CM-ALARM-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-COMPLIANCE, OBJECT-GROUP, NOTIFICATION-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, NOTIFICATION-TYPE, Integer32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI TimeStamp, DateAndTime, TruthValue, VariablePointer, DisplayString, TEXTUAL-CONVENTION FROM SNMPv2-TC TrapAlarmSeverity FROM ADVA-MIB neIndex, shelfIndex, slotIndex FROM CM-ENTITY-MIB cmEthernetAccPortIndex, cmEthernetNetPortIndex FROM CM-FACILITY-MIB fsp150cm FROM ADVA-MIB; cmAlarmMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201512210000Z" ORGANIZATION "ADVA Optical Networking" CONTACT-INFO " Raghav Trivedi ADVA Optical Networking, Inc. Tel: +1 972 759-1239 E-mail: Postal: 2301 N. Greenville Ave. #300 Richardson, TX USA 75082" DESCRIPTION "This module defines the Alarm Monitoring MIB definitions used by the F3 (FSP150CM/CC) product lines. Copyright (C) ADVA Optical Networking." REVISION "201512210000Z" DESCRIPTION " Notes from release 201512210000Z (1) Added new literal to CmConditionType (Release 8.1CC - XG210), erpRingSegmentation Notes from release 201502040000Z (1) added oneru-xg210c-shelf, eth-xg-210c-card, ge-8sc-cc to CmAlarmEntityType (2) added macSecKeyExchangeFail, macSecPasswordMissing, macSecRamCleared, noRouteResources to CmConditionType Notes from release 201502010000Z (i) Added literals to CmAlarmEntityType (Release 7.1sp - OSA5411), oneru-osa5411-shelf, eth-osa5411-card Notes from release 201408280000Z (i) Added new literal trafficResourceLimitExceeded to CmConditionType Notes from release 201407180000Z, (i) Added new CmLoopbackType literals, oduAis, opuAis, otuAis, otnProtMsmtch, otnProtPrtclFail, oduBdi, otuBdi, lossCharSync, berHigh, laserFail, laserCurrentAbnormal, oduLock, autoShutdown, localFault, otuLof, otuLom, oduOci, opuPlm, oduSd, otuSd, opuSf, optPowerHighRx, optPowerLowRx, optPowerHighTx, optPowerLowTx, oduTim, otuTim (ii) Added new CmAlarmEntityType literals, oneru-otn210-shelf, eth-otn-210-card Notes from release 201404170000Z (i) Added new literal xfpWaveLengthMismatch to CmConditionType Notes from release 201205170000Z (i) Alarm Entity Types for PWE3, PTP (ii) Condition Types for PWE3, PTP, ELMI Notes from release 201112070000Z (i) Added f3EnvAlarmInputTable with objects f3EnvAlarmInputIndex, f3EnvAlarmInputDescr, f3EnvAlarmInputCondType, f3EnvAlarmInputNotifCode, f3EnvAlarmInputMode Notes from release 201012140000Z (i) Added objects cmAlmTestAlarmEntity, cmAlmTestAlarmAction Notes from release 201010270000Z (i) Added objects cmSysAlmAdditionalInfoObject, cmSysAlmAdditionalInfoName, cmSysCondAdditionalInfoObject, cmSysCondAdditionalInfoName (ii) Added objects cmNetworkElementAlmAdditionalInfoObject, cmNetworkElementAlmAdditionalInfoName, cmNetworkElementCondAdditionalInfoObject, cmNetworkElementCondAdditionalInfoName Notes from release 201006070000Z Added literals to CmConditionType TC (Release 4.3CC - GE201), syncreflck, syncreffrc, syncrefman, syncrefwtr, syncrefsw, lcpfail, lcploopback, authservernotreachable, excessiveinterrupts Added literals to CmAlarmEntityType TC (Release 4.3CC - GE201), oneru-ge201-shelf, eth-ge-201-card, oneru-ge201se-shelf, eth-ge-201se-card Notes from release 200903160000Z This release is applicable to the FSP150CC Release 4.1 devices GE101 and GE206. (1)Textual Convention CmAlarmEntityType is updated with additional enumeration literals, 1ru-h1-shelf, 1ru-f1-shelf, eth-ge-101-card, eth-ge-206-card, cfmmep, sync, bitsinport, bitsoutport (2)Textual Convention CmConditionType is updated with additional enumeration literals, crossconnectccm, erroneousccm, someremotemepccm, somemacstatus, somerdi, ais, syncref, esmcfail, qlmismatch, freqoff, los, lof, qlsqlch, frngsync, fstsync, hldovrsync, losloc, wtr, allsyncref, qlinvalid, snmpdghostunresolved, snmpdghostresourcesbusy, bwexceedednegspeed, shaperbtd, sfpnonqualified, avghldovrfrqnotrdy (3)Added new objects cmSysAlmObject, cmSysAlmObjectName, cmSysCondObject, cmSysCondObjectName Notes from release 200803030000Z, (1)MIB version ready for release FSP150CM 3.1." ::= {fsp150cm 6} -- -- OID definitions -- alarmObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {cmAlarmMIB 1} alarmNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {cmAlarmMIB 2} alarmConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {cmAlarmMIB 3} -- -- Textual conventions. -- CmServiceEffect ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether a condition is service affecting or not." SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), nonServiceAffecting(1), serviceAffecting(2) } CmLocation ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Identifies the location associated with the particular information." SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), both(1), farEnd(2), nearEnd(3), notApplicable(4) } CmDirection ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the direction associated with the particular information." SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), bidirectional(1), bothDirections(2), notApplicable(3), receiveDirectionOnly(4), transmitDirectionOnly(5), uniDirectional(6) } -- -- New values may be added to future releases as long as existing -- values are preserved. -- CmConditionType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Identifies the type of condition or alarm being reported." SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), acoopr(1), hwinitedsysboot(2), userinitednemireboot(3), userinitedsysboot(4), userinitedsysbootdefaultdb(5), userinitedsysbootdbrestore (6), userinitedsysrebootswact(7), sysrecoveryfailed(8), primntpsvrFailed(9), bckupntpsvrFailed(10), swdl-ftip(11), swdl-ftfail(12), swdl-ftpass(13), swdl-instip(14), swdl-instfail(15), swdl-instpass(16), swdl-actip(17), swdl-actfail(18), swdl-actpass(19), swdl-valip(20), swdl-valfail(21), swdl-valpass(22), db-ftip(23), db-ftfail(24), db-ftpass(25), ctneqpt(26), eqptflt(27), forced(28), lockout(29), manualswitch(30), wkswtopr(31), wkswbk(32), mismatch(33), psu1fail(34), psu2fail(35), eqptremoved(36), autonegunknown(37), dyinggasp(38), efmfail(39), efmrce(40), efmrld(41), efmrls(42), lnkdeactivated(43), lnkdownunisolated(44), lnkdowncablefault(45), lnkdowncableremoved(46), lnkdownautonegfailed(47), lnkdownlpbkfault(48), lnkdowncabletestfault(49), lnkdown(50), rfi(51), rxjabber(52), sfpmismatch(53), sfpremoved(54), sfptxfault(55), sfpinserted(56), fan-a(57), fan-b(58), overtemp(59), undertemp(60), overvoltage(61), undervoltage(62), shelfrmvd(63), rmtefmlpbkfail(64), inpwrflt(65), -- crossconnectccm(66), erroneousccm(67), someremotemepccm(68), somemacstatus(69), somerdi(70), ais(71), syncref(72), esmcfail(73), qlmismatch(74), freqoff(75), los(76), lof(77), qlsqlch(78), frngsync(79), fstsync(80), hldovrsync(81), losloc(82), wtr(83), allsyncref(84), qlinvalid(85), snmpdghostunresolved(86), snmpdghostresourcesbusy(87), bwexceedednegspeed(88), shaperbtd(89), sfpnonqualified(90), avghldovrfrqnotrdy(91), lnkdownmasterslavecfg(92), pwrnoinputunitfault(93), ipaddrconflict(94), nomoreresources(95), syncreflck(96), -- sync reference locked out syncreffrc(97), -- sync reference forced switch syncrefman(98), -- sync reference manual switch syncrefwtr(99), -- sync reference wait to restore syncrefsw(100), -- sync reference switch lcpfail(101), -- link control protocol (PPP) failed lcploopback(102), -- link control protocol detected loopback authservernotreachable (103), -- authentications server not reachable excessiveinterrupts(104), -- system detected abnormal, excessive interrupts dbdowngradeip(105), -- database downgrade in progress testalarm(106), -- test alarm standing condition -- gen-filexfer-ip(107), -- generic file transfer in progress gen-filexfer-fail(108), -- generic file transfer failed gen-filexfer-pass(109), -- generic file transfer pass gen-oper-ip(110), -- generic operation in progress gen-oper-fail(111), -- generic operation fail gen-oper-pass(112), -- generic operation pass -- trafficfail(113), clockfail(114), rdncyswitchover(115), rdncyswvermismatch(116), rdncyoutofsync(117), rdncylockout(118), rdncymaintenance(119), xfptxfault(120), xfpmismatch(121), xfpnonqualified(122), xfpremoved(123), xfpinserted(124), lagmbrfail(125), swdl-proip(126), swdl-propass(127), swdl-profail(128), db-proip(129), db-propass(130), db-profail(131), swdl-rvtip(132), swdl-rvtpass(133), swdl-rvtfail(134), db-corruption(135), bpmismatch(136), -- popr-oovar(137), -- precision optical power out-of-variance popr-oorange(138), -- precision optical power out-of-range popr-genfail(139), -- precision optical power gen failure popr-sfpnqual(140),--precision optical power sfp non-qual popr-rta(141), --precision optical power return-to-avg -- modemmea(142), modemnonqualified(143), modemremoved(144), nosimcard(145), -- env-genfail(146), -- environmental gen failure env-misc(147), -- environmental miscellaneous env-batterydischarge(148), -- environmental battery discharge env-batteryfail(149), -- environmental battery failure env-coolingfanfail(150), -- environmental cooling fan failure env-enginefail(151), -- environmental engine failure env-fusefail(152), -- environmental fuse failure env-hightemp(153), -- environmental high temperature env-intrusion(154), -- environmental intrusion env-lowbatteryvoltage(155), -- environmental low battery voltage env-lowtemp(156), -- environmental low temperature env-opendoor(157), -- environmental open door env-powerfail(158), -- environmental power failure -- intctneqpt(159), -- inter-connect equipment failure syncnotready(160), -- sync not ready -- vcgfail(161), loa(162), plct(163), tlct(164), plcr(165), tlcr(166), sqnc(167), -- ais-l(168), rfi-l(169), rei-l(170), exc-l(171), deg-l(172), tim-s(173), -- ais-p(174), lop-p(175), tim-p(176), uneq-p(177), plm-p(178), lom-p(179), exc-p(180), deg-p(181), rei-p(182), rfi-p(183), lcascrc(184), sqm(185), lom(186), gidmismatch(187), mnd(188), ais-v(189), lop-v(190), tim-v(191), uneq-v(192), plm-v(193), exc-v(194), deg-v(195), rei-v(196), rfi-v(197), rmtinitlpbk(198), rai(199), rei(200), idle(201), csf(202), gfplfd(203), gfpuplmismatch(204), gfpexhmismatch(205), vcat-lom(206), fragileecc(207), -- elmi-seqnummismatch(208), -- elmi, seq number mismatch elmi-notoper(209), -- elmi, not operational -- pw-rlofs(210), -- satop, remote loss of frame state pw-lof(211), -- satop, loss of frames pw-latefrm(212), -- satop, late frames pw-jbovrn(213), -- satop, jitter buffer overruns -- allsoocsfailed(214), -- ts, all soocs failed tsholdoverfrqnotready(215), -- ts, hold over freq not ready tsfreerun(216), -- ts, free run tsholdover(217),-- ts, hold over ptsflossofsync(218), --packet timing signal fail(sooc), loss of sync ptsflossofannounce(219), -- packet timing signal fail, loss of announce ptsfunusable(220), -- packet timing signal fail, unusable -- unresolvedsatop(221), rdi-v(222), autonegBypass(223), forcedOffline(224), hwcfginconsistent(225), -- sjmtiemaskcross(226), sjoffsetfail(227), sjnotimelock(228), sjnofreqlock(229), sjmtiemargincross(230), sjtestreferencefail(231), sjtestsourcefail(232), sjtestnotimestamp(233), sjtestnomessages(234), gpsantennafail(235), -- ampNoPeer(236), -- No Peer Available ampProvFail(237), -- Provisioning Failure ampCfgFail(238), -- Client Configuration Failure -- ltpFailure(239), ltpInprogress(240), -- pse-power-threshold-exceeded(241), pse-power-fail(242), pse-poweroff-overcurrent(243), pse-poweroff-overvoltage(244), pse-poweroff-overload(245), pse-poweroff-overtemp(246), pse-poweroff-short(247), -- erpFoPPM(248), -- Failure of Protocol, Protocol Mismatch erpFoPTO(249), -- Failure of Protocol, Timeout erpBlockPort0RPL(250), -- Blocking Port 0 - Ring Protection Link erpBlockPort0SF(251), -- Blocking Port 0 - Signal Fail erpBlockPort0MS(252), -- Blocking Port 0 - Manual Switch erpBlockPort0FS(253), -- Blocking Port 0 - Forced Switch erpBlockPort0WTR(254), -- Blocking Port 0 - Wait To Restore erpBlockPort1RPL(255), -- Blocking Port 1 - Ring Protection Link erpBlockPort1SF(256), -- Blocking Port 1 - Signal Fail erpBlockPort1MS(257), -- Blocking Port 1 - Manual Switch erpBlockPort1FS(258), -- Blocking Port 1 - Forced Switch erpBlockPort1WTR(259), -- Blocking Port 1 - Wait To Restore -- ipv6addr-conflict(260), macAddrlearntblFull(261), -- timeClockNotLocked(262), timeNotTraceAble(263), timeFreqNotTraceAble(264), timeHoldOver(265), timeFreqLock(266), timeRefLock(267), timeRefUnavailable(268), timeRefDegraded(269), timeRefFrc(270), tsTimeFrun(271), tsTimeHoldOver(272), timeRefUnavailableWTR(273), timeRefDegradedWTR(274), rmtInitSat(275), lldpRemoteTblChg(276), soocLck(277), -- gap for alarms added in 5.6CC ampProvSuccess(278), ampCfgSuccess(279), soocSW(280), soocWTR(281), sjtealert(282), dataExportFtpFail(283), xfpWaveLengthMismatch(284), cpmrUpgrading(285), beaconLightFailure(286), manualSwitchClear(287), loopbackActive(288), loopbackRequest(289), trafficResourceLimitExceeded(290), -- oduAis(291), opuAis(292), otuAis(293), otnProtMsmtch(294), otnProtPrtclFail(295), oduBdi(296), otuBdi(297), lossCharSync(298), berHigh(299), laserFail(300), laserCurrentAbnormal(301), oduLock(302), autoShutdown(303), localFault(304), otuLof(305), otuLom(306), oduOci(307), opuPlm(308), oduSd(309), otuSd(310), opuSf(311), optPowerHighRx(312), optPowerLowRx(313), optPowerHighTx(314), optPowerLowTx(315), oduTim(316), otuTim(317), sjConstTeThrshld(318), sjInstTeThrshld(319), timeRefSW(320), aadcfailed(321), ptpfreqfrun(322), ptptimefrun(323), ptpfreqhldovr(324), ptptimehldovr(325), ptptimenottraceable(326), ptpfreqnottraceable(327), synctimeout(328), announcetimeout(329), delayresptimeout(330), multiplepeers(331), wrongdomain(332), nosatellitercv(333), trafficipifoutage(334), ptpportstatechanged(335), physicalSelfLpbk(336), cfCardRWFail(337), maxexpectedslaves(338), external-alarm(339), maskcrossed(340), oof(341), signalfail(342), timenottai(343), perffuncfailure(344), ptpportnotoper(345), leapsecondexpected(346), keyExchangeFail(347), keyExchangeAuthPasswordMissing(348), secureRamCleared(349), noRouteResources(350), tamperSwitchOpen(351), bfdSessionDown(352), destinationUnresolved(353), sjmaxtethrshld(354), trafficArpTableFull(355), erpRingSegmentation(356), -- ERP Interconnect Ring Segmentation Alarm bweexceedsportspeed(362), servicediscarded(363) } CmConditionDescr ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A detailed text description of the condition or alarm being reported. This string may contain any printable ASCII character." SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..64)) CmAlarmEntityType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Identifies the type of alarm entity types." SYNTAX INTEGER { system(1), hubshelf(2), cpmrshelf(3), eth-10-100-1000-ntucard(4), eth-cpmr-card(5), nemi-card(6), scu-card(7), fan(8), powersupply(9), accessport(10), networkport(11), -- oneru-ge101-shelf(12), oneru-ge206-shelf(13), eth-ge-101-card(14), eth-ge-206-card(15), cfmmep(16), sync(17), bitsinport(18), bitsoutport(19), cfmqosshaper(20), dcnport(21), -- oneru-ge201-shelf(22), eth-ge-201-card(23), oneru-ge201se-shelf(24), eth-ge-201se-card(25), -- oneru-ge206f-shelf(26), eth-ge-206f-card(27), -- lag(28), --eg-x specific condition types eth-1-10gcard(29), redundancygroup(30), protectiongroup(31), stucard(32), ethertrafficport(33), eth-10-gecard(34), swf-140gcard(35), aggregationshelf(36), sticard(37), amicard(38), -- usb3gmodem(39), oneru-ge112-shelf(40), eth-ge-112-card(41), oneru-ge114-shelf(42), eth-ge-114-card(43), -- oneru-ge206v-shelf(44), eth-ge-206v-card(45), ge-4e-cc(46), ge-4s-cc(47), oneru-xg210-shelf(48), eth-xg-210-card(49), xg-1x-cc(50), xg-1s-cc(51), scu-t-card(52), eth-10-100-1000-ntecard(53), slot(54), -- ocnstmport(55), e1t1port(56), stsvcpath(57), vtvcpath(58), vcg(59), e3t3port(60), vc4(61), vc3(62), vc12(63), sts3c(64), sts1(65), vt15(66), t3(67), -- facility e3(68), -- facility t1(69), -- facility e1(70), -- facility stm1-4-et(71), eotdmtrafficport(72), -- pwe3-ocnstm-card(73), pwe3-e1t1-card(74), satop(75), telecom-slave(76), sooc(77), -- slave only ordinary clock eth-1-10ghcard(78), eth-10-gehcard(79), port-10mhz(80), ppsport(81), timeofdayport(82), -- oneru-t1804-shelf(83), eth-t1804-card(84), oneru-t3204-shelf(85), eth-t3204-card(86), eotdmnetworkport(87), oneru-syncprobe-shelf(88), eth-ge-syncprobe-card(89), sj-clockprobe(90), sj-ptpclockprobe(91), sj-ptpnetworkprobe(92), gps-receiverport(93), ampConfig(94), ge-8s-cc(95), oneru-ge114h-shelf(96), eth-ge-114h-card(97), oneru-ge114ph-shelf(98), eth-ge-114ph-card(99), psegroup(100), pseport(101), erpGroup(102), eth-fe-36e-card(103), mpflow(104), oneru-ge114sh-shelf(105), eth-ge-114sh-card(106), oneru-ge114s-shelf(107), eth-ge-114s-card(108), timeclock(109), satResponderSession(110), stu-h-card(111), sti-h-card(112), ge-8e-cc(113), oneru-otn210-shelf(114), eth-otn-210-card(115), ptpclock(116), ptpport(117), oneru-osa5411-shelf(118), eth-osa5411-card(119), oneru-ge112pro-shelf(120), eth-ge-112pro-card(121), oneru-ge112pro-m-shelf(122), eth-ge-112pro-m-card(123), oneru-ge114pro-shelf(124), eth-ge-114pro-card(125), oneru-ge114pro-c-shelf(126), eth-ge-114pro-c-card(127), oneru-ge114pro-sh-shelf(128), eth-ge-114pro-sh-card(129), oneru-ge114pro-csh-shelf(130), eth-ge-114pro-csh-card(131), connectGuardFlow(132), trafficIpIF(133), vrf(134), oneru-ge114pro-he-shelf(135), eth-ge-114pro-he-card(136), oneru-ge112pro-h-shelf(137), eth-ge-112pro-h-card(138), dhcpRelayAgent(139), oneru-xg210c-shelf(140), eth-xg-210c-card(141), ge-8sc-cc(142), oneru-osa5420-shelf(143), eth-osa5420-card(144), oneru-osa5421-shelf(145), eth-osa5421-card(146), mci(147), bits-x16(148), bfdSession(149), eomplsPw(150), oneru-ge114g-shelf(151), eth-ge-114g-card(152), wifidongleport(153), oneru-xg116pro-shelf(161), eth-xg-116pro-card(162), oneru-xg120pro-shelf(163), eth-xg-120pro-card(164) } CmCondEffectType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Identifies the type of condition effect types." SYNTAX INTEGER { sc(1), tc(2), cl(3) } TestAlarmAction ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Whether to raise/clear a test alarm." SYNTAX INTEGER { not-applicable(0), raise(1), clear(2) } EnvAlarmInputMode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Identifies the environmental alarm input modes." SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(1), --env alarm disabled alarmopen(2), --env alarm raised when contact opened alarmclosed(3) --env alarm raised when contact closed } -- -- Scalar definitions. -- cmAlarmScalars OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {alarmObjects 1} cmAlmLastChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A snapshot of the value of sysUpTime when the alarm situation last changed on the node (ie. there was a raise or clear). This value is reset to zero when the agent initializes." ::= { cmAlarmScalars 1 } cmAlmIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This value is assigned globally and sequentially to each new trap that is sent from the device. When this value reaches a maximum of 65535, it is wrapped to the value 1." ::= { cmAlarmScalars 2 } cmAlmTestAlarmEntity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VariablePointer MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used to specify the entity for which the test alarm is raised/cleared. This entity can be OID of a card(unit) or a port (Ethernet Access or Ethernet Network). The test alarm is the trap cmNetworkElementAlmTrap with condition type as testalarm. If not specified, the value of this object is 0.0." ::= { cmAlarmScalars 3 } cmAlmTestAlarmAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TestAlarmAction MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object can be used to raise/clear the testalarm on the entity specified by cmAlmTestAlarmEntity." ::= { cmAlarmScalars 4 } -- -- Table definitions. -- -- -- System Alarms table. -- cmSysAlmTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CmSysAlmEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A list of entries corresponding to the standing conditions that exist at the system level. Entries cannot be created in this table by management application action." ::= { alarmObjects 2 } cmSysAlmEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CmSysAlmEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information applicable to a particular condition." INDEX { cmAlmIndex } ::= { cmSysAlmTable 1 } CmSysAlmEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cmSysAlmNotifCode TrapAlarmSeverity, cmSysAlmType CmConditionType, cmSysAlmSrvEff CmServiceEffect, cmSysAlmTime DateAndTime, cmSysAlmLocation CmLocation, cmSysAlmDirection CmDirection, cmSysAlmDescr CmConditionDescr, cmSysAlmObject VariablePointer, cmSysAlmObjectName DisplayString, cmSysAlmAdditionalInfoObject VariablePointer, cmSysAlmAdditionalInfoName DisplayString } cmSysAlmNotifCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TrapAlarmSeverity MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object identifies the severity of the condition." ::= { cmSysAlmEntry 1 } cmSysAlmType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CmConditionType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object identifies the type of the condition." ::= { cmSysAlmEntry 2 } cmSysAlmSrvEff OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CmServiceEffect MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object identifies whether the condition is service affecting or not." ::= { cmSysAlmEntry 3 } cmSysAlmTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object contains the system time when the condition occurred." ::= { cmSysAlmEntry 4 } cmSysAlmLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CmLocation MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object identifies the location of the condition. The value none(0) should be used if location is not applicable." ::= { cmSysAlmEntry 5 } cmSysAlmDirection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CmDirection MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object identifies the direction of the condition. The value none(0) should be used if direction is not applicable." ::= { cmSysAlmEntry 6 } cmSysAlmDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CmConditionDescr MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object contains a text description of the condition." ::= { cmSysAlmEntry 7 } cmSysAlmObject OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VariablePointer MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "OID of the actual object that raised the alarm." ::= { cmSysAlmEntry 8 } cmSysAlmObjectName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Symbolic name of the managed object to which the condition pertains." ::= { cmSysAlmEntry 9 } cmSysAlmAdditionalInfoObject OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VariablePointer MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object provides OID of associated entity that caused the alarm. If there is no associated entity, this value is 0.0." ::= { cmSysAlmEntry 10 } cmSysAlmAdditionalInfoName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object provides name of the associated entity to which the alarm pertains. If there is no such entity, this value is empty." ::= { cmSysAlmEntry 11 } -- -- System Conditions table. -- cmSysCondTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CmSysCondEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A list of entries corresponding to the standing conditions that exist at the system level. Entries cannot be created in this table by management application action." ::= { alarmObjects 3 } cmSysCondEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CmSysCondEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information applicable to a particular condition." INDEX { cmSysCondIndex } ::= { cmSysCondTable 1 } CmSysCondEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cmSysCondIndex Integer32, cmSysCondNotifCode TrapAlarmSeverity, cmSysCondType CmConditionType, cmSysCondSrvEff CmServiceEffect, cmSysCondTime DateAndTime, cmSysCondLocation CmLocation, cmSysCondDirection CmDirection, cmSysCondDescr CmConditionDescr, cmSysCondEffType CmCondEffectType, cmSysCondObject VariablePointer, cmSysCondObjectName DisplayString, cmSysCondAdditionalInfoObject VariablePointer, cmSysCondAdditionalInfoName DisplayString } cmSysCondIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An integer index value used to uniquely identify a standing condition at the system level." ::= { cmSysCondEntry 1 } cmSysCondNotifCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TrapAlarmSeverity MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object identifies the severity of the condition." ::= { cmSysCondEntry 2 } cmSysCondType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CmConditionType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object identifies the type of the condition." ::= { cmSysCondEntry 3 } cmSysCondSrvEff OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CmServiceEffect MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object identifies whether the condition is service affecting or not." ::= { cmSysCondEntry 4 } cmSysCondTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object contains the system time when the condition occurred." ::= { cmSysCondEntry 5 } cmSysCondLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CmLocation MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object identifies the location of the condition. The value none(0) should be used if location is not applicable." ::= { cmSysCondEntry 6 } cmSysCondDirection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CmDirection MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object identifies the direction of the condition. The value none(0) should be used if direction is not applicable." ::= { cmSysCondEntry 7 } cmSysCondDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CmConditionDescr MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object contains a text description of the condition." ::= { cmSysCondEntry 8 } cmSysCondEffType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CmCondEffectType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object contains the condition effect type." ::= { cmSysCondEntry 9 } cmSysCondObject OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VariablePointer MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "OID of the actual object that raised the condition." ::= { cmSysCondEntry 10 } cmSysCondObjectName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Symbolic name of the managed object to which the condition pertains." ::= { cmSysCondEntry 11 } cmSysCondAdditionalInfoObject OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VariablePointer MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object provides OID of associated entity that caused the condition. If there is no associated entity, this value is 0.0." ::= { cmSysCondEntry 12 } cmSysCondAdditionalInfoName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object provides name of the associated entity to which the condition pertains. If there is no such entity, this value is empty." ::= { cmSysCondEntry 13 } -- -- Network Element Alarm table. -- cmNetworkElementAlmTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CmNetworkElementAlmEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A list of entries corresponding to the standing conditions that exist at the system level. Entries cannot be created in this table by management application action." ::= { alarmObjects 4 } cmNetworkElementAlmEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CmNetworkElementAlmEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information applicable to a particular condition." INDEX { neIndex, cmAlmIndex } ::= { cmNetworkElementAlmTable 1 } CmNetworkElementAlmEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cmNetworkElementAlmNotifCode TrapAlarmSeverity, cmNetworkElementAlmType CmConditionType, cmNetworkElementAlmSrvEff CmServiceEffect, cmNetworkElementAlmTime DateAndTime, cmNetworkElementAlmLocation CmLocation, cmNetworkElementAlmDirection CmDirection, cmNetworkElementAlmDescr CmConditionDescr, cmNetworkElementAlmObject VariablePointer, cmNetworkElementAlmObjectName DisplayString, cmNetworkElementAlmAdditionalInfoObject VariablePointer, cmNetworkElementAlmAdditionalInfoName DisplayString } cmNetworkElementAlmNotifCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TrapAlarmSeverity MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object identifies the severity of the condition." ::= { cmNetworkElementAlmEntry 1 } cmNetworkElementAlmType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CmConditionType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object identifies the type of the condition." ::= { cmNetworkElementAlmEntry 2 } cmNetworkElementAlmSrvEff OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CmServiceEffect MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object identifies whether the condition is service affecting or not." ::= { cmNetworkElementAlmEntry 3 } cmNetworkElementAlmTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object contains the system time when the condition occurred." ::= { cmNetworkElementAlmEntry 4 } cmNetworkElementAlmLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CmLocation MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object identifies the location of the condition. The value none(0) should be used if location is not applicable." ::= { cmNetworkElementAlmEntry 5 } cmNetworkElementAlmDirection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CmDirection MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object identifies the direction of the condition. The value none(0) should be used if direction is not applicable." ::= { cmNetworkElementAlmEntry 6 } cmNetworkElementAlmDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CmConditionDescr MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object contains a text description of the condition." ::= { cmNetworkElementAlmEntry 7 } cmNetworkElementAlmObject OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VariablePointer MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "OID of the actual object that raised the alarm." ::= { cmNetworkElementAlmEntry 8 } cmNetworkElementAlmObjectName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Symbolic name of the managed object to which the condition pertains. This object can be any interface on this device or the system object. If this is an interface, this name will be same as ifName (IF-MIB)." ::= { cmNetworkElementAlmEntry 9 } cmNetworkElementAlmAdditionalInfoObject OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VariablePointer MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object provides OID of associated entity that caused the alarm. If there is no associated entity, this value is 0.0." ::= { cmNetworkElementAlmEntry 10 } cmNetworkElementAlmAdditionalInfoName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object provides name of the associated entity to which the alarm pertains. If there is no such entity, this value is empty." ::= { cmNetworkElementAlmEntry 11 } -- -- Network Element Conditions table. -- cmNetworkElementCondTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CmNetworkElementCondEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A list of entries corresponding to the standing conditions that exist at the system level. Entries cannot be created in this table by management application action." ::= { alarmObjects 5 } cmNetworkElementCondEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CmNetworkElementCondEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information applicable to a particular condition." INDEX { neIndex, cmNetworkElementCondIndex } ::= { cmNetworkElementCondTable 1 } CmNetworkElementCondEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cmNetworkElementCondIndex Integer32, cmNetworkElementCondNotifCode TrapAlarmSeverity, cmNetworkElementCondType CmConditionType, cmNetworkElementCondSrvEff CmServiceEffect, cmNetworkElementCondTime DateAndTime, cmNetworkElementCondLocation CmLocation, cmNetworkElementCondDirection CmDirection, cmNetworkElementCondDescr CmConditionDescr, cmNetworkElementCondObject VariablePointer, cmNetworkElementCondObjectName DisplayString, cmNetworkElementCondEffType CmCondEffectType, cmNetworkElementCondAdditionalInfoObject VariablePointer, cmNetworkElementCondAdditionalInfoName DisplayString } cmNetworkElementCondIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An integer index value used to uniquely identify a standing condition at a Network Element level." ::= { cmNetworkElementCondEntry 1 } cmNetworkElementCondNotifCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TrapAlarmSeverity MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object identifies the severity of the condition." ::= { cmNetworkElementCondEntry 2 } cmNetworkElementCondType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CmConditionType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object identifies the type of the condition." ::= { cmNetworkElementCondEntry 3 } cmNetworkElementCondSrvEff OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CmServiceEffect MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object identifies whether the condition is service affecting or not." ::= { cmNetworkElementCondEntry 4 } cmNetworkElementCondTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object contains the system time when the condition occurred." ::= { cmNetworkElementCondEntry 5 } cmNetworkElementCondLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CmLocation MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object identifies the location of the condition. The value none(0) should be used if location is not applicable." ::= { cmNetworkElementCondEntry 6 } cmNetworkElementCondDirection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CmDirection MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object identifies the direction of the condition. The value none(0) should be used if direction is not applicable." ::= { cmNetworkElementCondEntry 7 } cmNetworkElementCondDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CmConditionDescr MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object contains a text description of the condition." ::= { cmNetworkElementCondEntry 8 } cmNetworkElementCondObject OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VariablePointer MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Symbolic name of the managed object to which the condition pertains. This object can be any interface on this device or the system object. If this is an interface, this name will be same as ifName (IF-MIB)." ::= { cmNetworkElementCondEntry 9 } cmNetworkElementCondObjectName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Symbolic name of the managed object to which the condition pertains. This object can be any interface on this device or the system object. If this is an interface, this name will be same as ifName (IF-MIB)." ::= { cmNetworkElementCondEntry 10 } cmNetworkElementCondEffType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CmCondEffectType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object contains the condition effect type." ::= { cmNetworkElementCondEntry 11 } cmNetworkElementCondAdditionalInfoObject OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VariablePointer MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object provides OID of associated entity that caused the alarm. If there is no associated entity, this value is 0.0." ::= { cmNetworkElementCondEntry 12 } cmNetworkElementCondAdditionalInfoName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object provides name of the associated entity to which the alarm pertains. If there is no such entity, this value is empty." ::= { cmNetworkElementCondEntry 13 } -- -- Alarm Severity Assignment Profile. -- cmAlarmSeverityAssignmentTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CmAlarmSeverityAssignmentEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A list of configurable alarm severity assignment entries for Enterprise MIB Alarm Conditions." ::= { alarmObjects 6 } cmAlarmSeverityAssignmentEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CmAlarmSeverityAssignmentEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A list of parameters that set up the alarm severity assignment profiles." INDEX { cmAlarmSeverityAssignmentEntityType, cmAlarmSeverityAssignmentCondType, cmAlarmSeverityAssignmentSrvEff } ::= { cmAlarmSeverityAssignmentTable 1 } CmAlarmSeverityAssignmentEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cmAlarmSeverityAssignmentEntityType CmAlarmEntityType, cmAlarmSeverityAssignmentCondType CmConditionType, cmAlarmSeverityAssignmentSrvEff CmServiceEffect, cmAlarmSeverityAssignmentLocation CmLocation, cmAlarmSeverityAssignmentNotifCode TrapAlarmSeverity, cmAlarmSeverityAssignmentDirection CmDirection } cmAlarmSeverityAssignmentEntityType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CmAlarmEntityType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Alarm Severity Assignment Entity Type." ::= { cmAlarmSeverityAssignmentEntry 1} cmAlarmSeverityAssignmentCondType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CmConditionType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object identifies the type of the condition." ::= { cmAlarmSeverityAssignmentEntry 2 } cmAlarmSeverityAssignmentSrvEff OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CmServiceEffect MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object identifies whether the condition is service affecting or not." ::= { cmAlarmSeverityAssignmentEntry 3 } cmAlarmSeverityAssignmentLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CmLocation MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object identifies the location of the condition. The value none(0) is used if location is not applicable." ::= { cmAlarmSeverityAssignmentEntry 4 } cmAlarmSeverityAssignmentNotifCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TrapAlarmSeverity MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object allows configuration of the severity of the condition." ::= { cmAlarmSeverityAssignmentEntry 5 } cmAlarmSeverityAssignmentDirection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CmDirection MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object identifies the direction of the condition. The value none(0) should be used if direction is not applicable." ::= { cmAlarmSeverityAssignmentEntry 6 } -- -- Environmental Alarm Input Table -- f3EnvAlarmInputTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF F3EnvAlarmInputEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A list of configurable Environmental Alarm Inputs." ::= { alarmObjects 7 } f3EnvAlarmInputEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX F3EnvAlarmInputEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A list of parameters to manage the the environmental alarm inputs." INDEX { neIndex, shelfIndex, f3EnvAlarmInputIndex } ::= { f3EnvAlarmInputTable 1 } F3EnvAlarmInputEntry ::= SEQUENCE { f3EnvAlarmInputIndex Integer32, f3EnvAlarmInputDescr DisplayString, f3EnvAlarmInputCondType CmConditionType, f3EnvAlarmInputNotifCode TrapAlarmSeverity, f3EnvAlarmInputMode EnvAlarmInputMode, f3EnvAlarmInputAlmHoldOffEnabled TruthValue } f3EnvAlarmInputIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unique index for each environmental alarm input." ::= { f3EnvAlarmInputEntry 1} f3EnvAlarmInputDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object allows SNMP management entities to provide description to the environmental alarm inputs." ::= { f3EnvAlarmInputEntry 2 } f3EnvAlarmInputCondType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CmConditionType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object allows SNMP management entities to provide the environmental alarm condition associated with the environmental alarm input." ::= { f3EnvAlarmInputEntry 3 } f3EnvAlarmInputNotifCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TrapAlarmSeverity MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object allows SNMP management entities to provide the notification code for the environmental alarm input." ::= { f3EnvAlarmInputEntry 4 } f3EnvAlarmInputMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnvAlarmInputMode MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object allows specification of the environmental alarm input mode. When 'disabled', environmental alarms are not raised. Value of 'alarmopen' allows alarm to be raised when environmental alarm dry contacts are opened. Value of 'alarmclosed' allows alarm to be raised when environmental alarm dry contacts are closed." ::= { f3EnvAlarmInputEntry 5 } f3EnvAlarmInputAlmHoldOffEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object allows enabling/disabling of alarm hold off for this environmental alarm. When 'disabled', the standard alarm hold off (2.5seconds) does not hold, i.e. alarms are raised immediately when conditions happen." ::= { f3EnvAlarmInputEntry 6 } -- -- Notifications, i.e., traps. -- -- -- System Alarm raise/clear trap. -- cmSysAlmTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { cmAlmIndex, cmSysAlmNotifCode, cmSysAlmType, cmSysAlmSrvEff, cmSysAlmTime, cmSysAlmLocation, cmSysAlmDirection, cmSysAlmDescr, cmSysAlmObject, cmSysAlmObjectName, cmSysAlmAdditionalInfoObject, cmSysAlmAdditionalInfoName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent each time an alarm condition is raised and inserted into to the cmSysAlmTable. It is also sent each time an alarm condition is cleared and removed from the cmSysAlmTable." ::= { alarmNotifications 1 } cmNetworkElementAlmTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { cmAlmIndex, cmNetworkElementAlmNotifCode, cmNetworkElementAlmType, cmNetworkElementAlmSrvEff, cmNetworkElementAlmTime, cmNetworkElementAlmLocation, cmNetworkElementAlmDirection, cmNetworkElementAlmDescr, cmNetworkElementAlmObject, cmNetworkElementAlmObjectName, cmNetworkElementAlmAdditionalInfoObject, cmNetworkElementAlmAdditionalInfoName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent each time an alarm condition is raised and inserted into to the cmNetworkElementAlmTable. It is also sent each time an alarm condition is cleared and removed from the cmNetworkElementAlmTable." ::= { alarmNotifications 2 } cmSysEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { cmAlmIndex, cmSysCondType, cmSysCondTime, cmSysCondLocation, cmSysCondDirection, cmSysCondDescr, cmSysCondEffType, cmSysCondObject, cmSysCondObjectName, cmSysCondAdditionalInfoObject, cmSysCondAdditionalInfoName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent each time an event condition is raised and inserted into to the cmSysCondTable. It is also sent each time an event condition is cleared and removed from the cmSysCondTable. Standing conditions/transient conditions are reported using this notification." ::= { alarmNotifications 3 } cmNetworkElementEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { cmAlmIndex, cmNetworkElementCondType, cmNetworkElementCondTime, cmNetworkElementCondLocation, cmNetworkElementCondDirection, cmNetworkElementCondDescr, cmNetworkElementCondObject, cmNetworkElementCondObjectName, cmNetworkElementCondEffType, cmNetworkElementCondAdditionalInfoObject, cmNetworkElementCondAdditionalInfoName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent each time an event condition is raised and inserted into to the cmNetworkElementCondTable. It is also sent each time an event condition is cleared and removed from the cmNetworkElementCondTable. Standing conditions/transient conditions are reported using this notification." ::= { alarmNotifications 4 } -- -- Conformance -- cmAlmCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {alarmConformance 1} cmAlmGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {alarmConformance 2} cmAlmCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Describes the requirements for conformance to the Alarm Condition Services." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { cmAlmObjectGroup, cmAlmNotifGroup, f3EnvAlarmInputGroup } ::= { cmAlmCompliances 1 } cmAlmObjectGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cmAlmLastChange, cmAlmIndex, cmAlmTestAlarmEntity, cmAlmTestAlarmAction, cmSysAlmNotifCode, cmSysAlmType, cmSysAlmSrvEff, cmSysAlmTime, cmSysAlmLocation, cmSysAlmDirection, cmSysAlmDescr, cmSysAlmObject, cmSysAlmObjectName, cmSysAlmAdditionalInfoObject, cmSysAlmAdditionalInfoName, cmSysCondIndex, cmSysCondNotifCode, cmSysCondType, cmSysCondSrvEff, cmSysCondTime, cmSysCondLocation, cmSysCondDirection, cmSysCondDescr, cmSysCondEffType, cmSysCondObject, cmSysCondObjectName, cmSysCondAdditionalInfoObject, cmSysCondAdditionalInfoName, cmNetworkElementAlmNotifCode, cmNetworkElementAlmType, cmNetworkElementAlmSrvEff, cmNetworkElementAlmTime, cmNetworkElementAlmLocation, cmNetworkElementAlmDirection, cmNetworkElementAlmDescr, cmNetworkElementAlmObject, cmNetworkElementAlmObjectName, cmNetworkElementAlmAdditionalInfoObject, cmNetworkElementAlmAdditionalInfoName, cmNetworkElementCondIndex, cmNetworkElementCondNotifCode, cmNetworkElementCondType, cmNetworkElementCondSrvEff, cmNetworkElementCondTime, cmNetworkElementCondLocation, cmNetworkElementCondDirection, cmNetworkElementCondDescr, cmNetworkElementCondObject, cmNetworkElementCondObjectName, cmNetworkElementCondEffType, cmNetworkElementCondAdditionalInfoObject, cmNetworkElementCondAdditionalInfoName, cmAlarmSeverityAssignmentEntityType, cmAlarmSeverityAssignmentCondType, cmAlarmSeverityAssignmentSrvEff, cmAlarmSeverityAssignmentLocation, cmAlarmSeverityAssignmentNotifCode, cmAlarmSeverityAssignmentDirection } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects used to manage the Alarm conditions/threshold Services." ::= { cmAlmGroups 1 } cmAlmNotifGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { cmSysAlmTrap, cmNetworkElementAlmTrap, cmSysEvent, cmNetworkElementEvent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of notifications related to alarm conditions/threshold Services." ::= { cmAlmGroups 2 } f3EnvAlarmInputGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { f3EnvAlarmInputIndex, f3EnvAlarmInputDescr, f3EnvAlarmInputCondType, f3EnvAlarmInputNotifCode, f3EnvAlarmInputMode, f3EnvAlarmInputAlmHoldOffEnabled } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects related to environmental alarm inputs." ::= { cmAlmGroups 3 } END