------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- OM Essentials MIB : OME.mib -- -- Copyright (c) 2012 Dell Inc. -- All Rights Reserved. -- -- The information and functionality described by this MIB file, -- like many MIB files, is subject to change without notice. -- Please examine the version number of this MIB and compare it -- to the version number you are expecting. -- -- MIB Version 1.1 30 Oct 2012 -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Begin MIB ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MIB-Dell-OME DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS enterprises FROM RFC1155-SMI OBJECT-TYPE FROM RFC-1212 TRAP-TYPE FROM RFC-1215 DisplayString FROM RFC1213-MIB; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- OME Branch Location (. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dell OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 674 } enterpriseSW OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dell 11000 } sysMgmtBranch OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterpriseSW 1000 } omEssentialsMIB OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysMgmtBranch 100 } omEssentialsTrap OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { omEssentialsMIB 1 } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Custom Types -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DellString ::= DisplayString (SIZE (0..512)) DellString1 ::= DisplayString (SIZE (0..128)) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Trap Attributes (Varbinds) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- omeAlertMessage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Message in the alert." ::= { omEssentialsTrap 1 } omeAlertDevice OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Name of the device where alert originated." ::= { omEssentialsTrap 2 } omeAlertSeverity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString1 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Original severity of the alert." ::= { omEssentialsTrap 3 } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Traps -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- omeTestAlert TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE omEssentialsTrap VARIABLES { omeAlertMessage, omeAlertDevice, omeAlertSeverity } DESCRIPTION "Test alert forwarded from OM Essentials." --#TYPE "Test alert forwarded from OM Essentials." --#SUMMARY "Test alert from OM Essentials. Sending device: %s, Severity: %s, Message: %s." --#ARGUMENTS {1,2,0} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL ::= 1 omeAlertSystemUp TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE omEssentialsTrap VARIABLES { omeAlertMessage, omeAlertDevice } DESCRIPTION "System up message from OM Essentials. Sent when OM Essentials detects a device has come online." --#TYPE "System Up Message from OM Essentials" --#SUMMARY "%s: %s" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL ::= 1000 omeAlertSystemDown TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE omEssentialsTrap VARIABLES { omeAlertMessage, omeAlertDevice } DESCRIPTION "System down message from OM Essentials. Sent when OM Essentials detects a device has gone offline." --#TYPE "System Down Message from OM Essentials" --#SUMMARY "%s: %s" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1} --#SEVERITY CRITICAL ::= 1001 omeAlertForwardedAlert TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE omEssentialsTrap VARIABLES { omeAlertMessage, omeAlertDevice, omeAlertSeverity } DESCRIPTION "Forwarded alert from OM Essentials. The event may have originated as an SNMP trap or CIM indication to the OM Essentials Console. The alert format is normalized." --#TYPE "Forwarded Alert from OM Essentials" --#SUMMARY "Forwarded Alert from OM Essentials. Sending device: %s, Severity: %s, Message: %s." --#ARGUMENTS {1,2,0} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL ::= 2000 -- -- Device Status Internal Alerts. -- omeAlertUnknownStatus TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE omEssentialsTrap VARIABLES { omeAlertMessage, omeAlertDevice } DESCRIPTION "System monitoring alert from Essentials. Sent when status of the remote device is Unknown." --#TYPE "Status Alert" --#SUMMARY "Device %s has changed status to Unknown." --#ARGUMENTS {1} --#SEVERITY MINOR ::= 3001 omeAlertNormalStatus TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE omEssentialsTrap VARIABLES { omeAlertMessage, omeAlertDevice } DESCRIPTION "System monitoring alert from Essentials. Sent when status of the remote device is Normal." --#TYPE "Status Alert" --#SUMMARY "Device %s has changed status to Normal." --#ARGUMENTS {1} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL ::= 3002 omeAlertWarningStatus TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE omEssentialsTrap VARIABLES { omeAlertMessage, omeAlertDevice } DESCRIPTION "System monitoring alert from Essentials. Sent when status of the remote device is Warning." --#TYPE "Status Alert" --#SUMMARY "Device %s has changed status to Warning." --#ARGUMENTS {1} --#SEVERITY MINOR ::= 3003 omeAlertCriticalStatus TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE omEssentialsTrap VARIABLES { omeAlertMessage, omeAlertDevice } DESCRIPTION "System monitoring alert from Essentials. Sent when status of the remote device is Critical." --#TYPE "Status Alert" --#SUMMARY "Device %s has changed status to Critical." --#ARGUMENTS {1} --#SEVERITY CRITICAL ::= 3004 END ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- End MIB -------------------------------------------------------------------------------