ENTERASYS-MGMT-AUTH-NOTIFICATION-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN -- This module provides authoritative definitions for Enterasys -- Networks' Resource usage monitoring. -- -- This module will be extended, as needed. -- Enterasys Networks reserves the right to make changes in this -- specification and other information contained in this document -- without prior notice. The reader should consult Enterasys Networks -- to determine whether any such changes have been made. -- -- In no event shall Enterasys Networks be liable for any incidental, -- indirect, special, or consequential damages whatsoever (including -- but not limited to lost profits) arising out of or related to this -- document or the information contained in it, even if Enterasys -- Networks has been advised of, known, or should have known, the -- possibility of such damages. -- -- Enterasys Networks grants vendors, end-users, and other interested -- parties a non-exclusive license to use this Specification in -- connection with the management of Enterasys Networks products. -- Copyright November, 2005 Enterasys Networks, Inc. IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, NOTIFICATION-TYPE FROM SNMPv2-SMI TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, DisplayString FROM SNMPv2-TC MODULE-COMPLIANCE, OBJECT-GROUP, NOTIFICATION-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF InterfaceIndexOrZero FROM IF-MIB InetAddressType, InetAddress FROM INET-ADDRESS-MIB etsysModules FROM ENTERASYS-MIB-NAMES; etsysMgmtAuthNotificationMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200511141648Z" -- Mon Nov 14 16:48 UTC 2005 ORGANIZATION "Enterasys Networks, Inc" CONTACT-INFO "Postal: Enterasys Networks 50 Minuteman Rd. Andover, MA 01810-1008 USA Phone: +1 978 684 1000 E-mail: support@enterasys.com WWW: http://www.enterasys.com" DESCRIPTION "This MIB module defines a portion of the SNMP enterprise MIBs under Enterasys Networks' enterprise OID pertaining to Network management authentication notifications. This MIB was designed to be used for monitoring authentication events on the network management system by various remote monitoring mechanisms." REVISION "200511141648Z" -- Mon Nov 14 16:48 UTC 2005 DESCRIPTION "The initial version of this MIB module" ::= { etsysModules 60 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------- -- Textual Conventions -- ------------------------------------------------------------- EtsysMgmtAuthNotificationTypes ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The list of authentication notification types that could be supported and enabled on the managed entity. cliConsole(0) CLI console connection authentication cliSsh(1) CLI SSH connection authentication cliTelnet(2) CLI TELNET connection authentication webview(3) Webview connection authentication" SYNTAX BITS { cliConsole(0), cliSsh(1), cliTelnet(2), webview(3) } -- ------------------------------------------------------------- -- branches in the ENTERASYS-MANAGEMENT-AUTH-NOTIFICATION MIB -- ------------------------------------------------------------- etsysMgmtAuthObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { etsysMgmtAuthNotificationMIB 1 } etsysMgmtAuthNotificationBranch OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { etsysMgmtAuthObjects 0 } etsysMgmtAuthConfigBranch OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { etsysMgmtAuthObjects 1 } etsysMgmtAuthAuthenticationBranch OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { etsysMgmtAuthObjects 2 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------- -- Objects in the etsysMgmtAuthConfigBranch group -- ------------------------------------------------------------- etsysMgmtAuthNotificationsSupported OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EtsysMgmtAuthNotificationTypes MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the management notification types supported on this management entity." DEFVAL { { } } ::= { etsysMgmtAuthConfigBranch 1 } etsysMgmtAuthNotificationEnabledStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EtsysMgmtAuthNotificationTypes MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The authentication types the management entity is configured to send notifications for." DEFVAL { { } } ::= { etsysMgmtAuthConfigBranch 2 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------- -- Objects in the etsysMgmtAuthAuthenticationBranch group -- ------------------------------------------------------------- etsysMgmtAuthType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EtsysMgmtAuthNotificationTypes MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The authentication type that as attempted by the user. Only 1 bit MAY be set in any given notification." ::= { etsysMgmtAuthAuthenticationBranch 1 } etsysMgmtAuthUserName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The username supplied by the user in the in the authentication attempt." ::= { etsysMgmtAuthAuthenticationBranch 2 } etsysMgmtAuthInetAddressType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A value that represents a type of Internet address specified by etsysMgmtAuthInetAddress." ::= { etsysMgmtAuthAuthenticationBranch 3 } etsysMgmtAuthInetAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Internet Address of the remote user being authenticated. The format of this object is defined by the etsysMgmtAuthInetAddressType object." ::= { etsysMgmtAuthAuthenticationBranch 4 } etsysMgmtAuthInIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The MIB2 interface on the managed entity that the authentication request was received on. This object must return a value of zero if the interface is unknown." ::= { etsysMgmtAuthAuthenticationBranch 5 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------- -- Objects in the etsysMgmtAuthNotificationBranch group -- ------------------------------------------------------------- etsysMgmtAuthSuccessNotificiation NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { etsysMgmtAuthType, etsysMgmtAuthUserName, etsysMgmtAuthInetAddressType, etsysMgmtAuthInetAddress, etsysMgmtAuthInIfIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Authentication passed notification. The managed entity will send this notification when the remote user is successfully authenticated" ::= { etsysMgmtAuthNotificationBranch 1 } etsysMgmtAuthFailNotificiation NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { etsysMgmtAuthType, etsysMgmtAuthUserName, etsysMgmtAuthInetAddressType, etsysMgmtAuthInetAddress, etsysMgmtAuthInIfIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Authentication failed notification. The managed entity will send this notification when the remote user fails authentication" ::= { etsysMgmtAuthNotificationBranch 2 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Conformance Information -- ------------------------------------------------------------- -- etsysMgmtAuthConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { etsysMgmtAuthNotificationMIB 2 } etsysMgmtAuthGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { etsysMgmtAuthConformance 1 } etsysMgmtAuthCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { etsysMgmtAuthConformance 2 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Units of conformance -- ------------------------------------------------------------- -- etsysMgmtAuthConfigGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { etsysMgmtAuthNotificationsSupported, etsysMgmtAuthNotificationEnabledStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing basic instrumentation of network management authentication notifications." ::= { etsysMgmtAuthGroups 1 } etsysMgmtAuthHistoryGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { etsysMgmtAuthType, etsysMgmtAuthUserName, etsysMgmtAuthInetAddressType, etsysMgmtAuthInetAddress, etsysMgmtAuthInIfIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing authentication history information." ::= { etsysMgmtAuthGroups 2 } etsysMgmtAuthNotificationGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { etsysMgmtAuthSuccessNotificiation, etsysMgmtAuthFailNotificiation } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The management authentication notifications." ::= { etsysMgmtAuthGroups 3 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Compliance statements -- ------------------------------------------------------------- -- etsysMgmtAuthCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for devices that support Enterasys management authentication notification." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { etsysMgmtAuthConfigGroup, etsysMgmtAuthHistoryGroup, etsysMgmtAuthNotificationGroup } ::= { etsysMgmtAuthCompliances 1 } END