ENTERASYS-RADIUS-AUTH-CLIENT-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN -- enterasys-radius-auth-client-mib.txt -- -- Part Number: -- -- -- This module provides authoritative definitions for Enterasys -- Networks' RADIUS client functionality. -- -- This module will be extended, as needed. -- Enterasys Networks reserves the right to make changes in this -- specification and other information contained in this document -- without prior notice. The reader should consult Enterasys Networks -- to determine whether any such changes have been made. -- -- In no event shall Enterasys Networks be liable for any incidental, -- indirect, special, or consequential damages whatsoever (including -- but not limited to lost profits) arising out of or related to this -- document or the information contained in it, even if Enterasys -- Networks has been advised of, known, or should have known, the -- possibility of such damages. -- -- Enterasys Networks grants vendors, end-users, and other interested -- parties a non-exclusive license to use this Specification in -- connection with the management of Enterasys Networks products. -- Copyright November, 2000-2005 Enterasys Networks, Inc. IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Integer32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI MODULE-COMPLIANCE, OBJECT-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF TruthValue, RowStatus FROM SNMPv2-TC InetAddressType, InetAddress FROM INET-ADDRESS-MIB etsysModules FROM ENTERASYS-MIB-NAMES; etsysRadiusAuthClientMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200507291348Z" -- Fri Jul 29 13:48 UTC 2005 ORGANIZATION "Enterasys Networks, Inc" CONTACT-INFO "Postal: Enterasys Networks 50 Minuteman Rd. Andover, MA 01810-1008 USA Phone: +1 978 684 1000 E-mail: support@enterasys.com WWW: http://www.enterasys.com" DESCRIPTION "The Enterasys Networks Proprietary MIB module for entities implementing the client side of the Remote Access Dialin User Service (RADIUS) authentication protocol (RFC2865). This MIB provides read-write access to configuration objects not provided in the standard RADIUS Authentication Client MIB (RFC2618)." REVISION "200507291348Z" -- Fri Jul 29 13:48 UTC 2005 DESCRIPTION "Changed the syntax type of the etsysRadiusAuthClientServerRealmType leaf in the SEQUENCE statement to INTEGER to match the actual OBJECT-TYPE definition." REVISION "200407271953Z" -- Tue Jul 27 19:53 GMT 2004 DESCRIPTION "Added the etsysRadiusAuthClientServerRealmType leaf to the etsysRadiusAuthServerTable to allow the provisioning of servers for specific purposes." REVISION "200311061823Z" -- Thu Nov 6 18:23 GMT 2003 DESCRIPTION "Updated the comments and format. Changed the status of the etsysRadiusAuthClientServerClearTime and etsysRadiusAuthClientAuthType objects to deprecated." REVISION "200201241557Z" -- Thu Jan 24 15:57 GMT 2002 DESCRIPTION "Changed { etsysRadiusAuthClientOID } to { etsysModules 4 } so that the released MIB would work with the NetSNMP stack that is currently being used by NetSight." REVISION "200011080000Z" -- 08 November 2000 DESCRIPTION "Initial version" ::= { etsysModules 4 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------- -- Branches of the Enterasys RADIUS Auth Client MIB -- ------------------------------------------------------------- etsysRadiusAuthClientMIBObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { etsysRadiusAuthClientMIB 1 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------- -- RADIUS Auth Client Scalars -- ------------------------------------------------------------- etsysRadiusAuthClientRetryTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of seconds to wait for a RADIUS Server to respond to a request. Maintaining the value of this object across agent reboots is REQUIRED." ::= { etsysRadiusAuthClientMIBObjects 1 } etsysRadiusAuthClientRetries OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of times to resend an authentication packet if a RADIUS Server does not respond to a request. Maintaining the value of this object across agent reboots is REQUIRED." ::= { etsysRadiusAuthClientMIBObjects 2 } etsysRadiusAuthClientEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Controls and indicates the operational state of the RADIUS client functionality. Maintaining the value of this object across agent reboots is REQUIRED." ::= { etsysRadiusAuthClientMIBObjects 3 } etsysRadiusAuthClientAuthType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { mac(1), eapol(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "This indicates which method is being used for authentication. mac(1) - indicates MAC address authentication eapol(2) - indicates EAPOL authentication This list of enumeration constants is subject to change. This parameter value is maintained across system reboots." ::= { etsysRadiusAuthClientMIBObjects 4 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------- -- RADIUS Auth Client Server Table -- ------------------------------------------------------------- etsysRadiusAuthServerTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF EtsysRadiusAuthServerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A list of RADIUS servers that this client may attempt to use." ::= { etsysRadiusAuthClientMIBObjects 5 } etsysRadiusAuthServerEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EtsysRadiusAuthServerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A RADIUS server that this client may attempt to use." INDEX { etsysRadiusAuthServerIndex } ::= { etsysRadiusAuthServerTable 1 } EtsysRadiusAuthServerEntry ::= SEQUENCE { etsysRadiusAuthServerIndex Integer32, etsysRadiusAuthClientServerAddressType InetAddressType, etsysRadiusAuthClientServerAddress InetAddress, etsysRadiusAuthClientServerPortNumber Integer32, etsysRadiusAuthClientServerSecret OCTET STRING, etsysRadiusAuthClientServerSecretEntered TruthValue, etsysRadiusAuthClientServerClearTime Integer32, etsysRadiusAuthClientServerStatus RowStatus, etsysRadiusAuthClientServerRealmType INTEGER } etsysRadiusAuthServerIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A number uniquely identifying each conceptual row in the etsysRadiusAuthServerTable. This value also indicates the relative priority of the servers. The initial authentication attempt will be against the server with the lowest value of etsysRadiusAuthServerIndex and any successive attempt will be with the next higher value, and so on. Maintaining the value of etsysRadiusAuthServerIndex for all active(1) entries across agent reboots is REQUIRED." ::= { etsysRadiusAuthServerEntry 1 } etsysRadiusAuthClientServerAddressType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies how etsysRadiusAuthClientServerAddress is encoded. Support for all possible enumerations defined by InetAddressType is NOT REQUIRED." DEFVAL { ipv4 } ::= { etsysRadiusAuthServerEntry 2 } etsysRadiusAuthClientServerAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE(1..64)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The encoded unicast IP address or hostname of a RADIUS server. RADIUS requests will be sent to this address. If this address is a DNS hostname, then that hostname SHOULD be resolved into an IP address each time an authentication session is initialized." ::= { etsysRadiusAuthServerEntry 3 } etsysRadiusAuthClientServerPortNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The UDP port number (0-65535) the client will use to send RADIUS requests to this server." DEFVAL { 1812 } ::= { etsysRadiusAuthServerEntry 4 } etsysRadiusAuthClientServerSecret OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..255)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is the secret shared between the RADIUS authentication server and the RADIUS client. On a read operation this object MUST return a zero length string. Writing this object with a zero length string clears the secret." ::= { etsysRadiusAuthServerEntry 5 } etsysRadiusAuthClientServerSecretEntered OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "true(1) - Indicates that etsysRadiusAuthClientServerSecret was last set with some value other than the empty string. false(2) - Indicates that etsysRadiusAuthClientServerSecret has never been set, or was last set to the empty string." ::= { etsysRadiusAuthServerEntry 6 } etsysRadiusAuthClientServerClearTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The number of seconds elapsed since the counters were last cleared. Writing the value zero will cause the servers counters to be cleared and the clear time will be set to zero. Writing any value other than zero will have no effect." ::= { etsysRadiusAuthServerEntry 7 } etsysRadiusAuthClientServerStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The row status of this conceptual row in the table. active - The server is available for performing RADIUS operations. Other writable leaves in this row MUST NOT be modified while the row is in the active state. notInService - The entry is fully configured but is not available for performing RADIUS operations. Conceptual rows with this status MAY be deleted at the discretion of the agent, at which time it will be treated as if destroy(6) was SET to this object. notReady - The entry exists in the agent, but is missing information necessary in order to be available for use by the managed device (i.e., one or more required columns in the conceptual row have not been instantiated); createAndGo - Not possible. createAndWait - Creates a new instance of a conceptual row, but does not make it available for use by the managed device. destroy - This will remove the conceptual row from the table and make it unavailable for RADIUS client operations. This MUST also cause any persistent data related to this row to be removed from the system. Maintaining active(1) entries across agent reboots is REQUIRED." ::= { etsysRadiusAuthServerEntry 8 } etsysRadiusAuthClientServerRealmType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { any(1), mgmtAccess(2), networkAccess(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object allows a server to be restricted to providing authentication services to certain classes of access methods. any(1) - the server will be available to authenticate users originating from any of the access methods. mgmtAccess(2) - the server will only be available for authenticating users that have requested management access via the console, telnet, SSH, HTTP, etc. networkAccess(3) - the server will only be available for authenticating users that are attempting to gain access to the network via 802.1X, Port Web Authentication, MAC Authentication, etc. Non-default values for this object should be used when there is a desire to have one set of servers used for authenticating management access requests and a different set used for authenticating network access requests. When this object has the value of any(1) then the associated server will be in each set. The precedence order defined by the relative value of the etsysRadiusAuthServerIndex will be maintained within each set of servers." DEFVAL { any } ::= { etsysRadiusAuthServerEntry 9 } -- ------------------------------------ -- Conformance information -- ------------------------------------ etsysRadiusAuthClientMIBConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { etsysRadiusAuthClientMIB 2 } etsysRadiusAuthClientMIBCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { etsysRadiusAuthClientMIBConformance 1 } etsysRadiusAuthClientMIBGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { etsysRadiusAuthClientMIBConformance 2 } -- ------------------------------------ -- Units of conformance -- ------------------------------------ etsysRadiusAuthClientMIBGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { etsysRadiusAuthClientRetryTimeout, etsysRadiusAuthClientRetries, etsysRadiusAuthClientEnable, etsysRadiusAuthClientAuthType, etsysRadiusAuthClientServerAddressType, etsysRadiusAuthClientServerAddress, etsysRadiusAuthClientServerPortNumber, etsysRadiusAuthClientServerSecret, etsysRadiusAuthClientServerSecretEntered, etsysRadiusAuthClientServerClearTime, etsysRadiusAuthClientServerStatus } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The basic collection of objects providing a proprietary extension to the standard RADIUS Client MIB. This MIB provides read-write access to configuration objects not provided in the standard RADIUS Authentication Client MIB (RFC2618)." ::= { etsysRadiusAuthClientMIBGroups 1 } etsysRadiusAuthClientMIBGroupV2 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { etsysRadiusAuthClientRetryTimeout, etsysRadiusAuthClientRetries, etsysRadiusAuthClientEnable, etsysRadiusAuthClientServerAddressType, etsysRadiusAuthClientServerAddress, etsysRadiusAuthClientServerPortNumber, etsysRadiusAuthClientServerSecret, etsysRadiusAuthClientServerSecretEntered, etsysRadiusAuthClientServerStatus, etsysRadiusAuthClientServerRealmType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The basic collection of objects providing a proprietary extension to the standard RADIUS Client MIB. This MIB provides read-write access to configuration objects not provided in the standard RADIUS Authentication Client MIB (RFC2618)." ::= { etsysRadiusAuthClientMIBGroups 2 } -- ------------------------------------ -- Compliance statements -- ------------------------------------ etsysRadiusClientMIBCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for authentication clients implementing the RADIUS Authentication Client MIB." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { etsysRadiusAuthClientMIBGroup } ::= { etsysRadiusAuthClientMIBCompliances 1 } etsysRadiusClientMIBComplianceV2 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for authentication clients implementing the RADIUS Authentication Client MIB." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { etsysRadiusAuthClientMIBGroupV2 } ::= { etsysRadiusAuthClientMIBCompliances 2 } END