## Instructions Copy the skel.snmprec file to the desired filename this must start with the os name. This skel.snmprec file contains empty sysDescr and sysObjectID entries. ## File format Data file format is optimized to be compact, human-readable and inexpensive to parse. It's also important to store full and exact response information in a most intact form. Here's an example data file content:|4|Linux SMP Tue Jun 19 14:58:11 CDT 2007 i686|6||67|233425120|4x|00127962f940|64x|c3dafe61 There is a pipe-separated triplet of OID-tag-value items where: OID is a dot-separated set of numbers. Tag is a BER-encoded ASN.1 tag. When value is hexified, an 'x' literal is appended. Reference to a variation module can also be embedded into tag. Value is either a printable string, a number or a hexifed value. Valid tag values and their corresponding ASN.1/SNMP types are: | type | value | | --- | --- | | Integer32 | 2 | | OCTET STRING | 4 | | NULL | 5 | | OBJECT IDENTIFIER | 6 | | IpAddress | 64 | | Counter32 | 65 | | Gauge32 | 66 | | TimeTicks | 67 | | Opaque | 68 | | Counter64 | 70 |