Tony Murray 3e35ee0e7d Refactored and update Location Geocoding (#9359)
- Fix location so it is a regular database relation (this allows multiple devices to be accurately linked to one location and saves api calls)
- Parse coordinates from the location more consistently
- Add settings to webui
- ~~Used [PHP Geocoder](, which has lots of backends and is well tested. (also includes reverse and geoip)~~
- Google Maps, Bing, Mapquest, and OpenStreetMap supported initially.
- Default to OpenStreetMap, which doesn't require a key.  They will liberally hand out bans if you exceed 1 query per second though.
- All other Geocoding APIs require an API key. (Google requires a credit card on file, but seems to be the most accurate)
- Update all (I think) sql queries to handle the new structure
- Remove final vestiges of override_sysLocation as a device attribute
- Update existing device groups and rules in DB
- Tested all APIs with good/bad location, no/bad/good key, and no connection.
- Cannot fix advanced queries that use location

This blocks #8868


#### Please note

> Please read this information carefully. You can run `./scripts/pre-commit.php` to check your code before submitting.

- [x] Have you followed our [code guidelines?](

#### Testers

If you would like to test this pull request then please run: `./scripts/github-apply <pr_id>`, i.e `./scripts/github-apply 5926`
After you are done testing, you can remove the changes with `./scripts/github-remove`.  If there are schema changes, you can ask on discord how to revert.
2018-11-28 22:49:18 +00:00

766 lines
29 KiB

use LibreNMS\Config;
use LibreNMS\RRD\RrdDefinition;
use LibreNMS\Exceptions\JsonAppException;
use LibreNMS\Exceptions\JsonAppPollingFailedException;
use LibreNMS\Exceptions\JsonAppParsingFailedException;
use LibreNMS\Exceptions\JsonAppBlankJsonException;
use LibreNMS\Exceptions\JsonAppMissingKeysException;
use LibreNMS\Exceptions\JsonAppWrongVersionException;
use LibreNMS\Exceptions\JsonAppExtendErroredException;
function bulk_sensor_snmpget($device, $sensors)
$oid_per_pdu = get_device_oid_limit($device);
$sensors = array_chunk($sensors, $oid_per_pdu);
$cache = array();
foreach ($sensors as $chunk) {
$oids = array_map(function ($data) {
return $data['sensor_oid'];
}, $chunk);
$oids = implode(' ', $oids);
$multi_response = snmp_get_multi_oid($device, $oids, '-OUQnte');
$cache = array_merge($cache, $multi_response);
return $cache;
* @param $device
* @param string $type type/class of sensor
* @return array
function sensor_precache($device, $type)
$sensor_cache = array();
if (file_exists('includes/polling/sensors/pre-cache/'. $device['os'] .'.inc.php')) {
include 'includes/polling/sensors/pre-cache/'. $device['os'] .'.inc.php';
return $sensor_cache;
function poll_sensor($device, $class)
global $config, $memcache, $agent_sensors;
$sensors = array();
$misc_sensors = array();
$all_sensors = array();
foreach (dbFetchRows("SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = ? AND `device_id` = ?", array($class, $device['device_id'])) as $sensor) {
if ($sensor['poller_type'] == 'agent') {
// Agent sensors are polled in the unix-agent
} elseif ($sensor['poller_type'] == 'ipmi') {
$misc_sensors[] = $sensor;
} else {
$sensors[] = $sensor;
$snmp_data = bulk_sensor_snmpget($device, $sensors);
$sensor_cache = sensor_precache($device, $class);
foreach ($sensors as $sensor) {
echo 'Checking (' . $sensor['poller_type'] . ") $class " . $sensor['sensor_descr'] . '... '.PHP_EOL;
if ($sensor['poller_type'] == 'snmp') {
$mibdir = null;
$sensor_value = trim(str_replace('"', '', $snmp_data[$sensor['sensor_oid']]));
if (file_exists('includes/polling/sensors/'. $class .'/'. $device['os'] .'.inc.php')) {
require 'includes/polling/sensors/'. $class .'/'. $device['os'] .'.inc.php';
if ($class == 'temperature') {
preg_match('/[\d\.\-]+/', $sensor_value, $temp_response);
if (!empty($temp_response[0])) {
$sensor_value = $temp_response[0];
} elseif ($class == 'state') {
if (!is_numeric($sensor_value)) {
$state_value = dbFetchCell(
'SELECT `state_value`
FROM `state_translations` LEFT JOIN `sensors_to_state_indexes`
ON `state_translations`.`state_index_id` = `sensors_to_state_indexes`.`state_index_id`
WHERE `sensors_to_state_indexes`.`sensor_id` = ?
AND `state_translations`.`state_descr` LIKE ?',
array($sensor['sensor_id'], $sensor_value)
d_echo('State value of ' . $sensor_value . ' is ' . $state_value . "\n");
if (is_numeric($state_value)) {
$sensor_value = $state_value;
}//end if
$sensor['new_value'] = $sensor_value;
$all_sensors[] = $sensor;
foreach ($misc_sensors as $sensor) {
if ($sensor['poller_type'] == 'agent') {
if (isset($agent_sensors)) {
$sensor_value = $agent_sensors[$class][$sensor['sensor_type']][$sensor['sensor_index']]['current'];
$sensor['new_value'] = $sensor_value;
$all_sensors[] = $sensor;
} else {
echo "no agent data!\n";
} elseif ($sensor['poller_type'] == 'ipmi') {
echo " already polled.\n";
// ipmi should probably move here from the ipmi poller file (FIXME)
} else {
echo "unknown poller type!\n";
}//end if
record_sensor_data($device, $all_sensors);
}//end poll_sensor()
* @param $device
* @param $all_sensors
function record_sensor_data($device, $all_sensors)
$supported_sensors = array(
'current' => 'A',
'frequency' => 'Hz',
'runtime' => 'Min',
'humidity' => '%',
'fanspeed' => 'rpm',
'power' => 'W',
'voltage' => 'V',
'temperature' => 'C',
'dbm' => 'dBm',
'charge' => '%',
'load' => '%',
'state' => '#',
'signal' => 'dBm',
'airflow' => 'cfm',
'snr' => 'SNR',
'pressure' => 'kPa',
'cooling' => 'W',
foreach ($all_sensors as $sensor) {
$class = ucfirst($sensor['sensor_class']);
$unit = $supported_sensors[$class];
$sensor_value = $sensor['new_value'];
$prev_sensor_value = $sensor['sensor_current'];
if ($sensor_value == -32768) {
echo 'Invalid (-32768) ';
$sensor_value = 0;
if ($sensor['sensor_divisor'] && $sensor_value !== 0) {
$sensor_value = ($sensor_value / $sensor['sensor_divisor']);
if ($sensor['sensor_multiplier']) {
$sensor_value = ($sensor_value * $sensor['sensor_multiplier']);
if (isset($sensor['user_func']) && function_exists($sensor['user_func'])) {
$sensor_value = $sensor['user_func']($sensor_value);
$rrd_name = get_sensor_rrd_name($device, $sensor);
$rrd_def = RrdDefinition::make()->addDataset('sensor', 'GAUGE');
echo "$sensor_value $unit\n";
$fields = array(
'sensor' => $sensor_value,
$tags = array(
'sensor_class' => $sensor['sensor_class'],
'sensor_type' => $sensor['sensor_type'],
'sensor_descr' => $sensor['sensor_descr'],
'sensor_index' => $sensor['sensor_index'],
'rrd_name' => $rrd_name,
'rrd_def' => $rrd_def
data_update($device, 'sensor', $tags, $fields);
// FIXME also warn when crossing WARN level!
if ($sensor['sensor_limit_low'] != '' && $prev_sensor_value > $sensor['sensor_limit_low'] && $sensor_value < $sensor['sensor_limit_low'] && $sensor['sensor_alert'] == 1) {
echo 'Alerting for '.$device['hostname'].' '.$sensor['sensor_descr']."\n";
log_event("$class {$sensor['sensor_descr']} under threshold: $sensor_value $unit (< {$sensor['sensor_limit_low']} $unit)", $device, $class, 4, $sensor['sensor_id']);
} elseif ($sensor['sensor_limit'] != '' && $prev_sensor_value < $sensor['sensor_limit'] && $sensor_value > $sensor['sensor_limit'] && $sensor['sensor_alert'] == 1) {
echo 'Alerting for '.$device['hostname'].' '.$sensor['sensor_descr']."\n";
log_event("$class {$sensor['sensor_descr']} above threshold: $sensor_value $unit (> {$sensor['sensor_limit']} $unit)", $device, $class, 4, $sensor['sensor_id']);
if ($sensor['sensor_class'] == 'state' && $prev_sensor_value != $sensor_value) {
$trans = array_column(
"SELECT `state_translations`.`state_value`, `state_translations`.`state_descr` FROM `sensors_to_state_indexes` LEFT JOIN `state_translations` USING (`state_index_id`) WHERE `sensors_to_state_indexes`.`sensor_id`=? AND `state_translations`.`state_value` IN (?,?)",
[$sensor['sensor_id'], $sensor_value, $prev_sensor_value]
log_event("$class sensor {$sensor['sensor_descr']} has changed from {$trans[$prev_sensor_value]} ($prev_sensor_value) to {$trans[$sensor_value]} ($sensor_value)", $device, $class, 3, $sensor['sensor_id']);
if ($sensor_value != $prev_sensor_value) {
dbUpdate(array('sensor_current' => $sensor_value, 'sensor_prev' => $prev_sensor_value, 'lastupdate' => array('NOW()')), 'sensors', "`sensor_class` = ? AND `sensor_id` = ?", array($class, $sensor['sensor_id']));
* @param array $device The device to poll
* @param bool $force_module Ignore device module overrides
* @return bool
function poll_device($device, $force_module = false)
global $config, $device;
$device_start = microtime(true);
$attribs = get_dev_attribs($device['device_id']);
$device['attribs'] = $attribs;
$device['snmp_max_repeaters'] = $attribs['snmp_max_repeaters'];
$device['snmp_max_oid'] = $attribs['snmp_max_oid'];
// Start counting device poll time
echo 'Hostname: ' . $device['hostname'] . PHP_EOL;
echo 'Device ID: ' . $device['device_id'] . PHP_EOL;
echo 'OS: ' . $device['os'];
$ip = dnslookup($device);
$db_ip = isset($ip) ? inet_pton($ip) : null;
if (!empty($db_ip) && inet6_ntop($db_ip) != inet6_ntop($device['ip'])) {
log_event('Device IP changed to ' . $ip, $device, 'system', 3);
dbUpdate(array('ip' => $db_ip), 'devices', 'device_id=?', array($device['device_id']));
if ($config['os'][$device['os']]['group']) {
$device['os_group'] = $config['os'][$device['os']]['group'];
echo ' ('.$device['os_group'].')';
$poll_update_array = array();
$update_array = array();
$host_rrd = rrd_name($device['hostname'], '', '');
if ($config['norrd'] !== true && !is_dir($host_rrd)) {
echo "Created directory : $host_rrd\n";
$response = device_is_up($device, true);
if ($response['status'] == '1') {
$graphs = array();
$oldgraphs = array();
if ($device['snmp_disable']) {
$config['poller_modules'] = array();
} else {
// we always want the core module to be included, prepend it
$config['poller_modules'] = array('core' => true) + $config['poller_modules'];
printChangedStats(true); // don't count previous stats
foreach ($config['poller_modules'] as $module => $module_status) {
$os_module_status = $config['os'][$device['os']]['poller_modules'][$module];
d_echo("Modules status: Global" . (isset($module_status) ? ($module_status ? '+ ' : '- ') : ' '));
d_echo("OS" . (isset($os_module_status) ? ($os_module_status ? '+ ' : '- ') : ' '));
d_echo("Device" . (isset($attribs['poll_' . $module]) ? ($attribs['poll_' . $module] ? '+ ' : '- ') : ' '));
if ($force_module === true ||
$attribs['poll_'.$module] ||
($os_module_status && !isset($attribs['poll_'.$module])) ||
($module_status && !isset($os_module_status) && !isset($attribs['poll_' . $module]))) {
$start_memory = memory_get_usage();
$module_start = microtime(true);
echo "\n#### Load poller module $module ####\n";
try {
include "includes/polling/$";
} catch (Exception $e) {
// isolate module exceptions so they don't disrupt the polling process
echo $e->getTraceAsString() .PHP_EOL;
c_echo("%rError in $module module.%n " . $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL);
logfile("Error in $module module. " . $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL . $e->getTraceAsString() . PHP_EOL);
$module_time = microtime(true) - $module_start;
$module_mem = (memory_get_usage() - $start_memory);
printf("\n>> Runtime for poller module '%s': %.4f seconds with %s bytes\n", $module, $module_time, $module_mem);
echo "#### Unload poller module $module ####\n\n";
// save per-module poller stats
$tags = array(
'module' => $module,
'rrd_def' => RrdDefinition::make()->addDataset('poller', 'GAUGE', 0),
'rrd_name' => array('poller-perf', $module),
$fields = array(
'poller' => $module_time,
data_update($device, 'poller-perf', $tags, $fields);
// remove old rrd
$oldrrd = rrd_name($device['hostname'], array('poller', $module, 'perf'));
if (is_file($oldrrd)) {
unset($tags, $fields, $oldrrd);
} elseif (isset($attribs['poll_'.$module]) && $attribs['poll_'.$module] == '0') {
echo "Module [ $module ] disabled on host.\n\n";
} elseif (isset($os_module_status) && $os_module_status == '0') {
echo "Module [ $module ] disabled on os.\n\n";
} else {
echo "Module [ $module ] disabled globally.\n\n";
// Update device_groups
if (!$force_module && !empty($graphs)) {
echo "Enabling graphs: ";
// This code cycles through the graphs already known in the database and the ones we've defined as being polled here
// If there any don't match, they're added/deleted from the database.
// Ideally we should hold graphs for xx days/weeks/polls so that we don't needlessly hide information.
foreach (dbFetch('SELECT `graph` FROM `device_graphs` WHERE `device_id` = ?', array($device['device_id'])) as $graph) {
if (isset($graphs[$graph['graph']])) {
$oldgraphs[$graph['graph']] = true;
} else {
dbDelete('device_graphs', '`device_id` = ? AND `graph` = ?', array($device['device_id'], $graph['graph']));
foreach ($graphs as $graph => $value) {
if (!isset($oldgraphs[$graph])) {
echo '+';
dbInsert(array('device_id' => $device['device_id'], 'graph' => $graph), 'device_graphs');
echo $graph.' ';
echo PHP_EOL;
}//end if
// Ping response
if (can_ping_device($attribs) === true && !empty($response['ping_time'])) {
$tags = array(
'rrd_def' => RrdDefinition::make()->addDataset('ping', 'GAUGE', 0, 65535),
$fields = array(
'ping' => $response['ping_time'],
$update_array['last_ping'] = array('NOW()');
$update_array['last_ping_timetaken'] = $response['ping_time'];
data_update($device, 'ping-perf', $tags, $fields);
$device_time = round(microtime(true) - $device_start, 3);
// Poller performance
if (!empty($device_time)) {
$tags = array(
'rrd_def' => RrdDefinition::make()->addDataset('poller', 'GAUGE', 0),
'module' => 'ALL',
$fields = array(
'poller' => $device_time,
data_update($device, 'poller-perf', $tags, $fields);
if (!$force_module) {
// don't update last_polled time if we are forcing a specific module to be polled
$update_array['last_polled'] = array('NOW()');
$update_array['last_polled_timetaken'] = $device_time;
$updated = dbUpdate($update_array, 'devices', '`device_id` = ?', array($device['device_id']));
if ($updated) {
d_echo('Updating ' . $device['hostname'] . PHP_EOL);
echo "\nPolled in $device_time seconds\n";
// check if the poll took to long and log an event
if ($device_time > $config['rrd']['step']) {
log_event("Polling took longer than " . round($config['rrd']['step'] / 60, 2) .
' minutes! This will cause gaps in graphs.', $device, 'system', 5);
// Clear cache of hrStorage ** MAYBE FIXME? **
// Clear cache (unify all things here?)
return true; // device was polled
return false; // device not polled
}//end poll_device()
* if no rrd_name parameter is passed, the MIB name is used as the rrd_file_name
function poll_mib_def($device, $mib_name_table, $mib_subdir, $mib_oids, $mib_graphs, &$graphs, $rrd_name = null)
echo "This is poll_mib_def Processing\n";
$mib = null;
list($mib, $file) = explode(':', $mib_name_table, 2);
if (is_null($rrd_name)) {
if (str_i_contains($mib_name_table, 'UBNT')) {
$rrd_name = strtolower($mib);
} else {
$rrd_name = strtolower($file);
$rrd_def = new RrdDefinition();
$oidglist = array();
$oidnamelist = array();
foreach ($mib_oids as $oid => $param) {
$oidindex = $param[0];
$oiddsname = $param[1];
$oiddsdesc = $param[2];
$oiddstype = $param[3];
$oiddsopts = $param[4];
if (empty($oiddsopts)) {
$rrd_def->addDataset($oiddsname, $oiddstype, null, 100000000000);
} else {
$min = array_key_exists('min', $oiddsopts) ? $oiddsopts['min'] : null;
$max = array_key_exists('max', $oiddsopts) ? $oiddsopts['max'] : null;
$heartbeat = array_key_exists('heartbeat', $oiddsopts) ? $oiddsopts['heartbeat'] : null;
$rrd_def->addDataset($oiddsname, $oiddstype, $min, $max, $heartbeat);
if ($oidindex != '') {
$fulloid = $oid.'.'.$oidindex;
} else {
$fulloid = $oid;
// Add to oid GET list
$oidglist[] = $fulloid;
$oidnamelist[] = $oiddsname;
}//end foreach
// Implde for LibreNMS Version
$oidilist = implode(' ', $oidglist);
$snmpdata = snmp_get_multi($device, $oidilist, '-OQUs', $mib);
if (isset($GLOBALS['exec_status']['exitcode']) && $GLOBALS['exec_status']['exitcode'] !== 0) {
print_debug(' ERROR, bad snmp response');
return false;
$oid_count = 0;
$fields = array();
foreach ($oidglist as $fulloid) {
list($splitoid, $splitindex) = explode('.', $fulloid, 2);
$val = $snmpdata[$splitindex][$splitoid];
if (is_numeric($val)) {
$fields[$oidnamelist[$oid_count]] = $val;
} elseif (preg_match("/^\"(.*)\"$/", $val, $number) && is_numeric($number[1])) {
$fields[$oidnamelist[$oid_count]] = $number[1];
} else {
$fields[$oidnamelist[$oid_count]] = 'U';
$tags = compact('rrd_def');
data_update($device, $rrd_name, $tags, $fields);
foreach ($mib_graphs as $graphtoenable) {
$graphs[$graphtoenable] = true;
return true;
}//end poll_mib_def()
function get_main_serial($device)
if ($device['os_group'] == 'cisco') {
$serial_output = snmp_get_multi($device, 'entPhysicalSerialNum.1 entPhysicalSerialNum.1001', '-OQUs', 'ENTITY-MIB:OLD-CISCO-CHASSIS-MIB');
if (!empty($serial_output[1]['entPhysicalSerialNum'])) {
return $serial_output[1]['entPhysicalSerialNum'];
} elseif (!empty($serial_output[1000]['entPhysicalSerialNum'])) {
return $serial_output[1000]['entPhysicalSerialNum'];
} elseif (!empty($serial_output[1001]['entPhysicalSerialNum'])) {
return $serial_output[1001]['entPhysicalSerialNum'];
}//end get_main_serial()
* Update the application status and output in the database.
* Metric values should have key for of the matching name.
* If you have multiple groups of metrics, you can group them with multiple sub arrays
* The group name (key) will be prepended to each metric in that group, separated by an underscore
* The special group "none" will not be prefixed.
* @param array $app app from the db, including app_id
* @param string $response This should be the full output
* @param array $metrics an array of additional metrics to store in the database for alerting
* @param string $status This is the current value for alerting
function update_application($app, $response, $metrics = array(), $status = '')
if (!is_numeric($app['app_id'])) {
d_echo('$app does not contain app_id, could not update');
$data = array(
'app_state' => 'UNKNOWN',
'app_status' => $status,
'timestamp' => array('NOW()'),
if ($response != '' && $response !== false) {
if (str_contains($response, array(
'Traceback (most recent call last):',
))) {
$data['app_state'] = 'ERROR';
} else {
$data['app_state'] = 'OK';
if ($data['app_state'] != $app['app_state']) {
$data['app_state_prev'] = $app['app_state'];
dbUpdate($data, 'applications', '`app_id` = ?', array($app['app_id']));
// update metrics
if (!empty($metrics)) {
$db_metrics = dbFetchRows('SELECT * FROM `application_metrics` WHERE app_id=?', array($app['app_id']));
$db_metrics = array_by_column($db_metrics, 'metric');
// allow two level metrics arrays, flatten them and prepend the group name
if (is_array(current($metrics))) {
$metrics = array_reduce(
function ($carry, $metric_group) use ($metrics) {
if ($metric_group == 'none') {
$prefix = '';
} else {
$prefix = $metric_group . '_';
foreach ($metrics[$metric_group] as $metric_name => $value) {
$carry[$prefix . $metric_name] = $value;
return $carry;
echo ': ';
foreach ($metrics as $metric_name => $value) {
if (!isset($db_metrics[$metric_name])) {
// insert new metric
'app_id' => $app['app_id'],
'metric' => $metric_name,
'value' => $value,
echo '+';
} elseif ($value != $db_metrics[$metric_name]['value']) {
'value' => $value,
'value_prev' => $db_metrics[$metric_name]['value'],
'app_id=? && metric=?',
array($app['app_id'], $metric_name)
echo 'U';
} else {
echo '.';
// remove no longer existing metrics (generally should not happen
foreach ($db_metrics as $db_metric) {
'app_id=? && metric=?',
array($app['app_id'], $db_metric['metric'])
echo '-';
echo PHP_EOL;
function convert_to_celsius($value)
$value = ($value - 32) / 1.8;
return sprintf('%.02f', $value);
* This is to make it easier polling apps. Also to help standardize around JSON.
* The required keys for the returned JSON are as below.
* version - The version of the snmp extend script. Should be numeric and at least 1.
* error - Error code from the snmp extend script. Should be > 0 (0 will be ignored and negatives are reserved)
* errorString - Text to describe the error.
* data - An key with an array with the data to be used.
* If the app returns an error, an exception will be raised.
* Positive numbers will be errors returned by the extend script.
* Possible parsing related errors:
* -2 : Failed to fetch data from the device
* -3 : Could not decode the JSON.
* -4 : Empty JSON parsed, meaning blank JSON was returned.
* -5 : Valid json, but missing required keys
* -6 : Returned version is less than the min version.
* Error checking may also be done via checking the exceptions listed below.
* JsonAppPollingFailedException, -2 : Empty return from SNMP.
* JsonAppParsingFailedException, -3 : Could not parse the JSON.
* JsonAppBlankJsonException, -4 : Blank JSON.
* JsonAppMissingKeysException, -5 : Missing required keys.
* JsonAppWrongVersionException , -6 : Older version than supported.
* JsonAppExtendErroredException : Polling and parsing was good, but the returned data has an error set.
* This may be checked via $e->getParsedJson() and then checking the
* keys error and errorString.
* The error value can be accessed via $e->getCode()
* The output can be accessed via $->getOutput() Only returned for code -3 or lower.
* The parsed JSON can be access via $e->getParsedJson()
* All of the exceptions extend JsonAppException.
* If the error is less than -1, you can assume it is a legacy snmp extend script.
* @param array $device
* @param string $extend the extend name. For example, if 'zfs' is passed it will be converted to 'nsExtendOutputFull.'.
* @param integer $min_version the minimum version to accept for the returned JSON. default: 1
* @return array The json output data parsed into an array
* @throws JsonAppBlankJsonException
* @throws JsonAppExtendErroredException
* @throws JsonAppMissingKeysException
* @throws JsonAppParsingFailedException
* @throws JsonAppPollingFailedException
* @throws JsonAppWrongVersionException
function json_app_get($device, $extend, $min_version = 1)
$output = snmp_get($device, 'nsExtendOutputFull.'.string_to_oid($extend), '-Oqv', 'NET-SNMP-EXTEND-MIB');
// make sure we actually get something back
if (empty($output)) {
throw new JsonAppPollingFailedException("Empty return from snmp_get.", -2);
// turn the JSON into a array
$parsed_json = json_decode(stripslashes($output), true);
// improper JSON or something else was returned. Populate the variable with an error.
if (json_last_error() !== JSON_ERROR_NONE) {
throw new JsonAppParsingFailedException("Invalid JSON", $output, -3);
// There no keys in the array, meaning '{}' was was returned
if (empty($parsed_json)) {
throw new JsonAppBlankJsonException("Blank JSON returned.", $output, -4);
// It is a legacy JSON app extend, meaning these are not set
if (!isset($parsed_json['error'], $parsed_json['data'], $parsed_json['errorString'], $parsed_json['version'])) {
throw new JsonAppMissingKeysException("Legacy script or extend error, missing one or more required keys.", $output, $parsed_json, -5);
if ($parsed_json['version'] < $min_version) {
throw new JsonAppWrongVersionException("Script,'".$parsed_json['version']."', older than required version of '$min_version'", $output, $parsed_json, -6);
if ($parsed_json['error'] != 0) {
throw new JsonAppExtendErroredException("Script returned exception: {$parsed_json['errorString']}", $output, $parsed_json, $parsed_json['error']);
return $parsed_json;
* Some data arrays returned with json_app_get are deeper than
* update_application likes. This recurses through the array
* and flattens it out so it can nicely be inserted into the
* database.
* One argument is taken and that is the array to flatten.
* @param array $array
* @param string $prefix What to prefix to the name. Defaults to '', nothing.
* @param string $joiner The string to join the prefix, if set to something other
* than '', and array keys with.
* @return array The flattened array.
function data_flatten($array, $prefix = '', $joiner = '_')
$return = array();
foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
if (is_array($value)) {
if (strcmp($prefix, '')) {
$return = array_merge($return, data_flatten($value, $key, $joiner));
} else {
if (strcmp($prefix, '')) {
$return[$key] = $value;
return $return;