#!/usr/bin/env php 0) { $cmd = "find $rrd_dir -type f -mtime +$rrd_purge -print -exec rm -f {} +"; $purge = `$cmd`; if (!empty($purge)) { echo "Purged the following RRD files due to old age (over $rrd_purge days old):\n"; echo $purge; } } } catch (LockException $e) { echo $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL; exit(-1); } } if ($options['f'] === 'syslog') { try { if (Config::get('distributed_poller')) { MemcacheLock::lock('syslog_purge', 0, 86000); } $syslog_purge = Config::get('syslog_purge'); if (is_numeric($syslog_purge)) { $rows = (int)dbFetchCell('SELECT MIN(seq) FROM syslog'); $initial_rows = $rows; while (true) { $limit = dbFetchCell('SELECT seq FROM syslog WHERE seq >= ? ORDER BY seq LIMIT 1000,1', array($rows)); if (empty($limit)) { break; } # Deletes are done in blocks of 1000 to avoid a single very large operation. if (dbDelete('syslog', 'seq >= ? AND seq < ? AND timestamp < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL ? DAY)', array($rows, $limit, $syslog_purge)) > 0) { $rows = $limit; } else { break; } } dbDelete('syslog', 'seq >= ? AND timestamp < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL ? DAY)', array($rows, $syslog_purge)); $final_rows = $rows - $initial_rows; echo "Syslog cleared for entries over $syslog_purge days (about $final_rows rows)\n"; } } catch (LockException $e) { echo $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL; exit(-1); } } if ($options['f'] === 'ports_fdb') { $ret = lock_and_purge('ports_fdb', 'updated_at < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL ? DAY)'); exit($ret); } if ($options['f'] === 'route') { $ret = lock_and_purge('route', 'updated_at < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL ? DAY)'); exit($ret); } if ($options['f'] === 'eventlog') { $ret = lock_and_purge('eventlog', 'datetime < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL ? DAY)'); exit($ret); } if ($options['f'] === 'authlog') { $ret = lock_and_purge('authlog', 'datetime < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL ? DAY)'); exit($ret); } if ($options['f'] === 'perf_times') { $ret = lock_and_purge('perf_times', 'start < UNIX_TIMESTAMP(DATE_SUB(NOW(),INTERVAL ? DAY))'); exit($ret); } if ($options['f'] === 'callback') { include_once 'includes/callback.php'; } if ($options['f'] === 'device_perf') { $ret = lock_and_purge('device_perf', 'timestamp < DATE_SUB(NOW(),INTERVAL ? DAY)'); exit($ret); } if ($options['f'] === 'ports_purge') { try { if (Config::get('distributed_poller')) { MemcacheLock::lock('ports_purge', 0, 86000); } $ports_purge = Config::get('ports_purge'); if ($ports_purge) { $interfaces = dbFetchRows('SELECT * from `ports` AS P, `devices` AS D WHERE `deleted` = 1 AND D.device_id = P.device_id'); foreach ($interfaces as $interface) { delete_port($interface['port_id']); } echo "All deleted ports now purged\n"; } } catch (LockException $e) { echo $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL; exit(-1); } } if ($options['f'] === 'handle_notifiable') { if ($options['t'] === 'update') { $title = 'Error: Daily update failed'; $poller_name = Config::get('distributed_poller_name'); if ($options['r']) { // result was a success (1), remove the notification remove_notification($title); } else { // result was a failure (0), create the notification new_notification( $title, "The daily update script (daily.sh) has failed on $poller_name." . 'Please check output by hand. If you need assistance, ' . 'visit the LibreNMS Website to find out how.', 2, 'daily.sh' ); } } elseif ($options['t'] === 'phpver') { $error_title = 'Error: PHP version too low'; $warn_title = 'Warning: PHP version too low'; remove_notification($warn_title); // remove warning // if update is not set to false and version is min or newer if (Config::get('update') && $options['r']) { if ($options['r'] === 'php53') { $phpver = '5.6.4'; $eol_date = 'January 10th, 2018'; } elseif ($options['r'] === 'php56') { $phpver = '7.1.3'; $eol_date = 'February 1st, 2019'; } if (isset($phpver)) { new_notification( $error_title, "PHP version $phpver is the minimum supported version as of $eol_date. We recommend you update to PHP a supported version of PHP (7.2 suggested) to continue to receive updates. If you do not update PHP, LibreNMS will continue to function but stop receiving bug fixes and updates.", 2, 'daily.sh' ); exit(1); } } remove_notification($error_title); exit(0); } } if ($options['f'] === 'notifications') { try { if (Config::get('distributed_poller')) { MemcacheLock::lock('notifications', 0, 86000); } post_notifications(); } catch (LockException $e) { echo $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL; exit(-1); } } if ($options['f'] === 'bill_data') { # Deletes data older than XX months before the start of the last complete billing period $msg = "Deleting billing data more than %d month before the last completed billing cycle\n"; $table = 'bill_data'; $sql = "DELETE bill_data FROM bill_data INNER JOIN (SELECT bill_id, SUBDATE( SUBDATE( ADDDATE( subdate(curdate(), (day(curdate())-1)), # Start of this month bill_day - 1), # Billing anniversary INTERVAL IF(bill_day > DAY(curdate()), 1, 0) MONTH), # Deal with anniversary not yet happened this month INTERVAL ? MONTH) AS threshold # Adjust based on config threshold FROM bills) q ON bill_data.bill_id = q.bill_id AND bill_data.timestamp < q.threshold;"; lock_and_purge_query($table, $sql, $msg); } if ($options['f'] === 'alert_log') { $msg = "Deleting alert_logs more than %d days that are not active\n"; $table = 'alert_log'; $sql = "DELETE alert_log FROM alert_log INNER JOIN alerts ON alerts.device_id=alert_log.device_id AND alerts.rule_id=alert_log.rule_id WHERE alerts.state=0 AND alert_log.time_logged < DATE_SUB(NOW(),INTERVAL ? DAY) "; lock_and_purge_query($table, $sql, $msg); # alert_log older than $config['alert_log_purge'] days match now only the alert_log of active alerts # in case of flapping of an alert, many entries are kept in alert_log # we want only to keep the last alert_log that contains the alert details $msg = "Deleting history of active alert_logs more than %d days\n"; $sql = "DELETE FROM alert_log WHERE id IN( SELECT id FROM( SELECT id FROM alert_log a1 WHERE time_logged < DATE_SUB(NOW(),INTERVAL ? DAY) AND (device_id, rule_id, time_logged) NOT IN ( SELECT device_id, rule_id, max(time_logged) FROM alert_log a2 WHERE a1.device_id = a2.device_id AND a1.rule_id = a2.rule_id AND a2.time_logged < DATE_SUB(NOW(),INTERVAL ? DAY) ) ) as c ) "; $purge_duration = Config::get('alert_log_purge'); if (!(is_numeric($purge_duration) && $purge_duration > 0)) { return -2; } $sql = str_replace("?", strval($purge_duration), $sql); lock_and_purge_query($table, $sql, $msg); } if ($options['f'] === 'purgeusers') { try { if (Config::get('distributed_poller')) { MemcacheLock::lock('purgeusers', 0, 86000); } $purge = 0; if (is_numeric(\LibreNMS\Config::get('radius.users_purge')) && Config::get('auth_mechanism') === 'radius') { $purge = \LibreNMS\Config::get('radius.users_purge'); } if (is_numeric(\LibreNMS\Config::get('active_directory.users_purge')) && Config::get('auth_mechanism') === 'active_directory') { $purge = \LibreNMS\Config::get('active_directory.users_purge'); } if ($purge > 0) { foreach (dbFetchRows("SELECT DISTINCT(`user`) FROM `authlog` WHERE `datetime` >= DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL ? DAY)", array($purge)) as $user) { $users[] = $user['user']; } if (dbDelete('users', "username NOT IN " . dbGenPlaceholders(count($users)), $users)) { echo "Removed users that haven't logged in for $purge days"; } } } catch (LockException $e) { echo $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL; exit(-1); } } if ($options['f'] === 'refresh_alert_rules') { try { if (Config::get('distributed_poller')) { MemcacheLock::lock('refresh_alert_rules', 0, 86000); } echo 'Refreshing alert rules queries' . PHP_EOL; $rules = dbFetchRows('SELECT `id`, `rule`, `builder`, `extra` FROM `alert_rules`'); foreach ($rules as $rule) { $rule_options = json_decode($rule['extra'], true); if ($rule_options['options']['override_query'] !== 'on') { $data['query'] = AlertDB::genSQL($rule['rule'], $rule['builder']); if (!empty($data['query'])) { dbUpdate($data, 'alert_rules', 'id=?', array($rule['id'])); unset($data); } } } } catch (LockException $e) { echo $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL; exit(-1); } } if ($options['f'] === 'refresh_device_groups') { try { if (Config::get('distributed_poller')) { MemcacheLock::lock('refresh_device_groups', 0, 86000); } echo 'Refreshing device group table relationships' . PHP_EOL; DeviceGroup::all()->each(function ($deviceGroup) { if ($deviceGroup->type == 'dynamic') { /** @var DeviceGroup $deviceGroup */ $deviceGroup->rules = $deviceGroup->getParser()->generateJoins()->toArray(); $deviceGroup->save(); } }); } catch (LockException $e) { echo $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL; exit(-1); } } if ($options['f'] === 'notify') { if (\LibreNMS\Config::has('alert.default_mail')) { send_mail( \LibreNMS\Config::get('alert.default_mail'), '[LibreNMS] Auto update has failed for ' . Config::get('distributed_poller_name'), "We just attempted to update your install but failed. The information below should help you fix this.\r\n\r\n" . $options['o'] ); } } if ($options['f'] === 'peeringdb') { try { if (Config::get('distributed_poller')) { MemcacheLock::lock('peeringdb', 0, 86000); } cache_peeringdb(); } catch (LockException $e) { echo $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL; exit(-1); } } if ($options['f'] === 'refresh_os_cache') { echo 'Clearing OS cache' . PHP_EOL; unlink(Config::get('install_dir') . '/cache/os_defs.cache'); } if ($options['f'] === 'recalculate_device_dependencies') { // fix broken dependency max_depth calculation in case things weren't done though eloquent try { if (Config::get('distributed_poller')) { MemcacheLock::lock('recalculate_device_dependencies', 0, 86000); } \LibreNMS\DB\Eloquent::boot(); // update all root nodes and recurse, chunk so we don't blow up Device::doesntHave('parents')->with('children')->chunk(100, function (Collection $devices) { // anonymous recursive function $recurse = function (Device $device) use (&$recurse) { $device->updateMaxDepth(); $device->children->each($recurse); }; $devices->each($recurse); }); } catch (LockException $e) { echo $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL; exit(-1); } }