SEMI-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS OBJECT-TYPE, MODULE-IDENTITY, NOTIFICATION-TYPE, enterprises, IpAddress FROM SNMPv2-SMI TEXTUAL-CONVENTION FROM SNMPv2-TC OBJECT-GROUP, NOTIFICATION-GROUP, MODULE-COMPLIANCE FROM SNMPv2-CONF; hp OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 11 } nm OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hp 2 } hpWebMgmt OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { nm 36 } -- ======================================================================== -- Module Identity hpHttpMgMod MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "0104030000Z" ORGANIZATION "Hewlett-Packard" CONTACT-INFO "" DESCRIPTION "Management information for HP devices. This MIB provides SNMP systems asset and HTTP management information, as well as entity relationship information for host based implementations. This version contains additions for SEMI" REVISION "0010160000Z" DESCRIPTION "Minor syntactic changes in notifications." REVISION "0010120000Z" DESCRIPTION "Fixed semantic error, modified traps and included changes from the review team." REVISION "0010040000Z" DESCRIPTION "Moved Device asset information into a container model. Modified traps and compliance definitions. Depricated previous device asset objects." REVISION "0001120000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added cluster support" REVISION "9903170000Z" DESCRIPTION "Corrected definition of hpHttpMgMod" REVISION "9812010000Z" DESCRIPTION "Incorporated entity-relationship table" REVISION "9706260000Z" DESCRIPTION "Incorporated NetCitizen definitions" REVISION "9606120000Z" DESCRIPTION "Initial Version" ::= { hpWebMgmt 1 } -- ======================================================================== -- Textual Conventions for this MIB Utf8String ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "255a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "To facilitate internationalization, this TC represents information taken from the ISO/IEC IS 10646-1 character set, encoded as an octet string using the UTF-8 character encoding scheme described in RFC 2044 [10]. For strings in 7-bit US-ASCII, there is no impact since the UTF-8 representation is identical to the US-ASCII encoding." SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..255)) -- ======================================================================== -- hpHttpMgTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpHttpMgMod 0 } hpHttpMgObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpHttpMgMod 1 } hpHttpMgGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpHttpMgMod 2 } hpHttpMgCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpHttpMgMod 3 } -- ======================================================================== -- Default attributes for managing via HTTP hpHttpMgDefaults OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpHttpMgObjects 1 } hpHttpMgDefaultURL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Utf8String MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A Uniform Resource Locator (URL), as defined in RFC1738, for the default management information for this device. This URL is typically used by a HTTP browser to display management information for this device. This default page should contain links to any other management pages for this device." ::= { hpHttpMgDefaults 1} -- ======================================================================== -- HP NetCitizen attributes hpHttpMgNetCitizen OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpHttpMgObjects 2 } hpHttpMgMgmtSrvrURL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Utf8String MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "URL of management server for this device. " ::= { hpHttpMgNetCitizen 1} hpHttpMgID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Utf8String MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier for this entity. This ID must not change even if network address or removable cards are changed. For devices with fixed MAC addresses this may be the same as ifPhysAddress; for devices with fixed serial numbers this may be the same as hpHttpMgSerialNumber." ::= { hpHttpMgNetCitizen 2} hpHttpMgHealth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), information(2), ok(3), warning(4), critical(5), nonrecoverable(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Operating status of this entity." ::= { hpHttpMgNetCitizen 3} hpHttpMgManufacturer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Utf8String MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Manufacturer of the hardware for this entity e.g. 'Hewlett-Packard'." ::= { hpHttpMgNetCitizen 4} hpHttpMgProduct OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Utf8String (SIZE(0..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Manufacturer's product number for this entity, e.g. 'D1234A'." ::= { hpHttpMgNetCitizen 5} hpHttpMgVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Utf8String (SIZE(0..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Version number of this entity, e.g. 'A.00.01'. Where several version numbers are available, this represents the software version." ::= { hpHttpMgNetCitizen 6} hpHttpMgHWVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Utf8String (SIZE(0..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Version number of the hardware for this entity, e.g. 'A.00.01'." ::= { hpHttpMgNetCitizen 7} hpHttpMgROMVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Utf8String (SIZE(0..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Version number of ROM for this entity, e.g. 'A.00.01'." ::= { hpHttpMgNetCitizen 8} hpHttpMgSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Utf8String (SIZE(0..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Serial number of entity. It is recommended that this be factory set and read only; if not factory set, should initially be blank." ::= { hpHttpMgNetCitizen 9} hpHttpMgAssetNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Utf8String (SIZE(0..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Asset number of entity. This is not normally modified once set." ::= { hpHttpMgNetCitizen 10} hpHttpMgPhone OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Utf8String (SIZE(0..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Phone number of contact person for this entity." ::= { hpHttpMgNetCitizen 11} -- ======================================================================== -- Entity Relationships hpHttpMgEntityNetInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpHttpMgObjects 3 } hpHttpMgEntityNetInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HpHttpMgEntityNetInfoEntrySequence MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of EntityRelationships, connection type, URLs, IPAddress etc. This table typcially contains relationships between devices that each have their own management agent. " ::= { hpHttpMgEntityNetInfo 1 } hpHttpMgEntityNetInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HpHttpMgEntityNetInfoEntrySequence MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information describing EntityRelationships, URLs, IPAddresses etc." INDEX { hpHttpMgEntityNetInfoIndex } ::= { hpHttpMgEntityNetInfoTable 1 } HpHttpMgEntityNetInfoEntrySequence ::= SEQUENCE { hpHttpMgEntityNetInfoIndex INTEGER, hpHttpMgEntityNetInfoSysObjID Utf8String, hpHttpMgEntityNetInfoRelationshipType INTEGER, hpHttpMgEntityNetInfoUniqueID Utf8String, hpHttpMgEntityNetInfoURL Utf8String, hpHttpMgEntityNetInfoURLLabel Utf8String, hpHttpMgEntityNetInfoIPAddress Utf8String } hpHttpMgEntityNetInfoIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..65536) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The EntityRelationship Entity Index." ::= { hpHttpMgEntityNetInfoEntry 1 } hpHttpMgEntityNetInfoSysObjID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Utf8String MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Sys Object ID of this entity." ::= { hpHttpMgEntityNetInfoEntry 2 } hpHttpMgEntityNetInfoRelationshipType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { self (0), containedEntity (1), containingEntity (2), externallyAttachedEntity (3), indirectlyAttachedEntity (4), clusterNode (5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the type of relationship this entry has to this entity." ::= { hpHttpMgEntityNetInfoEntry 3 } hpHttpMgEntityNetInfoUniqueID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Utf8String MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents a globally unique ID for the device. This MUST be the ordered combination of the Manufacturer, product name, AND any other text that is necessary to guarantee global uniqueness. This ID must not change even if the referenced entity is moved. e.g. HPD1234A9482882" ::= { hpHttpMgEntityNetInfoEntry 4 } hpHttpMgEntityNetInfoURL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Utf8String MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Home Page URL of entity corresponding to this entry. This field may only contain the DNS name of a managed system, in which case the actual URL must be determined from this managed system." ::= { hpHttpMgEntityNetInfoEntry 5 } hpHttpMgEntityNetInfoURLLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Utf8String MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Label that a managaement application should use for the hyperlink to the entity's URL." ::= { hpHttpMgEntityNetInfoEntry 6 } hpHttpMgEntityNetInfoIPAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Utf8String MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Addressing information for one of the IP Addresses of the entity corresponding to this entry." ::= { hpHttpMgEntityNetInfoEntry 7 } -- ======================================================================== -- Clustering information hpHttpMgCluster OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpHttpMgObjects 4 } hpHttpMgClusterName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Utf8String MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The name of the cluster that this system is a member of, or blank if this system is not a member of a cluster." ::= { hpHttpMgCluster 1} -- ======================================================================== -- Device Table -- -- NOTE: For agents that only support one device the table must only -- have one row and the index value should always be 1. hpHttpMgDeviceInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpHttpMgObjects 5 } hpHttpMgDeviceTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HpHttpMgDeviceEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A list of HP devices under a single SNMP agent." ::= { hpHttpMgDeviceInfo 1 } hpHttpMgDeviceEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HpHttpMgDeviceEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A device entry containing objects for a particular device." INDEX { hpHttpMgDeviceIndex } ::= { hpHttpMgDeviceTable 1 } HpHttpMgDeviceEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hpHttpMgDeviceIndex INTEGER, hpHttpMgDeviceGlobalUniqueID Utf8String, hpHttpMgDeviceHealth INTEGER, hpHttpMgDeviceSysObjID Utf8String, hpHttpMgDeviceManagementURL Utf8String, hpHttpMgDeviceManagementURLLabel Utf8String, hpHttpMgDeviceManufacturer Utf8String, hpHttpMgDeviceProductName Utf8String, hpHttpMgDeviceProductCaption Utf8String, hpHttpMgDeviceSerialNumber Utf8String, hpHttpMgDeviceVersion Utf8String, hpHttpMgDeviceHWVersion Utf8String, hpHttpMgDeviceROMVersion Utf8String, hpHttpMgDeviceAssetNumber Utf8String, hpHttpMgDeviceContactPerson Utf8String, hpHttpMgDeviceContactPhone Utf8String, hpHttpMgDeviceContactEmail Utf8String, hpHttpMgDeviceContactPagerNumber Utf8String, hpHttpMgDeviceLocation Utf8String, hpHttpMgDeviceRackId Utf8String, hpHttpMgDeviceRackPosition Utf8String, hpHttpMgDeviceRelationshipType INTEGER } hpHttpMgDeviceIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1000) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The unique device identification within the instance of this Mib." ::= { hpHttpMgDeviceEntry 1 } hpHttpMgDeviceGlobalUniqueID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Utf8String MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents a globally unique ID for the device. This MUST be the ordered combination of the Manufacturer, product name, AND any other text that is necessary to guarantee global uniqueness. This value may not be null. e.g. HPD1234A9482882" ::= { hpHttpMgDeviceEntry 2 } hpHttpMgDeviceHealth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (1), unused (2), ok (3), -- available for meaningful work warning (4), -- something needs attention critical (5), -- something has failed nonrecoverable (6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Overall health of the device. The goal of this object is to be the single poll point to check the status of the device." ::= { hpHttpMgDeviceEntry 3 } hpHttpMgDeviceSysObjID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Utf8String MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System Object ID for this Device entity. This should be an ASCII integer format. (i.e. The value may not be null." -- -- NOTE: For single device agents this field contains a value -- similar to the MIB II/System/sysObjID -- ::= { hpHttpMgDeviceEntry 4 } hpHttpMgDeviceManagementURL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Utf8String MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object contains the URL for the device's management software. If it does not exist the value is empty string. If write is not supported, then return invalid. This value is retained across boots." ::= { hpHttpMgDeviceEntry 5 } hpHttpMgDeviceManagementURLLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Utf8String MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The label that a management application should use for the hyperlink to the entity's URL." ::= { hpHttpMgDeviceEntry 6 } hpHttpMgDeviceManufacturer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Utf8String MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The device's manufacturer name. For Hewlett Packard branded equipment this value MUST be 'HP'" ::= { hpHttpMgDeviceEntry 7 } hpHttpMgDeviceProductName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Utf8String MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The device's product name. Null is NOT a valid value. (i.e. D1234A)" ::= { hpHttpMgDeviceEntry 8 } hpHttpMgDeviceProductCaption OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Utf8String MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The device's product caption name. (i.e. HP Multi-stack Disk Array)" ::= { hpHttpMgDeviceEntry 9 } hpHttpMgDeviceSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Utf8String MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The serial number for the device. This can return a NULL string." ::= { hpHttpMgDeviceEntry 10 } hpHttpMgDeviceVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Utf8String (SIZE(0..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Version number for this device." ::= { hpHttpMgDeviceEntry 11 } hpHttpMgDeviceHWVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Utf8String (SIZE(0..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Version number for this device's hardware." ::= { hpHttpMgDeviceEntry 12 } hpHttpMgDeviceROMVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Utf8String (SIZE(0..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Version number for this device's ROM." ::= { hpHttpMgDeviceEntry 13 } hpHttpMgDeviceAssetNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Utf8String (SIZE(0..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Asset number for the device." ::= { hpHttpMgDeviceEntry 14 } hpHttpMgDeviceContactPerson OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Utf8String (SIZE(0..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Identifies the name of the person responsible for the operation of this device. If write is not supported then return invalid." -- -- NOTE: For single device agents this field contains a value -- similar to the MIB II/System/sysContact -- ::= { hpHttpMgDeviceEntry 15 } hpHttpMgDeviceContactPhone OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Utf8String (SIZE(0..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Phone number of the contact person for this device." ::= { hpHttpMgDeviceEntry 16 } hpHttpMgDeviceContactEmail OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Utf8String MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "e-mail address of the contact person for this device." ::= { hpHttpMgDeviceEntry 17 } hpHttpMgDeviceContactPagerNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Utf8String (SIZE(0..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Pager number of the contact person for this device." ::= { hpHttpMgDeviceEntry 18 } hpHttpMgDeviceLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Utf8String MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Identifies the location for the this device. If write is not supported then return invalid." -- -- NOTE: For single device agents this field contains a value -- similar to the MIB II/System/sysLocation -- ::= { hpHttpMgDeviceEntry 19 } hpHttpMgDeviceRackId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Utf8String MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Identifies the name given by the administrator to identify a particular rack such a rack 4a or SAP 2 for example." ::= { hpHttpMgDeviceEntry 20 } hpHttpMgDeviceRackPosition OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Utf8String MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Identifies the location such as top, middle or bottom or a number such a 1st from top etc. to identify the placement of a device in a rack." ::= { hpHttpMgDeviceEntry 21 } hpHttpMgDeviceRelationshipType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { host (1), other (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the relationship of this device to the SNMP agent. Host indicates that this device owns the SNMP agent." ::= { hpHttpMgDeviceEntry 22 } -- ======================================================================== -- Trap Definitions hpHttpMgHealthTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hpHttpMgHealth } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Sent whenever hpHttpMgHealth changes state." ::= { hpHttpMgTraps 1 } hpHttpMgShutdown NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Sent when the agent is about to shut down." ::= { hpHttpMgTraps 2 } hpHttpMgUnknownHealthTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hpHttpMgDeviceIndex, hpHttpMgDeviceSysObjID, hpHttpMgDeviceGlobalUniqueID, hpHttpMgDeviceManagementURL, hpHttpMgDeviceManagementURLLabel, hpHttpMgDeviceSpecificEventCode, hpHttpMgDeviceSpecificFRU } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The device's health has changed to unknown." ::= { hpHttpMgTraps 3 } hpHttpMgOKHealthTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hpHttpMgDeviceIndex, hpHttpMgDeviceSysObjID, hpHttpMgDeviceGlobalUniqueID, hpHttpMgDeviceManagementURL, hpHttpMgDeviceManagementURLLabel, hpHttpMgDeviceSpecificEventCode, hpHttpMgDeviceSpecificFRU } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The device's health has changed to OK." ::= { hpHttpMgTraps 4 } hpHttpMgWarningHealthTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hpHttpMgDeviceIndex, hpHttpMgDeviceSysObjID, hpHttpMgDeviceGlobalUniqueID, hpHttpMgDeviceManagementURL, hpHttpMgDeviceManagementURLLabel, hpHttpMgDeviceSpecificEventCode, hpHttpMgDeviceSpecificFRU } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The device's health has changed to warning." ::= { hpHttpMgTraps 5 } hpHttpMgCriticalHealthTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hpHttpMgDeviceIndex, hpHttpMgDeviceSysObjID, hpHttpMgDeviceGlobalUniqueID, hpHttpMgDeviceManagementURL, hpHttpMgDeviceManagementURLLabel, hpHttpMgDeviceSpecificEventCode, hpHttpMgDeviceSpecificFRU } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The device's health has changed to critical." ::= { hpHttpMgTraps 6 } hpHttpMgNonRecoverableHealthTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hpHttpMgDeviceIndex, hpHttpMgDeviceSysObjID, hpHttpMgDeviceGlobalUniqueID, hpHttpMgDeviceManagementURL, hpHttpMgDeviceManagementURLLabel, hpHttpMgDeviceSpecificEventCode, hpHttpMgDeviceSpecificFRU } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The device's health has changed to Non-Recoverable." ::= { hpHttpMgTraps 7 } hpHttpMgDeviceAddedTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hpHttpMgDeviceIndex, hpHttpMgDeviceSysObjID, hpHttpMgDeviceGlobalUniqueID, hpHttpMgDeviceManagementURL, hpHttpMgDeviceManagementURLLabel } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Sent whenever a device is added to the mib." ::= { hpHttpMgTraps 8 } hpHttpMgDeviceRemovedTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hpHttpMgDeviceIndex, hpHttpMgDeviceSysObjID, hpHttpMgDeviceGlobalUniqueID } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Sent whenever a device is removed from the mib." ::= { hpHttpMgTraps 9 } hpHttpMgDeviceSpecificEventCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Utf8String MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Device specific event error code." ::= { hpHttpMgTraps 10 } hpHttpMgDeviceSpecificFRU OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Utf8String MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Device specific FRU identifier" ::= { hpHttpMgTraps 11 } -- ======================================================================== -- Compliance Statements hpHttpMgMinCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for SNMP entities which are http manageable." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { hpHttpMgDefaultGroup } ::= { hpHttpMgCompliances 1 } hpHttpMgBasicNetCitizenCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION " The compliance statement for SNMP entities which meet basic NetCitizen crieria" MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { hpHttpMgDefaultGroup, hpHttpMgBasicNetCitizenGroup, hpHttpMgBasicNetCitizenTrapGroup } ::= { hpHttpMgCompliances 2 } hpHttpMgEnhancedNetCitizenCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The compliance statement for SNMP entities which meet basic NetCitizen crieria" MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { hpHttpMgDefaultGroup, hpHttpMgEnhancedNetCitizenGroup, hpHttpMgEnhancedNetCitizenTrapGroup } ::= { hpHttpMgCompliances 3 } -- ======================================================================== -- Units of conformance hpHttpMgDefaultGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { hpHttpMgDefaultURL } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The objects providing information applicable to all http manageable systems" ::= { hpHttpMgGroups 1 } hpHttpMgBasicNetCitizenGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { hpHttpMgMgmtSrvrURL, hpHttpMgID, hpHttpMgHealth, hpHttpMgManufacturer, hpHttpMgProduct, hpHttpMgVersion } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Additional HP NetCitizen objects" ::= { hpHttpMgGroups 2 } hpHttpMgBasicNetCitizenTrapGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { hpHttpMgHealthTrap } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "HP NetCitizen notifications" ::= { hpHttpMgGroups 3 } hpHttpMgExtendedNetCitizenGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { hpHttpMgHWVersion, hpHttpMgROMVersion, hpHttpMgSerialNumber, hpHttpMgAssetNumber, hpHttpMgPhone } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Additional HP NetCitizen objects" ::= { hpHttpMgGroups 4 } hpHttpMgExtendedNetCitizenTrapGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { hpHttpMgShutdown } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "HP NetCitizen notifications" ::= { hpHttpMgGroups 5 } hpHttpMgEntityRelationshipGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { hpHttpMgEntityNetInfoIndex, hpHttpMgEntityNetInfoSysObjID, hpHttpMgEntityNetInfoRelationshipType, hpHttpMgEntityNetInfoUniqueID, hpHttpMgEntityNetInfoURL, hpHttpMgEntityNetInfoURLLabel, hpHttpMgEntityNetInfoIPAddress } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NetCitizen entitly-relationship table" ::= { hpHttpMgGroups 6 } hpHttpMgClusterGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { hpHttpMgClusterName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Cluster objects" ::= { hpHttpMgGroups 7 } hpHttpMgEnhancedNetCitizenGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { hpHttpMgDeviceIndex, hpHttpMgDeviceGlobalUniqueID, hpHttpMgDeviceHealth, hpHttpMgDeviceSysObjID, hpHttpMgDeviceManagementURL, hpHttpMgDeviceManagementURLLabel, hpHttpMgDeviceManufacturer, hpHttpMgDeviceProductName, hpHttpMgDeviceProductCaption, hpHttpMgDeviceSerialNumber, hpHttpMgDeviceVersion, hpHttpMgDeviceHWVersion, hpHttpMgDeviceROMVersion, hpHttpMgDeviceAssetNumber, hpHttpMgDeviceContactPerson, hpHttpMgDeviceContactPhone, hpHttpMgDeviceContactEmail, hpHttpMgDeviceContactPagerNumber, hpHttpMgDeviceLocation, hpHttpMgDeviceRackId, hpHttpMgDeviceRackPosition, hpHttpMgDeviceRelationshipType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Additional HP NetCitizen objects" ::= { hpHttpMgGroups 8 } hpHttpMgEnhancedNetCitizenTrapGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { hpHttpMgUnknownHealthTrap, hpHttpMgOKHealthTrap, hpHttpMgWarningHealthTrap, hpHttpMgCriticalHealthTrap, hpHttpMgNonRecoverableHealthTrap, hpHttpMgDeviceAddedTrap, hpHttpMgDeviceRemovedTrap } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "HP NetCitizen notifications" ::= { hpHttpMgGroups 9 } END