2024-08-22 17:23:09 +02:00

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* Linux.php
* -Description-
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* @package LibreNMS
* @link
* @copyright 2023 Tony Murray
* @author Tony Murray <>
namespace LibreNMS\OS;
use App\Models\EntPhysical;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
use LibreNMS\Interfaces\Discovery\VminfoDiscovery;
use LibreNMS\OS\Traits\VminfoLibvirt;
use LibreNMS\OS\Traits\VminfoVmware;
use LibreNMS\Util\StringHelpers;
use SnmpQuery;
class Linux extends Shared\Unix implements VminfoDiscovery
// NOTE: Only Linux specific stuff should go here, most things should be in Unix
use VminfoLibvirt, VminfoVmware {
VminfoLibvirt::discoverVminfo as discoverLibvirtVminfo;
VminfoVmware::discoverVmInfo as discoverVmwareVminfo;
public function discoverVmInfo(): Collection
$vms = $this->discoverLibvirtVminfo();
if ($vms->isNotEmpty()) {
return $vms;
return $this->discoverVmwareVminfo();
public function discoverEntityPhysical(): Collection
return $this->discoverLsiMegaRaidInventory();
private function discoverLsiMegaRaidInventory(): Collection
$inventory = new Collection;
$controller_array = SnmpQuery::hideMib()->walk('LSI-MegaRAID-SAS-MIB::adapterInfoTable')->table(1);
if (empty($controller_array)) {
return $inventory; // no controllers, skip the rest.
foreach ($controller_array as $controller) {
$inventory->push(new EntPhysical([
'entPhysicalIndex' => 200 + $controller['adapterID-AIT'],
'entPhysicalParentRelPos' => $controller['adapterID-AIT'] ?? -1,
'entPhysicalDescr' => '/C' . $controller['adapterID-AIT'],
'entPhysicalClass' => 'port',
'entPhysicalModelName' => $controller['productName'],
'entPhysicalSerialNum' => $controller['serialNo'],
'entPhysicalContainedIn' => '0',
'entPhysicalVendorType' => $controller['adapterVendorID'],
'entPhysicalFirmwareRev' => $controller['firmwareVersion'],
$bbus = SnmpQuery::hideMib()->walk('LSI-MegaRAID-SAS-MIB::bbuTable')->table(1);
foreach ($bbus as $bbu) {
$inventory->push(new EntPhysical([
'entPhysicalIndex' => 1000 + $bbu['pdIndex'],
'entPhysicalClass' => 'charge',
'entPhysicalModelName' => $bbu['deviceName'],
'entPhysicalSerialNum' => $bbu['serialNumber'],
'entPhysicalContainedIn' => 200 + $bbu['adpID'],
'entPhysicalIsFRU' => 'true',
'entPhysicalFirmwareRev' => $bbu['firmwareStatus'],
$enclosures = SnmpQuery::hideMib()->walk('LSI-MegaRAID-SAS-MIB::enclosureTable')->table(1);
foreach ($enclosures as $enclosure) {
$inventory->push(new EntPhysical([
'entPhysicalIndex' => 210 + $enclosure['deviceId'],
'entPhysicalVendorType' => $enclosure['slotCount'],
'entPhysicalParentRelPos' => $enclosure['deviceId'] ?? -1,
'entPhysicalDescr' => '/C' . ($enclosure['adapterID-ET'] ?? '0') . '/E' . $enclosure['deviceId'],
'entPhysicalClass' => 'chassis',
'entPhysicalModelName' => $enclosure['productID'],
'entPhysicalSerialNum' => $enclosure['enclSerialNumber'],
'entPhysicalContainedIn' => 200 + $enclosure['adapterID-ET'],
'entPhysicalMfgName' => $enclosure['vendorID'],
'entPhysicalFirmwareRev' => $this->handleHex($enclosure['enclFirmwareVersion']),
$drives = SnmpQuery::hideMib()->walk('LSI-MegaRAID-SAS-MIB::physicalDriveTable')->table(1);
foreach ($drives as $drive) {
$enclDeviceId = $drive['enclDeviceId'] ?? 0;
$inventory->push(new EntPhysical([
'entPhysicalIndex' => 500 + $enclDeviceId * 100 + $drive['physDevID'],
'entPhysicalParentRelPos' => $drive['slotNumber'] ?? -1,
'entPhysicalDescr' => '/C' . ($drive['adpID-PDT'] ?? '0') . '/E' . $enclDeviceId . '/S' . ($drive['slotNumber'] ?? '0'),
'entPhysicalClass' => 'drive',
'entPhysicalModelName' => $drive['pdProductID'] ?? null,
'entPhysicalSerialNum' => $drive['pdSerialNumber'] ?? null,
'entPhysicalContainedIn' => 210 + $enclDeviceId,
'entPhysicalIsFRU' => 'true',
'entPhysicalFirmwareRev' => $drive['pdFwversion'] ?? null, // missing
return $inventory;
private function handleHex(string $string): string
$string = str_replace("\n", '', $string);
if (StringHelpers::isHex($string)) {
$ascii = StringHelpers::hexToAscii($string, ' ');
return preg_split('/[^ -~]/', $ascii)[0] ?? $ascii;
return $string;