XUPS-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN -- Revised February 25, 1993 -- Revised June 21, 1993 -- Revised (Variable types of ) August 5, 1993 -- Revised August 16, 1993 - added units of measure -- Added Event History to Alarm Group and get/set time/date. -- Cleanup for final release. 9/3/93 -- Release Version 0.91 9/17/93 -- Release Version 1.00 11/16/93 -- Changes for Release Version 2.00 9/7/94 -- 1) Renamed UPS-MIB to XUPS-MIB and all names from upsVariable -- to xupsVariable to avoid conflicts with RFC 1628 Standard UPS MIB names -- 2) Renamed all traps from upsName to xupstName to avoid conflicts with -- similar alarm names -- 3) Added well known alarms and traps: -- BreakerOpen, AlarmEntryAdded, AlarmEntryRemoved -- 4) Deprecated xupsControlOutputOnTrapDelay -- 5) Added xupsTrapControl group -- 6) enumerated the value startTest for xupsTestBattery -- 7) Defined oid values to use for sysObjectId -- Changes for Release Version 2.10 11/1/94 -- 1) Corrected type of xupsAlarms, xupsAlarmNumEvents (Gauge) -- 2) Defined three trap sources, which differ in their descriptions -- of trap variables (none, Defined, defined plus Port N Interface vars) -- 3) Clarified AlarmEvent order and numbering -- Changes for Release Version 2.11 3/30/95 -- 1) Removed references to version 2.00 MIB files -- 2) Added range declarations for appropriate objects -- 3) Added Object IDs for new products -- Changes for Release Version 2.20 8/29/96 -- 1) Corrected upper Integer range from 2147483648 to 2147483647 -- 2) Added xupsEnvironment group and its objects and alarm xupsAmbientTempBad -- 3) Added xupsBatteryAbmStatus to monitor Advanced Battery Management status -- 4) Added well-known alarms from RFC 1628 which weren't previously supported: -- xupsAlarmBatteryBad, xupsOutputOffAsRequested, xupsDiagnosticTestFailed, -- xupsCommunicationsLost, xupsUpsShutdownPending, xupsAlarmTestInProgress -- 5) Added Defined and PortN (but not Basic) type traps for above alarms -- 6) Added xupsControlToBypassDelay to allow Go To Bypass command. -- Changes for Release Version 2.21 5/19/99 -- Renaming from Exide Electronics to Powerware Corporation -- Changes for Release Version 3.00 3-Apr-02 Connectivity Systems Group, -- Power Systems Division, Invensys -- 1) Rolled in Receptacle Control extensions from separate file -- 2) Added Topology group objects -- 3) Added new var xupsOutputSource, which extends upsOutputSource -- 4) Added new var xupsAlarmEventMsg to replace the other deprecated xAEEntry vars -- Changes for Release Version 3.01 15-Aug-02 Connectivity Systems Group, -- Powerware, Power Systems Division, Invensys -- 1) Added new vars xupsConfigLow- and -HighOutputVoltageLimit. -- Changes for Release Version 3.02 06-Oct-02 Connectivity Systems Group, -- Powerware, Power Systems Division, Invensys -- To support the ConnectUPS Web/SNMP card's ability to monitor an external contact, -- the following traps were added: -- 1) Added new trap xupstdContactAlarmActive in xupsTrapDefined -- 2) Added new trap xupstdContactAlarmInactive in xupsTrapDefined -- -- These are added to support the ConnectUPS Web/SNMP card's ability to monitor -- a single contact closure (firmware and custom cable required) -- Changes for Release Version 3.03 05-Feb-03 Connectivity Systems Group, -- Powerware, Invensys Energy Systems -- 1) To support the ability to monitor additional external contacts, -- the var lists of the xupstdContactActiveNotice and -- xupstdContactInactiveNotice traps were modified. -- 2) Added new var xupsInputSource -- 3) Added new vars xupsLoadShedSecsWithRestart and xupsRecepShedSecsWithRestart to -- provide guaranteed correct load shedding behavior to the management software. -- 4) Added vars to the Environmental group: xupsEnvAmbientHumidity, -- xupsEnvRemoteTemp, and xupsEnvRemoteHumidity. -- 5) Added xupsEnvNumContacts and the Environmental Contact Sensing Table, -- xupsContactSenseTable. -- 6) Updated Tech Support telephone numbers listed below. -- Changes for Release Version 3.04 30-Apr-03 Connectivity Systems Group, -- Powerware, Invensys Energy Systems -- 1) Added new Well-Known Alarm and traps for xupsLossOfRedundancy, -- xupsAlarmTempBad, xupsAlarmChargerFailed, xupsAlarmFanFailure, -- xupsAlarmFuseFailure, xupsPowerSwitchBad, xupsModuleFailure, -- xupsOnAlternatePowerSource, xupsAltPowerNotAvailable, xupsNoticeCondition -- 2) Added new vars for Min/Max limits for Remote Temp & Humidity -- 3) Added new W-K Alarms and traps for Min/Max limits for Remote Temp & Humidity -- -- Customer Support: contact Tech Support at -- -- Single-Phase Products: 800-356-5737 (US) or 608-565-2100 -- -- 3-Phase Products: 800-843-9433 (US) or 919-871-1800 -- IMPORTS enterprises, IpAddress, TimeTicks, Gauge, Counter FROM RFC1155-SMI DisplayString, ifIndex, ifDescr FROM RFC1213-MIB OBJECT-TYPE FROM RFC-1212 TRAP-TYPE FROM RFC-1215; -- Note that .534. was originally assigned to Exide Electronics -- before it was renamed to Invensys Powerware. powerware OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {enterprises 534} xups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {powerware 1} xupsIdent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xups 1 } xupsBattery OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xups 2 } xupsInput OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xups 3 } xupsOutput OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xups 4 } xupsBypass OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xups 5 } xupsEnvironment OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xups 6 } xupsAlarm OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xups 7 } xupsTest OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xups 8 } xupsControl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xups 9 } xupsConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xups 10 } xupsTrapControl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xups 11 } xupsRecep OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xups 12 } xupsTopology OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xups 13 } -- -- The following Object Identifiers are used to distinguish Powerware's -- SNMP agents: xupsObjectId OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {powerware 2} powerwareEthernetSnmpAdapter OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsObjectId 1} powerwareNetworkSnmpAdapterEther OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsObjectId 2} powerwareNetworkSnmpAdapterToken OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsObjectId 3} onlinetDaemon OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsObjectId 4} connectUPSAdapterEthernet OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsObjectId 5} powerwareNetworkDigitalIOEther OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsObjectId 6} connectUPSAdapterTokenRing OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsObjectId 7} simpleSnmpAdapter OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsObjectId 8} -- -- xupsIdent group: -- xupsIdentManufacturer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..31)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The UPS Manufacturer Name (e.g. Powerware Corporation)." ::= { xupsIdent 1} xupsIdentModel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..63)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The UPS Model (e.g. Powerware Plus Model 18)." ::= {xupsIdent 2} xupsIdentSoftwareVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..63)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The firmware revision level(s) of the UPS microcontroller(s)." ::= {xupsIdent 3} xupsIdentOemCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..255) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A binary code indicating who the UPS was manufactured or labeled for. 0 or 255 indicates Powerware itself." ::= {xupsIdent 4} -- -- xupsBattery group: -- xupsBatTimeRemaining OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..2147483647) -- UNITS seconds ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Battery run time in seconds before UPS turns off due to low battery." ::= { xupsBattery 1} xupsBatVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..2147483647) -- UNITS Volts DC ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Battery voltage as reported by the UPS meters." ::= {xupsBattery 2} xupsBatCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-2147483648..2147483647) -- UNITS Amp DC ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Battery Current as reported by the UPS metering. Current is positive when discharging, negative when recharging the battery." ::= {xupsBattery 3} xupsBatCapacity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..100) -- UNITS percent ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Battery percent charge." ::= { xupsBattery 4} xupsBatteryAbmStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { batteryCharging(1), batteryDischarging(2), batteryFloating(3), batteryResting(4), unknown(5) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Gives the status of the Advanced Battery Management; batteryFloating(3) status means that the charger is temporarily charging the battery to its float voltage; batteryResting(4) is the state when the battery is fully charged and none of the other actions (charging/discharging/floating) is being done." ::= { xupsBattery 5} -- -- xupsInput group: -- xupsInputFrequency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..2147483647) -- UNITS 0.1 Hertz ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The utility line frequency in tenths of Hz." ::= {xupsInput 1} xupsInputLineBads OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of times the Input was out of tolerance in voltage or frequency." ::= {xupsInput 2} xupsInputNumPhases OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..6) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory ::= {xupsInput 3} xupsInputTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF XupsInputEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Aggregate Object with number of entries equal to NumPhases and including the xupsInput group." ::= {xupsInput 4} xupsInputEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX XupsInputEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The input table entry containing the current, voltage, etc." INDEX { xupsInputPhase } ::= { xupsInputTable 1 } XupsInputEntry ::= SEQUENCE { xupsInputPhase INTEGER, xupsInputVoltage INTEGER, xupsInputCurrent INTEGER, xupsInputWatts INTEGER } xupsInputPhase OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..6) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of the phase. Serves as index for input table." ::= {xupsInputEntry 1} xupsInputVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..2147483647) -- UNITS RMS Volts ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The measured input voltage from the UPS meters in volts." ::= {xupsInputEntry 2} xupsInputCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..2147483647) -- UNITS RMS Amp ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The measured input current from the UPS meters in amps." ::= {xupsInputEntry 3} xupsInputWatts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..2147483647) -- UNITS Watts ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The measured input real power in watts." ::= {xupsInputEntry 4} xupsInputSource OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), none(2), -- For example, Utility failure primaryUtility(3), -- Normal utility feed to the UPS bypassFeed(4), -- Bypass utility, separate from primaryUtility secondaryUtility(5), -- Secondary utility feed (on a dual AC input UPS) generator(6), -- Power provided by a generator flywheel(7), -- Power provided by a flywheel (not necessarily AC) fuelcell(8) -- Power provided by fuel cell(s) (not necessarily AC) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The present external source of input power. The enumeration none(2) indicates that there is no external source of power, for example, the UPS is On Battery (an internal source). The bypassFeed(4) can only be used when the Bypass source is known to be a separate utility feed than the primaryUtility(3)." ::= { xupsInput 5 } -- -- xupsOutput group: -- xupsOutputLoad OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..200) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The UPS output load in percent of rated capacity." ::= {xupsOutput 1} xupsOutputFrequency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..2147483647) -- UNITS 0.1 Hertz ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The measured UPS output frequency in tenths of Hz." ::= {xupsOutput 2} xupsOutputNumPhases OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..6) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of metered output phases, serves as the table index." ::= {xupsOutput 3} xupsOutputTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF XupsOutputEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Aggregate Object with number of entries equal to NumPhases and including the xupsOutput group." ::= {xupsOutput 4} xupsOutputEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX XupsOutputEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Output Table Entry containing voltage, current, etc." INDEX { xupsOutputPhase } ::= {xupsOutputTable 1} XupsOutputEntry ::= SEQUENCE { xupsOutputPhase INTEGER, xupsOutputVoltage INTEGER, xupsOutputCurrent INTEGER, xupsOutputWatts INTEGER } xupsOutputPhase OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..6) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number {1..3} of the output phase." ::= {xupsOutputEntry 1} xupsOutputVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..2147483647) -- UNITS RMS Volts ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The measured output voltage from the UPS metering in volts." ::= {xupsOutputEntry 2} xupsOutputCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..2147483647) -- UNITS RMS Amp ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The measured UPS output current in amps." ::= {xupsOutputEntry 3} xupsOutputWatts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..2147483647) -- UNITS Watts ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The measured real output power in watts." ::= {xupsOutputEntry 4} xupsOutputSource OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), none(2), normal(3), -- normal, single UPS module output bypass(4), battery(5), booster(6), -- Single or Double Boost, line-interactive UPSs only reducer(7), -- Buck, line-interactive UPSs only parallelCapacity(8), -- normal enhanced by Parallel for Capacity operation parallelRedundant(9), -- normal enhanced by Redundant Parallel operation highEfficiencyMode(10) -- normal enhanced by High Efficiency mode } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The present source of output power. The enumeration none(2) indicates that there is no source of output power (and therefore no output power), for example, the system has opened the output breaker." ::= { xupsOutput 5 } -- -- xupsBypass group: -- xupsBypassFrequency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..2147483647) -- UNITS 0.1 Hertz ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The bypass frequency in tenths of Hz." ::= {xupsBypass 1} xupsBypassNumPhases OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..6) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of lines in the UPS bypass table." ::= {xupsBypass 2} xupsBypassTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF XupsBypassEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory ::= {xupsBypass 3} xupsBypassEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX XupsBypassEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Entry in the XUPS bypass table." INDEX { xupsBypassPhase } ::= {xupsBypassTable 1} XupsBypassEntry ::= SEQUENCE { xupsBypassPhase INTEGER, xupsBypassVoltage INTEGER } xupsBypassPhase OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..6) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Bypass Phase, index for the table." ::= {xupsBypassEntry 1} xupsBypassVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..2147483647) -- UNITS RMS Volts ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The measured UPS bypass voltage in volts." ::= {xupsBypassEntry 2} -- -- xupsEnvironment group: -- xupsEnvAmbientTemp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-100..200) -- UNITS Degrees Centigrade ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The reading of the ambient temperature in the vicinity of the UPS or SNMP agent." ::= { xupsEnvironment 1 } xupsEnvAmbientLowerLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-100..200) -- UNITS Degrees Centigrade ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Lower Limit of the ambient temperature; if xupsEnvAmbientTemp falls below this value, the xupsAmbientTempBad alarm will occur." ::= { xupsEnvironment 2 } xupsEnvAmbientUpperLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-100..200) -- UNITS Degrees Centigrade ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Upper Limit of the ambient temperature; if xupsEnvAmbientTemp rises above this value, the xupsAmbientTempBad alarm will occur. This value should be greater than xupsEnvAmbientLowerLimit." ::= { xupsEnvironment 3 } xupsEnvAmbientHumidity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..100) -- UNITS % ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The reading of the ambient humidity in the vicinity of the UPS or SNMP agent." ::= { xupsEnvironment 4 } xupsEnvRemoteTemp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-100..200) -- UNITS Degrees Centigrade ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The reading of a remote temperature sensor connected to the UPS or SNMP agent." ::= { xupsEnvironment 5 } xupsEnvRemoteHumidity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..100) -- UNITS % ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The reading of a remote humidity sensor connected to the UPS or SNMP agent." ::= { xupsEnvironment 6 } -- -- The Environmental Contact Sensing Table -- Contains the table for monitoring all contacts (digital -- inputs). -- xupsEnvNumContacts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..1024) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of Contacts in the xupsContactSenseTable. This object indicates the number of rows in the xupsContactSenseTable." ::= { xupsEnvironment 7 } xupsContactSenseTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF XupsContactsTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of Contact Sensing table entries. The number of entries is given by the value of xupsEnvNumContacts." ::= { xupsEnvironment 8 } xupsContactsTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX XupsContactsTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information applicable to a particular Contact input." INDEX { xupsContactIndex } ::= { xupsContactSenseTable 1 } XupsContactsTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { xupsContactIndex INTEGER, xupsContactType INTEGER, xupsContactState INTEGER, xupsContactDescr DisplayString } xupsContactIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..1024) ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Contact identifier; identical to the Contact Number." ::= { xupsContactsTableEntry 1 } xupsContactType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normallyOpen(1), -- or Input Normally High normallyClosed(2), -- or Input Normally Low anyChange(3), -- No normal Open/Closed state notUsed(4) -- Contact not in service } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The normal state for this contact. The 'other' state is the Active state for generating the xupstdContactActiveNotice trap. If anyChange(3) is selected, then this trap is sent any time the contact changes to either Open or Closed. No traps are sent if the Contact is set to notUsed(4). In many cases, the configuration for Contacts may be done by other means, so this object may be read-only." ::= { xupsContactsTableEntry 2 } xupsContactState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { open(1), closed(2), openWithNotice(3), closedWithNotice(4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current state of the Contact input; the value is based on the open/closed input state and the setting for xupsContactType. When entering the openWithNotice(3) and closedWithNotice(4) states, no entries added to the xupsAlarmTable, but the xupstdContactActiveNotice trap is sent." ::= { xupsContactsTableEntry 3 } xupsContactDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..63)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A label identifying the Contact. This object should be set by the administrator." ::= { xupsContactsTableEntry 4 } xupsEnvRemoteTempLowerLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-100..200) -- UNITS Degrees Centigrade ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Lower Limit of the remote temperature; if xupsEnvRemoteTemp falls below this value, the xupsRemoteTempBad alarm will occur." ::= { xupsEnvironment 9 } xupsEnvRemoteTempUpperLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-100..200) -- UNITS Degrees Centigrade ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Upper Limit of the remote temperature; if xupsEnvRemoteTemp rises above this value, the xupsRemoteTempBad alarm will occur. This value should be greater than xupsEnvRemoteTempLowerLimit." ::= { xupsEnvironment 10 } xupsEnvRemoteHumidityLowerLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..100) -- UNITS % ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Lower Limit of the remote humidity reading; if xupsEnvRemoteHumidity falls below this value, the xupsRemoteHumidityBad alarm will occur." ::= { xupsEnvironment 11 } xupsEnvRemoteHumidityUpperLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..100) -- UNITS % ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Upper Limit of the remote humidity reading; if xupsEnvRemoteHumidity rises above this value, the xupsRemoteHumidityBad alarm will occur. This value should be greater than xupsEnvRemoteHumidityLowerLimit." ::= { xupsEnvironment 12 } -- -- xupsAlarm group: -- xupsAlarms OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current number of alarm conditions." ::= {xupsAlarm 1} xupsAlarmTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF XupsAlarmEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory ::= {xupsAlarm 2} xupsAlarmEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX XupsAlarmEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory INDEX { xupsAlarmID } ::= {xupsAlarmTable 1} XupsAlarmEntry ::= SEQUENCE { xupsAlarmID INTEGER, xupsAlarmDescr OBJECT IDENTIFIER, xupsAlarmTime TimeTicks } xupsAlarmID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..2147483647) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A unique identifier for an alarm condition." ::= {xupsAlarmEntry 1} xupsAlarmDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OBJECT IDENTIFIER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A reference to an alarm description object. The object referenced should not be accessible, but rather be used to provide a unique description of the alarm condition." ::= {xupsAlarmEntry 2} xupsAlarmTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The value of the MIB-II variable sysUpTime when the alarm condition occurred." ::= {xupsAlarmEntry 3} -- -- Well known alarm conditions. -- xupsOnBattery OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsAlarm 3} xupsLowBattery OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsAlarm 4} xupsUtilityPowerRestored OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsAlarm 5} xupsReturnFromLowBattery OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsAlarm 6} xupsOutputOverload OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsAlarm 7} xupsInternalFailure OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsAlarm 8} xupsBatteryDischarged OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsAlarm 9} xupsInverterFailure OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsAlarm 10} xupsOnBypass OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsAlarm 11} xupsBypassNotAvailable OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsAlarm 12} xupsOutputOff OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsAlarm 13} xupsInputFailure OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsAlarm 14} xupsBuildingAlarm OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsAlarm 15} xupsShutdownImminent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsAlarm 16} xupsOnInverter OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsAlarm 17} xupsAlarmNumEvents OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of entries in the UPS event history queue." ::= { xupsAlarm 18 } xupsAlarmEventTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF XupsAlarmEventEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table of the UPS internal event history queue." ::= { xupsAlarm 19 } xupsAlarmEventEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX XupsAlarmEventEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "One of the entries in the UPS event history queue." INDEX { xupsAlarmEventID } ::= { xupsAlarmEventTable 1 } -- The first 4 vars in the xAEEntry have been deprecated, since they resulted in -- a flood of difficult to interpret data. They have been replaced by the single -- entry, xupsAlarmEventMsg, which gives a human-readable description of the event. XupsAlarmEventEntry ::= SEQUENCE { xupsAlarmEventID INTEGER, xupsAlarmEventDateAndTime DisplayString, xupsAlarmEventKind INTEGER, xupsAlarmEventDescr INTEGER, xupsAlarmEventMsg DisplayString } xupsAlarmEventID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..400) ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "A unique number that reflects the order in which the event occurred. The oldest event in the queue will be number 1. Subsequent events will be numbered 2, 3, 4, etc." ::= { xupsAlarmEventEntry 1 } xupsAlarmEventDateAndTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..22)) ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The time and date that an event occurred as recorded in the UPS internal event queue. This string will reflect the time and date as set in the UPS itself and will not be referenced to sysUpTime. The format is MM/DD/YYYY:HH:MM:SS. Time is 24 hour standard." ::= { xupsAlarmEventEntry 2 } xupsAlarmEventKind OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { occurred (1), cleared (2), unknown (3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Enumerated value that tells whether the event is an occurrence of an alarm condition or a clearing of an alarm condition." ::= { xupsAlarmEventEntry 3 } xupsAlarmEventDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..2147483647) ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "A description of the event stored in the UPS event queue. This description will be a sixteen bit integer value representing one of the defined alarms in the Powerware Binary Computer Mode communication specification; for example, a value of 0 represents the 'Inverter AC Over Voltage' alarm (byte 1, bit 0 in the BCM Alarm Map)." ::= { xupsAlarmEventEntry 4 } xupsAlarmEventMsg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..80)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A text string describing each entry in the Event Log. The format of this text message is free (not fixed) for the operator to read; good contents would be a time & date stamp, the event type, and a description of the event." ::= { xupsAlarmEventEntry 5 } -- -- More Well known alarm conditions. -- xupsBreakerOpen OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsAlarm 20} xupsAlarmEntryAdded OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsAlarm 21} xupsAlarmEntryRemoved OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsAlarm 22} -- Same as RFC 1628 Well Known Alarms: xupsAlarmBatteryBad OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsAlarm 23} xupsOutputOffAsRequested OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsAlarm 24} xupsDiagnosticTestFailed OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsAlarm 25} xupsCommunicationsLost OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsAlarm 26} xupsUpsShutdownPending OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsAlarm 27} xupsAlarmTestInProgress OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsAlarm 28} -- Alarm for the Ambient Temperature, when outside of lo/hi limits xupsAmbientTempBad OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsAlarm 29} -- For Loss of Redundancy in parallel systems xupsLossOfRedundancy OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsAlarm 30} -- More Same as RFC 1628 Well Known Alarms: xupsAlarmTempBad OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsAlarm 31} xupsAlarmChargerFailed OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsAlarm 32} xupsAlarmFanFailure OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsAlarm 33} xupsAlarmFuseFailure OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsAlarm 34} -- A Relay, Contactor, or Breaker has failed xupsPowerSwitchBad OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsAlarm 35} -- One module in a parallel or composite system has failed xupsModuleFailure OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsAlarm 36} -- Two Alarms for systems with an Alternate Power Source, such as -- Secondary utility feed (on a dual AC input UPS), generator, -- flywheel, or fuelcell. xupsOnAlternatePowerSource OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsAlarm 37} xupsAltPowerNotAvailable OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsAlarm 38} -- Some Notice condition exists which is not covered by the other WKA -- (like an xupsInternalFailure, but at a lower level of urgency) xupsNoticeCondition OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsAlarm 39} -- Alarms for the Remote Temperature & Humidity, when outside of lo/hi limits xupsRemoteTempBad OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsAlarm 40} xupsRemoteHumidityBad OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsAlarm 41} -- -- xupsTest group: -- xupsTestBattery OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { startTest (1) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting this variable to startTest initiates the battery test. All other set values are invalid." ::= {xupsTest 1} xupsTestBatteryStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (1), passed (2), failed (3), inProgress (4), notSupported (5), inhibited (6), scheduled (7) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Reading this enumerated value gives an indication of the UPS Battery test status." ::= {xupsTest 2} -- -- xupsControl group: -- xupsControlOutputOffDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..2147483647) -- UNITS seconds ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting this value to other than zero will cause the UPS output to turn off after the number of seconds. Setting it to 0 will cause an attempt to abort a pending shutdown." ::= {xupsControl 1} xupsControlOutputOnDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..2147483647) -- UNITS seconds ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting this value to other than zero will cause the UPS output to turn on after the number of seconds. Setting it to 0 will cause an attempt to abort a pending startup." ::= {xupsControl 2} xupsControlOutputOffTrapDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..2147483647) -- UNITS seconds ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When xupsControlOutputOffDelay reaches this value, a trap will be sent." ::= {xupsControl 3} xupsControlOutputOnTrapDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..2147483647) -- UNITS seconds ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "When xupsControlOutputOnDelay reaches this value, a xupsOutputOff trap will be sent." ::= {xupsControl 4} xupsControlToBypassDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..2147483647) -- UNITS seconds ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting this value to other than zero will cause the UPS output to go to Bypass after the number of seconds. If the Bypass is unavailable, this may cause the UPS to not supply power to the load. Setting it to 0 will cause an attempt to abort a pending shutdown." ::= {xupsControl 5} xupsLoadShedSecsWithRestart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..2147483647) -- UNITS seconds ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting this value will cause the UPS output to turn off after the set number of seconds, then restart (after a UPS-defined 'down time') when the utility is again available. Unlike xupsControlOutputOffDelay, which might or might not, this object always maps to the XCP 0x8A Load Dump & Restart command, so the desired shutdown and restart behavior is guaranteed to happen. Once set, this command cannot be aborted. This is the preferred Control object to use when performing an On Battery OS Shutdown." ::= {xupsControl 6} -- -- xupsConfig group: -- xupsConfigOutputVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..2147483647) -- UNITS RMS Volts ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The nominal UPS Output voltage per phase in volts." ::= {xupsConfig 1} xupsConfigInputVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..2147483647) -- UNITS RMS Volts ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The nominal UPS Input voltage per phase in volts." ::= {xupsConfig 2} xupsConfigOutputWatts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..2147483647) -- UNITS Watts ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The nominal UPS available real power output in watts." ::= {xupsConfig 3} xupsConfigOutputFreq OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..2147483647) -- UNITS 0.1 Hertz ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The nominal output frequency in tenths of Hz." ::= {xupsConfig 4} xupsConfigDateAndTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..22)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Date and time information for the UPS. Setting this variable will initiate a set UPS date and time to this value. Reading this variable will return the UPS time and date. This value is not referenced to sysUpTime. It is simply the clock value from the UPS real time clock. Format is as follows: MM/DD/YYYY:HH:MM:SS." ::= { xupsConfig 5 } xupsConfigLowOutputVoltageLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..2147483647) -- UNITS RMS Volts ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Lower limit for acceptable Output Voltage, per the UPS specifications." ::= {xupsConfig 6} xupsConfigHighOutputVoltageLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..2147483647) -- UNITS RMS Volts ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Upper limit for acceptable Output Voltage, per the UPS specifications." ::= {xupsConfig 7} -- -- xupsTrapControl group: -- xupsMaxTrapLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (1), critical (2), major (3), allTraps (4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The level of severity of traps which will be sent to the requesting host; individual trap receivers will have individual values for this variable. Values are: (1) none: no traps will be sent to this host; (2) critical: only traps for Critical alarm conditions will be sent to this host; (3) major: Critical and Major traps will be sent; (4) allTraps: all Traps will be sent to this host (Critical, Major, Minor, Informational)." ::= {xupsTrapControl 1} xupsSendTrapType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { stnd (1), xups (2), stndPlus (3), xupsPlus (4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The type of traps which will be sent to the requesting host; individual trap receivers will have individual values for this variable. The additional variables in types (3) and (4) are useful for determining which UPS is the source on multi-port network adapters, and for getting additional descriptive information. Types (1) through (4) are all SNMP version 1 trap PDUs. Values are: (1) stnd: Traps as defined in the Standard UPS MIB (RFC1628) and Generic (MIB II) traps as defined in RFC 1215. (2) xups: xupsTrapDefined Traps as defined in the PowerMIB and Generic (MIB II) traps as defined in RFC 1215. (3) stndPlus: same as stnd plus variables from the interface group and, where appropriate, xupsTrapMessage. (4) xupsPlus: xupsTrapPortN Traps (same as xups plus variables from the interface group) and, for authFail, xupsTrapMessage." ::= {xupsTrapControl 2} xupsTrapMessage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..79)) ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A descriptive message which may be sent with traps to further explain the reason for the trap." ::= {xupsTrapControl 3} -- -- xupsRecep group: -- -- (Note that the terms Receptacle, Outlet, and Load Group are used interchangeably -- here and all mean "one of a set of controllable, power-switched outputs") -- xupsNumReceptacles OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..64) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of independently controllable Receptacles, as described in the xupsRecepTable." ::= {xupsRecep 1} xupsRecepTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF XupsRecepEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Aggregate Object with number of entries equal to NumReceptacles and including the xupsRecep group." ::={xupsRecep 2} xupsRecepEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX XupsRecepEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Recep table entry, etc." INDEX { xupsRecepIndex } ::= { xupsRecepTable 1 } XupsRecepEntry ::= SEQUENCE { xupsRecepIndex INTEGER, xupsRecepStatus INTEGER, xupsRecepOffDelaySecs INTEGER, xupsRecepOnDelaySecs INTEGER, xupsRecepAutoOffDelay INTEGER, xupsRecepAutoOnDelay INTEGER, xupsRecepShedSecsWithRestart INTEGER } xupsRecepIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..64) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of the Receptacle. Serves as index for Receptacle table." ::= {xupsRecepEntry 1} xupsRecepStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { on(1), off(2), pendingOff(3), pendingOn(4), unknown(5) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Recep Status 1=On/Close, 2=Off/Open, 3=On w/Pending Off, 4=Off w/Pending ON, 5=Unknown." ::={xupsRecepEntry 2} xupsRecepOffDelaySecs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-1..2147483647) -- UNITS seconds ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Delay until the Receptacle is turned Off. Setting this value to other than -1 will cause the UPS output to turn off after the number of seconds (0 is immediately). Setting it to -1 will cause an attempt to abort a pending shutdown. When this object is set while the UPS is On Battery, it is not necessary to set xupsRecepOnDelaySecs, since the outlet will turn back on automatically when power is available again." ::= {xupsRecepEntry 3} xupsRecepOnDelaySecs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-1..2147483647) -- UNITS seconds ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " The Delay until the Receptacle is turned On. Setting this value to other than -1 will cause the UPS output to turn on after the number of seconds (0 is immediately). Setting it to -1 will cause an attempt to abort a pending restart." ::={xupsRecepEntry 4} xupsRecepAutoOffDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-1..32767) -- UNITS seconds ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The delay after going On Battery until the Receptacle is automatically turned Off. A value of -1 means that this Output should never be turned Off automatically, but must be turned Off only by command. Values from 0 to 30 are valid, but probably innappropriate. The AutoOffDelay can be used to prioritize loads in the event of a prolonged power outage; less critical loads will turn off earlier to extend battery time for the more critical loads. If the utility power is restored before the AutoOff delay counts down to 0 on an outlet, that outlet will not turn Off." ::= {xupsRecepEntry 5} xupsRecepAutoOnDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-1..32767) -- UNITS seconds ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Seconds delay after the Outlet is signaled to turn On before the Output is Automatically turned ON. A value of -1 means that this Output should never be turned On automatically, but only when specifically commanded to do so. A value of 0 means that the Receptacle should come On immediately at power-up or for an On command." ::= {xupsRecepEntry 6} -- xupsRecepAutoOnDelay has three purposes: -- 1. To coordinate the automatic startup of various outlets, when the normal -- auto-sequencing of 1 second per outlet is not adequate. For example, they may -- be used to power up hard disk arrays before CPU units are started. -- 2. To force additional 'Down Time' during xupsRecepOffDelaySecs commands, for -- equipment to be reset, when the standard 'Down Time' is not long enough. -- 3. For the -1 value, to ensure that loads wont be powered until commanded, -- following power-up or a xupsRecepOffDelaySecs command. xupsRecepShedSecsWithRestart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..2147483647) -- UNITS seconds ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting this value will cause the UPS output to turn off after the set number of seconds, then restart (after a UPS-defined 'down time') when the utility is again available. Unlike xupsRecepOffDelaySecs, which might or might not, this object always maps to the XCP 0x8A Load Dump & Restart command, so the desired shutdown and restart behavior is guaranteed to happen. Once set, this command cannot be aborted." ::= {xupsRecepEntry 7} -- -- xupsTopology group: -- xupsTopologyType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..32767) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Value which denotes the type of UPS by its power topology. Values are the same as those described in the XCP Topology block's Overall Topology field." ::= {xupsTopology 1} xupsTopoMachineCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..32767) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "ID Value which denotes the Powerware model of the UPS for software. Values are the same as those described in the XCP Configuration block's Machine Code field." ::= {xupsTopology 2} xupsTopoUnitNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..64) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Identifies which unit and what type of data is being reported. A value of 0 means that this MIB information comes from the top-level system view (eg, manifold module or system bypass cabinet reporting total system output). Standalone units also use a value of 0, since they are the 'full system' view. A value of 1 or higher indicates the number of the module in the system which is reporting only its own data in the PowerMIB objects." ::= {xupsTopology 3} xupsTopoPowerStrategy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { highAlert(1), standard(2), enableHighEfficiency(3), immediateHighEfficiency(4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Value which denotes which Power Strategy is currently set for the UPS. The values are: highAlert(1) - The UPS shall optimize its operating state to maximize its power-protection levels. This mode will be held for at most 24 hours. standard(2) - Balanced, normal power protection strategy. UPS will not enter HE operating mode from this setting. enableHighEfficiency(3) - The UPS is enabled to enter HE operating mode to optimize its operating state to maximize its efficiency, when conditions change to permit it (as determined by the UPS). forceHighEfficiency(4) - If this value is permitted to be Set for this UPS, and if conditions permit, requires the UPS to enter High Efficiency mode now, without delay (for as long as utility conditions permit). After successfully set to forceHighEfficiency(4), xupsTopoPowerStrategy changes to value enableHighEfficiency(3). xupsOutputSource will indicate if the UPS status is actually operating in High Efficiency mode." ::= {xupsTopology 4} -- ************************************************************************* -- ************************************************************************* -- -- Traps (xupst) -- -- 1) Powerware's traps are defined in this MIB for three different sources: -- a) Basic Agents for which the trap variables have not been defined, -- though trap variables are included with the trap PDU -- b) Agents with exactly Defined trap variables, which may be -- used as input to trap response macros on management stations -- c) Agents with Defined traps including ifIndex and ifDescr, -- which can be used to determine which UPS of a multi-port -- agent (eg, Powerware Network SNMP Adapter) sent the trap -- The trap definitions for the three sources are very similar, -- and use the same alarms as their triggers; their names are prefaced -- by xupstb, xupstd, and xupstp to distinguish the three types -- -- 2) Trap Severity Level is given as a comment to indicate which -- xupsMaxTrapLevel will result in this trap being sent; levels -- are (in order): Critical, Major, Minor, Informational -- -- 3) The following Object Identifiers are used to distinguish Powerware's -- Trap sources: -- a) The first is for traps without defined trap variables xupsNull OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xups 0 } xupsTrapBasic OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xupsNull 0 } -- b) The second is for traps with defined variables, -- without ifIndex & ifDescr xupsTrapSource OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsTrapControl 4} xupsTrapDefined OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsTrapSource 1} -- c) The third is for traps with defined variables -- plus ifIndex & ifDescr xupsTrapPortN OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsTrapSource 2} -- **************************************************************************** -- **************************************************************************** -- -- Traps from xupsTrapBasic source (xupstb): -- xupstbControlOff TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapBasic DESCRIPTION "The UPS output power will turn off in a number of seconds equal to upsControlOutputOffTrapDelay." --#SEVERITY CRITICAL ::= 1 xupstbControlOn TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapBasic DESCRIPTION "The UPS output power will turn on in a number of seconds equal to upsControlOutputOnTrapDelay." --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL ::= 2 xupstbOnBattery TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapBasic DESCRIPTION "The UPS has no AC input power and is running on battery." --#SEVERITY MAJOR ::= 3 xupstbLowBattery TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapBasic DESCRIPTION "The UPS batteries are low. Tied to low battery alarm condition." --#SEVERITY CRITICAL ::= 4 xupstbUtilityPowerRestored TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapBasic DESCRIPTION "Input power has been restored after running on battery." --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL ::= 5 xupstbReturnFromLowBattery TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapBasic DESCRIPTION "The battery has recovered from a low battery condition." --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL ::= 6 xupstbOutputOverload TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapBasic DESCRIPTION "The ups has sensed an overload of greater than 106 percent. Tied to the 106% overload alarm." --#SEVERITY MINOR ::= 7 xupstbInternalFailure TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapBasic DESCRIPTION "Some component of the ups - rectifier, inverter, control panel has failed. Tied to alarms indicating failure." --#SEVERITY CRITICAL ::= 8 xupstbBatteryDischarged TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapBasic DESCRIPTION "The Battery Totally Discharged Alarm has occurred." --#SEVERITY CRITICAL ::= 9 xupstbInverterFailure TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapBasic DESCRIPTION "The ups inverter is unavailable due to an internal failure." --#SEVERITY CRITICAL ::= 10 xupstbOnBypass TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapBasic DESCRIPTION "The ups has gone on bypass for some reason." --#SEVERITY CRITICAL ::= 11 xupstbBypassNotAvailable TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapBasic DESCRIPTION "The ups bypass is unavailable" --#SEVERITY MAJOR ::= 12 xupstbOutputOff TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapBasic DESCRIPTION "The ups output is switched off." --#SEVERITY CRITICAL ::= 13 xupstbInputFailure TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapBasic DESCRIPTION "The ups input power is incorrect in voltage, frequency, or phase rotation." --#SEVERITY MINOR ::= 14 xupstbBuildingAlarm TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapBasic DESCRIPTION "One of the defined building alarms has occurred." --#SEVERITY MAJOR ::= 15 xupstbShutdownImminent TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapBasic DESCRIPTION "The ups shutdown imminent alarm has occurred." --#SEVERITY CRITICAL ::= 16 xupstbOnInverter TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapBasic DESCRIPTION "The ups is returned to utility power running the inverter after either a transfer to bypass or a run on battery." --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL ::= 17 xupstbBreakerOpen TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapBasic DESCRIPTION "One of the UPS breakers or contactors has been opened." --#SEVERITY MAJOR ::= 20 xupstbAlarmEntryAdded TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapBasic DESCRIPTION "An alarm not defined in the xups Well Known Alarms (eg, an alarm defined in RFC1628) has been added to the Alarm Table." --#SEVERITY MAJOR ::= 21 xupstbAlarmEntryRemoved TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapBasic DESCRIPTION "An alarm not defined in the xups Well Known Alarms has been removed from the Alarm Table." --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL ::= 22 -- The following alarms do not have equivalents as Basic Traps -- xupstbAlarmBatteryBad ::= 23 -- xupstbOutputOffAsRequested ::= 24 -- xupstbDiagnosticTestFailed ::= 25 -- xupstbCommunicationsLost ::= 26 -- xupstbUpsShutdownPending ::= 27 -- xupstbAlarmTestInProgress ::= 28 -- xupstbAmbientTempBad ::= 29 -- xupstbContactActiveNotice ::= 30 -- xupstbContactInactiveNotice ::= 31 -- xupstbLossOfRedundancy ::= 32 -- xupstbAlarmTempBad ::= 33 -- xupstbAlarmChargerFailed ::= 34 -- xupstbAlarmFanFailure ::= 35 -- xupstbAlarmFuseFailure ::= 36 -- xupstbPowerSwitchBad ::= 37 -- xupstbModuleFailure ::= 38 -- xupstbOnAlternatePowerSource ::= 39 -- xupstbAltPowerNotAvailable ::= 40 -- xupstbNoticeCondition ::= 41 -- xupstbRemoteTempBad ::= 42 -- xupstbRemoteHumidityBad ::= 43 -- **************************************************************************** -- **************************************************************************** -- -- Traps from xupsTrapDefined source (xupstd): -- xupstdControlOff TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapDefined VARIABLES { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage } DESCRIPTION "The UPS output power will turn off in a number of seconds equal to upsControlOutputOffTrapDelay." --#SEVERITY CRITICAL ::= 1 xupstdControlOn TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapDefined VARIABLES { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage } DESCRIPTION "The UPS output power will turn on in a number of seconds equal to upsControlOutputOnTrapDelay." --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL ::= 2 xupstdOnBattery TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapDefined VARIABLES { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage } DESCRIPTION "The UPS has no AC input power and is running on battery." --#SEVERITY MAJOR ::= 3 xupstdLowBattery TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapDefined VARIABLES { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage } DESCRIPTION "The UPS batteries are low. Tied to low battery alarm condition." --#SEVERITY CRITICAL ::= 4 xupstdUtilityPowerRestored TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapDefined VARIABLES { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage } DESCRIPTION "Input power has been restored after running on battery." --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL ::= 5 xupstdReturnFromLowBattery TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapDefined VARIABLES { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage } DESCRIPTION "The battery has recovered from a low battery condition." --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL ::= 6 xupstdOutputOverload TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapDefined VARIABLES { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage } DESCRIPTION "The ups has sensed an overload of greater than 106 percent. Tied to the 106% overload alarm." --#SEVERITY MINOR ::= 7 xupstdInternalFailure TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapDefined VARIABLES { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage } DESCRIPTION "Some component of the ups - rectifier, inverter, control panel has failed. Tied to alarms indi- cating failure." --#SEVERITY CRITICAL ::= 8 xupstdBatteryDischarged TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapDefined VARIABLES { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage } DESCRIPTION "The Battery Totally Discharged Alarm has occurred." --#SEVERITY CRITICAL ::= 9 xupstdInverterFailure TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapDefined VARIABLES { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage } DESCRIPTION "The ups inverter is unavailable due to an internal failure." --#SEVERITY CRITICAL ::= 10 xupstdOnBypass TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapDefined VARIABLES { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage } DESCRIPTION "The ups has gone on bypass for some reason." --#SEVERITY CRITICAL ::= 11 xupstdBypassNotAvailable TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapDefined VARIABLES { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage } DESCRIPTION "The ups bypass is unavailable" --#SEVERITY MAJOR ::= 12 xupstdOutputOff TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapDefined VARIABLES { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage } DESCRIPTION "The ups output is switched off." --#SEVERITY CRITICAL ::= 13 xupstdInputFailure TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapDefined VARIABLES { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage } DESCRIPTION "The ups input power is incorrect in voltage, frequency, or phase rotation." --#SEVERITY MINOR ::= 14 xupstdBuildingAlarm TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapDefined VARIABLES { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage } DESCRIPTION "One of the defined building alarms has occurred." --#SEVERITY MAJOR ::= 15 xupstdShutdownImminent TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapDefined VARIABLES { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage } DESCRIPTION "The ups shutdown imminent alarm has occurred." --#SEVERITY CRITICAL ::= 16 xupstdOnInverter TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapDefined VARIABLES { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage } DESCRIPTION "The ups is returned to utility power running the inverter after either a transfer to bypass or a run on battery." --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL ::= 17 xupstdBreakerOpen TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapDefined VARIABLES { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage } DESCRIPTION "One of the UPS breakers or contactors has been opened." --#SEVERITY MAJOR ::= 20 xupstdAlarmEntryAdded TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapDefined VARIABLES { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage } DESCRIPTION "An alarm not defined in the xups Well Known Alarms (eg, an alarm defined in RFC1628) has been added to the Alarm Table." --#SEVERITY MAJOR ::= 21 xupstdAlarmEntryRemoved TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapDefined VARIABLES { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage } DESCRIPTION "An alarm not defined in the xups Well Known Alarms has been removed from the Alarm Table." --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL ::= 22 xupstdAlarmBatteryBad TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapDefined VARIABLES { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage } DESCRIPTION "One or more batteries have been determined to require replacement." --#SEVERITY MAJOR ::= 23 xupstdOutputOffAsRequested TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapDefined VARIABLES { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage } DESCRIPTION "The UPS has shutdown as requested, i.e., the output is off." --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL ::= 24 xupstdDiagnosticTestFailed TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapDefined VARIABLES { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage } DESCRIPTION "The result of the last diagnostic test indicates a failure." --#SEVERITY MINOR ::= 25 xupstdCommunicationsLost TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapDefined VARIABLES { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage } DESCRIPTION "A problem has been encountered in the communications between the agent and the UPS." --#SEVERITY MAJOR ::= 26 xupstdUpsShutdownPending TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapDefined VARIABLES { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage } DESCRIPTION "An xupsControlOutputOffDelay countdown is underway." --#SEVERITY MAJOR ::= 27 xupstdAlarmTestInProgress TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapDefined VARIABLES { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage } DESCRIPTION "A test is in progress, as initiated and indicated by the Battery Test Group." --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL ::= 28 -- Provide additional information with the AmbientTemp trap xupstdAmbientTempBad TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapDefined VARIABLES { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage, xupsEnvAmbientTemp, xupsEnvAmbientLowerLimit, xupsEnvAmbientUpperLimit } DESCRIPTION "The ambient temperature, xupsEnvAmbientTemp, has fallen below the set lower limit, xupsEnvAmbientLowerLimit, or has risen above the set upper limit, xupsEnvAmbientUpperLimit." --#SEVERITY MAJOR ::= 29 -- Added to support the ConnectUPS Web/SNMP card's ability to monitor contact(s) xupstdContactActiveNotice TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapDefined VARIABLES { xupsContactIndex, xupsContactType, xupsContactState, xupsContactDescr } DESCRIPTION "The Contact indicated by xupsContactIndex is in its Active state. The following are the situations that generate this trap: For xupsContactType: and xupsContactState: normallyOpen(1) and closedWithNotice(4) normallyClosed(2) and openWithNotice(3) anyChange(3) and openWithNotice(3) or closedWithNotice(4)" --#SEVERITY MAJOR ::= 30 xupstdContactInactiveNotice TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapDefined VARIABLES { xupsContactIndex, xupsContactType, xupsContactState, xupsContactDescr } DESCRIPTION "The Contact indicated by xupsContactIndex has changed to its Inactive state." --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL ::= 31 xupstdLossOfRedundancy TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapDefined VARIABLES { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage } DESCRIPTION "A parallel UPS system is no longer operating in N+1 redundant mode; this may be due to module failure or removal, or due to overloading." --#SEVERITY MINOR ::= 32 xupstdAlarmTempBad TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapDefined VARIABLES { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage } DESCRIPTION "An internal temperature is out of tolerance." --#SEVERITY MAJOR ::= 33 xupstdAlarmChargerFailed TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapDefined VARIABLES { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage } DESCRIPTION "An uncorrected problem has been detected within the UPS charger subsystem." --#SEVERITY MAJOR ::= 34 xupstdAlarmFanFailure TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapDefined VARIABLES { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage } DESCRIPTION "The failure of one or more fans in the UPS has been detected." --#SEVERITY MAJOR ::= 35 xupstdAlarmFuseFailure TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapDefined VARIABLES { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage } DESCRIPTION "The failure of one or more fuses has been detected." --#SEVERITY CRITICAL ::= 36 xupstdPowerSwitchBad TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapDefined VARIABLES { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage } DESCRIPTION "A Relay, Contactor, or Breaker has failed." --#SEVERITY CRITICAL ::= 37 xupstdModuleFailure TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapDefined VARIABLES { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage } DESCRIPTION "One module in a parallel or composite system has failed." --#SEVERITY MAJOR ::= 38 -- Adds xupsInputSource to its var list xupstdOnAlternatePowerSource TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapDefined VARIABLES { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage, xupsInputSource } DESCRIPTION "The system is being powered by its Alternate Power Source, such as a Secondary utility feed (on a dual AC input UPS), generator, flywheel, or fuelcell." --#SEVERITY MINOR ::= 39 xupstdAltPowerNotAvailable TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapDefined VARIABLES { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage } DESCRIPTION "On systems with a separate alternate power source (eg, dual AC inputs), that alternate power source is currently not available. This could be a problem if the primary power source (eg, utility) fails for a period of time longer than that for which the internal batteries can supply power." --#SEVERITY MINOR ::= 40 xupstdNoticeCondition TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapDefined VARIABLES { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage } DESCRIPTION "Some Notice condition exists which is not covered by the other traps. This is like an xupstdInternalFailure, but at a lower severity level." --#SEVERITY MINOR ::= 41 -- Provide additional information with the RemoteTemp and RemoteHumidity traps xupstdRemoteTempBad TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapDefined VARIABLES { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage, xupsEnvRemoteTemp, xupsEnvRemoteTempLowerLimit, xupsEnvRemoteTempUpperLimit } DESCRIPTION "The remote temperature, xupsEnvRemoteTemp, has fallen below the set lower limit, xupsEnvRemoteTempLowerLimit, or has risen above the set upper limit, xupsEnvRemoteTempUpperLimit." --#SEVERITY MAJOR ::= 42 xupstdRemoteHumidityBad TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapDefined VARIABLES { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage, xupsEnvRemoteHumidity, xupsEnvRemoteHumidityLowerLimit, xupsEnvRemoteHumidityUpperLimit } DESCRIPTION "The remote temperature, xupsEnvRemoteHumidity, has fallen below the set lower limit, xupsEnvRemoteHumidityLowerLimit, or has risen above the set upper limit, xupsEnvRemoteHumidityUpperLimit." --#SEVERITY MINOR ::= 43 -- **************************************************************************** -- **************************************************************************** -- -- Traps from xupsTrapPortN source (xupstp): -- xupstpControlOff TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapPortN VARIABLES { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage, ifIndex, ifDescr } DESCRIPTION "The UPS output power will turn off in a number of seconds equal to upsControlOutputOffTrapDelay." --#SEVERITY CRITICAL ::= 1 xupstpControlOn TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapPortN VARIABLES { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage, ifIndex, ifDescr } DESCRIPTION "The UPS output power will turn on in a number of seconds equal to upsControlOutputOnTrapDelay." --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL ::= 2 xupstpOnBattery TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapPortN VARIABLES { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage, ifIndex, ifDescr } DESCRIPTION "The UPS has no AC input power and is running on battery." --#SEVERITY MAJOR ::= 3 xupstpLowBattery TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapPortN VARIABLES { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage, ifIndex, ifDescr } DESCRIPTION "The UPS batteries are low. Tied to low battery alarm condition." --#SEVERITY CRITICAL ::= 4 xupstpUtilityPowerRestored TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapPortN VARIABLES { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage, ifIndex, ifDescr } DESCRIPTION "Input power has been restored after running on battery." --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL ::= 5 xupstpReturnFromLowBattery TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapPortN VARIABLES { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage, ifIndex, ifDescr } DESCRIPTION "The battery has recovered from a low battery condition." --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL ::= 6 xupstpOutputOverload TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapPortN VARIABLES { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage, ifIndex, ifDescr } DESCRIPTION "The ups has sensed an overload of greater than 106 percent. Tied to the 106% overload alarm." --#SEVERITY MINOR ::= 7 xupstpInternalFailure TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapPortN VARIABLES { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage, ifIndex, ifDescr } DESCRIPTION "Some component of the ups - rectifier, inverter, control panel has failed. Tied to alarms indi- cating failure." --#SEVERITY CRITICAL ::= 8 xupstpBatteryDischarged TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapPortN VARIABLES { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage, ifIndex, ifDescr } DESCRIPTION "The Battery Totally Discharged Alarm has occurred." --#SEVERITY CRITICAL ::= 9 xupstpInverterFailure TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapPortN VARIABLES { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage, ifIndex, ifDescr } DESCRIPTION "The ups inverter is unavailable due to an internal failure." --#SEVERITY CRITICAL ::= 10 xupstpOnBypass TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapPortN VARIABLES { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage, ifIndex, ifDescr } DESCRIPTION "The ups has gone on bypass for some reason." --#SEVERITY CRITICAL ::= 11 xupstpBypassNotAvailable TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapPortN VARIABLES { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage, ifIndex, ifDescr } DESCRIPTION "The ups bypass is unavailable" --#SEVERITY MAJOR ::= 12 xupstpOutputOff TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapPortN VARIABLES { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage, ifIndex, ifDescr } DESCRIPTION "The ups output is switched off." --#SEVERITY CRITICAL ::= 13 xupstpInputFailure TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapPortN VARIABLES { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage, ifIndex, ifDescr } DESCRIPTION "The ups input power is incorrect in voltage, frequency, or phase rotation." --#SEVERITY MINOR ::= 14 xupstpBuildingAlarm TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapPortN VARIABLES { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage, ifIndex, ifDescr } DESCRIPTION "One of the defined building alarms has occurred." --#SEVERITY MAJOR ::= 15 xupstpShutdownImminent TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapPortN VARIABLES { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage, ifIndex, ifDescr } DESCRIPTION "The ups shutdown imminent alarm has occurred." --#SEVERITY CRITICAL ::= 16 xupstpOnInverter TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapPortN VARIABLES { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage, ifIndex, ifDescr } DESCRIPTION "The ups is returned to utility power running the inverter after either a transfer to bypass or a run on battery." --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL ::= 17 xupstpBreakerOpen TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapPortN VARIABLES { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage, ifIndex, ifDescr } DESCRIPTION "One of the UPS breakers or contactors has been opened." --#SEVERITY MAJOR ::= 20 xupstpAlarmEntryAdded TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapPortN VARIABLES { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage, ifIndex, ifDescr } DESCRIPTION "An alarm not defined in the xups Well Known Alarms (eg, an alarm defined in RFC1628) has been added to the Alarm Table." --#SEVERITY MAJOR ::= 21 xupstpAlarmEntryRemoved TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapPortN VARIABLES { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage, ifIndex, ifDescr } DESCRIPTION "An alarm not defined in the xups Well Known Alarms has been removed from the Alarm Table." --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL ::= 22 xupstpAlarmBatteryBad TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapPortN VARIABLES { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage, ifIndex, ifDescr } DESCRIPTION "One or more batteries have been determined to require replacement." --#SEVERITY MAJOR ::= 23 xupstpOutputOffAsRequested TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapPortN VARIABLES { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage, ifIndex, ifDescr } DESCRIPTION "The UPS has shutdown as requested, i.e., the output is off." --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL ::= 24 xupstpDiagnosticTestFailed TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapPortN VARIABLES { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage, ifIndex, ifDescr } DESCRIPTION "The result of the last diagnostic test indicates a failure." --#SEVERITY MINOR ::= 25 xupstpCommunicationsLost TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapPortN VARIABLES { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage, ifIndex, ifDescr } DESCRIPTION "A problem has been encountered in the communications between the agent and the UPS." --#SEVERITY MAJOR ::= 26 xupstpUpsShutdownPending TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapPortN VARIABLES { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage, ifIndex, ifDescr } DESCRIPTION "An xupsControlOutputOffDelay countdown is underway." --#SEVERITY MAJOR ::= 27 xupstpAlarmTestInProgress TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapPortN VARIABLES { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage, ifIndex, ifDescr } DESCRIPTION "A test is in progress, as initiated and indicated by the Battery Test Group." --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL ::= 28 -- Provide additional information with the AmbientTemp trap xupstpAmbientTempBad TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapPortN VARIABLES { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage, ifIndex, ifDescr, xupsEnvAmbientTemp, xupsEnvAmbientLowerLimit, xupsEnvAmbientUpperLimit } DESCRIPTION "The ambient temperature, xupsEnvAmbientTemp, has fallen below the set lower limit, xupsEnvAmbientLowerLimit, or has risen above the set upper limit, xupsEnvAmbientUpperLimit." --#SEVERITY MAJOR ::= 29 -- The following alarms do not have equivalents as PortN Traps -- xupstdContactActiveNotice ::= 30 -- xupstdContactInactiveNotice ::= 31 xupstpLossOfRedundancy TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapPortN VARIABLES { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage, ifIndex, ifDescr } DESCRIPTION "A parallel UPS system is no longer operating in N+1 redundant mode; this may be due to module failure or removal, or due to overloading." --#SEVERITY MINOR ::= 32 xupstpAlarmTempBad TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapPortN VARIABLES { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage, ifIndex, ifDescr } DESCRIPTION "An internal temperature is out of tolerance." --#SEVERITY MAJOR ::= 33 xupstpAlarmChargerFailed TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapPortN VARIABLES { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage, ifIndex, ifDescr } DESCRIPTION "An uncorrected problem has been detected within the UPS charger subsystem." --#SEVERITY MAJOR ::= 34 xupstpAlarmFanFailure TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapPortN VARIABLES { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage, ifIndex, ifDescr } DESCRIPTION "The failure of one or more fans in the UPS has been detected." --#SEVERITY MAJOR ::= 35 xupstpAlarmFuseFailure TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapPortN VARIABLES { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage, ifIndex, ifDescr } DESCRIPTION "The failure of one or more fuses has been detected." --#SEVERITY CRITICAL ::= 36 xupstpPowerSwitchBad TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapPortN VARIABLES { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage, ifIndex, ifDescr } DESCRIPTION "A Relay, Contactor, or Breaker has failed." --#SEVERITY CRITICAL ::= 37 xupstpModuleFailure TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapPortN VARIABLES { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage, ifIndex, ifDescr } DESCRIPTION "One module in a parallel or composite system has failed." --#SEVERITY MAJOR ::= 38 xupstpOnAlternatePowerSource TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapPortN VARIABLES { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage, xupsInputSource, ifIndex, ifDescr } DESCRIPTION "The system is being powered by its Alternate Power Source, such as a Secondary utility feed (on a dual AC input UPS), generator, flywheel, or fuelcell." --#SEVERITY MINOR ::= 39 xupstpAltPowerNotAvailable TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapPortN VARIABLES { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage, ifIndex, ifDescr } DESCRIPTION "On systems with a separate alternate power source (eg, dual AC inputs), that alternate power source is currently not available. This could be a problem if the primary power source (eg, utility) fails for a period of time longer than that for which the internal batteries can supply power." --#SEVERITY MINOR ::= 40 xupstpNoticeCondition TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapPortN VARIABLES { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage, ifIndex, ifDescr } DESCRIPTION "Some Notice condition exists which is not covered by the other traps. This is like an xupstpInternalFailure, but at a lower severity level." --#SEVERITY MINOR ::= 41 -- Provide additional information with the RemoteTemp and RemoteHumidity traps xupstpRemoteTempBad TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapPortN VARIABLES { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage, ifIndex, ifDescr, xupsEnvRemoteTemp, xupsEnvRemoteTempLowerLimit, xupsEnvRemoteTempUpperLimit } DESCRIPTION "The remote temperature, xupsEnvRemoteTemp, has fallen below the set lower limit, xupsEnvRemoteTempLowerLimit, or has risen above the set upper limit, xupsEnvRemoteTempUpperLimit." --#SEVERITY MAJOR ::= 42 xupstpRemoteHumidityBad TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE xupsTrapPortN VARIABLES { xupsAlarmID, xupsAlarmDescr, xupsTrapMessage, ifIndex, ifDescr, xupsEnvRemoteHumidity, xupsEnvRemoteHumidityLowerLimit, xupsEnvRemoteHumidityUpperLimit } DESCRIPTION "The remote temperature, xupsEnvRemoteHumidity, has fallen below the set lower limit, xupsEnvRemoteHumidityLowerLimit, or has risen above the set upper limit, xupsEnvRemoteHumidityUpperLimit." --#SEVERITY MINOR ::= 43 END