. * * @link https://www.librenms.org * @copyright 2018 Paul Heinrichs * @author Paul Heinrichs */ namespace LibreNMS\OS; use LibreNMS\Device\WirelessSensor; use LibreNMS\Interfaces\Discovery\Sensors\WirelessPowerDiscovery; use LibreNMS\Interfaces\Discovery\Sensors\WirelessRateDiscovery; use LibreNMS\OS; class Ptp800 extends OS implements WirelessPowerDiscovery, WirelessRateDiscovery { /** * Discover wireless tx or rx power. This is in dBm. Type is power. * Returns an array of LibreNMS\Device\Sensor objects that have been discovered * * @return array */ public function discoverWirelessPower() { $transmit = '.'; //"CAMBIUM-PTP800-MIB::transmitPower.0" $receive = '.'; //"CAMBIUM-PTP800-MIB::receivePower.0"; return [ new WirelessSensor( 'power', $this->getDeviceId(), $transmit, 'ptp800-tx', 0, 'PTP800 Transmit', null, 1, 10 ), new WirelessSensor( 'power', $this->getDeviceId(), $receive, 'ptp800-rx', 0, 'PTP800 Receive', null, 1, 10 ), ]; } /** * Discover wireless rate. This is in bps. Type is rate. * Returns an array of LibreNMS\Device\Sensor objects that have been discovered * * @return array */ public function discoverWirelessRate() { $receive = '.'; //"CAMBIUM-PTP800-MIB::receiveDataRate.0" $transmit = '.'; //"CAMBIUM-PTP800-MIB::transmitDataRate.0" $aggregate = '.'; //"CAMBIUM-PTP800-MIB::aggregateDataRate.0" return [ new WirelessSensor( 'rate', $this->getDeviceId(), $receive, 'ptp800-rx-rate', 0, 'PTP800 Receive Rate', null, 1000, 1 ), new WirelessSensor( 'rate', $this->getDeviceId(), $transmit, 'ptp800-tx-rate', 0, 'PTP800 Transmit Rate', null, 1000, 1 ), new WirelessSensor( 'rate', $this->getDeviceId(), $aggregate, 'ptp800-ag-rate', 0, 'PTP800 Aggregate Rate', null, 1000, 1 ), ]; } }