-- ***************************************************************** -- Cisco Class-Based QoS Configuration and Statistics MIB -- -- Copyright (c) 2000-2004, 2007 by Cisco Systems, Inc. -- -- All rights reserved. -- -- *************************************************************** CISCO-CLASS-BASED-QOS-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Integer32, Counter32, Gauge32, Unsigned32, Counter64 FROM SNMPv2-SMI MODULE-COMPLIANCE, OBJECT-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, DisplayString, TruthValue FROM SNMPv2-TC ifIndex, InterfaceIndex FROM IF-MIB VlanIndex FROM Q-BRIDGE-MIB Unsigned64, EntPhysicalIndexOrZero FROM CISCO-TC DlciNumber FROM CISCO-FRAME-RELAY-MIB ciscoMgmt FROM CISCO-SMI; ciscoCBQosMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200710090000Z" ORGANIZATION "Cisco Systems, Inc." CONTACT-INFO "Cisco Systems Customer Service Postal: 170 W. Tasman Drive San Jose, CA 95134-1706 USA Tel: +1 800 553-NETS E-mail: cs-qos@cisco.com" DESCRIPTION "Cisco Class-Based QoS MIB ********************************** Overview ********************************** This MIB provides read access to Quality of Service (QoS) configuration and statistics information for Cisco platforms that support the Modular Quality of Service Command-line Interface (Modular QoS CLI). We recommend users of this MIB to review the user documentation of MQC based QoS features. Configuration information available through this MIB includes all ClassMap, PolicyMap, Match Statements, and Feature Actions configuration parameters. The definitions of each objects mentioned above are explained in the QoS objects section. Statistics available through this MIB include summary counts/rates by traffic class before and after any configured QoS policies are enforced. In addition, detailed feature-specific statistics are available for select PolicyMap features. Contact your Cisco representative to determine on which platforms the MIB is currently supported. ********************************** QoS Acronyms ********************************** BECN: Frame Relay Backward Explicit Congestion Notification CIR : Committed Information Rate DSCP: Differentiated Service Code Point EB : Estimate Bandwidth ECN : Explicite Congestion Notification FECN: Frame Relay Forward Explicit Congestion Notification IPHC: Internet Protocol Header Compression IPSLAs: IP Service Level Agreement Technologies PIR : Peak Information Rate PREC: Precedence QoS : Quality Of Services RED : Random Early Detect SRP : Spatial Reuse Protocol WRED: Weighted Random Early Detect ********************************** MIB Objects ********************************** This MIB consists of the following object groups: 1 : cbQosServicePolicy 2 : cbQosInterfacePolicy 3 : cbQosFrameRelayVCPolicy 4 : cbQosATMPVCPolicy 5 : cbQosObjects 6 : cbQosPolicyMapCfg 7 : cbQosClassMapCfg 8 : cbQosMatchStmtCfg 9 : cbQosQueueingCfg 10: cbQosREDCfg 11: cbQosREDClassCfg 12: cbQosPoliceCfg 13: cbQosTSCfg 14: cbQosSetCfg 15: cbQosClassMapStats 16: cbQosMatchStmtStats 17: cbQosPoliceStats 18: cbQosQueueingStats 19: cbQosTSStats 20: cbQosREDClassStats 21: cbQosPoliceActionCfg 22: cbQosIPHCCfg 23: cbQosIPHCStats 24: cbQosSetStats 25: cbQosPoliceColorStats 26: cbQosTableMapCfg 27: cbQosTableMapValueCfg 28: cbQosTableMapSetCfg 29: cbQosEBCfg 30: cbQosEBStats 31: cbQosMeasureIPSLACfg ********************************** Definitions ********************************** A logical interface in the context of this MIB is either a main-interface, a sub-interface, a Frame Relay DLCI, an ATM virtual circuit or the control-plane on the router. The (aggregate) control-plane on the router is defined as a collection of processes running at process level on the platform (route) processor. This includes the functions related to networking control capabilities such as routing, signaling, provisioning, as well as resource and service discovery. Also includes process switched traffic on the device. The term distributed control plane, in the context of this mib, represents the control-plane functionality at the level of individual linecards. This is only applicable for the case of distributed platforms. ********************************** QoS Objects ********************************** To understand Class-Based QoS features and how to navigate the MIB tables above, the key element is to comprehend the relationships among the different QoS objects. QoS objects consist of ClassMaps, Match Statements and PolicyMaps, and each Feature Actions. Match Statement - The specific match criteria to identify packets for classification purposes. ClassMap - A user-defined traffic class that contains one or many match statements used to classify packets into different categories. Feature Action - An action is a QoS feature. Features include police, traffic-shaping, queueing, random detect and packet marking(set). After the traffic is being classified, based on the traffic classification, we can apply these action to each traffic class. PolicyMap - A user-defined policy that associates each QoS action to the user-defined traffic class (ClassMap). Service Policy - Service policy is a policymap that is being attached to a logical interface. Because a policymap can also be a part of the hierarchical structure (inside a classmap), only a policymap that is directly attached to a logical interface is considered a service policy. Each service policy is uniquely identified by an index called cbQosPolicyIndex. This number is usually identical to its cbQosObjectsIndex as a policymap. ***************************************** Runtime Instance vs Configuration objects ***************************************** Each QoS objects have 2 sets of behaviours : 1: A configuration instance - Each QoS objects has it's configuration portion of information attached to it. This information does not change whether this object is attached on multiple logical interfaces and used multiple times. We uniquely identify each QoS object with identical configuration with the same index - cbQosConfigIndex. This index is used in all configuration related tables. 2: A runtime instance - Each QoS objects has it's statistical portion of information attached to it. This information changes when this object is attached on multiple logical interfaces and used in various different places. We uniquely identify each QoS runtime object instance with an index that is unique across multiple instances of the identical object - cbQosObjectsIndex. This index is used in all statistical related tables. In summary, a QoS object has 2 indexes associated with it: cbQosConfigIndex is used to identify it's configuration, which does not change regardless of number of times and where it is being used; and cbQosObjectsIndex is used to identify it's runtime statistics, depending on which logical interface and where in a given PolicyMap hierarchy this object is used, it may have multiple unique identifiers to distinguish each unique usage (instance) of the same object. ********************************** Navigation ********************************** The recommended method of navigating through all of the MIB tables is to start by learning the cbQosServicePolicyTable and cbQosObjectsTable MIB tables. In particular, Cisco Systems recommends understanding the cbQosObjectsIndex and cbQosParentObjectsIndex of each QoS feature. The cbQosPolicyIndex and cbQosObjectsIndex are system-assigned numbers that identify each unique instance of a QoS feature. These indexes are never reused between router reboots, even when changes are made to the QoS configuration. The cbQosPolicyIndex is designed to identify the service policies attached to logical interfaces, while the cbQosObjectsIndex is designed to identify each QoS feature on a specified device. The cbQosParentObjectsIndex is designed to show the hierarchical relationship of each QoS feature. ********************************** cbQosServicePolicyTable ********************************** Accessing cbQosServicePolicyTable requires cbQosPolicyIndex. This index is a system-assigned number to uniquely identify each service policy hanging off of each logical interface. Given cbQosPolicyIndex the tables provide the type of logical interface/media type on which this policy is applied, the direction in which this policy is enforced, and the SNMP interface index and/or the entity index of the underlying interface/entity. In the case of a policy being applied on a Frame Relay DLCI, the cbQosFrDLCI gives you the Frame Relay DLCI number to which this policy is attached. In the case of policy being attached to an ATM VC, cbQosAtmVPI and cbQosAtmVCI display the VPI and VCI of the ATM interface respectively. ********************************** cbQosObjectsTable ********************************** Accessing cbQosObjectsTable requires two indexes, cbQosPolicyIndex and cbQosObjectsIndex. Given a particular service policy on a given logical interface, there could be PolicyMaps, ClassMaps, Match Statements and Feature Actions being used. Each instance of these objects is uniquely identified by cbQosObjectsIndex. Users need to decide which QoS object is interesting and use the cbQosPolicyIndex and cbQosObjectsIndex to locate the right element of interest. This tables provides cbQosObjectsType, cbQosConfigIndex, and cbQosParentObjectsIndex. To understand the relationship of cbQosObjectsIndex, cbQosParentObjectsIndex and the hierarchical relationship of the QoS objects, consider the following QoS configuration example: Interface ethernet 0/1 Input Service Policy cntlWebTraffic ClassMap http match ip http set ip precedence 5 Output Service Policy cntlSNMP_Telnet ClassMap snmp match ip snmp shape average 8000 32 32 ClassMap Telnet match ip telnet shape average 10000 32 32 Interface ethernet 0/2 Input Service Policy cntlWebTraffic ClassMap http match ip http set ip precedence 5 Output Service Policy cntlSNMP_Telnet ClassMap snmp match ip snmp shape average 8000 32 32 ClassMap Telnet match ip telnet shape average 10000 32 32 *** In Ethernet 0/1 *** Assume the router assigned a cbQosConfigIndex=1024 and cbQosObjectsIndex=1084 to Policy cntlWebTraffic. Because it is attached to an interface, it has no parent QoS object, and thus cbQosParentObjectsIndex=0. In addition, because cntlWebTraffic is also the service policy of the interface, it has a unique cbQosPolicyIndex assigned to it. In most cases, it would be the same as the cbQosObjectsIndex, which is 1084 in this case. Therefore, the indexes are: cbQosPolicyIndex = 1084 cbQosObjectsIndex = 1084 cbQosConfigIndex = 1024 Assuming the router assigned a cbQosObjectsIndex=1085 and cbQosConfigIndex=1025 to ClassMap http, it is directly being used by Policy cntlWebTraffic, and therefore the cbQosParentObjectsIndex of ClassMap http will be 1084. Assuming the router assigned a cbQosConfigIndex=1026 and cbQosObjectsIndex=1086 to match ip http, it is directly used by ClassMap http, therefore the cbQosParentObjectsIndex of match ip http will be 1085. Assuming the router assigned a cbQosConfigIndex=1027 and cbQosObjectsIndex=1087 to set ip precedence 5, it is directly used by ClassMap http, therefore the cbQosParentObjectsIndex of match ip http will be 1085. Assuming the router assigned a cbQosConfigIndex=1028 and cbQosObjectsIndex=1088 to Policy cntlSNMP_Telnet. Because it is attached to an interface, it has no parent QoS object, and thus cbQosParentObjectsIndex=0. In addition, because cntlSNMP_Telnet is also the service policy of the interface, it has a unique cbQosPolicyIndex assigned to it. In most cases, it would be the same as the cbQosObjectsIndex, which is 1088 in this case. Assuming the router assigned a cbQosConfigIndex=1029 and cbQosObjectsIndex=1089 to ClassMap snmp, it is directly being used by Policy cntlSNMP_Telnet, and therefore the cbQosParentObjectsIndex of ClassMap snmp will be 1088. Assuming the router assigned a cbQosConfigIndex=1030 and cbQosObjectsIndex=1090 to match ip snmp, it is directly used by ClassMap snmp, and therefore the cbQosParentObjectsIndex of match ip snmp will be 1089. Assuming the router assigned a cbQosConfigIndex=1031 and cbQosObjectsIndex=1091 to shape average 8000 32 32, it is directly used by ClassMap snmp, therefore the cbQosParentObjectsIndex of match ip snmp will be 1089. Assuming the router assigned a cbQosConfigIndex=1032 and cbQosObjectsIndex=1092 to ClassMap Telnet, it is directly being used by Policy cntlSNMP_Telnet, and therefore the cbQosParentObjectsIndex of ClassMap Telnet will be 1088. Assuming the router assigned a cbQosConfigIndex=1033 and cbQosObjectsIndex=1093 to match ip telnet, it is directly used by ClassMap Telnet, and therefore the cbQosParentObjectsIndex of match ip telnet will be 1092. Assuming the router assigned a cbQosConfigIndex=1034 and cbQosObjectsIndex=1094 to shape 10000 32 32, it is directly used by ClassMap telnet, therefore the cbQosParentObjectsIndex of match ip telnet will be 1092. *** In Ethernet 0/2 *** Every objects will have a new and unique cbQosPolicyIndex and cbQosObjectsIndex, but cbQosConfigIndex will be shared across the same objects that are applied in different places. ********************************** All Config Tables ********************************** Accessing config related tables requires the same index - cbQosConfigIndex. (Per precedence based tables requires a second index, which is IP precedence value) Users should have already gone through the cbQosObjectsTable at this point and understood each cbQosConfigIndex and the corresponding QoS objects. Users can uniquely identify each QoS object defined on the router and query the entries in each stats table on a per QoS object basis. ********************************** All Stats Tables ********************************** Accessing all stats related tables requires the same 2 indexes. They are cbQosPolicyIndex and cbQosObjectsIndex. (Per precedence based tables requires a third index, which is IP precedence value) Users should have already gone through the cbQosObjectsTable at this point and understood the relationship of each cbQosPolicyIndex and cbQosObjectsIndex pair and the corresponding QoS objects. Users can uniquely identify each QoS object defined on the router and query the entries in each stats table on a per QoS object basis." REVISION "200710090000Z" DESCRIPTION "1. Added cbQosTSCfgRate64 to cbQosTSCfgTable to support shaping rates greater than that fit in the range defined for cbQosTSCfgRate. 2. Created cbQosTSCfgExtGroup. 3. Created new compliance module ciscocbQosMIBComplianceRev5 which deprecates ciscocbQosMIBComplianceRev4." REVISION "200708300000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added 'setL2CosInner' value to PoliceAction TC." REVISION "200707100000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added following enumerations to RedMechanism TC: mplsExp redDefault redUserDefault" REVISION "200409200000Z" DESCRIPTION "1. Added vlan-port as a new InterfaceType. 2. Created cbQosServicePolicyExtGroup." REVISION "200404120000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added support for Estimate Bandwidth and its Corvil implementation. Corvil's algorithm generates the estimated bandwidth for a class of traffic from knowledge of the QoS targets such as delay and drop, and the observed traffic behavior." REVISION "200307240000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added setIpDscpTunnel, setIpPrecedenceTunnel to the PoliceAction TC. Added srpPriority, frFecnBecn, ipDscpTunnel, ipPrecedenceTunnel to the SetFeatureType TC. Added l2Cos, atmClp to the REDMechanism TC. Added cps to the CbQosRateType TC. Added CbQosTMSetType TC. Added cbQosQueueingCfgAggrQLimitTime to the cbQosQueueingCfgTable. Added cbQosREDClassCfgMinThresholdTime, cbQosREDClassCfgMaxThresholdTime to the cbQosREDClassCfgTable. Added cbQosPoliceCfgCellRate, cbQosPoliceCfgCellPir, cbQosPoliceCfgBurstCell, cbQosPoliceCfgExtBurstCell, cbQosPoliceCfgBurstTime, cbQosPoliceCfgExtBurstTime, cbQosPoliceCfgCdvt, cbQosPoliceCfgConformColor, cbQosPoliceCfgExceedColor to the cbQosPoliceCfgTable. Added cbQosTSCfgBurstTime, cbQosTSCfgExtBurstTime to the cbQosTSCfgTable. Added cbQosSetCfgSrpPriority, cbQosSetCfgFrFecnBecn to the cbQosSetCfgTable. Added cbQosSetStatsTable. Added cbQosPoliceColorStatsTable. Added cbQosTableMapCfgTable. Added cbQosTableMapValueCfgTable. Added cbQosTableMapSetCfgTable." REVISION "200306090000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added controlPlane to the InterfaceType TC. Added cbQosEntityIndex to the cbQosServicePolicyTable." REVISION "200301210000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added compression(9) in QosObjectType TC for IPHC; Added setMplsExpTopMost(11) in PoliceAction TC for POLICE; Added mplsExpTopMost(8) in SetFeatureType TC for SET; Added discardClass(13) in REDMechanism TC for WRED; Added CbQosRateType TC for POLICE and SHAPE; Added IPHCOption TC for IPHC; Added cbQosPoliceCfgRateType, cbQosPoliceCfgPercentRateValue, cbQosPoliceCfgPercentPirValue for POLICE; Added cbQosTSCfgRateType, cbQosTSCfgPercentRateValue for SHAPE; Added cbQosSetCfgMplsExpTopMostValue for SET; Added cbQosIPHCCfg and cbQosIPHCStats tables for IPHC." REVISION "200212030000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added new cbQosPoliceCfgRate64 to cbQosPoliceCfgEntry table to support policing rates greater than fit in the range defined for cbQosPoliceCfgRate" REVISION "200207240000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added support for ECN; Pir policing; multiple police actions; added MPLS-EXP/ATM-CLP/DR-DE/ L2Cos/DiscardClass marking in police action; added MPLS-EXP and DiscardClass marking; modified ATM-CLP and FR-DE marking. Added objects to handle queue depth unit type and queue depth pair related objects (e.g., cbQosQueueingCfgQLimitUnits and cbQosQueueingCfgAggregateQLimit pair) to support queue depth in different units." REVISION "200103140000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added support for FR DE, ATM CLP and L2 marking. Added Bandwidth remaining percent option" REVISION "200012080000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added support for Police Violate counters and DSCP WRED counters" REVISION "200007130000Z" DESCRIPTION "Initial version of Class-based QoS configuration and statistical parameters MIB" ::= { ciscoMgmt 166 } -- Textual Conventions QosObjectType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enums to indicate different QoS objects . policymap - The object in query is a PolicyMap, being attached on a logical interface. classmap - The object in query is a ClassMap, being used by it's parent PolicyMap. matchStatement - The object in query is a Match Statement, being used by it's parent ClassMap. queueing - The object in query is a queueing feature being applied on the parent ClassMap. randomDetect - The object in query is a Random Detect feature being applied on the parent ClassMap. trafficShaping - The object in query is a traffic-shaping feature being applied on the parent ClassMap. police - The object in query is a Police feature being applied on the parent ClassMap. set - The object in query is a Packet Marking feature being applied on the parent ClassMap. compression - The object in query is a IP header compression feature being applied on the parent ClassMap. ipslaMeasure - The object in query is Measure IPSLAs feature being applied on the parent ClassMap." SYNTAX INTEGER { policymap(1), classmap(2), matchStatement(3), queueing(4), randomDetect(5), trafficShaping(6), police(7), set(8), compression(9), ipslaMeasure(10) } TrafficDirection ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enums to indicate whether the Policymap is for Input or Output direction." SYNTAX INTEGER { input(1), output(2) } QosClassInfo ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enums to indicate whether the Classmap is for Match All or Match Any." SYNTAX INTEGER { none(1), matchAll(2), matchAny(3) } QosMatchInfo ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enums to indicate whether the MatchStatement is matching on negated criteria (Match Not)." SYNTAX INTEGER { none(1), matchNot(2) } InterfaceType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enums to indicate the type of logical interface to which a particular service policy is attached. Main Interface - Service policy is attached on the main interface. Sub Interface - Service policy is attached on the sub interface. Frame Relay DLCI - Service policy is attached on the a Frame Relay DLCI. ATM VC - Service policy is attached on the an ATM Virtual Circuit. Control Plane - Service policy is attached to the control plane of the device. Vlan Port - Service policy is attached to a particular vlan of a layer 2 interface that can carry traffic on multiple vlans." SYNTAX INTEGER { mainInterface(1), subInterface(2), frDLCI(3), atmPVC(4), controlPlane(5), vlanPort(6) } QueueingBandwidthUnits ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The units of the bandwidth, used to allocate bandwidth. Bandwidth can be either an absolute kbps number, or be expressed as a percentage of the available bandwidth. kbps Kilo bits Per Second percentage %" SYNTAX INTEGER { kbps(1), percentage(2), percentageRemaining(3) } TrafficShapingLimit ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The limit used by the traffic-shaping feature. This value may be 'average' or 'peak', which indicates whether it is shaping by average rate or peak rate." SYNTAX INTEGER { average(1), peak(2) } PoliceAction ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available actions taken on packets upon conforming, exceeding or violating the configured police rate. Transmit - Transmit the packet if the packet conforms or exceeds the configured police rate. Set IP DSCP - Set the IP DSCP value if the packet conforms or exceeds the configured police rate. Set IP Precedence - Set the IP precedence value if the packet conforms or exceeds the configured police rate. Set Qos Group - Set the QoS Group value if the packet conforms or exceeds the configured police rate. Set MPLS Exp - Set the MPLS Experimental Imposition vaule for the applicable action. Set ATM CLP - Set the ATM CLP bit for the applicable action. Set FR DE - Set the FR DE bit for the applicable action. Set L2 COS - Set the 802.1p priority field in 802.1Q VLAN tag for the applicable action. Set Discard Class - Set the Discard Class value for the applicable action. Drop - Drop the packet if the packet conforms or exceeds the configured police rate. Set MPLS Exp TopMost - Set the MPLS Experimental TopMost vaule for the applicable action. Set IP DSCP Tunnel - Set the IP DSCP Tunnel value for the applicable action. Set IP Precedence Tunnel - Set the IP Precedence Tunnel value for the applicable action. Set Inner L2 COS - Set the 802.1p priority field in inner 802.1q VLAN tag (QinQ) for the applicable action." SYNTAX INTEGER { transmit(1), setIpDSCP(2), setIpPrecedence(3), setQosGroup(4), drop(5), setMplsExp(6), setAtmClp(7), setFrDe(8), setL2Cos(9), setDiscardClass(10), setMplsExpTopMost(11), setIpDscpTunnel(12), setIpPrecedenceTunnel(13), setL2CosInner(14) -- QinQ inner L2 CoS } SetFeatureType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Bit-wise representation of packet marking feature available today. For historical reason, both packet marking and SET terms have been used across Cisco Class-Based QOS, but they have the same meaning. This feature is used to mark/set appropriate fields(e.g, dscp, precedence, mpls-experimental -topmost) for applicable packets." SYNTAX BITS { ipDscp(0), ipPrecedence(1), qosGroupNumber(2), frDeBit(3), atmClpBit(4), l2Cos(5), mplsExp(6), discardClass(7), mplsExpTopMost(8), srpPriority(9), frFecnBecn(10), ipDscpTunnel(11), ipPrecedenceTunnel(12) } REDMechanism ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This denotes which mechanism is used with RED. precedence Based on IP precedence dscp Based on DSCP values discardClass Based on discard class l2Cos Based on L2-COS class atmClp Based on ATM-CLP class mplsExp Based on MPLS Experimental values redDefault Default RED profile redUserDefault User specified Default RED profile" SYNTAX INTEGER { precedence(1), dscp(2), discardClass(3), l2Cos(4), atmClp(5), mplsExp(6), redDefault(7), redUserDefault(8) } CbQosQueueUnitType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A value that represents an unit type of queue size. packets(1) Represents the UNITS of 'packets' for queue size. cells(2) Represents the UNITS of 'cells' for queue size. bytes(3) Represents the UNITS of 'bytes' for queue size. ms(4) Represents the UNITS of 'milli-seconds' for queue size us(5) Represents the UNITS of 'micro-seconds' for queue size To support future extensions, the CbQosQueueUnitType textual convention SHOULD NOT be sub-typed in object type definitions. It MAY be sub-typed in compliance statements in order to require only a subset of these queue size types for a compliant implementation. Implementations must ensure that CbQosQueueUnitType objects and any dependent object (e.g. CbQosQueueDepth) are consistent. An inconsistentValue error must be generated if an attempt to change an CbQosQueueUnitType object would lead to an undefined CbQosQueueDepth value. In particular, CbQoSQueueUnitType/CbQosQueueDepth pairs must be changed together if the CbQosQueueUnitType type changes (e.g. from packets(1) to cells(2))." SYNTAX INTEGER { packets(1), cells(2), bytes(3), ms(4), us(5) } CbQosQueueDepth ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Denotes a generic Queue depth value. An CbQoSQueueDepth value is always interpreted within the context of an CbQosQueueUnitType value. Every usage of the CbQosQueueDepth textual convention is required to specify the CbQosQueueUnitType object which provides the context. It is suggested that the CbQoSQueueUnitType object is logically registered before the object(s) which use the CbQosQueueDepth textual convention if they appear in the same logical row. The value of an CbQosQueueDepth object must always be consistent with the value of the associated CbQosQueueUnitType object. Attempts to set an CbQosQueueDepth object to a value which is inconsistent with the associated CbQosQueueUnitType must fail with an inconsistentValue error." SYNTAX Unsigned32 CbQosRateType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of rate. Rate type can be either an absolute bps number, or be expressed as a percentage of the available interface bandwidth, or an absolute cps number. bps Bits Per Second percentage % cps Cells Per Second" SYNTAX INTEGER { bps(1), percentage(2), cps(3) } IPHCOption ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enums to indicate the type of IP header compression. rtp(1) UDP/RTP compression. tcp(2) TCP compression. bothRtpTcp(3) Both UDP/RTP and TCP compression." SYNTAX INTEGER { rtp(1), tcp(2), bothRtpTcp(3) } CbQosTMSetType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The available packet marking types which can use tablemap to establish to-from relationship for enhanced packeting marking." SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), ipDscp(1), ipPrecedence(2), qosGroup(3), l2Cos(4), mplsExpImp(5), mplsExpTop(6) } CbQosEBType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A value that indicates the type of bandwidth estimate algorithm. typeNone no algorithm is selected typeCorvil algorithm based on Corvil bandwidth calculation." SYNTAX INTEGER { typeNone(0), typeCorvil(1) } CbQosEBCtd ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A CTD (Corvil Traffic Descriptor) specific value." SYNTAX OCTET STRING -- Overview of MIB Objects: -- -- Defines 2 groups of objects. ciscoCBQosMIBObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoCBQosMIB 1 } ciscocbQosMIBConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoCBQosMIB 2 } -- object groups cbQosServicePolicy OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoCBQosMIBObjects 1 } cbQosInterfacePolicy OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoCBQosMIBObjects 2 } cbQosFrameRelayVCPolicy OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoCBQosMIBObjects 3 } cbQosATMPVCPolicy OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoCBQosMIBObjects 4 } cbQosObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoCBQosMIBObjects 5 } cbQosPolicyMapCfg OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoCBQosMIBObjects 6 } cbQosClassMapCfg OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoCBQosMIBObjects 7 } cbQosMatchStmtCfg OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoCBQosMIBObjects 8 } cbQosQueueingCfg OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoCBQosMIBObjects 9 } cbQosREDCfg OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoCBQosMIBObjects 10 } cbQosREDClassCfg OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoCBQosMIBObjects 11 } cbQosPoliceCfg OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoCBQosMIBObjects 12 } cbQosTSCfg OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoCBQosMIBObjects 13 } cbQosSetCfg OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoCBQosMIBObjects 14 } cbQosClassMapStats OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoCBQosMIBObjects 15 } cbQosMatchStmtStats OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoCBQosMIBObjects 16 } cbQosPoliceStats OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoCBQosMIBObjects 17 } cbQosQueueingStats OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoCBQosMIBObjects 18 } cbQosTSStats OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoCBQosMIBObjects 19 } cbQosREDClassStats OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoCBQosMIBObjects 20 } cbQosPoliceActionCfg OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoCBQosMIBObjects 21 } cbQosIPHCCfg OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoCBQosMIBObjects 22 } cbQosIPHCStats OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoCBQosMIBObjects 23 } cbQosSetStats OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoCBQosMIBObjects 24 } cbQosPoliceColorStats OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoCBQosMIBObjects 25 } cbQosTableMapCfg OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoCBQosMIBObjects 26 } cbQosTableMapValueCfg OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoCBQosMIBObjects 27 } cbQosTableMapSetCfg OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoCBQosMIBObjects 28 } cbQosEBCfg OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoCBQosMIBObjects 29 } cbQosEBStats OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoCBQosMIBObjects 30 } cbQosMeasureIPSLACfg OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoCBQosMIBObjects 31 } cbQosMeasureIPSLACfgTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CbQosMeasureIPSLACfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table specifies configuration information for measure type IPSLA action. The measure action relates the policy class to a specific IPSLAs auto group. Configuration of measure action of type IPSLA results in automatic generation of IPSLAs synthetic test operations when the policy is attached to interface. The operations are created according to the characteristics specified and to the destinations specified in IPSLA auto group. The IPSLAs sythentic test operations measure network statistics such as latency, packet loss and jitter. This table is to be used only for retrieving the measure action configuration information." ::= { cbQosMeasureIPSLACfg 1 } cbQosMeasureIPSLACfgEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CbQosMeasureIPSLACfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each entry describes configuration information about one instance of IPSLAs measure action in the policy map. The table is indexed by the cbQosConfigIndex and cbQosMeasureIPSLACfgGroupIndex." INDEX { cbQosConfigIndex, cbQosMeasureIPSLACfgGroupIndex } ::= { cbQosMeasureIPSLACfgTable 1 } CbQosMeasureIPSLACfgEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cbQosMeasureIPSLACfgGroupIndex Unsigned32, cbQosMeasureIPSLACfgGroupName DisplayString } cbQosMeasureIPSLACfgGroupIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary (system-assigned) index for each instance of IPSLAs measure action. The index is unique for each instance for a particular class in particular policy-map. For example consider following configuration: policy-map p1 class c1 measure type ip-sla group g1 measure type ip-sla group g2 class c2 measure type ip-sla group g3 In this case the cbQosMeasureIPSLACfgGroupIndex value for first measure action instance under class c1 will be 1, for second instance it will be 1, and so on. The value for the index will start over again from 1 for class c2." ::= { cbQosMeasureIPSLACfgEntry 1 } cbQosMeasureIPSLACfgGroupName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IPSLAs auto group name. Group is an aggregation of operations sharing the same type, for example udp-jitter type, with common characteristics like frequency, interval etc. Groups are formed by policies dictated either by customer, or by service level or any other requirements." ::= { cbQosMeasureIPSLACfgEntry 2 } -- The cbQosServicePolicy group cbQosServicePolicyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CbQosServicePolicyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table describes the logical interfaces/media types and the policymap that are attached to it." ::= { cbQosServicePolicy 1 } cbQosServicePolicyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CbQosServicePolicyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each entry in this table describes to which a logical interface a given policymap is attached. Depending on the logical interface/media type, some fields may have meaningful values, and some may not. Please see each individual descriptions." INDEX { cbQosPolicyIndex } ::= { cbQosServicePolicyTable 1 } CbQosServicePolicyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cbQosPolicyIndex Unsigned32, cbQosIfType InterfaceType, cbQosPolicyDirection TrafficDirection, cbQosIfIndex InterfaceIndex, cbQosFrDLCI DlciNumber, cbQosAtmVPI Unsigned32, cbQosAtmVCI Unsigned32, cbQosEntityIndex EntPhysicalIndexOrZero, cbQosVlanIndex VlanIndex } cbQosPolicyIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary (system-assigned) index for all service policies (PolicyMap that has been attached to a given logical interface)." ::= { cbQosServicePolicyEntry 1 } cbQosIfType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This describes the logical interface/media type to which this service policy is attached." ::= { cbQosServicePolicyEntry 2 } cbQosPolicyDirection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TrafficDirection MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This indicates the direction of traffic for which this service policy is applied." ::= { cbQosServicePolicyEntry 3 } cbQosIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ifIndex for the interface to which this service is attached. This field makes sense only if the logical interface has a snmp ifIndex. For e.g. the value of this field is meaningless when the cbQosIfType is controlPlane." ::= { cbQosServicePolicyEntry 4 } cbQosFrDLCI OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DlciNumber MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DLCI for the FRVC to which this service is attached. This field only make sense if the service policy is attached to a Frame Relay DLCI." ::= { cbQosServicePolicyEntry 5 } cbQosAtmVPI OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..4095 ) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VPI for the ATMVC to which this service is attached. This field only make sense if the service policy is attached to a ATM VC." ::= { cbQosServicePolicyEntry 6 } cbQosAtmVCI OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535 ) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VCI for the ATMVC to which this service is attached. This field only make sense if the service policy is attached to a ATM VC." ::= { cbQosServicePolicyEntry 7 } cbQosEntityIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EntPhysicalIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "In cases where the policy is attached to an entity e.g. control-plane, this object represents the entity physical index of the entity to which the policy has been attached. A value zero may be returned if the policy is not attached to a physical entity or the entPhysicalTable is not supported on the SNMP agent." ::= { cbQosServicePolicyEntry 8 } cbQosVlanIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VlanIndex MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If the service policy is attached to a particular vlan on a trunk or multi-vlan access port, then this object specifies the corresponding VLAN. In all other cases the value of this object is '0'." ::= { cbQosServicePolicyEntry 9 } -- End of the cbQosServicePolicy group -- -- -- Beginning of cbQosInterfaceTable cbQosInterfacePolicyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CbQosInterfacePolicyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table describes the service polices that are attached to main and sub interfaces." ::= { cbQosInterfacePolicy 1 } cbQosInterfacePolicyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CbQosInterfacePolicyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Using ifIndex and Direction, each unique index pair translates to a service policy that is attached to a main/sub interface, for particular traffic direction." INDEX { ifIndex, cbQosPolicyDirection } ::= { cbQosInterfacePolicyTable 1 } CbQosInterfacePolicyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cbQosIFPolicyIndex Unsigned32 } cbQosIFPolicyIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary (system-assigned) index for all Service Policies. This is identical to cbQosPolicyIndex." ::= { cbQosInterfacePolicyEntry 1 } -- End of cbQosInterfaceTable -- -- Beginning of cbQosFrameRelayVCPolicy cbQosFrameRelayPolicyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CbQosFrameRelayPolicyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table describes the service polices that are attached to Frame Relay DLCIs." ::= { cbQosFrameRelayVCPolicy 1 } cbQosFrameRelayPolicyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CbQosFrameRelayPolicyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Using ifIndex, FR DLCI, and Direction, each unique index combination translates to a service policy that is attached to a FR DLCI, for particular traffic direction." INDEX { ifIndex, cbQosFrDLCI, cbQosPolicyDirection } ::= { cbQosFrameRelayPolicyTable 1 } CbQosFrameRelayPolicyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cbQosFRPolicyIndex Unsigned32 } cbQosFRPolicyIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary (system-assigned) index for all Service Policies. This is identical to cbQosPolicyIndex." ::= { cbQosFrameRelayPolicyEntry 1 } -- End of cbQosFrameRelayTable -- -- -- Beginning of cbQosATMPVCPolicy cbQosATMPVCPolicyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CbQosATMPVCPolicyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table describes the policies that are attached to a ATM PVC." ::= { cbQosATMPVCPolicy 1 } cbQosATMPVCPolicyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CbQosATMPVCPolicyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Using ifIndex, VPI, VCI, and Direction, each unique index combination translates to a service policy that is attached to a ATM VC, for particular traffic direction." INDEX { ifIndex, cbQosAtmVPI, cbQosAtmVCI, cbQosPolicyDirection } ::= { cbQosATMPVCPolicyTable 1 } CbQosATMPVCPolicyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cbQosATMPolicyIndex Unsigned32 } cbQosATMPolicyIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary (system-assigned) index for all Service Policies. This is identical to cbQosPolicyIndex." ::= { cbQosATMPVCPolicyEntry 1 } -- End of cbQosATMPVCTable -- -- -- The cbQosObjects group -- -- cbQosObjects Table cbQosObjectsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CbQosObjectsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table specifies QoS objects (classmap, policymap, match statements, and actions) hierarchy. This table also provide relationship between each PolicyIndex/ObjectsIndex pair and the ConfigIndex. ConfigIndex is essential for querying any configuration tables." ::= { cbQosObjects 1 } cbQosObjectsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CbQosObjectsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A QoS object entry. Objects covered in this table are PolicyMap, ClassMap, Match Statements, and Actions. Each entry is indexed by system-generated cbQosPolicyIndex, and cbQosObjectsIndex, which represents a runtime instance of a QoS object. In conjunction with the cbQosParentObjectsIndex, a management station can determine the hierarchical relationship of those QoS objects. Given that classmaps and service policies can be nested entites, each entry in this table represents a unique instance of such object. Each runtime object instance has a corresponding config object, which contains the configuration information of such QoS object. The config object is indexed by cbQosConfigIndex." INDEX { cbQosPolicyIndex, cbQosObjectsIndex } ::= { cbQosObjectsTable 1 } CbQosObjectsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cbQosObjectsIndex Unsigned32, cbQosConfigIndex Unsigned32, cbQosObjectsType QosObjectType, cbQosParentObjectsIndex Unsigned32 } cbQosObjectsIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary (system-assigned) instance specific index for cbQosObjectsEntry." ::= { cbQosObjectsEntry 1 } cbQosConfigIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary (system-assigned) config (instance independent) index for each Object. Each objects having the same configuration share the same config index." ::= { cbQosObjectsEntry 2 } cbQosObjectsType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX QosObjectType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of the QoS object." ::= { cbQosObjectsEntry 3 } cbQosParentObjectsIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The parent instance index of a QoS object. For a ClassMap, the parent index would be the index of the attached PolicyMap. For a Match Statement, the parent index would be the index of the ClassMap that uses this Match Statement. For an action, the parent index would be the index of the ClassMap that applies such Action. For a non-hierarchical PolicyMap, the parent would be the logical interface to which the policy is attached, thus the parent index would be 0. For a hierarchical PolicyMap, the parent index would be the index of the ClassMap to which the nested policy is attached." ::= { cbQosObjectsEntry 4 } -- end of cbQosObjectsTable -- -- -- Start of cbQosPolicyMapCfgTable cbQosPolicyMapCfgTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CbQosPolicyMapCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table specifies Policymap configuration information" ::= { cbQosPolicyMapCfg 1 } cbQosPolicyMapCfgEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CbQosPolicyMapCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each entry in this table describes configuration information about a policymap. The information includes: Name, and it's description. This table contains configuration information only, no statistics associated with it. Therefore, it is indexed by the cbQosConfigIndex of each PolicyMap." INDEX { cbQosConfigIndex } ::= { cbQosPolicyMapCfgTable 1 } CbQosPolicyMapCfgEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cbQosPolicyMapName DisplayString, cbQosPolicyMapDesc DisplayString } cbQosPolicyMapName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Name of the Policymap." ::= { cbQosPolicyMapCfgEntry 1 } cbQosPolicyMapDesc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description of the PolicyMap." ::= { cbQosPolicyMapCfgEntry 2 } -- Start of cbQosPolicyMapCfgTable -- -- -- Start of cbQosCMCfg Group cbQosCMCfgTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CbQosCMCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table specifies ClassMap configuration information" ::= { cbQosClassMapCfg 1 } cbQosCMCfgEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CbQosCMCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each entry in this table describes configuration information about a classmap. The information includes: Name, and it's description and whether it is a Match-All or Match-Any class. This table contains configuration information only, no statistics associated with it. Therefore, it is indexed by the cbQosConfigIndex of each ClassMap." INDEX { cbQosConfigIndex } ::= { cbQosCMCfgTable 1 } CbQosCMCfgEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cbQosCMName DisplayString, cbQosCMDesc DisplayString, cbQosCMInfo QosClassInfo } cbQosCMName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Name of the Classmap." ::= { cbQosCMCfgEntry 1 } cbQosCMDesc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description of the Classmap." ::= { cbQosCMCfgEntry 2 } cbQosCMInfo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX QosClassInfo MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Match all vs Match any in a given class." ::= { cbQosCMCfgEntry 3 } -- End of cbQosCMCfg Group -- -- -- Start of cbQosMatchStmtCfgTable cbQosMatchStmtCfgTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CbQosMatchStmtCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table specifies ClassMap configuration information" ::= { cbQosMatchStmtCfg 1 } cbQosMatchStmtCfgEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CbQosMatchStmtCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each entry in this table describes configuration information about a MatchStatement. The information includes: Name, and whether it is a Match or Match-Not statement. This table contains configuration information only, no statistics associated with it. Therefore, it is indexed by the cbQosConfigIndex of each MatchStatement." INDEX { cbQosConfigIndex } ::= { cbQosMatchStmtCfgTable 1 } CbQosMatchStmtCfgEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cbQosMatchStmtName DisplayString, cbQosMatchStmtInfo QosMatchInfo } cbQosMatchStmtName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Name of the Match Statement." ::= { cbQosMatchStmtCfgEntry 1 } cbQosMatchStmtInfo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX QosMatchInfo MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Match vs Match Not in a given class." ::= { cbQosMatchStmtCfgEntry 2 } -- End of cbQosMatchStmtCfgTable -- -- -- Start of cbQosQueueingCfgTable cbQosQueueingCfgTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CbQosQueueingCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table specifies Queueing Action configuration information" ::= { cbQosQueueingCfg 1 } cbQosQueueingCfgEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CbQosQueueingCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each entry in this table describes configuration information about a queueing action. The information includes: Bandwidth, Units, Flow Enabled, Priority Enabled, and Q size. This table contains configuration information only, no statistics associated with it. Therefore, it is indexed by the cbQosConfigIndex of each Queueing Action." INDEX { cbQosConfigIndex } ::= { cbQosQueueingCfgTable 1 } CbQosQueueingCfgEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cbQosQueueingCfgBandwidth Integer32, cbQosQueueingCfgBandwidthUnits QueueingBandwidthUnits, cbQosQueueingCfgFlowEnabled TruthValue, cbQosQueueingCfgPriorityEnabled TruthValue, cbQosQueueingCfgAggregateQSize Integer32, cbQosQueueingCfgIndividualQSize Integer32, cbQosQueueingCfgDynamicQNumber Integer32, cbQosQueueingCfgPrioBurstSize Unsigned32, cbQosQueueingCfgQLimitUnits CbQosQueueUnitType, cbQosQueueingCfgAggregateQLimit CbQosQueueDepth, cbQosQueueingCfgAggrQLimitTime Unsigned32 } cbQosQueueingCfgBandwidth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2000000 ) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The configured bandwidth allocated to this traffic class. In the case of a bandwidth policy, this value represents a minimum b/w guarantee for the traffic class. In the case of a priority policy, this value represents the maximum rate at which priority service is guaranteed." ::= { cbQosQueueingCfgEntry 1 } cbQosQueueingCfgBandwidthUnits OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX QueueingBandwidthUnits MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Units of the accompanying cbQosQueueingCfgbandwidth parameter." ::= { cbQosQueueingCfgEntry 2 } cbQosQueueingCfgFlowEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Boolean to indicate if flow-based fair-queue is enabled for this class." ::= { cbQosQueueingCfgEntry 3 } cbQosQueueingCfgPriorityEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Boolean to indicate if low latency queueing (priority) is enabled for this class." ::= { cbQosQueueingCfgEntry 4 } cbQosQueueingCfgAggregateQSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..65535 ) UNITS "Packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Maximum number of packets that can be held in all the individual queues associated with this class before packets are dropped. This object is deprecated by cbQosQueueingCfgAggregateQLimit." ::= { cbQosQueueingCfgEntry 5 } cbQosQueueingCfgIndividualQSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..32768 ) UNITS "Packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Maximum number of packets that can be held in an individual Flow-based fair-queue associated with this class before it drops packets (once the AggregateQSize has been reached). This field only makes sense in the context of Flow-based fair-queueing." ::= { cbQosQueueingCfgEntry 6 } cbQosQueueingCfgDynamicQNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..32768 ) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of dynamic queues supported when flow-based fair-queue is in use." ::= { cbQosQueueingCfgEntry 7 } cbQosQueueingCfgPrioBurstSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (32..64000000 ) UNITS "Bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "In the priority queue, this is the number of bytes allowed in a single burst. This parameter only makes sense if Priority is enabled" ::= { cbQosQueueingCfgEntry 8 } cbQosQueueingCfgQLimitUnits OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CbQosQueueUnitType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Represents the unit type of cbQosQueueingCfgAggregateQLimit object." ::= { cbQosQueueingCfgEntry 9 } cbQosQueueingCfgAggregateQLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CbQosQueueDepth MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Maximum allowed queue size for all the individual queues associated with this class. When the queue size exceed this value, the packets will be dropped." ::= { cbQosQueueingCfgEntry 10 } cbQosQueueingCfgAggrQLimitTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "milli-seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Maximum allowed queue size in milli-seconds for all individual queues associated with this class. It is internally converted to bytes by using the bandwidth that is available for the class." ::= { cbQosQueueingCfgEntry 11 } -- End of cbQosQueueingCfg Group -- -- -- The cbQosREDCfg group -- -- cbQosREDTable cbQosREDCfgTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CbQosREDCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table specifies WRED Action configuration information" ::= { cbQosREDCfg 1 } cbQosREDCfgEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CbQosREDCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each entry in this table describes configuration information about a WRED Action. The table holds global (per traffic class) configuration like: Expon Weight and Mean Q size. This table contains configuration information only, no statistics associated with it. Therefore, it is indexed by the cbQosConfigIndex of each WRED Action." INDEX { cbQosConfigIndex } ::= { cbQosREDCfgTable 1 } CbQosREDCfgEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cbQosREDCfgExponWeight Integer32, cbQosREDCfgMeanQsize Integer32, cbQosREDCfgDscpPrec REDMechanism, cbQosREDCfgECNEnabled TruthValue } cbQosREDCfgExponWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..16 ) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The decay factor for the queue average calculation. The decay factor is equal to raising 2 to the power of N, where N could be up to 16. The smaller the number, the faster it decays." ::= { cbQosREDCfgEntry 1 } cbQosREDCfgMeanQsize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..65535 ) UNITS "Packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The average queue size, computed and used by the WRED algorithm. This is deprecated by cbQosREDMeanQsize." ::= { cbQosREDCfgEntry 2 } cbQosREDCfgDscpPrec OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX REDMechanism MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Classification mechanism used by RED" ::= { cbQosREDCfgEntry 3 } cbQosREDCfgECNEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Boolean to indicate if explicit congestion notification enabled for this class." ::= { cbQosREDCfgEntry 4 } -- end of cbQosREDCfgTable -- -- -- cbQosREDClassCfg Group cbQosREDClassCfgTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CbQosREDClassCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table specifies WRED Action configuration information on a per IP precedence basis." ::= { cbQosREDClassCfg 1 } cbQosREDClassCfgEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CbQosREDClassCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each entry in this table describes configuration information about a WRED Action. The table holds the per IP precedence based WRED configuration parameters. This table contains configuration information only, no statistics associated with it. Therefore, it is indexed by the cbQosConfigIndex and cbQosREDValue of each WRED Action." INDEX { cbQosConfigIndex, cbQosREDValue } ::= { cbQosREDClassCfgTable 1 } CbQosREDClassCfgEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cbQosREDValue Integer32, cbQosREDCfgMinThreshold Integer32, cbQosREDCfgMaxThreshold Integer32, cbQosREDCfgPktDropProb Integer32, cbQosREDClassCfgThresholdUnit CbQosQueueUnitType, cbQosREDClassCfgMinThreshold CbQosQueueDepth, cbQosREDClassCfgMaxThreshold CbQosQueueDepth, cbQosREDClassCfgMinThresholdTime Unsigned32, cbQosREDClassCfgMaxThresholdTime Unsigned32 } cbQosREDValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..63 ) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP precedence or IP DSCP of this entry." ::= { cbQosREDClassCfgEntry 1 } cbQosREDCfgMinThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..32768 ) UNITS "Packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Minimum threshold in number of packets. When the average queue length reaches this number, WRED begins to drop packets with the specified IP precedence. This is deprecated by cbQosREDClassCfgMinThreshold." ::= { cbQosREDClassCfgEntry 2 } cbQosREDCfgMaxThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..32768 ) UNITS "Packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Maximum threshold in number of packets. When the average queue length exceeds this number, WRED drops all packets with the specified IP precedence. This is deprecated by cbQosREDClassCfgMaxThreshold." ::= { cbQosREDClassCfgEntry 3 } cbQosREDCfgPktDropProb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..65536 ) UNITS "" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Denominator for the fraction of packets dropped when the average queue depth is MaxDepthThreshold. For example, if the denominator is 10, one out of every 10 packets is dropped when the average queue is at the MaxDepthThreshold." ::= { cbQosREDClassCfgEntry 4 } cbQosREDClassCfgThresholdUnit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CbQosQueueUnitType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Represents the unit type to measure the RED thresholds. The objects covered are cbQosREDClassCfgMinThreshold and cbQosREDClassCfgMaxThreshold." ::= { cbQosREDClassCfgEntry 5 } cbQosREDClassCfgMinThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CbQosQueueDepth MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The minimum WRED threshold value. When the average queue length reaches this number, WRED begins to drop packets according to REDMechanism specificed in cbQosREDCfgDscpPrec." ::= { cbQosREDClassCfgEntry 6 } cbQosREDClassCfgMaxThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CbQosQueueDepth MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The maximum WRED threshold value. When the average queue length exceeds this number, WRED drops all packets according to REDMechanism specificed in cbQosREDCfgDscpPrec." ::= { cbQosREDClassCfgEntry 7 } cbQosREDClassCfgMinThresholdTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "milli-seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The minimum WRED threshold value specified in milli-seconds. The milli-second value is internally converted to bytes by using the bandwidth that is available for the class." ::= { cbQosREDClassCfgEntry 8 } cbQosREDClassCfgMaxThresholdTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "milli-seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The maximum WRED threshold value specified in milli-seconds. The milli-second value is internally converted to bytes by using the bandwidth that is available for the class." ::= { cbQosREDClassCfgEntry 9 } -- end of cbQosREDClassCfg Group -- -- -- Start of cbQosPoliceCfg Group cbQosPoliceCfgTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CbQosPoliceCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table specifies Police Action configuration information." ::= { cbQosPoliceCfg 1 } cbQosPoliceCfgEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CbQosPoliceCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each entry in this table describes configuration information about a Police Action. The table holds Policy configuration parameters, such as rate, burst size, and actions based on traffic rates. This table contains configuration information only, no statistics associated with it. Therefore, it is indexed by the cbQosConfigIndex." INDEX { cbQosConfigIndex } ::= { cbQosPoliceCfgTable 1 } CbQosPoliceCfgEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cbQosPoliceCfgRate Unsigned32, cbQosPoliceCfgBurstSize Unsigned32, cbQosPoliceCfgExtBurstSize Unsigned32, cbQosPoliceCfgConformAction PoliceAction, cbQosPoliceCfgConformSetValue Unsigned32, cbQosPoliceCfgExceedAction PoliceAction, cbQosPoliceCfgExceedSetValue Unsigned32, cbQosPoliceCfgViolateAction PoliceAction, cbQosPoliceCfgViolateSetValue Unsigned32, cbQosPoliceCfgPir Unsigned32, cbQosPoliceCfgRate64 Unsigned64, cbQosPoliceCfgRateType CbQosRateType, cbQosPoliceCfgPercentRateValue Unsigned32, cbQosPoliceCfgPercentPirValue Unsigned32, cbQosPoliceCfgCellRate Unsigned32, cbQosPoliceCfgCellPir Unsigned32, cbQosPoliceCfgBurstCell Unsigned32, cbQosPoliceCfgExtBurstCell Unsigned32, cbQosPoliceCfgBurstTime Unsigned32, cbQosPoliceCfgExtBurstTime Unsigned32, cbQosPoliceCfgCdvt Unsigned32, cbQosPoliceCfgConformColor DisplayString, cbQosPoliceCfgExceedColor DisplayString } cbQosPoliceCfgRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (8000..2000000000 ) UNITS "bits/second" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The committed policing rate. This is the sustained rate permitted by policing. If a committed policing rate greater than 2000000000 is configurable on the system, then the configured rate is available in cbQosPoliceCfgRate64." ::= { cbQosPoliceCfgEntry 1 } cbQosPoliceCfgBurstSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1000..512000000 ) UNITS "Octets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The amount of traffic, in bytes, in excess of the committed policing rate that will be permitted by the policing feature." ::= { cbQosPoliceCfgEntry 2 } cbQosPoliceCfgExtBurstSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1000..512000000 ) UNITS "Octets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The amount of traffic, in bytes, in excess of the burst limit, which may be conditionally permitted by the policing feature. The probability that the traffic is not permitted increases as the received burst size increases." ::= { cbQosPoliceCfgEntry 3 } cbQosPoliceCfgConformAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PoliceAction MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Action to be taken when the traffic is within the configured rate, that is, the traffic rate is conforming. This object is deprecated and defined in cbQosPoliceActionCfgTable." ::= { cbQosPoliceCfgEntry 4 } cbQosPoliceCfgConformSetValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..99 ) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "New packet attribute values for each packets that conforms to the configured Police rate. This object is deprecated and defined in cbQosPoliceActionCfgTable." ::= { cbQosPoliceCfgEntry 5 } cbQosPoliceCfgExceedAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PoliceAction MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Action to be taken when the traffic exceeds the configured rate, that is, the traffic is non-conforming. This object is deprecated and defined in cbQosPoliceActionCfgTable." ::= { cbQosPoliceCfgEntry 6 } cbQosPoliceCfgExceedSetValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..99 ) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "New packet attribute values for each packets that conforms to the configured Police rate. This object is deprecated and defined in cbQosPoliceActionCfgTable." ::= { cbQosPoliceCfgEntry 7 } cbQosPoliceCfgViolateAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PoliceAction MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Action to be taken when the traffic exceeds the conform and exceed token buckets. This object is deprecated and defined in cbQosPoliceActionCfgTable." ::= { cbQosPoliceCfgEntry 8 } cbQosPoliceCfgViolateSetValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..99 ) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "New packet attribute values for each packets that conforms to the Police violate action. The packet attibute values depend on the action that is taken for the particular packet. For example, if the action was to set the dscp value, this entry describes the value it is set to. This object is deprecated and defined in cbQosPoliceActionCfgTable." ::= { cbQosPoliceCfgEntry 9 } cbQosPoliceCfgPir OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (8000..2000000000 ) UNITS "bits/second" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The committed policing rate. This is the peak rate permitted by two rate policing." ::= { cbQosPoliceCfgEntry 10 } cbQosPoliceCfgRate64 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned64 UNITS "bits/second" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The committed policing rate. This is the sustained rate permitted by policing." ::= { cbQosPoliceCfgEntry 11 } cbQosPoliceCfgRateType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CbQosRateType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The rate type that configured for CIR & PIR. 1 means rates are configured in bps. 2 means rates are configured in percentage. 3 means rates are configured in cps." ::= { cbQosPoliceCfgEntry 12 } cbQosPoliceCfgPercentRateValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..100 ) UNITS "% of Interface Bandwidth" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The committed policing rate in percentage. Its value is valid only when cbQosPoliceCfgRateType equals to 2." ::= { cbQosPoliceCfgEntry 13 } cbQosPoliceCfgPercentPirValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..100 ) UNITS "% of Interface Bandwidth" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The peak policing rate in percentage. Its value is valid only when cbQosPoliceCfgRateType equals to 2." ::= { cbQosPoliceCfgEntry 14 } cbQosPoliceCfgCellRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "cells/second" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The committed policing rate in cells/second. Its value is valid only when cbQosPoliceCfgRateType equals to 3." ::= { cbQosPoliceCfgEntry 15 } cbQosPoliceCfgCellPir OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "cells/second" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The peak policing rate in cells/second. Its value is valid only when cbQosPoliceCfgRateType equals to 3." ::= { cbQosPoliceCfgEntry 16 } cbQosPoliceCfgBurstCell OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..9660377 ) UNITS "Cells" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The amount of traffic, in cells, in excess of the committed policing rate that will be permitted by the policing feature." ::= { cbQosPoliceCfgEntry 17 } cbQosPoliceCfgExtBurstCell OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..9660377 ) UNITS "Cells" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The amount of traffic, in cells, in excess of the burst limit, which may be conditionally permitted by the policing feature. The probability that the traffic is not permitted increases as the received burst size increases." ::= { cbQosPoliceCfgEntry 18 } cbQosPoliceCfgBurstTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..2000 ) UNITS "milli-seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The amount of traffic time, in ms, in excess of the committed policing rate that will be permitted by the policing feature. The milli-second value is internally converted to bytes by using the bandwidth that is available for the class." ::= { cbQosPoliceCfgEntry 19 } cbQosPoliceCfgExtBurstTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..2000 ) UNITS "milli-seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The amount of traffic time, in ms, in excess of the burst limit, which may be conditionally permitted by the policing feature. The probability that the traffic is not permitted increases as the received burst size increases. The milli-second value is internally converted to bytes by using the bandwidth that is available for the class." ::= { cbQosPoliceCfgEntry 20 } cbQosPoliceCfgCdvt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..1000000 ) UNITS "micro-second" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ATM Cell Delay Variation Tolerance value." ::= { cbQosPoliceCfgEntry 21 } cbQosPoliceCfgConformColor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Classmap name used in AF color-aware mode to specify the conform-color for the incoming packets which was marked by the previous node. At least conform-color must be specified. If only conform-color is specified, all other packets are assumed to be marked exceed. See RFC 2697, A Single Rate Three Color Marker. See RFC 2698, A Two Rate Three Color Marker." ::= { cbQosPoliceCfgEntry 22 } cbQosPoliceCfgExceedColor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Classmap name used in AF color-aware mode to specify the exceed-color for the incoming packets which was marked by the previous node. If both conform-color and exceed-color are specified, all other packets are assumed to be marked violate. Violate-color configuration is not needed." ::= { cbQosPoliceCfgEntry 23 } -- end of cbQosPoliceCfg Group -- -- -- Start of cbQosPoliceActionCfg Group cbQosPoliceActionCfgTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CbQosPoliceActionCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table specifies Police Action configuration information." ::= { cbQosPoliceActionCfg 1 } cbQosPoliceActionCfgEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CbQosPoliceActionCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each entry in this table describes configuration information about Actions for one Police. The table holds Police action specific configuration parameters. This table is a sub-table for cbQosPoliceCfgTable. There is a 1-to-1 association between one entry here and one entry in cbQosPoliceCfgTable. This table contains configuration information only, no statistics associated with it. This table has two indices. The first is cbQosConfigIndex which is drived directly from cbQosPoliceCfgTable to keep the 1-to-1 mapping nature between two tables. The second is cbQosPoliceActionCfgIndex used to reference the actual actions configured. The maximum number of actions supported is determined by the system, which is 5 currently." INDEX { cbQosConfigIndex, cbQosPoliceActionCfgIndex } ::= { cbQosPoliceActionCfgTable 1 } CbQosPoliceActionCfgEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cbQosPoliceActionCfgIndex Unsigned32, cbQosPoliceActionCfgConform PoliceAction, cbQosPoliceActionCfgConformSetValue Unsigned32, cbQosPoliceActionCfgExceed PoliceAction, cbQosPoliceActionCfgExceedSetValue Unsigned32, cbQosPoliceActionCfgViolate PoliceAction, cbQosPoliceActionCfgViolateSetValue Unsigned32 } cbQosPoliceActionCfgIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary (system-assigned) index for police actions that are defined by a police configuration." ::= { cbQosPoliceActionCfgEntry 1 } cbQosPoliceActionCfgConform OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PoliceAction MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Action to be taken when the traffic exceeds the conform and exceed token buckets." ::= { cbQosPoliceActionCfgEntry 2 } cbQosPoliceActionCfgConformSetValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..99 ) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "New packet attribute values for each packet set by police action defined in cbQosPoliceActionCfgConform. This object will be set to zero if the corresponding police action does not require a set value, such as no action, drop action or transmit action." ::= { cbQosPoliceActionCfgEntry 3 } cbQosPoliceActionCfgExceed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PoliceAction MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Action to be taken when the traffic exceeds the conform and exceed token buckets." ::= { cbQosPoliceActionCfgEntry 4 } cbQosPoliceActionCfgExceedSetValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..99 ) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "New packet attribute values for each packet set by police action defined in cbQosPoliceActionCfgExceed. This object will be set to zero if the corresponding police action does not require a set value, such as no action, drop action or transmit action." ::= { cbQosPoliceActionCfgEntry 5 } cbQosPoliceActionCfgViolate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PoliceAction MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Action to be taken when the traffic exceeds the conform and exceed token buckets." ::= { cbQosPoliceActionCfgEntry 6 } cbQosPoliceActionCfgViolateSetValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..99 ) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "New packet attribute values for each packet set by police action defined in cbQosPoliceActionCfgViolate. This object will be set to zero if the corresponding police action does not require a set value, such as no action, drop action or transmit action." ::= { cbQosPoliceActionCfgEntry 7 } -- end of cbQosPoliceActionCfg Group -- -- -- The cbQosTSCfg group -- -- cbQosTSCfgTable cbQosTSCfgTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CbQosTSCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table specifies traffic-shaping Action configuration information." ::= { cbQosTSCfg 1 } cbQosTSCfgEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CbQosTSCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each entry in this table describes configuration information about a traffic-shaping Action. The table holds Traffic Shaping configuration parameters, such as rate, burst size, and Shaping types. This table contains configuration information only, no statistics associated with it. Therefore, it is indexed by the cbQosConfigIndex." INDEX { cbQosConfigIndex } ::= { cbQosTSCfgTable 1 } CbQosTSCfgEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cbQosTSCfgRate Integer32, cbQosTSCfgBurstSize Integer32, cbQosTSCfgExtBurstSize Integer32, cbQosTSCfgAdaptiveEnabled TruthValue, cbQosTSCfgAdaptiveRate Integer32, cbQosTSCfgLimitType TrafficShapingLimit, cbQosTSCfgRateType CbQosRateType, cbQosTSCfgPercentRateValue Unsigned32, cbQosTSCfgBurstTime Unsigned32, cbQosTSCfgExtBurstTime Unsigned32, cbQosTSCfgRate64 Unsigned64 } cbQosTSCfgRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (8000..154400000) UNITS "bits/second" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The committed traffic-shaping rate. This is the sustained rate permitted by the traffic-shaping." ::= { cbQosTSCfgEntry 1 } cbQosTSCfgBurstSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (256..154400000 ) UNITS "bits" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The amount of traffic, in bits, in excess of the committed traffic-shaping rate that will be instantaneously permitted by this feature." ::= { cbQosTSCfgEntry 2 } cbQosTSCfgExtBurstSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..154400000 ) UNITS "bits" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The amount of traffic, in bits, in excess of the burst limit, which may be conditionally permitted by traffic-shaping feature." ::= { cbQosTSCfgEntry 3 } cbQosTSCfgAdaptiveEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates is adaptive traffic-shaping has been enabled." ::= { cbQosTSCfgEntry 4 } cbQosTSCfgAdaptiveRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (8000..154400000 ) UNITS "bits/second" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object represents the current adaptive traffic shaping rate." ::= { cbQosTSCfgEntry 5 } cbQosTSCfgLimitType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TrafficShapingLimit MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates if traffic-shaping is limiting traffic based on the peak rate or the average rate." ::= { cbQosTSCfgEntry 6 } cbQosTSCfgRateType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CbQosRateType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The rate type that configured for traffic-shaping. 1 means rate is configured in bps. 2 means rate is configured in percentage." ::= { cbQosTSCfgEntry 7 } cbQosTSCfgPercentRateValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..100 ) UNITS "% of Interface Bandwidth" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The committed traffic-shaping rate in percentage. Its value is valid only when cbQosTSCfgRateType equals to 2." ::= { cbQosTSCfgEntry 8 } cbQosTSCfgBurstTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..2000 ) UNITS "milli-seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The amount of traffic, in ms, in excess of the committed traffic-shaping rate that will be instantaneously permitted by this feature. The milli-second value is internally converted to bits by using the bandwidth that is available for the class." ::= { cbQosTSCfgEntry 9 } cbQosTSCfgExtBurstTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..2000 ) UNITS "milli-seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The amount of traffic, in ms, in excess of the burst limit, which may be conditionnally permitted by traffic-shaping feature. The milli-second value is internally converted to bits by using the bandwidth that is available for the class." ::= { cbQosTSCfgEntry 10 } cbQosTSCfgRate64 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned64 UNITS "bits/second" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The committed shape rate. This is the sustained rate permitted by shaping. This object represents the 64 bit value of object cbQosTSCfgRate" ::= { cbQosTSCfgEntry 11 } -- end of cbQosTSCfgTable -- -- The cbQosSetCfgObject group -- -- cbQosSetCfg cbQosSetCfgTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CbQosSetCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table specifies Packet Marking Action configuration information." ::= { cbQosSetCfg 1 } cbQosSetCfgEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CbQosSetCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each entry in this table describes configuration information about a Packet Marking Action. The table holds Packet Marking configuration parameters, such as type of packet marking and values being set to. This table contains configuration information only, no statistics associated with it. Therefore, it is indexed by the cbQosConfigIndex." INDEX { cbQosConfigIndex } ::= { cbQosSetCfgTable 1 } CbQosSetCfgEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cbQosSetCfgFeature SetFeatureType, cbQosSetCfgIpDSCPValue Integer32, cbQosSetCfgIpPrecedenceValue Integer32, cbQosSetCfgQosGroupValue Integer32, cbQosSetCfgL2CosValue Integer32, cbQosSetCfgMplsExpValue Unsigned32, cbQosSetCfgDiscardClassValue Unsigned32, cbQosSetCfgMplsExpTopMostValue Unsigned32, cbQosSetCfgSrpPriority Unsigned32, cbQosSetCfgFrFecnBecn Unsigned32 } cbQosSetCfgFeature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SetFeatureType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The bit-wise position of each packet marking feature." ::= { cbQosSetCfgEntry 1 } cbQosSetCfgIpDSCPValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..63 ) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP DSCP value at which the packet is being set by the packet marking feature." ::= { cbQosSetCfgEntry 2 } cbQosSetCfgIpPrecedenceValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..7 ) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP precedence value at which the packet is being set by the packet marking feature." ::= { cbQosSetCfgEntry 3 } cbQosSetCfgQosGroupValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..99 ) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The QoS Group number at which the packet is being set by the packet marking feature." ::= { cbQosSetCfgEntry 4 } cbQosSetCfgL2CosValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..7 ) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Layer 2 Cos value at which the packet is being set by the packet marking feature." ::= { cbQosSetCfgEntry 5 } cbQosSetCfgMplsExpValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..7 ) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The MPLS experimental value at which the packet is being set by the packet marking feature." ::= { cbQosSetCfgEntry 6 } cbQosSetCfgDiscardClassValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..7 ) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Discard Class value at which the packet is being set by the packet marking feature." ::= { cbQosSetCfgEntry 7 } cbQosSetCfgMplsExpTopMostValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..7 ) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The MPLS experimental value on the topmost label at which the packet is being set by the packet marking feature." ::= { cbQosSetCfgEntry 8 } cbQosSetCfgSrpPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..7 ) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The SRP Priority value at which the packet is being set by the packet marking feature. The higher the value the higher the priority. SRP is a Cisco developed protocol. RFC 2892: The Cisco SRP MAC Layer Protocol." ::= { cbQosSetCfgEntry 9 } cbQosSetCfgFrFecnBecn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..99 ) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a configurable parameter in percentage of the queue size. When the current queue size out of the queue limit is greater than this parameter, both Frame Relay FECN and BECN bits will be set for Frame Relay congestion notification mechanism." ::= { cbQosSetCfgEntry 10 } -- end of cbQosSetCfgTable cbQosCMStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CbQosCMStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table specifies ClassMap related Statistical information." ::= { cbQosClassMapStats 1 } cbQosCMStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CbQosCMStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each entry in this table describes the statistical information about ClassMap. ClassMap specific information you can find in this table are : pre/post policy pkt/byte counts, bit rates, drop pkt/bytes and no buffer drops. This table contains statistical information only, no configuration information associated with it. Therefore, it is indexed by the instance specific IDs, such as cbQosPolicyIndex and cbQosObjectsIndex." INDEX { cbQosPolicyIndex, cbQosObjectsIndex } ::= { cbQosCMStatsTable 1 } CbQosCMStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cbQosCMPrePolicyPktOverflow Counter32, cbQosCMPrePolicyPkt Counter32, cbQosCMPrePolicyPkt64 Counter64, cbQosCMPrePolicyByteOverflow Counter32, cbQosCMPrePolicyByte Counter32, cbQosCMPrePolicyByte64 Counter64, cbQosCMPrePolicyBitRate Gauge32, cbQosCMPostPolicyByteOverflow Counter32, cbQosCMPostPolicyByte Counter32, cbQosCMPostPolicyByte64 Counter64, cbQosCMPostPolicyBitRate Gauge32, cbQosCMDropPktOverflow Counter32, cbQosCMDropPkt Counter32, cbQosCMDropPkt64 Counter64, cbQosCMDropByteOverflow Counter32, cbQosCMDropByte Counter32, cbQosCMDropByte64 Counter64, cbQosCMDropBitRate Gauge32, cbQosCMNoBufDropPktOverflow Counter32, cbQosCMNoBufDropPkt Counter32, cbQosCMNoBufDropPkt64 Counter64 } cbQosCMPrePolicyPktOverflow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The upper 32 bits count of inbound packets prior to executing any QoS policies." ::= { cbQosCMStatsEntry 1 } cbQosCMPrePolicyPkt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lower 32 bits count of inbound packets prior to executing any QoS policies." ::= { cbQosCMStatsEntry 2 } cbQosCMPrePolicyPkt64 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 64 bits count of inbound packets prior to executing any QoS policies." ::= { cbQosCMStatsEntry 3 } cbQosCMPrePolicyByteOverflow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The upper 32 bits count of inbound octets prior to executing any QoS policies." ::= { cbQosCMStatsEntry 4 } cbQosCMPrePolicyByte OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lower 32 bits count of inbound octets prior to executing any QoS policies." ::= { cbQosCMStatsEntry 5 } cbQosCMPrePolicyByte64 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 64 bits count of inbound octets prior to executing any QoS policies." ::= { cbQosCMStatsEntry 6 } cbQosCMPrePolicyBitRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 UNITS "bits per second" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The bit rate of the traffic prior to executing any QoS policies." ::= { cbQosCMStatsEntry 7 } cbQosCMPostPolicyByteOverflow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The upper 32 bits count of outbound octets after executing QoS policies." ::= { cbQosCMStatsEntry 8 } cbQosCMPostPolicyByte OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lower 32 bits count of outbound octets after executing QoS policies." ::= { cbQosCMStatsEntry 9 } cbQosCMPostPolicyByte64 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 64 bits count of outbound octets after executing QoS policies." ::= { cbQosCMStatsEntry 10 } cbQosCMPostPolicyBitRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 UNITS "bits per second" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The bit rate of the traffic after executing QoS policies." ::= { cbQosCMStatsEntry 11 } cbQosCMDropPktOverflow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The upper 32 bits counter of dropped pkts per class as the result of all features that can produce drops (e.g., police, random detect, etc.)." ::= { cbQosCMStatsEntry 12 } cbQosCMDropPkt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lower 32 bits counter of dropped pkts per class as the result of all features that can produce drops (e.g., police, random detect, etc.)." ::= { cbQosCMStatsEntry 13 } cbQosCMDropPkt64 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 64 bits counter of dropped pkts per class as the result of all features that can produce drops (e.g., police, random detect, etc.)." ::= { cbQosCMStatsEntry 14 } cbQosCMDropByteOverflow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The upper 32 bits counter of dropped bytes per class as the result of all features that can produce drops (e.g., police, random detect, etc.)." ::= { cbQosCMStatsEntry 15 } cbQosCMDropByte OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lower 32 bits counter of dropped bytes per class as the result of all features that can produce drops (e.g., police, random detect, etc.)." ::= { cbQosCMStatsEntry 16 } cbQosCMDropByte64 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 64 bits counter of dropped bytes per class as the result of all features that can produce drops (e.g., police, random detect, etc.)." ::= { cbQosCMStatsEntry 17 } cbQosCMDropBitRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 UNITS "bits per second" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The bit rate of the drops per class as the result of all features that can produce drops (e.g., police, random detect, etc.)." ::= { cbQosCMStatsEntry 18 } cbQosCMNoBufDropPktOverflow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The upper 32 bits drop packet count which occured due to a lack of SRAM buffers during output processing on an interface." ::= { cbQosCMStatsEntry 19 } cbQosCMNoBufDropPkt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lower 32 bits drop packet count which occured due to a lack of SRAM buffers during output processing on an interface." ::= { cbQosCMStatsEntry 20 } cbQosCMNoBufDropPkt64 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 64 bits drop packet count which occured due to a lack of SRAM buffers during output processing on an interface." ::= { cbQosCMStatsEntry 21 } -- End of cbQosCMStats group -- -- -- QoS Match Statement Object Stats Table cbQosMatchStmtStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CbQosMatchStmtStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table specifies Match Statement related statistical information." ::= { cbQosMatchStmtStats 1 } cbQosMatchStmtStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CbQosMatchStmtStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each entry in this table describes the statistical information about Match Statement. Match Statement specific information you can find in this table are : Pre policy pkt/byte counters, and bit rates. This table contains statistical information only, no configuration information associated with it. Therefore, it is indexed by the instance specific IDs, such as cbQosPolicyIndex and cbQosObjectsIndex." INDEX { cbQosPolicyIndex, cbQosObjectsIndex } ::= { cbQosMatchStmtStatsTable 1 } CbQosMatchStmtStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cbQosMatchPrePolicyPktOverflow Counter32, cbQosMatchPrePolicyPkt Counter32, cbQosMatchPrePolicyPkt64 Counter64, cbQosMatchPrePolicyByteOverflow Counter32, cbQosMatchPrePolicyByte Counter32, cbQosMatchPrePolicyByte64 Counter64, cbQosMatchPrePolicyBitRate Gauge32 } cbQosMatchPrePolicyPktOverflow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The upper 32 bits count of inbound packets prior to executing any QoS policies." ::= { cbQosMatchStmtStatsEntry 1 } cbQosMatchPrePolicyPkt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lower 32 bits count of inbound packets prior to executing any QoS policies." ::= { cbQosMatchStmtStatsEntry 2 } cbQosMatchPrePolicyPkt64 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 64 bits count of inbound packets prior to executing any QoS policies." ::= { cbQosMatchStmtStatsEntry 3 } cbQosMatchPrePolicyByteOverflow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The upper 32 bits count of inbound octets prior to executing any QoS policies." ::= { cbQosMatchStmtStatsEntry 4 } cbQosMatchPrePolicyByte OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lower 32 bits count of inbound octets prior to executing any QoS policies." ::= { cbQosMatchStmtStatsEntry 5 } cbQosMatchPrePolicyByte64 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 64 bits count of inbound octets prior to executing any QoS policies." ::= { cbQosMatchStmtStatsEntry 6 } cbQosMatchPrePolicyBitRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 UNITS "bits per second" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The bit rate of the traffic prior to executing any QoS policies." ::= { cbQosMatchStmtStatsEntry 7 } -- The cbQosPoliceStats group -- -- cbQosPoliceStatsTable cbQosPoliceStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CbQosPoliceStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table specifies Police Action related Statistical information." ::= { cbQosPoliceStats 1 } cbQosPoliceStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CbQosPoliceStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each entry in this table describes the statistical information about Police Action. Police Action specific information you can find in this table are : Conformed/Exceeded pkt/byte counters, bit rates. This table contains statistical information only, no configuration information associated with it. Therefore, it is indexed by the instance specific IDs, such as cbQosPolicyIndex and cbQosObjectsIndex." INDEX { cbQosPolicyIndex, cbQosObjectsIndex } ::= { cbQosPoliceStatsTable 1 } CbQosPoliceStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cbQosPoliceConformedPktOverflow Counter32, cbQosPoliceConformedPkt Counter32, cbQosPoliceConformedPkt64 Counter64, cbQosPoliceConformedByteOverflow Counter32, cbQosPoliceConformedByte Counter32, cbQosPoliceConformedByte64 Counter64, cbQosPoliceConformedBitRate Gauge32, cbQosPoliceExceededPktOverflow Counter32, cbQosPoliceExceededPkt Counter32, cbQosPoliceExceededPkt64 Counter64, cbQosPoliceExceededByteOverflow Counter32, cbQosPoliceExceededByte Counter32, cbQosPoliceExceededByte64 Counter64, cbQosPoliceExceededBitRate Gauge32, cbQosPoliceViolatedPktOverflow Counter32, cbQosPoliceViolatedPkt Counter32, cbQosPoliceViolatedPkt64 Counter64, cbQosPoliceViolatedByteOverflow Counter32, cbQosPoliceViolatedByte Counter32, cbQosPoliceViolatedByte64 Counter64, cbQosPoliceViolatedBitRate Gauge32 } cbQosPoliceConformedPktOverflow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "Packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The upper 32 bits count of packets treated as conforming by the policing feature." ::= { cbQosPoliceStatsEntry 1 } cbQosPoliceConformedPkt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "Packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lower 32 bits count of packets treated as conforming by the policing feature." ::= { cbQosPoliceStatsEntry 2 } cbQosPoliceConformedPkt64 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "Packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 64 bits count of packets treated as conforming by the policing feature." ::= { cbQosPoliceStatsEntry 3 } cbQosPoliceConformedByteOverflow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "Octets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The upper 32 bits count of octets treated as conforming by the policing feature." ::= { cbQosPoliceStatsEntry 4 } cbQosPoliceConformedByte OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "Octets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lower 32 bits count of octets treated as conforming by the policing feature." ::= { cbQosPoliceStatsEntry 5 } cbQosPoliceConformedByte64 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "Octets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 64 bits count of octets treated as conforming by the policing feature." ::= { cbQosPoliceStatsEntry 6 } cbQosPoliceConformedBitRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 UNITS "bits per second" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The bit rate of conforming traffic." ::= { cbQosPoliceStatsEntry 7 } cbQosPoliceExceededPktOverflow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "Packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The upper 32 bits count of packets treated as non-conforming by the policing feature." ::= { cbQosPoliceStatsEntry 8 } cbQosPoliceExceededPkt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "Packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 32 bits count of packets treated as non-conforming by the policing feature." ::= { cbQosPoliceStatsEntry 9 } cbQosPoliceExceededPkt64 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "Packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 64 bits count of packets treated as non-conforming by the policing feature." ::= { cbQosPoliceStatsEntry 10 } cbQosPoliceExceededByteOverflow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "Octets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The upper 32 bits count of octets treated as non-conforming by the policing feature." ::= { cbQosPoliceStatsEntry 11 } cbQosPoliceExceededByte OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "Octets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lower 32 bits count of octets treated as non-conforming by the policing feature." ::= { cbQosPoliceStatsEntry 12 } cbQosPoliceExceededByte64 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "Octets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 64 bits count of octets treated as non-conforming by the policing feature." ::= { cbQosPoliceStatsEntry 13 } cbQosPoliceExceededBitRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 UNITS "bits per second" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The bit rate of the non-conforming traffic." ::= { cbQosPoliceStatsEntry 14 } cbQosPoliceViolatedPktOverflow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "Packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The upper 32 bits count of packets treated as violated by the policing feature." ::= { cbQosPoliceStatsEntry 15 } cbQosPoliceViolatedPkt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "Packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 32 bits count of packets treated as violated by the policing feature." ::= { cbQosPoliceStatsEntry 16 } cbQosPoliceViolatedPkt64 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "Packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 64 bits count of packets treated as violated by the policing feature." ::= { cbQosPoliceStatsEntry 17 } cbQosPoliceViolatedByteOverflow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "Octets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The upper 32 bits count of octets treated as violated by the policing feature." ::= { cbQosPoliceStatsEntry 18 } cbQosPoliceViolatedByte OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "Octets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lower 32 bits count of octets treated as violated by the policing feature." ::= { cbQosPoliceStatsEntry 19 } cbQosPoliceViolatedByte64 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "Octets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 64 bits count of octets treated as violated by the policing feature." ::= { cbQosPoliceStatsEntry 20 } cbQosPoliceViolatedBitRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 UNITS "bits per second" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The bit rate of the violating traffic." ::= { cbQosPoliceStatsEntry 21 } -- end of cbQosPoliceStatsTable -- -- -- The cbQosQueueingStats group cbQosQueueingStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CbQosQueueingStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table specifies Queueing Action related Statistical information." ::= { cbQosQueueingStats 1 } cbQosQueueingStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CbQosQueueingStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each entry in this table describes the statistical information about queueing action. Queueing action specific information you can find in this table are : various Q depth, and discard pkt/byte counters. This table contains statistical information only, no configuration information associated with it. Therefore, it is indexed by the instance specific IDs, such as cbQosPolicyIndex and cbQosObjectsIndex." INDEX { cbQosPolicyIndex, cbQosObjectsIndex } ::= { cbQosQueueingStatsTable 1 } CbQosQueueingStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cbQosQueueingCurrentQDepth Gauge32, cbQosQueueingMaxQDepth Gauge32, cbQosQueueingDiscardByteOverflow Counter32, cbQosQueueingDiscardByte Counter32, cbQosQueueingDiscardByte64 Counter64, cbQosQueueingDiscardPktOverflow Counter32, cbQosQueueingDiscardPkt Counter32, cbQosQueueingDiscardPkt64 Counter64 } cbQosQueueingCurrentQDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 UNITS "Octets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current depth of the queue." ::= { cbQosQueueingStatsEntry 1 } cbQosQueueingMaxQDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 UNITS "Octets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The maximum depth of the queue." ::= { cbQosQueueingStatsEntry 2 } cbQosQueueingDiscardByteOverflow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "Octets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The upper 32 bit count of octets, associated with this class, that were dropped by queueing." ::= { cbQosQueueingStatsEntry 3 } cbQosQueueingDiscardByte OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "Octets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lower 32 bits count of octets, associated with this class, that were dropped by queueing." ::= { cbQosQueueingStatsEntry 4 } cbQosQueueingDiscardByte64 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "Octets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The count of octets, associated with this class, that were dropped by queueing." ::= { cbQosQueueingStatsEntry 5 } cbQosQueueingDiscardPktOverflow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "Packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The upper 32 bits count of packets, associated with this class, that were dropped by queueing." ::= { cbQosQueueingStatsEntry 6 } cbQosQueueingDiscardPkt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "Packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of packets, associated with this class, that were dropped by queueing." ::= { cbQosQueueingStatsEntry 7 } cbQosQueueingDiscardPkt64 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "Packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of packets, associated with this class, that were dropped by queueing." ::= { cbQosQueueingStatsEntry 8 } -- end of cbQosQueueingStats Group -- -- cbQosTSStats Group cbQosTSStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CbQosTSStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table specifies traffic-shaping Action related Statistical information." ::= { cbQosTSStats 1 } cbQosTSStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CbQosTSStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each entry in this table describes the statistical information about traffic-shaping Action. Traffic-shaping Action specific information you can find in this table are : various delay/drop pkt/byte counters, state of feature, and Q size. This table contains statistical information only, no configuration information associated with it. Therefore, it is indexed by the instance specific IDs, such as cbQosPolicyIndex and cbQosObjectsIndex." INDEX { cbQosPolicyIndex, cbQosObjectsIndex } ::= { cbQosTSStatsTable 1 } CbQosTSStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cbQosTSStatsDelayedByteOverflow Counter32, cbQosTSStatsDelayedByte Counter32, cbQosTSStatsDelayedByte64 Counter64, cbQosTSStatsDelayedPktOverflow Counter32, cbQosTSStatsDelayedPkt Counter32, cbQosTSStatsDelayedPkt64 Counter64, cbQosTSStatsDropByteOverflow Counter32, cbQosTSStatsDropByte Counter32, cbQosTSStatsDropByte64 Counter64, cbQosTSStatsDropPktOverflow Counter32, cbQosTSStatsDropPkt Counter32, cbQosTSStatsDropPkt64 Counter64, cbQosTSStatsActive TruthValue, cbQosTSStatsCurrentQSize Gauge32 } cbQosTSStatsDelayedByteOverflow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "octets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object represents the upper 32 bits counter of octets that have been delayed." ::= { cbQosTSStatsEntry 1 } cbQosTSStatsDelayedByte OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "octets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object represents the lower 32 bits counter of octets that have been delayed." ::= { cbQosTSStatsEntry 2 } cbQosTSStatsDelayedByte64 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "octets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object represents the 64 bits counter of octets that have been delayed." ::= { cbQosTSStatsEntry 3 } cbQosTSStatsDelayedPktOverflow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object represents the upper 32 bits counter of packets that have been delayed." ::= { cbQosTSStatsEntry 4 } cbQosTSStatsDelayedPkt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object represents the lower 32 bits counter of packets that have been delayed." ::= { cbQosTSStatsEntry 5 } cbQosTSStatsDelayedPkt64 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object represents the 64 bits counter of packets that have been delayed." ::= { cbQosTSStatsEntry 6 } cbQosTSStatsDropByteOverflow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "octets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object represents the upper 32 bits counter of octets that have been dropped during shaping." ::= { cbQosTSStatsEntry 7 } cbQosTSStatsDropByte OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "octets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object represents the lower 32 bits counter of octets that have been dropped during shaping." ::= { cbQosTSStatsEntry 8 } cbQosTSStatsDropByte64 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "octets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object represents the 64 bits counter of octets that have been dropped during shaping." ::= { cbQosTSStatsEntry 9 } cbQosTSStatsDropPktOverflow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object represents the upper 32 bits counter of packets that have been dropped during shaping." ::= { cbQosTSStatsEntry 10 } cbQosTSStatsDropPkt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object represents the lower 32 bits counter of packets that have been dropped during shaping." ::= { cbQosTSStatsEntry 11 } cbQosTSStatsDropPkt64 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object represents the 64 bits counter of packets that have been dropped during shaping." ::= { cbQosTSStatsEntry 12 } cbQosTSStatsActive OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the current traffic-shaping state. When traffic-shaping is enabled and the traffic rate exceeds the shape rate, traffic-shaping is considered to be active. Otherwise, it is considered inactive." ::= { cbQosTSStatsEntry 13 } cbQosTSStatsCurrentQSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 UNITS "packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the current traffic-shaping queue depth in packets." ::= { cbQosTSStatsEntry 14 } -- end of cbQosTSStats Group -- -- cbQosREDClassStats Group cbQosREDClassStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CbQosREDClassStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table specifies per Precedence WRED Action related Statistical information." ::= { cbQosREDClassStats 1 } cbQosREDClassStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CbQosREDClassStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each entry in this table describes the statistical information about per Precedence WRED Action. per Precedence WRED Action specific information you can find in this table are : Random pkt/byte counters, and Tail drop pkt/byte counters. This table contains per Precedence/dscp based statistical information only, no configuration information associated with it. Therefore, it is indexed by the instance specific IDs, and a per Precedence identifier: cbQosPolicyIndex, cbQosObjectsIndex and cbQosREDValue." INDEX { cbQosPolicyIndex, cbQosObjectsIndex, cbQosREDValue } ::= { cbQosREDClassStatsTable 1 } CbQosREDClassStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cbQosREDRandomDropPktOverflow Counter32, cbQosREDRandomDropPkt Counter32, cbQosREDRandomDropPkt64 Counter64, cbQosREDRandomDropByteOverflow Counter32, cbQosREDRandomDropByte Counter32, cbQosREDRandomDropByte64 Counter64, cbQosREDTailDropPktOverflow Counter32, cbQosREDTailDropPkt Counter32, cbQosREDTailDropPkt64 Counter64, cbQosREDTailDropByteOverflow Counter32, cbQosREDTailDropByte Counter32, cbQosREDTailDropByte64 Counter64, cbQosREDTransmitPktOverflow Counter32, cbQosREDTransmitPkt Counter32, cbQosREDTransmitPkt64 Counter64, cbQosREDTransmitByteOverflow Counter32, cbQosREDTransmitByte Counter32, cbQosREDTransmitByte64 Counter64, cbQosREDECNMarkPktOverflow Counter32, cbQosREDECNMarkPkt Counter32, cbQosREDECNMarkPkt64 Counter64, cbQosREDECNMarkByteOverflow Counter32, cbQosREDECNMarkByte Counter32, cbQosREDECNMarkByte64 Counter64, cbQosREDMeanQSizeUnits CbQosQueueUnitType, cbQosREDMeanQSize CbQosQueueDepth } cbQosREDRandomDropPktOverflow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "Packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The upper 32 bits count of packets dropped when the number of packets in the associated queue was greater than the minimum threshold and less than the maximum threshold." ::= { cbQosREDClassStatsEntry 1 } cbQosREDRandomDropPkt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "Packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lower 32 bits count of packets dropped when the number of packets in the associated queue was greater than the minimum threshold and less than the maximum threshold." ::= { cbQosREDClassStatsEntry 2 } cbQosREDRandomDropPkt64 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "Packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 64 bits count of packets dropped when the number of packets in the associated queue was greater than the minimum threshold and less than the maximum threshold." ::= { cbQosREDClassStatsEntry 3 } cbQosREDRandomDropByteOverflow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "Octets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The upper 32 bits count of bytes dropped when the number of packets in the associated queue was greater than the minimum threshold and less than the maximum threshold." ::= { cbQosREDClassStatsEntry 4 } cbQosREDRandomDropByte OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "Octets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lower 32 bits count of bytes dropped when the number of packets in the associated queue was greater than the minimum threshold and less than the maximum threshold." ::= { cbQosREDClassStatsEntry 5 } cbQosREDRandomDropByte64 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "Octets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 64 bits count of bytes dropped when the number of packets in the associated queue was greater than the minimum threshold and less than the maximum threshold." ::= { cbQosREDClassStatsEntry 6 } cbQosREDTailDropPktOverflow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "Packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The upper 32 bits count of packets dropped when the number of packets in the associated queue was greater than the maximum threshold." ::= { cbQosREDClassStatsEntry 7 } cbQosREDTailDropPkt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "Packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lower 32 bits count of packets dropped when the number of packets in the associated queue was greater than the maximum threshold." ::= { cbQosREDClassStatsEntry 8 } cbQosREDTailDropPkt64 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "Packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 64 bits count of packets dropped when the number of packets in the associated queue was greater than the maximum threshold." ::= { cbQosREDClassStatsEntry 9 } cbQosREDTailDropByteOverflow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "Octets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The upper 32 bits count of bytes dropped when the number of packets in the associated queue was greater than the maximum threshold." ::= { cbQosREDClassStatsEntry 10 } cbQosREDTailDropByte OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "Octets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lower 32 bits count of bytes dropped when the number of packets in the associated queue was greater than the maximum threshold." ::= { cbQosREDClassStatsEntry 11 } cbQosREDTailDropByte64 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "Octets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 64 bits count of bytes dropped when the number of packets in the associated queue was greater than the maximum threshold." ::= { cbQosREDClassStatsEntry 12 } cbQosREDTransmitPktOverflow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "Packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The upper 32 bits count of bytes transmitted." ::= { cbQosREDClassStatsEntry 13 } cbQosREDTransmitPkt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "Packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lower 32 bits count of bytes trasmitted." ::= { cbQosREDClassStatsEntry 14 } cbQosREDTransmitPkt64 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "Packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 64 bits count of packets transmitted." ::= { cbQosREDClassStatsEntry 15 } cbQosREDTransmitByteOverflow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "Octets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The upper 32 bits count of octets transmitted." ::= { cbQosREDClassStatsEntry 16 } cbQosREDTransmitByte OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "Octets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lower 32 bits count of octets trasmitted." ::= { cbQosREDClassStatsEntry 17 } cbQosREDTransmitByte64 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "Octets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 64 bits count of octets transmitted." ::= { cbQosREDClassStatsEntry 18 } cbQosREDECNMarkPktOverflow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "Packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The upper 32 bits count of packets ecn marked when the number of packets in the associated queue was greater than the minimum threshold and less than the maximum threshold." ::= { cbQosREDClassStatsEntry 19 } cbQosREDECNMarkPkt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "Packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lower 32 bits count of packets ecn marked when the number of packets in the associated queue was greater than the minimum threshold and less than the maximum threshold." ::= { cbQosREDClassStatsEntry 20 } cbQosREDECNMarkPkt64 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "Packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 64 bits count of packets ecn marked when the number of packets in the associated queue was greater than the minimum threshold and less than the maximum threshold." ::= { cbQosREDClassStatsEntry 21 } cbQosREDECNMarkByteOverflow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "Octets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The upper 32 bits count of bytes ecn marked when the number of packets in the associated queue was greater than the minimum threshold and less than the maximum threshold." ::= { cbQosREDClassStatsEntry 22 } cbQosREDECNMarkByte OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "Octets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lower 32 bits count of bytes ecn marked when the number of packets in the associated queue was greater than the minimum threshold and less than the maximum threshold." ::= { cbQosREDClassStatsEntry 23 } cbQosREDECNMarkByte64 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "Octets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 64 bits count of bytes ecn marked when the number of packets in the associated queue was greater than the minimum threshold and less than the maximum threshold." ::= { cbQosREDClassStatsEntry 24 } cbQosREDMeanQSizeUnits OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CbQosQueueUnitType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Represents the unit type of cbQosREDMeanQSize object." ::= { cbQosREDClassStatsEntry 25 } cbQosREDMeanQSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CbQosQueueDepth MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The average queue size computed and used by the WRED algorithm." ::= { cbQosREDClassStatsEntry 26 } -- end of cbQosREDClassStatsTable -- -- Start of cbQosIPHCCfgTable cbQosIPHCCfgTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CbQosIPHCCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table specifies IP Header Compression configuration information." ::= { cbQosIPHCCfg 1 } cbQosIPHCCfgEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CbQosIPHCCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each entry in this table describes configuration information about IP Header compression. This includes the compression option of UDP/RTP header, TCP header or both. This table contains configuration information only, no statistics associated with it. Therefore, it is indexed by cbQosConfigIndex." INDEX { cbQosConfigIndex } ::= { cbQosIPHCCfgTable 1 } CbQosIPHCCfgEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cbQosIPHCCfgOption IPHCOption } cbQosIPHCCfgOption OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IPHCOption MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The configured IP header compression option. The value is defined by IPHCOption." ::= { cbQosIPHCCfgEntry 1 } -- end of cbQosIPHCCfgTable -- -- Start of cbQosIPHCStatsTable cbQosIPHCStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CbQosIPHCStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table specifies IP Header Compression statistical information." ::= { cbQosIPHCStats 1 } cbQosIPHCStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CbQosIPHCStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each entry in this table describes statistical information about IP Header compression. This table contains statistical information only, no configuration information associated with it. Therefore, it is indexed by the instance specific IDs, namely cbQosPolicyIndex and cbQosObjectsIndex." INDEX { cbQosPolicyIndex, cbQosObjectsIndex } ::= { cbQosIPHCStatsTable 1 } CbQosIPHCStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cbQosIPHCRtpSentPktOverflow Counter32, cbQosIPHCRtpSentPkt Counter32, cbQosIPHCRtpSentPkt64 Counter64, cbQosIPHCRtpCmprsOutPktOverflow Counter32, cbQosIPHCRtpCmprsOutPkt Counter32, cbQosIPHCRtpCmprsOutPkt64 Counter64, cbQosIPHCRtpSavedByteOverflow Counter32, cbQosIPHCRtpSavedByte Counter32, cbQosIPHCRtpSavedByte64 Counter64, cbQosIPHCRtpSentByteOverflow Counter32, cbQosIPHCRtpSentByte Counter32, cbQosIPHCRtpSentByte64 Counter64, cbQosIPHCRtpSentByteRate Gauge32, cbQosIPHCTcpSentPktOverflow Counter32, cbQosIPHCTcpSentPkt Counter32, cbQosIPHCTcpSentPkt64 Counter64, cbQosIPHCTcpCmprsOutPktOverflow Counter32, cbQosIPHCTcpCmprsOutPkt Counter32, cbQosIPHCTcpCmprsOutPkt64 Counter64, cbQosIPHCTcpSavedByteOverflow Counter32, cbQosIPHCTcpSavedByte Counter32, cbQosIPHCTcpSavedByte64 Counter64, cbQosIPHCTcpSentByteOverflow Counter32, cbQosIPHCTcpSentByte Counter32, cbQosIPHCTcpSentByte64 Counter64, cbQosIPHCTcpSentByteRate Gauge32 } cbQosIPHCRtpSentPktOverflow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "Packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The upper 32 bits count of outbound UDP/RTP packets." ::= { cbQosIPHCStatsEntry 1 } cbQosIPHCRtpSentPkt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "Packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lower 32 bits count of outbound UDP/RTP packets." ::= { cbQosIPHCStatsEntry 2 } cbQosIPHCRtpSentPkt64 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "Packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 64 bits count of outbound UDP/RTP packets." ::= { cbQosIPHCStatsEntry 3 } cbQosIPHCRtpCmprsOutPktOverflow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "Packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The upper 32 bits count of outbound compressed UDP/RTP packets." ::= { cbQosIPHCStatsEntry 4 } cbQosIPHCRtpCmprsOutPkt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "Packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lower 32 bits count of outbound compressed UDP/RTP packets." ::= { cbQosIPHCStatsEntry 5 } cbQosIPHCRtpCmprsOutPkt64 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "Packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 64 bits count of outbound compressed UDP/RTP packets." ::= { cbQosIPHCStatsEntry 6 } cbQosIPHCRtpSavedByteOverflow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "Octets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The upper 32 bits count of UDP/RTP bytes that saved due to IPHC." ::= { cbQosIPHCStatsEntry 7 } cbQosIPHCRtpSavedByte OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "Octets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lower 32 bits count of UDP/RTP bytes that saved due to IPHC." ::= { cbQosIPHCStatsEntry 8 } cbQosIPHCRtpSavedByte64 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "Octets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 64 bits count of UDP/RTP bytes that saved due to IPHC." ::= { cbQosIPHCStatsEntry 9 } cbQosIPHCRtpSentByteOverflow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "Octets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The upper 32 bits count of outbound UDP/RTP bytes." ::= { cbQosIPHCStatsEntry 10 } cbQosIPHCRtpSentByte OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "Octets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lower 32 bits count of outbound UDP/RTP bytes." ::= { cbQosIPHCStatsEntry 11 } cbQosIPHCRtpSentByte64 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "Octets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 64 bits count of outbound UDP/RTP bytes." ::= { cbQosIPHCStatsEntry 12 } cbQosIPHCRtpSentByteRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 UNITS "Octets per second" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 32 bits count of outbound UDP/RTP byte rate." ::= { cbQosIPHCStatsEntry 13 } cbQosIPHCTcpSentPktOverflow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "Packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The upper 32 bits count of outbound TCP packets." ::= { cbQosIPHCStatsEntry 14 } cbQosIPHCTcpSentPkt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "Packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lower 32 bits count of outbound TCP packets." ::= { cbQosIPHCStatsEntry 15 } cbQosIPHCTcpSentPkt64 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "Packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 64 bits count of outbound TCP packets." ::= { cbQosIPHCStatsEntry 16 } cbQosIPHCTcpCmprsOutPktOverflow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "Packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The upper 32 bits count of outbound compressed TCP packets." ::= { cbQosIPHCStatsEntry 17 } cbQosIPHCTcpCmprsOutPkt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "Packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lower 32 bits count of outbound compressed TCP packets." ::= { cbQosIPHCStatsEntry 18 } cbQosIPHCTcpCmprsOutPkt64 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "Packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 64 bits count of outbound compressed TCP packets." ::= { cbQosIPHCStatsEntry 19 } cbQosIPHCTcpSavedByteOverflow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "Octets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The upper 32 bits count of TCP bytes that saved due to IPHC." ::= { cbQosIPHCStatsEntry 20 } cbQosIPHCTcpSavedByte OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "Octets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lower 32 bits count of TCP bytes that saved due to IPHC." ::= { cbQosIPHCStatsEntry 21 } cbQosIPHCTcpSavedByte64 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "Octets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 64 bits count of TCP bytes that saved due to IPHC." ::= { cbQosIPHCStatsEntry 22 } cbQosIPHCTcpSentByteOverflow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "Octets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The upper 32 bits count of outbound TCP bytes." ::= { cbQosIPHCStatsEntry 23 } cbQosIPHCTcpSentByte OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "Octets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lower 32 bits count of outbound TCP bytes." ::= { cbQosIPHCStatsEntry 24 } cbQosIPHCTcpSentByte64 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "Octets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 64 bits count of outbound TCP bytes." ::= { cbQosIPHCStatsEntry 25 } cbQosIPHCTcpSentByteRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 UNITS "Octets per second" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 32 bits count of outbound TCP byte rate." ::= { cbQosIPHCStatsEntry 26 } -- end of cbQosIPHCStatsTable -- -- Start of cbQosSetStatsTable cbQosSetStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CbQosSetStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table specifies packet marking statistical information." ::= { cbQosSetStats 1 } cbQosSetStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CbQosSetStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each entry in this table describes the packets that marked by each marking type. This table contains statistical information only, no configuration information associated with it. Therefore, it is indexed by the instance specific IDs, namely cbQosPolicyIndex and cbQosObjectsIndex." INDEX { cbQosPolicyIndex, cbQosObjectsIndex } ::= { cbQosSetStatsTable 1 } CbQosSetStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cbQosSetDscpPkt64 Counter64, cbQosSetPrecedencePkt64 Counter64, cbQosSetQosGroupPkt64 Counter64, cbQosSetFrDePkt64 Counter64, cbQosSetAtmClpPkt64 Counter64, cbQosSetL2CosPkt64 Counter64, cbQosSetMplsExpImpositionPkt64 Counter64, cbQosSetDiscardClassPkt64 Counter64, cbQosSetMplsExpTopMostPkt64 Counter64, cbQosSetSrpPriorityPkt64 Counter64, cbQosSetFrFecnBecnPkt64 Counter64, cbQosSetDscpTunnelPkt64 Counter64, cbQosSetPrecedenceTunnelPkt64 Counter64 } cbQosSetDscpPkt64 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "Packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 64 bits count of packets whose DSCP field is marked by Set feature." ::= { cbQosSetStatsEntry 1 } cbQosSetPrecedencePkt64 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "Packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 64 bits count of packets whose Precedence field is marked by Set feature." ::= { cbQosSetStatsEntry 2 } cbQosSetQosGroupPkt64 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "Packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 64 bits count of packets whose Qos Group field is marked by Set feature." ::= { cbQosSetStatsEntry 3 } cbQosSetFrDePkt64 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "Packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 64 bits count of packets whose Frame Relay DE Bit is marked by Set feature." ::= { cbQosSetStatsEntry 4 } cbQosSetAtmClpPkt64 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "Packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 64 bits count of packets whose ATM CLP Bit is marked by Set feature." ::= { cbQosSetStatsEntry 5 } cbQosSetL2CosPkt64 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "Packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 64 bits count of packets whose Layer 2 Cos field is marked by Set feature." ::= { cbQosSetStatsEntry 6 } cbQosSetMplsExpImpositionPkt64 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "Packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 64 bits count of packets whose MPLS Experimental Imposition field is marked by Set feature." ::= { cbQosSetStatsEntry 7 } cbQosSetDiscardClassPkt64 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "Packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 64 bits count of packets whose Discard Class field is marked by Set feature." ::= { cbQosSetStatsEntry 8 } cbQosSetMplsExpTopMostPkt64 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "Packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 64 bits count of packets whose MPLS Experimental TopMost field is marked by Set feature." ::= { cbQosSetStatsEntry 9 } cbQosSetSrpPriorityPkt64 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "Packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 64 bits count of packets whose SRP Priority field is marked by Set feature." ::= { cbQosSetStatsEntry 10 } cbQosSetFrFecnBecnPkt64 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "Packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 64 bits count of packets whose Frame Relay FECN BECN field is marked by Set feature." ::= { cbQosSetStatsEntry 11 } cbQosSetDscpTunnelPkt64 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "Packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 64 bits count of packets whose DSCP Tunnel field is marked by Set feature." ::= { cbQosSetStatsEntry 12 } cbQosSetPrecedenceTunnelPkt64 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "Packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 64 bits count of packets whose Precedence Tunnel field is marked by Set feature." ::= { cbQosSetStatsEntry 13 } -- end of cbQosSetStats -- -- -- Beginning of cbQosPoliceColorStats cbQosPoliceColorStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CbQosPoliceColorStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table specifies Police Action related Statistical information for two rate color aware marker." ::= { cbQosPoliceColorStats 1 } cbQosPoliceColorStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CbQosPoliceColorStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each entry in this table describes the statistical information about Police Action for Two Rate Color Aware Marker. This table contains statistical information only, no configuration information associated with it. Therefore, it is indexed by the instance specific IDs, such as cbQosPolicyIndex and cbQosObjectsIndex." INDEX { cbQosPolicyIndex, cbQosObjectsIndex } ::= { cbQosPoliceColorStatsTable 1 } CbQosPoliceColorStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cbQosPoliceCfmColorCfmPkt64 Counter64, cbQosPoliceCfmColorCfmByte64 Counter64, cbQosPoliceCfmColorExdPkt64 Counter64, cbQosPoliceCfmColorExdByte64 Counter64, cbQosPoliceCfmColorVltPkt64 Counter64, cbQosPoliceCfmColorVltByte64 Counter64, cbQosPoliceExdColorExdPkt64 Counter64, cbQosPoliceExdColorExdByte64 Counter64, cbQosPoliceExdColorVltPkt64 Counter64, cbQosPoliceExdColorVltByte64 Counter64, cbQosPoliceVltColorVltPkt64 Counter64, cbQosPoliceVltColorVltByte64 Counter64 } cbQosPoliceCfmColorCfmPkt64 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "Packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 64 bits count of packets which are marked as Conform-Color by previous node and treated as conforming by the policing feature on this node." ::= { cbQosPoliceColorStatsEntry 1 } cbQosPoliceCfmColorCfmByte64 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "Octets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 64 bits count of bytes which are marked as Conform-Color by previous node and treated as conforming by the policing feature on this node." ::= { cbQosPoliceColorStatsEntry 2 } cbQosPoliceCfmColorExdPkt64 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "Packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 64 bits count of packets which are marked as Conform-Color by previous node and treated as exceeding by the policing feature on this node." ::= { cbQosPoliceColorStatsEntry 3 } cbQosPoliceCfmColorExdByte64 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "Octets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 64 bits count of bytes which are marked as Conform-Color by previous node and treated as exceeding by the policing feature on this node." ::= { cbQosPoliceColorStatsEntry 4 } cbQosPoliceCfmColorVltPkt64 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "Packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 64 bits count of packets which are marked as Conform-Color by previous node and treated as violating by the policing feature on this node." ::= { cbQosPoliceColorStatsEntry 5 } cbQosPoliceCfmColorVltByte64 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "Octets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 64 bits count of bytes which are marked as Conform-Color by previous node and treated as violating by the policing feature on this node." ::= { cbQosPoliceColorStatsEntry 6 } cbQosPoliceExdColorExdPkt64 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "Packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 64 bits count of packets which are marked as Exceed-Color by previous node and treated as exceeding by the policing feature on this node." ::= { cbQosPoliceColorStatsEntry 7 } cbQosPoliceExdColorExdByte64 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "Octets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 64 bits count of bytes which are marked as Exceed-Color by previous node and treated as exceeding by the policing feature on this node." ::= { cbQosPoliceColorStatsEntry 8 } cbQosPoliceExdColorVltPkt64 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "Packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 64 bits count of packets which are marked as Exceed-Color by previous node and treated as violating by the policing feature on this node." ::= { cbQosPoliceColorStatsEntry 9 } cbQosPoliceExdColorVltByte64 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "Octets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 64 bits count of bytes which are marked as Exceed-Color by previous node and treated as violating by the policing feature on this node." ::= { cbQosPoliceColorStatsEntry 10 } cbQosPoliceVltColorVltPkt64 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "Packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 64 bits count of packets which are marked as Violate-Color by previous node and treated as violating by the policing feature on this node." ::= { cbQosPoliceColorStatsEntry 11 } cbQosPoliceVltColorVltByte64 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "Octets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 64 bits count of bytes which are marked as Violate-Color by previous node and treated as violating by the policing feature on this node." ::= { cbQosPoliceColorStatsEntry 12 } -- end of cbQosPoliceColorStats -- -- -- Beginning of cbQosTableMapCfg cbQosTableMapCfgTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CbQosTableMapCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table specifies Table Map basic configuration information." ::= { cbQosTableMapCfg 1 } cbQosTableMapCfgEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CbQosTableMapCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each entry in this table describes configuration information about a tablemap name, behavior and default value. Each cbQosTableMapCfgName is a unique character string in QOS. This table contains configuration information only, no statistics associated with it." INDEX { cbQosTableMapCfgIndex } ::= { cbQosTableMapCfgTable 1 } CbQosTableMapCfgEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cbQosTableMapCfgIndex Unsigned32, cbQosTableMapCfgName DisplayString, cbQosTableMapCfgBehavior INTEGER , cbQosTableMapCfgDftValue Unsigned32 } cbQosTableMapCfgIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary (system-assigned) index for tablemap." ::= { cbQosTableMapCfgEntry 1 } cbQosTableMapCfgName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Name of the tablemap." ::= { cbQosTableMapCfgEntry 2 } cbQosTableMapCfgBehavior OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { value(1), copy(2), ignore(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The behavior of a tablemap. value(1) Always set to-value to be a configurable default value <0-99> which is defined in cbQosTableMapCfgDftValue. copy(2) Always copy from-value to to-value in case the from-value is not found in the tablemap. This is the default behavior for a tablemap. ignore(3) Ignore to set to-value when from-value is not found in the tablemap." ::= { cbQosTableMapCfgEntry 3 } cbQosTableMapCfgDftValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..99 ) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The configurable default value used when cbQosTableMapCfgBehavior is value(1)." ::= { cbQosTableMapCfgEntry 4 } -- end of cbQosTableMapCfg -- -- -- Beginning of cbQosTableMapValueCfg cbQosTableMapValueCfgTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CbQosTableMapValueCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table specifies the from-value to to-value conversion pairs for a tablemap." ::= { cbQosTableMapValueCfg 1 } cbQosTableMapValueCfgEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CbQosTableMapValueCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each entry in this table specifies a from-value to to-value conversion pair for a given tablemap. This table contains configuration information only, no statistics associated with it." INDEX { cbQosTableMapCfgIndex, cbQosTableMapValueCfgFrom } ::= { cbQosTableMapValueCfgTable 1 } CbQosTableMapValueCfgEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cbQosTableMapValueCfgFrom Unsigned32, cbQosTableMapValueCfgTo Unsigned32 } cbQosTableMapValueCfgFrom OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the from-value in the tablemap. If cbQosTableMapCfgBehavior equals to either copy(2) or ignore(3), when the content in the from-type(e.g., cbQosTMSetIpDscpFromType) equals to this value, the value in the to-type(e.g., IpDscp) will be set to cbQosTableMapValueCfgTo. Each tablemap can configure multiple from-value/to-value pairs." ::= { cbQosTableMapValueCfgEntry 1 } cbQosTableMapValueCfgTo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the to-value in the tablemap. Its usage is described in cbQosTableMapValueCfgFrom." ::= { cbQosTableMapValueCfgEntry 2 } -- end of cbQosTableMapValueCfg -- -- -- Beginning of cbQosTableMapSetCfg cbQosTableMapSetCfgTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CbQosTableMapSetCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table specifies enhanced packet marking configuration using a pre-defined tablemap." ::= { cbQosTableMapSetCfg 1 } cbQosTableMapSetCfgEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CbQosTableMapSetCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each entry in this table describes configuration information for an Enhanced Packet Marking Action. The enhanced packet marking action uses a pre-configured table-map to do the from-value to to-value conversion. The packet marking to-type and from-type relationship can be established by using the table-map. Following is an example: cbQosTMSetIpDscpFromType == qosGroup(3) cbQosTMSetIpDscpMapName == 'MyTableMap', it means that table-map 'MyTableMap' will be used to convert the QosGroup value and the converted value will be used to set IpDSCP. cbQosConfigIndex is drived directly from cbQosSetCfgTable to keep the 1-to-1 mapping between two tables. This table contains configuration information only, no statistics associated with it." INDEX { cbQosConfigIndex } ::= { cbQosTableMapSetCfgTable 1 } CbQosTableMapSetCfgEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cbQosTMSetIpDscpFromType CbQosTMSetType, cbQosTMSetIpDscpMapName DisplayString, cbQosTMSetIpPrecedenceFromType CbQosTMSetType, cbQosTMSetIpPrecedenceMapName DisplayString, cbQosTMSetQosGroupFromType CbQosTMSetType, cbQosTMSetQosGroupMapName DisplayString, cbQosTMSetL2CosFromType CbQosTMSetType, cbQosTMSetL2CosMapName DisplayString, cbQosTMSetMplsExpImpFromType CbQosTMSetType, cbQosTMSetMplsExpImpMapName DisplayString, cbQosTMSetMplsExpTopFromType CbQosTMSetType, cbQosTMSetMplsExpTopMapName DisplayString } cbQosTMSetIpDscpFromType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CbQosTMSetType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The packet marking type whose value will be converted to a to-value based on a pre-configured table-map. The to-value will then be used to set IpDSCP." ::= { cbQosTableMapSetCfgEntry 1 } cbQosTMSetIpDscpMapName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The name of a pre-configured table-map used to convert and set IpDSCP value." ::= { cbQosTableMapSetCfgEntry 2 } cbQosTMSetIpPrecedenceFromType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CbQosTMSetType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The packet marking type whose value will be converted to a to-value based on a pre-configured table-map. The to-value will then be used to set IpPrecedence." ::= { cbQosTableMapSetCfgEntry 3 } cbQosTMSetIpPrecedenceMapName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The name of a pre-configured table-map used to convert and set IpPrecedence value." ::= { cbQosTableMapSetCfgEntry 4 } cbQosTMSetQosGroupFromType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CbQosTMSetType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The packet marking type whose value will be converted to a to-value based on a pre-configured table-map. The to-value will then be used to set QosGroup." ::= { cbQosTableMapSetCfgEntry 5 } cbQosTMSetQosGroupMapName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The name of a pre-configured table-map used to convert and set QosGroup value." ::= { cbQosTableMapSetCfgEntry 6 } cbQosTMSetL2CosFromType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CbQosTMSetType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The packet marking type whose value will be converted to a to-value based on a pre-configured table-map. The to-value will then be used to set L2Cos." ::= { cbQosTableMapSetCfgEntry 7 } cbQosTMSetL2CosMapName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The name of a pre-configured table-map used to convert and set L2Cos value." ::= { cbQosTableMapSetCfgEntry 8 } cbQosTMSetMplsExpImpFromType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CbQosTMSetType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The packet marking type whose value will be converted to a to-value based on a pre-configured table-map. The to-value will then be used to set MplsExpImposition." ::= { cbQosTableMapSetCfgEntry 9 } cbQosTMSetMplsExpImpMapName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The name of a pre-configured table-map used to convert and set MplsExpImposition value." ::= { cbQosTableMapSetCfgEntry 10 } cbQosTMSetMplsExpTopFromType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CbQosTMSetType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The packet marking type whose value will be converted to a to-value based on a pre-configured table-map. The to-value will then be used to set MplsExpTopMost." ::= { cbQosTableMapSetCfgEntry 11 } cbQosTMSetMplsExpTopMapName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The name of a pre-configured table-map used to convert and set MplsExpTopMost value." ::= { cbQosTableMapSetCfgEntry 12 } -- end of cbQosTableMapSetCfg -- -- -- Start of cbQosEBCfgTable cbQosEBCfgTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CbQosEBCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table specifies Estimate Bandwidth related configuration information." ::= { cbQosEBCfg 1 } cbQosEBCfgEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CbQosEBCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each entry in this table describes configuration information about Estimate Bandwidth. It includes: drop target, delay target and delay threshold. This table contains configuration information only. It is indexed by the cbQosConfigIndex." INDEX { cbQosConfigIndex } ::= { cbQosEBCfgTable 1 } CbQosEBCfgEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cbQosEBCfgMechanism CbQosEBType, cbQosEBCfgDropTarget Unsigned32, cbQosEBCfgDelayTarget Unsigned32, cbQosEBCfgDelayThreshold Unsigned32 } cbQosEBCfgMechanism OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CbQosEBType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Bandwidth estimate algorithm type." ::= { cbQosEBCfgEntry 1 } cbQosEBCfgDropTarget OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (50..1000000 ) UNITS "packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "One-in-Number target indicating that no more than one packet in (this) number will be dropped." ::= { cbQosEBCfgEntry 2 } cbQosEBCfgDelayTarget OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (50..1000000 ) UNITS "packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "One-in-Number target indicating that no more than one packet in (this) number will exceed the delay threshold specified by cbQosEBCfgDelayThreshold." ::= { cbQosEBCfgEntry 3 } cbQosEBCfgDelayThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (16..1000 ) UNITS "millisecond" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time in milliseconds for the delay threshold." ::= { cbQosEBCfgEntry 4 } -- End of cbQosEBCfgTable -- -- -- Start of cbQosEBStatsTable cbQosEBStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CbQosEBStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table specifies Estimate Bandwidth related statistical information." ::= { cbQosEBStats 1 } cbQosEBStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CbQosEBStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each entry in this table describes Estimate Bandwidth related statistical information." INDEX { cbQosPolicyIndex, cbQosObjectsIndex } ::= { cbQosEBStatsTable 1 } CbQosEBStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cbQosEBStatsCorvilEBValue Gauge32, cbQosEBStatsCorvilEBStatus TruthValue, cbQosEBStatsCorvilCTD CbQosEBCtd } cbQosEBStatsCorvilEBValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 UNITS "kbps" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current Corvil EB bandwidth value." ::= { cbQosEBStatsEntry 1 } cbQosEBStatsCorvilEBStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Boolean to indicate if Corvil EB is ready. true - Bandwidth estimate is available. false - Bandwidth estimate is not available." ::= { cbQosEBStatsEntry 2 } cbQosEBStatsCorvilCTD OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CbQosEBCtd MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Corvil CTD value defined by CbQosEBCtd." ::= { cbQosEBStatsEntry 3 } -- End of cbQosEBStatsTable ciscocbQosMIBCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscocbQosMIBConformance 1 } ciscocbQosMIBGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscocbQosMIBConformance 2 } -- compliance statements ciscocbQosMIBCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for entities that implement class-based QoS on a Cisco router." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { cbQosServicePolicyGroup, cbQosObjectsGroup, cbQosPolicyMapCfgGroup, cbQosClassMapCfgGroup, cbQosMatchStmtCfgGroup, cbQosQueueingCfgGroup, cbQosREDCfgGroup, cbQosREDClassCfgGroup, cbQosPoliceCfgGroup, cbQosTSCfgGroup, cbQosSetCfgGroup, cbQosClassMapStatsGroup, cbQosMatchStmtStatsGroup, cbQosPoliceStatsGroup, cbQosQueueingStatsGroup, cbQosTSStatsGroup, cbQosREDClassStatsGroup } GROUP cbQosInterfacePolicyGroup DESCRIPTION "This is a optional group of information" GROUP cbQosFrameRelayVCPolicyGroup DESCRIPTION "This is a optional group of information" GROUP cbQosATMPVCPolicyGroup DESCRIPTION "This is a optional group of information" GROUP cbQosNoBufferDropGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available for code running on the 7500 platform." GROUP cbQosQueueingDynamicQNumberGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available for code running on the 7200 and/or lower platforms." GROUP cbQosTrafficShapingDelayCountersGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available for code running on the 7200 and/or lower platforms." ::= { ciscocbQosMIBCompliances 1 } ciscocbQosMIBComplianceRev1 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for entities that implement class-based QoS on a Cisco router. This compliance module deprecates ciscocbQosMIBCompliance." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { cbQosServicePolicyGroup, cbQosObjectsGroup, cbQosPolicyMapCfgGroup, cbQosClassMapCfgGroup, cbQosMatchStmtCfgGroup, cbQosQueueingCfgGroupRev1, cbQosREDCfgGroupRev1, cbQosREDClassCfgGroupRev1, cbQosPoliceCfgGroupRev1, cbQosTSCfgGroup, cbQosSetCfgGroup, cbQosClassMapStatsGroup, cbQosMatchStmtStatsGroup, cbQosPoliceStatsGroup, cbQosQueueingStatsGroup, cbQosTSStatsGroup, cbQosREDClassStatsGroup } GROUP cbQosInterfacePolicyGroup DESCRIPTION "This is a optional group of information" GROUP cbQosFrameRelayVCPolicyGroup DESCRIPTION "This is a optional group of information" GROUP cbQosATMPVCPolicyGroup DESCRIPTION "This is a optional group of information" GROUP cbQosNoBufferDropGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available for code running on the 7500 platform." GROUP cbQosQueueingDynamicQNumberGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available for code running on the 7200 and/or lower platforms." GROUP cbQosTrafficShapingDelayCountersGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available for code running on the 7200 and/or lower platforms." ::= { ciscocbQosMIBCompliances 2 } ciscocbQosMIBComplianceRev2 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for entities that implement class-based QoS on a Cisco router. This compliance module deprecates ciscocbQosMIBComplianceRev1." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { cbQosServicePolicyGroup, cbQosObjectsGroup, cbQosPolicyMapCfgGroup, cbQosClassMapCfgGroup, cbQosMatchStmtCfgGroup, cbQosQueueingCfgGroupRev1, cbQosREDCfgGroupRev1, cbQosREDClassCfgGroupRev1, cbQosPoliceCfgGroupRev2, cbQosTSCfgGroup, cbQosSetCfgGroupRev1, cbQosClassMapStatsGroup, cbQosMatchStmtStatsGroup, cbQosPoliceStatsGroup, cbQosQueueingStatsGroup, cbQosTSStatsGroup, cbQosREDClassStatsGroup } GROUP cbQosInterfacePolicyGroup DESCRIPTION "This is a optional group of information" GROUP cbQosFrameRelayVCPolicyGroup DESCRIPTION "This is a optional group of information" GROUP cbQosATMPVCPolicyGroup DESCRIPTION "This is a optional group of information" GROUP cbQosNoBufferDropGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available for code running on the 7500 platform." GROUP cbQosQueueingDynamicQNumberGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available for code running on the 7200 and/or lower platforms." GROUP cbQosREDClassXmitCountersGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting WRED transmit stats." GROUP cbQosREDECNCfgGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting WRED ECN configuration." GROUP cbQosREDClassECNMarkCountersGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting WRED ECN stats." GROUP cbQosAFPoliceStatsGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting POLICE violate action stats." GROUP cbQosPoliceCfgPirGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting police PIR configuration." GROUP cbQosPoliceCfgExtGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available for code running on the Catalyst 4000 platform." GROUP cbQosPoliceActionCfgGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting multiple POLICE conform/exceed actions." GROUP cbQosAFPoliceViolateCfgGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting multiple POLICE violate actions." GROUP cbQosPoliceCfgPercentGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting police CIR/PIR in percentage." GROUP cbQosTrafficShapingDelayCountersGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available for code running on the 7200 and/or lower platforms." GROUP cbQosTSCfgPercentGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting committed shaping rate in percentage." GROUP cbQosNewSetCfgGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting SET L2 Cos config." GROUP cbQosSetCfgMplsImpositionGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting SET MPLS Experimental Imposition config." GROUP cbQosSetCfgDiscardClassGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting SET Discard Class config." GROUP cbQosSetCfgMPLSTopMostGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting SET MPLS Experimental Top Most config." GROUP cbQosIPHCCfgGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting IPHC configuration." GROUP cbQosIPHCStatsGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting IPHC stats." ::= { ciscocbQosMIBCompliances 3 } -- units of conformance ciscocbQosMIBComplianceRev3 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for entities that implement class-based QoS on a Cisco router. This compliance module deprecates ciscocbQosMIBComplianceRev2." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { cbQosServicePolicyGroupRev1, cbQosObjectsGroup, cbQosPolicyMapCfgGroup, cbQosClassMapCfgGroup, cbQosMatchStmtCfgGroup, cbQosQueueingCfgGroupRev1, cbQosREDDscpCfgGroup, cbQosREDCfgGroupRev1, cbQosREDClassCfgGroupRev1, cbQosPoliceCfgGroupRev2, cbQosTSCfgGroup, cbQosSetCfgGroupRev1, cbQosClassMapStatsGroup, cbQosMatchStmtStatsGroup, cbQosPoliceStatsGroup, cbQosQueueingStatsGroup, cbQosTSStatsGroup, cbQosREDClassStatsGroup } GROUP cbQosInterfacePolicyGroup DESCRIPTION "This is a optional group of information" GROUP cbQosFrameRelayVCPolicyGroup DESCRIPTION "This is a optional group of information" GROUP cbQosATMPVCPolicyGroup DESCRIPTION "This is a optional group of information" GROUP cbQosNoBufferDropGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available for code running on the 7500 platform." GROUP cbQosQueueingDynamicQNumberGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available for code running on the 7200 and/or lower platforms." GROUP cbQosREDClassXmitCountersGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting WRED transmit stats." GROUP cbQosREDECNCfgGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting WRED ECN configuration." GROUP cbQosREDClassECNMarkCountersGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting WRED ECN stats." GROUP cbQosAFPoliceStatsGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting POLICE violate action stats." GROUP cbQosPoliceCfgPirGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting police PIR configuration." GROUP cbQosPoliceCfgExtGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available for code running on the Catalyst 4000 platform." GROUP cbQosPoliceActionCfgGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting multiple POLICE conform/exceed actions." GROUP cbQosAFPoliceViolateCfgGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting multiple POLICE violate actions." GROUP cbQosPoliceCfgPercentGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting police CIR/PIR in percentage." GROUP cbQosTrafficShapingDelayCountersGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available for code running on the 7200 and/or lower platforms." GROUP cbQosTSCfgPercentGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting committed shaping rate in percentage." GROUP cbQosNewSetCfgGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting SET L2 Cos config." GROUP cbQosSetCfgMplsImpositionGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting SET MPLS Experimental Imposition config." GROUP cbQosSetCfgDiscardClassGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting SET Discard Class config." GROUP cbQosSetCfgMPLSTopMostGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting SET MPLS Experimental Top Most config." GROUP cbQosIPHCCfgGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting IPHC configuration." GROUP cbQosIPHCStatsGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting IPHC stats." GROUP cbQosQueueingCfgQLimitTimeGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting time-based Queue limit configuration." GROUP cbQosREDCfgThresholdTimeGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting time-based RED threshold configuration." GROUP cbQosPoliceCfgCellGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting cell-based Policing Rate and Burst configuration." GROUP cbQosPoliceCfgTimeGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting time-based Policing Burst configuration." GROUP cbQosPoliceCfgCdvtGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting Policing ATM CDVT configuration." GROUP cbQosPoliceCfgColorGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting Policing Color Aware configuration." GROUP cbQosTSCfgTimeGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting time-based Shaping Burst configuration." GROUP cbQosSetCfgSrpPriorityGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting SRP Priority SET configuration." GROUP cbQosSetCfgFrFecnBecnGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting Frame Relay FECN BECN SET configuration." GROUP cbQosSetStatsGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting SET stats." GROUP cbQosPoliceColorStatsGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting Policing Color Aware stats." GROUP cbQosTableMapCfgGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting Enhanced Packet Marking." GROUP cbQosEBCfgGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms supporting Estimate Bandwidth." GROUP cbQosEBStatsGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms supporting Estimate Bandwidth stats." ::= { ciscocbQosMIBCompliances 4 } -- units of conformance ciscocbQosMIBComplianceRev4 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for entities that implement class-based QoS on a Cisco router. This compliance module deprecates ciscocbQosMIBComplianceRev2." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { cbQosServicePolicyGroupRev1, cbQosObjectsGroup, cbQosPolicyMapCfgGroup, cbQosClassMapCfgGroup, cbQosMatchStmtCfgGroup, cbQosQueueingCfgGroupRev1, cbQosREDDscpCfgGroup, cbQosREDCfgGroupRev1, cbQosREDClassCfgGroupRev1, cbQosPoliceCfgGroupRev2, cbQosTSCfgGroup, cbQosSetCfgGroupRev1, cbQosClassMapStatsGroup, cbQosMatchStmtStatsGroup, cbQosPoliceStatsGroup, cbQosQueueingStatsGroup, cbQosTSStatsGroup, cbQosREDClassStatsGroup } GROUP cbQosInterfacePolicyGroup DESCRIPTION "This is a optional group of information" GROUP cbQosFrameRelayVCPolicyGroup DESCRIPTION "This is a optional group of information" GROUP cbQosATMPVCPolicyGroup DESCRIPTION "This is a optional group of information" GROUP cbQosNoBufferDropGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available for code running on the 7500 platform." GROUP cbQosQueueingDynamicQNumberGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available for code running on the 7200 and/or lower platforms." GROUP cbQosREDClassXmitCountersGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting WRED transmit stats." GROUP cbQosREDECNCfgGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting WRED ECN configuration." GROUP cbQosREDClassECNMarkCountersGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting WRED ECN stats." GROUP cbQosAFPoliceStatsGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting POLICE violate action stats." GROUP cbQosPoliceCfgPirGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting police PIR configuration." GROUP cbQosPoliceCfgExtGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available for code running on the Catalyst 4000 platform." GROUP cbQosPoliceActionCfgGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting multiple POLICE conform/exceed actions." GROUP cbQosAFPoliceViolateCfgGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting multiple POLICE violate actions." GROUP cbQosPoliceCfgPercentGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting police CIR/PIR in percentage." GROUP cbQosTrafficShapingDelayCountersGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available for code running on the 7200 and/or lower platforms." GROUP cbQosTSCfgPercentGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting committed shaping rate in percentage." GROUP cbQosNewSetCfgGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting SET L2 Cos config." GROUP cbQosSetCfgMplsImpositionGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting SET MPLS Experimental Imposition config." GROUP cbQosSetCfgDiscardClassGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting SET Discard Class config." GROUP cbQosSetCfgMPLSTopMostGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting SET MPLS Experimental Top Most config." GROUP cbQosIPHCCfgGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting IPHC configuration." GROUP cbQosIPHCStatsGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting IPHC stats." GROUP cbQosQueueingCfgQLimitTimeGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting time-based Queue limit configuration." GROUP cbQosREDCfgThresholdTimeGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting time-based RED threshold configuration." GROUP cbQosPoliceCfgCellGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting cell-based Policing Rate and Burst configuration." GROUP cbQosPoliceCfgTimeGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting time-based Policing Burst configuration." GROUP cbQosPoliceCfgCdvtGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting Policing ATM CDVT configuration." GROUP cbQosPoliceCfgColorGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting Policing Color Aware configuration." GROUP cbQosTSCfgTimeGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting time-based Shaping Burst configuration." GROUP cbQosSetCfgSrpPriorityGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting SRP Priority SET configuration." GROUP cbQosSetCfgFrFecnBecnGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting Frame Relay FECN BECN SET configuration." GROUP cbQosSetStatsGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting SET stats." GROUP cbQosPoliceColorStatsGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting Policing Color Aware stats." GROUP cbQosTableMapCfgGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting Enhanced Packet Marking." GROUP cbQosEBCfgGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms supporting Estimate Bandwidth." GROUP cbQosEBStatsGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms supporting Estimate Bandwidth stats." GROUP cbQosMeasureIPSLACfgGroup DESCRIPTION "Optional objects to configure IPSLA measure action." ::= { ciscocbQosMIBCompliances 5 } ciscocbQosMIBComplianceRev5 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for entities that implement class-based QoS on a Cisco router. This compliance module deprecates ciscocbQosMIBComplianceRev4." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { cbQosServicePolicyGroupRev1, cbQosObjectsGroup, cbQosPolicyMapCfgGroup, cbQosClassMapCfgGroup, cbQosMatchStmtCfgGroup, cbQosQueueingCfgGroupRev1, cbQosREDDscpCfgGroup, cbQosREDCfgGroupRev1, cbQosREDClassCfgGroupRev1, cbQosPoliceCfgGroupRev2, cbQosTSCfgGroup, cbQosSetCfgGroupRev1, cbQosClassMapStatsGroup, cbQosMatchStmtStatsGroup, cbQosPoliceStatsGroup, cbQosQueueingStatsGroup, cbQosTSStatsGroup, cbQosREDClassStatsGroup } GROUP cbQosInterfacePolicyGroup DESCRIPTION "This is a optional group of information" GROUP cbQosFrameRelayVCPolicyGroup DESCRIPTION "This is a optional group of information" GROUP cbQosATMPVCPolicyGroup DESCRIPTION "This is a optional group of information" GROUP cbQosNoBufferDropGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available for code running on the 7500 platform." GROUP cbQosQueueingDynamicQNumberGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available for code running on the 7200 and/or lower platforms." GROUP cbQosREDClassXmitCountersGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting WRED transmit stats." GROUP cbQosREDECNCfgGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting WRED ECN configuration." GROUP cbQosREDClassECNMarkCountersGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting WRED ECN stats." GROUP cbQosAFPoliceStatsGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting POLICE violate action stats." GROUP cbQosPoliceCfgPirGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting police PIR configuration." GROUP cbQosPoliceCfgExtGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available for code running on the Catalyst 4000 platform." GROUP cbQosPoliceActionCfgGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting multiple POLICE conform/exceed actions." GROUP cbQosAFPoliceViolateCfgGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting multiple POLICE violate actions." GROUP cbQosPoliceCfgPercentGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting police CIR/PIR in percentage." GROUP cbQosTrafficShapingDelayCountersGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available for code running on the 7200 and/or lower platforms." GROUP cbQosTSCfgPercentGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting committed shaping rate in percentage." GROUP cbQosNewSetCfgGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting SET L2 Cos config." GROUP cbQosSetCfgMplsImpositionGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting SET MPLS Experimental Imposition config." GROUP cbQosSetCfgDiscardClassGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting SET Discard Class config." GROUP cbQosSetCfgMPLSTopMostGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting SET MPLS Experimental Top Most config." GROUP cbQosIPHCCfgGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting IPHC configuration." GROUP cbQosIPHCStatsGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting IPHC stats." GROUP cbQosQueueingCfgQLimitTimeGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting time-based Queue limit configuration." GROUP cbQosREDCfgThresholdTimeGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting time-based RED threshold configuration." GROUP cbQosPoliceCfgCellGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting cell-based Policing Rate and Burst configuration." GROUP cbQosPoliceCfgTimeGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting time-based Policing Burst configuration." GROUP cbQosPoliceCfgCdvtGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting Policing ATM CDVT configuration." GROUP cbQosPoliceCfgColorGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting Policing Color Aware configuration." GROUP cbQosTSCfgTimeGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting time-based Shaping Burst configuration." GROUP cbQosSetCfgSrpPriorityGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting SRP Priority SET configuration." GROUP cbQosSetCfgFrFecnBecnGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting Frame Relay FECN BECN SET configuration." GROUP cbQosSetStatsGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting SET stats." GROUP cbQosPoliceColorStatsGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting Policing Color Aware stats." GROUP cbQosTableMapCfgGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms that supporting Enhanced Packet Marking." GROUP cbQosEBCfgGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms supporting Estimate Bandwidth." GROUP cbQosEBStatsGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is only available on platforms supporting Estimate Bandwidth stats." GROUP cbQosMeasureIPSLACfgGroup DESCRIPTION "Optional objects to configure IPSLA measure action." GROUP cbQosTSCfgExtGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is applicable for those platforms that support shape rate greater than maximum value reportable by cbQosTSCfgRate." ::= { ciscocbQosMIBCompliances 6 } -- units of conformance cbQosServicePolicyGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cbQosIfType, cbQosPolicyDirection, cbQosIfIndex, cbQosFrDLCI, cbQosAtmVPI, cbQosAtmVCI } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Required objects to provide CB QoS objects configuration information." ::= { ciscocbQosMIBGroups 1 } cbQosInterfacePolicyGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cbQosIFPolicyIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Required objects to provide CB QoS objects configuration information." ::= { ciscocbQosMIBGroups 2 } cbQosFrameRelayVCPolicyGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cbQosFRPolicyIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Required objects to provide CB QoS objects configuration information." ::= { ciscocbQosMIBGroups 3 } cbQosATMPVCPolicyGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cbQosATMPolicyIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Required objects to provide CB QoS objects configuration information." ::= { ciscocbQosMIBGroups 4 } cbQosObjectsGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cbQosConfigIndex, cbQosObjectsType, cbQosParentObjectsIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Required objects to provide CB QoS objects configuration information." ::= { ciscocbQosMIBGroups 5 } cbQosPolicyMapCfgGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cbQosPolicyMapName, cbQosPolicyMapDesc } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Required objects to provide CB QoS objects configuration information." ::= { ciscocbQosMIBGroups 6 } cbQosClassMapCfgGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cbQosCMName, cbQosCMDesc, cbQosCMInfo } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Required objects to provide CB QoS objects configuration information." ::= { ciscocbQosMIBGroups 7 } cbQosMatchStmtCfgGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cbQosMatchStmtName, cbQosMatchStmtInfo } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Required objects to provide CB QoS objects configuration information." ::= { ciscocbQosMIBGroups 8 } cbQosQueueingCfgGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cbQosQueueingCfgBandwidth, cbQosQueueingCfgBandwidthUnits, cbQosQueueingCfgFlowEnabled, cbQosQueueingCfgPriorityEnabled, cbQosQueueingCfgAggregateQSize, cbQosQueueingCfgIndividualQSize, cbQosQueueingCfgPrioBurstSize } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Required objects to provide CB QoS objects configuration information." ::= { ciscocbQosMIBGroups 9 } cbQosREDCfgGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cbQosREDCfgExponWeight, cbQosREDCfgMeanQsize } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Required objects to provide CB QoS objects configuration information." ::= { ciscocbQosMIBGroups 10 } cbQosREDClassCfgGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cbQosREDCfgMinThreshold, cbQosREDCfgMaxThreshold, cbQosREDCfgPktDropProb } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Required objects to provide CB QoS objects configuration information." ::= { ciscocbQosMIBGroups 11 } cbQosPoliceCfgGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cbQosPoliceCfgRate, cbQosPoliceCfgBurstSize, cbQosPoliceCfgExtBurstSize, cbQosPoliceCfgConformAction, cbQosPoliceCfgConformSetValue, cbQosPoliceCfgExceedAction, cbQosPoliceCfgExceedSetValue, cbQosPoliceCfgPir } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Required objects to provide CB QoS objects configuration information." ::= { ciscocbQosMIBGroups 12 } cbQosTSCfgGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cbQosTSCfgRate, cbQosTSCfgBurstSize, cbQosTSCfgExtBurstSize, cbQosTSCfgAdaptiveEnabled, cbQosTSCfgAdaptiveRate, cbQosTSCfgLimitType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Required objects to provide CB QoS objects configuration information." ::= { ciscocbQosMIBGroups 13 } cbQosSetCfgGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cbQosSetCfgFeature, cbQosSetCfgIpDSCPValue, cbQosSetCfgIpPrecedenceValue, cbQosSetCfgQosGroupValue, cbQosSetCfgL2CosValue, cbQosSetCfgMplsExpValue, cbQosSetCfgDiscardClassValue } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Required objects to provide CB QoS objects configuration information." ::= { ciscocbQosMIBGroups 14 } cbQosClassMapStatsGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cbQosCMPrePolicyPktOverflow, cbQosCMPrePolicyPkt, cbQosCMPrePolicyPkt64, cbQosCMPrePolicyByteOverflow, cbQosCMPrePolicyByte, cbQosCMPrePolicyByte64, cbQosCMPrePolicyBitRate, cbQosCMPostPolicyByteOverflow, cbQosCMPostPolicyByte, cbQosCMPostPolicyByte64, cbQosCMPostPolicyBitRate, cbQosCMDropPktOverflow, cbQosCMDropPkt, cbQosCMDropPkt64, cbQosCMDropByteOverflow, cbQosCMDropByte, cbQosCMDropByte64, cbQosCMDropBitRate } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Required objects to provide CB QoS objects configuration information." ::= { ciscocbQosMIBGroups 15 } cbQosNoBufferDropGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cbQosCMNoBufDropPktOverflow, cbQosCMNoBufDropPkt, cbQosCMNoBufDropPkt64 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Optional objects to provide CB QoS summary statistics." ::= { ciscocbQosMIBGroups 16 } cbQosQueueingDynamicQNumberGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cbQosQueueingCfgDynamicQNumber } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Optional objects to provide CB QoS Queueing information." ::= { ciscocbQosMIBGroups 17 } cbQosTrafficShapingDelayCountersGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cbQosTSStatsDelayedByteOverflow, cbQosTSStatsDelayedByte, cbQosTSStatsDelayedByte64, cbQosTSStatsDelayedPktOverflow, cbQosTSStatsDelayedPkt, cbQosTSStatsDelayedPkt64, cbQosTSStatsActive } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Optional objects to provide CB QoS traffic-shaping information." ::= { ciscocbQosMIBGroups 18 } cbQosMatchStmtStatsGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cbQosMatchPrePolicyPktOverflow, cbQosMatchPrePolicyPkt, cbQosMatchPrePolicyPkt64, cbQosMatchPrePolicyByteOverflow, cbQosMatchPrePolicyByte, cbQosMatchPrePolicyByte64, cbQosMatchPrePolicyBitRate } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Required objects to provide CB QoS objects configuration information." ::= { ciscocbQosMIBGroups 19 } cbQosPoliceStatsGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cbQosPoliceConformedPktOverflow, cbQosPoliceConformedPkt, cbQosPoliceConformedPkt64, cbQosPoliceConformedByteOverflow, cbQosPoliceConformedByte, cbQosPoliceConformedByte64, cbQosPoliceConformedBitRate, cbQosPoliceExceededPktOverflow, cbQosPoliceExceededPkt, cbQosPoliceExceededPkt64, cbQosPoliceExceededByteOverflow, cbQosPoliceExceededByte, cbQosPoliceExceededByte64, cbQosPoliceExceededBitRate } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Required objects to provide CB QoS objects configuration information." ::= { ciscocbQosMIBGroups 20 } cbQosQueueingStatsGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cbQosQueueingCurrentQDepth, cbQosQueueingMaxQDepth, cbQosQueueingDiscardByteOverflow, cbQosQueueingDiscardByte, cbQosQueueingDiscardByte64, cbQosQueueingDiscardPktOverflow, cbQosQueueingDiscardPkt, cbQosQueueingDiscardPkt64 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Required objects to provide CB QoS objects configuration information." ::= { ciscocbQosMIBGroups 21 } cbQosTSStatsGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cbQosTSStatsDropByteOverflow, cbQosTSStatsDropByte, cbQosTSStatsDropByte64, cbQosTSStatsDropPktOverflow, cbQosTSStatsDropPkt, cbQosTSStatsDropPkt64, cbQosTSStatsCurrentQSize } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Required objects to provide CB QoS objects configuration information." ::= { ciscocbQosMIBGroups 22 } cbQosREDClassStatsGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cbQosREDRandomDropPktOverflow, cbQosREDRandomDropPkt, cbQosREDRandomDropPkt64, cbQosREDRandomDropByteOverflow, cbQosREDRandomDropByte, cbQosREDRandomDropByte64, cbQosREDTailDropPktOverflow, cbQosREDTailDropPkt, cbQosREDTailDropPkt64, cbQosREDTailDropByteOverflow, cbQosREDTailDropByte, cbQosREDTailDropByte64, cbQosREDMeanQSizeUnits, cbQosREDMeanQSize } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Required objects to provide CB QoS objects configuration information." ::= { ciscocbQosMIBGroups 23 } cbQosREDClassXmitCountersGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cbQosREDTransmitPktOverflow, cbQosREDTransmitPkt, cbQosREDTransmitPkt64, cbQosREDTransmitByteOverflow, cbQosREDTransmitByte, cbQosREDTransmitByte64 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Optional objects to provide CB QoS objects configuration information." ::= { ciscocbQosMIBGroups 24 } cbQosAFPoliceStatsGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cbQosPoliceViolatedPktOverflow, cbQosPoliceViolatedPkt, cbQosPoliceViolatedPkt64, cbQosPoliceViolatedByteOverflow, cbQosPoliceViolatedByte, cbQosPoliceViolatedByte64, cbQosPoliceViolatedBitRate } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Optional objects to provide CB QoS objects configuration information." ::= { ciscocbQosMIBGroups 25 } cbQosAFPoliceCfgGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cbQosPoliceCfgViolateAction, cbQosPoliceCfgViolateSetValue } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Optional objects to provide CB QoS objects configuration information." ::= { ciscocbQosMIBGroups 26 } cbQosREDDscpCfgGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cbQosREDCfgDscpPrec } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Required objects to provide CB QoS objects configuration information." ::= { ciscocbQosMIBGroups 27 } cbQosNewSetCfgGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cbQosSetCfgL2CosValue } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Optional objects to provide CB QoS objects configuration information." ::= { ciscocbQosMIBGroups 28 } cbQosQueueingCfgGroupRev1 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cbQosQueueingCfgBandwidth, cbQosQueueingCfgBandwidthUnits, cbQosQueueingCfgFlowEnabled, cbQosQueueingCfgPriorityEnabled, cbQosQueueingCfgIndividualQSize, cbQosQueueingCfgPrioBurstSize, cbQosQueueingCfgQLimitUnits, cbQosQueueingCfgAggregateQLimit } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Required objects to provide CB QoS objects configuration information." ::= { ciscocbQosMIBGroups 29 } cbQosREDCfgGroupRev1 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cbQosREDCfgExponWeight } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Required objects to provide CB QoS objects configuration information." ::= { ciscocbQosMIBGroups 30 } cbQosREDClassCfgGroupRev1 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cbQosREDCfgPktDropProb, cbQosREDClassCfgThresholdUnit, cbQosREDClassCfgMinThreshold, cbQosREDClassCfgMaxThreshold } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Required objects to provide CB QoS objects configuration information." ::= { ciscocbQosMIBGroups 31 } cbQosPoliceCfgGroupRev1 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cbQosPoliceCfgRate, cbQosPoliceCfgBurstSize, cbQosPoliceCfgExtBurstSize, cbQosPoliceCfgPir } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Required objects to provide CB QoS objects configuration information." ::= { ciscocbQosMIBGroups 32 } cbQosPoliceActionCfgGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cbQosPoliceActionCfgConform, cbQosPoliceActionCfgConformSetValue, cbQosPoliceActionCfgExceed, cbQosPoliceActionCfgExceedSetValue } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Required objects to provide CB QoS objects configuration information." ::= { ciscocbQosMIBGroups 33 } cbQosAFPoliceViolateCfgGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cbQosPoliceActionCfgViolate, cbQosPoliceActionCfgViolateSetValue } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Optional objects to provide CB QoS objects configuration information." ::= { ciscocbQosMIBGroups 34 } cbQosREDECNCfgGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cbQosREDCfgECNEnabled } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Optional objects to provide CB QoS objects configuration information." ::= { ciscocbQosMIBGroups 35 } cbQosREDClassECNMarkCountersGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cbQosREDECNMarkPktOverflow, cbQosREDECNMarkPkt, cbQosREDECNMarkPkt64, cbQosREDECNMarkByteOverflow, cbQosREDECNMarkByte, cbQosREDECNMarkByte64 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Optional objects to provide CB QoS objects configuration information." ::= { ciscocbQosMIBGroups 36 } cbQosPoliceCfgExtGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cbQosPoliceCfgRate64 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Optional objects to provide the information of the committed policing rate that is greater than the maximum value reportable by cbQosPoliceCfgRate." ::= { ciscocbQosMIBGroups 37 } cbQosSetCfgGroupRev1 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cbQosSetCfgFeature, cbQosSetCfgIpDSCPValue, cbQosSetCfgIpPrecedenceValue, cbQosSetCfgQosGroupValue } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Required objects to provide CB QoS objects configuration information for SET/Marking feature." ::= { ciscocbQosMIBGroups 38 } cbQosSetCfgMplsImpositionGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cbQosSetCfgMplsExpValue } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Optional object to provide CB QoS objects configuration information for SET/Marking feature." ::= { ciscocbQosMIBGroups 39 } cbQosSetCfgDiscardClassGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cbQosSetCfgDiscardClassValue } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Optional object to provide CB QoS objects configuration information for SET/Marking feature." ::= { ciscocbQosMIBGroups 40 } cbQosSetCfgMPLSTopMostGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cbQosSetCfgMplsExpTopMostValue } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Optional object to provide CB QoS objects configuration information for SET/Marking feature." ::= { ciscocbQosMIBGroups 41 } cbQosPoliceCfgGroupRev2 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cbQosPoliceCfgRate, cbQosPoliceCfgBurstSize, cbQosPoliceCfgExtBurstSize } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Required objects to provide CB QoS objects configuration information for POLICE feature." ::= { ciscocbQosMIBGroups 42 } cbQosPoliceCfgPirGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cbQosPoliceCfgPir } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Optional objects to provide CB QoS policing PIR rate." ::= { ciscocbQosMIBGroups 43 } cbQosPoliceCfgPercentGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cbQosPoliceCfgRateType, cbQosPoliceCfgPercentRateValue, cbQosPoliceCfgPercentPirValue } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Optional objects to provide CB QoS policing CIR and PIR rates in percentage." ::= { ciscocbQosMIBGroups 44 } cbQosTSCfgPercentGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cbQosTSCfgRateType, cbQosTSCfgPercentRateValue } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Optional objects to provide CB QoS committed traffic-shaping rate in percentage." ::= { ciscocbQosMIBGroups 45 } cbQosIPHCCfgGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cbQosIPHCCfgOption } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Optional object to provide CB QoS IP header compression configuration information." ::= { ciscocbQosMIBGroups 46 } cbQosIPHCStatsGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cbQosIPHCRtpSentPktOverflow, cbQosIPHCRtpSentPkt, cbQosIPHCRtpSentPkt64, cbQosIPHCRtpCmprsOutPktOverflow, cbQosIPHCRtpCmprsOutPkt, cbQosIPHCRtpCmprsOutPkt64, cbQosIPHCRtpSavedByteOverflow, cbQosIPHCRtpSavedByte, cbQosIPHCRtpSavedByte64, cbQosIPHCRtpSentByteOverflow, cbQosIPHCRtpSentByte, cbQosIPHCRtpSentByte64, cbQosIPHCRtpSentByteRate, cbQosIPHCTcpSentPktOverflow, cbQosIPHCTcpSentPkt, cbQosIPHCTcpSentPkt64, cbQosIPHCTcpCmprsOutPktOverflow, cbQosIPHCTcpCmprsOutPkt, cbQosIPHCTcpCmprsOutPkt64, cbQosIPHCTcpSavedByteOverflow, cbQosIPHCTcpSavedByte, cbQosIPHCTcpSavedByte64, cbQosIPHCTcpSentByteOverflow, cbQosIPHCTcpSentByte, cbQosIPHCTcpSentByte64, cbQosIPHCTcpSentByteRate } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Optional objects to provide CB QoS IP header compression statistic information." ::= { ciscocbQosMIBGroups 47 } cbQosServicePolicyGroupRev1 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cbQosIfType, cbQosPolicyDirection, cbQosIfIndex, cbQosFrDLCI, cbQosAtmVPI, cbQosAtmVCI, cbQosEntityIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Required objects to provide CB QoS objects configuration information. This group deprecates cbQosServicePolicyGroup." ::= { ciscocbQosMIBGroups 48 } cbQosQueueingCfgQLimitTimeGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cbQosQueueingCfgAggrQLimitTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Optional object to provide Aggregate Queue time based Limit configuration information." ::= { ciscocbQosMIBGroups 49 } cbQosREDCfgThresholdTimeGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cbQosREDClassCfgMinThresholdTime, cbQosREDClassCfgMaxThresholdTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Optional objects to provide WRED time based threshold Limit configuration information." ::= { ciscocbQosMIBGroups 50 } cbQosPoliceCfgCellGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cbQosPoliceCfgCellRate, cbQosPoliceCfgCellPir, cbQosPoliceCfgBurstCell, cbQosPoliceCfgExtBurstCell } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Optional objects to provide CB QoS policing cell based rate configuration information." ::= { ciscocbQosMIBGroups 51 } cbQosPoliceCfgTimeGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cbQosPoliceCfgBurstTime, cbQosPoliceCfgExtBurstTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Optional objects to provide CB QoS policing time based burst size configuration information." ::= { ciscocbQosMIBGroups 52 } cbQosPoliceCfgCdvtGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cbQosPoliceCfgCdvt } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Optional objects to provide CB QoS policing ATM CDVT configuration information." ::= { ciscocbQosMIBGroups 53 } cbQosPoliceCfgColorGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cbQosPoliceCfgConformColor, cbQosPoliceCfgExceedColor } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Optional objects to provide CB QoS policing color aware configuration information." ::= { ciscocbQosMIBGroups 54 } cbQosTSCfgTimeGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cbQosTSCfgBurstTime, cbQosTSCfgExtBurstTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Optional objects to provide CB QoS traffic-shaping time based burst size configuration information." ::= { ciscocbQosMIBGroups 55 } cbQosSetCfgSrpPriorityGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cbQosSetCfgSrpPriority } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Optional object to provide CB QoS SET SRP Priority configuration information." ::= { ciscocbQosMIBGroups 56 } cbQosSetCfgFrFecnBecnGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cbQosSetCfgFrFecnBecn } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Optional object to provide CB QoS SET Frame Relay FECN BECN configuration information." ::= { ciscocbQosMIBGroups 57 } cbQosSetStatsGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cbQosSetDscpPkt64, cbQosSetPrecedencePkt64, cbQosSetQosGroupPkt64, cbQosSetFrDePkt64, cbQosSetAtmClpPkt64, cbQosSetL2CosPkt64, cbQosSetMplsExpImpositionPkt64, cbQosSetDiscardClassPkt64, cbQosSetMplsExpTopMostPkt64, cbQosSetSrpPriorityPkt64, cbQosSetFrFecnBecnPkt64, cbQosSetDscpTunnelPkt64, cbQosSetPrecedenceTunnelPkt64 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Optional objects to provide CB QoS SET statistical information." ::= { ciscocbQosMIBGroups 58 } cbQosPoliceColorStatsGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cbQosPoliceCfmColorCfmPkt64, cbQosPoliceCfmColorCfmByte64, cbQosPoliceCfmColorExdPkt64, cbQosPoliceCfmColorExdByte64, cbQosPoliceCfmColorVltPkt64, cbQosPoliceCfmColorVltByte64, cbQosPoliceExdColorExdPkt64, cbQosPoliceExdColorExdByte64, cbQosPoliceExdColorVltPkt64, cbQosPoliceExdColorVltByte64, cbQosPoliceVltColorVltPkt64, cbQosPoliceVltColorVltByte64 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Optional objects to provide CB QoS Assured Forwarding Policing Color Aware statistical information." ::= { ciscocbQosMIBGroups 59 } cbQosTableMapCfgGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cbQosTableMapCfgName, cbQosTableMapCfgBehavior, cbQosTableMapCfgDftValue, cbQosTableMapValueCfgTo, cbQosTMSetIpDscpFromType, cbQosTMSetIpDscpMapName, cbQosTMSetIpPrecedenceFromType, cbQosTMSetIpPrecedenceMapName, cbQosTMSetQosGroupFromType, cbQosTMSetQosGroupMapName, cbQosTMSetL2CosFromType, cbQosTMSetL2CosMapName, cbQosTMSetMplsExpImpFromType, cbQosTMSetMplsExpImpMapName, cbQosTMSetMplsExpTopFromType, cbQosTMSetMplsExpTopMapName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Optional objects to provide CB QoS Enhanced Packet Marking configuration information." ::= { ciscocbQosMIBGroups 60 } cbQosEBCfgGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cbQosEBCfgMechanism, cbQosEBCfgDropTarget, cbQosEBCfgDelayTarget, cbQosEBCfgDelayThreshold } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Optional objects to provide Estimate Bandwidth configuration information." ::= { ciscocbQosMIBGroups 61 } cbQosEBStatsGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cbQosEBStatsCorvilEBValue, cbQosEBStatsCorvilEBStatus, cbQosEBStatsCorvilCTD } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Optional objects to provide Estimate Bandwidth status information." ::= { ciscocbQosMIBGroups 62 } cbQosServicePolicyExtGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cbQosVlanIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Optional objects to provide more information about a particular service policy instance." ::= { ciscocbQosMIBGroups 63 } cbQosMeasureIPSLACfgGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cbQosMeasureIPSLACfgGroupIndex, cbQosMeasureIPSLACfgGroupName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Optional objects to configure IPSLA measure action." ::= { ciscocbQosMIBGroups 64 } cbQosTSCfgExtGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cbQosTSCfgRate64 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Objects to provide the information of the committed shaping rate that is greater than the maximum value reportable by cbQosTSCfgRate." ::= { ciscocbQosMIBGroups 65 } END