-- -- SYMBOL-CC-WS2000-MIB-2.0.mib -- MIB generated by MG-SOFT Visual MIB Builder Version 6.0 Build 88 -- Saturday, April 24, 2010 at 09:38:04 -- -- MIB version = 08b35 -- -- Notes for WS2000 MIB: -- -- === v2.0, (MIB='08b'): -- -- (no notes at this time). -- -- === v1.5, (MIB='08a'): -- -- One 'incompatible' change was made: all MIB groups were -- moved from their v1.0 locations to a new group called -- 'ccGroupsV1dot0' under 'ccGroups'. Since the switch does -- not actually implement such groups, no NMS should be able -- to detect this change, and so while technically an -- 'incompatible' change, it should not matter to anyone. -- -- Value 'ccLoadFtpPassword' has been obsoleted; use the new -- value 'ccLoadFtpPasswordNoRead' which is the same, except -- that GETs return a 0-length string. Had to remove the old -- value from the ccAdminGroup, since all items in a group -- must be of the same type, (in this case 'current'). -- -- Note that OIDs declared in this MIB, (except for values -- under group 'sysoids'), are reserved for future expansion. -- They may be redefined in the future without causing an -- 'incompatible' change. -- -- === v1.0, (MIB='07a'): -- -- (no notes at this time). -- -- -- -- -- SYMBOL-CC-WS2000-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS OBJECT-GROUP, NOTIFICATION-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF enterprises, TimeTicks, IpAddress, Integer32, Unsigned32, Counter32, Counter64, BITS, OBJECT-TYPE, MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-IDENTITY, NOTIFICATION-TYPE FROM SNMPv2-SMI DisplayString, TruthValue, TestAndIncr, PhysAddress, TEXTUAL-CONVENTION FROM SNMPv2-TC; -- moduleid MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201004242137Z" -- April 24, 2010 at 21:37 GMT ORGANIZATION "Symbol WSD (Wireless Infrastructure Division, San Jose)" CONTACT-INFO "Carl Mower cmower@symbol.com" DESCRIPTION " " REVISION "201004240937Z" -- April 24, 2010 at 09:37 GMT DESCRIPTION "DNS Relay Mode added" REVISION "200912301325Z" -- December 30, 2009 at 13:25 GMT DESCRIPTION "ccLoadFw and ccLoadCfg modified to add SFTP support" REVISION "200412101649Z" -- December 10, 2004 at 16:49 GMT DESCRIPTION "09a00: Initial clean-up for WS2000 v2.0 release." REVISION "200410281632Z" -- October 28, 2004 at 16:32 GMT DESCRIPTION "08a43: Final clean-up for WS2000 v1.5 release candidate: Adopted new mib versioning scheme. Details can be found in the description of ccIdMibVersion. " REVISION "200409081207Z" -- September 08, 2004 at 12:07 GMT DESCRIPTION "8a: Final clean-up for WS2000 v1.5 beta release: Added RF utilization, efficiency & health and system stats at the Mu, Portal, Wlan and Switch level. Enabled config files up/down via TFTP Added 4 static and 4 stats traps" REVISION "200402041532Z" -- February 04, 2004 at 15:32 GMT DESCRIPTION "7a: Final clean-up for WS2000 v1.0 release: Removed -07A from MIB name, (can't chg after MIB locked). Rename ccPortalType to ccPortalRadioType. New RadioType; used in ccPortalRadioType & ccMuRadioType. Moved ccAp: Name, Location, & LastReset to ccPortal_. Delete ccAssociation: LastUnAssociate, CountUnAssociates. Change ccMuSymbolRogueApEna from int to TruthValue. Change ccPortalLastReason & ccMuLastReason: int to enum. Some items OIDs changed. Locked MIB after these chgs; (no prior diffs possible); all chgs after this shall be backward compatible. " REVISION "200401060000Z" -- January 06, 2004 at 00:00 GMT DESCRIPTION "6a: Change a few items from RW to RO. Added ranges to all RW values. Added descriptions to all items. Some items OIDs changed. " REVISION "200312110100Z" -- December 11, 2003 at 01:00 GMT DESCRIPTION "5a: First release of WS2000 MIB (aside from development team). " REVISION "200312110000Z" -- December 11, 2003 at 00:00 GMT DESCRIPTION "4a: Forth preliminary draft of WS2000 MIB. " REVISION "200312020000Z" -- December 02, 2003 at 00:00 GMT DESCRIPTION "3a: Third preliminary draft of WS2000 MIB. " REVISION "200311260000Z" -- November 26, 2003 at 00:00 GMT DESCRIPTION "2a: Second preliminary draft of WS2000 MIB. " REVISION "200311250000Z" -- November 25, 2003 at 00:00 GMT DESCRIPTION "1a: First preliminary draft of WS2000 MIB. MIB naming include 2-digits & 1-letter; digits increase for substantive chgs; letter chgs for non-substantive chgs: -- chgs to comments -- chgs to descriptions -- any other chg that person with MIB browser could not detect. " ::= { ws2k 1 } -- -- Type definitions -- -- -- SinglePointer ::= INTEGER (0..255) MultiPointer63 ::= BITS { null(0), referToEntry001(1), referToEntry002(2), referToEntry003(3), referToEntry004(4), referToEntry005(5), referToEntry006(6), referToEntry007(7), referToEntry008(8), referToEntry009(9), referToEntry010(10), referToEntry011(11), referToEntry012(12), referToEntry013(13), referToEntry014(14), referToEntry015(15), referToEntry016(16), referToEntry017(17), referToEntry018(18), referToEntry019(19), referToEntry020(20), referToEntry021(21), referToEntry022(22), referToEntry023(23), referToEntry024(24), referToEntry025(25), referToEntry026(26), referToEntry027(27), referToEntry028(28), referToEntry029(29), referToEntry030(30), referToEntry031(31), referToEntry032(32), referToEntry033(33), referToEntry034(34), referToEntry035(35), referToEntry036(36), referToEntry037(37), referToEntry038(38), referToEntry039(39), referToEntry040(40), referToEntry041(41), referToEntry042(42), 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referToEntry026(26), referToEntry027(27), referToEntry028(28), referToEntry029(29), referToEntry030(30), referToEntry031(31), referToEntry032(32), referToEntry033(33), referToEntry034(34), referToEntry035(35), referToEntry036(36), referToEntry037(37), referToEntry038(38), referToEntry039(39), referToEntry040(40), referToEntry041(41), referToEntry042(42), referToEntry043(43), referToEntry044(44), referToEntry045(45), referToEntry046(46), referToEntry047(47), referToEntry048(48), referToEntry049(49), referToEntry050(50), referToEntry051(51), referToEntry052(52), referToEntry053(53), referToEntry054(54), referToEntry055(55), referToEntry056(56), referToEntry057(57), referToEntry058(58), referToEntry059(59), referToEntry060(60), referToEntry061(61), referToEntry062(62), referToEntry063(63), referToEntry064(64), referToEntry065(65), referToEntry066(66), referToEntry067(67), referToEntry068(68), referToEntry069(69), referToEntry070(70), referToEntry071(71), referToEntry072(72), 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referToEntry254(254), referToEntry255(255) } -- This datatype always means that the MIB variable is -- a simple ENUM that when written to 'doActionRightNow', -- causes the described action to take place, (much like -- a button pressed in a UI). -- -- Such a value does NOT remain in state 'doActionRightNow' -- while the operation is in-process, but instead when read -- always returns 'idleState'. DoActionNow ::= INTEGER { doActionRightNow(1), idleState(2) } RadioType ::= INTEGER { radio802dot11A(1), radio802dot11B(2), radio802dot11G(3), radio802dot11FH(4) } -- Values of this type are passwords. They can be written, -- but when read, they return a 0-length string. Password ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..255)) -- In order to make the switch's implementation of -- numerous tables simpler, tables using this datatype -- have a fixed number of entries with fixed indices. -- In such tables, no entries may be added or deleted, -- but the pre-existing rows can be enabled or disabled -- using the value declared with this datatype. StaticRowEnable ::= INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } PartsPer10k ::= Unsigned32 (0..10000) -- This datatype is used for all percentage values that have -- interesting tenths and hundreths, (such as 1.37%). SNMP -- cannot report decimals, only whole numbers. Values of -- this datatype are expressed not as parts-per-100, (percent), -- but as parts-per-10000. -- -- Said another way, values of this type are percent -- multiplied by 100. -- -- For example, 1.37% would be reported as 137. -- ScaleBy100 ::= Unsigned32 -- This datatype is used for all values that have interesting -- tenths and hundreths, (such as 2.48). SNMP cannot report -- decimals, only whole numbers. Values of this datatype are -- scaled (muliplied) by 100. -- -- For example, 2.48 would be reported as 248. -- In order to make the switch's implementation of some -- dynamic tables simpler, tables using this datatype -- use an abbreviated form of RowStatus. -- -- Only CreateAndGo and Destroy states are supported. -- -- On row creation, a single SET-PDU must contain all -- the required values, including this value set to -- createAndGo. (This greatly simplifies row validation -- for the switch). -- -- Setting this value to Destroy causes the corresponding -- row to be deleted. -- AbbrevRowStatus ::= INTEGER { createAndGo(4), destroy(6) } -- This datatype always means that the MIB variable is -- a simple ENUM that when written to 'doActionRightNow', -- causes the described action to take place, (much like -- a button pressed in a UI). -- -- Such a value DOES remain in state 'doActionRightNow' -- while the operation is in-process; when the operation is -- completed, it will then return the value 'idleState'. DoActionShowProgress ::= INTEGER { doActionRightNow(1), idleState(2) } -- Values of this type are keys, expressed in hexadecimal as -- a sequence of characters '0'..'9' plus 'A'..'F'. -- -- Unless otherwise noted, the default value for variables of -- this type is all-0s. -- -- Values of this type are passwords. They can be written, -- but when read, they return a 0-length string. HexPassword ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..255)) TransmitRate ::= BITS { null(0), rate1Mb(1), rate2Mb(2), rate5pt5Mb(3), rate6Mb(4), rate9Mb(5), rate11Mb(6), rate12Mb(7), rate18Mb(8), rate22Mb(9), rate24Mb(10), rate36Mb(11), rate48Mb(12), rate54Mb(13) } -- -- Textual conventions -- RowStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The RowStatus textual convention is used to manage the creation and deletion of conceptual rows, and is used as the value of the SYNTAX clause for the status column of a conceptual row (as described in Section 7.7.1 of [2].) The status column has six defined values: - `active', which indicates that the conceptual row is available for use by the managed device; - `notInService', which indicates that the conceptual row exists in the agent, but is unavailable for use by the managed device (see NOTE below); - `notReady', which indicates that the conceptual row exists in the agent, but is missing information necessary in order to be available for use by the managed device; - `createAndGo', which is supplied by a management station wishing to create a new instance of a conceptual row and to have its status automatically set to active, making it available for use by the managed device; - `createAndWait', which is supplied by a management station wishing to create a new instance of a conceptual row (but not make it available for use by the managed device); and, - `destroy', which is supplied by a management station wishing to delete all of the instances associated with an existing conceptual row. Whereas five of the six values (all except `notReady') may be specified in a management protocol set operation, only three values will be returned in response to a management protocol retrieval operation: `notReady', `notInService' or `active'. That is, when queried, an existing conceptual row has only three states: it is either available for use by the managed device (the status column has value `active'); it is not available for use by the managed device, though the agent has sufficient information to make it so (the status column has value `notInService'); or, it is not available for use by the managed device, and an attempt to make it so would fail because the agent has insufficient information (the state column has value `notReady'). NOTE WELL This textual convention may be used for a MIB table, irrespective of whether the values of that table's conceptual rows are able to be modified while it is active, or whether its conceptual rows must be taken out of service in order to be modified. That is, it is the responsibility of the DESCRIPTION clause of the status column to specify whether the status column must not be `active' in order for the value of some other column of the same conceptual row to be modified. If such a specification is made, affected columns may be changed by an SNMP set PDU if the RowStatus would not be equal to `active' either immediately before or after processing the PDU. In other words, if the PDU also contained a varbind that would change the RowStatus value, the column in question may be changed if the RowStatus was not equal to `active' as the PDU was received, or if the varbind sets the status to a value other than 'active'. Also note that whenever any elements of a row exist, the RowStatus column must also exist. To summarize the effect of having a conceptual row with a status column having a SYNTAX clause value of RowStatus, consider the following state diagram: STATE +--------------+-----------+-------------+------------- | A | B | C | D | |status col.|status column| |status column | is | is |status column ACTION |does not exist| notReady | notInService| is active --------------+--------------+-----------+-------------+------------- set status |noError ->D|inconsist- |inconsistent-|inconsistent- column to | or | entValue| Value| Value createAndGo |inconsistent- | | | | Value| | | --------------+--------------+-----------+-------------+------------- set status |noError see 1|inconsist- |inconsistent-|inconsistent- column to | or | entValue| Value| Value createAndWait |wrongValue | | | --------------+--------------+-----------+-------------+------------- set status |inconsistent- |inconsist- |noError |noError column to | Value| entValue| | active | | | | | | or | | | | | | | |see 2 ->D| ->D| ->D --------------+--------------+-----------+-------------+------------- set status |inconsistent- |inconsist- |noError |noError ->C column to | Value| entValue| | notInService | | | | | | or | | or | | | | | |see 3 ->C| ->C|wrongValue --------------+--------------+-----------+-------------+------------- set status |noError |noError |noError |noError column to | | | | destroy | ->A| ->A| ->A| ->A --------------+--------------+-----------+-------------+------------- set any other |see 4 |noError |noError |see 5 column to some| | | | value | | see 1| ->C| ->D --------------+--------------+-----------+-------------+------------- (1) goto B or C, depending on information available to the agent. (2) if other variable bindings included in the same PDU, provide values for all columns which are missing but required, then return noError and goto D. (3) if other variable bindings included in the same PDU, provide values for all columns which are missing but required, then return noError and goto C. (4) at the discretion of the agent, the return value may be either: inconsistentName: because the agent does not choose to create such an instance when the corresponding RowStatus instance does not exist, or inconsistentValue: if the supplied value is inconsistent with the state of some other MIB object's value, or noError: because the agent chooses to create the instance. If noError is returned, then the instance of the status column must also be created, and the new state is B or C, depending on the information available to the agent. If inconsistentName or inconsistentValue is returned, the row remains in state A. (5) depending on the MIB definition for the column/table, either noError or inconsistentValue may be returned. NOTE: Other processing of the set request may result in a response other than noError being returned, e.g., wrongValue, noCreation, etc. Conceptual Row Creation There are four potential interactions when creating a conceptual row: selecting an instance-identifier which is not in use; creating the conceptual row; initializing any objects for which the agent does not supply a default; and, making the conceptual row available for use by the managed device. Interaction 1: Selecting an Instance-Identifier The algorithm used to select an instance-identifier varies for each conceptual row. In some cases, the instance- identifier is semantically significant, e.g., the destination address of a route, and a management station selects the instance-identifier according to the semantics. In other cases, the instance-identifier is used solely to distinguish conceptual rows, and a management station without specific knowledge of the conceptual row might examine the instances present in order to determine an unused instance-identifier. (This approach may be used, but it is often highly sub-optimal; however, it is also a questionable practice for a naive management station to attempt conceptual row creation.) Alternately, the MIB module which defines the conceptual row might provide one or more objects which provide assistance in determining an unused instance-identifier. For example, if the conceptual row is indexed by an integer-value, then an object having an integer-valued SYNTAX clause might be defined for such a purpose, allowing a management station to issue a management protocol retrieval operation. In order to avoid unnecessary collisions between competing management stations, `adjacent' retrievals of this object should be different. Finally, the management station could select a pseudo-random number to use as the index. In the event that this index was already in use and an inconsistentValue was returned in response to the management protocol set operation, the management station should simply select a new pseudo-random number and retry the operation. A MIB designer should choose between the two latter algorithms based on the size of the table (and therefore the efficiency of each algorithm). For tables in which a large number of entries are expected, it is recommended that a MIB object be defined that returns an acceptable index for creation. For tables with small numbers of entries, it is recommended that the latter pseudo-random index mechanism be used. Interaction 2: Creating the Conceptual Row Once an unused instance-identifier has been selected, the management station determines if it wishes to create and activate the conceptual row in one transaction or in a negotiated set of interactions. Interaction 2a: Creating and Activating the Conceptual Row The management station must first determine the column requirements, i.e., it must determine those columns for which it must or must not provide values. Depending on the complexity of the table and the management station's knowledge of the agent's capabilities, this determination can be made locally by the management station. Alternately, the management station issues a management protocol get operation to examine all columns in the conceptual row that it wishes to create. In response, for each column, there are three possible outcomes: - a value is returned, indicating that some other management station has already created this conceptual row. We return to interaction 1. - the exception `noSuchInstance' is returned, indicating that the agent implements the object-type associated with this column, and that this column in at least one conceptual row would be accessible in the MIB view used by the retrieval were it to exist. For those columns to which the agent provides read-create access, the `noSuchInstance' exception tells the management station that it should supply a value for this column when the conceptual row is to be created. - the exception `noSuchObject' is returned, indicating that the agent does not implement the object-type associated with this column or that there is no conceptual row for which this column would be accessible in the MIB view used by the retrieval. As such, the management station can not issue any management protocol set operations to create an instance of this column. Once the column requirements have been determined, a management protocol set operation is accordingly issued. This operation also sets the new instance of the status column to `createAndGo'. When the agent processes the set operation, it verifies that it has sufficient information to make the conceptual row available for use by the managed device. The information available to the agent is provided by two sources: the management protocol set operation which creates the conceptual row, and, implementation-specific defaults supplied by the agent (note that an agent must provide implementation-specific defaults for at least those objects which it implements as read-only). If there is sufficient information available, then the conceptual row is created, a `noError' response is returned, the status column is set to `active', and no further interactions are necessary (i.e., interactions 3 and 4 are skipped). If there is insufficient information, then the conceptual row is not created, and the set operation fails with an error of `inconsistentValue'. On this error, the management station can issue a management protocol retrieval operation to determine if this was because it failed to specify a value for a required column, or, because the selected instance of the status column already existed. In the latter case, we return to interaction 1. In the former case, the management station can re-issue the set operation with the additional information, or begin interaction 2 again using `createAndWait' in order to negotiate creation of the conceptual row. NOTE WELL Regardless of the method used to determine the column requirements, it is possible that the management station might deem a column necessary when, in fact, the agent will not allow that particular columnar instance to be created or written. In this case, the management protocol set operation will fail with an error such as `noCreation' or `notWritable'. In this case, the management station decides whether it needs to be able to set a value for that particular columnar instance. If not, the management station re-issues the management protocol set operation, but without setting a value for that particular columnar instance; otherwise, the management station aborts the row creation algorithm. Interaction 2b: Negotiating the Creation of the Conceptual Row The management station issues a management protocol set operation which sets the desired instance of the status column to `createAndWait'. If the agent is unwilling to process a request of this sort, the set operation fails with an error of `wrongValue'. (As a consequence, such an agent must be prepared to accept a single management protocol set operation, i.e., interaction 2a above, containing all of the columns indicated by its column requirements.) Otherwise, the conceptual row is created, a `noError' response is returned, and the status column is immediately set to either `notInService' or `notReady', depending on whether it has sufficient information to make the conceptual row available for use by the managed device. If there is sufficient information available, then the status column is set to `notInService'; otherwise, if there is insufficient information, then the status column is set to `notReady'. Regardless, we proceed to interaction 3. Interaction 3: Initializing non-defaulted Objects The management station must now determine the column requirements. It issues a management protocol get operation to examine all columns in the created conceptual row. In the response, for each column, there are three possible outcomes: - a value is returned, indicating that the agent implements the object-type associated with this column and had sufficient information to provide a value. For those columns to which the agent provides read-create access (and for which the agent allows their values to be changed after their creation), a value return tells the management station that it may issue additional management protocol set operations, if it desires, in order to change the value associated with this column. - the exception `noSuchInstance' is returned, indicating that the agent implements the object-type associated with this column, and that this column in at least one conceptual row would be accessible in the MIB view used by the retrieval were it to exist. However, the agent does not have sufficient information to provide a value, and until a value is provided, the conceptual row may not be made available for use by the managed device. For those columns to which the agent provides read-create access, the `noSuchInstance' exception tells the management station that it must issue additional management protocol set operations, in order to provide a value associated with this column. - the exception `noSuchObject' is returned, indicating that the agent does not implement the object-type associated with this column or that there is no conceptual row for which this column would be accessible in the MIB view used by the retrieval. As such, the management station can not issue any management protocol set operations to create an instance of this column. If the value associated with the status column is `notReady', then the management station must first deal with all `noSuchInstance' columns, if any. Having done so, the value of the status column becomes `notInService', and we proceed to interaction 4. Interaction 4: Making the Conceptual Row Available Once the management station is satisfied with the values associated with the columns of the conceptual row, it issues a management protocol set operation to set the status column to `active'. If the agent has sufficient information to make the conceptual row available for use by the managed device, the management protocol set operation succeeds (a `noError' response is returned). Otherwise, the management protocol set operation fails with an error of `inconsistentValue'. NOTE WELL A conceptual row having a status column with value `notInService' or `notReady' is unavailable to the managed device. As such, it is possible for the managed device to create its own instances during the time between the management protocol set operation which sets the status column to `createAndWait' and the management protocol set operation which sets the status column to `active'. In this case, when the management protocol set operation is issued to set the status column to `active', the values held in the agent supersede those used by the managed device. If the management station is prevented from setting the status column to `active' (e.g., due to management station or network failure) the conceptual row will be left in the `notInService' or `notReady' state, consuming resources indefinitely. The agent must detect conceptual rows that have been in either state for an abnormally long period of time and remove them. It is the responsibility of the DESCRIPTION clause of the status column to indicate what an abnormally long period of time would be. This period of time should be long enough to allow for human response time (including `think time') between the creation of the conceptual row and the setting of the status to `active'. In the absense of such information in the DESCRIPTION clause, it is suggested that this period be approximately 5 minutes in length. This removal action applies not only to newly-created rows, but also to previously active rows which are set to, and left in, the notInService state for a prolonged period exceeding that which is considered normal for such a conceptual row. Conceptual Row Suspension When a conceptual row is `active', the management station may issue a management protocol set operation which sets the instance of the status column to `notInService'. If the agent is unwilling to do so, the set operation fails with an error of `wrongValue'. Otherwise, the conceptual row is taken out of service, and a `noError' response is returned. It is the responsibility of the DESCRIPTION clause of the status column to indicate under what circumstances the status column should be taken out of service (e.g., in order for the value of some other column of the same conceptual row to be modified). Conceptual Row Deletion For deletion of conceptual rows, a management protocol set operation is issued which sets the instance of the status column to `destroy'. This request may be made regardless of the current value of the status column (e.g., it is possible to delete conceptual rows which are either `notReady', `notInService' or `active'.) If the operation succeeds, then all instances associated with the conceptual row are immediately removed." SYNTAX INTEGER { active(1), notInService(2), notReady(3), createAndGo(4), createAndWait(5), destroy(6) } DateAndTime ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A date-time specification. field octets contents range ----- ------ -------- ----- 1 1-2 year 0..65536 2 3 month 1..12 3 4 day 1..31 4 5 hour 0..23 5 6 minutes 0..59 6 7 seconds 0..60 (use 60 for leap-second) 7 8 deci-seconds 0..9 8 9 direction from UTC '+' / '-' 9 10 hours from UTC 0..11 10 11 minutes from UTC 0..59 For example, Tuesday May 26, 1992 at 1:30:15 PM EDT would be displayed as: 1992-5-26,13:30:15.0,-4:0 Note that if only local time is known, then timezone information (fields 8-10) is not present." SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..255)) -- -- Node definitions -- -- Node definitions -- -- symbol OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 388 } -- !!- OID: .11 - as specified by Symbol MIB Admin. -- -- This sub-tree used for MIBs and sysOIDs produced -- by WSD, (Wireless Infrastructure Division, -- San Jose). -- -- wsd OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { symbol 11 } -- This node reserved for sysOIDs of devices produced -- by WSD. -- -- sysoids OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { wsd 1 } -- ws2000 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "WS2000 with 1 WAN port, 6 LAN ports." ::= { sysoids 1 } -- MIBs implemented by WS2000 devices. -- -- All counter variables, under this tree node wrap in no less -- than 5.8 minutes, EXCEPT as noted below. (Be advised that -- all values referred to here as 'counters' are not -- necessarily of type Counter32 or Counter64; some are -- Unsigned32, and some Signal & Noise values are Integer32). -- -- Exception #1: for all values that count the number -- of tx/rx/both octets when the MAX number of Portals (12) -- are all running at a full 54Mb. In such cases, those -- counters could theoretically wrap in 0.8min. But, since -- 54Mb does not practically achieve 54Mb, this wrap time -- is more realistically at least 1-2min. If the switch does -- not have all 12 Portals, that wrap time would be even -- longer. -- -- Exception #2: there are three _SignalSum values, (Portal, -- MU, and WLAN); since Signal values range up to around -- -90dBm, they could theoretically wrap in 0.5min if the MAX -- number of Portals all had a full 54Mb of short packets -- flowing, all with _Signal values of around -100. Since you -- generally cannot communicate at 54Mb at -100dBm, this is -- not practially realistic. At more realistic levels, these -- values would wrap no faster than 1-2min, and verly likely -- no faster than 5min. -- -- (It was considered to increase the affected counters to -- 64bits, but given the difficulty implementing larger -- counters and the large number of values to change, as -- weighed against the REALISTIC wrap risk did not suggest -- doing this work). -- -- Given all this, a poll time of 5min, (or less), will -- basically ensure that no data is lost due to counter wrap. -- -- -- -- Numerous tables include _SumSquares values. These MIB -- variables are always the summation of the square of each -- individual value. These _SumSquares values can be used, -- (in conjunction with 'N' and _Sum), to calculate standard -- deviation, (a statistical measure of the variance of the -- data points). -- ws2k OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { wsd 2 } -- Miscelaneous administrative functions. -- ccAdmin OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ws2k 2 } -- Information about the switch not otherwise -- provided in MIB-2. -- ccInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccAdmin 1 } -- ccInfoSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The serial number of the switch. This value is unique for each instance of the WS2000 switch." ::= { ccInfo 1 } -- ccInfoCountrySelection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This value is a two-character representation of the country code. Note: when changing this _CountrySelection, the current channel and power levels are NOT changed. The prior settings for these values may or may not be valid/legal for the new country selected. It is up to the network management software to ensure that channel and/or power settings are changed BEFORE changing the country selection so that no such invalid/illegal state is reached, even for a short interim. country code: Argentina: ar Australia: au Austria: at Bahrain: bh Belarus: by Belgium: be Botswana: bw Brazil: br Bulgaria: bg Canada: ca Chile: cl China: cn Colombia: co Costa Rica: cr Croatia: hr Czech Republic: cz Denmark: dk Ecuador: ec Egypt: eg Estonia: ee Finland: fi France: fr Germany: de Greece: gr Hong Kong: hk Hungary: hu Iceland: is India: in Indonesia: id Ireland: ie Israel: il Italy: it Japan: jp Jordan: jo Kazakhstan: kz Kuwait: kw Latvia: lv Liechtenstein: li Lithuania: lt Luxembourg: lu Malaysia: my Mexico: mx Morocco: ma Namibia: na Netherlands: nl New Zealand: nz Norway: no Oman: om Peru: pe Philippines: ph Poland: pl Portugal: pt Qatar: qa Romania: ro Russia: ru Saudi Arabia: sa Singapore: sg Slovak Republic: sk Slovenia: si South Africa: za South Korea: kr Spain: es Sri Lanka: lk Sweden: se Switzerland: ch Taiwan: tw Thailand: th Turkey: tr Ukraine: ua United Arab Emirates: ae United Kingdom: uk United States: us Uruguay: uy Venezuela: ve Vietnam: vn " ::= { ccInfo 2 } -- This group contains MIB variables that identify the versions -- of various components of the switch. -- -- sysDescr is ALSO overloaded for this purpose. The 'terms' -- reported in sysDescr occur in the same order as the MIB -- values in this group. -- -- (Separate MIB scalars report each term separately to make -- it easy for SNMP scripts to find the given information. The -- infomation is also retained in an overloaded sysDescr since -- many NMS platforms show this one value prominently). -- -- In sysDescr, each term is marked with a 'label': -- 'HW=', 'FW=', 'SW=', 'MIB=', 'CLI=', 'XML='. -- Each label in sysDescr is followed, (without a space), by -- a sub-string (which itself contains no spaces), that -- describes the version of that entity. Each term, (except -- the last), is followed by a ',' and a space before the next -- term. -- -- If a device does not have a particular item, (for -- example no XML interface), that term and its lablel -- will be entirely missing from sysDescr, and the -- corresponding MIB scalar will be either a zero-length -- string, or will return a NO-SUCH. -- -- The MIB version substring is a two-digit number (with a -- leading zero if needed), followed by a lower-case letter. -- The letter is increased if only comments or descriptions -- are changed. If any other change is made, the number -- increases. -- -- The CLI version substring is a three-digit number, (with -- leading zeros if needed). There is no letter. Any change -- in CLI commands, parameters, or outputs results in this -- value incrementing. -- -- The XML version substring has the same format as the MIB -- version sub-string. -- -- SerialNumber is included here for convenience; it is not -- displayed in sysDescr. -- ccIdentfication OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccInfo 3 } -- ccIdHwVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The same text that follows 'HW=' in sysDescr, EXCLUDING the 'HW='." ::= { ccIdentfication 1 } -- ccIdFwVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The same text that follows 'FW=' in sysDescr, EXCLUDING the 'FW='. (The bootcode version)." ::= { ccIdentfication 2 } -- ccIdSwVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The same text that follows 'SW=' in sysDescr, EXCLUDING the 'SW='." ::= { ccIdentfication 3 } -- ccIdMibVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The same text that follows 'MIB=' in sysDescr, EXCLUDING the 'MIB='. The MIB version is identified by a two-digit major version number (with a leading zero if needed), followed by a lower-case letter minor version and 0 or more character info number. The major MIB version is changed whenever it becomes incompatible to its previous version; i.e., some variables have been deleted or the behavior/meaning has been changed. Minor version number is changed when new features have been added, but existing behavior is completely unchanged. " ::= { ccIdentfication 4 } -- ccIdCliVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The same text that follows 'CLI=' in sysDescr, EXCLUDING the 'CLI='." ::= { ccIdentfication 5 } -- ccIdXmlVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Version of XML template implemented on this switch. (Much like MIB version - read details there)." ::= { ccIdentfication 6 } -- ccIdSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The serial number of the switch. This value is unique for each instance of a given switch type." ::= { ccIdentfication 7 } -- ccSysDNSRelayMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable/Disable DNS Relay Mode" DEFVAL { false } ::= { ccInfo 4 } -- ccApSslv2Mode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable/Disable SSLV2 Support" DEFVAL { false } ::= { ccInfo 5 } -- ccApSshv1Mode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable/Disable SSHV1 Support" DEFVAL { false } ::= { ccInfo 6 } -- ccApSslWeakCipherSupport OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable/Disable SSL Weak Cipher Support" DEFVAL { false } ::= { ccInfo 7 } -- Values that can be used to reset portions of the -- switch. -- -- Reading any of the items in this group will always -- return a value of 'false'. -- ccReset OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccAdmin 2 } -- ccResetFactory OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Writing this value causes the switch to reset to factory conditions. NOTHING is retained, NOT the static IP address assignments (if any), NOR any non-factory-default SNMP settings, nor any other non-factory-default settings. Given this, be warned that setting this value may very well cause all communication paths to the WS2000 to be lost. (However, if DHCP is used to obtain an IP addr on the WAN port, and only default SNMP settings are used, communications may be possible after the factory reset)." ::= { ccReset 1 } -- ccResetSwitch OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Writing this value causes the switch to reset in the same fashion as a common, (non-factory) reset." ::= { ccReset 2 } -- ccResetMuCounters OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Writing this value resets all counters in the ccRf > ccMus sub-tree. Obsolete in WS2000 v1.5" ::= { ccReset 3 } -- ccResetFactoryExceptIpSnmp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DoActionNow MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Performs a factory reset, EXCEPT that Wan IP and SNMP access settings are retained across the reset. Specifically: Wan Ip + related settings Pppoe settings WS2000 wan access SNMP setting SNMP v1/v2/v3 access settings " ::= { ccReset 4 } -- ccResetStatCounters OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Writing this value resets all counters in the ccRf sub-tree except for the ccPortalSystemStatsTable and ccPortalTable " ::= { ccReset 5 } -- Values used to initiate, (via TFTP or FTP), a -- firmware update of the switch remotely via SNMP. -- -- All items in this group persist across reboots, -- except: _FwOperation and _FwStart. -- ccLoadFw OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccAdmin 3 } -- ccLoadFwOperation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unspecified(1), ftpFirmwareServerToSwitch(2), tftpFirmwareServerToSwitch(3), cfFirmwareToSwitch(4), sftpFirmwareServerToSwitch(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies if the firmware is to be loaded to the switch via FTP or TFTP or SFTP or CF Card." ::= { ccLoadFw 1 } -- ccLoadFwInterface OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unspecified(1), wan(2), subnet1(11), subnet2(12), subnet3(13), subnet4(14) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The interface to use in contacting the FTP or TFTP or SFTP server. This is required since the actual firmware load is accomplished via boot code that does not contain routing logic." ::= { ccLoadFw 2 } -- ccLoadFwServerPath OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..39)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The path to the firmware on the SFTP/TFTP/FTP server. Remember that the type of separator varies depending on the operating system of the server. For Windows, use '\', for Unix use '/'. No path need be specified, (in which case the default directory for the TFTP/FTP/SFTP server will be used); if a path is specified, remember to terminate it with a trailing '/' or '\'." ::= { ccLoadFw 3 } -- ccLoadFwServerFilename OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..39)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The name, (on the server), of the firmware file to load. If operation is set to cfFirmwareToSwitch, this variable is the file name on the compact flash card." ::= { ccLoadFw 4 } -- ccLoadFwStart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set this value to start the firmware load operation. Note that the actual SFTP/TFTP/FTP does not begin immediately, as first the 'operational' firmware shuts-down, and returns to low-level boot code, which actually starts the transfer." ::= { ccLoadFw 5 } -- ccLoadFwResult OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This value reflects the result of the most-recent firmware load since reboot, (if any)." ::= { ccLoadFw 6 } -- ccLoadFwSuccess OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The success/failure status of the most recent firmware load." ::= { ccLoadFw 7 } -- Values used to initiate (via FTP only), a -- download of a configuration file to the switch, -- or an upload of a configuration file from the -- switch. -- -- All items in this group persist across reboots, -- except: _CfgOperation and _CfgStart. -- ccLoadCfg OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccAdmin 4 } -- ccLoadCfgOperation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unspecified(1), ftpConfigServerToSwitch(2), ftpConfigSwitchToServer(3), tftpConfigServerToSwitch(4), tftpConfigSwitchToServer(5), sftpConfigServerToSwitch(6), sftpConfigSwitchToServer(7) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the type and direction of the transfer to perform involving the configuration file." ::= { ccLoadCfg 1 } -- ccLoadCfgServerPath OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..39)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The path to the firmware on the SFTP/TFTP/FTP server. Remember that the type of separator varies depending on the operating system of the server. For Windows, use '\', for Unix use '/'. No path need be specified, (in which case the default directory for the SFTP/TFTP/FTP server will be used); if a path is specified, remember to terminate it with a trailing '/' or '\'." ::= { ccLoadCfg 2 } -- ccLoadCfgServerFilename OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..39)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The name, (on the server), of the configuration file to load/store from/to the server." ::= { ccLoadCfg 3 } -- ccLoadCfgStart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set this value to start the configuration file operation. Note that unlike a firmware load, the actual FTP/TFTP/SFTP transfer does begin virtually immediately." ::= { ccLoadCfg 4 } -- ccLoadCfgOperationsDone OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This value counts the total number of configuration file transfers completed, (whether they succeed or fail). The SNMP manager should save the value of this counter just before starting a LoadCfg operation, and then wait for this value to increment before checking the Result and/or Success values." ::= { ccLoadCfg 5 } -- ccLoadCfgResult OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This value reflects the result of the most-recent configuration file load/store." ::= { ccLoadCfg 6 } -- ccLoadCfgSuccess OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The success/failure status of the most recent configuration file load/store." ::= { ccLoadCfg 7 } -- Values that indicate if the configuration of the -- switch has changed. -- ccCfgHist OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccAdmin 5 } -- ccCfgHistChangeCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This value will increment by 1 or more for each config change. It persists across reboots. This variable can only be SET with the same value that it currently contains. Any other value will cause a SET-FAILED. Note that this is NOT a TEST-AND-INCREMENT semaphore, as this value does not immediately increment after a config change, but only after a short, though non-zero, delay. Because of this non-zero delay, it is not suitable as a semaphore. Note also that this value counts the number of times that Flash memory has been written, which may be greater than the number of config changes." ::= { ccCfgHist 1 } -- ccCfgHistChangeTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A snapshot of sysUpTime as of the last config change." ::= { ccCfgHist 2 } -- ccCfgHistSemaphore OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TestAndIncr MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Can be used to solve the multiple-manager problem. Before performing any SETs, the manager reads this value. As a VAR-BIND of the only/last SET PDU, this value is written with that value read. If some other manager had made changes, this value would have incremented, and the SET to it will fail. Note that this only guards against other managers that use this semaphore. Changes made without using this value will NOT be protected against. For this reason, it is suggested that ccCfgHistChangeCount also be SET - though that is not a perfectly fail-safe semaphore, it will in most cases protect even against this latter case." ::= { ccCfgHist 3 } -- This group contains items that are common between -- ccLoadFw and ccLoadCfg. This is not done just to -- eliminate duplication, but also because the -- values in this group are actually implemented only -- once on the device. -- -- (If these items were implemented in both ccLoadFw -- and ccLoadCfg, setting a value in one group would -- also be reflected in the corresponding variable in -- the other group). -- -- All items in this group persist across reboots. -- ccLoad OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccAdmin 6 } -- ccLoadServerIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP address of the server used for a firmware load, or configuration file load/store operation." ::= { ccLoad 1 } -- ccLoadFtpUsername OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..39)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Username for FTP LoadFw or LoadCfg operations." ::= { ccLoad 2 } -- ccLoadFtpPassword OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..39)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Password for FTP LoadFw or LoadCfg operations." ::= { ccLoad 3 } -- Miscellaneous values not implemented in MIB-2 SNMP -- group. -- ccSnmp OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccAdmin 7 } -- ccSnmpAclViolations OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Counts the total number of SNMP requests rejected due to ACL violations since boot." ::= { ccSnmp 1 } -- ccSnmpLastDeniedIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP address of the last SNMP request to be denied due to ACL violation." ::= { ccSnmp 2 } -- ccSnmpV3EngineId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..64)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SNMPv3 Engine ID" ::= { ccSnmp 3 } -- ccSnmpAccess OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccSnmp 4 } -- ccSnmpAccessV12Table OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcSnmpAccessV12Entry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of SNMP v1/v2 access entries." ::= { ccSnmpAccess 1 } -- ccSnmpAccessV12Entry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcSnmpAccessV12Entry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." INDEX { ccSnmpAccessV12Index } ::= { ccSnmpAccessV12Table 1 } CcSnmpAccessV12Entry ::= SEQUENCE { ccSnmpAccessV12Index Integer32, ccSnmpAccessV12Community DisplayString, ccSnmpAccessV12CustomOid OBJECT IDENTIFIER, ccSnmpAccessV12OidLimit INTEGER, ccSnmpAccessV12Access INTEGER, ccSnmpAccessV12Enable AbbrevRowStatus } -- ccSnmpAccessV12Index OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..20) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Simple Index." ::= { ccSnmpAccessV12Entry 1 } -- ccSnmpAccessV12Community OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Community Name of the SNMP manager." ::= { ccSnmpAccessV12Entry 2 } -- ccSnmpAccessV12CustomOid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OBJECT IDENTIFIER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Starting OID." ::= { ccSnmpAccessV12Entry 3 } -- ccSnmpAccessV12OidLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { all(1), custom(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "OID Limit whether the entire MIB tree or a specific OID set." ::= { ccSnmpAccessV12Entry 4 } -- ccSnmpAccessV12Access OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { readOnly(1), readWrite(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Access type whether RO or RW." ::= { ccSnmpAccessV12Entry 5 } -- ccSnmpAccessV12Enable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AbbrevRowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row Status." ::= { ccSnmpAccessV12Entry 6 } -- ccSnmpAccessV3Table OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcSnmpAccessV3Entry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of SNMP v3 access entries." ::= { ccSnmpAccess 2 } -- ccSnmpAccessV3Entry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcSnmpAccessV3Entry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." INDEX { ccSnmpAccessV3Index } ::= { ccSnmpAccessV3Table 1 } CcSnmpAccessV3Entry ::= SEQUENCE { ccSnmpAccessV3Index Integer32, ccSnmpAccessV3User DisplayString, ccSnmpAccessV3SecurityLevel INTEGER, ccSnmpAccessV3CustomOid OBJECT IDENTIFIER, ccSnmpAccessV3OidLimit INTEGER, ccSnmpAccessV3Access INTEGER, ccSnmpAccessV3AuthAlgorithm INTEGER, ccSnmpAccessV3AuthPassword Password, ccSnmpAccessV3PrivacyAlgorithm INTEGER, ccSnmpAccessV3PrivacyPassword Password, ccSnmpAccessV3Enable AbbrevRowStatus } -- ccSnmpAccessV3Index OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..20) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Simple Index." ::= { ccSnmpAccessV3Entry 1 } -- ccSnmpAccessV3User OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "v3 User Name." ::= { ccSnmpAccessV3Entry 2 } -- ccSnmpAccessV3SecurityLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noAuth(1), authNoPriv(2), authPriv(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Security Level." ::= { ccSnmpAccessV3Entry 3 } -- ccSnmpAccessV3CustomOid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OBJECT IDENTIFIER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Starting OID." ::= { ccSnmpAccessV3Entry 4 } -- ccSnmpAccessV3OidLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { all(1), custom(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "OID Limit whether the entire MIB tree or a specific OID set." ::= { ccSnmpAccessV3Entry 5 } -- ccSnmpAccessV3Access OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { readOnly(1), readWrite(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Access type whether RO or RW." ::= { ccSnmpAccessV3Entry 6 } -- ccSnmpAccessV3AuthAlgorithm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { md5(1), sha(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Authentication Algorithm used." ::= { ccSnmpAccessV3Entry 7 } -- ccSnmpAccessV3AuthPassword OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Password (SIZE (8..31)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Authentication Password." ::= { ccSnmpAccessV3Entry 8 } -- ccSnmpAccessV3PrivacyAlgorithm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { des(1), aes128(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Privacy Algorithm used." ::= { ccSnmpAccessV3Entry 9 } -- ccSnmpAccessV3PrivacyPassword OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Password (SIZE (8..31)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Privacy Password." ::= { ccSnmpAccessV3Entry 10 } -- ccSnmpAccessV3Enable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AbbrevRowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row Status." ::= { ccSnmpAccessV3Entry 11 } -- ccSnmpAccessControlTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcSnmpAccessControlEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of SNMP access control entries." ::= { ccSnmpAccess 3 } -- ccSnmpAccessControlEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcSnmpAccessControlEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." INDEX { ccSnmpAccessControlIndex } ::= { ccSnmpAccessControlTable 1 } CcSnmpAccessControlEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccSnmpAccessControlIndex Integer32, ccSnmpAccessControlStartIp IpAddress, ccSnmpAccessControlEndIp IpAddress, ccSnmpAccessControlEnable AbbrevRowStatus } -- ccSnmpAccessControlIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..20) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Simple Index." ::= { ccSnmpAccessControlEntry 1 } -- ccSnmpAccessControlStartIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Starting IP range of the SNMP manager allowed to access the switch." ::= { ccSnmpAccessControlEntry 2 } -- ccSnmpAccessControlEndIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Ending IP range of the SNMP manager allowed to access the switch." ::= { ccSnmpAccessControlEntry 3 } -- ccSnmpAccessControlEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AbbrevRowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row Status." ::= { ccSnmpAccessControlEntry 4 } -- ccSnmpTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccSnmp 5 } -- ccSnmpTrapSinkV12Table OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcSnmpTrapSinkV12Entry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of SNMP v1/v2 trap configuration entries." ::= { ccSnmpTraps 1 } -- ccSnmpTrapSinkV12Entry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcSnmpTrapSinkV12Entry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." INDEX { ccSnmpTrapSinkV12Index } ::= { ccSnmpTrapSinkV12Table 1 } CcSnmpTrapSinkV12Entry ::= SEQUENCE { ccSnmpTrapSinkV12Index Integer32, ccSnmpTrapSinkV12DestinationIp IpAddress, ccSnmpTrapSinkV12Port Integer32, ccSnmpTrapSinkV12Community DisplayString, ccSnmpTrapSinkV12Version INTEGER, ccSnmpTrapSinkV12Enable AbbrevRowStatus } -- ccSnmpTrapSinkV12Index OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..20) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Simple Index." ::= { ccSnmpTrapSinkV12Entry 1 } -- ccSnmpTrapSinkV12DestinationIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Destination IP of Trap Manager." ::= { ccSnmpTrapSinkV12Entry 2 } -- ccSnmpTrapSinkV12Port OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Destination Port of Trap Manager." ::= { ccSnmpTrapSinkV12Entry 3 } -- ccSnmpTrapSinkV12Community OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Community Name." ::= { ccSnmpTrapSinkV12Entry 4 } -- ccSnmpTrapSinkV12Version OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { snmpV1(1), snmpV2(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SNMP protocol version." ::= { ccSnmpTrapSinkV12Entry 5 } -- ccSnmpTrapSinkV12Enable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AbbrevRowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row Status." ::= { ccSnmpTrapSinkV12Entry 6 } -- ccSnmpTrapSinkV3Table OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcSnmpTrapSinkV3Entry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of SNMP v3 trap configuration entries." ::= { ccSnmpTraps 2 } -- ccSnmpTrapSinkV3Entry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcSnmpTrapSinkV3Entry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." INDEX { ccSnmpTrapSinkV3Index } ::= { ccSnmpTrapSinkV3Table 1 } CcSnmpTrapSinkV3Entry ::= SEQUENCE { ccSnmpTrapSinkV3Index Integer32, ccSnmpTrapSinkV3DestinationIp IpAddress, ccSnmpTrapSinkV3Port Integer32, ccSnmpTrapSinkV3Username DisplayString, ccSnmpTrapSinkV3SecurityLevel INTEGER, ccSnmpTrapSinkV3AuthAlgorithm INTEGER, ccSnmpTrapSinkV3AuthPassword Password, ccSnmpTrapSinkV3PrivacyAlgorithm INTEGER, ccSnmpTrapSinkV3PrivacyPassword Password, ccSnmpTrapSinkV3Enable AbbrevRowStatus } -- ccSnmpTrapSinkV3Index OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..20) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Simple Index." ::= { ccSnmpTrapSinkV3Entry 1 } -- ccSnmpTrapSinkV3DestinationIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Destination IP of Trap Manager." ::= { ccSnmpTrapSinkV3Entry 2 } -- ccSnmpTrapSinkV3Port OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Destination Port of Trap Manager." ::= { ccSnmpTrapSinkV3Entry 3 } -- ccSnmpTrapSinkV3Username OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "User name of SNMP v3 user." ::= { ccSnmpTrapSinkV3Entry 4 } -- ccSnmpTrapSinkV3SecurityLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { auth(1), authNoPriv(2), authPriv(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Security Level." ::= { ccSnmpTrapSinkV3Entry 5 } -- ccSnmpTrapSinkV3AuthAlgorithm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { md5(1), sha(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SNMP v3 Authentication Algorithm." ::= { ccSnmpTrapSinkV3Entry 6 } -- ccSnmpTrapSinkV3AuthPassword OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Password (SIZE (8..31)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SNMP v3 Authentication Password." ::= { ccSnmpTrapSinkV3Entry 7 } -- ccSnmpTrapSinkV3PrivacyAlgorithm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { des(1), aes128(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SNMP v3 Privacy Algorithm." ::= { ccSnmpTrapSinkV3Entry 8 } -- ccSnmpTrapSinkV3PrivacyPassword OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Password (SIZE (8..31)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SNMP v3 Privacy Password." ::= { ccSnmpTrapSinkV3Entry 9 } -- ccSnmpTrapSinkV3Enable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AbbrevRowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row Status." ::= { ccSnmpTrapSinkV3Entry 10 } -- ccCompactFlash OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccAdmin 8 } -- ccCompactFlashCapacity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Capacity of the Compact Flash card in Kbyte. " ::= { ccCompactFlash 1 } -- The capacity of the flash used in the WS2000 system -- ccCompactFlashUsed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of Kbyte in use on the Compact Flash card." ::= { ccCompactFlash 2 } -- The amount of cosumed space in flash card. -- For MUs, PORTALs, and WLANs, there are two tables (each), -- that describe the highest-level summary values. (Those -- 3*2 tables are found in their respective groups, not here -- in this group). -- -- Unlike the other various tables of statistics for MUs, -- PORTALs, and WLANs, (which are true counters - ever -- increasing since switch reboot), the values in these tables -- are all rates/percentages as measured over a finite period -- of time, called here a 'window'. -- -- There are two different 'windows': 'Short' and 'Long'. -- The 'Short' window extends generally over seconds; the -- 'Long' window generally extends over minutes. (Both are -- explicitly specified via scalars in this group). -- -- Additionally, these windows are updated at an -- 'update interval' that is typically a fraction of the -- window time. (Also specified via scalars in this group). -- -- For example, (see scalars for actual values): -- window update-interval -- Short 30sec 5sec -- Long 60min 5min -- -- Using the example values above, the 'Short' window shows -- average rates / percentages for the prior 30sec, and is -- updated every 5sec. -- -- These values are intended to match the same values reported -- in the Web UI summary screens. -- -- Descriptions of each data item are only provided in the -- ccPortalSumStatsShortTable, (since it occurs first in the -- MIB, and because unlike the corresponding MU tables, it -- has the union of all possible columns). For all other -- values, (ccMuSumStats_, ccPortalSumStatsLong and -- ccWlanSumStats_), refer to these descriptions. -- (Did this to avoid massive cut-and-paste which later -- leads to discrepencies when changes are made to the -- descriptions). -- ccSumStats OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccAdmin 9 } -- ccSumStatsShortWindow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of seconds backwards from the specified timestamp that the the 'Short' window extends backwards in time." ::= { ccSumStats 1 } -- ccSumStatsShortUpdateInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The frequency at which the 'Short' summary stats are updated." ::= { ccSumStats 2 } -- ccSumStatsLongWindow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "minutes" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Same as corresponding 'Short' value, for the 'Long' window." ::= { ccSumStats 3 } -- ccSumStatsLongUpdateInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "minutes" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Same as corresponding 'Short' value, for the 'Long' window." ::= { ccSumStats 4 } -- MIB values to control network management access to the -- switch. -- ccMgmtAccess OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccAdmin 10 } -- ccMgmtAccessToAllow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { fromLanAppletHttp(0), fromLanAppletHttps(1), fromLanCliTelnet(2), fromLanSsh(3), fromLanSnmp(4), fromWanAppletHttp(5), fromWanAppletHttps(6), fromWanCliTelnet(7), fromWanSsh(8), fromWanSnmp(9), fromWanFtp(10) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Types of network management access to permit." ::= { ccMgmtAccess 1 } -- ccMgmtAccessAirbeam OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccMgmtAccess 2 } -- ccMgmtAccessAirbeamAllow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Allow Airbeam smart. (If enabled, Airbeam access is only allowed from the LAN interfaces)." ::= { ccMgmtAccessAirbeam 1 } -- ccMgmtAccessAirbeamPassword OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Password MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Airbeam password. (username is 'airbeam')." ::= { ccMgmtAccessAirbeam 2 } -- ccMgmtAccessAdmin OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccMgmtAccess 3 } -- ccMgmtAccessAdminAuth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { local(1), radius(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of authentication used to authenticate the administrator.It can be a local database or a radius server. " ::= { ccMgmtAccessAdmin 1 } -- T -- ccMgmtAccessAdminPassword OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Password (SIZE (1..11)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Administrator password. Can only be read, (via GET), using a community string capable of writing, (via SET), the value. If an otherwise valid community string is used, a string of length 0 is returned." ::= { ccMgmtAccessAdmin 2 } -- ccMgmtAccessAdminAuthRadiusServerIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP address of the radius server which is used to authenticate the administrator " ::= { ccMgmtAccessAdmin 4 } -- ??-CSM: can there be more than one? if so, change to a table. -- ccMgmtAccessAdminAuthRadiusServerPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The port of the radius server which is used to authenticate the administrator" ::= { ccMgmtAccessAdmin 5 } -- ccMgmtAccessAdminAuthRadiusSharedSecret OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Password MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The shared secret the radius server which is used to authenticate the administrator" ::= { ccMgmtAccessAdmin 6 } -- ccMgmtAccessSsh OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccMgmtAccess 4 } -- ccMgmtAccessSshAuthTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The duration within which the user can enter the password after providing the user id." ::= { ccMgmtAccessSsh 1 } -- ccMgmtAccessSshInactivityTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The duration within which the server should receive the keep alive responses from the client. In SSH v2, the server shall timeout if does not receive Keep alive responses from the client. " ::= { ccMgmtAccessSsh 2 } -- ccMgmtAccessHttpsTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "HTTP/HTTPS connection timeout." ::= { ccMgmtAccess 5 } -- Logging configuration. -- ccLogging OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccAdmin 11 } -- ccLoggingLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { level0Emergency(0), level1Alert(1), level2Critical(2), level3Errors(3), level4Warnings(4), level5Notice(5), level6Info(6), level7Debug(7) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Level of logging to perform." ::= { ccLogging 1 } -- ccLoggingToSyslog OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Send logs to external syslog." ::= { ccLogging 2 } -- ccLoggingSyslogServer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP addr of syslog server." ::= { ccLogging 3 } -- ccLoggingDeleteCoreFile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DoActionNow MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Delete the Core File." ::= { ccLogging 4 } -- ccLoggingTransferCoreFile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DoActionNow MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Transfer the core file to external FTP server." ::= { ccLogging 5 } -- Configure NTP on switch. -- ccNtp OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccAdmin 12 } -- ccNtpEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable NTP." ::= { ccNtp 1 } -- ccNtp0Server OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Preferred NTP server IPaddr." ::= { ccNtp 2 } -- ccNtp0Port OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Preferred NTP server port number." ::= { ccNtp 3 } -- ccNtp1Server OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "1st alternate NTP server IPaddr." ::= { ccNtp 4 } -- ccNtp1Port OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "1st alternate NTP server port number." ::= { ccNtp 5 } -- ccNtp2Server OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "2nd alternate NTP server IPaddr." ::= { ccNtp 6 } -- ccNtp2Port OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "2nd alternate NTP server port number." ::= { ccNtp 7 } -- ccNtpGmtHourOffset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "GMT Hour Offset. Not implemented in WS2000 2.0" ::= { ccNtp 8 } -- ccNtpGmtMinuteOffset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "GMT Minute Offset. Not implemented in WS2000 2.0" ::= { ccNtp 9 } -- ccNtpCurrentDateTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current date/time. If NTP is not running, or has not yet synchronized the time, this value will be 0. " ::= { ccNtp 10 } -- ccNtpSyncInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Synchronization Interval (in minutes)" ::= { ccNtp 11 } -- ccDhcpOptions OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccAdmin 14 } -- ccDhcpOptionsUpdateFwEna OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable updating of firmware using DHCP vendor options " ::= { ccDhcpOptions 1 } -- ccDhcpOptionsUpdateCfgEna OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable updating of configuration using DHCP vendor options" ::= { ccDhcpOptions 2 } -- ccDhcpOptionsUpdateInterface OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { wan(1), subnet1(2), subnet2(3), subnet3(4), subnet4(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The interface to use in contacting the FTP or TFTP server. This is required since the actual firmware load is accomplished via boot code that does not contain routing logic." ::= { ccDhcpOptions 3 } -- ccDhcpOptionsUpdateFwFilename OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The firmware filename most recently provided via DHCP options. The success/failure of actually fetching that file via TFTP is reported in ccLoadFwSuccess and ccLoadFwResult. " ::= { ccDhcpOptions 4 } -- ccDhcpOptionsUpdateCfgFilename OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The config filename most recently provided via DHCP options. The success/failure of actually fetching that file via TFTP is reported in ccLoadCfgSuccess and ccLoadCfgResult. " ::= { ccDhcpOptions 5 } -- ccRedundancy OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccAdmin 15 } -- ccRedundancyAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { primary(1), standby(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The desired state of redundancy for this switch. 'standAlone' is for a switch with no redundancy. 'redundantPrimary' and 'redundantStandby' for when the switch is desired to be part of a pair of switches for redundancy. 'redundantUpgrade' is used to update the firmware of one switch of a pair configured for redundancy. This mode is just like 'standAlone' except that switch will not adopt portals. Note that when configuring two switches, both starting in 'standAlone' state, configure the primary first. (If you configure the desired standby first, it will NOT hear heartbeats from the primary, and will quickly transition to _OperState = 'redundantPrimary'). " ::= { ccRedundancy 1 } -- ccRedundancyOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { redundancy(1), upgrade(2), standAlone(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The actual state of redundancy for this switch." ::= { ccRedundancy 2 } -- ccRedundancyHeartbeatInterface OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { port1(1), port2(2), port3(3), port4(4), port5(5), port6(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The interface to use in contacting the FTP or TFTP server. This is required since the actual firmware load is accomplished via boot code that does not contain routing logic." ::= { ccRedundancy 3 } -- ccRedundancyHeartbeatInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The duration in seconds between consecutive heartbeats. User can control the frequency of hearbeats by tuning this parameter." ::= { ccRedundancy 4 } -- ccRedundancyRevertDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "minutes" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The duration which the master WS2000 shall wait before taking over from a backup WS2000." ::= { ccRedundancy 5 } -- ccRedundancyOperMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current Operational Mode of the switch." ::= { ccRedundancy 6 } -- ccCertMgnt OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccAdmin 16 } -- The ccSelfCerts group allows the admin to create a -- certificate request, send it off to a Certificate -- Authority(CA) to be signed, and then import the signed -- certificate. -- -- The process can be broken down into the following steps: -- 1. Create a row in the ccCertMgntSelfCertsReqTable. -- 2. Fill out ccCertMgntSelfCertsReqKeyId and -- ccCertMgntSelfCertsReqSubject and any optional fields -- 3. Set ccCertMgntSelfCertsReqGenReq to true -- 4. Read certificate request from -- ccCertMgntSelfCertsReqCertReqStr -- 5. Get the certificate signed by a CA -- 6. Write the signed certificate string to -- ccCertMgntSelfCertsSignedStr -- 7. Set ccCertMgntSelfCertsSignedImport to true and pull -- for progress. This step will create a row in -- ccCertMgntSelfCertsSignedTable. -- -- ccCertMgntSelfCerts OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccCertMgnt 1 } -- ccCertMgntSelfCertsReqTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcCertMgntSelfCertsReqEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table allows the admin to create and store up to three certificate signature requests. The required fields are ccSelfCertsReqKeyId and ccSelfCertReqSubject. " ::= { ccCertMgntSelfCerts 1 } -- ccCertMgntSelfCertsReqEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcCertMgntSelfCertsReqEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " INDEX { ccCertMgntSelfCertsReqIndex } ::= { ccCertMgntSelfCertsReqTable 1 } CcCertMgntSelfCertsReqEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccCertMgntSelfCertsReqIndex Integer32, ccCertMgntSelfCertsReqKeyId DisplayString, ccCertMgntSelfCertsReqSubject DisplayString, ccCertMgntSelfCertsReqDept DisplayString, ccCertMgntSelfCertsReqOrg DisplayString, ccCertMgntSelfCertsReqCity DisplayString, ccCertMgntSelfCertsReqState DisplayString, ccCertMgntSelfCertsReqPostal DisplayString, ccCertMgntSelfCertsReqCountry DisplayString, ccCertMgntSelfCertsReqEmail DisplayString, ccCertMgntSelfCertsReqDomain DisplayString, ccCertMgntSelfCertsReqIp IpAddress, ccCertMgntSelfCertsReqSigAlgo INTEGER, ccCertMgntSelfCertsReqKeyLen INTEGER, ccCertMgntSelfCertsReqGenReq DoActionShowProgress, ccCertMgntSelfCertsReqCertReqStr DisplayString, ccCertMgntSelfCertsReqRowStatus AbbrevRowStatus } -- ccCertMgntSelfCertsReqIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..3) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Simple index." ::= { ccCertMgntSelfCertsReqEntry 1 } -- ccCertMgntSelfCertsReqKeyId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..7)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ID for the certificate. Use this field to distinguish between certificates. This is a required field. " ::= { ccCertMgntSelfCertsReqEntry 2 } -- ccCertMgntSelfCertsReqSubject OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..49)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The subject of the certificate. This is a required field. " ::= { ccCertMgntSelfCertsReqEntry 3 } -- ccCertMgntSelfCertsReqDept OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..49)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The department that is making the request. Contact your CA to determine whether this field is required." ::= { ccCertMgntSelfCertsReqEntry 4 } -- ccCertMgntSelfCertsReqOrg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..49)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The name of the organization or company that is making the request. Contact your CA to determine whether this field is required." ::= { ccCertMgntSelfCertsReqEntry 5 } -- ccCertMgntSelfCertsReqCity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..49)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The name of the city where the organization resides. Contact your CA to determine whether this field is required." ::= { ccCertMgntSelfCertsReqEntry 6 } -- ccCertMgntSelfCertsReqState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..49)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The name of the state where the organzation resides. Contact your CA to determine whether this field is required." ::= { ccCertMgntSelfCertsReqEntry 7 } -- ccCertMgntSelfCertsReqPostal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..9)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The postal code (zip code in US) for the organization. Contact your CA to determine whether this field is required." ::= { ccCertMgntSelfCertsReqEntry 8 } -- ccCertMgntSelfCertsReqCountry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..2)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The two-letter ISO code for the country where the organization resides. Contact your CA to determine whether this field is required." ::= { ccCertMgntSelfCertsReqEntry 9 } -- ccCertMgntSelfCertsReqEmail OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..49)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The email address to be used for identification purposes. Contact your CA to determine whether this field is required." ::= { ccCertMgntSelfCertsReqEntry 10 } -- ccCertMgntSelfCertsReqDomain OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..49)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The domain name to associate with the certificate. Contact your CA to determine whether this field is required." ::= { ccCertMgntSelfCertsReqEntry 11 } -- ccCertMgntSelfCertsReqIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The WAN IP of the WS 2000 Wireless Switch. Contact your CA to determine whether this field is required." ::= { ccCertMgntSelfCertsReqEntry 12 } -- ccCertMgntSelfCertsReqSigAlgo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { cryptoMd5Rsa(1), cryptoSha1Rsa(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The signature algorithm you want used for the certificate. The options are: MD5-RSA: This option uses the Message Digest 5 algorithm in combination with RSA encryption. SHA1-RSA: This options uses the Secure Hash Algorithm 1 in combination with RSA encryption. This is a required field. " ::= { ccCertMgntSelfCertsReqEntry 13 } -- ccCertMgntSelfCertsReqKeyLen OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { keylen512(1), keylen1024(2), keylen2048(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The desired length of the key. Possible values are 512, 1024, and 2048. Select a lower number to enhance performance. Select a large number to enhance security." ::= { ccCertMgntSelfCertsReqEntry 14 } -- ccCertMgntSelfCertsReqGenReq OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DoActionShowProgress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Start generating certificate request." ::= { ccCertMgntSelfCertsReqEntry 15 } -- ccCertMgntSelfCertsReqCertReqStr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The generated certificate request string." ::= { ccCertMgntSelfCertsReqEntry 16 } -- ccCertMgntSelfCertsReqRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AbbrevRowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row status." ::= { ccCertMgntSelfCertsReqEntry 17 } -- ccCertMgntSelfCertsIdName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ID Name of the signed certificate." ::= { ccCertMgntSelfCerts 2 } -- ccCertMgntSelfCertsSignedStr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The signed certificate." ::= { ccCertMgntSelfCerts 3 } -- ccCertMgntSelfCertsSignedImport OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DoActionShowProgress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Start importing the signed certificate from ccCertMgntSelfCertsSignedStr to a new row in ccCertMgntSelfCertsSignedTable. " ::= { ccCertMgntSelfCerts 4 } -- ccCertMgntSelfCertsSignedTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcCertMgntSelfCertsSignedEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table allows the admin to store up to three signed certificates. This table supports a max size of three rows." ::= { ccCertMgntSelfCerts 5 } -- ccCertMgntSelfCertsSignedEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcCertMgntSelfCertsSignedEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " INDEX { ccCertMgntSelfCertsSignedIndex } ::= { ccCertMgntSelfCertsSignedTable 1 } CcCertMgntSelfCertsSignedEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccCertMgntSelfCertsSignedIndex Integer32, ccCertMgntSelfCertsSignedKeyId DisplayString, ccCertMgntSelfCertsSignedIssuerName DisplayString, ccCertMgntSelfCertsSignedSubject DisplayString, ccCertMgntSelfCertsSignedSerialNumber DisplayString, ccCertMgntSelfCertsSignedExpiry DateAndTime, ccCertMgntSelfCertsSignedDeleteRow TruthValue } -- ccCertMgntSelfCertsSignedIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..3) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Simple index." ::= { ccCertMgntSelfCertsSignedEntry 1 } -- ccCertMgntSelfCertsSignedKeyId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..7)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ID for the certificate. Use this field to distinguish between certificates. " ::= { ccCertMgntSelfCertsSignedEntry 2 } -- ccCertMgntSelfCertsSignedIssuerName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The name of the certificate authority who signed the certificate." ::= { ccCertMgntSelfCertsSignedEntry 3 } -- ccCertMgntSelfCertsSignedSubject OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The subject of the certificate." ::= { ccCertMgntSelfCertsSignedEntry 4 } -- ccCertMgntSelfCertsSignedSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The serial number of the certificate." ::= { ccCertMgntSelfCertsSignedEntry 5 } -- ccCertMgntSelfCertsSignedExpiry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The date when the certificate expires." ::= { ccCertMgntSelfCertsSignedEntry 6 } -- ccCertMgntSelfCertsSignedDeleteRow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Delete row." ::= { ccCertMgntSelfCertsSignedEntry 7 } -- The ccCACerts group allows the admin to import CA -- certificates. -- -- The process can be broken down into the following steps: -- 1. Write the certificate text to ccCACertsStr -- 2. Set ccCACertsImport to true and pull for progress. This -- step will create a row in ccCACertsTable. -- -- -- -- -- ccCACerts OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccCertMgnt 2 } -- ccCACertsStr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The CA certificate to be imported." ::= { ccCACerts 1 } -- ccCACertsImport OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DoActionShowProgress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Start import operation for the CA certificate stored in ccCACertsStr. This operation adds a row in ccCACertsTable." ::= { ccCACerts 2 } -- ccCACertsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcCACertsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table allows the admin to store up to three CA certificates. This table supports a max size of three rows." ::= { ccCACerts 3 } -- ccCACertsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcCACertsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " INDEX { ccCACertsIndex } ::= { ccCACertsTable 1 } CcCACertsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccCACertsIndex Integer32, ccCACertsKeyId DisplayString, ccCACertsIssuerName DisplayString, ccCACertsSubject DisplayString, ccCACertsSerialNumber DisplayString, ccCACertsExpiry DateAndTime, ccCACertsDeleteRow TruthValue } -- ccCACertsIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..3) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Simple index." ::= { ccCACertsEntry 1 } -- ccCACertsKeyId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..7)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ID for the certificate. Use this field to distinguish between certificates. " ::= { ccCACertsEntry 2 } -- ccCACertsIssuerName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The name of the certificate authority." ::= { ccCACertsEntry 3 } -- ccCACertsSubject OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The subject of the certificate." ::= { ccCACertsEntry 4 } -- ccCACertsSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The serial number of the certificate." ::= { ccCACertsEntry 5 } -- ccCACertsExpiry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The date when the certificate expires." ::= { ccCACertsEntry 6 } -- ccCACertsDeleteRow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Delete Row." ::= { ccCACertsEntry 7 } -- Notifications implemented on the switch. -- -- For each notification, a 'pseudo printf' is shown to -- illustrate how the var-binds sent with the notification -- make for an informative notification message. -- -- The notation '%s1' is used to denote the first [optional] -- var-bind in the notification. '%i1' is used to denote the -- instance of the first [optional] var-bind in the -- notification. -- ccNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ws2k 3 } -- ccPortalAdopted NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ccPortalLastMac } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A Portal has been adopted by the switch. Example: Portal MAC=%s1 has been adopted." ::= { ccNotifications 1 } -- ccPortalUnAdopted NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ccPortalLastMac, ccPortalLastReason } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A Portal has been un-adopted by the switch. Example: Portal MAC=%s1 has been UN-adopted for reason %s2." ::= { ccNotifications 2 } -- ccPortalDenied NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ccPortalLastMac, ccPortalLastReason } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A Portal has been denied adoption by the switch. Example: Portal MAC=%s1 has been denied adopted for reason %s2." ::= { ccNotifications 3 } -- ccMuAssociated NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ccMuLastMac, ccMuLastPortal } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An MU has been associated to a Portal adopted by this switch. Example: MU MAC=%s1 has associated to Portal MAC=%s2." ::= { ccNotifications 4 } -- ccMuUnAssociated NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ccMuLastMac, ccMuLastPortal, ccMuLastReason } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An MU has been un-associated to a Portal adopted by this switch. Example: MU MAC=%s1 has UN-associated from Portal MAC=%s2 for reason %s3." ::= { ccNotifications 5 } -- ccMuDenied NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ccMuLastMac, ccMuLastPortal, ccMuLastReason } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An MU has been denied association to a Portal adopted by this switch. Example: MU MAC=%s1 has been denied association to Portal MAC=%s2 for reason %s3." ::= { ccNotifications 6 } -- ccConfigChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ccCfgHistChangeTime, ccCfgHistChangeCount } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The configuration of this switch has changed. Example: The configuration of the switch changed as of sysUpTime=%s1; the total number of config changes since reboot is now %s2." ::= { ccNotifications 7 } -- ccSnmpAclViolation NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ccSnmpLastDeniedIpAddr, ccSnmpAclViolations } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An attempt to communicate via SNMP to the switch has been denied based on configured ACLs. Example: IP-addr %s1 has attempted, but been prohibited, from communicating with the switch via SNMP; total number of such ACL violations = %s2." ::= { ccNotifications 8 } -- ccPortStatusChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ccPortStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A [physical] port's state has changed from up-->down, or down-->up. Example: Port %i1 has changed state to %s1." ::= { ccNotifications 9 } -- ccCfAlmostFull NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ccCompactFlashCapacity, ccCompactFlashUsed, ccTrapCtrlCfAlmostFullThreshold } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compact flash is almost full; (it has crossed the threshold defined by ccTrapCtrlCfAlmostFullThreshold). Example: The compact flash is almost full; Used=%s1, Capacity=%s2, Threshold=%s3." ::= { ccNotifications 10 } -- ccFirewallUnderAttack NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ccTrapCtrlFirewallUnderAttackDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The firewall has detected an attack in progress. Example: The WAN firewall is being attached by method %s1." ::= { ccNotifications 11 } -- ccRadarDetected NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ccTrapCtrlRadarDetectedPortalMac, ccTrapCtrlRadarDetectedChannel } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Radar has been detected on a Portal channel. Example: Radar has been detected on Portal MAC=%s1, on channel %s2." ::= { ccNotifications 12 } -- ??-TW/CM: add 1 UINT32 to show the current/live value for -- the variable that this trap is saying crossed a threshold. -- Fortunately, UINT32 works for every single SumStat data -- item, (even Signal and Noise, which for traps are reported -- and configured as POSITIVE values not negative). -- -- Also, add 3-9 more on top of that to show the recent -- history? If so, beware: the threshold trap is calculated -- on the SHORT items, but is it calculated on 5sec interval, -- or on a 30sec interval. If the former, can show the less -- fresh 5sec-by-5sec values. If the latter, showing those -- values might look bad - see this example: -- -- threshold=15 -- Tnow T-minus-5sec T-10 T-15 T-20 T-25 T-30 -- 17 13 14 17 14 13 11 -- -- This shows that the value peaked above the threshold 15sec -- earlier, but it was not 'caught'. Worse yet, that may -- bring to the customer's attention that in some cases it is -- quite possible that such a peak between 30sec threshold -- checks might be entirely missed. -- -- If trap thresholds are only checked every 30sec, the -- 'history' values reported, (if any), should probably be -- the 10min LONG sub-buckets. -- -- Ideally, (if performance permits), the threshold trap -- checking should occur at the 5sec interval, and the history -- values reported are the SHORT sub-buckets, PLUS the LONG -- sub-buckets. -- -- Decided 5/20 to wait to see how Tina's implementation -- works-out and then maybe add the 1 current value and/or -- several history values. -- -- This comment applies equally to the Portal, WLAN, and -- switch ccSumStats_ traps. -- ccSumStatsMu NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ccTrapCtrlSumStatsDescr, ccTrapCtrlSumStatsThresholdMu, ccTrapCtrlSumStatsUnits, ccMuMac, ccMuIpAddr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A summary statistic has crossed the prescribed threshold by an MU. Example: Threshold '%s1' of value %s2 (units:%s3) has been crossed by MU MAC=%s4 with IP-addr=%s5." ::= { ccNotifications 13 } -- ccSumStatsPortal NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ccTrapCtrlSumStatsIndex, ccTrapCtrlSumStatsThresholdPortals, ccTrapCtrlSumStatsUnits, ccPortalIndex, ccPortalMac, ccPortalName, ccPortalLocation } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A summary statistic has crossed the prescribed threshold by a Portal. Example: Threshold #%s1 of value %s2 (units:%s3) has been crossed by Portal index=%s4 with MAC=%s5." ::= { ccNotifications 14 } -- ccSumStatsWlan NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ccTrapCtrlSumStatsDescr, ccTrapCtrlSumStatsThresholdWlans, ccTrapCtrlSumStatsUnits, ccWlanIndex, ccWlanName, ccWlanEssid } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A summary statistic has crossed the prescribed threshold by a WLAN. Example: Threshold #%s1 of value %s2 (units:%s3) has been crossed by WLAN index=%s4 with name=%s5." ::= { ccNotifications 15 } -- ccSumStatsSwitch NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ccTrapCtrlSumStatsDescr, ccTrapCtrlSumStatsThresholdSwitch, ccTrapCtrlSumStatsUnits } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A summary statistic has crossed the prescribed threshold by the entire Switch. Example: Threshold %s1 of value %s2 (units:%s3) has been crossed by the entire switch." ::= { ccNotifications 16 } -- ccLanVlanActivated NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ccTrapCtrlLanVlanActivatedVlanId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A Vlan is activated. When ever a MU is associated with the switch, and it receives a VLAN attribute from the radius server, the specified VLAN is activated. " ::= { ccNotifications 17 } -- ccDhcpOptionsFileTransferStatus NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ccTrapCtrlDhcpOptionsFileTransferStatusRequested, ccLoadFwServerFilename, ccLoadFwSuccess, ccLoadFwResult, ccLoadCfgServerFilename, ccLoadCfgSuccess, ccLoadCfgResult } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Trap to say that the device received DHCP options instructing it to load a new fw or cnfg file, and that it has completed the transfer. The varbinds tell if the transfer was successful. Note that this trap will NOT be issued if the DHCP options specify the same file as was most recently loaded. Example: (if FW bit set in _Requested): The switch was instructed to load firmware %s2, and success=%s3 with result=%s4. (if CFG bit set in _Requested): The switch was instructed to load config %s5, and success=%s6 with result=%s7. " ::= { ccNotifications 18 } -- ccRedundancyStateChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ccRedundancyOperState, ccTrapCtrlRedundancyPreviousOperState } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The state of this switch's ccRedundancyOperState has changed. Example: The switch has changed it's redundancy state to %s1. " ::= { ccNotifications 19 } -- !!- OID: .1000 - to save room above for notifications. -- ccTrapCtrl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccNotifications 1000 } -- ccTrapCtrlEnableTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcTrapCtrlEnableEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of Trap Enable entries." ::= { ccTrapCtrl 1 } -- ccTrapCtrlEnableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcTrapCtrlEnableEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." INDEX { ccTrapCtrlEnableIndex } ::= { ccTrapCtrlEnableTable 1 } CcTrapCtrlEnableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccTrapCtrlEnableIndex INTEGER, ccTrapCtrlEnableName DisplayString, ccTrapCtrlEnable TruthValue } -- ccTrapCtrlEnableIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { trapCtrlPortalAdopted(1), trapCtrlPortalUnAdopted(2), trapCtrlPortalDeniedAdoption(3), trapCtrlMuAssociated(4), trapCtrlMuUnAssociated(5), trapCtrlMuDeniedAssociation(6), trapCtrlSnmpAuthFailure(7), trapCtrlSnmpAclViolation(8), trapCtrlSnmpColdStart(9), trapCtrlSnmpConfigChanged(10), trapCtrlCfAlmostFull(11), trapCtrlPortStatusChange(12), trapCtrlDenialofService(13), trapCtrlMuAuthDenied(14), trapCtrlRadarDetected(15), trapCtrlRogueApDetected(16) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Simple Index." ::= { ccTrapCtrlEnableEntry 1 } -- ??-India: add the other 18 enum values. -- ccTrapCtrlEnableName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Name of the Trap." ::= { ccTrapCtrlEnableEntry 2 } -- ccTrapCtrlEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable/Disbale a particular Trap." ::= { ccTrapCtrlEnableEntry 3 } -- ccTrapCtrlDetails OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccTrapCtrl 2 } -- ccTrapCtrlPortalAdopted OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "(place-holder for future use and to keep the last OID of each ccTrapCtrl_ item here to match the last OID of the corresponding notification)." ::= { ccTrapCtrlDetails 1 } -- ccTrapCtrlPortalUnAdopted OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "(place-holder for future use and to keep the last OID of each ccTrapCtrl_ item here to match the last OID of the corresponding notification)." ::= { ccTrapCtrlDetails 2 } -- ccTrapCtrlPortalDenied OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "(place-holder for future use and to keep the last OID of each ccTrapCtrl_ item here to match the last OID of the corresponding notification)." ::= { ccTrapCtrlDetails 3 } -- ccTrapCtrlMuAssociated OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "(place-holder for future use and to keep the last OID of each ccTrapCtrl_ item here to match the last OID of the corresponding notification)." ::= { ccTrapCtrlDetails 4 } -- ccTrapCtrlMuUnAssociated OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "(place-holder for future use and to keep the last OID of each ccTrapCtrl_ item here to match the last OID of the corresponding notification)." ::= { ccTrapCtrlDetails 5 } -- ccTrapCtrlMuDenied OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "(place-holder for future use and to keep the last OID of each ccTrapCtrl_ item here to match the last OID of the corresponding notification)." ::= { ccTrapCtrlDetails 6 } -- ccTrapCtrlConfigChange OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "(place-holder for future use and to keep the last OID of each ccTrapCtrl_ item here to match the last OID of the corresponding notification)." ::= { ccTrapCtrlDetails 7 } -- ccTrapCtrlSnmpAclViolation OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "(place-holder for future use and to keep the last OID of each ccTrapCtrl_ item here to match the last OID of the corresponding notification)." ::= { ccTrapCtrlDetails 8 } -- ccTrapCtrlPortStatusChange OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "(place-holder for future use and to keep the last OID of each ccTrapCtrl_ item here to match the last OID of the corresponding notification)." ::= { ccTrapCtrlDetails 9 } -- ccTrapCtrlCfAlmostFull OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccTrapCtrlDetails 10 } -- ccTrapCtrlCfAlmostFullThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A ccCfAlmostFull trap will be sent when less than this number of bytes are remained on the Compact Flash card. The trap is currently scheduled to fire every 5 minutes when the condition is met. " ::= { ccTrapCtrlCfAlmostFull 1 } -- ccTrapCtrlFirewallUnderAttack OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccTrapCtrlDetails 11 } -- ccTrapCtrlFirewallUnderAttackDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..255)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description of Firewall Under Attack." ::= { ccTrapCtrlFirewallUnderAttack 1 } -- ccTrapCtrlFirewallUnderAttackRateLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The max rate at which ccFirewallUnderAttack traps/notifications will be sent from the switch. If the switch detects a FirewallUnderAttack condition and it has NOT been at least this many seconds since the last ccFirewallUnderAttack trap/notification, this current event will NOT result in a trap/notification. If this value is set to 0, every such event results in a trap/notification. Factory-default state is 1 [second]. " ::= { ccTrapCtrlFirewallUnderAttack 2 } -- ccTrapCtrlRadarDetected OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccTrapCtrlDetails 12 } -- ccTrapCtrlRadarDetectedPortalMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PhysAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "MAC address of the Portal that has detected Radar. (Note that this variable is accessible-for-notify only)." ::= { ccTrapCtrlRadarDetected 1 } -- ccTrapCtrlRadarDetectedChannel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Channel on which Radar has been detected. (Note that this variable is accessible-for-notify only)." ::= { ccTrapCtrlRadarDetected 2 } -- ccTrapCtrlSumStats OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccTrapCtrlDetails 13 } -- ccTrapCtrlSumStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcTrapCtrlSumStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table configures thresholds that can be monitored for - all MUs and/or - all Portals and/or - all WLANs and/or - for the entire switch When a given threshold is crossed, it generates the appropriate corresponding notification, (ccSumStats_: _MU, _Portal, _WLAN, or _Switch). Some thresholds result in notifications when exceeded, and some when the current value sinks below the threshold. This is indicated by the wording of the entry in the entry's _Descr value. In all cases, the summary stat being monitored is the Short value, never the Long value. Note that for thresholds of type thresholdsAvgMuSignal & thresholdsAvgMuNoise, the values being 'watched' are actually negative. In these cases the threshold is specified as a Unsigned32. For example, if you wish to trap on Signal being worse than -75dBm, enter '70'. This works since a user would never want to trap on a threshold of Sinal worse than +10dBm. (SNR is not an issue, since that is a positive value). Any values reported as var-binds in the resultant trap(s) are likewise reported as positive values." ::= { ccTrapCtrlSumStats 1 } -- ccTrapCtrlSumStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcTrapCtrlSumStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The rows/instances in this table occur at the exact same indices as the corresponding monitored data occurs in the _SumStats tables. For example, row #2 / instance .2 represents the threshold(s) for the _PktsPerSec values for MU, Portal, WLAN, and Switch. If a given threshold does not make sense for one of those 4 entities, its corresponding TruthValue will be false." INDEX { ccTrapCtrlSumStatsIndex } ::= { ccTrapCtrlSumStatsTable 1 } CcTrapCtrlSumStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccTrapCtrlSumStatsIndex INTEGER, ccTrapCtrlSumStatsDescr DisplayString, ccTrapCtrlSumStatsUnits DisplayString, ccTrapCtrlSumStatsCanBeSetMu TruthValue, ccTrapCtrlSumStatsThresholdMu Unsigned32, ccTrapCtrlSumStatsCanBeSetPortal TruthValue, ccTrapCtrlSumStatsThresholdPortals Unsigned32, ccTrapCtrlSumStatsCanBeSetWlan TruthValue, ccTrapCtrlSumStatsThresholdWlans Unsigned32, ccTrapCtrlSumStatsCanBeSetSwitch TruthValue, ccTrapCtrlSumStatsThresholdSwitch Unsigned32 } -- ccTrapCtrlSumStatsIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unusedTimestamp(1), unusedNumPkts(2), thresholdsPktsPerSec(3), unusedPktsPerSecTx(4), unusedPktsPerSecRx(5), thresholdsThroughput(6), unusedThroughputTx(7), unusedThroughputRx(8), thresholdsAvgBitSpeed(9), thresholdsAvgMuSignal(10), thresholdsAvgMuNoise(11), thresholdsAvgMuSnr(12), thresholdsPctNUcastPkts(13), thresholdsPpmTxWithRetires(14), thresholdsPpmTxDropped(15), thresholdsTxAvgRetries(16), thresholdsPpmRxUndecrypt(17), thresholdsTotalMus(18), thresholdsPctRfUtil(19), thresholdsPctDropped(20) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index into table. Note that specific thresholds occur at specific instance values as denoted by the enumeration values assigned to this variable." ::= { ccTrapCtrlSumStatsEntry 1 } -- ccTrapCtrlSumStatsDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description of the threshold." ::= { ccTrapCtrlSumStatsEntry 2 } -- ccTrapCtrlSumStatsUnits OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Units of the the threshold." ::= { ccTrapCtrlSumStatsEntry 3 } -- ccTrapCtrlSumStatsCanBeSetMu OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If true, the threshold can be set for MUs. If false, attempting the threshold will return a READ-ONLY." ::= { ccTrapCtrlSumStatsEntry 4 } -- ccTrapCtrlSumStatsThresholdMu OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The threshold for all MUs. If 0, no threshold checking is performed." ::= { ccTrapCtrlSumStatsEntry 5 } -- ccTrapCtrlSumStatsCanBeSetPortal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If true, the threshold can be set for Portals. If false, attempting the threshold will return a READ-ONLY." ::= { ccTrapCtrlSumStatsEntry 6 } -- ccTrapCtrlSumStatsThresholdPortals OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The threshold for all Portals. If 0, no threshold checking is performed." ::= { ccTrapCtrlSumStatsEntry 7 } -- ccTrapCtrlSumStatsCanBeSetWlan OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If true, the threshold can be set for Wlans. If false, attempting the threshold will return a READ-ONLY." ::= { ccTrapCtrlSumStatsEntry 8 } -- ccTrapCtrlSumStatsThresholdWlans OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The threshold for all Wlans. If 0, no threshold checking is performed." ::= { ccTrapCtrlSumStatsEntry 9 } -- ccTrapCtrlSumStatsCanBeSetSwitch OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If true, the threshold can be set for the entire switch. If false, attempting the threshold will return a READ-ONLY." ::= { ccTrapCtrlSumStatsEntry 10 } -- ccTrapCtrlSumStatsThresholdSwitch OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The threshold for the entire Switch. If 0, no threshold checking is performed." ::= { ccTrapCtrlSumStatsEntry 11 } -- ccTrapCtrlSumStatsMinPktsForTrap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The minimum number of packets that must be in a window/dataset before any of the threshold traps will 'fire'." ::= { ccTrapCtrlSumStats 2 } -- ccTrapCtrlSumStatsPortal OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "(place-holder for future use and to keep the last OID of each ccTrapCtrl_ item here to match the last OID of the corresponding notification)." ::= { ccTrapCtrlDetails 14 } -- ccTrapCtrlSumStatsWlan OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "(place-holder for future use and to keep the last OID of each ccTrapCtrl_ item here to match the last OID of the corresponding notification)." ::= { ccTrapCtrlDetails 15 } -- ccTrapCtrlSumStatsSwitch OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "(place-holder for future use and to keep the last OID of each ccTrapCtrl_ item here to match the last OID of the corresponding notification)." ::= { ccTrapCtrlDetails 16 } -- ccTrapCtrlLanVlanActivated OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccTrapCtrlDetails 17 } -- ccTrapCtrlLanVlanActivatedVlanId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..31) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VLAN ID to which MU has been associated. (Note that this variable is accessible-for-notify only)." ::= { ccTrapCtrlLanVlanActivated 1 } -- ccTrapCtrlDhcpOptionsFileTransferStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccTrapCtrlDetails 18 } -- ccTrapCtrlDhcpOptionsFileTransferStatusRequested OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { dhcpRequestedFwLoad(0), dhcpRequestedCfgLoad(1) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DHCP request received. (Note that this variable is accessible-for-notify only)." ::= { ccTrapCtrlDhcpOptionsFileTransferStatus 1 } -- ccTrapCtrlRedundancyStateChange OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccTrapCtrlDetails 19 } -- ccTrapCtrlRedundancyPreviousOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { standAlone(1), redundantPrimary(2), redundantStandby(3), redundantUpgrade(4) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The actual state of redundancy for this switch." ::= { ccTrapCtrlRedundancyStateChange 1 } -- Values for the radio (RF) side of the switch. -- ccRf OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ws2k 4 } -- This group contains MIB values that describe the -- Access Ports known to this WS2000. -- ccAp OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccRf 1 } -- ccApTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcApEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table lists all Access Ports that contain at least one Portal that has been adopted by this WS2000." ::= { ccAp 1 } -- ccApEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcApEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " INDEX { ccApIndex } ::= { ccApTable 1 } CcApEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccApIndex INTEGER, ccApNicMac PhysAddress, ccApModelNumber DisplayString, ccApSerialNumber DisplayString, ccApPcbRevision DisplayString, ccApBootLoaderRev DisplayString, ccApWispVersion DisplayString, ccApRuntimeFwVersion DisplayString, ccApNumPortals Unsigned32, ccApPointersToPortals MultiPointer255 } -- ccApIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..255) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Small, arbitrary integer index." ::= { ccApEntry 1 } -- ccApNicMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PhysAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "MAC address of this Access Port." ::= { ccApEntry 2 } -- ccApModelNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Model number of the Access Port." ::= { ccApEntry 3 } -- ccApSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Serial Number of this Access Port." ::= { ccApEntry 4 } -- ccApPcbRevision OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Revision of the printed circuit board for this Access Port." ::= { ccApEntry 5 } -- ccApBootLoaderRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Revision of the boot loader code in this Access Port." ::= { ccApEntry 6 } -- ccApWispVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Version of the WISP (AP-switch) protocol implemented by this Access Port." ::= { ccApEntry 7 } -- ccApRuntimeFwVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Version of run-time code on this Access Port." ::= { ccApEntry 8 } -- ??-CM: this should be Uint32 - would chaning this be an -- incompatible change? Any diff on wire Int32 vs Unit32 ? -- ccApNumPortals OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of Portals implemented on this Access Port." ::= { ccApEntry 9 } -- ccApPointersToPortals OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MultiPointer255 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If bit of this value is set, this ApTable entry 'points' to entry in the Portal Table. Such a reference conveys that the Portal entry pointed-to represents a Portal contained in the Access Port represented by this entry. Note that since one Access Port can implement 1, 2, (and in the future possibly more), Portals, this 'pointer' field had to be a bit-mask." ::= { ccApEntry 10 } -- This group contains MIB values that describe the -- Portals known to and adopted by this WS2000. -- -- An Access Port will contain 1, 2, (and in the -- future, possibly more), 'Portals'. Such Portals -- may be thought of as the radio portion of an -- Access Port. -- -- Descriptions of each data item are only provided here in -- the Portal tables, (since it occurs first in the MIB). -- For the nearly identical values in the MU and WLAN tables, -- refer back to the descriptions found here. (Did this to -- avoid massive cut-and-paste which later leads to -- discrepencies and inconsistencies when changes are -- incorrectly made to the descriptions in one location but -- not the others). -- ccPortal OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccRf 2 } -- ccPortalTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcPortalEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table lists all Portals that have been adopted or have failed adoption (by this WS2000)." ::= { ccPortal 1 } -- ccPortalEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcPortalEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " INDEX { ccPortalIndex } ::= { ccPortalTable 1 } CcPortalEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccPortalIndex INTEGER, ccPortalPointerToAp SinglePointer, ccPortalPointersToWlans MultiPointer63, ccPortalName DisplayString, ccPortalLocation DisplayString, ccPortalOptions BITS, ccPortalMac PhysAddress, ccPortalNumberOfEss Integer32, ccPortalNumberOfBss Integer32, ccPortalAssociatedMus Integer32, ccPortalRadioType RadioType, ccPortalChannel INTEGER, ccPortalTxPowerLevel Integer32, ccPortalLastAdoption TimeTicks, ccPortalState INTEGER, ccPortalBackgroundNoiseNumSamples Counter32, ccPortalBackgroundNoiseBest Integer32, ccPortalBackgroundNoiseWorst Integer32, ccPortalBackgroundNoiseSum Integer32, ccPortalBackgroundNoiseSumSquares Counter64 } -- ccPortalIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..255) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Small, arbitrary integer index." ::= { ccPortalEntry 1 } -- ccPortalPointerToAp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SinglePointer MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This value is the index in the ApTable for the entry representing the Access Port that contains this Portal. Since each Portal has one and only one Access Port as 'parent', this value is a simple integer, not a bit-mask." ::= { ccPortalEntry 2 } -- ccPortalPointersToWlans OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MultiPointer63 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "(Reserved for future implementation)." ::= { ccPortalEntry 3 } -- ccPortalName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Name of this Portal, as assigned by the Web UI or CLI." ::= { ccPortalEntry 4 } -- ccPortalLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Location string for this Portal, as assigned by the Web UI or CLI." ::= { ccPortalEntry 5 } -- ccPortalOptions OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { undefined00(0), undefined01(1), undefined02(2), undefined03(3), undefined04(4), undefined05(5), undefined06(6), undefined07(7), undefined08(8), undefined09(9), undefined10(10), undefined11(11), externalSecondaryAntInstalled(12), internalSecondaryAntInstalled(13), externalPrimaryAntInstalled(14), internalPrimaryAntInstalled(15) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This value describes the presence/absence of internal and/or external primary and/or secondary antennas." ::= { ccPortalEntry 6 } -- ccPortalMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PhysAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "MAC address of the Portal." ::= { ccPortalEntry 7 } -- ??-CM: this should be Uint32 - would chaning this be an -- incompatible change? Any diff on wire Int32 vs Unit32 ? -- ccPortalNumberOfEss OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of ESSs implemented by this Portal." ::= { ccPortalEntry 8 } -- ??-CM: this should be Uint32 - would chaning this be an -- incompatible change? Any diff on wire Int32 vs Unit32 ? -- ccPortalNumberOfBss OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of BSSs implemented by this Portal." ::= { ccPortalEntry 9 } -- ??-CM: this should be Uint32 - would chaning this be an -- incompatible change? Any diff on wire Int32 vs Unit32 ? -- ccPortalAssociatedMus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of MUs currently associated to this Portal." ::= { ccPortalEntry 10 } -- ccPortalRadioType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RadioType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Radio type of the Portal." ::= { ccPortalEntry 11 } -- ??-CM: this should be Uint32 - would chaning this be an -- incompatible change? Any diff on wire Int32 vs Unit32 ? -- ccPortalChannel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ieee802dot11bChannel01(1), ieee802dot11bChannel02(2), ieee802dot11bChannel03(3), ieee802dot11bChannel04(4), ieee802dot11bChannel05(5), ieee802dot11bChannel06(6), ieee802dot11bChannel07(7), ieee802dot11bChannel08(8), ieee802dot11bChannel09(9), ieee802dot11bChannel10(10), ieee802dot11bChannel11(11), ieee802dot11bChannel12(12), ieee802dot11bChannel13(13), ieee802dot11bChannel14(14), ieee802dot11aChannel036(36), ieee802dot11aChannel040(40), ieee802dot11aChannel044(44), ieee802dot11aChannel048(48), ieee802dot11aChannel052(52), ieee802dot11aChannel056(56), ieee802dot11aChannel060(60), ieee802dot11aChannel064(64), ieee802dot11aChannel149(149), ieee802dot11aChannel153(153), ieee802dot11aChannel157(157), ieee802dot11aChannel161(161) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value describes the channel the Portal is currently operating on. " ::= { ccPortalEntry 12 } -- ??-CM: this should be Uint32 - would chaning this be an -- incompatible change? Any diff on wire Int32 vs Unit32 ? -- ccPortalTxPowerLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) UNITS "milli-Watts" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Output power level for the Portal. " ::= { ccPortalEntry 13 } -- ccPortalLastAdoption OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A snapshot of the WS2000's sysUpTime when this Portal was last adopted." ::= { ccPortalEntry 14 } -- ccPortalState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { portalUpAndWaitingForConfig(1), portalReceivingConfig(2), portalUpAndAdopted(3), portalDeniedAdoptionDueToAcl(4), portalBroken(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This value describes the state of the Portal. A healthy Portal would power-on, and quickly advance from portalUpAndWaitingForConfig and then on to portalReceivingConfig and then on to portalUpAndAdopted. A Portal that is denied adoption due to ACLs would show: portalDeniedAdoptionDueToAcl. A Portal that does not 'handshake' with the switch properly would be found in state: portalBroken." ::= { ccPortalEntry 15 } -- ccPortalBackgroundNoiseNumSamples OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total packets received via the Portal included in all the other counters reported in this row." ::= { ccPortalEntry 16 } -- ccPortalBackgroundNoiseBest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The best Signal value seen from the Portal so far. (Remember that a -20dBm Signal is better than -60dBm). This value is initialized to 500dBm. " ::= { ccPortalEntry 17 } -- ccPortalBackgroundNoiseWorst OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The worst Signal value seen from the Portal so far. (Remember that a -80dBm Signal is worse than -60dBm). This value is initialized to -500dBm. " ::= { ccPortalEntry 18 } -- ccPortalBackgroundNoiseSum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A running sum of all Signal values calculated by the switch (using reported RSSI values), for packets received via this Portal. Note that this value is normally a negative value ranging from -10dBm to -80dBm. It is possible for this value to be positive, but that would be rare, and would signal an exceptionally strong signal. (This value divided by ccPortalRxRssiNumPkts yields the average Signal value for all packets received from this Portal)." ::= { ccPortalEntry 19 } -- ccPortalBackgroundNoiseSumSquares OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A sum of the squares of each Signal value calculated for packets received via this Portal. Unlike _SignalSum, this value is never negative, since the square of a negative number is a positive. (This value can be used to calculate the standard deviation for Signal values calculated for packets from this Portal)." ::= { ccPortalEntry 20 } -- ccPortalLastMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PhysAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This scalar records the MAC address of the most recent Portal to be Adopted, UnAdopted, or Denied." ::= { ccPortal 2 } -- ccPortalLastReason OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { success(1), aclViolation(2), timeout(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This value notes the reason for the most-recent Portal UnAdoption or Denial." ::= { ccPortal 3 } -- ccPortalAdoptionTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcPortalAdoptionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table describing which WLANs are eligible to adopt a new portal. The illegal MAC address value of 'FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF' is used in both _StartMac and _EndMac fields to indicate the special row used to declare 'default' behavior. That is, if no other row in the table applies, which WLANs are eligible to adopt the portal. This one special row cannot be deleted." ::= { ccPortal 4 } -- ccPortalAdoptionEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcPortalAdoptionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " INDEX { ccPortalAdoptionIndex } ::= { ccPortalAdoptionTable 1 } CcPortalAdoptionEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccPortalAdoptionIndex Integer32, ccPortalAdoptionStartMac PhysAddress, ccPortalAdoptionEndMac PhysAddress, ccPortalAdoptionWlanPointers SinglePointer, ccPortalAdoptionRowStatus AbbrevRowStatus } -- Simple index. -- -- ??- it appears that 'start MAC' is not required in -- the UI to be unique, so it would not suffice as the -- index. -- ccPortalAdoptionIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..127) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table that describes which portals can be adopted by which WLANs." ::= { ccPortalAdoptionEntry 1 } -- ccPortalAdoptionStartMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PhysAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Starting MAC address of range of MAC addresses." ::= { ccPortalAdoptionEntry 2 } -- ccPortalAdoptionEndMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PhysAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Ending MAC address of range of MAC addresses." ::= { ccPortalAdoptionEntry 3 } -- ccPortalAdoptionWlanPointers OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SinglePointer MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Pointer to zero or more WLANs which are eligible to adopt portals whose MAC address falls within the specified range. Any WLAN selected by this value must first be removed from the 'default' row first. Note that to make an adoption rule apply to more than one WLAN, you must create multiple rows in this table. (This is due to the way the adoption rules are stored inside the switch). " ::= { ccPortalAdoptionEntry 4 } -- ccPortalAdoptionRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AbbrevRowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Simple row status." ::= { ccPortalAdoptionEntry 5 } -- ??-TW: all the stats in this table are reported in WISP -- 'Status' messages reported from the Portal to the switch -- every 5sec. Note that these are counters newly added to -- the Portals. In each case, they are cumulative counters, -- (since Portal reset), so the swith should NOT add them up. -- ccPortalSystemStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcPortalSystemStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table includes statistics for 802.11 system packets transmitted/received at each Portal." ::= { ccPortal 5 } -- ccPortalSystemStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcPortalSystemStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " INDEX { ccPortalIndex } ::= { ccPortalSystemStatsTable 1 } CcPortalSystemStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccPortalSystemStatsBeaconsTx Unsigned32, ccPortalSystemStatsBeaconsTxOctets Unsigned32, ccPortalSystemStatsProbeReqRx Unsigned32, ccPortalSystemStatsProbeReqRxOctets Unsigned32, ccPortalSystemStatsProbeRespRetriesNone Unsigned32, ccPortalSystemStatsProbeRespRetries1 Unsigned32, ccPortalSystemStatsProbeRespRetries2 Unsigned32, ccPortalSystemStatsProbeRespRetries3OrMore Unsigned32, ccPortalSystemStatsProbeRespRetriesFailed Unsigned32, ccPortalSystemStatsProbeRespTxOctets Unsigned32 } -- ccPortalSystemStatsBeaconsTx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of Beacons sent." ::= { ccPortalSystemStatsEntry 1 } -- ccPortalSystemStatsBeaconsTxOctets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of octets sent in Beacons." ::= { ccPortalSystemStatsEntry 2 } -- ccPortalSystemStatsProbeReqRx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of Probe Request packets received." ::= { ccPortalSystemStatsEntry 3 } -- ccPortalSystemStatsProbeReqRxOctets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of octets received in Probe Request packets." ::= { ccPortalSystemStatsEntry 4 } -- ccPortalSystemStatsProbeRespRetriesNone OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of Probe Response packets sent with no retries." ::= { ccPortalSystemStatsEntry 5 } -- ccPortalSystemStatsProbeRespRetries1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of Probe Response packets sent with exactly 1 retry." ::= { ccPortalSystemStatsEntry 6 } -- ccPortalSystemStatsProbeRespRetries2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of Probe Response packets sent with exactly 2 retries." ::= { ccPortalSystemStatsEntry 7 } -- ccPortalSystemStatsProbeRespRetries3OrMore OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of Probe Response packets sent with exactly 3 retries or more retries. " ::= { ccPortalSystemStatsEntry 8 } -- ccPortalSystemStatsProbeRespRetriesFailed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of Probe Response packets that were never successfully transmitted because the max retry count was reached." ::= { ccPortalSystemStatsEntry 9 } -- ccPortalSystemStatsProbeRespTxOctets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of octets successfully transmitted in Probe Response packets. (For example, the octets in a Probe Response that is transmitted twice - one retry - only counts once in this sum)." ::= { ccPortalSystemStatsEntry 10 } -- ccPortalSettingsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcPortalSettingsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Use ccPortalSettingsTable to view and set the properties of the Access Ports. " ::= { ccPortal 6 } -- ccPortalSettingsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcPortalSettingsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " INDEX { ccPortalIndex } ::= { ccPortalSettingsTable 1 } CcPortalSettingsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccPortalSettingsName DisplayString, ccPortalSettingsLocation DisplayString, ccPortalSettingsAntenna INTEGER, ccPortalSettingsShortPreamble TruthValue, ccPortalSettingsUniSpread TruthValue, ccPortalSettingsRtsThresh Integer32, ccPortalSettingsBeaconInt Integer32, ccPortalSettingsDtimPrd Integer32, ccPortalSettingsSecBeacon TruthValue, ccPortalSettingsPriWlan SinglePointer, ccPortalSettingsBasicRates TransmitRate, ccPortalSettingsSupportedRates TransmitRate, ccPortalSettingsBGMode INTEGER, ccPortalSettingsAdoptedWlan MultiPointer63, ccPortalSettingsDetector TruthValue } -- ccPortalSettingsName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Name of Access Port." ::= { ccPortalSettingsEntry 1 } -- ccPortalSettingsLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Site location of Access Port." ::= { ccPortalSettingsEntry 2 } -- ccPortalSettingsAntenna OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { fullDiversity(1), primaryOnly(2), secondaryOnly(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The antenna diversity setting for the access port." ::= { ccPortalSettingsEntry 3 } -- ccPortalSettingsShortPreamble OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable support for Short Preamble when MUs associate with the Access Port. Enabling Short Preamble may cause incompatibility with some older clients." ::= { ccPortalSettingsEntry 4 } -- ccPortalSettingsUniSpread OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Eable the Uniform Spreading feature of the AP300. To comply with Dynamic Frequency Selection(DFS) requirements in the European Union, the 802.11a radio on AP300 Access Ports will come up on a random channel each time it is powered on." ::= { ccPortalSettingsEntry 5 } -- ccPortalSettingsRtsThresh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Request To Send(RTS) threshold(in bytes) for use by the WLAN's adopted Access Port." ::= { ccPortalSettingsEntry 6 } -- ccPortalSettingsBeaconInt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (50..200) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify a beacon interval in units of 1,000 microseconds (K-us). This is a multiple of the DTIM (ccPortalCfgDefaultADtimPrd) value, for example, 100 : 10. " ::= { ccPortalSettingsEntry 7 } -- ccPortalSettingsDtimPrd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..50) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify a period for the Delivery Traffic Indication Message (DTIM). This is a divisor of the beacon interval (in milliseconds), for example, 10 : 100. " ::= { ccPortalSettingsEntry 8 } -- ccPortalSettingsSecBeacon OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable the Secure Beacon checkbox to disallow the Access Port from broadcasting an ESSID in its beacons. This is a safeguard to prevent intruders from tapping into the WLAN. Consider this security measure for a private, corporate network." ::= { ccPortalSettingsEntry 9 } -- ccPortalSettingsPriWlan OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SinglePointer MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Associate a primary WLAN with the Access Port for broadcast of the Extended Service Set Identification (ESSID). The purpose of such broadcasting is to allow mobile units to identify Access Ports that are associated with the WLAN." ::= { ccPortalSettingsEntry 10 } -- ccPortalSettingsBasicRates OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TransmitRate MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "List of basic rates for the radio." ::= { ccPortalSettingsEntry 11 } -- ccPortalSettingsSupportedRates OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TransmitRate MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "List of supported rates for the radio." ::= { ccPortalSettingsEntry 12 } -- ccPortalSettingsBGMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { modeBandG(1), modeG(2), modeB(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Radio mode." ::= { ccPortalSettingsEntry 13 } -- ccPortalSettingsAdoptedWlan OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MultiPointer63 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable the bits for the WLANs you wish to associate the Access Port with." ::= { ccPortalSettingsEntry 14 } -- ccPortalSettingsDetector OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { ccPortalSettingsEntry 15 } -- ccPortalCfgRadioTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcPortalCfgRadioEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Use ccPortalCfgRadioTable to view and set the radio properties of the Access Ports. The process can be broken down into the following steps: 1. Set ccPortalCfgRadioReset to TRUE. 2. Set ccPortalCfgRadioDesPlacement 3. Get ccPortalCfgRadioPosChannel 4. Set ccPortalCfgRadioDesChannel 5. Get ccPortalCfgRadioPosPowerLevel 6. Set ccPortalCfgRadioDesPowerLevel 7. Get ccPortalCfgRadioPowerInMW 8. Set and pull progress of ccPortalCfgRadioSet 9. Validate the configuration has been set by getting ccPortalCfgRadioPlacement ccPortalCfgRadioChannel ccPortalCfgRadioPowerLevel " ::= { ccPortal 7 } -- ccPortalCfgRadioEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcPortalCfgRadioEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " INDEX { ccPortalIndex } ::= { ccPortalCfgRadioTable 1 } CcPortalCfgRadioEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccPortalCfgRadioDesPlacement INTEGER, ccPortalCfgRadioPosChannel BITS, ccPortalCfgRadioDesChannel INTEGER, ccPortalCfgRadioPosPowerLevel Integer32, ccPortalCfgRadioDesPowerLevel Integer32, ccPortalCfgRadioDesPowerInMW Integer32, ccPortalCfgRadioSet DoActionShowProgress, ccPortalCfgRadioReset DoActionShowProgress, ccPortalCfgRadioPlacement INTEGER, ccPortalCfgRadioChannel INTEGER, ccPortalCfgRadioPowerLevel Unsigned32, ccPortalCfgRadioPowerInMW Unsigned32 } -- ccPortalCfgRadioDesPlacement OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { indoor(1), outdoor(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The desired placement for radio." ::= { ccPortalCfgRadioEntry 1 } -- ccPortalCfgRadioPosChannel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { null(0), bchannel01(1), bchannel02(2), bchannel03(3), bchannel04(4), bchannel05(5), bchannel06(6), bchannel07(7), bchannel08(8), bchannel09(9), bchannel10(10), bchannel11(11), achannel36(12), achannel40(13), achannel44(14), achannel48(15), achannel52(16), achannel56(17), achannel60(18), achannel64(19), achannel149(20), achannel153(21), achannel157(22), achannel161(23) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The possible channels that can be set when placement = ccPortalCfgRadioDesPlacement." ::= { ccPortalCfgRadioEntry 2 } -- ccPortalCfgRadioDesChannel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { null(0), bchannel01(1), bchannel02(2), bchannel03(3), bchannel04(4), bchannel05(5), bchannel06(6), bchannel07(7), bchannel08(8), bchannel09(9), bchannel10(10), bchannel11(11), achannel36(36), achannel40(40), achannel44(44), achannel48(48), achannel52(52), achannel56(56), achannel60(60), achannel64(64), achannel149(149), achannel153(153), achannel157(157), achannel161(161) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The desired channel for radio." ::= { ccPortalCfgRadioEntry 3 } -- ccPortalCfgRadioPosPowerLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The max possible power level (dBm) that can be set when channel= ccPortalCfgRadioDesChannel." ::= { ccPortalCfgRadioEntry 4 } -- ccPortalCfgRadioDesPowerLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The desired power level (dBm) for radio." ::= { ccPortalCfgRadioEntry 5 } -- ccPortalCfgRadioDesPowerInMW OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ccPortalCfgRadioDesPowerLevel in mW." ::= { ccPortalCfgRadioEntry 6 } -- ccPortalCfgRadioSet OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DoActionShowProgress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Validate values in ccPortalCfgRadioDes_ fields. If it is a valid combination, configure the switch with this combination and set ccPortalCfgRadio_ to these values." ::= { ccPortalCfgRadioEntry 7 } -- ccPortalCfgRadioReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DoActionShowProgress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Reset the following OIDs. ccPortalCfgRadioDesPlacement ccPortalCfgRadioDesChannel ccPortalCfgRadioDesPowerLevel ccPortalCfgRadioPosChannel ccPortalCfgRadioPosPowerLevel ccPortalCfgRadioPowerInMW " ::= { ccPortalCfgRadioEntry 8 } -- ccPortalCfgRadioPlacement OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { indoor(1), outdoor(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The placement configuration for radio." ::= { ccPortalCfgRadioEntry 9 } -- ccPortalCfgRadioChannel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { null(0), bchannel01(1), bchannel02(2), bchannel03(3), bchannel04(4), bchannel05(5), bchannel06(6), bchannel07(7), bchannel08(8), bchannel09(9), bchannel10(10), bchannel11(11), achannel36(36), achannel40(40), achannel44(44), achannel48(48), achannel52(52), achannel56(56), achannel60(60), achannel64(64), achannel149(149), achannel153(153), achannel157(157), achannel161(161) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The channel configuration for radio." ::= { ccPortalCfgRadioEntry 10 } -- ccPortalCfgRadioPowerLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The power level (dBm) configuration for radio." ::= { ccPortalCfgRadioEntry 11 } -- ccPortalCfgRadioPowerInMW OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ccPortalCfgRadioPowerLevel in mW." ::= { ccPortalCfgRadioEntry 12 } -- ccPortalSettingsDefaultTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcPortalSettingsDefaultEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ccPortalSettingsDefaultsTable contains the initial settings for the Access Ports. " ::= { ccPortal 8 } -- ccPortalSettingsDefaultEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcPortalSettingsDefaultEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " INDEX { ccPortalSettingsDefaultIndex } ::= { ccPortalSettingsDefaultTable 1 } CcPortalSettingsDefaultEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccPortalSettingsDefaultIndex INTEGER, ccPortalSettingsDefaultAntenna INTEGER, ccPortalSettingsDefaultShortPreamble TruthValue, ccPortalSettingsDefaultUniSpread TruthValue, ccPortalSettingsDefaultRtsThresh Integer32, ccPortalSettingsDefaultBeaconInt Integer32, ccPortalSettingsDefaultDtimPrd Integer32, ccPortalSettingsDefaultSecBeacon TruthValue, ccPortalSettingsDefaultPriWlan SinglePointer, ccPortalSettingsDefaultBasicRates TransmitRate, ccPortalSettingsDefaultSupportedRates TransmitRate, ccPortalSettingsDefaultBGMode INTEGER } -- ccPortalSettingsDefaultIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { radioA(1), radioB(2), radioG(3) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of the radio" ::= { ccPortalSettingsDefaultEntry 1 } -- ccPortalSettingsDefaultAntenna OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { fullDiversity(1), primaryOnly(2), secondaryOnly(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The antenna diversity setting for the access port." ::= { ccPortalSettingsDefaultEntry 2 } -- ccPortalSettingsDefaultShortPreamble OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable support for Short Preamble when MUs associate with the Access Port. Enabling Short Preamble may cause incompatibility with some older clients." ::= { ccPortalSettingsDefaultEntry 3 } -- ccPortalSettingsDefaultUniSpread OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Eable the Uniform Spreading feature of the AP300. To comply with Dynamic Frequency Selection(DFS) requirements in the European Union, the 802.11a radio on AP300 Access Ports will come up on a random channel each time it is powered on." ::= { ccPortalSettingsDefaultEntry 4 } -- ccPortalSettingsDefaultRtsThresh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Request To Send(RTS) threshold(in bytes) for use by the WLAN's adopted Access Port." ::= { ccPortalSettingsDefaultEntry 5 } -- ccPortalSettingsDefaultBeaconInt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (50..200) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify a beacon interval in units of 1,000 microseconds (K-us). This is a multiple of the DTIM (ccPortalCfgDefaultADtimPrd) value, for example, 100 : 10. " ::= { ccPortalSettingsDefaultEntry 6 } -- ccPortalSettingsDefaultDtimPrd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..50) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify a period for the Delivery Traffic Indication Message (DTIM). This is a divisor of the beacon interval (in milliseconds), for example, 10 : 100. " ::= { ccPortalSettingsDefaultEntry 7 } -- ccPortalSettingsDefaultSecBeacon OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable the Secure Beacon checkbox to disallow the Access Port from broadcasting an ESSID in its beacons. This is a safeguard to prevent intruders from tapping into the WLAN. Consider this security measure for a private, corporate network." ::= { ccPortalSettingsDefaultEntry 8 } -- ccPortalSettingsDefaultPriWlan OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SinglePointer MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Associate a primary WLAN with the Access Port for broadcast of the Extended Service Set Identification (ESSID). The purpose of such broadcasting is to allow mobile units to identify Access Ports that are associated with the WLAN." ::= { ccPortalSettingsDefaultEntry 9 } -- ccPortalSettingsDefaultBasicRates OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TransmitRate MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "List of basic rates for the radio." ::= { ccPortalSettingsDefaultEntry 10 } -- ccPortalSettingsDefaultSupportedRates OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TransmitRate MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "List of supported rates for the radio." ::= { ccPortalSettingsDefaultEntry 11 } -- ccPortalSettingsDefaultBGMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { modeBandG(1), modeG(2), modeB(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Radio mode." ::= { ccPortalSettingsDefaultEntry 12 } -- ccPortalCfgRadioDefaultTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcPortalCfgRadioDefaultEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ccPortalCfgRadioDefaultTable contains the initial settings for the radio settings of the Access Ports. Please refer to descriptions in ccPortalCfgRadioTable. " ::= { ccPortal 9 } -- ccPortalCfgRadioDefaultEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcPortalCfgRadioDefaultEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " INDEX { ccPortalSettingsDefaultIndex } ::= { ccPortalCfgRadioDefaultTable 1 } CcPortalCfgRadioDefaultEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccPortalCfgRadioDefaultDesPlacement INTEGER, ccPortalCfgRadioDefaultPosChannel BITS, ccPortalCfgRadioDefaultDesChannel INTEGER, ccPortalCfgRadioDefaultPosPowerLevel Integer32, ccPortalCfgRadioDefaultDesPowerLevel Integer32, ccPortalCfgRadioDefaultDesPowerInMW Integer32, ccPortalCfgRadioDefaultSet DoActionShowProgress, ccPortalCfgRadioDefaultReset DoActionShowProgress, ccPortalCfgRadioDefaultPlacement INTEGER, ccPortalCfgRadioDefaultChannel INTEGER, ccPortalCfgRadioDefaultPowerLevel Unsigned32, ccPortalCfgRadioDefaultPowerInMW Unsigned32 } -- ccPortalCfgRadioDefaultDesPlacement OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { indoor(1), outdoor(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The default desired placement for radio type." ::= { ccPortalCfgRadioDefaultEntry 1 } -- ccPortalCfgRadioDefaultPosChannel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { null(0), bchannel01(1), bchannel02(2), bchannel03(3), bchannel04(4), bchannel05(5), bchannel06(6), bchannel07(7), bchannel08(8), bchannel09(9), bchannel10(10), bchannel11(11), achannel36(12), achannel40(13), achannel44(14), achannel48(15), achannel52(16), achannel56(17), achannel60(18), achannel64(19), achannel149(20), achannel153(21), achannel157(22), achannel161(23) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The possible channels that can be set when placement = ccPortalCfgRadioDefaultDesPlacement." ::= { ccPortalCfgRadioDefaultEntry 2 } -- ccPortalCfgRadioDefaultDesChannel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { null(0), bchannel01(1), bchannel02(2), bchannel03(3), bchannel04(4), bchannel05(5), bchannel06(6), bchannel07(7), bchannel08(8), bchannel09(9), bchannel10(10), bchannel11(11), achannel36(36), achannel40(40), achannel44(44), achannel48(48), achannel52(52), achannel56(56), achannel60(60), achannel64(64), achannel149(149), achannel153(153), achannel157(157), achannel161(161) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The default desired channel for radio type." ::= { ccPortalCfgRadioDefaultEntry 3 } -- ccPortalCfgRadioDefaultPosPowerLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The max possible power level (dBm) that can be set when channel= ccPortalCfgRadioDefaultDesChannel." ::= { ccPortalCfgRadioDefaultEntry 4 } -- ccPortalCfgRadioDefaultDesPowerLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The desired power level (dBm) for radio." ::= { ccPortalCfgRadioDefaultEntry 5 } -- ccPortalCfgRadioDefaultDesPowerInMW OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ccPortalCfgRadioDefaultDesPowerLevel in mW." ::= { ccPortalCfgRadioDefaultEntry 6 } -- ccPortalCfgRadioDefaultSet OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DoActionShowProgress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Validate values in ccPortalCfgRadioDefaultDes_ fields. If it is a valid combination, configure the switch with this combination and set ccPortalCfgRadioDefault_ to these values." ::= { ccPortalCfgRadioDefaultEntry 7 } -- ccPortalCfgRadioDefaultReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DoActionShowProgress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Reset the following OIDs. ccPortalCfgRadioDefaultDesPlacement ccPortalCfgRadioDefaultDesChannel ccPortalCfgRadioDefaultDesPowerLevel ccPortalCfgRadioDefaultPosChannel ccPortalCfgRadioDefaultPosPowerLevel ccPortalCfgRadioDefaultPowerInMW " ::= { ccPortalCfgRadioDefaultEntry 8 } -- ccPortalCfgRadioDefaultPlacement OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { indoor(1), outdoor(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The default placement configuration for radio type." ::= { ccPortalCfgRadioDefaultEntry 9 } -- ccPortalCfgRadioDefaultChannel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { null(0), bchannel01(1), bchannel02(2), bchannel03(3), bchannel04(4), bchannel05(5), bchannel06(6), bchannel07(7), bchannel08(8), bchannel09(9), bchannel10(10), bchannel11(11), achannel36(36), achannel40(40), achannel44(44), achannel48(48), achannel52(52), achannel56(56), achannel60(60), achannel64(64), achannel149(149), achannel153(153), achannel157(157), achannel161(161) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The default channel configuration for radio type." ::= { ccPortalCfgRadioDefaultEntry 10 } -- ccPortalCfgRadioDefaultPowerLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The default power level (dBm) configuration for radio type." ::= { ccPortalCfgRadioDefaultEntry 11 } -- ccPortalCfgRadioDefaultPowerInMW OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ccPortalCfgRadioDefaultPowerLevel in mW." ::= { ccPortalCfgRadioDefaultEntry 12 } -- 802.1x Port Authentication is used to provide -- security and authentication of all wired clients on -- a network. The WS 2000 supports 802.1x port -- authentication for the AP 300 Access Ports connected -- to it. It uses a username and password for all ports -- that can be configured from the wireless switch. -- cc802dt1xPortAuth OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccPortal 10 } -- cc802dt1xPortAuthLogin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..64)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "802.1x Port Authentication username." ::= { cc802dt1xPortAuth 1 } -- cc802dt1xPortAuthPass OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Password MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "802.1x Port Authentication password." ::= { cc802dt1xPortAuth 2 } -- cc802dt1xPortAuthSetAp300 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DoActionShowProgress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set the username and password stored in cc802dt1xPortAuthLogin and cc802dt1xPortAuthPass on all AP 300 Access Ports adopted by the switch." ::= { cc802dt1xPortAuth 3 } -- !!- OID: .100 -- ccPortalRfSum OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccPortal 100 } -- ccPortalStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcPortalStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table describes general statistics about packets sent/recieved via each Portal on the switch." ::= { ccPortalRfSum 1 } -- ccPortalStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcPortalStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " INDEX { ccPortalIndex } ::= { ccPortalStatsTable 1 } CcPortalStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccPortalTxPktsUcast Counter32, ccPortalRxPktsUcast Counter32, ccPortalRxPktsNUcast Counter32, ccPortalTxOctetsUcast Counter32, ccPortalRxOctetsUcast Counter32, ccPortalRxOctetsNUcast Counter32, ccPortalRxUndecryptablePkts Counter32, ccPortalLastActivity TimeTicks } -- ccPortalTxPktsUcast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of unicast packets sent via the Portal." ::= { ccPortalStatsEntry 1 } -- ccPortalRxPktsUcast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of unicast packets received via the Portal." ::= { ccPortalStatsEntry 2 } -- ccPortalRxPktsNUcast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of non-unicast (broadcast & multicast) packets received via the Portal." ::= { ccPortalStatsEntry 3 } -- ccPortalTxOctetsUcast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of unicast octets sent via the Portal." ::= { ccPortalStatsEntry 4 } -- ccPortalRxOctetsUcast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of unicast octets received via the Portal." ::= { ccPortalStatsEntry 5 } -- ccPortalRxOctetsNUcast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of non-unicast (broadcast & multicast) octets received via the Portal." ::= { ccPortalStatsEntry 6 } -- ccPortalRxUndecryptablePkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of packets received via the Portal that could not be decrypted." ::= { ccPortalStatsEntry 7 } -- ccPortalLastActivity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A snapshot of the switch's sysUpTime at the time of the last activity (packet sent or received) via the Portal." ::= { ccPortalStatsEntry 8 } -- ccPortalRxPktsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcPortalRxPktsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "For each Portal on the switch, this table describes counts of packets received at each possible speed, (1Mb, 2Mb, 5.5Mb, 6Mb...)." ::= { ccPortalRfSum 2 } -- ccPortalRxPktsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcPortalRxPktsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " INDEX { ccPortalIndex } ::= { ccPortalRxPktsTable 1 } CcPortalRxPktsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccPortalRxPktsAt1Mb Counter32, ccPortalRxPktsAt2Mb Counter32, ccPortalRxPktsAt5pt5Mb Counter32, ccPortalRxPktsAt6Mb Counter32, ccPortalRxPktsAt9Mb Counter32, ccPortalRxPktsAt11Mb Counter32, ccPortalRxPktsAt12Mb Counter32, ccPortalRxPktsAt18Mb Counter32, ccPortalRxPktsAt22Mb Counter32, ccPortalRxPktsAt24Mb Counter32, ccPortalRxPktsAt36Mb Counter32, ccPortalRxPktsAt48Mb Counter32, ccPortalRxPktsAt54Mb Counter32 } -- ccPortalRxPktsAt1Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts received via this Portal at 1 Mb." ::= { ccPortalRxPktsEntry 1 } -- ccPortalRxPktsAt2Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts received via this Portal at 2 Mb." ::= { ccPortalRxPktsEntry 2 } -- ccPortalRxPktsAt5pt5Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts received via this Portal at 5.5 Mb." ::= { ccPortalRxPktsEntry 3 } -- ccPortalRxPktsAt6Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts received via this Portal at 6 Mb." ::= { ccPortalRxPktsEntry 4 } -- ccPortalRxPktsAt9Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts received via this Portal at 9 Mb." ::= { ccPortalRxPktsEntry 5 } -- ccPortalRxPktsAt11Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts received via this Portal at 11 Mb." ::= { ccPortalRxPktsEntry 6 } -- ccPortalRxPktsAt12Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts received via this Portal at 12 Mb." ::= { ccPortalRxPktsEntry 7 } -- ccPortalRxPktsAt18Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts received via this Portal at 18 Mb." ::= { ccPortalRxPktsEntry 8 } -- ccPortalRxPktsAt22Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts received via this Portal at 22 Mb." ::= { ccPortalRxPktsEntry 9 } -- ccPortalRxPktsAt24Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts received via this Portal at 24 Mb." ::= { ccPortalRxPktsEntry 10 } -- ccPortalRxPktsAt36Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts received via this Portal at 36 Mb." ::= { ccPortalRxPktsEntry 11 } -- ccPortalRxPktsAt48Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts received via this Portal at 48 Mb." ::= { ccPortalRxPktsEntry 12 } -- ccPortalRxPktsAt54Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts received via this Portal at 54 Mb." ::= { ccPortalRxPktsEntry 13 } -- ccPortalTxPktsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcPortalTxPktsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "For each Portal on the switch, this table describes counts of packets transmitted at each possible speed, (1Mb, 2Mb, 5.5Mb, 6Mb...)." ::= { ccPortalRfSum 3 } -- ccPortalTxPktsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcPortalTxPktsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " INDEX { ccPortalIndex } ::= { ccPortalTxPktsTable 1 } CcPortalTxPktsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccPortalTxPktsAt1Mb Counter32, ccPortalTxPktsAt2Mb Counter32, ccPortalTxPktsAt5pt5Mb Counter32, ccPortalTxPktsAt6Mb Counter32, ccPortalTxPktsAt9Mb Counter32, ccPortalTxPktsAt11Mb Counter32, ccPortalTxPktsAt12Mb Counter32, ccPortalTxPktsAt18Mb Counter32, ccPortalTxPktsAt22Mb Counter32, ccPortalTxPktsAt24Mb Counter32, ccPortalTxPktsAt36Mb Counter32, ccPortalTxPktsAt48Mb Counter32, ccPortalTxPktsAt54Mb Counter32 } -- ccPortalTxPktsAt1Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts transmitted via this Portal at 1 Mb." ::= { ccPortalTxPktsEntry 1 } -- ccPortalTxPktsAt2Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts transmitted via this Portal at 2 Mb." ::= { ccPortalTxPktsEntry 2 } -- ccPortalTxPktsAt5pt5Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts transmitted via this Portal at 5.5 Mb." ::= { ccPortalTxPktsEntry 3 } -- ccPortalTxPktsAt6Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts transmitted via this Portal at 6 Mb." ::= { ccPortalTxPktsEntry 4 } -- ccPortalTxPktsAt9Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts transmitted via this Portal at 9 Mb." ::= { ccPortalTxPktsEntry 5 } -- ccPortalTxPktsAt11Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts transmitted via this Portal at 11 Mb." ::= { ccPortalTxPktsEntry 6 } -- ccPortalTxPktsAt12Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts transmitted via this Portal at 12 Mb." ::= { ccPortalTxPktsEntry 7 } -- ccPortalTxPktsAt18Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts transmitted via this Portal at 18 Mb." ::= { ccPortalTxPktsEntry 8 } -- ccPortalTxPktsAt22Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts transmitted via this Portal at 22 Mb." ::= { ccPortalTxPktsEntry 9 } -- ccPortalTxPktsAt24Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts transmitted via this Portal at 24 Mb." ::= { ccPortalTxPktsEntry 10 } -- ccPortalTxPktsAt36Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts transmitted via this Portal at 36 Mb." ::= { ccPortalTxPktsEntry 11 } -- ccPortalTxPktsAt48Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts transmitted via this Portal at 48 Mb." ::= { ccPortalTxPktsEntry 12 } -- ccPortalTxPktsAt54Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts transmitted via this Portal at 54 Mb." ::= { ccPortalTxPktsEntry 13 } -- ccPortalRxOctetsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcPortalRxOctetsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "For each Portal on this switch, this table describes counts of octets received at each possible speed, (1Mb, 2Mb, 5.5Mb, 6Mb...)." ::= { ccPortalRfSum 4 } -- ccPortalRxOctetsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcPortalRxOctetsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " INDEX { ccPortalIndex } ::= { ccPortalRxOctetsTable 1 } CcPortalRxOctetsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccPortalRxOctetsAt1Mb Counter32, ccPortalRxOctetsAt2Mb Counter32, ccPortalRxOctetsAt5pt5Mb Counter32, ccPortalRxOctetsAt6Mb Counter32, ccPortalRxOctetsAt9Mb Counter32, ccPortalRxOctetsAt11Mb Counter32, ccPortalRxOctetsAt12Mb Counter32, ccPortalRxOctetsAt18Mb Counter32, ccPortalRxOctetsAt22Mb Counter32, ccPortalRxOctetsAt24Mb Counter32, ccPortalRxOctetsAt36Mb Counter32, ccPortalRxOctetsAt48Mb Counter32, ccPortalRxOctetsAt54Mb Counter32 } -- ccPortalRxOctetsAt1Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets received via this Portal at 1 Mb." ::= { ccPortalRxOctetsEntry 1 } -- ccPortalRxOctetsAt2Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets received via this Portal at 2 Mb." ::= { ccPortalRxOctetsEntry 2 } -- ccPortalRxOctetsAt5pt5Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets received via this Portal at 5.5 Mb." ::= { ccPortalRxOctetsEntry 3 } -- ccPortalRxOctetsAt6Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets received via this Portal at 6 Mb." ::= { ccPortalRxOctetsEntry 4 } -- ccPortalRxOctetsAt9Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets received via this Portal at 9 Mb." ::= { ccPortalRxOctetsEntry 5 } -- ccPortalRxOctetsAt11Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets received via this Portal at 11 Mb." ::= { ccPortalRxOctetsEntry 6 } -- ccPortalRxOctetsAt12Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets received via this Portal at 12 Mb." ::= { ccPortalRxOctetsEntry 7 } -- ccPortalRxOctetsAt18Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets received via this Portal at 18 Mb." ::= { ccPortalRxOctetsEntry 8 } -- ccPortalRxOctetsAt22Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets received via this Portal at 22 Mb." ::= { ccPortalRxOctetsEntry 9 } -- ccPortalRxOctetsAt24Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets received via this Portal at 24 Mb." ::= { ccPortalRxOctetsEntry 10 } -- ccPortalRxOctetsAt36Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets received via this Portal at 36 Mb." ::= { ccPortalRxOctetsEntry 11 } -- ccPortalRxOctetsAt48Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets received via this Portal at 48 Mb." ::= { ccPortalRxOctetsEntry 12 } -- ccPortalRxOctetsAt54Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets received via this Portal at 54 Mb." ::= { ccPortalRxOctetsEntry 13 } -- ccPortalTxOctetsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcPortalTxOctetsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "For each Portal on this switch, this table describes counts of octets transmitted at each possible speed, (1Mb, 2Mb, 5.5Mb, 6Mb...)." ::= { ccPortalRfSum 5 } -- ccPortalTxOctetsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcPortalTxOctetsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " INDEX { ccPortalIndex } ::= { ccPortalTxOctetsTable 1 } CcPortalTxOctetsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccPortalTxOctetsAt1Mb Counter32, ccPortalTxOctetsAt2Mb Counter32, ccPortalTxOctetsAt5pt5Mb Counter32, ccPortalTxOctetsAt6Mb Counter32, ccPortalTxOctetsAt9Mb Counter32, ccPortalTxOctetsAt11Mb Counter32, ccPortalTxOctetsAt12Mb Counter32, ccPortalTxOctetsAt18Mb Counter32, ccPortalTxOctetsAt22Mb Counter32, ccPortalTxOctetsAt24Mb Counter32, ccPortalTxOctetsAt36Mb Counter32, ccPortalTxOctetsAt48Mb Counter32, ccPortalTxOctetsAt54Mb Counter32 } -- ccPortalTxOctetsAt1Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number octets transmitted via this Portal at 1 Mb." ::= { ccPortalTxOctetsEntry 1 } -- ccPortalTxOctetsAt2Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number octets transmitted via this Portal at 2 Mb." ::= { ccPortalTxOctetsEntry 2 } -- ccPortalTxOctetsAt5pt5Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number octets transmitted via this Portal at 5.5 Mb." ::= { ccPortalTxOctetsEntry 3 } -- ccPortalTxOctetsAt6Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number octets transmitted via this Portal at 6 Mb." ::= { ccPortalTxOctetsEntry 4 } -- ccPortalTxOctetsAt9Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number octets transmitted via this Portal at 9 Mb." ::= { ccPortalTxOctetsEntry 5 } -- ccPortalTxOctetsAt11Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number octets transmitted via this Portal at 11 Mb." ::= { ccPortalTxOctetsEntry 6 } -- ccPortalTxOctetsAt12Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number octets transmitted via this Portal at 12 Mb." ::= { ccPortalTxOctetsEntry 7 } -- ccPortalTxOctetsAt18Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number octets transmitted via this Portal at 18 Mb." ::= { ccPortalTxOctetsEntry 8 } -- ccPortalTxOctetsAt22Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number octets transmitted via this Portal at 22 Mb." ::= { ccPortalTxOctetsEntry 9 } -- ccPortalTxOctetsAt24Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number octets transmitted via this Portal at 24 Mb." ::= { ccPortalTxOctetsEntry 10 } -- ccPortalTxOctetsAt36Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number octets transmitted via this Portal at 36 Mb." ::= { ccPortalTxOctetsEntry 11 } -- ccPortalTxOctetsAt48Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number octets transmitted via this Portal at 48 Mb." ::= { ccPortalTxOctetsEntry 12 } -- ccPortalTxOctetsAt54Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number octets transmitted via this Portal at 54 Mb." ::= { ccPortalTxOctetsEntry 13 } -- ccPortalTxRetriesPktsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcPortalTxRetriesPktsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "For each Portal on the switch, this table describes counts of the number of packets affected by transmit retries, (no retries, 1 retry, 2 retries,... gave-up)." ::= { ccPortalRfSum 6 } -- ccPortalTxRetriesPktsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcPortalTxRetriesPktsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " INDEX { ccPortalIndex } ::= { ccPortalTxRetriesPktsTable 1 } CcPortalTxRetriesPktsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccPortalTxRetriesPktsNone Counter32, ccPortalTxRetriesPkts01 Counter32, ccPortalTxRetriesPkts02 Counter32, ccPortalTxRetriesPkts03 Counter32, ccPortalTxRetriesPkts04 Counter32, ccPortalTxRetriesPkts05 Counter32, ccPortalTxRetriesPkts06 Counter32, ccPortalTxRetriesPkts07 Counter32, ccPortalTxRetriesPkts08 Counter32, ccPortalTxRetriesPkts09 Counter32, ccPortalTxRetriesPkts10 Counter32, ccPortalTxRetriesPkts11 Counter32, ccPortalTxRetriesPkts12 Counter32, ccPortalTxRetriesPkts13 Counter32, ccPortalTxRetriesPkts14 Counter32, ccPortalTxRetriesPkts15 Counter32, ccPortalTxRetriesPktsFailed Counter32 } -- ccPortalTxRetriesPktsNone OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts successfully transmitted via this Portal with no retries." ::= { ccPortalTxRetriesPktsEntry 1 } -- ccPortalTxRetriesPkts01 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts successfully transmitted via this Portal with exactly 1 retry." ::= { ccPortalTxRetriesPktsEntry 2 } -- ccPortalTxRetriesPkts02 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts successfully transmitted via this Portal with exactly 2 retries." ::= { ccPortalTxRetriesPktsEntry 3 } -- ccPortalTxRetriesPkts03 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts successfully transmitted via this Portal with exactly 3 retries." ::= { ccPortalTxRetriesPktsEntry 4 } -- ccPortalTxRetriesPkts04 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts successfully transmitted via this Portal with exactly 4 retries." ::= { ccPortalTxRetriesPktsEntry 5 } -- ccPortalTxRetriesPkts05 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts successfully transmitted via this Portal with exactly 5 retries." ::= { ccPortalTxRetriesPktsEntry 6 } -- ccPortalTxRetriesPkts06 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts successfully transmitted via this Portal with exactly 6 retries." ::= { ccPortalTxRetriesPktsEntry 7 } -- ccPortalTxRetriesPkts07 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts successfully transmitted via this Portal with exactly 7 retries." ::= { ccPortalTxRetriesPktsEntry 8 } -- ccPortalTxRetriesPkts08 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts successfully transmitted via this Portal with exactly 8 retries." ::= { ccPortalTxRetriesPktsEntry 9 } -- ccPortalTxRetriesPkts09 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts successfully transmitted via this Portal with exactly 9 retries." ::= { ccPortalTxRetriesPktsEntry 10 } -- ccPortalTxRetriesPkts10 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts successfully transmitted via this Portal with exactly 10 retries." ::= { ccPortalTxRetriesPktsEntry 11 } -- ccPortalTxRetriesPkts11 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts successfully transmitted via this Portal with exactly 11 retries." ::= { ccPortalTxRetriesPktsEntry 12 } -- ccPortalTxRetriesPkts12 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts successfully transmitted via this Portal with exactly 12 retries." ::= { ccPortalTxRetriesPktsEntry 13 } -- ccPortalTxRetriesPkts13 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts successfully transmitted via this Portal with exactly 13 retries." ::= { ccPortalTxRetriesPktsEntry 14 } -- ccPortalTxRetriesPkts14 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts successfully transmitted via this Portal with exactly 14 retries." ::= { ccPortalTxRetriesPktsEntry 15 } -- ccPortalTxRetriesPkts15 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts successfully transmitted via this Portal with exactly 15 retries." ::= { ccPortalTxRetriesPktsEntry 16 } -- ccPortalTxRetriesPktsFailed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts that never were successfully transmitted to via this Portal because the max retry count was exceeded." ::= { ccPortalTxRetriesPktsEntry 17 } -- ccPortalTxRetriesOctetsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcPortalTxRetriesOctetsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "For each Portal on the switch, this table describes counts of the number of octets affected by transmit retries, (no retries, 1 retry, 2 retries,... gave-up)." ::= { ccPortalRfSum 7 } -- ccPortalTxRetriesOctetsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcPortalTxRetriesOctetsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " INDEX { ccPortalIndex } ::= { ccPortalTxRetriesOctetsTable 1 } CcPortalTxRetriesOctetsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccPortalTxRetriesOctetsNone Counter32, ccPortalTxRetriesOctets01 Counter32, ccPortalTxRetriesOctets02 Counter32, ccPortalTxRetriesOctets03 Counter32, ccPortalTxRetriesOctets04 Counter32, ccPortalTxRetriesOctets05 Counter32, ccPortalTxRetriesOctets06 Counter32, ccPortalTxRetriesOctets07 Counter32, ccPortalTxRetriesOctets08 Counter32, ccPortalTxRetriesOctets09 Counter32, ccPortalTxRetriesOctets10 Counter32, ccPortalTxRetriesOctets11 Counter32, ccPortalTxRetriesOctets12 Counter32, ccPortalTxRetriesOctets13 Counter32, ccPortalTxRetriesOctets14 Counter32, ccPortalTxRetriesOctets15 Counter32, ccPortalTxRetriesOctetsFailed Counter32 } -- ccPortalTxRetriesOctetsNone OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets successfully transmitted via this Portal with no retries." ::= { ccPortalTxRetriesOctetsEntry 1 } -- ccPortalTxRetriesOctets01 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets successfully transmitted via this Portal with exactly 1 retry." ::= { ccPortalTxRetriesOctetsEntry 2 } -- ccPortalTxRetriesOctets02 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets successfully transmitted via this Portal with exactly 2 retries." ::= { ccPortalTxRetriesOctetsEntry 3 } -- ccPortalTxRetriesOctets03 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets successfully transmitted via this Portal with exactly 3 retries." ::= { ccPortalTxRetriesOctetsEntry 4 } -- ccPortalTxRetriesOctets04 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets successfully transmitted via this Portal with exactly 4 retries." ::= { ccPortalTxRetriesOctetsEntry 5 } -- ccPortalTxRetriesOctets05 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets successfully transmitted via this Portal with exactly 5 retries." ::= { ccPortalTxRetriesOctetsEntry 6 } -- ccPortalTxRetriesOctets06 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets successfully transmitted via this Portal with exactly 6 retries." ::= { ccPortalTxRetriesOctetsEntry 7 } -- ccPortalTxRetriesOctets07 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets successfully transmitted via this Portal with exactly 7 retries." ::= { ccPortalTxRetriesOctetsEntry 8 } -- ccPortalTxRetriesOctets08 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets successfully transmitted via this Portal with exactly 8 retries." ::= { ccPortalTxRetriesOctetsEntry 9 } -- ccPortalTxRetriesOctets09 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets successfully transmitted via this Portal with exactly 9 retries." ::= { ccPortalTxRetriesOctetsEntry 10 } -- ccPortalTxRetriesOctets10 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets successfully transmitted via this Portal with exactly 10 retries." ::= { ccPortalTxRetriesOctetsEntry 11 } -- ccPortalTxRetriesOctets11 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets successfully transmitted via this Portal with exactly 11 retries." ::= { ccPortalTxRetriesOctetsEntry 12 } -- ccPortalTxRetriesOctets12 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets successfully transmitted via this Portal with exactly 12 retries." ::= { ccPortalTxRetriesOctetsEntry 13 } -- ccPortalTxRetriesOctets13 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets successfully transmitted via this Portal with exactly 13 retries." ::= { ccPortalTxRetriesOctetsEntry 14 } -- ccPortalTxRetriesOctets14 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets successfully transmitted via this Portal with exactly 14 retries." ::= { ccPortalTxRetriesOctetsEntry 15 } -- ccPortalTxRetriesOctets15 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets successfully transmitted via this Portal with exactly 15 retries." ::= { ccPortalTxRetriesOctetsEntry 16 } -- ccPortalTxRetriesOctetsFailed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets that never were successfully transmitted to via this Portal because the max retry count was exceeded." ::= { ccPortalTxRetriesOctetsEntry 17 } -- ??-TW: Note that these values have been split-out from the -- _StatsTable for Portal/MU/WLAN. The resulting new tables -- _SigStatsTable for Portal/MU/WLAN are symmetrical, but they -- have been added before other v1.5 tables, and so have -- caused their location to move. -- -- Also, note that the four RSSI values still remain in the -- ccMuStats table, since to delete them would be an -- inconsistant change. For symmetry, they have been -- duplicated. -- ccPortalSigStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcPortalSigStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table describes statistics about RSSI, Signal, Noise, and SNR for packets recieved via each Portal on the switch." ::= { ccPortalRfSum 8 } -- ccPortalSigStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcPortalSigStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " INDEX { ccPortalIndex } ::= { ccPortalSigStatsTable 1 } CcPortalSigStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccPortalSigStatsNumPkts Counter32, ccPortalSigStatsSignalBest Integer32, ccPortalSigStatsSignalWorst Integer32, ccPortalSigStatsSignalSum Integer32, ccPortalSigStatsSignalSumSquares Counter64, ccPortalSigStatsSignalMostRecent Integer32, ccPortalSigStatsNoiseBest Integer32, ccPortalSigStatsNoiseWorst Integer32, ccPortalSigStatsNoiseSum Integer32, ccPortalSigStatsNoiseSumSquares Counter64, ccPortalSigStatsNoiseMostRecent Integer32, ccPortalSigStatsSnrBest Integer32, ccPortalSigStatsSnrWorst Integer32, ccPortalSigStatsSnrSum Integer32, ccPortalSigStatsSnrSumSquares Counter64, ccPortalSigStatsSnrMostRecent Integer32 } -- ccPortalSigStatsNumPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total packets received via the Portal included in all the other counters reported in this row." ::= { ccPortalSigStatsEntry 1 } -- ccPortalSigStatsSignalBest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The best Signal value seen from the Portal so far. (Remember that a -20dBm Signal is better than -60dBm). This value is initialized to -500dBm. " ::= { ccPortalSigStatsEntry 2 } -- ccPortalSigStatsSignalWorst OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The worst Signal value seen from the Portal so far. (Remember that a -80dBm Signal is worse than -60dBm). This value is initialized to 500dBm." ::= { ccPortalSigStatsEntry 3 } -- ccPortalSigStatsSignalSum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A running sum of all Signal values calculated by the switch (using reported RSSI values), for packets received via this Portal. Note that this value is normally a negative value ranging from -10dBm to -80dBm. It is possible for this value to be positive, but that would be rare, and would signal an exceptionally strong signal. (This value divided by ccPortalSigStatsNumPkts yields the average Signal value for all packets received from this MU)." ::= { ccPortalSigStatsEntry 4 } -- ccPortalSigStatsSignalSumSquares OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A sum of the squares of each Signal value calculated for packets received via this Portal. Unlike _SignalSum, this value is never negative, since the square of a negative number is a positive. (This value can be used to calculate the standard deviation for Signal values calculated for packets from this Portal)." ::= { ccPortalSigStatsEntry 5 } -- ccPortalSigStatsSignalMostRecent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The best Signal value seen from the Portal so far. (Remember that a -20dBm Signal is better than -60dBm). This value does not make sense when ccPortalSigStatsNumPkts equals to 0." ::= { ccPortalSigStatsEntry 6 } -- ccPortalSigStatsNoiseBest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The best Noise value seen from the Portal so far. (Remember that -80dBm Noise is better than -70dBm). This value is initialized to 500dBm." ::= { ccPortalSigStatsEntry 7 } -- ccPortalSigStatsNoiseWorst OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The worst Noise value seen from the Portal so far. (Remember that -50dBm Noise is worse than -60dBm). This value is initialized to -500dBm." ::= { ccPortalSigStatsEntry 8 } -- ccPortalSigStatsNoiseSum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A running sum of all Noise values calculated by the switch (using reported RSSI values), for packets received via this Portal. Like _SignalSum, this value is normally a negative value. (This value divided by ccPortalSigStatsNumPkts yields the average Noise value for all packets received from this MU)." ::= { ccPortalSigStatsEntry 9 } -- ccPortalSigStatsNoiseSumSquares OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A sum of the squares of each Noise value calculated for packets received via this Portal. As with _SignalSumSquares, this value is never negative. (This value can be used to calculate the standard deviation for Noise values calculated for packets from this Portal)." ::= { ccPortalSigStatsEntry 10 } -- ccPortalSigStatsNoiseMostRecent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The best Noise value seen from the Portal so far. (Remember that -80dBm Noise is better than -70dBm). This value does not make sense when ccPortalSigStatsNumPkts equals to 0." ::= { ccPortalSigStatsEntry 11 } -- ccPortalSigStatsSnrBest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The best SNR value seen from the Portal so far. (Remember that +30dBm SNR is better than +20dBm). This value is initialized to -500dB." ::= { ccPortalSigStatsEntry 12 } -- ccPortalSigStatsSnrWorst OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The worst SNR value seen from the Portal so far. (Remember that +10dBm SNR is worse than +20dBm). This value is initialized to 500dB." ::= { ccPortalSigStatsEntry 13 } -- ccPortalSigStatsSnrSum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A running sum of all SNR values calculated by the switch (using reported RSSI values), for packets received via this Portal. Unlike _Signal and _Noise, this value is never negative. (This value divided by ccPortalSigStatsNumPkts yields the average SNR value for all packets received from this MU)." ::= { ccPortalSigStatsEntry 14 } -- ccPortalSigStatsSnrSumSquares OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A sum of the squares of each SNR value calculated for packets received via this Portal. This value is never negative. (This value can be used to calculate the standard deviation for SNR values calculated for packets from this Portal)." ::= { ccPortalSigStatsEntry 15 } -- ccPortalSigStatsSnrMostRecent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The best SNR value seen from the Portal so far. (Remember that +30dBm SNR is better than +20dBm). This value does not make sense when ccPortalSigStatsNumPkts equals to 0." ::= { ccPortalSigStatsEntry 16 } -- ccPortalSumStatsShortTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcPortalSumStatsShortEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Averages and rates calculated over the SHORT window for each Portal." ::= { ccPortalRfSum 9 } -- ccPortalSumStatsShortEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcPortalSumStatsShortEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " INDEX { ccPortalIndex } ::= { ccPortalSumStatsShortTable 1 } CcPortalSumStatsShortEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccPortalSumStatsShortTimestamp TimeTicks, ccPortalSumStatsShortNumPkts Unsigned32, ccPortalSumStatsShortPktsPerSec100 ScaleBy100, ccPortalSumStatsShortPktsPerSecTx100 ScaleBy100, ccPortalSumStatsShortPktsPerSecRx100 ScaleBy100, ccPortalSumStatsShortThroughput Unsigned32, ccPortalSumStatsShortThroughputTx Unsigned32, ccPortalSumStatsShortThroughputRx Unsigned32, ccPortalSumStatsShortAvgBitSpeed Unsigned32, ccPortalSumStatsShortAvgMuSignal Integer32, ccPortalSumStatsShortAvgMuNoise Integer32, ccPortalSumStatsShortAvgMuSnr Integer32, ccPortalSumStatsShortPp10kNUcastPkts PartsPer10k, ccPortalSumStatsShortPp10kTxWithRetries PartsPer10k, ccPortalSumStatsShortPp10kTxMaxRetries PartsPer10k, ccPortalSumStatsShortTxAvgRetries100 ScaleBy100, ccPortalSumStatsShortPp10kRxUndecrypt PartsPer10k, ccPortalSumStatsShortTotalMus Unsigned32, ccPortalSumStatsShortPp10kRfUtil PartsPer10k } -- ccPortalSumStatsShortTimestamp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Snapshot of sysUpTime as of the END of the 'window' of time that this entry of values represents." ::= { ccPortalSumStatsShortEntry 1 } -- ccPortalSumStatsShortNumPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of packets used to calculate the statistics in this window." ::= { ccPortalSumStatsShortEntry 2 } -- ccPortalSumStatsShortPktsPerSec100 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ScaleBy100 UNITS "pkts per sec x100" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Packets per second as averaged over the 'window'. For transmitted packets, each packet sucessfully sent counts as 1, (not N, where N is the number of retries). Since SNMP does not convey decimal values, the result is multiplied by 100." ::= { ccPortalSumStatsShortEntry 3 } -- ccPortalSumStatsShortPktsPerSecTx100 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ScaleBy100 UNITS "pkts per sec x100" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Packets per second TX as averaged over the 'window'. Each packet sucessfully sent counts as 1, (not N, where N is the number of retries). Since SNMP does not convey decimal values, the result is multiplied by 100." ::= { ccPortalSumStatsShortEntry 4 } -- ccPortalSumStatsShortPktsPerSecRx100 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ScaleBy100 UNITS "pkts per sec x100" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Packets per second RX as averaged over the 'window'. Since SNMP does not convey decimal values, the result is multiplied by 100." ::= { ccPortalSumStatsShortEntry 5 } -- ccPortalSumStatsShortThroughput OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "bits per second" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Actual number of bits sent and received over the window, divided by the number of seconds in the window. For transmitted packets, each packet sucessfully sent counts as 1, (not N, where N is the number of retries)." ::= { ccPortalSumStatsShortEntry 6 } -- ccPortalSumStatsShortThroughputTx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "bits per second" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Actual number of bits TX over the window, divided by the number of seconds in the window. Each packet sucessfully sent counts as 1, (not N, where N is the number of retries)." ::= { ccPortalSumStatsShortEntry 7 } -- ccPortalSumStatsShortThroughputRx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "bits per second" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Actual number of bits RX over the window, divided by the number of seconds in the window." ::= { ccPortalSumStatsShortEntry 8 } -- ccPortalSumStatsShortAvgBitSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "bits per second" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An octet-weighted average of the speeds of all packets sent/received. (For each possible speed, multiply the number of octets sent/received by that speed; divide the sum by the total number of octets; multiply by 8). For transmitted packets, each packet sucessfully sent counts as 1, (not N, where N is the number of retries). This can be said in more plain english as: the average bit-speed at which packets were sent/received." ::= { ccPortalSumStatsShortEntry 9 } -- ccPortalSumStatsShortAvgMuSignal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The average of all signal values over the window. NOTE: dBm are normally negative. Here the NEGATIVE values are reported as POSITIVE values. PO" ::= { ccPortalSumStatsShortEntry 10 } -- ccPortalSumStatsShortAvgMuNoise OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The average of all noise values over the window." ::= { ccPortalSumStatsShortEntry 11 } -- ccPortalSumStatsShortAvgMuSnr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The average of all SNR values over the window." ::= { ccPortalSumStatsShortEntry 12 } -- ccPortalSumStatsShortPp10kNUcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PartsPer10k UNITS "parts-per-10000" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Ratio of packets that were NOT unicast. Expressed as parts-per-10000. " ::= { ccPortalSumStatsShortEntry 13 } -- ccPortalSumStatsShortPp10kTxWithRetries OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PartsPer10k UNITS "parts-per-10000" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Ratio of TX packets that experienced one or more retries. Expressed as parts-per-10000. " ::= { ccPortalSumStatsShortEntry 14 } -- ccPortalSumStatsShortPp10kTxMaxRetries OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PartsPer10k UNITS "parts-per-10000" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Ratio of TX packets that were dropped due to excessive. Expressed as parts-per-10000. " ::= { ccPortalSumStatsShortEntry 15 } -- ccPortalSumStatsShortTxAvgRetries100 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ScaleBy100 UNITS "average x100" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "For all transmit packets (those that experienced some retries, those that were successfully transmitted with only 1 transmission, and those that attempted max times and gave-up), the average number of RE-transmission attempts. Said another (though identical) way: the sum of all tranmission attempts divided by the number of unique packets attempted to be sent. Since SNMP does not convey decimal values, the result above is multiplied by 100. If there were no RE-transmissions, this value would be 0. If every single packet required exactly two tranmissions, this value would be 100, (representing 1.00)." ::= { ccPortalSumStatsShortEntry 16 } -- ccPortalSumStatsShortPp10kRxUndecrypt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PartsPer10k UNITS "parts-per-10000" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Ratio of RX packets that were undecryptable. Expressed as parts-per-10000. " ::= { ccPortalSumStatsShortEntry 17 } -- ccPortalSumStatsShortTotalMus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..100) UNITS "number of MUs" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of MUs associated to the given Portal." ::= { ccPortalSumStatsShortEntry 18 } -- ccPortalSumStatsShortPp10kRfUtil OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PartsPer10k UNITS "parts-per-10000" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The approximate utilization of the Portal's RF port. Calculated as Throughput divided by AvgBitSpeed. Expressed as parts-per-10000. " ::= { ccPortalSumStatsShortEntry 19 } -- ccPortalSumStatsLongTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcPortalSumStatsLongEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Averages and rates calculated over the LONG window for each Portal. (Refer to ccPortalSumStatsShortTable for descriptions)." ::= { ccPortalRfSum 10 } -- ccPortalSumStatsLongEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcPortalSumStatsLongEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " INDEX { ccPortalIndex } ::= { ccPortalSumStatsLongTable 1 } CcPortalSumStatsLongEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccPortalSumStatsLongTimestamp TimeTicks, ccPortalSumStatsLongNumPkts Unsigned32, ccPortalSumStatsLongPktsPerSec100 ScaleBy100, ccPortalSumStatsLongPktsPerSecTx100 ScaleBy100, ccPortalSumStatsLongPktsPerSecRx100 ScaleBy100, ccPortalSumStatsLongThroughput Unsigned32, ccPortalSumStatsLongThroughputTx Unsigned32, ccPortalSumStatsLongThroughputRx Unsigned32, ccPortalSumStatsLongAvgBitSpeed Unsigned32, ccPortalSumStatsLongAvgMuSignal Integer32, ccPortalSumStatsLongAvgMuNoise Integer32, ccPortalSumStatsLongAvgMuSnr Integer32, ccPortalSumStatsLongPp10kNUcastPkts PartsPer10k, ccPortalSumStatsLongPp10kTxWithRetries PartsPer10k, ccPortalSumStatsLongPp10kTxMaxRetries PartsPer10k, ccPortalSumStatsLongTxAvgRetries100 ScaleBy100, ccPortalSumStatsLongPp10kRxUndecrypt PartsPer10k, ccPortalSumStatsLongTotalMus Unsigned32, ccPortalSumStatsLongPp10kRfUtil PartsPer10k } -- ccPortalSumStatsLongTimestamp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { ccPortalSumStatsLongEntry 1 } -- ccPortalSumStatsLongNumPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { ccPortalSumStatsLongEntry 2 } -- ccPortalSumStatsLongPktsPerSec100 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ScaleBy100 UNITS "pkts per sec x100" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { ccPortalSumStatsLongEntry 3 } -- ccPortalSumStatsLongPktsPerSecTx100 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ScaleBy100 UNITS "pkts per sec x100" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { ccPortalSumStatsLongEntry 4 } -- ccPortalSumStatsLongPktsPerSecRx100 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ScaleBy100 UNITS "pkts per sec x100" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { ccPortalSumStatsLongEntry 5 } -- ccPortalSumStatsLongThroughput OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "bits per second" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { ccPortalSumStatsLongEntry 6 } -- ccPortalSumStatsLongThroughputTx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "bits per second" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { ccPortalSumStatsLongEntry 7 } -- ccPortalSumStatsLongThroughputRx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "bits per second" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { ccPortalSumStatsLongEntry 8 } -- ccPortalSumStatsLongAvgBitSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "bits per second" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { ccPortalSumStatsLongEntry 9 } -- ccPortalSumStatsLongAvgMuSignal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { ccPortalSumStatsLongEntry 10 } -- ccPortalSumStatsLongAvgMuNoise OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { ccPortalSumStatsLongEntry 11 } -- ccPortalSumStatsLongAvgMuSnr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { ccPortalSumStatsLongEntry 12 } -- ccPortalSumStatsLongPp10kNUcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PartsPer10k UNITS "parts-per-10000" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { ccPortalSumStatsLongEntry 13 } -- ccPortalSumStatsLongPp10kTxWithRetries OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PartsPer10k UNITS "parts-per-10000" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { ccPortalSumStatsLongEntry 14 } -- ccPortalSumStatsLongPp10kTxMaxRetries OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PartsPer10k UNITS "parts-per-10000" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { ccPortalSumStatsLongEntry 15 } -- ccPortalSumStatsLongTxAvgRetries100 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ScaleBy100 UNITS "average x100" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { ccPortalSumStatsLongEntry 16 } -- ccPortalSumStatsLongPp10kRxUndecrypt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PartsPer10k UNITS "parts-per-10000" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { ccPortalSumStatsLongEntry 17 } -- ccPortalSumStatsLongTotalMus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..100) UNITS "number of MUs" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { ccPortalSumStatsLongEntry 18 } -- ccPortalSumStatsLongPp10kRfUtil OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PartsPer10k UNITS "parts-per-10000" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { ccPortalSumStatsLongEntry 19 } -- This group contains MIB values that describe the -- MUs (Mobile Units) currently associated with each -- Portal adopted by this WS2000. -- ccAssociation OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccRf 3 } -- ccAssociationTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcAssociationEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains one entry for each Portal-MU association." ::= { ccAssociation 1 } -- ccAssociationEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcAssociationEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " INDEX { ccPortalIndex, ccMuMac } ::= { ccAssociationTable 1 } CcAssociationEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccAssociationFirstAssociate TimeTicks, ccAssociationLastAssociate TimeTicks, ccAssociationCountAssociates Counter32 } -- ccAssociationFirstAssociate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A snapshot of the switch's sysUpTime at the time of the first time this MU associated to this Portal." ::= { ccAssociationEntry 1 } -- ccAssociationLastAssociate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A snapshot of the switch's sysUpTime at the time of the time this MU most recently associated to this Portal." ::= { ccAssociationEntry 2 } -- ccAssociationCountAssociates OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A count of the total number of times this MU has associated to this Portal." ::= { ccAssociationEntry 3 } -- This group contains MIB values that describe the -- MUs (Mobile Units) known to this WS2000. -- ccMus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccRf 4 } -- ccMuInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcMuInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table describes general information about each MU serviced by the switch." ::= { ccMus 1 } -- ccMuInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcMuInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " INDEX { ccMuMac } ::= { ccMuInfoTable 1 } CcMuInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccMuMac PhysAddress, ccMuWlanIndex Integer32, ccMuWlanName DisplayString, ccMuIsDataReady TruthValue, ccMuPortalIndex Integer32, ccMuPortalMac PhysAddress, ccMuSymbolRogueApEna TruthValue, ccMuIpAddr IpAddress, ccMuType INTEGER, ccMuRadioType RadioType, ccMuSupportedRates BITS, ccMuPowerMode INTEGER, ccMuAuthenticationMethod INTEGER, ccMuEncryptionMethod INTEGER, ccMuVlanId Unsigned32 } -- ccMuMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PhysAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "MAC address of the MU." ::= { ccMuInfoEntry 1 } -- ccMuWlanIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..63) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "(Reserved for future implementation)." ::= { ccMuInfoEntry 2 } -- ccMuWlanName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The name of the WLAN this MU is associated to." ::= { ccMuInfoEntry 3 } -- ccMuIsDataReady OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This value is true if the WS2000 is ready to forward/switch packets to/from this MU, (internally called the 'data ready' state). Otherwise this value is false." ::= { ccMuInfoEntry 4 } -- ccMuPortalIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..63) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of the entry in the PortalTable to which this MU is associated." ::= { ccMuInfoEntry 5 } -- ccMuPortalMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PhysAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The MAC address of the Portal to which this MU is associated." ::= { ccMuInfoEntry 6 } -- ccMuSymbolRogueApEna OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If true, this MU supports Symbol's Rogue AP detection assist algorithm." ::= { ccMuInfoEntry 7 } -- ccMuIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP address of the MU." ::= { ccMuInfoEntry 8 } -- ccMuType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { data(1), voice(2), accessPoint(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Type of the MU." ::= { ccMuInfoEntry 9 } -- ccMuRadioType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RadioType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Radio type of the MU." ::= { ccMuInfoEntry 10 } -- ccMuSupportedRates OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { supports1Mb(0), supports2Mb(1), supports5dot5Mb(2), supports6Mb(3), supports9Mb(4), supports11Mb(5), supports12Mb(6), supports18Mb(7), supports22Mb(8), supports24Mb(9), supports36Mb(10), supports48Mb(11), supports54Mb(12) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A bit-mask of rates supported by this MU." ::= { ccMuInfoEntry 11 } -- ccMuPowerMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { continuousAccessMode(1), powerSavePolling(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Power-mode implemented by the MU. A MU's status will constantly switch between PSP and CAM mode when it is in PSP mode. " ::= { ccMuInfoEntry 12 } -- ccMuAuthenticationMethod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(1), eap802dot1x(2), kerberos(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Authentication method implemented by the MU." ::= { ccMuInfoEntry 13 } -- ccMuEncryptionMethod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(1), wep40(2), wep128(3), keyGuardMCM(4), wpaTKIP(5), wpa2AesCcmp(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Encryption method implemented by the MU." ::= { ccMuInfoEntry 14 } -- ccMuVlanId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..31) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The VLAN that this MU is assigned to. " ::= { ccMuInfoEntry 15 } -- ccMuStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcMuStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table describes general statistics about packets sent/recieved via each MU serviced by the switch." ::= { ccMus 2 } -- All -- ccMuStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcMuStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " INDEX { ccMuMac } ::= { ccMuStatsTable 1 } CcMuStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccMuTxPktsUcast Counter32, ccMuRxPktsUcast Counter32, ccMuRxPktsNUcast Counter32, ccMuTxOctetsUcast Counter32, ccMuRxOctetsUcast Counter32, ccMuRxOctetsNUcast Counter32, ccMuRxUndecryptablePkts Counter32, ccMuRxRssiNumPkts Counter32, ccMuRxRssiSum Counter32, ccMuRxRssiSumSquares Counter64, ccMuRxRssiMostRecent INTEGER, ccMuLastActivity TimeTicks } -- ccMuTxPktsUcast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of unicast packets sent." ::= { ccMuStatsEntry 1 } -- ccMuRxPktsUcast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of unicast packets received." ::= { ccMuStatsEntry 2 } -- ccMuRxPktsNUcast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Count of non-unicast (broadcast & multicast) packets received." ::= { ccMuStatsEntry 3 } -- This value existed in WS2000 v1.0, but never incremented -- from 0. This variable should never have been defined, -- since there is no such thing as a non-unicast packet -- moving from a MU to a Portal, (Rx at the Portal). -- ccMuTxOctetsUcast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of unicast octets sent." ::= { ccMuStatsEntry 4 } -- ccMuRxOctetsUcast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of unicast octets received." ::= { ccMuStatsEntry 5 } -- ccMuRxOctetsNUcast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Count of non-unicast (broadcast & multicast) octets received." ::= { ccMuStatsEntry 6 } -- This value existed in WS2000 v1.0, but never incremented -- from 0. This variable should never have been defined, -- since there is no such thing as a non-unicast packet -- moving from a MU to a Portal, (Rx at the Portal). -- ccMuRxUndecryptablePkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of packets received that could not be decrypted." ::= { ccMuStatsEntry 7 } -- This value is duplicated by ccMuSigStatsNumPkts, but this -- one is retained for backwards-compatibility. -- ccMuRxRssiNumPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total RSSI packets received." ::= { ccMuStatsEntry 8 } -- This value is duplicated by ccMuSigStatsRssiSum, but this -- one is retained for backwards-compatibility. -- ccMuRxRssiSum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A running sum of all RSSI values calculated by the switch for packets." ::= { ccMuStatsEntry 9 } -- This value is duplicated by ccMuSigStatsRssiSumSquares, -- but this one is retained for backwards-compatibility. -- ccMuRxRssiSumSquares OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A sum of the squares of each RSSI value calculated for packets received. This value is never negative." ::= { ccMuStatsEntry 10 } -- This value is duplicated by ccMuSigStatsRssiMostRecent, -- but this one is retained for backwards-compatibility. -- -- ??-CM: this should be Uint32 - would chaning this be an -- incompatible change? Any diff on wire Int32 vs Unit32 ? -- ccMuRxRssiMostRecent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The best RSSI value seen so far. (Remember that -80dBm Noise is better than -70dBm). This value does not make sense when ccMuRxRssiNumPkts equals to 0." ::= { ccMuStatsEntry 11 } -- ccMuLastActivity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A snapshot of the switch's sysUpTime at the time of the last activity (packet sent or received)." ::= { ccMuStatsEntry 12 } -- ccMuRxPktsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcMuRxPktsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "For each MU serviced by the switch, this table describes counts of packets received at each possible speed, (1Mb, 2Mb, 5.5Mb, 6Mb...)." ::= { ccMus 3 } -- ccMuRxPktsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcMuRxPktsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " INDEX { ccMuMac } ::= { ccMuRxPktsTable 1 } CcMuRxPktsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccMuRxPktsAt1Mb Counter32, ccMuRxPktsAt2Mb Counter32, ccMuRxPktsAt5pt5Mb Counter32, ccMuRxPktsAt6Mb Counter32, ccMuRxPktsAt9Mb Counter32, ccMuRxPktsAt11Mb Counter32, ccMuRxPktsAt12Mb Counter32, ccMuRxPktsAt18Mb Counter32, ccMuRxPktsAt22Mb Counter32, ccMuRxPktsAt24Mb Counter32, ccMuRxPktsAt36Mb Counter32, ccMuRxPktsAt48Mb Counter32, ccMuRxPktsAt54Mb Counter32 } -- ccMuRxPktsAt1Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts received at 1 Mb." ::= { ccMuRxPktsEntry 1 } -- ccMuRxPktsAt2Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts received at 2 Mb." ::= { ccMuRxPktsEntry 2 } -- ccMuRxPktsAt5pt5Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts received at 5.5 Mb." ::= { ccMuRxPktsEntry 3 } -- ccMuRxPktsAt6Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts received at 6 Mb." ::= { ccMuRxPktsEntry 4 } -- ccMuRxPktsAt9Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts received at 9 Mb." ::= { ccMuRxPktsEntry 5 } -- ccMuRxPktsAt11Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts received at 11 Mb." ::= { ccMuRxPktsEntry 6 } -- ccMuRxPktsAt12Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts received at 12 Mb." ::= { ccMuRxPktsEntry 7 } -- ccMuRxPktsAt18Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts received at 18 Mb." ::= { ccMuRxPktsEntry 8 } -- ccMuRxPktsAt22Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts received at 22 Mb." ::= { ccMuRxPktsEntry 9 } -- ccMuRxPktsAt24Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts received at 24 Mb." ::= { ccMuRxPktsEntry 10 } -- ccMuRxPktsAt36Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts received at 36 Mb." ::= { ccMuRxPktsEntry 11 } -- ccMuRxPktsAt48Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts received at 48 Mb." ::= { ccMuRxPktsEntry 12 } -- ccMuRxPktsAt54Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts received at 54 Mb." ::= { ccMuRxPktsEntry 13 } -- ccMuTxPktsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcMuTxPktsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "For each MU serviced by the switch, this table describes counts of packets transmitted at each possible speed, (1Mb, 2Mb, 5.5Mb, 6Mb...)." ::= { ccMus 4 } -- ccMuTxPktsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcMuTxPktsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " INDEX { ccMuMac } ::= { ccMuTxPktsTable 1 } CcMuTxPktsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccMuTxPktsAt1Mb Counter32, ccMuTxPktsAt2Mb Counter32, ccMuTxPktsAt5pt5Mb Counter32, ccMuTxPktsAt6Mb Counter32, ccMuTxPktsAt9Mb Counter32, ccMuTxPktsAt11Mb Counter32, ccMuTxPktsAt12Mb Counter32, ccMuTxPktsAt18Mb Counter32, ccMuTxPktsAt22Mb Counter32, ccMuTxPktsAt24Mb Counter32, ccMuTxPktsAt36Mb Counter32, ccMuTxPktsAt48Mb Counter32, ccMuTxPktsAt54Mb Counter32 } -- ccMuTxPktsAt1Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts transmitted at 1 Mb." ::= { ccMuTxPktsEntry 1 } -- ccMuTxPktsAt2Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts transmitted at 2 Mb." ::= { ccMuTxPktsEntry 2 } -- ccMuTxPktsAt5pt5Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts transmitted at 5.5 Mb." ::= { ccMuTxPktsEntry 3 } -- ccMuTxPktsAt6Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts transmitted at 6 Mb." ::= { ccMuTxPktsEntry 4 } -- ccMuTxPktsAt9Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts transmitted at 9 Mb." ::= { ccMuTxPktsEntry 5 } -- ccMuTxPktsAt11Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts transmitted at 11 Mb." ::= { ccMuTxPktsEntry 6 } -- ccMuTxPktsAt12Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts transmitted at 12 Mb." ::= { ccMuTxPktsEntry 7 } -- ccMuTxPktsAt18Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts transmitted at 18 Mb." ::= { ccMuTxPktsEntry 8 } -- ccMuTxPktsAt22Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts transmitted at 22 Mb." ::= { ccMuTxPktsEntry 9 } -- ccMuTxPktsAt24Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts transmitted at 24 Mb." ::= { ccMuTxPktsEntry 10 } -- ccMuTxPktsAt36Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts transmitted at 36 Mb." ::= { ccMuTxPktsEntry 11 } -- ccMuTxPktsAt48Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts transmitted at 48 Mb." ::= { ccMuTxPktsEntry 12 } -- ccMuTxPktsAt54Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts transmitted at 54 Mb." ::= { ccMuTxPktsEntry 13 } -- ccMuRxOctetsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcMuRxOctetsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "For each MU serviced by this switch, this table describes counts of octets received at each possible speed, (1Mb, 2Mb, 5.5Mb, 6Mb...)." ::= { ccMus 5 } -- ccMuRxOctetsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcMuRxOctetsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " INDEX { ccMuMac } ::= { ccMuRxOctetsTable 1 } CcMuRxOctetsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccMuRxOctetsAt1Mb Counter32, ccMuRxOctetsAt2Mb Counter32, ccMuRxOctetsAt5pt5Mb Counter32, ccMuRxOctetsAt6Mb Counter32, ccMuRxOctetsAt9Mb Counter32, ccMuRxOctetsAt11Mb Counter32, ccMuRxOctetsAt12Mb Counter32, ccMuRxOctetsAt18Mb Counter32, ccMuRxOctetsAt22Mb Counter32, ccMuRxOctetsAt24Mb Counter32, ccMuRxOctetsAt36Mb Counter32, ccMuRxOctetsAt48Mb Counter32, ccMuRxOctetsAt54Mb Counter32 } -- ccMuRxOctetsAt1Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets received at 1 Mb." ::= { ccMuRxOctetsEntry 1 } -- ccMuRxOctetsAt2Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets received at 2 Mb." ::= { ccMuRxOctetsEntry 2 } -- ccMuRxOctetsAt5pt5Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets received at 5.5 Mb." ::= { ccMuRxOctetsEntry 3 } -- ccMuRxOctetsAt6Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets received at 6 Mb." ::= { ccMuRxOctetsEntry 4 } -- ccMuRxOctetsAt9Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets received at 9 Mb." ::= { ccMuRxOctetsEntry 5 } -- ccMuRxOctetsAt11Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets received at 11 Mb." ::= { ccMuRxOctetsEntry 6 } -- ccMuRxOctetsAt12Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets received at 12 Mb." ::= { ccMuRxOctetsEntry 7 } -- ccMuRxOctetsAt18Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets received at 18 Mb." ::= { ccMuRxOctetsEntry 8 } -- ccMuRxOctetsAt22Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets received at 22 Mb." ::= { ccMuRxOctetsEntry 9 } -- ccMuRxOctetsAt24Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets received at 24 Mb." ::= { ccMuRxOctetsEntry 10 } -- ccMuRxOctetsAt36Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets received at 36 Mb." ::= { ccMuRxOctetsEntry 11 } -- ccMuRxOctetsAt48Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets received at 48 Mb." ::= { ccMuRxOctetsEntry 12 } -- ccMuRxOctetsAt54Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets received at 54 Mb." ::= { ccMuRxOctetsEntry 13 } -- ccMuTxOctetsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcMuTxOctetsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "For each MU serviced by this switch, this table describes counts of octets transmitted at each possible speed, (1Mb, 2Mb, 5.5Mb, 6Mb...)." ::= { ccMus 6 } -- ccMuTxOctetsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcMuTxOctetsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " INDEX { ccMuMac } ::= { ccMuTxOctetsTable 1 } CcMuTxOctetsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccMuTxOctetsAt1Mb Counter32, ccMuTxOctetsAt2Mb Counter32, ccMuTxOctetsAt5pt5Mb Counter32, ccMuTxOctetsAt6Mb Counter32, ccMuTxOctetsAt9Mb Counter32, ccMuTxOctetsAt11Mb Counter32, ccMuTxOctetsAt12Mb Counter32, ccMuTxOctetsAt18Mb Counter32, ccMuTxOctetsAt22Mb Counter32, ccMuTxOctetsAt24Mb Counter32, ccMuTxOctetsAt36Mb Counter32, ccMuTxOctetsAt48Mb Counter32, ccMuTxOctetsAt54Mb Counter32 } -- ccMuTxOctetsAt1Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets transmitted at 1 Mb." ::= { ccMuTxOctetsEntry 1 } -- ccMuTxOctetsAt2Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets transmitted at 2 Mb." ::= { ccMuTxOctetsEntry 2 } -- ccMuTxOctetsAt5pt5Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets transmitted at 5.5 Mb." ::= { ccMuTxOctetsEntry 3 } -- ccMuTxOctetsAt6Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets transmitted at 6 Mb." ::= { ccMuTxOctetsEntry 4 } -- ccMuTxOctetsAt9Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets transmitted at 9 Mb." ::= { ccMuTxOctetsEntry 5 } -- ccMuTxOctetsAt11Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets transmitted at 11 Mb." ::= { ccMuTxOctetsEntry 6 } -- ccMuTxOctetsAt12Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets transmitted at 12 Mb." ::= { ccMuTxOctetsEntry 7 } -- ccMuTxOctetsAt18Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets transmitted at 18 Mb." ::= { ccMuTxOctetsEntry 8 } -- ccMuTxOctetsAt22Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets transmitted at 22 Mb." ::= { ccMuTxOctetsEntry 9 } -- ccMuTxOctetsAt24Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets transmitted at 24 Mb." ::= { ccMuTxOctetsEntry 10 } -- ccMuTxOctetsAt36Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets transmitted at 36 Mb." ::= { ccMuTxOctetsEntry 11 } -- ccMuTxOctetsAt48Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets transmitted at 48 Mb." ::= { ccMuTxOctetsEntry 12 } -- ccMuTxOctetsAt54Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets transmitted at 54 Mb." ::= { ccMuTxOctetsEntry 13 } -- ccMuTxRetriesTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcMuTxRetriesEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "For each MU serviced by the switch, this table describes counts of the number of packets affected by transmit retries, (no retries, 1 retry, 2 retries,... gave-up)." ::= { ccMus 7 } -- ccMuTxRetriesEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcMuTxRetriesEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " INDEX { ccMuMac } ::= { ccMuTxRetriesTable 1 } CcMuTxRetriesEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccMuTxRetriesNone Counter32, ccMuTxRetries01 Counter32, ccMuTxRetries02 Counter32, ccMuTxRetries03 Counter32, ccMuTxRetries04 Counter32, ccMuTxRetries05 Counter32, ccMuTxRetries06 Counter32, ccMuTxRetries07 Counter32, ccMuTxRetries08 Counter32, ccMuTxRetries09 Counter32, ccMuTxRetries10 Counter32, ccMuTxRetries11 Counter32, ccMuTxRetries12 Counter32, ccMuTxRetries13 Counter32, ccMuTxRetries14 Counter32, ccMuTxRetries15 Counter32, ccMuTxRetriesFailed Counter32, ccMuTxRetriesTotal Counter32, ccMuTxRetriesMostRecent INTEGER } -- ccMuTxRetriesNone OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts successfully transmitted with no retries." ::= { ccMuTxRetriesEntry 1 } -- ccMuTxRetries01 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts successfully transmitted with exactly 1 retries." ::= { ccMuTxRetriesEntry 2 } -- ccMuTxRetries02 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts successfully transmitted with exactly 2 retries." ::= { ccMuTxRetriesEntry 3 } -- ccMuTxRetries03 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts successfully transmitted with exactly 3 retries." ::= { ccMuTxRetriesEntry 4 } -- ccMuTxRetries04 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts successfully transmitted with exactly 4 retries." ::= { ccMuTxRetriesEntry 5 } -- ccMuTxRetries05 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts successfully transmitted with exactly 5 retries." ::= { ccMuTxRetriesEntry 6 } -- ccMuTxRetries06 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts successfully transmitted with exactly 6 retries." ::= { ccMuTxRetriesEntry 7 } -- ccMuTxRetries07 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts successfully transmitted with exactly 7 retries." ::= { ccMuTxRetriesEntry 8 } -- ccMuTxRetries08 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts successfully transmitted with exactly 8 retries." ::= { ccMuTxRetriesEntry 9 } -- ccMuTxRetries09 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts successfully transmitted with exactly 9 retries." ::= { ccMuTxRetriesEntry 10 } -- ccMuTxRetries10 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts successfully transmitted with exactly 10 retries." ::= { ccMuTxRetriesEntry 11 } -- ccMuTxRetries11 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts successfully transmitted with exactly 11 retries." ::= { ccMuTxRetriesEntry 12 } -- ccMuTxRetries12 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts successfully transmitted with exactly 12 retries." ::= { ccMuTxRetriesEntry 13 } -- ccMuTxRetries13 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts successfully transmitted with exactly 13 retries." ::= { ccMuTxRetriesEntry 14 } -- ccMuTxRetries14 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts successfully transmitted with exactly 14 retries." ::= { ccMuTxRetriesEntry 15 } -- ccMuTxRetries15 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts successfully transmitted with exactly 15 retries." ::= { ccMuTxRetriesEntry 16 } -- ccMuTxRetriesFailed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts that never were successfully transmitted to because the max retry count was exceeded." ::= { ccMuTxRetriesEntry 17 } -- ccMuTxRetriesTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A total sum of all retries across all packets sent to this MU. For example, if 4 packets have been sent, with the following number of retires: 2, 0, 5, gave-up, this value would be 2+0+5+16 = 23." ::= { ccMuTxRetriesEntry 18 } -- ccMuTxRetriesMostRecent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..16) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Most recent retry done by MU." ::= { ccMuTxRetriesEntry 19 } -- ccMuLastMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PhysAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This scalar records the MAC address of the most recent MU to be Adopted, UnAdopted, or Denied." ::= { ccMus 8 } -- ccMuLastReason OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { success(1), aclViolation(2), timeout(3), associationFailed(4), authenticationFailedOn802dot1x(5), kerberosWrongUsername(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This value notes the reason for the most-recent MU UnAdoption or Denial. Enum item associationFailed indicates that a key association field was missing, or a mismatch of supported rates, etc." ::= { ccMus 9 } -- ccMuLastPortal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PhysAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This value notes the reason for the most-recent MU UnAdoption or Denial." ::= { ccMus 10 } -- !!- OID: .100 -- -- (This group would have contained all the stats tables, -- except that they were located above, before I created -- matching groups and tables in ccPortal and ccWlan). -- ccMuRfSum OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccMus 100 } -- ccMuTxRetriesOctetsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcMuTxRetriesOctetsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "For each MU serviced by the switch, this table describes counts of the number of octets affected by transmit retries, (no retries, 1 retry, 2 retries,... gave-up)." ::= { ccMuRfSum 1 } -- ccMuTxRetriesOctetsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcMuTxRetriesOctetsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " INDEX { ccMuMac } ::= { ccMuTxRetriesOctetsTable 1 } CcMuTxRetriesOctetsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccMuTxRetriesOctetsNone Counter32, ccMuTxRetriesOctets01 Counter32, ccMuTxRetriesOctets02 Counter32, ccMuTxRetriesOctets03 Counter32, ccMuTxRetriesOctets04 Counter32, ccMuTxRetriesOctets05 Counter32, ccMuTxRetriesOctets06 Counter32, ccMuTxRetriesOctets07 Counter32, ccMuTxRetriesOctets08 Counter32, ccMuTxRetriesOctets09 Counter32, ccMuTxRetriesOctets10 Counter32, ccMuTxRetriesOctets11 Counter32, ccMuTxRetriesOctets12 Counter32, ccMuTxRetriesOctets13 Counter32, ccMuTxRetriesOctets14 Counter32, ccMuTxRetriesOctets15 Counter32, ccMuTxRetriesOctetsFailed Counter32 } -- ccMuTxRetriesOctetsNone OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets successfully transmitted with no retries." ::= { ccMuTxRetriesOctetsEntry 1 } -- ccMuTxRetriesOctets01 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets successfully transmitted with exactly 1 retries." ::= { ccMuTxRetriesOctetsEntry 2 } -- ccMuTxRetriesOctets02 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets successfully transmitted with exactly 2 retries." ::= { ccMuTxRetriesOctetsEntry 3 } -- ccMuTxRetriesOctets03 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets successfully transmitted with exactly 3 retries." ::= { ccMuTxRetriesOctetsEntry 4 } -- ccMuTxRetriesOctets04 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets successfully transmitted with exactly 4 retries." ::= { ccMuTxRetriesOctetsEntry 5 } -- ccMuTxRetriesOctets05 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets successfully transmitted with exactly 5 retries." ::= { ccMuTxRetriesOctetsEntry 6 } -- ccMuTxRetriesOctets06 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets successfully transmitted with exactly 6 retries." ::= { ccMuTxRetriesOctetsEntry 7 } -- ccMuTxRetriesOctets07 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets successfully transmitted with exactly 7 retries." ::= { ccMuTxRetriesOctetsEntry 8 } -- ccMuTxRetriesOctets08 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets successfully transmitted with exactly 8 retries." ::= { ccMuTxRetriesOctetsEntry 9 } -- ccMuTxRetriesOctets09 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets successfully transmitted with exactly 9 retries." ::= { ccMuTxRetriesOctetsEntry 10 } -- ccMuTxRetriesOctets10 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets successfully transmitted with exactly 10 retries." ::= { ccMuTxRetriesOctetsEntry 11 } -- ccMuTxRetriesOctets11 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets successfully transmitted with exactly 11 retries." ::= { ccMuTxRetriesOctetsEntry 12 } -- ccMuTxRetriesOctets12 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets successfully transmitted with exactly 12 retries." ::= { ccMuTxRetriesOctetsEntry 13 } -- ccMuTxRetriesOctets13 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets successfully transmitted with exactly 13 retries." ::= { ccMuTxRetriesOctetsEntry 14 } -- ccMuTxRetriesOctets14 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets successfully transmitted with exactly 14 retries." ::= { ccMuTxRetriesOctetsEntry 15 } -- ccMuTxRetriesOctets15 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets successfully transmitted with exactly 15 retries." ::= { ccMuTxRetriesOctetsEntry 16 } -- ccMuTxRetriesOctetsFailed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets that never were successfully transmitted to because the max retry count was exceeded." ::= { ccMuTxRetriesOctetsEntry 17 } -- ccMuSigStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcMuSigStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table describes statistics about RSSI, Signal, Noise, and SNR for packets recieved via each MU serviced by the switch." ::= { ccMuRfSum 2 } -- ccMuSigStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcMuSigStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " INDEX { ccMuMac } ::= { ccMuSigStatsTable 1 } CcMuSigStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccMuSigStatsNumPkts Counter32, ccMuSigStatsSignalBest Integer32, ccMuSigStatsSignalWorst Integer32, ccMuSigStatsSignalSum Integer32, ccMuSigStatsSignalSumSquares Counter64, ccMuSigStatsSignalMostRecent Integer32, ccMuSigStatsNoiseBest Integer32, ccMuSigStatsNoiseWorst Integer32, ccMuSigStatsNoiseSum Integer32, ccMuSigStatsNoiseSumSquares Counter64, ccMuSigStatsNoiseMostRecent Integer32, ccMuSigStatsSnrBest Integer32, ccMuSigStatsSnrWorst Integer32, ccMuSigStatsSnrSum Integer32, ccMuSigStatsSnrSumSquares Counter64, ccMuSigStatsSnrMostRecent Integer32 } -- ccMuSigStatsNumPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total packets received included in all the other counters reported in this row." ::= { ccMuSigStatsEntry 1 } -- ccMuSigStatsSignalBest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The best Signal value seen so far. (Remember that a -20dBm Signal is better than -60dBm). This value is initialized to -500dBm. " ::= { ccMuSigStatsEntry 2 } -- ccMuSigStatsSignalWorst OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The worst Signal value seen so far. (Remember that a -80dBm Signal is worse than -60dBm). This value is initialized to 500dBm." ::= { ccMuSigStatsEntry 3 } -- ccMuSigStatsSignalSum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A running sum of all Signal values calculated by the switch (using reported RSSI values), for packets received. Note that this value is normally a negative value ranging from -10dBm to -80dBm. It is possible for this value to be positive, but that would be rare, and would signal an exceptionally strong signal." ::= { ccMuSigStatsEntry 4 } -- ccMuSigStatsSignalSumSquares OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A sum of the squares of each Signal value calculated for packets received. Unlike _SignalSum, this value is never negative, since the square of a negative number is a positive." ::= { ccMuSigStatsEntry 5 } -- ccMuSigStatsSignalMostRecent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The best Signal value seen so far. (Remember that a -20dBm Signal is better than -60dBm). This value does not make sense when ccMuSigStatsNumPkts equals to 0." ::= { ccMuSigStatsEntry 6 } -- ccMuSigStatsNoiseBest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The best Noise value seen so far. (Remember that -80dBm Noise is better than -70dBm). This value is initialized to 500dBm." ::= { ccMuSigStatsEntry 7 } -- ccMuSigStatsNoiseWorst OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The worst Noise value seen so far. (Remember that -50dBm Noise is worse than -60dBm). This value is initialized to -500dBm." ::= { ccMuSigStatsEntry 8 } -- ccMuSigStatsNoiseSum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A running sum of all Noise values calculated by the switch (using reported RSSI values), for packets. Like _SignalSum, this value is normally a negative value." ::= { ccMuSigStatsEntry 9 } -- ccMuSigStatsNoiseSumSquares OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A sum of the squares of each Noise value calculated for packets received. As with _SignalSumSquares, this value is never negative." ::= { ccMuSigStatsEntry 10 } -- ccMuSigStatsNoiseMostRecent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The best Noise value seen so far. (Remember that -80dBm Noise is better than -70dBm). This value does not make sense when ccMuSigStatsNumPkts equals to 0." ::= { ccMuSigStatsEntry 11 } -- ccMuSigStatsSnrBest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The best SNR value seen so far. (Remember that +30dBm SNR is better than +20dBm). This value is initialized to -500dB." ::= { ccMuSigStatsEntry 12 } -- ccMuSigStatsSnrWorst OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The worst SNR value seen so far. (Remember that +10dBm SNR is worse than +20dBm). This value is initialized to 500dB." ::= { ccMuSigStatsEntry 13 } -- ccMuSigStatsSnrSum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A running sum of all SNR values calculated by the switch (using reported RSSI values), for packets received. Unlike _Signal and _Noise, this value is never negative." ::= { ccMuSigStatsEntry 14 } -- ccMuSigStatsSnrSumSquares OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A sum of the squares of each SNR value calculated for packets received. This value is never negative." ::= { ccMuSigStatsEntry 15 } -- ccMuSigStatsSnrMostRecent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The best SNR value seen so far. (Remember that +30dBm SNR is better than +20dBm). This value does not make sense when ccMuSigStatsNumPkts equals to 0." ::= { ccMuSigStatsEntry 16 } -- ccMuSumStatsShortTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcMuSumStatsShortEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Averages and rates calculated over the SHORT window for each MU." ::= { ccMuRfSum 3 } -- ccMuSumStatsShortEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcMuSumStatsShortEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " INDEX { ccMuMac } ::= { ccMuSumStatsShortTable 1 } CcMuSumStatsShortEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccMuSumStatsShortTimestamp TimeTicks, ccMuSumStatsShortNumPkts Unsigned32, ccMuSumStatsShortPktsPerSec100 ScaleBy100, ccMuSumStatsShortPktsPerSecTx100 ScaleBy100, ccMuSumStatsShortPktsPerSecRx100 ScaleBy100, ccMuSumStatsShortThroughput Unsigned32, ccMuSumStatsShortThroughputTx Unsigned32, ccMuSumStatsShortThroughputRx Unsigned32, ccMuSumStatsShortAvgBitSpeed Unsigned32, ccMuSumStatsShortAvgMuSignal Integer32, ccMuSumStatsShortAvgMuNoise Integer32, ccMuSumStatsShortAvgMuSnr Integer32, ccMuSumStatsShortPp10kNUcastPkts PartsPer10k, ccMuSumStatsShortPp10kTxWithRetries PartsPer10k, ccMuSumStatsShortPp10kDropped PartsPer10k, ccMuSumStatsShortTxAvgRetries100 ScaleBy100, ccMuSumStatsShortPp10kRxUndecrypt PartsPer10k } -- ccMuSumStatsShortTimestamp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Snapshot of sysUpTime as of the END of the 'window' of time that this entry of values represents." ::= { ccMuSumStatsShortEntry 1 } -- ccMuSumStatsShortNumPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of packets used to calculate the statistics in this window." ::= { ccMuSumStatsShortEntry 2 } -- ccMuSumStatsShortPktsPerSec100 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ScaleBy100 UNITS "pkts per sec x100" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Packets per second as averaged over the 'window'. For transmitted packets, each packet sucessfully sent counts as 1, (not N, where N is the number of retries). Since SNMP does not convey decimal values, the result is multiplied by 100." ::= { ccMuSumStatsShortEntry 3 } -- ccMuSumStatsShortPktsPerSecTx100 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ScaleBy100 UNITS "pkts per sec x100" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Packets per second TX as averaged over the 'window'. Each packet sucessfully sent counts as 1, (not N, where N is the number of retries). Since SNMP does not convey decimal values, the result is multiplied by 100." ::= { ccMuSumStatsShortEntry 4 } -- ccMuSumStatsShortPktsPerSecRx100 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ScaleBy100 UNITS "pkts per sec x100" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Packets per second RX as averaged over the 'window'. Since SNMP does not convey decimal values, the result is multiplied by 100." ::= { ccMuSumStatsShortEntry 5 } -- ccMuSumStatsShortThroughput OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "bits per second" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Actual number of bits sent and received over the window, divided by the number of seconds in the window. For transmitted packets, each packet sucessfully sent counts as 1, (not N, where N is the number of retries)." ::= { ccMuSumStatsShortEntry 6 } -- ccMuSumStatsShortThroughputTx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "bits per second" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Actual number of bits TX over the window, divided by the number of seconds in the window. Each packet sucessfully sent counts as 1, (not N, where N is the number of retries)." ::= { ccMuSumStatsShortEntry 7 } -- ccMuSumStatsShortThroughputRx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "bits per second" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Actual number of bits RX over the window, divided by the number of seconds in the window." ::= { ccMuSumStatsShortEntry 8 } -- ccMuSumStatsShortAvgBitSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "bits per second" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An octet-weighted average of the speeds of all packets sent/received. (For each possible speed, multiply the number of octets sent/received by that speed; divide the sum by the total number of octets; multiply by 8). For transmitted packets, each packet sucessfully sent counts as 1, (not N, where N is the number of retries). This can be said in more plain english as: the average bit-speed at which packets were sent/received." ::= { ccMuSumStatsShortEntry 9 } -- ccMuSumStatsShortAvgMuSignal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The average of all signal values over the window. NOTE: dBm are normally negative. Here the NEGATIVE values are reported as POSITIVE values. PO" ::= { ccMuSumStatsShortEntry 10 } -- ccMuSumStatsShortAvgMuNoise OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The average of all noise values over the window." ::= { ccMuSumStatsShortEntry 11 } -- ccMuSumStatsShortAvgMuSnr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The average of all SNR values over the window." ::= { ccMuSumStatsShortEntry 12 } -- ccMuSumStatsShortPp10kNUcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PartsPer10k UNITS "parts-per-10000" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Ratio of packets that were NOT unicast. Expressed as parts-per-10000." ::= { ccMuSumStatsShortEntry 13 } -- ccMuSumStatsShortPp10kTxWithRetries OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PartsPer10k UNITS "parts-per-10000" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Ratio of TX packets that experienced one or more retries. Expressed as parts-per-10000." ::= { ccMuSumStatsShortEntry 14 } -- ccMuSumStatsShortPp10kDropped OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PartsPer10k UNITS "parts-per-10000" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Packets dropped divided by packets sent. Dropped here means dropped intentionally due to the appropriate QoS queue being full. Other reasons for dropped packets are not counted in this ratio. Calculated as an average for all WLANs implemented on this MU." ::= { ccMuSumStatsShortEntry 15 } -- ccMuSumStatsShortTxAvgRetries100 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ScaleBy100 UNITS "average x100" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "For all transmit packets (those that experienced some retries, those that were successfully transmitted with only 1 transmission, and those that attempted max times and gave-up), the average number of RE-transmission attempts. Said another (though identical) way: the sum of all tranmission attempts divided by the number of unique packets attempted to be sent. Since SNMP does not convey decimal values, the result above is multiplied by 100. If there were no RE-transmissions, this value would be 0. If every single packet required exactly two tranmissions, this value would be 100, (representing 1.00)." ::= { ccMuSumStatsShortEntry 16 } -- ccMuSumStatsShortPp10kRxUndecrypt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PartsPer10k UNITS "parts-per-10000" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Ratio of RX packets that were undecryptable. Expressed as parts-per-10000. " ::= { ccMuSumStatsShortEntry 17 } -- ccMuSumStatsLongTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcMuSumStatsLongEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Averages and rates calculated over the LONG window for each MU. (Refer to ccMuSumStatsShortTable for descriptions)." ::= { ccMuRfSum 4 } -- ccMuSumStatsLongEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcMuSumStatsLongEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " INDEX { ccMuMac } ::= { ccMuSumStatsLongTable 1 } CcMuSumStatsLongEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccMuSumStatsLongTimestamp TimeTicks, ccMuSumStatsLongNumPkts Unsigned32, ccMuSumStatsLongPktsPerSec100 ScaleBy100, ccMuSumStatsLongPktsPerSecTx100 ScaleBy100, ccMuSumStatsLongPktsPerSecRx100 ScaleBy100, ccMuSumStatsLongThroughput Unsigned32, ccMuSumStatsLongThroughputTx Unsigned32, ccMuSumStatsLongThroughputRx Unsigned32, ccMuSumStatsLongAvgBitSpeed Unsigned32, ccMuSumStatsLongAvgMuSignal Integer32, ccMuSumStatsLongAvgMuNoise Integer32, ccMuSumStatsLongAvgMuSnr Integer32, ccMuSumStatsLongPp10kNUcastPkts PartsPer10k, ccMuSumStatsLongPp10kTxWithRetries PartsPer10k, ccMuSumStatsLongPp10kDropped PartsPer10k, ccMuSumStatsLongTxAvgRetries100 ScaleBy100, ccMuSumStatsLongPp10kRxUndecrypt PartsPer10k } -- ccMuSumStatsLongTimestamp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { ccMuSumStatsLongEntry 1 } -- ccMuSumStatsLongNumPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { ccMuSumStatsLongEntry 2 } -- ccMuSumStatsLongPktsPerSec100 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ScaleBy100 UNITS "pkts per sec x100" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { ccMuSumStatsLongEntry 3 } -- ccMuSumStatsLongPktsPerSecTx100 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ScaleBy100 UNITS "pkts per sec x100" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { ccMuSumStatsLongEntry 4 } -- ccMuSumStatsLongPktsPerSecRx100 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ScaleBy100 UNITS "pkts per sec x100" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { ccMuSumStatsLongEntry 5 } -- ccMuSumStatsLongThroughput OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "bits per second" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { ccMuSumStatsLongEntry 6 } -- ccMuSumStatsLongThroughputTx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "bits per second" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { ccMuSumStatsLongEntry 7 } -- ccMuSumStatsLongThroughputRx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "bits per second" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { ccMuSumStatsLongEntry 8 } -- ccMuSumStatsLongAvgBitSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "bits per second" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { ccMuSumStatsLongEntry 9 } -- ccMuSumStatsLongAvgMuSignal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { ccMuSumStatsLongEntry 10 } -- ccMuSumStatsLongAvgMuNoise OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { ccMuSumStatsLongEntry 11 } -- ccMuSumStatsLongAvgMuSnr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { ccMuSumStatsLongEntry 12 } -- ccMuSumStatsLongPp10kNUcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PartsPer10k UNITS "parts-per-10000" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { ccMuSumStatsLongEntry 13 } -- ccMuSumStatsLongPp10kTxWithRetries OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PartsPer10k UNITS "parts-per-10000" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { ccMuSumStatsLongEntry 14 } -- ccMuSumStatsLongPp10kDropped OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PartsPer10k UNITS "parts-per-10000" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { ccMuSumStatsLongEntry 15 } -- ccMuSumStatsLongTxAvgRetries100 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ScaleBy100 UNITS "average x100" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { ccMuSumStatsLongEntry 16 } -- ccMuSumStatsLongPp10kRxUndecrypt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PartsPer10k UNITS "parts-per-10000" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { ccMuSumStatsLongEntry 17 } -- This group describes all wireless LANs on the switch, -- and their corresponding security settings. -- ccWlan OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccRf 5 } -- ccWlanTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcWlanEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of wireless LANs configured on the switch." ::= { ccWlan 1 } -- ccWlanEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcWlanEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " INDEX { ccWlanIndex } ::= { ccWlanTable 1 } CcWlanEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccWlanIndex Integer32, ccWlanName DisplayString, ccWlanEssid DisplayString, ccWlanSubnet SinglePointer, ccWlanPortalsAdopted MultiPointer255, ccWlanEnable StaticRowEnable, ccWlanDisallowMuToMu TruthValue, ccWlanVoicePrioritization TruthValue, ccWlanAnswerBroadcastEss TruthValue, ccWlanMulticastAddr1 PhysAddress, ccWlanMulticastAddr2 PhysAddress, ccWlanMuAclDefault INTEGER, ccWlanAuthentication INTEGER, ccWlanEncryption INTEGER, ccWlanWeight Integer32 } -- ccWlanIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..1001) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Simple index. (In the ccRfSum tables, entry 1001 is used to represent the roll-up of all RF communications on this switch). " ::= { ccWlanEntry 1 } -- ccWlanName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Name of the WLAN." ::= { ccWlanEntry 2 } -- ccWlanEssid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ESSID of the WLAN." ::= { ccWlanEntry 3 } -- ccWlanSubnet OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SinglePointer MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The subnet/LAN this WLAN is associated with. If not associated with any subnet/LAN, this value will be 0." ::= { ccWlanEntry 4 } -- ccWlanPortalsAdopted OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MultiPointer255 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Pointer to portal(s) adopted by this WLAN." ::= { ccWlanEntry 5 } -- ccWlanEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX StaticRowEnable MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row enable." ::= { ccWlanEntry 6 } -- ccWlanDisallowMuToMu OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set to true to prohibit MU-to-MU communication." ::= { ccWlanEntry 7 } -- ccWlanVoicePrioritization OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable voice prioritization." ::= { ccWlanEntry 8 } -- ccWlanAnswerBroadcastEss OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Answer broadcast ESS." ::= { ccWlanEntry 9 } -- ccWlanMulticastAddr1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PhysAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Multicast address 1." ::= { ccWlanEntry 10 } -- ccWlanMulticastAddr2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PhysAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Multicast address 2." ::= { ccWlanEntry 11 } -- ccWlanMuAclDefault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { allowAllMusExceptThoseMatchingAclRules(1), denyAllMusExceptThoseMatchingAclRules(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Describes the default behavior if none of this WLAN's ccWlanMuAclTable entries match the MAC address of an MU attempting to associate with this WLAN." ::= { ccWlanEntry 12 } -- ccWlanAuthentication OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { authNone(1), auth802dot1xEap(2), authKerberos(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If auth802dot1xEap, additional EAP settings for this WLAN will be used from the matching entry in the ccWlanAuthEapTable. Likewise, if authKerberos, use the settings in the matching entry in the ccWlanAuthKerberosTable." ::= { ccWlanEntry 13 } -- ccWlanEncryption OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { cryptoNone(1), cryptoWep40(2), cryptoWep104(3), cryptoKeyguardMcm(4), cryptoWpaTkip(5), cryptoWpa2Ccmp(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If cryptoWep40 or cryptoWep128, additional WEP settings for this WLAN will be used from the matching entry in the ccWlanCryptoWepTable. Likewise, if cryptoWpaTkip, use the settings in the matching entry in the ccWlanCryptoWpaTable. Likewise, if cryptoKeyguardMcm, use the settings in the matching entry in the ccWlanCryptoKeyguardTable." ::= { ccWlanEntry 14 } -- ccWlanWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The weight to be used when QoS for all WLANs is set to weighted-round-robin. Note that the sum of all weights across all WLANs need not total 100. " ::= { ccWlanEntry 15 } -- This group contains authentication settings for all -- WLANs. -- ccWlanAuth OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccWlan 2 } -- ccWlanAuthEapTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcWlanAuthEapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of EAP authentication settings for each WLAN." ::= { ccWlanAuth 1 } -- ccWlanAuthEapEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcWlanAuthEapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " INDEX { ccWlanIndex } ::= { ccWlanAuthEapTable 1 } CcWlanAuthEapEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccWlanAuthEapReauthenticationEnable TruthValue, ccWlanAuthEapReauthenticationPeriod Unsigned32, ccWlanAuthEapReauthenticationMaxRetries Unsigned32, ccWlanAuthEapRadius1Server IpAddress, ccWlanAuthEapRadius1Port Unsigned32, ccWlanAuthEapRadius1SharedSecret Password, ccWlanAuthEapRadius2Server IpAddress, ccWlanAuthEapRadius2Port Unsigned32, ccWlanAuthEapRadius2SharedSecret Password, ccWlanAuthEapMuQuietPeriod Unsigned32, ccWlanAuthEapMuTimeout Unsigned32, ccWlanAuthEapMuTxPeriod Unsigned32, ccWlanAuthEapMuMaxRetries Unsigned32, ccWlanAuthEapServerTimeout Unsigned32, ccWlanAuthEapServerMaxRetries Unsigned32, ccWlanAuthEapRadiusAcctMode TruthValue, ccWlanAuthEapRadiusAcctMuTimeout Unsigned32, ccWlanAuthEapRadiusAcctMuRetries Unsigned32, ccWlanAuthEapSyslogMode TruthValue, ccWlanAuthEapSyslogSeverIp IpAddress } -- ccWlanAuthEapReauthenticationEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable reauthentication." ::= { ccWlanAuthEapEntry 1 } -- ccWlanAuthEapReauthenticationPeriod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (30..9999) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Reauthentication period." ::= { ccWlanAuthEapEntry 2 } -- ccWlanAuthEapReauthenticationMaxRetries OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..99) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Reauthentication max retries." ::= { ccWlanAuthEapEntry 3 } -- ccWlanAuthEapRadius1Server OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP address of the primary RADIUS server." ::= { ccWlanAuthEapEntry 4 } -- ccWlanAuthEapRadius1Port OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Port number of the primary RADIUS server." ::= { ccWlanAuthEapEntry 5 } -- ccWlanAuthEapRadius1SharedSecret OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Password MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Shared secret of the primary RADIUS server." ::= { ccWlanAuthEapEntry 6 } -- ccWlanAuthEapRadius2Server OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP address of the secondary RADIUS server." ::= { ccWlanAuthEapEntry 7 } -- ccWlanAuthEapRadius2Port OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Port number of the secondary RADIUS server." ::= { ccWlanAuthEapEntry 8 } -- ccWlanAuthEapRadius2SharedSecret OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Password MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Shared secret of the secondary RADIUS server." ::= { ccWlanAuthEapEntry 9 } -- ccWlanAuthEapMuQuietPeriod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "MU quiet period." ::= { ccWlanAuthEapEntry 10 } -- ccWlanAuthEapMuTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..255) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "MU timeout." ::= { ccWlanAuthEapEntry 11 } -- ccWlanAuthEapMuTxPeriod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "MU Tx period." ::= { ccWlanAuthEapEntry 12 } -- ccWlanAuthEapMuMaxRetries OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "MU max retries." ::= { ccWlanAuthEapEntry 13 } -- ccWlanAuthEapServerTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..255) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Server timeout." ::= { ccWlanAuthEapEntry 14 } -- ccWlanAuthEapServerMaxRetries OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..255) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Server max retries." ::= { ccWlanAuthEapEntry 15 } -- ccWlanAuthEapRadiusAcctMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Radius Accounting Mode." ::= { ccWlanAuthEapEntry 16 } -- ccWlanAuthEapRadiusAcctMuTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..255) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Radius Accounting MU Timeout." ::= { ccWlanAuthEapEntry 17 } -- ccWlanAuthEapRadiusAcctMuRetries OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Radius Accounting MU Retries." ::= { ccWlanAuthEapEntry 18 } -- ccWlanAuthEapSyslogMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Logging Mode." ::= { ccWlanAuthEapEntry 19 } -- ccWlanAuthEapSyslogSeverIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Syslog Server IP Address." ::= { ccWlanAuthEapEntry 20 } -- ccWlanAuthKerberosTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcWlanAuthKerberosEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of Kerberos authentication settings for each WLAN." ::= { ccWlanAuth 2 } -- ccWlanAuthKerberosEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcWlanAuthKerberosEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " INDEX { ccWlanIndex } ::= { ccWlanAuthKerberosTable 1 } CcWlanAuthKerberosEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccWlanAuthKerberosRealmName DisplayString, ccWlanAuthKerberosUsername DisplayString, ccWlanAuthKerberosPassword Password, ccWlanAuthKerberosKdcServerIp1 IpAddress, ccWlanAuthKerberosKdcPort1 Unsigned32, ccWlanAuthKerberosKdcServerIp2 IpAddress, ccWlanAuthKerberosKdcPort2 Unsigned32, ccWlanAuthKerberosKdcServerIpR IpAddress, ccWlanAuthKerberosKdcPortR Unsigned32 } -- ccWlanAuthKerberosRealmName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Realm name." ::= { ccWlanAuthKerberosEntry 1 } -- ccWlanAuthKerberosUsername OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Username." ::= { ccWlanAuthKerberosEntry 2 } -- ccWlanAuthKerberosPassword OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Password MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Password." ::= { ccWlanAuthKerberosEntry 3 } -- ccWlanAuthKerberosKdcServerIp1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Primary KDC server IP addr." ::= { ccWlanAuthKerberosEntry 4 } -- ccWlanAuthKerberosKdcPort1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Primary KDC port." ::= { ccWlanAuthKerberosEntry 5 } -- ccWlanAuthKerberosKdcServerIp2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Backup KDC server IP addr." ::= { ccWlanAuthKerberosEntry 6 } -- ccWlanAuthKerberosKdcPort2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Backup KDC port." ::= { ccWlanAuthKerberosEntry 7 } -- ccWlanAuthKerberosKdcServerIpR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Remote KDC server IP addr." ::= { ccWlanAuthKerberosEntry 8 } -- ccWlanAuthKerberosKdcPortR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Remote KDC port." ::= { ccWlanAuthKerberosEntry 9 } -- This group contains encryption settings for all WLANs. -- ccWlanCrypto OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccWlan 3 } -- ccWlanCryptoWepTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcWlanCryptoWepEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of WEP encryption settings for each WLAN." ::= { ccWlanCrypto 1 } -- ccWlanCryptoWepEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcWlanCryptoWepEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " INDEX { ccWlanIndex } ::= { ccWlanCryptoWepTable 1 } CcWlanCryptoWepEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccWlanCryptoWepPassKey Password, ccWlanCryptoWepKey1 OCTET STRING, ccWlanCryptoWepKey2 OCTET STRING, ccWlanCryptoWepKey3 OCTET STRING, ccWlanCryptoWepKey4 OCTET STRING, ccWlanCryptoWepKeyToUse Integer32 } -- ccWlanCryptoWepPassKey OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Password (SIZE (4..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Pass key. If this value is written, the four WepKey1..4 will be overwritten." ::= { ccWlanCryptoWepEntry 1 } -- ccWlanCryptoWepKey1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..13)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "WEP key #1 exactly 13 octets for WEP-128 (104-bit key); exactly 5 octets for WEP-64 (40-bit key)." ::= { ccWlanCryptoWepEntry 2 } -- ccWlanCryptoWepKey2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..13)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "WEP key #2 exactly 13 octets for WEP-128 (104-bit key); exactly 5 octets for WEP-64 (40-bit key)." ::= { ccWlanCryptoWepEntry 3 } -- ccWlanCryptoWepKey3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..13)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "WEP key #3 exactly 13 octets for WEP-128 (104-bit key); exactly 5 octets for WEP-64 (40-bit key)." ::= { ccWlanCryptoWepEntry 4 } -- ccWlanCryptoWepKey4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..13)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "WEP key #4 exactly 13 octets for WEP-128 (104-bit key); exactly 5 octets for WEP-64 (40-bit key)." ::= { ccWlanCryptoWepEntry 5 } -- ccWlanCryptoWepKeyToUse OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..4) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies which WEP key to use." ::= { ccWlanCryptoWepEntry 6 } -- ccWlanCryptoWpaTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcWlanCryptoWpaEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of WPA-TKIP encryption settings for each WLAN." ::= { ccWlanCrypto 2 } -- ccWlanCryptoWpaEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcWlanCryptoWpaEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " INDEX { ccWlanIndex } ::= { ccWlanCryptoWpaTable 1 } CcWlanCryptoWpaEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccWlanCryptoWpaBcastKeyRotation TruthValue, ccWlanCryptoWpaKeyRotationInterval Unsigned32, ccWlanCryptoWpaKeyToUse INTEGER, ccWlanCryptoWpaPassphrase OCTET STRING, ccWlanCryptoWpaKey OCTET STRING } -- ccWlanCryptoWpaBcastKeyRotation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Use broadcast key rotation." ::= { ccWlanCryptoWpaEntry 1 } -- ccWlanCryptoWpaKeyRotationInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (300..604800) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Broadcast key rotation, (if enabled), occurs every this many seconds." ::= { ccWlanCryptoWpaEntry 2 } -- ccWlanCryptoWpaKeyToUse OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { use128bitKey(1), useAsciiPassPhrase(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies which key to use." ::= { ccWlanCryptoWpaEntry 3 } -- ccWlanCryptoWpaPassphrase OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (8..63)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Passphrase." ::= { ccWlanCryptoWpaEntry 4 } -- ccWlanCryptoWpaKey OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (32)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Key." ::= { ccWlanCryptoWpaEntry 5 } -- ccWlanCryptoKeyguardTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcWlanCryptoKeyguardEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of KeyGuard-MCM encryption settings for each WLAN." ::= { ccWlanCrypto 3 } -- ccWlanCryptoKeyguardEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcWlanCryptoKeyguardEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " INDEX { ccWlanIndex } ::= { ccWlanCryptoKeyguardTable 1 } CcWlanCryptoKeyguardEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccWlanCryptoKeyguardPasskey OCTET STRING, ccWlanCryptoKeyguardKey1 OCTET STRING, ccWlanCryptoKeyguardKey2 OCTET STRING, ccWlanCryptoKeyguardKey3 OCTET STRING, ccWlanCryptoKeyguardKey4 OCTET STRING, ccWlanCryptoKeyguardKeyToUse Integer32 } -- ccWlanCryptoKeyguardPasskey OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (4..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Pass key." ::= { ccWlanCryptoKeyguardEntry 1 } -- ccWlanCryptoKeyguardKey1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (13)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Key #1." ::= { ccWlanCryptoKeyguardEntry 2 } -- ccWlanCryptoKeyguardKey2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (13)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Key #2." ::= { ccWlanCryptoKeyguardEntry 3 } -- ccWlanCryptoKeyguardKey3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (13)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Key #3." ::= { ccWlanCryptoKeyguardEntry 4 } -- ccWlanCryptoKeyguardKey4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (13)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Key #4." ::= { ccWlanCryptoKeyguardEntry 5 } -- ccWlanCryptoKeyguardKeyToUse OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..4) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies which WEP key to use." ::= { ccWlanCryptoKeyguardEntry 6 } -- ccWlanCryptoWpaTwoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcWlanCryptoWpaTwoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of WPA-CCMP encryption settings for each WLAN." ::= { ccWlanCrypto 4 } -- ccWlanCryptoWpaTwoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcWlanCryptoWpaTwoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." INDEX { ccWlanIndex } ::= { ccWlanCryptoWpaTwoTable 1 } CcWlanCryptoWpaTwoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccWlanCryptoWpaTwoBcastKeyRotation TruthValue, ccWlanCryptoWpaTwoKeyRotationInterval Unsigned32, ccWlanCryptoWpaTwoKeyToUse INTEGER, ccWlanCryptoWpaTwoPassphrase Password, ccWlanCryptoWpaTwoKey OCTET STRING, ccWlanCryptoWpaTwoAllowTkipClient TruthValue, ccWlanCryptoWpaTwoFastRoamPreAuth TruthValue, ccWlanCryptoWpaTwoFastRoamKeyCache TruthValue } -- ccWlanCryptoWpaTwoBcastKeyRotation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Use broadcast key rotation." ::= { ccWlanCryptoWpaTwoEntry 1 } -- ccWlanCryptoWpaTwoKeyRotationInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (300..604800) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Broadcast key rotation, (if enabled), occurs every this many seconds." ::= { ccWlanCryptoWpaTwoEntry 2 } -- ccWlanCryptoWpaTwoKeyToUse OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { useAsciiPassphrase(1), use128bitKey(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies which key to use." ::= { ccWlanCryptoWpaTwoEntry 3 } -- ccWlanCryptoWpaTwoPassphrase OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Password (SIZE (8..63)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Passphrase." ::= { ccWlanCryptoWpaTwoEntry 4 } -- ccWlanCryptoWpaTwoKey OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (32)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Key." ::= { ccWlanCryptoWpaTwoEntry 5 } -- ccWlanCryptoWpaTwoAllowTkipClient OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "WPA2-CCMP Mixed Mode enables WPA2-CCMP and WPA-TKIP Clients to operate simultaneously on the network. Enabling this option allows backwards compatiblity for clients that support WPA-TKIP but do not support WPA2-CCMP." ::= { ccWlanCryptoWpaTwoEntry 6 } -- ccWlanCryptoWpaTwoFastRoamPreAuth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enabling this option enables a client associated with one Access Port to carry out an 802.1x authentication with another Access Port before it roams over to it. The WS2000 will cache the keying information of the client until it roams to the new Access Port. This enables the roaming the client to start sending and receiving data sooner by not having to do 802.1x authentication after it roams. Note: This option only works when 802.1x authentication is enabled for the WLAN. " ::= { ccWlanCryptoWpaTwoEntry 7 } -- ccWlanCryptoWpaTwoFastRoamKeyCache OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This option enables the WS2000 to use a Pairwise Master Key (PMK) derived with a client on one Access Port, with the same client when it roams over to another Access Port. Upon roaming the client does not have to do 802.1x authentication and can start sending/receiving data sooner. Note: This option only works when 802.1x authentication is enabled for the WLAN. " ::= { ccWlanCryptoWpaTwoEntry 8 } -- ccWlanMuAclTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcWlanMuAclEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table describing ACLs for allowing or denying, (depending on default behavior for the WLAN specified in ccWlanMuAclDefault), MU association with each WLAN." ::= { ccWlan 4 } -- ccWlanMuAclEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcWlanMuAclEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " INDEX { ccWlanIndex, ccWlanMuAclIndex } ::= { ccWlanMuAclTable 1 } CcWlanMuAclEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccWlanMuAclIndex Integer32, ccWlanMuAclStartingMac PhysAddress, ccWlanMuAclEndingMac PhysAddress, ccWlanMuAclRowStatus AbbrevRowStatus } -- ccWlanMuAclIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..127) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Simple index." ::= { ccWlanMuAclEntry 1 } -- ccWlanMuAclStartingMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PhysAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Starting MAC address in a range of addresses." ::= { ccWlanMuAclEntry 2 } -- ccWlanMuAclEndingMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PhysAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Ending MAC address in a range of addresses." ::= { ccWlanMuAclEntry 3 } -- ccWlanMuAclRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AbbrevRowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row status." ::= { ccWlanMuAclEntry 4 } -- ccWlanBwShareMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(1), roundRobin(2), weightedRoundRobin(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This variable configures the manner in which bandwidth is shared among the WLANs. Only in mode 'weightedRoundRobin' are the ccWlanWeight values for each WLAN used." ::= { ccWlan 5 } -- ccWlanQosMonitorTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcWlanQosMonitorEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of QOS values." ::= { ccWlan 6 } -- ccWlanQosMonitorEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcWlanQosMonitorEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." INDEX { ccWlanIndex, ccPortalIndex } ::= { ccWlanQosMonitorTable 1 } CcWlanQosMonitorEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccWlanQosMonitorSent Counter32, ccWlanQosMonitorDropped Counter32 } -- ccWlanQosMonitorSent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Packets Sent." ::= { ccWlanQosMonitorEntry 1 } -- ccWlanQosMonitorDropped OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Packets Dropped." ::= { ccWlanQosMonitorEntry 2 } -- !!- OID: .100 -- -- Summary of RF statistics for all RF communications -- from this switch. -- -- In each table, index 1001 is the roll-up for all RF -- communications from this switch as a whole. -- ccWlanRfSum OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccWlan 100 } -- ccWlanStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcWlanStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table describes general statistics about packets sent/recieved via each WLAN on the switch." ::= { ccWlanRfSum 1 } -- ccWlanStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcWlanStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " INDEX { ccWlanIndex } ::= { ccWlanStatsTable 1 } CcWlanStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccWlanTxPktsUcast Counter32, ccWlanRxPktsUcast Counter32, ccWlanRxPktsNUcast Counter32, ccWlanTxOctetsUcast Counter32, ccWlanRxOctetsUcast Counter32, ccWlanRxOctetsNUcast Counter32, ccWlanRxUndecryptablePkts Counter32, ccWlanLastActivity TimeTicks } -- ccWlanTxPktsUcast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of unicast packets sent." ::= { ccWlanStatsEntry 1 } -- ccWlanRxPktsUcast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of unicast packets received." ::= { ccWlanStatsEntry 2 } -- ccWlanRxPktsNUcast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of non-unicast (broadcast & multicast) packets received." ::= { ccWlanStatsEntry 3 } -- ccWlanTxOctetsUcast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of unicast octets sent." ::= { ccWlanStatsEntry 4 } -- ccWlanRxOctetsUcast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of unicast octets received." ::= { ccWlanStatsEntry 5 } -- ccWlanRxOctetsNUcast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of non-unicast (broadcast & multicast) octets received." ::= { ccWlanStatsEntry 6 } -- ccWlanRxUndecryptablePkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of packets received that could not be decrypted." ::= { ccWlanStatsEntry 7 } -- ccWlanLastActivity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A snapshot of the switch's sysUpTime at the time of the last activity (packet sent or received)." ::= { ccWlanStatsEntry 8 } -- ccWlanRxPktsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcWlanRxPktsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "For each WLAN on the switch, this table describes counts of packets received at each possible speed, (1Mb, 2Mb, 5.5Mb, 6Mb...)." ::= { ccWlanRfSum 2 } -- ccWlanRxPktsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcWlanRxPktsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " INDEX { ccWlanIndex } ::= { ccWlanRxPktsTable 1 } CcWlanRxPktsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccWlanRxPktsAt1Mb Counter32, ccWlanRxPktsAt2Mb Counter32, ccWlanRxPktsAt5pt5Mb Counter32, ccWlanRxPktsAt6Mb Counter32, ccWlanRxPktsAt9Mb Counter32, ccWlanRxPktsAt11Mb Counter32, ccWlanRxPktsAt12Mb Counter32, ccWlanRxPktsAt18Mb Counter32, ccWlanRxPktsAt22Mb Counter32, ccWlanRxPktsAt24Mb Counter32, ccWlanRxPktsAt36Mb Counter32, ccWlanRxPktsAt48Mb Counter32, ccWlanRxPktsAt54Mb Counter32 } -- ccWlanRxPktsAt1Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts received at 1 Mb." ::= { ccWlanRxPktsEntry 1 } -- ccWlanRxPktsAt2Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts received at 2 Mb." ::= { ccWlanRxPktsEntry 2 } -- ccWlanRxPktsAt5pt5Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts received at 5.5 Mb." ::= { ccWlanRxPktsEntry 3 } -- ccWlanRxPktsAt6Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts received at 6 Mb." ::= { ccWlanRxPktsEntry 4 } -- ccWlanRxPktsAt9Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts received at 9 Mb." ::= { ccWlanRxPktsEntry 5 } -- ccWlanRxPktsAt11Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts received at 11 Mb." ::= { ccWlanRxPktsEntry 6 } -- ccWlanRxPktsAt12Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts received at 12 Mb." ::= { ccWlanRxPktsEntry 7 } -- ccWlanRxPktsAt18Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts received at 18 Mb." ::= { ccWlanRxPktsEntry 8 } -- ccWlanRxPktsAt22Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts received at 22 Mb." ::= { ccWlanRxPktsEntry 9 } -- ccWlanRxPktsAt24Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts received at 24 Mb." ::= { ccWlanRxPktsEntry 10 } -- ccWlanRxPktsAt36Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts received at 36 Mb." ::= { ccWlanRxPktsEntry 11 } -- ccWlanRxPktsAt48Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts received at 48 Mb." ::= { ccWlanRxPktsEntry 12 } -- ccWlanRxPktsAt54Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts received at 54 Mb." ::= { ccWlanRxPktsEntry 13 } -- ccWlanTxPktsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcWlanTxPktsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "For each MU serviced by the switch, this table describes counts of packets transmitted at each possible speed, (1Mb, 2Mb, 5.5Mb, 6Mb...)." ::= { ccWlanRfSum 3 } -- ccWlanTxPktsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcWlanTxPktsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " INDEX { ccWlanIndex } ::= { ccWlanTxPktsTable 1 } CcWlanTxPktsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccWlanTxPktsAt1Mb Counter32, ccWlanTxPktsAt2Mb Counter32, ccWlanTxPktsAt5pt5Mb Counter32, ccWlanTxPktsAt6Mb Counter32, ccWlanTxPktsAt9Mb Counter32, ccWlanTxPktsAt11Mb Counter32, ccWlanTxPktsAt12Mb Counter32, ccWlanTxPktsAt18Mb Counter32, ccWlanTxPktsAt22Mb Counter32, ccWlanTxPktsAt24Mb Counter32, ccWlanTxPktsAt36Mb Counter32, ccWlanTxPktsAt48Mb Counter32, ccWlanTxPktsAt54Mb Counter32 } -- ccWlanTxPktsAt1Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts transmitted at 1 Mb." ::= { ccWlanTxPktsEntry 1 } -- ccWlanTxPktsAt2Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts transmitted at 2 Mb." ::= { ccWlanTxPktsEntry 2 } -- ccWlanTxPktsAt5pt5Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts transmitted at 5.5 Mb." ::= { ccWlanTxPktsEntry 3 } -- ccWlanTxPktsAt6Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts transmitted at 6 Mb." ::= { ccWlanTxPktsEntry 4 } -- ccWlanTxPktsAt9Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts transmitted at 9 Mb." ::= { ccWlanTxPktsEntry 5 } -- ccWlanTxPktsAt11Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts transmitted at 11 Mb." ::= { ccWlanTxPktsEntry 6 } -- ccWlanTxPktsAt12Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts transmitted at 12 Mb." ::= { ccWlanTxPktsEntry 7 } -- ccWlanTxPktsAt18Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts transmitted at 18 Mb." ::= { ccWlanTxPktsEntry 8 } -- ccWlanTxPktsAt22Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts transmitted at 22 Mb." ::= { ccWlanTxPktsEntry 9 } -- ccWlanTxPktsAt24Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts transmitted at 24 Mb." ::= { ccWlanTxPktsEntry 10 } -- ccWlanTxPktsAt36Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts transmitted at 36 Mb." ::= { ccWlanTxPktsEntry 11 } -- ccWlanTxPktsAt48Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts transmitted at 48 Mb." ::= { ccWlanTxPktsEntry 12 } -- ccWlanTxPktsAt54Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts transmitted at 54 Mb." ::= { ccWlanTxPktsEntry 13 } -- ccWlanRxOctetsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcWlanRxOctetsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "For each MU serviced by this switch, this table describes counts of octets received at each possible speed, (1Mb, 2Mb, 5.5Mb, 6Mb...)." ::= { ccWlanRfSum 4 } -- ccWlanRxOctetsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcWlanRxOctetsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " INDEX { ccWlanIndex } ::= { ccWlanRxOctetsTable 1 } CcWlanRxOctetsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccWlanRxOctetsAt1Mb Counter32, ccWlanRxOctetsAt2Mb Counter32, ccWlanRxOctetsAt5pt5Mb Counter32, ccWlanRxOctetsAt6Mb Counter32, ccWlanRxOctetsAt9Mb Counter32, ccWlanRxOctetsAt11Mb Counter32, ccWlanRxOctetsAt12Mb Counter32, ccWlanRxOctetsAt18Mb Counter32, ccWlanRxOctetsAt22Mb Counter32, ccWlanRxOctetsAt24Mb Counter32, ccWlanRxOctetsAt36Mb Counter32, ccWlanRxOctetsAt48Mb Counter32, ccWlanRxOctetsAt54Mb Counter32 } -- ccWlanRxOctetsAt1Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets received at 1 Mb." ::= { ccWlanRxOctetsEntry 1 } -- ccWlanRxOctetsAt2Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets received at 2 Mb." ::= { ccWlanRxOctetsEntry 2 } -- ccWlanRxOctetsAt5pt5Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets received at 5.5 Mb." ::= { ccWlanRxOctetsEntry 3 } -- ccWlanRxOctetsAt6Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets received at 6 Mb." ::= { ccWlanRxOctetsEntry 4 } -- ccWlanRxOctetsAt9Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets received at 9 Mb." ::= { ccWlanRxOctetsEntry 5 } -- ccWlanRxOctetsAt11Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets received at 11 Mb." ::= { ccWlanRxOctetsEntry 6 } -- ccWlanRxOctetsAt12Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets received at 12 Mb." ::= { ccWlanRxOctetsEntry 7 } -- ccWlanRxOctetsAt18Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets received at 18 Mb." ::= { ccWlanRxOctetsEntry 8 } -- ccWlanRxOctetsAt22Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets received at 22 Mb." ::= { ccWlanRxOctetsEntry 9 } -- ccWlanRxOctetsAt24Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets received at 24 Mb." ::= { ccWlanRxOctetsEntry 10 } -- ccWlanRxOctetsAt36Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets received at 36 Mb." ::= { ccWlanRxOctetsEntry 11 } -- ccWlanRxOctetsAt48Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets received at 48 Mb." ::= { ccWlanRxOctetsEntry 12 } -- ccWlanRxOctetsAt54Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets received at 54 Mb." ::= { ccWlanRxOctetsEntry 13 } -- ccWlanTxOctetsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcWlanTxOctetsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "For each WLAN on this switch, this table describes counts of octets transmitted at each possible speed, (1Mb, 2Mb, 5.5Mb, 6Mb...)." ::= { ccWlanRfSum 5 } -- ccWlanTxOctetsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcWlanTxOctetsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " INDEX { ccWlanIndex } ::= { ccWlanTxOctetsTable 1 } CcWlanTxOctetsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccWlanTxOctetsAt1Mb Counter32, ccWlanTxOctetsAt2Mb Counter32, ccWlanTxOctetsAt5pt5Mb Counter32, ccWlanTxOctetsAt6Mb Counter32, ccWlanTxOctetsAt9Mb Counter32, ccWlanTxOctetsAt11Mb Counter32, ccWlanTxOctetsAt12Mb Counter32, ccWlanTxOctetsAt18Mb Counter32, ccWlanTxOctetsAt22Mb Counter32, ccWlanTxOctetsAt24Mb Counter32, ccWlanTxOctetsAt36Mb Counter32, ccWlanTxOctetsAt48Mb Counter32, ccWlanTxOctetsAt54Mb Counter32 } -- ccWlanTxOctetsAt1Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets transmitted at 1 Mb." ::= { ccWlanTxOctetsEntry 1 } -- ccWlanTxOctetsAt2Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets transmitted at 2 Mb." ::= { ccWlanTxOctetsEntry 2 } -- ccWlanTxOctetsAt5pt5Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets transmitted at 5.5 Mb." ::= { ccWlanTxOctetsEntry 3 } -- ccWlanTxOctetsAt6Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets transmitted at 6 Mb." ::= { ccWlanTxOctetsEntry 4 } -- ccWlanTxOctetsAt9Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets transmitted at 9 Mb." ::= { ccWlanTxOctetsEntry 5 } -- ccWlanTxOctetsAt11Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets transmitted at 11 Mb." ::= { ccWlanTxOctetsEntry 6 } -- ccWlanTxOctetsAt12Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets transmitted at 12 Mb." ::= { ccWlanTxOctetsEntry 7 } -- ccWlanTxOctetsAt18Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets transmitted at 18 Mb." ::= { ccWlanTxOctetsEntry 8 } -- ccWlanTxOctetsAt22Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets transmitted at 22 Mb." ::= { ccWlanTxOctetsEntry 9 } -- ccWlanTxOctetsAt24Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets transmitted at 24 Mb." ::= { ccWlanTxOctetsEntry 10 } -- ccWlanTxOctetsAt36Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets transmitted at 36 Mb." ::= { ccWlanTxOctetsEntry 11 } -- ccWlanTxOctetsAt48Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets transmitted at 48 Mb." ::= { ccWlanTxOctetsEntry 12 } -- ccWlanTxOctetsAt54Mb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets transmitted at 54 Mb." ::= { ccWlanTxOctetsEntry 13 } -- ccWlanTxRetriesPktsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcWlanTxRetriesPktsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "For each WLAN on the switch, this table describes counts of the number of packets affected by transmit retries, (no retries, 1 retry, 2 retries,... gave-up)." ::= { ccWlanRfSum 6 } -- ccWlanTxRetriesPktsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcWlanTxRetriesPktsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " INDEX { ccWlanIndex } ::= { ccWlanTxRetriesPktsTable 1 } CcWlanTxRetriesPktsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccWlanTxRetriesPktsNone Counter32, ccWlanTxRetriesPkts01 Counter32, ccWlanTxRetriesPkts02 Counter32, ccWlanTxRetriesPkts03 Counter32, ccWlanTxRetriesPkts04 Counter32, ccWlanTxRetriesPkts05 Counter32, ccWlanTxRetriesPkts06 Counter32, ccWlanTxRetriesPkts07 Counter32, ccWlanTxRetriesPkts08 Counter32, ccWlanTxRetriesPkts09 Counter32, ccWlanTxRetriesPkts10 Counter32, ccWlanTxRetriesPkts11 Counter32, ccWlanTxRetriesPkts12 Counter32, ccWlanTxRetriesPkts13 Counter32, ccWlanTxRetriesPkts14 Counter32, ccWlanTxRetriesPkts15 Counter32, ccWlanTxRetriesPktsFailed Counter32 } -- ccWlanTxRetriesPktsNone OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts successfully transmitted with no retries." ::= { ccWlanTxRetriesPktsEntry 1 } -- ccWlanTxRetriesPkts01 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts successfully transmitted with exactly 1 retries." ::= { ccWlanTxRetriesPktsEntry 2 } -- ccWlanTxRetriesPkts02 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts successfully transmitted with exactly 2 retries." ::= { ccWlanTxRetriesPktsEntry 3 } -- ccWlanTxRetriesPkts03 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts successfully transmitted with exactly 3 retries." ::= { ccWlanTxRetriesPktsEntry 4 } -- ccWlanTxRetriesPkts04 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts successfully transmitted with exactly 4 retries." ::= { ccWlanTxRetriesPktsEntry 5 } -- ccWlanTxRetriesPkts05 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts successfully transmitted with exactly 5 retries." ::= { ccWlanTxRetriesPktsEntry 6 } -- ccWlanTxRetriesPkts06 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts successfully transmitted with exactly 6 retries." ::= { ccWlanTxRetriesPktsEntry 7 } -- ccWlanTxRetriesPkts07 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts successfully transmitted with exactly 7 retries." ::= { ccWlanTxRetriesPktsEntry 8 } -- ccWlanTxRetriesPkts08 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts successfully transmitted with exactly 8 retries." ::= { ccWlanTxRetriesPktsEntry 9 } -- ccWlanTxRetriesPkts09 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts successfully transmitted with exactly 9 retries." ::= { ccWlanTxRetriesPktsEntry 10 } -- ccWlanTxRetriesPkts10 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts successfully transmitted with exactly 10 retries." ::= { ccWlanTxRetriesPktsEntry 11 } -- ccWlanTxRetriesPkts11 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts successfully transmitted with exactly 11 retries." ::= { ccWlanTxRetriesPktsEntry 12 } -- ccWlanTxRetriesPkts12 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts successfully transmitted with exactly 12 retries." ::= { ccWlanTxRetriesPktsEntry 13 } -- ccWlanTxRetriesPkts13 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts successfully transmitted with exactly 13 retries." ::= { ccWlanTxRetriesPktsEntry 14 } -- ccWlanTxRetriesPkts14 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts successfully transmitted with exactly 14 retries." ::= { ccWlanTxRetriesPktsEntry 15 } -- ccWlanTxRetriesPkts15 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts successfully transmitted with exactly 15 retries." ::= { ccWlanTxRetriesPktsEntry 16 } -- ccWlanTxRetriesPktsFailed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pkts that never were successfully transmitted to because the max retry count was exceeded." ::= { ccWlanTxRetriesPktsEntry 17 } -- ccWlanTxRetriesOctetsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcWlanTxRetriesOctetsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "For each WLAN on the switch, this table describes counts of the number of octets affected by transmit retries, (no retries, 1 retry, 2 retries,... gave-up)." ::= { ccWlanRfSum 7 } -- ccWlanTxRetriesOctetsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcWlanTxRetriesOctetsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " INDEX { ccWlanIndex } ::= { ccWlanTxRetriesOctetsTable 1 } CcWlanTxRetriesOctetsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccWlanTxRetriesOctetsNone Counter32, ccWlanTxRetriesOctets01 Counter32, ccWlanTxRetriesOctets02 Counter32, ccWlanTxRetriesOctets03 Counter32, ccWlanTxRetriesOctets04 Counter32, ccWlanTxRetriesOctets05 Counter32, ccWlanTxRetriesOctets06 Counter32, ccWlanTxRetriesOctets07 Counter32, ccWlanTxRetriesOctets08 Counter32, ccWlanTxRetriesOctets09 Counter32, ccWlanTxRetriesOctets10 Counter32, ccWlanTxRetriesOctets11 Counter32, ccWlanTxRetriesOctets12 Counter32, ccWlanTxRetriesOctets13 Counter32, ccWlanTxRetriesOctets14 Counter32, ccWlanTxRetriesOctets15 Counter32, ccWlanTxRetriesOctetsFailed Counter32 } -- ccWlanTxRetriesOctetsNone OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets successfully transmitted with no retries." ::= { ccWlanTxRetriesOctetsEntry 1 } -- ccWlanTxRetriesOctets01 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets successfully transmitted with exactly 1 retries." ::= { ccWlanTxRetriesOctetsEntry 2 } -- ccWlanTxRetriesOctets02 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets successfully transmitted with exactly 2 retries." ::= { ccWlanTxRetriesOctetsEntry 3 } -- ccWlanTxRetriesOctets03 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets successfully transmitted with exactly 3 retries." ::= { ccWlanTxRetriesOctetsEntry 4 } -- ccWlanTxRetriesOctets04 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets successfully transmitted with exactly 4 retries." ::= { ccWlanTxRetriesOctetsEntry 5 } -- ccWlanTxRetriesOctets05 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets successfully transmitted with exactly 5 retries." ::= { ccWlanTxRetriesOctetsEntry 6 } -- ccWlanTxRetriesOctets06 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets successfully transmitted with exactly 6 retries." ::= { ccWlanTxRetriesOctetsEntry 7 } -- ccWlanTxRetriesOctets07 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets successfully transmitted with exactly 7 retries." ::= { ccWlanTxRetriesOctetsEntry 8 } -- ccWlanTxRetriesOctets08 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets successfully transmitted with exactly 8 retries." ::= { ccWlanTxRetriesOctetsEntry 9 } -- ccWlanTxRetriesOctets09 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets successfully transmitted with exactly 9 retries." ::= { ccWlanTxRetriesOctetsEntry 10 } -- ccWlanTxRetriesOctets10 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets successfully transmitted with exactly 10 retries." ::= { ccWlanTxRetriesOctetsEntry 11 } -- ccWlanTxRetriesOctets11 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets successfully transmitted with exactly 11 retries." ::= { ccWlanTxRetriesOctetsEntry 12 } -- ccWlanTxRetriesOctets12 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets successfully transmitted with exactly 12 retries." ::= { ccWlanTxRetriesOctetsEntry 13 } -- ccWlanTxRetriesOctets13 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets successfully transmitted with exactly 13 retries." ::= { ccWlanTxRetriesOctetsEntry 14 } -- ccWlanTxRetriesOctets14 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets successfully transmitted with exactly 14 retries." ::= { ccWlanTxRetriesOctetsEntry 15 } -- ccWlanTxRetriesOctets15 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets successfully transmitted with exactly 15 retries." ::= { ccWlanTxRetriesOctetsEntry 16 } -- ccWlanTxRetriesOctetsFailed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets that never were successfully transmitted to because the max retry count was exceeded." ::= { ccWlanTxRetriesOctetsEntry 17 } -- ccWlanSigStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcWlanSigStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table describes statistics about RSSI, Signal, Noise, and SNR for packets recieved via each WLAN on the switch." ::= { ccWlanRfSum 8 } -- ccWlanSigStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcWlanSigStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " INDEX { ccWlanIndex } ::= { ccWlanSigStatsTable 1 } CcWlanSigStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccWlanSigStatsNumPkts Counter32, ccWlanSigStatsSignalBest Integer32, ccWlanSigStatsSignalWorst Integer32, ccWlanSigStatsSignalSum Integer32, ccWlanSigStatsSignalSumSquares Counter64, ccWlanSigStatsNoiseBest Integer32, ccWlanSigStatsNoiseWorst Integer32, ccWlanSigStatsNoiseSum Integer32, ccWlanSigStatsNoiseSumSquares Counter64, ccWlanSigStatsSnrBest Integer32, ccWlanSigStatsSnrWorst Integer32, ccWlanSigStatsSnrSum Integer32, ccWlanSigStatsSnrSumSquares Counter64 } -- ccWlanSigStatsNumPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total packets received included in all the other counters reported in this row." ::= { ccWlanSigStatsEntry 1 } -- ccWlanSigStatsSignalBest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The best Signal value seen so far. (Remember that a -20dBm Signal is better than -60dBm). This value is initialized to -500dBm." ::= { ccWlanSigStatsEntry 2 } -- ccWlanSigStatsSignalWorst OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The worst Signal value seen so far. (Remember that a -80dBm Signal is worse than -60dBm). This value is initialized to 500dBm." ::= { ccWlanSigStatsEntry 3 } -- ccWlanSigStatsSignalSum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A running sum of all Signal values calculated by the switch (using reported RSSI values), for packets received. Note that this value is normally a negative value ranging from -10dBm to -80dBm. It is possible for this value to be positive, but that would be rare, and would signal an exceptionally strong signal." ::= { ccWlanSigStatsEntry 4 } -- ccWlanSigStatsSignalSumSquares OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A sum of the squares of each Signal value calculated for packets received. Unlike _SignalSum, this value is never negative, since the square of a negative number is a positive." ::= { ccWlanSigStatsEntry 5 } -- ccWlanSigStatsNoiseBest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The best Noise value seen so far. (Remember that -80dBm Noise is better than -70dBm). This value is initialized to 500dBm." ::= { ccWlanSigStatsEntry 6 } -- ccWlanSigStatsNoiseWorst OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The worst Noise value seen so far. (Remember that -50dBm Noise is worse than -60dBm). This value is initialized to -500dBm." ::= { ccWlanSigStatsEntry 7 } -- ccWlanSigStatsNoiseSum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A running sum of all Noise values calculated by the switch (using reported RSSI values), for packets. Like _SignalSum, this value is normally a negative value." ::= { ccWlanSigStatsEntry 8 } -- ccWlanSigStatsNoiseSumSquares OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A sum of the squares of each Noise value calculated for packets received. As with _SignalSumSquares, this value is never negative." ::= { ccWlanSigStatsEntry 9 } -- ccWlanSigStatsSnrBest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The best SNR value seen so far. (Remember that +30dBm SNR is better than +20dBm). This value is initialized to -500dB." ::= { ccWlanSigStatsEntry 10 } -- ccWlanSigStatsSnrWorst OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The worst SNR value seen so far. (Remember that +10dBm SNR is worse than +20dBm). This value is initialized to 500dB." ::= { ccWlanSigStatsEntry 11 } -- ccWlanSigStatsSnrSum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A running sum of all SNR values calculated by the switch (using reported RSSI values), for packets received. Unlike _Signal and _Noise, this value is never negative." ::= { ccWlanSigStatsEntry 12 } -- ccWlanSigStatsSnrSumSquares OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A sum of the squares of each SNR value calculated for packets received. This value is never negative." ::= { ccWlanSigStatsEntry 13 } -- The switch roll-up values are reported at entry/instance -- 1001, as with the other ccWlanRfSum tables. Note, however, -- that the switch reports very few of the values that WLANs -- report, and will return NO-SUCH for those values on GET, -- and will 'skip-over' those columns for GET-NEXT. -- ccWlanSumStatsShortTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcWlanSumStatsShortEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Averages and rates calculated over the SHORT window for each WLAN." ::= { ccWlanRfSum 9 } -- ccWlanSumStatsShortEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcWlanSumStatsShortEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " INDEX { ccWlanIndex } ::= { ccWlanSumStatsShortTable 1 } CcWlanSumStatsShortEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccWlanSumStatsShortTimestamp TimeTicks, ccWlanSumStatsShortNumPkts Unsigned32, ccWlanSumStatsShortPktsPerSec100 ScaleBy100, ccWlanSumStatsShortPktsPerSecTx100 ScaleBy100, ccWlanSumStatsShortPktsPerSecRx100 ScaleBy100, ccWlanSumStatsShortThroughput Unsigned32, ccWlanSumStatsShortThroughputTx Unsigned32, ccWlanSumStatsShortThroughputRx Unsigned32, ccWlanSumStatsShortAvgBitSpeed Unsigned32, ccWlanSumStatsShortAvgMuSignal Integer32, ccWlanSumStatsShortAvgMuNoise Integer32, ccWlanSumStatsShortAvgMuSnr Integer32, ccWlanSumStatsShortPp10kNUcastPkts PartsPer10k, ccWlanSumStatsShortPp10kTxWithRetries PartsPer10k, ccWlanSumStatsShortPp10kDropped PartsPer10k, ccWlanSumStatsShortTxAvgRetries100 ScaleBy100, ccWlanSumStatsShortPp10kRxUndecrypt PartsPer10k, ccWlanSumStatsShortTotalMus Unsigned32, ccWlanSumStatsShortSkip1 Integer32 } -- ccWlanSumStatsShortTimestamp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Snapshot of sysUpTime as of the END of the 'window' of time that this entry of values represents." ::= { ccWlanSumStatsShortEntry 1 } -- ccWlanSumStatsShortNumPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of packets used to calculate the statistics in this window." ::= { ccWlanSumStatsShortEntry 2 } -- ccWlanSumStatsShortPktsPerSec100 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ScaleBy100 UNITS "pkts per sec x100" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Packets per second as averaged over the 'window'. For transmitted packets, each packet sucessfully sent counts as 1, (not N, where N is the number of retries). Since SNMP does not convey decimal values, the result is multiplied by 100." ::= { ccWlanSumStatsShortEntry 3 } -- ccWlanSumStatsShortPktsPerSecTx100 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ScaleBy100 UNITS "pkts per sec x100" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Packets per second TX as averaged over the 'window'. Each packet sucessfully sent counts as 1, (not N, where N is the number of retries). Since SNMP does not convey decimal values, the result is multiplied by 100." ::= { ccWlanSumStatsShortEntry 4 } -- ccWlanSumStatsShortPktsPerSecRx100 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ScaleBy100 UNITS "pkts per sec x100" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Packets per second RX as averaged over the 'window'. Since SNMP does not convey decimal values, the result is multiplied by 100." ::= { ccWlanSumStatsShortEntry 5 } -- ccWlanSumStatsShortThroughput OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "bits per second" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Actual number of bits sent and received over the window, divided by the number of seconds in the window. For transmitted packets, each packet sucessfully sent counts as 1, (not N, where N is the number of retries)." ::= { ccWlanSumStatsShortEntry 6 } -- ccWlanSumStatsShortThroughputTx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "bits per second" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Actual number of bits TX over the window, divided by the number of seconds in the window. Each packet sucessfully sent counts as 1, (not N, where N is the number of retries)." ::= { ccWlanSumStatsShortEntry 7 } -- ccWlanSumStatsShortThroughputRx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "bits per second" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Actual number of bits RX over the window, divided by the number of seconds in the window." ::= { ccWlanSumStatsShortEntry 8 } -- ccWlanSumStatsShortAvgBitSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "bits per second" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An octet-weighted average of the speeds of all packets sent/received. (For each possible speed, multiply the number of octets sent/received by that speed; divide the sum by the total number of octets; multiply by 8). For transmitted packets, each packet sucessfully sent counts as 1, (not N, where N is the number of retries). This can be said in more plain english as: the average bit-speed at which packets were sent/received." ::= { ccWlanSumStatsShortEntry 9 } -- ccWlanSumStatsShortAvgMuSignal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The average of all signal values over the window. NOTE: dBm are normally negative. Here the NEGATIVE values are reported as POSITIVE values. PO" ::= { ccWlanSumStatsShortEntry 10 } -- ccWlanSumStatsShortAvgMuNoise OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The average of all noise values over the window." ::= { ccWlanSumStatsShortEntry 11 } -- ccWlanSumStatsShortAvgMuSnr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The average of all SNR values over the window." ::= { ccWlanSumStatsShortEntry 12 } -- ccWlanSumStatsShortPp10kNUcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PartsPer10k UNITS "parts-per-10000" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Ratio of packets that were NOT unicast. Expressed as parts-per-10000." ::= { ccWlanSumStatsShortEntry 13 } -- ccWlanSumStatsShortPp10kTxWithRetries OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PartsPer10k UNITS "parts-per-10000" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Ratio of TX packets that experienced one or more retries. Expressed as parts-per-10000." ::= { ccWlanSumStatsShortEntry 14 } -- ccWlanSumStatsShortPp10kDropped OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PartsPer10k UNITS "parts-per-10000" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Packets dropped divided by packets sent. Dropped here means dropped intentionally due to the appropriate QoS queue being full. Other reasons for dropped packets are not counted in this ratio." ::= { ccWlanSumStatsShortEntry 15 } -- ccWlanSumStatsShortTxAvgRetries100 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ScaleBy100 UNITS "average x100" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "For all transmit packets (those that experienced some retries, those that were successfully transmitted with only 1 transmission, and those that attempted max times and gave-up), the average number of RE-transmission attempts. Said another (though identical) way: the sum of all tranmission attempts divided by the number of unique packets attempted to be sent. Since SNMP does not convey decimal values, the result above is multiplied by 100. If there were no RE-transmissions, this value would be 0. If every single packet required exactly two tranmissions, this value would be 100, (representing 1.00)." ::= { ccWlanSumStatsShortEntry 16 } -- ccWlanSumStatsShortPp10kRxUndecrypt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PartsPer10k UNITS "parts-per-10000" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Ratio of RX packets that were undecryptable. Expressed as parts-per-10000." ::= { ccWlanSumStatsShortEntry 17 } -- ccWlanSumStatsShortTotalMus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..100) UNITS "number of MUs" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of packets used to calculate the statistics in this window for all MUs associated with WLAN." ::= { ccWlanSumStatsShortEntry 18 } -- ccWlanSumStatsShortSkip1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Not relevant for WS2000 2.0." ::= { ccWlanSumStatsShortEntry 19 } -- place-holder so _Pp10kDropped falls at same OID for -- both Portal and Wlan summary tables. -- -- The switch roll-up values are reported at entry/instance -- 1001, as with the other ccWlanRfSum tables. Note, however, -- that the switch reports very few of the values that WLANs -- report, and will return NO-SUCH for those values on GET, -- and will 'skip-over' those columns for GET-NEXT. -- ccWlanSumStatsLongTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcWlanSumStatsLongEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Averages and rates calculated over the LONG window for each WLAN. (Refer to ccWlanSumStatsShortTable for descriptions)." ::= { ccWlanRfSum 10 } -- ccWlanSumStatsLongEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcWlanSumStatsLongEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " INDEX { ccWlanIndex } ::= { ccWlanSumStatsLongTable 1 } CcWlanSumStatsLongEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccWlanSumStatsLongTimestamp TimeTicks, ccWlanSumStatsLongNumPkts Unsigned32, ccWlanSumStatsLongPktsPerSec100 ScaleBy100, ccWlanSumStatsLongPktsPerSecTx100 ScaleBy100, ccWlanSumStatsLongPktsPerSecRx100 ScaleBy100, ccWlanSumStatsLongThroughput Unsigned32, ccWlanSumStatsLongThroughputTx Unsigned32, ccWlanSumStatsLongThroughputRx Unsigned32, ccWlanSumStatsLongAvgBitSpeed Unsigned32, ccWlanSumStatsLongAvgMuSignal Integer32, ccWlanSumStatsLongAvgMuNoise Integer32, ccWlanSumStatsLongAvgMuSnr Integer32, ccWlanSumStatsLongPp10kNUcastPkts PartsPer10k, ccWlanSumStatsLongPp10kTxWithRetries PartsPer10k, ccWlanSumStatsLongPp10kDropped PartsPer10k, ccWlanSumStatsLongTxAvgRetries100 ScaleBy100, ccWlanSumStatsLongPp10kRxUndecrypt PartsPer10k, ccWlanSumStatsLongTotalMus Unsigned32, ccWlanSumStatsLongSkip1 Integer32 } -- ccWlanSumStatsLongTimestamp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { ccWlanSumStatsLongEntry 1 } -- ccWlanSumStatsLongNumPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { ccWlanSumStatsLongEntry 2 } -- ccWlanSumStatsLongPktsPerSec100 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ScaleBy100 UNITS "pkts per sec x100" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { ccWlanSumStatsLongEntry 3 } -- ccWlanSumStatsLongPktsPerSecTx100 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ScaleBy100 UNITS "pkts per sec x100" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { ccWlanSumStatsLongEntry 4 } -- ccWlanSumStatsLongPktsPerSecRx100 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ScaleBy100 UNITS "pkts per sec x100" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { ccWlanSumStatsLongEntry 5 } -- ccWlanSumStatsLongThroughput OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "bits per second" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { ccWlanSumStatsLongEntry 6 } -- ccWlanSumStatsLongThroughputTx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "bits per second" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { ccWlanSumStatsLongEntry 7 } -- ccWlanSumStatsLongThroughputRx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "bits per second" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { ccWlanSumStatsLongEntry 8 } -- ccWlanSumStatsLongAvgBitSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "bits per second" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { ccWlanSumStatsLongEntry 9 } -- ccWlanSumStatsLongAvgMuSignal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { ccWlanSumStatsLongEntry 10 } -- ccWlanSumStatsLongAvgMuNoise OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { ccWlanSumStatsLongEntry 11 } -- ccWlanSumStatsLongAvgMuSnr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { ccWlanSumStatsLongEntry 12 } -- ccWlanSumStatsLongPp10kNUcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PartsPer10k UNITS "parts-per-10000" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { ccWlanSumStatsLongEntry 13 } -- ccWlanSumStatsLongPp10kTxWithRetries OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PartsPer10k UNITS "parts-per-10000" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { ccWlanSumStatsLongEntry 14 } -- ccWlanSumStatsLongPp10kDropped OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PartsPer10k UNITS "parts-per-10000" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { ccWlanSumStatsLongEntry 15 } -- ccWlanSumStatsLongTxAvgRetries100 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ScaleBy100 UNITS "average x100" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { ccWlanSumStatsLongEntry 16 } -- ccWlanSumStatsLongPp10kRxUndecrypt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PartsPer10k UNITS "parts-per-10000" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { ccWlanSumStatsLongEntry 17 } -- ccWlanSumStatsLongTotalMus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..100) UNITS "number of MUs" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { ccWlanSumStatsLongEntry 18 } -- ccWlanSumStatsLongSkip1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { ccWlanSumStatsLongEntry 19 } -- place-holder so _Pp10kDropped falls at same OID for -- both Portal and Wlan summary tables. -- -- ccSwitch OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ws2k 5 } -- ccWan OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccSwitch 1 } -- ccWanTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcWanEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of WAN interfaces. There is only one WAN interface on the WS2000, but we show the WAN interface in a table for consistancy and to have an entry to point to from other tables, (such as the MatrixSrc and MatrixDest tables)." ::= { ccWan 1 } -- ccWanEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcWanEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " INDEX { ccWanIndex } ::= { ccWanTable 1 } CcWanEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccWanIndex Integer32, ccWanDhcpEnable TruthValue, ccWanDhcpIpAddr IpAddress, ccWanDhcpSubnetMask IpAddress, ccWanDhcpDefaultGateway IpAddress, ccWanDhcpPrimaryDnsServer IpAddress, ccWanDhcpSecondaryDnsServer IpAddress, ccWanSubnetMask IpAddress, ccWanDefaultGateway IpAddress, ccWanPrimaryDnsServer IpAddress, ccWanSecondaryDnsServer IpAddress } -- ccWanIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..127) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Simple index." ::= { ccWanEntry 1 } -- ccWanDhcpEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable DHCP on this WAN interface. " ::= { ccWanEntry 2 } -- ccWanDhcpIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP address obtained via DHCP. If DHCP is disabled or if DHCP has not yet obtained values, this value will be" ::= { ccWanEntry 3 } -- ccWanDhcpSubnetMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The subnet mask address obtained via DHCP. If DHCP is disabled or if DHCP has not yet obtained values, this value will be" ::= { ccWanEntry 4 } -- ccWanDhcpDefaultGateway OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The default gateway obtained via DHCP. If DHCP is disabled or if DHCP has not yet obtained values, this value will be" ::= { ccWanEntry 5 } -- ccWanDhcpPrimaryDnsServer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The primary DNS server obtained via DHCP. If DHCP is disabled or if DHCP has not yet obtained values, this value will be" ::= { ccWanEntry 6 } -- ccWanDhcpSecondaryDnsServer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The secondary DNS server obtained via DHCP. If DHCP is disabled or if DHCP has not yet obtained values, this value will be" ::= { ccWanEntry 7 } -- ccWanSubnetMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The subnet mask to use if DHCP is not enabled. If DHCP is enabled, this value is still writeable, but is not used." ::= { ccWanEntry 8 } -- ccWanDefaultGateway OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The default gateway to use if DHCP is not enabled. If DHCP is enabled, this value is still writeable, but is not used." ::= { ccWanEntry 9 } -- ccWanPrimaryDnsServer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The primary DNS server to use if DHCP is not enabled. If DHCP is enabled, this value is still writeable, but is not used." ::= { ccWanEntry 10 } -- ccWanSecondaryDnsServer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The secondary DNS server to use if DHCP is not enabled. If DHCP is enabled, this value is still writeable, but is not used." ::= { ccWanEntry 11 } -- ccWanPppoeTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcWanPppoeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PPPoE settings for WAN interfaces." ::= { ccWan 2 } -- ccWanPppoeEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcWanPppoeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " INDEX { ccWanIndex } ::= { ccWanPppoeTable 1 } CcWanPppoeEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccWanPppoeEnable StaticRowEnable, ccWanPppoeUsername DisplayString, ccWanPppoePassword DisplayString, ccWanPppoeKeepAlive TruthValue, ccWanPppoeIdleTime Unsigned32, ccWanPppoeAuthType INTEGER } -- ccWanPppoeEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX StaticRowEnable MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable PPPoE for this WAN interface." ::= { ccWanPppoeEntry 1 } -- ccWanPppoeUsername OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PPPoE username." ::= { ccWanPppoeEntry 2 } -- ccWanPppoePassword OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PPPoE password. When this value is read, the switch returns a DisplayString of zero length." ::= { ccWanPppoeEntry 3 } -- ccWanPppoeKeepAlive OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PPPoE keep-alive." ::= { ccWanPppoeEntry 4 } -- ccWanPppoeIdleTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PPPoE idle time." ::= { ccWanPppoeEntry 5 } -- ccWanPppoeAuthType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(1), papOrChap(2), pap(3), chap(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PPPoE authentication type. If no bits are set, no authentication is done. If more than one bit is set, any of the selected methods may be used by the switch." ::= { ccWanPppoeEntry 6 } -- ccWanIpAddrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcWanIpAddrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of IP addresses for the given WAN interface. Up to 8 IP addresses per WAN interface." ::= { ccWan 3 } -- ccWanIpAddrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcWanIpAddrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " INDEX { ccWanIndex, ccWanIpAddrIndex } ::= { ccWanIpAddrTable 1 } CcWanIpAddrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccWanIpAddrIndex Integer32, ccWanIpAddrEnable StaticRowEnable, ccWanIpAddr IpAddress } -- ccWanIpAddrIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..127) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Simple index 1..8 of entries for each WAN interface." ::= { ccWanIpAddrEntry 1 } -- ccWanIpAddrEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX StaticRowEnable MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable this entry." ::= { ccWanIpAddrEntry 2 } -- ccWanIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "WAN IP address." ::= { ccWanIpAddrEntry 3 } -- Variables to control the Firewall function. -- ccWanFirewall OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccWan 4 } -- ccWanFirewallGlobalEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This variable enables/disables the global state of the firewall. Note that if the firewall function is disabled, NAT, VPN, content filtering and subnet access are also disabled. (Disabling all these functions would only be useful in using the WS2000 in an existing network topology). Factory-default state is TRUE." ::= { ccWanFirewall 1 } -- ccWanFirewallTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcWanFirewallEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of Firewall attacks that can be enabled/disabled." ::= { ccWanFirewall 2 } -- ccWanFirewallEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcWanFirewallEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " INDEX { ccWanIndex } ::= { ccWanFirewallTable 1 } CcWanFirewallEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccWanFirewallIndex INTEGER, ccWanFirewallDescription DisplayString, ccWanFirewallAlwaysEnabled TruthValue, ccWanFirewallEnable TruthValue } -- ccWanFirewallIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { fwIpSpoofing(1), fwPingOfDeath(2), fwLandAttack(3), fwReassemblyAttack(4), fwSynFloodAttack(5), fwSourceRouting(6), fwWinnukeAttack(7), fwFtpBounceAttack(8), fwIpUnalignedTimestamp(9), fwIpSequenceNumberPrediction(10), fwMimeFloodAttack(11) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Simple index, but with explicitly enumerated values." ::= { ccWanFirewallEntry 1 } -- ccWanFirewallDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Short description of the type of attack." ::= { ccWanFirewallEntry 2 } -- ccWanFirewallAlwaysEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A few of the firewall algorithms can NOT be disabled. If this value is TRUE, this is one of those algorithms. Any attempt to set ccWanFwEnable to FALSE will result in a BAD-VALUE error." ::= { ccWanFirewallEntry 3 } -- ccWanFirewallEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set to TRUE to enable this type of firewall check." ::= { ccWanFirewallEntry 4 } -- ccWanFirewallMimeFloodMaxHeaderLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mime flood attack check max header length." ::= { ccWanFirewall 3 } -- ccWanFirewallMimeFloodMaxHeaders OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mime flood attack check max headers." ::= { ccWanFirewall 4 } -- ccWanNatTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Timeout value for NAT." ::= { ccWanFirewall 5 } -- Values regarding NAT functions. -- ccWanNat OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccWan 5 } -- ccWanNatLowestUnusedSlot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Since the ccWanNatTable is actually implemented as a single list of entries, the second index of the ccWanNatTable, (ccWanNatIndex), must be unique across all ccWanNatTable entries. This scalar tells the network management software the lowest unused value that is available to be used for ccWanNatIndex, when creating a new ccWanNatTable entry. " ::= { ccWanNat 1 } -- ccWanNatTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcWanNatEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of NAT mappings for each IP address assigned to each WAN interface. (The WS2000 currently only has one WAN interface, but all MIBs are designed for the possibility of multiple WAN interfaces)." ::= { ccWanNat 2 } -- ccWanNatEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcWanNatEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " INDEX { ccWanNatIndex, ccWanNatWanIpAddress } ::= { ccWanNatTable 1 } CcWanNatEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccWanNatIndex Integer32, ccWanNatWanIpAddress IpAddress, ccWanNatType INTEGER, ccWanNat1to1IpAddr IpAddress, ccWanNatInboundDefaultEna TruthValue, ccWanNatInboundDefaultIp IpAddress } -- ccWanNatIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..127) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Simple index matching the simple index in the ccWanTable." ::= { ccWanNatEntry 1 } -- ccWanNatWanIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "One, (of possibly several), IP addresses assigned to this WAN interface. One entries in this table will appear for each matching entry in the ccWanIpAddrTable." ::= { ccWanNatEntry 2 } -- ccWanNatType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { natNone(1), nat1to1(2), nat1toMany(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Configure the NAT type. Only if 'nat1to1' is selected is the ccWanNat1to1IpAddr value is used. In such a case, any corresponding entries in the ccWanNatInboundTable and the ccWanNatOutboundTable are ignored. If 'none' is selected, all the above mentioned values are ignored. If '1toMany' is selected, the ccWanNat1to1IpAddr value is ignored, but entries, (if any), in the two tables are relevant." ::= { ccWanNatEntry 3 } -- ccWanNat1to1IpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP address to use for outbound 1-to-1 mapping. Only used if ccWanNatType is '1to1'." ::= { ccWanNatEntry 4 } -- ccWanNatInboundDefaultEna OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If set, any port that is NOT found in the ccWanNatInboundTable entries is forwarded to the IP addr specified by ccWanNatInboundDefaultIp." ::= { ccWanNatEntry 5 } -- ccWanNatInboundDefaultIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP addr to send ports that do not match any entry in the ccWanNatInboundTable." ::= { ccWanNatEntry 6 } -- ccWanNatInboundTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcWanNatInboundEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of inbound NAT mappings for IP addresses on WAN interfaces that are set to ccWanNatType of '1to1' or '1toMany'." ::= { ccWanNat 3 } -- ccWanNatInboundEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcWanNatInboundEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " INDEX { ccWanNatIndex, ccWanNatWanIpAddress, ccWanNatInboundIndex } ::= { ccWanNatInboundTable 1 } CcWanNatInboundEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccWanNatInboundIndex Integer32, ccWanNatInboundName DisplayString, ccWanNatInboundTransport INTEGER, ccWanNatInboundStartPort Integer32, ccWanNatInboundEndPort Integer32, ccWanNatInboundIpAddr IpAddress, ccWanNatInboundTranslationPort Integer32, ccWanNatInboundRowStatus AbbrevRowStatus } -- ccWanNatInboundIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..255) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A given IP address on a given WAN interface may have many inbound NAT mappings. This (3rd) index numbers those many mappings." ::= { ccWanNatInboundEntry 1 } -- ccWanNatInboundName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Name of the inbound mapping." ::= { ccWanNatInboundEntry 2 } -- ccWanNatInboundTransport OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { all(1), tcp(2), udp(3), icmp(4), ah(5), esp(6), gre(7) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Transport for which this mapping applies." ::= { ccWanNatInboundEntry 3 } -- ccWanNatInboundStartPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Low-end of the port range." ::= { ccWanNatInboundEntry 4 } -- ccWanNatInboundEndPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "High-end of the port range." ::= { ccWanNatInboundEntry 5 } -- ccWanNatInboundIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP address to map to." ::= { ccWanNatInboundEntry 6 } -- ccWanNatInboundTranslationPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { ccWanNatInboundEntry 7 } -- ccWanNatInboundRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AbbrevRowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Simple row status." ::= { ccWanNatInboundEntry 8 } -- ccWanNatOutboundTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcWanNatOutboundEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of outbound NAT mappings for IP addresses on WAN interfaces that are set to ccWanNatType of '1toMany'." ::= { ccWanNat 4 } -- ccWanNatOutboundEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcWanNatOutboundEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " INDEX { ccWanNatIndex, ccWanNatWanIpAddress, ccWanNatOutboundSubnetIndex } ::= { ccWanNatOutboundTable 1 } CcWanNatOutboundEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccWanNatOutboundSubnetIndex Integer32, ccWanNatOutboundEnable INTEGER, ccWanNatOutboundPossibleIpAddr MultiPointer63, ccWanNatOutboundIpAddr SinglePointer } -- ccWanNatOutboundSubnetIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..255) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A different mapping can be set for each subnet. This (3rd) index specifies the subnet. This index is the same value for a given subnet as in the ccLanTable." ::= { ccWanNatOutboundEntry 1 } -- ccWanNatOutboundEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..2) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable the Outbound entry." ::= { ccWanNatOutboundEntry 2 } -- ccWanNatOutboundPossibleIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MultiPointer63 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This multi-bit-mask-pointer points to every IP address in the ccWanIpAddrTable that is a valid outbound NAT mapping for this subnet. Setting this value to all 0s effectively disables this NAT mapping." ::= { ccWanNatOutboundEntry 3 } -- ccWanNatOutboundIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SinglePointer MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This value points to the ccWanIpAddrTable entry that has been selected for the outbound NAT mapping." ::= { ccWanNatOutboundEntry 4 } -- ccWanVpn OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccWan 6 } -- ccWanVpnTunnelConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccWanVpn 4 } -- Tables used to configure VPNs on this switch. -- -- Since there are so many settings for each such tunnel, -- the values have been divided into three tables. The -- second two tables AUGMENT the first. -- -- Since the number of values to create a VPN that must be -- SET exceed that which can fit in a single packet, a true -- RowStatus is used, (not the AbbrevRowStatus). Given this, -- default values are specified for each item. -- ccWanVpnTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcWanVpnEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of VPN entries." ::= { ccWanVpnTunnelConfig 1 } -- ccWanVpnEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcWanVpnEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." INDEX { ccWanVpnIndex } ::= { ccWanVpnTable 1 } CcWanVpnEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccWanVpnIndex INTEGER, ccWanVpnName DisplayString, ccWanVpnLocalSubnet SinglePointer, ccWanVpnLocalWanIp SinglePointer, ccWanVpnRemoteSubnet IpAddress, ccWanVpnRemoteSubnetMask IpAddress, ccWanVpnRemoteGateway IpAddress, ccWanVpnKeyExchange INTEGER, ccWanVpnRowStatus RowStatus } -- ccWanVpnIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..25) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Simple Index." ::= { ccWanVpnEntry 1 } -- ccWanVpnName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..13)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Name of VPN tunnel." ::= { ccWanVpnEntry 2 } -- ccWanVpnLocalSubnet OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SinglePointer MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Points to a ccSubnetTable entry. 1-LAN1, 2-LAN2, 3-WAN" ::= { ccWanVpnEntry 3 } -- ??-India: please provide a defval?? -- ccWanVpnLocalWanIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SinglePointer MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Points to a ccWanIpAddr entry." ::= { ccWanVpnEntry 4 } -- ??-India: please provide a defval?? -- ccWanVpnRemoteSubnet OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP addr of the remote subnet." DEFVAL { '00000000'h } ::= { ccWanVpnEntry 5 } -- ccWanVpnRemoteSubnetMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mask for remote subnet." DEFVAL { '00000000'h } ::= { ccWanVpnEntry 6 } -- ccWanVpnRemoteGateway OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Gateway IP addr for the remote subnet." DEFVAL { '00000000'h } ::= { ccWanVpnEntry 7 } -- ccWanVpnKeyExchange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { manual(1), automatic(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Selects manual or automatic key exchange mechanism." DEFVAL { manual } ::= { ccWanVpnEntry 8 } -- ccWanVpnRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used to create/destroy rows." ::= { ccWanVpnEntry 9 } -- Note that unlike so many other WS2000 tables, this is NOT -- an abbreviated RowStatus. A full RowStatus is needed in -- order to have the ability to create a new row with status -- of UnderCreation, so that the multitude of columns can be -- filled-in before Activation. -- ccWanVpnKeyManualTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcWanVpnKeyManualEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of Manual Key Setting entries." ::= { ccWanVpnTunnelConfig 2 } -- ccWanVpnKeyManualEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcWanVpnKeyManualEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." AUGMENTS { ccWanVpnEntry } ::= { ccWanVpnKeyManualTable 1 } CcWanVpnKeyManualEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccWanVpnKeyManualAhAuth INTEGER, ccWanVpnKeyManualInAhAuthKey HexPassword, ccWanVpnKeyManualOutAhAuthKey HexPassword, ccWanVpnKeyManualInAhSpi Unsigned32, ccWanVpnKeyManualOutAhSpi Unsigned32, ccWanVpnKeyManualEspType INTEGER, ccWanVpnKeyManualEspEncrypAlg INTEGER, ccWanVpnKeyManualInEspEncrypKey HexPassword, ccWanVpnKeyManualOutEspEncrypKey HexPassword, ccWanVpnKeyManualEspAuthAlg INTEGER, ccWanVpnKeyManualInEspAuthKey HexPassword, ccWanVpnKeyManualOutEspAuthKey HexPassword, ccWanVpnKeyManualInEspSpi Unsigned32, ccWanVpnKeyManualOutEspSpi Unsigned32 } -- ccWanVpnKeyManualAhAuth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(1), md5(2), sha1(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "data authentication and anti-replay services for the VPN tunnel. The following 2 keys have max length: md5 - 32 hex characters sha1 - 40 " DEFVAL { none } ::= { ccWanVpnKeyManualEntry 1 } -- ccWanVpnKeyManualInAhAuthKey OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HexPassword (SIZE (0..40)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "AH Authentication Key for inbound traffic." ::= { ccWanVpnKeyManualEntry 2 } -- ccWanVpnKeyManualOutAhAuthKey OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HexPassword (SIZE (0..40)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "AH Authentication Key for outbound traffic." ::= { ccWanVpnKeyManualEntry 3 } -- ccWanVpnKeyManualInAhSpi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (256..4294967295) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "inbound security association created by the AH algorithm." DEFVAL { 256 } ::= { ccWanVpnKeyManualEntry 4 } -- ??-India: is this range correct? -- note that it's SET via decimal, not hex. -- ccWanVpnKeyManualOutAhSpi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (256..4294967295) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "outbound security association created by the AH algorithm." DEFVAL { 256 } ::= { ccWanVpnKeyManualEntry 5 } -- ??-India: is this range correct? -- note that it's SET via decimal, not hex. -- ccWanVpnKeyManualEspType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(1), esp(2), espWithAuthentication(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "packet encryption and optional data authentication and anti-replay services for the VPN tunnel. Some of the next 6 variables are used depending on: none - all 6 variables are ignored esp - first 3 are used, next 3 ignored espWithAuth - all 6 are used " DEFVAL { esp } ::= { ccWanVpnKeyManualEntry 6 } -- ccWanVpnKeyManualEspEncrypAlg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { des(1), des3(2), aes128bit(3), aes192bit(4), aes256bit(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ESP Encryption Algorithm. The following 2 keys have max length: des - 16 hex characters des3 - 48 aes128bit - 32 aes192bit - 48 aes256bit - 64 " DEFVAL { des } ::= { ccWanVpnKeyManualEntry 7 } -- ccWanVpnKeyManualInEspEncrypKey OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HexPassword (SIZE (0..64)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ESP Encryption Key for inbound traffic." ::= { ccWanVpnKeyManualEntry 8 } -- ccWanVpnKeyManualOutEspEncrypKey OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HexPassword (SIZE (0..64)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ESP Encryption Key for inbound traffic." ::= { ccWanVpnKeyManualEntry 9 } -- ccWanVpnKeyManualEspAuthAlg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { md5(1), sha1(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ESP Authentication Algorithm. The following 2 keys have max length: md5 - 32 hex characters sha1 - 40" DEFVAL { md5 } ::= { ccWanVpnKeyManualEntry 10 } -- ccWanVpnKeyManualInEspAuthKey OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HexPassword (SIZE (0..40)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ESP Authentication Key for inbound traffic." ::= { ccWanVpnKeyManualEntry 11 } -- ccWanVpnKeyManualOutEspAuthKey OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HexPassword (SIZE (0..40)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ESP Authentication Key for outbound traffic." ::= { ccWanVpnKeyManualEntry 12 } -- ccWanVpnKeyManualInEspSpi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (256..4294967295) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "inbound security association created by the ESP algorithm." DEFVAL { 256 } ::= { ccWanVpnKeyManualEntry 13 } -- ??-India: is this range correct? -- note that it's SET via decimal, not hex. -- ccWanVpnKeyManualOutEspSpi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (256..4294967295) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "outbound security association created by the ESP algorithm." DEFVAL { 256 } ::= { ccWanVpnKeyManualEntry 14 } -- ??-India: is this range correct? -- note that it's SET via decimal, not hex. -- ccWanVpnKeyAutoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcWanVpnKeyAutoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of Auto Key Setting entries." ::= { ccWanVpnTunnelConfig 3 } -- ccWanVpnKeyAutoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcWanVpnKeyAutoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." AUGMENTS { ccWanVpnEntry } ::= { ccWanVpnKeyAutoTable 1 } CcWanVpnKeyAutoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccWanVpnKeyAutoUsePerfectSecrecy TruthValue, ccWanVpnKeyAutoAhAuth INTEGER, ccWanVpnKeyAutoEspType INTEGER, ccWanVpnKeyAutoEspEncrypAlg INTEGER, ccWanVpnKeyAutoEspAuthAlg INTEGER, ccWanVpnKeyAutoIkeOperationMode INTEGER, ccWanVpnKeyAutoIkeLocalIdType INTEGER, ccWanVpnKeyAutoIkeLocalIdData DisplayString, ccWanVpnKeyAutoIkeRemoteIdType INTEGER, ccWanVpnKeyAutoIkeRemoteIdData DisplayString, ccWanVpnKeyAutoIkeAuthType INTEGER, ccWanVpnKeyAutoIkeAuthAlg INTEGER, ccWanVpnKeyAutoIkeAuthPassphrase Password, ccWanVpnKeyAutoIkeEncrypAlg INTEGER, ccWanVpnKeyAutoIkeXauthMode INTEGER, ccWanVpnKeyAutoIkeXauthUsername DisplayString, ccWanVpnKeyAutoIkeXauthPassword Password, ccWanVpnKeyAutoIkeKeyLifetime Unsigned32, ccWanVpnKeyAutoIkeDiffieHelmanGroup INTEGER } -- ccWanVpnKeyAutoUsePerfectSecrecy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "enable Perfect Forward Secrecy." DEFVAL { false } ::= { ccWanVpnKeyAutoEntry 1 } -- ccWanVpnKeyAutoAhAuth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(1), md5(2), sha1(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "data authentication and anti-replay services for the VPN tunnel." DEFVAL { none } ::= { ccWanVpnKeyAutoEntry 2 } -- ccWanVpnKeyAutoEspType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(1), esp(2), espWithAuthentication(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "packet encryption and optional data authentication and anti-replay services for the VPN tunnel. Some of the next 2 variables are used depending on: none - the 2 variables are ignored esp - the first is used, the second is ignored espWithAuth - both variables are used" DEFVAL { esp } ::= { ccWanVpnKeyAutoEntry 3 } -- ccWanVpnKeyAutoEspEncrypAlg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { des(1), des3(2), aes128bit(3), aes196bit(4), aes256bit(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ESP Encryption Algorithm." DEFVAL { des } ::= { ccWanVpnKeyAutoEntry 4 } -- ccWanVpnKeyAutoEspAuthAlg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { md5(1), sha1(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ESP Authentication Algorithm. " DEFVAL { md5 } ::= { ccWanVpnKeyAutoEntry 5 } -- ccWanVpnKeyAutoIkeOperationMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { main(1), aggressive(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IKE opreational mode. IKE main mode refers to the identity-protection exchange, and IKE aggressive mode refers to the aggressive exchange" DEFVAL { main } ::= { ccWanVpnKeyAutoEntry 6 } -- ccWanVpnKeyAutoIkeLocalIdType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ip(1), fqdn(2), ufqdn(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "type of ID to be used for the WS 2000 end of the SA. The next variable only applies if this is set to 'fqdn' or 'ufqdn'. " DEFVAL { ip } ::= { ccWanVpnKeyAutoEntry 7 } -- ccWanVpnKeyAutoIkeLocalIdData OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Based upon the Local ID type you gave, specify the FQDN or UFQDN," DEFVAL { "?" } ::= { ccWanVpnKeyAutoEntry 8 } -- This value ranges in size 0..256 octets. (This would have -- been added as a range to the syntax, but when this is done, -- it causes an error in MG-Soft Builder). -- -- ccWanVpnKeyAutoIkeRemoteIdType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ip(1), fqdn(2), ufqdn(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "type of ID to be used for the remote end of the SA. The next variable only applies if this is set to 'fqdn' or 'ufqdn'. " DEFVAL { ip } ::= { ccWanVpnKeyAutoEntry 9 } -- ccWanVpnKeyAutoIkeRemoteIdData OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Based upon the Remote ID type you gave, specify the FQDN or UFQDN." DEFVAL { "?" } ::= { ccWanVpnKeyAutoEntry 10 } -- This value ranges in size 0..256 octets. (This would have -- been added as a range to the syntax, but when this is done, -- it causes an error in MG-Soft Builder). -- ccWanVpnKeyAutoIkeAuthType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { psk(1), rsa(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IKE Authentication Type." DEFVAL { psk } ::= { ccWanVpnKeyAutoEntry 11 } -- ccWanVpnKeyAutoIkeAuthAlg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { md5(1), sha1(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IKE Authentication Algorithm." DEFVAL { md5 } ::= { ccWanVpnKeyAutoEntry 12 } -- ccWanVpnKeyAutoIkeAuthPassphrase OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Password MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "With Pre-Shared Key as the authentication mode, provide a key. MD5 : 32-character hexadecimal key. SHA1 : 40-character hexadecimal key. " DEFVAL { "?" } ::= { ccWanVpnKeyAutoEntry 13 } -- ??-India: length? -- ccWanVpnKeyAutoIkeEncrypAlg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { des(1), des3(2), aes128bit(3), aes196bit(4), aes256bit(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IKE Encryption Algorithm." DEFVAL { des } ::= { ccWanVpnKeyAutoEntry 14 } -- ccWanVpnKeyAutoIkeXauthMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(1), generic(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Currently XAUTH mechanism is not supported by WS2000 version 2.0. If 'none', the next 2 variables are ignored. " DEFVAL { none } ::= { ccWanVpnKeyAutoEntry 15 } -- ccWanVpnKeyAutoIkeXauthUsername OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Currently XAUTH mechanism is not supported by WS2000 version 2.0." DEFVAL { "?" } ::= { ccWanVpnKeyAutoEntry 16 } -- ??-India: length? -- -- ccWanVpnKeyAutoIkeXauthPassword OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Password MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Currently XAUTH mechanism is not supported by WS2000 version 2.0." DEFVAL { "?" } ::= { ccWanVpnKeyAutoEntry 17 } -- ??-India: length? -- -- ccWanVpnKeyAutoIkeKeyLifetime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (300..4294967295) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of seconds that the key is valid." ::= { ccWanVpnKeyAutoEntry 18 } -- ??-India: valid range of values? defval? -- ccWanVpnKeyAutoIkeDiffieHelmanGroup OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { group1length768bit(1), group2length1024bit(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Diffie-Hellman key agreement protocol allows two users to exchange a secret key over an insecure medium without any prior secrets." DEFVAL { group1length768bit } ::= { ccWanVpnKeyAutoEntry 19 } -- ccWanVpnTunnelStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccWanVpn 5 } -- ccWanVpnSaTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcWanVpnSaEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Status of all tunnels that have been configured on the switch." ::= { ccWanVpnTunnelStatus 1 } -- ccWanVpnSaEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcWanVpnSaEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." INDEX { ccWanVpnSaTunnelName } ::= { ccWanVpnSaTable 1 } -- ??-India: should this AUGMENT the main VPN table? CcWanVpnSaEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccWanVpnSaTunnelName DisplayString, ccWanVpnSaStatus INTEGER, ccWanVpnSaInSpi Unsigned32, ccWanVpnSaOutSpi Unsigned32, ccWanVpnSaLifetime Unsigned32, ccWanVpnSaTxBytes Unsigned32, ccWanVpnSaRxBytes Unsigned32 } -- ccWanVpnSaTunnelName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..13)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Tunnel Name." ::= { ccWanVpnSaEntry 1 } -- ccWanVpnSaStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { active(1), nonActive(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Status of each of the configured tunnels. When the tunnel is not in use the status will read NOT_ACTIVE. When the tunnel is connected the status will read ACTIVE." ::= { ccWanVpnSaEntry 2 } -- ccWanVpnSaInSpi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (256..4294967295) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Inbound SPI Security Parameter Index (SPI) for each of the tunnels. This is used locally by the switch to identify a security association. There are unique outbound and inbound SPIs." ::= { ccWanVpnSaEntry 3 } -- ccWanVpnSaOutSpi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (256..4294967295) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Outbound Security Parameter Index (SPI) for each of the tunnels. This is used locally by the switch to identify a security association. There are unique outbound and inbound SPIs." ::= { ccWanVpnSaEntry 4 } -- ccWanVpnSaLifetime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Lifetime associated with a particular Security Association (SA). " ::= { ccWanVpnSaEntry 5 } -- ccWanVpnSaTxBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total number amount of data (in bytes) transmitted through each of the configured tunnels." ::= { ccWanVpnSaEntry 6 } -- ccWanVpnSaRxBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total number amount of data (in bytes) received through each of the configured tunnels." ::= { ccWanVpnSaEntry 7 } -- ccWanVpnIkeTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcWanVpnIkeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of tunnels configured to use IKE for automatic key exchange" ::= { ccWanVpnTunnelStatus 2 } -- ccWanVpnIkeEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcWanVpnIkeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." INDEX { ccWanVpnIkeTunnelName } ::= { ccWanVpnIkeTable 1 } -- ??-India: should this AUGMENT the main VPN table? CcWanVpnIkeEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccWanVpnIkeTunnelName DisplayString, ccWanVpnIkeState DisplayString, ccWanVpnIkeRemainingLife Unsigned32 } -- ccWanVpnIkeTunnelName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..20)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Tunnel name." ::= { ccWanVpnIkeEntry 1 } -- ccWanVpnIkeState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "State for each of the tunnels configured to use IKE for automatic key exchange. When the tunnel is not active this will display NOT_CONNECTED. When the tunnel is active this will display CONNECTED. " ::= { ccWanVpnIkeEntry 2 } -- ccWanVpnIkeRemainingLife OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Remaining life for the current IKE key for each of the listed tunnels." ::= { ccWanVpnIkeEntry 3 } -- ccWanContentBlock OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccWan 7 } -- ccWanContentBlockSmtp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { blockSmtpHelo(0), blockSmtpMail(1), blockSmtpRcpt(2), blockSmtpData(3), blockSmtpQuit(4), blockSmtpSend(5), blockSmtpSaml(6), blockSmtpReset(7), blockSmtpVrfy(8), blockSmtpExpn(9) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SMTP content block." ::= { ccWanContentBlock 1 } -- ccWanContentBlockFtp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { blockFtpStoringFiles(0), blockFtpRetrievingFiles(1), blockFtpDirectoryList(2), blockFtpCreateDirectory(3), blockFtpChangeDirectory(4), blockFtpPassiveOperation(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "FTP content block." ::= { ccWanContentBlock 2 } -- ccWanContentBlockHttp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { blockHttpWebProxy(0), blockHttpActiveX(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "HTTP content block." ::= { ccWanContentBlock 3 } -- ccWanContentBlockOutUrlTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcWanContentBlockOutUrlEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of Content Block URL entries." ::= { ccWanContentBlock 4 } -- ccWanContentBlockOutUrlEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcWanContentBlockOutUrlEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." INDEX { ccWanContentBlockOutUrlIndex } ::= { ccWanContentBlockOutUrlTable 1 } CcWanContentBlockOutUrlEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccWanContentBlockOutUrlIndex Unsigned32, ccWanContentBlockOutUrlExtension DisplayString, ccWanContentBlockOutUrlRowStatus StaticRowEnable } -- ccWanContentBlockOutUrlIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..100) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Simple Index." ::= { ccWanContentBlockOutUrlEntry 1 } -- ??-India: range OK? -- ccWanContentBlockOutUrlExtension OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "URL extension." ::= { ccWanContentBlockOutUrlEntry 2 } -- ccWanContentBlockOutUrlRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX StaticRowEnable MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row Status." ::= { ccWanContentBlockOutUrlEntry 3 } -- This group describes the physical ports on the unit. -- ccPort OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccSwitch 2 } -- This table contains one entry for each physical port -- on the switch. -- ccPortTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcPortEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains one entry for each physical port on the switch." ::= { ccPort 1 } -- ccPortEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcPortEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " INDEX { ccPortIndex } ::= { ccPortTable 1 } CcPortEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccPortIndex Integer32, ccPortType INTEGER, ccPortPoeEquipped TruthValue, ccPortStatus INTEGER, ccPortDuplex INTEGER, ccPortSpeed Unsigned32 } -- ccPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..127) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Simple index. Instance/index .1 represents the port labelled '1' on the physical unit. The WAN port will reside after all ports that are numbered on the physcial unit." ::= { ccPortEntry 1 } -- ccPortType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { wanPort(1), lanPort(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the type of the port." ::= { ccPortEntry 2 } -- ccPortPoeEquipped OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the port can provide power-over-ethernet." ::= { ccPortEntry 3 } -- ccPortStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { linkUp(1), linkDown(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Tells if the port is up/down." ::= { ccPortEntry 4 } -- ccPortDuplex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { halfDuplex(1), fullDuplex(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Describes the duplex, (half/full), status of the port." ::= { ccPortEntry 5 } -- ccPortSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Link's speed in bits per second." ::= { ccPortEntry 6 } -- ccLan OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccSwitch 4 } -- ccSubnet OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccLan 2 } -- ccSubnetTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcSubnetEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of Subnets." ::= { ccSubnet 1 } -- ccSubnetEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcSubnetEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " INDEX { ccSubnetIndex } ::= { ccSubnetTable 1 } CcSubnetEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccSubnetIndex Integer32, ccSubnetEnable StaticRowEnable, ccSubnetName DisplayString, ccSubnetIpAddress IpAddress, ccSubnetIpSubnetMask IpAddress, ccSubnetPortMembers BITS, ccSubnetWlanMembers BITS, ccSubnetDhcpState INTEGER, ccSubnetDhcpIpAddress IpAddress, ccSubnetDhcpSubnetMask IpAddress } -- ccSubnetIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..127) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Simple index, 1..4" ::= { ccSubnetEntry 1 } -- ccSubnetEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX StaticRowEnable MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable this Subnet." ::= { ccSubnetEntry 2 } -- ccSubnetName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Subnet name." ::= { ccSubnetEntry 3 } -- ccSubnetIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Ip address of this Subnet." ::= { ccSubnetEntry 4 } -- ccSubnetIpSubnetMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IPaddr subnet mask of this Subnet" ::= { ccSubnetEntry 5 } -- ccSubnetPortMembers OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { null(0), port1(1), port2(2), port3(3), port4(4), port5(5), port6(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Pointer to zero or more ports that are members of this Subnet. No port can be a member of more than one Subnet at any given time." ::= { ccSubnetEntry 6 } -- ccSubnetWlanMembers OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { null(0), wlan1(1), wlan2(2), wlan3(3), wlan4(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Pointer to zero or more WLANs that are members of this Subnet. No Subnet can be a member of more than one Subnet at any given time." ::= { ccSubnetEntry 7 } -- ccSubnetDhcpState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { dhcpClient(1), dhcpServer(2), dhcpNone(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies how Subnet gets its IP address/mask." ::= { ccSubnetEntry 8 } -- ccSubnetDhcpIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP address obtained via DHCP if this Subnet is configured as a DHCP client. If this Subnet is configured to not use DHCP, or is a DHCP server this value will be Likewise, if this Subnet is configured to be a DHCP client but has not yet obtained a value via DHCP, this value will be" ::= { ccSubnetEntry 9 } -- ccSubnetDhcpSubnetMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Subnet IPaddr subnet mask obtained via DHCP if this Subnet is configured as a DHCP client. If this Subnet is configured to not use DHCP, or is a DHCP server this value will be Likewise, if this Subnet is configured to be a DHCP client but has not yet obtained a value via DHCP, this value will be" ::= { ccSubnetEntry 10 } -- ccSubnetDhcpServerTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcSubnetDhcpServerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Configures a DHCP server for a Subnet. While these values can always be SET, they will only take effect if the given Subnet is enabled and configured to be a DHCP server." ::= { ccSubnet 2 } -- ccSubnetDhcpServerEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcSubnetDhcpServerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " INDEX { ccSubnetIndex } ::= { ccSubnetDhcpServerTable 1 } CcSubnetDhcpServerEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccSubnetDhcpServerEnable StaticRowEnable, ccSubnetDhcpServerPoolStart IpAddress, ccSubnetDhcpServerPoolEnd IpAddress, ccSubnetDhcpServerPrimaryDns IpAddress, ccSubnetDhcpServerSecondaryDns IpAddress, ccSubnetDhcpServerDefaultGateway IpAddress, ccSubnetDhcpServerLeaseTime Integer32, ccSubnetDhcpServerWinsServer IpAddress, ccSubnetDhcpServerDomainName DisplayString } -- ccSubnetDhcpServerEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX StaticRowEnable MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable DHCP Server functionality on this Subnet." ::= { ccSubnetDhcpServerEntry 1 } -- ccSubnetDhcpServerPoolStart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The start/low end of the range of IP addresses to give-out." ::= { ccSubnetDhcpServerEntry 2 } -- ccSubnetDhcpServerPoolEnd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The end/high-end of the range of IP addresses to give-out." ::= { ccSubnetDhcpServerEntry 3 } -- ccSubnetDhcpServerPrimaryDns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP address of primary DNS server to assign to DHCP clients." ::= { ccSubnetDhcpServerEntry 4 } -- ccSubnetDhcpServerSecondaryDns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP address of secondary DNS server to assign to DHCP clients." ::= { ccSubnetDhcpServerEntry 5 } -- ccSubnetDhcpServerDefaultGateway OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP address of default gateway to assign to DHCP clients." ::= { ccSubnetDhcpServerEntry 6 } -- ccSubnetDhcpServerLeaseTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DHCP lease time." ::= { ccSubnetDhcpServerEntry 7 } -- ccSubnetDhcpServerWinsServer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DHCP Server WINS server IP Address." ::= { ccSubnetDhcpServerEntry 8 } -- ccSubnetDhcpServerDomainName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DHCP server Domain Name." ::= { ccSubnetDhcpServerEntry 9 } -- ccSubnetDhcpServerStaticMapTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcSubnetDhcpServerStaticMapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of static MAC-IPaddr mappings for the given DHCP server." ::= { ccSubnet 3 } -- ccSubnetDhcpServerStaticMapEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcSubnetDhcpServerStaticMapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " INDEX { ccSubnetIndex, ccSubnetDhcpServerStaticMapMac } ::= { ccSubnetDhcpServerStaticMapTable 1 } CcSubnetDhcpServerStaticMapEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccSubnetDhcpServerStaticMapMac PhysAddress, ccSubnetDhcpServerStaticMapIpAddr IpAddress, ccSubnetDhcpServerStaticMapEnable AbbrevRowStatus } -- ccSubnetDhcpServerStaticMapMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PhysAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "MAC address to be mapped." ::= { ccSubnetDhcpServerStaticMapEntry 1 } -- ccSubnetDhcpServerStaticMapIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP address to assign to this MAC address." ::= { ccSubnetDhcpServerStaticMapEntry 2 } -- ccSubnetDhcpServerStaticMapEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AbbrevRowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Value to control row creation/deletion." ::= { ccSubnetDhcpServerStaticMapEntry 3 } -- MIBs to control which entities in the switch can send -- packets to other entities, and records the amount of -- traffic conveyed among those entities. -- -- There is no sense to attempt to count packets/octets -- sent from a source to a dest - linux does not allow this. -- -- ??- These tables all need to be re-worked for the sole -- purpose of controlling "subnet access". Most items need -- to be renamed. -- ccSubnetAccess OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccSubnet 4 } -- ccSubnetAccessTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcSubnetAccessEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Describes how packets are allowed to flow from different sources to different destinations. Note that since only subnets can be sources for this table, the ccSubnetTable:ccSubnetIndex is used as the 1st index to this table. Note that this table never contains entries where src==dest, for example, there is no entry with: _SrcPointerToSource points to subnet1 _DestPointerToSource points to subnet1 Note also that if a given subnet does not exisit, (because it has not been enabled in ccSubnetTable), no entries in this table will exist with that subnet as either src or dest. " ::= { ccSubnetAccess 1 } -- ccSubnetAccessEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcSubnetAccessEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " INDEX { ccSubnetIndex, ccSubnetAccessDestIndex } ::= { ccSubnetAccessTable 1 } CcSubnetAccessEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccSubnetAccessDestIndex Unsigned32, ccSubnetAccessDestType INTEGER, ccSubnetAccessDestPtrToDest SinglePointer, ccSubnetAccessRuleType INTEGER, ccSubnetAccessPtrToRules MultiPointer255 } -- ccSubnetAccessDestIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..255) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Simple index for destination." ::= { ccSubnetAccessEntry 1 } -- ccSubnetAccessDestType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { destSubnet(1), destWan(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Type of the destination. destDrop is a 'virtual' destination that accounts for all dropped packets." ::= { ccSubnetAccessEntry 2 } -- ccSubnetAccessDestPtrToDest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SinglePointer MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A pointer to the corresponding entry in the ccSubnet or ccWan table, (depending on _DestType). " ::= { ccSubnetAccessEntry 3 } -- ccSubnetAccessRuleType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { allow(1), deny(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "All ccSubnetAccessRuleTable entries for this combination of ccSubnetIndex and ccSubnetAccessDestIndex will be of the same type, (accept or deny). " ::= { ccSubnetAccessEntry 4 } -- ccSubnetAccessPtrToRules OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MultiPointer255 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Points to the zero or more ccSubnetAccessRuleTable entries that correspond to this ccSubnetIndex + ccSubnetAccessDestIndex combination/entry. This value cannot be changed here, but is a reflection of the ccSubnetAccessRuleTable entries that currently point to this entry via their ccSubnetAccessRuleSrcPtr and _DestPtr values. " ::= { ccSubnetAccessEntry 5 } -- ccSubnetAccessRuleTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcSubnetAccessRuleEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Describes how packets are allowed to flow from different sources to different destinations. Note that since only subnets can be sources for this table, the ccSubnetTable:ccSubnetIndex is used as the 1st index to this table. Note that this table never contains entries where src==dest, for example, there is no entry with: _SrcPointerToSource points to subnet1 _DestPointerToSource points to subnet1 Note also that if a given subnet does not exisit, (because it has not been enabled in ccSubnetTable), no entries in this table will exist with that subnet as either src or dest. " ::= { ccSubnetAccess 2 } -- ccSubnetAccessRuleEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcSubnetAccessRuleEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " INDEX { ccSubnetAccessRuleIndex } ::= { ccSubnetAccessRuleTable 1 } CcSubnetAccessRuleEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccSubnetAccessRuleIndex Unsigned32, ccSubnetAccessRuleSrcPtr SinglePointer, ccSubnetAccessRuleDestPtr SinglePointer, ccSubnetAccessRuleName DisplayString, ccSubnetAccessRuleTransport INTEGER, ccSubnetAccessRuleStartPort Integer32, ccSubnetAccessRuleEndPort Integer32, ccSubnetAccessRuleRowStatus AbbrevRowStatus } -- ccSubnetAccessRuleIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..1000) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each src/dest combination can have several rules; this value is the index." ::= { ccSubnetAccessRuleEntry 1 } -- ccSubnetAccessRuleSrcPtr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SinglePointer MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the value of ccSubnetIndex corresponding to the source for this rule." ::= { ccSubnetAccessRuleEntry 2 } -- ccSubnetAccessRuleDestPtr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SinglePointer MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the value of ccSubnetAccessDestIndex corresponding to the destination for this rule." ::= { ccSubnetAccessRuleEntry 3 } -- ccSubnetAccessRuleName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Name of ACL entry." ::= { ccSubnetAccessRuleEntry 4 } -- ccSubnetAccessRuleTransport OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { all(1), tcp(2), udp(3), icmp(4), ah(5), esp(6), gre(7) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Transport." ::= { ccSubnetAccessRuleEntry 5 } -- ccSubnetAccessRuleStartPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Starting port number." ::= { ccSubnetAccessRuleEntry 6 } -- ccSubnetAccessRuleEndPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Ending port number." ::= { ccSubnetAccessRuleEntry 7 } -- ccSubnetAccessRuleRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AbbrevRowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row status." ::= { ccSubnetAccessRuleEntry 8 } -- ccSubnetAccessAdvInTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcSubnetAccessAdvInEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of Advanced Inbound entries." ::= { ccSubnetAccess 3 } -- ccSubnetAccessAdvInEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcSubnetAccessAdvInEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." INDEX { ccSubnetAccessAdvInIndex } ::= { ccSubnetAccessAdvInTable 1 } CcSubnetAccessAdvInEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccSubnetAccessAdvInIndex Unsigned32, ccSubnetAccessAdvInSrcIp IpAddress, ccSubnetAccessAdvInSrcIpLength Integer32, ccSubnetAccessAdvInDestIp IpAddress, ccSubnetAccessAdvInDestIpLength Integer32, ccSubnetAccessAdvInTransport INTEGER, ccSubnetAccessAdvInSrcPortStart Integer32, ccSubnetAccessAdvInSrcPortEnd Integer32, ccSubnetAccessAdvInDestPortStart Integer32, ccSubnetAccessAdvInDestPortEnd Integer32, ccSubnetAccessAdvInReverseNatIp IpAddress, ccSubnetAccessAdvInReverseNatPort Integer32, ccSubnetAccessAdvInAction INTEGER, ccSubnetAccessAdvInRowStatus AbbrevRowStatus } -- ccSubnetAccessAdvInIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..1000) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { ccSubnetAccessAdvInEntry 1 } -- ccSubnetAccessAdvInSrcIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Source IP address" ::= { ccSubnetAccessAdvInEntry 2 } -- ccSubnetAccessAdvInSrcIpLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..32) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mask length for the IP address" ::= { ccSubnetAccessAdvInEntry 3 } -- ccSubnetAccessAdvInDestIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Destination IP address " ::= { ccSubnetAccessAdvInEntry 4 } -- ccSubnetAccessAdvInDestIpLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..32) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "mask length for the IP address" ::= { ccSubnetAccessAdvInEntry 5 } -- ccSubnetAccessAdvInTransport OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { all(1), tcp(2), udp(3), icmp(4), ah(5), esp(6), gre(7) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Type of transport" ::= { ccSubnetAccessAdvInEntry 6 } -- ccSubnetAccessAdvInSrcPortStart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "start of source port list " ::= { ccSubnetAccessAdvInEntry 7 } -- ccSubnetAccessAdvInSrcPortEnd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "End of source port list " ::= { ccSubnetAccessAdvInEntry 8 } -- ccSubnetAccessAdvInDestPortStart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "start of destination port list " ::= { ccSubnetAccessAdvInEntry 9 } -- ccSubnetAccessAdvInDestPortEnd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "End of destination port list " ::= { ccSubnetAccessAdvInEntry 10 } -- ccSubnetAccessAdvInReverseNatIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Address to use for reverse NAT. To disable, use" ::= { ccSubnetAccessAdvInEntry 12 } -- ccSubnetAccessAdvInReverseNatPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Port to use for reverse NAT." ::= { ccSubnetAccessAdvInEntry 13 } -- ccSubnetAccessAdvInAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { allow(1), deny(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Action on the acl i.e allow or deny " ::= { ccSubnetAccessAdvInEntry 14 } -- ccSubnetAccessAdvInRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AbbrevRowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "status of the row " ::= { ccSubnetAccessAdvInEntry 15 } -- ccSubnetAccessAdvOutTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcSubnetAccessAdvOutEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of Advanced Outbound entries." ::= { ccSubnetAccess 4 } -- ccSubnetAccessAdvOutEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcSubnetAccessAdvOutEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." INDEX { ccSubnetAccessAdvOutIndex } ::= { ccSubnetAccessAdvOutTable 1 } CcSubnetAccessAdvOutEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccSubnetAccessAdvOutIndex Unsigned32, ccSubnetAccessAdvOutSrcIp IpAddress, ccSubnetAccessAdvOutSrcIpLength Integer32, ccSubnetAccessAdvOutDestIp IpAddress, ccSubnetAccessAdvOutDestIpLength Integer32, ccSubnetAccessAdvOutTransport INTEGER, ccSubnetAccessAdvOutSrcPortStart Integer32, ccSubnetAccessAdvOutSrcPortEnd Integer32, ccSubnetAccessAdvOutDestPortStart Integer32, ccSubnetAccessAdvOutDestPortEnd Integer32, ccSubnetAccessAdvOutReverseNat SinglePointer, ccSubnetAccessAdvOutAction INTEGER, ccSubnetAccessAdvOutRowStatus AbbrevRowStatus } -- ccSubnetAccessAdvOutIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..1000) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { ccSubnetAccessAdvOutEntry 1 } -- ccSubnetAccessAdvOutSrcIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Source IP address" ::= { ccSubnetAccessAdvOutEntry 2 } -- ccSubnetAccessAdvOutSrcIpLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..32) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mask length for the IP address" ::= { ccSubnetAccessAdvOutEntry 3 } -- ccSubnetAccessAdvOutDestIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Destination IP address" ::= { ccSubnetAccessAdvOutEntry 4 } -- ccSubnetAccessAdvOutDestIpLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..32) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "mask length for the IP address" ::= { ccSubnetAccessAdvOutEntry 5 } -- ccSubnetAccessAdvOutTransport OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { all(1), tcp(2), udp(3), icmp(4), ah(5), esp(6), gre(7) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Type of transport" ::= { ccSubnetAccessAdvOutEntry 6 } -- ccSubnetAccessAdvOutSrcPortStart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "start of source port list" ::= { ccSubnetAccessAdvOutEntry 7 } -- ccSubnetAccessAdvOutSrcPortEnd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "End of source port list" ::= { ccSubnetAccessAdvOutEntry 8 } -- ccSubnetAccessAdvOutDestPortStart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "start of destination port list" ::= { ccSubnetAccessAdvOutEntry 9 } -- ccSubnetAccessAdvOutDestPortEnd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "End of destination port list " ::= { ccSubnetAccessAdvOutEntry 10 } -- ccSubnetAccessAdvOutReverseNat OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SinglePointer MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Points to a ccWanIpAddrTable entry representing the WAN IP addr to be used for NAT. To disable NAT, set this value to 0." ::= { ccSubnetAccessAdvOutEntry 11 } -- ccSubnetAccessAdvOutAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { allow(1), deny(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Action on the acl i.e allow or deny" ::= { ccSubnetAccessAdvOutEntry 12 } -- ccSubnetAccessAdvOutRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AbbrevRowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "status of the row" ::= { ccSubnetAccessAdvOutEntry 13 } -- ccSubnetAccessAdvOverrideMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Override the Subnet Access and NAT settings." ::= { ccSubnetAccess 5 } -- ccSubnetAccessAdvImportRules OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DoActionNow MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When set to 1 the Subnet Access Rules shall be imported on top of the Advanced Access rules." ::= { ccSubnetAccess 6 } -- ccLanVlan OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccLan 3 } -- ccLanVlanType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { portBased(1), userBased(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Type of the VLAN port/user based " ::= { ccLanVlan 1 } -- ccLanVlanTrunkPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Port used for VLAN trunking ( 1-6) " ::= { ccLanVlan 2 } -- ??-India: can be either the port #, -- or the index in the PortTable - implementer's choice. -- ccLanVlanDefaultTag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..31) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Deafult VLAN tag ( default is 1) " ::= { ccLanVlan 3 } -- ccLanVlanTrunked OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { noVlansAreTrunked(0), trunkVlan01(1), trunkVlan02(2), trunkVlan03(3), trunkVlan04(4), trunkVlan05(5), trunkVlan06(6), trunkVlan07(7), trunkVlan08(8), trunkVlan09(9), trunkVlan10(10), trunkVlan11(11), trunkVlan12(12), trunkVlan13(13), trunkVlan14(14), trunkVlan15(15), trunkVlan16(16), trunkVlan17(17), trunkVlan18(18), trunkVlan19(19), trunkVlan20(20), trunkVlan21(21), trunkVlan22(22), trunkVlan23(23), trunkVlan24(24), trunkVlan25(25), trunkVlan26(26), trunkVlan27(27), trunkVlan28(28), trunkVlan29(29), trunkVlan30(30), trunkVlan31(31) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "List of VLANs which are trunked. " ::= { ccLanVlan 4 } -- ccLanVlanTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcLanVlanEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of VLAN IDs mapped to Subnets." ::= { ccLanVlan 5 } -- ccLanVlanEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcLanVlanEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." INDEX { ccSubnetIndex } ::= { ccLanVlanTable 1 } CcLanVlanEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccLanVlanId Unsigned32 } -- ccLanVlanId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..31) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Vlan associated with a subnet " ::= { ccLanVlanEntry 1 } -- Router config. -- -- Note that static routes can be seen and added in the -- MIB-II ip group tables. -- ccRouter OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ws2k 6 } -- RIP config. -- ccRouterRip OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccRouter 1 } -- ccRouterRipType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noRip(1), ripV1(2), ripV2withV1compatibility(3), ripV2(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RIP type." ::= { ccRouterRip 1 } -- Version of the RIP enabled on the interface -- -- ccRouterRipDirection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { both(1), rxOnly(2), txOnly(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RIP direction." ::= { ccRouterRip 2 } -- Direction of RIP messages -- -- RIP v2 config. -- ccRouterRip2 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccRouterRip 3 } -- ccRouterRip2AuthType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(1), simple(2), md5(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RIP v2 authentication type." ::= { ccRouterRip2 1 } -- Type of authentication used by RIP -- -- ccRouterRip2SimplePassword OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Password MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Password used for RIP v2 simple authentication." ::= { ccRouterRip2 2 } -- ccRouterRip2Md5Key1Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..256) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RIP v2 with MD5 authentication: key #1 - ID." ::= { ccRouterRip2 3 } -- ccRouterRip2Md5Key1AuthKey OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Password (SIZE (0..16)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RIP v2 with MD5 authentication: key #1 - auth key." ::= { ccRouterRip2 4 } -- ccRouterRip2Md5Key2Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..256) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RIP v2 with MD5 authentication: key #2 - ID." ::= { ccRouterRip2 5 } -- ccRouterRip2Md5Key2AuthKey OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Password (SIZE (0..16)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RIP v2 with MD5 authentication: key #2 - auth key." ::= { ccRouterRip2 6 } -- ccRouterRoutesTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcRouterRoutesEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { ccRouter 2 } -- ccRouterRoutesEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcRouterRoutesEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of Routing entries." INDEX { ccRouterRoutesIndex } ::= { ccRouterRoutesTable 1 } CcRouterRoutesEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccRouterRoutesIndex Unsigned32, ccRouterRoutesDest IpAddress, ccRouterRoutesDestMask IpAddress, ccRouterRoutesGateway IpAddress, ccRouterRoutesInterface SinglePointer, ccRouterRoutesMetric Integer32 } -- ccRouterRoutesIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..10000) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Simple Index." ::= { ccRouterRoutesEntry 1 } -- ??-India: range OK? -- ccRouterRoutesDest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP address of the destination " ::= { ccRouterRoutesEntry 2 } -- ccRouterRoutesDestMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mask used to specify the route " ::= { ccRouterRoutesEntry 3 } -- ccRouterRoutesGateway OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Ip address of the gateway for this route " ::= { ccRouterRoutesEntry 4 } -- ccRouterRoutesInterface OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SinglePointer MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Interface used for this route " ::= { ccRouterRoutesEntry 5 } -- ??-CSM: why does label say interfaces? -- does this need to be a multipointer? -- -- ccRouterRoutesMetric OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Metric specified for this route." ::= { ccRouterRoutesEntry 6 } -- ccRouterUserRoutesTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcRouterUserRoutesEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of User defined Routes." ::= { ccRouter 3 } -- ccRouterUserRoutesEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcRouterUserRoutesEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "User defined routes " INDEX { ccRouterUserRoutesIndex } ::= { ccRouterUserRoutesTable 1 } CcRouterUserRoutesEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccRouterUserRoutesIndex INTEGER, ccRouterUserRoutesDest IpAddress, ccRouterUserRoutesDestMask IpAddress, ccRouterUserRoutesGateway IpAddress, ccRouterUserRoutesInterface INTEGER, ccRouterUserRoutesMetric Integer32, ccRouterUserRoutesRowStatus AbbrevRowStatus } -- ccRouterUserRoutesIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..20) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Simple Index." ::= { ccRouterUserRoutesEntry 1 } -- ??-India: range OK? -- ccRouterUserRoutesDest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP address of the destination" ::= { ccRouterUserRoutesEntry 2 } -- ccRouterUserRoutesDestMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mask used to specify the route" ::= { ccRouterUserRoutesEntry 3 } -- ccRouterUserRoutesGateway OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Ip address of the gateway for this route" ::= { ccRouterUserRoutesEntry 4 } -- ccRouterUserRoutesInterface OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { wan(1), subnet1(2), subnet2(3), subnet3(4), subnet4(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Interface used for this route" ::= { ccRouterUserRoutesEntry 5 } -- ??-CSM: why does label say interfaces? -- does this need to be a multipointer? -- -- ccRouterUserRoutesMetric OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Metric specified for this route." ::= { ccRouterUserRoutesEntry 6 } -- ccRouterUserRoutesRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AbbrevRowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Status of this row. " ::= { ccRouterUserRoutesEntry 7 } -- All MIBs in this group are related to detection and -- location of 'Rogue' APs. -- ccRap OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ws2k 7 } -- This group specifies which Rogue detection algorithm(s) -- will be employed, and provides necessary controls for -- each 'sub-algorithm'. -- ccRapControl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccRap 1 } -- This group contains MIB variables for controlling -- and reporting the APs heard by Symbol MUs that -- support the 'rogue AP detection assist' algorithm. -- -- This is supported in Mobile Companion v?.? and later. -- -- The following is a PARTIAL list of Symbol MUs that -- support this feature: -- ??? -- -- Note that Symbol MUs running Mobile Companion v?.? -- only report the first 20 APs heard. The order in -- which APs appear in the MU's list is random. This -- means that if the total of all APs in the local -- environment (including rogues) is more than 20, it -- may take more than one poll cycle to find an MU that -- has that rogue within the top 20 entries of it's -- list of heard APs. -- -- Symbol MUs running Mobile Companion v?.? and later -- do not have this limitation, and report all heard -- APs on every poll cycle. A new/rogue AP heard in -- with such an MU will be reported regardless of the -- total number of APs in the local environment. -- ccRapControlPollSymbolMus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccRapControl 3 } -- ccRapPollSymbolMusEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable/disable polling MUs for their lists of known APs. The state of this variable persists across reboots. The factory-default state is disabled." ::= { ccRapControlPollSymbolMus 1 } -- ccRapPollSymbolMusInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "minutes" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Amount of time to wait before polling the same MU for its known AP list again. Assuming the MU is disrupted for 3sec when it is polled, a value of 5min or more would interrupt MUs less than 1% of the time. The state of this variable persists across reboots. The factory-default state is 10 (minutes)." ::= { ccRapControlPollSymbolMus 2 } -- Rogues can be learned via 'production' Portals if they -- happen to be on the same channel. Such Portals listen for -- beacons (at a given interval), and report APs heard. -- -- This group controls the learning of new APs via this -- method. -- ccRapControlOnChannel OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccRapControl 4 } -- ccRapOnChannelEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable/disable polling MUs for their lists of known APs. The state of this variable persists across reboots. The factory-default state is disabled." ::= { ccRapControlOnChannel 1 } -- ccRapOnChannelInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "minutes" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Amount of time to wait before polling the same MU for its known AP list again. Assuming the MU is disrupted for 3sec when it is polled, a value of 5min or more would interrupt MUs less than 1% of the time. The state of this variable persists across reboots. The factory-default state is 10 (minutes)." ::= { ccRapControlOnChannel 2 } -- One or more Portals can be dedicated for the purpose of -- detecting Rogues, called 'detectors'. Such Portals do NOT -- pass 'production' packets since they are busy scanning many -- different channels. -- -- This group controls the learning of new APs via this -- method. -- ccRapControlDetectors OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccRapControl 5 } -- ccRapDetectorsEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable/disable the entire 'detector' sub-system. On the true-to-false transition, any portals previously claimed as listeners will be released and reset. Once reset, they will appear to the switch as if just newly installed, (and thus may or may not be adopted depending on settings in the switch). The state of this variable persists across reboots. The factory-default state is disabled." ::= { ccRapControlDetectors 1 } -- ccRapDetectorsInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "minutes" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Amount of time to wait before polling the same MU for its known AP list again. Assuming the MU is disrupted for 3sec when it is polled, a value of 5min or more would interrupt MUs less than 1% of the time. The state of this variable persists across reboots. The factory-default state is 10 (minutes)." ::= { ccRapControlDetectors 2 } -- This group controls how newly detected APs are -- 'authorized', meaning they will be reported as -- 'approved' rather than 'rogue'. -- ccRapAuth OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccRap 2 } -- MIB values to configure the process of authorizing -- newly discovered APs via a specific list of authorized -- APs, (specified by AP MAC and/or ESSID, wildcarding -- permitted). -- ccRapAuthList OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccRapAuth 2 } -- ccRapAuthAllSymbolMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If TRUE, any newly-discovered AP that has a MAC address with a Symbol vendor prefix is authorized, regardless of the ESSID." ::= { ccRapAuthList 1 } -- ccRapAuthTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcRapAuthEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A list of 'authorized' APs. There is no need to include on this list any APs adopted by the switch. Typically, this list will contain APs that are located in neighboring stores/buildings that are known by some means to NOT be rogue. So this is the List of APs that are Authorized and upon heard shall automatically be added to the Approved List instead of labelling them as Rogue APs. Note that this table persists across reboots. " ::= { ccRapAuthList 2 } -- ccRapAuthEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcRapAuthEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " INDEX { ccRapAuthIndex } ::= { ccRapAuthTable 1 } CcRapAuthEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccRapAuthIndex Unsigned32, ccRapAuthMacFilter PhysAddress, ccRapAuthEssidFilter DisplayString, ccRapAuthRowExists TruthValue } -- ccRapAuthIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..24) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index." ::= { ccRapAuthEntry 1 } -- ccRapAuthMacFilter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PhysAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "MAC address of AP to consider 'authorized'. To specify the entire MAC address as a wildcard, (match any MAC address), use FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF. (While it had been considered, it is NOT possible to wildcard just the vendor portion of the MAC)." ::= { ccRapAuthEntry 2 } -- ccRapAuthEssidFilter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ESSID of AP to consider 'authorized'. Set to 33 '*' characters for wildcard, (to match any ESSID). (ESSIDs must be 32ch or less)." ::= { ccRapAuthEntry 3 } -- ccRapAuthRowExists OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A kludge to avoid RowStatus and save development time. Set this value to true when creating the row. Set this value to false to destroy the row. ??- better name." ::= { ccRapAuthEntry 4 } -- ccRapAuthErase OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DoActionNow MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting this value to TRUE erases all AuthTable entries." ::= { ccRapAuthList 3 } -- ccRapAuthCopyAllApproved OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DoActionNow MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Causes all ccRapResultsApprovedTable entries to be immediately copied to the ccRapAuthTable." ::= { ccRapAuthList 4 } -- ccRapAuthCopyAllRogue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DoActionNow MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Causes all ccRapResultsRogueTable entries to be immediately copied to the ccRapAuthTable." ::= { ccRapAuthList 5 } -- This group of MIB values report two tables that -- collectively report all APs heard, (except those -- Portals adopted by this switch). -- ccRapResults OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccRap 3 } -- The APs represented in this group of MIB variables -- are 'approved', meaning they have been authorized as -- approved via one of the methods controlled in the -- ccRapAuth group. -- ccRapResultsApproved OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccRapResults 1 } -- ccRapResultsApprovedAgeOut OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "minutes" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If an entry in the _ResultsApproved table is not heard by any means for this number of minutes, is elligable to be removed from the table by the switch; (the switch, however, might not remove the entry until it gets around to it). A value of 0 indicates that entries will never be 'aged-out' of the table. The state of this variable persists across reboots. The factory-default state is 1 week, (10080 min)." ::= { ccRapResultsApproved 1 } -- ccRapResultsApprovedTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcRapResultsApprovedEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each AP MAC/ESSID combination heard by any enabled detection method will be reported in this table, if it has been determined to be 'approved' via one of the enabled methods controlled in ccAuth. Entries persist until that MAC/ESSID combination has not been heard for _AgeOut minutes." ::= { ccRapResultsApproved 2 } -- ccRapResultsApprovedEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcRapResultsApprovedEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " INDEX { ccRapResultsApprovedIndex } ::= { ccRapResultsApprovedTable 1 } CcRapResultsApprovedEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccRapResultsApprovedIndex Unsigned32, ccRapResultsApprovedApMac PhysAddress, ccRapResultsApprovedEssid DisplayString, ccRapResultsApprovedCopyToAuthTable DoActionNow, ccRapResultsApprovedFirstHeard TimeTicks, ccRapResultsApprovedLastHeard TimeTicks, ccRapResultsApprovedPortalPtr MultiPointer255, ccRapResultsApprovedHowFound INTEGER, ccRapResultsApprovedHowAuth INTEGER, ccRapResultsApprovedChannel Integer32 } -- ccRapResultsApprovedIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..50) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Simple Index." ::= { ccRapResultsApprovedEntry 1 } -- ccRapResultsApprovedApMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PhysAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "MAC address of the heard AP." ::= { ccRapResultsApprovedEntry 2 } -- ccRapResultsApprovedEssid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ESSID of the heard AP." ::= { ccRapResultsApprovedEntry 3 } -- ccRapResultsApprovedCopyToAuthTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DoActionNow MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When set to TRUE, this entry is copied to the RuleTable." ::= { ccRapResultsApprovedEntry 4 } -- ccRapResultsApprovedFirstHeard OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Snapshot of sysUpTime the first time this AP MAC/ESSID combination was heard by any Symbol MU." ::= { ccRapResultsApprovedEntry 5 } -- ccRapResultsApprovedLastHeard OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Snapshot of sysUpTime the most recent time this AP MAC/ESSID combination was heard by any Symbol MU." ::= { ccRapResultsApprovedEntry 6 } -- ccRapResultsApprovedPortalPtr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MultiPointer255 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mask of Portal table entries. Those Portal entries indicated by a '1' in this mask were at one time the servicing Portal for an MU that reported hearing this AP. For a rogue of limited range in the parking lot on the north side of a store, it would be expected that only the Portals located in the north end of the store would be indicated by this mask, thus giving a rough indication of general direction of the rogue." ::= { ccRapResultsApprovedEntry 7 } -- ccRapResultsApprovedHowFound OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { viaSymbolMuPolling(1), viaOnChannelDetection(2), viaDetector(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Describes the status of this AP. ??- I don't think we would report adoptedAp on the results table, so don't need this enum value." ::= { ccRapResultsApprovedEntry 8 } -- ccRapResultsApprovedHowAuth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { onAuthList(1), viaRadius(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Describes how this AP was authorized, (or not). The order in which the various methods of authorizing APs is attempted is exactly the numerical order of the enums. ??- I deleted adoptedAp, since it seems to me that there is no good reason to report APs that this switch has adopted." ::= { ccRapResultsApprovedEntry 9 } -- ccRapResultsApprovedChannel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Describes on which channel this AP was found." ::= { ccRapResultsApprovedEntry 10 } -- ccRapResultsApprovedErase OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DoActionNow MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting this value to TRUE erases all Results entries. Any APs heard after that event will be treated as newly heard; (which means they will also generate notifications, if enabled). ??- need 2nd scalar." ::= { ccRapResultsApproved 3 } -- ccRapNewApprovedAp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ccRapResultsApprovedPortalPtr, ccRapResultsApprovedHowFound, ccRapResultsApprovedHowAuth } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A new AP has been heard that was in some manner authorized." ::= { ccRapResultsApproved 4 } -- The APs represented in this group of MIB variables -- are 'rogue', meaning they failed to be authorized as -- approved via one of the methods controlled in the -- ccRapAuth group. -- ccRapResultsRogue OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccRapResults 2 } -- ccRapResultsRogueAgeOut OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "minutes" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If an entry in the _ResultsRogue table is not heard by any means for this number of minutes, is elligable to be removed from the table by the switch; (the switch, however, might not remove the entry until it gets around to it). A value of 0 indicates that entries will never be 'aged-out' of the table. The state of this variable persists across reboots. The factory-default state is 1 week, (10080 min)." ::= { ccRapResultsRogue 1 } -- ccRapResultsRogueTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcRapResultsRogueEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each AP MAC/ESSID combination heard by any enabled detection method will be reported in this table, if it has NOT been determined to be 'approved' via one of the enabled methods controlled in ccAuth. Entries persist until that MAC/ESSID combination has not been heard for _AgeOut minutes." ::= { ccRapResultsRogue 2 } -- ccRapResultsRogueEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcRapResultsRogueEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " INDEX { ccRapResultsRogueIndex } ::= { ccRapResultsRogueTable 1 } CcRapResultsRogueEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccRapResultsRogueIndex Unsigned32, ccRapResultsRogueApMac PhysAddress, ccRapResultsRogueEssid DisplayString, ccRapResultsRogueCopyToAuthTable DoActionNow, ccRapResultsRogueFirstHeard TimeTicks, ccRapResultsRogueLastHeard TimeTicks, ccRapResultsRoguePortalPtr MultiPointer255, ccRapResultsRogueHowFound INTEGER, ccRapResultsRogueClosestPortalPtr SinglePointer, ccRapResultsRogueClosestPortalRssi Integer32, ccRapResultsRogueChannel Integer32 } -- ccRapResultsRogueIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..50) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Simple Index." ::= { ccRapResultsRogueEntry 1 } -- ccRapResultsRogueApMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PhysAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "MAC address of the heard AP." ::= { ccRapResultsRogueEntry 2 } -- ccRapResultsRogueEssid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ESSID of the heard AP." ::= { ccRapResultsRogueEntry 3 } -- ccRapResultsRogueCopyToAuthTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DoActionNow MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When set to TRUE, this entry is copied to the RuleTable." ::= { ccRapResultsRogueEntry 4 } -- ccRapResultsRogueFirstHeard OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Snapshot of sysUpTime the first time this AP MAC/ESSID combination was heard by any Symbol MU." ::= { ccRapResultsRogueEntry 5 } -- ccRapResultsRogueLastHeard OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Snapshot of sysUpTime the most recent time this AP MAC/ESSID combination was heard by any Symbol MU." ::= { ccRapResultsRogueEntry 6 } -- ccRapResultsRoguePortalPtr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MultiPointer255 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mask of Portal table entries. Those Portal entries indicated by a '1' in this mask were at one time the servicing Portal for an MU that reported hearing this AP. For a rogue of limited range in the parking lot on the north side of a store, it would be expected that only the Portals located in the north end of the store would be indicated by this mask, thus giving a rough indication of general direction of the rogue." ::= { ccRapResultsRogueEntry 7 } -- ccRapResultsRogueHowFound OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { viaSymbolMuPolling(1), viaOnChannelDetection(2), viaDetector(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Describes the status of this AP. ??- I don't think we would report adoptedAp on the results table, so don't need this enum value." ::= { ccRapResultsRogueEntry 8 } -- ccRapResultsRogueClosestPortalPtr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SinglePointer MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A pointer to closest reporting Portal to the Rogue AP, (where 'closest' is defined as greatest RSSI value among all Portals reporting this AP)." ::= { ccRapResultsRogueEntry 9 } -- ccRapResultsRogueClosestPortalRssi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RSSI reported by the closest Portal." ::= { ccRapResultsRogueEntry 10 } -- ccRapResultsRogueChannel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Describes on which channel this AP was found." ::= { ccRapResultsRogueEntry 11 } -- ccRapResultsRogueErase OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DoActionNow MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting this value to TRUE erases all Results entries. Any APs heard after that event will be treated as newly heard; (which means they will also generate notifications, if enabled). ??- need 2nd scalar." ::= { ccRapResultsRogue 3 } -- ccRapNewRogueAp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ccRapResultsRoguePortalPtr, ccRapResultsRogueHowFound } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A new AP has been heard that was NOT authorized." ::= { ccRapResultsRogue 4 } -- The MIBs in this group aid in locating a Rogue AP. -- -- While the Rogue detection algorithms run at prescribed -- intervals, all methods in this group are 'one-shot' tests. -- That is, MIB values are written, and the switch immediately -- performs the specified operation and reports results. The -- results are not impacted in any way by the on-going scans -- configured above, (if any). -- ccRapLocate OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccRap 4 } -- This group allows the user to initiate an immediate scan -- of all configured Portals for a specified Rogue AP. -- ccRapPortalResults OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccRapLocate 1 } -- ccRapPortalResultsApMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PhysAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The MAC address of the AP to be reported. (No wildcarding of the AP MAC is allowed. If it were, several APs could be found that match the selection criteria)." ::= { ccRapPortalResults 1 } -- ccRapPortalResultsApEssid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ESSID of the AP to be reported. (No wildcarding of the AP ESSID is allowed. If it were, several APs could be found that match the selection criteria)." ::= { ccRapPortalResults 2 } -- ccRapPortalResultsInProcess OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DoActionShowProgress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting to true erases the _PortalResultsTable, and immediately initiates a scan of all Portals currently enabled in ccRapControlOnChannel and ccRapControlDetectors. The switch does NOT wait until the next scan interval(s), but performs the scan immediately; (a human is most likely waiting for the results in mere seconds). Once the switch has completed scanning all enabled Portals, it sets this value to false." ::= { ccRapPortalResults 3 } -- ccRapPortalResultsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcRapPortalResultsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each (enabled/configured) Portal that hears the specified AP's MAC/ESSID combination will be reported as one entry in this table. For a rogue of limited range in the parking lot on the north side of a store, it would be expected that only the Portals located in the north end of the store would be indicated by this mask, thus giving a rough indication of general direction of the rogue. Individual RSSI values combined with exact locations of the Portals can be used to triangulate the approximate position of the Rogue." ::= { ccRapPortalResults 4 } -- ccRapPortalResultsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcRapPortalResultsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " INDEX { ccRapPortalResultsIndex } ::= { ccRapPortalResultsTable 1 } CcRapPortalResultsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccRapPortalResultsIndex Unsigned32, ccRapPortalResultsPortalMac PhysAddress, ccRapPortalResultsRssi Integer32 } -- ccRapPortalResultsIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..1000000000) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Simple Index." ::= { ccRapPortalResultsEntry 1 } -- ccRapPortalResultsPortalMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PhysAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "MAC address of the Portal reporting having heard the specified AP." ::= { ccRapPortalResultsEntry 2 } -- ccRapPortalResultsRssi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RSSI value heard by the Portal." ::= { ccRapPortalResultsEntry 3 } -- This group contains the MIB variables used to -- initiate an immediate poll of a single Symbol MU, in order -- to use that MU as a roving agent to find the Rogue. -- ccRapPollOneMu OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccRapLocate 2 } -- ccRapPollOneMuMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PhysAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Writing this value with the MAC address of a MU causes the switch to read that MU's known AP list. This read is performed just once, (it is not repeated). This read occurs regardless of the state of ccRapPollSymbolMusEnable. The read is also performed immediately - the switch does NOT wait until the next Sybmol MU poll interval, (as specified in ccRapPollSymbolMusInterval)." ::= { ccRapPollOneMu 1 } -- ccRapPollOneMuInProcess OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DoActionShowProgress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting to true initiates the polling of one specified MU's known AP table. Once the switch receives a response from the requested MU, it sets this value to false. If the network management software sets this value to false, any future response from the MU will be ignored." ::= { ccRapPollOneMu 2 } -- ccRapPollOneMuStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notSymbolRogueEnabled(1), symbolRogueEnabled(2), notAssociated(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Describes if the MU is associated or not, and if so, if the MU is Symbol Rogue detect enabled or not." ::= { ccRapPollOneMu 3 } -- ccRapPollOneMuResultsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcRapPollOneMuResultsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Shows the known AP table as read from the specified MU. This table is NOT cumulative; that is, it only reflects exactly what was read from the most recent read of the specified MU's known AP table. If a non-Symbol MUs is specified, or if the MU is not currently associated with any Portal, the resulting table will be empty." ::= { ccRapPollOneMu 4 } -- ccRapPollOneMuResultsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcRapPollOneMuResultsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " INDEX { ccRapPollOneMuResultsIndex } ::= { ccRapPollOneMuResultsTable 1 } CcRapPollOneMuResultsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccRapPollOneMuResultsIndex Unsigned32, ccRapPollOneMuResultsRssi Integer32, ccRapPollOneMuResultsEssid DisplayString, ccRapPollOneMuResultsApMac PhysAddress } -- ccRapPollOneMuResultsIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..1000000000) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Simple index into the table." ::= { ccRapPollOneMuResultsEntry 1 } -- ccRapPollOneMuResultsRssi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RSSI reported for that known AP." ::= { ccRapPollOneMuResultsEntry 2 } -- ccRapPollOneMuResultsEssid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ESSID of the heard AP." ::= { ccRapPollOneMuResultsEntry 3 } -- ccRapPollOneMuResultsApMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PhysAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "MAC address of the heard AP." ::= { ccRapPollOneMuResultsEntry 4 } -- ccRadiusServer OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ws2k 8 } -- ccRadius OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccRadiusServer 1 } -- ??-CSM: what happens when hit 'server certificate' -- and 'CA certificate' buttons? Add MIBs for these. -- -- ccRadiusDataSource OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { local(1), ldap(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Source of data for authentication. It can be local database on the switch or LDAP database i.e ADS or openLDAP" ::= { ccRadius 1 } -- -- -- ccRadiusDefaultEapType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ttls(1), peap(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Deafult EAP type advertised by the radius server. " ::= { ccRadius 2 } -- EAP type enabled on the switch -- -- Type of EAP type within PEAP -- -- ccRadiusAuthTypePeap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { gtc(1), msChap2(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Type of EAP type within PEAP " ::= { ccRadius 4 } -- Type of EAP type within TTLS -- ccRadiusAuthTypeTtls OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { md5(1), pap(2), msChap2(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Type of EAP type within TTLS" ::= { ccRadius 5 } -- Id of the ceritificate used by RADIUS -- -- ccRadiusServerCertificate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..10)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Id of the ceritificate used by RADIUS " ::= { ccRadius 6 } -- ID of the CA certificate used by RADIUS -- -- ccRadiusCACertificate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..10)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ID of the CA certificate used by RADIUS" ::= { ccRadius 7 } -- List of client which are authorised by the radius server -- -- ccRadiusClientAuthTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcRadiusClientAuthEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of Radius Client Entries." ::= { ccRadius 8 } -- ccRadiusClientAuthEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcRadiusClientAuthEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." INDEX { ccRadiusClientAuthIndex } ::= { ccRadiusClientAuthTable 1 } CcRadiusClientAuthEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccRadiusClientAuthIndex Unsigned32, ccRadiusClientAuthIpAddr IpAddress, ccRadiusClientAuthMask IpAddress, ccRadiusClientAuthSharedSecret Password, ccRadiusClientAuthRowStatus AbbrevRowStatus } -- ccRadiusClientAuthIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..100) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Simple Index." ::= { ccRadiusClientAuthEntry 1 } -- IP address -- ccRadiusClientAuthIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP address of the client " ::= { ccRadiusClientAuthEntry 2 } -- ccRadiusClientAuthMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mask of the client's IP address " ::= { ccRadiusClientAuthEntry 3 } -- ccRadiusClientAuthSharedSecret OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Password MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Shared secret between the client and the radius server " ::= { ccRadiusClientAuthEntry 4 } -- ccRadiusClientAuthRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AbbrevRowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row Status. " ::= { ccRadiusClientAuthEntry 5 } -- ccRadiusProxy OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccRadiusServer 2 } -- ccRadiusProxyRetryCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (3..6) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of retries for sending messages to a proxy " ::= { ccRadiusProxy 1 } -- ccRadiusProxyTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (5..10) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TImeout in seconds before retrying to a proxy " ::= { ccRadiusProxy 2 } -- ccRadiusProxyServerTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcRadiusProxyServerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of Proxy Realm Entries." ::= { ccRadiusProxy 3 } -- ??-CSM: limited number of entries? if not, change to AbbrevRowStatus. -- -- ccRadiusProxyServerEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcRadiusProxyServerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." INDEX { ccRadiusProxyServerIndex } ::= { ccRadiusProxyServerTable 1 } CcRadiusProxyServerEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccRadiusProxyServerIndex Unsigned32, ccRadiusProxyServerPrefixOrSuffix DisplayString, ccRadiusProxyServerIp IpAddress, ccRadiusProxyServerPort Integer32, ccRadiusProxyServerSharedSecret Password, ccRadiusProxyServerRowStatus AbbrevRowStatus } -- ccRadiusProxyServerIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..5) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Simple Index." ::= { ccRadiusProxyServerEntry 1 } -- ccRadiusProxyServerPrefixOrSuffix OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..8)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Prefix of suffix used for proxying radius request to a proxy server " ::= { ccRadiusProxyServerEntry 2 } -- ccRadiusProxyServerIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP address of the proxy server " ::= { ccRadiusProxyServerEntry 3 } -- ccRadiusProxyServerPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Port of proxy server " ::= { ccRadiusProxyServerEntry 4 } -- ccRadiusProxyServerSharedSecret OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Password MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Shared secret between radius server and proxy server " ::= { ccRadiusProxyServerEntry 5 } -- ccRadiusProxyServerRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AbbrevRowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row Status. " ::= { ccRadiusProxyServerEntry 6 } -- ccRadiusLdap OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccRadiusServer 3 } -- ccRadiusLdapServerIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP address of the LDAP server " ::= { ccRadiusLdap 1 } -- ccRadiusLdapServerPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..6) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Port of the LDAP server " ::= { ccRadiusLdap 2 } -- ccRadiusLdapLoginAttribute OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..16)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Name of the login attribute used by LDAP for authenticating the user. " ::= { ccRadiusLdap 3 } -- ccRadiusLdapPasswordAttribute OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Name of the login attribute used by LDAP for authenticating the user. " ::= { ccRadiusLdap 4 } -- ccRadiusLdapBindDistinguishedName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..128)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Bind DN used the LDAP client on the WS2000 to connect to a LDAP server " ::= { ccRadiusLdap 5 } -- ccRadiusLdapBindDistinguishedPassword OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Password MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Bind password used the LDAP client on the WS2000 to connect to a LDAP server" ::= { ccRadiusLdap 6 } -- ccRadiusLdapBaseDistinguishedName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..128)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Base DN used the LDAP client on the WS2000 to connect to a LDAP server." ::= { ccRadiusLdap 7 } -- ccRadiusLdapGroupAttribute OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..16)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Name of the group attribute used by LDAP for retrieving the group associated with a user " ::= { ccRadiusLdap 8 } -- ccRadiusLdapGroupFilter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..128)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Filter specification used by the LDAP client to retrieve the groups associated with a user " ::= { ccRadiusLdap 9 } -- ccRadiusLdapGroupMembershipAttribute OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..16)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Name of the attribute in the user schema which specifies groups associated with the user. This is used if the group filter specified by ccRadiusGroupFilter return an error. " ::= { ccRadiusLdap 10 } -- ccRadiusUsers OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccRadiusServer 4 } -- ??-CSM: who else uses the local user database? -- depending on that answer, maybe this doesn't go under ccRadius? -- ccRadiusUsersGroupTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcRadiusUsersGroupEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Table of Group entries." ::= { ccRadiusUsers 1 } -- ccRadiusUsersGroupEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcRadiusUsersGroupEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Description." INDEX { ccRadiusUsersGroup } ::= { ccRadiusUsersGroupTable 1 } CcRadiusUsersGroupEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccRadiusUsersGroup DisplayString, ccRadiusUsersGroupRowStatus AbbrevRowStatus, ccRadiusUsersGroupId Integer32 } -- ccRadiusUsersGroup OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..8)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Name of the group " ::= { ccRadiusUsersGroupEntry 1 } -- ccRadiusUsersGroupRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AbbrevRowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Row status " ::= { ccRadiusUsersGroupEntry 2 } -- ccRadiusUsersGroupId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Actual index of that Group in the Configuration. Added to solve a problem encountered by SEMM for resolving the Multipointer ccRadiusUsersGroups." ::= { ccRadiusUsersGroupEntry 3 } -- ccRadiusUsersTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcRadiusUsersEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of User entries." ::= { ccRadiusUsers 2 } -- ccRadiusUsersEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcRadiusUsersEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." INDEX { ccRadiusUsersId } ::= { ccRadiusUsersTable 1 } CcRadiusUsersEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccRadiusUsersId DisplayString, ccRadiusUsersPassword Password, ccRadiusUsersGroups BITS, ccRadiusUsersRowStatus AbbrevRowStatus } -- ccRadiusUsersId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..8)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "User name." ::= { ccRadiusUsersEntry 1 } -- ccRadiusUsersPassword OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Password (SIZE (1..8)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Password." ::= { ccRadiusUsersEntry 2 } -- ccRadiusUsersGroups OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { null(0), group1(1), group2(2), group3(3), group4(4), group5(5), group6(6), group7(7), group8(8), group9(9), group10(10) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "List of groups associated with the user. Note that if a group is deleted, the corresponding bit pointing to that group will be cleared in this variable for all users that previously had it set." ::= { ccRadiusUsersEntry 3 } -- ccRadiusUsersRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AbbrevRowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row Status." ::= { ccRadiusUsersEntry 4 } -- ccRadiusAccess OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccRadiusServer 5 } -- ccRadiusAccessTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcRadiusAccessEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Table of Access Policy entries." ::= { ccRadiusAccess 1 } -- ccRadiusAccessEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CcRadiusAccessEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Acess table entry specifying the the WLANs allowed for each group " INDEX { ccRadiusUsersGroup } ::= { ccRadiusAccessTable 1 } CcRadiusAccessEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccRadiusAccessWlanPtrs BITS } -- ccRadiusAccessWlanPtrs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { null(0), wlan1(1), wlan2(2), wlan3(3), wlan4(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Points to the zero or more WLANs for which the given GroupId is allowed access. " ::= { ccRadiusAccessEntry 2 } -- !!- OID: located at .1000 to save room above. -- ccGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ws2k 1000 } -- ccGroupsV1dot0 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccGroups 1 } -- ccAdminGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { ccInfoSerialNumber, ccResetFactory, ccResetSwitch, ccLoadFwOperation, ccLoadFwInterface, ccLoadFwServerPath, ccLoadFwServerFilename, ccLoadFwStart, ccLoadFwResult, ccLoadFwSuccess, ccLoadCfgOperation, ccLoadCfgServerPath, ccLoadCfgServerFilename, ccLoadCfgStart, ccLoadCfgOperationsDone, ccLoadCfgResult, ccLoadCfgSuccess, ccCfgHistChangeCount, ccCfgHistChangeTime, ccCfgHistSemaphore, ccSnmpLastDeniedIpAddr, ccSysDNSRelayMode, ccApSslv2Mode, ccApSshv1Mode, ccApSslWeakCipherSupport, ccSnmpAclViolations, ccLoadServerIpAddr, ccLoadFtpUsername } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { ccGroupsV1dot0 1 } -- ccNotificationsGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { ccPortalAdopted, ccPortalUnAdopted, ccPortalDenied, ccMuAssociated, ccMuUnAssociated, ccMuDenied, ccSnmpAclViolation, ccConfigChange } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { ccGroupsV1dot0 2 } -- ccApGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { ccApIndex, ccApNicMac, ccApModelNumber, ccApSerialNumber, ccApPcbRevision, ccApBootLoaderRev, ccApWispVersion, ccApRuntimeFwVersion, ccApNumPortals, ccApPointersToPortals } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { ccGroupsV1dot0 3 } -- ccPortalGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { ccPortalIndex, ccPortalPointerToAp, ccPortalPointersToWlans, ccPortalOptions, ccPortalMac, ccPortalNumberOfEss, ccPortalNumberOfBss, ccPortalAssociatedMus, ccPortalChannel, ccPortalTxPowerLevel, ccPortalLastMac, ccPortalLastReason, ccPortalName, ccPortalLocation, ccPortalLastAdoption, ccPortalRadioType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { ccGroupsV1dot0 4 } -- ccAssociationGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { ccAssociationFirstAssociate, ccAssociationLastAssociate, ccAssociationCountAssociates } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { ccGroupsV1dot0 5 } -- ccMuGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { ccMuMac, ccMuWlanIndex, ccMuWlanName, ccMuPortalIndex, ccMuPortalMac, ccMuSymbolRogueApEna, ccMuIpAddr, ccMuType, ccMuRadioType, ccMuSupportedRates, ccMuPowerMode, ccMuAuthenticationMethod, ccMuEncryptionMethod, ccMuRxPktsUcast, ccMuTxPktsUcast, ccMuRxOctetsUcast, ccMuTxOctetsUcast, ccMuRxUndecryptablePkts, ccMuRxRssiNumPkts, ccMuRxRssiSum, ccMuRxRssiSumSquares, ccMuRxRssiMostRecent, ccMuLastActivity, ccMuRxPktsAt1Mb, ccMuRxPktsAt2Mb, ccMuRxPktsAt5pt5Mb, ccMuRxPktsAt6Mb, ccMuRxPktsAt9Mb, ccMuRxPktsAt11Mb, ccMuRxPktsAt12Mb, ccMuRxPktsAt18Mb, ccMuRxPktsAt22Mb, ccMuRxPktsAt24Mb, ccMuRxPktsAt36Mb, ccMuRxPktsAt48Mb, ccMuRxPktsAt54Mb, ccMuTxPktsAt1Mb, ccMuTxPktsAt2Mb, ccMuTxPktsAt5pt5Mb, ccMuTxPktsAt6Mb, ccMuTxPktsAt9Mb, ccMuTxPktsAt11Mb, ccMuTxPktsAt12Mb, ccMuTxPktsAt18Mb, ccMuTxPktsAt22Mb, ccMuTxPktsAt24Mb, ccMuTxPktsAt36Mb, ccMuTxPktsAt48Mb, ccMuTxPktsAt54Mb, ccMuRxOctetsAt1Mb, ccMuRxOctetsAt2Mb, ccMuRxOctetsAt5pt5Mb, ccMuRxOctetsAt6Mb, ccMuRxOctetsAt9Mb, ccMuRxOctetsAt11Mb, ccMuRxOctetsAt12Mb, ccMuRxOctetsAt18Mb, ccMuRxOctetsAt22Mb, ccMuRxOctetsAt24Mb, ccMuRxOctetsAt36Mb, ccMuRxOctetsAt48Mb, ccMuRxOctetsAt54Mb, ccMuTxOctetsAt1Mb, ccMuTxOctetsAt2Mb, ccMuTxOctetsAt5pt5Mb, ccMuTxOctetsAt6Mb, ccMuTxOctetsAt9Mb, ccMuTxOctetsAt11Mb, ccMuTxOctetsAt12Mb, ccMuTxOctetsAt18Mb, ccMuTxOctetsAt22Mb, ccMuTxOctetsAt24Mb, ccMuTxOctetsAt36Mb, ccMuTxOctetsAt48Mb, ccMuTxOctetsAt54Mb, ccMuTxRetries01, ccMuTxRetries02, ccMuTxRetries03, ccMuTxRetries04, ccMuTxRetries05, ccMuTxRetries06, ccMuTxRetries07, ccMuTxRetries08, ccMuTxRetries09, ccMuTxRetries10, ccMuTxRetries11, ccMuTxRetries12, ccMuTxRetries13, ccMuTxRetries14, ccMuTxRetries15, ccMuTxRetriesNone, ccMuTxRetriesFailed, ccMuTxRetriesTotal, ccMuLastPortal, ccMuTxRetriesMostRecent, ccMuLastMac, ccMuLastReason, ccMuIsDataReady } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { ccGroupsV1dot0 6 } -- ccGroupsV1dot5 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccGroups 2 } -- ccGroupsV1dot5variables OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { ccInfoSerialNumber, ccInfoCountrySelection, ccIdHwVersion, ccIdFwVersion, ccIdSwVersion, ccIdMibVersion, ccIdCliVersion, ccIdXmlVersion, ccIdSerialNumber, ccResetFactory, ccResetSwitch, ccResetFactoryExceptIpSnmp, ccLoadFwOperation, ccLoadFwInterface, ccLoadFwServerPath, ccLoadFwServerFilename, ccLoadFwStart, ccLoadFwResult, ccLoadFwSuccess, ccLoadCfgOperation, ccLoadCfgServerPath, ccLoadCfgServerFilename, ccLoadCfgStart, ccLoadCfgOperationsDone, ccLoadCfgResult, ccLoadCfgSuccess, ccCfgHistChangeCount, ccCfgHistChangeTime, ccCfgHistSemaphore, ccLoadServerIpAddr, ccLoadFtpUsername, ccLoadFtpPassword, ccSnmpAclViolations, ccSnmpLastDeniedIpAddr, ccCompactFlashCapacity, ccCompactFlashUsed, ccSumStatsShortWindow, ccSumStatsShortUpdateInterval, ccSumStatsLongWindow, ccSumStatsLongUpdateInterval, ccTrapCtrlCfAlmostFullThreshold, ccTrapCtrlFirewallUnderAttackDescription, ccTrapCtrlFirewallUnderAttackRateLimit, ccTrapCtrlRadarDetectedPortalMac, ccTrapCtrlRadarDetectedChannel, ccTrapCtrlSumStatsIndex, ccTrapCtrlSumStatsDescr, ccTrapCtrlSumStatsUnits, ccTrapCtrlSumStatsCanBeSetMu, ccTrapCtrlSumStatsThresholdMu, ccTrapCtrlSumStatsCanBeSetPortal, ccTrapCtrlSumStatsThresholdPortals, ccTrapCtrlSumStatsCanBeSetWlan, ccTrapCtrlSumStatsThresholdWlans, ccTrapCtrlSumStatsCanBeSetSwitch, ccTrapCtrlSumStatsThresholdSwitch, ccTrapCtrlSumStatsMinPktsForTrap, ccApIndex, ccApNicMac, ccApModelNumber, ccApSerialNumber, ccApPcbRevision, ccApBootLoaderRev, ccApWispVersion, ccApRuntimeFwVersion, ccApNumPortals, ccApPointersToPortals, ccPortalIndex, ccPortalPointerToAp, ccPortalPointersToWlans, ccPortalName, ccPortalLocation, ccPortalOptions, ccPortalMac, ccPortalNumberOfEss, ccPortalNumberOfBss, ccPortalAssociatedMus, ccPortalRadioType, ccPortalChannel, ccPortalTxPowerLevel, ccPortalLastAdoption, ccPortalState, ccPortalLastMac, ccPortalLastReason, ccPortalSystemStatsBeaconsTx, ccPortalSystemStatsBeaconsTxOctets, ccPortalSystemStatsProbeReqRx, ccPortalSystemStatsProbeReqRxOctets, ccPortalSystemStatsProbeRespRetriesNone, ccPortalSystemStatsProbeRespRetries1, ccPortalSystemStatsProbeRespRetries2, ccPortalSystemStatsProbeRespRetriesFailed, ccPortalSystemStatsProbeRespTxOctets, ccPortalTxPktsUcast, ccPortalRxPktsUcast, ccPortalRxPktsNUcast, ccPortalTxOctetsUcast, ccPortalRxOctetsUcast, ccPortalRxOctetsNUcast, ccPortalRxUndecryptablePkts, ccPortalLastActivity, ccPortalRxPktsAt1Mb, ccPortalRxPktsAt2Mb, ccPortalRxPktsAt5pt5Mb, ccPortalRxPktsAt6Mb, ccPortalRxPktsAt9Mb, ccPortalRxPktsAt11Mb, ccPortalRxPktsAt12Mb, ccPortalRxPktsAt18Mb, ccPortalRxPktsAt22Mb, ccPortalRxPktsAt24Mb, ccPortalRxPktsAt36Mb, ccPortalRxPktsAt48Mb, ccPortalRxPktsAt54Mb, ccPortalTxPktsAt1Mb, ccPortalTxPktsAt2Mb, ccPortalTxPktsAt5pt5Mb, ccPortalTxPktsAt6Mb, ccPortalTxPktsAt9Mb, ccPortalTxPktsAt11Mb, ccPortalTxPktsAt12Mb, ccPortalTxPktsAt18Mb, ccPortalTxPktsAt22Mb, ccPortalTxPktsAt24Mb, ccPortalTxPktsAt36Mb, ccPortalTxPktsAt48Mb, ccPortalTxPktsAt54Mb, ccPortalRxOctetsAt1Mb, ccPortalRxOctetsAt2Mb, ccPortalRxOctetsAt5pt5Mb, ccPortalRxOctetsAt6Mb, ccPortalRxOctetsAt9Mb, ccPortalRxOctetsAt11Mb, ccPortalRxOctetsAt12Mb, ccPortalRxOctetsAt18Mb, ccPortalRxOctetsAt22Mb, ccPortalRxOctetsAt24Mb, ccPortalRxOctetsAt36Mb, ccPortalRxOctetsAt48Mb, ccPortalRxOctetsAt54Mb, ccPortalTxOctetsAt1Mb, ccPortalTxOctetsAt2Mb, ccPortalTxOctetsAt5pt5Mb, ccPortalTxOctetsAt6Mb, ccPortalTxOctetsAt9Mb, ccPortalTxOctetsAt11Mb, ccPortalTxOctetsAt12Mb, ccPortalTxOctetsAt18Mb, ccPortalTxOctetsAt22Mb, ccPortalTxOctetsAt24Mb, ccPortalTxOctetsAt36Mb, ccPortalTxOctetsAt48Mb, ccPortalTxOctetsAt54Mb, ccPortalTxRetriesPktsNone, ccPortalTxRetriesPkts01, ccPortalTxRetriesPkts02, ccPortalTxRetriesPkts03, ccPortalTxRetriesPkts04, ccPortalTxRetriesPkts05, ccPortalTxRetriesPkts06, ccPortalTxRetriesPkts07, ccPortalTxRetriesPkts08, ccPortalTxRetriesPkts09, ccPortalTxRetriesPkts10, ccPortalTxRetriesPkts11, ccPortalTxRetriesPkts12, ccPortalTxRetriesPkts13, ccPortalTxRetriesPkts14, ccPortalTxRetriesPkts15, ccPortalTxRetriesPktsFailed, ccPortalTxRetriesOctetsNone, ccPortalTxRetriesOctets01, ccPortalTxRetriesOctets02, ccPortalTxRetriesOctets03, ccPortalTxRetriesOctets04, ccPortalTxRetriesOctets05, ccPortalTxRetriesOctets06, ccPortalTxRetriesOctets07, ccPortalTxRetriesOctets08, ccPortalTxRetriesOctets09, ccPortalTxRetriesOctets10, ccPortalTxRetriesOctets11, ccPortalTxRetriesOctets12, ccPortalTxRetriesOctets13, ccPortalTxRetriesOctets14, ccPortalTxRetriesOctets15, ccPortalTxRetriesOctetsFailed, ccPortalSigStatsNumPkts, ccPortalSigStatsSignalBest, ccPortalSigStatsSignalWorst, ccPortalSigStatsSignalSum, ccPortalSigStatsSignalSumSquares, ccPortalSigStatsSignalMostRecent, ccPortalSigStatsNoiseBest, ccPortalSigStatsNoiseWorst, ccPortalSigStatsNoiseSum, ccPortalSigStatsNoiseSumSquares, ccPortalSigStatsNoiseMostRecent, ccPortalSigStatsSnrBest, ccPortalSigStatsSnrWorst, ccPortalSigStatsSnrSum, ccPortalSigStatsSnrSumSquares, ccPortalSigStatsSnrMostRecent, ccPortalSumStatsShortTimestamp, ccPortalSumStatsShortNumPkts, ccPortalSumStatsShortPktsPerSec100, ccPortalSumStatsShortPktsPerSecTx100, ccPortalSumStatsShortPktsPerSecRx100, ccPortalSumStatsShortThroughput, ccPortalSumStatsShortThroughputTx, ccPortalSumStatsShortThroughputRx, ccPortalSumStatsShortAvgBitSpeed, ccPortalSumStatsShortAvgMuSignal, ccPortalSumStatsShortAvgMuNoise, ccPortalSumStatsShortAvgMuSnr, ccPortalSumStatsShortPp10kNUcastPkts, ccPortalSumStatsShortPp10kTxWithRetries, ccPortalSumStatsShortTxAvgRetries100, ccPortalSumStatsShortPp10kRxUndecrypt, ccPortalSumStatsShortTotalMus, ccPortalSumStatsShortPp10kRfUtil, ccPortalSumStatsLongTimestamp, ccPortalSumStatsLongNumPkts, ccPortalSumStatsLongPktsPerSec100, ccPortalSumStatsLongPktsPerSecTx100, ccPortalSumStatsLongPktsPerSecRx100, ccPortalSumStatsLongThroughput, ccPortalSumStatsLongThroughputTx, ccPortalSumStatsLongThroughputRx, ccPortalSumStatsLongAvgBitSpeed, ccPortalSumStatsLongAvgMuSignal, ccPortalSumStatsLongAvgMuNoise, ccPortalSumStatsLongAvgMuSnr, ccPortalSumStatsLongPp10kNUcastPkts, ccPortalSumStatsLongPp10kTxWithRetries, ccPortalSumStatsLongTxAvgRetries100, ccPortalSumStatsLongPp10kRxUndecrypt, ccPortalSumStatsLongTotalMus, ccPortalSumStatsLongPp10kRfUtil, ccAssociationFirstAssociate, ccAssociationLastAssociate, ccAssociationCountAssociates, ccMuMac, ccMuWlanIndex, ccMuWlanName, ccMuIsDataReady, ccMuPortalIndex, ccMuPortalMac, ccMuSymbolRogueApEna, ccMuIpAddr, ccMuType, ccMuRadioType, ccMuSupportedRates, ccMuPowerMode, ccMuAuthenticationMethod, ccMuEncryptionMethod, ccMuTxPktsUcast, ccMuRxPktsUcast, ccMuTxOctetsUcast, ccMuRxOctetsUcast, ccMuRxUndecryptablePkts, ccMuRxRssiNumPkts, ccMuRxRssiSum, ccMuRxRssiSumSquares, ccMuRxRssiMostRecent, ccMuLastActivity, ccMuRxPktsAt1Mb, ccMuRxPktsAt2Mb, ccMuRxPktsAt5pt5Mb, ccMuRxPktsAt6Mb, ccMuRxPktsAt9Mb, ccMuRxPktsAt11Mb, ccMuRxPktsAt12Mb, ccMuRxPktsAt18Mb, ccMuRxPktsAt22Mb, ccMuRxPktsAt24Mb, ccMuRxPktsAt36Mb, ccMuRxPktsAt48Mb, ccMuRxPktsAt54Mb, ccMuTxPktsAt1Mb, ccMuTxPktsAt2Mb, ccMuTxPktsAt5pt5Mb, ccMuTxPktsAt6Mb, ccMuTxPktsAt9Mb, ccMuTxPktsAt11Mb, ccMuTxPktsAt12Mb, ccMuTxPktsAt18Mb, ccMuTxPktsAt22Mb, ccMuTxPktsAt24Mb, ccMuTxPktsAt36Mb, ccMuTxPktsAt48Mb, ccMuTxPktsAt54Mb, ccMuRxOctetsAt1Mb, ccMuRxOctetsAt2Mb, ccMuRxOctetsAt5pt5Mb, ccMuRxOctetsAt6Mb, ccMuRxOctetsAt9Mb, ccMuRxOctetsAt11Mb, ccMuRxOctetsAt12Mb, ccMuRxOctetsAt18Mb, ccMuRxOctetsAt22Mb, ccMuRxOctetsAt24Mb, ccMuRxOctetsAt36Mb, ccMuRxOctetsAt48Mb, ccMuRxOctetsAt54Mb, ccMuTxOctetsAt1Mb, ccMuTxOctetsAt2Mb, ccMuTxOctetsAt5pt5Mb, ccMuTxOctetsAt6Mb, ccMuTxOctetsAt9Mb, ccMuTxOctetsAt11Mb, ccMuTxOctetsAt12Mb, ccMuTxOctetsAt18Mb, ccMuTxOctetsAt22Mb, ccMuTxOctetsAt24Mb, ccMuTxOctetsAt36Mb, ccMuTxOctetsAt48Mb, ccMuTxOctetsAt54Mb, ccMuTxRetriesNone, ccMuTxRetries01, ccMuTxRetries02, ccMuTxRetries03, ccMuTxRetries04, ccMuTxRetries05, ccMuTxRetries06, ccMuTxRetries07, ccMuTxRetries08, ccMuTxRetries09, ccMuTxRetries10, ccMuTxRetries11, ccMuTxRetries12, ccMuTxRetries13, ccMuTxRetries14, ccMuTxRetries15, ccMuTxRetriesFailed, ccMuTxRetriesTotal, ccMuTxRetriesMostRecent, ccMuLastMac, ccMuLastReason, ccMuLastPortal, ccMuTxRetriesOctetsNone, ccMuTxRetriesOctets01, ccMuTxRetriesOctets02, ccMuTxRetriesOctets03, ccMuTxRetriesOctets04, ccMuTxRetriesOctets05, ccMuTxRetriesOctets06, ccMuTxRetriesOctets07, ccMuTxRetriesOctets08, ccMuTxRetriesOctets09, ccMuTxRetriesOctets10, ccMuTxRetriesOctets11, ccMuTxRetriesOctets12, ccMuTxRetriesOctets13, ccMuTxRetriesOctets14, ccMuTxRetriesOctets15, ccMuTxRetriesOctetsFailed, ccMuSigStatsNumPkts, ccMuSigStatsSignalBest, ccMuSigStatsSignalWorst, ccMuSigStatsSignalSum, ccMuSigStatsSignalSumSquares, ccMuSigStatsSignalMostRecent, ccMuSigStatsNoiseBest, ccMuSigStatsNoiseWorst, ccMuSigStatsNoiseSum, ccMuSigStatsNoiseSumSquares, ccMuSigStatsNoiseMostRecent, ccMuSigStatsSnrBest, ccMuSigStatsSnrWorst, ccMuSigStatsSnrSum, ccMuSigStatsSnrSumSquares, ccMuSigStatsSnrMostRecent, ccMuSumStatsShortTimestamp, ccMuSumStatsShortNumPkts, ccMuSumStatsShortPktsPerSec100, ccMuSumStatsShortPktsPerSecTx100, ccMuSumStatsShortPktsPerSecRx100, ccMuSumStatsShortThroughput, ccMuSumStatsShortThroughputTx, ccMuSumStatsShortThroughputRx, ccMuSumStatsShortAvgBitSpeed, ccMuSumStatsShortAvgMuSignal, ccMuSumStatsShortAvgMuNoise, ccMuSumStatsShortAvgMuSnr, ccMuSumStatsShortPp10kNUcastPkts, ccMuSumStatsShortPp10kTxWithRetries, ccMuSumStatsShortTxAvgRetries100, ccMuSumStatsShortPp10kRxUndecrypt, ccMuSumStatsLongTimestamp, ccMuSumStatsLongNumPkts, ccMuSumStatsLongPktsPerSec100, ccMuSumStatsLongPktsPerSecTx100, ccMuSumStatsLongPktsPerSecRx100, ccMuSumStatsLongThroughput, ccMuSumStatsLongThroughputTx, ccMuSumStatsLongThroughputRx, ccMuSumStatsLongAvgBitSpeed, ccMuSumStatsLongAvgMuSignal, ccMuSumStatsLongAvgMuNoise, ccMuSumStatsLongAvgMuSnr, ccMuSumStatsLongPp10kNUcastPkts, ccMuSumStatsLongPp10kTxWithRetries, ccMuSumStatsLongTxAvgRetries100, ccMuSumStatsLongPp10kRxUndecrypt, ccWlanIndex, ccWlanName, ccWlanEssid, ccWlanSubnet, ccWlanPortalsAdopted, ccWlanEnable, ccWlanDisallowMuToMu, ccWlanVoicePrioritization, ccWlanAnswerBroadcastEss, ccWlanMulticastAddr1, ccWlanMulticastAddr2, ccWlanMuAclDefault, ccWlanAuthentication, ccWlanEncryption, ccWlanAuthEapReauthenticationEnable, ccWlanAuthEapReauthenticationPeriod, ccWlanAuthEapReauthenticationMaxRetries, ccWlanAuthEapRadius1Server, ccWlanAuthEapRadius1Port, ccWlanAuthEapRadius1SharedSecret, ccWlanAuthEapRadius2Server, ccWlanAuthEapRadius2Port, ccWlanAuthEapRadius2SharedSecret, ccWlanAuthEapMuQuietPeriod, ccWlanAuthEapMuTimeout, ccWlanAuthEapMuTxPeriod, ccWlanAuthEapMuMaxRetries, ccWlanAuthEapServerTimeout, ccWlanAuthEapServerMaxRetries, ccWlanAuthKerberosRealmName, ccWlanAuthKerberosUsername, ccWlanAuthKerberosPassword, ccWlanAuthKerberosKdcServerIp1, ccWlanAuthKerberosKdcPort1, ccWlanAuthKerberosKdcServerIp2, ccWlanAuthKerberosKdcPort2, ccWlanAuthKerberosKdcServerIpR, ccWlanAuthKerberosKdcPortR, ccWlanCryptoWepPassKey, ccWlanCryptoWepKey1, ccWlanCryptoWepKey2, ccWlanCryptoWepKey3, ccWlanCryptoWepKey4, ccWlanCryptoWepKeyToUse, ccWlanCryptoWpaBcastKeyRotation, ccWlanCryptoWpaKeyRotationInterval, ccWlanCryptoWpaKeyToUse, ccWlanCryptoWpaPassphrase, ccWlanCryptoWpaKey, ccWlanCryptoKeyguardPasskey, ccWlanCryptoKeyguardKey1, ccWlanCryptoKeyguardKey2, ccWlanCryptoKeyguardKey3, ccWlanCryptoKeyguardKey4, ccWlanCryptoKeyguardKeyToUse, ccWlanTxPktsUcast, ccWlanRxPktsUcast, ccWlanRxPktsNUcast, ccWlanTxOctetsUcast, ccWlanRxOctetsUcast, ccWlanRxOctetsNUcast, ccWlanRxUndecryptablePkts, ccWlanLastActivity, ccWlanRxPktsAt1Mb, ccWlanRxPktsAt2Mb, ccWlanRxPktsAt5pt5Mb, ccWlanRxPktsAt6Mb, ccWlanRxPktsAt9Mb, ccWlanRxPktsAt11Mb, ccWlanRxPktsAt12Mb, ccWlanRxPktsAt18Mb, ccWlanRxPktsAt22Mb, ccWlanRxPktsAt24Mb, ccWlanRxPktsAt36Mb, ccWlanRxPktsAt48Mb, ccWlanRxPktsAt54Mb, ccWlanTxPktsAt1Mb, ccWlanTxPktsAt2Mb, ccWlanTxPktsAt5pt5Mb, ccWlanTxPktsAt6Mb, ccWlanTxPktsAt9Mb, ccWlanTxPktsAt11Mb, ccWlanTxPktsAt12Mb, ccWlanTxPktsAt18Mb, ccWlanTxPktsAt22Mb, ccWlanTxPktsAt24Mb, ccWlanTxPktsAt36Mb, ccWlanTxPktsAt48Mb, ccWlanTxPktsAt54Mb, ccWlanRxOctetsAt1Mb, ccWlanRxOctetsAt2Mb, ccWlanRxOctetsAt5pt5Mb, ccWlanRxOctetsAt6Mb, ccWlanRxOctetsAt9Mb, ccWlanRxOctetsAt11Mb, ccWlanRxOctetsAt12Mb, ccWlanRxOctetsAt18Mb, ccWlanRxOctetsAt22Mb, ccWlanRxOctetsAt24Mb, ccWlanRxOctetsAt36Mb, ccWlanRxOctetsAt48Mb, ccWlanRxOctetsAt54Mb, ccWlanTxOctetsAt1Mb, ccWlanTxOctetsAt2Mb, ccWlanTxOctetsAt5pt5Mb, ccWlanTxOctetsAt6Mb, ccWlanTxOctetsAt9Mb, ccWlanTxOctetsAt11Mb, ccWlanTxOctetsAt12Mb, ccWlanTxOctetsAt18Mb, ccWlanTxOctetsAt22Mb, ccWlanTxOctetsAt24Mb, ccWlanTxOctetsAt36Mb, ccWlanTxOctetsAt48Mb, ccWlanTxOctetsAt54Mb, ccWlanTxRetriesPktsNone, ccWlanTxRetriesPkts01, ccWlanTxRetriesPkts02, ccWlanTxRetriesPkts03, ccWlanTxRetriesPkts04, ccWlanTxRetriesPkts05, ccWlanTxRetriesPkts06, ccWlanTxRetriesPkts07, ccWlanTxRetriesPkts08, ccWlanTxRetriesPkts09, ccWlanTxRetriesPkts10, ccWlanTxRetriesPkts11, ccWlanTxRetriesPkts12, ccWlanTxRetriesPkts13, ccWlanTxRetriesPkts14, ccWlanTxRetriesPkts15, ccWlanTxRetriesPktsFailed, ccWlanTxRetriesOctetsNone, ccWlanTxRetriesOctets01, ccWlanTxRetriesOctets02, ccWlanTxRetriesOctets03, ccWlanTxRetriesOctets04, ccWlanTxRetriesOctets05, ccWlanTxRetriesOctets06, ccWlanTxRetriesOctets07, ccWlanTxRetriesOctets08, ccWlanTxRetriesOctets09, ccWlanTxRetriesOctets10, ccWlanTxRetriesOctets11, ccWlanTxRetriesOctets12, ccWlanTxRetriesOctets13, ccWlanTxRetriesOctets14, ccWlanTxRetriesOctets15, ccWlanTxRetriesOctetsFailed, ccWlanSigStatsNumPkts, ccWlanSigStatsSignalBest, ccWlanSigStatsSignalWorst, ccWlanSigStatsSignalSum, ccWlanSigStatsSignalSumSquares, ccWlanSigStatsNoiseBest, ccWlanSigStatsNoiseWorst, ccWlanSigStatsNoiseSum, ccWlanSigStatsNoiseSumSquares, ccWlanSigStatsSnrBest, ccWlanSigStatsSnrWorst, ccWlanSigStatsSnrSum, ccWlanSigStatsSnrSumSquares, ccWlanSumStatsShortTimestamp, ccWlanSumStatsShortNumPkts, ccWlanSumStatsShortPktsPerSec100, ccWlanSumStatsShortPktsPerSecTx100, ccWlanSumStatsShortPktsPerSecRx100, ccWlanSumStatsShortThroughput, ccWlanSumStatsShortThroughputTx, ccWlanSumStatsShortThroughputRx, ccWlanSumStatsShortAvgBitSpeed, ccWlanSumStatsShortAvgMuSignal, ccWlanSumStatsShortAvgMuNoise, ccWlanSumStatsShortAvgMuSnr, ccWlanSumStatsShortPp10kNUcastPkts, ccWlanSumStatsShortPp10kTxWithRetries, ccWlanSumStatsShortTxAvgRetries100, ccWlanSumStatsShortPp10kRxUndecrypt, ccWlanSumStatsShortTotalMus, ccWlanSumStatsLongTimestamp, ccWlanSumStatsLongNumPkts, ccWlanSumStatsLongPktsPerSec100, ccWlanSumStatsLongPktsPerSecTx100, ccWlanSumStatsLongPktsPerSecRx100, ccWlanSumStatsLongThroughput, ccWlanSumStatsLongThroughputTx, ccWlanSumStatsLongThroughputRx, ccWlanSumStatsLongAvgBitSpeed, ccWlanSumStatsLongAvgMuSignal, ccWlanSumStatsLongAvgMuNoise, ccWlanSumStatsLongAvgMuSnr, ccWlanSumStatsLongPp10kNUcastPkts, ccWlanSumStatsLongPp10kTxWithRetries, ccWlanSumStatsLongTxAvgRetries100, ccWlanSumStatsLongPp10kRxUndecrypt, ccWlanSumStatsLongTotalMus, ccWanIndex, ccWanDhcpEnable, ccWanDhcpIpAddr, ccWanDhcpSubnetMask, ccWanDhcpDefaultGateway, ccWanDhcpPrimaryDnsServer, ccWanDhcpSecondaryDnsServer, ccWanSubnetMask, ccWanDefaultGateway, ccWanPrimaryDnsServer, ccWanSecondaryDnsServer, ccWanPppoeEnable, ccWanPppoeUsername, ccWanPppoePassword, ccWanPppoeKeepAlive, ccWanPppoeIdleTime, ccWanPppoeAuthType, ccWanIpAddrIndex, ccWanIpAddrEnable, ccWanIpAddr, ccWanFirewallGlobalEnable, ccWanFirewallIndex, ccWanFirewallDescription, ccWanFirewallAlwaysEnabled, ccWanFirewallEnable, ccWanFirewallMimeFloodMaxHeaderLength, ccWanFirewallMimeFloodMaxHeaders, ccPortIndex, ccPortType, ccPortPoeEquipped, ccPortStatus, ccPortDuplex, ccPortalBackgroundNoiseNumSamples, ccPortalBackgroundNoiseBest, ccPortalBackgroundNoiseWorst, ccPortalBackgroundNoiseSum, ccPortalBackgroundNoiseSumSquares, ccMuSumStatsLongPp10kDropped, ccMuSumStatsShortPp10kDropped, ccPortalSystemStatsProbeRespRetries3OrMore, ccPortalSumStatsShortPp10kTxMaxRetries, ccPortSpeed, ccResetStatCounters } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "variables implemented in v1.5" ::= { ccGroupsV1dot5 1 } -- ccGroupsV1dot5obsoleted OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { ccLoadFtpPassword, ccMuRxPktsNUcast, ccMuRxOctetsNUcast, ccResetMuCounters } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "variables obsoleted in v1.5" ::= { ccGroupsV1dot5 2 } -- ccGroupsV1dot5notifications NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { ccPortStatusChange, ccCfAlmostFull, ccFirewallUnderAttack, ccSumStatsMu, ccSumStatsPortal, ccSumStatsWlan, ccSumStatsSwitch, ccRadarDetected, ccPortalAdopted, ccPortalUnAdopted, ccPortalDenied, ccMuAssociated, ccMuUnAssociated, ccMuDenied, ccConfigChange, ccSnmpAclViolation } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "notifications implemented in v1.5" ::= { ccGroupsV1dot5 3 } -- ccGroupsV2dot0 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccGroups 3 } -- ccGroupsV2dot0variables OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { ccInfoSerialNumber, ccInfoCountrySelection, ccIdHwVersion, ccIdFwVersion, ccIdSwVersion, ccIdMibVersion, ccIdCliVersion, ccIdXmlVersion, ccIdSerialNumber, ccResetFactory, ccResetSwitch, ccResetFactoryExceptIpSnmp, ccResetStatCounters, ccLoadFwOperation, ccLoadFwInterface, ccLoadFwServerPath, ccLoadFwServerFilename, ccLoadFwStart, ccLoadFwResult, ccLoadFwSuccess, ccLoadCfgOperation, ccLoadCfgServerPath, ccLoadCfgServerFilename, ccLoadCfgStart, ccLoadCfgOperationsDone, ccLoadCfgResult, ccLoadCfgSuccess, ccCfgHistChangeCount, ccCfgHistChangeTime, ccCfgHistSemaphore, ccLoadServerIpAddr, ccLoadFtpUsername, ccLoadFtpPassword, ccSnmpAclViolations, ccSnmpLastDeniedIpAddr, ccSnmpAccessV12Index, ccSnmpAccessV12Community, ccSnmpAccessV12CustomOid, ccSnmpAccessV12OidLimit, ccSnmpAccessV12Access, ccSnmpAccessV12Enable, ccSnmpAccessV3Index, ccSnmpAccessV3SecurityLevel, ccSnmpAccessV3CustomOid, ccSnmpAccessV3OidLimit, ccSnmpAccessV3Access, ccSnmpAccessV3AuthAlgorithm, ccSnmpAccessV3AuthPassword, ccSnmpAccessV3PrivacyAlgorithm, ccSnmpAccessV3PrivacyPassword, ccSnmpAccessV3Enable, ccSnmpAccessControlIndex, ccSnmpAccessControlStartIp, ccSnmpAccessControlEndIp, ccSnmpAccessControlEnable, ccSnmpTrapSinkV12Index, ccSnmpTrapSinkV12DestinationIp, ccSnmpTrapSinkV12Port, ccSnmpTrapSinkV12Community, ccSnmpTrapSinkV12Version, ccSnmpTrapSinkV12Enable, ccSnmpTrapSinkV3Index, ccSnmpTrapSinkV3DestinationIp, ccSnmpTrapSinkV3Port, ccSnmpTrapSinkV3Username, ccSnmpTrapSinkV3SecurityLevel, ccSnmpTrapSinkV3AuthAlgorithm, ccSnmpTrapSinkV3AuthPassword, ccSnmpTrapSinkV3PrivacyAlgorithm, ccSnmpTrapSinkV3PrivacyPassword, ccSnmpTrapSinkV3Enable, ccCompactFlashCapacity, ccCompactFlashUsed, ccSumStatsShortWindow, ccSumStatsShortUpdateInterval, ccSumStatsLongWindow, ccSumStatsLongUpdateInterval, ccMgmtAccessToAllow, ccMgmtAccessAirbeamAllow, ccMgmtAccessAirbeamPassword, ccMgmtAccessAdminAuth, ccMgmtAccessAdminPassword, ccMgmtAccessAdminAuthRadiusServerIp, ccMgmtAccessAdminAuthRadiusServerPort, ccMgmtAccessAdminAuthRadiusSharedSecret, ccMgmtAccessSshAuthTimeout, ccMgmtAccessSshInactivityTimeout, ccLoggingLevel, ccLoggingToSyslog, ccLoggingSyslogServer, ccNtpEnable, ccNtp0Server, ccNtp0Port, ccNtp1Server, ccNtp1Port, ccNtp2Server, ccNtp2Port, ccNtpGmtHourOffset, ccNtpGmtMinuteOffset, ccDhcpOptionsUpdateFwEna, ccDhcpOptionsUpdateCfgEna, ccDhcpOptionsUpdateInterface, ccDhcpOptionsUpdateFwFilename, ccDhcpOptionsUpdateCfgFilename, ccRedundancyAdminState, ccRedundancyOperState, ccRedundancyHeartbeatInterval, ccRedundancyRevertDelay, ccTrapCtrlCfAlmostFullThreshold, ccTrapCtrlFirewallUnderAttackDescription, ccTrapCtrlFirewallUnderAttackRateLimit, ccTrapCtrlRadarDetectedPortalMac, ccTrapCtrlRadarDetectedChannel, ccTrapCtrlSumStatsIndex, ccTrapCtrlSumStatsDescr, ccTrapCtrlSumStatsUnits, ccTrapCtrlSumStatsCanBeSetMu, ccTrapCtrlSumStatsThresholdMu, ccTrapCtrlSumStatsCanBeSetPortal, ccTrapCtrlSumStatsThresholdPortals, ccTrapCtrlSumStatsCanBeSetWlan, ccTrapCtrlSumStatsThresholdWlans, ccTrapCtrlSumStatsCanBeSetSwitch, ccTrapCtrlSumStatsThresholdSwitch, ccTrapCtrlSumStatsMinPktsForTrap, ccTrapCtrlLanVlanActivatedVlanId, ccTrapCtrlDhcpOptionsFileTransferStatusRequested, ccApIndex, ccApNicMac, ccApModelNumber, ccApSerialNumber, ccApPcbRevision, ccApBootLoaderRev, ccApWispVersion, ccApRuntimeFwVersion, ccApNumPortals, ccApPointersToPortals, ccPortalIndex, ccPortalPointerToAp, ccPortalPointersToWlans, ccPortalName, ccPortalLocation, ccPortalOptions, ccPortalMac, ccPortalNumberOfEss, ccPortalNumberOfBss, ccPortalAssociatedMus, ccPortalRadioType, ccPortalChannel, ccPortalTxPowerLevel, ccPortalLastAdoption, ccPortalState, ccPortalBackgroundNoiseNumSamples, ccPortalBackgroundNoiseBest, ccPortalBackgroundNoiseWorst, ccPortalBackgroundNoiseSum, ccPortalBackgroundNoiseSumSquares, ccPortalLastMac, ccPortalLastReason, ccPortalAdoptionIndex, ccPortalAdoptionStartMac, ccPortalAdoptionEndMac, ccPortalAdoptionWlanPointers, ccPortalAdoptionRowStatus, ccPortalSystemStatsBeaconsTx, ccPortalSystemStatsBeaconsTxOctets, ccPortalSystemStatsProbeReqRx, ccPortalSystemStatsProbeReqRxOctets, ccPortalSystemStatsProbeRespRetriesNone, ccPortalSystemStatsProbeRespRetries1, ccPortalSystemStatsProbeRespRetries2, ccPortalSystemStatsProbeRespRetriesFailed, ccPortalSystemStatsProbeRespTxOctets, ccPortalTxPktsUcast, ccPortalRxPktsUcast, ccPortalRxPktsNUcast, ccPortalTxOctetsUcast, ccPortalRxOctetsUcast, ccPortalRxOctetsNUcast, ccPortalRxUndecryptablePkts, ccPortalLastActivity, ccPortalRxPktsAt1Mb, ccPortalRxPktsAt2Mb, ccPortalRxPktsAt5pt5Mb, ccPortalRxPktsAt6Mb, ccPortalRxPktsAt9Mb, ccPortalRxPktsAt11Mb, ccPortalRxPktsAt12Mb, ccPortalRxPktsAt18Mb, ccPortalRxPktsAt22Mb, ccPortalRxPktsAt24Mb, ccPortalRxPktsAt36Mb, ccPortalRxPktsAt48Mb, ccPortalRxPktsAt54Mb, ccPortalTxPktsAt1Mb, ccPortalTxPktsAt2Mb, ccPortalTxPktsAt5pt5Mb, ccPortalTxPktsAt6Mb, ccPortalTxPktsAt9Mb, ccPortalTxPktsAt11Mb, ccPortalTxPktsAt12Mb, ccPortalTxPktsAt18Mb, ccPortalTxPktsAt22Mb, ccPortalTxPktsAt24Mb, ccPortalTxPktsAt36Mb, ccPortalTxPktsAt48Mb, ccPortalTxPktsAt54Mb, ccPortalRxOctetsAt1Mb, ccPortalRxOctetsAt2Mb, ccPortalRxOctetsAt5pt5Mb, ccPortalRxOctetsAt6Mb, ccPortalRxOctetsAt9Mb, ccPortalRxOctetsAt11Mb, ccPortalRxOctetsAt12Mb, ccPortalRxOctetsAt18Mb, ccPortalRxOctetsAt22Mb, ccPortalRxOctetsAt24Mb, ccPortalRxOctetsAt36Mb, ccPortalRxOctetsAt48Mb, ccPortalRxOctetsAt54Mb, ccPortalTxOctetsAt1Mb, ccPortalTxOctetsAt2Mb, ccPortalTxOctetsAt5pt5Mb, ccPortalTxOctetsAt6Mb, ccPortalTxOctetsAt9Mb, ccPortalTxOctetsAt11Mb, ccPortalTxOctetsAt12Mb, ccPortalTxOctetsAt18Mb, ccPortalTxOctetsAt22Mb, ccPortalTxOctetsAt24Mb, ccPortalTxOctetsAt36Mb, ccPortalTxOctetsAt48Mb, ccPortalTxOctetsAt54Mb, ccPortalTxRetriesPktsNone, ccPortalTxRetriesPkts01, ccPortalTxRetriesPkts02, ccPortalTxRetriesPkts03, ccPortalTxRetriesPkts04, ccPortalTxRetriesPkts05, ccPortalTxRetriesPkts06, ccPortalTxRetriesPkts07, ccPortalTxRetriesPkts08, ccPortalTxRetriesPkts09, ccPortalTxRetriesPkts10, ccPortalTxRetriesPkts11, ccPortalTxRetriesPkts12, ccPortalTxRetriesPkts13, ccPortalTxRetriesPkts14, ccPortalTxRetriesPkts15, ccPortalTxRetriesPktsFailed, ccPortalTxRetriesOctetsNone, ccPortalTxRetriesOctets01, ccPortalTxRetriesOctets02, ccPortalTxRetriesOctets03, ccPortalTxRetriesOctets04, ccPortalTxRetriesOctets05, ccPortalTxRetriesOctets06, ccPortalTxRetriesOctets07, ccPortalTxRetriesOctets08, ccPortalTxRetriesOctets09, ccPortalTxRetriesOctets10, ccPortalTxRetriesOctets11, ccPortalTxRetriesOctets12, ccPortalTxRetriesOctets13, ccPortalTxRetriesOctets14, ccPortalTxRetriesOctets15, ccPortalTxRetriesOctetsFailed, ccPortalSigStatsNumPkts, ccPortalSigStatsSignalBest, ccPortalSigStatsSignalWorst, ccPortalSigStatsSignalSum, ccPortalSigStatsSignalSumSquares, ccPortalSigStatsSignalMostRecent, ccPortalSigStatsNoiseBest, ccPortalSigStatsNoiseWorst, ccPortalSigStatsNoiseSum, ccPortalSigStatsNoiseSumSquares, ccPortalSigStatsNoiseMostRecent, ccPortalSigStatsSnrBest, ccPortalSigStatsSnrWorst, ccPortalSigStatsSnrSum, ccPortalSigStatsSnrSumSquares, ccPortalSigStatsSnrMostRecent, ccPortalSumStatsShortTimestamp, ccPortalSumStatsShortNumPkts, ccPortalSumStatsShortPktsPerSec100, ccPortalSumStatsShortPktsPerSecTx100, ccPortalSumStatsShortPktsPerSecRx100, ccPortalSumStatsShortThroughput, ccPortalSumStatsShortThroughputTx, ccPortalSumStatsShortThroughputRx, ccPortalSumStatsShortAvgBitSpeed, ccPortalSumStatsShortAvgMuSignal, ccPortalSumStatsShortAvgMuNoise, ccPortalSumStatsShortAvgMuSnr, ccPortalSumStatsShortPp10kNUcastPkts, ccPortalSumStatsShortPp10kTxWithRetries, ccPortalSumStatsShortTxAvgRetries100, ccPortalSumStatsShortPp10kRxUndecrypt, ccPortalSumStatsShortTotalMus, ccPortalSumStatsShortPp10kRfUtil, ccPortalSumStatsLongTimestamp, ccPortalSumStatsLongNumPkts, ccPortalSumStatsLongPktsPerSec100, ccPortalSumStatsLongPktsPerSecTx100, ccPortalSumStatsLongPktsPerSecRx100, ccPortalSumStatsLongThroughput, ccPortalSumStatsLongThroughputTx, ccPortalSumStatsLongThroughputRx, ccPortalSumStatsLongAvgBitSpeed, ccPortalSumStatsLongAvgMuSignal, ccPortalSumStatsLongAvgMuNoise, ccPortalSumStatsLongAvgMuSnr, ccPortalSumStatsLongPp10kNUcastPkts, ccPortalSumStatsLongPp10kTxWithRetries, ccPortalSumStatsLongTxAvgRetries100, ccPortalSumStatsLongPp10kRxUndecrypt, ccPortalSumStatsLongTotalMus, ccPortalSumStatsLongPp10kRfUtil, ccAssociationFirstAssociate, ccAssociationLastAssociate, ccAssociationCountAssociates, ccMuMac, ccMuWlanIndex, ccMuWlanName, ccMuIsDataReady, ccMuPortalIndex, ccMuPortalMac, ccMuSymbolRogueApEna, ccMuIpAddr, ccMuType, ccMuRadioType, ccMuSupportedRates, ccMuPowerMode, ccMuAuthenticationMethod, ccMuEncryptionMethod, ccMuVlanId, ccMuTxPktsUcast, ccMuRxPktsUcast, ccMuTxOctetsUcast, ccMuRxOctetsUcast, ccMuRxUndecryptablePkts, ccMuRxRssiNumPkts, ccMuRxRssiSum, ccMuRxRssiSumSquares, ccMuRxRssiMostRecent, ccMuLastActivity, ccMuRxPktsAt1Mb, ccMuRxPktsAt2Mb, ccMuRxPktsAt5pt5Mb, ccMuRxPktsAt6Mb, ccMuRxPktsAt9Mb, ccMuRxPktsAt11Mb, ccMuRxPktsAt12Mb, ccMuRxPktsAt18Mb, ccMuRxPktsAt22Mb, ccMuRxPktsAt24Mb, ccMuRxPktsAt36Mb, ccMuRxPktsAt48Mb, ccMuRxPktsAt54Mb, ccMuTxPktsAt1Mb, ccMuTxPktsAt2Mb, ccMuTxPktsAt5pt5Mb, ccMuTxPktsAt6Mb, ccMuTxPktsAt9Mb, ccMuTxPktsAt11Mb, ccMuTxPktsAt12Mb, ccMuTxPktsAt18Mb, ccMuTxPktsAt22Mb, ccMuTxPktsAt24Mb, ccMuTxPktsAt36Mb, ccMuTxPktsAt48Mb, ccMuTxPktsAt54Mb, ccMuRxOctetsAt1Mb, ccMuRxOctetsAt2Mb, ccMuRxOctetsAt5pt5Mb, ccMuRxOctetsAt6Mb, ccMuRxOctetsAt9Mb, ccMuRxOctetsAt11Mb, ccMuRxOctetsAt12Mb, ccMuRxOctetsAt18Mb, ccMuRxOctetsAt22Mb, ccMuRxOctetsAt24Mb, ccMuRxOctetsAt36Mb, ccMuRxOctetsAt48Mb, ccMuRxOctetsAt54Mb, ccMuTxOctetsAt1Mb, ccMuTxOctetsAt2Mb, ccMuTxOctetsAt5pt5Mb, ccMuTxOctetsAt6Mb, ccMuTxOctetsAt9Mb, ccMuTxOctetsAt11Mb, ccMuTxOctetsAt12Mb, ccMuTxOctetsAt18Mb, ccMuTxOctetsAt22Mb, ccMuTxOctetsAt24Mb, ccMuTxOctetsAt36Mb, ccMuTxOctetsAt48Mb, ccMuTxOctetsAt54Mb, ccMuTxRetriesNone, ccMuTxRetries01, ccMuTxRetries02, ccMuTxRetries03, ccMuTxRetries04, ccMuTxRetries05, ccMuTxRetries06, ccMuTxRetries07, ccMuTxRetries08, ccMuTxRetries09, ccMuTxRetries10, ccMuTxRetries11, ccMuTxRetries12, ccMuTxRetries13, ccMuTxRetries14, ccMuTxRetries15, ccMuTxRetriesFailed, ccMuTxRetriesTotal, ccMuTxRetriesMostRecent, ccMuLastMac, ccMuLastReason, ccMuLastPortal, ccMuTxRetriesOctetsNone, ccMuTxRetriesOctets01, ccMuTxRetriesOctets02, ccMuTxRetriesOctets03, ccMuTxRetriesOctets04, ccMuTxRetriesOctets05, ccMuTxRetriesOctets06, ccMuTxRetriesOctets07, ccMuTxRetriesOctets08, ccMuTxRetriesOctets09, ccMuTxRetriesOctets10, ccMuTxRetriesOctets11, ccMuTxRetriesOctets12, ccMuTxRetriesOctets13, ccMuTxRetriesOctets14, ccMuTxRetriesOctets15, ccMuTxRetriesOctetsFailed, ccMuSigStatsNumPkts, ccMuSigStatsSignalBest, ccMuSigStatsSignalWorst, ccMuSigStatsSignalSum, ccMuSigStatsSignalSumSquares, ccMuSigStatsSignalMostRecent, ccMuSigStatsNoiseBest, ccMuSigStatsNoiseWorst, ccMuSigStatsNoiseSum, ccMuSigStatsNoiseSumSquares, ccMuSigStatsNoiseMostRecent, ccMuSigStatsSnrBest, ccMuSigStatsSnrWorst, ccMuSigStatsSnrSum, ccMuSigStatsSnrSumSquares, ccMuSigStatsSnrMostRecent, ccMuSumStatsShortTimestamp, ccMuSumStatsShortNumPkts, ccMuSumStatsShortPktsPerSec100, ccMuSumStatsShortPktsPerSecTx100, ccMuSumStatsShortPktsPerSecRx100, ccMuSumStatsShortThroughput, ccMuSumStatsShortThroughputTx, ccMuSumStatsShortThroughputRx, ccMuSumStatsShortAvgBitSpeed, ccMuSumStatsShortAvgMuSignal, ccMuSumStatsShortAvgMuNoise, ccMuSumStatsShortAvgMuSnr, ccMuSumStatsShortPp10kNUcastPkts, ccMuSumStatsShortPp10kTxWithRetries, ccMuSumStatsShortTxAvgRetries100, ccMuSumStatsShortPp10kRxUndecrypt, ccMuSumStatsLongTimestamp, ccMuSumStatsLongNumPkts, ccMuSumStatsLongPktsPerSec100, ccMuSumStatsLongPktsPerSecTx100, ccMuSumStatsLongPktsPerSecRx100, ccMuSumStatsLongThroughput, ccMuSumStatsLongThroughputTx, ccMuSumStatsLongThroughputRx, ccMuSumStatsLongAvgBitSpeed, ccMuSumStatsLongAvgMuSignal, ccMuSumStatsLongAvgMuNoise, ccMuSumStatsLongAvgMuSnr, ccMuSumStatsLongPp10kNUcastPkts, ccMuSumStatsLongPp10kTxWithRetries, ccMuSumStatsLongTxAvgRetries100, ccMuSumStatsLongPp10kRxUndecrypt, ccWlanIndex, ccWlanName, ccWlanEssid, ccWlanSubnet, ccWlanPortalsAdopted, ccWlanEnable, ccWlanDisallowMuToMu, ccWlanVoicePrioritization, ccWlanAnswerBroadcastEss, ccWlanMulticastAddr1, ccWlanMulticastAddr2, ccWlanMuAclDefault, ccWlanAuthentication, ccWlanEncryption, ccWlanWeight, ccWlanAuthEapReauthenticationEnable, ccWlanAuthEapReauthenticationPeriod, ccWlanAuthEapReauthenticationMaxRetries, ccWlanAuthEapRadius1Server, ccWlanAuthEapRadius1Port, ccWlanAuthEapRadius1SharedSecret, ccWlanAuthEapRadius2Server, ccWlanAuthEapRadius2Port, ccWlanAuthEapRadius2SharedSecret, ccWlanAuthEapMuQuietPeriod, ccWlanAuthEapMuTimeout, ccWlanAuthEapMuTxPeriod, ccWlanAuthEapMuMaxRetries, ccWlanAuthEapServerTimeout, ccWlanAuthEapServerMaxRetries, ccWlanAuthKerberosRealmName, ccWlanAuthKerberosUsername, ccWlanAuthKerberosPassword, ccWlanAuthKerberosKdcServerIp1, ccWlanAuthKerberosKdcPort1, ccWlanAuthKerberosKdcServerIp2, ccWlanAuthKerberosKdcPort2, ccWlanAuthKerberosKdcServerIpR, ccWlanAuthKerberosKdcPortR, ccWlanCryptoWepPassKey, ccWlanCryptoWepKey1, ccWlanCryptoWepKey2, ccWlanCryptoWepKey3, ccWlanCryptoWepKey4, ccWlanCryptoWepKeyToUse, ccWlanCryptoWpaBcastKeyRotation, ccWlanCryptoWpaKeyRotationInterval, ccWlanCryptoWpaKeyToUse, ccWlanCryptoWpaPassphrase, ccWlanCryptoWpaKey, ccWlanCryptoKeyguardPasskey, ccWlanCryptoKeyguardKey1, ccWlanCryptoKeyguardKey2, ccWlanCryptoKeyguardKey3, ccWlanCryptoKeyguardKey4, ccWlanCryptoKeyguardKeyToUse, ccWlanMuAclIndex, ccWlanMuAclStartingMac, ccWlanMuAclEndingMac, ccWlanMuAclRowStatus, ccWlanBwShareMode, ccWlanTxPktsUcast, ccWlanRxPktsUcast, ccWlanRxPktsNUcast, ccWlanTxOctetsUcast, ccWlanRxOctetsUcast, ccWlanRxOctetsNUcast, ccWlanRxUndecryptablePkts, ccWlanLastActivity, ccWlanRxPktsAt1Mb, ccWlanRxPktsAt2Mb, ccWlanRxPktsAt5pt5Mb, ccWlanRxPktsAt6Mb, ccWlanRxPktsAt9Mb, ccWlanRxPktsAt11Mb, ccWlanRxPktsAt12Mb, ccWlanRxPktsAt18Mb, ccWlanRxPktsAt22Mb, ccWlanRxPktsAt24Mb, ccWlanRxPktsAt36Mb, ccWlanRxPktsAt48Mb, ccWlanRxPktsAt54Mb, ccWlanTxPktsAt1Mb, ccWlanTxPktsAt2Mb, ccWlanTxPktsAt5pt5Mb, ccWlanTxPktsAt6Mb, ccWlanTxPktsAt9Mb, ccWlanTxPktsAt11Mb, ccWlanTxPktsAt12Mb, ccWlanTxPktsAt18Mb, ccWlanTxPktsAt22Mb, ccWlanTxPktsAt24Mb, ccWlanTxPktsAt36Mb, ccWlanTxPktsAt48Mb, ccWlanTxPktsAt54Mb, ccWlanRxOctetsAt1Mb, ccWlanRxOctetsAt2Mb, ccWlanRxOctetsAt5pt5Mb, ccWlanRxOctetsAt6Mb, ccWlanRxOctetsAt9Mb, ccWlanRxOctetsAt11Mb, ccWlanRxOctetsAt12Mb, ccWlanRxOctetsAt18Mb, ccWlanRxOctetsAt22Mb, ccWlanRxOctetsAt24Mb, ccWlanRxOctetsAt36Mb, ccWlanRxOctetsAt48Mb, ccWlanRxOctetsAt54Mb, ccWlanTxOctetsAt1Mb, ccWlanTxOctetsAt2Mb, ccWlanTxOctetsAt5pt5Mb, ccWlanTxOctetsAt6Mb, ccWlanTxOctetsAt9Mb, ccWlanTxOctetsAt11Mb, ccWlanTxOctetsAt12Mb, ccWlanTxOctetsAt18Mb, ccWlanTxOctetsAt22Mb, ccWlanTxOctetsAt24Mb, ccWlanTxOctetsAt36Mb, ccWlanTxOctetsAt48Mb, ccWlanTxOctetsAt54Mb, ccWlanTxRetriesPktsNone, ccWlanTxRetriesPkts01, ccWlanTxRetriesPkts02, ccWlanTxRetriesPkts03, ccWlanTxRetriesPkts04, ccWlanTxRetriesPkts05, ccWlanTxRetriesPkts06, ccWlanTxRetriesPkts07, ccWlanTxRetriesPkts08, ccWlanTxRetriesPkts09, ccWlanTxRetriesPkts10, ccWlanTxRetriesPkts11, ccWlanTxRetriesPkts12, ccWlanTxRetriesPkts13, ccWlanTxRetriesPkts14, ccWlanTxRetriesPkts15, ccWlanTxRetriesPktsFailed, ccWlanTxRetriesOctetsNone, ccWlanTxRetriesOctets01, ccWlanTxRetriesOctets02, ccWlanTxRetriesOctets03, ccWlanTxRetriesOctets04, ccWlanTxRetriesOctets05, ccWlanTxRetriesOctets06, ccWlanTxRetriesOctets07, ccWlanTxRetriesOctets08, ccWlanTxRetriesOctets09, ccWlanTxRetriesOctets10, ccWlanTxRetriesOctets11, ccWlanTxRetriesOctets12, ccWlanTxRetriesOctets13, ccWlanTxRetriesOctets14, ccWlanTxRetriesOctets15, ccWlanTxRetriesOctetsFailed, ccWlanSigStatsNumPkts, ccWlanSigStatsSignalBest, ccWlanSigStatsSignalWorst, ccWlanSigStatsSignalSum, ccWlanSigStatsSignalSumSquares, ccWlanSigStatsNoiseBest, ccWlanSigStatsNoiseWorst, ccWlanSigStatsNoiseSum, ccWlanSigStatsNoiseSumSquares, ccWlanSigStatsSnrBest, ccWlanSigStatsSnrWorst, ccWlanSigStatsSnrSum, ccWlanSigStatsSnrSumSquares, ccWlanSumStatsShortTimestamp, ccWlanSumStatsShortNumPkts, ccWlanSumStatsShortPktsPerSec100, ccWlanSumStatsShortPktsPerSecTx100, ccWlanSumStatsShortPktsPerSecRx100, ccWlanSumStatsShortThroughput, ccWlanSumStatsShortThroughputTx, ccWlanSumStatsShortThroughputRx, ccWlanSumStatsShortAvgBitSpeed, ccWlanSumStatsShortAvgMuSignal, ccWlanSumStatsShortAvgMuNoise, ccWlanSumStatsShortAvgMuSnr, ccWlanSumStatsShortPp10kNUcastPkts, ccWlanSumStatsShortPp10kTxWithRetries, ccWlanSumStatsShortTxAvgRetries100, ccWlanSumStatsShortPp10kRxUndecrypt, ccWlanSumStatsShortTotalMus, ccWlanSumStatsLongTimestamp, ccWlanSumStatsLongNumPkts, ccWlanSumStatsLongPktsPerSec100, ccWlanSumStatsLongPktsPerSecTx100, ccWlanSumStatsLongPktsPerSecRx100, ccWlanSumStatsLongThroughput, ccWlanSumStatsLongThroughputTx, ccWlanSumStatsLongThroughputRx, ccWlanSumStatsLongAvgBitSpeed, ccWlanSumStatsLongAvgMuSignal, ccWlanSumStatsLongAvgMuNoise, ccWlanSumStatsLongAvgMuSnr, ccWlanSumStatsLongPp10kNUcastPkts, ccWlanSumStatsLongPp10kTxWithRetries, ccWlanSumStatsLongTxAvgRetries100, ccWlanSumStatsLongPp10kRxUndecrypt, ccWlanSumStatsLongTotalMus, ccWanIndex, ccWanDhcpEnable, ccWanDhcpIpAddr, ccWanDhcpSubnetMask, ccWanDhcpDefaultGateway, ccWanDhcpPrimaryDnsServer, ccWanDhcpSecondaryDnsServer, ccWanSubnetMask, ccWanDefaultGateway, ccWanPrimaryDnsServer, ccWanSecondaryDnsServer, ccWanPppoeEnable, ccWanPppoeUsername, ccWanPppoePassword, ccWanPppoeKeepAlive, ccWanPppoeIdleTime, ccWanPppoeAuthType, ccWanIpAddrIndex, ccWanIpAddrEnable, ccWanIpAddr, ccWanFirewallGlobalEnable, ccWanFirewallIndex, ccWanFirewallDescription, ccWanFirewallAlwaysEnabled, ccWanFirewallEnable, ccWanFirewallMimeFloodMaxHeaderLength, ccWanFirewallMimeFloodMaxHeaders, ccWanNatIndex, ccWanNatWanIpAddress, ccWanNatType, ccWanNat1to1IpAddr, ccWanNatInboundDefaultEna, ccWanNatInboundDefaultIp, ccWanNatInboundIndex, ccWanNatInboundName, ccWanNatInboundTransport, ccWanNatInboundStartPort, ccWanNatInboundEndPort, ccWanNatInboundIpAddr, ccWanNatInboundRowStatus, ccWanNatOutboundSubnetIndex, ccWanNatOutboundPossibleIpAddr, ccWanNatOutboundIpAddr, ccWanVpnName, ccWanVpnLocalSubnet, ccWanVpnLocalWanIp, ccWanVpnRemoteSubnet, ccWanVpnRemoteSubnetMask, ccWanVpnRemoteGateway, ccWanVpnKeyExchange, ccWanVpnRowStatus, ccWanVpnKeyManualAhAuth, ccWanVpnKeyManualInAhAuthKey, ccWanVpnKeyManualOutAhAuthKey, ccWanVpnKeyManualInAhSpi, ccWanVpnKeyManualOutAhSpi, ccWanVpnKeyManualEspType, ccWanVpnKeyManualEspEncrypAlg, ccWanVpnKeyManualInEspEncrypKey, ccWanVpnKeyManualOutEspEncrypKey, ccWanVpnKeyManualEspAuthAlg, ccWanVpnKeyManualInEspAuthKey, ccWanVpnKeyManualOutEspAuthKey, ccWanVpnKeyManualInEspSpi, ccWanVpnKeyManualOutEspSpi, ccWanVpnKeyAutoUsePerfectSecrecy, ccWanVpnKeyAutoAhAuth, ccWanVpnKeyAutoEspType, ccWanVpnKeyAutoEspEncrypAlg, ccWanVpnKeyAutoEspAuthAlg, ccWanVpnKeyAutoIkeOperationMode, ccWanVpnKeyAutoIkeLocalIdType, ccWanVpnKeyAutoIkeLocalIdData, ccWanVpnKeyAutoIkeRemoteIdType, ccWanVpnKeyAutoIkeRemoteIdData, ccWanVpnKeyAutoIkeAuthAlg, ccWanVpnKeyAutoIkeAuthPassphrase, ccWanVpnKeyAutoIkeEncrypAlg, ccWanVpnKeyAutoIkeXauthMode, ccWanVpnKeyAutoIkeXauthUsername, ccWanVpnKeyAutoIkeXauthPassword, ccWanVpnKeyAutoIkeKeyLifetime, ccWanVpnKeyAutoIkeDiffieHelmanGroup, ccWanVpnSaTunnelName, ccWanVpnSaStatus, ccWanVpnSaInSpi, ccWanVpnSaOutSpi, ccWanVpnSaLifetime, ccWanVpnSaTxBytes, ccWanVpnSaRxBytes, ccWanVpnIkeTunnelName, ccWanVpnIkeState, ccWanVpnIkeRemainingLife, ccWanContentBlockSmtp, ccWanContentBlockFtp, ccWanContentBlockHttp, ccWanContentBlockOutUrlIndex, ccWanContentBlockOutUrlExtension, ccWanContentBlockOutUrlRowStatus, ccPortIndex, ccPortType, ccPortPoeEquipped, ccPortStatus, ccPortDuplex, ccPortSpeed, ccSubnetIndex, ccSubnetEnable, ccSubnetName, ccSubnetIpAddress, ccSubnetIpSubnetMask, ccSubnetPortMembers, ccSubnetWlanMembers, ccSubnetDhcpState, ccSubnetDhcpIpAddress, ccSubnetDhcpSubnetMask, ccSubnetDhcpServerEnable, ccSubnetDhcpServerPoolStart, ccSubnetDhcpServerPoolEnd, ccSubnetDhcpServerPrimaryDns, ccSubnetDhcpServerSecondaryDns, ccSubnetDhcpServerDefaultGateway, ccSubnetDhcpServerLeaseTime, ccSubnetDhcpServerStaticMapMac, ccSubnetDhcpServerStaticMapIpAddr, ccSubnetDhcpServerStaticMapEnable, ccSubnetAccessDestIndex, ccSubnetAccessRuleIndex, ccSubnetAccessDestType, ccSubnetAccessDestPtrToDest, ccSubnetAccessRuleName, ccSubnetAccessRuleType, ccSubnetAccessAdvInIndex, ccLanVlanType, ccLanVlanTrunkPort, ccLanVlanDefaultTag, ccLanVlanTrunked, ccLanVlanId, ccRouterRipType, ccRouterRipDirection, ccRouterRip2AuthType, ccRouterRip2SimplePassword, ccRouterRip2Md5Key1Id, ccRouterRip2Md5Key1AuthKey, ccRouterRip2Md5Key2Id, ccRouterRip2Md5Key2AuthKey, ccRouterRoutesIndex, ccRouterRoutesDest, ccRouterRoutesDestMask, ccRouterRoutesGateway, ccRouterRoutesInterface, ccRouterRoutesMetric, ccRouterUserRoutesIndex, ccRouterUserRoutesDest, ccRouterUserRoutesDestMask, ccRouterUserRoutesGateway, ccRouterUserRoutesInterface, ccRouterUserRoutesMetric, ccRouterUserRoutesRowStatus, ccRapPollSymbolMusEnable, ccRapPollSymbolMusInterval, ccRapOnChannelEnable, ccRapOnChannelInterval, ccRapDetectorsEnable, ccRapDetectorsInterval, ccRapAuthAllSymbolMac, ccRapAuthIndex, ccRapAuthMacFilter, ccRapAuthEssidFilter, ccRapAuthRowExists, ccRapAuthErase, ccRapAuthCopyAllApproved, ccRapResultsApprovedAgeOut, ccRapResultsApprovedApMac, ccRapResultsApprovedEssid, ccRapResultsApprovedCopyToAuthTable, ccRapResultsApprovedFirstHeard, ccRapResultsApprovedLastHeard, ccRapResultsApprovedPortalPtr, ccRapResultsApprovedHowFound, ccRapResultsApprovedHowAuth, ccRapResultsApprovedErase, ccRapResultsRogueAgeOut, ccRapResultsRogueApMac, ccRapResultsRogueEssid, ccRapResultsRogueCopyToAuthTable, ccRapResultsRogueFirstHeard, ccRapResultsRogueLastHeard, ccRapResultsRoguePortalPtr, ccRapResultsRogueHowFound, ccRapResultsRogueClosestPortalPtr, ccRapResultsRogueClosestPortalRssi, ccRapResultsRogueErase, ccRapPortalResultsApMac, ccRapPortalResultsApEssid, ccRapPortalResultsInProcess, ccRapPortalResultsPortalMac, ccRapPortalResultsRssi, ccRapPollOneMuMac, ccRapPollOneMuInProcess, ccRapPollOneMuStatus, ccRapPollOneMuResultsIndex, ccRapPollOneMuResultsRssi, ccRapPollOneMuResultsEssid, ccRapPollOneMuResultsApMac, ccRadiusDataSource, ccRadiusDefaultEapType, ccRadiusClientAuthIndex, ccRadiusClientAuthIpAddr, ccRadiusClientAuthMask, ccRadiusClientAuthSharedSecret, ccRadiusProxyRetryCount, ccRadiusProxyTimeout, ccRadiusProxyServerIndex, ccRadiusProxyServerIp, ccRadiusProxyServerPort, ccRadiusProxyServerSharedSecret, ccRadiusLdapServerIp, ccRadiusLdapServerPort, ccRadiusLdapLoginAttribute, ccRadiusLdapPasswordAttribute, ccRadiusLdapBindDistinguishedName, ccRadiusLdapBindDistinguishedPassword, ccRadiusLdapBaseDistinguishedName, ccRadiusLdapGroupAttribute, ccRadiusLdapGroupFilter, ccRadiusLdapGroupMembershipAttribute, ccRadiusUsersId, ccRadiusUsersPassword, ccRadiusUsersGroups, ccRadiusUsersRowStatus, ccNtpCurrentDateTime, ccRadiusAuthTypePeap, ccRadiusAuthTypeTtls, ccRadiusClientAuthRowStatus, ccRadiusProxyServerPrefixOrSuffix, ccSubnetAccessAdvInSrcIp, ccSubnetAccessAdvInSrcIpLength, ccSubnetAccessAdvInDestIp, ccSubnetAccessAdvInDestIpLength, ccSubnetAccessAdvInTransport, ccSubnetAccessAdvInSrcPortStart, ccSubnetAccessAdvInSrcPortEnd, ccSubnetAccessAdvInDestPortStart, ccSubnetAccessAdvInDestPortEnd, ccSubnetAccessAdvInAction, ccSubnetAccessAdvInRowStatus, ccSubnetAccessAdvOutIndex, ccSubnetAccessAdvOutSrcIp, ccSubnetAccessAdvOutSrcIpLength, ccSubnetAccessAdvOutDestIp, ccSubnetAccessAdvOutDestIpLength, ccSubnetAccessAdvOutTransport, ccSubnetAccessAdvOutSrcPortStart, ccSubnetAccessAdvOutSrcPortEnd, ccSubnetAccessAdvOutDestPortStart, ccSubnetAccessAdvOutDestPortEnd, ccSubnetAccessAdvOutReverseNat, ccSubnetAccessAdvOutAction, ccTrapCtrlRedundancyPreviousOperState, ccSubnetAccessAdvOutRowStatus, ccWanNatLowestUnusedSlot, ccSubnetAccessPtrToRules, ccSubnetAccessRuleSrcPtr, ccSubnetAccessRuleDestPtr, ccSubnetAccessRuleTransport, ccSubnetAccessRuleStartPort, ccSubnetAccessRuleEndPort, ccSubnetAccessRuleRowStatus, ccTrapCtrlEnableIndex, ccTrapCtrlEnableName, ccTrapCtrlEnable, ccWlanQosMonitorSent, ccWlanQosMonitorDropped, ccWlanSumStatsShortPp10kDropped, ccRadiusProxyServerRowStatus, ccWanVpnIndex, ccWanNatOutboundEnable, ccRapResultsApprovedIndex, ccRapResultsRogueIndex, ccWlanSumStatsLongPp10kDropped, ccSnmpAccessV3User, ccSnmpV3EngineId, ccCertMgntSelfCertsReqIndex, ccCertMgntSelfCertsReqKeyId, ccCertMgntSelfCertsReqSubject, ccCertMgntSelfCertsReqDept, ccCertMgntSelfCertsReqOrg, ccCertMgntSelfCertsReqCity, ccCertMgntSelfCertsReqState, ccCertMgntSelfCertsReqPostal, ccCertMgntSelfCertsReqCountry, ccCertMgntSelfCertsReqEmail, ccCertMgntSelfCertsReqDomain, ccCertMgntSelfCertsReqIp, ccCertMgntSelfCertsReqSigAlgo, ccCertMgntSelfCertsReqKeyLen, ccCertMgntSelfCertsReqGenReq, ccCertMgntSelfCertsReqCertReqStr, ccCertMgntSelfCertsReqRowStatus, ccCertMgntSelfCertsSignedStr, ccCertMgntSelfCertsSignedImport, ccCertMgntSelfCertsSignedIndex, ccCertMgntSelfCertsSignedKeyId, ccCertMgntSelfCertsSignedIssuerName, ccCertMgntSelfCertsSignedSubject, ccCertMgntSelfCertsSignedSerialNumber, ccCertMgntSelfCertsSignedExpiry, ccCertMgntSelfCertsSignedDeleteRow, ccCACertsStr, ccCACertsImport, ccCACertsIndex, ccCACertsKeyId, ccCACertsIssuerName, ccCACertsSubject, ccCACertsSerialNumber, ccCACertsExpiry, ccCACertsDeleteRow, ccPortalSettingsName, ccPortalSettingsLocation, ccPortalSettingsAntenna, ccPortalSettingsShortPreamble, ccPortalSettingsUniSpread, ccPortalSettingsRtsThresh, ccPortalSettingsBeaconInt, ccPortalSettingsDtimPrd, ccPortalSettingsSecBeacon, ccPortalSettingsPriWlan, ccPortalSettingsBasicRates, ccPortalSettingsSupportedRates, ccPortalSettingsBGMode, ccPortalSettingsAdoptedWlan, ccPortalCfgRadioDesPlacement, ccPortalCfgRadioPosChannel, ccPortalCfgRadioDesChannel, ccPortalCfgRadioPosPowerLevel, ccPortalCfgRadioDesPowerLevel, ccPortalCfgRadioPowerInMW, ccPortalCfgRadioSet, ccPortalCfgRadioReset, ccPortalCfgRadioPlacement, ccPortalCfgRadioChannel, ccPortalCfgRadioPowerLevel, ccPortalSettingsDefaultAntenna, ccPortalSettingsDefaultShortPreamble, ccPortalSettingsDefaultUniSpread, ccPortalSettingsDefaultRtsThresh, ccPortalSettingsDefaultBeaconInt, ccPortalSettingsDefaultDtimPrd, ccPortalSettingsDefaultSecBeacon, ccPortalSettingsDefaultPriWlan, ccPortalSettingsDefaultBasicRates, ccPortalSettingsDefaultSupportedRates, ccPortalSettingsDefaultBGMode, ccPortalCfgRadioDefaultDesPlacement, ccPortalCfgRadioDefaultPosChannel, ccPortalCfgRadioDefaultDesChannel, ccPortalCfgRadioDefaultPosPowerLevel, ccPortalCfgRadioDefaultDesPowerLevel, ccPortalCfgRadioDefaultSet, ccPortalCfgRadioDefaultReset, ccPortalCfgRadioDefaultPlacement, ccPortalCfgRadioDefaultChannel, ccPortalCfgRadioDefaultPowerLevel, cc802dt1xPortAuthLogin, cc802dt1xPortAuthPass, cc802dt1xPortAuthSetAp300, ccPortalSettingsDefaultIndex, ccRapPortalResultsIndex, ccRapAuthCopyAllRogue, ccPortalSettingsDetector, ccRedundancyHeartbeatInterface, ccRadiusCACertificate, ccRadiusServerCertificate, ccSubnetDhcpServerDomainName, ccSubnetDhcpServerWinsServer, ccCertMgntSelfCertsIdName, ccPortalSystemStatsProbeRespRetries3OrMore, ccPortalSumStatsLongPp10kTxMaxRetries, ccWlanCryptoWpaTwoFastRoamKeyCache, ccWlanCryptoWpaTwoFastRoamPreAuth, ccWlanCryptoWpaTwoAllowTkipClient, ccWlanCryptoWpaTwoKey, ccWlanCryptoWpaTwoPassphrase, ccWlanCryptoWpaTwoKeyToUse, ccWlanCryptoWpaTwoKeyRotationInterval, ccWlanCryptoWpaTwoBcastKeyRotation, ccSubnetAccessAdvOverrideMode, ccSubnetAccessAdvImportRules, ccWlanAuthEapSyslogMode, ccWlanAuthEapSyslogSeverIp, ccMgmtAccessHttpsTimeout, ccNtpSyncInterval, ccWanNatTimeout, ccLoggingDeleteCoreFile, ccLoggingTransferCoreFile, ccWlanAuthEapRadiusAcctMuRetries, ccWanVpnKeyAutoIkeAuthType, ccWanNatInboundTranslationPort, ccRedundancyOperMode, ccRapResultsApprovedChannel, ccRapResultsRogueChannel, ccPortalCfgRadioDefaultDesPowerInMW, ccPortalCfgRadioDesPowerInMW, ccPortalCfgRadioDefaultPowerInMW, ccWlanAuthEapRadiusAcctMode, ccWlanAuthEapRadiusAcctMuTimeout, ccSubnetAccessAdvInReverseNatIp, ccSubnetAccessAdvInReverseNatPort } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { ccGroupsV2dot0 1 } -- ccGroupsV2dot0obsoleted OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { ccWlanSumStatsShortSkip1, ccWlanSumStatsLongSkip1, ccRadiusAccessWlanPtrs, ccRadiusUsersGroup, ccRadiusUsersGroupRowStatus, ccRadiusUsersGroupId } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { ccGroupsV2dot0 2 } -- ccGroupsV2dot0notifications NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { ccPortalAdopted, ccPortalUnAdopted, ccPortalDenied, ccMuAssociated, ccMuUnAssociated, ccMuDenied, ccConfigChange, ccSnmpAclViolation, ccPortStatusChange, ccCfAlmostFull, ccFirewallUnderAttack, ccRadarDetected, ccSumStatsMu, ccSumStatsPortal, ccSumStatsWlan, ccSumStatsSwitch, ccLanVlanActivated, ccDhcpOptionsFileTransferStatus, ccRapNewApprovedAp, ccRapNewRogueAp, ccRedundancyStateChange } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { ccGroupsV2dot0 3 } END -- -- SYMBOL-CC-WS2000-MIB-2.0.mib --