-- ============================================================================ -- AT-FILEv2.MIB, Allied Telesis enterprise MIB: -- File MIB for the AlliedWare Plus(tm) operating system -- -- Copyright (c) 2008 by Allied Telesis, Inc. -- All rights reserved. -- -- ============================================================================ AT-FILEv2-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS modules FROM AT-SMI-MIB IpAddress, Integer32, OBJECT-TYPE, MODULE-IDENTITY FROM SNMPv2-SMI DisplayString FROM SNMPv2-TC; -- atFilev2 MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200809240000Z" -- September 24, 2008 at 00:00 GMT ORGANIZATION "Allied Telesis Labs New Zealand" CONTACT-INFO "http://www.alliedtelesis.com" DESCRIPTION "The AT File v2 MIB, for listing file contents of flash, nvs and sd-cards on local and stacked devices, and copying, moving and deleting files from local, stacked and remote sources." REVISION "200809240000Z" -- September 24, 2008 at 00:00 GMT DESCRIPTION "Initial revision." ::= { modules 600 } -- -- Node definitions -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------- -- -- The options objects -- ---------------------------------------------------------- -- -- atFilev2TableOptions OBJECT IDENTIFIER::= { atFilev2 1 } -- atFilev2Recursive OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set a value of '1' to enable recursive listing of directories in the atFilev2Table listing." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { atFilev2TableOptions 1 } -- atFilev2AllFiles OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set a value of '1' to enable listing of all files (including hidden etc) in the atFilev2Table listing." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { atFilev2TableOptions 2 } -- atFilev2Device OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..3) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set a value that corresponds with the various devices listed below: 1. Flash (default) 2. Card 3. NVS Subsequent SNMP queries to the atFilev2Table will use this as the device to generate a file listing from." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { atFilev2TableOptions 3 } -- atFilev2StackID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set an integer to correspond to the stack ID of a stack member. Subsequent SNMP queries to the atFilev2Table will use this as the stack member to generate a file listing from. If running a stand-alone unit, use the default value of 1." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { atFilev2TableOptions 4 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------- -- -- The file table -- ---------------------------------------------------------- -- -- atFilev2Table OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AtFilev2Entry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A list of files present on the device and stack-member specified by the atFilev2Device and atFilev2StackID objects." ::= { atFilev2 2 } -- atFilev2Entry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AtFilev2Entry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the list of files containing information about a single file." INDEX { atFilev2Filename } ::= { atFilev2Table 1 } AtFilev2Entry ::= SEQUENCE { atFilev2Filename OCTET STRING, atFilev2FileSize Integer32, atFilev2FileCreationTime OCTET STRING, atFilev2FileAttribs OCTET STRING } -- atFilev2Filename OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The name of the file. Files are sorted in alphabetical order. Directory names end with / and have a 'd' present in the atFilev2FileAttribs object. The filename is truncated at 112 characters due to SNMP OID length limitations. If two files are not uniquely distinguishable within the first 112 characters, the listing will halt after the first file." ::= { atFilev2Entry 1 } -- atFilev2FileSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The size of the file in bytes." ::= { atFilev2Entry 2 } -- atFilev2FileCreationTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "File creation time in the form . Eg: Sep 7 2008 06:07:54." ::= { atFilev2Entry 3 } -- atFilev2FileAttribs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The standard file accessibility attributes in the form . d - directory r - readable w - writeable x - executable If a file does not have a particular attribute set, the respective position will contain a -. For example, <-r-x> indicates a readable and executable file that is not a directory or writeable." ::= { atFilev2Entry 4 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------- -- -- The file operation objects -- ---------------------------------------------------------- -- -- atFilev2FileOperation OBJECT IDENTIFIER::= { atFilev2 3 } -- atFilev2SourceStackID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set an integer corresponding to the stack ID of the stack member to use as the source. This value is ignored if the source device is set to TFTP. If running a stand-alone unit, use the default value of 1." ::= { atFilev2FileOperation 1 } -- atFilev2SourceDevice OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..4) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set an integer that corresponds with a device found below: 0. Unconfigured (not settable) 1. Flash 2. Card 3. NVS 4. TFTP For copying, you may use any combination of devices for the source and destination except for copying from TFTP to TFTP. For moving files you cannot use TFTP as source or destination. For deleting, the source cannot be TFTP. To copy a file from TFTP to flash, use 4 for source and 1 for destination. You must fully configure all required parameters for each device. Only TFTP has an IP address required." DEFVAL { '1'b } ::= { atFilev2FileOperation 2 } -- atFilev2SourceFilename OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The filename of the source file to copy, move or delete. Include any path as required, but the storage type is not necessary. Setting a null string will return an error. For example, to copy the file latest.cfg from the backupconfigs/routers directory on the TFTP server, you would set: backupconfigs/routers/latest.cfg" ::= { atFilev2FileOperation 3 } -- atFilev2DestinationStackID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set an integer corresponding to the stack ID of the stack member to use as the destination. This value is ignored if the destination device is set to TFTP, or if a deletion operation is carried out. If running a stand-alone unit, use the default value of 1." ::= { atFilev2FileOperation 4 } -- atFilev2DestinationDevice OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..4) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set an integer that corresponds with a device found below: 0. Unconfigured (not settable) 1. Flash 2. Card 3. NVS 4. TFTP For copying, you may use any combination of devices for the source and destination except for copying from TFTP to TFTP. For moving files you cannot use TFTP as source or destination. For deleting, the destination source is ignored. To copy a file from TFTP to flash, use 4 for source and 1 for destination. You must fully configure all required parameters for each device. Only TFTP has an IP address required." DEFVAL { '1'b } ::= { atFilev2FileOperation 5 } -- atFilev2DestinationFilename OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The destination filename of the file to copy or move. Include any path as required, but the storage type is not necessary. For any operation other than a file deletion, setting a null string will return an error. For deletions, any value set to this object is ignored. Note: If the destination is set to flash, card or nvs, any file at the destination that shares the destination filename will be overwritten by a move or copy operation. The destination filename does not need to be the same as the source filename. For example, to copy a release file from the TFTP server to the local flash into the backuprelease directory, you would set: backuprelease/latest.rel" ::= { atFilev2FileOperation 6 } -- atFilev2CopyBegin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A read on this object can return several possible values, depending on the current status of the system and the various file operation objects: idle There is no file operation in progress and all required objects have been set correctly. Setting a '1' to this object will begin the file copy. Error codes: [1-7] A copy operation cannot be started until these errors are resolved. See below for key. [action]ing x [--> y] A file operation is currently in progress. You cannot start another operation while the object is returning this value. [action] x [--> y] success The last copy, move or delete operation was successfully completed. [action] x [--> y] failure: [err] The last copy, move or delete operation failed, with the error message attached. Common failures include lack of space on the destination file system, incorrect source file names or communication errors with remote services. Upon reading a success or failure message, the message will be cleared and the next read will result in either an 'idle' message or an 'Error codes' message if not all required objects have been correctly set. If the read returned 'idle', a new file operation can now be started. Error codes for file copy: 1 - atFilev2SourceDevice has not been set 2 - atFilev2SourceFilename has not been set 3 - atFilev2DestinationDevice has not been set 4 - atFilev2DestinationFilename has not been set 5 - atFilev2SourceDevice and atFilev2DestinationDevice are both set to TFTP 6 - the combination of source device, stackID and filename is the same as the destination device, stackID and filename (i.e. it is not valid to copy a file onto itself. 7 - TFTP IP address has not been set and TFTP has been set for one of the devices Provided all above requirements are met, immediately upon executing the SNMP set, the device will indicate that it was a success. The actual file copy itself will be started and continue on the device until it has completed. For large files, operations can take several minutes to complete. Subsequent reads of the object will return one of messages shown in the first table, to allow for tracking of the progress of the copy operation." ::= { atFilev2FileOperation 7 } -- atFilev2MoveBegin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A read on this object can return several possible values, depending on the current status of the system and the various file operation objects: idle There is no file operation in progress and all required objects have been set correctly. Setting a '1' to this object will begin the file move. Error codes: [1-6] A move operation cannot be started until these errors are resolved. See below for key. [action]ing x [--> y] A file operation is currently in progress. You cannot start another operation while the object is returning this value. [action] x [--> y] success The last copy, move or delete operation was successfully completed. [action] x [--> y] failure: [err] The last copy, move or delete operation failed, with the error message attached. Common failures include lack of space on the destination file system, incorrect source file names or communication errors with remote services. Upon reading a success or failure message, the message will be cleared and the next read will result in either an 'idle' message or an 'Error codes' message if not all required objects have been correctly set. If the read returned 'idle', a new file operation can now be started. Error codes for file move: 1 - atFilev2SourceDevice has not been set 2 - atFilev2SourceFilename has not been set 3 - atFilev2DestinationDevice has not been set 4 - atFilev2DestinationFilename has not been set 5 - either atFilev2SourceDevice or atFilev2DestinationDevice are set to TFTP 6 - the combination of source device, stackID and filename is the same as the destination device, stackID and filename (i.e. it is not valid to move a file onto itself. Provided all above requirements are met, immediately upon executing the SNMP set, the device will indicate that it was a success. The actual file move itself will be started and continue on the device until it has completed. For large files, operations can take several minutes to complete. Subsequent reads of the object will return one of messages shown in the first table, to allow for tracking of the progress of the move operation." ::= { atFilev2FileOperation 8 } -- atFilev2DeleteBegin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A read on this object can return several possible values, depending on the current status of the system and the various file operation objects: idle There is no file operation in progress and all required objects have been set correctly. Setting a '1' to this object will begin the file deletion. Error codes: [1-3] A delete operation cannot be started until these errors are resolved. See below for key. [action]ing x [--> y] A file operation is currently in progress. You cannot start another operation while the object is returning this value. [action] x [--> y] success The last copy, move or delete operation was successfully completed. [action] x [--> y] failure: [err] The last copy, move or delete operation failed, with the error message attached. Common failures include lack of space on the destination file system, incorrect source file names or communication errors with remote services. Upon reading a success or failure message, the message will be cleared and the next read will result in either an 'idle' message or an 'Error codes' message if not all required objects have been correctly set. If the read returned 'idle', a new file operation can now be started. File deletion operations ignore the values set in the atFilev2DestinationStackID, atFilev2DestinationDevice and atFilev2DestinationFilename objects. The file deletion operation is equivalent to the CLI 'delete force [file]' command, so it is possible to delete any normally-protected system files, such as the currently configured boot release. Error codes for file deletion: 1 - atFilev2SourceDevice has not been set 2 - atFilev2SourceFilename has not been set 3 - atFilev2SourceDevice has been set to TFTP Provided all above requirements are met, immediately upon executing the SNMP set, the device will indicate that it was a success. The actual file deletion itself will be started and continue on the device until it has completed. For large files, operations can take several minutes to complete. Subsequent reads of the object will return one of messages shown in the first table, to allow for tracking of the progress of the delete operation." ::= { atFilev2FileOperation 9 } -- Begin file operation devices. -- atFilev2Flash1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER::= { atFilev2FileOperation 10 } -- atFilev2Card2 OBJECT IDENTIFIER::= { atFilev2FileOperation 11 } -- atFilev2Nvs3 OBJECT IDENTIFIER::= { atFilev2FileOperation 12 } -- atFilev2Tftp4 OBJECT IDENTIFIER::= { atFilev2FileOperation 13 } -- atFilev2TftpIPAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP address of the TFTP server that is to be used for the file copy process. This IP address needs to be reachable from the device or the file copy will fail." ::= { atFilev2Tftp4 1 } -- End file operation devices. -- ---------------------------------------------------------- -- -- The SD Card Table -- ---------------------------------------------------------- -- -- atFilev2SDcardTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AtFilev2SDcardEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of information about SD cards." ::= { atFilev2 4 } -- atFilev2SDcardEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AtFilev2SDcardEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Data pertaining to an SD card instance." INDEX { atFilev2SDcardStackMemberId } ::= { atFilev2SDcardTable 1 } AtFilev2SDcardEntry ::= SEQUENCE { atFilev2SDcardStackMemberId Unsigned32, atFilev2SDcardPresence INTEGER } -- atFilev2SDcardStackMemberId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of the stack member hosting this SD card." ::= { atFilev2SDcardEntry 1 } -- atFilev2SDcardPresence OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notPresent(1), present(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates whether or not an SD card is inserted into a slot." ::= { atFilev2SDcardEntry 2 } -- Add any new devices to the bottom as required. END -- -- at-filev2.mib --