S5-ETH-REDUNDANT-LINKS-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Counter32, TimeTicks FROM SNMPv2-SMI s5EnCfg FROM S5-ETHERNET-MIB TimeIntervalSec FROM S5-TCS-MIB; s5EthRedundantLinksMib2 MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200411030000Z" ORGANIZATION "Nortel Networks" CONTACT-INFO "Nortel Networks" DESCRIPTION "5000 Ethernet Redundant Links MIB Copyright 1993-2004 Nortel Networks, Inc. All rights reserved. This Nortel Networks SNMP Management Information Base Specification (Specification) embodies Nortel Networks' confidential and proprietary intellectual property. Nortel Networks retains all title and ownership in the Specification, including any revisions. This Specification is supplied 'AS IS,' and Nortel Networks makes no warranty, either express or implied, as to the use, operation, condition, or performance of the Specification." REVISION "200411030000Z" -- 03 November 2004 DESCRIPTION "Version 104: Use sane OID for s5EthRedundantLinksMib" REVISION "200407200000Z" -- 20 July 2004 DESCRIPTION "Version 103: Conversion to SMIv2" ::= { s5EnCfg 99 } -- Groups s5EnRedun OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { s5EnCfg 2 } -- SECTION 2: Redundant Port Information -- Redundant Port Table s5EnRedPortTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF S5EnRedPortEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table with redundancy status and control for each redundancy-capable port in the chassis. The number of entries is determined by the number of redundancy-capable ports in the chassis. The ports appearing in this table can be divided into two categories: Those with remote fault signaling capability and those without. The latter kind depends on the port link status to provide the required redundancy. Ports that are not capable of supporting redundancy do not have an entry in this table." ::= { s5EnRedun 1 } s5EnRedPortEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX S5EnRedPortEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A row in the table of redundancy status and control for each redundancy-capable port in the chassis. Entries in the table cannot be created or deleted via SNMP." INDEX { s5EnRedPortBrdIndx, s5EnRedPortPortIndx } ::= { s5EnRedPortTable 1 } S5EnRedPortEntry ::= SEQUENCE { s5EnRedPortBrdIndx INTEGER, s5EnRedPortPortIndx INTEGER, s5EnRedPortCapability INTEGER, s5EnRedPortRedundMode INTEGER, s5EnRedPortOperStatus INTEGER, s5EnRedPortRemoteOperStatus INTEGER, s5EnRedPortRemFltSelectMode INTEGER, s5EnRedPortTxMode INTEGER, s5EnRedPortFaults Counter32, s5EnRedPortModeChanges Counter32, s5EnRedPortCompanionBrdNum INTEGER, s5EnRedPortCompanionPortNum INTEGER, s5EnRedPortSwitchoverStatus INTEGER, s5EnRedPortSwitchoverTime TimeIntervalSec } s5EnRedPortBrdIndx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of the slot containing the board on which the port is located." ::= { s5EnRedPortEntry 1 } s5EnRedPortPortIndx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of the port on the board." ::= { s5EnRedPortEntry 2 } s5EnRedPortCapability OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { hwRedOnly(1), swRedOnly(2), hwAndSwRed(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The redundancy capability of the port: hwRedOnly(1).....hardware redundancy only. swRedOnly(2).....software redundacy only. hwAndSwRed(3)....both hardware and software redundancy. A value of hwRedOnly(1) or hwAndSwRed(3) means that the port is capable of being configured into a hardware-redundant pair. In this case, the identity of the potential redundant companion is given by the objects s5EnRedPortCompanionBrdNum and s5EnRedPortCompanionPortNum. A value of swRedOnly(2) or hwAndSwRed(3) means that the port is capable of being configured into a software-redundant pair." ::= { s5EnRedPortEntry 3 } s5EnRedPortRedundMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { standAlone(1), hwActive(2), hwStandby(3), swActive(4), swStandby(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The redundancy mode of the port. The values when written change the redundancy mode, and when read report the redundancy mode: standalone(1)..the port is not in any redundant pair. hwActive(2)....the port is the active companion in a hardware-redundant pair. hwStandby(3)...the port is the standby companion in a hardware-redundant pair. swActive(4)....the port is the active companion in a software-redundant pair. swStandby(5)...the port is the standby companion in a software-redundant pair. The values that can be written, which change the redundancy mode, are: standalone(1)...causes the redundant pair to be broken up. hwActive(2).....if the previous value was hwStandby(3), this value will cause the port to become the active port in the hardware-redundant pair, resulting in a switchover. hwStandby(3)....if the previous value was hwActive(2), this value will cause the port to become the standby port in the hardware-redundant pair, resulting in a switchover. swActive(4).....if the previous value was swStandby(5), this value will cause the port to become the active port in the software-redundant pair, resulting in a switchover. swStandby(5)....if the previous value was swActive(4), this value will cause the port to become the standby port in the software-redundant pair, resulting in a switchover. To create a hardware-redundant pair, change this object to hwActive(2) or hwStandby(3). To create a software-redundant pair, change this object to swActive(4) or swStandby(5). The same SNMP SET PDU must also write to objects s5EnRedPortCompanionBrdNum and s5EnRedPortCompanionPortNum." ::= { s5EnRedPortEntry 4 } s5EnRedPortOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), ok(2), localFault(3), remoteFault(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The redundancy status of the port. The values are: other(1).............none of the following. ok(2)...................no fault localFault(3)....the local port has sensed a fault condition. remoteFault(4)...the remote port has sensed a fault condition and has signaled the local port accordingly. Either a localFault(3) or remoteFault(4) condition should cause a healthy redundant port pair to switchover. If the port does not belong to a redundant pair, a value of other(1) is returned. Note: If the redundant link consists of ports without remote fault capability, the value remoteFault(4) will not be reported and the value localFault(3) implies that link is off." ::= { s5EnRedPortEntry 5 } s5EnRedPortRemoteOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { snpxFLRemFltCpblPortUp(1), snpxFLFBRemFltCpblPortUp(2), tenBaseTFLPortUp(3), tenBaseFBPortUp(4), snpxRemFltCpblPortFault(5), tenBaseFBPortFault(6), unknown(7) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the real time status of the received data from the remote port. The values are: snpxFLRemFltCpblPortUp(1)....10BASE-FL signaling, plus capable of SynOptics proprietary remote fault signaling. A remote fault on such a port is indicated by snpxRemFltCpblPortFault(5). snpxFLFBRemFltCpblPortUp(2)..10BASE-FL signaling, plus capable of SynOptics proprietary remote fault signaling and 10BASE-FB signaling. A remote fault on such a port is indicated by snpxRemFltCpblPortFault(5). tenBaseTFLPortUp(3)...........regular idle 10BASE-T or 10BASE-FL signaling, and is incapable of remote fault signaling. tenBaseFBPortUp(4)...........10BASE-FB synchronous signaling. A remote fault on such a port is indicated by tenBaseFBPortFault(6). snpxRemFltCpblPortFault(5)...SynOptics proprietary remote fault signaling. tenBaseFBPortFault(6)........10BASE-FB remote fault signaling. unknown(7)...................none of the above. A value of snpxFLRemFltCpblPortUp(1) indicates that the remote port is using 10BASE-FL signaling, and is capable of SynOptics proprietary idle and remote fault signaling. A remote fault on such a port is indicated by snpxRemFltCpblPortFault(5). A value of snpxFLFBRemFltCpblPortUp(2) indicates that the remote port is using 10BASE-FL signaling, and is capable of SynOptics proprietary idle and remote fault signaling, and is also capable of synchronous signaling. A remote fault on such a port is indicated by snpxRemFltCpblPortFault(5). A value of tenBaseFLPortUp(3) indicates that the remote port uses regular idle 10BASE-FL signaling, and is incapable of remote fault signaling. A value of tenBaseFBPortUp(4) indicates that the remote port uses 10BASE-FB synchronous signaling. A remote fault on such a port is indicated by tenBaseFBPortFault(6)." ::= { s5EnRedPortEntry 6 } s5EnRedPortRemFltSelectMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { synoptics(1), standard(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This mode specifies the set of local fault events which will cause a switchover. The values are: synoptics(1)..The SynOptics Tx Remote Fault events consist of auto-partition and NM (network management) partition events in addition to the standard events. standard(2)...The standard events are link-off for all ports, and low light, jabber, Rx invalid idle, Tx dark, and Tx remote fault (for diagnostics) for ports with transmit remote fault capability." ::= { s5EnRedPortEntry 7 } s5EnRedPortTxMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { autoCfg(1), fl(2), fb(3), other(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Transmit Fiber Mode, which determines the port transmit idle. The values are: autoCfg(1)...The port will auto configure based upon the received idle. fl(2)........The port is configured in FL mode. fb(3)........The port is configured in FB mode. other(4).....None of the above. The port is not a fiber port. The value other(4) is read-only." ::= { s5EnRedPortEntry 8 } s5EnRedPortFaults OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A count of local or remote faults on this port. This counter increments on a transition between the fault and no-fault states." ::= { s5EnRedPortEntry 9 } s5EnRedPortModeChanges OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A count of the number of times this port has transitioned from standby mode to non-standby mode (includes active mode and standalone mode), or vice versa." ::= { s5EnRedPortEntry 10 } s5EnRedPortCompanionBrdNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..255) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of the slot containing the board of the other port in the redundant pair. If the port (whose slot-port identity is given by the instance) is hardware-redundant capable, this object has the value of the slot number of the (potential) redundant companion, even if the port is in standalone mode. This allows the network manager to determine the identity of the potential companion, which is fixed by the hardware of the board. Changing this object is permitted only when creating a software-redundant pair." ::= { s5EnRedPortEntry 11 } s5EnRedPortCompanionPortNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..255) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of the other port in the redundant pair. If the port (whose slot-port identity is given by the instance) is hardware-redundant capable, this object has the value of the port number of the (potential) redundant companion, even if the port is in standalone mode. This allows the network manager to determine the identity of the potential companion, which is fixed by the hardware of the board. Changing this object is permitted only when creating a software-redundant pair." ::= { s5EnRedPortEntry 12 } s5EnRedPortSwitchoverStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), timedSwitchover(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The switchover status of the port (and its companion). The following values can be written: timedSwitchover(2)...cause a timed switchover (see value of s5EnRedPortSwitchoverTime) The following values reflect the switchover status of the redundant port pair: other(1)..............not undergoing switchover timedSwitchover(2)....port is undergoing timed switchover (see value of s5EnRedPortSwitchoverTime). On GETs with switchover status of timedSwitchover(2), if the time remaining before the completion of the switchover and reversal is available, it will be reported in object s5EnRedPortSwitchoverTime as a positive value If not available, the value of s5EnRedSwitchoverTime will be zero. When changing a port to timedSwitchover(2), the SET request must also contain the value for object s5EnRedSwitchoverTime." ::= { s5EnRedPortEntry 13 } s5EnRedPortSwitchoverTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeIntervalSec (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of time between switching over a redundant port pair and switching back, when a timed switchover is done to the port. This object can only be written in the same request that sets s5EnRedPortSwitchoverStatus to timedSwitchover(2). Afterwards, it indicates the amount of time left before the timed switchover is completed, at which time another switchover occurs and s5EnRedSwitchoverStatus is changed to other(1). This object has the value of zero if the port is not undergoing a timed switchover, or if the amount of time is not available." ::= { s5EnRedPortEntry 14 } -- Last Change To Table Object s5EnRedLastChg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of sysUpTime when the last change in the redundant ports table was observed by the agent." ::= { s5EnRedun 2} END