-- file: HDSL2-SHDSL-LINE-MIB.my -- Extracted from RFC3276 by MG-SOFT Corp. -- Changes: -- No changes needed. -- http://www.mg-soft.com/ HDSL2-SHDSL-LINE-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Counter32, Unsigned32, Gauge32, NOTIFICATION-TYPE, Integer32, transmission FROM SNMPv2-SMI RowStatus, TEXTUAL-CONVENTION FROM SNMPv2-TC ifIndex FROM IF-MIB PerfCurrentCount, PerfIntervalCount FROM PerfHist-TC-MIB SnmpAdminString FROM SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB MODULE-COMPLIANCE, OBJECT-GROUP, NOTIFICATION-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF; hdsl2ShdslMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200205090000Z" -- May 9, 2002 ORGANIZATION "ADSLMIB Working Group" CONTACT-INFO "WG-email: adslmib@ietf.org Info: https://www1.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/adslmib Chair: Mike Sneed Postal: P.O. Box 37324 Raleigh NC 27627-7324 Email: sneedmike@hotmail.com Co-editor: Bob Ray PESA Switching Systems, Inc. Postal: 330-A Wynn Drive Huntsville, AL 35805 USA Email: rray@pesa.com Phone: +1 256 726 9200 ext. 142 Co-editor: Rajesh Abbi Alcatel USA Postal: 2912 Wake Forest Road Raleigh, NC 27609-7860 USA Email: Rajesh.Abbi@alcatel.com Phone: +1 919 850 6194 " DESCRIPTION "This MIB module defines a collection of objects for managing HDSL2/SHDSL lines. An agent may reside at either end of the line, however the MIB is designed to require no management communication between the modems beyond that inherent in the low-level EOC line protocol as defined in ANSI T1E1.4/2000-006 (for HDSL2 lines), or in ITU G.991.2 (for SHDSL lines)." REVISION "200205090000Z" -- May 9, 2002 DESCRIPTION "Initial version, published as RFC 3276." ::= { transmission 48 } hdsl2ShdslMibObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hdsl2ShdslMIB 1 } -- Textual Conventions used in this MIB -- Hdsl2ShdslPerfCurrDayCount ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A gauge associated with interface performance measurements in a current 1-day (24 hour) measurement interval. The value of this gauge starts at zero at the beginning of an interval and is increased when associated events occur, until the end of the 1-day interval. At that time the value of the gauge is stored in the previous 1-day history interval, as defined in a companion object of type Hdsl2Shdsl1DayIntevalCount, and the current interval gauge is restarted at zero. In the case where the agent has no valid data available for this interval the corresponding object instance is not available and upon a retrieval request a corresponding error message shall be returned to indicate that this instance does not exist. Please note that zero is a valid value." SYNTAX Gauge32 Hdsl2Shdsl1DayIntervalCount ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A counter associated with interface performance measurements during the most previous 1-day (24 hour) measurement interval. The value of this gauge is equal to the value of the current day gauge, as defined in a companion object of type Hdsl2ShdslPerfCurrDayCount, at the end of its most recent interval. In the case where the agent has no valid data available for this interval the corresponding object instance is not available and upon a retrieval request a corresponding error message shall be returned to indicate that this instance does not exist." SYNTAX Gauge32 Hdsl2ShdslPerfTimeElapsed ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of seconds that have elapsed since the beginning of the current measurement period. If, for some reason, such as an adjustment in the system's time-of-day clock or the addition of a leap second, the current interval exceeds the maximum value, the agent will return the maximum value. For 15 minute intervals, the range is limited to (0..899). For 24 hour intervals, the range is limited to (0..86399)." SYNTAX Unsigned32(0..86399) Hdsl2ShdslPerfIntervalThreshold ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This convention defines a range of values that may be set in a fault threshold alarm control. As the number of seconds in a 15-minute interval numbers at most 900, objects of this type may have a range of 0...900, where the value of 0 disables the alarm." SYNTAX Unsigned32(0..900) Hdsl2ShdslUnitId ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the unique identification for all units in a HDSL2/SHDSL Span. It is based on the EOC unit addressing scheme with reference to the xtuC." SYNTAX INTEGER { xtuC(1), xtuR(2), xru1(3), xru2(4), xru3(5), xru4(6), xru5(7), xru6(8), xru7(9), xru8(10) } Hdsl2ShdslUnitSide ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the referenced side of a HDSL2/SHDSL unit - Network or Customer side. The side facing the Network is the Network side, while the side facing the Customer is the Customer side." SYNTAX INTEGER { networkSide(1), customerSide(2) } Hdsl2ShdslWirePair ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the referenced pair of wires in a HDSL2/SHDSL Segment. HDSL2 only supports a single pair (wirePair1), while SHDSL supports an optional second pair (wirePair2)." SYNTAX INTEGER { wirePair1(1), wirePair2(2) } Hdsl2ShdslTransmissionModeType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Contains the regional setting of the HDSL2/SHDSL span, represented as a bit-map of possible settings. The various bit positions are: Bit Meaning Description 1 region 1 Indicates ITU-T G.991.2 Annex A. 2 region 2 Indicates ITU-T G.991.2 Annex B." SYNTAX BITS { region1(0), region2(1) } Hdsl2ShdslClockReferenceType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The various STU-C symbol clock references for the HDSL2/SHDSL span, represented as an enumeration." SYNTAX INTEGER { localClk(1), -- Mode-1 per G991.2 networkClk(2), -- Mode-2 per G991.2 dataOrNetworkClk(3), -- Mode-3a per G991.2 dataClk(4) -- Mode-3b per G991.2 } -- Span Configuration Group -- hdsl2ShdslSpanConfTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hdsl2ShdslSpanConfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table supports overall configuration of HDSL2/SHDSL Spans. Entries in this table MUST be maintained in a persistent manner." ::= { hdsl2ShdslMibObjects 1 } hdsl2ShdslSpanConfEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hdsl2ShdslSpanConfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the hdsl2ShdslSpanConfTable. Each entry represents the complete Span in a single HDSL2/SHDSL line. It is indexed by the ifIndex of the associated HDSL2/SHDSL line." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { hdsl2ShdslSpanConfTable 1 } Hdsl2ShdslSpanConfEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hdsl2ShdslSpanConfNumRepeaters Unsigned32, hdsl2ShdslSpanConfProfile SnmpAdminString, hdsl2ShdslSpanConfAlarmProfile SnmpAdminString } hdsl2ShdslSpanConfNumRepeaters OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32(0..8) UNITS "repeaters" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object provisions the number of repeaters/regenerators in this HDSL2/SHDSL Span." ::= { hdsl2ShdslSpanConfEntry 1 } hdsl2ShdslSpanConfProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(1..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is a pointer to a span configuration profile in the hdsl2ShdslSpanConfProfileTable, which applies to this span. The value of this object is the index of the referenced profile in the hdsl2ShdslSpanConfProfileTable. Note that span configuration profiles are only applicable to SHDSL lines. HDSL2 lines MUST reference the default profile, 'DEFVAL'. By default, this object will have the value 'DEFVAL' (the index of the default profile). Any attempt to set this object to a value that is not the value of the index for an active entry in the profile table, hdsl2ShdslSpanConfProfileTable, MUST be rejected." ::= { hdsl2ShdslSpanConfEntry 2 } hdsl2ShdslSpanConfAlarmProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(1..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is a pointer to an Alarm configuration profile in the hdsl2ShdslEndpointAlarmConfProfileTable. The value of this object is the index of the referenced profile in the hdsl2ShdslEndpointAlarmConfProfileTable. The alarm threshold configuration in the referenced profile will be used by default for all segment endpoints in this span. Individual endpoints may override this profile by explicitly specifying some other profile in the hdsl2ShdslEndpointConfTable. By default, this object will have the value 'DEFVAL' (the index of the default profile). Any attempt to set this object to a value that is not the value of the index for an active entry in the profile table, hdsl2ShdslEndpointAlarmConfProfileTable, MUST be rejected." ::= { hdsl2ShdslSpanConfEntry 3 } -- Span Status Group -- hdsl2ShdslSpanStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hdsl2ShdslSpanStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table provides overall status information of HDSL2/SHDSL spans. This table contains live data from equipment. As such, it is NOT persistent." ::= { hdsl2ShdslMibObjects 2 } hdsl2ShdslSpanStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hdsl2ShdslSpanStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the hdsl2ShdslSpanStatusTable. Each entry represents the complete span in a single HDSL2/SHDSL line. It is indexed by the ifIndex of the associated HDSL2/SHDSL line." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { hdsl2ShdslSpanStatusTable 1 } Hdsl2ShdslSpanStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hdsl2ShdslStatusNumAvailRepeaters Unsigned32, hdsl2ShdslStatusMaxAttainableLineRate Unsigned32, hdsl2ShdslStatusActualLineRate Unsigned32, hdsl2ShdslStatusTransmissionModeCurrent Hdsl2ShdslTransmissionModeType } hdsl2ShdslStatusNumAvailRepeaters OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32(0..8) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Contains the actual number of repeaters/regenerators discovered in this HDSL2/SHDSL span." ::= { hdsl2ShdslSpanStatusEntry 1 } hdsl2ShdslStatusMaxAttainableLineRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32(0..4112000) UNITS "bps" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Contains the maximum attainable line rate in this HDSL2/SHDSL span. This object provides the maximum rate the line is capable of achieving. This is based upon measurements made during line probing." ::= { hdsl2ShdslSpanStatusEntry 2 } hdsl2ShdslStatusActualLineRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32(0..4112000) UNITS "bps" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Contains the actual line rate in this HDSL2/SHDSL span. This should equal ifSpeed." ::= { hdsl2ShdslSpanStatusEntry 3 } hdsl2ShdslStatusTransmissionModeCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hdsl2ShdslTransmissionModeType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Contains the current Power Spectral Density (PSD) regional setting of the HDSL2/SHDSL span." ::= { hdsl2ShdslSpanStatusEntry 4 } -- Unit Inventory Group -- hdsl2ShdslInventoryTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hdsl2ShdslInventoryEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table supports retrieval of unit inventory information available via the EOC from units in a HDSL2/SHDSL line. Entries in this table are dynamically created during the line discovery process. The life cycle for these entries is as follows: - xtu discovers a device, either a far-end xtu or an xru - an inventory table entry is created for the device - the line goes down for whatever reason - inventory table entries for unreachable devices are destroyed. As these entries are created/destroyed dynamically, they are NOT persistent." ::= { hdsl2ShdslMibObjects 3 } hdsl2ShdslInventoryEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hdsl2ShdslInventoryEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the hdsl2ShdslInventoryTable. Each entry represents inventory information for a single unit in a HDSL2/SHDSL line. It is indexed by the ifIndex of the HDSL2/SHDSL line and the Hdsl2ShdslUnitId of the associated unit." INDEX { ifIndex, hdsl2ShdslInvIndex } ::= { hdsl2ShdslInventoryTable 1 } Hdsl2ShdslInventoryEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hdsl2ShdslInvIndex Hdsl2ShdslUnitId, hdsl2ShdslInvVendorID OCTET STRING, hdsl2ShdslInvVendorModelNumber OCTET STRING, hdsl2ShdslInvVendorSerialNumber OCTET STRING, hdsl2ShdslInvVendorEOCSoftwareVersion Integer32, hdsl2ShdslInvStandardVersion Integer32, hdsl2ShdslInvVendorListNumber OCTET STRING, hdsl2ShdslInvVendorIssueNumber OCTET STRING, hdsl2ShdslInvVendorSoftwareVersion OCTET STRING, hdsl2ShdslInvEquipmentCode OCTET STRING, hdsl2ShdslInvVendorOther OCTET STRING, hdsl2ShdslInvTransmissionModeCapability Hdsl2ShdslTransmissionModeType } hdsl2ShdslInvIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hdsl2ShdslUnitId MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each entry in this table corresponds to a physical element in a HDSL2/SHDSL Span. It is based on the EOC unit addressing scheme with reference to the xtuC." ::= { hdsl2ShdslInventoryEntry 1 } hdsl2ShdslInvVendorID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(8)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Vendor ID as reported in an Inventory Response message." ::= { hdsl2ShdslInventoryEntry 2 } hdsl2ShdslInvVendorModelNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(12)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Vendor model number as reported in an Inventory Response message." ::= { hdsl2ShdslInventoryEntry 3 } hdsl2ShdslInvVendorSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(12)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Vendor serial number as reported in an Inventory Response message." ::= { hdsl2ShdslInventoryEntry 4 } hdsl2ShdslInvVendorEOCSoftwareVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Vendor EOC version as reported in a Discovery Response message." ::= { hdsl2ShdslInventoryEntry 5 } hdsl2ShdslInvStandardVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Version of the HDSL2/SHDSL standard implemented, as reported in an Inventory Response message." ::= { hdsl2ShdslInventoryEntry 6 } hdsl2ShdslInvVendorListNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(3)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Vendor list number as reported in an Inventory Response message." ::= { hdsl2ShdslInventoryEntry 7 } hdsl2ShdslInvVendorIssueNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(2)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Vendor issue number as reported in an Inventory Response message." ::= { hdsl2ShdslInventoryEntry 8 } hdsl2ShdslInvVendorSoftwareVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(6)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Vendor software version as reported in an Inventory Response message." ::= { hdsl2ShdslInventoryEntry 9 } hdsl2ShdslInvEquipmentCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(10)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Equipment code conforming to ANSI T1.213, Coded Identification of Equipment Entities." ::= { hdsl2ShdslInventoryEntry 10 } hdsl2ShdslInvVendorOther OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(12)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Other vendor information as reported in an Inventory Response message." ::= { hdsl2ShdslInventoryEntry 11 } hdsl2ShdslInvTransmissionModeCapability OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hdsl2ShdslTransmissionModeType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Contains the transmission mode capability of the SHDSL unit." ::= { hdsl2ShdslInventoryEntry 12 } -- Segment Endpoint Configuration Group -- hdsl2ShdslEndpointConfTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hdsl2ShdslEndpointConfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table supports configuration parameters for segment endpoints in a HDSL2/SHDSL line. As this table is indexed by ifIndex, it MUST be maintained in a persistent manner." ::= { hdsl2ShdslMibObjects 4 } hdsl2ShdslEndpointConfEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hdsl2ShdslEndpointConfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the hdsl2ShdslEndpointConfTable. Each entry represents a single segment endpoint in a HDSL2/SHDSL line. It is indexed by the ifIndex of the HDSL2/SHDSL line, the UnitId of the associated unit, the side of the unit, and the wire-pair of the associated modem." INDEX { ifIndex, hdsl2ShdslInvIndex, hdsl2ShdslEndpointSide, hdsl2ShdslEndpointWirePair} ::= { hdsl2ShdslEndpointConfTable 1 } Hdsl2ShdslEndpointConfEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hdsl2ShdslEndpointSide Hdsl2ShdslUnitSide, hdsl2ShdslEndpointWirePair Hdsl2ShdslWirePair, hdsl2ShdslEndpointAlarmConfProfile SnmpAdminString } hdsl2ShdslEndpointSide OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hdsl2ShdslUnitSide MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The side of the unit associated with this segment endpoint - Network/Customer side - as per the Hdsl2ShdslUnitSide textual convention." ::= { hdsl2ShdslEndpointConfEntry 1 } hdsl2ShdslEndpointWirePair OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hdsl2ShdslWirePair MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The wire-pair of the modem associated with this segment endpoint as per the Hdsl2ShdslWirePair textual convention." ::= { hdsl2ShdslEndpointConfEntry 2 } hdsl2ShdslEndpointAlarmConfProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object configures the alarm threshold values to be used for this segment endpoint. The values are obtained from the alarm configuration profile referenced by this object. The value of this object is the index of the referenced profile in the hdsl2ShdslEndpointAlarmConfProfileTable, or NULL (a zero- length SnmpAdminString). If the value is a zero-length SnmpAdminString, the endpoint uses the default Alarm Configuration Profile for the associated span as per the hdsl2ShdslSpanConfAlarmProfile object in the hdsl2ShdslSpanConfTable. The default value of this object is a zero-length SnmpAdminString. Any attempt to set this object to a value that is not the value of the index for an active entry in the profile table, hdsl2ShdslEndpointAlarmConfProfileTable, MUST be rejected." ::= { hdsl2ShdslEndpointConfEntry 3 } -- Segment Endpoint Current Status/Performance Group -- hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains current status and performance information for segment endpoints in HDSL2/SHDSL Lines. As with other tables in this MIB indexed by ifIndex, entries in this table MUST be maintained in a persistent manner." ::= { hdsl2ShdslMibObjects 5 } hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurrTable. Each entry contains status and performance information relating to a single segment endpoint. It is indexed by the ifIndex of the HDSL2/SHDSL line, the UnitId of the associated unit, the side of the unit, and the wire-pair of the associated modem." INDEX { ifIndex, hdsl2ShdslInvIndex, hdsl2ShdslEndpointSide, hdsl2ShdslEndpointWirePair } ::= { hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurrTable 1 } Hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurrAtn Integer32, hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurrSnrMgn Integer32, hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurrStatus BITS, hdsl2ShdslEndpointES Counter32, hdsl2ShdslEndpointSES Counter32, hdsl2ShdslEndpointCRCanomalies Counter32, hdsl2ShdslEndpointLOSWS Counter32, hdsl2ShdslEndpointUAS Counter32, hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurr15MinTimeElapsed Hdsl2ShdslPerfTimeElapsed, hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurr15MinES PerfCurrentCount, hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurr15MinSES PerfCurrentCount, hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurr15MinCRCanomalies PerfCurrentCount, hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurr15MinLOSWS PerfCurrentCount, hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurr15MinUAS PerfCurrentCount, hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurr1DayTimeElapsed Hdsl2ShdslPerfTimeElapsed, hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurr1DayES Hdsl2ShdslPerfCurrDayCount, hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurr1DaySES Hdsl2ShdslPerfCurrDayCount, hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurr1DayCRCanomalies Hdsl2ShdslPerfCurrDayCount, hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurr1DayLOSWS Hdsl2ShdslPerfCurrDayCount, hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurr1DayUAS Hdsl2ShdslPerfCurrDayCount } hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurrAtn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(-127..128) UNITS "dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current loop attenuation for this endpoint as reported in a Network or Customer Side Performance Status message." REFERENCE "HDSL2 Section; SHDSL Section" ::= { hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurrEntry 1 } hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurrSnrMgn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(-127..128) UNITS "dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current SNR margin for this endpoint as reported in a Status Response/SNR message." REFERENCE "HDSL2 Section; SHDSL Section" ::= { hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurrEntry 2 } hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurrStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { noDefect(0), powerBackoff(1), deviceFault(2), dcContinuityFault(3), snrMarginAlarm(4), loopAttenuationAlarm(5), loswFailureAlarm(6), configInitFailure(7), protocolInitFailure(8), noNeighborPresent(9), loopbackActive(10) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Contains the current state of the endpoint. This is a bitmap of possible conditions. The various bit positions are: noDefect There no defects on the line. powerBackoff Indicates enhanced Power Backoff. deviceFault Indicates a vendor-dependent diagnostic or self-test fault has been detected. dcContinuityFault Indicates vendor-dependent conditions that interfere with span powering such as short and open circuits. snrMarginAlarm Indicates that the SNR margin has dropped below the alarm threshold. loopAttenuationAlarm Indicates that the loop attenuation exceeds the alarm threshold. loswFailureAlarm Indicates a forward LOSW alarm. configInitFailure Endpoint failure during initialization due to paired endpoint not able to support requested configuration. protocolInitFailure Endpoint failure during initialization due to incompatible protocol used by the paired endpoint. noNeighborPresent Endpoint failure during initialization due to no activation sequence detected from paired endpoint. loopbackActive A loopback is currently active at this Segment Endpoint. This is intended to supplement ifOperStatus. Note that there is a 1-1 relationship between the status bits defined in this object and the notification thresholds defined elsewhere in this MIB." REFERENCE "HDSL2 Section; SHDSL Section" ::= { hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurrEntry 3 } hdsl2ShdslEndpointES OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of Errored Seconds (ES) on this endpoint since the xU was last restarted." REFERENCE "HDSL2 Section; SHDSL Section" ::= { hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurrEntry 4 } hdsl2ShdslEndpointSES OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of Severely Errored Seconds (SES) on this endpoint since the xU was last restarted." REFERENCE "HDSL2 Section; SHDSL Section" ::= { hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurrEntry 5 } hdsl2ShdslEndpointCRCanomalies OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "detected CRC Anomalies" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of CRC anomalies on this endpoint since the xU was last restarted." REFERENCE "HDSL2 Section; SHDSL Section" ::= { hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurrEntry 6 } hdsl2ShdslEndpointLOSWS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of Loss of Sync Word (LOSW) Seconds on this endpoint since the xU was last restarted." REFERENCE "HDSL2 Section; SHDSL Section" ::= { hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurrEntry 7 } hdsl2ShdslEndpointUAS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of Unavailable Seconds (UAS) on this endpoint since the xU was last restarted." REFERENCE "HDSL2 Section; SHDSL Section" ::= { hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurrEntry 8 } hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurr15MinTimeElapsed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hdsl2ShdslPerfTimeElapsed UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total elapsed seconds in the current 15-minute interval." ::= { hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurrEntry 9 } hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurr15MinES OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerfCurrentCount UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of Errored Seconds (ES) in the current 15-minute interval." REFERENCE "HDSL2 Section; SHDSL Section" ::= { hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurrEntry 10 } hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurr15MinSES OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerfCurrentCount UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of Severely Errored Seconds (SES) in the current 15-minute interval." REFERENCE "HDSL2 Section; SHDSL Section" ::= { hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurrEntry 11 } hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurr15MinCRCanomalies OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerfCurrentCount UNITS "detected CRC Anomalies" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of CRC anomalies in the current 15-minute interval." REFERENCE "HDSL2 Section; SHDSL Section" ::= { hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurrEntry 12 } hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurr15MinLOSWS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerfCurrentCount UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of Loss of Sync Word (LOSW) Seconds in the current 15-minute interval." REFERENCE "HDSL2 Section; SHDSL Section" ::= { hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurrEntry 13 } hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurr15MinUAS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerfCurrentCount UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of Unavailable Seconds (UAS) in the current 15-minute interval." REFERENCE "HDSL2 Section; SHDSL Section" ::= { hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurrEntry 14 } hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurr1DayTimeElapsed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hdsl2ShdslPerfTimeElapsed UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of seconds that have elapsed since the beginning of the current 1-day interval." ::= { hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurrEntry 15 } hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurr1DayES OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hdsl2ShdslPerfCurrDayCount UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of Errored Seconds (ES) during the current day as measured by hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurr1DayTimeElapsed." REFERENCE "HDSL2 Section; SHDSL Section" ::= { hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurrEntry 16 } hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurr1DaySES OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hdsl2ShdslPerfCurrDayCount UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of Severely Errored Seconds (SES) during the current day as measured by hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurr1DayTimeElapsed." REFERENCE "HDSL2 Section; SHDSL Section" ::= { hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurrEntry 17 } hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurr1DayCRCanomalies OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hdsl2ShdslPerfCurrDayCount UNITS "detected CRC Anomalies" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of CRC anomalies during the current day as measured by hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurr1DayTimeElapsed." REFERENCE "HDSL2 Section; SHDSL Section" ::= { hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurrEntry 18 } hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurr1DayLOSWS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hdsl2ShdslPerfCurrDayCount UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of Loss of Sync Word (LOSW) Seconds during the current day as measured by hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurr1DayTimeElapsed." REFERENCE "HDSL2 Section; SHDSL Section" ::= { hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurrEntry 19 } hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurr1DayUAS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hdsl2ShdslPerfCurrDayCount UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of Unavailable Seconds (UAS) during the current day as measured by hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurr1DayTimeElapsed." REFERENCE "HDSL2 Section; SHDSL Section" ::= { hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurrEntry 20 } -- Segment Endpoint 15-Minute Interval Status/Performance Group -- hdsl2Shdsl15MinIntervalTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hdsl2Shdsl15MinIntervalEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table provides one row for each HDSL2/SHDSL endpoint performance data collection interval. This table contains live data from equipment. As such, it is NOT persistent." ::= { hdsl2ShdslMibObjects 6 } hdsl2Shdsl15MinIntervalEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hdsl2Shdsl15MinIntervalEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the hdsl2Shdsl15MinIntervalTable." INDEX { ifIndex, hdsl2ShdslInvIndex, hdsl2ShdslEndpointSide, hdsl2ShdslEndpointWirePair, hdsl2Shdsl15MinIntervalNumber} ::= { hdsl2Shdsl15MinIntervalTable 1 } Hdsl2Shdsl15MinIntervalEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hdsl2Shdsl15MinIntervalNumber Unsigned32, hdsl2Shdsl15MinIntervalES PerfIntervalCount, hdsl2Shdsl15MinIntervalSES PerfIntervalCount, hdsl2Shdsl15MinIntervalCRCanomalies PerfIntervalCount, hdsl2Shdsl15MinIntervalLOSWS PerfIntervalCount, hdsl2Shdsl15MinIntervalUAS PerfIntervalCount } hdsl2Shdsl15MinIntervalNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32(1..96) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Performance Data Interval number. 1 is the the most recent previous interval; interval 96 is 24 hours ago. Intervals 2..96 are optional." ::= { hdsl2Shdsl15MinIntervalEntry 1 } hdsl2Shdsl15MinIntervalES OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerfIntervalCount UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of Errored Seconds (ES) during the interval." REFERENCE "HDSL2 Section; SHDSL Section" ::= { hdsl2Shdsl15MinIntervalEntry 2 } hdsl2Shdsl15MinIntervalSES OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerfIntervalCount UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of Severely Errored Seconds (SES) during the interval." REFERENCE "HDSL2 Section; SHDSL Section" ::= { hdsl2Shdsl15MinIntervalEntry 3 } hdsl2Shdsl15MinIntervalCRCanomalies OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerfIntervalCount UNITS "detected CRC Anomalies" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of CRC anomalies during the interval." REFERENCE "HDSL2 Section; SHDSL Section" ::= { hdsl2Shdsl15MinIntervalEntry 4 } hdsl2Shdsl15MinIntervalLOSWS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerfIntervalCount UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of Loss of Sync Word (LOSW) Seconds during the interval." REFERENCE "HDSL2 Section; SHDSL Section" ::= { hdsl2Shdsl15MinIntervalEntry 5 } hdsl2Shdsl15MinIntervalUAS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerfIntervalCount UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of Unavailable Seconds (UAS) during the interval." REFERENCE "HDSL2 Section; SHDSL Section" ::= { hdsl2Shdsl15MinIntervalEntry 6 } -- Segment Endpoint 1-Day Interval Status/Performance Group -- hdsl2Shdsl1DayIntervalTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hdsl2Shdsl1DayIntervalEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table provides one row for each HDSL2/SHDSL endpoint performance data collection interval. This table contains live data from equipment. As such, it is NOT persistent." ::= { hdsl2ShdslMibObjects 7 } hdsl2Shdsl1DayIntervalEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hdsl2Shdsl1DayIntervalEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the hdsl2Shdsl1DayIntervalTable." INDEX { ifIndex, hdsl2ShdslInvIndex, hdsl2ShdslEndpointSide, hdsl2ShdslEndpointWirePair, hdsl2Shdsl1DayIntervalNumber } ::= { hdsl2Shdsl1DayIntervalTable 1 } Hdsl2Shdsl1DayIntervalEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hdsl2Shdsl1DayIntervalNumber Unsigned32, hdsl2Shdsl1DayIntervalMoniSecs Hdsl2ShdslPerfTimeElapsed, hdsl2Shdsl1DayIntervalES Hdsl2Shdsl1DayIntervalCount, hdsl2Shdsl1DayIntervalSES Hdsl2Shdsl1DayIntervalCount, hdsl2Shdsl1DayIntervalCRCanomalies Hdsl2Shdsl1DayIntervalCount, hdsl2Shdsl1DayIntervalLOSWS Hdsl2Shdsl1DayIntervalCount, hdsl2Shdsl1DayIntervalUAS Hdsl2Shdsl1DayIntervalCount } hdsl2Shdsl1DayIntervalNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32(1..30) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "History Data Interval number. Interval 1 is the the most recent previous day; interval 30 is 30 days ago. Intervals 2..30 are optional." ::= { hdsl2Shdsl1DayIntervalEntry 1 } hdsl2Shdsl1DayIntervalMoniSecs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hdsl2ShdslPerfTimeElapsed UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The amount of time in the 1-day interval over which the performance monitoring information is actually counted. This value will be the same as the interval duration except in a situation where performance monitoring data could not be collected for any reason." ::= { hdsl2Shdsl1DayIntervalEntry 2 } hdsl2Shdsl1DayIntervalES OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hdsl2Shdsl1DayIntervalCount UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of Errored Seconds (ES) during the 1-day interval as measured by hdsl2Shdsl1DayIntervalMoniSecs." REFERENCE "HDSL2 Section; SHDSL Section" ::= { hdsl2Shdsl1DayIntervalEntry 3 } hdsl2Shdsl1DayIntervalSES OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hdsl2Shdsl1DayIntervalCount UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of Severely Errored Seconds (SES) during the 1-day interval as measured by hdsl2Shdsl1DayIntervalMoniSecs." REFERENCE "HDSL2 Section; SHDSL Section" ::= { hdsl2Shdsl1DayIntervalEntry 4 } hdsl2Shdsl1DayIntervalCRCanomalies OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hdsl2Shdsl1DayIntervalCount UNITS "detected CRC Anomalies" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of CRC anomalies during the 1-day interval as measured by hdsl2Shdsl1DayIntervalMoniSecs." REFERENCE "HDSL2 Section; SHDSL Section" ::= { hdsl2Shdsl1DayIntervalEntry 5 } hdsl2Shdsl1DayIntervalLOSWS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hdsl2Shdsl1DayIntervalCount UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of Loss of Sync Word (LOSW) Seconds during the 1-day interval as measured by hdsl2Shdsl1DayIntervalMoniSecs." REFERENCE "HDSL2 Section; SHDSL Section" ::= { hdsl2Shdsl1DayIntervalEntry 6 } hdsl2Shdsl1DayIntervalUAS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hdsl2Shdsl1DayIntervalCount UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of Unavailable Seconds (UAS) during the 1-day interval as measured by hdsl2Shdsl1DayIntervalMoniSecs." REFERENCE "HDSL2 Section; SHDSL Section" ::= { hdsl2Shdsl1DayIntervalEntry 7 } -- Maintenance Group -- hdsl2ShdslEndpointMaintTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hdsl2ShdslEndpointMaintEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table supports maintenance operations (eg. loopbacks) to be performed on HDSL2/SHDSL segment endpoints. This table contains live data from equipment. As such, it is NOT persistent." ::= { hdsl2ShdslMibObjects 8 } hdsl2ShdslEndpointMaintEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hdsl2ShdslEndpointMaintEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the hdsl2ShdslEndpointMaintTable. Each entry corresponds to a single segment endpoint, and is indexed by the ifIndex of the HDSL2/SHDSL line, the UnitId of the associated unit and the side of the unit." INDEX { ifIndex, hdsl2ShdslInvIndex, hdsl2ShdslEndpointSide } ::= { hdsl2ShdslEndpointMaintTable 1 } Hdsl2ShdslEndpointMaintEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hdsl2ShdslMaintLoopbackConfig INTEGER, hdsl2ShdslMaintTipRingReversal INTEGER, hdsl2ShdslMaintPowerBackOff INTEGER, hdsl2ShdslMaintSoftRestart INTEGER } hdsl2ShdslMaintLoopbackConfig OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noLoopback(1), normalLoopback(2), specialLoopback(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object controls configuration of loopbacks for the associated segment endpoint. The status of the loopback is obtained via the hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurrStatus object." ::= { hdsl2ShdslEndpointMaintEntry 1 } hdsl2ShdslMaintTipRingReversal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(1), reversed(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the state of the tip/ring pair at the associated segment endpoint." ::= { hdsl2ShdslEndpointMaintEntry 2 } hdsl2ShdslMaintPowerBackOff OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { default(1), enhanced(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object configures the receiver at the associated segment endpoint to operate in default or enhanced power backoff mode." ::= { hdsl2ShdslEndpointMaintEntry 3 } hdsl2ShdslMaintSoftRestart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ready(1), restart(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object enables the manager to trigger a soft restart of the modem at the associated segment endpoint. The manager may only set this object to the 'restart(2)' value, which initiates a restart. The agent will perform a restart after approximately 5 seconds. Following the 5 second period, the agent will restore the object to the 'ready(1)' state." ::= { hdsl2ShdslEndpointMaintEntry 4 } hdsl2ShdslUnitMaintTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hdsl2ShdslUnitMaintEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table supports maintenance operations for units in a HDSL2/SHDSL line. Entries in this table MUST be maintained in a persistent manner." ::= { hdsl2ShdslMibObjects 9 } hdsl2ShdslUnitMaintEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hdsl2ShdslUnitMaintEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the hdsl2ShdslUnitMaintTable. Each entry corresponds to a single unit, and is indexed by the ifIndex of the HDSL2/SHDSL line and the UnitId of the associated unit." INDEX { ifIndex, hdsl2ShdslInvIndex } ::= { hdsl2ShdslUnitMaintTable 1 } Hdsl2ShdslUnitMaintEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hdsl2ShdslMaintLoopbackTimeout Integer32, hdsl2ShdslMaintUnitPowerSource INTEGER } hdsl2ShdslMaintLoopbackTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..4095) UNITS "minutes" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object configures the timeout value for loopbacks initiated at segments endpoints contained in the associated unit. A value of 0 disables the timeout." ::= { hdsl2ShdslUnitMaintEntry 1 } hdsl2ShdslMaintUnitPowerSource OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { local(1), span(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the DC power source being used by the associated unit." ::= { hdsl2ShdslUnitMaintEntry 2 } -- Span Configuration Profile Group -- hdsl2ShdslSpanConfProfileTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hdsl2ShdslSpanConfProfileEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table supports definitions of span configuration profiles for SHDSL lines. HDSL2 does not support these configuration options. This table MUST be maintained in a persistent manner." ::= { hdsl2ShdslMibObjects 10 } hdsl2ShdslSpanConfProfileEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hdsl2ShdslSpanConfProfileEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each entry corresponds to a single span configuration profile. Each profile contains a set of span configuration parameters. The configuration parameters in a profile are applied to those lines referencing that profile (see the hdsl2ShdslSpanConfProfile object). Profiles may be created/deleted using the row creation/deletion mechanism via hdsl2ShdslSpanConfProfileRowStatus. If an active entry is referenced in hdsl2ShdslSpanConfProfile, the entry MUST remain active until all references are removed." INDEX { IMPLIED hdsl2ShdslSpanConfProfileName } ::= { hdsl2ShdslSpanConfProfileTable 1 } Hdsl2ShdslSpanConfProfileEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hdsl2ShdslSpanConfProfileName SnmpAdminString, hdsl2ShdslSpanConfWireInterface INTEGER, hdsl2ShdslSpanConfMinLineRate Unsigned32, hdsl2ShdslSpanConfMaxLineRate Unsigned32, hdsl2ShdslSpanConfPSD INTEGER, hdsl2ShdslSpanConfTransmissionMode Hdsl2ShdslTransmissionModeType, hdsl2ShdslSpanConfRemoteEnabled INTEGER, hdsl2ShdslSpanConfPowerFeeding INTEGER, hdsl2ShdslSpanConfCurrCondTargetMarginDown Integer32, hdsl2ShdslSpanConfWorstCaseTargetMarginDown Integer32, hdsl2ShdslSpanConfCurrCondTargetMarginUp Integer32, hdsl2ShdslSpanConfWorstCaseTargetMarginUp Integer32, hdsl2ShdslSpanConfUsedTargetMargins BITS, hdsl2ShdslSpanConfReferenceClock Hdsl2ShdslClockReferenceType, hdsl2ShdslSpanConfLineProbeEnable INTEGER, hdsl2ShdslSpanConfProfileRowStatus RowStatus } hdsl2ShdslSpanConfProfileName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(1..32)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is the unique index associated with this profile. Entries in this table are referenced via the object hdsl2ShdslSpanConfProfile in Hdsl2ShdslSpanConfEntry." ::= { hdsl2ShdslSpanConfProfileEntry 1 } hdsl2ShdslSpanConfWireInterface OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { twoWire(1), fourWire(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object configures the two-wire or optional four-wire operation for SHDSL Lines." DEFVAL { twoWire } ::= { hdsl2ShdslSpanConfProfileEntry 2 } hdsl2ShdslSpanConfMinLineRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32(0..4112000) UNITS "bps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object configures the minimum transmission rate for the associated SHDSL Line in bits-per-second (bps). If the minimum line rate equals the maximum line rate (hdsl2ShdslSpanMaxLineRate), the line rate is considered 'fixed'. If the minimum line rate is less than the maximum line rate, the line rate is considered 'rate-adaptive'." DEFVAL { 1552000 } ::= { hdsl2ShdslSpanConfProfileEntry 3 } hdsl2ShdslSpanConfMaxLineRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32(0..4112000) UNITS "bps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object configures the maximum transmission rate for the associated SHDSL Line in bits-per-second (bps). If the minimum line rate equals the maximum line rate (hdsl2ShdslSpanMaxLineRate), the line rate is considered 'fixed'. If the minimum line rate is less than the maximum line rate, the line rate is considered 'rate-adaptive'." DEFVAL { 1552000 } ::= { hdsl2ShdslSpanConfProfileEntry 4 } hdsl2ShdslSpanConfPSD OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { symmetric(1), asymmetric(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object configures use of symmetric/asymmetric PSD (Power Spectral Density) Mask for the associated SHDSL Line. Support for symmetric PSD is mandatory for all supported data rates. Support for asymmetric PSD is optional." DEFVAL { symmetric } ::= { hdsl2ShdslSpanConfProfileEntry 5 } hdsl2ShdslSpanConfTransmissionMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hdsl2ShdslTransmissionModeType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the regional setting for the SHDSL line." DEFVAL { { region1 } } ::= { hdsl2ShdslSpanConfProfileEntry 6 } hdsl2ShdslSpanConfRemoteEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled(1), disabled(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object enables/disables support for remote management of the units in a SHDSL line from the STU-R via the EOC." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { hdsl2ShdslSpanConfProfileEntry 7 } hdsl2ShdslSpanConfPowerFeeding OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noPower(1), powerFeed(2), wettingCurrent(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object enables/disables support for optional power feeding in a SHDSL line." DEFVAL { noPower } ::= { hdsl2ShdslSpanConfProfileEntry 8 } hdsl2ShdslSpanConfCurrCondTargetMarginDown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(-10..21) UNITS "dB" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the downstream current condition target SNR margin for a SHDSL line. The SNR margin is the difference between the desired SNR and the actual SNR. Target SNR margin is the desired SNR margin for a unit." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { hdsl2ShdslSpanConfProfileEntry 9 } hdsl2ShdslSpanConfWorstCaseTargetMarginDown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(-10..21) UNITS "dB" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the downstream worst case target SNR margin for a SHDSL line. The SNR margin is the difference between the desired SNR and the actual SNR. Target SNR margin is the desired SNR margin for a unit." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { hdsl2ShdslSpanConfProfileEntry 10 } hdsl2ShdslSpanConfCurrCondTargetMarginUp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(-10..21) UNITS "dB" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the upstream current condition target SNR margin for a SHDSL line. The SNR margin is the difference between the desired SNR and the actual SNR. Target SNR margin is the desired SNR margin for a unit." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { hdsl2ShdslSpanConfProfileEntry 11 } hdsl2ShdslSpanConfWorstCaseTargetMarginUp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(-10..21) UNITS "dB" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the upstream worst case target SNR margin for a SHDSL line. The SNR margin is the difference between the desired SNR and the actual SNR. Target SNR margin is the desired SNR margin for a unit." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { hdsl2ShdslSpanConfProfileEntry 12 } hdsl2ShdslSpanConfUsedTargetMargins OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { currCondDown(0), worstCaseDown(1), currCondUp(2), worstCaseUp(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Contains indicates whether a target SNR margin is enabled or disabled. This is a bit-map of possible settings. The various bit positions are: currCondDown current condition downstream target SNR margin enabled worstCaseDown worst case downstream target SNR margin enabled currCondUp current condition upstream target SNR margin enabled worstCaseUp worst case upstream target SNR margin enabled." DEFVAL { { currCondDown } } ::= { hdsl2ShdslSpanConfProfileEntry 13 } hdsl2ShdslSpanConfReferenceClock OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hdsl2ShdslClockReferenceType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object configures the clock reference for the STU-C in a SHDSL Line." DEFVAL { localClk } ::= { hdsl2ShdslSpanConfProfileEntry 14 } hdsl2ShdslSpanConfLineProbeEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(1), enable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object enables/disables support for Line Probe of the units in a SHDSL line. When Line Probe is enabled, the system performs Line Probing to find the best possible rate. If Line probe is disabled, the rate adaptation phase is skipped to shorten set up time." DEFVAL { disable } ::= { hdsl2ShdslSpanConfProfileEntry 15 } hdsl2ShdslSpanConfProfileRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object controls creation/deletion of the associated entry in this table per the semantics of RowStatus. If an active entry is referenced in hdsl2ShdslSpanConfProfile, the entry MUST remain active until all references are removed." ::= { hdsl2ShdslSpanConfProfileEntry 16 } -- Segment Endpoint Alarm Configuration Profile group -- hdsl2ShdslEndpointAlarmConfProfileTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hdsl2ShdslEndpointAlarmConfProfileEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table supports definitions of alarm configuration profiles for HDSL2/SHDSL segment endpoints. This table MUST be maintained in a persistent manner." ::= { hdsl2ShdslMibObjects 11 } hdsl2ShdslEndpointAlarmConfProfileEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hdsl2ShdslEndpointAlarmConfProfileEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each entry corresponds to a single alarm configuration profile. Each profile contains a set of parameters for setting alarm thresholds for various performance attributes monitored at HDSL2/SHDSL segment endpoints. Profiles may be created/deleted using the row creation/deletion mechanism via hdsl2ShdslEndpointAlarmConfProfileRowStatus. If an active entry is referenced in either hdsl2ShdslSpanConfAlarmProfile or hdsl2ShdslEndpointAlarmConfProfile, the entry MUST remain active until all references are removed." INDEX { IMPLIED hdsl2ShdslEndpointAlarmConfProfileName } ::= { hdsl2ShdslEndpointAlarmConfProfileTable 1 } Hdsl2ShdslEndpointAlarmConfProfileEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hdsl2ShdslEndpointAlarmConfProfileName SnmpAdminString, hdsl2ShdslEndpointThreshLoopAttenuation Integer32, hdsl2ShdslEndpointThreshSNRMargin Integer32, hdsl2ShdslEndpointThreshES Hdsl2ShdslPerfIntervalThreshold, hdsl2ShdslEndpointThreshSES Hdsl2ShdslPerfIntervalThreshold, hdsl2ShdslEndpointThreshCRCanomalies Integer32, hdsl2ShdslEndpointThreshLOSWS Hdsl2ShdslPerfIntervalThreshold, hdsl2ShdslEndpointThreshUAS Hdsl2ShdslPerfIntervalThreshold, hdsl2ShdslEndpointAlarmConfProfileRowStatus RowStatus } hdsl2ShdslEndpointAlarmConfProfileName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(1..32)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is the unique index associated with this profile." ::= { hdsl2ShdslEndpointAlarmConfProfileEntry 1 } hdsl2ShdslEndpointThreshLoopAttenuation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(-127..128) UNITS "dB" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object configures the loop attenuation alarm threshold. When the current value of hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurrAtn reaches or exceeds this threshold, a hdsl2ShdslLoopAttenCrossing MAY be generated." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { hdsl2ShdslEndpointAlarmConfProfileEntry 2 } hdsl2ShdslEndpointThreshSNRMargin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(-127..128) UNITS "dB" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object configures the SNR margin alarm threshold. When the current value of hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurrSnrMgn reaches or drops below this threshold, a hdsl2ShdslSNRMarginCrossing MAY be generated." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { hdsl2ShdslEndpointAlarmConfProfileEntry 3 } hdsl2ShdslEndpointThreshES OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hdsl2ShdslPerfIntervalThreshold UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object configures the threshold for the number of errored seconds (ES) within any given 15-minute performance data collection interval. If the value of errored seconds in a particular 15-minute collection interval reaches/ exceeds this value, a hdsl2ShdslPerfESThresh MAY be generated. At most one notification will be sent per interval per endpoint." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { hdsl2ShdslEndpointAlarmConfProfileEntry 4 } hdsl2ShdslEndpointThreshSES OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hdsl2ShdslPerfIntervalThreshold UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object configures the threshold for the number of severely errored seconds (SES) within any given 15-minute performance data collection interval. If the value of severely errored seconds in a particular 15-minute collection interval reaches/exceeds this value, a hdsl2ShdslPerfSESThresh MAY be generated. At most one notification will be sent per interval per endpoint." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { hdsl2ShdslEndpointAlarmConfProfileEntry 5 } hdsl2ShdslEndpointThreshCRCanomalies OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "detected CRC Anomalies" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object configures the threshold for the number of CRC anomalies within any given 15-minute performance data collection interval. If the value of CRC anomalies in a particular 15-minute collection interval reaches/exceeds this value, a hdsl2ShdslPerfCRCanomaliesThresh MAY be generated. At most one notification will be sent per interval per endpoint." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { hdsl2ShdslEndpointAlarmConfProfileEntry 6 } hdsl2ShdslEndpointThreshLOSWS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hdsl2ShdslPerfIntervalThreshold UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object configures the threshold for the number of Loss of Sync Word (LOSW) Seconds within any given 15-minute performance data collection interval. If the value of LOSW in a particular 15-minute collection interval reaches/exceeds this value, a hdsl2ShdslPerfLOSWSThresh MAY be generated. At most one notification will be sent per interval per endpoint." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { hdsl2ShdslEndpointAlarmConfProfileEntry 7 } hdsl2ShdslEndpointThreshUAS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hdsl2ShdslPerfIntervalThreshold UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object configures the threshold for the number of unavailable seconds (UAS) within any given 15-minute performance data collection interval. If the value of UAS in a particular 15-minute collection interval reaches/exceeds this value, a hdsl2ShdslPerfUASThresh MAY be generated. At most one notification will be sent per interval per endpoint." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { hdsl2ShdslEndpointAlarmConfProfileEntry 8 } hdsl2ShdslEndpointAlarmConfProfileRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object controls creation/deletion of the associated entry in this table as per the semantics of RowStatus. If an active entry is referenced in either hdsl2ShdslSpanConfAlarmProfile or hdsl2ShdslEndpointAlarmConfProfile, the entry MUST remain active until all references are removed." ::= { hdsl2ShdslEndpointAlarmConfProfileEntry 9 } -- Notifications Group -- hdsl2ShdslNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hdsl2ShdslMIB 0 } hdsl2ShdslLoopAttenCrossing NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurrAtn, hdsl2ShdslEndpointThreshLoopAttenuation } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification indicates that the loop attenuation threshold (as per the hdsl2ShdslEndpointThreshLoopAttenuation value) has been reached/exceeded for the HDSL2/SHDSL segment endpoint." ::= { hdsl2ShdslNotifications 1 } hdsl2ShdslSNRMarginCrossing NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurrSnrMgn, hdsl2ShdslEndpointThreshSNRMargin } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification indicates that the SNR margin threshold (as per the hdsl2ShdslEndpointThreshSNRMargin value) has been reached/exceeded for the HDSL2/SHDSL segment endpoint." ::= { hdsl2ShdslNotifications 2 } hdsl2ShdslPerfESThresh NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurr15MinES, hdsl2ShdslEndpointThreshES } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification indicates that the errored seconds threshold (as per the hdsl2ShdslEndpointThreshES value) has been reached/ exceeded for the HDSL2/SHDSL segment endpoint." ::= { hdsl2ShdslNotifications 3 } hdsl2ShdslPerfSESThresh NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurr15MinSES, hdsl2ShdslEndpointThreshSES } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification indicates that the severely errored seconds threshold (as per the hdsl2ShdslEndpointThreshSES value) has been reached/exceeded for the HDSL2/SHDSL Segment Endpoint." ::= { hdsl2ShdslNotifications 4 } hdsl2ShdslPerfCRCanomaliesThresh NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurr15MinCRCanomalies, hdsl2ShdslEndpointThreshCRCanomalies } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification indicates that the CRC anomalies threshold (as per the hdsl2ShdslEndpointThreshCRCanomalies value) has been reached/exceeded for the HDSL2/SHDSL Segment Endpoint." ::= { hdsl2ShdslNotifications 5 } hdsl2ShdslPerfLOSWSThresh NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurr15MinLOSWS, hdsl2ShdslEndpointThreshLOSWS } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification indicates that the LOSW seconds threshold (as per the hdsl2ShdslEndpointThreshLOSWS value) has been reached/exceeded for the HDSL2/SHDSL segment endpoint." ::= { hdsl2ShdslNotifications 6 } hdsl2ShdslPerfUASThresh NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurr15MinUAS, hdsl2ShdslEndpointThreshUAS } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification indicates that the unavailable seconds threshold (as per the hdsl2ShdslEndpointThreshUAS value) has been reached/exceeded for the HDSL2/SHDSL segment endpoint." ::= { hdsl2ShdslNotifications 7 } hdsl2ShdslSpanInvalidNumRepeaters NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hdsl2ShdslSpanConfNumRepeaters } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification indicates that a mismatch has been detected between the number of repeater/regenerator units configured for a HDSL2/SHDSL line via the hdsl2ShdslSpanConfNumRepeaters object and the actual number of repeater/regenerator units discovered via the EOC." ::= { hdsl2ShdslNotifications 8 } hdsl2ShdslLoopbackFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hdsl2ShdslMaintLoopbackConfig } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification indicates that an endpoint maintenance loopback command failed for an HDSL2/SHDSL segment." ::= { hdsl2ShdslNotifications 9 } hdsl2ShdslpowerBackoff NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurrStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification indicates that the bit setting for powerBackoff in the hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurrStatus object for this endpoint has changed." ::= { hdsl2ShdslNotifications 10 } hdsl2ShdsldeviceFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurrStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification indicates that the bit setting for deviceFault in the hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurrStatus object for this endpoint has changed." ::= { hdsl2ShdslNotifications 11 } hdsl2ShdsldcContinuityFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurrStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification indicates that the bit setting for dcContinuityFault in the hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurrStatus object for this endpoint has changed." ::= { hdsl2ShdslNotifications 12 } hdsl2ShdslconfigInitFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurrStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification indicates that the bit setting for configInitFailure in the hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurrStatus object for this endpoint has changed." ::= { hdsl2ShdslNotifications 13 } hdsl2ShdslprotocolInitFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurrStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification indicates that the bit setting for protocolInitFailure in the hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurrStatus object for this endpoint has changed." ::= { hdsl2ShdslNotifications 14 } hdsl2ShdslnoNeighborPresent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurrStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification indicates that the bit setting for noNeighborPresent in the hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurrStatus object for this endpoint has changed." ::= { hdsl2ShdslNotifications 15 } hdsl2ShdslLocalPowerLoss NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hdsl2ShdslInvVendorID } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification indicates impending unit failure due to loss of local power (last gasp)." ::= { hdsl2ShdslNotifications 16 } -- conformance information -- hdsl2ShdslConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hdsl2ShdslMIB 3 } hdsl2ShdslGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hdsl2ShdslConformance 1 } hdsl2ShdslCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hdsl2ShdslConformance 2 } -- agent compliance statements hdsl2ShdslLineMibCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The section outlines compliance requirements for this MIB." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { hdsl2ShdslSpanConfGroup, hdsl2ShdslSpanStatusGroup, hdsl2ShdslInventoryGroup, hdsl2ShdslEndpointConfGroup, hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurrGroup, hdsl2Shdsl15MinIntervalGroup, hdsl2Shdsl1DayIntervalGroup, hdsl2ShdslMaintenanceGroup, hdsl2ShdslEndpointAlarmConfGroup, hdsl2ShdslNotificationGroup } GROUP hdsl2ShdslInventoryShdslGroup DESCRIPTION "Support for this group is only required for implementations supporting SHDSL lines." GROUP hdsl2ShdslSpanShdslStatusGroup DESCRIPTION "Support for this group is only required for implementations supporting SHDSL lines." GROUP hdsl2ShdslSpanConfProfileGroup DESCRIPTION "Support for this group is only required for implementations supporting SHDSL lines." ::= { hdsl2ShdslCompliances 1 } -- units of conformance -- hdsl2ShdslSpanConfGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { hdsl2ShdslSpanConfNumRepeaters, hdsl2ShdslSpanConfProfile, hdsl2ShdslSpanConfAlarmProfile } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This group supports objects for configuring span related parameters for HDSL2/SHDSL lines." ::= { hdsl2ShdslGroups 1 } hdsl2ShdslSpanStatusGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { hdsl2ShdslStatusNumAvailRepeaters } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This group supports objects for retrieving span related status for HDSL2/SHDSL lines." ::= { hdsl2ShdslGroups 2 } hdsl2ShdslInventoryShdslGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { hdsl2ShdslInvTransmissionModeCapability } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This group supports objects for retrieving SHDSL-specific inventory information." ::= { hdsl2ShdslGroups 3 } hdsl2ShdslSpanShdslStatusGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { hdsl2ShdslStatusMaxAttainableLineRate, hdsl2ShdslStatusActualLineRate, hdsl2ShdslStatusTransmissionModeCurrent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This group supports objects for retrieving SHDSL-specific span related status." ::= { hdsl2ShdslGroups 4 } hdsl2ShdslInventoryGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { hdsl2ShdslInvVendorID, hdsl2ShdslInvVendorModelNumber, hdsl2ShdslInvVendorSerialNumber, hdsl2ShdslInvVendorEOCSoftwareVersion, hdsl2ShdslInvStandardVersion, hdsl2ShdslInvVendorListNumber, hdsl2ShdslInvVendorIssueNumber, hdsl2ShdslInvVendorSoftwareVersion, hdsl2ShdslInvEquipmentCode, hdsl2ShdslInvVendorOther } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This group supports objects that provide unit inventory information about the units in HDSL2/SHDSL lines." ::= { hdsl2ShdslGroups 5 } hdsl2ShdslEndpointConfGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurrAtn } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This group supports objects for configuring parameters for segment endpoints in HDSL2/SHDSL lines." ::= { hdsl2ShdslGroups 6 } hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurrGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurrAtn, hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurrSnrMgn, hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurrStatus, hdsl2ShdslEndpointES, hdsl2ShdslEndpointSES, hdsl2ShdslEndpointCRCanomalies, hdsl2ShdslEndpointLOSWS, hdsl2ShdslEndpointUAS, hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurr15MinTimeElapsed, hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurr15MinES, hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurr15MinSES, hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurr15MinCRCanomalies, hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurr15MinLOSWS, hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurr15MinUAS, hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurr1DayTimeElapsed, hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurr1DayES, hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurr1DaySES, hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurr1DayCRCanomalies, hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurr1DayLOSWS, hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurr1DayUAS } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This group supports objects which provide current status and performance measurements relating to segment endpoints in HDSL2/SHDSL lines." ::= { hdsl2ShdslGroups 7 } hdsl2Shdsl15MinIntervalGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { hdsl2Shdsl15MinIntervalES, hdsl2Shdsl15MinIntervalSES, hdsl2Shdsl15MinIntervalCRCanomalies, hdsl2Shdsl15MinIntervalLOSWS, hdsl2Shdsl15MinIntervalUAS } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This group supports objects which maintain historic performance measurements relating to segment endpoints in HDSL2/SHDSL lines in 15-minute intervals." ::= { hdsl2ShdslGroups 8 } hdsl2Shdsl1DayIntervalGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { hdsl2Shdsl1DayIntervalMoniSecs, hdsl2Shdsl1DayIntervalES, hdsl2Shdsl1DayIntervalSES, hdsl2Shdsl1DayIntervalCRCanomalies, hdsl2Shdsl1DayIntervalLOSWS, hdsl2Shdsl1DayIntervalUAS } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This group supports objects which maintain historic performance measurements relating to segment endpoints in HDSL2/SHDSL lines in 1-day intervals." ::= { hdsl2ShdslGroups 9 } hdsl2ShdslMaintenanceGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { hdsl2ShdslMaintLoopbackConfig, hdsl2ShdslMaintTipRingReversal, hdsl2ShdslMaintPowerBackOff, hdsl2ShdslMaintSoftRestart, hdsl2ShdslMaintLoopbackTimeout, hdsl2ShdslMaintUnitPowerSource } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This group supports objects that provide support for maintenance actions for HDSL2/SHDSL lines." ::= { hdsl2ShdslGroups 10 } hdsl2ShdslEndpointAlarmConfGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { hdsl2ShdslEndpointAlarmConfProfile, hdsl2ShdslEndpointThreshLoopAttenuation, hdsl2ShdslEndpointThreshSNRMargin, hdsl2ShdslEndpointThreshES, hdsl2ShdslEndpointThreshSES, hdsl2ShdslEndpointThreshCRCanomalies, hdsl2ShdslEndpointThreshLOSWS, hdsl2ShdslEndpointThreshUAS, hdsl2ShdslEndpointAlarmConfProfileRowStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This group supports objects that allow configuration of alarm thresholds for various performance parameters for HDSL2/SHDSL lines." ::= { hdsl2ShdslGroups 11 } hdsl2ShdslNotificationGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { hdsl2ShdslLoopAttenCrossing, hdsl2ShdslSNRMarginCrossing, hdsl2ShdslPerfESThresh, hdsl2ShdslPerfSESThresh, hdsl2ShdslPerfCRCanomaliesThresh, hdsl2ShdslPerfLOSWSThresh, hdsl2ShdslPerfUASThresh, hdsl2ShdslSpanInvalidNumRepeaters, hdsl2ShdslLoopbackFailure, hdsl2ShdslpowerBackoff, hdsl2ShdsldeviceFault, hdsl2ShdsldcContinuityFault, hdsl2ShdslconfigInitFailure, hdsl2ShdslprotocolInitFailure, hdsl2ShdslnoNeighborPresent, hdsl2ShdslLocalPowerLoss } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This group supports notifications of significant conditions associated with HDSL2/SHDSL lines." ::= { hdsl2ShdslGroups 12 } hdsl2ShdslSpanConfProfileGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { hdsl2ShdslSpanConfWireInterface, hdsl2ShdslSpanConfMinLineRate, hdsl2ShdslSpanConfMaxLineRate, hdsl2ShdslSpanConfPSD, hdsl2ShdslSpanConfTransmissionMode, hdsl2ShdslSpanConfRemoteEnabled, hdsl2ShdslSpanConfPowerFeeding, hdsl2ShdslSpanConfCurrCondTargetMarginDown, hdsl2ShdslSpanConfWorstCaseTargetMarginDown, hdsl2ShdslSpanConfCurrCondTargetMarginUp, hdsl2ShdslSpanConfWorstCaseTargetMarginUp, hdsl2ShdslSpanConfUsedTargetMargins, hdsl2ShdslSpanConfReferenceClock, hdsl2ShdslSpanConfLineProbeEnable, hdsl2ShdslSpanConfProfileRowStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This group supports objects that constitute configuration profiles for configuring span related parameters in SHDSL lines." ::= { hdsl2ShdslGroups 13 } END