"); if ($_SESSION['userlevel'] < '10') { include("includes/error-no-perm.inc.php"); } else { echo("

Add User

"); $pagetitle[] = "Add user"; if (auth_usermanagement()) { if ($_POST['action'] == "add") { if ($_POST['new_username']) { if (!user_exists($_POST['new_username'])) { if (isset($_POST['can_modify_passwd'])) { $_POST['can_modify_passwd'] = 1; } else { $_POST['can_modify_passwd'] = 0; } # FIXME: missing email field here on the form if (adduser($_POST['new_username'], $_POST['new_password'], $_POST['new_level'], '', $_POST['realname'], $_POST['can_modify_passwd'])) { echo("User " . $_POST['username'] . " added!"); } } else { echo('
User with this name already exists!
'); } } else { echo('
Please enter a username!
'); } } echo("
"); echo("Username
"); ?> Password
Please enter a password!
"); } echo("Realname
"); echo("Level
"); echo(" Allow the user to change his password.

"); echo(" "); echo("
"); } else { echo('Auth module does not allow user management!
'); } } echo(""); ?>