom Map To Edit',
'create' => 'Create New Custom Map',
'view' => ':name | Custom Map',
'edit' => 'Edit Custom Map',
'manage' => 'Manage Custom Maps',
'create_map' => 'New Map',
'view' => [
'loading' => 'Loading data',
'no_devices' => 'No devices found',
'edit' => [
'text_font' => 'Text Font',
'text_size' => 'Text Size',
'text_color' => 'Text Color',
'defaults' => 'Set Defaults',
'bg' => [
'title' => 'Set Background',
'background' => 'Background',
'color' => 'Color',
'image' => 'Image',
'map' => 'Map',
'none' => 'None',
'clear_bg' => 'Clear BG',
'clear_background' => 'Clear Background',
'keep_background' => 'Keep Background',
'saving' => 'Saving...',
'save_errors' => 'Save failed due to the following errors:',
'save_error' => 'Save failed. Server returned error response code: :code',
'save' => 'Save Background',
'lat' => 'Latitude',
'lng' => 'Longitude',
'zoom' => 'Zoom',
'adjust_map' => 'Adjust Map',
'adjust_map_finish' => 'Done Adjusting Map',
'as_image' => 'Set as Image',
'as_image_hint' => 'Setting the map as an image background will be static, but have improved performance and work without connection to the map tile server',
'map' => [
'settings_title' => 'Map Settings',
'name' => 'Name',
'menu_group' => 'Menu Group',
'no_group' => 'No Group',
'width' => 'Width',
'height' => 'Height',
'alignment' => 'Node Alignment',
'edgeseparation' => 'Link Separation',
'reverse' => 'Reverse Arrows',
'enable_legend' => 'Enable Legend',
'saving' => 'Saving...',
'save_errors' => 'Save failed due to the following errors:',
'save_error' => 'Save failed. Server returned error response code: :code',
'delete' => 'Delete :name?',
'list' => 'Return to map list',
'unsavedchanges' => 'You have unsaved changes. Press confirm to discard changes and return to the map list, or cancel to return to the editor.',
'edit' => 'Edit Map Settings',
'rerender' => 'Re-Render Map',
'save' => 'Save Map',
'legend' => [
'font_size' => 'Legend Text Size',
'steps' => 'Legend Steps',
'hideinvalid' => 'Hide Invalid',
'hideoverspeed' => 'Hide 100%+',
'node' => [
'new' => 'New Node',
'add' => 'Add Node',
'edit' => 'Edit Node',
'defaults_title' => 'Node Default Config',
'label' => 'Label',
'name' => 'Node Name',
'device_select' => 'Select Device',
'edit_defaults' => 'Edit Node Defaults',
'map_link' => 'Link to Map',
'map_select' => 'Select Map...',
'style' => 'Style',
'style_options' => [
'box' => 'Box',
'circle' => 'Circle',
'database' => 'Database',
'ellipse' => 'Ellipse',
'text' => 'Text',
'device_image' => 'Device Image',
'device_image_circle' => 'Device Image (Circular)',
'diamond' => 'Diamond',
'dot' => 'Dot',
'star' => 'Star',
'triangle' => 'Triangle',
'triangle_inverted' => 'Triangle Inverted',
'hexagon' => 'Hexagon',
'square' => 'Square',
'icon' => 'Icon (select below)',
'icon' => 'Icon',
'icon_options' => [
'server' => 'Server',
'desktop' => 'Desktop',
'dish' => 'Satellite Dish',
'satellite' => 'Satellite',
'wifi' => 'Wifi',
'cloud' => 'Cloud',
'globe' => 'Globe',
'tower' => 'Tower',
'arrow_right' => 'Arrow - Right',
'arrow_left' => 'Arrow - Left',
'arrow_up' => 'Arrow - Up',
'arrow_down' => 'Arrow - Down',
'image' => 'Image',
'image_options' => [
'adc' => 'Application Delivery Controller',
'firewall' => 'Firewall',
'gtm' => 'Global Traffic Manager',
'router' => 'Router',
'switch-l2' => 'Switch - L2',
'switch-l3' => 'Switch - L3',
'size' => 'Node Size',
'bg_color' => 'Background Color',
'border_color' => 'Border Color',
'edge' => [
'new' => 'New Edge',
'add' => 'Add Edge',
'defaults_title' => 'Edge Default Config',
'from' => 'From',
'to' => 'To',
'port_select' => 'Select Port',
'reverse' => 'Reverse Port Direction',
'edit_defaults' => 'Edit Edge Defaults',
'style' => 'Line Style',
'style_options' => [
'dynamic' => 'Dynamic',
'continuous' => 'Continuous',
'discrete' => 'Discrete',
'diagonalCross' => 'Diagonal Cross',
'straightCross' => 'Straight Cross',
'horizontal' => 'Horizontal',
'vertical' => 'Vertical',
'curvedCW' => 'Curved Clockwise',
'curvedCCW' => 'Curved Counter Clockwise',
'cubicBezier' => 'Cubic Bezier',
'show_usage_percent' => 'Show percent usage',
'show_usage_bps' => 'Show bps usage',
'label' => 'Label',
'recenter' => 'Recenter Line',
'validate' => [
'width_format' => 'Width must be a number followed by px or %',
'width_percent' => 'Width percent must be between 10 and 100',
'width_pixels' => 'Width in pixels must be at least 200',
'height_format' => 'Height must be a number followed by px or %',
'height_percent' => 'Height percent must be between 10 and 100',
'height_pixels' => 'Height in pixels must be at least 200',