-- Eltek Toplevel MIB for Digital Power plant designs -- Eltek MIB for ELTEK Distributed Control System Power plant designs ELTEK-COMMON-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS NOTIFICATION-TYPE, OBJECT-TYPE, MODULE-IDENTITY, mib-2, enterprises, Counter32, Integer32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI NOTIFICATION-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF DisplayString FROM SNMPv2-TC; eltek MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201501030825Z" ORGANIZATION "ELTEK dcSystem MIB Working Group" CONTACT-INFO "Eltek R&D. Postal: Eltek AS P.O. Box 3043 N-3003 Drammen Norway Tel: +47-32 20 32 00 Fax: +47-32 20 31 20 web: www.eltek.com" DESCRIPTION "An ongoing effort toward a generic MIB for all ELTEK products. Branch overview: Aeongold branch will be 1 AL175 branch will be 2 AL6000 branch will be 3 Internal used branch will be 4 Internal used branch will be 5 OEM Smartpack branch will be 6 ELTEK Common branch will be 7 (SmartPack, MCU, AEON w/WebPower sw V2.x) ELTEK Distributed branch will be 8 (SmartPack w/WebPower sw V3.x) ELTEK Distributed V2 branch will be 9 (SmartPack w/WebPower sw V4.0) ELTEK Distributed V3 branch will be 9 (SmartPack w/WebPower sw V4.1) ELTEK Distributed V4 branch will be 9 (SmartPack w/WebPower sw V4.1, V4.2, V4.3 and compack 1.xx) ELTEK Distributed V5 branch will be 9 (SmartPack w/WebPower sw V4.6) ELTEK Distributed V6 branch will be 9 (SmartPack w/WebPower sw V4.6, Smartpack2 V1.1) ELTEK Distributed V7 branch will be 9 (SmartPack w/WebPower sw V4.7, V4.8, ComPack V1.04, Smartpack2 V1.1, V1.2) ELTEK Distributed V8 branch will be 9 (SmartPack w/WebPower sw V4.9, ComPack V1.04, Smartpack2 V1.1, V1.2)" REVISION "201501030825Z" DESCRIPTION "Updates in miscellaneous info fields." REVISION "201010290829Z" DESCRIPTION "Added traps and OID's for SolarChargers. Added reading of values on programmable inputs of IO Monitor." REVISION "200903121515Z" DESCRIPTION "Added support for external IO monitor and Load monitor units. Changes are done in the MIB to accomodate the v2c standard." REVISION "200801301149Z" DESCRIPTION "Some OIDs were added to this revision. Since all new stuff are additions and no existing information was moved, this V3 revision stays in branch 9. enjoy!" REVISION "200706221127Z" DESCRIPTION "Branch 9, contains mainly changes in the Traps format. The traps now meets SNMP v2c specification." REVISION "200509071238Z" DESCRIPTION "added battery test and boost start/stop and ac voltages" REVISION "200506281130Z" DESCRIPTION "First revision" ::= { enterprises 12148 } END