argument('tag'); $this->info("Creating release $tag....."); $file = $this->option('file') ?: 'doc/General/'; $gh = new GitHub( $tag, $this->argument('from'), $file, getenv('GH_TOKEN') ?: $this->secret('Enter a GitHub Token?'), $this->option('pr') ); try { $gh->createChangelog(); $this->info("Changelog generated for $tag"); if ($this->confirm('Do you want to view the generated Changelog?')) { echo $gh->getMarkdown(); } if ($this->confirm("Do you want to create the release $tag on GitHub?")) { if ($gh->createRelease()) { $this->info('Release created.'); } else { $this->error('Failed to create release, check github to see what was completed.'); } } } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->error($e->getMessage()); } // remove changelog modifications (new Process(['git', 'checkout', base_path($file)]))->run(); })->purpose('Create a new LibreNMS release including changelog');