$text"); } function print_message($text){ echo("
"); } function truncate($substring, $max = 50, $rep = '...') { if(strlen($substring) < 1){ $string = $rep; }else{ $string = $substring; } $leave = $max - strlen ($rep); if(strlen($string) > $max){ return substr_replace($string, $rep, $leave); }else{ return $string; } } function geteventicon ($message) { if($message == "Device status changed to Down") { $icon = "server_connect.png"; } if($message == "Device status changed to Up") { $icon = "server_go.png"; } if($message == "Interface went down" || $message == "Interface changed state to Down" ) { $icon = "if-disconnect.png"; } if($message == "Interface went up" || $message == "Interface changed state to Up" ) { $icon = "if-connect.png"; } if($message == "Interface disabled") { $icon = "if-disable.png"; } if($message == "Interface enabled") { $icon = "if-enable.png"; } if($icon) { return $icon; } else { return false; } } function generateiflink($interface, $text=0) { global $twoday; global $now; if(!$text) { $text = fixIfName($interface['ifDescr']); } $class = ifclass($interface['ifOperStatus'], $interface['ifAdminStatus']); $graph_url = "graph.php?if=" . $interface['interface_id'] . "&from=$twoday&to=$now&width=400&height=120&type=bits"; $link = "');\" onmouseout=\"return nd();\">$text"; return $link; } function generatedevicelink($device, $text=0) { global $twoday; global $now; $class = devclass($device); if(!$text) { $text = $device['hostname']; } $graph_url = "graph.php?host=" . $device[device_id] . "&from=$twoday&to=$now&width=400&height=120&type=cpu"; $link = "');\" onmouseout=\"return nd();\">$text"; return $link; } function device_traffic_image($device, $width, $height, $from, $to) { return ""; } function devclass($device) { if ($device['status'] == '0') { $class = "list-device-down"; } else { $class = "list-device"; } if ($device['ignore'] == '1') { $class = "list-device-ignored"; if ($device['status'] == '1') { $class = "list-device-ignored-up"; } } return $class; } function getImage($host) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM `devices` WHERE `device_id` = '$host'"; $data = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query($sql)); $type = strtolower($data['os']); if(file_exists("images/os/$type" . ".png")){ $image = ""; } elseif(file_exists("images/os/$type" . ".gif")){ $image = ""; } if($device['monowall']) {$image = "";} if($type == "linux") { $features = strtolower(trim($data[features])); list($distro) = split(" ", $features); if(file_exists("images/os/$distro" . ".png")){ $image = ""; } elseif(file_exists("images/os/$distro" . ".gif")){ $image = ""; } } return $image; } function delHost($id) { $host = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT hostname FROM devices WHERE device_id = '$id'"), 0); mysql_query("DELETE FROM `devices` WHERE `device_id` = '$id'"); $int_query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `interfaces` WHERE `host` = '$id'"); while($int_data = mysql_fetch_array($int_query)) { $int_if = $int_data['if']; $int_id = $int_data['id']; mysql_query("DELETE from `adjacencies` WHERE `interface_id` = '$int_id'"); mysql_query("DELETE from `links` WHERE `src_if` = '$int_id'"); mysql_query("DELETE from `links` WHERE `dst_if` = '$int_id'"); mysql_query("DELETE from `ipaddr` WHERE `interface_id` = '$int_id'"); echo("Removed interface $int_id ($int_if)
"); } mysql_query("DELETE FROM `storage` WHERE `host_id` = '$id'"); mysql_query("DELETE FROM `alerts` WHERE `device_id` = '$id'"); mysql_query("DELETE FROM `eventlog` WHERE `host` = '$id'"); mysql_query("DELETE FROM `interfaces` WHERE `device_id` = '$id'"); mysql_query("DELETE FROM `services` WHERE `service_host` = '$id'"); `rm -f rrd/$host-*.rrd`; echo("Removed device $host
"); } function addHost($host, $community, $snmpver) { list($hostshort) = explode(".", $host); if ( isDomainResolves($host)){ if ( isPingable($host)) { if ( mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `devices` WHERE `hostname` = '$host'"), 0) == '0' ) { $snmphost = trim(`snmpwalk -Oqv -$snmpver -c $community $host sysname | sed s/\"//g`); if ($snmphost == $host || $hostshort = $host) { createHost ($host, $community, $snmpver); } else { echo("Given hostname does not match SNMP-read hostname!\n"); } } else { echo("Already got host $host\n"); } } else { echo("Could not ping $host\n"); } } else { echo("Could not resolve $host\n"); } } function overlibprint($text) { return "onmouseover=\"return overlib('" . $text . "');\" onmouseout=\"return nd();\""; } function scanUDP ($host, $port, $timeout) { $handle = fsockopen($host, $port, &$errno, &$errstr, 2); if (!$handle) { } socket_set_timeout ($handle, $timeout); $write = fwrite($handle,"\x00"); if (!$write) { next; } $startTime = time(); $header = fread($handle, 1); $endTime = time(); $timeDiff = $endTime - $startTime; if ($timeDiff >= $timeout) { fclose($handle); return 1; } else { fclose($handle); return 0; } } function humanmedia($media) { $media = preg_replace("/^ethernetCsmacd$/", "Ethernet", $media); $media = preg_replace("/^softwareLoopback$/", "Software Loopback", $media); $media = preg_replace("/^tunnel$/", "Tunnel", $media); $media = preg_replace("/^propVirtual$/", "Ethernet VLAN", $media); $media = preg_replace("/^ppp$/", "PPP", $media); $media = preg_replace("/^slip$/", "SLIP", $media); return $media; } function humanspeed($speed) { $speed = preg_replace("/^0$/", "-", $speed); $speed = preg_replace("/^9000$/", "9Kbps", $speed); $speed = preg_replace("/^48000$/", "48Kbps", $speed); $speed = preg_replace("/^64000$/", "64Kbps", $speed); $speed = preg_replace("/^128000$/", "128Kbps", $speed); $speed = preg_replace("/^256000$/", "256Kbps", $speed); $speed = preg_replace("/^512000$/", "512Kbps", $speed); $speed = preg_replace("/^768000$/", "768Kbps", $speed); $speed = preg_replace("/^1024000$/", "1Mbps", $speed); $speed = preg_replace("/^2048000$/", "2Mbps", $speed); $speed = preg_replace("/^4192000$/", "4Mbps", $speed); $speed = preg_replace("/^10000000$/", "10Mbps", $speed); $speed = preg_replace("/^34000000$/", "34Mbps", $speed); $speed = preg_replace("/^100000000$/", "100Mbps", $speed); $speed = preg_replace("/^155000000$/", "155Mbps", $speed); $speed = preg_replace("/^622000000$/", "622Mbps", $speed); $speed = preg_replace("/^1000000000$/", "1Gbps", $speed); $speed = preg_replace("/^10000000000$/", "10Gbps", $speed); $speed = preg_replace("/^4294967295$/", "", $speed); if($speed == "") { $speed = "-"; } return $speed; } function netmask2cidr($netmask) { list ($network, $cidr) = explode("/", trim(`ipcalc $address/$mask | grep Network | cut -d" " -f 4`)); return $cidr; } function cidr2netmask() { return (long2ip(ip2long("") << (32-$netmask))); } function formatUptime($diff) { $daysDiff = floor($diff/86400); $diff -= $daysDiff*86400; $hrsDiff = floor($diff/60/60); $diff -= $hrsDiff*60*60; $minsDiff = floor($diff/60); $diff -= $minsDiff*60; $secsDiff = $diff; if($daysDiff > '0'){ $uptime .= "$daysDiff days, "; } if($hrsDiff > '0'){ $uptime .= $hrsDiff . "h "; } if($minsDiff > '0'){ $uptime .= $minsDiff . "m "; } if($secsDiff > '0'){ $uptime .= $secsDiff . "s "; } return "$uptime"; } function isSNMPable($hostname, $community, $snmpver) { $pos = `snmpget -$snmpver -c $community -t 1 $hostname sysDescr.0`; if($pos == '') { $status='0'; $posb = `snmpget -$snmpver -c $community -t 1 $hostname`; if($posb == '') { } else { $status='1'; } } else { $status='1'; } return $status; } function isPingable($hostname) { global $fping; $status = `$fping $hostname | cut -d " " -f 3`; $status = trim($status); if($status == "alive") { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } function is_odd($number) { return $number & 1; // 0 = even, 1 = odd } function isValidInterface($if) { $if = strtolower($if); $bif = array("null", "virtual-", "unrouted", "eobc", "mpls", "aal5", "-atm layer", "dialer", "-shdsl", "-adsl", "async", "sit0", "sit1"); $nullintf = 0; foreach($bif as $bi) { $pos = strpos($if, $bi); if ($pos !== FALSE) { $nullintf = 1; echo("$if matched $bi \n"); } } if (preg_match('/serial[0-9]:/', $if)) { $nullintf = '1'; } if ($nullintf != '1') { return 1; } else { return 0; } } function ifclass($ifOperStatus, $ifAdminStatus) { $ifclass = "interface-upup"; if ($ifAdminStatus == "down") { $ifclass = "interface-admindown"; } if ($ifAdminStatus == "up" && $ifOperStatus== "down") { $ifclass = "interface-updown"; } if ($ifAdminStatus == "up" && $ifOperStatus== "up") { $ifclass = "interface-upup"; } return $ifclass; } function makeshortif($if) { $if = strtolower($if); $if = str_replace("tengigabitethernet","Te", $if); $if = str_replace("gigabitethernet","Gi", $if); $if = str_replace("fastethernet","Fa", $if); $if = str_replace("ethernet","Et", $if); $if = str_replace("serial","Se", $if); $if = str_replace("pos","Pos", $if); $if = str_replace("port-channel","Po", $if); $if = str_replace("atm","Atm", $if); $if = str_replace("null", "Null", $if); $if = str_replace("loopback","Lo", $if); $if = str_replace("dialer","Di", $if); $if = str_replace("vlan","Vlan", $if); $if = str_replace("tunnel","Tunnel", $if); return $if; } function utime() { $time = explode( " ", microtime()); $usec = (double)$time[0]; $sec = (double)$time[1]; return $sec + $usec; } function fixiftype ($type) { $type = str_replace("ethernetCsmacd", "Ethernet", $type); $type = str_replace("tunnel", "Tunnel", $type); $type = str_replace("softwareLoopback", "Software Loopback", $type); $type = str_replace("propVirtual", "Ethernet VLAN", $type); $type = str_replace("ethernetCsmacd", "Ethernet", $type); $type = str_replace("l2vlan", "Ethernet VLAN", $type); return ($type); } function fixifName ($inf) { if(strstr($inf, "oopback")) { $inf = "loopback"; } $inf = str_replace("ether", "Ether", $inf); $inf = str_replace("gig", "Gig", $inf); $inf = str_replace("fast", "Fast", $inf); $inf = str_replace("ten", "Ten", $inf); $inf = str_replace("vlan", "Vlan", $inf); $inf = str_replace("ether", "Ether", $inf); $inf = str_replace("-802.1q Vlan subif", "", $inf); $inf = str_replace("serial", "Serial", $inf); $inf = str_replace("-aal5 layer", " aal5", $inf); $inf = str_replace("null", "Null", $inf); $inf = str_replace("atm", "ATM", $inf); $inf = str_replace("port-channel", "Port-Channel", $inf); $inf = str_replace("dial", "Dial", $inf); $inf = str_replace("hp procurve switch software loopback interface", "Loopback Interface", $inf); $inf = str_replace("control plane interface", "Control Plane", $inf); $inf = str_replace("loop", "Loop", $inf); $inf = preg_replace("/^([0-9]+)$/", "Interface \\0", $inf); return $inf; } function trafgraph ($rrd, $graph, $from, $to, $width, $height) { global $rrdtool, $installdir, $mono_font; $database = "rrd/" . $rrd; $imgfile = "graphs/" . "$graph"; $optsa = array( "--alt-autoscale-max", "-E", "--start", $from, "--end", $to, "--width", $width, "--height", $height, "DEF:inoctets=$database:INOCTETS:AVERAGE", "DEF:outoctets=$database:OUTOCTETS:AVERAGE", "CDEF:doutoctets=outoctets,-1,*", "CDEF:inbits=inoctets,8,*", "CDEF:outbits=outoctets,8,*", "CDEF:doutbits=doutoctets,8,*", "VDEF:95thin=inbits,95,PERCENT", "VDEF:95thout=outbits,95,PERCENT", "VDEF:d95thout=doutbits,5,PERCENT", "AREA:inbits#CDEB8B:", "COMMENT:BPS Current Average Max 95th %\\n", "LINE1.25:inbits#006600:In ", "GPRINT:inbits:LAST:%6.2lf%s", "GPRINT:inbits:AVERAGE:%6.2lf%s", "GPRINT:inbits:MAX:%6.2lf%s", "GPRINT:95thin:%6.2lf%s\\n", "AREA:doutbits#C3D9FF:", "LINE1.25:doutbits#000099:Out", "GPRINT:outbits:LAST:%6.2lf%s", "GPRINT:outbits:AVERAGE:%6.2lf%s", "GPRINT:outbits:MAX:%6.2lf%s", "GPRINT:95thout:%6.2lf%s", "LINE1:95thin#aa0000", "LINE1:d95thout#aa0000:" ); if($width <= "300") {$optsb = array("--font", "LEGEND:7:$mono_font", "--font", "AXIS:6:$mono_font", "--font-render-mode", "normal");} $opts = array_merge($optsa, $optsb); $ret = rrd_graph("$imgfile", $opts, count($opts)); if( !is_array($ret) ) { $err = rrd_error(); # echo "rrd_graph() ERROR: $err\n"; return FALSE; } else { return $imgfile; } } function pktsgraph ($rrd, $graph, $from, $to, $width, $height) { global $rrdtool, $installdir, $mono_font; $database = "rrd/" . $rrd; $imgfile = "graphs/" . "$graph"; $optsa = array( "--alt-autoscale-max", "-l 0", "-E", "--start", $from, "--end", $to, "--width", $width, "--height", $height, "DEF:in=$database:INUCASTPKTS:AVERAGE", "DEF:out=$database:OUTUCASTPKTS:AVERAGE", "CDEF:dout=out,-1,*", "AREA:in#aa66aa:", "COMMENT:Packets Current Average Maximum\\n", "LINE1.25:in#330033:In ", "GPRINT:in:LAST:%6.2lf%spps", "GPRINT:in:AVERAGE:%6.2lf%spps", "GPRINT:in:MAX:%6.2lf%spps\\n", "AREA:dout#FFDD88:", "LINE1.25:dout#FF6600:Out ", "GPRINT:out:LAST:%6.2lf%spps", "GPRINT:out:AVERAGE:%6.2lf%spps", "GPRINT:out:MAX:%6.2lf%spps\\n"); if($width <= "300") {$optsb = array("--font", "LEGEND:7:$mono_font", "--font", "AXIS:6:$mono_font", "--font-render-mode", "normal");} $opts = array_merge($optsa, $optsb); $ret = rrd_graph("$imgfile", $opts, count($opts)); if( !is_array($ret) ) { $err = rrd_error(); # echo "rrd_graph() ERROR: $err\n"; return FALSE; } else { return $imgfile; } } function errorgraph ($rrd, $graph, $from, $to, $width, $height) { global $rrdtool, $installdir, $mono_font; $database = "rrd/" . $rrd; $imgfile = "graphs/" . "$graph"; $optsa = array( "--alt-autoscale-max", "-E", "-l 0", "--start", $from, "--end", $to, "--width", $width, "--height", $height, "DEF:in=$database:INERRORS:AVERAGE", "DEF:out=$database:OUTERRORS:AVERAGE", "CDEF:dout=out,-1,*", "AREA:in#ff3300:", "COMMENT:Errors Current Average Maximum\\n", "LINE1.25:in#ff0000:In ", "GPRINT:in:LAST:%6.2lf%spps", "GPRINT:in:AVERAGE:%6.2lf%spps", "GPRINT:in:MAX:%6.2lf%spps\\n", "AREA:dout#ff6633:", "LINE1.25:out#cc3300:Out", "GPRINT:out:LAST:%6.2lf%spps", "GPRINT:out:AVERAGE:%6.2lf%spps", "GPRINT:out:MAX:%6.2lf%spps\\n", ); if($width <= "300") {$optsb = array("--font", "LEGEND:7:$mono_font", "--font", "AXIS:6:$mono_font", "--font-render-mode", "normal");} $opts = array_merge($optsa, $optsb); $ret = rrd_graph("$imgfile", $opts, count($opts)); if( !is_array($ret) ) { $err = rrd_error(); # echo "rrd_graph() ERROR: $err\n"; return FALSE; } else { return $imgfile; } } function nucastgraph ($rrd, $graph, $from, $to, $width, $height) { global $rrdtool, $installdir, $mono_font; $database = "rrd/" . $rrd; $imgfile = "graphs/" . "$graph"; $optsa = array( "--start", $from, "--end", $to, "--width", $width, "--height", $height, "--alt-autoscale-max", "-E", "-l 0", "DEF:in=$database:INNUCASTPKTS:AVERAGE", "DEF:out=$database:OUTNUCASTPKTS:AVERAGE", "CDEF:dout=out,-1,*", "AREA:in#aa66aa:", "COMMENT:Packets Current Average Maximum\\n", "LINE1.25:in#330033:In ", "GPRINT:in:LAST:%6.2lf%spps", "GPRINT:in:AVERAGE:%6.2lf%spps", "GPRINT:in:MAX:%6.2lf%spps\\n", "AREA:dout#FFDD88:", "LINE1.25:dout#FF6600:Out ", "GPRINT:out:LAST:%6.2lf%spps", "GPRINT:out:AVERAGE:%6.2lf%spps", "GPRINT:out:MAX:%6.2lf%spps\\n"); if($width <= "300") {$optsb = array("--font", "LEGEND:7:$mono_font", "--font", "AXIS:6:$mono_font", "--font-render-mode", "normal");} $opts = array_merge($optsa, $optsb); $ret = rrd_graph("$imgfile", $opts, count($opts)); if( !is_array($ret) ) { $err = rrd_error(); echo "rrd_graph() ERROR: $err\n"; return FALSE; } else { return $imgfile; } } function cpugraph ($rrd, $graph , $from, $to, $width, $height) { global $rrdtool, $installdir, $mono_font; $database = "rrd/" . $rrd; $imgfile = "graphs/" . "$graph"; $optsa = array( "--start", $from, "--width", $width, "--height", $height, "--vertical-label", $vertical, "--alt-autoscale-max", "-l 0", "-E", "--title", $title, "DEF:5s=$database:LOAD5S:AVERAGE", "DEF:5m=$database:LOAD5M:AVERAGE", "COMMENT: Days Current Minimum Maximum Average\\n", "AREA:5m#c5aa00:", "AREA:5s#ffeeaa:5 sec", "LINE1:5s#ea8f00:", "GPRINT:5s:LAST:%6.2lf ", "GPRINT:5s:AVERAGE:%6.2lf ", "GPRINT:5s:MAX:%6.2lf ", "GPRINT:5s:AVERAGE:%6.2lf\\n", "LINE1.25:5m#aa2200:5min", "GPRINT:5m:LAST:%6.2lf ", "GPRINT:5m:AVERAGE:%6.2lf ", "GPRINT:5m:MAX:%6.2lf ", "GPRINT:5m:AVERAGE:%6.2lf\\n"); if($width <= "300") {$optsb = array("--font", "LEGEND:7:$mono_font", "--font", "AXIS:6:$mono_font", "--font-render-mode", "normal");} $opts = array_merge($optsa, $optsb); $ret = rrd_graph("$imgfile", $opts, count($opts)); if( !is_array($ret) ) { $err = rrd_error(); echo "rrd_graph() ERROR: $err\n"; return FALSE; } else { return $imgfile; } } function uptimegraph ($rrd, $graph , $from, $to, $width, $height, $title, $vertical) { global $rrdtool, $installdir, $mono_font; $rrd = "rrd/" . $rrd; $imgfile = "graphs/" . "$graph"; $optsa = array( "--start", $from, "--width", $width, "--height", $height, "--alt-autoscale-max", "-E", "-l 0", "DEF:uptime=$rrd:uptime:AVERAGE", "CDEF:cuptime=uptime,86400,/", "COMMENT: Days Current Minimum Maximum Average\\n", "AREA:cuptime#EEEEEE:Uptime", "LINE1.25:cuptime#36393D:", "GPRINT:cuptime:LAST:%6.2lf ", "GPRINT:cuptime:AVERAGE:%6.2lf ", "GPRINT:cuptime:MAX:%6.2lf ", "GPRINT:cuptime:AVERAGE:%6.2lf\\n"); if($width <= "300") {$optsb = array("--font", "LEGEND:7:$mono_font", "--font", "AXIS:6:$mono_font", "--font-render-mode", "normal");} $opts = array_merge($optsa, $optsb); $ret = rrd_graph("$imgfile", $opts, count($opts)); if( !is_array($ret) ) { $err = rrd_error(); # echo "rrd_graph() ERROR: $err\n"; return FALSE; } else { return $imgfile; } } function memgraph ($rrd, $graph , $from, $to, $width, $height, $title, $vertical) { global $rrdtool, $installdir, $mono_font; $database = "rrd/" . $rrd; $imgfile = "graphs/" . "$graph"; $memrrd = $database; $opts = "--start $from \ --alt-autoscale-max \ --width $width --height $height \ -l 0 -E \ -b 1024 \ DEF:MEMTOTAL=$memrrd:MEMTOTAL:AVERAGE \ DEF:IOFREE=$memrrd:IOFREE:AVERAGE \ DEF:IOUSED=$memrrd:IOUSED:AVERAGE \ DEF:PROCFREE=$memrrd:PROCFREE:AVERAGE \ DEF:PROCUSED=$memrrd:PROCUSED:AVERAGE \ CDEF:FREE=IOFREE,PROCFREE,+ \ CDEF:USED=IOUSED,PROCUSED,+ \ COMMENT:'Bytes Current Minimum Maximum Average\\n' \ AREA:USED#f0e0a0:Used\ GPRINT:USED:LAST:\%6.2lf%s\ GPRINT:USED:MIN:%6.2lf%s\ GPRINT:USED:MAX:%6.2lf%s\ GPRINT:USED:AVERAGE:'%6.2lf%s \\n'\ AREA:FREE#cccccc:Free:STACK\ GPRINT:FREE:LAST:\%6.2lf%s\ GPRINT:FREE:MIN:%6.2lf%s\ GPRINT:FREE:MAX:%6.2lf%s\ GPRINT:FREE:AVERAGE:%6.2lf%s\ LINE1:USED#d0b080:\ LINE1:MEMTOTAL#000000:"; if($width <= "300") {$opts .= "\ --font LEGEND:7:$mono_font \ --font AXIS:6:$mono_font \ --font-render-mode normal";} `$rrdtool graph $imgfile $opts`; return $imgfile; } function ip_graph ($rrd, $graph, $from, $to, $width, $height) { global $rrdtool, $installdir, $mono_font; $database = "rrd/" . $rrd; $imgfile = "graphs/" . "$graph"; $optsa = array( "--start", $from, "--end", $to, "--width", $width, "--height", $height, "--alt-autoscale-max", "-E", "-l 0", "DEF:ipForwDatagrams=$database:ipForwDatagrams:AVERAGE", "DEF:ipInDelivers=$database:ipInDelivers:AVERAGE", "DEF:ipInReceives=$database:ipInReceives:AVERAGE", "DEF:ipOutRequests=$database:ipOutRequests:AVERAGE", "DEF:ipInDiscards=$database:ipInDiscards:AVERAGE", "DEF:ipOutDiscards=$database:ipOutDiscards:AVERAGE", "DEF:ipOutNoRoutes=$database:ipInDiscards:AVERAGE", "COMMENT:Packets/sec Current Average Maximum\\n", "LINE1.25:ipForwDatagrams#cc0000:ForwDgrams ", "GPRINT:ipForwDatagrams:LAST:%6.2lf%s", "GPRINT:ipForwDatagrams:AVERAGE: %6.2lf%s", "GPRINT:ipForwDatagrams:MAX: %6.2lf%s\\n", "LINE1.25:ipInDelivers#00cc00:InDelivers ", "GPRINT:ipInDelivers:LAST:%6.2lf%s", "GPRINT:ipInDelivers:AVERAGE: %6.2lf%s", "GPRINT:ipInDelivers:MAX: %6.2lf%s\\n", "LINE1.25:ipInReceives#006600:InReceives ", "GPRINT:ipInReceives:LAST:%6.2lf%s", "GPRINT:ipInReceives:AVERAGE: %6.2lf%s", "GPRINT:ipInReceives:MAX: %6.2lf%s\\n", "LINE1.25:ipOutRequests#0000cc:OutRequests", "GPRINT:ipOutRequests:LAST:%6.2lf%s", "GPRINT:ipOutRequests:AVERAGE: %6.2lf%s", "GPRINT:ipOutRequests:MAX: %6.2lf%s\\n", "LINE1.25:ipInDiscards#cccc00:InDiscards ", "GPRINT:ipInDiscards:LAST:%6.2lf%s", "GPRINT:ipInDiscards:AVERAGE: %6.2lf%s", "GPRINT:ipInDiscards:MAX: %6.2lf%s\\n", "LINE1.25:ipOutDiscards#330033:OutDiscards", "GPRINT:ipOutDiscards:LAST:%6.2lf%s", "GPRINT:ipOutDiscards:AVERAGE: %6.2lf%s", "GPRINT:ipOutDiscards:MAX: %6.2lf%s\\n", "LINE1.25:ipOutNoRoutes#660000:OutNoRoutes", "GPRINT:ipOutNoRoutes:LAST:%6.2lf%s", "GPRINT:ipOutNoRoutes:AVERAGE: %6.2lf%s", "GPRINT:ipOutNoRoutes:MAX: %6.2lf%s\\n" ); if($width <= "300") {$optsb = array("--font", "LEGEND:7:$mono_font", "--font", "AXIS:6:$mono_font", "--font-render-mode", "normal");} $opts = array_merge($optsa, $optsb); $ret = rrd_graph("$imgfile", $opts, count($opts)); if( !is_array($ret) ) { $err = rrd_error(); echo "rrd_graph() ERROR: $err\n"; return FALSE; } else { return $imgfile; } } function icmp_graph ($rrd, $graph, $from, $to, $width, $height) { global $rrdtool, $installdir, $mono_font; $database = "rrd/" . $rrd; $imgfile = "graphs/" . "$graph"; $optsa = array( "--start", $from, "--end", $to, "--width", $width, "--height", $height, "--alt-autoscale-max", "-E", "-l 0", "DEF:icmpInMsgs=$database:icmpInMsgs:AVERAGE", "DEF:icmpOutMsgs=$database:icmpOutMsgs:AVERAGE", "DEF:icmpInErrors=$database:icmpInErrors:AVERAGE", "DEF:icmpOutErrors=$database:icmpOutErrors:AVERAGE", "DEF:icmpInEchos=$database:icmpInEchos:AVERAGE", "DEF:icmpOutEchos=$database:icmpOutEchos:AVERAGE", "DEF:icmpInEchoReps=$database:icmpInEchoReps:AVERAGE", "DEF:icmpOutEchoReps=$database:icmpOutEchoReps:AVERAGE", "COMMENT:Packets/sec Current Average Maximum\\n", "LINE1.25:icmpInMsgs#00cc00:InMsgs ", "GPRINT:icmpInMsgs:LAST:%6.2lf%s", "GPRINT:icmpInMsgs:AVERAGE: %6.2lf%s", "GPRINT:icmpInMsgs:MAX: %6.2lf%s\\n", "LINE1.25:icmpOutMsgs#006600:OutMsgs ", "GPRINT:icmpOutMsgs:LAST:%6.2lf%s", "GPRINT:icmpOutMsgs:AVERAGE: %6.2lf%s", "GPRINT:icmpOutMsgs:MAX: %6.2lf%s\\n", "LINE1.25:icmpInErrors#cc0000:InErrors ", "GPRINT:icmpInErrors:LAST:%6.2lf%s", "GPRINT:icmpInErrors:AVERAGE: %6.2lf%s", "GPRINT:icmpInErrors:MAX: %6.2lf%s\\n", "LINE1.25:icmpOutErrors#660000:OutErrors ", "GPRINT:icmpOutErrors:LAST:%6.2lf%s", "GPRINT:icmpOutErrors:AVERAGE: %6.2lf%s", "GPRINT:icmpOutErrors:MAX: %6.2lf%s\\n", "LINE1.25:icmpInEchos#0066cc:InEchos ", "GPRINT:icmpInEchos:LAST:%6.2lf%s", "GPRINT:icmpInEchos:AVERAGE: %6.2lf%s", "GPRINT:icmpInEchos:MAX: %6.2lf%s\\n", "LINE1.25:icmpOutEchos#003399:OutEchos ", "GPRINT:icmpOutEchos:LAST:%6.2lf%s", "GPRINT:icmpOutEchos:AVERAGE: %6.2lf%s", "GPRINT:icmpOutEchos:MAX: %6.2lf%s\\n", "LINE1.25:icmpInEchoReps#cc00cc:InEchoReps ", "GPRINT:icmpInEchoReps:LAST:%6.2lf%s", "GPRINT:icmpInEchoReps:AVERAGE: %6.2lf%s", "GPRINT:icmpInEchoReps:MAX: %6.2lf%s\\n", "LINE1.25:icmpOutEchoReps#990099:OutEchoReps", "GPRINT:icmpOutEchoReps:LAST:%6.2lf%s", "GPRINT:icmpOutEchoReps:AVERAGE: %6.2lf%s", "GPRINT:icmpOutEchoReps:MAX: %6.2lf%s\\n" ); if($width <= "300") {$optsb = array("--font", "LEGEND:7:$mono_font", "--font", "AXIS:6:$mono_font", "--font-render-mode", "normal");} $opts = array_merge($optsa, $optsb); $ret = rrd_graph("$imgfile", $opts, count($opts)); if( !is_array($ret) ) { $err = rrd_error(); echo "rrd_graph() ERROR: $err\n"; return FALSE; } else { return $imgfile; } } function tcp_graph ($rrd, $graph, $from, $to, $width, $height) { global $rrdtool, $installdir, $mono_font; $database = "rrd/" . $rrd; $imgfile = "graphs/" . "$graph"; $optsa = array( "--start", $from, "--end", $to, "--width", $width, "--height", $height, "--alt-autoscale-max", "-E", "-l 0", "DEF:tcpActiveOpens=$database:tcpActiveOpens:AVERAGE", "DEF:tcpPassiveOpens=$database:tcpPassiveOpens:AVERAGE", "DEF:tcpAttemptFails=$database:tcpAttemptFails:AVERAGE", "DEF:tcpEstabResets=$database:tcpEstabResets:AVERAGE", "DEF:tcpInSegs=$database:tcpInSegs:AVERAGE", "DEF:tcpOutSegs=$database:tcpOutSegs:AVERAGE", "DEF:tcpRetransSegs=$database:tcpRetransSegs:AVERAGE", "COMMENT:Packets/sec Current Average Maximum\\n", "LINE1.25:tcpActiveOpens#00cc00:ActiveOpens ", "GPRINT:tcpActiveOpens:LAST:%6.2lf%s", "GPRINT:tcpActiveOpens:AVERAGE: %6.2lf%s", "GPRINT:tcpActiveOpens:MAX: %6.2lf%s\\n", "LINE1.25:tcpPassiveOpens#006600:PassiveOpens", "GPRINT:tcpPassiveOpens:LAST:%6.2lf%s", "GPRINT:tcpPassiveOpens:AVERAGE: %6.2lf%s", "GPRINT:tcpPassiveOpens:MAX: %6.2lf%s\\n", "LINE1.25:tcpAttemptFails#cc0000:AttemptFails", "GPRINT:tcpAttemptFails:LAST:%6.2lf%s", "GPRINT:tcpAttemptFails:AVERAGE: %6.2lf%s", "GPRINT:tcpAttemptFails:MAX: %6.2lf%s\\n", "LINE1.25:tcpEstabResets#660000:EstabResets ", "GPRINT:tcpEstabResets:LAST:%6.2lf%s", "GPRINT:tcpEstabResets:AVERAGE: %6.2lf%s", "GPRINT:tcpEstabResets:MAX: %6.2lf%s\\n", "LINE1.25:tcpInSegs#0066cc:InSegs ", "GPRINT:tcpInSegs:LAST:%6.2lf%s", "GPRINT:tcpInSegs:AVERAGE: %6.2lf%s", "GPRINT:tcpInSegs:MAX: %6.2lf%s\\n", "LINE1.25:tcpOutSegs#003399:OutSegs ", "GPRINT:tcpOutSegs:LAST:%6.2lf%s", "GPRINT:tcpOutSegs:AVERAGE: %6.2lf%s", "GPRINT:tcpOutSegs:MAX: %6.2lf%s\\n", "LINE1.25:tcpRetransSegs#cc00cc:RetransSegs ", "GPRINT:tcpRetransSegs:LAST:%6.2lf%s", "GPRINT:tcpRetransSegs:AVERAGE: %6.2lf%s", "GPRINT:tcpRetransSegs:MAX: %6.2lf%s\\n", ); if($width <= "300") {$optsb = array("--font", "LEGEND:7:$mono_font", "--font", "AXIS:6:$mono_font", "--font-render-mode", "normal");} $opts = array_merge($optsa, $optsb); $ret = rrd_graph("$imgfile", $opts, count($opts)); if( !is_array($ret) ) { $err = rrd_error(); echo "rrd_graph() ERROR: $err\n"; return FALSE; } else { return $imgfile; } } function udp_graph ($rrd, $graph, $from, $to, $width, $height) { global $rrdtool, $installdir, $mono_font; $database = "rrd/" . $rrd; $imgfile = "graphs/" . "$graph"; $optsa = array( "--start", $from, "--end", $to, "--width", $width, "--height", $height, "--alt-autoscale-max", "-E", "-l 0", "DEF:udpInDatagrams=$database:udpInDatagrams:AVERAGE", "DEF:udpOutDatagrams=$database:udpOutDatagrams:AVERAGE", "DEF:udpInErrors=$database:udpInErrors:AVERAGE", "DEF:udpNoPorts=$database:udpNoPorts:AVERAGE", "COMMENT:Packets/sec Current Average Maximum\\n", "LINE1.25:udpInDatagrams#00cc00:InDatagrams ", "GPRINT:udpInDatagrams:LAST:%6.2lf%s", "GPRINT:udpInDatagrams:AVERAGE: %6.2lf%s", "GPRINT:udpInDatagrams:MAX: %6.2lf%s\\n", "LINE1.25:udpOutDatagrams#006600:OutDatagrams", "GPRINT:udpOutDatagrams:LAST:%6.2lf%s", "GPRINT:udpOutDatagrams:AVERAGE: %6.2lf%s", "GPRINT:udpOutDatagrams:MAX: %6.2lf%s\\n", "LINE1.25:udpInErrors#cc0000:InErrors ", "GPRINT:udpInErrors:LAST:%6.2lf%s", "GPRINT:udpInErrors:AVERAGE: %6.2lf%s", "GPRINT:udpInErrors:MAX: %6.2lf%s\\n", "LINE1.25:udpNoPorts#660000:NoPorts ", "GPRINT:udpNoPorts:LAST:%6.2lf%s", "GPRINT:udpNoPorts:AVERAGE: %6.2lf%s", "GPRINT:udpNoPorts:MAX: %6.2lf%s\\n", ); if($width <= "300") {$optsb = array("--font", "LEGEND:7:$mono_font", "--font", "AXIS:6:$mono_font", "--font-render-mode", "normal");} $opts = array_merge($optsa, $optsb); $ret = rrd_graph("$imgfile", $opts, count($opts)); if( !is_array($ret) ) { $err = rrd_error(); echo "rrd_graph() ERROR: $err\n"; return FALSE; } else { return $imgfile; } } function fixIOSFeatures($features){ $features = str_replace("ADVSECURITYK9", "Advanced Security Crypto", $features); $features = str_replace("K91P", "Provider Crypto", $features); $features = str_replace("K4P", "Provider Crypto", $features); $features = str_replace("ADVIPSERVICESK9_WAN", "Adv IP Services Crypto + WAN", $features); $features = str_replace("ADVIPSERVICESK9", "Adv IP Services Crypto", $features); $features = str_replace("ADVIPSERVICES", "Adv IP Services", $features); $features = str_replace("IK9P", "IP Plus Crypto", $features); $features = str_replace("SPSERVICESK9", "SP Services Crypto", $features); $features = str_replace("PK9SV", "Provider Crypto", $features); $features = str_replace("IS", "IP Plus", $features); $features = str_replace("IPSERVICESK9", "IP Services Crypto", $features); $features = str_replace("BROADBAND", "Broadband", $features); $features = str_replace("IPBASE", "IP Base", $features); $features = str_replace("IPSERVICE", "IP Services", $features); $features = preg_replace("/^P$/", "Service Provider", $features); $features = str_replace("IK9S", "IP Plus Crypto", $features); $features = str_replace("I6Q4L2", "Layer 2", $features); $features = str_replace("I6K2L2Q4", "Layer 2 Crypto", $features); $features = str_replace("C3H2S", "Layer 2 SI/EI", $features); return $features; } function fixIOSHardware($hardware){ $hardware = preg_replace("/C([0-9]+)/", "Cisco \\1", $hardware); $hardware = str_replace("cat4000","Catalyst 4000", $hardware); $hardware = str_replace("s3223_rp","Cisco Catalyst 6500 SUP32", $hardware); $hardware = str_replace("s222_rp","Cisco Catalyst 6500 SUP2", $hardware); $hardware = str_replace("c6sup2_rp","Cisco Catalyst 6500 SUP2", $hardware); $hardware = str_replace("s72033_rp","Cisco Catalyst 6500 SUP720 ", $hardware); $hardware = str_replace("RSP","Cisco 7500", $hardware); $hardware = str_replace("C3200XL", "Cisco Catalyst 3200XL", $hardware); $hardware = str_replace("C3550", "Cisco Catalyst 3550", $hardware); $hardware = str_replace("C2950", "Cisco Catalyst 2950", $hardware); return $hardware; } function updateHost ($host, $community, $snmpver) { # $soft = `snmpget -O vq -$snmpver -c $community $host sysDescr.0 | grep IOS | sed s/Cisco\ IOS\ Software\,// | sed s/\"\ //g | sed s/IOS\ \(tm\)\ // | sed s/\,\ RELEASE\ SOFTWARE.*// | sed s/.*\ Software\ // | sed s/\,\ /\|\|/ | sed s/\Version\ // | sed s/,\ EARLY\ DEPLOYMENT\ RELEASE\ SOFTWARE\ .*//`; $sysdescr = `snmpget -O vq -$snmpver -c $community $host sysDescr.0`; $sysdecr = str_replace("\"","", $sysdescr); $location = str_replace("\"","", `snmpget -O vq -v2c -c $community $host sysLocation.0`); list ($features, $version) = explode('||', $soft); $features = str_replace("(","", $features); $features = str_replace(")","", $features); $version = str_replace("\n","", $version); $version = trim($version); $location = trim($location); list ($hardware, $features) = explode("-", $features); $hardware = fixIOSHardware($hardware); $features = fixIOSFeatures($features); $sql = "UPDATE `devices` SET `hardware` = '$hardware', `features` = '$features', `version` = '$version', `sysdesc` = '$sysdescr', `location` = '$location' WHERE `hostname` = '$host'"; # echo("$sql \n"); # mysql_query($sql); } function getHostOS($host, $community, $snmpver) { $sysDescr = trim(`snmpget -O qv -$snmpver -c $community $host sysDescr.0`); if ($sysDescr == "") {$sysDescr = trim(`snmpget -O qv -$snmpver -c $community $host`);} echo("\nsnmpget -O qv -$snmpver -c $community $host sysDescr.0\n$sysDescr\n"); if (strstr($sysDescr, "IOS") !== false) { $os = "IOS"; } if (strstr($sysDescr, "FreeBSD") !== false) { $os = "FreeBSD"; } if (strstr($sysDescr, "DragonFly")) { $os = "DragonFly"; } if (strstr($sysDescr, "NetBSD") !== false) { $os = "NetBSD"; } if (strstr($sysDescr, "OpenBSD") !== false) { $os = "OpenBSD"; } if (strstr($sysDescr, "Linux") !== false) { $os = "Linux"; } if (strstr($sysDescr, "Windows")) { $os = "Windows"; } if (strstr($sysDescr, "ProCurve")) { $os = "ProCurve"; } if (strstr($sysDescr, "m0n0wall")) { $os = "m0n0wall"; } if (strstr($sysDescr, "Voswall")) { $os = "Voswall"; } if (strstr($sysDescr, "snom")) { $os = "Snom"; } return $os; } function createHost ($host, $community, $snmpver){ $host = trim(strtolower($host)); $host_os = getHostOS($host, $community, $snmpver); global $valid_os; $nullhost = 1; echo("$host -> $host_os
"); foreach($valid_os as $os) { if ($os == $host_os) { $nullhost = '0'; } } if($nullhost == '0') { $sql = mysql_query("INSERT INTO `devices` (`hostname`, `community`, `os`, `status`) VALUES ('$host', '$community', '$host_os', '1')"); echo("Created host : $host\n"); } else { echo("Not added bad host : $host\n"); } } function isDomainResolves($domain){ return gethostbyname($domain) != $domain; } function hoststatus($id) { $sql = mysql_query("SELECT `status` FROM `devices` WHERE `device_id` = '$id'"); $result = @mysql_result($sql, 0); return $result; } function gethostbyid($id) { $sql = mysql_query("SELECT `hostname` FROM `devices` WHERE `device_id` = '$id'"); $result = @mysql_result($sql, 0); return $result; } function getifhost($id) { $sql = mysql_query("SELECT `device_id` from `interfaces` WHERE `interface_id` = '$id'"); $result = @mysql_result($sql, 0); return $result; } function getifindexbyid($id) { $sql = mysql_query("SELECT `ifIndex` FROM `interfaces` WHERE `interface_id` = '$id'"); $result = @mysql_result($sql, 0); return $result; } function getifbyid($id) { $sql = mysql_query("SELECT `ifDescr` FROM `interfaces` WHERE `interface_id` = '$id'"); $result = @mysql_result($sql, 0); return $result; } function getidbyname($domain){ $sql = mysql_query("SELECT `device_id` FROM `devices` WHERE `hostname` = '$domain'"); $result = @mysql_result($sql, 0); return $result; } function gethostosbyid($id) { $sql = mysql_query("SELECT `os` FROM `devices` WHERE `device_id` = '$id'"); $result = @mysql_result($sql, 0); return $result; } function match_network ($nets, $ip, $first=false) { $return = false; if (!is_array ($nets)) $nets = array ($nets); foreach ($nets as $net) { $rev = (preg_match ("/^\!/", $net)) ? true : false; $net = preg_replace ("/^\!/", "", $net); $ip_arr = explode('/', $net); $net_long = ip2long($ip_arr[0]); $x = ip2long($ip_arr[1]); $mask = long2ip($x) == $ip_arr[1] ? $x : 0xffffffff << (32 - $ip_arr[1]); $ip_long = ip2long($ip); if ($rev) { if (($ip_long & $mask) == ($net_long & $mask)) return false; } else { if (($ip_long & $mask) == ($net_long & $mask)) $return = true; if ($first && $return) return true; } } return $return; } ?>