0) { foreach ($array as $k => $v) { if (is_array($v)) { foreach ($v as $k2 => $v2) { if ($k2 == $on) { $sortable_array[$k] = $v2; } } } else { $sortable_array[$k] = $v; } } switch ($order) { case SORT_ASC: asort($sortable_array); break; case SORT_DESC: arsort($sortable_array); break; } foreach ($sortable_array as $k => $v) { $new_array[$k] = $array[$k]; } } return $new_array; } function only_alphanumeric($string) { return preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/', '', $string); } /** * Parse cli discovery or poller modules and set config for this run * * @param string $type discovery or poller * @param array $options get_opts array (only m key is checked) * @return bool */ function parse_modules($type, $options) { $override = false; if (! empty($options['m'])) { Config::set("{$type}_modules", []); foreach (explode(',', $options['m']) as $module) { // parse submodules (only supported by some modules) if (Str::contains($module, '/')) { [$module, $submodule] = explode('/', $module, 2); $existing_submodules = Config::get("{$type}_submodules.$module", []); $existing_submodules[] = $submodule; Config::set("{$type}_submodules.$module", $existing_submodules); } $dir = $type == 'poller' ? 'polling' : $type; if (is_file("includes/$dir/$module.inc.php")) { Config::set("{$type}_modules.$module", 1); $override = true; } } // display selected modules $modules = array_map(function ($module) use ($type) { $submodules = Config::get("{$type}_submodules.$module"); return $module . ($submodules ? '(' . implode(',', $submodules) . ')' : ''); }, array_keys(Config::get("{$type}_modules", []))); d_echo("Override $type modules: " . implode(', ', $modules) . PHP_EOL); } return $override; } function logfile($string) { $fd = fopen(Config::get('log_file'), 'a'); fputs($fd, $string . "\n"); fclose($fd); } function percent_colour($perc) { $r = min(255, 5 * ($perc - 25)); $b = max(0, 255 - (5 * ($perc + 25))); return sprintf('#%02x%02x%02x', $r, $b, $b); } /** * @param $device * @return string the path to the icon image for this device. Close to square. */ function getIcon($device) { return 'images/os/' . getImageName($device); } /** * @param $device * @return string an image tag with the icon for this device. Close to square. */ function getIconTag($device) { return ''; } function getImageTitle($device) { return $device['icon'] ? str_replace(['.svg', '.png'], '', $device['icon']) : $device['os']; } function getImageName($device, $use_database = true, $dir = 'images/os/') { return \LibreNMS\Util\Url::findOsImage($device['os'], $device['features'] ?? '', $use_database ? $device['icon'] : null, $dir); } function renamehost($id, $new, $source = 'console') { $host = gethostbyid($id); if (! is_dir(Rrd::dirFromHost($new)) && rename(Rrd::dirFromHost($host), Rrd::dirFromHost($new)) === true) { dbUpdate(['hostname' => $new, 'ip' => null], 'devices', 'device_id=?', [$id]); log_event("Hostname changed -> $new ($source)", $id, 'system', 3); return ''; } log_event("Renaming of $host failed", $id, 'system', 5); return "Renaming of $host failed\n"; } function device_discovery_trigger($id) { if (App::runningInConsole() === false) { ignore_user_abort(true); set_time_limit(0); } $update = dbUpdate(['last_discovered' => ['NULL']], 'devices', '`device_id` = ?', [$id]); if (! empty($update) || $update == '0') { $message = 'Device will be rediscovered'; } else { $message = 'Error rediscovering device'; } return ['status'=> $update, 'message' => $message]; } function delete_device($id) { $device = DeviceCache::get($id); if (! $device->exists) { return 'No such device.'; } if ($device->delete()) { return "Removed device $device->hostname\n"; } return "Failed to remove device $device->hostname"; } /** * Add a device to LibreNMS * * @param string $host dns name or ip address * @param string $snmp_version If this is empty, try v2c,v3,v1. Otherwise, use this specific version. * @param int $port the port to connect to for snmp * @param string $transport udp or tcp * @param string $poller_group the poller group this device will belong to * @param bool $force_add add even if the device isn't reachable * @param string $port_assoc_mode snmp field to use to determine unique ports * @param array $additional an array with additional parameters to take into consideration when adding devices * @return int returns the device_id of the added device * * @throws HostExistsException This hostname already exists * @throws HostIpExistsException We already have a host with this IP * @throws HostUnreachableException We could not reach this device is some way * @throws HostUnreachablePingException We could not ping the device * @throws InvalidPortAssocModeException The given port association mode was invalid * @throws SnmpVersionUnsupportedException The given snmp version was invalid */ function addHost($host, $snmp_version = '', $port = 161, $transport = 'udp', $poller_group = '0', $force_add = false, $port_assoc_mode = 'ifIndex', $additional = []) { // Test Database Exists if (host_exists($host)) { throw new HostnameExistsException($host); } // Valid port assoc mode if (! in_array($port_assoc_mode, PortAssociationMode::getModes())) { throw new InvalidPortAssocModeException("Invalid port association_mode '$port_assoc_mode'. Valid modes are: " . join(', ', PortAssociationMode::getModes())); } // check if we have the host by IP $overwrite_ip = null; if (! empty($additional['overwrite_ip'])) { $overwrite_ip = $additional['overwrite_ip']; $ip = $overwrite_ip; } elseif (Config::get('addhost_alwayscheckip') === true) { $ip = gethostbyname($host); } else { $ip = $host; } if ($force_add !== true && $existing = device_has_ip($ip)) { throw new HostIpExistsException($host, $existing->hostname, $ip); } // Test reachability if (! $force_add) { if (! (new \LibreNMS\Polling\ConnectivityHelper(new Device(['hostname' => $ip])))->isPingable()->success()) { throw new HostUnreachablePingException($host); } } // if $snmpver isn't set, try each version of snmp if (empty($snmp_version)) { $snmpvers = Config::get('snmp.version'); } else { $snmpvers = [$snmp_version]; } if (isset($additional['snmp_disable']) && $additional['snmp_disable'] == 1) { return createHost($host, '', $snmp_version, $port, $transport, [], $poller_group, 1, true, $overwrite_ip, $additional); } $host_unreachable_exception = new HostUnreachableSnmpException($host); // try different snmp variables to add the device foreach ($snmpvers as $snmpver) { if ($snmpver === 'v3') { // Try each set of parameters from config foreach (Config::get('snmp.v3') as $v3) { $device = deviceArray($host, null, $snmpver, $port, $transport, $v3, $port_assoc_mode, $overwrite_ip); if ($force_add === true || isSNMPable($device)) { return createHost($host, null, $snmpver, $port, $transport, $v3, $poller_group, $port_assoc_mode, $force_add, $overwrite_ip); } else { $host_unreachable_exception->addReason($snmpver, $v3['authname'] . '/' . $v3['authlevel']); } } } elseif ($snmpver === 'v2c' || $snmpver === 'v1') { // try each community from config foreach (Config::get('snmp.community') as $community) { $device = deviceArray($host, $community, $snmpver, $port, $transport, null, $port_assoc_mode, $overwrite_ip); if ($force_add === true || isSNMPable($device)) { return createHost($host, $community, $snmpver, $port, $transport, [], $poller_group, $port_assoc_mode, $force_add, $overwrite_ip); } else { $host_unreachable_exception->addReason($snmpver, $community); } } } else { throw new SnmpVersionUnsupportedException($snmpver); } } if (isset($additional['ping_fallback']) && $additional['ping_fallback'] == 1) { $additional['snmp_disable'] = 1; $additional['os'] = 'ping'; return createHost($host, '', $snmp_version, $port, $transport, [], $poller_group, 1, true, $overwrite_ip, $additional); } throw $host_unreachable_exception; } function deviceArray($host, $community, $snmpver, $port = 161, $transport = 'udp', $v3 = [], $port_assoc_mode = 'ifIndex', $overwrite_ip = null) { $device = []; $device['hostname'] = $host; $device['overwrite_ip'] = $overwrite_ip; $device['port'] = $port; $device['transport'] = $transport; /* Get port_assoc_mode id if neccessary * We can work with names of IDs here */ if (! is_int($port_assoc_mode)) { $port_assoc_mode = PortAssociationMode::getId($port_assoc_mode); } $device['port_association_mode'] = $port_assoc_mode; $device['snmpver'] = $snmpver; if ($snmpver === 'v2c' or $snmpver === 'v1') { $device['community'] = $community; } elseif ($snmpver === 'v3') { $device['authlevel'] = $v3['authlevel']; $device['authname'] = $v3['authname']; $device['authpass'] = $v3['authpass']; $device['authalgo'] = $v3['authalgo']; $device['cryptopass'] = $v3['cryptopass']; $device['cryptoalgo'] = $v3['cryptoalgo']; } return $device; }//end deviceArray() function isSNMPable($device) { $pos = snmp_check($device); if ($pos === true) { return true; } else { $pos = snmp_get($device, 'sysObjectID.0', '-Oqv', 'SNMPv2-MIB'); if ($pos === '' || $pos === false) { return false; } else { return true; } } } function getpollergroup($poller_group = '0') { //Is poller group an integer if (is_int($poller_group) || ctype_digit($poller_group)) { return $poller_group; } else { //Check if it contains a comma if (strpos($poller_group, ',') !== false) { //If it has a comma use the first element as the poller group $poller_group_array = explode(',', $poller_group); return getpollergroup($poller_group_array[0]); } else { if (Config::get('distributed_poller_group')) { //If not use the poller's group from the config return getpollergroup(Config::get('distributed_poller_group')); } else { //If all else fails use default return '0'; } } } } /** * Add a host to the database * * @param string $host The IP or hostname to add * @param string $community The snmp community * @param string $snmpver snmp version: v1 | v2c | v3 * @param int $port SNMP port number * @param string $transport SNMP transport: udp | udp6 | udp | tcp6 * @param array $v3 SNMPv3 settings required array keys: authlevel, authname, authpass, authalgo, cryptopass, cryptoalgo * @param int $poller_group distributed poller group to assign this host to * @param string $port_assoc_mode field to use to identify ports: ifIndex, ifName, ifDescr, ifAlias * @param bool $force_add Do not detect the host os * @param array $additional an array with additional parameters to take into consideration when adding devices * @return int the id of the added host * * @throws HostExistsException Throws this exception if the host already exists * @throws Exception Throws this exception if insertion into the database fails */ function createHost( $host, $community, $snmpver, $port = 161, $transport = 'udp', $v3 = [], $poller_group = 0, $port_assoc_mode = 'ifIndex', $force_add = false, $overwrite_ip = null, $additional = [] ) { $host = trim(strtolower($host)); $poller_group = getpollergroup($poller_group); /* Get port_assoc_mode id if necessary * We can work with names of IDs here */ if (! is_int($port_assoc_mode)) { $port_assoc_mode = PortAssociationMode::getId($port_assoc_mode); } $device = new Device(array_merge([ 'hostname' => $host, 'overwrite_ip' => $overwrite_ip, 'sysName' => $additional['sysName'] ?? $host, 'os' => $additional['os'] ?? 'generic', 'hardware' => $additional['hardware'] ?? null, 'community' => $community, 'port' => $port, 'transport' => $transport, 'status' => '1', 'snmpver' => $snmpver, 'poller_group' => $poller_group, 'status_reason' => '', 'port_association_mode' => $port_assoc_mode, 'snmp_disable' => $additional['snmp_disable'] ?? 0, ], $v3)); if ($force_add !== true) { $device->os = Core::detectOS($device); $device->sysName = SnmpQuery::device($device)->get('SNMPv2-MIB::sysName.0')->value(); if (host_exists($host, $device->sysName)) { throw new HostSysnameExistsException($host, $device->sysName); } } if ($device->save()) { return $device->device_id; } throw new \Exception('Failed to add host to the database, please run ./validate.php'); } function isDomainResolves($domain) { if (gethostbyname($domain) != $domain) { return true; } $records = dns_get_record($domain); // returns array or false return ! empty($records); } function match_network($nets, $ip, $first = false) { $return = false; if (! is_array($nets)) { $nets = [$nets]; } foreach ($nets as $net) { $rev = (preg_match("/^\!/", $net)) ? true : false; $net = preg_replace("/^\!/", '', $net); $ip_arr = explode('/', $net); $net_long = ip2long($ip_arr[0]); $x = ip2long($ip_arr[1]); $mask = long2ip($x) == $ip_arr[1] ? $x : 0xFFFFFFFF << (32 - $ip_arr[1]); $ip_long = ip2long($ip); if ($rev) { if (($ip_long & $mask) == ($net_long & $mask)) { return false; } } else { if (($ip_long & $mask) == ($net_long & $mask)) { $return = true; } if ($first && $return) { return true; } } } return $return; } // FIXME port to LibreNMS\Util\IPv6 class function snmp2ipv6($ipv6_snmp) { // Workaround stupid Microsoft bug in Windows 2008 -- this is fixed length! // < fenestro> "because whoever implemented this mib for Microsoft was ignorant of RFC 2578 section 7.7 (2)" $ipv6 = array_slice(explode('.', $ipv6_snmp), -16); $ipv6_2 = []; for ($i = 0; $i <= 15; $i++) { $ipv6[$i] = zeropad(dechex($ipv6[$i])); } for ($i = 0; $i <= 15; $i += 2) { $ipv6_2[] = $ipv6[$i] . $ipv6[$i + 1]; } return implode(':', $ipv6_2); } function get_astext(string|int|null $asn): string { return \LibreNMS\Util\AutonomousSystem::get($asn)->name(); } /** * Log events to the event table * * @param string $text message describing the event * @param array|int $device device array or device_id * @param string $type brief category for this event. Examples: sensor, state, stp, system, temperature, interface * @param int $severity 1: ok, 2: info, 3: notice, 4: warning, 5: critical, 0: unknown * @param int $reference the id of the referenced entity. Supported types: interface */ function log_event($text, $device = null, $type = null, $severity = 2, $reference = null) { // handle legacy device array if (is_array($device) && isset($device['device_id'])) { $device = $device['device_id']; } \App\Models\Eventlog::log($text, $device, $type, $severity, $reference); } // Parse string with emails. Return array with email (as key) and name (as value) function parse_email($emails) { return \LibreNMS\Util\Mail::parseEmails($emails); } function send_mail($emails, $subject, $message, $html = false) { return \LibreNMS\Util\Mail::send($emails, $subject, $message, $html); } function hex2str($hex) { $string = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($hex) - 1; $i += 2) { $string .= chr(hexdec(substr($hex, $i, 2))); } return $string; } // Convert an SNMP hex string to regular string function snmp_hexstring($hex) { return hex2str(str_replace(' ', '', str_replace(' 00', '', $hex))); } // Check if the supplied string is an SNMP hex string function isHexString($str) { return (bool) preg_match('/^[a-f0-9][a-f0-9]( [a-f0-9][a-f0-9])*$/is', trim($str)); } // Include all .inc.php files in $dir function include_dir($dir, $regex = '') { global $device, $valid; if ($regex == '') { $regex = "/\.inc\.php$/"; } if ($handle = opendir(Config::get('install_dir') . '/' . $dir)) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if (filetype(Config::get('install_dir') . '/' . $dir . '/' . $file) == 'file' && preg_match($regex, $file)) { d_echo('Including: ' . Config::get('install_dir') . '/' . $dir . '/' . $file . "\n"); include Config::get('install_dir') . '/' . $dir . '/' . $file; } } closedir($handle); } } /** * Check if port is valid to poll. * Settings: empty_ifdescr, good_if, bad_if, bad_if_regexp, bad_ifname_regexp, bad_ifalias_regexp, bad_iftype, bad_ifoperstatus * * @param array $port * @param array $device * @return bool */ function is_port_valid($port, $device) { // check empty values first if (empty($port['ifDescr'])) { // If these are all empty, we are just going to show blank names in the ui if (empty($port['ifAlias']) && empty($port['ifName'])) { d_echo("ignored: empty ifDescr, ifAlias and ifName\n"); return false; } // ifDescr should not be empty unless it is explicitly allowed if (! Config::getOsSetting($device['os'], 'empty_ifdescr', Config::get('empty_ifdescr', false))) { d_echo("ignored: empty ifDescr\n"); return false; } } $ifDescr = $port['ifDescr']; $ifName = $port['ifName']; $ifAlias = $port['ifAlias'] ?? ''; $ifType = $port['ifType']; $ifOperStatus = $port['ifOperStatus'] ?? ''; if (str_i_contains($ifDescr, Config::getOsSetting($device['os'], 'good_if', Config::get('good_if')))) { return true; } foreach (Config::getCombined($device['os'], 'bad_if') as $bi) { if (str_i_contains($ifDescr, $bi)) { d_echo("ignored by ifDescr: $ifDescr (matched: $bi)\n"); return false; } } foreach (Config::getCombined($device['os'], 'bad_if_regexp') as $bir) { if (preg_match($bir . 'i', $ifDescr)) { d_echo("ignored by ifDescr: $ifDescr (matched: $bir)\n"); return false; } } foreach (Config::getCombined($device['os'], 'bad_ifname_regexp') as $bnr) { if (preg_match($bnr . 'i', $ifName)) { d_echo("ignored by ifName: $ifName (matched: $bnr)\n"); return false; } } foreach (Config::getCombined($device['os'], 'bad_ifalias_regexp') as $bar) { if (preg_match($bar . 'i', $ifAlias)) { d_echo("ignored by ifName: $ifAlias (matched: $bar)\n"); return false; } } foreach (Config::getCombined($device['os'], 'bad_iftype') as $bt) { if (Str::contains($ifType, $bt)) { d_echo("ignored by ifType: $ifType (matched: $bt )\n"); return false; } } foreach (Config::getCombined($device['os'], 'bad_ifoperstatus') as $bos) { if (Str::contains($ifOperStatus, $bos)) { d_echo("ignored by ifOperStatus: $ifOperStatus (matched: $bos)\n"); return false; } } return true; } /** * Try to fill in data for ifDescr, ifName, and ifAlias if devices do not provide them. * Will not fill ifAlias if the user has overridden it * Also trims the data * * @param array $port * @param array $device */ function port_fill_missing_and_trim(&$port, $device) { if (isset($port['ifDescr'])) { $port['ifDescr'] = trim($port['ifDescr']); } if (isset($port['ifAlias'])) { $port['ifAlias'] = trim($port['ifAlias']); } if (isset($port['ifName'])) { $port['ifName'] = trim($port['ifName']); } // When devices do not provide data, populate with other data if available if (! isset($port['ifDescr']) || $port['ifDescr'] == '') { $port['ifDescr'] = $port['ifName']; d_echo(' Using ifName as ifDescr'); } if (! empty($device['attribs']['ifName:' . $port['ifName']])) { // ifAlias overridden by user, don't update it unset($port['ifAlias']); d_echo(' ifAlias overriden by user'); } elseif (! isset($port['ifAlias']) || $port['ifAlias'] == '') { $port['ifAlias'] = $port['ifDescr']; d_echo(' Using ifDescr as ifAlias'); } if (! isset($port['ifName']) || $port['ifName'] == '') { $port['ifName'] = $port['ifDescr']; d_echo(' Using ifDescr as ifName'); } } function validate_device_id($id) { if (empty($id) || ! is_numeric($id)) { $return = false; } else { $device_id = dbFetchCell('SELECT `device_id` FROM `devices` WHERE `device_id` = ?', [$id]); if ($device_id == $id) { $return = true; } else { $return = false; } } return $return; } function convert_delay($delay) { if (preg_match('/(\d+)([mhd]?)/', $delay, $matches)) { $multipliers = [ 'm' => 60, 'h' => 3600, 'd' => 86400, ]; $multiplier = $multipliers[$matches[2]] ?? 1; return $matches[1] * $multiplier; } return $delay === '' ? 0 : 300; } function normalize_snmp_ip_address($data) { // $data is received from snmpwalk, can be ipv4 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx or ipv6 xx:xx:...:xx (16 chunks) // ipv4 is returned unchanged, ipv6 is returned with one ':' removed out of two, like // xxxx:xxxx:...:xxxx (8 chuncks) return preg_replace('/([0-9a-fA-F]{2}):([0-9a-fA-F]{2})/', '\1\2', explode('%', $data, 2)[0]); } function guidv4($data) { // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2040240/php-function-to-generate-v4-uuid#15875555 // From: Jack http://stackoverflow.com/users/1338292/ja%CD%A2ck assert(strlen($data) == 16); $data[6] = chr(ord($data[6]) & 0x0F | 0x40); // set version to 0100 $data[8] = chr(ord($data[8]) & 0x3F | 0x80); // set bits 6-7 to 10 return vsprintf('%s%s-%s-%s-%s-%s%s%s', str_split(bin2hex($data), 4)); } function target_to_id($target) { if ($target[0] . $target[1] == 'g:') { $target = 'g' . dbFetchCell('SELECT id FROM device_groups WHERE name = ?', [substr($target, 2)]); } else { $target = dbFetchCell('SELECT device_id FROM devices WHERE hostname = ?', [$target]); } return $target; } function fix_integer_value($value) { if ($value < 0) { $return = 4294967296 + $value; } else { $return = $value; } return $return; } /** * Find a device that has this IP. Checks ipv4_addresses and ipv6_addresses tables. * * @param string $ip * @return \App\Models\Device|false */ function device_has_ip($ip) { return Device::findByIp($ip); } /** * Checks if the $hostname provided exists in the DB already * * @param string $hostname The hostname to check for * @param string $sysName The sysName to check * @return bool true if hostname already exists * false if hostname doesn't exist */ function host_exists($hostname, $sysName = null) { $query = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `devices` WHERE `hostname`=?'; $params = [$hostname]; if (! empty($sysName) && ! Config::get('allow_duplicate_sysName')) { $query .= ' OR `sysName`=?'; $params[] = $sysName; if (! empty(Config::get('mydomain'))) { $full_sysname = rtrim($sysName, '.') . '.' . Config::get('mydomain'); $query .= ' OR `sysName`=?'; $params[] = $full_sysname; } } return dbFetchCell($query, $params) > 0; } /** * Perform DNS lookup * * @param array $device Device array from database * @param string $type The type of record to lookup * @return string ip * **/ function dnslookup($device, $type = false, $return = false) { if (filter_var($device['hostname'], FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV4) == true || filter_var($device['hostname'], FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV6) == true) { return false; } if (empty($type)) { // We are going to use the transport to work out the record type if ($device['transport'] == 'udp6' || $device['transport'] == 'tcp6') { $type = DNS_AAAA; $return = 'ipv6'; } else { $type = DNS_A; $return = 'ip'; } } if (empty($return)) { return false; } $record = dns_get_record($device['hostname'], $type); return $record[0][$return] ?? null; }//end dnslookup /** * Create a new state index. Update translations if $states is given. * * For for backward compatibility: * Returns null if $states is empty, $state_name already exists, and contains state translations * * @param string $state_name the unique name for this state translation * @param array $states array of states, each must contain keys: descr, graph, value, generic * @return int|null */ function create_state_index($state_name, $states = []) { $state_index_id = dbFetchCell('SELECT `state_index_id` FROM state_indexes WHERE state_name = ? LIMIT 1', [$state_name]); if (! is_numeric($state_index_id)) { $state_index_id = dbInsert(['state_name' => $state_name], 'state_indexes'); // legacy code, return index so states are created if (empty($states)) { return $state_index_id; } } // check or synchronize states if (empty($states)) { $translations = dbFetchRows('SELECT * FROM `state_translations` WHERE `state_index_id` = ?', [$state_index_id]); if (count($translations) == 0) { // If we don't have any translations something has gone wrong so return the state_index_id so they get created. return $state_index_id; } } else { sync_sensor_states($state_index_id, $states); } return null; } /** * Synchronize the sensor state translations with the database * * @param int $state_index_id index of the state * @param array $states array of states, each must contain keys: descr, graph, value, generic */ function sync_sensor_states($state_index_id, $states) { $new_translations = array_reduce($states, function ($array, $state) use ($state_index_id) { $array[$state['value']] = [ 'state_index_id' => $state_index_id, 'state_descr' => $state['descr'], 'state_draw_graph' => $state['graph'], 'state_value' => $state['value'], 'state_generic_value' => $state['generic'], ]; return $array; }, []); $existing_translations = dbFetchRows( 'SELECT `state_index_id`,`state_descr`,`state_draw_graph`,`state_value`,`state_generic_value` FROM `state_translations` WHERE `state_index_id`=?', [$state_index_id] ); foreach ($existing_translations as $translation) { $value = $translation['state_value']; if (isset($new_translations[$value])) { if ($new_translations[$value] != $translation) { dbUpdate( $new_translations[$value], 'state_translations', '`state_index_id`=? AND `state_value`=?', [$state_index_id, $value] ); } // this translation is synchronized, it doesn't need to be inserted unset($new_translations[$value]); } else { dbDelete('state_translations', '`state_index_id`=? AND `state_value`=?', [$state_index_id, $value]); } } // insert any new translations dbBulkInsert($new_translations, 'state_translations'); } function create_sensor_to_state_index($device, $state_name, $index) { $sensor_entry = dbFetchRow('SELECT sensor_id FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND `sensor_type` = ? AND `sensor_index` = ?', [ 'state', $device['device_id'], $state_name, $index, ]); $state_indexes_entry = dbFetchRow('SELECT state_index_id FROM `state_indexes` WHERE `state_name` = ?', [ $state_name, ]); if (! empty($sensor_entry['sensor_id']) && ! empty($state_indexes_entry['state_index_id'])) { $insert = [ 'sensor_id' => $sensor_entry['sensor_id'], 'state_index_id' => $state_indexes_entry['state_index_id'], ]; foreach ($insert as $key => $val_check) { if (! isset($val_check)) { unset($insert[$key]); } } dbInsert($insert, 'sensors_to_state_indexes'); } } function delta_to_bits($delta, $period) { return round($delta * 8 / $period, 2); } function report_this($message) { return '

' . $message . ' Please report this to the ' . Config::get('project_name') . ' developers.

'; }//end report_this() function hytera_h2f($number, $nd) { if (strlen(str_replace(' ', '', $number)) == 4) { $hex = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($number); $i++) { $byte = strtoupper(dechex(ord($number[$i]))); $byte = str_repeat('0', 2 - strlen($byte)) . $byte; $hex .= $byte . ' '; } $number = $hex; unset($hex); } $r = ''; $y = explode(' ', $number); foreach ($y as $z) { $r = $z . '' . $r; } $hex = []; $number = substr($r, 0, -1); //$number = str_replace(" ", "", $number); for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($number); $i++) { $hex[] = substr($number, $i, 1); } $dec = []; $hexCount = count($hex); for ($i = 0; $i < $hexCount; $i++) { $dec[] = hexdec($hex[$i]); } $binfinal = ''; $decCount = count($dec); for ($i = 0; $i < $decCount; $i++) { $binfinal .= sprintf('%04d', decbin($dec[$i])); } $sign = substr($binfinal, 0, 1); $exp = substr($binfinal, 1, 8); $exp = bindec($exp); $exp -= 127; $scibin = substr($binfinal, 9); $binint = substr($scibin, 0, $exp); $binpoint = substr($scibin, $exp); $intnumber = bindec('1' . $binint); $tmppoint = []; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($binpoint); $i++) { $tmppoint[] = substr($binpoint, $i, 1); } $tmppoint = array_reverse($tmppoint); $tpointnumber = min(number_format($tmppoint[0] / 2, strlen($binpoint), '.', ''), 1); $pointnumber = ''; for ($i = 1; $i < strlen($binpoint); $i++) { $pointnumber = number_format($tpointnumber / 2, strlen($binpoint), '.', ''); $tpointnumber = $tmppoint[$i + 1] . substr($pointnumber, 1); } $floatfinal = $intnumber + $pointnumber; if ($sign == 1) { $floatfinal = -$floatfinal; } return number_format($floatfinal, $nd, '.', ''); } /* * Cisco CIMC functions */ // Create an entry in the entPhysical table if it doesnt already exist. function setCIMCentPhysical($location, $data, &$entphysical, &$index) { // Go get the location, this will create it if it doesnt exist. $entPhysicalIndex = getCIMCentPhysical($location, $entphysical, $index); // See if we need to update $update = []; foreach ($data as $key => $value) { // Is the Array(DB) value different to the supplied data if ($entphysical[$location][$key] != $value) { $update[$key] = $value; $entphysical[$location][$key] = $value; } // End if } // end foreach // Do we need to update if (count($update) > 0) { dbUpdate($update, 'entPhysical', '`entPhysical_id` = ?', [$entphysical[$location]['entPhysical_id']]); } $entPhysicalId = $entphysical[$location]['entPhysical_id']; return [$entPhysicalId, $entPhysicalIndex]; } function getCIMCentPhysical($location, &$entphysical, &$index) { global $device; // Level 1 - Does the location exist if (isset($entphysical[$location])) { // Yes, return the entPhysicalIndex. return $entphysical[$location]['entPhysicalIndex']; } else { /* * No, the entry doesnt exist. * Find its parent so we can create it. */ // Pull apart the location $parts = explode('/', $location); // Level 2 - Are we at the root if (count($parts) == 1) { // Level 2 - Yes. We are the root, there is no parent d_echo('ROOT - ' . $location . "\n"); $shortlocation = $location; $parent = 0; } else { // Level 2 - No. Need to go deeper. d_echo('NON-ROOT - ' . $location . "\n"); $shortlocation = array_pop($parts); $parentlocation = implode('/', $parts); d_echo('Decend - parent location: ' . $parentlocation . "\n"); $parent = getCIMCentPhysical($parentlocation, $entphysical, $index); } // end if - Level 2 d_echo('Parent: ' . $parent . "\n"); // Now we have an ID, create the entry. $index++; $insert = [ 'device_id' => $device['device_id'], 'entPhysicalIndex' => $index, 'entPhysicalClass' => 'container', 'entPhysicalVendorType' => $location, 'entPhysicalName' => $shortlocation, 'entPhysicalContainedIn' => $parent, 'entPhysicalParentRelPos' => '-1', ]; // Add to the DB and Array. $id = dbInsert($insert, 'entPhysical'); $entphysical[$location] = dbFetchRow('SELECT * FROM entPhysical WHERE entPhysical_id=?', [$id]); return $index; } // end if - Level 1 } // end function /* idea from https://php.net/manual/en/function.hex2bin.php comments */ function hex2bin_compat($str) { if (strlen($str) % 2 !== 0) { trigger_error(__FUNCTION__ . '(): Hexadecimal input string must have an even length', E_USER_WARNING); } return pack('H*', $str); } if (! function_exists('hex2bin')) { // This is only a hack function hex2bin($str) { return hex2bin_compat($str); } } function q_bridge_bits2indices($hex_data) { /* convert hex string to an array of 1-based indices of the nonzero bits * ie. '9a00' -> '100110100000' -> array(1, 4, 5, 7) */ $hex_data = str_replace([' ', "\n"], '', $hex_data); // we need an even number of digits for hex2bin if (strlen($hex_data) % 2 === 1) { $hex_data = '0' . $hex_data; } $value = hex2bin($hex_data); $length = strlen($value); $indices = []; for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) { $byte = ord($value[$i]); for ($j = 7; $j >= 0; $j--) { if ($byte & (1 << $j)) { $indices[] = 8 * $i + 8 - $j; } } } return $indices; } /** * Function to generate Mac OUI Cache */ function mac_oui_to_database() { // Refresh timer $mac_oui_refresh_int_min = 86400 * rand(7, 11); // 7 days + a random number between 0 and 4 days $lock = Cache::lock('vendor_oui_db_refresh', $mac_oui_refresh_int_min); // We want to refresh after at least $mac_oui_refresh_int_min if (Config::get('mac_oui.enabled') !== true) { echo 'Mac OUI integration disabled' . PHP_EOL; return 0; } if ($lock->get()) { echo 'Storing Mac OUI in the database' . PHP_EOL; try { $mac_oui_url = 'https://www.wireshark.org/download/automated/data/manuf'; //$mac_oui_url = 'https://gitlab.com/wireshark/wireshark/-/raw/master/manuf'; //$mac_oui_url_mirror = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wireshark/wireshark/master/manuf'; echo ' -> Downloading ...' . PHP_EOL; $get = \LibreNMS\Util\Http::client()->get($mac_oui_url); echo ' -> Processing CSV ...' . PHP_EOL; $csv_data = $get->body(); // Process each line of the CSV data foreach (explode("\n", $csv_data) as $csv_line) { unset($oui); $entry = str_getcsv($csv_line, "\t"); $length = strlen($entry[0]); $prefix = strtolower(str_replace(':', '', $entry[0])); $vendor = $entry[1]; if (is_array($entry) && count($entry) >= 2 && $length == 8) { // We have a standard OUI xx:xx:xx $oui = $prefix; } elseif (is_array($entry) && count($entry) >= 2 && $length == 20) { // We have a smaller range (xx:xx:xx:X or xx:xx:xx:xx:X) if (substr($prefix, -2) == '28') { $oui = substr($prefix, 0, 7); } elseif (substr($prefix, -2) == '36') { $oui = substr($prefix, 0, 9); } } if (isset($oui)) { // Store the OUI for the vendor in the database DB::table('vendor_ouis')->insert([ 'vendor' => $vendor, 'oui' => $oui, ]); echo "Adding $oui for $vendor" . PHP_EOL; } } } catch (Exception $e) { echo 'Error processing Mac OUI:' . PHP_EOL; echo 'Exception: ' . get_class($e) . PHP_EOL; echo $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL; $lock->release(); // We did not succeed, so we'll try again next time return 1; } } else { echo 'Not able to acquire lock, skipping mac database update' . PHP_EOL; return 1; } return 0; } /** * Function to generate PeeringDB Cache */ function cache_peeringdb() { if (Config::get('peeringdb.enabled') === true) { $peeringdb_url = 'https://peeringdb.com/api'; // We cache for 71 hours $cached = dbFetchCell('SELECT count(*) FROM `pdb_ix` WHERE (UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - timestamp) < 255600'); if ($cached == 0) { $rand = rand(3, 30); echo "No cached PeeringDB data found, sleeping for $rand seconds" . PHP_EOL; sleep($rand); $peer_keep = []; $ix_keep = []; foreach (dbFetchRows('SELECT `bgpLocalAs` FROM `devices` WHERE `disabled` = 0 AND `ignore` = 0 AND `bgpLocalAs` > 0 AND (`bgpLocalAs` < 64512 OR `bgpLocalAs` > 65535) AND `bgpLocalAs` < 4200000000 GROUP BY `bgpLocalAs`') as $as) { $asn = $as['bgpLocalAs']; $get = \LibreNMS\Util\Http::client()->get($peeringdb_url . '/net?depth=2&asn=' . $asn); $json_data = $get->body(); $data = json_decode($json_data); $ixs = $data->{'data'}[0]->{'netixlan_set'}; foreach ($ixs ?? [] as $ix) { $ixid = $ix->{'ix_id'}; $tmp_ix = dbFetchRow('SELECT * FROM `pdb_ix` WHERE `ix_id` = ? AND asn = ?', [$ixid, $asn]); if ($tmp_ix) { $pdb_ix_id = $tmp_ix['pdb_ix_id']; $update = ['name' => $ix->{'name'}, 'timestamp' => time()]; dbUpdate($update, 'pdb_ix', '`ix_id` = ? AND `asn` = ?', [$ixid, $asn]); } else { $insert = [ 'ix_id' => $ixid, 'name' => $ix->{'name'}, 'asn' => $asn, 'timestamp' => time(), ]; $pdb_ix_id = dbInsert($insert, 'pdb_ix'); } $ix_keep[] = $pdb_ix_id; $get_ix = \LibreNMS\Util\Http::client()->get("$peeringdb_url/netixlan?ix_id=$ixid"); $ix_json = $get_ix->body(); $ix_data = json_decode($ix_json); $peers = $ix_data->{'data'}; foreach ($peers ?? [] as $index => $peer) { $peer_name = get_astext($peer->{'asn'}); $tmp_peer = dbFetchRow('SELECT * FROM `pdb_ix_peers` WHERE `peer_id` = ? AND `ix_id` = ?', [$peer->{'id'}, $ixid]); if ($tmp_peer) { $peer_keep[] = $tmp_peer['pdb_ix_peers_id']; $update = [ 'remote_asn' => $peer->{'asn'}, 'remote_ipaddr4' => $peer->{'ipaddr4'}, 'remote_ipaddr6' => $peer->{'ipaddr6'}, 'name' => $peer_name, ]; dbUpdate($update, 'pdb_ix_peers', '`pdb_ix_peers_id` = ?', [$tmp_peer['pdb_ix_peers_id']]); } else { $peer_insert = [ 'ix_id' => $ixid, 'peer_id' => $peer->{'id'}, 'remote_asn' => $peer->{'asn'}, 'remote_ipaddr4' => $peer->{'ipaddr4'}, 'remote_ipaddr6' => $peer->{'ipaddr6'}, 'name' => $peer_name, 'timestamp' => time(), ]; $peer_keep[] = dbInsert($peer_insert, 'pdb_ix_peers'); } } } } // cleanup if (empty($peer_keep)) { dbDelete('pdb_ix_peers'); } else { dbDelete('pdb_ix_peers', '`pdb_ix_peers_id` NOT IN ' . dbGenPlaceholders(count($peer_keep)), $peer_keep); } if (empty($ix_keep)) { dbDelete('pdb_ix'); } else { dbDelete('pdb_ix', '`pdb_ix_id` NOT IN ' . dbGenPlaceholders(count($ix_keep)), $ix_keep); } } else { echo 'Cached PeeringDB data found.....' . PHP_EOL; } } else { echo 'Peering DB integration disabled' . PHP_EOL; } } /** * Get an array of the schema files. * schema_version => full_file_name * * @return mixed */ function get_schema_list() { // glob returns an array sorted by filename $files = glob(Config::get('install_dir') . '/sql-schema/*.sql'); // set the keys to the db schema version $files = array_reduce($files, function ($array, $file) { $array[(int) basename($file, '.sql')] = $file; return $array; }, []); ksort($files); // fix dbSchema 1000 order return $files; } /** * @param $device * @return int|null */ function get_device_oid_limit($device) { // device takes priority if (! empty($device['attribs']['snmp_max_oid'])) { return $device['attribs']['snmp_max_oid']; } // then os $os_max = Config::getOsSetting($device['os'], 'snmp_max_oid', 0); if ($os_max > 0) { return $os_max; } // then global $global_max = Config::get('snmp.max_oid', 10); return $global_max > 0 ? $global_max : 10; } /** * If Distributed, create a lock, then purge the mysql table * * @param string $table * @param string $sql * @return int exit code */ function lock_and_purge($table, $sql) { $purge_name = $table . '_purge'; $lock = Cache::lock($purge_name, 86000); if ($lock->get()) { $purge_days = Config::get($purge_name); $name = str_replace('_', ' ', ucfirst($table)); if (is_numeric($purge_days)) { if (dbDelete($table, $sql, [$purge_days])) { echo "$name cleared for entries over $purge_days days\n"; } } $lock->release(); return 0; } return -1; } /** * If Distributed, create a lock, then purge the mysql table according to the sql query * * @param string $table * @param string $sql * @param string $msg * @return int exit code */ function lock_and_purge_query($table, $sql, $msg) { $purge_name = $table . '_purge'; $purge_duration = Config::get($purge_name); if (! (is_numeric($purge_duration) && $purge_duration > 0)) { return -2; } $lock = Cache::lock($purge_name, 86000); if ($lock->get()) { if (dbQuery($sql, [$purge_duration])) { printf($msg, $purge_duration); } $lock->release(); return 0; } return -1; } /** * Check if disk is valid to poll. * Settings: bad_disk_regexp * * @param array $disk * @param array $device * @return bool */ function is_disk_valid($disk, $device) { foreach (Config::getCombined($device['os'], 'bad_disk_regexp') as $bir) { if (preg_match($bir . 'i', $disk['diskIODevice'])) { d_echo("Ignored Disk: {$disk['diskIODevice']} (matched: $bir)\n"); return false; } } return true; } /** * Take a BGP error code and subcode to return a string representation of it * * @params int code * @params int subcode * * @return string */ function describe_bgp_error_code($code, $subcode) { // https://www.iana.org/assignments/bgp-parameters/bgp-parameters.xhtml#bgp-parameters-3 $message = 'Unknown'; $error_code_key = 'bgp.error_codes.' . $code; $error_subcode_key = 'bgp.error_subcodes.' . $code . '.' . $subcode; $error_code_message = __($error_code_key); $error_subcode_message = __($error_subcode_key); if ($error_subcode_message != $error_subcode_key) { $message = $error_code_message . ' - ' . $error_subcode_message; } elseif ($error_code_message != $error_code_key) { $message = $error_code_message; } return $message; }