-- Title: TRANZEO Private MIB -- This Private MIB supports Tranzeo Sixth Generation product line. -- Tranzeo Wireless Technologies Inc. -- 19473 Fraser Way -- Pitt Meadows, BC -- Canada V3Y 2V4 -- -- -- -- Version: 0.2 -- Date: Wednesday December 27 2006 -- Comments: This is the first private MIB created for Tranzeo. It will contain basic oid's not already included in MIB-II or 802.11 MIB. -- iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).private(4).enterprises(24575). -- Version Date Authors Decription -- -- v0.1 Nov 28 MR, QA Technician -- 2006 -- v0.2 Dec 27 -- 2006 MR, QA Technician TRANZEO-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS enterprises, OBJECT-TYPE FROM RFC1155-SMI; tranzeo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 24575 } signal OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tranzeo 1 } rssi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-110..0) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object represents the average received signal strength on the current channel. A 0 means no wireless connection." ::= { signal 1 } signallow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-110..0) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object represents the lowest received signal strength on the current channel. A 0 means no wireless connection." ::= { rssi 1 } signalaverage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-110..0) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object represents the average received signal strength on the current channel. A 0 means no wireless connection." ::= { rssi 2 } signalhigh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-110..0) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object represents the highest received signal strength on the current channel. A 0 means no wireless connection." ::= { rssi 3 } noise OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-110..0) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object represents the noise on the current channel. A 0 means no wireless connection." ::= { signal 2 } noiselow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-110..0) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object represents the lowest noise on the current channel. A 0 means no wireless connection." ::= { noise 1 } noiseaverage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-110..0) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object represents the average noise on the current channel. A 0 means no wireless connection." ::= { noise 2 } noisehigh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-110..0) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object represents the highest noise on the current channel. A 0 means no wireless connection." ::= { noise 3 } END