CABLETRON-TRAPS DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN -- cabletron-traps.txt -- Revision: 01.04.03 -- Part Number: 2170994 -- Date: January 10, 1999 -- Date "200402061530Z" - Fri Feb 6 15:30 GMT 2004 -- Added boardOperational and boardNonOperational traps. -- "Postal: Enterasys Networks -- 50 Minuteman Rd. -- Andover, MA 01810-1008 -- USA -- Phone: +1 978 684 1000 -- E-mail: -- WWW:" -- This module provides authoritative definitions for Cabletron's -- use of IETF and enterprise-specific snmp traps. -- -- This module will be extended, as required. -- -- Enterasys Networks reserves the right to make changes in -- specification and other information contained in this document -- without prior notice. The reader should consult Enterasys Networks -- to determine whether any such changes have been made. -- -- In no event shall Enterasys Networks be liable for any incidental, -- indirect, special, or consequential damages whatsoever (including -- but not limited to lost profits) arising out of or related to this -- document or the information contained in it, even if Enterasys -- Networks has been advised of, known, or should have known, the -- possibility of such damages. -- -- Enterasys grants vendors, end-users, and other interested parties -- a non-exclusive license to use this specification in connection -- with the management of Enterasys products. -- Copyright (c)1998 Cabletron Systems -- Copyright (c)2004 Enterasys Networks -- --------------------- -- Top Level Definitions -- --------------------- -- Imports IMPORTS cabletron FROM CTRON-OIDS TRAP-TYPE FROM RFC-1215 ifIndex FROM RFC1213-MIB logEventIndex, logIndex, logTime, logDescription FROM RFC1271-MIB lecRowStatus FROM LAN-EMULATION-CLIENT-MIB fddimibSMTIndex, fddimibPORTIndex, fddimibMACIndex, fddimibSMTCFState, fddimibPORTConnectState, fddimibSMTMasterCts, fddimibPORTAction, fddimibPORTLerEstimate, fddimibMACRMTState, fddimibMACCurrentPath, fddimibMACFrameErrorRatio FROM FDDI-SMT73-MIB -- rfc1512 ctsmtmibRingTopology, ctsmtmibRingSmtIndex, ctsmtmibRingMacIndex, ctsmtmibRingNodeIndex, ctsmtmibRingMacAddr FROM CTSMTMIB-MIB nwAppnFwdLsAdjCpName, nwAppnFwdLsAdjCpType, nwAppnFwdLsName, nwAppnEventTextString FROM CTRON-APPN-MIB nwAtEventTextString FROM CTRON-AppleTalk-ROUTER-MIB snmpPollDestination, snmpPollOwner, snmpOIDDestination, snmpOIDOwner, snmpOIDSequence, snmpOIDObject FROM DLM-MIB bdgdeviceStatus FROM CTRON-BDG-MIB rptrSrcAddrMgmtPortLock, rptrPortAlarmBroadThreshold, rptrMgmtInterfaceNum, rptrAlarmsTrafThreshold, rptrAlarmsErrThreshold, rptrAlarmsErrSource, rptrAlarmsCollThreshold, rptrPortGrpAlarmBroadThreshold, rptrAlarmsBroadThreshold, rptrAlarmsAlarmTimebase, rptrPortGrpMgmtGrpId, rptrPortGrpAlarmTrafThreshold, rptrPortGrpAlarmErrThreshold, rptrPortGrpAlarmErrSource, rptrPortGrpAlarmCollThreshold, rptrPortSecurityLockStatus, rptrPortMgmtPortType, rptrPortMgmtPortId, rptrPortRedundCrctNum, rptrPortSrcAddrTopoState, rptrPortSrcAddrAddressList, rptrPortAlarmTrafThreshold, rptrPortAlarmErrThreshold, rptrPortAlarmErrSource, rptrPortAlarmCollThreshold, rptrPortSecurityPortGrpId, rptrPortSecurityPortId, rptrPortSecuritySecureState, rptrSecurityLearnState, rptrPortGrpSrcAddrLockGrpId, rptrPortGrpSASecurityLearnState, rptrPortSecurityLearnState, rptrSecurityLearnMode, rptrPortGrpSASecurityLearnMode, rptrPortSecurityLearnMode FROM REPEATER-REV4-MIB chSlotID, chSlotModuleType FROM CHASSIS-MIB powerSupplyNum, deviceType FROM CTRON-COMMON-MIB ctFpRedundActivePort FROM CTRON-FRONTPANEL-MIB nwIpEventTextString FROM CTRON-IP-ROUTER-MIB nwIpxEventTextString FROM CTRON-IPX-ROUTER-MIB nwDecIVEventTextString FROM CTRON-DECIV-ROUTER-MIB ctIfNumber, ctIfPortPortNumber, ctIfPortType FROM CTIF-EXT-MIB psPowerSlotStatusID, boardPowerSlotStatusID, psPowerSlotID, chPowerMainVoltageStatus, chPowerMainVoltage, chPowerDiagVoltageStatus, chPowerDiagVoltage, termPowerStatus, termPowerVoltage, boardPowerSlotID, boardPowerID, boardPowerStatus, termPowerModule1Status, termPowerModule2Status, boardPowerCurrent, boardPowerLocalAdminStatus, boardPowerLocalStatus, boardPowerOperationalStatus, psPowerID, psPowerOperationalStatus, psPowerAdmin, psPowerCurrent, psPowerStatus, psPowerVoltage, boardPowerVoltage, chPowerLineMaxSupply, chPowerLineTotalSupply FROM CTRON-POWER-SUPPLY-MIB psEnvFanStatus, psEnvSlotID, psEnvFanSpeed, psEnvTemp, psEnvTempStatus, chEnvFanSpeed, chEnvFanStatus, chEnvFanID, chEnvAmbientStatus, chEnvAmbientTemp, chEnvHumidityStatus, chEnvHumidity, boardEnvSlotID, boardEnvTemp, boardEnvTempStatus, boardEnvTempRelStatus FROM CTRON-ENVIRONMENT-MIB contTypePhysicalChanges, contTypeLogicalChanges, contPhysicalEntryID FROM CT-CONTAINER-MIB tRingAlarmsRingRingPurgesThreshold, tRingStatsRingLastBeaconType, tRingAlarmsRingTimebase, tRingAlarmsRingAMPErrsThreshold, tRingAlarmsRingTokenErrsThreshold, tRingAlarmsRingClaimTknThreshold, tRingAlarmsRingLostFramesThreshold, tRingAlarmsRingBeaconStateThreshold, tRingAlarmsRingFrameCountThreshold, tRingAlarmsStnThrshLineErrsThreshold, tRingAlarmsStnThrshInternalErrsThreshold, tRingAlarmsStnThrshBurstErrsThreshold, tRingAlarmsStnThrshACErrsThreshold, tRingAlarmsStnThrshRcvrCongestThreshold, tRingAlarmsStnThrshAddress, tRingMgmtStnName,tRingMgmtStnBoard, tRingMgmtStnPort,tRingMgmtStnUNA, tRingMgmtSecurityAddressAdd, tRingMgmtSecurityAddressRemove, tRingStatsRingLastBeacon, tRingMgmtStnAddress, tRingPortMgmtPortId, tRingPortGrpId, tRingMgmtStnDNA FROM DOT5-LOG-MIB ctATMPhyRedundIfIndex FROM CTATM-CONFIG-MIB ctBroadcastDesiredBroadcastThreshold, ctBroadcastCtlSlotID, ctBroadcastCtlInterface FROM CT-BROADCAST-MIB ctChasPowerSupplyNum, ctChasPowerSupplyType FROM CTRON-CHASSIS-MIB upsIndex, upsStatusFault, upsExtMeasAlarmStatus, upsAddlFuncsStatusFault FROM UPS2-MIB atmInterfaceMyNeighborIpAddress, atmInterfaceMyNeighborIfName,atmVpCrossConnectRowStatus, atmVcCrossConnectRowStatus FROM ATM-MIB sfpsNodeTablePort,sfpsNodeTableBaseAddress FROM CTRON-SFPS-DIRECTORY-MIB sfpsDirViolationType, sfpsDirViolationAOValue FROM CTRON-SFPS-TOPOLOGY-MIB sfpsInPortConfigType, sfpsInPortConfigPort FROM CTRON-SFPS-PORT-MIB sfpsBlockResolveTableAOValue FROM CTRON-SFPS-RESOLVE-MIB sfpsBlockSourceMAC FROM CTRON-SFPS-BASE-MIB; -- =================================================================== -- -- Cabletron`s Enterprise Trap Definitions -- ctdlswTConnUp TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent each time a transport connection becomes enabled on this DLSw." ::= 1 ctdlswTConnDown TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent each time a transport connection becomes disabled on this DLSw." ::= 2 portSegmenting TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { rptrPortGrpMgmtGrpId, rptrPortMgmtPortId } DESCRIPTION "When a port goes from operational to segmented, a trap will be generated. For these purposes, the port state will be sampled every XXX seconds, thus it will be statistically possible to miss oscillating circuits." ::= 257 -- 0x0101 portUnsegementing TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { rptrPortGrpMgmtGrpId, rptrPortMgmtPortId } DESCRIPTION "When it is detected that a previously segmented port has gone operational, a trap will be generated. This is also sampled, thus a trap may not be generated for each transition." ::= 258 -- 0x0102 portLinkUp TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { rptrPortGrpMgmtGrpId, rptrPortMgmtPortId } DESCRIPTION "This trap will be generated when it is determined that a MAU has been attached to the MMAC. This is only appropriate for MIMs that support the concept of a link state." ::= 259 -- 0x0103 portLinkDown TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { rptrPortGrpMgmtGrpId, rptrPortMgmtPortId } DESCRIPTION "This trap will be generated when a previously attached MAU is removed or powered down. Again, this is only appropriate for MIM's that support link state." ::= 260 -- 0x0104 srcaddrNew TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { rptrPortGrpMgmtGrpId, rptrPortMgmtPortId, rptrPortSrcAddrAddressList } DESCRIPTION "This trap will be generated when the MMAC detects the existence of a new source address on one of it's ports." ::= 261 -- 0x0105 srcaddrTimeout TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { rptrPortGrpMgmtGrpId, rptrPortMgmtPortId, rptrPortSrcAddrAddressList } DESCRIPTION "This trap will indicate that the MMAC has not detected a packet generated by this source address within a certain timeout." ::= 262 -- 0x0106 boardRemoval TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { chSlotID } DESCRIPTION "This trap will be generated when the MMAC detects that a MIM has been removed." ::= 263 -- 0x0107 boardInsertion TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { chSlotID, deviceType } DESCRIPTION "This trap will generated when the MMAC determines that a new board has been inserted." ::= 264 -- 0x0108 redundActivePortInCircuitFailed TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { rptrPortGrpMgmtGrpId, rptrPortMgmtPortId, rptrPortRedundCrctNum } DESCRIPTION "This trap will be generated when the active port in a redundant circuit has failed polling. This will indicate the activation of redundancy." ::= 265 -- 0x0109 redundPortActivated TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { rptrPortGrpMgmtGrpId, rptrPortMgmtPortId, rptrPortRedundCrctNum } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that a new port has been activated in a redundant circuit. This does NOT indicate that this port is usable, but is being tested. If the port fails, a failure trap (above) will be generated." ::= 266 -- 0x010A redundPortTestFailed TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { rptrPortGrpMgmtGrpId, rptrPortMgmtPortId, rptrPortRedundCrctNum } DESCRIPTION "This trap will be generated when the MMAC executes it's periodic redundancy diagnostics and finds one of the ports in a redundant circuit has failed. This message will not indicate that redundancy has been activated, just that the port has failed and should be fixed before it is needed." ::= 267 -- 0x010B boardTrafficThresholdExceeded TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { rptrPortGrpAlarmTrafThreshold, rptrAlarmsAlarmTimebase, rptrPortGrpMgmtGrpId } DESCRIPTION "This trap will be generated when the traffic (good packets per time interval) has been exceeded for a particular MIM." ::= 271 -- 0x010F boardErrorThresholdExceeded TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { rptrPortGrpAlarmErrThreshold, rptrPortGrpAlarmErrSource, rptrAlarmsAlarmTimebase, rptrPortGrpMgmtGrpId } DESCRIPTION "This trap will be generated when packets of the selected error type exceeds a threshold percentage of the good packets for a particular interval for a particular MIM." ::= 272 -- 0x0110 boardCollsionThresholdExceeded TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { rptrPortGrpAlarmCollThreshold, rptrAlarmsAlarmTimebase, rptrPortGrpMgmtGrpId } DESCRIPTION "This trap will be generated when collisions exceed a threshold percentage of the good packets for a particular interval for a particular MIM." ::= 273 -- 0x0111 portTrafficThresholdExceeded TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { rptrPortAlarmTrafThreshold, rptrAlarmsAlarmTimebase, rptrPortGrpMgmtGrpId, rptrPortMgmtPortId } DESCRIPTION "This trap will be generated when the traffic (good packets per time interval) has been exceeded for a particular port." ::= 274 -- 0x0112 portErrorThresholdExceeded TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { rptrPortAlarmErrThreshold, rptrPortAlarmErrSource, rptrAlarmsAlarmTimebase, rptrPortGrpMgmtGrpId, rptrPortMgmtPortId } DESCRIPTION "This trap will be generated when packets of the selected error type exceeds a threshold percentage of the good packets for a particular interval for a particular port." ::= 275 -- 0x0113 portCollsionThresholdExceeded TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { rptrPortAlarmCollThreshold, rptrAlarmsAlarmTimebase, rptrPortGrpMgmtGrpId, rptrPortMgmtPortId } DESCRIPTION "This trap will be generated when collisions exceed a threshold percentage of the good packets for a particular interval for a particular port." ::= 276 -- 0x0114 portTypeChanged TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { rptrPortGrpMgmtGrpId, rptrPortMgmtPortId, rptrPortSrcAddrTopoState } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that a port has changed from a station port to a trunk port or vice versa." ::= 277 -- 0x0115 portSecurityViolation TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { rptrPortGrpMgmtGrpId, rptrPortMgmtPortId, rptrPortSrcAddrAddressList } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when a source address other than those locked to a port is seen." ::= 279 -- 0x0117 portViolationReset TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { rptrPortGrpMgmtGrpId, rptrPortMgmtPortId } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when management intervention has reset a port after a violation has occurred." ::= 280 -- 0x0118 envTempWarm TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { chSlotID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when the device detects that the temperature within a MIM has reached a WARM condition." ::= 281 -- 0x0119 envTempHot TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { chSlotID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when the device detects that the temperature within a MIM has reached a HOT condition." ::= 282 -- 0x011A envVoltageLow TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { powerSupplyNum } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when a power supply's voltage is LOW." ::= 283 -- 0x011B envTempNormal TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { chSlotID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when the device detects that the temperature within a MIM has returned to a NORMAL state." ::= 284 -- 0x011C envVoltageNormal TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when all power supplies' voltage have returned to a NORMAL state." ::= 285 -- 0x011D fanFail TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when the device detects that the system fans have failed." ::= 286 -- 0x011E fanNormal TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when the device detects that the system fans have returned to normal." ::= 287 -- 0x011F boardBroadcastThresholdExceeded TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { rptrPortGrpAlarmBroadThreshold, rptrAlarmsAlarmTimebase, rptrPortGrpMgmtGrpId } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when the broadcast packets (per time interval) have exceeded the threshold for the given board." ::= 289 -- 0x0121 portBroadcastThresholdExceeded TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { rptrPortAlarmBroadThreshold, rptrAlarmsAlarmTimebase, rptrPortGrpMgmtGrpId, rptrPortMgmtPortId } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when the broadcast packets (per time interval) have exceeded the threshold for the given port." ::= 290 -- 0x0122 systemVoltageLow TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when the device detects that the power to the EMME is low." ::= 293 -- 0x0125 systemVoltageNormal TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when the device detects that the power to the EMME has returned to normal." ::= 294 -- 0x0126 epimRemoval TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { rptrPortGrpMgmtGrpId, rptrPortMgmtPortId } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when it is detected that an EPIM has been removed." ::= 295 -- 0x0127 epimInsertion TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { rptrPortGrpMgmtGrpId, rptrPortMgmtPortId, rptrPortMgmtPortType } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when it is detected that an EPIM has been inserted." ::= 296 -- 0x0128 rptrTrafficThresholdExceeded TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { rptrAlarmsTrafThreshold, rptrAlarmsAlarmTimebase, rptrMgmtInterfaceNum } DESCRIPTION "This trap will be generated when the traffic (good packets per time interval) has been exceeded for a network." ::= 297 -- 0x0129 rptrErrorThresholdExceeded TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { rptrAlarmsErrThreshold, rptrAlarmsErrSource, rptrAlarmsAlarmTimebase, rptrMgmtInterfaceNum } DESCRIPTION "This trap will be generated when packets of the selected error type exceeds a threshold percentage of the good packets for a particular interval for an entire network." ::= 304 -- 0x0130 rptrCollsionThresholdExceeded TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { rptrAlarmsCollThreshold, rptrAlarmsAlarmTimebase, rptrMgmtInterfaceNum } DESCRIPTION "This trap will be generated when collisions exceed a threshold percentage of the good packets for a particular interval for an entire network." ::= 305 -- 0x0131 rptrLockStatusChanged TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { rptrSrcAddrMgmtPortLock, rptrMgmtInterfaceNum } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when the status of the address lock changes for a certain network." ::= 306 -- 0x0132 rptrBroadcastThresholdExceeded TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { rptrAlarmsBroadThreshold, rptrAlarmsAlarmTimebase, rptrMgmtInterfaceNum } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when the broadcast packets (per time interval) have exceeded the threshold for the given repeater." ::= 307 -- 0x0133 srcAddressPortLockStatusChange TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { rptrPortGrpMgmtGrpId, rptrPortMgmtPortId, rptrPortSecurityLockStatus } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when a change to the source address locking is detected at the port level." ::= 309 -- 0x0135 chBoardInsertion TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { chSlotID, chSlotModuleType } DESCRIPTION "This trap will generated when the MMAC determines that a new board has been inserted." ::= 310 -- 0x0136 portSecureStateChanged TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { rptrPortSecurityPortGrpId, rptrPortSecurityPortId, rptrPortSecuritySecureState} DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when the status of the secure state changes for a specific port." ::= 313 -- 0x139 rptrLearnStateChanged TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { rptrMgmtInterfaceNum, rptrSecurityLearnState } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when network learning is reset. When learning is reset, all secure addresses on each port, within the network, will be deleted and ports will learn source addresses, again." ::= 314 -- 0x13A rptrPortGrpLearnStateChanged TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { rptrPortGrpSrcAddrLockGrpId, rptrPortGrpSASecurityLearnState } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when port group learning is reset. When learning is reset, all secure addresses on each port, within the port group, will be deleted and ports will learn source addresses, again." ::= 315 -- 0x13B rptrPortLearnStateChanged TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { rptrPortSecurityPortGrpId, rptrPortSecurityPortId, rptrPortSecurityLearnState } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when learning on a port is reset. When learning is reset, all secure addresses on the port will be deleted and the port will learn source addresses, again." ::= 316 -- 0x13C rptrLearnModeChanged TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { rptrMgmtInterfaceNum, rptrSecurityLearnMode } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when network learn mode is changed between one-time learn mode and continuous learn mode." ::= 317 -- 0x13D portGrpLearnModeChanged TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { rptrPortGrpSrcAddrLockGrpId, rptrPortGrpSASecurityLearnMode } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when the port group learn mode is changed between one-time learn mode and continuous learn mode." ::= 318 -- 0x13E portLearnModeChanged TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { rptrPortSecurityPortGrpId, rptrPortSecurityPortId, rptrPortSecurityLearnMode } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when the port learn mode is changed between one-time learn mode and continuous learn mode." ::= 319 -- 0x13F fpportActivated TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { rptrPortMgmtPortId } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when a port is activated in redundancy due to another port failing." ::= 400 -- 0x0190 interfacePortInsertion TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { ctIfNumber, ctIfPortPortNumber, ctIfPortType } DESCRIPTION "This trap will be generated when it is detected that an interface port has been inserted." ::= 416 -- 0x1A0 interfacePortRemoval TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { ctIfNumber, ctIfPortPortNumber } DESCRIPTION "This trap will be generated when it is detected that an interface port has been removed." ::= 417 -- 0x1A1 interfacePortLinkUp TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { ctIfNumber, ctIfPortPortNumber } DESCRIPTION "This trap will be generated when it is determined that a port on a strictly bridging interface (not a 'repeater') has been connected to a LAN. This is only appropriate for ports that support the concept of a link state." ::= 418 -- 0x1A2 interfacePortLinkDown TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { ctIfNumber, ctIfPortPortNumber } DESCRIPTION "This trap will be generated when a previously attached bridging port has been disconnected from a LAN. This is only appropriate for ports that support the concept of a link state." ::= 419 -- 0x1A3 portInserted TRAP-TYPE -- STATUS deprecated ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { tRingPortGrpId, tRingPortMgmtPortId } DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a stations port's link state turns on while the management state of the port is Enabled." ::= 513 -- 0x0201 portDeInserted TRAP-TYPE -- STATUS deprecated ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { tRingPortGrpId, tRingPortMgmtPortId } DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a stations port's link state turns off while the management state of the port is Enabled." ::= 514 -- 0x0202 ringSpeedFault TRAP-TYPE -- STATUS deprecated ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { tRingPortGrpId } DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a board enters the ring speed fault state due to a station or ring port attaching to the board as a different speed than the board is configured for." ::= 515 -- 0x0203 ringSpeedFaultCleared TRAP-TYPE -- STATUS deprecated ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { tRingPortGrpId } DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a board leaves the ring speed fault state." ::= 516 -- 0x0204 ringPortFaulted TRAP-TYPE -- STATUS deprecated ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { tRingPortGrpId, tRingPortMgmtPortId } DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a ring port wraps when its management state is Active, without regard for the selected type of the ring port." ::= 517 -- 0x0205 ringPortFaultCleared TRAP-TYPE -- STATUS deprecated ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { tRingPortGrpId, tRingPortMgmtPortId } DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a ring port unwraps when its management state is Active, without regard for the selected type of the ring port." ::= 518 -- 0x0206 beaconState TRAP-TYPE -- STATUS deprecated ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { tRingStatsRingLastBeaconType, tRingMgmtStnName, tRingMgmtStnUNA, tRingMgmtStnBoard, tRingMgmtStnPort } DESCRIPTION "This trap occurs when a Beacon is detected on the ring while the ring is in the Operational state, or when the Beacon contains different information than the last Beacon received." ::= 519 -- 0x0207 beaconStateCleared TRAP-TYPE -- STATUS deprecated ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { tRingStatsRingLastBeacon } DESCRIPTION "This trap occurs when a ring returns to the Operational state." ::= 520 -- 0x0208 stationAdded TRAP-TYPE -- STATUS deprecated ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { tRingMgmtSecurityAddressAdd } DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new station address is added to the security allowed list" ::= 521 -- 0x0209 stationRemoved TRAP-TYPE -- STATUS deprecated ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { tRingMgmtSecurityAddressRemove } DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a station is rejected from the ring with a REMOVE MAC command sent by the ring security." ::= 522 -- 0x020a ringConfigurationChanged TRAP-TYPE -- STATUS deprecated ENTERPRISE cabletron DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when the TRMM has built a new station map." ::= 523 -- 0x020B faultRecoveryPortRemoved TRAP-TYPE -- STATUS deprecated ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { tRingPortGrpId, tRingPortMgmtPortId } DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent after a fault recovery condition has been corrected, and reports that a port was removed in the process of correcting the condition." ::= 524 -- 0x020C faultRecoveryBoardBypassed TRAP-TYPE -- STATUS deprecated ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { tRingPortGrpId } DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent after a fault recovery condition has been corrected, and reports that a board was bypassed in the process of correcting the condition." ::= 525 -- 0x020D portViolation TRAP-TYPE -- STATUS deprecated ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { tRingPortGrpId, tRingPortMgmtPortId } DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a port link state turns on and the port's management state is Disabled." ::= 526 -- 0x020E portViolationCleared TRAP-TYPE -- STATUS deprecated ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { tRingPortGrpId, tRingPortMgmtPortId } DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a port link state turns off and the port's management state is Disabled." ::= 527 -- 0x020F faultRecoveryOscillation TRAP-TYPE -- STATUS deprecated ENTERPRISE cabletron DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when the ring has oscillated several times within a short amount of time. The ring is considered oscillating if it has failed a short time after recovering." ::= 528 -- 0x0210 ringPurgeThreshold TRAP-TYPE -- STATUS deprecated ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { tRingAlarmsRingRingPurgesThreshold, tRingAlarmsRingTimebase } DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when ring purge errors have exceeded the specified threshold value." ::= 529 -- 0x0211 amErrorsThreshold TRAP-TYPE -- STATUS deprecated ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { tRingAlarmsRingAMPErrsThreshold, tRingAlarmsRingTimebase } DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when Active Monitor errors have exceeded the specified threshold value." ::= 530 -- 0x0212 tokenErrorsThreshold TRAP-TYPE -- STATUS deprecated ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { tRingAlarmsRingTokenErrsThreshold, tRingAlarmsRingTimebase } DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when Token errors have exceeded the specified threshold value." ::= 531 -- 0x0213 claimTokenThreshold TRAP-TYPE -- STATUS deprecated ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { tRingAlarmsRingClaimTknThreshold, tRingAlarmsRingTimebase } DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when claim tokens have exceeded the specified threshold value." ::= 532 -- 0x0214 lostFramesThreshold TRAP-TYPE -- STATUS deprecated ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { tRingAlarmsRingLostFramesThreshold, tRingAlarmsRingTimebase } DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when the Lost Frame count has exceeded the specified threshold value." ::= 533 -- 0x0215 beaconStateThreshold TRAP-TYPE -- STATUS deprecated ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { tRingAlarmsRingBeaconStateThreshold, tRingAlarmsRingTimebase } DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when the Beacon State count has exceeded the specified threshold value." ::= 534 -- 0x0216 frameCountThreshold TRAP-TYPE -- STATUS deprecated ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { tRingAlarmsRingFrameCountThreshold, tRingAlarmsRingTimebase } DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when the frame count has exceeded the specified threshold value." ::= 535 -- 0x0217 lineErrorsThreshold TRAP-TYPE -- STATUS deprecated ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { tRingAlarmsStnThrshLineErrsThreshold, tRingAlarmsRingTimebase, tRingAlarmsStnThrshAddress } DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when the line errors have exceeded the specified threshold value for the station." ::= 536 -- 0x0218 internalErrorsThreshold TRAP-TYPE -- STATUS deprecated ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { tRingAlarmsStnThrshInternalErrsThreshold, tRingAlarmsRingTimebase, tRingAlarmsStnThrshAddress } DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when the Lost internal errors have exceeded the specified threshold value for the station." ::= 537 -- 0x0219 burstErrorsThreshold TRAP-TYPE -- STATUS deprecated ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { tRingAlarmsStnThrshBurstErrsThreshold, tRingAlarmsRingTimebase, tRingAlarmsStnThrshAddress } DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when the Lost burst errors have exceeded the specified threshold value for the station." ::= 538 -- 0x021A acErrorsThreshold TRAP-TYPE -- STATUS deprecated ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { tRingAlarmsStnThrshACErrsThreshold, tRingAlarmsRingTimebase, tRingAlarmsStnThrshAddress } DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when address/copied errors have exceeded the specified threshold value for the station." ::= 539 -- 0x021B receiverCongestionThreshold TRAP-TYPE -- STATUS deprecated ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { tRingAlarmsStnThrshRcvrCongestThreshold, tRingAlarmsRingTimebase, tRingAlarmsStnThrshAddress } DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when receiver congestion errors have exceeded the specified threshold value for the station." ::= 540 -- 0x021C removeStationFailure TRAP-TYPE -- STATUS deprecated ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { tRingMgmtSecurityAddressRemove } DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a station breaks through security and cannot be removed from the ring." ::= 541 -- 0x021D ringSpeedPortFault TRAP-TYPE -- STATUS deprecated ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { tRingPortGrpId, tRingPortMgmtPortId } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when a port enters the ring speed fault state due to a station or ring port attaching to the port at a different speed than the port is configured for." ::= 542 -- 0x21E ringSpeedPortFaultCleared TRAP-TYPE -- STATUS deprecated ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { tRingPortGrpId, tRingPortMgmtPortId } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when a port leaves the ring speed fault state." ::= 543 -- 0x21F stnPortInserted TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { chSlotID, tRingPortGrpId, tRingPortMgmtPortId } DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a stations port's link state turns on while the management state of the port is Enabled." ::= 544 -- 0x0220 stnPortDeInserted TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { chSlotID, tRingPortGrpId, tRingPortMgmtPortId } DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a stations port's link state turns off while the management state of the port is Enabled." ::= 545 -- 0x0221 boardRingSpeedFault TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { chSlotID} DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a 'active NON-93 series' board enters the ring speed fault state due to a station or ring port attaching to the board as a different speed than the board is configured for." ::= 546 -- 0x0222 boardRingSpeedFaultCleared TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { chSlotID} DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a board leaves the ring speed fault state." ::= 547 -- 0x0223 ringPortWrapped TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { chSlotID, tRingPortGrpId, tRingPortMgmtPortId } DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a ring port wraps when its management state is Active, without regard for the selected type of the ring port." ::= 548 -- 0x0224 ringPortWrapCleared TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { chSlotID, tRingPortGrpId, tRingPortMgmtPortId } DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a ring port unwraps when its management state is Active, without regard for the selected type of the ring port." ::= 549 -- 0x225 beaconingState TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { ifIndex, tRingMgmtStnName, tRingMgmtStnAddress, tRingMgmtStnUNA, tRingMgmtStnBoard, tRingPortGrpId, tRingMgmtStnPort, tRingStatsRingLastBeaconType } DESCRIPTION "This trap occurs, if beacon recovery is enabled, when Beaconing, Ring Purging or Claim Tokens are detected on the ring while the ring is in the Operational state, or when the Beacon contains different information than the last Beacon received." ::= 550 -- 0x0226 beaconingStateCleared TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { ifIndex, tRingStatsRingLastBeacon } DESCRIPTION "This trap occurs when a ring returns to the Operational state." ::= 551 -- 0x0227 stnAdded TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { ifIndex, tRingMgmtSecurityAddressAdd } DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a new station is added to the security allowed list." ::= 552 -- 0x0228 stnRemoved TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { ifIndex, tRingMgmtSecurityAddressRemove } DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a station is rejected from the ring with a REMOVE MAC command sent by the ring security." ::= 553 -- 0x0229 removeStnFailure TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { ifIndex, tRingMgmtSecurityAddressRemove } DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a station breaks through security and cannot be removed from the ring." ::= 554 -- 0x022A ringSecurityPortRemoved TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { chSlotID, tRingPortGrpId, tRingPortMgmtPortId } DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a ring security break has been corrected, and reports that a port was removed (disabled) in the process of correcting the condition." ::= 555 -- 0x022B beaconRecoveryPortRemoved TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { chSlotID, tRingPortGrpId, tRingPortMgmtPortId } DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent after a fault recovery condition has been corrected, and reports that a port was removed in the process of correcting the condition." ::= 556 -- 0x022C beaconRecoveryPortGroupBypassed TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { chSlotID,tRingPortGrpId } DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent after a fault recovery condition has been corrected, and reports that a port group was bypassed in the process of correcting the condition." ::= 557 -- 0x022D beaconRecoveryBoardBypassed TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { chSlotID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent after a fault recovery condition has been corrected, and reports that a board was bypassed in the process of correcting the condition." ::= 558 -- 0x022E portLinkViolation TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { chSlotID, tRingPortGrpId, tRingPortMgmtPortId } DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a port link state turns on and the port's management state is Disabled." ::= 559 -- 0x022F portLinkViolationCleared TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { chSlotID, tRingPortGrpId, tRingPortMgmtPortId } DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when a port link state turns off and the port's management state is Disabled." ::= 560 -- 0x0230 ringPurgeTotalThreshold TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { ifIndex, tRingAlarmsRingRingPurgesThreshold, tRingAlarmsRingTimebase } DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when ring purge errors have exceeded the specified threshold value." ::= 561 -- 0x0231 amErrorsTotalThreshold TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { ifIndex, tRingAlarmsRingAMPErrsThreshold, tRingAlarmsRingTimebase } DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when Active Monitor errors have exceeded the specified threshold value." ::= 562 -- 0x0232 tokenErrorsTotalThreshold TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { ifIndex, tRingAlarmsRingTokenErrsThreshold, tRingAlarmsRingTimebase } DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when Token errors have exceeded the specified threshold value." ::= 563 -- 0x0233 claimTokenTotalThreshold TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { ifIndex, tRingAlarmsRingClaimTknThreshold, tRingAlarmsRingTimebase } DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when claim tokens have exceeded the specified threshold value." ::= 564 -- 0x0234 lostFramesTotalThreshold TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { ifIndex, tRingAlarmsRingLostFramesThreshold, tRingAlarmsRingTimebase } DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when the Lost Frame count has exceeded the specified threshold value." ::= 565 -- 0x0235 frameCountTotalThreshold TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { ifIndex, tRingAlarmsRingFrameCountThreshold, tRingAlarmsRingTimebase } DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when the frame count has exceeded the specified threshold value." ::= 566 -- 0x0236 lineErrorsStnThreshold TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { ifIndex, tRingAlarmsStnThrshLineErrsThreshold, tRingAlarmsRingTimebase, tRingAlarmsStnThrshAddress } DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when the line errors have exceeded the specified threshold value for the station." ::= 567 -- 0x0237 internalErrorsStnThreshold TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { ifIndex, tRingAlarmsStnThrshInternalErrsThreshold, tRingAlarmsRingTimebase, tRingAlarmsStnThrshAddress } DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when the Lost internal errors have exceeded the specified threshold value for the station." ::= 568 -- 0x0238 burstErrorsStnThreshold TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { ifIndex, tRingAlarmsStnThrshBurstErrsThreshold, tRingAlarmsRingTimebase, tRingAlarmsStnThrshAddress } DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when the Lost burst errors have exceeded the specified threshold value for the station." ::= 569 -- 0x0239 acErrorsStnThreshold TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { ifIndex, tRingAlarmsStnThrshACErrsThreshold, tRingAlarmsRingTimebase, tRingAlarmsStnThrshAddress } DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when address/copied errors have exceeded the specified threshold value for the station." ::= 570 -- 0x023A receiverCongestionStnThreshold TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { ifIndex, tRingAlarmsStnThrshRcvrCongestThreshold, tRingAlarmsRingTimebase, tRingAlarmsStnThrshAddress } DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when receiver congestion errors have exceeded the specified threshold value for the station." ::= 571 -- 0x023B ringSpeedPortFaulted TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { chSlotID, tRingPortGrpId, tRingPortMgmtPortId } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when a port enters the ring speed fault state due to a station or ring port attaching to the port at a different speed than the port is configured for." ::= 572 -- 0x023C ringSpeedPortFaultedCleared TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { chSlotID, tRingPortGrpId, tRingPortMgmtPortId } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when a port leaves the ring speed fault state." ::= 573 -- 0x023D tpimInserted TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { chSlotID, tRingPortGrpId, tRingPortMgmtPortId } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when a TPIM is installed." ::= 574 -- 0x023E tpimRemoved TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { chSlotID, tRingPortGrpId, tRingPortMgmtPortId } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when a TPIM is removed." ::= 575 -- 0x023F neighborNotificationInc TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { ifIndex } DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent each time the neighbor notification (ring poll) does not complete." ::= 576 -- 0x0240 fltRecoveryOscillation TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { ifIndex } DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when the ring has oscillated (in and out of beaconing) when beacon recovery is enabled. The ring is considered oscillating if it has failed 21 secs after recovering from the previous." ::= 577 -- 0x0241 ringPollFailureEventCorrected TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { ifIndex, tRingMgmtStnAddress, tRingMgmtStnDNA, tRingMgmtStnBoard, tRingMgmtStnPort } DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent after the management module successfully recovered the Ring Poll Failure condition." ::= 578 -- 0x0242 ringPollFailureEventNotCorrected TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { ifIndex, tRingMgmtStnAddress } DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent after the management module has failed to recover the Ring Poll Failure condition. The interesting information includes the interface number and the MAC address of the last successful ring poll station." ::= 579 -- 0x0243 sPVP TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron -- VARIABLES { spvpAtmAddress, -- timeStamp, -- releaseCause } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that a SPVP was rerouted. The variables indicates the address of a rerouted spvp, the time stamp of when rerouting occurred, and the cause of rerouting. The cause codes are as follows: Unallocated (unassigned) number = 1 No route to specified transit network = 2 No route to destination = 3 Normal call clearing = 16 User busy = 17 No user responding = 18 Call rejected = 21 Number changed = 22 User rejects all calls with calling line identification restriction (CLIR) = 23 Destination out of order = 27 Invalid number format (address incomplete) = 28 Response to STATUS ENQUIRY = 30 Normal, unspecified = 31 Requested VPCI/VCI not available = 35 VPCI/VCI assignment failure = 36 User cell rate not available = 37 Network out of order = 38 Temporary failure = 41 Access information discarded = 43 No VPCI/VCI available = 45 Resource unavailable, unspecified = 47 Quality of Service unavailable = 49 Bearer capability not authorized = 57 Bearer capability not presently available = 58 Service or option not available, unspecified = 63 Bearer capability not implemented = 65 Unsupported combination of traffic parameters = 73 AAL parameters cannot be supported = 78 Invalid call reference value = 81 Identified channel does not exist = 82 Incompatible destination = 88 Invalid endpoint reference = 89 Invalid transit network selection = 91 Too many pending add party requests = 92 Mandatory information element missing = 96 Message type non-existent or not implemented = 97 Information element non existent or not implemented = 99 Invalid information element contents = 100 Message not compatible with call state = 101 Recovery on timer expiry = 102 Incorrect message length = 104 Protocol error, unspecified = 111" ::= 580 -- 0x0244 sPVC TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron -- VARIABLES { spvcAtmAddress, -- timeStamp, -- releaseCause } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that a SPVC was rerouted. The variables indicates the address of a rerouted spvc, the time stamp of when rerouting occurred, and the cause of rerouting. The cause codes are as follows: Unallocated (unassigned) number = 1 No route to specified transit network = 2 No route to destination = 3 Normal call clearing = 16 User busy = 17 No user responding = 18 Call rejected = 21 Number changed = 22 User rejects all calls with calling line identification restriction (CLIR) = 23 Destination out of order = 27 Invalid number format (address incomplete) = 28 Response to STATUS ENQUIRY = 30 Normal, unspecified = 31 Requested VPCI/VCI not available = 35 VPCI/VCI assignment failure = 36 User cell rate not available = 37 Network out of order = 38 Temporary failure = 41 Access information discarded = 43 No VPCI/VCI available = 45 Resource unavailable, unspecified = 47 Quality of Service unavailable = 49 Bearer capability not authorized = 57 Bearer capability not presently available = 58 Service or option not available, unspecified = 63 Bearer capability not implemented = 65 Unsupported combination of traffic parameters = 73 AAL parameters cannot be supported = 78 Invalid call reference value = 81 Identified channel does not exist = 82 Incompatible destination = 88 Invalid endpoint reference = 89 Invalid transit network selection = 91 Too many pending add party requests = 92 Mandatory information element missing = 96 Message type non-existent or not implemented = 97 Information element non existent or not implemented = 99 Invalid information element contents = 100 Message not compatible with call state = 101 Recovery on timer expiry = 102 Incorrect message length = 104 Protocol error, unspecified = 111" ::= 581 -- 0x0245 -- deviceNotResponding TRAP-TYPE -- ENTERPRISE cabletron -- VARIABLES { } -- DESCRIPTION -- " " -- ::= 700 0x02BC -- deviceConnected TRAP-TYPE -- ENTERPRISE cabletron -- VARIABLES { } -- DESCRIPTION -- " " -- ::= 701 0x02BD -- deviceStatusUnknown TRAP-TYPE -- ENTERPRISE cabletron -- VARIABLES { } -- DESCRIPTION -- " " -- ::= 702 0x02BE deviceDiagnosticMessage TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated for diagnostic purposes." ::= 703 -- 0x02BF bridgeStatusChanged TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { bdgdeviceStatus } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when the status of the bridge changes." ::= 769 -- 0x0301 aquiredDatabaseFull TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when the acquired portion of the bridge's filtering database is full." ::= 770 -- 0x0302 boardPortActivate TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { ctFpRedundActivePort } DESCRIPTION "This Trap is generated when Front Panel Redundancy changes the active port." ::= 849 -- 0x0351 boardNightVision TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when night vision turns off or on. If power to the device is lost, this trap is sent with a value of 0, indicating that power has been lost but the device is running on 'night vision'. If power is not restored within 10 minutes, the device shuts down completely. If power is restored in that time frame, the trap is sent with a value of 1 indicating as such." ::= 900 -- 0x384 snmpLostContact TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { snmpPollDestination, snmpPollOwner } DESCRIPTION "A LostContact signifies that a the Cabletron hub has lost contact with the destination IP address host/device. This trap is only sent at the 'trap-wait' intervals. Note that this trap indicates a poll failure, not a threshold failure. Threshold alarms are generated independently. The snmpPollDestination indicates the lost device." ::= 1000 -- 0x03E8 snmpThresholdTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { snmpOIDDestination, snmpOIDOwner, snmpOIDSequence, snmpOIDObject } DESCRIPTION "This trap signifies that an OID value/threshold comparison has failed. The snmpOIDObject specifies which Object Identifier and instance (destination IP address, owner IP address, and sequence number) was used to trigger the alarm condition. The snmpOIDDestination indicates the node address that failed the OID poll." ::= 1001 snmpReestabContact TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { snmpPollDestination, snmpPollOwner } DESCRIPTION "A ReestabContact signifies that a the Cabletron hub has reestablished contact with the destination IP address host/device. This trap is sent immediately after contact has been reestablished." ::= 1002 -- 0x03EA -- There are a other traps associated with ctBroadcast at 289 and 290. ctBroadcastThresholdReached TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { ctBroadcastDesiredBroadcastThreshold, ctBroadcastCtlSlotID, ctBroadcastCtlInterface} DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when the configured broadcast threshold on a port is reached and will include the slot number and port number the threshold was reached on." ::= 1003 -- 0x03EB ctLecStatus TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { lecRowStatus } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when the operational state of the LAN Emulation Client has changed." ::= 1004 -- 0x03EC fddiPortConnectStateChange TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { fddimibSMTIndex, fddimibPORTIndex, fddimibPORTConnectState } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated for FDDI port connection state changes. The variables are found in IETF FDDI MIB RFC-1512." ::= 1024 -- 0x400 fddiSMTMasterPortIncrease TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { fddimibSMTIndex, fddimibSMTMasterCts } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated whenever there is an increase in the number of SMT master ports." ::= 1025 -- 0x401 fddiSMTMasterPortDecrease TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { fddimibSMTIndex, fddimibSMTMasterCts } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated anytime there is a decrease in the number of SMT master ports." ::= 1026 -- 0x402 fddiPortAction TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { fddimibSMTIndex, fddimibPORTIndex, fddimibPORTAction } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated for every action against a FDDI port. The variables are found in IETF FDDI MIB RFC-1512." ::= 1027 -- 0x403 fddiPortLerAlarm TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { fddimibSMTIndex, fddimibPORTIndex, fddimibPORTLerEstimate } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when the long term link error rate, fddimibPORTLerEstimate, crosses the fddimibPORTLerAlarm threshold. The variables are found in IETF FDDI MIB RFC-1512." ::= 1028 -- 0x404 fddiModuleFNBbypassed TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { chSlotID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when a FDDI module is bypassed on the FNB." ::= 1030 -- 0x406 fddiModuleFNBinserted TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { chSlotID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when a FDDI module is inserted on the FNB." ::= 1031 -- 0x407 fddiMACRMTState TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { fddimibSMTIndex, fddimibMACIndex, fddimibMACRMTState } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when there is a change in the FDDI ring state. The variables are found in IETF FDDI MIB RFC-1512." ::= 1032 -- 0x408 fddiMACCurrentPath TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { fddimibSMTIndex, fddimibMACIndex, fddimibMACCurrentPath } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when there is a change in the insertion of the MAC to the FDDI ring. The variables are found in IETF FDDI MIB RFC-1512." ::= 1033 -- 0x409 fddiSMTCFState TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { fddimibSMTIndex, fddimibSMTCFState } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when there is a change in the attachment configuration for the station or concentrator. The variables are found in IETF FDDI MIB RFC-1512." ::= 1034 -- 0x40A fddiRingTopology TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { ctsmtmibRingSmtIndex, ctsmtmibRingMacIndex, ctsmtmibRingNodeIndex, ctsmtmibRingMacAddr, ctsmtmibRingTopology } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when there is a change in the attachment configuration for the station or concentrator. It provides information additional to fddiSMTCFState, twisted ring conditions in particular. The variables are found in the Cabletron SMT MIB." ::= 1035 -- 0x40B fddiMACFrameErrorRatio TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { fddimibSMTIndex, fddimibMACIndex, fddimibMACFrameErrorRatio } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when the frame error ratio exceeds the frame error threshold, fddimibMACFrameErrorThreshold. The variables are found in IETF FDDI MIB RFC-1512." ::= 1036 -- 0x40C fddiMACDuplicateMACAddress TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { fddimibSMTIndex, fddimibMACIndex } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when the SMT detects a duplicate MAC address on the ring." ::= 1037 -- 0x40D --================== The end of the list of FDDI Traps ======================== --========================== container traps ================================== contLogicalChangesTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { contTypeLogicalChanges } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when any change occurs in the contLogicalEntryTable group of the container MIB." ::= 1200 contPhysicalChangesTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { contTypePhysicalChanges } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when any change occurs to contPhysicalEntryTable group of the container MIB." ::= 1201 --============================================================================= rtrIpEventLogChange TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { nwIpEventTextString } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated for changes to IP event log." ::= 1280 -- 0x500 rtrIPXEventLogChange TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { nwIpxEventTextString } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated whenever an entry is made to the router IPX event log for where nwIpEventSeverity has a value of highest(1)." ::= 1281 -- 0x501 rtrDecIVEventLogChange TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { nwDecIVEventTextString } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated whenever an entry is made to the router Dec Net IV event log." ::= 1282 -- 0x502 rtrAppleEventLogChange TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { nwAtEventTextString } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated whenever an entry is made to the router Apple Talk event log." ::= 1283 -- 0x503 rtrAppnEventLogChange TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { nwAppnEventTextString } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated whenever an entry is made to the router APPN event log." ::= 1284 -- 0x504 nwAppnLsUp TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { nwAppnFwdLsName } DESCRIPTION "When a link station becomes active, a trap is generated. nwAppnFwdLsName identifies the link station name." ::= 1285 -- 0x505 nwAppnLsDown TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { nwAppnFwdLsName, nwAppnFwdLsAdjCpName, nwAppnFwdLsAdjCpType } DESCRIPTION "When a link station is deactivated, a trap is generated. nwAppnFwdLsName identifies the link station name, nwAppnFwdLsAdjCpName identifies the fully qualified CP name of the adjacent node and nwAppnFwdLsAdjCpType is the type of that node." ::= 1286 -- 0x506 -- All traps between 0x578 (1400) and 0x5DB (1499) are reserved -- for secure fast switching -- SecureFast Traps [Trap Ids 1400 - 1499 (0578h - 05DBh)] -- SecureFast Traps are by default Disabled. To Enable SecureFast Traps, -- the "service.trap" element in the Bindery must be enabled. In addition, -- Individual SecureFast Traps can be disabled via the SFPSTrapAPI Mib. -- (Disabling a Trap is Persistant, therefore next reboot, the trap will -- stay disabled). The SFPSTrap Mib can be used to view the current -- OperStatus of the individual traps, as well as how many of each trap -- have been sent, and when the last one was sent. -- Below - = Hash Value; = Index Value;

= Port -- Trap #1400 - New User -- -- = [Int] Port Number -- = [Str] Node's Mac Address sfpsNewUser TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { sfpsNodeTablePort, sfpsNodeTableBaseAddress } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when a new user enters the SFPS fabric." ::= 1400 -- 0x578 -- Trap #1401 - Directory Violation -- -- = [Int] Violation Type -- = [Str] L2/L3 Address Value sfpsDirectoryViolation TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { sfpsDirViolationType,sfpsDirViolationAOValue } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when one of 6 violation types have occurred. 1 UserLock 2 RestrictedPort 3 IPNotLearned 4 IPInvalid 5 RestrictedMobility 6 UserLockSamePort " ::= 1401 -- 0x579 -- Trap #1402 - Source Blocked -- -- = [Str] Source Mac Address Blocked sfpsSourceBlocked TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { sfpsBlockSourceMAC } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when a user (source MAC address) has surpassed the Source Blocker thresholds and is being blocked from sending traffic on the network." ::= 1402 -- 0x57A -- Trap #1403 - Flood Suppressed -- -- = [Str] L2/L3 Address Blocked sfpsFloodSurpressed TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { sfpsBlockResolveTableAOValue } DESCRIPTION "A destination address has been unresolvable past the thresholds and is now being flood suppressed (only 1 per X seconds will pass)." ::= 1403 -- 0x57B -- Trap #1404 - Port to Standby -- --

= [Int] Port Number --

= [Int] New Port State sfpsPortToStandby TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { sfpsInPortConfigPort, sfpsInPortConfigType } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when a port has entered standby. There are different standby states: 9 STAND_BY (manually set) 14 STAND_BY_FCL (one way neighbor) 15 STAND_BY_LOOPED (self originated Hello seen on port) 16 STAND_BY_RTA (redundant access port is standby/backup " ::= 1404 -- 0x57C -- Trap #1405 - Port from Standby -- --

= [Int] Port Number --

= [Int] New Port State sfpsPortFromStandby TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { sfpsInPortConfigPort, sfpsInPortConfigType } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when a port that was in standby is now not in standby. Most common is that either a one-way neighbor situation is gone or a standby RA port is now primary." ::= 1405 -- 0x57D -- ====================================================================== -- All traps between 0x600 (1536) and 0x6FF (1791) are reserved -- for mid level managers. nmsMapAdded TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { logEventIndex, logIndex, logTime, logDescription } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when the SOS Gateway agent detects that a third party NMS has added a new map to its database." ::= 1536 nmsMapDeleted TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { logEventIndex, logIndex, logTime, logDescription } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when the SOS Gateway agent detects that a third party NMS has deleted a map from its database." ::= 1537 nmsMapChanged TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { logEventIndex, logIndex, logTime, logDescription } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when the SOS Gateway agent detects that a third party NMS has changed an attribute of a map in its database." ::= 1538 nmsMapOpened TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { logEventIndex, logIndex, logTime, logDescription } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when the SOS Gateway agent detects that a third party NMS has opened a map." ::= 1539 nmsMapClosed TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { logEventIndex, logIndex, logTime, logDescription } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when the SOS Gateway agent detects that a third party NMS has closed a map." ::= 1540 nmsElementAdded TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { logEventIndex, logIndex, logTime, logDescription } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when the SOS Gateway agent detects that a third party NMS has added a new element to its database." ::= 1541 nmsElementDeleted TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { logEventIndex, logIndex, logTime, logDescription } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when the SOS Gateway agent detects that a third party NMS has deleted an element from its database." ::= 1542 nmsElementChanged TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { logEventIndex, logIndex, logTime, logDescription } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when the SOS Gateway agent detects that a third party NMS has changed an attribute of an element in its database." ::= 1543 nmsSymbolAdded TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { logEventIndex, logIndex, logTime, logDescription } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when the SOS Gateway agent detects that a third party NMS has added a new symbol to its database." ::= 1544 nmsSymbolDeleted TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { logEventIndex, logIndex, logTime, logDescription } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when the SOS Gateway agent detects that a third party NMS has deleted a symbol from its database." ::= 1545 nmsSymbolChanged TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { logEventIndex, logIndex, logTime, logDescription } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when the SOS Gateway agent detects that a third party NMS has changed an attribute of a symbol in its database." ::= 1546 -- ====================================================================== -- All traps between 0x708 (1800) and 0x76C (1900) are reserved -- for the 5 Slot Work Group chassis. wgPsInstalled TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { ctChasPowerSupplyNum, ctChasPowerSupplyType } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when the device detects that the power supply has been installed." ::= 1800 wgPsRemoved TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { ctChasPowerSupplyNum } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when the device detects that the power supply has been removed." ::= 1801 wgPsNormal TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { ctChasPowerSupplyNum } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when the device detects that the power supply has returned to normal." ::= 1802 wgPsFail TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { ctChasPowerSupplyNum } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when the device detects that the power supply has failed." ::= 1803 wgPsRedundant TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { ctChasPowerSupplyNum } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when the device detects that the power supply is in the redundant state." ::= 1804 wgPsNotRedundant TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { ctChasPowerSupplyNum } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when the device detects that the power supply is not in the redundant state." ::= 1805 wgBoardInserted TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { contPhysicalEntryID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when a module is inserted." ::= 1806 wgBoardRemoved TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { contPhysicalEntryID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when a module is removed." ::= 1807 -- ====================================================================== aPCLineFail TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated in the event of an AC utility line failure" ::= 4353 -- 0x1101 aPCLineFailRecovery TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when the UPS switches back to line, and only if the aPCLineFail trap was issued first" ::= 4354 -- 0x1102 aPCLowBattery TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated in the event that the UPS' battery is found to be low" ::= 4355 -- 0x1103 aPCLowBatteryRecovery TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when the UPS' battery has charged above the low-battery point, and only if the aPCLowBattery trap was issued first" ::= 4356 -- 0x1104 aPCAbnormalCondition TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated in the event that the UPS has entered an abnormal condition, such as an overload or trip on low battery. This trap is also sent, when the UPS is first turned on." ::= 4357 -- 0x1105 aPCAbnormConditionRecovery TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when the UPS has recovered from an abnormal condition, and only if the aPCAbnormalCondition trap was issued first" ::= 4358 -- 0x1106 aPCShuttingDown TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated in the event that the UPS has been ordered to shut itself, or the load, off over the serial line." ::= 4359 -- 0x1107 -- ===================================================================== -- The range of trap IDs from 5001 to 5400 decimal are reserved -- for WAN traps. -- ====================================================================== -- The range of trap IDs from 11001 to 11999 decimal are reserved -- for MMAC+ traps. emTermOverVoltage TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when the term power bus is over voltage." ::= 11001 emTermUnderVoltage TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when the term power bus is under voltage." ::= 11002 emTermNormalVoltage TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when the term power bus is at an acceptable voltage. It will only be sent out after a trap was sent to say that the term voltage was under or over." ::= 11003 chHotTemp TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because the chassis is hot." ::= 11004 chWarmTemp TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because the chassis is warm." ::= 11005 chCoolTemp TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because the chassis is cool." ::= 11006 chColdTemp TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because the chassis is cold." ::= 11007 chTempOK TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because the chassis has returned to normal after being warm, hot, cool or cold." ::= 11008 chTempSensorBroken TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when the chassis's temperature sensor is broken." ::= 11009 chHumidityStaticRisk TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when the chassis determines there is a humidity static risk." ::= 11010 chHumidityNormal TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when the chassis determines the humidity has returned to normal after being moist or static risk." ::= 11011 chHumidityMoist TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when the chassis determines there is a humidity moist risk." ::= 11012 chHumiditySensorBroken TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when the chassis determines the humidity sensor is broken." ::= 11013 chMod1INBInstalled TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when the INV termination has been installed for module 1." ::= 11014 chMod1INBFaulty TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when the INV termination is faulty for module 1." ::= 11015 chMod1INBRemoved TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when the INV termination has been removed for module 1." ::= 11016 chMod1INBNormal TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when the INV termination (module 1) has returned to normal after already sending a trap to say it was faulty." ::= 11017 chMod2INBInstalled TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when the INV termination has been installed for module 2." ::= 11018 chMod2INBFaulty TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when the INV termination is faulty for module 2." ::= 11019 chMod2INBRemoved TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when the INV termination has been removed for module 2." ::= 11020 chMod2INBNormal TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when the INV termination (module 2) has returned to normal after already sending a trap to say it was faulty." ::= 11021 emFanFailure TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when the chassis detects a fan failure." ::= 11022 boardHotTempShutdown TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { boardPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because a board is hot and the board has shut itself down." ::= 11023 boardWarmTemp TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { boardPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because a board is warm." ::= 11024 boardCoolTemp TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { boardPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because a board is cool." ::= 11025 boardColdTemp TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { boardPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because a board is cold." ::= 11026 boardTempOK TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { boardPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because a board has returned to normal after being warm or hot." ::= 11027 boardTempSensorBroken TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { boardPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when the board's temperature sensor is broken." ::= 11028 boardTempHotNoAdmin TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { boardPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because a board is hot." ::= 11029 boardRelWarmTemp TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { boardPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because a board's relative temp is warm." ::= 11030 boardRelTempOK TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { boardPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because a board's relative temp has returned to normal after being warm or hot." ::= 11031 boardRelTempHotNoAdmin TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { boardPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because a board's relative temp is hot but it cannot shutdown. It will need to be turned off remotely." ::= 11032 boardRelTempHotShutdown TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { boardPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when the board's relative temperature is hot and is being powered off." ::= 11033 boardRelWarmTempMaxFans TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { boardPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because a board's relative temp is warm. The fans are on MAX." ::= 11034 boardRelTempOKMaxFans TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { boardPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because a board's relative temp has returned to normal after being warm or hot. The fans are on MAX." ::= 11035 boardRelTempHotNoAdminMaxFans TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { boardPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because a board's relative temp is hot but it cannot shutdown. It will need to be turned off remotely. The fans are on MAX." ::= 11036 boardRelTempHotShutdownMaxFans TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { boardPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when the board's relative temperature is hot and is being powered off. The fans are on MAX." ::= 11037 boardInputVoltageOverMax TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { boardPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because a boards input voltage is over max." ::= 11038 boardInputVoltageUnderMin TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { boardPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because a boards input voltage is under minimum." ::= 11039 boardInputVoltageOK TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { boardPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because a board input voltage has returned to normal after being over or under." ::= 11040 boardOutputVoltageOverMax TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { boardPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because a board output voltage is over MAX." ::= 11041 boardOutputVoltageUnderMin TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { boardPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because a board output voltage is under MIN." ::= 11042 boardOutputVoltageOK TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { boardPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because a board output voltage has returned to normal after being over or under." ::= 11043 boardAuxVoltageOverMax TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { boardPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because a boards auxiliary voltage is over MAX." ::= 11044 boardAuxVoltageUnderMin TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { boardPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because a board auxiliary voltage is under MIN." ::= 11045 boardAuxVoltageOK TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { boardPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because a board auxiliary voltage has returned to normal after being over or under." ::= 11046 boardInputCurrentOverMaxShutdown TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { boardPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because a board input current is over MAX. The power supply has therefore been shutdown." ::= 11047 boardOutputCurrentOverMaxShutdown TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { boardPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because a boards output current is over MAX. The power supply has therefore been shutdown." ::= 11048 boardInputCurrentOverMax TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { boardPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because a board input current is over MAX. The ability of the power supply to turn itself off has been disabled therefore outside intervention is needed." ::= 11049 boardOutputCurrentOverMax TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { boardPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because a board output current is over MAX. The ability of the power supply to turn itself off has been disabled therefore outside intervention is needed." ::= 11050 boardRemotePowerOff TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { boardPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because the board is being powered off due to outside intervention." ::= 11051 boardRemotePowerOn TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { boardPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because the board is being powered on due to outside intervention." ::= 11052 boardRemotePowerReset TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { boardPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because the board is being reset due to outside intervention." ::= 11053 boardPowerOn TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { boardPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because the board power has been powered on." ::= 11054 boardPowerOff TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { boardPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because the board power has been powered off." ::= 11055 boardPowerReset TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { boardPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because the board has been reset." ::= 11056 boardRemOverCurrentShutdown TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { boardPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because the board has been shutdown remotely due to being over current." ::= 11057 boardRemPowerConservationShutdown TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { boardPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because the board has been shutdown remotely due to power conservation." ::= 11058 boardRemTemperatureShutdown TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { boardPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because the board has been shutdown remotely due to it's temperature." ::= 11059 boardReqFPDisableDCDC TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { boardPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because the board has had an unauthorized front panel disable." ::= 11060 boardFPDisableDCDC TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { boardPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because the board has been disabled through the front panel." ::= 11061 boardReqFPEnableDCDC TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { boardPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because the board has had an unauthorized front panel enable." ::= 11062 boardFPEnableDCDC TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { boardPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because the board has been enabled through the front panel." ::= 11063 boardReqFPResetDCDC TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { boardPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because the board has had an unauthorized front panel reset." ::= 11064 boardFPResetDCDC TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { boardPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because the board has been reset through the front panel." ::= 11065 boardADConvertorFailure TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { boardPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because the board's A/D converter is broken." ::= 11066 boardPICFailure TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { boardPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because of a board PIC failure." ::= 11067 boardPICOk TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { boardPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because the board PIC is now OK. This trap will only be sent AFTER a PIC failure trap has been generated." ::= 11068 boardLLAPDupAddress TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { boardPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when the board LLAP address already exists in this chassis." ::= 11069 boardMailboxFailure TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { boardPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because of a board mailbox failure." ::= 11070 boardMailboxOK TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { boardPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because the board mailbox is now OK." ::= 11071 psACHotTempShutdown TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because an AC power supply is hot and the power supply has shut itself down." ::= 11072 psACWarmTemp TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because an AC power supply is warm." ::= 11073 psACTempOK TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because an AC power supply has returned to normal after being warm or hot." ::= 11074 psACTempOKNoAdmin TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because an AC power supply has returned to normal after being shutdown remotely. It will need to be powerOn remotely." ::= 11075 psACTempSensorBroken TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when the AC power supply's temperature sensor is broken." ::= 11076 psACTempHot TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because an AC power supply is hot." ::= 11077 psACInputVoltageOverMax TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because an AC power supply input voltage is over max." ::= 11078 psACInputVoltageUnderMin TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because an AC power supply input voltage is under minimum." ::= 11079 psACInputVoltageOK TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because an AC power supply input voltage has returned to normal after being over or under." ::= 11080 psACSystemVoltageOverMax TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because an AC power supply system voltage is over MAX." ::= 11081 psACSystemVoltageUnderMin TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because an AC power supply system voltage is under MIN." ::= 11082 psACSystemVoltageOK TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because an AC power supply system voltage has returned to normal after being over or under." ::= 11083 psACLogicVoltageOverMax TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because an AC power supply logic voltage is over MAX." ::= 11084 psACLogicVoltageUnderMin TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because an AC power supply logic voltage is under MIN." ::= 11085 psACLogicVoltageOK TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because an AC power supply logic voltage has returned to normal after being over or under." ::= 11086 psACTermVoltageOverMax TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because an AC power supply term voltage is over MAX." ::= 11087 psACTermVoltageUnderMin TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because an AC power supply term voltage is under MIN." ::= 11088 psACTermVoltageOK TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because an AC power supply term voltage has returned to normal after being over or under." ::= 11089 psACLogicSenseCurrentOverMax TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because an AC power supply logic current is over MAX. The ability of the power supply to turn itself off has been disabled therefore outside intervention is needed." ::= 11090 psACTermSenseCurrentOverMax TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because an AC power supply term current is over MAX. The ability of the power supply to turn itself off has been disabled therefore outside intervention is needed." ::= 11091 psACInputCurrentOverMaxShutdown TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because an AC power supply input current is over MAX. The power supply has therefore been shutdown." ::= 11092 psACSystemCurrentOverMaxShutdown TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because an AC power supply system current is over MAX. The power supply has therefore been shutdown." ::= 11093 psACLogicCurrentOverMaxShutdown TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because an AC power supply logic current is over MAX. The power supply has therefore been shutdown." ::= 11094 psACTermCurrentOverMaxShutdown TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because an AC power supply term current is over MAX. The power supply has therefore been shutdown." ::= 11095 psACLogicSenseCurrentOverMaxShutdown TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because an AC power supply logic sense current is over MAX. The power supply has therefore been shutdown." ::= 11096 psACTermSenseCurrentOverMaxShutdown TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because an AC power supply term sense current is over MAX. The power supply has therefore been shutdown." ::= 11097 psACInputCurrentOverMax TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because an AC power supply input current is over MAX. The ability of the power supply to turn itself off has been disabled therefore outside intervention is needed." ::= 11098 psACSystemCurrentOverMax TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because an AC power supply system current is over MAX. The ability of the power supply to turn itself off has been disabled therefore outside intervention is needed." ::= 11099 psACLogicCurrentOverMax TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because an AC power supply logic current is over MAX. The ability of the power supply to turn itself off has been disabled therefore outside intervention is needed." ::= 11100 psACTermCurrentOverMax TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because an AC power supply term current is over MAX. The ability of the power supply to turn itself off has been disabled therefore outside intervention is needed." ::= 11101 psACRemotePowerOff TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because the AC power supply is being powered off due to outside intervention." ::= 11102 psACSystemPowerOn TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because the AC power supply system power has been powered on." ::= 11103 psACSystemPowerOff TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because the AC power supply system power has been powered off." ::= 11104 psACLogicPowerOn TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because the AC power supply logic power has been powered on." ::= 11105 psACLogicPowerOff TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because the AC power supply logic power has been powered off." ::= 11106 psACTermPowerOn TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because the AC power supply term power has been powered on." ::= 11107 psACTermPowerOff TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because the AC power supply term power has been powered off." ::= 11108 psACRemOverCurrentShutdown TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because the AC power supply has been shutdown remotely due to being over current." ::= 11109 psACRemPowerConservationShutdown TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because the AC power supply has been shutdown remotely due to power conservation." ::= 11110 psACADConvertorFailure TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because the AC power supply A/D converter is broken." ::= 11111 psACPICFailure TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because of an AC power supply PIC failure." ::= 11112 psACPICOk TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because the AC power supply PIC is now OK. This trap will only be sent AFTER a PIC failure trap has been generated." ::= 11113 psACLLAPDupAddress TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when the AC power supply LLAP address already exists in this chassis." ::= 11114 psACFanFailure TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because of an AC power supply fan failure." ::= 11115 psACFanOK TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because the AC power supply fan is now OK. This trap will only be sent AFTER a fan failure trap has been generated." ::= 11116 psDCHotTempShutdown TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because an DC power supply is hot and the power supply has shut itself down." ::= 11117 psDCWarmTemp TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because an DC power supply is warm." ::= 11118 psDCTempOK TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because an DC power supply has returned to normal after being warm or hot." ::= 11119 psDCTempOKNoAdmin TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because an DC power supply has returned to normal after being shutdown remotely. It will need to be powerOn remotely." ::= 11120 psDCTempSensorBroken TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when the DC power supply's temperature sensor is broken." ::= 11121 psDCTempHot TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because an DC power supply is hot." ::= 11122 psDCInputVoltageOverMax TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because an DC power supply input voltage is over max." ::= 11123 psDCInputVoltageUnderMin TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because an DC power supply input voltage is under minimum." ::= 11124 psDCInputVoltageOK TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because an DC power supply input voltage has returned to normal after being over or under." ::= 11125 psDCSystemVoltageOverMax TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because an DC power supply system voltage is over MAX." ::= 11126 psDCSystemVoltageUnderMin TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because an DC power supply system voltage is under MIN." ::= 11127 psDCSystemVoltageOK TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because an DC power supply system voltage has returned to normal after being over or under." ::= 11128 psDCLogicVoltageOverMax TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because an DC power supply logic voltage is over MAX." ::= 11129 psDCLogicVoltageUnderMin TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because an DC power supply logic voltage is under MIN." ::= 11130 psDCLogicVoltageOK TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because an DC power supply logic voltage has returned to normal after being over or under." ::= 11131 psDCTermVoltageOverMax TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because an DC power supply term voltage is over MAX." ::= 11132 psDCTermVoltageUnderMin TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because an DC power supply term voltage is under MIN." ::= 11133 psDCTermVoltageOK TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because an DC power supply term voltage has returned to normal after being over or under." ::= 11134 psDCLogicSenseCurrentOverMax TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because an DC power supply logic current is over MAX. The ability of the power supply to turn itself off has been disabled therefore outside intervention is needed." ::= 11135 psDCTermSenseCurrentOverMax TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because an DC power supply term current is over MAX. The ability of the power supply to turn itself off has been disabled therefore outside intervention is needed." ::= 11136 psDCInputCurrentOverMaxShutdown TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because an DC power supply input current is over MAX. The power supply has therefore been shutdown." ::= 11137 psDCSystemCurrentOverMaxShutdown TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because an DC power supply system current is over MAX. The power supply has therefore been shutdown." ::= 11138 psDCLogicCurrentOverMaxShutdown TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because an DC power supply logic current is over MAX. The power supply has therefore been shutdown." ::= 11139 psDCTermCurrentOverMaxShutdown TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because an DC power supply term current is over MAX. The power supply has therefore been shutdown." ::= 11140 psDCLogicSenseCurrentOverMaxShutdown TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because an DC power supply logic sense current is over MAX. The power supply has therefore been shutdown." ::= 11141 psDCTermSenseCurrentOverMaxShutdown TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because an DC power supply term sense current is over MAX. The power supply has therefore been shutdown." ::= 11142 psDCInputCurrentOverMax TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because an DC power supply input current is over MAX. The ability of the power supply to turn itself off has been disabled therefore outside intervention is needed." ::= 11143 psDCSystemCurrentOverMax TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because an DC power supply system current is over MAX. The ability of the power supply to turn itself off has been disabled therefore outside intervention is needed." ::= 11144 psDCLogicCurrentOverMax TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because an DC power supply logic current is over MAX. The ability of the power supply to turn itself off has been disabled therefore outside intervention is needed." ::= 11145 psDCTermCurrentOverMax TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because an DC power supply term current is over MAX. The ability of the power supply to turn itself off has been disabled therefore outside intervention is needed." ::= 11146 psDCRemotePowerOff TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because the DC power supply is being powered off due to outside intervention." ::= 11147 psDCSystemPowerOn TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because the DC power supply system power has been powered on." ::= 11148 psDCSystemPowerOff TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because the DC power supply system power has been powered off." ::= 11149 psDCLogicPowerOn TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because the DC power supply logic power has been powered on." ::= 11150 psDCLogicPowerOff TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because the DC power supply logic power has been powered off." ::= 11151 psDCTermPowerOn TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because the DC power supply term power has been powered on." ::= 11152 psDCTermPowerOff TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because the DC power supply term power has been powered off." ::= 11153 psDCRemOverCurrentShutdown TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because the DC power supply has been shutdown remotely due to being over current." ::= 11154 psDCRemPowerConservationShutdown TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because the DC power supply has been shutdown remotely due to power conservation." ::= 11155 psDCADConvertorFailure TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because the DC power supply A/D converter is broken." ::= 11156 psADPICFailure TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because of an DC power supply PIC failure." ::= 11157 psADPICOk TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because the DC power supply PIC is now OK. This trap will only be sent AFTER a PIC failure trap has been generated." ::= 11158 psADLLAPDupAddress TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when the DC power supply LLAP address already exists in this chassis." ::= 11159 psADFanFailure TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because of an DC power supply fan failure." ::= 11160 psDCFanOK TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because the DC power supply fan is now OK. This trap will only be sent AFTER a fan failure trap has been generated." ::= 11161 psADConvertorFailure TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because the power supply A/D converter is broken." ::= 11162 psPicFailure TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because of a power supply PIC failure." ::= 11163 psPICok TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated because the power supply PIC is now OK. This trap will only be sent AFTER a PIC failure trap has been generated." ::= 11164 psLLAPDupAddress TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when the power supply LLAP address already exists in this chassis." ::= 11165 chEnvAmbientTempChanges TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { chEnvAmbientStatus, chEnvAmbientTemp } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated for each and every time the chassis ambient temperature crosses over a threshold value of either one of the chassis set thresholds chEnvAmbientHot, chEnvAmbientWarm, chEnvAmbientCool, or chEnvAmbientCold to another. This trap is also sent when the chassis temperature sensor is detected to be broken or not supported." ::= 11166 chEnvHumidityChanges TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { chEnvHumidityStatus, chEnvHumidity } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated for each and every time the chassis humidity crosses a threshold value of either chEnvHumidityMoist, or chEnvHumidityDry, or when the humidity sensor is detected to be broken or not supported." ::= 11167 boardEnvTempChanges TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { boardEnvSlotID, boardEnvTemp, boardEnvTempStatus } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated for each and every time the board temperature crosses over a threshold value of either one of the board set thresholds boardEnvTempHot, boardEnvTempWarm, boardEnvTempCool, or boardEnvTempCold to another. This trap is also sent when the board temperature sensor is detected to be broken or not supported." ::= 11168 boardEnvTempRelChanges TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { boardEnvSlotID, boardEnvTempRelStatus, boardEnvTemp, chEnvAmbientTemp } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated for each and every time the board temperature relative to the chassis ambient temperature crosses a threshold value of either boardEnvTempRelHot, or boardEnvTempRelWarm. This trap is also sent when either temperature sensor located on the board or on the chassis is detected to be broken or not supported." ::= 11169 boardEnvTempMaxFanRelChanges TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { boardEnvSlotID, boardEnvTempRelStatus, boardEnvTemp, chEnvAmbientTemp } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated for each and every time the board temperature relative to the chassis ambient temperature crosses a threshold value of either boardEnvTempMaxFanRelHot, or boardEnvTempMaxFanRelWarm when all fans in the chassis are operating at there maximum speed. This trap is also sent when either temperature sensor located on the board or on the chassis is detected to be broken or not supported." ::= 11170 chPowerMainVoltageChanges TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { chPowerMainVoltageStatus, chPowerMainVoltage } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated for each and every time the chassis main voltage rail deviates and causes the chPowerMainVoltageStatus to switch state from powerOK(1), overCurrent(2), overVoltage(3), or underVoltage(4) to another." ::= 11171 chPowerDiagVoltageChanges TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { chPowerDiagVoltageStatus, chPowerDiagVoltage } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated for each and every time the chassis diag voltage deviates and causes the chPowerDiagVoltageStatus to switch state from powerOK(1), overCurrent(2), overVoltage(3), or underVoltage(4) to another." ::= 11172 termPowerVoltageChanges TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { termPowerStatus, termPowerVoltage } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated for each and every time the module's termination unit changes state and causes the termPowerStatus to switch from any states to either powerOK(1), overVoltage(3), or underVolatge(4) state." ::= 11173 boardPowerVoltageChanges TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { boardPowerSlotID, boardPowerID, boardPowerStatus, boardPowerVoltage } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated for each and every time the module's power line voltage deviates and causes the boardPowerStatus to switch from any states to either powerOK(1), overVoltage(4), or underVoltage(5) state." ::= 11174 termPowerModule1Changes TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { termPowerModule1Status } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated for each and every time the module's front panel button changes state and causes the termPowerModule1Status to switch state from either one of normal(1), iNBaFault(2), iNBbFault(3), fault(4), termModuleNotInstalled(5) to another." ::= 11175 termPowerModule2Changes TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { termPowerModule2Status } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated for each and every time the module's front panel button changes state and causes the termPowerModule2Status to switch state from either one of normal(1), iNBaFault(2), iNBbFault(3), fault(4), termModuleNotInstalled(5) to another." ::= 11176 chEnvFanChanges TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { chEnvFanID, chEnvFanStatus, chEnvFanSpeed } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated for each and every time the chassis fan changes over its status from either one value unknown(1), normal(2), testing(3), slow(4), inoperative(5), or off(6) to another." ::= 11177 boardPowerCurrentChanges TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { boardPowerSlotID, boardPowerID, boardPowerStatus, boardPowerCurrent } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated for each and every time the module's power line current deviates and causes the boardPowerStatus to switch from any states to powerOK(1), or overCurrent(3) state." ::= 11182 boardPowerFrontPanelChanges TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { boardPowerSlotStatusID, boardPowerLocalAdminStatus, boardPowerLocalStatus } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated for each and every time the module's front panel button state changes, it is caused when the boardPowerLocalStatus switching state from either one of resetRequest(1), powerDownRequest(2), powerOnRequest(3), or normal(4) to another." ::= 11183 boardPowerOperationalChanges TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { boardPowerSlotStatusID, boardPowerOperationalStatus } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated for each and every time the module's DC-DC converter power supply voltage deviates and causes the boardPowerOperationalStatus to switch state from powerOn(1), powerOff(2), reset(3), overVoltage(4), underVoltage(5), overCurrent(6), overCurrentShutdown(7), temperatureShutdown(8), remotePowerOff(9), powerConservationShutdown(10), or frontPanelPowerOff(11) to another." ::= 11184 psEnvTempChanges TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psEnvSlotID, psEnvTempStatus, psEnvTemp } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated for each and every time the power supply temperature crosses over a threshold value of either one of the power supply set thresholds psEnvTempHot, psEnvTempWarm, psEnvTempCool, or psEnvTempCold to another. This trap is also sent when the power supply temperature sensor is detected to be broken or not supported." ::= 11185 psEnvFanChanges TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psEnvSlotID, psEnvFanStatus, psEnvFanSpeed } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated for each and every time the power supply fan changes over its status from either one value unknown(1), normal(2), testing(3), slow(4), inoperative(5), or off(6) to another." ::= 11186 psPowerVoltageChanges TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotID, psPowerID, psPowerStatus, psPowerVoltage } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated for each and every time the module's power line voltage deviates and causes the psPowerStatus to switch from any states to either powerOK(1), overVoltage(4), or underVoltage(5) state." ::= 11187 psPowerCurrentChanges TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotID, psPowerID, psPowerStatus, psPowerCurrent } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated for each and every time the module's power line current deviates and causes the psPowerStatus to switch from any states to powerOK(1), or overCurrent(3) state." ::= 11188 psPowerAdminChanges TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotID, psPowerID, psPowerAdmin } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated for each and every time the power supply power line changes state from one operational mode to another switching between powerOn(1) and powerOff(2)." ::= 11189 psPowerOperationalChanges TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID, psPowerOperationalStatus} DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated for each and every time the module's DC-DC converter power supply voltage deviates and causes the psPowerOperationalStatus to switch state from either one of powerOn(1), powerOff(2), reset(3), overVoltage(4), underVoltage(5), overCurrent(6), overCurrentShutdown(7), temperatureShutdown(8), or remotePowerOff(9) to another." ::= 11190 boardInserted TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { boardPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when an MMACplus card is inserted in the chassis." ::= 11191 boardRemoved TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { boardPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when an MMACplus card is removed from the chassis." ::= 11192 psInserted TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when an MMACplus power supply is inserted in the chassis." ::= 11193 psRemoved TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when an MMACplus power supply is removed from the chassis." ::= 11194 psRedundant TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when an MMACplus power supply has a redundant power supply" ::= 11195 psNotRedundant TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { chPowerLineMaxSupply, chPowerLineTotalSupply } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when an MMACplus power supply has no redundant power supply" ::= 11196 psNormal TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when an MMACplus board is transitioning to a normal state from a fault state" ::= 11197 psFault TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { psPowerSlotStatusID } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when an MMACplus power supply is not operational" ::= 11198 upsLineFail TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { upsIndex } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated in the event of an AC utility line failure." ::= 11200 upsLineFailRecovery TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { upsIndex } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when the UPS switches back to line, and only if the upsLineFail trap was issued first." ::= 11201 upsLowBattery TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { upsIndex } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated in the event that the UPS's battery is found to be low." ::= 11202 upsLowBatteryRecovery TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { upsIndex } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when the UPS's battery has charged above the low-battery point, and only if the upsLowBattery trap was issued first." ::= 11203 upsAbnormalCondition TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { upsIndex, upsStatusFault, upsAddlFuncsStatusFault } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated in the event that the UPS has entered an abnormal condition, such as an overload or trip on low battery. This trap is also sent when the UPS is first turned on." ::= 11204 upsAbnormalConditionRecovery TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { upsIndex } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when the UPS has recovered from an abnormal condition, and only if the upsAbnormalCondition trap was issued first." ::= 11205 upsShuttingDown TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { upsIndex } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated in the event that the UPS has been ordered to shut itself, or the load, off over the serial line." ::= 11206 upsReplaceBattery TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { upsIndex } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when the UPS's battery test has determined that a UPS battery is unable to retain adequate charge. This trap will be generated every five hours until a new battery test is run or the UPS is turned off." ::= 11207 upsExtMeasAlarm TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { upsIndex, upsExtMeasAlarmStatus } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when the External Measurement Unit has detected that an ambient temperature or humidity limit extreme has been exceeded, or that one of the contact closure inputs has changed from the selected `normal' state. In the case of multiple alarms, a trap is generated for every alarm condition detected. In addition, the trap is sent every two minutes whenever an alarm condition exists. It is discontinued when all alarm conditions are reset. This trap is sent only for alarm states that have been enabled." ::= 11208 nvmpUdefTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when a new NVMP trap is sent that does not have an SNMP counterpart." ::= 11999 -- -- ================================================================ -- Trap values from 12000 - 12500 are reserved for ATM specific traps. -- activePortInATMRedundancyFailed TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { ctATMPhyRedundIfIndex } DESCRIPTION "This trap will be generated when the active port, on a physical ATM interface that has redundancy enabled, has failed (become quiet)." ::= 12000 aTMRedundantPortActivated TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { ctATMPhyRedundIfIndex } DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that a new port has been activated on a physical ATM interface that has redundancy enabled. This does not indicate that this port is usable, but that it is being tested as a possible replacement." ::= 12001 aTMRedundanctPortTestFailed TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { ctATMPhyRedundIfIndex } DESCRIPTION "This trap will be generated when the phyRedundIfTestTOD or the phyRedundIfPerformTest has tested a port and determined that it is not usable. The port should be fixed prior to it being needed." ::= 12002 aTMRedundPrimaryPortSkipped TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { ctATMPhyRedundIfIndex } DESCRIPTION "This trap will be generated when redundancy finds that the primary port as designated be PhyRedundIfPrimaryPort is usable but cannot be used because PhyRedundIfPrimaryRevert is set to manual (2). This trap is generated only when redundancy is enabled (PhyRedundIfStatus is enable (1)) and the active port fails." ::= 12003 --atmHostAddressRegister TRAP-TYPE -- ENTERPRISE cabletron -- VARIABLES { atmIfAdminAddrRowStatus } -- DESCRIPTION -- "This trap signifies that the agent has detected -- an atm address registration on a port." -- ::= 12004 -- atmHostAddressDeRegister TRAP-TYPE -- ENTERPRISE cabletron -- VARIABLES { atmIfAdminAddrRowStatus } -- DESCRIPTION -- "This trap signifies that the agent has detected -- an atm address deregistration on a port." -- ::= 12005 atmCTMUp TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron DESCRIPTION "This trap signifies that the agent has detected the CTM operational. Connection set maps are allowed through the switch" ::= 12006 atmCTMDown TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron DESCRIPTION "This trap signifies that the agent has detected the CTM unoperational. A list of Cross Connect Ids will be sent indicating connections that need to be removed." ::= 12007 atmVcCrossConnectOperChange TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { atmVcCrossConnectRowStatus } DESCRIPTION "This trap signifies that the agent has detected a change in the operational status to down. A list of VC cross connections will be sent to be remapped." ::= 12008 atmVpCrossConnectOperChange TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { atmVpCrossConnectRowStatus } DESCRIPTION "This trap signifies that the agent has detected a change in the operational status to down. A list of VP cross connections will be sent to be remapped." ::= 12009 atmNeighborSwitchUp TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { atmInterfaceMyNeighborIpAddress, atmInterfaceMyNeighborIfName } DESCRIPTION "This trap signifies that the agent has detected a neighbor switch on a port." ::= 12010 atmNeighborSwitchDown TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { atmInterfaceMyNeighborIpAddress, atmInterfaceMyNeighborIfName } DESCRIPTION "This trap signifies that the agent has detected a lost neighbor switch on a port." ::= 12011 callFailure TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { ifIndex } DESCRIPTION "SPVC Call Failures." ::= 12012 allocBwHiFwd TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { ifIndex } DESCRIPTION "Allocated bandwidth for this port has exceeded the allocBwThresholdHiFwd." ::= 12013 allocBwHiRev TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { ifIndex } DESCRIPTION "Allocated bandwidth for this port has exceeded the allocBwThresholdHiRev." ::= 12014 allocBwLoFwd TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { ifIndex } DESCRIPTION "Allocated bandwidth for this port is below the allocBwThresholdLoFwd." ::= 12015 allocBwLoRev TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { ifIndex } DESCRIPTION "Allocated bandwidth for this port is below the allocBwThresholdLoRev." ::= 12016 aggPcrFwd TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { ifIndex } DESCRIPTION "The total of all the aggregate peak cell rates for the VCs using this port exceeds the physical bandwidth of the port in the forward direction." ::= 12017 aggPcrRev TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { ifIndex } DESCRIPTION "The total of all the aggregate peak cell rates for the VCs using this port exceeds the physical bandwidth of the port in the reverse direction." ::= 12018 peakFwd TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { ifIndex } DESCRIPTION "The peak allocated bandwidth has exceeded the peakBwTholdFwd value." ::= 12019 peakRev TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { ifIndex } DESCRIPTION "The peak allocated bandwidth has exceeded the peakBwTholdRev value." ::= 12020 cbrConnCountTholdHiFwd TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { ifIndex } DESCRIPTION "Count of currently active constant bit rate connections exceeding the CBRConnectionCountTholdHiFwd threshold." ::= 12021 cbrConnCountTholdHiRev TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { ifIndex } DESCRIPTION "Count of currently active CBR connections exceeding the CBRConnectionCountTholdHiRev threshold." ::= 12022 cbrConnCountTholdLoFwd TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { ifIndex } DESCRIPTION "Count of currently active CBR connections exceeding the CBRConnectionCountTholdLoFwd threshold." ::= 12023 cbrConnCountTholdLoRev TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { ifIndex } DESCRIPTION "Count of currently active CBR connections exceeding the CBRConnectionCountTholdLoRev threshold." ::= 12024 cbrAllocBwTholdHiFwd TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { ifIndex } DESCRIPTION "Bandwidth currently allocated which CBR exceeds the CBRAllocatedBwTholdHiFwd threshold." ::= 12025 cbrAllocBwTholdHiRev TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { ifIndex } DESCRIPTION "Bandwidth currently allocated which CBR exceeds the CBRAllocatedBwTholdHiRev threshold." ::= 12026 cbrAllocBwTholdLoFwd TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { ifIndex } DESCRIPTION "Bandwidth currently allocated which CBR exceeds the CBRAllocatedBwTholdLoFwd threshold." ::= 12027 cbrAllocBwTholdLoRev TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { ifIndex } DESCRIPTION "Bandwidth currently allocated which CBR exceeds the CBRAllocatedBwTholdLoRev threshold." ::= 12028 vbrConnCountTholdHiFwd TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { ifIndex } DESCRIPTION "Count of currently active variable bit rate connections exceeding the VBRConnectionCountTholdHiFwd threshold." ::= 12029 vbrConnCountTholdHiRev TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { ifIndex } DESCRIPTION "Count of currently active VBR connections exceeding the VBRConnectionCountTholdHiRev threshold." ::= 12030 vbrConnCountTholdLoFwd TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { ifIndex } DESCRIPTION "Count of currently active VBR connections exceeding the VBRConnectionCountTholdLoFwd threshold." ::= 12031 vbrConnCountTholdLoRev TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { ifIndex } DESCRIPTION "Count of currently active VBR connections exceeding the VBRConnectionCountTholdLoRev threshold." ::= 12032 vbrAllocBwTholdHiFwd TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { ifIndex } DESCRIPTION "Bandwidth currently allocated which VBR exceeds the VBRAllocatedBwTholdHiFwd threshold." ::= 12033 vbrAllocBwTholdHiRev TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { ifIndex } DESCRIPTION "Bandwidth currently allocated which VBR exceeds the VBRAllocatedBwTholdHiRev threshold." ::= 12034 vbrAllocBwTholdLoFwd TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { ifIndex } DESCRIPTION "Bandwidth currently allocated which VBR exceeds the VBRAllocatedBwTholdLoFwd threshold." ::= 12035 vbrAllocBwTholdLoRev TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { ifIndex } DESCRIPTION "Bandwidth currently allocated which VBR exceeds the VBRAllocatedBwTholdLoRev threshold." ::= 12036 abrConnCountTholdHiFwd TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { ifIndex } DESCRIPTION "Count of currently active available bit rate connections exceeding the ABRConnectionCountTholdHiFwd threshold." ::= 12037 abrConnCountTholdHiRev TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { ifIndex } DESCRIPTION "Count of currently active ABR connections exceeding the ABRConnectionCountTholdHiRev threshold." ::= 12038 abrConnCountTholdLoFwd TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { ifIndex } DESCRIPTION "Count of currently active ABR connections exceeding the ABRConnectionCountTholdLoFwd threshold." ::= 12039 abrConnCountTholdLoRev TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { ifIndex } DESCRIPTION "Count of currently active ABR connections exceeding the ABRConnectionCountTholdLoRev threshold." ::= 12040 abrAllocBwTholdHiFwd TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { ifIndex } DESCRIPTION "Bandwidth currently allocated which ABR exceeds the ABRAllocatedBwTholdHiFwd threshold." ::= 12041 abrAllocBwTholdHiRev TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { ifIndex } DESCRIPTION "Bandwidth currently allocated which ABR exceeds the ABRAllocatedBwTholdHiRev threshold." ::= 12042 abrAllocBwTholdLoFwd TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { ifIndex } DESCRIPTION "Bandwidth currently allocated which ABR exceeds the ABRAllocatedBwTholdLoFwd threshold." ::= 12043 abrAllocBwTholdLoRev TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { ifIndex } DESCRIPTION "Bandwidth currently allocated which ABR exceeds the ABRAllocatedBwTholdLoRev threshold." ::= 12044 ubrConnCountTholdHiFwd TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { ifIndex } DESCRIPTION "Count of currently active unavailable bit rate connections exceeding the UBRConnectionCountTholdHiFwd threshold." ::= 12045 ubrConnCountTholdHiRev TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { ifIndex } DESCRIPTION "Count of currently active UBR connections exceeding the UBRConnectionCountTholdHiRev threshold." ::= 12046 ubrConnCountTholdLoFwd TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { ifIndex } DESCRIPTION "Count of currently active UBR connections exceeding the UBRConnectionCountTholdLoFwd threshold." ::= 12047 ubrConnCountTholdLoRev TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { ifIndex } DESCRIPTION "Count of currently active UBR connections exceeding the UBRConnectionCountTholdLoRev threshold." ::= 12048 ubrAllocBwTholdHiFwd TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { ifIndex } DESCRIPTION "Bandwidth currently allocated which UBR exceeds the UBRAllocatedBwTholdHiFwd threshold." ::= 12049 -- 12050 is ATM services specific...see below ubrAllocBwTholdLoFwd TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { ifIndex } DESCRIPTION "Bandwidth currently allocated which UBR exceeds the UBRAllocatedBwTholdLoFwd threshold." ::= 12051 ubrAllocBwTholdLoRev TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { ifIndex } DESCRIPTION "Bandwidth currently allocated which UBR exceeds the UBRAllocatedBwTholdLoRev threshold." ::= 12052 ubrAllocBwTholdHiRev TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { ifIndex } DESCRIPTION "Bandwidth currently allocated which UBR exceeds the UBRAllocatedBwTholdHiRev threshold." ::= 12053 --Values 12010-12050 reserved for future ATM traps. atmLecStatus TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { lecRowStatus } DESCRIPTION "This trap is generated when the operational state of the LAN Emulation Client has changed." ::= 12050 --Values 13000-13001 reserved for future ATM traps. boardOperational TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { chSlotID, deviceType } DESCRIPTION "This trap will be generated when an entity detects that a module has become operational." ::= 13000 boardNonOperational TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE cabletron VARIABLES { chSlotID } DESCRIPTION "This trap will be generated when an entity detects that a module is no longer operational." ::= 13001 END