Add Device"); if ($_POST['hostname'] && $_POST['community']) { if ($_SESSION['userlevel'] > '5') { $hostname = mres($_POST['hostname']); $community = mres($_POST['community']); $snmpver = mres($_POST['snmpver']); if ($_POST['port']) { $port = mres($_POST['port']); } else { $port = "161"; } print_message("Adding host $hostname community $community port $port"); $result = addHost($hostname, $community, $snmpver, $port); } else { print_error("You don't have the necessary privileges to add hosts."); } } elseif ($_POST['hostname'] && !$_POST['community']) { print_error("A community string is required."); } elseif (!$_POST['hostname'] && $_POST['community']) { print_error("A hostname is required."); } ?>

Devices will be checked for Ping and SNMP reachability before being probed. Only devices with recognised OSes will be added.

SNMP Version  Port