. * * @link https://www.librenms.org * * @copyright 2017 Paul Heinrichs * @author Paul Heinrichs */ namespace LibreNMS\OS; use App\Models\Device; use Illuminate\Support\Str; use LibreNMS\Device\WirelessSensor; use LibreNMS\Interfaces\Data\DataStorageInterface; use LibreNMS\Interfaces\Discovery\Sensors\WirelessClientsDiscovery; use LibreNMS\Interfaces\Discovery\Sensors\WirelessErrorsDiscovery; use LibreNMS\Interfaces\Discovery\Sensors\WirelessFrequencyDiscovery; use LibreNMS\Interfaces\Discovery\Sensors\WirelessRssiDiscovery; use LibreNMS\Interfaces\Discovery\Sensors\WirelessSnrDiscovery; use LibreNMS\Interfaces\Discovery\Sensors\WirelessSsrDiscovery; use LibreNMS\Interfaces\Discovery\Sensors\WirelessUtilizationDiscovery; use LibreNMS\Interfaces\Polling\OSPolling; use LibreNMS\OS; use LibreNMS\RRD\RrdDefinition; class Pmp extends OS implements OSPolling, WirelessRssiDiscovery, WirelessSnrDiscovery, WirelessFrequencyDiscovery, WirelessUtilizationDiscovery, WirelessSsrDiscovery, WirelessClientsDiscovery, WirelessErrorsDiscovery { public function discoverOS(Device $device): void { parent::discoverOS($device); // yaml $data = snmp_get_multi_oid($this->getDeviceArray(), ['boxDeviceType.0', 'bhTimingMode.0', 'boxDeviceTypeID.0', 'productTypeName.0'], '-OQUs', 'WHISP-BOX-MIBV2-MIB'); $device->features = $data['boxDeviceType.0'] ?? null; $ptp = [ 'BHUL450' => 'PTP 450', 'BHUL' => 'PTP 230', 'BH20' => 'PTP 100', ]; foreach ($ptp as $desc => $model) { if (Str::contains($device->features, $desc)) { $hardware = $model . ' ' . str_replace(['timing', 'timeing'], '', $data['bhTimingMode.0']); $device->version = $data['boxDeviceTypeID.0'] ?? $device->version; break; } } $pmp = [ 'MIMO OFDM' => 'PMP 450', 'OFDM' => 'PMP 430', ]; if (! isset($hardware)) { $hardware = 'PMP 100'; foreach ($pmp as $desc => $model) { if (Str::contains($device->features, $desc)) { $hardware = $model; break; } } if (Str::contains($hardware, 'PMP 450')) { $hardware = $data['productTypeName.0'] ?? $hardware; } if (Str::contains($device->sysDescr, 'AP')) { $hardware .= ' AP'; } elseif (Str::contains($device->sysDescr, 'SM')) { $hardware .= ' SM'; } } $device->hardware = $hardware; } public function pollOS(DataStorageInterface $datastore): void { // Migrated to Wireless Sensor $fec = snmp_get_multi_oid($this->getDeviceArray(), ['fecInErrorsCount.0', 'fecOutErrorsCount.0', 'fecCRCError.0'], '-OQUs', 'WHISP-BOX-MIBV2-MIB'); if (is_numeric($fec['fecInErrorsCount.0'] ?? null) && is_numeric($fec['fecOutErrorsCount.0'] ?? null)) { $rrd_def = RrdDefinition::make() ->addDataset('fecInErrorsCount', 'GAUGE', 0, 100000) ->addDataset('fecOutErrorsCount', 'GAUGE', 0, 100000); $fields = [ 'fecInErrorsCount' => $fec['fecInErrorsCount.0'], 'fecOutErrorsCount' => $fec['fecOutErrorsCount.0'], ]; $tags = compact('rrd_def'); $datastore->put($this->getDeviceArray(), 'canopy-generic-errorCount', $tags, $fields); $this->enableGraph('canopy_generic_errorCount'); } // Migrated to Wireless Sensor if (is_numeric($fec['fecCRCError.0'] ?? null)) { $rrd_def = RrdDefinition::make()->addDataset('crcErrors', 'GAUGE', 0, 100000); $fields = [ 'crcErrors' => $fec['fecCRCError.0'], ]; $tags = compact('rrd_def'); $datastore->put($this->getDeviceArray(), 'canopy-generic-crcErrors', $tags, $fields); $this->enableGraph('canopy_generic_crcErrors'); } $jitter = snmp_get($this->getDeviceArray(), 'jitter.0', '-Ovqn', 'WHISP-SM-MIB'); if (is_numeric($jitter)) { $rrd_def = RrdDefinition::make()->addDataset('jitter', 'GAUGE', 0, 20); $fields = [ 'jitter' => $jitter, ]; $tags = compact('rrd_def'); $datastore->put($this->getDeviceArray(), 'canopy-generic-jitter', $tags, $fields); $this->enableGraph('canopy_generic_jitter'); unset($rrd_def, $jitter); } $multi_get_array = snmp_get_multi($this->getDeviceArray(), ['regCount.0', 'regFailureCount.0'], '-OQU', 'WHISP-APS-MIB'); d_echo($multi_get_array); $registered = $multi_get_array[0]['WHISP-APS-MIB::regCount'] ?? null; $failed = $multi_get_array[0]['WHISP-APS-MIB::regFailureCount'] ?? null; if (is_numeric($registered) && is_numeric($failed)) { $rrd_def = RrdDefinition::make() ->addDataset('regCount', 'GAUGE', 0, 15000) ->addDataset('failed', 'GAUGE', 0, 15000); $fields = [ 'regCount' => $registered, 'failed' => $failed, ]; $tags = compact('rrd_def'); $datastore->put($this->getDeviceArray(), 'canopy-generic-regCount', $tags, $fields); $this->enableGraph('canopy_generic_regCount'); unset($rrd_def, $registered, $failed); } $visible = str_replace('"', '', snmp_get($this->getDeviceArray(), '.', '-Ovqn', '')); $tracked = str_replace('"', '', snmp_get($this->getDeviceArray(), '.', '-Ovqn', '')); if (is_numeric($visible) && is_numeric($tracked)) { $rrd_def = RrdDefinition::make() ->addDataset('visible', 'GAUGE', 0, 1000) ->addDataset('tracked', 'GAUGE', 0, 1000); $fields = [ 'visible' => floatval($visible), 'tracked' => floatval($tracked), ]; $tags = compact('rrd_def'); $datastore->put($this->getDeviceArray(), 'canopy-generic-gpsStats', $tags, $fields); $this->enableGraph('canopy_generic_gpsStats'); } $radio = snmp_get_multi_oid($this->getDeviceArray(), ['radioDbmInt.0', 'minRadioDbm.0', 'maxRadioDbm.0', 'radioDbmAvg.0'], '-OQUs', 'WHISP-SM-MIB'); if (is_numeric($radio['radioDbmInt.0'] ?? null) && is_numeric($radio['minRadioDbm.0'] ?? null) && is_numeric($radio['maxRadioDbm.0'] ?? null) && is_numeric($radio['radioDbmAvg.0'] ?? null)) { $rrd_def = RrdDefinition::make() ->addDataset('dbm', 'GAUGE', -100, 0) ->addDataset('min', 'GAUGE', -100, 0) ->addDataset('max', 'GAUGE', -100, 0) ->addDataset('avg', 'GAUGE', -100, 0); $fields = [ 'dbm' => $radio['radioDbmInt.0'], 'min' => $radio['minRadioDbm.0'], 'max' => $radio['maxRadioDbm.0'], 'avg' => $radio['radioDbmAvg.0'], ]; $tags = compact('rrd_def'); $datastore->put($this->getDeviceArray(), 'canopy-generic-radioDbm', $tags, $fields); $this->enableGraph('canopy_generic_radioDbm'); } $dbm = snmp_get_multi_oid($this->getDeviceArray(), ['linkRadioDbmHorizontal.2', 'linkRadioDbmVertical.2'], '-OQUs', 'WHISP-APS-MIB'); if (is_numeric($dbm['linkRadioDbmHorizontal.2'] ?? null) && is_numeric($dbm['linkRadioDbmVertical.2'] ?? null)) { $rrd_def = RrdDefinition::make() ->addDataset('horizontal', 'GAUGE', -100, 0) ->addDataset('vertical', 'GAUGE', -100, 0); $fields = [ 'horizontal' => $dbm['linkRadioDbmHorizontal.2'], 'vertical' => $dbm['linkRadioDbmVertical.2'], ]; $tags = compact('rrd_def'); $datastore->put($this->getDeviceArray(), 'canopy-generic-450-linkRadioDbm', $tags, $fields); $this->enableGraph('canopy_generic_450_linkRadioDbm'); } $lastLevel = str_replace('"', '', snmp_get($this->getDeviceArray(), 'lastPowerLevel.2', '-Ovqn', 'WHISP-APS-MIB')); if (is_numeric($lastLevel)) { $rrd_def = RrdDefinition::make()->addDataset('last', 'GAUGE', -100, 0); $fields = [ 'last' => $lastLevel, ]; $tags = compact('rrd_def'); $datastore->put($this->getDeviceArray(), 'canopy-generic-450-powerlevel', $tags, $fields); $this->enableGraph('canopy_generic_450_powerlevel'); } $vertical = str_replace('"', '', snmp_get($this->getDeviceArray(), '.', '-Ovqn', '')); $horizontal = str_replace('"', '', snmp_get($this->getDeviceArray(), '.', '-Ovqn', '')); $combined = snmp_get($this->getDeviceArray(), '', '-Ovqn', ''); if (is_numeric($vertical) && is_numeric($horizontal) && is_numeric($combined)) { $rrd_def = RrdDefinition::make() ->addDataset('vertical', 'GAUGE', -150, 0) ->addDataset('horizontal', 'GAUGE', -150, 0) ->addDataset('combined', 'GAUGE', -150, 0); $fields = [ 'vertical' => floatval($vertical), 'horizontal' => floatval($horizontal), 'combined' => $combined, ]; $tags = compact('rrd_def'); $datastore->put($this->getDeviceArray(), 'canopy-generic-signalHV', $tags, $fields); $this->enableGraph('canopy_generic_signalHV'); unset($rrd_def, $vertical, $horizontal, $combined); } $horizontal = str_replace('"', '', snmp_get($this->getDeviceArray(), 'radioDbmHorizontal.0', '-Ovqn', 'WHISP-SM-MIB')); $vertical = str_replace('"', '', snmp_get($this->getDeviceArray(), 'radioDbmVertical.0', '-Ovqn', 'WHISP-SM-MIB')); if (is_numeric($horizontal) && is_numeric($vertical)) { $rrd_def = RrdDefinition::make() ->addDataset('horizontal', 'GAUGE', -100, 100) ->addDataset('vertical', 'GAUGE', -100, 100); $fields = [ 'horizontal' => $horizontal, 'vertical' => $vertical, ]; $tags = compact('rrd_def'); $datastore->put($this->getDeviceArray(), 'canopy-generic-450-slaveHV', $tags, $fields); $this->enableGraph('canopy_generic_450_slaveHV'); } } /** * Discover wireless bit/packet error ratio. This is in percent. Type is error-ratio. * Returns an array of LibreNMS\Device\Sensor objects that have been discovered * * @return array Sensors */ public function discoverWirelessRssi() { $rssi_oid = '.'; return [ new WirelessSensor( 'rssi', $this->getDeviceId(), $rssi_oid, 'pmp', 0, 'Cambium RSSI', null ), ]; } /** * Discover wireless SNR. This is in dB. Type is snr. * Formula: SNR = Signal or Rx Power - Noise Floor * Returns an array of LibreNMS\Device\Sensor objects that have been discovered * * @return array Sensors */ public function discoverWirelessSnr() { if ($this->isAp()) { $snr_horizontal = '.'; // WHISP-APS-MIB::signalToNoiseRatioHorizontal.2 $snr_vertical = '.'; //WHISP-APS-MIB::signalToNoiseRatioVertical.2 } else { $snr_horizontal = '.'; // WHISP-SMS-MIB::signalToNoiseRatioSMHorizontal.0 $snr_vertical = '.'; //WHISP-SMS-MIB::signalToNoiseRatioSMVertical.0 } return [ new WirelessSensor( 'snr', $this->getDeviceId(), $snr_horizontal, 'pmp-h', 0, 'Cambium SNR Horizontal', null ), new WirelessSensor( 'snr', $this->getDeviceId(), $snr_vertical, 'pmp-v', 0, 'Cambium SNR Vertical', null ), ]; } /** * Discover wireless frequency. This is in MHz. Type is frequency. * Returns an array of LibreNMS\Device\Sensor objects that have been discovered * * @return array Sensors */ public function discoverWirelessFrequency() { $frequency = '.'; //WHISP-APS-MIB::currentRadioFreqCarrier return [ new WirelessSensor( 'frequency', $this->getDeviceId(), $frequency, 'pmp', 0, 'Frequency', null, 1, $this->freqDivisor() ), ]; } /** * Discover wireless utilization. This is in %. Type is utilization. * Returns an array of LibreNMS\Device\Sensor objects that have been discovered * * @return array Sensors */ public function discoverWirelessUtilization() { $lowdownlink = '.'; // WHISP-APS-MIB::frUtlLowTotalDownlinkUtilization $lowuplink = '.'; // WHISP-APS-MIB::frUtlLowTotalUplinkUtilization $meddownlink = '.'; // WHISP-APS-MIB::frUtlMedTotalDownlinkUtilization $meduplink = '.'; // WHISP-APS-MIB::frUtlMedTotalUplinkUtilization $highdownlink = '.'; // WHISP-APS-MIB::frUtlHighTotalDownlinkUtilization $highuplink = '.'; // WHISP-APS-MIB::frUtlHighTotalUplinkUtilization // 450M Specific Utilizations $muSectorDownlink = '.'; // WHISP-APS-MIB::frUtlMedMumimoDownlinkSectorUtilization $muDownlink = '.'; // WHISP-APS-MIB::frUtlMedMumimoDownlinkMumimoUtilization $suDownlink = '.'; // WHISP-APS-MIB::frUtlMedMumimoDownlinkSumimoUtilization return [ new WirelessSensor( 'utilization', $this->getDeviceId(), $lowdownlink, 'pmp-downlink', 0, '1m Downlink Utilization', null ), new WirelessSensor( 'utilization', $this->getDeviceId(), $lowuplink, 'pmp-uplink', 0, '1m Uplink Utilization', null ), new WirelessSensor( 'utilization', $this->getDeviceId(), $meddownlink, 'pmp-downlink', 1, '5m Downlink Utilization', null ), new WirelessSensor( 'utilization', $this->getDeviceId(), $meduplink, 'pmp-uplink', 1, '5m Uplink Utilization', null ), new WirelessSensor( 'utilization', $this->getDeviceId(), $highdownlink, 'pmp-downlink', 2, '15m Downlink Utilization', null ), new WirelessSensor( 'utilization', $this->getDeviceId(), $highuplink, 'pmp-uplink', 2, '15m Uplink Utilization', null ), new WirelessSensor( 'utilization', $this->getDeviceId(), $muSectorDownlink, 'pmp-450m-sector-downlink', 0, 'MU-MIMO Downlink Sector utilization', null ), new WirelessSensor( 'utilization', $this->getDeviceId(), $muDownlink, 'pmp-450m-downlink', 0, 'MU-MIMO Downlink Utilization', null ), new WirelessSensor( 'utilization', $this->getDeviceId(), $suDownlink, 'pmp-450m-su-downlink', 0, 'SU-MIMO Downlink Utilization', null ), ]; } /** * Discover wireless SSR. This is in dB. Type is ssr. * Returns an array of LibreNMS\Device\Sensor objects that have been discovered * * @return array Sensors */ public function discoverWirelessSsr() { if ($this->isAp()) { $ssr = '.'; //WHISP-APS-MIB::signalStrengthRatio.2 } else { $ssr = '.'; //WHISP-SMSSM-MIB::signalStrengthRatio.0 } return [ new WirelessSensor( 'ssr', $this->getDeviceId(), $ssr, 'pmp', 0, 'Cambium Signal Strength Ratio', null ), ]; } /** * Private method to declare if device is an AP * * @return bool */ private function isAp() { $device = $this->getDeviceArray(); return Str::contains($device['hardware'], 'AP') || Str::contains($device['hardware'], 'Master'); } /** * PMP Frequency divisor is different per model * using the following for production: * FSK 5.2, 5.4, 5.7 GHz: OID returns MHz * FSK 900 MHz, 2.4 GHz: OID returns 100's of KHz * OFDM: OID returns 10's of KHz" */ private function freqDivisor() { $device = $this->getDeviceArray(); $types = [ 'OFDM' => 1000, '5.4GHz' => 1, '5.2Ghz' => 1, '5.7Ghz' => 1, '2.4Ghz' => 10, '900Mhz' => 10, ]; $boxType = snmp_get($device, 'boxDeviceType.0', '-Oqv', 'WHISP-BOX-MIBV2-MIB'); foreach ($types as $key => $value) { if (Str::contains($boxType, $key)) { return $value; } } return 1; } /** * Discover wireless client counts. Type is clients. * Returns an array of LibreNMS\Device\Sensor objects that have been discovered * * @return array Sensors */ public function discoverWirelessClients() { $registeredSM = '.'; //WHISP-APS-MIB::regCount.0 return [ new WirelessSensor( 'clients', $this->getDeviceId(), $registeredSM, 'pmp', 0, 'Client Count', null ), ]; } /** * Discover wireless bit errors. This is in total bits. Type is errors. * Returns an array of LibreNMS\Device\Sensor objects that have been discovered * * @return array Sensors */ public function discoverWirelessErrors() { $fecInErrorsCount = '.'; $fecOutErrorsCount = '.'; $fecCRCError = '.'; return [ new WirelessSensor( 'errors', $this->getDeviceId(), $fecCRCError, 'pmp-fecCRCError', 0, 'CRC Errors', null ), new WirelessSensor( 'errors', $this->getDeviceId(), $fecOutErrorsCount, 'pmp-fecOutErrorsCount', 0, 'Out Error Count', null ), new WirelessSensor( 'errors', $this->getDeviceId(), $fecInErrorsCount, 'pmp-fecInErrorsCount', 0, 'In Error Count', null ), ]; } }