SAMSUNG-PRINTER-EXT-TC DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN -- Module: Printer MIB TC -- File: SamsungPrinttc.mib -- Editors: -- Date: July 17, 2004 -- Version: 1.00 IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE FROM SNMPv2-SMI -- RFC 1442/1902/2578 TEXTUAL-CONVENTION FROM SNMPv2-TC -- RFC 1443/1903/2579 samsungCommonMIB FROM SAMSUNG-COMMON-MIB; scmPrintTC MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "0407170000Z" -- 17 Jul 2004 ORGANIZATION "Samsung Common Management Interface Working Group" CONTACT-INFO " SCMI Editors E-Mail: -- -- " DESCRIPTION " Version: 1.00 SCMI Extensions to Printer MIB Textual Conventions. This Module provides Samsung extensions of the IETF Printer MIB. Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Samsung Corporation. All Rights Reserved." ::= { samsungCommonMIB 54 } -- -- SCMI Extensions to Printer MIB Textual Convention Definitions: -- -- ScmPrtAuxSheetContent -- ScmPrtAuxSheetType -- ScmPrtChannelType -- ScmPrtGroupSupport -- ScmPrtIETFPrintMIBGroupSupport -- ScmPrtInterpreterLangFamily -- ScmPrtMediaTypeErrorPolicy -- ScmPrtMediumClassType -- ScmPrtMediumSize -- ScmPrtOutputOffsetStackingType -- ScmPrtOutputStaplePosition -- ScmPrtPageSizeErrorPolicy -- ScmPrtPCLFontSource -- ScmPrtPlex -- ScmPrtPrintQuality -- ScmPrtPrintScreen -- ScmPrtTraySwitch -- ScmPrtGeneralMonoPrintOpt -- ScmPrtAuxSheetContent ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Auxiliary sheets are added by the printing system and are not part of the actual print job. Examples include error pages and banner pages. This textual convention is used to specify the information content of auxiliary sheets." SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), unknown(2), notSpecified(3), concise(5), -- content of page is concise verbose(6) -- content of page is verbose } ScmPrtAuxSheetType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Auxiliary sheets are added by the printing system and are not part of the actual print job. This attribute uniquely identifies an auxiliary-sheet, which includes the types jobErrorSheet and printerStartupSheet. 'printerStartupSheet' is a sheet printed shortly after power-up when the device is ready. Typical startup pages include test patterns and/or printer configuration information. 'jobErrorSheet' is a sheet printed with error messages generated during the printing of a job-result-set that is to be printed with the hardcopy output of that job-result-set, and should be printed on an ending sheet of the job-result-set, or some similar sheet. These sheets are not a part of any job-copy. If no error messages have been generated, the device need not print an extra page. The default for this page type should be 'On'. The following Auxiliary-sheet-package types can be specified either for a job component (job result set or job copy) or document (document result set or document copy). For now, only the jobSetStart package has been enumerated. 'jobSetStart' - Auxiliary-sheet starts each result-set Sometimes referred to as a jobBanner sheet 'jobSetEnd' - Auxiliary-sheet at the end of a result set " REFERENCE " ISO/IEC 10175-1:1996(E) Section Delivery-methods for hardcopy output logs Section 9.11.1: Auxiliary-sheet-package identifier" SYNTAX INTEGER { other(-1), unknown(-2), notSpecified(-3), jobSetStart(1), jobSetEnd(2), printerStartupSheet(101), jobErrorSheet(102) } ScmPrtChannelType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This enumeration indicates the type of channel that is receiving jobs. This enumeration is being added to the IETF Printer MIB. This is an IETF type 2 enum." SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), chSerialPort(3), chParallelPort(4), chIEEE1284Port(5), chSCSIPort(6), chAppleTalkPAP(7), -- AppleTalk Printer -- Access Protocol (PAP) -- -- prtChannelInformation entry: -- -- Printer Name -- Keyword: Name -- Status: Optional -- Multiplicity: Single -- Description: The name of the -- printer within the AppleTalk -- naming scope chLPDServer(8), -- prtChannelInformation entry: -- -- Printer queue name -- Keyword: Queue -- Syntax: Name -- Status: Mandatory -- Multiplicity: Single -- Description: queue name as -- defined in RFC 1179. chNetwareRPrinter(9), -- Novell, Inc. -- For each entry of this type, the -- prtChannelInformation must have a pair -- of keywords. For Netware 3.x channels -- this must be a (PServer, Printer) pair. -- For Netware 4.x channels and for -- IntranetWare channels this must be a -- (NDSTree, NDSPrinter) pair. -- -- prtChannelInformation entries: -- Print Server Name -- Keyword: PServer -- Syntax: Name -- Status: Mandatory -- Multiplicity: Single -- Description: The Pserver's SAP name -- -- Printer Number -- Keyword: Printer -- Syntax: Integer -- Status: Mandatory -- Multiplicity: Single -- Description: The printer number -- -- NDSTree -- Keyword: NDSTree -- Syntax: Name -- Multiplicity: Single -- Description: The tree's SAP name -- -- NDS Printer object -- Keyword: NDSPrinter -- Syntax: Text (Unicode) -- Status: Mandatory -- Multiplicity: Single -- Description: The fully qualified -- name of the Printer -- -- In the Netware 3.x environment, the -- client checks the Bindery object -- representing the named PServer. The -- client then checks for queues which -- are associated with the numbered -- printer. In the 4.x and IntraNetware -- environment, the client looks up the -- queues which are associated with the -- NDS Printer Object in the named Tree. -- Depending on client access rights to -- those queues, the client submits jobs -- to the appropriate queue. chNetwarePServer(10), -- Novell,Inc. -- For each entry of this type, the -- prtChannelInformation must have a pair -- of keywords. For Netware 3.x channels -- this must be a (Server, PServer) pair. -- For Netware 4.x and IntranetWare -- channels, this must be a -- (NDSTree, NDSPServer) pair. -- -- prtChannelInformation entries: -- -- Server Name -- Keyword: Server -- Syntax: Name -- Status: Mandatory -- Multiplicity: Single -- Description: The SAP name of the -- server for which the PServer is -- defined. -- -- PServer -- Keyword: PServer -- Syntax: Name -- Status: Mandatory -- Multiplicity: Single -- Description: The bindery name of -- the PServer -- -- NDS Tree -- Keyword: NDSTree -- Syntax: Name -- Status: Mandatory -- Multiplicity: Single -- Description: The NDS Tree name -- -- PServer -- Keyword: NDSPServer -- Syntax: Text (Unicode) -- Status: Mandatory -- Multiplicity: Single -- Description: The fully qualified -- name of the PServer object in the -- tree. -- -- In the 3.x environment, the client -- checks the bindery object -- representing the named PServer on the -- named Server. In the 4.x and -- IntranetWare environment, -- the client checks the NDS object -- representing the named PServer in the -- named Tree. In either case, the -- client then checks for all queues -- associated with the Pserver object. -- Depending on client access rights -- to those queues, the client submits -- jobs to the appropriate queue. chPort9100(11), -- DEPRECATED chAppSocket(12), -- A bi-directional, LPD-like, -- protocol using 9101 for -- control and 9100 for data. -- Adobe Systems, Inc. chFTP(13), -- RFC 959 chTFTP(14), -- RFC 1350 chDLCLLCPort(15), chIBM3270(16), -- IBM Coax chIBM5250(17), -- IBM Twinax chFax(18), chIEEE1394(19), chTransport1(20), -- TCP port 35, see reserved TCP port list -- in RFC 1700 or current "Assigned -- Numbers" RFC. This RFC should also be -- referenced for other channel -- enumerations utilizing TCP port -- numbers 0 through 1024. chCPAP(21), -- TCP port 170, Digital -- Equipment Corp. chPCPrint(26), -- Banyan chServerMessageBlock(27), -- File/Print sharing protocol used by -- various network operating systems -- from IBM 3Com, Microsoft and others -- -- prtChannelInformation entry: -- -- Service Name -- Keyword: Name -- Syntax: Name -- Status: Optional -- Multiplicity: Single -- Description: The service name of -- the printer chPSM(28), -- Printing Systems -- Manager, IBM chSystemObjectManager(31), -- IBM chDECLAT(32), -- Digital Equipment Corp. -- -- prtChannelInformation entries: -- -- Port Name -- Keyword: Port -- Syntax: Name -- Status: Conditionally -- Mandatory -- (see note below) -- Multiplicity: Single -- Description: LAT port name -- -- Service Name -- Keyword: Service -- Syntax: Name -- Status: Conditionally -- Mandatory -- Multiplicity: Single -- Description: LAT service -- name -- -- The LAT channel may be -- identified by either a port or -- service, so either a -- Port or Service entry must be -- specified, but not both. chNPAP(33), chUSB(34), -- Universal Serial Bus chIRDA(35), -- Infrared Data Assoc. Prot. chPrintXChange(36), -- PrintXChange Protocol chPortTCP(37), -- A unidirectional "raw" TCP -- channel that uses an administratively -- assigned TCP port address. -- -- prtChannelInformation entry: -- -- Port Number -- Keyword: Port -- Syntax: decimal number -- Status: Mandatory -- Multiplicity: Single -- Description: TCP port number chBidirPortTCP(38), -- A bidirectional version of chPortTCP -- -- prtChannelInformation entries: -- (See chPortTCP) chUNPP(39), -- Universal Network Printing -- Protocol(UNPP). A bi-directional, -- multiport network printing -- application protocol available on -- multiple transport protocols. -- Underscore, Inc. -- Contact: chAppleTalkADSP(40), -- AppleTalk Data Stream Protocol. -- ADSP is part of the AppleTalk -- suite of protocols. -- It is a symmetric, connection- -- oriented protocol that makes -- possible the establishment -- and maintenance of full-duplex -- streams of data bytes between -- two sockets in an AppleTalk -- internet. -- See Inside AppleTalk, second -- Edition, by Sidhu, Andrews and -- Oppenheimer. chPortSPX(41), -- Sequenced Packet Exchange (SPX) -- socket. -- Novell, Inc. Similar to TCP, a -- bi-directional data pipe using -- Novell SPX as a transport. -- -- prtChannelInformation entries: -- -- Network Number -- Keyword: Net -- Syntax: HexString -- Status: Mandatory -- Multiplicity: Single -- Description: The network number -- -- Node Number -- Keyword: Node -- Syntax: HexString -- Status: Mandatory -- Multiplicity: Single -- Description: The node number -- -- Socket Number -- Keyword: Socket -- Syntax: HexString -- Status: Mandatory -- Multiplicity: Single -- Description: The SPX socket number -- -- There must be exactly one "Net" and -- one "Node" and one "Socket" entry. A -- HexString is a binary value -- represented as a string of -- ASCII characters using hexadecimal -- notation. chPortHTTP(42), -- Hypertext Transfer Protocol. See IETF -- documents relating to HTTP 1.0/1.1 -- (RFCs 1945 and 2068,etc.) chNDPS(43) -- Novell, Inc. -- -- prtChannelInformation entry: -- -- Printer Agent Name -- Keyword: PA -- Syntax: Name -- Status: Mandatory -- Multiplicity: Single -- Description: The NDPS Printer -- Agent Name } ScmPrtGroupSupport ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The terse conformance statement of ALL mandatory, conditionally mandatory, and optional Printer MIB Extension object groups, specified in a bit-mask. The current set of values (which may be extended in the future) is given below: 1 : scmPrtBaseGroup -- 2**0 2 : scmPrtGeneralGroup -- 2**1 4 : scmPrtInputGroup -- 2**2 8 : scmPrtOutputGroup -- 2**3 16 : scmPrtChannelGroup -- 2**4 32 : scmPrtInterpreterGroup -- 2**5 64 : scmPrtInputAliasGroup -- 2**6 128 : scmPrtGeneralAuxSheetGroup -- 2**7 256 : scmPrtGeneralProdSpecificGroup -- 2**8 512 : scmPrtAuxPackageGroup -- 2**9 1024 : scmPrtChannelProdSpecificGroup -- 2**10 2048 : scmPrtInterpProdSpecificGroup -- 2**11 4096 : scmPrtInterpPCLGroup -- 2**12 8192 : scmPrtInterpPCLProdSpecificGroup -- 2**13 16384 : scmPrtMediumTypeSupportedGroup -- 2**14 Usage: Conforming management agents shall ALWAYS accurately report their support for SCMI Printer MIB Extensions object groups." SYNTAX INTEGER (0..2147483647) -- biggest int = 2**31-1 ScmPrtIETFPrintMIBGroupSupport ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The terse conformance statement of ALL mandatory, conditionally mandatory, and optional IETF Printer MIB object groups, specified in a bit-mask. The current set of values (which may be extended in the future) is given below: 1 : prtGeneralGroup -- 2**0 (mandatory) 2 : prtResponsiblePartyGroup -- 2**1 4 : prtInputGroup -- 2**2 (mandatory) 8 : prtExtendedInputGroup -- 2**3 16 : prtInputMediaGroup -- 2**4 32 : prtOutputGroup -- 2**5 (mandatory) 64 : prtExtendedOutputGroup -- 2**6 128 : prtOutputDimensionsGroup -- 2**7 256 : prtOutputFeaturesGroup -- 2**8 512 : prtMarkerGroup -- 2**9 (mandatory) 1024 : prtMarkerSuppliesGroup -- 2**10 2048 : prtMarkerColorantGroup -- 2**11 4096 : prtMediaPathGroup -- 2**12 (mandatory) 8192 : prtChannelGroup -- 2**13 (mandatory) 16384 : prtInterpreterGroup -- 2**14 (mandatory) 32768 : prtConsoleGroup -- 2**15 (mandatory) 65536 : prtAlertTableGroup -- 2**16 (mandatory) 131072 : prtAuxiliarySheetGroup -- 2**17 262144 : prtInputSwitchingGroup -- 2**18 Usage: Conforming management agents shall ALWAYS accurately report their support for IETF Printer MIB object groups." REFERENCE "See: IETF Printer MIB" SYNTAX INTEGER (0..2147483647) -- biggest int = 2**31-1 ScmPrtInterpreterLangFamily ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This enumeration indicates the type of interpreter that is receiving jobs. This enumeration is being added to the IETF Printer MIB. This value is an IETF type 2 enumeration." SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), unknown(2), langPCL(3), -- PCL. Starting with PCL version 5, -- HP-GL/2 is included as part of the -- PCL language. -- PCL and HP-GL/2 are registered -- trademarks of Hewlett-Packard -- Company. langHPGL(4), -- Hewlett-Packard Graphics Language. -- HP-GL is a registered trademark of -- Hewlett-Packard Company. langPJL(5), -- Peripheral Job Language. Appears in -- the data stream between data intended -- for a page description language. -- Hewlett-Packard Co. langPS(6), -- PostScript (tm) Language -- Postscript - a trademark of Adobe -- Systems Incorporated which may be -- registered in certain jurisdictions langIPDS(7), -- Intelligent Printer Data Stream -- Bi-directional print data stream for -- documents consisting of data objects -- (text, image, graphics, bar codes), -- resources (fonts, overlays) and page, -- form and finishing instructions. -- Facilitates system level device -- control, document tracking and error -- recovery throughout the print -- process. -- Pennant Systems, IBM langPPDS(8), -- IBM Personal Printer Data Stream. -- Originally called IBM ASCII, the name -- was changed to PPDS when the Laser -- Printer was introduced in 1989. -- Lexmark International, Inc. langEscapeP(9), -- Epson Corp. langEpson(10), langDDIF(11), -- Digital Document Interchange Format -- Digital Equipment Corp., Maynard MA langInterpress(12), -- Samsung Corp. langISO6429(13), -- ISO 6429. Control functions for -- Coded Character Sets (has ASCII -- control characters, plus additional -- controls for -- character imaging devices.) -- ISO Standard, Geneva, Switzerland langLineData(14),-- line-data: Lines of data as -- separate ASCII or EBCDIC records -- and containing no control functions -- (no CR, LF, HT, FF, etc.) -- For use with traditional line -- printers. May use CR and/or LF to -- delimit lines, instead of records. -- See ISO 10175 Document Printing -- Application(DPA) -- ISO standard, Geneva, Switzerland langMODCA(15), -- Mixed Object Document Content -- Architecture -- Definitions that allow the -- composition, interchange, and -- presentation of final form -- documents as a collection of data -- objects (text, image, graphics, bar -- codes), resources (fonts, overlays) -- and page, form and finishing -- instructions. -- Pennant Systems, IBM langREGIS(16), -- Remote Graphics Instruction Set, -- Digital Equipment Corp., Maynard MA langSCS(17), -- SNA Character String -- Bi-directional print data stream for -- SNA LU-1 mode of communication. -- IBM langSPDL(18), -- ISO 10180 Standard Page Description -- Language -- ISO Standard langTEK4014(19), -- Tektronix Corp. langPDS(20), langIGP(21), -- Printronix Corp. langCodeV(22), -- Magnum Code-V, Image and printer -- control language used to control -- impact/dot-matrix printers. -- QMS, Inc., Mobile AL langDSCDSE(23), -- DSC-DSE: Data Stream Compatible and -- Emulation Bi-directional print data -- stream for non-SNA (DSC) and SNA LU-3 -- 3270 controller (DSE) communications -- IBM langWPS(24), -- Windows Printing System, Resource -- based command/data stream used by -- Microsoft At Work Peripherals. -- Developed by the Microsoft -- Corporation. langLN03(25), -- Early DEC-PPL3, Digital Equipment -- Corp. langCCITT(26), langQUIC(27), -- QUIC (Quality Information Code), Page -- Description Language for laser -- printers. Included graphics, printer -- control capability and emulation of -- other well-known printer . -- QMS, Inc. langCPAP(28), -- Common Printer Access Protocol -- Digital Equipment Corp. langDecPPL(29), -- Digital ANSI-Compliant Printing -- Protocol -- (DEC-PPL) -- Digital Equipment Corp. langSimpleText(30), -- simple-text: character coded data, -- including NUL, CR , LF, HT, and FF -- control characters. See ISO 10175 -- Document Printing Application (DPA) -- ISO standard, Geneva, Switzerland langNPAP(31), -- Network Printer Alliance Protocol -- (NPAP). This protocol has been -- superseded by the IEEE 1284.1 TIPSI -- Std (ref. LangTIPSI(49)). langDOC(32), -- Document Option Commands, Appears in -- the data stream between data -- intended for a page description . -- QMS, Inc. langimPress(33), -- imPRESS, Page description language -- originally developed for the -- ImageServer product line. A binary -- language providing representations -- of text, simple graphics, and some -- large forms (simple -- bit-map and CCITT group / -- encoded).The -- language was intended to be sent over -- an 8-bit channel and supported early -- document preparation languages (e.g. -- TeX and TROFF). -- QMS, Inc. langPinwriter(34), -- 24 wire dot matrix printer for -- USA, Europe, and Asia except -- Japan. -- More widely used in Germany, and -- some Asian countries than in US. -- NEC langNPDL(35), -- Page printer for Japanese market. -- NEC langNEC201PL(36),-- Serial printer language used in -- the Japanese market. -- NEC langAutomatic(37), -- Automatic PDL sensing. Automatic -- sensing of the interpreter -- language family by the printer -- examining the document content. -- Which actual interpreter language -- families are sensed depends on -- the printer implementation. langPages(38), -- Page printer Advanced Graphic -- Escape Set -- IBM Japan langLIPS(39), -- LBP Image Processing System langTIFF(40), -- Tagged Image File Format (Aldus) langDiagnostic(41), -- A hex dump of the input to the -- interpreter langPSPrinter(42), -- The PostScript Language used for -- control (with any PDLs) -- Adobe Systems Incorporated langCaPSL(43), -- Canon Print Systems Language langEXCL(44), -- Extended Command Language -- Talaris Systems Inc. langLCDS(45), -- Line Conditioned Data Stream -- Samsung Corporation langXES(46), -- Samsung Escape Sequences -- Samsung Corporation langPCLXL(47), -- Printer Control Language. Extended -- language features for printing, and -- printer control. -- Hewlett-Packard Co. langART(48), -- Advanced Rendering Tools (ART). -- Page Description language -- originally developed for the Laser -- Press printers. -- Technical reference manual: "ART IV -- Reference Manual", No F33M. -- Fuji Samsung Co., Ltd. langTIPSI(49), -- Transport Independent Printer -- System Interface (ref. IEEE Std. -- 1284.1) langPrescribe(50), -- Page description and printer -- control language. It can be -- described with ordinary ASCII -- Technical reference manual: -- "PRESCRIBE II Programming Manual" langLinePrinter(51), -- A simple-text character stream which -- supports the control codes LF, VT, -- FF, and plus Centronics or -- Dataproducts Vertical Format Unit -- (VFU) language is commonly used on -- many older model line and matrix -- printers. langIDP(52), -- Imaging Device Protocol -- Apple Computer. langXJCL(53), -- Samsung Job Control Language (JCL). -- A Job Control language originally -- developed for the LaserPress printers -- and is capable of switching PDLs. -- Technical reference manual: -- "ART IV Reference Manual", No F33M. -- Fuji Samsung Co., Ltd. langPDF(54), -- Adobe Portable Document Format -- Adobe Systems, Inc. langRPDL(55), -- Ricoh Page Description Language for -- printers. -- Technical manual "RPDL command -- reference" No.307029 -- RICOH, Co. LTD langIntermecIPL(56), -- Intermec Printer Language for label -- printers. -- Technical Manual: "IPL Programmers -- Reference Manual" -- Intermec Corporation langUBIFingerprint(57), -- An intelligent basic-like programming -- language for label printers. -- Reference Manual: "UBI Fingerprint -- 7.1", No. 1-960434-00 -- United Barcode Industries langUBIDirectProtocol(58) -- An intelligent control language for -- label printers. -- Programmers guide: " UBI Direct -- Protocol", No. 1-960419-00 -- United Barcode Industries } ScmPrtMediaTypeErrorPolicy ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Controls interpreter behavior when the requested Media Type is not currently available. * The values 'other' and 'unknown' are deprecated for conforming implementations. * 'abortJob' will cause the interpreter to abort the job with an appropriate error condition. * 'ignore' will cause the job to be printed on the default media as specified by scmPrtInterpInputIndexDefault OR scmPrtInterpPaperSizeDefault OR any available media deemed appropriate by the implementation. No adjustment will be made to the image size. Exact semantics of this setting are product specific. * 'interactWithOperator' will cause the printer to interact with the operator to determine what to do. For example, display a message at the operator console requesting the desired media. The semantics of this policy vary among different products and environments. * 'ignoreAfterTimeout' will cause the job to be ignored same as 'ignore' above, but not till after scmPrtInterpErrorPolicyTimeout expires." REFERENCE " See: ScmPrtPageSizeErrorPolicy" SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), unknown(2), notSpecified(3), abortJob(4), ignore(5), interactWithOperator(6), ignoreAfterTimeout(11) } ScmPrtMediumClassType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Paper size classes for a printer." SYNTAX INTEGER { other (1), unknown(2), notSpecified(3), northAmerica(4), iso(5), jis(6) } ScmPrtMediumSize ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This attribute specifies the size of this medium by means of a pre-defined value. The medium size specified in this manner may be one of the standard sizes to which object identifiers have been assigned in ISO/IEC 10175 (DPA), or another applicable standard, or for which a value has been created. Enumerations for DPA defined medium sizes are derived by adding 1000 to the ISO/IEC 10175 enumerations. SCMI defined enumerations start at 10." REFERENCE "ISO/IEC 10175-1:1996(E), Section 9.6.5: Medium-size" SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), unknown(2), notSpecified(3), -- SCMI defined medium sizes mediumSize13x18(10), -- 13 by 18 inches -- DPA defined medium sizes naLetter(1000), -- 8.5 by 11 inches naLegal(1001), -- 8.5 by 14 inches na10x13Envelope(1002), -- 10 by 13 inches na9x12Envelope(1003), -- 9 by 12 inches naNumber10Envelope(1004), -- 4.125 by 9.5 inches na7x9Envelope(1005), -- 7 by 9 inches na9x11Envelope(1006), -- 9 by 11 inches na10x14Envelope(1007), -- 10 by 14 inches naNumber9Envelope(1008), -- na6x9Envelope(1009), -- 6 by 9 inches na10x15Envelope(1010), -- 10 by 15 inches a(1011), -- 8.5 by 11 inches b(1012), -- 11 by 17 inches c(1013), -- 17 by 22 inches d(1014), -- 22 by 34 inches e(1015), -- 34 by 44 inches monarchEnvelope(1016), -- 3.87 by 7.5 inches isoA0(1020), -- 841 by 1189 mm isoA1(1021), -- 594 by 841 mm isoA2(1022), -- 420 by 594 mm isoA3(1023), -- 297 by 420 mm isoA4(1024), -- 210 by 297 mm isoA5(1025), -- 148 by 210 mm isoA6(1026), -- 105 by 148 mm isoA7(1027), -- 74 by 105 mm isoA8(1028), -- 52 by 74 mm isoA9(1029), -- 37 by 52 mm isoA10(1030), -- 26 by 37 mm isoB0(1040), -- 1000 by 1414 mm isoB1(1041), -- 707 by 1000 mm isoB2(1042), -- 500 by 707 mm isoB3(1043), -- 353 by 500 mm isoB4(1044), -- 250 by 353 mm isoB5(1045), -- 176 by 250 mm isoB6(1046), -- 125 by 176 mm isoB7(1047), -- 88 by 125 mm isoB8(1048), -- 62 by 88 mm isoB9(1049), -- 44 by 62 mm isoB10(1050), -- 31 by 44 mm isoC3(1063), -- 324 by 458 mm isoC4(1064), -- 229 by 324 mm isoC5(1065), -- 162 by 229 mm isoC6(1066), -- 114 by 162 mm isoDesignatedLong(1067), -- 110 by 220 mm jisB0(1080), -- 1030 by 1456 mm jisB1(1081), -- 728 by 1030 mm jisB2(1082), -- 515 by 728 mm jisB3(1083), -- 364 by 515 mm jisB4(1084), -- 257 by 364 mm jisB5(1085), -- 182 by 257 mm jisB6(1086), -- 128 by 182 mm jisB7(1087), -- 91 by 128 mm jisB8(1088), -- 64 by 91 mm jisB9(1089), -- 45 by 64 mm jisB10(1090), -- 32 by 45 mm executive(1100), -- 7.25 by 10.5 inches folio(1101), -- 8.5 by 13 inches invoice(1102), -- 5.5 by 8.5 inches ledger(1103), -- aka statement, 11 by 17 inches quarto(1104) -- 8.5 by 10.83 inches } ScmPrtOutputOffsetStackingType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Offset stacking types further refining that specified by the object prtOutputOffsetStacking in the Printer MIB. - offsetOnJob means that each job is offset but copies within the job are not offset. - offsetOnJobAndCopy means that there is an offset on job and copy boundaries." REFERENCE "Printer MIB prtOutputOffsetStacking object" SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), unknown(2), notSpecified(3), noOffset(4), offsetOnJob(5), offsetOnJobandCopy(6) } ScmPrtOutputStaplePosition ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This Textual Convention enumerates possible staple positions. The staple positions enumerated are relative to the physical layout of the finishing device. The observer is on the front side of the finisher which is defined as for sheets passing through the finisher. The 'front' side is the side from which staples are pushed. The physical corners of the finishing device are specified by designating the corner of the finisher where a portrait long-edge fed sheet with english/left-to-right text is stapled as staplePosCorner1, and then the other corners are numbered in a counter-clockwise direction with the observer on the front side of the finisher. 'staplePosCorner1', 'staplePosCorner2', 'staplePosCorner3', and 'staplePosCorner4' indicate a single staple in the specified corner. This object does not specify the angle of the staple, e.g. 90, 45 or zero degrees. 'stapleEdge...' indicates multiple staples on the edge specified. 'stapleEdge12' is the edge which include Corner1 and Corner2. The current set of values (which may be extended in the future) is given below: 1 : staplePosCorner1 -- 2**0 2 : staplePosCorner2 -- 2**1 4 : staplePosCorner3 -- 2**2 8 : staplePosCorner4 -- 2**3 16 : stapleEdge12 -- 2**4 32 : stapleEdge23 -- 2**5 64 : stapleEdge34 -- 2**6 128 : stapleEdge14 -- 2**7" REFERENCE " See: 'scmPrtOutputStaplePosDefault' See: 'scmPrtOutputStaplePosSupported'" SYNTAX INTEGER(0..255) ScmPrtPageSizeErrorPolicy ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Controls interpreter behavior when the requested Page Size is not currently available. * The values 'other' and 'unknown' are deprecated for conforming implementations. * 'abortJob' will cause the interpreter to abort the job with an appropriate error condition. * 'ignore' will cause the job to be printed on the default media as specified by scmPrtInterpInputIndexDefault OR scmPrtInterpPaperSizeDefault OR any available media deemed appropriate by the implementation. No adjustment will be made to the image size. Exact semantics of this setting are product specific. * 'interactWithOperator' will cause the printer to interact with the operator to determine what to do. For example, display a message at the operator console requesting the desired media. The semantics of this policy vary among different products and environments. * 'useNearestAndAdjust' will cause the job to be printed on the nearest available media (as described below). The interpreter will adjust the image size (by scaling and centering) to fit. * 'useNextLargerAndAdjust' will cause the job to be printed on the next larger available media (as described below). The interpreter will adjust the image size (by scaling and centering) to fit. * 'useNearest' will cause the job to be printed on the nearest available media (as described below). No adjustment will be made to the image size. * 'useNextLarger' will cause the job to be printed on the next larger available media (as described below). No adjustment will be made to the image size. * 'ignoreAfterTimeout' will cause the job to be ignored same as ignore' above, but not till after scmPrtInterpErrorPolicyTimeout expires. In the above descriptions, nearest size is defined as the one closest in area to the requested size. The next larger size is the one that is at least as large as the requested size in both width and height and is smallest in area. To adjust the page means to scale the page image (if necessary) to fit the medium, then center the image on the medium." REFERENCE " PostScript Language Reference Manual, second edition, Adobe Systems Incorporated, pp 239-249. See: ScmPrtMediaTypeErrorPolicy" SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), unknown(2), notSpecified(3), abortJob(4), ignore(5), interactWithOperator(6), useNearestAndAdjust(7), useNextLargerAndAdjust(8), useNearest(9), useNextLarger(10), ignoreAfterTimeout(11) } ScmPrtPCLFontSource ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " REFERENCE " See: PJL Technical Reference Manual- FONTSOURCE" SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), unknown(2), notSpecified(3), internal(20), -- PJL value 'I' romSimm1(41), -- PJL value 'M1' romSimm2(42), -- PJL value 'M2' romSimm3(43), -- PJL value 'M3' romSimm4(44), -- PJL value 'M4' romSimm5(45), -- PJL value 'M5' romSimm6(46), -- PJL value 'M6' romSimm7(47), -- PJL value 'M7' romSimm8(48), -- PJL value 'M8' romSimm9(49), -- PJL value 'M9' cartridge1(61), -- PJL value 'C1' cartridge2(62), -- PJL value 'C2' cartridge3(63), -- PJL value 'C3' cartridge4(64), -- PJL value 'C4' cartridge5(65), -- PJL value 'C5' cartridge6(66), -- PJL value 'C6' cartridge7(67), -- PJL value 'C7' cartridge8(68), -- PJL value 'C8' cartridge9(69), -- PJL value 'C9' permanentSoft(80) -- PJL value 'S' } ScmPrtPlex ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This Textual Convention enumerates plex modes which may be supported by a printer or interpreter. A plex mode specifies whether pages are to be printed one-sided or two-sided, as well as the content orientation between consecutive pages. For the ScmPrtPlex TC, the following definitions apply: 'one-sided' - Print on only one side of each sheet. 'two-sided' - Print on both sides of each sheet. 'simplex' - The document pages are to be oriented so as to condition them for one-sided printing. 'long-edge-bind' - The document pages are to be oriented so as to condition them for two-sided printing, bound along the length (the longer edge) of the physical page. 'short-edge-bind' - The document pages are to be oriented so as to condition them for two-sided printing, bound along the width (the shorter edge) of the physical page. ScmPrtPlex's representation is bit-encoded, so that a device may show multiple plex modes supported. The value zero shall mean notSpecified. The following ScmPrtPlex values and meanings are defined: 0x001 simplex, one-sided 0X002 simplex, two-sided 0x010 long-edge-bind, one-sided 0x020 long-edge-bind, two-sided 0x040 short-edge-bind, one-sided 0x080 short-edge-bind, two-sided The following describes the relationship of the scmPrtPlex modes to DPA, PostScript and PCL. DPA: In DPA, Plex specifies whether the page images of the output document are to be conditioned for (eventual) one-sided or two-sided printing, and also specifies whether the relative orientation between consecutive page-images is to be altered. In DPA, the Plex modes specified are named 'Simplex', 'Duplex' and 'Tumble'. However, 'Duplex' would more accurately be named bindLongEdge, and 'Tumble' would more accurately be named bindShortEdge. As written in DPA, 'Whether the images are portrait or landscape, the binding edge is parallel to: the y axis for 'duplex', and the x axis for 'tumble'. This last observation is important for understanding when to use 'tumble'. If the binding edge of the document is along the y-axis, the plex is 'duplex', whether the orientation is portrait or landscape, and if the binding-edge is along the x-axis, the plex is 'tumble', whether the orientation is portrait or landscape. In DPA, a separate attribute, 'Sides', specifies 1-sided or 2-sided printing. In DPA, the value of this attribute may also be used by the presentation processes of some document formats to determine whether or not to print certain designated pages (e.g. the extra blank pages needed in two-sided printing to cause sections to begin on the righthand side of a book, or recto page). The following enumerations are relevant to DPA: simplexOneSided, simplexTwoSided, bindLongEdgeOneSided, bindLongEdgeTwoSided, bindShortEdgeOneSided, bindShortEdgeTwoSided. PostScript: In PostScript, the keys 'duplex' and 'tumble' are booleans which specify relative orientation between consecutive pages, and to the number of sides printed. If 'Duplex' is False, pages are printed 1-sided, i.e. 'simplex'. If 'Duplex' is True, pages are printed 2-sided. (For most PostScript interpreters, only when 'Duplex' is set to True) 'Tumble' specifies how the page images on opposite sides of a sheet are oriented with respect to each other. If 'Tumble' is False, the default user spaces of the two pages are oriented such that the highest value of y in the two spaces lie along the same edge of the media. Informally, a Tumble value of False produces output suitable for binding on the left or right. When the default user space is set to a portrait 'pagesize', setting Tumble to false is the same as using the ScmPrtPlex attribute longEdgeBind. When the default user space is set to a landscape 'pagesize', setting Tumble to false is the same as using the ScmPrtPlex attribute shortEdgeBind. If 'Tumble' is True, the default user spaces of the two pages are oriented such that the highest value of y in the two spaces lie along opposite edges of the media. Informally, a Tumble value of True produces output suitable for binding on the top or bottom. When the default user space is set to a landscape 'pagesize', setting Tumble to true is the same as using the ScmPrtPlex attribute shortEdgeBind. When the default user space is set to a landscape 'pagesize', setting Tumble to true is the same as using the ScmPrtPlex attribute longEdgeBind. The following ScmPrtPlex enumerations are relevant to PostScript: bindLongEdgeOneSided, bindLongEdgeTwoSided, bindShortEdgeOneSided, bindShortEdgeTwoSided. Typically (ie, for a Portrait default user space): OneSided maps to the duplex boolean set to false TwoSided maps to the duplex boolean set to true bindEdgeLong maps to the tumble boolean set to false bindEdgeShort maps to the tumble boolean set to true PCL: In PCL, the attributes simplex, duplex long-edge-binding, and duplex short-edge-binding, along with content orientation, landscape or portrait, detail the number of sides to be printed, content orientation, and relative orientation between consecutive pages. The PCL model matches that of DPA. The following ScmPrtPlex enumerations are relevant to PCL: simplexOneSided, bindLongEdgeTwoSided, bindShortEdgeTwoSided." REFERENCE " See: ISO/IEC 10175-1:1996(E) Section Plex Section Sides See: PostScript Language Reference Manual (2nd Edition) - PageSize, Duplex, Tumble See: PCL 5 Printer Language Technical Reference Manual Simplex/Duplex Print Command" SYNTAX INTEGER (0..255) ScmPrtPrintQuality ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION " These attributes specify the output quality of the printed document. Some printers have programmatically controlled output quality. This attribute allows the user to specify the level of output quality desired from printers. The following standard values are defined: - 'draft' means lowest quality available on the printer. Uses include increasing the printer's speed and saving toner. - 'normal' means normal or intermediate quality on the printer. - 'high' means highest quality available on the printer." REFERENCE " ISO/IEC 10175-1:1996(E) Section Print-quality" SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), unknown(2), notSpecified(3), draft(4), normal(5), high(6) } ScmPrtPrintScreen ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This Textual-Convention enumerates special modes for 80 character screen dumps onto A4 size paper, which is usually 77 characters wide. This function is useful when printing the 80 characters per line width of computer displays. The PrintScreen mode enables characters to be printed as shown on the display when PrintScreen is executed from the host. When mode850 or mode852 is set, the following is done: - Symbol set value changed to PC-850 or PC-852. with the current Symbol set value being stored. - A4 size horizontal printable area expanded to being 80 characters wide. When the special mode is returned to Off, the following is done: - Symbol set value returned to the stored SymbolSet Value. - A4 size horizontal printable area returned to being 77 characters." SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), unknown(2), notSpecified(3), off(4), mode850(5), mode852(6) } ScmPrtTraySwitch ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This Textual-Convention enumerates which tray switching declaration mechanism is used." REFERENCE " See: scmPrtInterpTraySwitch See: scmPrtInputNextPrtInputIndex See: scmPrtInputAliasTable" SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), unknown(2), notSpecified(3), off(4), useScmPrtInputNextPrtInputIndex(5), useScmPrtInputAliasTable(6) } -- -- Added per Chuck Adam request 6/13/03 -- ScmPrtGeneralMonoPrintOpt ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION " These attributes specify the printing performance / economy mode setting." REFERENCE " See: Phaser 7750 User Guide... for more information " SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), optimizeForSpeed(3), optimizeForEconomy(4), notPresent(5) } -- -- The Printer MIB Extensions TC Dumma Group (DO NOT USE) -- -- DO NOT USE - Present to suppress compiler warnings ONLY! -- -- Note: The following objects have 'odd' use of case in their -- names (ie, 'sCm...'), in order to make obvious their related -- textual conventions sCmPrintTCDummy OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { scmPrintTC 999 } sCmPrtTCAuxSheetContent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ScmPrtAuxSheetContent MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Dummy - DO NOT USE" ::= { sCmPrintTCDummy 1 } sCmPrtTCScmPrtAuxSheetType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ScmPrtAuxSheetType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Dummy - DO NOT USE" ::= { sCmPrintTCDummy 2 } sCmPrtTCTCChannelType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ScmPrtChannelType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Dummy - DO NOT USE" ::= { sCmPrintTCDummy 3 } sCmPrtTCGroupSupport OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ScmPrtGroupSupport MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Dummy - DO NOT USE" ::= { sCmPrintTCDummy 4 } sCmPrtTCIETFPrintMIBGroupSupport OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ScmPrtIETFPrintMIBGroupSupport MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Dummy - DO NOT USE" ::= { sCmPrintTCDummy 5 } sCmPrtTCInterpreterLangFamily OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ScmPrtInterpreterLangFamily MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Dummy - DO NOT USE" ::= { sCmPrintTCDummy 6 } sCmPrtTCMediaTypeErrorPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ScmPrtMediaTypeErrorPolicy MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Dummy - DO NOT USE" ::= { sCmPrintTCDummy 7 } sCmPrtTCMediumClassType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ScmPrtMediumClassType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Dummy - DO NOT USE" ::= { sCmPrintTCDummy 8 } sCmPrtTCMediumSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ScmPrtMediumSize MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Dummy - DO NOT USE" ::= { sCmPrintTCDummy 9 } sCmPrtTCOutputOffsetStackingType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ScmPrtOutputOffsetStackingType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Dummy - DO NOT USE" ::= { sCmPrintTCDummy 10 } sCmPrtOutputStaplePosition OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ScmPrtOutputStaplePosition MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Dummy - DO NOT USE" ::= { sCmPrintTCDummy 11 } sCmPrtTCPageSizeErrorPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ScmPrtPageSizeErrorPolicy MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Dummy - DO NOT USE" ::= { sCmPrintTCDummy 12 } sCmPrtTCPCLFontSource OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ScmPrtPCLFontSource MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Dummy - DO NOT USE" ::= { sCmPrintTCDummy 13 } sCmPrtTCPlex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ScmPrtPlex MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Dummy - DO NOT USE" ::= { sCmPrintTCDummy 14 } sCmPrtTCPrintQuality OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ScmPrtPrintQuality MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Dummy - DO NOT USE" ::= { sCmPrintTCDummy 15 } sCmPrtTCPrintScreen OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ScmPrtPrintScreen MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Dummy - DO NOT USE" ::= { sCmPrintTCDummy 16 } sCmPrtTCTraySwitch OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ScmPrtTraySwitch MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Dummy - DO NOT USE" ::= { sCmPrintTCDummy 17 } sCmPrtTCGeneralMonoPrintOpt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ScmPrtGeneralMonoPrintOpt MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Dummy - DO NOT USE" ::= { sCmPrintTCDummy 18 } END