-- **************************************************************************** -- -- Rack Information MIB -- Management Information Base for SNMP Network Management -- -- -- Copyright 2002,2003 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. -- -- Hewlett-Packard Company shall not be liable for technical or -- editorial errors or omissions contained herein. The information in -- this document is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind and -- is subject to change without notice. The warranties for HP products -- are set forth in the express limited warranty statements -- accompanying such products. Nothing herein should be construed as -- constituting an additional warranty. -- -- Confidential computer software. Valid license from HP required for -- possession, use or copying. Consistent with FAR 12.211 and 12.212, -- Commercial Computer Software, Computer Software Documentation, and -- Technical Data for Commercial Items are licensed to the U.S. -- Government under vendor's standard commercial license. -- -- Refer to the READMIB.RDM file for more information about the -- organization of the information in the Compaq Enterprise. -- -- The Compaq Enterprise number is 232. -- The ASN.1 prefix to, and including the Compaq Enterprise is: -- -- -- **************************************************************************** CPQRACK-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS compaq FROM CPQHOST-MIB DisplayString FROM RFC1213-MIB OBJECT-TYPE FROM RFC-1212 sysName FROM RFC1213-MIB cpqHoTrapFlags FROM CPQHOST-MIB TRAP-TYPE FROM RFC-1215; -- compaq OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 232 } cpqRackInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { compaq 22 } cpqRackMibRev OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cpqRackInfo 1 } cpqRackComponent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cpqRackInfo 2 } cpqRackSysObjID OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cpqRackInfo 3 } cpqRackInterface OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cpqRackComponent 1 } cpqRackAsset OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cpqRackComponent 2 } cpqRackEnclosure OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cpqRackComponent 3 } cpqRackServer OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cpqRackComponent 4 } cpqRackPower OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cpqRackComponent 5 } cpqRackNetwork OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cpqRackComponent 6 } cpqRackOsCommon OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cpqRackInterface 4 } cpqRackCommonEnclosure OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cpqRackEnclosure 1 } cpqRackServerEnclosure OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cpqRackEnclosure 2 } cpqRackPowerEnclosure OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cpqRackEnclosure 3 } cpqRackServerBlade OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cpqRackServer 1 } cpqRackPowerSupply OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cpqRackPower 1 } cpqRackNetConnector OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cpqRackNetwork 1 } -- **************************************************************************** -- Rack Information MIB Revision -- ============================= -- -- The compaq enterprise ( -- cpqRackInfo Group ( -- cpqRackMibRev Group ( -- -- Implementation of the MibRev group is mandatory for all Agents -- supporting the Rack Information MIB. -- -- An Agent conforming to this document will return a -- cpqRackMibRevMajor of one (1) and a cpqRackMibRevMinor of three (3). -- -- -- **************************************************************************** cpqRackMibRevMajor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The major revision level of the MIB. A change in the major revision level represents a major change in the architecture of the MIB. A change in the major revision level may indicate a significant change in the information supported and/or the meaning of the supported information, correct interpretation of data may require a MIB document with the same major revision level." ::= { cpqRackMibRev 1 } cpqRackMibRevMinor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..65535) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The minor revision level of the MIB. A change in the minor revision level may represent some minor additional support, no changes to any pre-existing information has occurred." ::= { cpqRackMibRev 2 } cpqRackMibCondition OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), ok(2), -- default degraded(3), failed(4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The overall condition. This object represents the overall status of the rack information represented by this MIB." ::= { cpqRackMibRev 3 } -- **************************************************************************** -- Rack Information Common -- ======================= -- -- The compaq enterprise ( -- cpqRackInfo Group ( -- cpqRackComponent Group ( -- cpqRackInterface Group ( -- cpqRackOsCommon Group ( -- -- -- Implementation of the cpqRackOsCommon group is mandatory for all -- Agents that support the Rack Information MIB. -- -- **************************************************************************** cpqRackOsCommonPollFreq OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..65535) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Management Agent's polling frequency. The frequency, in seconds, at which the Agent requests information from the device driver. A frequency of zero (0) indicates that the Insight Agent retrieves the information upon request of a management station, it does not poll the device driver at a specific interval. If the poll frequency is zero (0) all attempts to write to this object will fail. If the poll frequency is non-zero, setting this value will change the polling frequency of the Insight Agent. Setting the poll frequency to zero (0) will always fail, an agent may also choose to fail any request to change the poll frequency to a value that would severely impact system performance." ::= { cpqRackOsCommon 1 } -- **************************************************************************** -- Rack Asset Group -- ================ -- -- The compaq enterprise ( -- cpqRackInfo Group ( -- cpqRackComponent Group ( -- cpqRackAsset Group ( -- -- The cpqRackAsset group contains the serial numbers, names, etc. of any -- Rack hardware that supports asset management. -- -- Implementation of the cpqRackAsset group is mandatory for all -- Agents that support the Rack Information MIB. -- -- **************************************************************************** -- **************************************************************************** -- Rack Asset Table -- ================ -- -- The compaq enterprise ( -- cpqRackInfo Group ( -- cpqRackComponent Group ( -- cpqRackAsset Group ( -- cpqRackAssetTable ( -- -- **************************************************************************** cpqRackAssetTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CpqRackAssetEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table of rack asset information." ::= { cpqRackAsset 1 } cpqRackAssetEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CpqRackAssetEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A rack asset description." INDEX { cpqRackAssetIndex } ::= { cpqRackAssetTable 1 } CpqRackAssetEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cpqRackAssetIndex INTEGER, cpqRackName DisplayString, cpqRackUid DisplayString, cpqRackSerialNum DisplayString, cpqRackTrapSequenceNum INTEGER, cpqRackHeight INTEGER, cpqRackWidth INTEGER, cpqRackDepth INTEGER } cpqRackAssetIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A number that uniquely specifies this rack table entry." ::= { cpqRackAssetEntry 1 } cpqRackName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The customer changeable identifier used to identify the entire rack. The string will be empty if the system does not report this function." ::= { cpqRackAssetEntry 2 } cpqRackUid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The rack unique identifier. The string will be empty if the rack does not report the UID or if it could not be determined." ::= { cpqRackAssetEntry 3 } cpqRackSerialNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The rack serial number. The string will be empty if the rack does not report the serial number." ::= { cpqRackAssetEntry 4 } cpqRackTrapSequenceNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The trap sequence number for rack traps. This is used by the management application trap processing. This will be -1 if the rack does not report the information or it could not be determined." ::= { cpqRackAssetEntry 5 } cpqRackHeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The internal height dimension of the useable rack space expressed in millimeters. This will be -1 if the rack does not report the information or it could not be determined." ::= { cpqRackAssetEntry 6 } cpqRackWidth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The internal width dimension of the useable rack space expressed in millimeters. This will be -1 if the rack does not report the information or it could not be determined." ::= { cpqRackAssetEntry 7 } cpqRackDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The internal depth dimension of the useable rack space expressed in millimeters. This will be -1 if the rack does not report the information or it could not be determined." ::= { cpqRackAssetEntry 8 } -- **************************************************************************** -- Rack Enclosure Chassis Group -- ============================ -- -- The compaq enterprise ( -- cpqRackInfo Group ( -- cpqRackComponent Group ( -- cpqRackEnclosure Group ( -- -- The cpqRackEnclosure group contains the information about rack -- enclosures. -- -- **************************************************************************** -- **************************************************************************** -- Rack Common Enclosure Table -- =========================== -- -- The compaq enterprise ( -- cpqRackInfo Group ( -- cpqRackComponent Group ( -- cpqRackEnclosure Group ( -- cpqRackCommonEnclosure Group ( -- cpqRackCommonEnclosureTable ( -- -- **************************************************************************** cpqRackCommonEnclosureTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CpqRackCommonEnclosureEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table of rack enclosure information." ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosure 1 } cpqRackCommonEnclosureEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CpqRackCommonEnclosureEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A rack enclosure description." INDEX { cpqRackCommonEnclosureRack, cpqRackCommonEnclosureIndex } ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosureTable 1 } CpqRackCommonEnclosureEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cpqRackCommonEnclosureRack INTEGER, cpqRackCommonEnclosureIndex INTEGER, cpqRackCommonEnclosureModel DisplayString, cpqRackCommonEnclosureAssetTag DisplayString, cpqRackCommonEnclosurePartNumber DisplayString, cpqRackCommonEnclosureSparePartNumber DisplayString, cpqRackCommonEnclosureSerialNum DisplayString, cpqRackCommonEnclosureFWRev DisplayString, cpqRackCommonEnclosureName DisplayString, cpqRackCommonEnclosureNeighborNamePrev DisplayString, cpqRackCommonEnclosureNeighborNameNext DisplayString, cpqRackCommonEnclosureHeight INTEGER, cpqRackCommonEnclosureWidth INTEGER, cpqRackCommonEnclosureDepth INTEGER, cpqRackCommonEnclosureTrapSequenceNum INTEGER, cpqRackCommonEnclosureCondition INTEGER, cpqRackCommonEnclosureHasServerBlades INTEGER, cpqRackCommonEnclosureHasPowerSupplies INTEGER, cpqRackCommonEnclosureHasNetConnectors INTEGER, cpqRackCommonEnclosureHasTempSensors INTEGER, cpqRackCommonEnclosureHasFans INTEGER, cpqRackCommonEnclosureHasFuses INTEGER, cpqRackCommonEnclosureMgmtUID INTEGER, cpqRackCommonEnclosureSerialNumPrev DisplayString, cpqRackCommonEnclosureSerialNumNext DisplayString, cpqRackCommonEnclosureAddress INTEGER, cpqRackCommonEnclosureProductId DisplayString, cpqRackCommonEnclosureProductIdPrev DisplayString, cpqRackCommonEnclosureProductIdNext DisplayString, cpqRackCommonEnclosureUUID DisplayString, cpqRackCommonEnclosureUUIDPrev DisplayString, cpqRackCommonEnclosureUUIDNext DisplayString } cpqRackCommonEnclosureRack OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A number that uniquely specifies this rack." ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosureEntry 1 } cpqRackCommonEnclosureIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A number that uniquely specifies this enclosure in the rack." ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosureEntry 2 } cpqRackCommonEnclosureModel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The model name of the enclosure. The string will be empty if the enclosure does not report the model information." ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosureEntry 3 } cpqRackCommonEnclosureAssetTag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The customer changeable asset identifier of the enclosure. The string will be empty if the system does not report this function or if the asset tag has not been set." ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosureEntry 4 } cpqRackCommonEnclosurePartNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The part number of the enclosure. The string will be empty if the enclosure does not report this function." ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosureEntry 5 } cpqRackCommonEnclosureSparePartNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The spare part number of the enclosure. The string will be empty if the enclosure does not report this function." ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosureEntry 6 } cpqRackCommonEnclosureSerialNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The serial number of the enclosure. The string will be empty if the enclosure does not report the serial number." ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosureEntry 7 } cpqRackCommonEnclosureFWRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The firmware revision of the enclosure. The string will be empty if the enclosure does not report the firmware revision or does not contain firmware." ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosureEntry 8 } cpqRackCommonEnclosureName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the enclosure. The string will be empty if the enclosure does not report the name or it could not be determined." ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosureEntry 9 } cpqRackCommonEnclosureNeighborNamePrev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the enclosure immediately preceding or above this enclosure. The string will be empty if the neighbor enclosure name could not be determined or there is no enclosure preceding this one." ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosureEntry 10 } cpqRackCommonEnclosureNeighborNameNext OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the enclosure immediately following or below this enclosure. The string will be empty if the neighbor enclosure name could not be determined or there is no enclosure following this one." ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosureEntry 11 } cpqRackCommonEnclosureHeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The height dimension of the rack space taken by the enclosure expressed in millimeters. This will be -1 if the rack does not report the information or it could not be determined." ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosureEntry 12 } cpqRackCommonEnclosureWidth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The width dimension of the rack space taken by the enclosure expressed in millimeters. This will be -1 if the rack does not report the information or it could not be determined." ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosureEntry 13 } cpqRackCommonEnclosureDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The depth dimension of the rack space taken by the enclosure expressed in millimeters. This will be -1 if the rack does not report the information or it could not be determined." ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosureEntry 14 } cpqRackCommonEnclosureTrapSequenceNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The trap sequence number for the enclosure. This is used by the management application trap processing. This will be -1 if the rack does not report the information or it could not be determined." ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosureEntry 15 } cpqRackCommonEnclosureCondition OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), ok(2), degraded(3), failed(4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The overall condition of the enclosure. This is the aggregate of the temperature sensors, fans, and fuses within the enclosure. This value will be one of the following: other(1) No temperature sensors, fans, or fuses in the enclosure or the state could no be determined. ok(2) All temperature sensors, fans, and fuses are within the normal operating range. degraded(3) One or more temperature sensors, fans, or fuses are outside of the normal operating range. None are failed. failed(4) The temperature sensor exceeded the critical threshold value, a required fan has failed, or a fuse has been tripped. The system will automatically shutdown if the failed(4) condition results, so it is unlikely that this value will ever be returned by the agent." ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosureEntry 16 } cpqRackCommonEnclosureHasServerBlades OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { false(1), true(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The enclosure can contain server blades. This will be true(2) is the enclosure can house server blades. The cpqRackServerEnclosureTable will contain server enclosure specific information. Match the cpqRackCommonEnclosureSerialNum in this table to the serial number in the cpqRackServerEnclosureTable to get complete information on the server enclosure." ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosureEntry 17 } cpqRackCommonEnclosureHasPowerSupplies OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { false(1), true(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The enclosure can contain power supplies. This will be true(2) is the enclosure can house power supplies. The cpqRackEnclosurePowerTable will contain power enclosure specific information. Match the cpqRackCommonEnclosureSerialNum in this table to the serial number in the cpqRackEnclosurePowerTable to get complete information on the power enclosure." ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosureEntry 18 } cpqRackCommonEnclosureHasNetConnectors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { false(1), true(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The enclosure contains network connectivity. This will be true(2) is the enclosure contains network connectivity. The cpqRackCommonEnclosureNetConnectorTable will contain network connectivity specific information. Match the cpqRackCommonEnclosureSerialNum in this table to the serial number in the cpqRackCommonEnclosureNetConnectorTable to get complete information on the network connector enclosure." ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosureEntry 19 } cpqRackCommonEnclosureHasTempSensors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { false(1), true(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The enclosure contains temperature sensors. This will be true(2) is the enclosure contains temperature sensors. The cpqRackCommonEnclosureTempTable will contain temperature sensor specific information. Match the cpqRackCommonEnclosureSerialNum in this table to the serial number in the cpqRackCommonEnclosureTempTable to get complete information on the enclosure." ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosureEntry 20 } cpqRackCommonEnclosureHasFans OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { false(1), true(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The enclosure contains fans. This will be true(2) is the enclosure contains fans. The cpqRackCommonEnclosureFanTable will contain the fan specific information. Match the cpqRackCommonEnclosureSerialNum in this table to the serial number in the cpqRackCommonEnclosureFanTable to get complete information on the enclosure." ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosureEntry 21 } cpqRackCommonEnclosureHasFuses OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { false(1), true(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The enclosure contains fuses. This will be true(2) is the enclosure contains fuses. The cpqRackCommonEnclosureFuseTable will contain the fuse specific information. Match the cpqRackCommonEnclosureSerialNum in this table to the serial number in the cpqRackCommonEnclosureFuseTable to get complete information on the enclosure." ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosureEntry 22 } cpqRackCommonEnclosureMgmtUID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), -- Unknown device or could not be determined none(2), -- No Unit Identifier LED present ledOn(3), -- Unit Identifier LED is On ledOff(4) -- Unit Identifier LED is Off } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Unit Identifier LED. This value will be one of the following: other(1) The state of the LED could not be determined. Setting the LED state is not allowed. none(2) The LED is not present. Setting LED state is not allowed. ledOn(3) The LED is present and ON. The LED can be turned off by setting the cpqRackCommonEnclosureMgmtUID to ledOff(4). ledOff(4) The LED is present and OFF. The LED can be turned on by setting the cpqRackCommonEnclosureMgmtUID to ledOn(3)." ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosureEntry 23 } cpqRackCommonEnclosureSerialNumPrev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The serial number of the enclosure immediately preceding or above this enclosure. The string will be empty if the neighbor enclosure serial number could not be determined or there is no enclosure preceding this one." ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosureEntry 24 } cpqRackCommonEnclosureSerialNumNext OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The serial number of the enclosure immediately following or below this enclosure. The string will be empty if the neighbor enclosure serial number could not be determined or there is no enclosure following this one." ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosureEntry 25 } cpqRackCommonEnclosureAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The unique address of the enclosure within the rack. This will be -1 if the rack does not report the information or it could not be determined." ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosureEntry 26 } cpqRackCommonEnclosureProductId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The product id string of the enclosure. The string will be empty if the enclosure does not report the product id string." ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosureEntry 27 } cpqRackCommonEnclosureProductIdPrev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The product id string of the enclosure immediately preceding or above this enclosure. The string will be empty if the enclosure does not report the product id string." ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosureEntry 28 } cpqRackCommonEnclosureProductIdNext OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The product id string of the enclosure immediately following or below this enclosure. The string will be empty if the enclosure does not report the product id string." ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosureEntry 29 } cpqRackCommonEnclosureUUID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The universal unique identifier string of the enclosure. The string will be empty if the enclosure does not report the UUID string." ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosureEntry 30 } cpqRackCommonEnclosureUUIDPrev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The universal unique identifier string of the enclosure immediately preceding or above this enclosure. The string will be empty if the enclosure does not report the UUID string or if there is no preceding enclosure." ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosureEntry 31 } cpqRackCommonEnclosureUUIDNext OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The universal unique identifier string of the enclosure immediately following or below this enclosure. The string will be empty if the enclosure does not report the UUID string or if there is no following enclosure." ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosureEntry 32 } -- **************************************************************************** -- Rack Enclosure Common Temperature Sensor Table -- ============================================== -- -- The compaq enterprise ( -- cpqRackInfo Group ( -- cpqRackComponent Group ( -- cpqRackEnclosure Group ( -- cpqRackCommonEnclosure Group ( -- cpqRackCommonEnclosureTempTable ( -- -- **************************************************************************** cpqRackCommonEnclosureTempTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CpqRackCommonEnclosureTempEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table of rack enclosure temperature sensor information." ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosure 2 } cpqRackCommonEnclosureTempEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CpqRackCommonEnclosureTempEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A rack enclosure temperature sensor description." INDEX { cpqRackCommonEnclosureTempRack, cpqRackCommonEnclosureTempChassis, cpqRackCommonEnclosureTempSensorIndex } ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosureTempTable 1 } CpqRackCommonEnclosureTempEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cpqRackCommonEnclosureTempRack INTEGER, cpqRackCommonEnclosureTempChassis INTEGER, cpqRackCommonEnclosureTempSensorIndex INTEGER, cpqRackCommonEnclosureTempSensorEnclosureName DisplayString, cpqRackCommonEnclosureTempLocation DisplayString, cpqRackCommonEnclosureTempCurrent INTEGER, cpqRackCommonEnclosureTempThreshold INTEGER, cpqRackCommonEnclosureTempCondition INTEGER, cpqRackCommonEnclosureTempType INTEGER, cpqRackCommonEnclosureTempSensorEnclosureSerialNum DisplayString } cpqRackCommonEnclosureTempRack OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A number that uniquely specifies this rack." ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosureTempEntry 1 } cpqRackCommonEnclosureTempChassis OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A number that uniquely specifies this enclosure in the rack." ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosureTempEntry 2 } cpqRackCommonEnclosureTempSensorIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A number that uniquely specifies this temperature sensor within this enclosure in the rack." ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosureTempEntry 3 } cpqRackCommonEnclosureTempSensorEnclosureName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the enclosure. The string will be empty if the enclosure does not report the name or it could not be determined." ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosureTempEntry 4 } cpqRackCommonEnclosureTempLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The location description of the temperature sensor within the enclosure. The string will be empty if the location could not be determined." ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosureTempEntry 5 } cpqRackCommonEnclosureTempCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This is the current temperature sensor reading in degrees celsius. If this value cannot be determined by software, then a value of -1 will be returned." ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosureTempEntry 6 } cpqRackCommonEnclosureTempThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This is the threshold temperature sensor setting in degrees celsius. This is the temperature in which the sensor will be considered to be in a tripped state this causing some action to occur depending on the type of the sensor. The action of temperature sensor threshold will be indicated by the cpqRackCommonEnclosureTempType item. If the type is blowout(5), then the temperature sensor will cause the fans to speed up. If the type is caution(9), then the temperature sensor is in a degraded state. If the type is critical(15), then the enclosure will be considered as in a failed state. If this value cannot be determined by software, then a value of -1 will be returned." ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosureTempEntry 7 } cpqRackCommonEnclosureTempCondition OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), ok(2), degraded(3), failed(4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Temperature sensor condition. This value will be one of the following: other(1) Temperature could not be determined. ok(2) The temperature sensor is within the normal operating range. degraded(3) The temperature sensor is outside of the normal operating range. failed(4) The temperature sensor detects a condition that could possibly damage the system. The system will automatically shutdown if the failed(4) condition results, so it is unlikely that this value will ever be returned by the agent." ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosureTempEntry 8 } cpqRackCommonEnclosureTempType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), blowout(5), caution(9), critical(15) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This specifies the type of this instance of temperature sensor. This value will be one of the following: other(1) Temperature threshold type could not be determined. blowout(5) If a blowout(5) temperature sensor reaches its threshold, the fan or fans in the area of the temperature sensor will increase in speed in an attempt to reduce the temperature before a caution or critical threshold is reached. caution(9) If a caution(9) temperature sensor reaches its threshold, the cpqRackCommonEnclosureTempCondition will be set to degraded(3) and the system will either continue or shutdown depending on the user preferences. critical(15) If a critical(15) temperature sensor reaches its threshold, the cpqHeTemperatureCondition will be set to failed(4) and the system will shutdown." ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosureTempEntry 9 } cpqRackCommonEnclosureTempSensorEnclosureSerialNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The serial number of the enclosure containing this temperature sensor. The string will be empty if the enclosure does not report the serial number or it could not be determined." ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosureTempEntry 10 } -- **************************************************************************** -- Rack Enclosure Common Fan Table -- =============================== -- -- The compaq enterprise ( -- cpqRackInfo Group ( -- cpqRackComponent Group ( -- cpqRackEnclosure Group ( -- cpqRackCommonEnclosure Group ( -- cpqRackCommonEnclosureFanTable ( -- -- **************************************************************************** cpqRackCommonEnclosureFanTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CpqRackCommonEnclosureFanEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table of rack enclosure fan information." ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosure 3 } cpqRackCommonEnclosureFanEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CpqRackCommonEnclosureFanEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A rack enclosure fan description." INDEX { cpqRackCommonEnclosureFanRack, cpqRackCommonEnclosureFanChassis, cpqRackCommonEnclosureFanIndex } ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosureFanTable 1 } CpqRackCommonEnclosureFanEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cpqRackCommonEnclosureFanRack INTEGER, cpqRackCommonEnclosureFanChassis INTEGER, cpqRackCommonEnclosureFanIndex INTEGER, cpqRackCommonEnclosureFanEnclosureName DisplayString, cpqRackCommonEnclosureFanLocation DisplayString, cpqRackCommonEnclosureFanPartNumber DisplayString, cpqRackCommonEnclosureFanSparePartNumber DisplayString, cpqRackCommonEnclosureFanPresent INTEGER, cpqRackCommonEnclosureFanRedundant INTEGER, cpqRackCommonEnclosureFanRedundantGroupId INTEGER, cpqRackCommonEnclosureFanCondition INTEGER, cpqRackCommonEnclosureFanEnclosureSerialNum DisplayString } cpqRackCommonEnclosureFanRack OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A number that uniquely specifies this rack." ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosureFanEntry 1 } cpqRackCommonEnclosureFanChassis OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A number that uniquely specifies this enclosure in the rack." ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosureFanEntry 2 } cpqRackCommonEnclosureFanIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A number that uniquely specifies this fan within this enclosure in the rack." ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosureFanEntry 3 } cpqRackCommonEnclosureFanEnclosureName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the enclosure. The string will be empty if the enclosure does not report the name or it could not be determined." ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosureFanEntry 4 } cpqRackCommonEnclosureFanLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The location description of the fan within the enclosure. The string will be empty if the location could not be determined." ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosureFanEntry 5 } cpqRackCommonEnclosureFanPartNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The part number of the enclosure fan. The string will be empty if the part number could not be determined." ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosureFanEntry 6 } cpqRackCommonEnclosureFanSparePartNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The spare part number of the enclosure fan. The string will be empty if the part number could not be determined." ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosureFanEntry 7 } cpqRackCommonEnclosureFanPresent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), absent(2), present(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This specifies if the fan described is present in the system." ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosureFanEntry 8 } cpqRackCommonEnclosureFanRedundant OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), notRedundant(2), redundant(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This specifies if the fan is in a redundant configuration." ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosureFanEntry 9 } cpqRackCommonEnclosureFanRedundantGroupId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This specifies the group number for redundant fans within this enclosure." ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosureFanEntry 10 } cpqRackCommonEnclosureFanCondition OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), ok(2), degraded(3), failed(4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The condition of the fan. This value will be one of the following: other(1) Fan status detection is not supported. ok(2) The fan is operating properly. degraded(2) A redundant fan is not operating properly. failed(4) A non-redundant fan is not operating properly." ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosureFanEntry 11 } cpqRackCommonEnclosureFanEnclosureSerialNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The serial number of the enclosure containing the fan. The string will be empty if the enclosure does not report the serial number or it could not be determined." ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosureFanEntry 12 } -- **************************************************************************** -- Rack Enclosure Common Fuse Table -- ================================ -- -- The compaq enterprise ( -- cpqRackInfo Group ( -- cpqRackComponent Group ( -- cpqRackEnclosure Group ( -- cpqRackCommonEnclosure Group ( -- cpqRackCommonEnclosureFuseTable ( -- -- **************************************************************************** cpqRackCommonEnclosureFuseTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CpqRackCommonEnclosureFuseEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table of rack enclosure fuse information." ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosure 4 } cpqRackCommonEnclosureFuseEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CpqRackCommonEnclosureFuseEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A rack enclosure fuse description." INDEX { cpqRackCommonEnclosureFuseRack, cpqRackCommonEnclosureFuseChassis, cpqRackCommonEnclosureFuseIndex } ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosureFuseTable 1 } CpqRackCommonEnclosureFuseEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cpqRackCommonEnclosureFuseRack INTEGER, cpqRackCommonEnclosureFuseChassis INTEGER, cpqRackCommonEnclosureFuseIndex INTEGER, cpqRackCommonEnclosureFuseEnclosureName DisplayString, cpqRackCommonEnclosureFuseLocation DisplayString, cpqRackCommonEnclosureFusePresent INTEGER, cpqRackCommonEnclosureFuseCondition INTEGER } cpqRackCommonEnclosureFuseRack OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A number that uniquely specifies this rack." ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosureFuseEntry 1 } cpqRackCommonEnclosureFuseChassis OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A number that uniquely specifies this enclosure in the rack." ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosureFuseEntry 2 } cpqRackCommonEnclosureFuseIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A number that uniquely specifies the fuse within this enclosure." ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosureFuseEntry 3 } cpqRackCommonEnclosureFuseEnclosureName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the enclosure. The string will be empty if the enclosure does not report the name or it could not be determined." ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosureFuseEntry 4 } cpqRackCommonEnclosureFuseLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The location description of the fuse within the enclosure. The string will be empty if the location could not be determined." ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosureFuseEntry 5 } cpqRackCommonEnclosureFusePresent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), absent(2), present(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This specifies if the fuse described is present in the system." ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosureFuseEntry 6 } cpqRackCommonEnclosureFuseCondition OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), ok(2), failed(4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The condition of the fuse. This value will be one of the following: other(1) Fuse status detection is not supported. ok(2) The fuse is operating properly. failed(4) A fuse has been tripped or is not operating properly." ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosureFuseEntry 7 } -- **************************************************************************** -- Rack Enclosure Common FRU Table -- =============================== -- -- The compaq enterprise ( -- cpqRackInfo Group ( -- cpqRackComponent Group ( -- cpqRackEnclosure Group ( -- cpqRackCommonEnclosure Group ( -- cpqRackCommonEnclosureFruTable ( -- -- **************************************************************************** cpqRackCommonEnclosureFruTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CpqRackCommonEnclosureFruEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table of rack enclosure field replaceable units information." ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosure 5 } cpqRackCommonEnclosureFruEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CpqRackCommonEnclosureFruEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A rack enclosure field replaceable unit description." INDEX { cpqRackCommonEnclosureFruRack, cpqRackCommonEnclosureFruChassis, cpqRackCommonEnclosureFruIndex } ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosureFruTable 1 } CpqRackCommonEnclosureFruEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cpqRackCommonEnclosureFruRack INTEGER, cpqRackCommonEnclosureFruChassis INTEGER, cpqRackCommonEnclosureFruIndex INTEGER, cpqRackCommonEnclosureFruEnclosureName DisplayString, cpqRackCommonEnclosureFruDescription DisplayString, cpqRackCommonEnclosureFruLocation DisplayString, cpqRackCommonEnclosureFruAssemblyPartNumber DisplayString, cpqRackCommonEnclosureFruSparePartNumber DisplayString, cpqRackCommonEnclosureFruAutoRev DisplayString, cpqRackCommonEnclosureFruSerialNum DisplayString } cpqRackCommonEnclosureFruRack OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A number that uniquely specifies this rack." ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosureFruEntry 1 } cpqRackCommonEnclosureFruChassis OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A number that uniquely specifies this enclosure in the rack." ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosureFruEntry 2 } cpqRackCommonEnclosureFruIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A number that uniquely specifies the FRU within this enclosure." ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosureFruEntry 3 } cpqRackCommonEnclosureFruEnclosureName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the enclosure. The string will be empty if the enclosure does not report the name or it could not be determined." ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosureFruEntry 4 } cpqRackCommonEnclosureFruDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A description of the FRU component. The string will be empty if the enclosure does not report the description information." ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosureFruEntry 5 } cpqRackCommonEnclosureFruLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The location description of the FRU within the enclosure. The string will be empty if the location could not be determined." ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosureFruEntry 6 } cpqRackCommonEnclosureFruAssemblyPartNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The assembly part number of the FRU within the enclosure. The string will be empty if the enclosure does not report this information." ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosureFruEntry 7 } cpqRackCommonEnclosureFruSparePartNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The spare part number of the FRU within the enclosure. The string will be empty if the enclosure does not report this information." ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosureFruEntry 8 } cpqRackCommonEnclosureFruAutoRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The auto revision number of the FRU within the enclosure. The string will be empty if the enclosure does not report this information." ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosureFruEntry 9 } cpqRackCommonEnclosureFruSerialNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The serial number of the FRU within the enclosure. The string will be empty if the enclosure does not report the serial number." ::= { cpqRackCommonEnclosureFruEntry 10 } -- **************************************************************************** -- Rack Enclosure for Servers Table -- ================================ -- -- The compaq enterprise ( -- cpqRackInfo Group ( -- cpqRackComponent Group ( -- cpqRackEnclosure Group ( -- cpqRackServerEnclosure Group ( -- cpqRackServerEnclosureTable ( -- -- **************************************************************************** cpqRackServerEnclosureTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CpqRackServerEnclosureEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table of rack enclosure information for servers." ::= { cpqRackServerEnclosure 1 } cpqRackServerEnclosureEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CpqRackServerEnclosureEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A server enclosure description." INDEX { cpqRackServerEnclosureRack, cpqRackServerEnclosureIndex } ::= { cpqRackServerEnclosureTable 1 } CpqRackServerEnclosureEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cpqRackServerEnclosureRack INTEGER, cpqRackServerEnclosureIndex INTEGER, cpqRackServerEnclosureName DisplayString, cpqRackServerEnclosureMaxNumBlades INTEGER, cpqRackServerEnclosureMaxNumBladesX INTEGER, cpqRackServerEnclosureMaxNumBladesY INTEGER } cpqRackServerEnclosureRack OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A number that uniquely specifies this rack." ::= { cpqRackServerEnclosureEntry 1 } cpqRackServerEnclosureIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A number that uniquely specifies this server enclosure in the rack." ::= { cpqRackServerEnclosureEntry 2 } cpqRackServerEnclosureName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the server enclosure. The string will be empty if the enclosure does not report the name or it could not be determined." ::= { cpqRackServerEnclosureEntry 3 } cpqRackServerEnclosureMaxNumBlades OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The maximum number of server blades the enclosure can contain. The string will be empty if the enclosure does not report the name or it could not be determined." ::= { cpqRackServerEnclosureEntry 4 } cpqRackServerEnclosureMaxNumBladesX OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The maximum number of server blades in x-direction (from left to right) the enclosure can contain." ::= { cpqRackServerEnclosureEntry 5 } cpqRackServerEnclosureMaxNumBladesY OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The maximum number of server blades in y-direction (from top to bottom) the enclosure can contain." ::= { cpqRackServerEnclosureEntry 6 } -- **************************************************************************** -- Rack Enclosure for Power Supplies Table -- ======================================= -- -- The compaq enterprise ( -- cpqRackInfo Group ( -- cpqRackComponent Group ( -- cpqRackEnclosure Group ( -- cpqRackPowerEnclosure Group ( -- cpqRackPowerEnclosureTable ( -- -- **************************************************************************** cpqRackPowerEnclosureTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CpqRackPowerEnclosureEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table of rack power enclosure information." ::= { cpqRackPowerEnclosure 1 } cpqRackPowerEnclosureEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CpqRackPowerEnclosureEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A rack power enclosure description." INDEX { cpqRackPowerEnclosureRack, cpqRackPowerEnclosureIndex } ::= { cpqRackPowerEnclosureTable 1 } CpqRackPowerEnclosureEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cpqRackPowerEnclosureRack INTEGER, cpqRackPowerEnclosureIndex INTEGER, cpqRackPowerEnclosureName DisplayString, cpqRackPowerEnclosureMgmtBoardSerialNum DisplayString, cpqRackPowerEnclosureRedundant INTEGER, cpqRackPowerEnclosureLoadBalanced INTEGER, cpqRackPowerEnclosureInputPwrType INTEGER, cpqRackPowerEnclosurePwrFeedMax INTEGER, cpqRackPowerEnclosureCondition INTEGER } cpqRackPowerEnclosureRack OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A number that uniquely specifies this rack." ::= { cpqRackPowerEnclosureEntry 1 } cpqRackPowerEnclosureIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A number that uniquely specifies this power enclosure in the rack." ::= { cpqRackPowerEnclosureEntry 2 } cpqRackPowerEnclosureName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the power enclosure. The string will be empty if the enclosure does not report the name or it could not be determined." ::= { cpqRackPowerEnclosureEntry 3 } cpqRackPowerEnclosureMgmtBoardSerialNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The serial number of the enclosure. The string will be empty if the enclosure does not report the serial number." ::= { cpqRackPowerEnclosureEntry 4 } cpqRackPowerEnclosureRedundant OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), notRedundant(2), redundant(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This indicates if the power supply enclosure is in a redundant state." ::= { cpqRackPowerEnclosureEntry 5 } cpqRackPowerEnclosureLoadBalanced OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), notLoadBalanced(2), loadBalanced(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This indicates if the power supply enclosure is in a load balanced state." ::= { cpqRackPowerEnclosureEntry 6 } cpqRackPowerEnclosureInputPwrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), singlePhase(2), threePhase(3), directCurrent(4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This indicates type of input facility power." ::= { cpqRackPowerEnclosureEntry 7 } cpqRackPowerEnclosurePwrFeedMax OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This is the maximum facility power in watts. The maximum facility power being fed to this power enclosure. The value will be -1 if the power enclosure does not report the value or if the value is not known." ::= { cpqRackPowerEnclosureEntry 8 } cpqRackPowerEnclosureCondition OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), ok(2), degraded(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This indicates current condition of the power enclosure. other(1) The power enclosure condition could not be determined. ok(2) The power enclosure is operating normally. degraded(3) The power enclosure is in a degraded state. The power subsystem may not be load balanced or may have lost redundancy." ::= { cpqRackPowerEnclosureEntry 9 } -- **************************************************************************** -- Rack Server Blade Table -- ======================= -- -- The compaq enterprise ( -- cpqRackInfo Group ( -- cpqRackComponent Group ( -- cpqRackServer Group ( -- cpqRackServerBlade Group ( -- cpqRackServerBladeTable ( -- -- **************************************************************************** cpqRackServerBladeTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CpqRackServerBladeEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table of rack server blade information." ::= { cpqRackServerBlade 1 } cpqRackServerBladeEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CpqRackServerBladeEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A rack server blade description." INDEX { cpqRackServerBladeRack, cpqRackServerBladeChassis, cpqRackServerBladeIndex } ::= { cpqRackServerBladeTable 1 } CpqRackServerBladeEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cpqRackServerBladeRack INTEGER, cpqRackServerBladeChassis INTEGER, cpqRackServerBladeIndex INTEGER, cpqRackServerBladeName DisplayString, cpqRackServerBladeEnclosureName DisplayString, cpqRackServerBladePartNumber DisplayString, cpqRackServerBladeSparePartNumber DisplayString, cpqRackServerBladePosition INTEGER, cpqRackServerBladeHeight INTEGER, cpqRackServerBladeWidth INTEGER, cpqRackServerBladeDepth INTEGER, cpqRackServerBladePresent INTEGER, cpqRackServerBladeHasFuses INTEGER, cpqRackServerBladeEnclosureSerialNum DisplayString, cpqRackServerBladeSlotsUsed INTEGER, cpqRackServerBladeSerialNum DisplayString, cpqRackServerBladeProductId DisplayString, cpqRackServerBladeUid DisplayString, cpqRackServerBladeSlotsUsedX INTEGER, cpqRackServerBladeSlotsUsedY INTEGER } cpqRackServerBladeRack OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A number that uniquely specifies this rack." ::= { cpqRackServerBladeEntry 1 } cpqRackServerBladeChassis OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A number that uniquely specifies this enclosure in the rack." ::= { cpqRackServerBladeEntry 2 } cpqRackServerBladeIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A number that uniquely specifies this server blade within the enclosure." ::= { cpqRackServerBladeEntry 3 } cpqRackServerBladeName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the server blade. The string will be empty if it could not be determined." ::= { cpqRackServerBladeEntry 4 } cpqRackServerBladeEnclosureName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the enclosure which contains the blade. The string will be empty if the enclosure does not report the name or it could not be determined." ::= { cpqRackServerBladeEntry 5 } cpqRackServerBladePartNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The part number of the server blade. The string will be empty if the part number could not be determined." ::= { cpqRackServerBladeEntry 6 } cpqRackServerBladeSparePartNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The spare part number of the server blade. The string will be empty if the part number could not be determined." ::= { cpqRackServerBladeEntry 7 } cpqRackServerBladePosition OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The position or slot number of the server blade within the server enclosure. This will be -1 if the server enclosure does not report the information or it could not be determined." ::= { cpqRackServerBladeEntry 8 } cpqRackServerBladeHeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The height dimension of the rack space taken by the server blade expressed in millimeters. This will be -1 if the rack does not report the information or it could not be determined." ::= { cpqRackServerBladeEntry 9 } cpqRackServerBladeWidth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The width dimension of the rack space taken by the server blade expressed in millimeters. This will be -1 if the rack does not report the information or it could not be determined." ::= { cpqRackServerBladeEntry 10 } cpqRackServerBladeDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The depth dimension of the rack space taken by the server blade expressed in millimeters. This will be -1 if the rack does not report the information or it could not be determined." ::= { cpqRackServerBladeEntry 11 } cpqRackServerBladePresent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), absent(2), present(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This specifies if the server blade described is present in the enclosure." ::= { cpqRackServerBladeEntry 12 } cpqRackServerBladeHasFuses OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { false(1), true(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The server blade contains fuses. This will be true(2) is the server blade contains fuses. The cpqRackCommonEnclosureFuseTable will contain the fuse specific information. Match the cpqRackServerBladeEnclosureSerialNum in this table to the serial number in the cpqRackCommonEnclosureFanTable to get complete information on the fuses." ::= { cpqRackServerBladeEntry 13 } cpqRackServerBladeEnclosureSerialNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The serial number of the enclosure which contains the blade. The string will be empty if the enclosure does not report the serial number or it could not be determined." ::= { cpqRackServerBladeEntry 14 } cpqRackServerBladeSlotsUsed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of slot positions occupied by this server blade. This is used to indicate a server blade which may obscure an adjacent blade slot. This will be -1 if the rack does not report the information or it could not be determined." ::= { cpqRackServerBladeEntry 15 } cpqRackServerBladeSerialNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The serial number of the server blade. The string will be empty if the system does not report the serial number function." ::= { cpqRackServerBladeEntry 16 } cpqRackServerBladeProductId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The product id string of the server blade. The string will be empty if the system does not report the product id function." ::= { cpqRackServerBladeEntry 17 } cpqRackServerBladeUid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The server blade unique identifier. The string will be empty if the blade does not report the UID or if it could not be determined." ::= { cpqRackServerBladeEntry 18 } cpqRackServerBladeSlotsUsedX OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of slot positions in x-direction (from left to right) occupied by this server blade. This is used to indicate a server blade which may obscure an adjacent blade slot. This will be -1 if the rack does not report the information or it could not be determined." ::= { cpqRackServerBladeEntry 19 } cpqRackServerBladeSlotsUsedY OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of slot positions in y-direction (from top to bottom) occupied by this server blade. This is used to indicate a server blade which may obscure an adjacent blade slot. This will be -1 if the rack does not report the information or it could not be determined." ::= { cpqRackServerBladeEntry 20 } -- **************************************************************************** -- Rack Power Supply Table -- ======================= -- -- The compaq enterprise ( -- cpqRackInfo Group ( -- cpqRackComponent Group ( -- cpqRackPower Group ( -- cpqRackPowerSupply Group ( -- cpqRackPowerSupplyTable ( -- -- **************************************************************************** cpqRackPowerSupplyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CpqRackPowerSupplyEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table of rack power supply information." ::= { cpqRackPowerSupply 1 } cpqRackPowerSupplyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CpqRackPowerSupplyEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A rack power supply description." INDEX { cpqRackPowerSupplyRack, cpqRackPowerSupplyChassis, cpqRackPowerSupplyIndex } ::= { cpqRackPowerSupplyTable 1 } CpqRackPowerSupplyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cpqRackPowerSupplyRack INTEGER, cpqRackPowerSupplyChassis INTEGER, cpqRackPowerSupplyIndex INTEGER, cpqRackPowerSupplyEnclosureName DisplayString, cpqRackPowerSupplySerialNum DisplayString, cpqRackPowerSupplyPartNumber DisplayString, cpqRackPowerSupplySparePartNumber DisplayString, cpqRackPowerSupplyFWRev DisplayString, cpqRackPowerSupplyMaxPwrOutput INTEGER, cpqRackPowerSupplyCurPwrOutput INTEGER, cpqRackPowerSupplyPosition INTEGER, cpqRackPowerSupplyIntakeTemp INTEGER, cpqRackPowerSupplyExhaustTemp INTEGER, cpqRackPowerSupplyStatus INTEGER, cpqRackPowerSupplyInputLineStatus INTEGER, cpqRackPowerSupplyPresent INTEGER, cpqRackPowerSupplyCondition INTEGER, cpqRackPowerSupplyEnclosureSerialNum DisplayString } cpqRackPowerSupplyRack OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A number that uniquely specifies this rack." ::= { cpqRackPowerSupplyEntry 1 } cpqRackPowerSupplyChassis OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A number that uniquely specifies this power enclosure in the rack." ::= { cpqRackPowerSupplyEntry 2 } cpqRackPowerSupplyIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A number that uniquely specifies this power supply in the enclosure." ::= { cpqRackPowerSupplyEntry 3 } cpqRackPowerSupplyEnclosureName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the power supply enclosure in which this power supply resides. The string will be empty if the enclosure does not report the name or it could not be determined." ::= { cpqRackPowerSupplyEntry 4 } cpqRackPowerSupplySerialNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The serial number of the power supply. The string will be empty if the power supply does not report the serial number." ::= { cpqRackPowerSupplyEntry 5 } cpqRackPowerSupplyPartNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The part number of the power supply. The string will be empty if the power supply does not report this function." ::= { cpqRackPowerSupplyEntry 6 } cpqRackPowerSupplySparePartNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The spare part number of the power supply. The string will be empty if the power supply does not report this function." ::= { cpqRackPowerSupplyEntry 7 } cpqRackPowerSupplyFWRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The firmware revision of the power supply. The string will be empty if the power supply does not report the firmware revision." ::= { cpqRackPowerSupplyEntry 8 } cpqRackPowerSupplyMaxPwrOutput OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The maximum power output of the power supply in watts. The value will be -1 if the power supply does not report the value." ::= { cpqRackPowerSupplyEntry 9 } cpqRackPowerSupplyCurPwrOutput OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current power output of the power supply in watts. The value will be -1 if the power supply does not report the value." ::= { cpqRackPowerSupplyEntry 10 } cpqRackPowerSupplyPosition OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The position of the power supply within the power enclosure. This will be -1 if the power enclosure does not report the power supply information or it could not be determined." ::= { cpqRackPowerSupplyEntry 11 } cpqRackPowerSupplyIntakeTemp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current air temperature at the intake of the power supply in degrees celsius. The value will be -1 if the power supply does not report the value." ::= { cpqRackPowerSupplyEntry 12 } cpqRackPowerSupplyExhaustTemp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current air temperature at the exhaust of the power supply in degrees celsius. The value will be -1 if the power supply does not report the value." ::= { cpqRackPowerSupplyEntry 13 } cpqRackPowerSupplyStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noError(1), generalFailure(2), bistFailure(3), fanFailure(4), tempFailure(5), interlockOpen(6), epromFailed(7), vrefFailed(8), dacFailed(9), ramTestFailed(10), voltageChannelFailed(11), orringdiodeFailed(12), brownOut(13), giveupOnStartup(14), nvramInvalid(15), calibrationTableInvalid(16) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The status of the power supply." ::= { cpqRackPowerSupplyEntry 14 } cpqRackPowerSupplyInputLineStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noError(1), lineOverVoltage(2), lineUnderVoltage(3), lineHit(4), brownOut(5), linePowerLoss(6) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The status of line input power." ::= { cpqRackPowerSupplyEntry 15 } cpqRackPowerSupplyPresent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), absent(2), present(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This specifies if the power supply described is present in the enclosure." ::= { cpqRackPowerSupplyEntry 16 } cpqRackPowerSupplyCondition OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), ok(2), degraded(3), failed(4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The condition of the power supply. This value will be one of the following: other(1) The status could not be determined or not present. ok(2) The power supply is operating normally. degraded(3) A temperature sensor, fan or other power supply component is outside of normal operating range. failed(4) A power supply component detects a condition that could possibly damage the system." ::= { cpqRackPowerSupplyEntry 17 } cpqRackPowerSupplyEnclosureSerialNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The serial number of the power supply enclosure in which this power supply resides. The string will be empty if the enclosure does not report the serial number or it could not be determined." ::= { cpqRackPowerSupplyEntry 18 } -- **************************************************************************** -- Rack Network Connector Table -- ============================ -- -- The compaq enterprise ( -- cpqRackInfo Group ( -- cpqRackComponent Group ( -- cpqRackNetwork Group ( -- cpqRackNetConnector Group ( -- cpqRackNetConnectorTable ( -- -- **************************************************************************** cpqRackNetConnectorTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CpqRackNetConnectorEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table of rack network connector information." ::= { cpqRackNetConnector 1 } cpqRackNetConnectorEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CpqRackNetConnectorEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A rack network connector description." INDEX { cpqRackNetConnectorRack, cpqRackNetConnectorChassis, cpqRackNetConnectorIndex } ::= { cpqRackNetConnectorTable 1 } CpqRackNetConnectorEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cpqRackNetConnectorRack INTEGER, cpqRackNetConnectorChassis INTEGER, cpqRackNetConnectorIndex INTEGER, cpqRackNetConnectorEnclosureName DisplayString, cpqRackNetConnectorName DisplayString, cpqRackNetConnectorModel DisplayString, cpqRackNetConnectorSerialNum DisplayString, cpqRackNetConnectorPartNumber DisplayString, cpqRackNetConnectorSparePartNumber DisplayString, cpqRackNetConnectorFWRev DisplayString, cpqRackNetConnectorType INTEGER, cpqRackNetConnectorLocation DisplayString, cpqRackNetConnectorPresent INTEGER, cpqRackNetConnectorHasFuses INTEGER, cpqRackNetConnectorEnclosureSerialNum DisplayString } cpqRackNetConnectorRack OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A number that uniquely specifies this rack." ::= { cpqRackNetConnectorEntry 1 } cpqRackNetConnectorChassis OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A number that uniquely specifies this server enclosure in the rack." ::= { cpqRackNetConnectorEntry 2 } cpqRackNetConnectorIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A number that uniquely specifies this network connector in the rack." ::= { cpqRackNetConnectorEntry 3 } cpqRackNetConnectorEnclosureName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the network connector enclosure. The string will be empty if the enclosure does not report the name or it could not be determined." ::= { cpqRackNetConnectorEntry 4 } cpqRackNetConnectorName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the network connector. The string will be empty if the network connector does not report the name or it could not be determined." ::= { cpqRackNetConnectorEntry 5 } cpqRackNetConnectorModel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The model name of the network connector. The string will be empty if the network connector does not report the model information." ::= { cpqRackNetConnectorEntry 6 } cpqRackNetConnectorSerialNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The serial number of the network connector. The string will be empty if the network connector does not report the serial number." ::= { cpqRackNetConnectorEntry 7 } cpqRackNetConnectorPartNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The part number of the network connector. The string will be empty if the enclosure does not report this function." ::= { cpqRackNetConnectorEntry 8 } cpqRackNetConnectorSparePartNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The spare part number of the network connector. The string will be empty if the enclosure does not report this function." ::= { cpqRackNetConnectorEntry 9 } cpqRackNetConnectorFWRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The firmware revision of the network connector. The string will be empty if the network connector does not report the firmware revision." ::= { cpqRackNetConnectorEntry 10 } cpqRackNetConnectorType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), passive(2), active(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The type of network connector within the enclosure." ::= { cpqRackNetConnectorEntry 11 } cpqRackNetConnectorLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The location of the network connector within the enclosure." ::= { cpqRackNetConnectorEntry 12 } cpqRackNetConnectorPresent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), absent(2), present(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This specifies if the network connector described is present in the enclosure." ::= { cpqRackNetConnectorEntry 13 } cpqRackNetConnectorHasFuses OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { false(1), true(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The network connector contains fuses. This will be true(2) is the network connector contains fuses. The cpqRackCommonEnclosureFuseTable will contain the fuse specific information. Match the cpqRackNetworkEnclosureSerialNum in this table to the serial number in the cpqRackCommonEnclosureFusTable to get complete information on the fuses." ::= { cpqRackNetConnectorEntry 14 } cpqRackNetConnectorEnclosureSerialNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The serial number of the enclosure containing the network connector. The string will be empty if the enclosure does not report the serial number or it could not be determined." ::= { cpqRackNetConnectorEntry 15 } -- **************************************************************************** -- Rack System Object Identification -- ================================= -- -- The compaq enterprise ( -- cpqRackInfo Group ( -- cpqRackSysObjID Group ( -- -- **************************************************************************** cpqRackSystemObjectIdentification OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The hardware identification string. The string will reported by the rack firmware." ::= { cpqRackSysObjID 1 } -- **************************************************************************** -- Rack Information Trap Definitions -- ================================= -- -- The SNMP trap messages must not be bigger than 484 octets (bytes). -- -- Trap support in an SNMP agent implementation is optional. An SNMP -- agent implementation may support all, some, or none of the traps. -- If traps are supported, The user should be provided with the option of -- disabling traps. -- ************************************************************************** cpqRackNameChanged TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE compaq VARIABLES { sysName, cpqHoTrapFlags, cpqRackName, cpqRackUid, cpqRackSerialNum, cpqRackTrapSequenceNum } DESCRIPTION "Rack name has changed. This trap signifies that an agent or utility has changed the name of the rack. Each of the server blades in each of the enclosure within the rack will be updated to reflect the new rack name. It may take several minutes for the rack name change to be propagated throughout the entire rack. User Action: None." --#TYPE "Rack name changed (22001)" --#SUMMARY "The rack name has changed to %s." --#ARGUMENTS {2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 22001 cpqRackEnclosureNameChanged TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE compaq VARIABLES { sysName, cpqHoTrapFlags, cpqRackName, cpqRackUid, cpqRackCommonEnclosureName, cpqRackCommonEnclosureSerialNum, cpqRackCommonEnclosureModel, cpqRackCommonEnclosureSparePartNumber, cpqRackCommonEnclosureTrapSequenceNum } DESCRIPTION "The enclosure name has changed. This trap signifies that an agent or utility has changed the name of an enclosure within the rack. Each of the components within the rack will be updated to reflect the new enclosure name. It may take several minutes for the enclosure name change to be propagated throughout the entire enclosure. User Action: None." --#TYPE "Enclosure name changed (22002)" --#SUMMARY "The enclosure name has changed to %s in rack %s." --#ARGUMENTS {4, 2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 22002 cpqRackEnclosureRemoved TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE compaq VARIABLES { sysName, cpqHoTrapFlags, cpqRackName, cpqRackUid, cpqRackCommonEnclosureName, cpqRackCommonEnclosureModel, cpqRackCommonEnclosureSerialNum, cpqRackCommonEnclosureSparePartNumber, cpqRackCommonEnclosureTrapSequenceNum } DESCRIPTION "The enclosure has been removed. This trap signifies that an enclosure has been removed from the rack. User Action: None." --#TYPE "Enclosure removed (22003)" --#SUMMARY "The enclosure %s has been removed from rack %s." --#ARGUMENTS {4, 2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 22003 cpqRackEnclosureInserted TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE compaq VARIABLES { sysName, cpqHoTrapFlags, cpqRackName, cpqRackUid, cpqRackCommonEnclosureName, cpqRackCommonEnclosureModel, cpqRackCommonEnclosureSerialNum, cpqRackCommonEnclosureSparePartNumber, cpqRackCommonEnclosureTrapSequenceNum } DESCRIPTION "The enclosure has been inserted. This trap signifies that an enclosure has been inserted into the rack. User Action: None." --#TYPE "Enclosure inserted (22004)" --#SUMMARY "The enclosure %s has been inserted into rack %s." --#ARGUMENTS {4, 2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 22004 cpqRackEnclosureTempFailed TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE compaq VARIABLES { sysName, cpqHoTrapFlags, cpqRackName, cpqRackUid, cpqRackCommonEnclosureName, cpqRackCommonEnclosureSerialNum, cpqRackCommonEnclosureTempLocation, cpqRackCommonEnclosureSparePartNumber, cpqRackCommonEnclosureTrapSequenceNum } DESCRIPTION "The enclosure temperature status has been set to failed. This trap signifies that a enclosure temperature sensor has been tripped indicating an overheat condition. User Action: Shutdown the enclosure and possibly the rack as soon as possible. Insure all fans are working properly and that air flow in the rack has not been blocked." --#TYPE "Enclosure temperature failed (22005)" --#SUMMARY "The enclosure %s temperature sensor in rack %s has been set to failed." --#ARGUMENTS {4, 2} --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE NONOPERATIONAL ::= 22005 cpqRackEnclosureTempDegraded TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE compaq VARIABLES { sysName, cpqHoTrapFlags, cpqRackName, cpqRackUid, cpqRackCommonEnclosureName, cpqRackCommonEnclosureSerialNum, cpqRackCommonEnclosureTempLocation, cpqRackCommonEnclosureSparePartNumber, cpqRackCommonEnclosureTrapSequenceNum } DESCRIPTION "The enclosure temperature status has been set to degraded. This trap signifies that an enclosure temperature sensor has been tripped indicating a possible overheat condition. User Action: Shutdown the enclosure and possibly the rack as soon as possible. Insure all fans are working properly and that air flow in the rack has not been blocked." --#TYPE "Enclosure temperature degraded (22006)" --#SUMMARY "The enclosure %s temperature sensor in rack %s has been set to degraded." --#ARGUMENTS {4, 2} --#SEVERITY MAJOR --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE DEGRADED ::= 22006 cpqRackEnclosureTempOk TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE compaq VARIABLES { sysName, cpqHoTrapFlags, cpqRackName, cpqRackUid, cpqRackCommonEnclosureName, cpqRackCommonEnclosureSerialNum, cpqRackCommonEnclosureTempLocation, cpqRackCommonEnclosureSparePartNumber, cpqRackCommonEnclosureTrapSequenceNum } DESCRIPTION "The enclosure temperature status has been set to ok. This trap signifies that an enclosure temperature sensor has returned to normal. User Action: None." --#TYPE "Enclosure temperature ok (22007)" --#SUMMARY "The enclosure %s temperature sensor in rack %s has been set to ok." --#ARGUMENTS {4, 2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 22007 cpqRackEnclosureFanFailed TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE compaq VARIABLES { sysName, cpqHoTrapFlags, cpqRackName, cpqRackUid, cpqRackCommonEnclosureName, cpqRackCommonEnclosureSerialNum, cpqRackCommonEnclosureFanLocation, cpqRackCommonEnclosureFanSparePartNumber, cpqRackCommonEnclosureTrapSequenceNum } DESCRIPTION "The enclosure fan status has been set to failed. This trap signifies that an enclosure fan has failed and no other fans in the redundant fan group are operating. This may result in overheating of the enclosure. User Action: Replace the fan as soon as possible." --#TYPE "Enclosure fan failed (22008)" --#SUMMARY "The enclosure %s fan in rack %s has been set to failed." --#ARGUMENTS {4, 2} --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE NONOPERATIONAL ::= 22008 cpqRackEnclosureFanDegraded TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE compaq VARIABLES { sysName, cpqHoTrapFlags, cpqRackName, cpqRackUid, cpqRackCommonEnclosureName, cpqRackCommonEnclosureSerialNum, cpqRackCommonEnclosureFanLocation, cpqRackCommonEnclosureFanSparePartNumber, cpqRackCommonEnclosureTrapSequenceNum } DESCRIPTION "The enclosure fan status has been set to degraded. This trap signifies that an enclosure fan has failed but other fans in the redundant fan group are still operating. This may result in overheating of the enclosure. User Action: Replace the fan as soon as possible." --#TYPE "Enclosure fan degraded (22009)" --#SUMMARY "The enclosure %s fan in rack %s has been set to degraded." --#ARGUMENTS {4, 2} --#SEVERITY MAJOR --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE DEGRADED ::= 22009 cpqRackEnclosureFanOk TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE compaq VARIABLES { sysName, cpqHoTrapFlags, cpqRackName, cpqRackUid, cpqRackCommonEnclosureName, cpqRackCommonEnclosureSerialNum, cpqRackCommonEnclosureFanLocation, cpqRackCommonEnclosureFanSparePartNumber, cpqRackCommonEnclosureTrapSequenceNum } DESCRIPTION "The enclosure fan status has been set to ok. This trap signifies that an enclosure fan has returned to normal operation. User Action: None." --#TYPE "Enclosure fan ok (22010)" --#SUMMARY "The enclosure %s fan in rack %s has been set to ok." --#ARGUMENTS {4, 2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 22010 cpqRackEnclosureFanRemoved TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE compaq VARIABLES { sysName, cpqHoTrapFlags, cpqRackName, cpqRackUid, cpqRackCommonEnclosureName, cpqRackCommonEnclosureSerialNum, cpqRackCommonEnclosureFanLocation, cpqRackCommonEnclosureFanSparePartNumber, cpqRackCommonEnclosureTrapSequenceNum } DESCRIPTION "The enclosure fan has been removed. User Action: None." --#TYPE "Enclosure fan removed (22011)" --#SUMMARY "The enclosure %s fan in rack %s has been removed." --#ARGUMENTS {4, 2} --#SEVERITY MINOR --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE DEGRADED ::= 22011 cpqRackEnclosureFanInserted TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE compaq VARIABLES { sysName, cpqHoTrapFlags, cpqRackName, cpqRackUid, cpqRackCommonEnclosureName, cpqRackCommonEnclosureSerialNum, cpqRackCommonEnclosureFanLocation, cpqRackCommonEnclosureFanSparePartNumber, cpqRackCommonEnclosureTrapSequenceNum } DESCRIPTION "The enclosure fan has been inserted. User Action: None." --#TYPE "Enclosure fan inserted (22012)" --#SUMMARY "The enclosure %s fan in rack %s has been inserted." --#ARGUMENTS {4, 2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 22012 cpqRackPowerSupplyFailed TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE compaq VARIABLES { sysName, cpqHoTrapFlags, cpqRackName, cpqRackUid, cpqRackPowerSupplyEnclosureName, cpqRackPowerSupplySerialNum, cpqRackPowerSupplyPosition, cpqRackPowerSupplyFWRev, cpqRackPowerSupplySparePartNumber, cpqRackCommonEnclosureSerialNum, cpqRackCommonEnclosureTrapSequenceNum } DESCRIPTION "The power supply status has been set to failed. This trap signifies that a power supply has failed. User Action: Replace the power supply as soon as possible." --#TYPE "Rack power supply failed (22013)" --#SUMMARY "The power supply %s in enclosure %s in rack %s has been set to failed." --#ARGUMENTS {6, 4, 2} --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE NONOPERATIONAL ::= 22013 cpqRackPowerSupplyDegraded TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE compaq VARIABLES { sysName, cpqHoTrapFlags, cpqRackName, cpqRackUid, cpqRackPowerSupplyEnclosureName, cpqRackPowerSupplySerialNum, cpqRackPowerSupplyPosition, cpqRackPowerSupplyFWRev, cpqRackPowerSupplySparePartNumber, cpqRackCommonEnclosureSerialNum, cpqRackCommonEnclosureTrapSequenceNum } DESCRIPTION "The power supply status has been set to degraded. This trap signifies that a power supply has degraded. User Action: Replace the power supply as soon as possible." --#TYPE "Rack power supply degraded (22014)" --#SUMMARY "The power supply %s in enclosure %s in rack %s has been set to degraded." --#ARGUMENTS {6, 4, 2} --#SEVERITY MAJOR --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE DEGRADED ::= 22014 cpqRackPowerSupplyOk TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE compaq VARIABLES { sysName, cpqHoTrapFlags, cpqRackName, cpqRackUid, cpqRackPowerSupplyEnclosureName, cpqRackPowerSupplySerialNum, cpqRackPowerSupplyPosition, cpqRackPowerSupplyFWRev, cpqRackPowerSupplySparePartNumber, cpqRackCommonEnclosureSerialNum, cpqRackCommonEnclosureTrapSequenceNum } DESCRIPTION "The power supply status has been set to ok. This trap signifies that a power supply has returned to normal operation. User Action: None." --#TYPE "Rack power supply ok (22015)" --#SUMMARY "The power supply %s in enclosure %s in rack %s has been set to ok." --#ARGUMENTS {6, 4, 2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 22015 cpqRackPowerSupplyRemoved TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE compaq VARIABLES { sysName, cpqHoTrapFlags, cpqRackName, cpqRackUid, cpqRackPowerSupplyEnclosureName, cpqRackPowerSupplySerialNum, cpqRackPowerSupplyPosition, cpqRackPowerSupplyFWRev, cpqRackPowerSupplySparePartNumber, cpqRackCommonEnclosureSerialNum, cpqRackCommonEnclosureTrapSequenceNum } DESCRIPTION "The power supply has been removed. User Action: None." --#TYPE "Rack power supply removed (22016)" --#SUMMARY "The power supply %s in enclosure %s in rack %s has been removed." --#ARGUMENTS {6, 4, 2} --#SEVERITY MINOR --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE DEGRADED ::= 22016 cpqRackPowerSupplyInserted TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE compaq VARIABLES { sysName, cpqHoTrapFlags, cpqRackName, cpqRackUid, cpqRackPowerSupplyEnclosureName, cpqRackPowerSupplySerialNum, cpqRackPowerSupplyPosition, cpqRackPowerSupplyFWRev, cpqRackPowerSupplySparePartNumber, cpqRackCommonEnclosureSerialNum, cpqRackCommonEnclosureTrapSequenceNum } DESCRIPTION "The power supply has been inserted. User Action: None." --#TYPE "Rack power supply inserted (22017)" --#SUMMARY "The power supply %s in enclosure %s in rack %s has been inserted." --#ARGUMENTS {6, 4, 2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 22017 cpqRackPowerSubsystemNotRedundant TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE compaq VARIABLES { sysName, cpqHoTrapFlags, cpqRackName, cpqRackUid, cpqRackPowerEnclosureName, cpqRackCommonEnclosureSerialNum, cpqRackCommonEnclosureTrapSequenceNum } DESCRIPTION "The rack power subsystem is no longer in a redundant state. User Action: Replace any failed power supplies as soon as possible to return the system to a redundant state." --#TYPE "Rack power subsystem not redundant (22018)" --#SUMMARY "The power subsystem in enclosure %s in rack %s is no longer redundant." --#ARGUMENTS {4, 2} --#SEVERITY MAJOR --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE DEGRADED ::= 22018 cpqRackPowerSubsystemLineVoltageProblem TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE compaq VARIABLES { sysName, cpqHoTrapFlags, cpqRackName, cpqRackUid, cpqRackPowerSupplyEnclosureName, cpqRackPowerSupplyPosition, cpqRackPowerSupplyFWRev, cpqRackPowerSupplyInputLineStatus, cpqRackPowerSupplySparePartNumber, cpqRackCommonEnclosureSerialNum, cpqRackCommonEnclosureTrapSequenceNum } DESCRIPTION "The rack power supply detected an input line voltage problem. User Action: Check the power input for the power supply or replace any failed power supplies as soon as possible." --#TYPE "Rack power supply input voltage problem (22019)" --#SUMMARY "The rack power supply detected an input line voltage problem in power supply %s, enclosure %s, rack %s." --#ARGUMENTS {5, 4, 2} --#SEVERITY MAJOR --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE DEGRADED ::= 22019 cpqRackPowerSubsystemOverloadCondition TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE compaq VARIABLES { sysName, cpqHoTrapFlags, cpqRackName, cpqRackUid, cpqRackPowerEnclosureName, cpqRackCommonEnclosureSparePartNumber, cpqRackCommonEnclosureSerialNum, cpqRackCommonEnclosureTrapSequenceNum } DESCRIPTION "The rack power subsystem overload condition. User Action: Replace any failed power supplies as soon as possible to return the system to a redundant state." --#TYPE "Rack power subsystem overload condition (22020)" --#SUMMARY "The power subsystem in enclosure %s in rack %s is in an overload condition." --#ARGUMENTS {4, 2} --#SEVERITY MAJOR --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE DEGRADED ::= 22020 cpqRackPowerShedAutoShutdown TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE compaq VARIABLES { sysName, cpqHoTrapFlags, cpqRackName, cpqRackUid, cpqRackServerBladeEnclosureName, cpqRackServerBladePosition, cpqRackServerBladeSparePartNumber, cpqRackCommonEnclosureSerialNum, cpqRackCommonEnclosureTrapSequenceNum } DESCRIPTION "Server shutdown due to power shedding. The server blade was shutdown due to a lack of power. User Action: Check power connections or add power supplies." --#TYPE "Server shutdown due to power shedding (22021)" --#SUMMARY "The server shutdown due to lack of power blade %s, in enclosure %s, in rack %s." --#ARGUMENTS {5, 4, 2} --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE NONOPERATIONAL ::= 22021 cpqRackServerPowerOnFailedNotRedundant TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE compaq VARIABLES { sysName, cpqHoTrapFlags, cpqRackName, cpqRackUid, cpqRackServerBladeEnclosureName, cpqRackServerBladePosition, cpqRackServerBladeSparePartNumber, cpqRackCommonEnclosureSerialNum, cpqRackCommonEnclosureTrapSequenceNum } DESCRIPTION "Server power on prevented to preserve redundancy. There is not enough power to power on the server blade and maintain redundancy for the other blades in the enclosure. User Action: Check power connections or add power supplies." --#TYPE "Server power on prevented to preserve redundancy (22022)" --#SUMMARY "Server power on prevented to preserve redundancy in blade %s, in enclosure %s, in rack %s." --#ARGUMENTS {5, 4, 2} --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE NONOPERATIONAL ::= 22022 cpqRackServerPowerOnFailedNotEnoughPower TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE compaq VARIABLES { sysName, cpqHoTrapFlags, cpqRackName, cpqRackUid, cpqRackServerBladeEnclosureName, cpqRackServerBladePosition, cpqRackServerBladeSparePartNumber, cpqRackCommonEnclosureSerialNum, cpqRackCommonEnclosureTrapSequenceNum } DESCRIPTION "Inadequate power to power on. There is not enough power to power on the server blade. User Action: Check power connections or add power supplies." --#TYPE "Inadequate power to power on (22023)" --#SUMMARY "Inadequate power to power on blade %s, in enclosure %s, in rack %s." --#ARGUMENTS {5, 4, 2} --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE NONOPERATIONAL ::= 22023 cpqRackServerPowerOnFailedEnclosureNotFound TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE compaq VARIABLES { sysName, cpqHoTrapFlags, cpqRackName, cpqRackUid, cpqRackServerBladeEnclosureName, cpqRackServerBladePosition, cpqRackServerBladeSparePartNumber, cpqRackCommonEnclosureSerialNum, cpqRackCommonEnclosureTrapSequenceNum } DESCRIPTION "Inadequate power to power on. There is not enough power to power on the server blade. The server enclosure micro-controller was not found. User Action: Check server enclosure connections or add power supplies." --#TYPE "Inadequate power to power on (22024)" --#SUMMARY "Inadequate power to power on blade %s, in enclosure %s, in rack %s." --#ARGUMENTS {5, 4, 2} --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE NONOPERATIONAL ::= 22024 cpqRackServerPowerOnFailedPowerChassisNotFound TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE compaq VARIABLES { sysName, cpqHoTrapFlags, cpqRackName, cpqRackUid, cpqRackServerBladeEnclosureName, cpqRackServerBladePosition, cpqRackServerBladeSparePartNumber, cpqRackCommonEnclosureSerialNum, cpqRackCommonEnclosureTrapSequenceNum } DESCRIPTION "Inadequate power to power on. There is not enough power to power on the server blade. The power enclosure micro-controller was not found. User Action: Check power enclosure connections or add power supplies." --#TYPE "Inadequate power to power on (22025)" --#SUMMARY "Inadequate power to power on blade %s, in enclosure %s, in rack %s." --#ARGUMENTS {5, 4, 2} --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE NONOPERATIONAL ::= 22025 cpqRackServerPowerOnManualOverride TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE compaq VARIABLES { sysName, cpqHoTrapFlags, cpqRackName, cpqRackUid, cpqRackServerBladeEnclosureName, cpqRackServerBladePosition, cpqRackServerBladeSparePartNumber, cpqRackCommonEnclosureSerialNum, cpqRackCommonEnclosureTrapSequenceNum } DESCRIPTION "Server power on via manual override. The server blade was powered on by a manual override. User Action: None." --#TYPE "Server power on via manual override (22026)" --#SUMMARY "Server power on via manual override on blade %s, in enclosure %s, in rack %s." --#ARGUMENTS {5, 4, 2} --#SEVERITY MAJOR --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE DEGRADED ::= 22026 cpqRackFuseOpen TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE compaq VARIABLES { sysName, cpqHoTrapFlags, cpqRackName, cpqRackUid, cpqRackCommonEnclosureName, cpqRackCommonEnclosureFuseLocation, cpqRackCommonEnclosureSparePartNumber, cpqRackCommonEnclosureSerialNum, cpqRackCommonEnclosureTrapSequenceNum } DESCRIPTION "Fuse open. The fuse has been tripped. User Action: Check enclosure and / or blade power connections and reset the fuse." --#TYPE "Fuse open (22027)" --#SUMMARY "Fuse open fuse %s, in enclosure %s, in rack %s." --#ARGUMENTS {5, 4, 2} --#SEVERITY MAJOR --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE DEGRADED ::= 22027 cpqRackServerBladeRemoved TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE compaq VARIABLES { sysName, cpqHoTrapFlags, cpqRackName, cpqRackUid, cpqRackServerBladeEnclosureName, cpqRackServerBladeName, cpqRackServerBladePosition, cpqRackServerBladeSparePartNumber, cpqRackCommonEnclosureSerialNum, cpqRackCommonEnclosureTrapSequenceNum } DESCRIPTION "Server blade removed. The server blade has been removed from the enclosure. User Action: None." --#TYPE "Server blade removed (22028)" --#SUMMARY "Server blade %s removed from position %s, in enclosure %s, in rack %s." --#ARGUMENTS {5, 6, 4, 2} --#SEVERITY MAJOR --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE DEGRADED ::= 22028 cpqRackServerBladeInserted TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE compaq VARIABLES { sysName, cpqHoTrapFlags, cpqRackName, cpqRackUid, cpqRackServerBladeEnclosureName, cpqRackServerBladeName, cpqRackServerBladePosition, cpqRackServerBladeSparePartNumber, cpqRackCommonEnclosureSerialNum, cpqRackCommonEnclosureTrapSequenceNum } DESCRIPTION "Server blade inserted. The server blade has been inserted into the enclosure. User Action: None." --#TYPE "Server blade inserted (22029)" --#SUMMARY "Server blade %s inserted into position %s, in enclosure %s, in rack %s." --#ARGUMENTS {5, 6, 4, 2} --#SEVERITY MAJOR --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE DEGRADED ::= 22029 cpqRackPowerChassisNotLoadBalanced TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE compaq VARIABLES { sysName, cpqHoTrapFlags, cpqRackName, cpqRackUid, cpqRackCommonEnclosureName, cpqRackCommonEnclosureSerialNum, cpqRackCommonEnclosureSparePartNumber, cpqRackCommonEnclosureTrapSequenceNum } DESCRIPTION "Power subsystem not load balanced. The power subsystem is out of balance for this power enclosure. User Action: Check the power enclosure and power supplies. Replace any failed or degraded power supplies. Add additional power supplies if needed." --#TYPE "Power subsystem not load balanced (22030)" --#SUMMARY "Power subsystem not load balanced in enclosure %s, in rack %s." --#ARGUMENTS {4, 2} --#SEVERITY MAJOR --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE DEGRADED ::= 22030 cpqRackPowerChassisDcPowerProblem TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE compaq VARIABLES { sysName, cpqHoTrapFlags, cpqRackName, cpqRackUid, cpqRackCommonEnclosureName, cpqRackCommonEnclosureSerialNum, cpqRackCommonEnclosureSparePartNumber, cpqRackCommonEnclosureTrapSequenceNum } DESCRIPTION "Power subsystem DC power problem. There is a power subsystem DC power problem for this power enclosure. User Action: Check the power enclosure and power supplies. Replace any failed or degraded power supplies." --#TYPE "Power subsystem DC power problem (22031)" --#SUMMARY "Power subsystem DC power problem in enclosure %s, in rack %s." --#ARGUMENTS {4, 2} --#SEVERITY MAJOR --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE DEGRADED ::= 22031 cpqRackPowerChassisAcFacilityPowerExceeded TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE compaq VARIABLES { sysName, cpqHoTrapFlags, cpqRackName, cpqRackUid, cpqRackCommonEnclosureName, cpqRackCommonEnclosureSerialNum, cpqRackCommonEnclosureSparePartNumber, cpqRackCommonEnclosureTrapSequenceNum } DESCRIPTION "Power subsystem AC facility input power exceeded. There is a power subsystem Power subsystem AC facility input power exceeded for this power enclosure. User Action: Check the power enclosure and power supplies. Replace any failed or degraded power supplies." --#TYPE "Power subsystem AC facility input power exceeded (22032)" --#SUMMARY "Power subsystem AC facility input power exceeded in enclosure %s, in rack %s." --#ARGUMENTS {4, 2} --#SEVERITY MAJOR --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE DEGRADED ::= 22032 cpqRackPowerUnknownPowerConsumption TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE compaq VARIABLES { sysName, cpqHoTrapFlags, cpqRackName, cpqRackUid, cpqRackCommonEnclosureSerialNum, cpqRackCommonEnclosureTrapSequenceNum } DESCRIPTION "Unknown power consumption. There is an unknown power consumer drawing power. User Action: Check the power enclosure and power supplies. Replace any failed or degraded power supplies." --#TYPE "Unknown power consumption (22033)" --#SUMMARY "Unknown power consumption in rack %s." --#ARGUMENTS {2} --#SEVERITY MAJOR --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE DEGRADED ::= 22033 cpqRackPowerChassisLoadBalancingWireMissing TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE compaq VARIABLES { sysName, cpqHoTrapFlags, cpqRackName, cpqRackUid, cpqRackCommonEnclosureName, cpqRackCommonEnclosureSerialNum, cpqRackCommonEnclosureSparePartNumber, cpqRackCommonEnclosureTrapSequenceNum } DESCRIPTION "Power subsystem load balancing wire missing. The power subsystem load balancing wire missing. User Action: Connect the load balancing wire." --#TYPE "Power subsystem load balancing wire missing (22034)" --#SUMMARY "Power subsystem load balancing wire missing for enclosure %s, in rack %s." --#ARGUMENTS {4, 2} --#SEVERITY MAJOR --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE DEGRADED ::= 22034 cpqRackPowerChassisTooManyPowerChassis TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE compaq VARIABLES { sysName, cpqHoTrapFlags, cpqRackName, cpqRackUid, cpqRackCommonEnclosureName, cpqRackCommonEnclosureSerialNum, cpqRackCommonEnclosureTrapSequenceNum } DESCRIPTION "Power subsystem has too may power enclosures. The maximum number of power enclosures has been exceeded. User Action: Remove the extra power enclosure." --#TYPE "Power subsystem has too may power enclosures (22035)" --#SUMMARY "Power subsystem has too may power enclosures %s, in rack %s." --#ARGUMENTS {4, 2} --#SEVERITY MAJOR --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE DEGRADED ::= 22035 cpqRackPowerChassisConfigError TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE compaq VARIABLES { sysName, cpqHoTrapFlags, cpqRackName, cpqRackUid, cpqRackCommonEnclosureName, cpqRackCommonEnclosureSerialNum, cpqRackCommonEnclosureSparePartNumber, cpqRackCommonEnclosureTrapSequenceNum } DESCRIPTION "Power subsystem improperly configured. The power subsystem has been improperly configured. User Action: Check the cabling of the power enclosure." --#TYPE "Power subsystem improperly configured (22036)" --#SUMMARY "Power subsystem has been improperly configured in enclosure %s, in rack %s." --#ARGUMENTS {4, 2} --#SEVERITY MAJOR --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE DEGRADED ::= 22036 END