S5-AGENT-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS IpAddress, TimeTicks, OBJECT-TYPE, Integer32, Counter32, MODULE-IDENTITY FROM SNMPv2-SMI DisplayString, DateAndTime, TruthValue, MacAddress FROM SNMPv2-TC s5Agent FROM S5-ROOT-MIB TimeIntervalSec, IpxAddress FROM S5-TCS-MIB InterfaceIndex FROM IF-MIB PortList, VlanId FROM Q-BRIDGE-MIB; s5AgentMib MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200705110000Z" ORGANIZATION "Nortel Networks" CONTACT-INFO "Nortel Networks" DESCRIPTION "S5000 Agent MIB Copyright 1995 - 2007 Nortel Networks, Inc. All rights reserved. This Bay Networks SNMP Management Information Base Specification (Specification) embodies Bay Networks' confidential and proprietary intellectual property. Bay Networks retains all title and ownership in the Specification, including any revisions. This Specification is supplied 'AS IS,' and Bay Networks makes no warranty, either express or implied, as to the use, operation, condition, or performance of the Specification." REVISION "200705110000Z" -- 11 May 2007 DESCRIPTION "Version 184: Add objects for timezone acronyms." REVISION "200705030000Z" -- 03 May 2007 DESCRIPTION "Version 183: Fix typos in s5AgAsciiConfigScriptTable." REVISION "200703050000Z" -- 05 Mar 2007 DESCRIPTION "Version 182: Expanded range of s5AgAsciiConfigScriptSource." REVISION "200702270000Z" -- 27 Feb 2007 DESCRIPTION "Version 181: Added s5AgAsciiConfigScriptLastStatusChange." REVISION "200702160000Z" -- 16 Feb 2007 DESCRIPTION "Version 180: Added s5AgentAsciiConfig group." REVISION "200701080000Z" -- 08 Jan 2007 DESCRIPTION "Version 179: Added s5AgDaylightSavingsEndMinutes, s5AgDaylightSavingsEndYear, s5AgDaylightSavingsStartMinutes, s5AgDaylightSavingsStartYear, s5AgDaylightSavingsRecurring. Also added enumerations for DHCP to s5AgInfoBootMode." REVISION "200611070000Z" -- 07 Nov 2006 DESCRIPTION "Version 178: Added s5AgSysVlanConfigControl." REVISION "200609190000Z" -- 19 Sep 2006 DESCRIPTION "Version 177: Added objects for flushing MAC address table." REVISION "200608280000Z" -- 28 Aug 2006 DESCRIPTION "Version 176: Added s5AgSysAutosaveToNvramEnabled." REVISION "200608140000Z" -- 14 Aug 2006 DESCRIPTION "Version 175: Added object for global flow control." REVISION "200608070000Z" -- 07 Aug 2006 DESCRIPTION "Version 174: Clarified descriptions." REVISION "200604050000Z" -- 05 Apr 2006 DESCRIPTION "Version 173: Added copyConfigToNvram enumeration to s5AgInfoFileAction." REVISION "200603220000Z" -- 07 Mar 2006 DESCRIPTION "Version 172: Add s5AgSysSpanningTreeAdminCompatibility and s5AgSysSpanningTreeOperCompatibility." REVISION "200603070000Z" -- 07 Mar 2006 DESCRIPTION "Version 171: Add support for upload/downloading license files." REVISION "200602140000Z" -- 14 Feb 2006 DESCRIPTION "Version 170: Allow more lines in banner table." REVISION "200510110000Z" -- 11 Oct 2005 DESCRIPTION "Version 169: Added s5AgSysSpanningTreePortMode." REVISION "200509300000Z" -- 09 Sep 2005 DESCRIPTION "Version 168: Add default(3) to s5AgSysAutoUnitReplacementEnabled." REVISION "200505130000Z" -- 13 May 2005 DESCRIPTION "Version 167: Expand range of s5AgSysUsbTargetUnit." REVISION "200505110000Z" -- 11 May 2005 DESCRIPTION "Version 166: Fix support for USB flash dongles." REVISION "200505040000Z" -- 04 May 2005 DESCRIPTION "Version 165: Fleshed out support for USB flash dongles." REVISION "200504220000Z" -- 22 Apr 2005 DESCRIPTION "Version 164: Added s5AgSysSpanningTreePathCostCalculationMode." REVISION "200503240000Z" -- 24 Mar 2005 DESCRIPTION "Version 163: Added dnldImgFromUsb, upldImgToUsb, dnldFwFromUsb, upldFwToUsb." REVISION "200503220000Z" -- 22 Mar 2005 DESCRIPTION "Version 162: Added dnldImgNoReset and dnldFwNoReset." REVISION "200412090000Z" -- 09 Dec 2004 DESCRIPTION "Version 161: Added s5AgSysAsciiConfigManualUpload." REVISION "200411090000Z" -- 09 Nov 2004 DESCRIPTION "Version 160: Added s5AgentBootConfig group." REVISION "200409300000Z" -- 30 Sept 2004 DESCRIPTION "Version 159: Added new SNTP objects: s5AgSntpTimeZone s5AgSntpSyncRetryInterval Added Daylight Savings group." REVISION "200406180000Z" -- 18 June 2004 DESCRIPTION "Version 158: Added 'disabled(3)' option to s5AgBannerControl" REVISION "200305290000Z" -- 29 May 2003 DESCRIPTION "v153: Conversion to SMIv2, Added s5AgentSsl group" ::= { s5Agent 8 } -- Agent Groups s5AgentHw OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { s5Agent 1 } s5AgentInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { s5Agent 2 } s5AgentMgmt OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { s5Agent 3 } s5AgentSystem OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { s5Agent 4 } s5AgentBanner OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { s5Agent 5 } s5AgentSntp OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { s5Agent 6 } s5AgentSsl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { s5Agent 7 } -- PLACEHOLDER for MODULE-IDENTITY -- s5AgentMib OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { s5Agent 8 } s5AgentDaylightSavings OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { s5Agent 9 } s5AgentBootConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { s5Agent 10 } s5AgentAsciiConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { s5Agent 11 } -- SECTION 2: MIB Objects -- Hardware Information s5AgMyGrpIndx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..32767) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of the group containing the agent." ::= { s5AgentHw 1 } s5AgMyComIndx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..32767) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of the component containing the agent." ::= { s5AgentHw 2 } -- Global Information s5AgentGbl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { s5AgentInfo 1 } s5AgInfoReBoot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), running(2), restart(3), reboot(4), reset(5), download(6), downloadAndRestart(7), downloadAndReboot(8), downloadAndReset(9) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Action object to reboot the agent. The following values can only be read: other(1).....agent in unknown or other state running(2)...agent running The following values can be written: restart(3)...restart agent (i.e., jump to beginning of agent code) reboot(4)....start boot sequence for agent (i.e., jump to beginning of boot firmware) reset(5).....do a hardware reset download(6)..............activate download of a new agent downloadAndRestart(7)....activate download of a new agent and restart downloadAndReboot(8).....activate download of a new agent and reboot downloadAndReset(9)......activate download of a new agent and reset If s5AgInfoScheduleBootTime is set in the same PDU as s5AgInfoReBoot, the action specified occurs when the scheduled time reaches zero; otherwise, the action occurs immediately. The agent does best efforts to return a response before the action occurs. If any of the combined download actions are requested, neither action occurs until the expiry of s5AgInfoScheduleBootTime, if set." ::= { s5AgentGbl 1 } s5AgInfoWriteCfg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), valid(2), write(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Action object to cause current configuration settings to be written to local nonvolatile storage. The following values can only be read: other(1)...some unknown or other state valid(2)...contents valid The following value can be written: write(3)...write configuration settings to local storage (such as nonvol) If the write operation write fails, then the agent will return error 'genErr' on the SET." ::= { s5AgentGbl 2 } s5AgInfoMgmtProtocolNxtBoot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), ipOnly(2), ipxOnly(3), ipAndIpx(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The transport protocol(s) to use after the next boot of the agent. The following value is read-only: other(1)....unknown or some other protocol The following value is read-write: ipOnly(2).....only IP ipxOnly(3)....only IPX ipAndIpx(4)...IP and IPX." ::= { s5AgentGbl 3 } s5AgInfoMgmtProtocolCur OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), ipOnly(2) , ipxOnly(3), ipAndIpx(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current transport protocol(s) that are being supported by the agent. The following value is read-only: other(1)....unknown or some other protocol The following value is read-write: ipOnly(2).....only IP ipxOnly(3)....only IPX ipAndIpx(4)...IP and IPX. When the IP protocol stack is not enabled, the agent will not respond to PING or SNMP requests over IP. When the IPX protocol stack is not enabled, the agent will not respond to diagnostic SAP or SNMP requests over IPX. It is suggested that NMS not disable the transport they are using." ::= { s5AgentGbl 4 } s5AgInfoBootMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), local(2), net(3), netWhenNeeded(4), netOrLastAddress(5), dhcp(6), dhcpWhenNeeded(7), dhcpOrLastAddress(8) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The source for initial protocol configuration information at next boot. For IP, a setting of net(3), netWhenNeeded(4), or netOrLastAddress(5) means that BOOTP will be used to get the agent's IP address(es), load server address, and configuration file name. For IPX, a setting of net(3), netWhenNeeded(4), or netOrLastAddress(5) means SAP will be used to get the agent's Novell network number(s), and the configuation filename will be loaded from local storage (note - the load server address is not needed in a Novell network). The following value is read-only: other(1).....not applicable or some other case The following values are read-write: local(2) Don't use the network. net(3) Try using the network and if that fails then use protocol configuration information from local storage. netWhenNeeded(4) Use protocol configuration information from local storage if available, otherwise, try using the network. netOrLastAddress(5) Similar to netWhenNeeded, except that if using the network fails, the last set of protocol configuration information that was obtained using the network will be used if it is available. Note: The load server address is not configurable and is not available in this MIB object on a Novell network." ::= { s5AgentGbl 5 } s5AgInfoCfgLoadMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), local(2), net(3), locAsBk(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The source from which to load configuration information at next boot. The following value is read-only: other(1)...not applicable or some other case The following values are read-write: local(2).....get from local storage net(3).......load from the network locAsBk(4)...try using network and if it fails then use local information. When local(2) is specified, the configuration information is loaded from local storage. If the local configuration is not valid (checks for ip =, then BOOTP is used for the IP stack. (In IPX only mode, the IP address could be and IPX does not rely on the IP address. The agent checks the IPX address, and if the network number of the IPX address is equal to 0 the agent uses SAP). When net(3) is specified, the configuration information will be downloaded from the network only. The configuration information will never be loaded from local storage, even if downloading fails and the local configuration information exists. When locAsBk(4) is specified, a download of the configuration information will be tried over the network. If the network download fails then the configuration information will be loaded from local storage." ::= { s5AgentGbl 6 } s5AgInfoImgLoadMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), local(2), net(3), locAsBk(4), netIfNewer(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The source from which to load the agent image at next boot. The following value is read-only: other(1)...not applicable or some other case The following values are read-write: local(2)........get from local storage net(3)..........load from the network locAsBk(4)......try using network and if it fails then use local information. netIfNewer(5)...try loading image over the net. If can load image, and it is newer than the local image, then use it. Otherwise, use local image. If the local image is not valid, the setting will be net(3) and cannot be changed to local(2), or locAsBk(4) until a valid image file is loaded (i.e., error 'badValue' will be returned on SETS with value other than net(3)). When the local image is not valid and the network download of the image fails, the entire boot process will be repeated. When local(2) is specified, the image will be loaded from local storage. When net(3) is specified, the image will be downloaded from the network only. The image file will never be loaded from local storage, even if downloading fails and the local image exists. When locAsBk(4) is specified, a download of the image will be tried over the network. If the network download fails then the image is loaded from local storage. When netIfNewer(5) is specified, a download of the image will be tried over the network. If successful, it will then be compared to the image stored in local storage. The most recent version of the two will be used. If the local image is not valid, the network will always be used. If the network download fails then the image is loaded from the local storage." ::= { s5AgentGbl 7 } s5AgInfoImgSaveMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notAvail(1), writeIfDiff(2), writeIfNewer(3), noWrite(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates what to do with the image (when loaded from the network) on the next boot. The following value can only be read: notAvail(1)...the save operation is not available The following values can be written (and read) if the device supports this capability: writeIfDiff(2)....save image to local storage at next boot if image is different from saved contents writeIfNewer(3)...save image to local storage at next boot if image is newer than saved contents. noWrite(4)........do not save image to local storage at next boot, even if image is newer or different." ::= { s5AgentGbl 8 } s5AgInfoImgSaveStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notAvail(1), noSave(2), saved(3), saveFailed(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates what happened to the image file on the last boot. The following values are returned: notAvail(1).....the save operation is not available noSave(2).......image not saved since image was not asked to be saved, or image was not loaded from the network saved(3)........image saved saveFailed(4)...tried to save image, but failed" ::= { s5AgentGbl 9 } s5AgInfoVer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The version of the agent in the form 'major.minor.maintenance[letters]'. This is an alias for the value of the object s5ChasStoreCntntVer for the RAM of the module containing the agent." ::= { s5AgentGbl 10 } s5AgInfoLocStorVer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The version of the agent image saved in local storage such as flash memory in the form 'major.minor.maintenance[letters]'. If not known or not available, then the value is a zero length string. This is an alias for the value of the object s5ChasStoreCntntVer for the local storage of the module containing the agent." ::= { s5AgentGbl 11 } s5AgInfoNxtBootDfltGwAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP address of the default gateway (router) for the agent to use after the next boot. (NOTE: the current default router is the value of object s5AgInfoCurDfltGwAddr (or ipRouteNextHop. If not used, then this object has the value of" ::= { s5AgentGbl 12 } s5AgInfoCurDfltGwAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP address of the current default gateway (router). (NOTE: this is an alias for the object ipRouteNextHop in the row of the table ipRouteTable which has object ipRouteDest with a value of If not used, then this object has the value of" ::= { s5AgentGbl 13 } s5AgInfoDramUsage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-1..100) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An indication of the percentage of DRAM currently in use by this agent. If this information is not available the agent shall return -1, otherwise the percentage of DRAM in use is returned as an integer between 0 and 100. The percentage is defined as the DRAM currently used by this agent divided by the total DRAM available to this agent." ::= { s5AgentGbl 14 } s5AgInfoLoadProtocolNxtBoot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), ipOnly(2), ipxOnly(3), auto(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The transport protocol(s) over which the agent is to use to load the configuration information and the agent image at the next boot of the agent. The following value is read-only: other(1)....unknown or some other protocol The following values are read-write: ipOnly(2)....use load protocol over IP ipxOnly(3)...use load protocol over IPX auto(4)......try using the IP load function and if that fails then use IPX load function. If the IPX load function also fails, repeat the same process until one or the other protocol succeeds." ::= { s5AgentGbl 15 } s5AgInfoLoadProtocolLast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { reserved(1), ip(2), ipx(3), local(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The transport protocol over which the agent image and configuration information were last loaded. The following values are read-only: reserved(1)...reserved ip(2).........gotten from the network using a load protocol over IP ipx(3)........gotten from the network using a load protocol over IPX local(4)......loaded from local storage." ::= { s5AgentGbl 16 } s5AgInfoSlotScope OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..255)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object contains information about all the slots an agent can manage. The value is encoded in an octet string. One byte has information about 8 slots. If a bit is set then agent can manage the corresponding slot. Byte 1 will have information about slots 1-8, byte 2 will have information about slots 9-16, and so on. For example an agent that can manage slots 2-7 in a 14 slot chassis should have the value : 8d:00 (0111 1110 0000 0000) If an agent returns a string of size 0, then it can manage all slots in chassis." ::= { s5AgentGbl 17 } s5AgInfoImgType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), typeA(2), typeB(3), typeC(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the type of agent image. This object is meant to distinguish between agents having the same version number running on the same hardware, but with dissimilar functionality. Following are examples of possible values for various enumerations. other(1) ....... A unique agent eg., 5310A, 5dn310 etc typeA(2) ....... fusion basic agent. typeB(2) ....... fusion advanced agent." ::= { s5AgentGbl 18 } s5AgInfoScheduleBootTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..10080) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time, measured in minutes, remaining until the action(s) set by s5AgInfoReBoot will be performed. This value must be set in the same set request as the value of s5AgInfoReBoot; otherwise, a badValue error is returned. If this value has been set, the number returned will count down to zero, and the time remaining in minutes will be rounded up to the next whole minute. Actions set via s5AgInfoReBoot can be scheduled for up to seven days in advance. 7 * 24 * 60 equals the maximum settable value of 10080. If this attribute has not been set, a value of zero should be returned." ::= { s5AgentGbl 19 } s5AgInfoScheduleBootCancel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), cancel(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Cancel a scheduled s5AgInfoReboot action. The following value is read-only: other(1)...not applicable or some other case This is always the value that return when read. The following values are read-write: cancel(2)...cancel a scheduled boot. Setting this attribute to cancel(2) sets s5AgInfoReBoot to running(2) and s5AgInfoScheduleBootTime to zero." ::= { s5AgentGbl 20 } s5AgInfoNumBootBanks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of local storage locations (or flash memory banks) available on this device for operational code images. Devices without local image capability or not supporting this attribute shall return a value of 0." ::= { s5AgentGbl 21 } s5AgInfoNextBootBank OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The source of the image to be loaded upon the next boot of the device. If a value is set larger than s5AgInfoNumBootBanks, a badValue error should be returned. Devices without local image capability or not supporting this attribute shall return a value of 0." ::= { s5AgentGbl 22 } s5AgInfoDstLoadBank OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The local storage bank where the next system image image is downloaded to. Devices without local image capability or not supporting this attribute shall return a value of 0." ::= { s5AgentGbl 23 } s5AgInfoFileAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), dnldConfig(2), dnldImg(3), upldConfig(4), upldImg(5), dnldFw(6), upldFw(7), dnldImgIfNewer(8), dnldImgToDram(9), dnldImgNoReset(10), dnldFwNoReset(11), dnldImgFromUsb(12), upldImgToUsb(13), dnldFwFromUsb(14), upldFwToUsb(15), dnldConfigFromUsb(16), upldConfigToUsb(17), dnldLicense(18), upldLicense(19), dnldLicenseFromUsb(20), upldLicenseToUsb(21), copyConfigToNvram(22) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used to copy a config file or an image file. Typically, the copy is to/from a TFTP server, though other types of sources/destinations are possible. In read operation, if no action taken since the boot up, it will return other(1). Otherwise it will return the latest action such as dnldConfig(2), dnldImg(3), upldConfig(4) and upldImg(5). In write operation, the values that can be written are: dnldConfig(2) ........... download a config file to a device. The new config file will not take effect until the next boot cycle of the device. dnldImg(3) .............. download an image to a device. upldConfig(4) ........... upload a config file to a server from a device. The config file contains the current MIB object values of the device. upldImg(5) .............. upload a image from a device to a server dnldFw(6) ............... download firmware to a device upldFw(7) ............... upload firware from a device to a server dnldImgIfNewer(8) ....... download an image to a device if the image version is newer than the image stored in local NV storage dnldImgToDram(9) ........ download an image to a device, but do not save it to NVRAM, just keep it in DRAM dnldImgNoReset(10) ...... download an image to a device, but do not reset the device after the download dnldFwNoReset(11) ....... download firmware to a device, but do not reset the device after the download dnldImgFromUsb(12) ...... download image from USB port upldImgToUsb(13) ........ upload image to USB port dnldFwFromUsb(14) ....... download firmware from USB port upldFwToUsb(15) ......... upload firmware to USB port dnldConfigFromUsb(16) ... download binary config from USB port upldConfigToUsb(17) ..... upload binary config to USB port dnldLicense(18) ......... download license file from TFTP server upldLicense(19) ......... upload license file to TFTP server dnldLicenseFromUsb(20) .. download license file from USB port upldLicenseToUsb(21) .... upload license file to USB port copyConfigToNvram(22) ... copy the current running configuration into NVRAM" ::= {s5AgentGbl 24} s5AgInfoFileStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), inProgress (2), success (3), fail (4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used to get the status of the latest action as shown by s5AgInfoFileAction. The values that can be read are: other(1) ......... if no action taken since the boot up inProgress (2) ... the operation is in progress success (3) ...... the operation succeeds. fail (4) ......... the operation is failed." ::= {s5AgentGbl 25} s5AgInfoStackBootpMACUsage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), useBaseUnitMACAddress (2), useStackMACAddress (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used to get/set which MAC address is used by a stackable system when performing BOOTP requests during bootup. A value of useBaseUnitMACAddress(2) indicates that the MAC address of the base unit of the stack will be used. A value of useStackMACAddress(3) indicates that the MAC address of the stack will be used." ::= {s5AgentGbl 26} -- Agent's Interface Information Table s5AgMyIfTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF S5AgMyIfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table that provides additional information about the agent's interfaces. The number of entries in the table is determined by the number of interfaces on the agent." ::= { s5AgentInfo 2 } s5AgMyIfEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX S5AgMyIfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A row in the table of additional information about the agent's interfaces. Entries can not be created or deleted via SNMP requests." INDEX { s5AgMyIfIndx } ::= { s5AgMyIfTable 1 } S5AgMyIfEntry ::= SEQUENCE { s5AgMyIfIndx InterfaceIndex, s5AgMyIfNxtBootIpAddr IpAddress, s5AgMyIfNxtBootNetMask IpAddress, s5AgMyIfCfgFname DisplayString, s5AgMyIfLdSvrAddr IpAddress, s5AgMyIfImgFname DisplayString, s5AgMyIfValidFlag INTEGER, s5AgMyIfNxtBootIpxAddr IpxAddress, s5AgMyIfBootRouterAddr IpAddress, s5AgMyIfMacAddr MacAddress } s5AgMyIfIndx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of the interface. This has the same value as ifIndex for the interface." ::= { s5AgMyIfEntry 1 } s5AgMyIfNxtBootIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "For the next boot, the IP address of the the interface. If not used, then the value is (NOTE: the current IP address for the interface is found in table ipAddrTable and in table s5AgOthIfTable.)" ::= { s5AgMyIfEntry 2 } s5AgMyIfNxtBootNetMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "For the next boot, the subnet mask for the interface. If not used, then the value is (NOTE: the current subnet mask for the interface is found in table ipAddrTable.)" ::= { s5AgMyIfEntry 3 } s5AgMyIfCfgFname OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Name of the configuration file currently associated with the interface. When not used, the value is a zero length string." ::= { s5AgMyIfEntry 4 } s5AgMyIfLdSvrAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP address of the load server for the configuration file and/or the image file. If not used, then the value is" ::= { s5AgMyIfEntry 5 } s5AgMyIfImgFname OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..128)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Name of the image file(s) currently associated with the interface. Some agents in special situations may support a value which contains multiple file names instead of a single file name. Multiple names are specified as a list of file names separated by semicolons (;). When the object is not used, the value is a zero length string." ::= { s5AgMyIfEntry 6 } s5AgMyIfValidFlag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { valid(1), invalid(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the configuration and/or image file(s) were downloaded from this interface and if the file names have not been changed. The following values can be read: valid(1).....configuration and/or image file(s) downloaded from this interface are currently in use invalid(2)...cfg and/or image files downloaded from this interface are not in use (this may also mean that there are no files downloaded from this interface)." ::= { s5AgMyIfEntry 7 } s5AgMyIfNxtBootIpxAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpxAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "For the next boot, the IPX address of the the interface. If the IPX protocol is not used, then the value is 00000000:000000000000. NOTE: The current IPX address for the interface is found in table s5AgOthIfTable." ::= { s5AgMyIfEntry 8 } s5AgMyIfBootRouterAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP address of the boot router for the configuration file and/or the image file. If not used, then the value is" ::= { s5AgMyIfEntry 9 } s5AgMyIfMacAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The MAC address of the interface. The value is 00:00:00:00:00:00 if there is no interface." ::= { s5AgMyIfEntry 10} -- Other Agents' Interface Information Table s5AgOthIfTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF S5AgOthIfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table that provides information about each interface for each agent in the chassis. The number of entries in the table is determined by the number of agents in the chassis and their configuration." ::= { s5AgentInfo 3 } s5AgOthIfEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX S5AgOthIfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A row in the table of information about interface information for all agents in the chassis. Entries can not be created or deleted via SNMP requests." INDEX { s5AgOthIfGrpIndx, s5AgOthIfComIndx, s5AgOthIfIndx } ::= { s5AgOthIfTable 1 } S5AgOthIfEntry ::= SEQUENCE { s5AgOthIfGrpIndx INTEGER, s5AgOthIfComIndx INTEGER, s5AgOthIfIndx InterfaceIndex, s5AgOthIfIpAddr IpAddress, s5AgOthIfIpxAddr IpxAddress } s5AgOthIfGrpIndx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..32767) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of the group containing the component containing the agent." ::= { s5AgOthIfEntry 1 } s5AgOthIfComIndx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..32767) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of the component in the group containing the agent." ::= { s5AgOthIfEntry 2 } s5AgOthIfIndx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of the interface. This is the same value as ifIndex." ::= { s5AgOthIfEntry 3 } s5AgOthIfIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP address of the interface. If not used, then the value is" ::= { s5AgOthIfEntry 4 } s5AgOthIfIpxAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpxAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IPX address of the interface. If the IPX protocol is not used, then the value is 00000000:000000000000." ::= { s5AgOthIfEntry 5 } -- IP Router Aging And Default Router Selection Information s5AgIpRtrDefaultTimeToLive OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeIntervalSec (60..3600) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lifetime of IP router entries in seconds. The maximum length of time that a IP router is to be considered alive in the absence of further positive advice. The default lifetime is used for routers learned through IP router protocols that do not specify a lifetime (e.g. statically configured, ICMP redirects)." DEFVAL { 540 } -- 9 minutes ::= { s5AgentInfo 4 } s5AgIpDefaultRtrSelectionMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), config(2), static(3), dynamic(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The method used to select a default IP router. The following value is read-only: other(1).......not applicable or other case The following values are read-write: config(2).....use configured primary default router. If no primary default router is specified, there will be no default IP route. static(3).....A default router will be chose from the routers known to be up and that have been configured. dynamic(4)....ICMP router discovery as per RFC 1256 is performed and the router with the highest preference level is chosen as default router." DEFVAL { dynamic } ::= { s5AgentInfo 5 } s5AgIpRtrDiscoverySolicitMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { multicast(1), broadcast(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The router discovery solicitation mode to use when the default router selection mode is dynamic. This solicitation mode determines the IP address for ICMP router solicitations (see RFC 1256): multicast(1)..router solicitations are sent to the all-routers multicast address ( broadcast(2)..router solicitations are sent to the limited broadcast address (" DEFVAL { broadcast} ::= { s5AgentInfo 6 } -- Agent's Data Collection Table s5AgDataCollectTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF S5AgDataCollectEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of control information and statistics for the data collection (promiscuous data capturing) per source of detection." ::= { s5AgentInfo 7 } s5AgDataCollectEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX S5AgDataCollectEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A row in the data collection table. Entries can not be created or deleted via SNMP." INDEX { s5AgDataCollectIfIndex } ::= { s5AgDataCollectTable 1 } S5AgDataCollectEntry ::= SEQUENCE { s5AgDataCollectIfIndex INTEGER, s5AgDataCollectSnTimeStamp TimeTicks, s5AgDataCollectNetworkAddrStatus INTEGER } s5AgDataCollectIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An integer value representing the source that collects data from the network. A value greater than zero is the index of the agent's interface on the NMM. This is the same value as ifIndex for the interface. A value of zero indicates data collection via best available efforts (other than NMM's interfaces)." ::= { s5AgDataCollectEntry 1 } s5AgDataCollectSnTimeStamp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of sysUpTime at the last time a node was added or deleted from the Show Node table." ::= { s5AgDataCollectEntry 2 } s5AgDataCollectNetworkAddrStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { alwaysOff(1), on(2), off(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A switch to enable or disable the collecting of network layer addresses for the network address mapping table (s5CmNetAddrTable ). The following value is read-only: alwaysOff(1)..data source is not capable of collecting or decoding network addresses The following values are read-write if the data source is capable of collecting network addresses: on(2).........packet decoding is enabled off(3)........packet decoding is disabled or not supported." DEFVAL { on } -- if packet collection is possible ::= { s5AgDataCollectEntry 3 } -- Authentication Trap VarBinds s5AgUnAuthIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object contains the IP address of the last station that tried to access this agent with an invalid community string. This object is used as a VarBind in an Authentication Trap PDU. A get request will return the last value used, and will return the null address if no IP authentication traps have been sent." ::= { s5AgentInfo 8 } s5AgUnAuthIpxAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpxAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object contains the IPX address of the last station that tried to access this agent with an invalid community string. This object is used as a VarBind in an Authentication Trap PDU. A get request will return the last value used, and will return the null address of all zeros if no IPX authentication traps have been sent." ::= { s5AgentInfo 9 } s5AgUnAuthComm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..20)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object contains the community string of the last unauthenticated attempt to access this agent. This object is used as a VarBind in an Authentication Trap PDU. A get request will return the last value used, and will return the null string if no authentication traps have been sent." ::= { s5AgentInfo 10 } s5AgTrapFilterTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF S5AgTrapFilterEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Agent Trap filter configuration table." ::= { s5AgentInfo 11 } s5AgTrapFilterEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX S5AgTrapFilterEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A list of trap filter entries that determine the filtering of traps. For example, an instance of the s5AgtTrapFilterStatus will be named s5AgTrapFilterStatus.8" INDEX { s5AgTrapFilterIndex } ::= { s5AgTrapFilterTable 1 } S5AgTrapFilterEntry ::= SEQUENCE { s5AgTrapFilterIndex Integer32, s5AgTrapFilterTrapOID OBJECT IDENTIFIER, s5AgTrapFilterTrapInitiator1 Integer32, s5AgTrapFilterTrapInitiator2 Integer32, s5AgTrapFilterTrapInitiator3 Integer32, s5AgTrapFilterStatus INTEGER, s5AgTrapFilterDelayTime Integer32, s5AgTrapEntryStatus INTEGER } s5AgTrapFilterIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An index that uniquely identifies an entry in the s5AgTrapFilterTable." ::= { s5AgTrapFilterEntry 1 } s5AgTrapFilterTrapOID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OBJECT IDENTIFIER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The OID of the trap. This variable is requried for row creation." ::= { s5AgTrapFilterEntry 2 } s5AgTrapFilterTrapInitiator1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A value that determines the first condition for filtering a trap.This entry is the value of the first varbind for a particular trap in most cases. We need to specify every initiator that represents the corresponding trap variable for each trap. If the value of this initiator is 0 (wildcard or don't care), it means that it can represent all possible values for this initiator. The trap-filter design and functional spec. provides a more detailed explanation on this subject." ::= { s5AgTrapFilterEntry 3 } s5AgTrapFilterTrapInitiator2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A value that determines the second condition for filtering a trap. This entry is the value of the second varbind for most traps. If the value of this initiator is 0 (wildcard or don't care), it means that it can represent all possible values for this initiator. If a trap has only one varbind, this entry should be set to 0." ::= { s5AgTrapFilterEntry 4 } s5AgTrapFilterTrapInitiator3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A value that determines the third condition for filtering a trap. This entry is the value of the third varbind for most traps. If the value of this initiator is 0(wildcard or don't care), it means that it can represent all possible values for this initiator. If a trap has only one or two varbinds, this entry should be set to 0." ::= { s5AgTrapFilterEntry 5 } s5AgTrapFilterStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled(1), disabled(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether this trap is enabled or not. enabled(1) indicates that if this type of event occurs, a trap that is generated will be queued for transmit. disabled(2) indicates that if this trap if generated, it will not be queued for transmit and s5AgTrapFilterDelayTime is not valid." ::= { s5AgTrapFilterEntry 6 } s5AgTrapFilterDelayTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time delay period required to be met, between each consecutive occurences of this event. Traps recieved within this period will be dropped." ::= { s5AgTrapFilterEntry 7 } s5AgTrapEntryStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { valid(1), createRequest(2), underCreation(3), invalid(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A manager is restricted to change the state of an entry base on the following table: create under To: valid Request Creation invalid From: valid OK NO OK OK createRequest N/A N/A N/A N/A underCreation OK NO OK OK invalid NO NO NO OK nonExistent NO OK NO OK In the table above, it is not applicable to change the state from createRequest to any other states. When the status of a table entry is set to the value of invalid(4), the entry will be removed from the table. If an entry has been in the underCreation(3) state for more than 10 minutes, it will be set to invalid(4) and subsequently removed from the table. This variable is requried for row creation." ::= { s5AgTrapFilterEntry 8 } -- change '_' to '-' for enum named label -- yyang 11/30/98 s5AgTrapFilterGlobalStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ enable-all(1), disable-all(2), enable-all-and-use-table(3), disable-all-and-use-table(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This value is the status of all the traps that supported by this trap-filter system. If the value is 1 (enable all) , all traps in the system are enabled. If the value is 2 (disable all), all traps in the system are disabled. If the value is 3 (enable-all-and-use-table) all traps are enabled except for traps that are disabled in the s5AgTrapFilterTable are disabled. If the value is 4 (disable-all-and-use-table) all traps are disabled except for traps that are enabled in the s5AgTrapFilterTable are enabled." ::= { s5AgentInfo 12 } -- Trap Receiver Table s5AgTrpRcvrMaxEnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The maximum number of rows in the trap receiver table." ::= { s5AgentMgmt 1 } s5AgTrpRcvrCurEnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current number of rows in the trap receiver table." ::= { s5AgentMgmt 2 } s5AgTrpRcvrNext OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of the next available row to be created in the trap receiver table. A value of zero means that the table is full and no more rows can be added." ::= { s5AgentMgmt 3 } s5AgTrpRcvrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF S5AgTrpRcvrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of managers which to send traps." ::= { s5AgentMgmt 4 } s5AgTrpRcvrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX S5AgTrpRcvrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A row in the trap receiver table. The column s5AgTrpRcvrStatus is used to create and delete rows in the table. Creation requires a SET PDU with objects s5AgTrpRcvrStatus, s5AgTrpRcvrAddrType, s5AgTrpRcvrNetAddr, and s5AgTrpRcvrComm for the new row." INDEX { s5AgTrpRcvrIndx } ::= { s5AgTrpRcvrTable 1 } S5AgTrpRcvrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { s5AgTrpRcvrIndx INTEGER, s5AgTrpRcvrStatus INTEGER, s5AgTrpRcvrAddrType INTEGER, s5AgTrpRcvrNetAddr OCTET STRING, s5AgTrpRcvrComm OCTET STRING, s5AgTrpRcvrAgeTime TimeIntervalSec } s5AgTrpRcvrIndx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of the row in the table." ::= { s5AgTrpRcvrEntry 1 } s5AgTrpRcvrStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), valid(2), ignore(3), delete(4), create(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used to create and delete rows in the table and control if they are used. The values that can be written are: valid(2)....makes an existing row valid - can only be written to change the value from ignore(3) ignore(3)...don't use this entry to send traps to at this time delete(4)...deletes the row create(5)...creates a new row - only value that can be used to create a row in the table If the row exists, then a SET with value of create(5) returns error 'badValue'. Deleted rows go away immediately. The following values can be returned on reads: other(1)....some other case valid(2)....the row exists and is valid ignore(3)...don't use this entry to send traps to at this time" ::= { s5AgTrpRcvrEntry 2 } s5AgTrpRcvrAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ip(1), ipx(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of address that is stored in the object s5AgTrpRcvrNetAddr. The value is: ip(1)....IP address ipx(2)...IPX address. Note: When changing the value of this object with an SNMP SET request, the SET PDU must also specify a value for the s5AgTrpRcvrNetAddr object." ::= { s5AgTrpRcvrEntry 3 } s5AgTrpRcvrNetAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..255)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The network address (in network order) for SNMP manager that is to receive the trap." ::= { s5AgTrpRcvrEntry 4 } s5AgTrpRcvrComm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Community string to use." ::= { s5AgTrpRcvrEntry 5 } s5AgTrpRcvrAgeTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeIntervalSec MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time interval used to age entries out of the trap receiver table. The default value if not specified will be 0, or infinite, never to be aged out." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { s5AgTrpRcvrEntry 6 } -- Last Remote Login Management s5AgRemoteLoginMgmt OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { s5AgentMgmt 5 } s5AgRemoteLoginIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the last IP address remote login to this system. " ::= { s5AgRemoteLoginMgmt 1 } s5AgRemoteLoginStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { statusUnknown (1), successful (2), passwordFail (3), loginTimeout (4), loginInactivityTimeout(5), telnetSessionExisted (6), nonAllowedIPaddr (7), localConsoleBusy (8), excessiveLoginFail (9), accessPermissionOff (10), loginLogout (11) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the status of remote login to this system. " ::= { s5AgRemoteLoginMgmt 2 } -- Miscellaneous System-wide settings s5AgSysAutoPvid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled (1), disabled (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This value indicates whether adding a port as a member of a VLAN automatically results in its PVID being set to be the same as that VLAN ID. Some exceptions apply." ::= { s5AgentSystem 1 } s5AgSysCurrentOperationalMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { pure(1), hybrid(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the stacking mode. Pure stack mode does not allow BS450 and BS410 units to join stack and provides some advanced features that are not available in Hybrid stack mode." ::= { s5AgentSystem 2 } s5AgSysNextBootOperationalMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { pure(1), hybrid(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the stacking mode at the next boot. A change to this object will modify the stacking mode after the system is reset/rebooted." ::= { s5AgentSystem 3 } s5AgSysBinaryConfigFilename OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..128)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Name of the binary configuration file that will be downloaded/uploaded when the s5AgInfoFileAction object is set to dnldConfig(2), upldConfig(4), dlndConfigFromUsb(16), or upldConfigToUsb(17). When not used, the value is a zero length string." ::= { s5AgentSystem 4 } s5AgSysTftpServerAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP address of the TFTP server for all TFTP operations. If not used, then the value is" ::= { s5AgentSystem 5 } s5AgSysAsciiConfigFilename OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..128)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Name of the ascii configuration file that will be downloaded/uploaded either at boot time when the s5AgSysAsciiConfigAutoDownload object is set to useConfig(3), or when the s5AgSysAsciiConfigManualDownload object is set to downloadNow(4) or downloadFromUsb(5). When not used, the value is a zero length string." ::= { s5AgentSystem 6 } s5AgSysAsciiConfigAutoDownload OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(1), useBootp(2), useConfig(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether an ASCII configuration file should be downloaded at boot time. The file can be downloaded using either the configured filename and TFTP server address, or a BOOTP server can be used to determine the filename and TFTP server address." ::= { s5AgentSystem 7 } s5AgSysAsciiConfigAutoDldStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { passed(1), inProgress(2), failed(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Indicates the status of the last automatic ASCII configuration file download at boot time. If no automatic download at boot time has been attempted, the value returned will be failed(3)." ::= { s5AgentSystem 8 } s5AgSysAsciiConfigManualDownload OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { passed(1), inProgress(2), failed(3), downloadNow(4), downloadFromUsb(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Indicates the status of the last manual attempt to download an ASCII configuration file. The value of this object when retrieved can be either passed(1), inProgress(2) or failed(3). Setting this object to downloadNow(4) will initiate a manual ASCII configuration file download from a TFTP server. Setting this object to downloadFromUsb(5) will initial a manual ASCII configuration file download from a USB flash dongle. If no attempt has been made to manually download a configuration file, the value returned will be failed(3)." ::= { s5AgentSystem 9 } s5AgSysCpuIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system's CPU IP address. Note that for a stackable system in standalone mode, this will be the standalone IP address, but in stack mode, this will be the stack IP address. I.e., this is always the IP address at which the system is reachable. Setting this object will modify the corresponding IP address." ::= { s5AgentSystem 10 } s5AgSysStackIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The stack IP address of a stackable system. A non-stackable system should never return an instance of this object, nor allow writes to this object. Note that in standalone mode, this will still be the stack IP address, even though it is not in use. When in stack mode, the IP address of individual units can be found in the s5ChasComTable in the s5Chassis MIB (and note that these addresses will not be in use when in stack mode)." ::= { s5AgentSystem 11 } s5AgSysCpuNetMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system's CPU subnet mask." ::= { s5AgentSystem 12 } s5AgSysManagementVlanId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..4094) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The VLAN ID of the system's management VLAN." ::= { s5AgentSystem 13 } s5AgSysBinaryConfigUnitNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When in standalone mode, and loading a binary configuration file that was created from a stack, this object specifies the unit number of the portion of the config file to be extracted and used for the standalone unit's configuration. If this value is 0, it is ignored." ::= { s5AgentSystem 14 } s5AgSysStackInsertionUnitNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When in stack mode, this object specifies the unit number to be assigned to the next unit that joins the stack. The value may not be set to the unit number of an existing stack member. When a new unit joins the stack, and the value of this object is used as it's unit number, the value will revert to 0. If the value of this object is 0, it is not used when determining the unit number of new units." ::= { s5AgentSystem 15 } s5AgSysSpanningTreeOperMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nortelStpg(1), pvst(2), rstp(3), mstp(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the current spanning-tree mode of the system. The meaning of specific values is: nortelStpg(1) .. The older proprietary mode which supports multiple spanning tree groups. pvst(2) ........ Emulation of C***O spanning tree mode rstp(3) ........ IEEE 802.1w mode mstp(4) ........ IEEE 802.1s mode" ::= { s5AgentSystem 16 } s5AgSysSpanningTreeAdminMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nortelStpg(1), pvst(2), rstp(3), mstp(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the desired spanning-tree mode of the system. The meaning of specific values is: nortelStpg(1) .. The older proprietary mode which supports multiple spanning tree groups. pvst(2) ........ Emulation of C***O spanning tree mode rstp(3) ........ IEEE 802.1w mode mstp(4) ........ IEEE 802.1s mode Note that depending on the current value of s5AgSysSpanningTreeOperMode and the value to which this object is set, the operational mode may be immediately changed, or the change may not take effect until the next system reboot." ::= { s5AgentSystem 17 } s5AgSysAutoUnitReplacementEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { true(1), false(2), setToDefault(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates whether the auto-unit-replacement feature is enabled or disabled. The value when retrieved will always be true(1) or false(2). Setting the value to setToDefault(3) will restore the factory-default value." DEFVAL { true } ::= { s5AgentSystem 18 } s5AgSysAsciiConfigManualUpload OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { passed(1), inProgress(2), failed(3), uploadNow(4), uploadToUsb(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Indicates the status of the last manual attempt to upload an ASCII configuration file. The value of this object when retrieved can be either passed(1), inProgress(2) or failed(3). Setting this object to downloadNow(4) will initiate a manual ASCII configuration file upload to a TFTP server. Setting this object to uploadToUsb(5) will initiate a manual ASCII configuration file upload to a USB flash dongle. If no attempt has been made to manually upload a configuration file, the value returned will be failed(3)." ::= { s5AgentSystem 19 } s5AgSysSpanningTreePathCostCalculationMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ieee802dot1dCompatible(1), ieee802dot1tCompatible(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the current spanning-tree path cost calculation mode of the system. Note that this object can only take the value ieee802dot1dCompatible(1) if the value of s5AgSysSpanningTreeOperMode is currently nortelStpg(1)." ::= { s5AgentSystem 20 } s5AgSysUsbTargetUnit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..9) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the unit number of the USB port to be use in file upload/download operations." ::= { s5AgentSystem 21 } s5AgSysSpanningTreePortMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(1), auto(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the current spanning-tree port mode." ::= { s5AgentSystem 22 } s5AgSysLicenseFilename OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..128)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Name of the license file that will be downloaded/uploaded when the s5AgInfoFileAction object is set to dnldLicense(18), upldLicense(19), dlndLicenseFromUsb(20), or upldLicense(21). When not used, the value is a zero length string." ::= { s5AgentSystem 23 } s5AgSysSpanningTreeAdminCompatibility OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { port802dot1dLearning(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object controls the compatibility mode for various features. Note that for some features, the actual operational mode might not change until after a system reset. The port802dot1dLearning(0) bit indicates whether the learning mode of a port stays in the Forwarding state, or changes to the Disabled state when the port's operational status goes down. If the bit is on, it means the port goes to the Disabled state. If the bit is off, it means the port stays in the Forwarding state." ::= { s5AgentSystem 24 } s5AgSysSpanningTreeOperCompatibility OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { port802dot1dLearning(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the operational compatibility mode for various features controlled by the associated object, s5AgSysSpanningTreeAdminCompatibility." ::= { s5AgentSystem 25 } s5AgSysGlobalFlowControlEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object controls whether flow control for ethernet ports is globally enabled or disabled. This object is only used on systems for which flow control cannot be enabled/disabled on each port individually." ::= { s5AgentSystem 26 } s5AgSysAutosaveToNvramEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object controls whether autosaving to NVRAM is enabled. Autosaving normally occurs periodically in a background task if any configuration changes have been made." ::= { s5AgentSystem 27 } s5AgSysFlushMacAddrTableAll OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { flush(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting this object to flush(1) will flush the CDT MAC address table. On retrieval, its value is always flush(1)." ::= { s5AgentSystem 28 } s5AgSysFlushMacAddrTableByPortList OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PortList MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting this object will flush the CDT MAC address for all ports specified in the value. On retrieval, the value is the last value set, or a zero-length octet string if it has never been set." ::= { s5AgentSystem 29 } s5AgSysFlushMacAddrTableByVlan OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VlanId MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting this object will flush the CDT MAC address table for the specified VLAN. On retrieval, the value is the last value set, or 1 if it has never been set." ::= { s5AgentSystem 30 } s5AgSysFlushMacAddrTableByTrunk OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..64) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting this object will flush the CDT MAC address table for the specified trunk. On retrieval, the value is the last value set, or 1 if it has never been set." ::= { s5AgentSystem 31 } s5AgSysFlushMacAddrTableByAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting this object will flush the specified MAC address from the CDT MAC address table. On retrieval, its value is the last value set, or 00:00:00:00:00:00 if it has never been set." ::= { s5AgentSystem 32 } s5AgSysVlanConfigControl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { automatic(1), autopvid(2), flexible(3), strict(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object controls the VLAN configuration control mode: automatic - AutoPVID and automatic change to membership of port-based VLANs autopvid -- Automatic change to PVID flexible -- No restricts or automatic changes strict ---- AutoPVID and restrictions imposed on adding port to VLAN and changing tagging" ::= { s5AgentSystem 33 } -- -- Custom Banner Group -- s5AgBannerControl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { static(1), custom(2), disabled(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "s5AgBannerControl specifies the banner to be displayed to a user upon connection to a Baystack device. The static(1) option will cause the predefined static banner to used when displaying a banner. The custom(2) option will cause a previously set custom banner to used when displaying a banner. The disabled(3) option will prevent the display of any banners." ::= { s5AgentBanner 1 } s5AgCustomBannerTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF S5AgCustomBannerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table describing a custom banner to be displayed to users upon the establishment of a connection to a Baystack device. The banner can be upto 15 lines of text with each line a maximum of 80 characters. A line may only contain ASCII printable characters." ::= { s5AgentBanner 2 } s5AgCustomBannerEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX S5AgCustomBannerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry describing one line of a 15-line banner." INDEX { s5AgCustomBannerType, s5AgCustomBannerId } ::= { s5AgCustomBannerTable 1 } S5AgCustomBannerEntry ::= SEQUENCE { s5AgCustomBannerType INTEGER, s5AgCustomBannerId INTEGER, s5AgCustomBannerLine DisplayString } s5AgCustomBannerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { switch(1), stack(2) } MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Identifies the banner type. The table can store 2 separate banners, one for use in switch/stand-alone mode (with a type of switch(1)), and one for use in stack mode (with a type of stack(2)). Note that a non-stackable system should never return entries with type equal to stack(2), nor should it allow writes to such entries." ::= { s5AgCustomBannerEntry 1 } s5AgCustomBannerId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..19) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Identifies the line of text within a custom banner." ::= { s5AgCustomBannerEntry 2 } s5AgCustomBannerLine OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..80)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "One line of a fifteen line banner. If the line contains non-printable ASCII characters then the string will be rejected and an error response returned." ::= { s5AgCustomBannerEntry 3 } -- -- Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) Group -- s5AgSntpState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(1), unicast(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used to control whether the device uses the Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP), to synchronize the device's clock to the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). If the value is disabled(1), the device will not synchronize it's clock using SNTP. If the value is unicast(2), the device will first synchronize shortly after boot time when network access becomes available, and periodically thereafter, as specified by the value of s5AgSntpSyncInterval. If the value is not unicast(2) at boot, the device will synchronize when the value is first set to unicast(2), and periodically thereafter. Synchronization process: This process applies to automatic (periodic) and manual synchronization attempts. The device will first attempt to synchronize with the primary NTP server as defined by s5AgSntpPrimaryServerAddress (if non-zero). If the primary server synchonization is attempted and fails, the s5AgSntpPrimaryServerSyncFailures counter is incremented. The device will then attempt to synchronize with the secondary NTP server as defined by s5AgSntpSecondaryServerAddress (if non-zero). If the secondary server synchronization is attempted and fails, the s5AgSntpSecondaryServerSyncFailures counter is incremented. If synchronization succeeds with either server, the s5AgSntpLastSyncTime and s5AgSntpLastSyncSource values are updated. The s5AgSntpNextSyncTime value is updated on success or failure. For the special case of first sync failures, the system will automatically retry every few minutes until synchronization is achieved without regard to s5AgSntpSyncInterval." ::= { s5AgentSntp 1 } s5AgSntpPrimaryServerAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP address of the primary SNTP server. If this value is 0, synchronization to this server is not attempted." ::= { s5AgentSntp 2 } s5AgSntpSecondaryServerAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP address of the secondary SNTP server. If this value is 0, synchronization to this server is not attempted." ::= { s5AgentSntp 3 } s5AgSntpSyncInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..168) UNITS "Hours" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object controls the frequency, in hours relative to s5AgSntpLastSyncTime, that the device will attempt to synchronize with the NTP servers. If this value is 0, only the boot time synchronization occurs and periodic synchronizations do not occur." ::= { s5AgentSntp 4 } s5AgSntpManualSyncRequest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { requestSync(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used to force the device to immediately attempt to synchronize with the NTP servers. The value returned on a get is always requestSync(1)." ::= { s5AgentSntp 5 } s5AgSntpLastSyncTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object returns the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) when the device last synchronized with an NTP server. If the device has never successfully synchronized, the value is 00:00:01:01:00:00:00:00:2B:00:00." ::= { s5AgentSntp 6 } s5AgSntpLastSyncSource OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object returns the IP source address of the NTP server with which this device last synchronized. If the device has never synchronized, this value will be" ::= { s5AgentSntp 7 } s5AgSntpNextSyncTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object returns the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) at which the next synchronization is scheduled. For each synchronization attempt, this value is updated as follows: s5AgSntpNextSyncTime = s5AgSntpCurrentTime + s5AgSntpSyncInterval If s5AgSntpCurrentTime is 0 (first sync has not occured) or if s5AgSntpSyncInterval is 0, then this value will be 00:00:01:01:00:00:00:00:2B:00:00." ::= { s5AgentSntp 8 } s5AgSntpPrimaryServerSyncFailures OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object returns the number of times this device failed to synchronize with the primary, s5AgSntpPrimaryServerAddress, NTP server. Synchronization with the secondary, s5AgSntpSecondaryServerAddress, may still occur." ::= { s5AgentSntp 9 } s5AgSntpSecondaryServerSyncFailures OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object returns the number of times this device failed to synchronize with the secondary, s5AgSntpSecondaryServerAddress, NTP server." ::= { s5AgentSntp 10 } s5AgSntpCurrentTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object returns the device's current Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). If the device has not successfully synchronized with an NTP server, this value will be 00:00:01:01:00:00:00:00:2B:00:00." ::= { s5AgentSntp 11 } s5AgSntpTimeZone OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-48..52) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the time zone of the switch, measured as an offset in 15-minute increments from Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). For example, a value of -20 means an offset of -5 hours from GMT, corresponding to Eastern time zone in the US and Canada." ::= { s5AgentSntp 12 } s5AgSntpSyncRetryInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (5..60) UNITS "Seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the number of seconds the switch will wait before retrying a failed SNTP sync request. The switch will continue retrying a sync request until it succeeds, or until periodic sync requests are disabled." ::= { s5AgentSntp 13 } s5AgSntpTimeZoneAcronym OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..7)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object contains a time zone acronym. It is not used for any operational purposes, it is only used for display." ::= { s5AgentSntp 14 } -- -- Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Group -- s5AgentSslScalars OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { s5AgentSsl 1 } s5AgSslEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates whether SSL is enabled or disabled." ::= { s5AgentSslScalars 1 } -- This object has been removed -- s5AgSslTcpPort ::= { s5AgentSslScalars 2 } s5AgSslCertificateControl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { create(1), delete(2), other(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used to create and delete SSL certificates. Setting the value to create(1) will create an SSL certificate. Setting the value to delete(2) will delete an SSL certificate. Setting the value to other(3) will result in a wrongValue error. When retrieved, the object will return the value of the last value set, or other(3) if the object has never been set." ::= { s5AgentSslScalars 3 } s5AgSslCertificateExists OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates whether a valid SSL certificate has been created. A valid of true(1) indicates that a valid certificate has been created. A value of false(2) indicates that no valid certificate has been created, or that the certificate has been deleted." ::= { s5AgentSslScalars 4 } s5AgSslCertificateData OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..1024)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object returns data about the SSL certificate currently in use. Note that the actual certificate data may be longer than the 1024 bytes allowed in this object. In this case, the data will be truncated, and only the first 1024 bytes will be returned. Certificate data is always ASCII text." ::= { s5AgentSslScalars 5 } s5AgSslCertificateControlStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { inProgress(1), success(2), failure(3), other(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the status of the most recent attempt to create or delete a certificate, i.e., the most recent set of the s5AgSslCertificateControl object. The meaning of the enumerations is as follows: inProgress(1) - the operation has not yet completed success(2) - the operation has successfully completed failure(3) - the operation failed other(4) - the s5AgSslCertificateControl object has never been set" ::= { s5AgentSslScalars 6 } s5AgSslServerControl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { reset(1), other(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used to reset the SSL server, forcing the server to use the latest key value that was stored in NVRAM. Note that the server cannot be reset while the SSL certificate is under creation. The value returned when this object is retrieved is always other(2). When set to reset(1), the SSL server will be reset, unless the SSL certificate is currently under creation, in which case an inconsistentValue error will be returned." ::= { s5AgentSslScalars 7 } -- -- Daylight Savings Group -- s5AgDaylightSavingsEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates whether the device will observe Daylight Savings Time." ::= { s5AgentDaylightSavings 1 } s5AgDaylightSavingsStartMonth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..12) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the month of each year when Daylight Savings time will start." ::= { s5AgentDaylightSavings 2 } s5AgDaylightSavingsStartDay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..31) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the day of the month indicated by s5AgDaylightSavingsStartMonth when Daylight Savings time will start." ::= { s5AgentDaylightSavings 3 } s5AgDaylightSavingsStartHour OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..23) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the hour of the day indicated by s5AgDaylightSavingsStartDay when Daylight Savings time will start." ::= { s5AgentDaylightSavings 4 } s5AgDaylightSavingsEndMonth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..12) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the month of each year when Daylight Savings time will end." ::= { s5AgentDaylightSavings 5 } s5AgDaylightSavingsEndDay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..31) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the day of the month indicated by s5AgDaylightSavingsEndMonth when Daylight Savings time will end." ::= { s5AgentDaylightSavings 6 } s5AgDaylightSavingsEndHour OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..23) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the hour of the day indicated by s5AgDaylightSavingsEndDay when Daylight Savings time will end." ::= { s5AgentDaylightSavings 7 } s5AgDaylightSavingsOffset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-840..840) UNITS "Minutes" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the number of minutes by which the time will be changed when daylight savings begins and ends. This value is added to the current time when daylight savings time begins, and subtracted when it ends (and note that if this value is negative, it means that the time moves backwards when daylight savings time begins)." ::= { s5AgentDaylightSavings 8 } s5AgDaylightSavingsStartMinutes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..59) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the minutes of the hour indicated by s5AgDaylightSavingsStartHour when Daylight Savings time will start." ::= { s5AgentDaylightSavings 9 } s5AgDaylightSavingsEndMinutes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..59) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the minutes of the hour indicated by s5AgDaylightSavingsEndHour when Daylight Savings time will end." ::= { s5AgentDaylightSavings 10 } s5AgDaylightSavingsStartYear OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1990..2099) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the year when Daylight Savings time will start. This is only used when the value of s5AgDaylightSavingsRecurring is false(2)." ::= { s5AgentDaylightSavings 11 } s5AgDaylightSavingsEndYear OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1990..2099) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the year when Daylight Savings time will end. This is only used when the value of s5AgDaylightSavingsRecurring is false(2)." ::= { s5AgentDaylightSavings 12 } s5AgDaylightSavingsRecurring OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies whether the Daylight Savings start and end times are yearly reoccuring times, or a single occurrence on specific dates. IF the value is true(1), then the values of s5AgDaylightSavingsStartYear and s5AgDaylightSavingsEndYear will be ignored." ::= { s5AgentDaylightSavings 13 } s5AgDaylightSavingsTimeZoneAcronym OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..7)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object contains a time zone acronym. It is not used for any operational purposes, it is only used for display." ::= { s5AgentDaylightSavings 14 } -- -- System Boot Configuration Group -- s5AgentBootConfigScalars OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { s5AgentBootConfig 1 } s5AgBootCfgSaveToBlock OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used to force the current running configuration to be saved to a particular configuration block. Setting the object to a value corresponding to a valid block will cause the save to be performed. Setting the object to any other value will result in a wrongValue error. When queried, the value of this object is always 0." ::= { s5AgentBootConfigScalars 1 } s5AgBootCfgNextBootBlock OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..255) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the configuration block that is configured to be used at the next boot. Setting this object may cause the system to reset. If this object is set to a value that does not correspond to a valid configuration block, a wrongValue error will be returned." ::= { s5AgentBootConfigScalars 2 } s5AgBootCfgCurrentBootBlock OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object returns the configuration block that was used when the system last booted." ::= { s5AgentBootConfigScalars 3 } s5AgBootCfgBlocksTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF S5AgBootCfgBlocksEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains an entry for each available configuration boot block." ::= { s5AgentBootConfig 2 } s5AgBootCfgBlocksEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX S5AgBootCfgBlocksEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry describing one configuration boot block." INDEX { s5AgBootCfgBlocksIndex } ::= { s5AgBootCfgBlocksTable 1 } S5AgBootCfgBlocksEntry ::= SEQUENCE { s5AgBootCfgBlocksIndex Integer32, s5AgBootCfgBlocksName DisplayString, s5AgBootCfgBlocksTime DateAndTime, s5AgBootCfgBlocksValid TruthValue } s5AgBootCfgBlocksIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..255) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index of the table, this is the block number." ::= { s5AgBootCfgBlocksEntry 1 } s5AgBootCfgBlocksName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..40)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The name of the configuration boot block." ::= { s5AgBootCfgBlocksEntry 2 } s5AgBootCfgBlocksTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time when the configuration block was last saved. Note that if configuration data has never been saved to this block, the value will contain all 0 value bytes. If the actual date and time is unavailable when the block was written, the value should also be all 0 value bytes." ::= { s5AgBootCfgBlocksEntry 3 } s5AgBootCfgBlocksValid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates whether the configuration block contains a valid configuration." ::= { s5AgBootCfgBlocksEntry 4 } -- -- Ascii Configuration Script Group -- s5AgAsciiConfigScriptTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF S5AgAsciiConfigScriptEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of paths to ASCII configuration script files." ::= { s5AgentAsciiConfig 1 } s5AgAsciiConfigScriptEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX S5AgAsciiConfigScriptEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A row in the ASCII configuration file paths table." INDEX { s5AgAsciiConfigScriptIndex } ::= { s5AgAsciiConfigScriptTable 1 } S5AgAsciiConfigScriptEntry ::= SEQUENCE { s5AgAsciiConfigScriptIndex Integer32, s5AgAsciiConfigScriptBootPriority Integer32, s5AgAsciiConfigScriptSource OCTET STRING, s5AgAsciiConfigScriptManual INTEGER, s5AgAsciiConfigScriptOperStatus INTEGER, s5AgAsciiConfigScriptLastStatusChange Integer32 } s5AgAsciiConfigScriptIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..127) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of an ASCII confiuration script file path." ::= { s5AgAsciiConfigScriptEntry 1 } s5AgAsciiConfigScriptBootPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..127) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A value between 1-127 indicates the priority with which the entry will be used at bootup. Entries with lower values will be used before entries with higher values. If two entries have equal priority values, the entry with the lower s5AgAsciiConfigScriptIndex will be used first. A value of 0 indicates that the entry will not be used at bootup." ::= { s5AgAsciiConfigScriptEntry 2 } s5AgAsciiConfigScriptSource OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..327)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The source of the script. This is an ASCII string similar to a URL, and must be in one of the following formats: - 'bootp://' - the source of the script will be determined using bootp. - 'usb://' - the script will be loaded from the usb port of the switch, if not in stack, or from the usb port of the base unit, if in stack. - 'usb:///' - the script will be loaded from the usb port of the switch, if not in stack, or from the usb port of the specified unit, if in stack. The unit number must be between 1 and 8. - 'tftp:///' - the script will be loaded using TFTP from the specified IP address. - 'tftp:///' - the script will be loaded using TFTP from the specified host. The hostname must have at most 64 characters in length. In each of the supported formats, the filename must have at most 255 characters in length. If this column is empty, it indicates that the entry is not in use." ::= { s5AgAsciiConfigScriptEntry 3 } s5AgAsciiConfigScriptManual OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), download(2), upload(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used to manually download and run a script, or to upload the current configuration. Setting it to download(2) will force the script to be loaded from the source specified in the corresponding instance of s5AgAsciiConfigScriptSource and then run. Setting it to upload(3) will cause the current system configuration to be uploaded to the source specified in the corresponding instance of s5AgAsciiConfigScriptSource. The value when retrieved is always other(1). Note that any Set to this object while the current value of any instance of s5AgAsciiConfigScriptOperStatus is either autoDownloadInProgress(3), manualDownloadInProgress(6), or manualUploadInProgress(9) will result in a resourceUnavailable error." ::= { s5AgAsciiConfigScriptEntry 4 } s5AgAsciiConfigScriptOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), autoDownloadPassed(2), autoDownloadInProgress(3), autoDownloadFailed(4), manualDownloadPassed(5), manualDownloadInProgress(6), manualDownloadFailed(7), manualUploadPassed(8), manualUploadInProgress(9), manualUploadFailed(10) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the current operational status of this entry. The value will reflect the status of the last operation performed using a particular entry. If an entry has never been used, the value will be other(1)." ::= { s5AgAsciiConfigScriptEntry 5 } s5AgAsciiConfigScriptLastStatusChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of snmpEngineTime at the time of the last status change of this entry, i.e., the last time the value of the corresponding instance of s5AgAsciiConfigScriptOperStatus changed. If that value is other(1), then the value of this object will be 0." ::= { s5AgAsciiConfigScriptEntry 6 } END