-- -- Converted to SMIv2 rfc 2578,2579,2580 - STD 58 -- ATMF-CES-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS enterprises, Counter32, Integer32, OBJECT-TYPE, MODULE-IDENTITY FROM SNMPv2-SMI ifIndex FROM IF-MIB; atmfCESmib MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "9911060000z" ORGANIZATION "The ATM Forum" CONTACT-INFO "Postal: The ATM Forum 2570 West El Camino Real, Suite 304 Mountain View, CA 94040-1313 USA Phone: +1 415-949-6700 Fax: +1 415-949-6705 info@atmforum.com" DESCRIPTION "Circuit Emulation Specification" ::= { enterprises atmForum(353) atmForumNetworkManagement(5) 2 } -- an OBJECT IDENTIFIER for all ATM Forum circuit emulation MIBs -- has been assigned as a branch from the Forum Network Management -- tree. The DS1/E1 Circuit Emulation specification is attached -- as the first branch from the overall atmfCESmib object. Future -- branches may be added in the future for further CES work, for -- example, DS3/E3 circuit emulation. atmfDS1E1CESmib OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { atmfCESmib 1 } -- this is the MIB module for the ATM Forum DS1/E1 Circuit Emulation -- Interworking Function objects -- the following TEXTUAL-CONVENTIONS are used to link the CES -- interworking function to ATM interface port, plus the -- associated VPI and VCI. atmfDS1E1CESConfTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AtmfDS1E1CESConfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The CES configuration table. This includes mapping channels from ATM Port to CBR interfaces. There is one atmfDS1E1CESConfEntry per CES Entity" ::= { atmfDS1E1CESmib 1 } atmfDS1E1CESConfEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AtmfDS1E1CESConfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the CES table. For each entry there is a corresponding entry in the stack table" INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { atmfDS1E1CESConfTable 1 } AtmfDS1E1CESConfEntry ::= SEQUENCE { atmfDS1E1CESMapATMIndex Integer32, atmfDS1E1CESMapVPI Integer32, atmfDS1E1CESMapVCI Integer32, atmfDS1E1CESCBRService INTEGER, atmfDS1E1CESCBRClockMode INTEGER, atmfDS1E1CESCas INTEGER, atmfDS1E1CESPartialFill Integer32, atmfDS1E1CESBufMaxSize Integer32, atmfDS1E1CESCDVRxT Integer32, atmfDS1E1CESCellLossIntegrationPeriod Integer32 } atmfDS1E1CESMapATMIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object is equal to MIB II's ifIndex value of the ATM Port interface mapped through this CES to a CBR interface." ::= { atmfDS1E1CESConfEntry 1 } atmfDS1E1CESMapVPI OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object is equal to the VPI used for the emulated circuit represented by this entry in the ifTable. If there is no connection, this object is meaningless and will have the value zero." ::= { atmfDS1E1CESConfEntry 2 } atmfDS1E1CESMapVCI OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object is equal to the VCI used for the emulated circuit represented by this entry in the ifTable. If there is no connection, this object is meaningless and will have the value zero" ::= { atmfDS1E1CESConfEntry 3 } atmfDS1E1CESCBRService OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unstructured(1), structured(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Define if DS1/E1 service as structured or not. A structured(2) interface is some nx64Kbps. An unstructured (1) interface is 1.544Mbps or 2.048Mbps. unstructured(1) passes all bits through the ATM network. strucutured(2) passes data bits through the ATM network, and may also pass signalling bits" ::= { atmfDS1E1CESConfEntry 4 } atmfDS1E1CESCBRClockMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { synchronous(1), srts(2), adaptive(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Define if DS1/E1 service clocking mode. This maps into transmit clock source of CBR interface." DEFVAL { synchronous } ::= { atmfDS1E1CESConfEntry 5 } atmfDS1E1CESCas OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { basic (1), e1Cas (2), ds1SfCas (3), ds1EsfCas (4) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This parameter selects which AAL1 Format should be used: Basic does not carry CAS bits, and uses a single 125 usec frame. E1Cas, Ds1SfCas and DS1EsfCas carry CAS bits in a multiframe structure for E1, DS1 SF and DS1 ESF respectively. This applies to structured interfaces only. Default is Basic (1)." DEFVAL { basic } ::= { atmfDS1E1CESConfEntry 6 } atmfDS1E1CESPartialFill OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..47) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If partial cell fill is used, the number of user octets per cell must be set with this parameter. Setting this parameter to zero disables partial cell fill, and causes all cells to be completely filled before they are sent." DEFVAL { 0 } -- Partial Cell Fill not used ::= { atmfDS1E1CESConfEntry 7 } atmfDS1E1CESBufMaxSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..65536) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Define maximum size in octets of the reassembly buffer. Some implementations may want allow the maximum buffer size to programmed to a size less than the physical limit to reduce the maximum delay through a circuit." DEFVAL { 256 } ::= { atmfDS1E1CESConfEntry 8 } atmfDS1E1CESCDVRxT OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "UNITS `10usec'. The maximum cell arrival jitter in 10usec increments that the reassembly process will tolerate in the cell stream without producing errors in the CBR service interface" DEFVAL { 100 } ::= { atmfDS1E1CESConfEntry 9 } atmfDS1E1CESCellLossIntegrationPeriod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1000..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time in milliseconds for the cell loss integration period. If a cells are lost for this period of time. atmfDS1E1CESCellLossStatus is set to loss (2).The mandatory definition is 2500 UNITS `msec'" DEFVAL { 2500 } ::= { atmfDS1E1CESConfEntry 10 } atmfDS1E1CESStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AtmfDS1E1CESStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The CES AAL1 statistical data table." ::= { atmfDS1E1CESmib 2 } atmfDS1E1CESStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AtmfDS1E1CESStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the CES AAL1 Stats table." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { atmfDS1E1CESStatsTable 1 } AtmfDS1E1CESStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { atmfDS1E1CESReassCells Counter32, atmfDS1E1CESHdrErrors Counter32, atmfDS1E1CESPointerReframes Counter32, atmfDS1E1CESLostCells Counter32, atmfDS1E1CESBufUnderflows Counter32, atmfDS1E1CESBufOverflows Counter32, atmfDS1E1CESCellLossStatus INTEGER } atmfDS1E1CESReassCells OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This count gives the number of cells played out to the DS1/E1 Service Interface. It excludes cells that were discarded for any reason, including cells that were not used due to being declared misinserted, or discarded while the reassembler was waiting to achieve synchronization." ::= { atmfDS1E1CESStatsEntry 1 } atmfDS1E1CESHdrErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The count of the number of AAL1 header errors detected and possibly corrected. Header errors include correctable and uncorrectable CRC, plus bad parity." ::= { atmfDS1E1CESStatsEntry 2 } atmfDS1E1CESPointerReframes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This records the count of the number of events in which the AAL1 reassembler found that an SDT pointer is not where it is expected, and the pointer must be reacquired." ::= { atmfDS1E1CESStatsEntry 3 } atmfDS1E1CESLostCells OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of lost cells." ::= { atmfDS1E1CESStatsEntry 4 } atmfDS1E1CESBufUnderflows OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of buffer underflows." ::= { atmfDS1E1CESStatsEntry 5 } atmfDS1E1CESBufOverflows OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of buffer overflows." ::= { atmfDS1E1CESStatsEntry 6 } atmfDS1E1CESCellLossStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noLoss(1), loss(2), idle(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When cells are lost for the number of milliseconds specified by atmfDS1E1CESCellLossIntegrationPeriod, the value is set to loss (2). When cells are no longer lost, the value is set to noLoss (1). An additional variable idle os added to indicate cbrct connections status of Idle." ::= { atmfDS1E1CESStatsEntry 7 } END