Welcome to the install

Stage of complete

% Complete
Checking PHP module support
"); if($ext_loaded == 'no') { echo(""); } else { echo(""); } echo(""); } // Check for pear install require_once 'System.php'; if(class_exists('System')===true) { $ext_loaded = 'yes'; $row_class = 'success'; } else { $ext_loaded = 'yes'; $row_class = 'danger'; } echo(" "); if($ext_loaded == 'no') { echo(""); } else { echo(""); } echo(""); ?>
Module Installed Comments
$extension $ext_loadedapt-get install php5-$extension / yum install php-$extension
pear $ext_loadedapt-get install php5-$extension / yum install php-$extension
Importing MySQL DB
If you don't see any errors or messages above then the database setup has been successful.
EOD; if(!file_exists("../config.php")) { $conf = fopen("../config.php", 'w'); if ($conf === false) { if(fwrite($handle, 'We couldn't create the config.php file, please create this manually before continuing by copying the below into a config.php in the root directory of your install (typically /opt/librenms/)
"); echo("
"); } else { $config_file = stripslashes($config_file); fwrite($handle,$config_file); echo("
The config file has been created
"); } } } ?>
User has been added successfully
"); $proceed = 0; } else { echo("
User hasn't been added, please try again
"); } } else { echo("
User $add_user already exists!
"); } } else { echo("
Auth module isn't loaded
"); } ?>
Thank you for setting up LibreNMS, you can now click here to login to your new install.