Vitali Kari d60a0da7de Add support for Nokia ISAM (#9793)
* add mibs,first commit

* adds support for Nokia ISAM Plattform

* remove some comments

* change os polling to multi oid

* Restore file headers

* Fix discovery by sysObjectID

* first deactivate checks against IHUB (timos), It not necessary so long we can not provide more thatn one snmp community per device

* move snmp state and temperature from pre-cache

* Update os_schema.json
2019-02-12 20:23:02 -06:00

184 lines
6.9 KiB

-- =============================================================================
-- This specification is published by Alcatel under Non-Disclosure
-- Agreement(s) (NDA) with specific parties and has to be considered as
-- Confidential Information as defined in such NDA.
-- Alcatel reserves the right to revise this document for any reason,
-- including but not limited to conformity with standards promulgated by
-- various agencies, utilisation of advances in the state of the technical
-- areas, or the reflection of changes in the design of any equipment,
-- techniques, or procedures described or referred to herein.
-- The product specifications and other technical or performance information
-- contained herein are subject to change without notice.
-- Updates of this document will be issued under the above NDA's.
-- Alcatel makes no representation or warranty, expressed or implied, with
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-- Alcatel reserves the right not to offer any or all of these products and
-- to withdraw any or all of them at any future time.
-- Copyright (C) 2004, Alcatel. All Rights Reserved.
-- =============================================================================
-- LAST-UPDATED "200606131200Z"
-- Email:"
-- "This MIB module defines Textual Conventions that are shared by
-- Alcatel specified MIB modules.
-- REVISION 200606131200Z
-- "Version: 3EC17922EAAA_V3.
-- Editor: Marc Van Vlimmeren
-- Changes: Editorial updates"
-- REVISION 200601231200Z
-- "Version: 3EC17922EAAA_V2.
-- Editor: Bart Bogaert
-- Changes: Implemented BDFhw70643: strict syntax checks (smilint)"
-- REVISION 200007260000Z
-- "Version: 3EC17922AAAA_E4.2.0.0
-- Editor: Rajesh Abbi
-- Changes: Initial Version"
-- =============================================================================
Gauge FROM RFC1155-SMI;
-- Profile related Textual Conventions
-- ===================================
-- Profile Index
-- =============
-- A Profile Index is used to uniquely identify a Profile in a
-- Table. The index must be unique for every profile in a table,
-- and may not be 0.
AsamProfileIndex ::= INTEGER(1..65535)
-- Profile Index
-- =============
-- A Profile Index is used to uniquely identify a Profile in a
-- Table. The index must be unique for every profile in a table,
-- and may be 0.
AsamProfileIndexOrZero ::= INTEGER(0..65535)
-- Next Profile Index
-- ==================
-- A Next Profile Index is used by the Agent to inform the Manager
-- of the next available Profile Index that may be used for creating
-- a new Profile. This index must not be in use by an existing entry
-- in the table. A value of 0 indicates no more profiles may be
-- defined in the associated table.
AsamNextProfileIndex ::= INTEGER(0..65535)
-- Max Profile Index
-- ==================
-- The Max Profile Index is used by the manager to know the maximum number
-- of profiles that can be created.
AsamMaxProfileIndex ::= INTEGER(0..65535)
-- Profile Pointer
-- ===============
-- A Profile Pointer is a reference to a profile.
-- Its value may be equal to the Profile Index of an existing
-- profile, or 0. The value 0 is treated as a NULL reference -
-- ie: no profile is assumed to be referenced.
AsamProfilePointer ::= INTEGER(0..65535)
-- Profile Name
-- ============
-- A Profile Name uniquely identifies a profile in a table.
-- It is a human readable string up to 32 characters long
-- that is NOT case-sensitive, and may only contain following
-- characters : ['a'..'z','A'..'Z','0'..'9', '-', '_', '.'].
AsamProfileName ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..32))
-- Profile Scope
-- =============
-- The Profile Scope identifies the scope of the associated
-- Profile definition. Following scopes are defined:
-- o Local : Only defined for the associated NE (Network Element).
-- o Network : Defined for ALL NEs managed by the EMS.
-- Network Profiles may not be created/modified/deleted via the
-- local Craft Interface at the NE.
AsamProfileScope ::= INTEGER {
localScope (1),
-- Profile Reference Count
-- =======================
-- The Profile Reference Count indicates the number of entities using
-- a particular Profile instance.
-- If the value is 0, then this profile is "not in use", and may be
-- deleted.
-- If the value is greater than 0, then this profile is "in use", and
-- may NOT be deleted.
AsamProfileRefCount ::= INTEGER(0..65535)
AsamProfileRefCount32 ::= INTEGER(0..4294967295)
-- Logging related Textual Conventions
-- ===========================
LogLastEntry ::= INTEGER (0..4294967295)
LogReset ::= INTEGER {
resetCompleted (1),
reset (2)}
LogBufferSize ::= INTEGER (0..4294967295)
LogFullAction ::= INTEGER {
wrap (1),
halt (2)}
LogOverflowed ::= INTEGER {
notoverflowed (1),
overflowed (2)}
LogIndex ::= INTEGER (0..4294967295)
-- General Textual Conventions
-- ===========================
-- SMIv1 does not give an explicit limit on the range of integers.
-- In most cases, the INTEGER range is assumed to be -2147483648 .. 2147483647.
-- This TC simulates an Unsigned32 from SMIv2.
Uint32 ::= Gauge (0 .. 4294967295)
-- Type Definitions moved from ASAM_SYSTEM_MIB
NetworkTimeInSeconds ::= INTEGER (0..4294967295)
-- This type gives the distributed network time in
-- seconds encountered since January 1, 1900.
NetworkTimeInMiliSeconds ::= INTEGER (0..4294967295)
-- This type gives the distributed network time in
-- miliseconds encountered since January 1, 1900.