
1012 lines
41 KiB

PhysAddress, RowStatus
ifIndex, InterfaceIndex, InterfaceIndexOrZero
InetAddressType, InetAddress, InetAddressPrefixLength
ipCidrRouteEntry, inetCidrRouteEntry
LAST-UPDATED "200704200000Z" -- Apr 20, 2007
ORGANIZATION "Hewlett-Packard Company
Workgroup Networks Division"
CONTACT-INFO "Hewlett-Packard Company
8000 Foothills Blvd.
Roseville, CA 95747"
DESCRIPTION "This MIB module contains HP proprietary
objects for managing IP Routing."
REVISION "200704200000Z" -- Apr 20, 2007
DESCRIPTION "Added hpicfArpAgingTime."
REVISION "200508130228Z" -- Aug 08, 2005
DESCRIPTION "Added hpicfInetCidrRouteTable augmenting inetCidrRouteTable."
REVISION "200508050000Z" -- Aug 5, 2005
DESCRIPTION "Added import objects."
REVISION "200305130228Z" -- May 13, 2003
DESCRIPTION "Added static route configuration objects."
REVISION "200210312353Z" -- October 31, 2002
DESCRIPTION "Added Source Route Global Enable."
REVISION "200205231738Z" -- May 23, 2002
DESCRIPTION "Added ICMP Rate Limiting and Directed Broadcast
forwarding objects."
REVISION "200007150022Z" -- July 15, 2000
DESCRIPTION "Initial revision."
::= { hpSwitch 15 }
hpicfIpRoutingObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfIpRouting 1 }
-- ICMP Router Discovery Protocol objects
hpicfIcmpRdisc OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfIpRoutingObjects 1 }
hpicfRdiscAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The administrative status of the ICMP Router
Discovery protocol."
::= { hpicfIcmpRdisc 1 }
hpicfRdiscIfCfgTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Per-interface configuration for the ICMP Router
Discovery protocol."
::= { hpicfIcmpRdisc 2 }
hpicfRdiscIfCfgEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX HpicfRdiscIfCfgEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Router discovery configuration information for
a single interface."
INDEX { ifIndex }
::= { hpicfRdiscIfCfgTable 1 }
HpicfRdiscIfCfgEntry ::=
hpicfRdiscIfAdminStatus INTEGER,
hpicfRdiscIfAdvertAddress INTEGER,
hpicfRdiscIfMaxAdvertInterval Integer32,
hpicfRdiscIfMinAdvertInterval Integer32,
hpicfRdiscIfAdvertLifetime Integer32,
hpicfRdiscIfPreference Integer32
hpicfRdiscIfAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The administrative status of the ICMP Router
Discovery protocol on this interface."
::= { hpicfRdiscIfCfgEntry 1 }
hpicfRdiscIfAdvertAddress OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The destination address to be used for router
advertisements on this interface. If the value
of this object is 'multicast' (the default),
router advertisements sent on this interface will
be sent to the all-hosts multicast address,
If the value of this object is 'broadcast',
router advertisements sent on this interface will
be sent to the limitied broadcast address,"
::= { hpicfRdiscIfCfgEntry 2 }
hpicfRdiscIfMaxAdvertInterval OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (4..1800)
UNITS "seconds"
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The maximum time allowed between sending unsolicited
Router Advertisements on this interface."
::= { hpicfRdiscIfCfgEntry 3 }
hpicfRdiscIfMinAdvertInterval OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (3..1800)
UNITS "seconds"
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The minimum time allowed between sending unsolicited
Router Advertisements on this interface. Must be
no greater than hpicfRdiscMaxAdvertInterval."
::= { hpicfRdiscIfCfgEntry 4 }
hpicfRdiscIfAdvertLifetime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (4..9000)
UNITS "seconds"
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The value to b placed in the Lifetime field of
Router Advertisements sent on this interface.
Must be no less than hpicfRdiscMaxAdvertInterval."
::= { hpicfRdiscIfCfgEntry 5 }
hpicfRdiscIfPreference OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The preferability of the router as a default
router, relative to the other routers on the same
subnet. Higher values are more preferable. The
minimum value (0x80000000) is used to indicate
that the router, even though it may be advertised,
is not to be used by neighboring hosts as a default
::= { hpicfRdiscIfCfgEntry 6 }
-- ICMP Rate Limiting Objects
hpicfIcmpRateLimits OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfIpRoutingObjects 2 }
hpicfIcmpBoxLimits OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfIcmpRateLimits 1 }
hpicfIcmpReplyLimitEnable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Enable/Disable ICMP replies."
::= { hpicfIcmpBoxLimits 1 }
hpicfIcmpReplyLimit OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER(0..1000000)
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The maximum number of icmp replies to send per second."
::= { hpicfIcmpBoxLimits 2 }
hpicfIcmpRedirectEnable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Enable/Disable redirect error messages.."
::= { hpicfIcmpBoxLimits 3 }
hpicfIcmpDestUnreachEnable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Enable/Disable destination unreachable error messages."
::= { hpicfIcmpBoxLimits 4 }
hpicfIcmpAddrMaskReplyEnable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Enable/Disable address mask replies."
::= { hpicfIcmpBoxLimits 5 }
hpicfIcmpEchoBroadcastReplyEnable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Enable/Disable echo replies to directed
broadcast echo requests.."
::= { hpicfIcmpBoxLimits 6 }
-- hp BSD broadcast forwarding enable/disable flags
hpicfGlobalIpConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfIpRoutingObjects 3 }
hpicfDBroadcastFwdEnable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Enable/disable directed broadcast forwarding."
::= { hpicfGlobalIpConfig 1 }
hpicfSourceRouteEnable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Enable/disable source routed forwarding."
::= { hpicfGlobalIpConfig 2 }
hpicfIpMaximumPaths OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Maximum number of equal cost paths to a destination
that we will add to the IP routing table."
::= { hpicfGlobalIpConfig 3 }
-- HP Static Route Configuration objects
hpicfIpStaticRouteConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
{ hpicfIpRoutingObjects 4 }
hpicfIpStaticRouteTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HpicfIpStaticRouteEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Table of configured IP static routes. This table
uses a protocol-independent format, so that it
can be used for both IPv4 and IPv6 static routes.
Rows configured in this table should be stored in
non-volatile storage."
::= { hpicfIpStaticRouteConfig 1 }
hpicfIpStaticRouteEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX HpicfIpStaticRouteEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "A row in the static route table, containing
information about a single configured static
There are 3 legal cases for the indexing this
1. ((hpicfIpStaticRouteFwdAddrType ==
hpicfIpStaticRoutePrefixType) &&
(hpicfIpStaticRouteFwdAddr is IP address of
appropriate type) &&
(hpicfIpStaticRouteFwdIfIndex == 0))
Normal, remote static route. hpicfIpStaticRouteType
will be equal to 'remote'.
Note that the first condition that the FwdAddrType
must equal the PrefixType exactly is not strictly
true. For example, in IPv6, it is quite legal
and expected to configure a static route where
the PrefixType is ipv6, and the Prefix is a 16
byte IPv6 destination address, but the FwdAddrType
is ipv6z and the FwdAddr is a 20 byte scoped
IPv6 link-local address.
2. ((hpicfIpStaticRouteFwdAddrType == 'unknown') &&
(hpicfIpStaticRouteFwdAddr == zero-length string) &&
(hpicfIpStaticRouteFwdIfIndex != 0))
Interface route. Treated like a connected route.
hpicfIpStaticRouteType will be equal to 'local'.
3. ((hpicfIpStaticRouteFwdAddrType == 'unknown') &&
(hpicfIpStaticRouteFwdAddr == zero-length string) &&
(hpicfIpStaticRouteFwdIfIndex == 0))
Discard route. hpicfStaticRouteType will be equal
to either 'reject' or 'discard'."
INDEX { hpicfIpStaticRoutePrefixType,
hpicfIpStaticRouteFwdIfIndex }
::= { hpicfIpStaticRouteTable 1 }
HpicfIpStaticRouteEntry ::=
hpicfIpStaticRoutePrefixType InetAddressType,
hpicfIpStaticRoutePrefix InetAddress,
hpicfIpStaticRoutePrefixLength InetAddressPrefixLength,
hpicfIpStaticRouteFwdAddrType InetAddressType,
hpicfIpStaticRouteFwdAddr InetAddress,
hpicfIpStaticRouteFwdIfIndex InterfaceIndexOrZero,
hpicfIpStaticRouteType INTEGER,
hpicfIpStaticRouteDistance Integer32,
hpicfIpStaticRouteTag Unsigned32,
hpicfIpStaticRouteStatus RowStatus
hpicfIpStaticRoutePrefixType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InetAddressType
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The type of destination prefix specified by this
route. The value 'dns(16)' is not supported.
This object specifies the type of destination
address prefix in the hpicfIpStaticRoutePrefix
::= { hpicfIpStaticRouteEntry 1 }
hpicfIpStaticRoutePrefix OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE(0..36))
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The destination address prefix of this route.
The type of address specified by this route is
indicated by the corresponding instance of the
hpicfIpStaticRoutePrefixType object.
An attempt to create a row in which the length
of this object is not consistent with the type
specified by hpicfIpStaticRoutePrefixType must
be rejected.
An attempt to create a row in which the value
X of this object, logically ANDed with the
value of the mask formed from the corresponding
instance of the hpicfIpStaticRoutePrefixLength
object, is not equal to X must be rejected,
i.e., this prefix may not have any 'host' bits
::= { hpicfIpStaticRouteEntry 2 }
hpicfIpStaticRoutePrefixLength OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InetAddressPrefixLength
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the number of leading
one bits which form the mask to be logically
ANDed with a destination address before
comparison with the corresponding instance of
the hpicfIpStaticRoutePrefix object for a route
match operation.
An attempt to create a row in which the value
of this object is longer than the maximum legal
length of an address of the type indicated by
the corresponding instance of the
hpicfIpStaticRoutePrefixType object must be
An attempt to create a row in which the value of
the mask formed from this object logically ANDed
with the value of the corresponding instance of the
hpicfIpStaticRoutePrefix object is not equal to
the hpicfIpStaticRoutePrefix."
::= { hpicfIpStaticRouteEntry 3 }
hpicfIpStaticRouteFwdAddrType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InetAddressType
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The type of forwarding address for this route.
The value of this object must be equal either to
'unknown' or to a value appropriate for the
corresponding instance of the
hpicfIpStaticRoutePrefixType object. For non-remote
routes, the value of this object must be 'unknown'."
::= { hpicfIpStaticRouteEntry 4 }
hpicfIpStaticRouteFwdAddr OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE(0..36))
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "For remote routes, the value of the next specified
router to use for forwarding packets to the
destination specified by this route. Note that this
router does not need to be directly connected. In
the case where it is not, the actual routing table
entry will use a next hop determined by looking
up the best route to this forwarding address.
For non-remote routes, the value of this object will
be a zero-length string.
An attempt to create a row in which the length
of this object is not consistent with the type
specified by hpicfIpStaticRouteFwdAddrType must
be rejected.
An attempt to create a row with a value for this
object other than a zero-length string must be
rejected if the corresponding instance of the
hpicfIpStaticRouteFwdIfIndex object is non-zero."
::= { hpicfIpStaticRouteEntry 5 }
hpicfIpStaticRouteFwdIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "For remote routes, the value of this object must
be zero.
For reject or blackhole routes, the value of this
object must be zero.
For local routes, this object indicates the ifIndex
of the local interface to use to reach this
::= { hpicfIpStaticRouteEntry 6 }
hpicfIpStaticRouteType OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The type of route. The value 'other' is not supported,
and is included only for compatiblity with the IP
Forwarding Table MIB. The value 'local' indicates
that the destination is treated as if it were
directly connected. The value 'remote' indicates that
the forwarding address will be used to reach the
destination. The value 'reject' indicates that if
this route is matched, a packet to the destination is
discarded and a notification (e.g. ICMP error) is
returned to the packet sender. The value
'blackhole' indicates that if the route is matched,
a packet to the destination is silently dropped.
The value of this object must be consistent with
the forwarding address information used to index
the route."
DEFVAL { remote }
::= { hpicfIpStaticRouteEntry 7 }
hpicfIpStaticRouteDistance OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255)
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The administrative distance to associate with
this static route. Routes with lower distances
are preferred. By default, static routes are
created with an administrative distance of 1,
meaning they are preferred over all routes
except directly connected routes. Setting a
higher administrative distance for a route
can be used for the following reasons:
- by configuring multiple static routes to
the same destination, one with the default
distance and one with a higher distance,
one can configure backup static routes
- by configuring a static route with an
administrative distance higher than
the distance for a particular dynamic
routing protocol, one can allow a static
route to be overridden by dynamic
routing information.
Routes with an administrative distance of 255
will never be entered in the routing table."
DEFVAL { 1 }
::= { hpicfIpStaticRouteEntry 8 }
hpicfIpStaticRouteTag OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Tag value that can be used to filter redistribution
of this route via route maps."
DEFVAL { 0 }
::= { hpicfIpStaticRouteEntry 9 }
hpicfIpStaticRouteStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX RowStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Status of this route entry. All writable
columns in this table can be modified while the
corresponding row is active."
::= { hpicfIpStaticRouteEntry 10 }
hpicfIpStaticNeighborTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HpicfIpStaticNeighborEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Table of configured IP static neighbors. This
table uses a protocol-independent format, so that
it can be used for both IPv4 and IPv6 static
neighbors. Rows configured in this table should be
stored in non-volatile storage."
::= { hpicfIpStaticRouteConfig 2 }
hpicfIpStaticNeighborEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX HpicfIpStaticNeighborEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "A row in the static neighbor table, containing
information about a single configured static
INDEX { hpicfIpStaticNeighborIfIndex,
hpicfIpStaticNeighborNetAddress }
::= { hpicfIpStaticNeighborTable 1 }
HpicfIpStaticNeighborEntry ::=
hpicfIpStaticNeighborIfIndex InterfaceIndex,
hpicfIpStaticNeighborNetAddrType InetAddressType,
hpicfIpStaticNeighborNetAddress InetAddress,
hpicfIpStaticNeighborPhysAddress PhysAddress,
hpicfIpStaticNeighborStatus RowStatus
hpicfIpStaticNeighborIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InterfaceIndex
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The ifIndex value for the interface used to reach
this neighbor."
::= { hpicfIpStaticNeighborEntry 1 }
hpicfIpStaticNeighborNetAddrType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InetAddressType
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The type of network address specified by this
entry. Only the values 'ipv4(1)' and 'ipv6(2)'
are expected. This object specifies the type of
neighbor network address prefix in the
hpicfIpStaticNeighborNetAddress object."
::= { hpicfIpStaticNeighborEntry 2 }
hpicfIpStaticNeighborNetAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InetAddress
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The neighbor network address of this configured
static neighbor. The type of address specified
by this entry is indicated by the corresponding
instance of the hpicfIpStaticNeighborNetAddrType
An attempt to create a row in which the length
of this object is not consistent with the type
specified by hpicfIpStaticNeighborNetAddrType
must be rejected."
::= { hpicfIpStaticNeighborEntry 3 }
hpicfIpStaticNeighborPhysAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PhysAddress
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The media-dependent physical address used to
reach this neighbor. The size of this
address depends on the media type of the
interface identified by
::= { hpicfIpStaticNeighborEntry 4 }
hpicfIpStaticNeighborStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX RowStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Status of this neighbor entry. All writable
columns in this table can be modified while the
corresponding row is active."
::= { hpicfIpStaticNeighborEntry 5 }
-- HP Routing table extensions
hpicfIpRouteStats OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfIpRoutingObjects 5 }
hpicfIpCidrRouteTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "HP extensions to the ipCidrRouteTable."
::= { hpicfIpRouteStats 1 }
hpicfIpCidrRouteEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX HpicfIpCidrRouteEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Extended information about a single route."
AUGMENTS { ipCidrRouteEntry }
::= { hpicfIpCidrRouteTable 1 }
HpicfIpCidrRouteEntry ::=
hpicfIpCidrRouteDistance Integer32
hpicfIpCidrRouteDistance OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255)
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The administrative distance of this route."
::= { hpicfIpCidrRouteEntry 1 }
hpicfInetCidrRouteTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HpicfInetCidrRouteEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "HP extensions to the inetCidrRouteTable."
::= { hpicfIpRouteStats 2 }
hpicfInetCidrRouteEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX HpicfInetCidrRouteEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Extended information about a single route."
AUGMENTS { inetCidrRouteEntry }
::= { hpicfInetCidrRouteTable 1 }
HpicfInetCidrRouteEntry ::=
hpicfInetCidrRouteDistance Integer32,
hpicfInetCidrRouteInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER
hpicfInetCidrRouteDistance OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255)
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The administrative distance of this route."
::= { hpicfInetCidrRouteEntry 1 }
hpicfInetCidrRouteInfo OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"A reference to MIB definitions specific to the
particular routing protocol which is responsi-
ble for this route, as determined by the value
specified in the route's inetCidrRouteProto value.
If this information is not present, its value
should be set to the OBJECT IDENTIFIER { 0 0 },
which is a syntactically valid object identif-
ier, and any implementation conforming to ASN.1
and the Basic Encoding Rules must be able to
generate and recognize this value."
::= { hpicfInetCidrRouteEntry 2 }
-- HP Arp (address resolution protocol) objects
hpicfArpInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfIpRoutingObjects 6 }
hpicfArpAgingTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (0..16666666)
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The timeout period in minutes for aging out
an arp entry in the arp cache. Default value
is 20 minutes. Allowable values for the HP
implementation are 1-1440 and 0. The value of 0
indicates that an infinite ageout is to be
used. The value 16666666 minutes (32 years) is
used internally to effectively indicate
an infinite timeout."
DEFVAL { 20 }
::= { hpicfArpInfo 1 }
-- HP Default Router objects
hpicfIpDefaultRouterPrefixInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfIpRoutingObjects 7 }
hpicfIpDefaultRouterPrefixTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HpicfIpDefaultRouterPrefixEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Table of default routers learnt through auto-config
This Table will be used in conjunction of ipDefaultRouterTable
defined in RFC 4293 to get the attributes of the default routers
learnt through auto-config"
::= { hpicfIpDefaultRouterPrefixInfo 1 }
hpicfIpDefaultRouterPrefixEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX HpicfIpDefaultRouterPrefixEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "A row in the default router table, containing
information about a single learnt default router"
::= { hpicfIpDefaultRouterPrefixTable 1 }
HpicfIpDefaultRouterPrefixEntry ::=
hpicfIpDefaultRouterAddressType InetAddressType,
hpicfIpDefaultRouterAddress InetAddress,
hpicfIpDefaultRouterIfIndex InterfaceIndex,
hpicfIpDefaultRouterPrefixType InetAddressType,
hpicfIpDefaultRouterPrefix InetAddress,
hpicfIpDefaultRouterPrefixLength InetAddressPrefixLength,
hpicfIpDefaultRouterPrefixOnLink TruthValue,
hpicfIpDefaultRouterPrefixAutonomous TruthValue,
hpicfIpDefaultRouterPrefixValidLifeTime Unsigned32,
hpicfIpDefaultRouterPrefixPrefdLifeTime Unsigned32}
hpicfIpDefaultRouterAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InetAddressType
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The address type of the default router.
The only supported type is IPV6 as of now"
::= { hpicfIpDefaultRouterPrefixEntry 1 }
hpicfIpDefaultRouterAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InetAddress
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The address of the default router."
::= { hpicfIpDefaultRouterPrefixEntry 2 }
hpicfIpDefaultRouterIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InterfaceIndex
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The address of the default router."
::= { hpicfIpDefaultRouterPrefixEntry 3 }
hpicfIpDefaultRouterPrefixType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InetAddressType
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Type of the prefix."
::= { hpicfIpDefaultRouterPrefixEntry 4 }
hpicfIpDefaultRouterPrefix OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InetAddress
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The prefix."
::= { hpicfIpDefaultRouterPrefixEntry 5 }
hpicfIpDefaultRouterPrefixLength OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InetAddressPrefixLength
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Length of the prefix."
::= { hpicfIpDefaultRouterPrefixEntry 6 }
hpicfIpDefaultRouterPrefixOnLink OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TruthValue
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The object has the value true (1) if the prefix can
be used for on-link determination, otherwise the value is false(2)"
::= { hpicfIpDefaultRouterPrefixEntry 7 }
hpicfIpDefaultRouterPrefixAutonomous OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TruthValue
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The object has the value true(1) if this prefix can be
used for autonomous address configuration. If the value is false(2),
the prefix is not used to autoconfigure a local interface address"
::= { hpicfIpDefaultRouterPrefixEntry 8 }
hpicfIpDefaultRouterPrefixValidLifeTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The valid life time for the router."
::= { hpicfIpDefaultRouterPrefixEntry 9 }
hpicfIpDefaultRouterPrefixPrefdLifeTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The preferred life time for the router."
::= { hpicfIpDefaultRouterPrefixEntry 10 }
-- Default Router table extensions
hpicfIpDefaultRouterProperties OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
{ hpicfIpRoutingObjects 8 }
hpicfIpDefaultRouterTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HpicfIpDefaultRouterEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "HP extensions to the ipDefaultRouterTable."
::= { hpicfIpDefaultRouterProperties 1 }
hpicfIpDefaultRouterEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX HpicfIpDefaultRouterEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Extended information about a single route."
AUGMENTS { ipDefaultRouterEntry }
::= { hpicfIpDefaultRouterTable 1 }
HpicfIpDefaultRouterEntry ::=
hpicfIpDefaultRouterMTU Integer32,
hpicfIpDefaultRouterHopLimit Integer32
hpicfIpDefaultRouterMTU OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The link MTU size advertised by the router. The selected Mlink TU may be different from this one."
::= { hpicfIpDefaultRouterEntry 1 }
hpicfIpDefaultRouterHopLimit OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The hop limit to be used by the host on outgoing packets."
::= { hpicfIpDefaultRouterEntry 2 }
hpicfIpRoutingConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfIpRouting 2 }
hpicfIpRoutingGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpicfIpRoutingConformance 1 }
hpicfRdiscBaseGroup OBJECT-GROUP
OBJECTS { hpicfRdiscAdminStatus }
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Basic ICMP Router Discovery configuration
::= { hpicfIpRoutingGroups 1 }
hpicfRdiscIfCfgGroup OBJECT-GROUP
OBJECTS { hpicfRdiscIfAdminStatus,
hpicfRdiscIfPreference }
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects allowing per-interface
configuration of ICMP Router Discovery operation."
::= { hpicfIpRoutingGroups 2 }
hpicfIcmpReplyBaseGroup OBJECT-GROUP
OBJECTS { hpicfIcmpRedirectEnable,
hpicfIcmpEchoBroadcastReplyEnable }
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects allowing configuration of
ICMP Redirect operation."
::= { hpicfIpRoutingGroups 3 }
hpicfIcmpReplyLimitGroup OBJECT-GROUP
OBJECTS { hpicfIcmpReplyLimitEnable,
hpicfIcmpReplyLimit }
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects allowing configuration of
ICMP Reply rate limiting."
::= { hpicfIpRoutingGroups 4 }
hpicfIpRouteCfgGroup OBJECT-GROUP
OBJECTS { hpicfDBroadcastFwdEnable,
hpicfSourceRouteEnable }
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects allowing configuration of
IP global enables."
::= { hpicfIpRoutingGroups 5 }
hpicfIpStaticRouteGroup OBJECT-GROUP
OBJECTS { hpicfIpStaticRouteType,
hpicfIpStaticRouteStatus }
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects for configuring IP static
::= { hpicfIpRoutingGroups 6 }
hpicfIpStaticNeighborGroup OBJECT-GROUP
OBJECTS { hpicfIpStaticNeighborPhysAddress,
hpicfIpStaticNeighborStatus }
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects for configuring IP static
::= { hpicfIpRoutingGroups 7 }
hpicfIpCidrRouteGroup OBJECT-GROUP
OBJECTS { hpicfIpCidrRouteDistance }
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects for retrieving extended
information about routes in the routing table."
::= { hpicfIpRoutingGroups 8 }
hpicfInetCidrRouteGroup OBJECT-GROUP
OBJECTS { hpicfInetCidrRouteDistance,
hpicfInetCidrRouteInfo }
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects for retrieving extended
information about routes in the routing table."
::= { hpicfIpRoutingGroups 9 }
hpicfArpBaseGroup OBJECT-GROUP
OBJECTS { hpicfArpAgingTime }
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Basic ARP (address resolution protocol) configuration
::= { hpicfIpRoutingGroups 10 }
hpicfIpRoutingCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
{ hpicfIpRoutingConformance 2 }
hpicfIcmpRdiscCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for HP Routing switches
that support ICMP Router Discovery."
MANDATORY-GROUPS { hpicfRdiscBaseGroup }
GROUP hpicfRdiscIfCfgGroup
DESCRIPTION "This group is recommended for implementations
that allow configuring ICMP Router Discovery
parameters for each interface."
::= { hpicfIpRoutingCompliances 1 }
hpicfIcmpReplyCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for HP Routing switches
that support ICMP Reply Limiting."
MANDATORY-GROUPS { hpicfIcmpReplyBaseGroup }
GROUP hpicfIcmpReplyLimitGroup
DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for implementations
that allow configuring ICMP Reply Limit
::= { hpicfIpRoutingCompliances 2 }
hpicfIpRouterCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for HP Routing switches."
MANDATORY-GROUPS { hpicfRdiscBaseGroup,
hpicfIpCidrRouteGroup }
::= { hpicfIpRoutingCompliances 3 }
hpicfArpInfoCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for HP Routing switches
that support ARP."
MANDATORY-GROUPS { hpicfArpBaseGroup }
::= { hpicfIpRoutingCompliances 4 }