Thom Seddon f7e365f296 Fix alert follow up for custom queries (#10253)
RunFollowUp checks if there is a custom sql query attached to
the alert and uses this before invoking GenSQL to build the query.
However, the custom query column was not included when selecting
alerts so the GenSQL function was always invoked.

This patch includes the alert_rules.query in the loadAlerts function
used by RunFollowUp.
2019-05-23 08:58:33 -05:00

903 lines
33 KiB

/* Copyright (C) 2014 Daniel Preussker <>
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>. */
* Alerts Tracking
* @author Daniel Preussker <>
* @copyright 2014 f0o, LibreNMS
* @license GPL
* @package LibreNMS
* @subpackage Alerts
use App\Models\DevicePerf;
use LibreNMS\Alert\Template;
use LibreNMS\Alert\AlertData;
use LibreNMS\Alerting\QueryBuilderParser;
use LibreNMS\Authentication\LegacyAuth;
use LibreNMS\Alert\AlertUtil;
use LibreNMS\Config;
use PHPMailer\PHPMailer\PHPMailer;
use LibreNMS\Util\Time;
* @param $rule
* @param $query_builder
* @return bool|string
function GenSQL($rule, $query_builder = false)
if ($query_builder) {
return QueryBuilderParser::fromJson($query_builder)->toSql();
} else {
return GenSQLOld($rule);
* Generate SQL from Rule
* @param string $rule Rule to generate SQL for
* @return string|boolean
function GenSQLOld($rule)
$rule = RunMacros($rule);
if (empty($rule)) {
//Cannot resolve Macros due to recursion. Rule is invalid.
return false;
//Pretty-print rule to dissect easier
$pretty = array('&&' => ' && ', '||' => ' || ');
$rule = str_replace(array_keys($pretty), $pretty, $rule);
$tmp = explode(" ", $rule);
$tables = array();
foreach ($tmp as $opt) {
if (strstr($opt, '%') && strstr($opt, '.')) {
$tmpp = explode(".", $opt, 2);
$tmpp[0] = str_replace("%", "", $tmpp[0]);
$tables[] = mres(str_replace("(", "", $tmpp[0]));
$rule = str_replace($opt, $tmpp[0].'.'.$tmpp[1], $rule);
$tables = array_keys(array_flip($tables));
if (dbFetchCell('SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME = ? && COLUMN_NAME = ?', array($tables[0],'device_id')) != 1) {
//Our first table has no valid glue, append the 'devices' table to it!
array_unshift($tables, 'devices');
$x = sizeof($tables)-1;
$i = 0;
$join = "";
while ($i < $x) {
if (isset($tables[$i+1])) {
$gtmp = ResolveGlues(array($tables[$i+1]), 'device_id');
if ($gtmp === false) {
//Cannot resolve glue-chain. Rule is invalid.
return false;
$last = "";
$qry = "";
foreach ($gtmp as $glue) {
if (empty($last)) {
list($tmp,$last) = explode('.', $glue);
$qry .= $glue.' = ';
} else {
list($tmp,$new) = explode('.', $glue);
$qry .= $tmp.'.'.$last.' && '.$tmp.'.'.$new.' = ';
$last = $new;
if (!in_array($tmp, $tables)) {
$tables[] = $tmp;
$join .= "( ".$qry.$tables[0].".device_id ) && ";
$sql = "SELECT * FROM ".implode(",", $tables)." WHERE (".$join."".str_replace("(", "", $tables[0]).".device_id = ?) && (".str_replace(array("%","@","!~","~"), array("",".*","NOT REGEXP","REGEXP"), $rule).")";
return $sql;
* Process Macros
* @param string $rule Rule to process
* @param int $x Recursion-Anchor
* @return string|boolean
function RunMacros($rule, $x = 1)
global $config;
foreach ($config['alert']['macros']['rule'] as $macro => $value) {
if (!strstr($macro, " ")) {
$rule = str_replace('%macros.'.$macro, '('.$value.')', $rule);
if (strstr($rule, "%macros.")) {
if (++$x < 30) {
$rule = RunMacros($rule, $x);
} else {
return false;
return $rule;
* Get Alert-Rules for Devices
* @param int $device_id Device-ID
* @return array
function GetRules($device_id)
$query = "SELECT DISTINCT a.* FROM alert_rules a
LEFT JOIN alert_device_map d ON
LEFT JOIN alert_group_map g ON
LEFT JOIN device_group_device dg ON g.group_id=dg.device_group_id
WHERE a.disabled = 0 AND ((d.device_id IS NULL AND g.group_id IS NULL) OR d.device_id=? OR dg.device_id=?)";
$params = [$device_id, $device_id];
return dbFetchRows($query, $params);
* Check if device is under maintenance
* @param int $device_id Device-ID
* @return bool
function IsMaintenance($device_id)
$device = \App\Models\Device::find($device_id);
return !is_null($device) && $device->isUnderMaintenance();
* Run all rules for a device
* @param int $device_id Device-ID
* @return void
function RunRules($device_id)
if (IsMaintenance($device_id) > 0) {
echo "Under Maintenance, Skipping alerts.\r\n";
return false;
foreach (GetRules($device_id) as $rule) {
c_echo('Rule %p#'.$rule['id'].' (' . $rule['name'] . '):%n ');
$extra = json_decode($rule['extra'], true);
if (isset($extra['invert'])) {
$inv = (bool) $extra['invert'];
} else {
$inv = false;
if (empty($rule['query'])) {
$rule['query'] = GenSQL($rule['rule'], $rule['builder']);
$sql = $rule['query'];
$qry = dbFetchRows($sql, array($device_id));
$cnt = count($qry);
for ($i = 0; $i < $cnt; $i++) {
if (isset($qry[$i]['ip'])) {
$qry[$i]['ip'] = inet6_ntop($qry[$i]['ip']);
$s = sizeof($qry);
if ($s == 0 && $inv === false) {
$doalert = false;
} elseif ($s > 0 && $inv === false) {
$doalert = true;
} elseif ($s == 0 && $inv === true) {
$doalert = true;
} else { //( $s > 0 && $inv == false ) {
$doalert = false;
$current_state = dbFetchCell("SELECT state FROM alerts WHERE rule_id = ? AND device_id = ? ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1", [$rule['id'], $device_id]);
if ($doalert) {
if ($current_state == 2) {
c_echo('Status: %ySKIP');
} elseif ($current_state >= 1) {
c_echo('Status: %bNOCHG');
// NOCHG here doesn't mean no change full stop. It means no change to the alert state
// So we update the details column with any fresh changes to the alert output we might have.
$alert_log = dbFetchRow('SELECT, alert_log.details FROM alert_log,alert_rules WHERE alert_log.rule_id = && alert_log.device_id = ? && alert_log.rule_id = ? && alert_rules.disabled = 0 ORDER BY DESC LIMIT 1', array($device_id, $rule['id']));
$details = [];
if (!empty($alert_log['details'])) {
$details = json_decode(gzuncompress($alert_log['details']), true);
$details['contacts'] = GetContacts($qry);
$details['rule'] = $qry;
$details = gzcompress(json_encode($details), 9);
dbUpdate(array('details' => $details), 'alert_log', 'id = ?', array($alert_log['id']));
} else {
$extra = gzcompress(json_encode(array('contacts' => GetContacts($qry), 'rule'=>$qry)), 9);
if (dbInsert(['state' => 1, 'device_id' => $device_id, 'rule_id' => $rule['id'], 'details' => $extra], 'alert_log')) {
if (is_null($current_state)) {
dbInsert(array('state' => 1, 'device_id' => $device_id, 'rule_id' => $rule['id'], 'open' => 1,'alerted' => 0), 'alerts');
} else {
dbUpdate(['state' => 1, 'open' => 1], 'alerts', 'device_id = ? && rule_id = ?', [$device_id, $rule['id']]);
c_echo(PHP_EOL . 'Status: %rALERT');
} else {
if (!is_null($current_state) && $current_state == 0) {
c_echo('Status: %bNOCHG');
} else {
if (dbInsert(['state' => 0, 'device_id' => $device_id, 'rule_id' => $rule['id']], 'alert_log')) {
if (is_null($current_state)) {
dbInsert(['state' => 0, 'device_id' => $device_id, 'rule_id' => $rule['id'], 'open' => 1, 'alerted' => 0], 'alerts');
} else {
dbUpdate(['state' => 0, 'open' => 1, 'note' => ''], 'alerts', 'device_id = ? && rule_id = ?', [$device_id, $rule['id']]);
c_echo(PHP_EOL . 'Status: %gOK');
c_echo('%n' . PHP_EOL);
* Find contacts for alert
* @param array $results Rule-Result
* @return array
function GetContacts($results)
global $config;
if (empty($results)) {
return [];
if (Config::get('alert.default_only') === true || Config::get('') === true) {
$email = Config::get('alert.default_mail', Config::get(''));
return $email ? [$email => ''] : [];
$users = LegacyAuth::get()->getUserlist();
$contacts = array();
$uids = array();
foreach ($results as $result) {
$tmp = null;
if (is_numeric($result["bill_id"])) {
$tmpa = dbFetchRows("SELECT user_id FROM bill_perms WHERE bill_id = ?", array($result["bill_id"]));
foreach ($tmpa as $tmp) {
$uids[$tmp['user_id']] = $tmp['user_id'];
if (is_numeric($result["port_id"])) {
$tmpa = dbFetchRows("SELECT user_id FROM ports_perms WHERE port_id = ?", array($result["port_id"]));
foreach ($tmpa as $tmp) {
$uids[$tmp['user_id']] = $tmp['user_id'];
if (is_numeric($result["device_id"])) {
if ($config['alert']['syscontact'] == true) {
if (dbFetchCell("SELECT attrib_value FROM devices_attribs WHERE attrib_type = 'override_sysContact_bool' AND device_id = ?", [$result["device_id"]])) {
$tmpa = dbFetchCell("SELECT attrib_value FROM devices_attribs WHERE attrib_type = 'override_sysContact_string' AND device_id = ?", array($result["device_id"]));
} else {
$tmpa = dbFetchCell("SELECT sysContact FROM devices WHERE device_id = ?", array($result["device_id"]));
if (!empty($tmpa)) {
$contacts[$tmpa] = '';
$tmpa = dbFetchRows("SELECT user_id FROM devices_perms WHERE device_id = ?", array($result["device_id"]));
foreach ($tmpa as $tmp) {
$uids[$tmp['user_id']] = $tmp['user_id'];
foreach ($users as $user) {
if (empty($user['email'])) {
continue; // no email, skip this user
if (empty($user['realname'])) {
$user['realname'] = $user['username'];
if (empty($user['level'])) {
$user['level'] = LegacyAuth::get()->getUserlevel($user['username']);
if ($config['alert']['globals'] && ( $user['level'] >= 5 && $user['level'] < 10 )) {
$contacts[$user['email']] = $user['realname'];
} elseif ($config['alert']['admins'] && $user['level'] == 10) {
$contacts[$user['email']] = $user['realname'];
} elseif ($config['alert']['users'] == true && in_array($user['user_id'], $uids)) {
$contacts[$user['email']] = $user['realname'];
$tmp_contacts = array();
foreach ($contacts as $email => $name) {
if (strstr($email, ',')) {
$split_contacts = preg_split('/[,\s]+/', $email);
foreach ($split_contacts as $split_email) {
if (!empty($split_email)) {
$tmp_contacts[$split_email] = $name;
} else {
$tmp_contacts[$email] = $name;
if (!empty($tmp_contacts)) {
// Validate contacts so we can fall back to default if configured.
$mail = new PHPMailer();
foreach ($tmp_contacts as $tmp_email => $tmp_name) {
if ($mail->validateAddress($tmp_email) != true) {
# Copy all email alerts to default contact if configured.
if (!isset($tmp_contacts[$config['alert']['default_mail']]) && ($config['alert']['default_copy'])) {
$tmp_contacts[$config['alert']['default_mail']] = '';
# Send email to default contact if no other contact found
if ((count($tmp_contacts) == 0) && ($config['alert']['default_if_none']) && (!empty($config['alert']['default_mail']))) {
$tmp_contacts[$config['alert']['default_mail']] = '';
return $tmp_contacts;
* Populate variables
* @param string $txt Text with variables
* @param boolean $wrap Wrap variable for text-usage (default: true)
* @return string
function populate($txt, $wrap = true)
preg_match_all('/%([\w\.]+)/', $txt, $m);
foreach ($m[1] as $tmp) {
$orig = $tmp;
$rep = false;
if ($tmp == 'key' || $tmp == 'value') {
$rep = '$'.$tmp;
} else {
if (strstr($tmp, '.')) {
$tmp = explode('.', $tmp, 2);
$pre = '$'.$tmp[0];
$tmp = $tmp[1];
} else {
$pre = '$obj';
$rep = $pre."['".str_replace('.', "']['", $tmp)."']";
if ($wrap) {
$rep = '{'.$rep.'}';
$txt = str_replace('%'.$orig, $rep, $txt);
}//end foreach
return $txt;
}//end populate()
* Describe Alert
* @param array $alert Alert-Result from DB
* @return array|boolean
function DescribeAlert($alert)
$obj = array();
$i = 0;
$device = dbFetchRow('SELECT hostname, sysName, sysDescr, sysContact, os, type, ip, hardware, version, purpose, notes, uptime, status, status_reason, locations.location FROM devices LEFT JOIN locations ON = devices.location_id WHERE device_id = ?', array($alert['device_id']));
$attribs = get_dev_attribs($alert['device_id']);
$obj['hostname'] = $device['hostname'];
$obj['sysName'] = $device['sysName'];
$obj['sysDescr'] = $device['sysDescr'];
$obj['sysContact'] = $device['sysContact'];
$obj['os'] = $device['os'];
$obj['type'] = $device['type'];
$obj['ip'] = inet6_ntop($device['ip']);
$obj['hardware'] = $device['hardware'];
$obj['version'] = $device['version'];
$obj['location'] = $device['location'];
$obj['uptime'] = $device['uptime'];
$obj['uptime_short'] = Time::formatInterval($device['uptime'], 'short');
$obj['uptime_long'] = Time::formatInterval($device['uptime']);
$obj['description'] = $device['purpose'];
$obj['notes'] = $device['notes'];
$obj['alert_notes'] = $alert['note'];
$obj['device_id'] = $alert['device_id'];
$obj['rule_id'] = $alert['rule_id'];
$obj['status'] = $device['status'];
$obj['status_reason'] = $device['status_reason'];
if (can_ping_device($attribs)) {
$ping_stats = DevicePerf::where('device_id', $alert['device_id'])->latest('timestamp')->first();
$obj['ping_timestamp'] = $ping_stats->template;
$obj['ping_loss'] = $ping_stats->loss;
$obj['ping_min'] = $ping_stats->min;
$obj['ping_max'] = $ping_stats->max;
$obj['ping_avg'] = $ping_stats->avg;
$obj['debug'] = json_decode($ping_stats->debug, true);
$extra = $alert['details'];
$tpl = new Template;
$template = $tpl->getTemplate($obj);
if ($alert['state'] >= 1) {
$obj['title'] = $template->title ?: 'Alert for device '.$device['hostname'].' - '.($alert['name'] ? $alert['name'] : $alert['rule']);
if ($alert['state'] == 2) {
$obj['title'] .= ' got acknowledged';
} elseif ($alert['state'] == 3) {
$obj['title'] .= ' got worse';
} elseif ($alert['state'] == 4) {
$obj['title'] .= ' got better';
foreach ($extra['rule'] as $incident) {
$obj['faults'][$i] = $incident;
$obj['faults'][$i]['string'] = null;
foreach ($incident as $k => $v) {
if (!empty($v) && $k != 'device_id' && (stristr($k, 'id') || stristr($k, 'desc') || stristr($k, 'msg')) && substr_count($k, '_') <= 1) {
$obj['faults'][$i]['string'] .= $k.' = '.$v.'; ';
$obj['elapsed'] = TimeFormat(time() - strtotime($alert['time_logged']));
if (!empty($extra['diff'])) {
$obj['diff'] = $extra['diff'];
} elseif ($alert['state'] == 0) {
// Alert is now cleared
$id = dbFetchRow('SELECT,alert_log.time_logged,alert_log.details FROM alert_log WHERE alert_log.state != 2 && alert_log.state != 0 && alert_log.rule_id = ? && alert_log.device_id = ? && < ? ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1', array($alert['rule_id'], $alert['device_id'], $alert['id']));
if (empty($id['id'])) {
return false;
$extra = [];
if (!empty($id['details'])) {
$extra = json_decode(gzuncompress($id['details']), true);
// Reset count to 0 so alerts will continue
$extra['count'] = 0;
dbUpdate(array('details' => gzcompress(json_encode($id['details']), 9)), 'alert_log', 'id = ?', array($alert['id']));
$obj['title'] = $template->title_rec ?: 'Device '.$device['hostname'].' recovered from '.($alert['name'] ? $alert['name'] : $alert['rule']);
$obj['elapsed'] = TimeFormat(strtotime($alert['time_logged']) - strtotime($id['time_logged']));
$obj['id'] = $id['id'];
foreach ($extra['rule'] as $incident) {
$obj['faults'][$i] = $incident;
foreach ($incident as $k => $v) {
if (!empty($v) && $k != 'device_id' && (stristr($k, 'id') || stristr($k, 'desc') || stristr($k, 'msg')) && substr_count($k, '_') <= 1) {
$obj['faults'][$i]['string'] .= $k.' => '.$v.'; ';
} else {
return 'Unknown State';
}//end if
$obj['builder'] = $alert['builder'];
$obj['uid'] = $alert['id'];
$obj['alert_id'] = $alert['alert_id'];
$obj['severity'] = $alert['severity'];
$obj['rule'] = $alert['rule'];
$obj['name'] = $alert['name'];
$obj['timestamp'] = $alert['time_logged'];
$obj['contacts'] = $extra['contacts'];
$obj['state'] = $alert['state'];
$obj['template'] = $template;
return $obj;
}//end DescribeAlert()
* Format Elapsed Time
* @param integer $secs Seconds elapsed
* @return string
function TimeFormat($secs)
$bit = array(
'y' => $secs / 31556926 % 12,
'w' => $secs / 604800 % 52,
'd' => $secs / 86400 % 7,
'h' => $secs / 3600 % 24,
'm' => $secs / 60 % 60,
's' => $secs % 60,
$ret = array();
foreach ($bit as $k => $v) {
if ($v > 0) {
$ret[] = $v.$k;
if (empty($ret)) {
return 'none';
return join(' ', $ret);
}//end TimeFormat()
function ClearStaleAlerts()
$sql = "SELECT `alerts`.`id` AS `alert_id`, `devices`.`hostname` AS `hostname` FROM `alerts` LEFT JOIN `devices` ON `alerts`.`device_id`=`devices`.`device_id` RIGHT JOIN `alert_rules` ON `alerts`.`rule_id`=`alert_rules`.`id` WHERE `alerts`.`state`!=0 AND `devices`.`hostname` IS NULL";
foreach (dbFetchRows($sql) as $alert) {
if (empty($alert['hostname']) && isset($alert['alert_id'])) {
dbDelete('alerts', '`id` = ?', array($alert['alert_id']));
echo "Stale-alert: #{$alert['alert_id']}" . PHP_EOL;
* Re-Validate Rule-Mappings
* @param integer $device_id Device-ID
* @param integer $rule Rule-ID
* @return boolean
function IsRuleValid($device_id, $rule)
global $rulescache;
if (empty($rulescache[$device_id]) || !isset($rulescache[$device_id])) {
foreach (GetRules($device_id) as $chk) {
$rulescache[$device_id][$chk['id']] = true;
if ($rulescache[$device_id][$rule] === true) {
return true;
return false;
}//end IsRuleValid()
* Issue Alert-Object
* @param array $alert
* @return boolean
function IssueAlert($alert)
global $config;
if (dbFetchCell('SELECT attrib_value FROM devices_attribs WHERE attrib_type = "disable_notify" && device_id = ?', array($alert['device_id'])) == '1') {
return true;
if ($config['alert']['fixed-contacts'] == false) {
if (empty($alert['query'])) {
$alert['query'] = GenSQL($alert['rule'], $alert['builder']);
$sql = $alert['query'];
$qry = dbFetchRows($sql, array($alert['device_id']));
$alert['details']['contacts'] = GetContacts($qry);
$obj = DescribeAlert($alert);
if (is_array($obj)) {
echo 'Issuing Alert-UID #'.$alert['id'].'/'.$alert['state'].':' . PHP_EOL;
echo "\r\n";
return true;
}//end IssueAlert()
* Issue ACK notification
* @return void
function RunAcks()
foreach (loadAlerts('alerts.state = 2 && = 1') as $alert) {
dbUpdate(array('open' => 0), 'alerts', 'rule_id = ? && device_id = ?', array($alert['rule_id'], $alert['device_id']));
}//end RunAcks()
* Run Follow-Up alerts
* @return void
function RunFollowUp()
foreach (loadAlerts('alerts.state > 0 && = 0') as $alert) {
if ($alert['state'] != 2 || ($alert['info']['until_clear'] === false)) {
$rextra = json_decode($alert['extra'], true);
if ($rextra['invert']) {
if (empty($alert['query'])) {
$alert['query'] = GenSQL($alert['rule'], $alert['builder']);
$chk = dbFetchRows($alert['query'], array($alert['device_id']));
//make sure we can json_encode all the datas later
$cnt = count($chk);
for ($i = 0; $i < $cnt; $i++) {
if (isset($chk[$i]['ip'])) {
$chk[$i]['ip'] = inet6_ntop($chk[$i]['ip']);
$o = sizeof($alert['details']['rule']);
$n = sizeof($chk);
$ret = 'Alert #' . $alert['id'];
$state = 0;
if ($n > $o) {
$ret .= ' Worsens';
$state = 3;
$alert['details']['diff'] = array_diff($chk, $alert['details']['rule']);
} elseif ($n < $o) {
$ret .= ' Betters';
$state = 4;
$alert['details']['diff'] = array_diff($alert['details']['rule'], $chk);
if ($state > 0 && $n > 0) {
$alert['details']['rule'] = $chk;
if (dbInsert(array(
'state' => $state,
'device_id' => $alert['device_id'],
'rule_id' => $alert['rule_id'],
'details' => gzcompress(json_encode($alert['details']), 9)
), 'alert_log')) {
dbUpdate(array('state' => $state, 'open' => 1, 'alerted' => 1), 'alerts', 'rule_id = ? && device_id = ?', array($alert['rule_id'], $alert['device_id']));
echo $ret . ' (' . $o . '/' . $n . ")\r\n";
}//end foreach
}//end RunFollowUp()
function loadAlerts($where)
$alerts = [];
foreach (dbFetchRows("SELECT, alerts.device_id, alerts.rule_id, alerts.state, alerts.note, FROM alerts WHERE $where") as $alert_status) {
$alert = dbFetchRow(
'SELECT,alert_log.rule_id,alert_log.device_id,alert_log.state,alert_log.details,alert_log.time_logged,alert_rules.rule,alert_rules.severity,alert_rules.extra,,alert_rules.query,alert_rules.builder FROM alert_log,alert_rules WHERE alert_log.rule_id = && alert_log.device_id = ? && alert_log.rule_id = ? && alert_rules.disabled = 0 ORDER BY DESC LIMIT 1',
array($alert_status['device_id'], $alert_status['rule_id'])
if (empty($alert['rule_id']) || !IsRuleValid($alert_status['device_id'], $alert_status['rule_id'])) {
echo 'Stale-Rule: #' . $alert_status['rule_id'] . '/' . $alert_status['device_id'] . "\r\n";
// Alert-Rule does not exist anymore, let's remove the alert-state.
dbDelete('alerts', 'rule_id = ? && device_id = ?', [$alert_status['rule_id'], $alert_status['device_id']]);
} else {
$alert['alert_id'] = $alert_status['id'];
$alert['state'] = $alert_status['state'];
$alert['note'] = $alert_status['note'];
if (!empty($alert['details'])) {
$alert['details'] = json_decode(gzuncompress($alert['details']), true);
$alert['info'] = json_decode($alert_status['info'], true);
$alerts[] = $alert;
return $alerts;
* Run all alerts
* @return void
function RunAlerts()
global $config;
foreach (loadAlerts('alerts.state != 2 && = 1') as $alert) {
$noiss = false;
$noacc = false;
$updet = false;
$rextra = json_decode($alert['extra'], true);
if (!isset($rextra['recovery'])) {
// backwards compatibility check
$rextra['recovery'] = true;
$chk = dbFetchRow('SELECT alerts.alerted,devices.ignore,devices.disabled FROM alerts,devices WHERE alerts.device_id = ? && devices.device_id = alerts.device_id && alerts.rule_id = ?', array($alert['device_id'], $alert['rule_id']));
if ($chk['alerted'] == $alert['state']) {
$noiss = true;
if (!empty($rextra['count']) && empty($rextra['interval'])) {
// This check below is for compat-reasons
if (!empty($rextra['delay'])) {
if ((time() - strtotime($alert['time_logged']) + $config['alert']['tolerance_window']) < $rextra['delay'] || (!empty($alert['details']['delay']) && (time() - $alert['details']['delay'] + $config['alert']['tolerance_window']) < $rextra['delay'])) {
} else {
$alert['details']['delay'] = time();
$updet = true;
if ($alert['state'] == 1 && !empty($rextra['count']) && ($rextra['count'] == -1 || $alert['details']['count']++ < $rextra['count'])) {
if ($alert['details']['count'] < $rextra['count']) {
$noacc = true;
$updet = true;
$noiss = false;
} else {
// This is the new way
if (!empty($rextra['delay']) && (time() - strtotime($alert['time_logged']) + $config['alert']['tolerance_window']) < $rextra['delay']) {
if (!empty($rextra['interval'])) {
if (!empty($alert['details']['interval']) && (time() - $alert['details']['interval'] + $config['alert']['tolerance_window']) < $rextra['interval']) {
} else {
$alert['details']['interval'] = time();
$updet = true;
if (in_array($alert['state'], [1,3,4]) && !empty($rextra['count']) && ($rextra['count'] == -1 || $alert['details']['count']++ < $rextra['count'])) {
if ($alert['details']['count'] < $rextra['count']) {
$noacc = true;
$updet = true;
$noiss = false;
}//end if
if ($chk['ignore'] == 1 || $chk['disabled'] == 1) {
$noiss = true;
$updet = false;
$noacc = false;
if (IsMaintenance($alert['device_id']) > 0) {
$noiss = true;
$noacc = true;
if ($updet) {
dbUpdate(array('details' => gzcompress(json_encode($alert['details']), 9)), 'alert_log', 'id = ?', array($alert['id']));
if (!empty($rextra['mute'])) {
echo 'Muted Alert-UID #'.$alert['id']."\r\n";
$noiss = true;
if (IsParentDown($alert['device_id'])) {
$noiss = true;
log_event('Skipped alerts because all parent devices are down', $alert['device_id'], 'alert', 1);
if ($alert['state'] == 0 && $rextra['recovery'] == false) {
// Rule is set to not send a recovery alert
$noiss = true;
if (!$noiss) {
dbUpdate(array('alerted' => $alert['state']), 'alerts', 'rule_id = ? && device_id = ?', array($alert['rule_id'], $alert['device_id']));
if (!$noacc) {
dbUpdate(array('open' => 0), 'alerts', 'rule_id = ? && device_id = ?', array($alert['rule_id'], $alert['device_id']));
}//end foreach
}//end RunAlerts()
* Run external transports
* @param array $obj Alert-Array
* @return void
function ExtTransports($obj)
$type = new Template;
// If alert transport mapping exists, override the default transports
$transport_maps = AlertUtil::getAlertTransports($obj['alert_id']);
if (!$transport_maps) {
$transport_maps = AlertUtil::getDefaultAlertTransports();
// alerting for default contacts, etc
if (Config::get('alert.transports.mail') === true && !empty($obj['contacts'])) {
$transport_maps[] = [
'transport_id' => null,
'transport_type' => 'mail',
'opts' => $obj,
foreach ($transport_maps as $item) {
$class = 'LibreNMS\\Alert\\Transport\\'.ucfirst($item['transport_type']);
if (class_exists($class)) {
//FIXME remove Deprecated transport
$transport_title = "Transport {$item['transport_type']}";
$obj['transport'] = $item['transport_type'];
$obj['transport_name'] = $item['transport_name'];
$obj['alert'] = new AlertData($obj);
$obj['title'] = $type->getTitle($obj);
$obj['alert']['title'] = $obj['title'];
$obj['msg'] = $type->getBody($obj);
c_echo(" :: $transport_title => ");
$instance = new $class($item['transport_id']);
$tmp = $instance->deliverAlert($obj, $item['opts']);
AlertLog($tmp, $obj, $obj['transport']);
echo PHP_EOL;
if (count($transport_maps) === 0) {
echo 'No configured transports';
}//end ExtTransports()
// Log alert event
function AlertLog($result, $obj, $transport)
$prefix = [
0 => "recovery",
1 => $obj['severity']." alert",
2 => "acknowledgment"
$prefix[3] = &$prefix[0];
$prefix[4] = &$prefix[0];
if ($result === true) {
echo 'OK';
log_event('Issued ' . $prefix[$obj['state']] . " for rule '" . $obj['name'] . "' to transport '" . $transport . "'", $obj['device_id'], 'alert', 1);
} elseif ($result === false) {
echo 'ERROR';
log_event('Could not issue ' . $prefix[$obj['state']] . " for rule '" . $obj['name'] . "' to transport '" . $transport . "'", $obj['device_id'], null, 5);
} else {
echo "ERROR: $result\r\n";
log_event('Could not issue ' . $prefix[$obj['state']] . " for rule '" . $obj['name'] . "' to transport '" . $transport . "' Error: " . $result, $obj['device_id'], 'error', 5);
}//end AlertLog()
* Check if a device's all parent are down
* Returns true if all parents are down
* @param int $device Device-ID
* @return bool
function IsParentDown($device)
$parent_count = dbFetchCell("SELECT count(*) from `device_relationships` WHERE `child_device_id` = ?", array($device));
if (!$parent_count) {
return false;
$down_parent_count = dbFetchCell("SELECT count(*) from devices as d LEFT JOIN devices_attribs as a ON d.device_id=a.device_id LEFT JOIN device_relationships as r ON d.device_id=r.parent_device_id WHERE d.status=0 AND d.ignore=0 AND d.disabled=0 AND r.child_device_id=? AND (d.status_reason='icmp' OR (a.attrib_type='override_icmp_disable' AND a.attrib_value=true))", array($device));
if ($down_parent_count == $parent_count) {
return true;
return false;
} //end IsParentDown()