-- -- FORTINET-CORE-MIB.mib: Main MIB for Fortinet enterprise OID tree -- -- MODULE-IDENTITY -- OrgName -- Fortinet Technologies, Inc. -- ContactInfo -- Technical Support -- e-mail: support@fortinet.com -- http://www.fortinet.com -- FORTINET-CORE-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS ifIndex FROM IF-MIB InetAddress, InetAddressPrefixLength, InetAddressType FROM INET-ADDRESS-MIB MODULE-COMPLIANCE, NOTIFICATION-GROUP, OBJECT-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF sysName FROM SNMPv2-MIB Integer32, MODULE-IDENTITY, NOTIFICATION-TYPE, OBJECT-TYPE, enterprises FROM SNMPv2-SMI DisplayString, TEXTUAL-CONVENTION FROM SNMPv2-TC; fortinet MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201404100000Z" ORGANIZATION "Fortinet Technologies, Inc." CONTACT-INFO "Technical Support email: support@fortinet.com http://www.fortinet.com " DESCRIPTION "Registered FortiVoiceMib OID" REVISION "201404100000Z" DESCRIPTION "Registered FortiADCMib OID" REVISION "201403220000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added fan failure and AMC bypass traps" REVISION "201205090000Z" DESCRIPTION "Registered FortiDDoSMib OID" REVISION "201204230000Z" DESCRIPTION "Registered FortiDNSMib OID" REVISION "201112230000Z" DESCRIPTION "Registered FortiCacheMib OID" REVISION "201104250000Z" DESCRIPTION "Supporting portuguese language" REVISION "201005140000Z" DESCRIPTION "Registered FortiScanMib OID" REVISION "200905200000Z" DESCRIPTION "MIB module for Fortinet network devices." REVISION "200811190000Z" DESCRIPTION "Registered FortiWebMib OID" REVISION "200810210000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added SMI comments" REVISION "200806250000Z" DESCRIPTION "Adjusted fnAdmin tree to start at .1" REVISION "200806160000Z" DESCRIPTION "Spelling corrections." REVISION "200804170000Z" DESCRIPTION "Initial version of fortinet core MIB." ::= { enterprises 12356 } -- assigned by IANA -- -- Fortinet MIB Textual Conventions (TC) -- FnBoolState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Boolean data type representing enabled/disabled" SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled (1), enabled (2) } FnLanguage ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumerated type for user interface languages" SYNTAX INTEGER { english (1), simplifiedChinese (2), japanese (3), korean (4), spanish (5), traditionalChinese (6), french (7), portuguese (8), undefined (255) } FnIndex ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Data type for table index values" SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647) FnSessionProto ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Data type for session protocols" SYNTAX INTEGER { ip (0), icmp (1), igmp (2), ipip (4), tcp (6), egp (8), pup (12), udp (17), idp (22), ipv6 (41), rsvp (46), gre (47), esp (50), ah (51), ospf (89), pim (103), comp (108), raw (255) } -- -- Fortinet Enterprise Structure of Management Information (SMI) -- fnCoreMib OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fortinet 100 } -- -- Fortinet Product Family MIB Object Identifier Assignments -- -- fnFortiGateMib OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fortinet 101 } -- fnFortiAnalyzerMib OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fortinet 102 } -- fnFortiManagerMib OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fortinet 103 } -- fnFortiDefenderMib OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fortinet 104 } -- fnFortiMailMib OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fortinet 105 } -- fnFortiSwitchMib OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fortinet 106 } -- fnFortiWebMib OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fortinet 107 } -- fnFortiScanMib OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fortinet 108 } -- fnFortiCacheMib OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fortinet 109 } -- fnFortiDNSMib OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fortinet 110 } -- fnFortiDDoSMib OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fortinet 111 } -- fnFortiADCMib OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fortinet 112 } -- fnFortiVoiceMib OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fortinet 113 } -- -- -- fnCoreMib.fnCommon -- fnCommon OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fnCoreMib 1 } -- -- fnCoreMib.fnCommon.fnSystem -- fnSystem OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fnCommon 1 } fnSysSerial OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Device serial number. This is the same serial number as given in the ENTITY-MIB tables for the base entity." ::= { fnSystem 1 } -- -- fnCoreMib.fnCommon.fnMgmt -- fnMgmt OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fnCommon 2 } fnMgmtLanguage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FnLanguage MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Language used for administration interfaces" ::= { fnMgmt 1 } fnAdmin OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fnMgmt 100 } fnAdminNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of admin accounts in fnAdminTable" ::= { fnAdmin 1 } fnAdminTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF FnAdminEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of administrator accounts on the device. This table is intended to be extended with platform specific information." ::= { fnAdmin 2 } fnAdminEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FnAdminEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information applicable to a particular admin account" INDEX { fnAdminIndex } ::= { fnAdminTable 1 } FnAdminEntry ::= SEQUENCE { fnAdminIndex Integer32, fnAdminName DisplayString, fnAdminAddrType InetAddressType, fnAdminAddr InetAddress, fnAdminMask InetAddressPrefixLength } fnAdminIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An index uniquely defining an administrator account within the fnAdminTable" ::= { fnAdminEntry 1 } fnAdminName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The user-name of the specified administrator account" ::= { fnAdminEntry 2 } fnAdminAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of address stored in fnAdminAddr, in compliance with INET-ADDRESS-MIB" ::= { fnAdminEntry 3 } fnAdminAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The address prefix identifying where the administrator account can be used from, typically an IPv4 address. The address type/format is determined by fnAdminAddrType." ::= { fnAdminEntry 4 } fnAdminMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressPrefixLength MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The address prefix length (or network mask) applied to the fgAdminAddr to determine the subnet or host the administrator can access the device from" ::= { fnAdminEntry 5 } -- -- fnCoreMib.fnCommon.fnTraps -- fnTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fnCommon 3 } fnTrapsPrefix OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fnTraps 0 } fnTrapObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fnTraps 1 } fnGenTrapMsg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generic message associated with an event. The content will depend on the nature of the trap." ::= { fnTrapObjects 1 } fnTrapCpuThreshold NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { fnSysSerial, sysName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates that the CPU usage has exceeded the configured threshold." ::= { fnTrapsPrefix 101 } fnTrapMemThreshold NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { fnSysSerial, sysName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates memory usage has exceeded the configured threshold." ::= { fnTrapsPrefix 102 } fnTrapLogDiskThreshold NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { fnSysSerial, sysName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Log disk usage has exceeded the configured threshold. Only available on devices with log disks." ::= { fnTrapsPrefix 103 } fnTrapTempHigh NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { fnSysSerial, sysName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A temperature sensor on the device has exceeded its threshold. Not all devices have thermal sensors. See manual for specifications." ::= { fnTrapsPrefix 104 } fnTrapVoltageOutOfRange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { fnSysSerial, sysName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Power levels have fluctuated outside of normal levels. Not all devices have voltage monitoring instrumentation. See manual for specifications." ::= { fnTrapsPrefix 105 } fnTrapPowerSupplyFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { fnSysSerial, sysName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Power supply failure detected. Not available on all models. Available on some devices which support redundant power supplies. See manual for specifications." ::= { fnTrapsPrefix 106 } fnTrapAmcIfBypassMode NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { fnSysSerial, sysName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An AMC interface entered bypass mode. Available on models with an AMC expansion slot. Used with the ASM-CX4 and ASM-FX2 cards." ::= { fnTrapsPrefix 107 } fnTrapFanFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { fnSysSerial, sysName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A fan failure has been detected. Not all devices have fan sensors. See manual for specifications." ::= { fnTrapsPrefix 108 } fnTrapIpChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { fnSysSerial, sysName, ifIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates that the IP address of the specified interface has been changed." ::= { fnTrapsPrefix 201 } fnTrapTest NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { fnSysSerial, sysName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Trap sent for diagnostic purposes by an administrator." ::= { fnTrapsPrefix 999 } -- -- fnCoreMib.fnCommon.fnMIBConformance -- fnMIBConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fnCoreMib 10 } fnSystemComplianceGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { fnSysSerial } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Objects relating to the physical device." ::= { fnMIBConformance 1 } fnMgmtComplianceGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { fnMgmtLanguage } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Objects relating the management of a device." ::= { fnMIBConformance 2 } fnAdminComplianceGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { fnAdminNumber, fnAdminName, fnAdminAddrType, fnAdminAddr, fnAdminMask } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Administration access control objects." ::= { fnMIBConformance 3 } fnTrapsComplianceGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { fnTrapCpuThreshold, fnTrapMemThreshold, fnTrapLogDiskThreshold, fnTrapTempHigh, fnTrapVoltageOutOfRange, fnTrapPowerSupplyFailure, fnTrapAmcIfBypassMode, fnTrapFanFailure, fnTrapIpChange, fnTrapTest } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Event notifications" ::= { fnMIBConformance 4 } fnNotifObjectsComplianceGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { fnGenTrapMsg } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Object identifiers used in notifications" ::= { fnMIBConformance 5 } fnMIBCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for the application MIB." MODULE -- this module GROUP fnSystemComplianceGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for all Fortinet network appliances supporting this MIB." GROUP fnMgmtComplianceGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is optional for devices that do not support common management interface options such as multiple languages." GROUP fnAdminComplianceGroup DESCRIPTION "This group should be accessible on any device supporting administrator authentication." GROUP fnTrapsComplianceGroup DESCRIPTION "Traps are optional. Not all models support all traps. Consult product literature to see which traps are supported." GROUP fnNotifObjectsComplianceGroup DESCRIPTION "Object identifiers used in notifications. Objects are required if their containing trap is implemented." ::= { fnMIBConformance 100 } END