-- MIB for Dell Enterprise Server Group Computers : 10892 -- -- Copyright 2000-2001, Dell. All Rights Reserved. -- -- The information and functionality described by this MIB file, -- like many MIB files, is subject to change without notice. Please -- examine the version number of this MIB and compare it to the version -- number you are expecting. -- -- MIB Version number 1.17 22 May 2001 -- For Dell OpenManage Server Agent 4.4.0 or later -- MIB-Dell-10892 DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS -- enterprises, IpAddress FROM RFC1155-SMI OBJECT-TYPE FROM RFC-1212 TRAP-TYPE FROM RFC-1215 DisplayString FROM RFC1213-MIB; -- -- MIB Categories -- -- Dell enterprises ID dell OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 674 } -- Dell computer MIB Definition server3 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dell 10892 } baseboardGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { server3 1 } drsOutOfBandGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { server3 2 } mIBVersionGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { baseboardGroup 1 } systemManagementSoftwareGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { baseboardGroup 100 } systemStateGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { baseboardGroup 200 } chassisInformationGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { baseboardGroup 300 } operatingSystemGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { baseboardGroup 400 } systemResourceGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { baseboardGroup 500 } powerGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { baseboardGroup 600 } thermalGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { baseboardGroup 700 } userSecurityGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { baseboardGroup 800 } remoteFlashBIOSGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { baseboardGroup 900 } portGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { baseboardGroup 1000 } deviceGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { baseboardGroup 1100 } slotGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { baseboardGroup 1200 } memoryGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { baseboardGroup 1300 } biosSetUpControlGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { baseboardGroup 1400 } lraGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { baseboardGroup 1500 } cooGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { baseboardGroup 1600 } remoteAccessGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { baseboardGroup 1700 } alertGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { baseboardGroup 5000 } -- -- Textual Conventions -- DellString ::= DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) DellSecurityString ::= DisplayString (SIZE (0..255)) DellCostofOwnershipString ::= DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) DellObjectRange ::= INTEGER (1..128) DellUnsigned8BitRange ::= INTEGER (0..255) DellUnsigned16BitRange ::= INTEGER (0..65535) DellUnsigned32BitRange ::= INTEGER (0..4294967295) DellSigned32BitRange ::= INTEGER (-2147483647..2147483647) DellBoolean ::= INTEGER (0..1) -- FALSE = 0, TRUE = 1 -- Please Note: -- Variables with definitions of xxxStateCapabilities or xxxStateCapabilitiesUnique -- are integers representing a series of bit definitions. They are NOT enumerations -- and should be treated as bit fields. The value is passed as a decimal value, -- it should be converted to hex and the appropriate bits should be parsed from -- that. Some of the more common bit combinations are defined in some variables, -- but not all combinations are or will be defined. DellStateCapabilities ::= INTEGER { -- If set to 0 (zero) the object has no capabilities unknownCapabilities(1), -- The objects capabilities are unknown -- The objects capabilities allow it to be set to: enableCapable(2), -- be disabled (offline) or be enabled (online) notReadyCapable(4), -- not ready enableAndNotReadyCapable(6) -- enable and not ready Capable } -- Please Note: -- Variables with definitions of xxxStateSettings or xxxStateSettingsUnique -- are integers representing a series of bit definitions. They are NOT enumerations -- and should be treated as bit fields. The value is passed as a decimal value, -- it should be converted to hex and the appropriate bits should be parsed from -- that. Some of the more common bit combinations are defined in some variables, -- but not all combinations are or will be defined. DellStateSettings ::= INTEGER { -- If set to 0 (zero) the object has no settings capabilities, and it's state is disabled unknown(1), -- The objects state is unknown enabled(2), -- The objects state is disabled (offline) 0, or enabled (online) 1 notReady(4), -- The objects state is not ready enabledAndNotReady(6) -- enabled and not ready } DellStatus ::= INTEGER { other(1), -- the status of the object is not one of the following: unknown(2), -- the status of the object is unknown -- (not known or monitored) ok(3), -- the status of the object is ok nonCritical(4), -- the status of the object is warning, non-critical critical(5), -- the status of the object is critical (failure) nonRecoverable(6) -- the status of the object is non-recoverable (dead) } DellStatusRedundancy ::= INTEGER { other(1), -- the status is not one of following: unknown(2), -- the status of the redundancy object is unknown full(3), -- the object is fully redundant degraded(4), -- the object's redundancy has been degraded lost(5), -- the object's redundancy has been lost notRedundant(6), -- redundancy does not apply or it is not redundant redundancyOffline(7) -- the status of the object is that its' redundancy is offline } DellStatusProbe ::= INTEGER { other(1), -- the status of the object is not one of following: unknown(2), -- the status of the object is unknown -- (not known or monitored) ok(3), -- the status of the object is ok nonCriticalUpper(4), -- the object is at the non-critical upper limit criticalUpper(5), -- the object is at the critical upper limit nonRecoverableUpper(6), -- the object is at the non-recoverable upper limit nonCriticalLower(7), -- the object is at the non-critical lower limit criticalLower(8), -- the object is at the critical lower limit nonRecoverableLower(9), -- the object is at the non-recoverable lower limit failed(10) -- the status of the object is failed } -- This definition is required because SNMP V1 does not support 64 bit -- ranges. The information sent back by this subagent will have the -- most significant byte of the information as the first byte. -- E.G. A hex address 0x1029384754657687 -- will be sent as hex: -- 0001 0000 0010 1001 0011 1000 0100 0111 ... -- Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 4 ... DellUnsigned64BitRange ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(8)) -- Full Dates are defined in the ASCII format: -- yyyyMMddhhmmss.uuuuuu+fff or yyyyMMddhhmmss.uuuuuu-fff -- where yyyy is the year, MM is the month, dd is the day, hh are the hours, -- mm are the minutes and ss are the seconds. -- uuuuuu is the number of microseconds, and +fff or -fff is the offset from -- UTC in minutes. For example, Friday, October 31, 2001, at 6:05:19 PM CST -- would be represented as: 20011031180519.000000-360 -- The values will be zero-padded and if a valid value for a field -- is not deliverable, each character in the field will be replaced with -- an asterisk ('0') character. DellDateName ::= DisplayString (SIZE (25)) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- MIB Version Group -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mIBMajorVersionNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned8BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0001.0001 This attribute defines the major version number of the Dell Enterprise Server Group MIB (Management Information Base)." ::= { mIBVersionGroup 1 } mIBMinorVersionNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned8BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0001.0002 This attribute defines the minor version number of the Dell Enterprise Server Group MIB (Management Information Base)." ::= { mIBVersionGroup 2 } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- System Management Software Group -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SMSSupportedTypes ::= INTEGER { supportsSNMP(1), -- SNMP is supported by this chassis supportsDMI(2), -- DMI is supported by this chassis supportsCIMOM(4), -- CIM is supported by this chassis supportsSNMPandDMIandCIMOM(7) -- Supports SNMP, DMI and CIM } systemManagementSoftwareName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0100.0001 This attribute defines the Dell Systems Management Software product name." ::= { systemManagementSoftwareGroup 1 } systemManagementSoftwareVersionNumberName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0100.0002 This attribute defines the version number of the Dell Systems Management Software that instruments this component." ::= { systemManagementSoftwareGroup 2 } systemManagementSoftwareBuildNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned16BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0100.0003 This attribute defines the build number of the Dell Systems Management Software that instruments this component." ::= { systemManagementSoftwareGroup 3 } systemManagementSoftwareDescriptionName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0100.0004 This attribute defines the systems management software component description name." ::= { systemManagementSoftwareGroup 4 } systemManagementSoftwareSupportedProtocol OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SMSSupportedTypes ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0100.0005 This attribute defines the protocols supported by the systems management software." ::= { systemManagementSoftwareGroup 5 } systemManagementSoftwarePreferredProtocol OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SMSSupportedTypes ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0100.0006 This attribute defines the preferred protocol for the systems management software." ::= { systemManagementSoftwareGroup 6 } systemManagementSoftwareUpdateLevelName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0100.0007 This attribute defines the update level of the system management software." ::= { systemManagementSoftwareGroup 7 } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- System State Group -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- System State Table -- SystemStateTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { systemStatechassisIndex DellObjectRange, systemStateGlobalSystemStatus DellStatus, systemStateChassisState DellStateSettings, systemStateChassisStatus DellStatus, systemStatePowerUnitStateDetails OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..128)), systemStatePowerUnitStatusRedundancy DellStatusRedundancy, systemStatePowerUnitStatusDetails OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..128)), systemStatePowerSupplyStateDetails OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..128)), systemStatePowerSupplyStatusCombined DellStatus, systemStatePowerSupplyStatusDetails OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..128)), systemStateVoltageStateDetails OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..128)), systemStateVoltageStatusCombined DellStatus, systemStateVoltageStatusDetails OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..128)), systemStateAmperageStateDetails OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..128)), systemStateAmperageStatusCombined DellStatus, systemStateAmperageStatusDetails OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..128)), systemStateCoolingUnitStateDetails OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..128)), systemStateCoolingUnitStatusRedundancy DellStatusRedundancy, systemStateCoolingUnitStatusDetails OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..128)), systemStateCoolingDeviceStateDetails OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..128)), systemStateCoolingDeviceStatusCombined DellStatus, systemStateCoolingDeviceStatusDetails OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..128)), systemStateTemperatureStateDetails OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..128)), systemStateTemperatureStatusCombined DellStatus, systemStateTemperatureStatusDetails OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..128)), systemStateMemoryDeviceStateDetails OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..128)), systemStateMemoryDeviceStatusCombined DellStatus, systemStateMemoryDeviceStatusDetails OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..128)), systemStateChassisIntrusionStateDetails OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..128)), systemStateChassisIntrusionStatusCombined DellStatus, systemStateChassisIntrusionStatusDetails OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..128)), systemStateACPowerSwitchStateDetails OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..128)), systemStateACPowerSwitchStatusRedundancy DellStatusRedundancy, systemStateACPowerSwitchStatusDetails OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..128)), systemStateACPowerCordStateDetails OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..128)), systemStateACPowerCordStatusCombined DellStatus, systemStateACPowerCordStatusDetails OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..128)) } systemStateTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SystemStateTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0200.0010 This Group defines the Dell System State Table." ::= { systemStateGroup 10 } systemStateTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SystemStateTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0200.0010.0001 This Group defines the Dell System State Table Entry." INDEX { systemStatechassisIndex } ::= { systemStateTable 1 } systemStatechassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0200.0010.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of this Dell chassis." ::= { systemStateTableEntry 1 } systemStateGlobalSystemStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0200.0010.0001.0002 This attribute defines the global system status of all Dell chassis being monitored by this instrumentation instance." ::= { systemStateTableEntry 2 } systemStateChassisState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateSettings ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0200.0010.0001.0003 This attribute defines the system state of this Dell chassis." ::= { systemStateTableEntry 3 } systemStateChassisStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0200.0010.0001.0004 This attribute defines the system status of this Dell chassis." ::= { systemStateTableEntry 4 } systemStatePowerUnitStateDetails OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..128)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0200.0010.0001.0005 This attribute defines the power unit state of all power units in this Dell chassis. The results are returned as a binary octet string, each byte of the octet string represents the state of the specific object. The first byte returned represents the state of the first object, etc. The bytes have the same definition type as DellStateSettings." ::= { systemStateTableEntry 5 } systemStatePowerUnitStatusRedundancy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatusRedundancy ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0200.0010.0001.0006 This attribute defines the system status of the power unit(s) of this Dell chassis." ::= { systemStateTableEntry 6 } systemStatePowerUnitStatusDetails OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..128)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0200.0010.0001.0007 This attribute defines the power unit status of all power units in this Dell chassis. The results are returned as a binary octet string, each byte of the octet string represents the status of the specific object. The first byte returned represents the status of the first object, etc. The bytes have the same definition type as DellStatusRedundancy." ::= { systemStateTableEntry 7 } systemStatePowerSupplyStateDetails OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..128)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0200.0010.0001.0008 This attribute defines the power supply state of all power supplies in this Dell chassis. The results are returned as a binary octet string, each byte of the octet string represents the state of the specific object. The first byte returned represents the state of the first object, etc. The bytes have the same definition type as DellStateSettings." ::= { systemStateTableEntry 8 } systemStatePowerSupplyStatusCombined OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0200.0010.0001.0009 This attribute defines the power supply status of all power supplies in this Dell chassis. The result is returned as a combined status value. The value has the same definition type as DellStatus." ::= { systemStateTableEntry 9 } systemStatePowerSupplyStatusDetails OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..128)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0200.0010.0001.0010 This attribute defines the power supply status of all power supplies in this Dell chassis. The results are returned as a binary octet string, each byte of the octet string represents the status of the specific object. The first byte returned represents the status of the first object, etc. The bytes have the same definition type as DellStatus." ::= { systemStateTableEntry 10 } systemStateVoltageStateDetails OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..128)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0200.0010.0001.0011 This attribute defines the voltage state of all voltage probes in this Dell chassis. The results are returned as a binary octet string, each byte of the octet string represents the state of the specific object. The first byte returned represents the state of the first object, etc. The bytes have the same definition type as DellStateSettings." ::= { systemStateTableEntry 11 } systemStateVoltageStatusCombined OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0200.0010.0001.0012 This attribute defines the voltage status of all voltage probes in this Dell chassis. The result is returned as a combined status value. The value has the same definition type as DellStatus." ::= { systemStateTableEntry 12 } systemStateVoltageStatusDetails OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..128)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0200.0010.0001.0013 This attribute defines the voltage status of all voltage probes in this Dell chassis. The results are returned as a binary octet string, each byte of the octet string represents the status of the specific object. The first byte returned represents the status of the first object, etc. The bytes have the same definition type as DellStatus." ::= { systemStateTableEntry 13 } systemStateAmperageStateDetails OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..128)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0200.0010.0001.0014 This attribute defines the state of all current probes in this Dell chassis. The results are returned as a binary octet string, each byte of the octet string represents the state of the specific object. The first byte returned represents the state of the first object, etc. The bytes have the same definition type as DellStateSettings." ::= { systemStateTableEntry 14 } systemStateAmperageStatusCombined OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0200.0010.0001.0015 This attribute defines the amperage status of all amperage probes in this Dell chassis. The result is returned as a combined status value. The value has the same definition type as DellStatus." ::= { systemStateTableEntry 15 } systemStateAmperageStatusDetails OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..128)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0200.0010.0001.0016 This attribute defines the status of all current probes in this Dell chassis. The results are returned as a binary octet string, each byte of the octet string represents the status of the specific object. The first byte returned represents the status of the first object, etc. The bytes have the same definition type as DellStatus." ::= { systemStateTableEntry 16 } systemStateCoolingUnitStateDetails OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..128)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0200.0010.0001.0017 This attribute defines the cooling unit state of all cooling units in this Dell chassis. The results are returned as a binary octet string, each byte of the octet string represents the state of the specific object. The first byte returned represents the state of the first object, etc. The bytes have the same definition type as DellStateSettings." ::= { systemStateTableEntry 17 } systemStateCoolingUnitStatusRedundancy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatusRedundancy ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0200.0010.0001.0018 This attribute defines the system status of the cooling units in this Dell chassis. The returned value has the same definition type as DellStatusRedundancy." ::= { systemStateTableEntry 18 } systemStateCoolingUnitStatusDetails OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..128)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0200.0010.0001.0019 This attribute defines the cooling unit status of all cooling units in this Dell chassis. The results are returned as a binary octet string, each byte of the octet string represents the status of the specific object. The first byte returned represents the status of the first object, etc. The bytes have the same definition type as DellStatusRedundancy." ::= { systemStateTableEntry 19 } systemStateCoolingDeviceStateDetails OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..128)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0200.0010.0001.0020 This attribute defines the cooling device state of all cooling devices in this Dell chassis. The results are returned as a binary octet string, each byte of the octet string represents the state of the specific object. The first byte returned represents the state of the first object, etc. The bytes have the same definition type as DellStateSettings." ::= { systemStateTableEntry 20 } systemStateCoolingDeviceStatusCombined OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0200.0010.0001.0021 This attribute defines the cooling device status of all cooling devices in this Dell chassis. The result is returned as a combined status value. The value has the same definition type as DellStatus." ::= { systemStateTableEntry 21 } systemStateCoolingDeviceStatusDetails OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..128)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0200.0010.0001.0022 This attribute defines the cooling device status of all cooling devices in this Dell chassis. The results are returned as a binary octet string, each byte of the octet string represents the status of the specific object. The first byte returned represents the status of the first object, etc. The bytes have the same definition type as DellStatus." ::= { systemStateTableEntry 22 } systemStateTemperatureStateDetails OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..128)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0200.0010.0001.0023 This attribute defines the temperature probe state of all temperature probes in this Dell chassis. The results are returned as a binary octet string, each byte of the octet string represents the state of the specific object. The first byte returned represents the state of the first object, etc. The bytes have the same definition type as DellStateSettings." ::= { systemStateTableEntry 23 } systemStateTemperatureStatusCombined OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0200.0010.0001.0024 This attribute defines the temperature status of all temperature probes in this Dell chassis. The result is returned as a combined status value. The value has the same definition type as DellStatus." ::= { systemStateTableEntry 24 } systemStateTemperatureStatusDetails OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..128)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0200.0010.0001.0025 This attribute defines the temperature probe status of all temperature probes in this Dell chassis. The results are returned as a binary octet string, each byte of the octet string represents the status of the specific object. The first byte returned represents the status of the first object, etc. The bytes have the same definition type as DellStatus." ::= { systemStateTableEntry 25 } systemStateMemoryDeviceStateDetails OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..128)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0200.0010.0001.0026 This attribute defines the memory device state of all memory devices in this Dell chassis. The results are returned as a binary octet string, each byte of the octet string represents the state of the specific object. The first byte returned represents the state of the first object, etc. The bytes have the same definition type as DellStateSettings." ::= { systemStateTableEntry 26 } systemStateMemoryDeviceStatusCombined OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0200.0010.0001.0027 This attribute defines the memory device status of all memory devices in this Dell chassis. The result is returned as a combined status value. The value has the same definition type as DellStatus." ::= { systemStateTableEntry 27 } systemStateMemoryDeviceStatusDetails OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..128)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0200.0010.0001.0028 This attribute defines the memory device status of all memory devices in this Dell chassis. The results are returned as a binary octet string, each byte of the octet string represents the status of the specific object. The first byte returned represents the status of the first object, etc. The bytes have the same definition type as DellStatus." ::= { systemStateTableEntry 28 } systemStateChassisIntrusionStateDetails OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..128)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0200.0010.0001.0029 This attribute defines the intrusion state of all intrusion detection devices in this Dell chassis. The results are returned as a binary octet string, each byte of the octet string represents the state of the specific object. The first byte returned represents the state of the first object, etc. The bytes have the same definition type as DellStateSettings." ::= { systemStateTableEntry 29 } systemStateChassisIntrusionStatusCombined OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0200.0010.0001.0030 This attribute defines the intrusion reading of all intrusion detection devices in this Dell chassis. The result is returned as a combined status value. The value has the same definition type as DellStatus." ::= { systemStateTableEntry 30 } systemStateChassisIntrusionStatusDetails OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..128)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0200.0010.0001.0031 This attribute defines the intrusion status of all intrustion detection devices in this Dell chassis. The results are returned as a binary octet string, each byte of the octet string represents the value of the specific object. The first byte returned represents the value of the first object, etc. The bytes have the same definition type as DellStatus." ::= { systemStateTableEntry 31 } systemStateACPowerSwitchStateDetails OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..128)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0200.0010.0001.00032 This attribute defines the individual state of all AC power switches in this Dell chassis. The results are returned as a binary octet string, each byte of the octet string represents the state of the specific object. The first byte returned represents the state of the first object, etc. The bytes have the same definition type as DellStateSettings." ::= { systemStateTableEntry 32 } systemStateACPowerSwitchStatusRedundancy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatusRedundancy ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0200.0010.0001.0033 This attribute defines the overall redundancy status of the AC power switch(es) in this Dell chassis." ::= { systemStateTableEntry 33 } systemStateACPowerSwitchStatusDetails OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..128)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0200.0010.0001.0034 This attribute defines the individual status of all AC power switches in this Dell chassis. The results are returned as a binary octet string, each byte of the octet string represents the status of the specific object. The first byte returned represents the status of the first object, etc. The bytes have the same definition type as DellStatusRedundancy." ::= { systemStateTableEntry 34 } systemStateACPowerCordStateDetails OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..128)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0200.0010.0001.0035 This attribute defines the individual state of all AC power cords for any AC power switches in this Dell chassis. The results are returned as a binary octet string, each byte of the octet string represents the state of the specific object. The first byte returned represents the state of the first object, etc. The bytes have the same definition type as DellStateSettings." ::= { systemStateTableEntry 35 } systemStateACPowerCordStatusCombined OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0200.0010.0001.0036 This attribute defines the overall status of all AC power cords for any AC power switches in this Dell chassis. The result is returned as a combined status value. The value has the same definition type as DellStatus." ::= { systemStateTableEntry 36 } systemStateACPowerCordStatusDetails OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..128)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0200.0010.0001.0037 This attribute defines the individual status of all AC power cords for any AC power switches in this Dell chassis. The results are returned as a binary octet string, each byte of the octet string represents the status of the specific object. The first byte returned represents the status of the first object, etc. The bytes have the same definition type as DellStatus." ::= { systemStateTableEntry 37 } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Chassis Information Group -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DellLogFormat ::= INTEGER { raw(1), -- post Log written in RAW format ascii(2), -- post Log written in ASCII format uniCode(3) -- post Log written in UniCode format } -- -- Chassis Information Table -- DellChassisType ::= INTEGER { other(1), -- the type of the chassis is not one of the object's listed unknown(2), -- the type of the chassis is unknown desktop(3), -- the type of the chassis is a desktop lowProfileDesktop(4), -- the type of the chassis is a low profile desktop pizzaBox(5), -- the type of the chassis is a pizza box miniTower(6), -- the type of the chassis is a minitower tower(7), -- the type of the chassis is a tower portable(8), -- the type of the chassis is a portable lapTop(9), -- the type of the chassis is a laptop noteBook(10), -- the type of the chassis is a notebook handHeld(11), -- the type of the chassis is a handheld dockingStation(12), -- the type of the chassis is a docking station allInOne(13), -- the type of the chassis is an all in one subNoteBook(14), -- the type of the chassis is a subNotebook spaceSaving(15), -- the type of the chassis is a spacesaver lunchBox(16), -- the type of the chassis is a lunchbox mainSystemChassis(17), -- the type of the chassis is the main system chassis expansionChassis(18), -- the type of the chassis is an expansion chassis subChassis(19), -- the type of the chassis is a subChassis busExpansionChassis(20), -- the type of the chassis is a bus expansion chassis peripheralChassis(21), -- the type of the chassis is a peripheral chassis raidChassis(22), -- the type of the chassis is a disk RAID chassis rackMountChassis(23), -- the type of the chassis is a rackmounted chassis sealedCasePC(24) -- the type of the chassis is a sealed case PC } DellConnectionStatus ::= INTEGER { unknown(2), -- the status of the chassis connection is unknown ok(3), -- the status of the chassis connection is OK failure(4) -- the status of the chassis connection is failure } DellFanControlCapabilities ::= INTEGER { unknown(1), -- The objects capabilities are unknown lowSpeedCapable(2), -- the fan can be set to low speed highSpeedCapable(4), -- the fan can be set to high speed lowOrHighSpeedCapable(6) -- the fan can be set to low or high speed } DellFanControlSettings ::= INTEGER { unknown(1), -- The objects setting is unknown lowSpeed(2), -- set fan to low speed highSpeed(4) -- set fan to high speed } DellLEDControlCapabilities ::= INTEGER { unknown(1), -- The objects capabilities are unknown alertOnErrorCapable(2), -- LED control can be set to alert on an error condition alertOnWarningAndErrorCapable(4), -- LED control can be set to alert on an error or a warning condition alertOnWarningOrErrorCapable(6) -- LED control can be set to alert on an error or a warning condition } DellLEDControlSettings ::= INTEGER { unknown(1), -- The objects setting is unknown alertOnError(2), -- set the LED control to alert on an error condition alertOnWarningAndError(4) -- set the LED control to alert on an error or a warning condition } DellHDFaultLEDControlCapabilities ::= INTEGER { -- If set to 0 (zero) the object has no capabilities unknownCapabilities(1), -- The objects capabilities are unknown -- The objects capabilities allow it to be set to: enableCapable(2), -- be disabled (offline) or be enabled (online) notReadyCapable(4), -- not ready resetCapable(8) -- Hard Disk Fault LED can be reset } DellHDFaultLEDControlSettings ::= INTEGER { -- If set to 0 (zero) the object has no settings capabilities unknown(1), -- The objects state is unknown enabled(2), -- The objects state is disabled (offline) 0, or enabled (online) 1 notReady(4), -- The objects state is not ready reset(8), -- Reset the Hard Disk Fault LED resetAndEnable(10) -- Reset and enable the Hard Disk Fault LED } DellChassisIdentifyControlCapabilities ::= INTEGER { -- If set to 0 (zero) the object has no capabilities unknownCapabilities(1), -- The objects capabilities are unknown -- The objects capabilities allow it to be set to: enableCapable(2), -- be disabled (offline) or be enabled (online) notReadyCapable(4), -- not ready identifyCapable(8) -- Chassis LED can be made to identify the chassis } DellChassisIdentifyControlSettings ::= INTEGER { -- If set to 0 (zero) the object has no settings capabilities unknown(1), -- The objects state is unknown enabled(2), -- The objects state is disabled (offline) 0, or enabled (online) 1 notReady(4), -- The objects state is not ready identifyChassis(8), -- The objects LED's may be returned to normal 0, or identify chassis 1 identifyChassisAndEnable(10) -- The objects LED's may be returned to normal 0, or identify chassis 1 and enabled } DellHostControlCapabilities ::= INTEGER { manualRebootCapable(1), -- Reboot Capable host manualPowerOFFCapable(2), -- Power OFF Capable host manualPowerCycleCapable(4), -- Power cycleable Capable host manualAllExceptOperatingSystemShutdownCapable(7), -- Reboot AND Power OFF AND Power cycleable Capable host manualOperatingSystemShutdownCapable(8), -- Operating System shutdown Capable host manualFullyCapable(15) -- Reboot AND Power OFF AND Power cycleable AND Operating System shutdown Capable host } DellHostControlSettings ::= INTEGER { manualReboot(1), -- Reboot the host manualPowerOFF(2), -- Power OFF the host manualPowerCycle(4), -- Power cycle the host manualOperatingSystemShutdown(8), -- Shutdown the Operating System on the host manualOperatingSystemShutdownThenReboot(9), -- Shutdown the Operating System on the host then reboot manualOperatingSystemShutdownThenPowerOFF(10), -- Shutdown the Operating System on the host then power off machine manualOperatingSystemShutdownThenPowerCycle(12) -- Shutdown the Operating System on the host then power cycle machine } DellWatchDogControlCapabilities ::= INTEGER { automaticRebootCapable(1), -- Reboot Capable host automaticPowerCycleCapable(2), -- Power cycleable Capable host automaticNotificationCapable(4), -- Notification Capable host automaticWatchDogTimerCapable(8), -- WatchDog timer capable automaticAllExceptNotificationCapable(11), -- All functions except Notification capable automaticFullyCapable(15) -- All watchdog capabilities } DelllWatchControlSettings ::= INTEGER { automaticRebootEnabled(1), -- Automatic Reboot Enabled for this host automaticPowerCycleEnabled(2), -- Automatic Power cycleable Enabled for this host automaticNotificationEnabled(4) -- Automatic Notification Enabled for this host } DellWatchDogTimerCapabilities ::= INTEGER { type1Capable(1), -- can time in range of 20-480 seconds type2Capable(2), -- can time in 30, 60, 120 and 480 second intervals type3Capable(4) -- can time in 60 second intervals } DellPowerButtonControlCapabilities ::= INTEGER { -- If set to 0 (zero) the object has no capabilities unknownCapabilities(1), -- The objects capabilities are unknown -- The objects capabilities allow it to be set to: enableCapable(2) -- be disabled (offline) or be enabled (online) } DellPowerButtonControlSettings ::= INTEGER { -- If set to 0 (zero) the object has no settings capabilities unknown(1), -- The objects state is unknown enabled(2), -- The objects state is enabled (online) disabled(4) -- The objects state is disabled (offline) } DellChassisSystemClass ::= INTEGER { other(1), -- the chassis system class is not one of the following unknown(2), -- the chassis system class is unknown workstationClass(3), -- the chassis system class is a workstation serverClass(4), -- the chassis system class is a server desktopClass(5), -- the chassis system class is a desktop portableClass(6), -- the chassis system class is a portable netPCClass(7), -- the chassis system class is a NET PC storageClass(8) -- the chassis system class is storage } ChassisInformationTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { chassisIndexChassisInformation DellObjectRange, chassisStateCapabilities DellStateCapabilities, chassisStateSettings DellStateSettings, chassisStatus DellStatus, chassisparentIndexReference DellObjectRange, chassisType DellChassisType, chassisName DellString, chassisManufacturerName DellString, chassisModelName DellString, chassisAssetTagName DisplayString (SIZE (0..10)), chassisServiceTagName DisplayString (SIZE (0..7)), chassisID DellUnsigned8BitRange, chassisIDExtension DellUnsigned16BitRange, chassisSystemClass DellChassisSystemClass, chassisSystemName DellString, chassisSystemBootDateName DellDateName, chassisSystemDateName DellDateName, chassisSystemLocationName DellString, chassisSystemPrimaryUserName DellString, chassisSystemUserPhoneNumberName DellString, chassisConnectionStatusUnique DellConnectionStatus, chassisFanControlCapabilitiesUnique DellFanControlCapabilities, chassisFanControlSettingsUnique DellFanControlSettings, chassisLEDControlCapabilitiesUnique DellLEDControlCapabilities, chassisLEDControlSettingsUnique DellLEDControlSettings, chassisHDFaultClearControlCapabilities DellHDFaultLEDControlCapabilities, chassisHDFaultClearControlSettings DellHDFaultLEDControlSettings, chassisIdentifyFlashControlCapabilities DellChassisIdentifyControlCapabilities, chassisIdentifyFlashControlSettings DellChassisIdentifyControlSettings, chassisLockPresent DellBoolean, chassishostControlCapabilitiesUnique DellHostControlCapabilities, chassishostControlSettingsUnique DellHostControlSettings, chassiswatchDogControlCapabilitiesUnique DellWatchDogControlCapabilities, chassiswatchDogControlSettingsUnique DelllWatchControlSettings, chassiswatchDogControlExpiryTimeCapabilitiesUnique DellWatchDogTimerCapabilities, chassiswatchDogControlExpiryTime DellUnsigned16BitRange, chassisallowSETCommandsfromSNMP DellBoolean, chassisPowerButtonControlCapabilitiesUnique DellPowerButtonControlCapabilities, chassisPowerButtonControlSettingsUnique DellPowerButtonControlSettings } chassisInformationTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ChassisInformationTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0010 This Group defines the Dell Chassis Table." ::= { chassisInformationGroup 10 } chassisInformationTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ChassisInformationTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0010.0001 This Group defines the Dell Chassis Table Entry." INDEX { chassisIndexChassisInformation } ::= { chassisInformationTable 1 } chassisIndexChassisInformation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0010.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of this Dell chassis." ::= { chassisInformationTableEntry 1 } chassisStateCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateCapabilities ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0010.0001.0002 This attribute defines the capabilities of the Dell chassis." ::= { chassisInformationTableEntry 2 } chassisStateSettings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateSettings ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0010.0001.0003 This attribute defines the state of this Dell chassis." ::= { chassisInformationTableEntry 3 } chassisStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0010.0001.0004 This attribute defines the status of the Dell chassis." ::= { chassisInformationTableEntry 4 } chassisparentIndexReference OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0010.0001.0005 This attribute defines the index (one based) to the parent Dell chassis of this chassis, if any." ::= { chassisInformationTableEntry 5 } chassisType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellChassisType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0010.0001.0006 This attribute defines the chassis type of the Dell chassis." ::= { chassisInformationTableEntry 6 } chassisName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0010.0001.0007 This attribute defines the user assigned chassis name of the Dell chassis." ::= { chassisInformationTableEntry 7 } chassisManufacturerName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0010.0001.0008 This attribute defines the manufacturer's name of the Dell chassis." ::= { chassisInformationTableEntry 8 } chassisModelName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0010.0001.0009 This attribute defines the system model type of the Dell chassis." ::= { chassisInformationTableEntry 9 } chassisAssetTagName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..10)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0010.0001.0010 This attribute defines the asset tag name of the Dell chassis." ::= { chassisInformationTableEntry 10 } chassisServiceTagName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..7)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0010.0001.0011 This attribute defines the service tag name of the Dell chassis." ::= { chassisInformationTableEntry 11 } chassisID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned8BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0010.0001.0012 This attribute defines the BIOS Machine ID of the Dell chassis." ::= { chassisInformationTableEntry 12 } chassisIDExtension OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned16BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0010.0001.0013 This attribute defines the SMBIOS Machine ID of the Dell chassis." ::= { chassisInformationTableEntry 13 } chassisSystemClass OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellChassisSystemClass ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0010.0001.0014 This attribute defines the chassis class of the Dell chassis." ::= { chassisInformationTableEntry 14 } chassisSystemName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0010.0001.0015 This attribute defines system name of the Dell System." ::= { chassisInformationTableEntry 15 } chassisSystemBootDateName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellDateName ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0010.0001.0016 This attribute defines boot time of the Dell System. Dates are defined in the ASCII format: yyyyMMddhhmmss.uuuuuu+fff or yyyyMMddhhmmss.uuuuuu-fff where yyyy is the year, MM is the month, dd is the day, hh are the hours, mm are the minutes and ss are the seconds. uuuuuu is the number of microseconds, and +fff or -fff is the offset from UTC in minutes." ::= { chassisInformationTableEntry 16 } chassisSystemDateName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellDateName ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0010.0001.0017 This attribute defines the current time of the Dell System. Dates are defined in the ASCII format: yyyyMMddhhmmss.uuuuuu+fff or yyyyMMddhhmmss.uuuuuu-fff where yyyy is the year, MM is the month, dd is the day, hh are the hours, mm are the minutes and ss are the seconds. uuuuuu is the number of microseconds, and +fff or -fff is the offset from UTC in minutes." ::= { chassisInformationTableEntry 17 } chassisSystemLocationName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0010.0001.0018 This attribute defines the location of the Dell System." ::= { chassisInformationTableEntry 18 } chassisSystemPrimaryUserName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0010.0001.0019 This attribute defines the name of the primary user of the Dell System." ::= { chassisInformationTableEntry 19 } chassisSystemUserPhoneNumberName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0010.0001.0020 This attribute defines the phone number of the primary user of the Dell System." ::= { chassisInformationTableEntry 20 } chassisConnectionStatusUnique OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellConnectionStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0010.0001.0021 This attribute defines the status of the connection of the Dell chassis." ::= { chassisInformationTableEntry 21 } chassisFanControlCapabilitiesUnique OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellFanControlCapabilities ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0010.0001.0022 This attribute defines the capabilities of the fan control function in the Dell chassis." ::= { chassisInformationTableEntry 22 } chassisFanControlSettingsUnique OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellFanControlSettings ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0010.0001.0023 This attribute defines the reading and setting of the fan control hardware in the Dell chassis." ::= { chassisInformationTableEntry 23 } chassisLEDControlCapabilitiesUnique OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellLEDControlCapabilities ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0010.0001.0024 This attribute defines the capabilities of the LED control function in the Dell chassis." ::= { chassisInformationTableEntry 24 } chassisLEDControlSettingsUnique OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellLEDControlSettings ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0010.0001.0025 This attribute defines the reading and setting of the LED control hardware in the Dell chassis." ::= { chassisInformationTableEntry 25 } chassisHDFaultClearControlCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellHDFaultLEDControlCapabilities ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0010.0001.0026 This attribute defines if the chassis allows reset of the chassis hard disk drive fault LED." ::= { chassisInformationTableEntry 26 } chassisHDFaultClearControlSettings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellHDFaultLEDControlSettings ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0010.0001.0027 This attribute allows reset of a chassis hard disk drive fault LED." ::= { chassisInformationTableEntry 27 } chassisIdentifyFlashControlCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellChassisIdentifyControlCapabilities ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0010.0001.0028 This attribute defines if the chassis allows setting of the chassis front panel LED's to flash." ::= { chassisInformationTableEntry 28 } chassisIdentifyFlashControlSettings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellChassisIdentifyControlSettings ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0010.0001.0029 This attribute setting causes the chassis front panel LED's to flash." ::= { chassisInformationTableEntry 29 } chassisLockPresent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellBoolean ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0010.0001.0030 If true, a chassis lock is present on the chassis." REFERENCE "'DMTF|Physical Container Global Table|002' 3" ::= { chassisInformationTableEntry 30 } chassishostControlCapabilitiesUnique OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellHostControlCapabilities ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0010.0001.031 This attribute defines the capabilities of the Dell Host Control object." ::= { chassisInformationTableEntry 31 } chassishostControlSettingsUnique OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellHostControlSettings ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0010.0001.0032 This attribute defines the current settings of the Dell Host Control object." ::= { chassisInformationTableEntry 32 } chassiswatchDogControlCapabilitiesUnique OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellWatchDogControlCapabilities ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0010.0001.0033 This attribute defines the capabilities of the Dell Watch Dog Timer object." ::= { chassisInformationTableEntry 33 } chassiswatchDogControlSettingsUnique OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DelllWatchControlSettings ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0010.0001.0034 This attribute defines the current settings of the Dell Watch Dog Timer object." ::= { chassisInformationTableEntry 34 } chassiswatchDogControlExpiryTimeCapabilitiesUnique OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellWatchDogTimerCapabilities ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0010.0001.0035 This attribute defines the capabilities of the Dell Watch Dog Expiry Timer object." ::= { chassisInformationTableEntry 35 } chassiswatchDogControlExpiryTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned16BitRange ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0010.0001.0036 This attribute defines the current watchdog timer value in seconds." ::= { chassisInformationTableEntry 36 } chassisallowSETCommandsfromSNMP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellBoolean ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0010.0001.0037 This attribute defines if SNMP SET type commands are allowed or not." ::= { chassisInformationTableEntry 37 } chassisPowerButtonControlCapabilitiesUnique OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellPowerButtonControlCapabilities ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0010.0001.0038 This attribute defines the capabilities of the power button control function in the Dell chassis." ::= { chassisInformationTableEntry 38 } chassisPowerButtonControlSettingsUnique OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellPowerButtonControlSettings ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0010.0001.0039 This attribute defines the reading and setting of the power button control hardware in the Dell chassis." ::= { chassisInformationTableEntry 39 } -- -- UUID (Universal Unique Identification) Table -- DellUUIDType ::= INTEGER { other(1), -- the object type is not one of the type's listed unknown(2), -- the object type is unknown (not known or monitored) motherBoard(3), -- the object type is a motherboard systemBackPlane(4), -- the object type is a system backplane powerSupplyParallelingBoard(5), -- the object type is a Power supply paralleling board peripheralBayBackPlane(6), -- the object type is a Peripheral bay backplane secondaryBackPlane(7) -- the object type is a Slimfast secondary backplane } UUIDTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { uUIDchassisIndex DellObjectRange, uUIDIndex DellObjectRange, uUIDType DellUUIDType, uUIDValue OCTET STRING (SIZE(16)) } uUIDTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UUIDTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0020 This group defines the Dell Universal Unique Identification Information Table." ::= { chassisInformationGroup 20 } uUIDTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UUIDTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0020.0001 This group defines the Dell Universal Unique Identification Information Table Entry." INDEX { uUIDchassisIndex, uUIDIndex } ::= { uUIDTable 1 } uUIDchassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0020.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of this Dell chassis." ::= { uUIDTableEntry 1 } uUIDIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0020.0001.0002 This attribute defines the type of Universal Unique Identification Information of the Dell chassis." ::= { uUIDTableEntry 2 } uUIDType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUUIDType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0020.0001.0003 This attribute defines the type of Universal Unique Identification Information of the Dell chassis." ::= { uUIDTableEntry 3 } uUIDValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(16)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0020.0001.0004 This attribute defines the value of the Universal Unique Identification Information of the Dell chassis." ::= { uUIDTableEntry 4 } -- -- POST (Power On Self Test) Log Table -- DellStateCapabilitiesLogUnique ::= INTEGER { unknown(1), -- The objects capabilities are unknown -- The objects capabilities allow it to be set to: onlineCapable(2), -- be disabled (offline) or be enabled (online) notReadyCapable(4), -- not ready resetCapable(8) -- reset } DellStateSettingsLogUnique ::= INTEGER { unknown(1), -- The objects settings are unknown -- The objects settings are: online(2), -- disabled (offline) or enabled (online) notReady(4), -- not ready reset(8) -- reset } PostLogTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { postLogchassisIndex DellObjectRange, postLogRecordIndex DellUnsigned32BitRange, postLogStateCapabilitiesUnique DellStateCapabilitiesLogUnique, postLogStateSettingsUnique DellStateSettingsLogUnique, postLogRecord DisplayString (SIZE (0..1024)), postLogFormat DellLogFormat } postLogTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PostLogTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0030 This group defines the Dell POST Log Table." ::= { chassisInformationGroup 30 } postLogTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PostLogTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0030.0001 This group defines the Dell POST Log Table Entry." INDEX { postLogchassisIndex, postLogRecordIndex } ::= { postLogTable 1 } postLogchassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0030.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of this Dell chassis." ::= { postLogTableEntry 1 } postLogRecordIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0030.0001.0002 This attribute defines the record number of the POST log to be returned." ::= { postLogTableEntry 2 } postLogStateCapabilitiesUnique OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateCapabilitiesLogUnique ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0030.0001.0003 This attribute defines the capabilities of the object that is writing the POST log." ::= { postLogTableEntry 3 } postLogStateSettingsUnique OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateSettingsLogUnique ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0030.0001.0004 This attribute defines the state of the object that is writing the POST log." ::= { postLogTableEntry 4 } postLogRecord OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..1024)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0030.0001.0005 This attribute defines the data of the postLogRecordNumber in the POST log being returned." ::= { postLogTableEntry 5 } postLogFormat OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellLogFormat ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0030.0001.0006 This attribute defines the format of the POST log." ::= { postLogTableEntry 6 } -- -- Event Log Table -- EventLogTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { eventLogchassisIndex DellObjectRange, eventLogRecordIndex DellUnsigned32BitRange, eventLogStateCapabilitiesUnique DellStateCapabilitiesLogUnique, eventLogStateSettingsUnique DellStateSettingsLogUnique, eventLogRecord DisplayString (SIZE (0..1024)), eventLogFormat DellLogFormat, eventLogSeverityStatus DellStatus, eventLogDateName DellDateName } eventLogTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF EventLogTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0040 This group defines the Dell Event Log Table." ::= { chassisInformationGroup 40 } eventLogTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EventLogTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0040.0001 This group defines the Dell Event Log Table Entry." INDEX { eventLogchassisIndex, eventLogRecordIndex } ::= { eventLogTable 1 } eventLogchassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0040.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of this Dell chassis." ::= { eventLogTableEntry 1 } eventLogRecordIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0040.0001.0002 This attribute defines the record number of the Event log to be returned." ::= { eventLogTableEntry 2 } eventLogStateCapabilitiesUnique OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateCapabilitiesLogUnique ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0040.0001.0003 This attribute defines the capabilities of the object that is writing the Event log." ::= { eventLogTableEntry 3 } eventLogStateSettingsUnique OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateSettingsLogUnique ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0040.0001.0004 This attribute defines the state of the object that is writing the Event log." ::= { eventLogTableEntry 4 } eventLogRecord OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..1024)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0040.0001.0005 This attribute defines the data of the eventLogRecordNumber in the Event log being returned." ::= { eventLogTableEntry 5 } eventLogFormat OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellLogFormat ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0040.0001.0006 This attribute defines the format of the Event log." ::= { eventLogTableEntry 6 } eventLogSeverityStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0040.0001.0007 This attribute defines the severity of the Event log record." ::= { eventLogTableEntry 7 } eventLogDateName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellDateName ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0040.0001.0008 This attribute defines the date and time of the Event log record." ::= { eventLogTableEntry 8 } -- -- System BIOS Table -- SystemBIOSTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { systemBIOSchassisIndex DellObjectRange, systemBIOSIndex DellObjectRange, systemBIOSStateCapabilities DellStateCapabilities, systemBIOSStateSettings DellStateSettings, systemBIOSStatus DellStatus, systemBIOSSize DellUnsigned32BitRange, systemBIOSReleaseDateName DellDateName, systemBIOSVersionName DellString, systemBIOSStartingAddress DellUnsigned64BitRange, systemBIOSEndingAddress DellUnsigned64BitRange, systemBIOSManufacturerName DellString } systemBIOSTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SystemBIOSTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0050 This group defines the Dell System BIOS Table." ::= { chassisInformationGroup 50 } systemBIOSTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SystemBIOSTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0050.0001 This group defines the Dell System BIOS Table Entry." INDEX { systemBIOSchassisIndex, systemBIOSIndex } ::= { systemBIOSTable 1 } systemBIOSchassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0050.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of this Dell chassis." ::= { systemBIOSTableEntry 1 } systemBIOSIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0050.0001.0002 This attribute defines the index of the system BIOS of this object." ::= { systemBIOSTableEntry 2 } systemBIOSStateCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateCapabilities ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0050.0001.0003 This attribute defines the capabilities of the system BIOS of this object." ::= { systemBIOSTableEntry 3 } systemBIOSStateSettings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateSettings ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0050.0001.0004 This attribute defines the state of the system BIOS of this object." ::= { systemBIOSTableEntry 4 } systemBIOSStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0060.0001.0005 This attribute defines the status of the Dell BIOS." ::= { systemBIOSTableEntry 5 } systemBIOSSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0050.0001.0006 This attribute defines the image size of the System BIOS in Kbytes. 0 (zero) indicates size unknown." ::= { systemBIOSTableEntry 6 } systemBIOSReleaseDateName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellDateName ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0050.0001.0007 This attribute defines the release date name of the system BIOS." ::= { systemBIOSTableEntry 7 } systemBIOSVersionName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0050.0001.0008 This attribute defines the version name of the System BIOS." ::= { systemBIOSTableEntry 8 } systemBIOSStartingAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned64BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0050.0001.0009 This attribute defines the starting address of the system BIOS. 0 (zero) indicates the starting address is unknown." ::= { systemBIOSTableEntry 9 } systemBIOSEndingAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned64BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0050.0001.0010 This attribute defines the ending address of the system BIOS. 0 (zero) indicates the starting address is unknown." ::= { systemBIOSTableEntry 10 } systemBIOSManufacturerName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0050.0001.0011 This attribute defines the manufacturer's name of the Dell System BIOS." ::= { systemBIOSTableEntry 11 } -- -- Firmaware Table -- DellFirwareType ::= INTEGER { other(1), -- unspecified type unknown(2), -- unknown type systemBOIS(3), -- system bios embeddedSystemManagementController(4), -- Embedded system management controller powerSupplyParallelingBoard(5), -- Power supply paralleling board systemBackPlane(6), -- Main System backplane hendrixKernel(7), -- Hendrix (PV20x) kernel hendrixApplication(8), -- Hendrix (PV20x) application frontPanel(9), -- Front panel controller baseboardManagementController(10), -- Baseboard Management Controller hotPlugPCI(11), -- Hot Plug PCI Controller sensorData(12), -- Sensor Data Records peripheralBay(13), -- Peripheral bay backplane secondaryBackPlane(14) -- Slimfast secondary backplane } FirmwareTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { firmwarechassisIndex DellObjectRange, firmwareIndex DellObjectRange, firmwareStateCapabilities DellStateCapabilities, firmwareStateSettings DellStateSettings, firmwareStatus DellStatus, firmwareSize DellUnsigned16BitRange, firmwareType DellFirwareType, firmwareTypeName DellString, firmwareUpdateCapabilities DellUnsigned16BitRange, firmwareDateName OCTET STRING (SIZE(8)), firmwareVersionName DellString } firmwareTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF FirmwareTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0060 This Group defines the Dell Firmware Table." ::= { chassisInformationGroup 60 } firmwareTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FirmwareTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0060.0001 This Group defines the Dell Firmware Table Entry." INDEX { firmwarechassisIndex, firmwareIndex } ::= { firmwareTable 1 } firmwarechassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0060.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of this Dell chassis." ::= { firmwareTableEntry 1 } firmwareIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0060.0001.0002 This attribute defines the index of Dell firmware in this chassis." ::= { firmwareTableEntry 2 } firmwareStateCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateCapabilities ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0060.0001.0003 This attribute defines the capabilities of the Dell firmware states." ::= { firmwareTableEntry 3 } firmwareStateSettings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateSettings ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0060.0001.0004 This attribute defines the state of the Dell firmware." ::= { firmwareTableEntry 4 } firmwareStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0060.0001.0005 This attribute defines the status of the Dell firmware." ::= { firmwareTableEntry 5 } firmwareSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned16BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0060.0001.0006 This attribute defines the image size of the firmware in Kbytes. 0 (zero) indicates size unknown." ::= { firmwareTableEntry 6 } firmwareType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellFirwareType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0060.0001.0007 This attribute defines the type of firmware." ::= { firmwareTableEntry 7 } firmwareTypeName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0060.0001.0008 This attribute defines the type name of the firmware." ::= { firmwareTableEntry 8 } firmwareUpdateCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned16BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0060.0001.0009 This attribute defines the bitmap of supported methods for firmware update." ::= { firmwareTableEntry 9 } firmwareDateName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(8)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0060.0001.0010 This attribute defines the date of the firmware." ::= { firmwareTableEntry 10 } firmwareVersionName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0060.0001.0011 This attribute defines the Version Name of the firmware." ::= { firmwareTableEntry 11 } -- -- Intrusion Table -- DellIntrusionReading ::= INTEGER { chassisNotBreached(1), -- Chassis not breached and no uncleared breaches chassisBreached(2), -- Chassis currently has a breach chassisBreachedPrior(3), -- Chassis was breached prior to boot and has not been cleared chassisBreachSensorFailure(4) -- Chassis inrusion sensor has failed } DellIntrusionType ::= INTEGER { chassisBreachDetectionWhenPowerON(1), -- Detects intrusion while power on chassisBreachDetectionWhenPowerOFF(2) -- Detects intrusion while power off } IntrusionTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { intrusionchassisIndex DellObjectRange, intrusionIndex DellObjectRange, intrusionStateCapabilities DellStateCapabilities, intrusionStateSettings DellStateSettings, intrusionStatus DellStatus, intrusionReading DellIntrusionReading, intrusionType DellIntrusionType, intrusionLocationName DellString } intrusionTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF IntrusionTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0070 This Group defines the Dell intrusion Table." ::= { chassisInformationGroup 70 } intrusionTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntrusionTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0070.0001 This Group defines the Dell intrusion Table Entry." INDEX { intrusionchassisIndex, intrusionIndex } ::= { intrusionTable 1 } intrusionchassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0070.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of this Dell chassis." ::= { intrusionTableEntry 1 } intrusionIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0070.0001.0002 This attribute defines the index of Dell intrusion objects in this subGroup." ::= { intrusionTableEntry 2 } intrusionStateCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateCapabilities ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0070.0001.0003 This attribute defines the capabilities of the Dell intrusion object." ::= { intrusionTableEntry 3 } intrusionStateSettings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateSettings ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0070.0001.0004 This attribute defines the state of the Dell intrusion object." ::= { intrusionTableEntry 4 } intrusionStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0070.0001.0005 This attribute defines the status of the Dell intrusion object." ::= { intrusionTableEntry 5 } intrusionReading OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellIntrusionReading ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0070.0001.0006 This attribute defines the reading of the Dell intrusion object." REFERENCE "'DMTF|Physical Container Global Table|002' 12" ::= { intrusionTableEntry 6 } intrusionType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellIntrusionType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0070.0001.0007 This attribute defines the type of the Dell intrusion object." ::= { intrusionTableEntry 7 } intrusionLocationName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0300.0070.0001.0008 This attribute defines the location name of the Dell intrusion object in this subGroup" ::= { intrusionTableEntry 8 } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Operating System Group -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Operating System Table -- OperatingSystemTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { operatingSystemchassisIndex DellObjectRange, operatingSystemStateCapabilities DellStateCapabilities, operatingSystemStateSettings DellStateSettings, operatingSystemStatus DellStatus, operatingSystemIsPrimary DellBoolean, operatingSystemOperatingSystemName DellString, operatingSystemOperatingSystemVersionName DellString } operatingSystemTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF OperatingSystemTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0400.0010 This Group defines the Operating System Table." ::= { operatingSystemGroup 10 } operatingSystemTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OperatingSystemTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0400.0010.0001 This Group defines the Operating System Table Entry." INDEX { operatingSystemchassisIndex } ::= { operatingSystemTable 1 } operatingSystemchassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0400.0010.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of this Dell chassis." ::= { operatingSystemTableEntry 1 } operatingSystemStateCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateCapabilities ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0400.0010.0001.0002 This attribute defines the capabilities of the Operating System." ::= { operatingSystemTableEntry 2 } operatingSystemStateSettings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateSettings ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0400.0010.0001.0003 This attribute defines the state of the Operating System." ::= { operatingSystemTableEntry 3 } operatingSystemStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0400.0010.0001.0004 This attribute defines the status of the Operating System." ::= { operatingSystemTableEntry 4 } operatingSystemIsPrimary OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellBoolean ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0400.0010.0001.0005 This attribute defines if this operating system is the primary operating system or not." ::= { operatingSystemTableEntry 5 } operatingSystemOperatingSystemName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0400.0010.0001.0006 This attribute defines the name of the Operating System." ::= { operatingSystemTableEntry 6 } operatingSystemOperatingSystemVersionName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0400.0010.0001.0007 This attribute defines the version of the Operating System." ::= { operatingSystemTableEntry 7 } -- -- Operating System Memory Table -- OperatingSystemMemoryTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { operatingSystemMemorychassisIndex DellObjectRange, operatingSystemMemoryStateCapabilities DellStateCapabilities, operatingSystemMemoryStateSettings DellStateSettings, operatingSystemMemoryStatus DellStatus, operatingSystemMemoryTotalPhysicalSize DellUnsigned32BitRange, operatingSystemMemoryAvailablePhysicalSize DellUnsigned32BitRange, operatingSystemMemoryTotalPageFileSize DellUnsigned32BitRange, operatingSystemMemoryAvailablePageFileSize DellUnsigned32BitRange, operatingSystemMemoryTotalVirtualSize DellUnsigned32BitRange, operatingSystemMemoryAvailableVirtualSize DellUnsigned32BitRange } operatingSystemMemoryTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF OperatingSystemMemoryTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0400.0020 This Group defines the Operating System Memory Table." ::= { operatingSystemGroup 20 } operatingSystemMemoryTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OperatingSystemMemoryTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0400.0020.0001 This Group defines the Operating System Memory Table Entry." INDEX { operatingSystemMemorychassisIndex } ::= { operatingSystemMemoryTable 1 } operatingSystemMemorychassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0400.0020.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of this Dell chassis." ::= { operatingSystemMemoryTableEntry 1 } operatingSystemMemoryStateCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateCapabilities ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0400.0020.0001.0002 This attribute defines the capabilities of the Operating System Memory." ::= { operatingSystemMemoryTableEntry 2 } operatingSystemMemoryStateSettings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateSettings ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0400.0020.0001.0003 This attribute defines the state of the Operating System Memory." ::= { operatingSystemMemoryTableEntry 3 } operatingSystemMemoryStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0400.0020.0001.0004 This attribute defines the status of the Operating System Memory." ::= { operatingSystemMemoryTableEntry 4 } operatingSystemMemoryTotalPhysicalSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0400.0020.0001.0005 This attribute defines the total physical memory in the Operating System Memory in Kbytes." ::= { operatingSystemMemoryTableEntry 5 } operatingSystemMemoryAvailablePhysicalSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0400.0020.0001.0006 This attribute defines the available physical memory in the Operating System Memory in Kbytes." ::= { operatingSystemMemoryTableEntry 6 } operatingSystemMemoryTotalPageFileSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0400.0020.0001.0007 This attribute defines the total page file memory in the Operating System Memory in Kbytes." ::= { operatingSystemMemoryTableEntry 7 } operatingSystemMemoryAvailablePageFileSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0400.0020.0001.0008 This attribute defines the available page file memory in the Operating System Memory in Kbytes." ::= { operatingSystemMemoryTableEntry 8 } operatingSystemMemoryTotalVirtualSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0400.0020.0001.0009 This attribute defines the total virtual memory in the Operating System Memory in Kbytes." ::= { operatingSystemMemoryTableEntry 9 } operatingSystemMemoryAvailableVirtualSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0400.0020.0001.0010 This attribute defines the available virtual memory in the Operating System Memory in Kbytes." ::= { operatingSystemMemoryTableEntry 10 } -- -- -- System Resource Group Section -- -- -- -- System Resource Map SubGroup -- DellSystemResourceMapType ::= INTEGER { other(1), -- the System resource map type is not one of the following: unknown(2), -- the System resource map type is unknown (not known or monitored) typeOne(3) -- the System resource map type is type 1 (one) } SystemResourceMapTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { systemResourceMapchassisIndex DellObjectRange, systemResourceMapIndex DellObjectRange, systemResourceMapStateCapabilities DellStateCapabilities, systemResourceMapStateSettings DellStateSettings, systemResourceMapStatus DellStatus, systemResourceMapType DellSystemResourceMapType } systemResourceMapTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SystemResourceMapTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0500.0010 This Group defines the Dell System Resource Map Table." ::= { systemResourceGroup 10 } systemResourceMapTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SystemResourceMapTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0500.0010.0001 This Group defines the Dell System Resource Map Table Entry." INDEX { systemResourceMapchassisIndex, systemResourceMapIndex } ::= { systemResourceMapTable 1 } systemResourceMapchassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0500.0010.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of this Dell chassis." ::= { systemResourceMapTableEntry 1 } systemResourceMapIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0500.0010.0001.0002 This attribute defines the index of Dell System Resource Maps in this chassis." ::= { systemResourceMapTableEntry 2 } systemResourceMapStateCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateCapabilities ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0500.0010.0001.0003 This attribute defines the capabilities of this system map." ::= { systemResourceMapTableEntry 3 } systemResourceMapStateSettings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateSettings ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0500.0010.0001.0004 This attribute defines the state of this system map." ::= { systemResourceMapTableEntry 4 } systemResourceMapStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0500.0010.0001.0005 This attribute defines the status of this system map." ::= { systemResourceMapTableEntry 5 } systemResourceMapType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellSystemResourceMapType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0500.0010.0001.0006 This attribute defines the type of this system map." ::= { systemResourceMapTableEntry 6 } -- -- -- System Resource Owner SubGroup DellResourceOwnerInterfaceType ::= INTEGER { typeIsOther(1), -- the interface type is not one of the following: typeIsUnknown(2), -- the interface type is unknown (not known or monitored) typeIsInternal(3), -- the interface type is internal typeIsISA(4), -- the interface type is an ISA Bus typeIsEISA(5), -- the interface type is an EISA Bus typeIsMCA(6), -- the interface type is an MCA Bus typeIsTurboChannel(7), -- the interface type is a TurboChannel Bus typeIsPCI(8) -- the interface type is a PCI Bus } SystemResourceOwnerTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { systemResourceOwnerchassisIndex DellObjectRange, systemResourceOwnerIndex DellObjectRange, systemResourceOwnerStateCapabilities DellStateCapabilities, systemResourceOwnerStateSettings DellStateSettings, systemResourceOwnerStatus DellStatus, systemResourceOwnerInterfaceType DellResourceOwnerInterfaceType, systemResourceMapIndexReference DellObjectRange, systemResourceOwnerDescriptionName DellString, systemResourceOwnerInterfaceInstance DellObjectRange } systemResourceOwnerTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SystemResourceOwnerTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0500.0020 This Group defines the Dell System Resource Owner Table. The variables in this group reference the Dell System Resource Map index." ::= { systemResourceGroup 20 } systemResourceOwnerTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SystemResourceOwnerTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0500.0020.0001 This Group defines the Dell System Resource Owner Table Entry." INDEX { systemResourceOwnerchassisIndex, systemResourceOwnerIndex } ::= { systemResourceOwnerTable 1 } systemResourceOwnerchassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0500.0020.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of this Dell chassis." ::= { systemResourceOwnerTableEntry 1 } systemResourceOwnerIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0500.0020.0001.0002 This attribute defines the index of Dell System Resource Owners in this chassis." ::= { systemResourceOwnerTableEntry 2 } systemResourceOwnerStateCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateCapabilities ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0500.0020.0001.0003 This attribute defines the capabilities of this system resource owner." ::= { systemResourceOwnerTableEntry 3 } systemResourceOwnerStateSettings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateSettings ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0500.0020.0001.0004 This attribute defines the state of this system resource owner." ::= { systemResourceOwnerTableEntry 4 } systemResourceOwnerStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0500.0020.0001.0005 This attribute defines the status of this system resource owner." ::= { systemResourceOwnerTableEntry 5 } systemResourceOwnerInterfaceType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellResourceOwnerInterfaceType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0500.0020.0001.0006 This attribute defines the interface type of this system resource owner." ::= { systemResourceOwnerTableEntry 6 } systemResourceMapIndexReference OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0500.0020.0001.0007 This attribute defines the index to the associated Dell System Resource Map in this chassis." ::= { systemResourceOwnerTableEntry 7 } systemResourceOwnerDescriptionName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0500.0020.0001.0008 This attribute defines the description name of the system resource owner." ::= { systemResourceOwnerTableEntry 8 } systemResourceOwnerInterfaceInstance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0500.0020.0001.0009 This attribute defines the index to the associated system resource owner interface type in this chassis." ::= { systemResourceOwnerTableEntry 9 } -- -- System Resource Share Disposition Definitions -- DellResourceShareDisposition ::= INTEGER { shareIsOther(1), -- the share disposition is not one of the following: shareIsUnknown(2), -- the share disposition is unknown (not known or monitored) shareIsDeviceExclusive(3), -- the share disposition is device exclusive shareIsDriverExclusive(4), -- the share disposition is driver exclusive shareIsShared(5) -- the share disposition is shared } -- -- -- System Resource IO Port SubGroup SystemResourceIOPortTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { systemResourceIOPortchassisIndex DellObjectRange, systemResourceIOPortIndex DellObjectRange, systemResourceIOPortStateCapabilities DellStateCapabilities, systemResourceIOPortStateSettings DellStateSettings, systemResourceIOPortStatus DellStatus, systemResourceIOPortOwnerIndexReference DellObjectRange, systemResourceIOPortShareDisposition DellResourceShareDisposition, systemResourceIOPortStartingAddress DellUnsigned64BitRange, systemResourceIOPortEndingAddress DellUnsigned64BitRange } systemResourceIOPortTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SystemResourceIOPortTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0500.0030 This Group defines the Dell System Resource IO Port Table." ::= { systemResourceGroup 30 } systemResourceIOPortTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SystemResourceIOPortTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0500.0030.0001 This Group defines the Dell System Resource IO Port Table Entry." INDEX { systemResourceIOPortchassisIndex, systemResourceIOPortIndex } ::= { systemResourceIOPortTable 1 } systemResourceIOPortchassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0500.0030.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of this Dell chassis." ::= { systemResourceIOPortTableEntry 1 } systemResourceIOPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0500.0030.0001.0002 This attribute defines the index of Dell System Resource IO Ports in this chassis." ::= { systemResourceIOPortTableEntry 2 } systemResourceIOPortStateCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateCapabilities ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0500.0030.0001.0003 This attribute defines the capabilities of this System Resource IO Port." ::= { systemResourceIOPortTableEntry 3 } systemResourceIOPortStateSettings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateSettings ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0500.0030.0001.0004 This attribute defines the state of this System Resource IO Port." ::= { systemResourceIOPortTableEntry 4 } systemResourceIOPortStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0500.0030.0001.0005 This attribute defines the status of this System Resource IO Port." ::= { systemResourceIOPortTableEntry 5 } systemResourceIOPortOwnerIndexReference OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0500.0030.0001.0006 This attribute defines the index to the associated Dell System Resource Owner in this chassis." ::= { systemResourceIOPortTableEntry 6 } systemResourceIOPortShareDisposition OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellResourceShareDisposition ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0500.0030.0001.0007 This attribute defines the share disposition of the Dell System Resource IO Port." ::= { systemResourceIOPortTableEntry 7 } systemResourceIOPortStartingAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned64BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0500.0030.0001.0008 This attribute defines the sixty-four bits of the starting address of the Dell System Resource IO Port." ::= { systemResourceIOPortTableEntry 8 } systemResourceIOPortEndingAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned64BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0500.0030.0001.0009 This attribute defines the sixty-four bits of the ending address of the Dell System Resource IO Port." ::= { systemResourceIOPortTableEntry 9 } -- -- -- System Resource Memory SubGroup -- DellResourceMemoryFlags ::= INTEGER { memoryIsReadOnly(1), -- the Resource Memory is read only memoryIsWriteOnly(2), -- the Resource Memory is write only memoryIsReadAndWrite(3), -- the Resource Memory is read and write memoryIsPreFetchable(4), -- the Resource Memory is prefetchable memoryIsCombinedWritable(8), -- the Resource Memory is combined writable memoryIsF24(16) -- the Resource Memory is 24 } SystemResourceMemoryTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { systemResourceMemorychassisIndex DellObjectRange, systemResourceMemoryIndex DellObjectRange, systemResourceMemoryStateCapabilities DellStateCapabilities, systemResourceMemoryStateSettings DellStateSettings, systemResourceMemoryStatus DellStatus, systemResourceMemoryOwnerIndexReference DellObjectRange, systemResourceMemoryShareDisposition DellResourceShareDisposition, systemResourceMemoryStartingAddress DellUnsigned64BitRange, systemResourceMemoryEndingAddress DellUnsigned64BitRange, systemResourceMemoryFlags DellResourceMemoryFlags } systemResourceMemoryTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SystemResourceMemoryTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0500.0040 This Group defines the Dell System Resource Memory Table." ::= { systemResourceGroup 40 } systemResourceMemoryTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SystemResourceMemoryTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0500.0040.0001 This Group defines the Dell System Resource Memory Table Entry." INDEX { systemResourceMemorychassisIndex, systemResourceMemoryIndex } ::= { systemResourceMemoryTable 1 } systemResourceMemorychassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0500.0040.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of this Dell chassis." ::= { systemResourceMemoryTableEntry 1 } systemResourceMemoryIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0500.0040.0001.0002 This attribute defines the index of Dell System Resource Memories in this chassis." ::= { systemResourceMemoryTableEntry 2 } systemResourceMemoryStateCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateCapabilities ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0500.0040.0001.0003 This attribute defines the capabilities of this System Resource Memory." ::= { systemResourceMemoryTableEntry 3 } systemResourceMemoryStateSettings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateSettings ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0500.0040.0001.0004 This attribute defines the state of this System Resource Memory." ::= { systemResourceMemoryTableEntry 4 } systemResourceMemoryStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0500.0040.0001.0005 This attribute defines the status of this System Resource Memory." ::= { systemResourceMemoryTableEntry 5 } systemResourceMemoryOwnerIndexReference OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0500.0040.0001.0006 This attribute defines the index to the associated Dell System Resource Owner in this chassis." ::= { systemResourceMemoryTableEntry 6 } systemResourceMemoryShareDisposition OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellResourceShareDisposition ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0500.0040.0001.0007 This attribute defines the share disposition of the Dell System Resource Memory." ::= { systemResourceMemoryTableEntry 7 } systemResourceMemoryStartingAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned64BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0500.0040.0001.0008 This attribute defines the sixty-four bits of the starting address of the Dell System Resource Memory." ::= { systemResourceMemoryTableEntry 8 } systemResourceMemoryEndingAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned64BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0500.0040.0001.0009 This attribute defines the sixty-four bits of the ending address of the Dell System Resource Memory." ::= { systemResourceMemoryTableEntry 9 } systemResourceMemoryFlags OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellResourceMemoryFlags ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0500.0040.0001.0010 This attribute defines the permission flags of the Dell System Resource Memory." ::= { systemResourceMemoryTableEntry 10 } -- -- -- System Resource Interrupts SubGroup -- DellResourceInterruptType ::= INTEGER { interruptIsLevelSensitive(1), -- the Interrupt type is level sensitive interruptIsLatched(2) -- the Interrupt type is latched } DellResourceInterruptTrigger ::= INTEGER { interruptIsActiveWhenLow(1), -- the Interrupt trigger is active on a low signal interruptIsActiveWhenHigh(2) -- the Interrupt trigger is active on a high signal } SystemResourceInterruptTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { systemResourceInterruptchassisIndex DellObjectRange, systemResourceInterruptIndex DellObjectRange, systemResourceInterruptStateCapabilities DellStateCapabilities, systemResourceInterruptStateSettings DellStateSettings, systemResourceInterruptStatus DellStatus, systemResourceInterruptOwnerIndexReference DellObjectRange, systemResourceInterruptShareDisposition DellResourceShareDisposition, systemResourceInterruptLevel DellUnsigned32BitRange, systemResourceInterruptType DellResourceInterruptType, systemResourceInterruptTrigger DellResourceInterruptTrigger } systemResourceInterruptTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SystemResourceInterruptTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0500.0050 This Group defines the Dell System Resource Interrupts Table." ::= { systemResourceGroup 50 } systemResourceInterruptTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SystemResourceInterruptTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0500.0050.0001 This Group defines the Dell System Resource Interrupts Table Entry." INDEX { systemResourceInterruptchassisIndex, systemResourceInterruptIndex } ::= { systemResourceInterruptTable 1 } systemResourceInterruptchassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0500.0050.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of this Dell chassis." ::= { systemResourceInterruptTableEntry 1 } systemResourceInterruptIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0500.0050.0001.0002 This attribute defines the index of Dell System Resource Interrupts in this chassis." ::= { systemResourceInterruptTableEntry 2 } systemResourceInterruptStateCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateCapabilities ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0500.0050.0001.0003 This attribute defines the capabilities of this System Resource Interrupt." ::= { systemResourceInterruptTableEntry 3 } systemResourceInterruptStateSettings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateSettings ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0500.0050.0001.0004 This attribute defines the state of this System Resource Interrupt." ::= { systemResourceInterruptTableEntry 4 } systemResourceInterruptStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0500.0050.0001.0005 This attribute defines the status of this System Resource Interrupt." ::= { systemResourceInterruptTableEntry 5 } systemResourceInterruptOwnerIndexReference OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0500.0050.0001.0006 This attribute defines the index to the associated Dell System Resource Owner in this chassis." ::= { systemResourceInterruptTableEntry 6 } systemResourceInterruptShareDisposition OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellResourceShareDisposition ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0500.0050.0001.0007 This attribute defines the share disposition of the Dell System Resource Interrupt." ::= { systemResourceInterruptTableEntry 7 } systemResourceInterruptLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0500.0050.0001.0008 This attribute defines the interrupt request level (IRQ) of the Dell System Resource Interrupt." ::= { systemResourceInterruptTableEntry 8 } systemResourceInterruptType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellResourceInterruptType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0500.0050.0001.0009 This attribute defines the interrupt type of the Dell System Resource Interrupt." ::= { systemResourceInterruptTableEntry 9 } systemResourceInterruptTrigger OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellResourceInterruptTrigger ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0500.0050.0001.0010 This attribute defines the interrupt trigger of the Dell System Resource Interrupt." ::= { systemResourceInterruptTableEntry 10 } -- -- -- System Resource DMA SubGroup -- DellResourceDMATransferWidth ::= INTEGER { dmaTransferWidthIsOther(1), -- the DMA transfer width is not one of the following: dmaTransferWidthIsunknown(2), -- the DMA transfer width is unknown dmaTransferWidthIs8Bits(3), -- the DMA transfer width is eight bits dmaTransferWidthIs16Bits(4), -- the DMA transfer width is sixteen bits dmaTransferWidthIs32Bits(5), -- the DMA transfer width is thirty two bits dmaTransferWidthIs64Bits(6), -- the DMA transfer width is sixty four bits dmaTransferWidthIs128Bits(7) -- the DMA transfer width is 128 bits } DellResourceDMABusMaster ::= INTEGER { dmaIsOther(1), -- the DMA bus master capability is not one of the following: dmaIsUnknown(2), -- the DMA bus master capability is unknown dmaIsNotABusmaster(3), -- the DMA has no bus master capability dmaIsABusmaster(4) -- the DMA has bus master capability } SystemResourceDMATableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { systemResourceDMAchassisIndex DellObjectRange, systemResourceDMAIndex DellObjectRange, systemResourceDMAStateCapabilities DellStateCapabilities, systemResourceDMAStateSettings DellStateSettings, systemResourceDMAStatus DellStatus, systemResourceDMAOwnerIndexReference DellObjectRange, systemResourceDMAShareDisposition DellResourceShareDisposition, systemResourceDMAMaximumTransferSize DellUnsigned32BitRange, systemResourceDMATransferWidth DellResourceDMATransferWidth, systemResourceDMABusMaster DellResourceDMABusMaster } systemResourceDMATable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SystemResourceDMATableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0500.0060 This Group defines the Dell System Resource DMA Table." ::= { systemResourceGroup 60 } systemResourceDMATableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SystemResourceDMATableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0500.0060.0001 This Group defines the Dell System Resource DMA Table Entry." INDEX { systemResourceDMAchassisIndex, systemResourceDMAIndex } ::= { systemResourceDMATable 1 } systemResourceDMAchassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0500.0060.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of this Dell chassis." ::= { systemResourceDMATableEntry 1 } systemResourceDMAIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0500.0060.0001.0002 This attribute defines the index of Dell System Resource DMAs in this chassis." ::= { systemResourceDMATableEntry 2 } systemResourceDMAStateCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateCapabilities ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0500.0060.0001.0003 This attribute defines the capabilities of this System Resource DMA." ::= { systemResourceDMATableEntry 3 } systemResourceDMAStateSettings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateSettings ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0500.0060.0001.0004 This attribute defines the state of this System Resource DMA." ::= { systemResourceDMATableEntry 4 } systemResourceDMAStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0500.0060.0001.0005 This attribute defines the status of this System Resource DMA." ::= { systemResourceDMATableEntry 5 } systemResourceDMAOwnerIndexReference OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0500.0060.0001.0006 This attribute defines the index to the associated Dell System Resource Owner in this chassis." ::= { systemResourceDMATableEntry 6 } systemResourceDMAShareDisposition OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellResourceShareDisposition ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0500.0060.0001.0007 This attribute defines the share disposition of the Dell System Resource DMA." ::= { systemResourceDMATableEntry 7 } systemResourceDMAMaximumTransferSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0500.0060.0001.0008 This attribute defines the maximum size of a memory transfer in bytes for the Dell System Resource DMA." ::= { systemResourceDMATableEntry 8 } systemResourceDMATransferWidth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellResourceDMATransferWidth ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0500.0060.0001.0009 This attribute defines the tranfer width of the Dell System Resource DMA." ::= { systemResourceDMATableEntry 9 } systemResourceDMABusMaster OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellResourceDMABusMaster ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0500.0060.0001.0010 This attribute defines the bus mastering capabilities of the Dell System Resource DMA." ::= { systemResourceDMATableEntry 10 } -- -- -- Power Section -- -- -- -- -- Power Unit Definitions -- PowerUnitTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { powerUnitchassisIndex DellObjectRange, powerUnitIndex DellObjectRange, powerUnitStateCapabilities DellStateCapabilities, powerUnitStateSettings DellStateSettings, powerUnitRedundancyStatus DellStatusRedundancy, powerSupplyCountForRedundancy DellObjectRange, powerUnitName DellString } powerUnitTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PowerUnitTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0600.0010 This Group defines the Dell Power Unit Table." ::= { powerGroup 10 } powerUnitTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PowerUnitTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0600.0010.0001 This Group defines the Dell Power Unit Table Entry." INDEX { powerUnitchassisIndex, powerUnitIndex } ::= { powerUnitTable 1 } powerUnitchassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0600.0010.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of this Dell chassis." ::= { powerUnitTableEntry 1 } powerUnitIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0600.0010.0001.0002 This defines the index (one based) of a Dell power units." ::= { powerUnitTableEntry 2 } powerUnitStateCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateCapabilities ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0600.0010.0001.0003 This attribute defines the capabilities of the Dell power unit." ::= { powerUnitTableEntry 3 } powerUnitStateSettings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateSettings ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0600.0010.0001.0004 This attribute defines the state of the Dell power unit." ::= { powerUnitTableEntry 4 } powerUnitRedundancyStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatusRedundancy ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0600.0010.0001.0005 This attribute defines the redundancy status of the Dell power unit." ::= { powerUnitTableEntry 5 } powerSupplyCountForRedundancy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0600.0010.0001.0006 This attribute defines the total number of Dell power supplies required for this power unit to have redundancy." ::= { powerUnitTableEntry 6 } powerUnitName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0600.0010.0001.0007 This is the name of the Dell power unit in this chassis." ::= { powerUnitTableEntry 7 } -- -- -- Power Supply Definitions -- DellPowerSupplyStateCapabilitiesUnique ::= INTEGER { unknown(1), -- The objects capabilities are unknown -- The objects capabilities allow it to be set to: onlineCapable(2), -- be disabled (offline) or be enabled (online) notReadyCapable(4) -- not ready } DellPowerSupplyStateSettingsUnique ::= INTEGER { unknown(1), -- The objects state is unknown onLine(2), -- The objects state is disabled (offline) 0, or enabled 1 notReady(4), -- The objects state is not ready fanFailure(8), -- power supply fan has failed powerSupplyIsON(16), -- power supply is supplying power powerSupplyIsOK(32), -- power supply is indicating it is ok acSwitchIsON(64), -- power supply is indicating the AC power switch is on onlineandAcSwitchIsON(66), -- power supply is online and indicating the AC power switch is on acPowerIsON(128), -- power supply is indicating the AC power is on acPowerAndSwitchAreOnPowerSupplyIsOnIsOkAndOnline(242) } DellPowerSupplyType ::= INTEGER { powerSupplyTypeIsOther(1), -- the type is not one of the following types: powerSupplyTypeIsUnknown(2), -- the type of the object is unknown (not known or monitored) powerSupplyTypeIsLinear(3), -- the type of the object is a linear power supply powerSupplyTypeIsSwitching(4), -- the type of the object is a switching power supply powerSupplyTypeIsBattery(5), -- the type of the object is a battery powerSupplyTypeIsUPS(6), -- the type of the object is an uninterruptable power supply powerSupplyTypeIsConverter(7), -- the type of the object is a power converter power supply powerSupplyTypeIsRegulator(8) -- the type of the object is a regulator type of power supply } PowerSupplyTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { powerSupplychassisIndex DellObjectRange, powerSupplyIndex DellObjectRange, powerSupplyStateCapabilitiesUnique DellPowerSupplyStateCapabilitiesUnique, powerSupplyStateSettingsUnique DellPowerSupplyStateSettingsUnique, powerSupplyStatus DellStatus, powerSupplyOutputWatts DellSigned32BitRange, powerSupplyType DellPowerSupplyType, powerSupplyLocationName DellString, powerSupplyInputVoltage DellSigned32BitRange, powerSupplypowerUnitIndexReference DellObjectRange } powerSupplyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PowerSupplyTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0600.0012 This Group defines the Dell Power Supply Table." ::= { powerGroup 12 } powerSupplyTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PowerSupplyTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0600.0012.0001 This Group defines the Dell Power Supply Table Entry." INDEX { powerSupplychassisIndex, powerSupplyIndex } ::= { powerSupplyTable 1 } powerSupplychassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0600.0012.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of this Dell chassis." ::= { powerSupplyTableEntry 1 } powerSupplyIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0600.0012.0001.0002 This attribute defines the index of Dell power supply." ::= { powerSupplyTableEntry 2 } powerSupplyStateCapabilitiesUnique OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellPowerSupplyStateCapabilitiesUnique ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0600.0012.0001.0003 This attribute defines the capabilities of the Dell power supply." ::= { powerSupplyTableEntry 3 } powerSupplyStateSettingsUnique OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellPowerSupplyStateSettingsUnique ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0600.0012.0001.0004 This attribute defines the state of the Dell power supply." ::= { powerSupplyTableEntry 4 } powerSupplyStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0600.0012.0001.0005 This attribute defines the status of the Dell power supply." ::= { powerSupplyTableEntry 5 } powerSupplyOutputWatts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellSigned32BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0600.0012.0001.0006 This attribute defines the maximum sustained output wattage of the power supply, in tenths of watts." ::= { powerSupplyTableEntry 6 } powerSupplyType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellPowerSupplyType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0600.0012.0001.0007 This attribute defines the type of Dell power supply." ::= { powerSupplyTableEntry 7 } powerSupplyLocationName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0600.0012.0001.0008 This attribute defines the location name of the power supply." ::= { powerSupplyTableEntry 8 } powerSupplyInputVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellSigned32BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0600.0012.0001.0009 This attribute defines the input voltage to the power supply, in volts." ::= { powerSupplyTableEntry 9 } powerSupplypowerUnitIndexReference OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0600.0012.0001.0010 This attribute defines the index to the associated Dell System Power Unit in this chassis." ::= { powerSupplyTableEntry 10 } -- -- -- Voltage Probe Definitions -- DellVoltageType ::= INTEGER { voltageProbeTypeIsOther(1), -- the type is not one of the following types: voltageProbeTypeIsUnknown(2), -- the type of the object is unknown (not known or monitored) voltageProbeTypeIs1Point5Volt(3), -- the type of the object is a 1.5 Volt probe voltageProbeTypeIs3Point3Volt(4), -- the type of the object is a 3.3 Volt probe voltageProbeTypeIs5Volt(5), -- the type of the object is a 5 Volt probe voltageProbeTypeIsMinus5Volt(6), -- the type of the object is a -5 Volt probe voltageProbeTypeIs12Volt(7), -- the type of the object is a 12 Volt probe voltageProbeTypeIsMinus12Volt(8), -- the type of the object is a -12 Volt probe voltageProbeTypeIsIO(9), -- the type of the object is an IO Volt probe voltageProbeTypeIsCore(10), -- the type of the object is a core Volt probe voltageProbeTypeIsFLEA(11), -- the type of the object is a FLEA (standby) Volt probe voltageProbeTypeIsBattery(12), -- the type of the object is a battery Volt probe voltageProbeTypeIsTerminator(13), -- the type of the object is a SCSI termination Volt probe voltageProbeTypeIs2Point5Volt(14), -- the type of the object is a 2.5 Volt probe voltageProbeTypeIsGTL(15) -- the type of the object is a GTL (ground termination logic) probe } VoltageProbeTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { voltageProbechassisIndex DellObjectRange, voltageProbeIndex DellObjectRange, voltageProbeStateCapabilities DellStateCapabilities, voltageProbeStateSettings DellStateSettings, voltageProbeStatus DellStatusProbe, voltageProbeReading DellSigned32BitRange, voltageProbeType DellVoltageType, voltageProbeLocationName DellString, voltageProbeUpperNonRecoverableThreshold DellSigned32BitRange, voltageProbeUpperCriticalThreshold DellSigned32BitRange, voltageProbeUpperNonCriticalThreshold DellSigned32BitRange, voltageProbeLowerNonCriticalThreshold DellSigned32BitRange, voltageProbeLowerCriticalThreshold DellSigned32BitRange, voltageProbeLowerNonRecoverableThreshold DellSigned32BitRange } voltageProbeTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF VoltageProbeTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0600.0020 This Group defines the Dell Voltage Probe Table." ::= { powerGroup 20 } voltageProbeTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VoltageProbeTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0600.0020.001 This Group defines the Dell Voltage Probe Table Entry." INDEX { voltageProbechassisIndex, voltageProbeIndex } ::= { voltageProbeTable 1 } voltageProbechassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0600.0020.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of this Dell chassis." ::= { voltageProbeTableEntry 1 } voltageProbeIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0600.0020.0001.0002 This attribute defines the index of Dell voltage probes in this chassis." ::= { voltageProbeTableEntry 2 } voltageProbeStateCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateCapabilities ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0600.0020.0001.0003 This attribute defines the capabilities of the Dell voltage probe." ::= { voltageProbeTableEntry 3 } voltageProbeStateSettings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateSettings ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0600.0020.0001.0004 This attribute defines the state of the Dell voltage probe." ::= { voltageProbeTableEntry 4 } voltageProbeStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatusProbe ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0600.0020.0001.0005 This attribute defines the status of the Dell voltage probe." ::= { voltageProbeTableEntry 5 } voltageProbeReading OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellSigned32BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0600.0020.0001.0006 This attribute defines the value of the Dell voltage probe. The value is an integer representing the voltage the probe is reading in millivolts." ::= { voltageProbeTableEntry 6 } voltageProbeType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellVoltageType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0600.0020.0001.0007 This attribute defines the subtype of the Dell voltage probe." ::= { voltageProbeTableEntry 7 } voltageProbeLocationName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0600.0020.0001.0008 This attribute defines the location of the voltage probe in this chassis." ::= { voltageProbeTableEntry 8 } voltageProbeUpperNonRecoverableThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellSigned32BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0600.0020.0001.0009 This attribute defines the value of the Dell voltage probes upper nonrecoverable threshold. The value is an integer representing the voltage the probe is reading in millivolts." ::= { voltageProbeTableEntry 9 } voltageProbeUpperCriticalThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellSigned32BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0600.0020.0001.0010 This attribute defines the value of the Dell voltage probes upper critical threshold. The value is an integer representing the voltage the probe is reading in millivolts." ::= { voltageProbeTableEntry 10 } voltageProbeUpperNonCriticalThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellSigned32BitRange ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0600.0020.0001.0011 This attribute defines the value of the Dell voltage probes upper noncritical threshold. The value is an integer representing the voltage the probe is reading in millivolts." ::= { voltageProbeTableEntry 11 } voltageProbeLowerNonCriticalThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellSigned32BitRange ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0600.0020.0001.0012 This attribute defines the value of the Dell voltage probes lower noncritical threshold. The value is an integer representing the voltage the probe is reading in millivolts." ::= { voltageProbeTableEntry 12 } voltageProbeLowerCriticalThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellSigned32BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0600.0020.0001.0013 This attribute defines the value of the Dell voltage probes lower critical threshold. The value is an integer representing the voltage the probe is reading in millivolts." ::= { voltageProbeTableEntry 13 } voltageProbeLowerNonRecoverableThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellSigned32BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0600.0020.0001.0014 This attribute defines the value of the Dell voltage probes lower nonrecoverable threshold. The value is an integer representing the voltage the probe is reading in millivolts." ::= { voltageProbeTableEntry 14 } -- -- -- Amperage Probe Definitions -- DellAmperageProbeType ::= INTEGER { amperageProbeTypeIsOther(1), -- the type is not one of the following types: amperageProbeTypeIsUnknown(2), -- the type of the object is unknown (not known or monitored) amperageProbeTypeIs1Point5Volt(3), -- the type of the object is a 1.5 Amperage probe amperageProbeTypeIs3Point3volt(4), -- the type of the object is a 3.3 Amperage probe amperageProbeTypeIs5Volt(5), -- the type of the object is a 5 Amperage probe amperageProbeTypeIsMinus5Volt(6), -- the type of the object is a -5 Amperage probe amperageProbeTypeIs12Volt(7), -- the type of the object is a 12 Amperage probe amperageProbeTypeIsMinus12Volt(8), -- the type of the object is a -12 Amperage probe amperageProbeTypeIsIO(9), -- the type of the object is an IO Amperage probe amperageProbeTypeIsCore(10), -- the type of the object is a core Amperage probe amperageProbeTypeIsFLEA(11), -- the type of the object is a FLEA (standby) Amperage probe amperageProbeTypeIsBattery(12), -- the type of the object is a battery Amperage probe amperageProbeTypeIsTerminator(13), -- the type of the object is a SCSI termination Amperage probe amperageProbeTypeIs2Point5Volt(14), -- the type of the object is a 2.5 Volt amperage probe amperageProbeTypeIsGTL(15) -- the type of the object is a GTL (ground termination logic) probe } AmperageProbeTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { amperageProbechassisIndex DellObjectRange, amperageProbeIndex DellObjectRange, amperageProbeStateCapabilities DellStateCapabilities, amperageProbeStateSettings DellStateSettings, amperageProbeStatus DellStatusProbe, amperageProbeReading DellSigned32BitRange, amperageProbeType DellAmperageProbeType, amperageProbeLocationName DellString, amperageProbeUpperNonRecoverableThreshold DellSigned32BitRange, amperageProbeUpperCriticalThreshold DellSigned32BitRange, amperageProbeUpperNonCriticalThreshold DellSigned32BitRange, amperageProbeLowerNonCriticalThreshold DellSigned32BitRange, amperageProbeLowerCriticalThreshold DellSigned32BitRange, amperageProbeLowerNonRecoverableThreshold DellSigned32BitRange } amperageProbeTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AmperageProbeTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0600.0030 This Group defines the Dell Amperage Probe Table." ::= { powerGroup 30 } amperageProbeTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AmperageProbeTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0600.0030.0001 This Group defines the Dell Amperage Probe Table Entry." INDEX { amperageProbechassisIndex, amperageProbeIndex } ::= { amperageProbeTable 1 } amperageProbechassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0600.0030.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of this Dell chassis." ::= { amperageProbeTableEntry 1 } amperageProbeIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0600.0030.0001.0002 This attribute defines the index of Dell amperage probes in this chassis." ::= { amperageProbeTableEntry 2 } amperageProbeStateCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateCapabilities ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0600.0030.0001.0003 This attribute defines the capabilities of the Dell amperage probe." ::= { amperageProbeTableEntry 3 } amperageProbeStateSettings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateSettings ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0600.0030.0001.0004 This attribute defines the state of the Dell amperage probe." ::= { amperageProbeTableEntry 4 } amperageProbeStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatusProbe ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0600.0030.0001.0005 This attribute defines the status of the Dell amperage probe." ::= { amperageProbeTableEntry 5 } amperageProbeReading OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellSigned32BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0600.0030.0001.0006 This attribute defines the value of the Dell amperage probe. The value is an integer representing the amperage the probe is reading in milliamps." ::= { amperageProbeTableEntry 6 } amperageProbeType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellAmperageProbeType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0600.0030.0001.0007 This attribute defines the type of the Dell amperage probe." ::= { amperageProbeTableEntry 7 } amperageProbeLocationName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0600.0030.0001.0008 This attribute defines the location name of the amperage probe in this chassis." ::= { amperageProbeTableEntry 8 } amperageProbeUpperNonRecoverableThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellSigned32BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0600.0030.0001.0009 This attribute defines the value of the Dell amperage probes upper nonrecoverable threshold. The value is an integer representing the amperage the probe is reading in milliamps." ::= { amperageProbeTableEntry 9 } amperageProbeUpperCriticalThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellSigned32BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0600.0030.0001.0010 This attribute defines the value of the Dell amperage probes upper critical threshold. The value is an integer representing the amperage the probe is reading in milliamps." ::= { amperageProbeTableEntry 10 } amperageProbeUpperNonCriticalThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellSigned32BitRange ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0600.0030.0001.0011 This attribute defines the value of the Dell amperage probes upper noncritical threshold. The value is an integer representing the amperage the probe is reading in milliamps." ::= { amperageProbeTableEntry 11 } amperageProbeLowerNonCriticalThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellSigned32BitRange ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0600.0030.0001.0012 This attribute defines the value of the Dell amperage probes lower noncritical threshold. The value is an integer representing the amperage the probe is reading in milliamps." ::= { amperageProbeTableEntry 12 } amperageProbeLowerCriticalThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellSigned32BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0600.0030.0001.0013 This attribute defines the value of the Dell amperage probes lower critical threshold. The value is an integer representing the amperage the probe is reading in milliamps." ::= { amperageProbeTableEntry 13 } amperageProbeLowerNonRecoverableThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellSigned32BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0600.0030.0001.0014 This attribute defines the value of the Dell amperage probes lower nonrecoverable threshold. The value is an integer representing the amperage the probe is reading in milliamps." ::= { amperageProbeTableEntry 14 } -- -- AC Power Switch Table Definitions -- DellACPowerSwitchCapabilities ::= INTEGER { -- If set to 0 (zero) the object has no capabilities unknownCapabilities(1), -- The objects capabilities are unknown -- The objects capabilities allow it to be set to: inputSourceCord1NoReturnCapable(2), -- input source is cord 1, with no return inputSourceCord1ReturnCapable(4), -- input source is cord 1, with return inputSourceCord2NoReturnCapable(8), -- input source is cord 2, with no return inputSourceCord1NoReturnCord1ReturnAndCord2NoReturnCapable(14), inputSourceCord2ReturnCapable(16), -- input source is cord 2, with return inputSourceAllExceptSharedCapable(30), inputSourceSharedCapable(32), -- input source is shared inputSourceAllCapable(62) } DellACPowerSwitchSettings ::= INTEGER { -- If set to 0 (zero) the object has no settings unknown(1), -- The objects settings are unknown -- The input source settings are mutually-exclusive inputSourceCord1NoReturn(2), -- input source is cord 1, with no return inputSourceCord1Return(4), -- input source is cord 1, with return inputSourceCord2NoReturn(8), -- input source is cord 2, with no return inputSourceCord2Return(16), -- input source is cord 2, with return inputSourceShared(32) -- input source is shared } DellACPowerSwitchRedundancyMode ::= INTEGER { nonRedundant(1), -- AC power switch not expecting redundancy redundant(2) -- AC power switch is expecting redundancy } ACPowerSwitchTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { aCPowerSwitchchassisIndex DellObjectRange, aCPowerSwitchIndex DellObjectRange, aCPowerSwitchCapabilities DellACPowerSwitchCapabilities, aCPowerSwitchSettings DellACPowerSwitchSettings, aCPowerSwitchRedundancyStatus DellStatusRedundancy, aCPowerCordCountForRedundancy DellObjectRange, aCPowerSwitchName DellString, aCPowerSwitchRedundancyMode DellACPowerSwitchRedundancyMode } aCPowerSwitchTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ACPowerSwitchTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0600.0040 This Group defines the Dell AC Power Switch Table." ::= { powerGroup 40 } aCPowerSwitchTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ACPowerSwitchTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0600.0040.0001 This Group defines the Dell AC Power Switch Table Entry." INDEX { aCPowerSwitchchassisIndex, aCPowerSwitchIndex } ::= { aCPowerSwitchTable 1 } aCPowerSwitchchassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0600.0040.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of the chassis containing this Dell AC power switch." ::= { aCPowerSwitchTableEntry 1 } aCPowerSwitchIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0600.0040.0001.0002 This attribute defines the index (one based) of this Dell AC power switch." ::= { aCPowerSwitchTableEntry 2 } aCPowerSwitchCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellACPowerSwitchCapabilities ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0600.0040.0001.0003 This attribute defines the capabilities of this Dell AC power switch." ::= { aCPowerSwitchTableEntry 3 } aCPowerSwitchSettings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellACPowerSwitchSettings ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0600.0040.0001.0004 This attribute defines the settings of this Dell AC power switch." ::= { aCPowerSwitchTableEntry 4 } aCPowerSwitchRedundancyStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatusRedundancy ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0600.0040.0001.0005 This attribute defines the redundancy status of this Dell AC power switch." ::= { aCPowerSwitchTableEntry 5 } aCPowerCordCountForRedundancy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0600.0040.0001.0006 This attribute defines the total number of Dell AC power cords required for this Dell AC power switch to have redundancy." ::= { aCPowerSwitchTableEntry 6 } aCPowerSwitchName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0600.0040.0001.0007 This attribute defines the name of this Dell AC power switch." ::= { aCPowerSwitchTableEntry 7 } aCPowerSwitchRedundancyMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellACPowerSwitchRedundancyMode ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0600.0040.0001.0008 This attribute defines the redundancy mode of this Dell AC power switch." ::= { aCPowerSwitchTableEntry 8 } -- -- AC Power Cord Table Definitions -- DellACPowerCordStateCapabilities ::= INTEGER { unknown(1), -- The objects capabilities are unknown -- The objects capabilities allow it to be set to: enableCapable(2), -- be disabled (offline) or be enabled (online) notReadyCapable(4) -- not ready } DellACPowerCordStateSettings ::= INTEGER { unknown(1), -- The objects state is unknown enabled(2), -- The objects state is disabled (offline) 0, or enabled (online) 1 notReady(4), -- The objects state is not ready acPowerCordHasPower(8), -- AC power cord has power acPowerCordIsEnabledAndHasPower(10), acPowerCordIsActiveSource(16), -- AC power cord is active source of AC power acPowerCordIsEnabledHasPowerAndIsActiveSource(26) } ACPowerCordTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { aCPowerCordchassisIndex DellObjectRange, aCPowerCordIndex DellObjectRange, aCPowerCordStateCapabilities DellACPowerCordStateCapabilities, aCPowerCordStateSettings DellACPowerCordStateSettings, aCPowerCordStatus DellStatus, aCPowerCordaCPowerSwitchIndexReference DellObjectRange, aCPowerCordLocationName DellString } aCPowerCordTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ACPowerCordTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0600.0042 This Group defines the Dell AC Power Cord Table." ::= { powerGroup 42 } aCPowerCordTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ACPowerCordTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0600.0042.0001 This Group defines the Dell AC Power Cord Table Entry." INDEX { aCPowerCordchassisIndex, aCPowerCordIndex } ::= { aCPowerCordTable 1 } aCPowerCordchassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0600.0042.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of the chassis containing this Dell AC power cord." ::= { aCPowerCordTableEntry 1 } aCPowerCordIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0600.0042.0001.0002 This attribute defines the index (one based) of this Dell AC power cord." ::= { aCPowerCordTableEntry 2 } aCPowerCordStateCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellACPowerCordStateCapabilities ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0600.0042.0001.0003 This attribute defines the capabilities of this Dell AC power cord." ::= { aCPowerCordTableEntry 3 } aCPowerCordStateSettings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellACPowerCordStateSettings ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0600.0042.0001.0004 This attribute defines the state of this Dell AC power cord." ::= { aCPowerCordTableEntry 4 } aCPowerCordStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0600.0042.0001.0005 This attribute defines the status of this Dell AC power cord." ::= { aCPowerCordTableEntry 5 } aCPowerCordaCPowerSwitchIndexReference OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0600.0042.0001.0006 This attribute defines the index (one based) to the associated Dell AC power switch for this Dell AC power cord." ::= { aCPowerCordTableEntry 6 } aCPowerCordLocationName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0600.0042.0001.0007 This attribute defines the location name of this Dell AC power cord." ::= { aCPowerCordTableEntry 7 } -- -- -- Thermal Group Section -- -- -- -- -- Cooling Unit Definitions -- CoolingUnitTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { coolingUnitchassisIndex DellObjectRange, coolingUnitIndex DellObjectRange, coolingUnitStateCapabilties DellStateCapabilities, coolingUnitStateSettings DellStateSettings, coolingUnitRedundancyStatus DellStatusRedundancy, coolingDeviceCountForRedundancy DellObjectRange, coolingUnitName DellString } coolingUnitTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CoolingUnitTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0700.0010 This Group defines the Dell Cooling Unit Table." ::= { thermalGroup 10 } coolingUnitTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CoolingUnitTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0700.0010.0001 This Group defines the Dell Cooling Unit Table Entry." INDEX { coolingUnitchassisIndex, coolingUnitIndex } ::= { coolingUnitTable 1 } coolingUnitchassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0700.0010.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of this Dell chassis." ::= { coolingUnitTableEntry 1 } coolingUnitIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0700.0010.0001.0002 This defines the index (one based) of Dell cooling units." ::= { coolingUnitTableEntry 2 } coolingUnitStateCapabilties OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateCapabilities ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0700.0010.0001.0003 This attribute defines the capabilities of the Dell cooling unit." ::= { coolingUnitTableEntry 3 } coolingUnitStateSettings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateSettings ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0700.0010.0001.0004 This attribute defines the state of the Dell cooling unit." ::= { coolingUnitTableEntry 4 } coolingUnitRedundancyStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatusRedundancy ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0700.0010.0001.0005 This attribute defines the redundancy status of the Dell cooling unit." ::= { coolingUnitTableEntry 5 } coolingDeviceCountForRedundancy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0700.0010.0001.0006 This attribute defines the total number of Dell cooling devices required for this cooling unit to have redundancy." ::= { coolingUnitTableEntry 6 } coolingUnitName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0700.0010.0001.0007 This is the name of the Dell cooling unit in this chassis." ::= { coolingUnitTableEntry 7 } -- -- -- Cooling Device Definitions -- -- -- -- Cooling Device Definitions -- DellCoolingDeviceType ::= INTEGER { coolingDeviceTypeIsOther(1), -- the type is not one of the following types: coolingDeviceTypeIsUnknown(2), -- the type of the object is unknown (not known or monitored) coolingDeviceTypeIsAFan(3), -- the type is a fan coolingDeviceTypeIsABlower(4), -- the type is a centrifugal blower coolingDeviceTypeIsAChipFan(5), -- the type is a fan on an integrated circuit coolingDeviceTypeIsACabinetFan(6), -- the type is a cabinet fan coolingDeviceTypeIsAPowerSupplyFan(7), -- the type is a power supply fan coolingDeviceTypeIsAHeatPipe(8), -- the type is a heat pipe coolingDeviceTypeIsRefrigeration(9), -- the type is an integrated refrigeration unit coolingDeviceTypeIsActiveCooling(10), -- the type is an active cooling device coolingDeviceTypeIsPassiveCooling(11) -- the type is a passive cooling device } DellCoolingDeviceSubType ::= INTEGER { coolingDeviceSubTypeIsOther(1), -- the subtype is not one of the following types: coolingDeviceSubTypeIsUnknown(2), -- the subtype of the object is unknown (not known or monitored) coolingDeviceSubTypeIsAFanThatReadsInRPM(3), -- the fan reads in RPM coolingDeviceSubTypeIsAFanReadsONorOFF(4), -- the fan reads 0/1 (off/on) coolingDeviceSubTypeIsAPowerSupplyFanThatReadsinRPM(5), -- the power supply fan reads in RPM coolingDeviceSubTypeIsAPowerSupplyFanThatReadsONorOFF(6) -- the power supply fan reads 0/1 (off/on) } CoolingDeviceTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { coolingDevicechassisIndex DellObjectRange, coolingDeviceIndex DellObjectRange, coolingDeviceStateCapabilities DellStateCapabilities, coolingDeviceStateSettings DellStateSettings, coolingDeviceStatus DellStatusProbe, coolingDeviceReading DellSigned32BitRange, coolingDeviceType DellCoolingDeviceType, coolingDeviceLocationName DellString, coolingDeviceUpperNonRecoverableThreshold DellSigned32BitRange, coolingDeviceUpperCriticalThreshold DellSigned32BitRange, coolingDeviceUpperNonCriticalThreshold DellSigned32BitRange, coolingDeviceLowerNonCriticalThreshold DellSigned32BitRange, coolingDeviceLowerCriticalThreshold DellSigned32BitRange, coolingDeviceLowerNonRecoverableThreshold DellSigned32BitRange, coolingDevicecoolingUnitIndexReference DellObjectRange, coolingDeviceSubType DellCoolingDeviceSubType } coolingDeviceTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CoolingDeviceTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0700.0012 This Group defines the Dell Cooling Table." ::= { thermalGroup 12 } coolingDeviceTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CoolingDeviceTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0700.0012.0001 This Group defines the Dell Cooling Table Entry." INDEX { coolingDevicechassisIndex, coolingDeviceIndex } ::= { coolingDeviceTable 1 } coolingDevicechassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0700.0012.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of this Dell chassis." ::= { coolingDeviceTableEntry 1 } coolingDeviceIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0700.0012.0001.0002 This attribute defines the index of Dell cooling device in this chassis." ::= { coolingDeviceTableEntry 2 } coolingDeviceStateCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateCapabilities ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0700.0012.0001.0003 This attribute defines the capabilities of the Dell cooling device." ::= { coolingDeviceTableEntry 3 } coolingDeviceStateSettings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateSettings ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0700.0012.0001.0004 This attribute defines the state of the Dell cooling device." ::= { coolingDeviceTableEntry 4 } coolingDeviceStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatusProbe ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0700.0012.0001.0005 This attribute defines the status of the Dell cooling device." ::= { coolingDeviceTableEntry 5 } coolingDeviceReading OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellSigned32BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0700.0012.0001.0006 This attribute defines the speed in RPM or the OFF/ON value of the Dell fan." ::= { coolingDeviceTableEntry 6 } coolingDeviceType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellCoolingDeviceType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0700.0012.0001.0007 This attribute defines the type of the Dell cooling device." ::= { coolingDeviceTableEntry 7 } coolingDeviceLocationName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0700.0012.0001.0008 This attribute defines the location of the cooling device in this chassis." ::= { coolingDeviceTableEntry 8 } coolingDeviceUpperNonRecoverableThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellSigned32BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0700.0012.0001.0009 This attribute defines the value of the Dell fans upper nonrecoverable threshold. The value is an integer representing fan speed in revolutions per minute, it is not applicable to OFF/ON type fans or nonFan types." ::= { coolingDeviceTableEntry 9 } coolingDeviceUpperCriticalThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellSigned32BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0700.0012.0001.0010 This attribute defines the value of the Dell fans upper critical threshold. The value is an integer representing fan speed in revolutions per minute, it is not applicable to OFF/ON type fans or nonFan types." ::= { coolingDeviceTableEntry 10 } coolingDeviceUpperNonCriticalThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellSigned32BitRange ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0700.0012.0001.0011 This attribute defines the value of the Dell fans upper noncritical threshold. The value is an integer representing fan speed in revolutions per minute, it is not applicable to OFF/ON type fans or nonFan types." ::= { coolingDeviceTableEntry 11 } coolingDeviceLowerNonCriticalThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellSigned32BitRange ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0700.0012.0001.0012 This attribute defines the value of the Dell fans lower noncritical threshold. The value is an integer representing fan speed in revolutions per minute, it is not applicable to OFF/ON type fans or nonFan types." ::= { coolingDeviceTableEntry 12 } coolingDeviceLowerCriticalThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellSigned32BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0700.0012.0001.0013 This attribute defines the value of the Dell fans lower critical threshold. The value is an integer representing fan speed in revolutions per minute, it is not applicable to OFF/ON type fans or nonFan types." ::= { coolingDeviceTableEntry 13 } coolingDeviceLowerNonRecoverableThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellSigned32BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0700.0012.0001.0014 This attribute defines the value of the Dell fans lower nonrecoverable threshold. The value is an integer representing fan speed in revolutions per minute, it is not applicable to OFF/ON type fans or nonFan types." ::= { coolingDeviceTableEntry 14 } coolingDevicecoolingUnitIndexReference OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0700.0012.0001.0015 This attribute defines the index to the associated Dell System Cooling Unit in this chassis." ::= { coolingDeviceTableEntry 15 } coolingDeviceSubType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellCoolingDeviceSubType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0700.0012.0001.0016 This attribute defines the subtype of the Dell cooling device." ::= { coolingDeviceTableEntry 16 } -- -- -- Temperature Probe Definitions -- DellTemperatureProbeType ::= INTEGER { temperatureProbeTypeIsOther(1), -- the type is not one of the following types: temperatureProbeTypeIsUnknown(2), -- the type of the object is unknown (not known or monitored) temperatureProbeTypeIsAmbientESM(3) -- the type is for Ambient Embedded Systems Management temperature probes } TemperatureProbeTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { temperatureProbechassisIndex DellObjectRange, temperatureProbeIndex DellObjectRange, temperatureProbeStateCapabilities DellStateCapabilities, temperatureProbeStateSettings DellStateSettings, temperatureProbeStatus DellStatusProbe, temperatureProbeReading DellSigned32BitRange, temperatureProbeType DellTemperatureProbeType, temperatureProbeLocationName DellString, temperatureProbeUpperNonRecoverableThreshold DellSigned32BitRange, temperatureProbeUpperCriticalThreshold DellSigned32BitRange, temperatureProbeUpperNonCriticalThreshold DellSigned32BitRange, temperatureProbeLowerNonCriticalThreshold DellSigned32BitRange, temperatureProbeLowerCriticalThreshold DellSigned32BitRange, temperatureProbeLowerNonRecoverableThreshold DellSigned32BitRange } temperatureProbeTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TemperatureProbeTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0700.0020 This Group defines the Dell Temperature Probe Table." ::= { thermalGroup 20 } temperatureProbeTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TemperatureProbeTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0700.0020.0001 This Group defines the Dell Temperature Probe Table Entry." INDEX { temperatureProbechassisIndex, temperatureProbeIndex } ::= { temperatureProbeTable 1 } temperatureProbechassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0700.0020.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of this Dell chassis." ::= { temperatureProbeTableEntry 1 } temperatureProbeIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0700.0020.0001.0002 This attribute defines the index of Dell temperature probes in this chassis." ::= { temperatureProbeTableEntry 2 } temperatureProbeStateCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateCapabilities ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0700.0020.0001.0003 This attribute defines the capabilities of the Dell temperature probe." ::= { temperatureProbeTableEntry 3 } temperatureProbeStateSettings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateSettings ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0700.0020.0001.0004 This attribute defines the state of the Dell temperature probe." ::= { temperatureProbeTableEntry 4 } temperatureProbeStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatusProbe ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0700.0020.0001.0005 This attribute defines the status of the Dell temperature probe." ::= { temperatureProbeTableEntry 5 } temperatureProbeReading OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellSigned32BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0700.0020.0001.0006 This attribute defines the value of the Dell temperature probe. The value is an integer representing temperature in tenths of degrees Centigrade." ::= { temperatureProbeTableEntry 6 } temperatureProbeType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellTemperatureProbeType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0700.0020.0001.0007 This attribute defines the type of the Dell temperature probe." ::= { temperatureProbeTableEntry 7 } temperatureProbeLocationName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0700.0020.0001.0008 This attribute defines the location of the temperature probe in this chassis." ::= { temperatureProbeTableEntry 8 } temperatureProbeUpperNonRecoverableThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellSigned32BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0700.0020.0001.0009 This attribute defines the value of the Dell temperature probes upper nonrecoverable threshold. The value is an integer representing temperature in tenths of degrees Centigrade." ::= { temperatureProbeTableEntry 9 } temperatureProbeUpperCriticalThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellSigned32BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0700.0020.0001.0010 This attribute defines the value of the Dell temperature probes upper critical threshold. The value is an integer representing temperature in tenths of degrees Centigrade." ::= { temperatureProbeTableEntry 10 } temperatureProbeUpperNonCriticalThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellSigned32BitRange ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0700.0020.0001.0011 This attribute defines the value of the Dell temperature probes upper noncritical threshold. The value is an integer representing temperature in tenths of degrees Centigrade." ::= { temperatureProbeTableEntry 11 } temperatureProbeLowerNonCriticalThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellSigned32BitRange ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0700.0020.0001.0012 This attribute defines the value of the Dell temperature probes lower noncritical threshold. The value is an integer representing temperature in tenths of degrees Centigrade." ::= { temperatureProbeTableEntry 12 } temperatureProbeLowerCriticalThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellSigned32BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0700.0020.0001.0013 This attribute defines the value of the Dell temperature probes lower critical threshold. The value is an integer representing temperature in tenths of degrees Centigrade." ::= { temperatureProbeTableEntry 13 } temperatureProbeLowerNonRecoverableThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellSigned32BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0700.0020.0001.0014 This attribute defines the value of the Dell temperature probes lower nonrecoverable threshold. The value is an integer representing temperature in tenths of degrees Centigrade." ::= { temperatureProbeTableEntry 14 } -- -- -- User Security Group Section -- -- -- -- User Security Definitions -- UserSecurityTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { userSecuritychassisIndex DellObjectRange, userSecurityIndex DellObjectRange, userSecurityUserName DellSecurityString, userSecurityControlName DellSecurityString, userSecurityRequestName DellSecurityString } userSecurityTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UserSecurityTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0800.0010 This table contains the database of users that are authorized to perform Set operations on a managed Dell system." ::= { userSecurityGroup 10 } userSecurityTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UserSecurityTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0800.0010.0001 A row in the user table." INDEX { userSecuritychassisIndex, userSecurityIndex } ::= { userSecurityTable 1 } userSecuritychassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0800.0010.0001.0001 Chassis index." ::= { userSecurityTableEntry 1 } userSecurityIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0800.0010.0001.0002 User index." ::= { userSecurityTableEntry 2 } userSecurityUserName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellSecurityString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0800.0010.0001.0003 User name." ::= { userSecurityTableEntry 3 } userSecurityControlName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellSecurityString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0800.0010.0001.0004 User control. Used for creating/deleting/editing users." ::= { userSecurityTableEntry 4 } userSecurityRequestName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellSecurityString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0800.0010.0001.0005 Set request control. Used for Set operations." ::= { userSecurityTableEntry 5 } -- -- -- Dell Remote Flash BIOS Group Section -- -- -- -- Remote Flash BIOS Definitions -- DellRemoteFlashBIOSStateCapabilitiesUnique ::= INTEGER { unknown(1), -- The objects capabilities are unknown -- The objects capabilities allow it to be set to: enableCapable(2), -- be disabled (offline) or be enabled (online) notReadyCapable(4), -- not ready cancelCapable(8), -- Flash of BIOS is canceled enableAndCancelCapable(10) -- Flash of BIOS eanbled or canceled } DellRemoteFlashBIOSStateSettingsUnique ::= INTEGER { unknown(1), -- The objects state is unknown enabled(2), -- Flash BIOS update is disabled (0) or enabled (1) notReady(4), -- The objects state is not ready canceled(8), -- Flash of BIOS has been canceled pending(16), -- This system remote flash BIOS update is pending other(32) -- The state/setting of the object is not one of the previous } DellRemoteFlashBIOSCompletionCode ::= INTEGER { completionCodeIsOther(1), -- the status of the object is not one of the following: completionCodeIsUnknown(2), -- the completion code is unknown (not known or monitored) completionCodeIsOK(3), -- This completion code is completed successfully completionCodeIsBadImage(4), -- This completion code is bad flash BIOS image completionCodeIsNoFileAccess(5), -- This completion code is flash bios could not be accessed completionCodeIsNotReady(6), -- This completion code is flash bios memory not ready completionCodeIsDisabled(7), -- This completion code is flash bios is currently disabled completionCodeIsNoBattery(8), -- This completion code is a battery must be installed completionCodeIsNoChargedBattery(9), -- This completion code is a fully charged battery must be installed completionCodeIsNoExternalPower(10), -- This completion code is an external power adapter must be connected completionCodeIsNo12VoltSet(11), -- This completion code is that 12 Volts could not be set completionCodeIsNo12VoltRemoval(12), -- This completion code is that 12 Volts could not be removed completionCodeIsFlashMemoryFailed(13), -- This completion code is a flash memory failure occured completionCodeIsGeneralFailure(14), -- This completion code is a general failure occurred completionCodeIsDataMiscompare(15), -- This completion code is a data miscompare error occurred completionCodeIsNoImageFound(16), -- This completion code is flash bios image could not be found in memory completionCodeIsNoUpdatePerformed(17) -- This completion code is no update operation has been performed } RemoteFlashBIOSTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { remoteFlashBIOSchassisIndex DellObjectRange, remoteFlashBIOSIndex DellObjectRange, remoteFlashBIOSStateCapabilitiesUnique DellRemoteFlashBIOSStateCapabilitiesUnique, remoteFlashBIOSStateSettingsUnique DellRemoteFlashBIOSStateSettingsUnique, remoteFlashBIOSStatus DellStatus, remoteFlashBIOSLastBIOSDateName DellDateName, remoteFlashBIOSCompletionCode DellRemoteFlashBIOSCompletionCode, remoteFlashBIOSMinimumContiguousMemory DellUnsigned32BitRange } remoteFlashBIOSTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RemoteFlashBIOSTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0900.0010 This Table defines the settings for Dell Remote BIOS updates." ::= { remoteFlashBIOSGroup 10 } remoteFlashBIOSTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RemoteFlashBIOSTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0900.0010.0001 This Group defines the Dell Remote Flash BIOS Table Entry." INDEX { remoteFlashBIOSchassisIndex, remoteFlashBIOSIndex } ::= { remoteFlashBIOSTable 1 } remoteFlashBIOSchassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0900.0010.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of this Dell chassis." ::= { remoteFlashBIOSTableEntry 1 } remoteFlashBIOSIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0900.0010.0001.0002 This attribute defines the index to the Dell Remote BIOS update hardware on this Dell System." ::= { remoteFlashBIOSTableEntry 2 } remoteFlashBIOSStateCapabilitiesUnique OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellRemoteFlashBIOSStateCapabilitiesUnique ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0900.0010.0001.0003 This attribute defines the capabilities of the Dell Remote BIOS update on this Dell System." ::= { remoteFlashBIOSTableEntry 3 } remoteFlashBIOSStateSettingsUnique OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellRemoteFlashBIOSStateSettingsUnique ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0900.0010.0001.0004 This attribute defines the state of the Dell Remote BIOS update on this Dell System." ::= { remoteFlashBIOSTableEntry 4 } remoteFlashBIOSStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0900.0010.0001.0005 This attribute defines the status of the Dell Remote BIOS update on this Dell System." ::= { remoteFlashBIOSTableEntry 5 } remoteFlashBIOSLastBIOSDateName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellDateName ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0900.0010.0001.0006 This attribute defines the date of last BIOS update. Dates are defined in the ASCII format: yyyyMMddhhmmss.uuuuuu+fff or yyyyMMddhhmmss.uuuuuu-fff where yyyy is the year, MM is the month, dd is the day, hh are the hours, mm are the minutes and ss are the seconds. uuuuuu is the number of microseconds, and +fff or -fff is the offset from UTC in minutes." ::= { remoteFlashBIOSTableEntry 6 } remoteFlashBIOSCompletionCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellRemoteFlashBIOSCompletionCode ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0900.0010.0001.0007 This attribute defines the completion code of the last BIOS update." ::= { remoteFlashBIOSTableEntry 7 } remoteFlashBIOSMinimumContiguousMemory OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0900.0010.0001.0008 This attribute defines the minimum size of contiguous memory required for remote BIOS update in kilobytes." ::= { remoteFlashBIOSTableEntry 8 } -- -- Port Definitions -- -- -- Generic Port Definitions -- DellGenericPortConnectorType ::= INTEGER { portConnectorTypeIsOther(1), -- there is not one of the following: portConnectorTypeIsNone(2), -- there is no port connector portConnectorTypeIsCentronics(3), -- the type of port connector is a Centronics, IEEE1284-B Receptical portConnectorTypeIsMiniCentronics(4), -- the type of port connector is a miniCentronics, IEEE1284-C Receptical portConnectorTypeIsProprietary(5), -- the type of port connector is proprietary portConnectorTypeIsDB25Male(6), -- the type of port connector is a male DB-25, IEEE1284-A Plug portConnectorTypeIsDB25Female(7), -- the type of port connector is a female DB-25, IEEE1284-A Receptical portConnectorTypeIsDB15Male(8), -- the type of port connector is a male DB-15 portConnectorTypeIsDB15Female(9), -- the type of port connector is a female DB-15 portConnectorTypeIsDB9Male(10), -- the type of port connector is a male DB-9 portConnectorTypeIsDB9Female(11), -- the type of port connector is a female DB-9 portConnectorTypeIsRJ11(12), -- the type of port connector is an RJ-11 portConnectorTypeIsRJ45(13), -- the type of port connector is an RJ-45 portConnectorTypeIsMiniSCSI50Pin(14), -- the type of port connector is a 50 pin miniSCSI portConnectorTypeIsMiniDIN(15), -- the type of port connector is a mini DIN portConnectorTypeIsMicroDIN(16), -- the type of port connector is a micro DIN portConnectorTypeIsPS2(17), -- the type of port connector is a PS/2 portConnectorTypeIsInfrared(18), -- the type of port connector is infrared portConnectorTypeIsHPHIL(19), -- the type of port connector is HP-HIL portConnectorTypeIsAccessBussUSB(20), -- the type of port connector is Access Bus USB portConnectorTypeISSASCSI(21), -- the type of port connector is SSA SCSI portConnectorTypeIsCirdin8Male(22), -- the type of port connector is a male circular DIN-8 portConnectorTypeIsCirdin8Female(23), -- the type of port connector is a female circular DIN-8 portConnectorTypeIsIDE(24), -- the type of port connector is an IDE portConnectorTypeIsFloppy(25), -- the type of port connector is floppy portConnectorTypeIsDIN9Pin(26), -- the type of port connector is nine pin dual inline portConnectorTypeIsDIN25Pin(27), -- the type of port connector is 25 pin dual inline portConnectorTypeIsDIN50Pin(28), -- the type of port connector is 50 pin dual inline portConnectorTypeIsDIN68Pin(29), -- the type of port connector is 68 pin dual inline portConnectorTypeIsCDROMLineOut(30), -- the type of port connector is CDROM line output portConnectorTypeIsMiniCentronics14(31), -- the type of port connector is a miniCentronics 14 portConnectorTypeIsMiniCentronics26(32), -- the type of port connector is a miniCentronics 26 portConnectorTypeIsMiniJack(33), -- the type of port connector is a minijack, headphones portConnectorTypeIsBNC(34), -- the type of port connector is a BNC portConnectorTypeIs1394(35), -- the type of port connector is a 1394, firewire portConnectorTypeIsPC98(36), -- the type of port connector is a PC-98 portConnectorTypeIsPC98Hireso(37), -- the type of port connector is a PC-98 Hireso portConnectorTypeIsPCH98(38), -- the type of port connector is a PCH98 portConnectorTypeIsPC98Note(39), -- the type of port connector is a PC-98 Note portConnectorTypeIsPC98Full(40) -- the type of port connector is a PC-98 Full } DellPortSecurityState ::= INTEGER { other(1), -- the security settings are not one of following: unknown(2), -- the security settings are unknown none(3), -- the security settings are none externalIsDisabled(4), -- the security setting by an external interface is disabled externalIsEnabled(5), -- the security setting by an external interface is enabled bootByPass(6) -- the security setting is boot bypass } -- -- -- Pointing Port Definitions -- DellPointingPortConnectorType ::= INTEGER { connectorPortTypeIsOther(1), -- there is not one of the following: connectorPortTypeIsUnknown(2), -- the port connector type is unknown connectorPortTypeIsSerial(3), -- the type of port connector is serial connectorPortTypeIsPS2(4), -- the type of port connector is a PS/2 connectorPortTypeIsInfrared(5), -- the type of port connector is infrared connectorPortTypeIsHPHIL(6), -- the type of port connector is HP-HIL connectorPortTypeIsBusMouse(7), -- the type of port connector is bus mouse connectorPortTypeIsADB(8), -- the type of port connector is ADB connectorPortTypeIsDB9(9), -- the type of port connector is nine pin DB-9 connectorPortTypeIsMicroDIN(10), -- the type of port connector is micro DIN connectorPortTypeIsAccessBusUSB(11), -- the type of port connector is Access Bus USB connectorPortTypeIsPC98(12) -- the type of port connector is a PC-98 } PointingPortTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { pointingPortchassisIndex DellObjectRange, pointingPortIndex DellObjectRange, pointingPortStateCapabilities DellStateCapabilities, pointingPortStateSettings DellStateSettings, pointingPortStatus DellStatus, pointingPortSecurityState DellPortSecurityState, pointingPortConnectorType DellPointingPortConnectorType, pointingPortName DellString, pointingPortBIOSConnectorType DellGenericPortConnectorType } pointingPortTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PointingPortTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0010 This Group defines the Dell Pointing Port Table." ::= { portGroup 10 } pointingPortTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PointingPortTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0010.0001 This Group defines the Dell Pointing Port Table Entry." INDEX { pointingPortchassisIndex, pointingPortIndex } ::= { pointingPortTable 1 } pointingPortchassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0010.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of this Dell chassis." ::= { pointingPortTableEntry 1 } pointingPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0010.0001.0002 This attribute defines the index of the Dell Pointing Port in this chassis." ::= { pointingPortTableEntry 2 } pointingPortStateCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateCapabilities ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0010.0001.0003 This attribute defines the capabilities of the Dell Pointing Port." ::= { pointingPortTableEntry 3 } pointingPortStateSettings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateSettings ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0010.0001.0004 This attribute defines the state of the Dell Pointing Port." ::= { pointingPortTableEntry 4 } pointingPortStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0010.0001.0005 This attribute defines the status of the Dell Pointing Port." ::= { pointingPortTableEntry 5 } pointingPortSecurityState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellPortSecurityState ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0010.0001.0006 This attribute defines if security settings of the Dell Pointing Port." ::= { pointingPortTableEntry 6 } pointingPortConnectorType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellPointingPortConnectorType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0010.0001.0007 This attribute defines the connector type of the Dell Pointing Port." ::= { pointingPortTableEntry 7 } pointingPortName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0010.0001.0008 This attribute defines name of the Dell Pointing Port." ::= { pointingPortTableEntry 8 } pointingPortBIOSConnectorType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellGenericPortConnectorType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0010.0001.0009 This attribute defines the BIOS connector type of the Dell Pointing Port." ::= { pointingPortTableEntry 9 } -- -- -- Keyboard Port Definitions -- DellKeyboardPortConnectorType ::= INTEGER { connectorPortTypeIsOther(1), -- there is not one of the following: connectorPortTypeIsUnknown(2), -- the port connector type is unknown connectorPortTypeIsMiniDIN(3), -- the type of port connector is a mini DIN connectorPortTypeIsMicroDIN(4), -- the type of port connector is a micro DIN connectorPortTypeIsPS2(5), -- the type of port connector is a PS/2 connectorPortTypeIsInfrared(6), -- the type of port connector is infrared connectorPortTypeIsHPHIL(7), -- the type of port connector is HP-HIL connectorPortTypeIsDB9(8), -- the type of port connector is a DB-9 connectorPortTypeIsAccessBusUSB(9), -- the type of port connector is Access Bus USB connectorPortTypeIsPC98(10) -- the type of port connector is a PC-98 } KeyboardPortTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { keyboardPortchassisIndex DellObjectRange, keyboardPortIndex DellObjectRange, keyboardPortStateCapabilities DellStateCapabilities, keyboardPortStateSettings DellStateSettings, keyboardPortStatus DellStatus, keyboardPortSecurityState DellPortSecurityState, keyboardPortConnectorType DellKeyboardPortConnectorType, keyboardPortName DellString, keyboardPortBIOSConnectorType DellGenericPortConnectorType } keyboardPortTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF KeyboardPortTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0020 This Group defines the Dell Keyboard Port Table." ::= { portGroup 20 } keyboardPortTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX KeyboardPortTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0020.0001 This Group defines the Dell Keyboard Port Table Entry." INDEX { keyboardPortchassisIndex, keyboardPortIndex } ::= { keyboardPortTable 1 } keyboardPortchassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0020.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of this Dell chassis." ::= { keyboardPortTableEntry 1 } keyboardPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0020.0001.0002 This attribute defines the index of the Dell Keyboard Port in this chassis." ::= { keyboardPortTableEntry 2 } keyboardPortStateCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateCapabilities ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0020.0001.0003 This attribute defines the capabilities of the Dell Keyboard Port." ::= { keyboardPortTableEntry 3 } keyboardPortStateSettings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateSettings ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0020.0001.0004 This attribute defines the state of the Dell Keyboard Port." ::= { keyboardPortTableEntry 4 } keyboardPortStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0020.0001.0005 This attribute defines the status of the Dell Keyboard Port." ::= { keyboardPortTableEntry 5 } keyboardPortSecurityState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellPortSecurityState ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0020.0001.0006 This attribute defines if security settings of the Dell Keyboard Port." ::= { keyboardPortTableEntry 6 } keyboardPortConnectorType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellKeyboardPortConnectorType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0020.0001.0007 This attribute defines the connector type of the Dell Keyboard Port." ::= { keyboardPortTableEntry 7 } keyboardPortName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0020.0001.0008 This attribute defines name of the Dell Keyboard Port." ::= { keyboardPortTableEntry 8 } keyboardPortBIOSConnectorType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellGenericPortConnectorType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0020.0001.0009 This attribute defines the BIOS connector type of the Dell Keyboard Port." ::= { keyboardPortTableEntry 9 } -- -- -- Processor Port Definitions -- DellProcessorPortConnectorType ::= INTEGER { connectorPortTypeIsOther(1), -- there is not one of the following: connectorPortTypeIsUnknown(2), -- the port connector type is unknown connectorPortTypeIsDaughterdBoard(3), -- the connector port is daughter board connectorPortTypeIsZIFSocket(4), -- the connector port is a zero insertion force socket connectorPortTypeIsAPiggyBackBoard(5), -- the connector port is a replacement piggyback board connectorPortTypeIsNone(6), -- the connector port is none, soldered in place connectorPortTypeIsLIFSocket(7), -- the connector port is a low force insertion socket connectorPortTypeIsSlot1(8), -- the connector port is a slot one type connectorPortTypeIsSlot2(9), -- the connector port is a slot two type connectorPortTypeIsP370(10) -- the connector port is a P370 type } ProcessorPortTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { processorPortchassisIndex DellObjectRange, processorPortIndex DellObjectRange, processorPortStateCapabilities DellStateCapabilities, processorPortStateSettings DellStateSettings, processorPortStatus DellStatus, processorPortSecurityState DellPortSecurityState, processorPortConnectorType DellProcessorPortConnectorType, processorPortName DellString, processorPortBIOSConnectorType DellGenericPortConnectorType } processorPortTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ProcessorPortTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0030 This Group defines the Dell Processor Port Table." ::= { portGroup 30 } processorPortTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ProcessorPortTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0030.0001 This Group defines the Dell Processor Port Table Entry." INDEX { processorPortchassisIndex, processorPortIndex } ::= { processorPortTable 1 } processorPortchassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0030.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of this Dell chassis." ::= { processorPortTableEntry 1 } processorPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0030.0001.0002 This attribute defines the index of the Dell Processor Port in this chassis." ::= { processorPortTableEntry 2 } processorPortStateCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateCapabilities ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0030.0001.0003 This attribute defines the capabilities of the Dell Processor Port." ::= { processorPortTableEntry 3 } processorPortStateSettings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateSettings ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0030.0001.0004 This attribute defines the state of the Dell Processor Port." ::= { processorPortTableEntry 4 } processorPortStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0030.0001.0005 This attribute defines the status of the Dell Processor Port." ::= { processorPortTableEntry 5 } processorPortSecurityState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellPortSecurityState ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0030.0001.0006 This attribute defines the security settings of the Dell Processor Port." ::= { processorPortTableEntry 6 } processorPortConnectorType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellProcessorPortConnectorType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0030.0001.0007 This attribute defines the connector type of the Dell Processor Port." ::= { processorPortTableEntry 7 } processorPortName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0030.0001.0008 This attribute defines name of the Dell Processor Port." ::= { processorPortTableEntry 8 } processorPortBIOSConnectorType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellGenericPortConnectorType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0030.0001.0009 This attribute defines the BIOS connector type of the Dell Processor Port." ::= { processorPortTableEntry 9 } -- -- -- Memory Device Port Definitions -- DellMemoryDevicePortConnectorType ::= INTEGER { connectorPortTypeIsOther(1), -- there is not one of the following: connectorPortTypeIsUnknown(2), -- the port connector type is unknown connectorPortTypeIsSIMM(3), -- the connector port is a simm connectorPortTypeIsSIP(4), -- the connector port is a sip connectorPortTypeIsAChip(5), -- the connector port is a chip connectorPortTypeIsDIP(6), -- the connector port is a dip connectorPortTypeIsZIP(7), -- the connector port is a zip connectorPortTypeIsAProprietaryCard(8), -- the connector port is a proprietary card connectorPortTypeIsDIMM(9), -- the connector port is a dimm connectorPortTypeIsTSOP(10), -- the connector port is a tsop connectorPortTypeIsARowOfChips(11), -- the connector port is a row of chips connectorPortTypeIsRIMM(12), -- the connector port is a rimm connectorPortTypeIsSODIMM(13), -- the connector port is a sodimm connectorPortTypeIsSRIMM(14) -- the connector port is a srimm } MemoryDevicePortTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { memoryDevicePortchassisIndex DellObjectRange, memoryDevicePortIndex DellObjectRange, memoryDevicePortStateCapabilities DellStateCapabilities, memoryDevicePortStateSettings DellStateSettings, memoryDevicePortStatus DellStatus, memoryDevicePortSecurityState DellPortSecurityState, memoryDevicePortConnectorType DellMemoryDevicePortConnectorType, memoryDevicePortName DellString, memoryDevicePortBIOSConnectorType DellGenericPortConnectorType, memoryDevicePortPhysicalMemoryArrayIndexReference DellUnsigned32BitRange } memoryDevicePortTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF MemoryDevicePortTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0040 This Group defines the Dell Memory Device Port Table." ::= { portGroup 40 } memoryDevicePortTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MemoryDevicePortTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0040.0001 This Group defines the Dell Memory Device Port Table Entry." INDEX { memoryDevicePortchassisIndex, memoryDevicePortIndex } ::= { memoryDevicePortTable 1 } memoryDevicePortchassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0040.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of this Dell chassis." ::= { memoryDevicePortTableEntry 1 } memoryDevicePortIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0040.0001.0002 This attribute defines the index of the Dell Memory Device Port in this chassis." ::= { memoryDevicePortTableEntry 2 } memoryDevicePortStateCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateCapabilities ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0040.0001.0003 This attribute defines the capabilities of the Dell Memory Device Port." ::= { memoryDevicePortTableEntry 3 } memoryDevicePortStateSettings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateSettings ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0040.0001.0004 This attribute defines the state of the Dell Memory Device Port." ::= { memoryDevicePortTableEntry 4 } memoryDevicePortStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0040.0001.0005 This attribute defines the status of the Dell Memory Device Port." ::= { memoryDevicePortTableEntry 5 } memoryDevicePortSecurityState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellPortSecurityState ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0040.0001.0006 This attribute defines the security settings of the Dell Memory Device Port." ::= { memoryDevicePortTableEntry 6 } memoryDevicePortConnectorType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellMemoryDevicePortConnectorType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0040.0001.0007 This attribute defines the connector type of the Dell Memory Device Port." ::= { memoryDevicePortTableEntry 7 } memoryDevicePortName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0040.0001.0008 This attribute defines name of the Dell Memory Device Port." ::= { memoryDevicePortTableEntry 8 } memoryDevicePortBIOSConnectorType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellGenericPortConnectorType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0040.0001.0009 This attribute defines the BIOS connector type of the Dell Memory Device Port." ::= { memoryDevicePortTableEntry 9 } memoryDevicePortPhysicalMemoryArrayIndexReference OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0040.0001.0010 This attribute defines the index value of the Physical Memory Array that this memory device is associated with." ::= { memoryDevicePortTableEntry 10 } -- -- -- Monitor Port Definitions -- DellMonitorPortConnectorType ::= INTEGER { connectorPortTypeIsOther(1), -- there is not one of the following: connectorPortTypeIsUnknown(2), -- the port connector type is unknown connectorPortTypeIsDB15PinMale(3), -- the type of port connector is a male DB-15 connectorPortTypeIsDB15PinFemale(4) -- the type of port connector is a female DB-15 } MonitorPortTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { monitorPortchassisIndex DellObjectRange, monitorPortIndex DellObjectRange, monitorPortStateCapabilities DellStateCapabilities, monitorPortStateSettings DellStateSettings, monitorPortStatus DellStatus, monitorPortSecurityState DellPortSecurityState, monitorPortConnectorType DellMonitorPortConnectorType, monitorPortName DellString, monitorPortBIOSConnectorType DellGenericPortConnectorType } monitorPortTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF MonitorPortTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0050 This Group defines the Dell Monitor Port Table." ::= { portGroup 50 } monitorPortTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MonitorPortTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0050.0001 This Group defines the Dell Monitor Port Table Entry." INDEX { monitorPortchassisIndex, monitorPortIndex } ::= { monitorPortTable 1 } monitorPortchassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0050.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of this Dell chassis." ::= { monitorPortTableEntry 1 } monitorPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0050.0001.0002 This attribute defines the index of the Dell Monitor Port in this chassis." ::= { monitorPortTableEntry 2 } monitorPortStateCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateCapabilities ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0050.0001.0003 This attribute defines the capabilities of the Dell Monitor Port." ::= { monitorPortTableEntry 3 } monitorPortStateSettings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateSettings ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0050.0001.0004 This attribute defines the state of the Dell Monitor Port." ::= { monitorPortTableEntry 4 } monitorPortStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0050.0001.0005 This attribute defines the status of the Dell Monitor Port." ::= { monitorPortTableEntry 5 } monitorPortSecurityState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellPortSecurityState ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0050.0001.0006 This attribute defines if security settings of the Dell Monitor Port." ::= { monitorPortTableEntry 6 } monitorPortConnectorType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellMonitorPortConnectorType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0050.0001.0007 This attribute defines the connector type of the Dell Monitor Port." ::= { monitorPortTableEntry 7 } monitorPortName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0050.0001.0008 This attribute defines name of the Dell Monitor Port." ::= { monitorPortTableEntry 8 } monitorPortBIOSConnectorType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellGenericPortConnectorType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0050.0001.0009 This attribute defines the BIOS connector type of the Dell Monitor Port." ::= { monitorPortTableEntry 9 } -- -- -- SCSI Port Definitions -- DellSCSIPortConnectorType ::= INTEGER { connectorPortTypeIsOther(1), -- there is not one of the following: connectorPortTypeIsUnknown(2), -- the port connector type is unknown connectorPortTypeIsDIN25pin(3), -- the type of port connector is DIN 25 pin connectorPortTypeIsDIN50pin(4), -- the type of port connector is DIN 50 pin connectorPortTypeIsDIN68pin(5) -- the type of port connector is DIN 68 pin } SCSIPortTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { sCSIPortchassisIndex DellObjectRange, sCSIPortIndex DellObjectRange, sCSIPortStateCapabilities DellStateCapabilities, sCSIPortStateSettings DellStateSettings, sCSIPortStatus DellStatus, sCSIPortSecurityState DellPortSecurityState, sCSIPortConnectorType DellSCSIPortConnectorType, sCSIPortName DellString, sCSIPortBIOSConnectorType DellGenericPortConnectorType } sCSIPortTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SCSIPortTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0060 This Group defines the Dell SCSI Port Table." ::= { portGroup 60 } sCSIPortTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SCSIPortTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0060.0001 This Group defines the Dell SCSI Port Table Entry." INDEX { sCSIPortchassisIndex, sCSIPortIndex } ::= { sCSIPortTable 1 } sCSIPortchassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0060.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of this Dell chassis." ::= { sCSIPortTableEntry 1 } sCSIPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0060.0001.0002 This attribute defines the index of the Dell SCSI Port in this chassis." ::= { sCSIPortTableEntry 2 } sCSIPortStateCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateCapabilities ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0060.0001.0003 This attribute defines the capabilities of the Dell SCSI Port." ::= { sCSIPortTableEntry 3 } sCSIPortStateSettings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateSettings ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0060.0001.0004 This attribute defines the state of the Dell SCSI Port." ::= { sCSIPortTableEntry 4 } sCSIPortStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0060.0001.0005 This attribute defines the status of the Dell SCSI Port." ::= { sCSIPortTableEntry 5 } sCSIPortSecurityState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellPortSecurityState ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0060.0001.0006 This attribute defines if security settings of the Dell SCSI Port." ::= { sCSIPortTableEntry 6 } sCSIPortConnectorType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellSCSIPortConnectorType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0060.0001.0007 This attribute defines the connector type of the Dell SCSI Port." ::= { sCSIPortTableEntry 7 } sCSIPortName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0060.0001.0008 This attribute defines name of the Dell SCSI Port." ::= { sCSIPortTableEntry 8 } sCSIPortBIOSConnectorType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellGenericPortConnectorType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0060.0001.0009 This attribute defines the BIOS connector type of the Dell SCSI Port." ::= { sCSIPortTableEntry 9 } -- -- -- Parallel Port Definitions -- DellParallelPortConnectorType ::= INTEGER { connectorPortTypeIsOther(1), -- the type of port connector is not one of following: connectorPortTypeIsUnknown(2), -- the type of port connector is unknown connectorPortTypeIsDB25PinFemale(3), -- the type of port connector is a female DB-25, IEEE1284-A Receptical connectorPortTypeIsDB25PinMale(4), -- the type of port connector is a male DB-25, IEEE1284-A Plug connectorPortTypeIsCentronics(5), -- the type of port connector is a Centronics, IEEE1284-B Receptical connectorPortTypeIsMiniCentronics(6), -- the type of port connector is a miniCentronics, IEEE1284-C Receptical connectorPortTypeIsProprietary(7), -- the type of port connector is proprietary connectorPortTypeIsCentronics14(8), -- the type of port connector is a Centronics 14 connectorPortTypeIsDB36PinFemale(9), -- the type of port connector is a female DB-36 connectorPortTypeIsMiniCentronics20(10) -- the type of port connector is a miniCentronics 20 } DellParallelPortConnectorPinout ::= INTEGER { connectorPortPinoutIsOther(1), -- the type of port connector pinout is not one of following: connectorPortPinoutIsUnknown(2), -- the type of port connector pinout is unknown connectorPortPinoutIsXTorAT(3), -- the type of port connector pinout is XT or AT pinout compatible connectorPortPinoutIsPS2(4), -- the type of port connector pinout is PS/2 pinout compatible connectorPortPinoutIsIEEE1284(5), -- the type of port connector pinout is IEEE 1284 pinout compatible connectorPortPinoutIsProprietary(6), -- the type of port connector pinout is proprietary connectorPortPinoutIsPC98(7), -- the type of port connector pinout is PC-98 pinout compatible connectorPortPinoutIsPC98Hireso(8), -- the type of port connector pinout is PC-98 Hireso pinout compatible connectorPortPinoutIsPC98Note(9), -- the type of port connector pinout is PC-98 Note pinout compatible connectorPortPinoutIsPC98Full(10) -- the type of port connector pinout is PC-98 Full pinout compatible } DellParallelPortCapabilitiesUnique ::= INTEGER { unknown(1), -- The objects capabilities are unknown atCapable(2), -- The parallel port is AT mode Capable ps2Capable(4), -- The parallel port is PS/2 mode Capable ecpCapable(8), -- The parallel port is ECP mode Capable eppCapable(16), -- The parallel port is EPP mode Capable atOrPS2OrECPOrEPPCapable(30), -- The parallel port is EPP mode Capable pc98Capable(32), -- The parallel port is PC98 mode Capable pc98HiresoCapable(64), -- The parallel port is PC98 Hireso mode Capable pc98HCapable(128) -- The parallel port is PC98H mode Capable } ParallelPortTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { parallelPortchassisIndex DellObjectRange, parallelPortIndex DellObjectRange, parallelPortStateCapabilities DellStateCapabilities, parallelPortStateSettings DellStateSettings, parallelPortStatus DellStatus, parallelPortSecurityState DellPortSecurityState, parallelPortConnectorType DellParallelPortConnectorType, parallelPortName DellString, parallelPortConnectorPinOut DellParallelPortConnectorPinout, parallelPortCapabilitiesUnique DellParallelPortCapabilitiesUnique, parallelPortBaseIOAddress DellUnsigned64BitRange, parallelPortIRQLevel DellUnsigned8BitRange, parallelPortDMASupport DellBoolean } parallelPortTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ParallelPortTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0070 This Group defines the Dell Parallel Port Table." ::= { portGroup 70 } parallelPortTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ParallelPortTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0070.0001 This Group defines the Dell Parallel Port Table Entry." INDEX { parallelPortchassisIndex, parallelPortIndex } ::= { parallelPortTable 1 } parallelPortchassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0070.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of this Dell chassis." ::= { parallelPortTableEntry 1 } parallelPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0070.0001.0002 This attribute defines the index of the Dell Parallel Port in this chassis." ::= { parallelPortTableEntry 2 } parallelPortStateCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateCapabilities ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0070.0001.0003 This attribute defines the capabilities of the Dell Parallel Port." ::= { parallelPortTableEntry 3 } parallelPortStateSettings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateSettings ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0070.0001.0004 This attribute defines the state of the Dell Parallel Port." ::= { parallelPortTableEntry 4 } parallelPortStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0070.0001.0005 This attribute defines the status of the Dell Parallel Port." ::= { parallelPortTableEntry 5 } parallelPortSecurityState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellPortSecurityState ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0070.0001.0006 This attribute defines if security state of the Dell Parallel Port." ::= { parallelPortTableEntry 6 } parallelPortConnectorType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellParallelPortConnectorType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0070.0001.0007 This attribute defines the connector type of the Dell Parallel Port." ::= { parallelPortTableEntry 7 } parallelPortName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0070.0001.0008 This attribute defines the name of the Dell Parallel Port." ::= { parallelPortTableEntry 8 } parallelPortConnectorPinOut OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellParallelPortConnectorPinout ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0070.0001.0009 This attribute defines the pinout of the Dell Parallel Port." ::= { parallelPortTableEntry 9 } parallelPortCapabilitiesUnique OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellParallelPortCapabilitiesUnique ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0070.0001.0010 This attribute defines the capabilities of the Dell Parallel Port." ::= { parallelPortTableEntry 10 } parallelPortBaseIOAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned64BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0070.0001.0011 This attribute defines the Base Input Output address of the Dell Parallel Port." ::= { parallelPortTableEntry 11 } parallelPortIRQLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned8BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0070.0001.0012 This attribute defines the Interrupt Request Level of the Dell Parallel Port." ::= { parallelPortTableEntry 12 } parallelPortDMASupport OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellBoolean ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0070.0001.0013 This attribute defines if DMA is supported by the Dell Parallel Port." ::= { parallelPortTableEntry 13 } -- -- -- Serial Port Definitions -- DellSerialPortConnectorType ::= INTEGER { connectorPortTypeIsOther(1), -- the type of port connector is not one of following: connectorPortTypeIsUnknown(2), -- the type of port connector is unknown connectorPortTypeIsDB9PinMale(3), -- the type of port connector is a male DB-9 connectorPortTypeIsDB9PinFemale(4), -- the type of port connector is a female DB-9 connectorPortTypeIsDB25PinMale(5), -- the type of port connector is a male DB-25 connectorPortTypeIsDB25PinFemale(6), -- the type of port connector is a female DB-25 connectorPortTypeIsRJ11(7), -- the type of port connector is an RJ-11 connectorPortTypeIsRJ45(8), -- the type of port connector is an RJ-45 connectorPortTypeIsProprietary(9), -- the type of port connector is proprietary connectorPortTypeIsCirdin8Male(10), -- the type of port connector is a male circular DIN-8 connectorPortTypeIsCirdin8Female(11), -- the type of port connector is a female circular DIN-8 connectorPortTypeIsMiniCentronics14(12), -- the type of port connector is a miniCentronics 14 connectorPortTypeIsMiniCentronics26(13) -- the type of port connector is a miniCentronics 26 } DellSerialPortCapabilitiesUnique ::= INTEGER { other(1), -- The serial port capabilities are not one of following: unknown(2), -- The serial port capabilities is unknown xtorATCapable(4), -- The serial port is XT or AT mode Capable c16450Capable(8), -- The serial port is 16450 Capable c16550Capable(16), -- The serial port is 16550 Capable c16550aCapable(32), -- The serial port is 16550A Capable c8251Capable(64), -- The serial port is 8251 Capable c8251FIFOCapable(128) -- The serial port is 8251 FIFO Capable } SerialPortTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { serialPortchassisIndex DellObjectRange, serialPortIndex DellObjectRange, serialPortStateCapabilities DellStateCapabilities, serialPortStateSettings DellStateSettings, serialPortStatus DellStatus, serialPortSecurityState DellPortSecurityState, serialPortConnectorType DellSerialPortConnectorType, serialPortName DellString, serialPortMaximumSpeed DellUnsigned32BitRange, serialPortCapabilitiesUnique DellSerialPortCapabilitiesUnique, serialPortBaseIOAddress DellUnsigned64BitRange, serialPortIRQLevel DellUnsigned8BitRange } serialPortTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SerialPortTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0080 This Group defines the Dell Serial Port Table." ::= { portGroup 80 } serialPortTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SerialPortTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0080.0001 This Group defines the Dell Serial Port Table Entry." INDEX { serialPortchassisIndex, serialPortIndex } ::= { serialPortTable 1 } serialPortchassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0080.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of this Dell chassis." ::= { serialPortTableEntry 1 } serialPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0080.0001.0002 This attribute defines the index of the Dell Serial Port in this chassis." ::= { serialPortTableEntry 2 } serialPortStateCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateCapabilities ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0080.0001.0003 This attribute defines the capabilities of the Dell Serial Port." ::= { serialPortTableEntry 3 } serialPortStateSettings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateSettings ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0080.0001.0004 This attribute defines the state of the Dell Serial Port." ::= { serialPortTableEntry 4 } serialPortStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0080.0001.0005 This attribute defines the status of the Dell Serial Port." ::= { serialPortTableEntry 5 } serialPortSecurityState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellPortSecurityState ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0080.0001.0006 This attribute defines the security settings of the Dell Serial Port." ::= { serialPortTableEntry 6 } serialPortConnectorType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellSerialPortConnectorType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0080.0001.0007 This attribute defines the connector type of the Dell Serial Port." ::= { serialPortTableEntry 7 } serialPortName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0080.0001.0008 This attribute defines the name of the Dell Serial Port." ::= { serialPortTableEntry 8 } serialPortMaximumSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0080.0001.0009 This attribute defines the maximum speed the serial interface can support in BPS (bits per second). 0 (zero) indicated maximum port speed is unknown." ::= { serialPortTableEntry 9 } serialPortCapabilitiesUnique OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellSerialPortCapabilitiesUnique ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0080.0001.0010 This attribute defines the capabilities of the Dell Serial Port." ::= { serialPortTableEntry 10 } serialPortBaseIOAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned64BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0080.0001.0011 This attribute defines the Base Input Output address of the Dell Serial Port." ::= { serialPortTableEntry 11 } serialPortIRQLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned8BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0080.0001.0012 This attribute defines the Interrupt Request Level of the Dell Serial Port." ::= { serialPortTableEntry 12 } -- -- -- USB Port Definitions -- DellUSBPortConnectorType ::= INTEGER { connectorPortTypeIsOther(1), -- there is not one of the following: connectorPortTypeIsUnknown(2), -- the port connector type is unknown connectorPortTypeIsUSB(3) -- the type of port connector is a universal serial bus } USBPortTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { uSBPortchassisIndex DellObjectRange, uSBPortIndex DellObjectRange, uSBPortStateCapabilities DellStateCapabilities, uSBPortStateSettings DellStateSettings, uSBPortStatus DellStatus, uSBPortSecurityState DellPortSecurityState, uSBPortConnectorType DellUSBPortConnectorType, uSBPortName DellString, uSBPortBIOSConnectorType DellGenericPortConnectorType } uSBPortTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF USBPortTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0090 This Group defines the Dell USB Port Table." ::= { portGroup 90 } uSBPortTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX USBPortTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0090.0001 This Group defines the Dell USB Port Table Entry." INDEX { uSBPortchassisIndex, uSBPortIndex } ::= { uSBPortTable 1 } uSBPortchassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0090.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of this Dell chassis." ::= { uSBPortTableEntry 1 } uSBPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0090.0001.0002 This attribute defines the index of the Dell USB Port in this chassis." ::= { uSBPortTableEntry 2 } uSBPortStateCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateCapabilities ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0090.0001.0003 This attribute defines the capabilities the Dell USB Port." ::= { uSBPortTableEntry 3 } uSBPortStateSettings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateSettings ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0090.0001.0004 This attribute defines the status of the Dell USB Port." ::= { uSBPortTableEntry 4 } uSBPortStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0090.0001.0005 This attribute defines the state of the Dell USB Port." ::= { uSBPortTableEntry 5 } uSBPortSecurityState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellPortSecurityState ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0090.0001.0006 This attribute defines the security settings of the Dell USB Port." ::= { uSBPortTableEntry 6 } uSBPortConnectorType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUSBPortConnectorType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0090.0001.0007 This attribute defines the connector type of the Dell USB Port." ::= { uSBPortTableEntry 7 } uSBPortName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0090.0001.0008 This attribute defines name of the Dell USB Port." ::= { uSBPortTableEntry 8 } uSBPortBIOSConnectorType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellGenericPortConnectorType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1000.0090.0001.0009 This attribute defines the BIOS connector type of the Dell USB Port." ::= { uSBPortTableEntry 9 } -- -- -- Device Definitions -- -- -- -- -- Pointing Device Definitions -- DellPointingDeviceType ::= INTEGER { deviceTypeIsOther(1), -- there is not one of the following: deviceTypeIsUnknown(2), -- the device type is unknown deviceTypeIsAMouse(3), -- the type of device is a mouse deviceTypeIsATrackBall(4), -- the type of device is a track ball deviceTypeIsATrackPoint(5), -- the type of device is a track point deviceTypeIsAGlidePoint(6), -- the type of device is a glide point deviceTypeIsATouchPad(7) -- the type of device is a touch pad } PointingDeviceTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { pointingDevicechassisIndex DellObjectRange, pointingDeviceIndex DellObjectRange, pointingDeviceStateCapabilities DellStateCapabilities, pointingDeviceStateSettings DellStateSettings, pointingDeviceStatus DellStatus, pointingPortIndexReference DellObjectRange, pointingDeviceType DellPointingDeviceType, pointingDeviceNumberofButtons DellUnsigned8BitRange } pointingDeviceTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PointingDeviceTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0010 This Group defines the Dell Pointing Device Table. It references the Dell Pointing Port Index." ::= { deviceGroup 10 } pointingDeviceTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PointingDeviceTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0010.0001 This Group defines the Dell Pointing Device Table Entry." INDEX { pointingDevicechassisIndex, pointingDeviceIndex } ::= { pointingDeviceTable 1 } pointingDevicechassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0010.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of this Dell chassis." ::= { pointingDeviceTableEntry 1 } pointingDeviceIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0010.0001.0002 This attribute defines the index of the Dell Pointing Device in this chassis." ::= { pointingDeviceTableEntry 2 } pointingDeviceStateCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateCapabilities ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0010.0001.0003 This attribute defines the capabilities of the Dell Pointing Device." ::= { pointingDeviceTableEntry 3 } pointingDeviceStateSettings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateSettings ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0010.0001.0004 This attribute defines the state of the Dell Pointing Device." ::= { pointingDeviceTableEntry 4 } pointingDeviceStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0010.0001.0005 This attribute defines the status of the Dell Pointing Device." ::= { pointingDeviceTableEntry 5 } pointingPortIndexReference OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0010.0001.0006 This attribute defines the index to the associated Dell Pointing Port in this chassis." ::= { pointingDeviceTableEntry 6 } pointingDeviceType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellPointingDeviceType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0010.0001.0007 This attribute defines the type of the Dell Pointing Device." ::= { pointingDeviceTableEntry 7 } pointingDeviceNumberofButtons OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned8BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0010.0001.0008 This attribute defines the number of buttons on the Dell Pointing Device." ::= { pointingDeviceTableEntry 8 } -- -- -- Keyboard Device Definitions -- KeyboardDeviceTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { keyboardDevicechassisIndex DellObjectRange, keyboardDeviceIndex DellObjectRange, keyboardDeviceStateCapabilities DellStateCapabilities, keyboardDeviceStateSettings DellStateSettings, keyboardDeviceStatus DellStatus, keyboardPortIndexReference DellObjectRange, keyboardDeviceTypeName DellString, keyboardDeviceLayoutName DellString } keyboardDeviceTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF KeyboardDeviceTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0020 This Group defines the Dell Keyboard Device Table. It references the Dell Keyboard Port Index." ::= { deviceGroup 20 } keyboardDeviceTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX KeyboardDeviceTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0020.0001 This Group defines the Dell Keyboard Device Table Entry." INDEX { keyboardDevicechassisIndex, keyboardDeviceIndex } ::= { keyboardDeviceTable 1 } keyboardDevicechassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0020.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of this Dell chassis." ::= { keyboardDeviceTableEntry 1 } keyboardDeviceIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0020.0001.0002 This attribute defines the index of the Dell Keyboard Device in this chassis." ::= { keyboardDeviceTableEntry 2 } keyboardDeviceStateCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateCapabilities ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0020.0001.0003 This attribute defines the capabilities of the Dell Keyboard Device." ::= { keyboardDeviceTableEntry 3 } keyboardDeviceStateSettings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateSettings ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0020.0001.0004 This attribute defines the state of the Dell Keyboard Device." ::= { keyboardDeviceTableEntry 4 } keyboardDeviceStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0020.0001.0005 This attribute defines the status of the Dell Keyboard Device." ::= { keyboardDeviceTableEntry 5 } keyboardPortIndexReference OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0020.0001.0006 This attribute defines the index to the associated Dell Keyboard Port in this chassis." ::= { keyboardDeviceTableEntry 6 } keyboardDeviceTypeName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0020.0001.0007 This is the name of the Dell keyboard type." ::= { keyboardDeviceTableEntry 7 } keyboardDeviceLayoutName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0020.0001.0008 This is the name of the Dell keyboard layout." ::= { keyboardDeviceTableEntry 8 } -- -- -- Processor Device Definitions -- DellProcessorDeviceType ::= INTEGER { deviceTypeIsOther(1), -- there is not one of the following: deviceTypeIsUnknown(2), -- the device type is unknown deviceTypeIsCPU(3), -- the type of device is a central processing unit deviceTypeIsMathProcessor(4), -- the type of device is a math processor deviceTypeIsDSP(5), -- the type of device is a digital signal processor deviceTypeIsAVideoProcessor(6) -- the type of device is a video processor } DellProcessorDeviceFamily ::= INTEGER { deviceFamilyIsOther(1), -- there is not one of the following: deviceFamilyIsUnknown(2), -- the device family is unknown deviceFamilyIs8086(3), -- the family of the device is an 8086 deviceFamilyIs80286(4), -- the family of the device is an 80286 deviceFamilyIs80386(5), -- the family of the device is an 80386 deviceFamilyIs80486(6), -- the family of the device is an 80486 deviceFamilyIs8087(7), -- the family of the device is an 8087 deviceFamilyIs80287(8), -- the family of the device is an 80287 deviceFamilyIs80387(9), -- the family of the device is an 80387 deviceFamilyIs80487(10), -- the family of the device is an 80487 deviceFamilyIsPentium(11), -- the family of the device is a pentium deviceFamilyIsPentiumPro(12), -- the family of the device is a pentium pro deviceFamilyIsPentium2(13), -- the family of the device is a pentium II deviceFamilyIsPentiumMMX(14), -- the family of the device is a pentium mmx deviceFamilyIsCeleron(15), -- the family of the device is a celeron deviceFamilyIsXeon(16), -- the family of the device is a xeon deviceFamilyIsPentium3(17), -- the family of the device is a pentium III deviceFamilyIsPentium3Xeon(18), -- the family of the device is a pentium III xeon deviceFamilyIsPentium3Step(19), -- the family of the device is a pentium III Speed Step deviceFamilyIsPentiumItanium(20),-- the family of the device is a pentium itanium deviceFamilyIsIntelXeon(21) -- the family of the device is an Intel Xeon } DellProcessorDeviceStatusState ::= INTEGER { other(1), -- the status is not one of the following: unknown(2), -- the device type is unknown enabled(3), -- the device is enabled userDisabled(4), -- the device is disabled by the user biosDisabled(5), -- the device has it's BIOS disabled idle(6) -- the device is idle } DellProcessorUpgradeInformation ::= INTEGER { processorUpgradeIsOther(1), -- there is not one of the following: processorUpgradeIsUnknown(2), -- the upgrade device type is unknown processorUpgradeIsByDaughterBoard(3), -- the upgrade device type is on a daughterboard processorUpgradeIsByZIFSocket(4), -- the upgrade device type is in a ZIF socket processorUpgradeIsByReplacement(5), -- the upgrade device type is a replacement processorUpgradeIsNone(6), -- there is no upgrade device type processorUpgradeIsByLIFSocket(7), -- the upgrade device type is in a LIF socket processorUpgradeIsBySlot1(8), -- the upgrade device type is a SLOT 1 processor processorUpgradeIsBySlot2(9), -- the upgrade device type is a SLOT 2 processor processorUpgradeIsByP370(10) -- the upgrade device type is a pin 370 processor } ProcessorDeviceTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { processorDevicechassisIndex DellObjectRange, processorDeviceIndex DellObjectRange, processorDeviceStateCapabilities DellStateCapabilities, processorDeviceStateSettings DellStateSettings, processorDeviceStatus DellStatus, processorPortIndexReference DellObjectRange, processorDeviceType DellProcessorDeviceType, processorDeviceManufacturerName DellString, processorDeviceStatusState DellProcessorDeviceStatusState, processorDeviceFamily DellProcessorDeviceFamily, processorDeviceMaximumSpeed DellUnsigned32BitRange, processorDeviceCurrentSpeed DellUnsigned32BitRange, processorDeviceExternalClockSpeed DellUnsigned32BitRange, processorDeviceVoltage DellSigned32BitRange, processorDeviceUpgradeInformation DellProcessorUpgradeInformation, processorDeviceVersionName DellString } processorDeviceTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ProcessorDeviceTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0030 This Group defines the Dell Processor Device Table. It references the Dell Processor Port Index." ::= { deviceGroup 30 } processorDeviceTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ProcessorDeviceTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0030.0001 This Group defines the Dell Processor Device Table Entry." INDEX { processorDevicechassisIndex, processorDeviceIndex } ::= { processorDeviceTable 1 } processorDevicechassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0030.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of this Dell chassis." ::= { processorDeviceTableEntry 1 } processorDeviceIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0030.0001.0002 This attribute defines the index of the Dell Processor Device in this chassis." ::= { processorDeviceTableEntry 2 } processorDeviceStateCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateCapabilities ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0030.0001.0003 This attribute defines the capabilities of the Dell Processor Device." ::= { processorDeviceTableEntry 3 } processorDeviceStateSettings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateSettings ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0030.0001.0004 This attribute defines the state of the Dell Processor Device." ::= { processorDeviceTableEntry 4 } processorDeviceStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0030.0001.0005 This attribute defines the status of the Dell Processor Device." ::= { processorDeviceTableEntry 5 } processorPortIndexReference OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0030.0001.0006 This attribute defines the index to the associated Dell Processor Port in this chassis." ::= { processorDeviceTableEntry 6 } processorDeviceType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellProcessorDeviceType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0030.0001.0007 This attribute defines the type of Dell Processor Device." ::= { processorDeviceTableEntry 7 } processorDeviceManufacturerName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0030.0001.0008 This is the name of manufacturer of the Dell processor." ::= { processorDeviceTableEntry 8 } processorDeviceStatusState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellProcessorDeviceStatusState ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0030.0001.0009 This attribute defines the status state of the Dell Processor Device." ::= { processorDeviceTableEntry 9 } processorDeviceFamily OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellProcessorDeviceFamily ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0030.0001.0010 This attribute defines the family of the Dell Processor Device." ::= { processorDeviceTableEntry 10 } processorDeviceMaximumSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0030.0001.0011 This attribute defines the maximum speed of the Dell Processor Device in MHz, a 0 (zero) indicates the speed is unknown." ::= { processorDeviceTableEntry 11 } processorDeviceCurrentSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0030.0001.0012 This attribute defines the current speed of the Dell Processor Device in MHz, a 0 (zero) indicates the speed is unknown." ::= { processorDeviceTableEntry 12 } processorDeviceExternalClockSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0030.0001.0013 This attribute defines the speed of the external clock for the Dell Processor Device in MHz, a 0 (zero) indicates the speed is unknown." ::= { processorDeviceTableEntry 13 } processorDeviceVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellSigned32BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0030.0001.0014 This attribute defines the voltage powering the Dell Processor Device in millivolts, a 0 (zero) indicates the speed is unknown." ::= { processorDeviceTableEntry 14 } processorDeviceUpgradeInformation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellProcessorUpgradeInformation ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0030.0001.0015 This attribute defines the processor upgrade information for the Dell Processor Device." ::= { processorDeviceTableEntry 15 } processorDeviceVersionName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0030.0001.0016 This is the name of the version of the Dell processor." ::= { processorDeviceTableEntry 16 } -- -- -- Cache Device Definitions -- DellCacheDeviceType ::= INTEGER { deviceTypeIsOther(1), -- there is not one of the following: deviceTypeIsUnknown(2), -- the SystemCache type is unknown deviceTypeIsInstruction(3), -- the System Cache type is instruction deviceTypeIsData(4), -- the System Cache type is data deviceTypeIsUnified(5) -- the System Cache type is both } DellCacheDeviceLevel ::= INTEGER { deviceLevelIsOther(1), -- there is not one of the following: deviceLevelIsUnknown(2), -- the device level is unknown deviceLevelIsPrimary(3), -- the level of device is primary deviceLevelIsSecondary(4), -- the level of device is secondary deviceLevelIsTertiary(5) -- the level of device is tertiary } DellCacheDeviceWritePolicy ::= INTEGER { deviceWritePolicyIsOther(1), -- there is not one of the following: deviceWritePolicyIsUnknown(2), -- the device write policy is unknown deviceWritePolicyIsWriteBack(3), -- the type of write policy is write back deviceWritePolicyIsWriteThrough(4), -- the type of write policy is write through deviceWritePolicyIsVariesByAddress(5), -- the type of write policy varies by address deviceWritePolicyIsDeterminedByIO(6) -- the type of write policy is determined by IO query } DellCacheDeviceStatusState ::= INTEGER { other(1), -- there is not one of the following: unknown(2), -- the device status state is unknown enabled(3), -- the device is enabled userDisabled(4), -- the device is disabled by the user biosDisabled(5) -- the device has it's BIOS disabled } DellCacheDeviceECCType ::= INTEGER { deviceECCTypeIsOther(1), -- there is not one of the following: deviceECCTypeIsUnknown(2), -- the device error correction type is unknown deviceECCTypeIsNone(3), -- the device error correction type is none deviceECCTypeIsParity(4), -- the device error correction type is parity deviceECCTypeIsSingleBitECC(5), -- the device error correction type is single bit ecc deviceECCTypeIsMultiBitECC(6), -- the device error correction type is multibit ecc deviceECCTypeIsCRC(7) -- the device error correction type is crc } DellCacheDeviceAssociativity ::= INTEGER { deviceAssociativityIsOther(1), -- there is not one of the following: deviceAssociativityIsUnknown(2), -- the device associativity is unknown deviceAssociativityIsDirectMapped(3), -- the device associativity is direct mapped deviceAssociativityIsTwoWaySetAssociative(4), -- the device associativity is two way set associative deviceAssociativityIsFourWaySetAssociative(5), -- the device associativity is four way set associative deviceAssociativityIsFullyAssociative(6) -- the device associativity is fully associative } DellCacheDeviceLocation ::= INTEGER { deviceLocationIsOther(1), -- there is not one of the following: deviceLocationIsUnknown(2), -- the device location is unknown deviceLocationIsInternal(3), -- the location of the device is internal deviceLocationIsExternal(4) -- the location of the device is external } DellCacheDeviceSRAMType ::= INTEGER { deviceSRAMTypeIsOther(1), -- there is not one of the following: deviceSRAMTypeIsUnknown(2), -- the device SRAM type is unknown deviceSRAMTypeIsNonBurst(3), -- the SRAM type of device is nonburst deviceSRAMTypeIsBurst(4), -- the SRAM type of device is burst deviceSRAMTypeIsPipeBurst(5), -- the SRAM type of device is pipeburst deviceSRAMTypeIsSynchronous(6), -- the SRAM type of device is synchronous deviceSRAMTypeIsAsynchronous(7) -- the SRAM type of device is asynchronous } CacheDeviceTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cacheDevicechassisIndex DellObjectRange, cacheDeviceIndex DellObjectRange, cacheDeviceStateCapabilities DellStateCapabilities, cacheDeviceStateSettings DellStateSettings, cacheDeviceStatus DellStatus, cacheDeviceprocessorDeviceIndexReference DellObjectRange, cacheDeviceType DellCacheDeviceType, cacheDeviceLocation DellCacheDeviceLocation, cacheDeviceStatusState DellCacheDeviceStatusState, cacheDeviceExternalSocketName DellString, cacheDeviceLevel DellCacheDeviceLevel, cacheDeviceMaximumSize DellUnsigned32BitRange, cacheDeviceCurrentSize DellUnsigned32BitRange, cacheDeviceSpeed DellUnsigned32BitRange, cacheDeviceWritePolicy DellCacheDeviceWritePolicy, cacheDeviceIsSocketed DellBoolean, cacheDeviceECCType DellCacheDeviceECCType, cacheDeviceAssociativity DellCacheDeviceAssociativity, cacheDeviceSupportedType DellCacheDeviceSRAMType, cacheDeviceCurrentType DellCacheDeviceSRAMType } cacheDeviceTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CacheDeviceTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0040 This Group defines the Dell Cache Device Table." ::= { deviceGroup 40 } cacheDeviceTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CacheDeviceTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0040.0001 This Group defines the Dell Cache Device Table Entry." INDEX { cacheDevicechassisIndex, cacheDeviceIndex } ::= { cacheDeviceTable 1 } cacheDevicechassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0040.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of this Dell chassis." ::= { cacheDeviceTableEntry 1 } cacheDeviceIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0040.0001.0002 This attribute defines the index of the Dell Cache Device in this chassis." ::= { cacheDeviceTableEntry 2 } cacheDeviceStateCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateCapabilities ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0040.0001.0003 This attribute defines the capabilities of the Dell Cache Device." ::= { cacheDeviceTableEntry 3 } cacheDeviceStateSettings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateSettings ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0040.0001.0004 This attribute defines the state of the Dell Cache Device." ::= { cacheDeviceTableEntry 4 } cacheDeviceStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0040.0001.0005 This attribute defines the status of the Dell Cache Device." ::= { cacheDeviceTableEntry 5 } cacheDeviceprocessorDeviceIndexReference OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0040.0001.0006 This attribute defines the index number of the processor device that this Dell cache Device is associated with." ::= { cacheDeviceTableEntry 6 } cacheDeviceType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellCacheDeviceType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0040.0001.0007 This attribute defines the type of Dell Cache Device." ::= { cacheDeviceTableEntry 7 } cacheDeviceLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellCacheDeviceLocation ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0040.0001.0008 This is the location of the Dell cache." ::= { cacheDeviceTableEntry 8 } cacheDeviceStatusState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellCacheDeviceStatusState ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0040.0001.0009 This attribute defines the status state of the Dell Cache Device." ::= { cacheDeviceTableEntry 9 } cacheDeviceExternalSocketName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0040.0001.0010 This is the name of the external socket name of the Dell cache if the cache is socketed." ::= { cacheDeviceTableEntry 10 } cacheDeviceLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellCacheDeviceLevel ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0040.0001.0011 This attribute defines the level of the Dell Cache Device." ::= { cacheDeviceTableEntry 11 } cacheDeviceMaximumSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0040.0001.0012 This attribute defines the maximum size of the Dell Cache Device in KBytes, a 0 (zero) indicates the size is unknown." ::= { cacheDeviceTableEntry 12 } cacheDeviceCurrentSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0040.0001.0013 This attribute defines the current size of the Dell Cache Device in KBytes, a 0 (zero) indicates the size is unknown." ::= { cacheDeviceTableEntry 13 } cacheDeviceSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0040.0001.0014 This attribute defines the speed of the Dell Cache Device in nanoseconds, a 0 (zero) indicates the speed is unknown." ::= { cacheDeviceTableEntry 14 } cacheDeviceWritePolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellCacheDeviceWritePolicy ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0040.0001.0015 This attribute defines the write policy of the Dell Cache Device." ::= { cacheDeviceTableEntry 15 } cacheDeviceIsSocketed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellBoolean ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0040.0001.0016 This is the attribute that defines if the Dell cache is socketed or not." ::= { cacheDeviceTableEntry 16 } cacheDeviceECCType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellCacheDeviceECCType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0040.0001.0017 This is the type of error correction in use by the Dell cache." ::= { cacheDeviceTableEntry 17 } cacheDeviceAssociativity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellCacheDeviceAssociativity ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0040.0001.0018 This is the type of associativity in use by the Dell cache." ::= { cacheDeviceTableEntry 18 } cacheDeviceSupportedType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellCacheDeviceSRAMType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0040.0001.0019 This is the type of SRAM the Dell cache can support." ::= { cacheDeviceTableEntry 19 } cacheDeviceCurrentType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellCacheDeviceSRAMType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0040.0001.0020 This is the current type of SRAM for the Dell cache." ::= { cacheDeviceTableEntry 20 } -- -- -- Memory Device Definitions -- DellMemoryDeviceFormFactor ::= INTEGER { deviceFormFactorIsOther(1), -- this device form factor is not one of the following: deviceFormFactorIsUnknown(2), -- the device form factor is unknown deviceFormFactorIsSIMM(3), -- the device form factor is SIMM deviceFormFactorIsSIP(4), -- the device form factor is SIP deviceFormFactorIsAChip(5), -- the device form factor is Chip deviceFormFactorIsDIP(6), -- the device form factor is DIP deviceFormFactorIsZIP(7), -- the device form factor is ZIP deviceFormFactorIsAProprietaryCard(8), -- the device form factor is a Proprietary Card deviceFormFactorIsDIMM(9), -- the device form factor is DIMM deviceFormFactorIsTSOP(10), -- the device form factor is TSOP deviceFormFactorIsARowOfChips(11), -- the device form factor is a Row of chips deviceFormFactorIsRIMM(12), -- the device form factor is RIMM deviceFormFactorIsSODIMM(13), -- the device form factor is SODIMM deviceFormFactorIsSRIMM(14) -- the device form factor is SRIMM } DellMemoryDeviceType ::= INTEGER { deviceTypeIsOther(1), -- this device type is not one of the following: deviceTypeIsUnknown(2), -- the device type is unknown deviceTypeIsDRAM(3), -- the device type is DRAM deviceTypeIsEDRAM(4), -- the device type is EDRAM deviceTypeIsVRAM(5), -- the device type is VRAM deviceTypeIsSRAM(6), -- the device type is SRAM deviceTypeIsRAM(7), -- the device type is RAM deviceTypeIsROM(8), -- the device type is ROM deviceTypeIsFLASH(9), -- the device type is FLASH deviceTypeIsEEPROM(10), -- the device type is EEPROM deviceTypeIsFEPROM(11), -- the device type is FEPROM deviceTypeIsEPROM(12), -- the device type is EPROM deviceTypeIsCDRAM(13), -- the device type is CDRAM deviceTypeIs3DRAM(14), -- the device type is 3DRAM deviceTypeIsSDRAM(15), -- the device type is SDRAM deviceTypeIsSGRAM(16), -- the device type is SGRAM deviceTypeIsRDRAM(17), -- the device type is RDRAM deviceTypeIsDDR(18) -- the device type is DDR } DellMemoryDeviceTypeDetails ::= INTEGER { deviceTypeDeatilIsOther(1), -- this type is not one of the following: deviceTypeDetailIsUnknown(2), -- the detailed device type is unknown deviceTypeDetailIsFastPaged(3), -- the detailed device type is fast paged deviceTypeDetailIsStaticColumn(4), -- the detailed device type is static column deviceTypeDetailIsPseudoStatic(5), -- the detailed device type is pseudo-static deviceTypeDetailIsRAMBUS(6), -- the detailed device type is RAMBUS deviceTypeDetailIsSynchronous(7), -- the detailed device type is Synchronous deviceTypeDetailIsCMOS(8), -- the detailed device type is CMOS deviceTypeDetailIsEDO(9), -- the detailed device type is EDO deviceTypeDetailIsWindowDRAM(10), -- the detailed device type is Window DRAM deviceTypeDetailIsCacheDRAM(11), -- the detailed device type is Cache DRAM deviceTypeDetailIsNonVolatile(12) -- the detailed device type is Non-volatile } MemoryDeviceTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { memoryDevicechassisIndex DellObjectRange, memoryDeviceIndex DellObjectRange, memoryDeviceStateCapabilities DellStateCapabilities, memoryDeviceStateSettings DellStateSettings, memoryDeviceStatus DellStatus, memoryDeviceMemoryPortIndexReference DellObjectRange, memoryDeviceType DellMemoryDeviceType, memoryDeviceLocationName DellString, memoryDeviceErrorCount DellSigned32BitRange, memoryDeviceBankLocationName DellString, memoryDeviceTypeDetails DellMemoryDeviceTypeDetails, memoryDeviceFormFactor DellMemoryDeviceFormFactor, memoryDeviceSet DellUnsigned32BitRange, memoryDeviceSize DellUnsigned32BitRange, memoryDeviceSpeed DellUnsigned32BitRange, memoryDeviceTotalBusWidth DellUnsigned32BitRange, memoryDeviceTotalDataBusWidth DellUnsigned32BitRange, memoryDeviceSingleBitErrorCount DellSigned32BitRange, memoryDeviceMultiBitErrorCount DellSigned32BitRange } memoryDeviceTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF MemoryDeviceTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0050 This Group defines the Dell Memory Device Table." ::= { deviceGroup 50 } memoryDeviceTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MemoryDeviceTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0050.0001 This Group defines the Dell Memory Device Table Entry." INDEX { memoryDevicechassisIndex, memoryDeviceIndex } ::= { memoryDeviceTable 1 } memoryDevicechassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0050.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of this Dell chassis." ::= { memoryDeviceTableEntry 1 } memoryDeviceIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0050.0001.0002 This attribute defines the index of the Dell Memory Device in this chassis." ::= { memoryDeviceTableEntry 2 } memoryDeviceStateCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateCapabilities ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0050.0001.0003 This attribute defines the capabilities of the Dell Memory Device." ::= { memoryDeviceTableEntry 3 } memoryDeviceStateSettings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateSettings ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0050.0001.0004 This attribute defines the state of the Dell Memory Device." ::= { memoryDeviceTableEntry 4 } memoryDeviceStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0050.0001.0005 This attribute defines the status of the Dell Memory Device." ::= { memoryDeviceTableEntry 5 } memoryDeviceMemoryPortIndexReference OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0050.0001.0006 This attribute defines the index of the Dell memory port that this memory device is part of." ::= { memoryDeviceTableEntry 6 } memoryDeviceType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellMemoryDeviceType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0050.0001.0007 This attribute defines the type of the Dell Memory Device." ::= { memoryDeviceTableEntry 7 } memoryDeviceLocationName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0050.0001.0008 This attribute defines location name of the Dell Memory Device." ::= { memoryDeviceTableEntry 8 } memoryDeviceErrorCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellSigned32BitRange ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0050.0001.0009 This attribute defines the total number of ECC errors detected by the Dell Memory Device. Writing a 0 (zero) to this variable, will reset the devices error counts." ::= { memoryDeviceTableEntry 9 } memoryDeviceBankLocationName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0050.0001.0010 This attribute defines bank location name of the Dell Memory Device." ::= { memoryDeviceTableEntry 10 } memoryDeviceTypeDetails OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellMemoryDeviceTypeDetails ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0050.0001.0011 This attribute defines the detailed type of the Dell Memory Device." ::= { memoryDeviceTableEntry 11 } memoryDeviceFormFactor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellMemoryDeviceFormFactor ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0050.0001.0012 This attribute defines the form factor of the Dell Memory Device." ::= { memoryDeviceTableEntry 12 } memoryDeviceSet OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0050.0001.0013 This attribute defines if the Dell Memory Device is a part of a set. 0 (zero) indicates it is not part of a set, 2,147,483,647 indicates it is unknown if it is a part of a set." ::= { memoryDeviceTableEntry 13 } memoryDeviceSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0050.0001.0014 This attribute defines the size in KBytes of the Dell Memory Device. 0 (zero) indicates no memory installed, 2,147,483,647 indicates an unknown memory size." ::= { memoryDeviceTableEntry 14 } memoryDeviceSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0050.0001.0015 This attribute defines the speed in NanoSeconds of the Dell Memory Device. 0 (zero) indicates an unknown speed." ::= { memoryDeviceTableEntry 15 } memoryDeviceTotalBusWidth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0050.0001.0016 This attribute defines the total number bits, including ECC, used by the Dell Memory Device. 2,147,483,647 indicates an unknown number of bits." ::= { memoryDeviceTableEntry 16 } memoryDeviceTotalDataBusWidth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0050.0001.0017 This attribute defines the total number of data bits used by the Dell Memory Device. 2,147,483,647 indicates an unknown number of bits." ::= { memoryDeviceTableEntry 17 } memoryDeviceSingleBitErrorCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellSigned32BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0050.0001.0018 This attribute defines the total number of single bit ECC errors detected by the Dell Memory Device." ::= { memoryDeviceTableEntry 18 } memoryDeviceMultiBitErrorCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellSigned32BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0050.0001.0019 This attribute defines the total number of multibit ECC errors detected by the Dell Memory Device." ::= { memoryDeviceTableEntry 19 } -- -- -- Memory Device Mapped Address Definitions -- MemoryDeviceMappedAddressTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { memoryDeviceMappedAddresschassisIndex DellObjectRange, memoryDeviceMappedAddressIndex DellObjectRange, memoryDeviceMappedAddressStateCapabilities DellStateCapabilities, memoryDeviceMappedAddressStateSettings DellStateSettings, memoryDeviceMappedAddressStatus DellStatus, memoryDeviceIndexReference DellObjectRange, memoryDeviceMappedAddressRowPosition DellUnsigned32BitRange, memoryDeviceMappedAddressInterleavePosition DellUnsigned32BitRange, memoryDeviceMappedAddressInterleaveDepth DellUnsigned32BitRange, memoryDeviceMappedAddressStartingAddress DellUnsigned64BitRange, memoryDeviceMappedAddressEndingAddress DellUnsigned64BitRange } memoryDeviceMappedAddressTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF MemoryDeviceMappedAddressTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0060 This Group defines the Dell Memory Device Mapped Address Table. It references the Memory Device Index." ::= { deviceGroup 60 } memoryDeviceMappedAddressTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MemoryDeviceMappedAddressTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0060.0001 This Group defines the Dell Memory Device Mapped Address Table Entry." INDEX {memoryDeviceMappedAddresschassisIndex,memoryDeviceMappedAddressIndex} ::= { memoryDeviceMappedAddressTable 1 } memoryDeviceMappedAddresschassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0060.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of this Dell chassis." ::= { memoryDeviceMappedAddressTableEntry 1 } memoryDeviceMappedAddressIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0060.0001.0002 This attribute defines the index of the Dell Memory Device Mapped Address in this chassis." ::= { memoryDeviceMappedAddressTableEntry 2 } memoryDeviceMappedAddressStateCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateCapabilities ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0060.0001.0003 This attribute defines the capabilities of the Dell Memory Device Mapped Address." ::= { memoryDeviceMappedAddressTableEntry 3 } memoryDeviceMappedAddressStateSettings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateSettings ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0060.0001.0004 This attribute defines the state of the Dell Memory Device Mapped Address." ::= { memoryDeviceMappedAddressTableEntry 4 } memoryDeviceMappedAddressStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0060.0001.0005 This attribute defines the status of the Dell Memory Device Mapped Address." ::= { memoryDeviceMappedAddressTableEntry 5 } memoryDeviceIndexReference OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0060.0001.0006 This attribute defines the index of the memory device(s) associated with this Dell Memory Device Mapped Address." ::= { memoryDeviceMappedAddressTableEntry 6 } memoryDeviceMappedAddressRowPosition OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0060.0001.0007 This attribute defines the position of the referenced memory in a row of the Dell Memory Device Mapped Address. 2,147,483,647 indicates an unknown position." ::= { memoryDeviceMappedAddressTableEntry 7 } memoryDeviceMappedAddressInterleavePosition OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0060.0001.0008 This attribute defines the position of the referenced memory in an interleave of the Dell Memory Device Mapped Address. 2,147,483,647 indicates an unknown position." ::= { memoryDeviceMappedAddressTableEntry 8 } memoryDeviceMappedAddressInterleaveDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0060.0001.0009 This attribute defines the maximum number of consecutive rows from the referenced Memory Device that are accessed in a single interleaved transfer in the Dell Memory Device Mapped Address. 2,147,483,647 indicates an unknown number of rows." ::= { memoryDeviceMappedAddressTableEntry 9 } memoryDeviceMappedAddressStartingAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned64BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0060.0001.0010 This attribute defines the physical starting address in KBytes of the Dell Memory Device Mapped Address." ::= { memoryDeviceMappedAddressTableEntry 10 } memoryDeviceMappedAddressEndingAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned64BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0060.0001.0011 This attribute defines the physical ending address in KBytes of the Dell Memory Device Mapped Address." ::= { memoryDeviceMappedAddressTableEntry 11 } -- -- Generic Device Definitions -- DellGenericDeviceType ::= INTEGER { deviceTypeIsOther(1), -- there is not one of the following: deviceTypeIsUnknown(2), -- the device type is unknown deviceTypeIsAVideoDevice(3), -- the type of device is a video deviceTypeIsASCSIController(4), -- the type of device is a scsi controller deviceTypeIsAnEthernetDevice(5), -- the type of device is ethernet deviceTypeIsTokenRingDevice(6), -- the type of device is token ring deviceTypeIsASoundDevice(7) -- the type of device is sound } GenericDeviceTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genericDevicechassisIndex DellObjectRange, genericDeviceIndex DellObjectRange, genericDeviceStateCapabilities DellStateCapabilities, genericDeviceStateSettings DellStateSettings, genericDeviceStatus DellStatus, genericDeviceSystemSlotIndexReference DellObjectRange, genericDeviceType DellGenericDeviceType, genericDeviceName DellString } genericDeviceTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenericDeviceTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0070 This Group defines the Dell Generic Device Table." ::= { deviceGroup 70 } genericDeviceTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenericDeviceTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0070.0001 This Group defines the Dell Generic Device Table Entry." INDEX { genericDevicechassisIndex, genericDeviceIndex } ::= { genericDeviceTable 1 } genericDevicechassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0070.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of this Dell chassis." ::= { genericDeviceTableEntry 1 } genericDeviceIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0070.0001.0002 This attribute defines the index of the Dell Generic Device in this chassis." ::= { genericDeviceTableEntry 2 } genericDeviceStateCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateCapabilities ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0070.0001.0003 This attribute defines the capabilities of the Dell Generic Device." ::= { genericDeviceTableEntry 3 } genericDeviceStateSettings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateSettings ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0070.0001.0004 This attribute defines the state of the Dell Generic Device." ::= { genericDeviceTableEntry 4 } genericDeviceStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0070.0001.0005 This attribute defines the status of the Dell Generic Device." ::= { genericDeviceTableEntry 5 } genericDeviceSystemSlotIndexReference OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0070.0001.0006 This attribute defines the index of the system slot this generic device is plugged into." ::= { genericDeviceTableEntry 6 } genericDeviceType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellGenericDeviceType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0070.0001.0007 This attribute defines the type of the Dell Generic Device." ::= { genericDeviceTableEntry 7 } genericDeviceName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0070.0001.0008 This is the name of the Dell Generic Device." ::= { genericDeviceTableEntry 8 } -- -- -- PCI Device Definitions -- PCIDeviceTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { pCIDevicechassisIndex DellObjectRange, pCIDeviceIndex DellObjectRange, pCIDeviceStateCapabilities DellStateCapabilities, pCIDeviceStateSettings DellStateSettings, pCIDeviceStatus DellStatus, pCIDeviceSystemSlotIndexReference DellObjectRange, pCIDeviceDataBusWidth DellUnsigned32BitRange, pCIDeviceDescriptionName DellString, pCIDeviceManufacturerName DellString, pCIDeviceSpeed DellUnsigned32BitRange, pCIDeviceAdapterFault DellBoolean } pCIDeviceTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PCIDeviceTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0080 This Group defines the Dell PCI Device Detail Table." ::= { deviceGroup 80 } pCIDeviceTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PCIDeviceTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0080.0001 This Group defines the Dell PCI Device Table Entry." INDEX { pCIDevicechassisIndex, pCIDeviceIndex } ::= { pCIDeviceTable 1 } pCIDevicechassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0080.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of this Dell chassis." ::= { pCIDeviceTableEntry 1 } pCIDeviceIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0080.0001.0002 This attribute defines the index of the Dell PCI Device in this chassis." ::= { pCIDeviceTableEntry 2 } pCIDeviceStateCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateCapabilities ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0080.0001.0003 This attribute defines the capabilities of the Dell PCI Device." ::= { pCIDeviceTableEntry 3 } pCIDeviceStateSettings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateSettings ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0080.0001.0004 This attribute defines the state of the Dell PCI Device." ::= { pCIDeviceTableEntry 4 } pCIDeviceStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0080.0001.0005 This attribute defines the status of the Dell PCI Device." ::= { pCIDeviceTableEntry 5 } pCIDeviceSystemSlotIndexReference OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0080.0001.0006 This attribute defines the index number of the system slot that this Dell PCI Device is in." ::= { pCIDeviceTableEntry 6 } pCIDeviceDataBusWidth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0080.0001.0007 This attribute defines the bus width of the Dell PCI Device in this chassis." ::= { pCIDeviceTableEntry 7 } pCIDeviceManufacturerName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0080.0001.0008 This is the name of the Dell PCI Device manufacturer." ::= { pCIDeviceTableEntry 8 } pCIDeviceDescriptionName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0080.0001.0009 This is the descriptive name of the Dell PCI Device." ::= { pCIDeviceTableEntry 9 } pCIDeviceSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0080.0001.0010 This attribute defines the bus speed in MHz of the Dell PCI Device in this chassis, 0 (zero) indicates the speed is unknown." ::= { pCIDeviceTableEntry 10 } pCIDeviceAdapterFault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellBoolean ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0080.0001.0011 This attribute defines if Dell PCI Device in this chassis has detected a fault or not." ::= { pCIDeviceTableEntry 11 } -- -- -- PCI Device Configuration Space Definitions -- PCIDeviceConfigurationSpaceTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { pCIDeviceConfigurationSpacechassisIndex DellObjectRange, pCIDeviceConfigurationSpaceIndex DellObjectRange, pCIDeviceConfigurationSpaceStateCapabilities DellStateCapabilities, pCIDeviceConfigurationSpaceStateSettings DellStateSettings, pCIDeviceConfigurationSpaceStatus DellStatus, pCIDeviceIndexReference DellObjectRange, pCIDeviceConfigurationSpaceBusNumber DellUnsigned32BitRange, pCIDeviceConfigurationSpaceDeviceNumber DellUnsigned32BitRange, pCIDeviceConfigurationSpaceFunctionNumber DellUnsigned32BitRange, pCIDeviceConfigurationSpaceHeader OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..1025)) } pCIDeviceConfigurationSpaceTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PCIDeviceConfigurationSpaceTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0082 This Group defines the Dell PCI Device Configuration Table." ::= { deviceGroup 82 } pCIDeviceConfigurationSpaceTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PCIDeviceConfigurationSpaceTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0082.0001 This Group defines the Dell PCI Device Configuration Table Entry." INDEX { pCIDeviceConfigurationSpacechassisIndex, pCIDeviceConfigurationSpaceIndex } ::= { pCIDeviceConfigurationSpaceTable 1 } pCIDeviceConfigurationSpacechassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0082.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of this Dell chassis." ::= { pCIDeviceConfigurationSpaceTableEntry 1 } pCIDeviceConfigurationSpaceIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0082.0001.0002 This attribute defines the index of the Dell PCI Device Configuration in this chassis." ::= { pCIDeviceConfigurationSpaceTableEntry 2 } pCIDeviceConfigurationSpaceStateCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateCapabilities ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0082.0001.0003 This attribute defines the capabilities of the Dell PCI Device Configuration." ::= { pCIDeviceConfigurationSpaceTableEntry 3 } pCIDeviceConfigurationSpaceStateSettings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateSettings ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0082.0001.0004 This attribute defines the state of the Dell PCI Device Configuration." ::= { pCIDeviceConfigurationSpaceTableEntry 4 } pCIDeviceConfigurationSpaceStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0082.0001.0005 This attribute defines the status of the Dell PCI Device Configuration." ::= { pCIDeviceConfigurationSpaceTableEntry 5 } pCIDeviceIndexReference OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0082.0001.0006 This attribute defines the index number of PCI device that this configuration applies too." ::= { pCIDeviceConfigurationSpaceTableEntry 6 } pCIDeviceConfigurationSpaceBusNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0082.0001.0007 This attribute defines the bus number of the Dell PCI Device Configuration in this chassis." ::= { pCIDeviceConfigurationSpaceTableEntry 7 } pCIDeviceConfigurationSpaceDeviceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0082.0001.0008 This attribute defines the device number of the Dell PCI Device in this chassis." ::= { pCIDeviceConfigurationSpaceTableEntry 8 } pCIDeviceConfigurationSpaceFunctionNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0082.0001.0009 This attribute defines the function number of the Dell PCI Device in this chassis." ::= { pCIDeviceConfigurationSpaceTableEntry 9 } pCIDeviceConfigurationSpaceHeader OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..1025)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1100.0082.0001.0010 This attribute defines the common configuration space header of the Dell PCI Device." ::= { pCIDeviceConfigurationSpaceTableEntry 10 } -- -- -- -- Slot Definitions -- -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------- -- -- System Slot Definitions -- DellSystemSlotStateCapabilities ::= INTEGER { systemSlotHotPlugIsUnknown(1), -- The objects capabilities are unknown systemSlotHotPlugIsHotPluggableCapable(2), -- Set if slot supports Hot-Plug systemSlotHotPlugCanBePoweredOn(4), -- Set if slot power (and corresponding LED) can be powered on systemSlotHotPlugCanSignalAttention(8), -- Set if slot attention state (and corresponding LED) can be set systemSlotHotPlugCanSignalPowerFault(16), -- Set if power on fault (and corresponding LED) can be detected due to a short or overcurrent systemSlotHotPlugCanSignalAdapterPresent(32), -- Set if adapter (card) present in slot (may not be powered) can be detected systemSlotHotPlugCanSignalPowerButtonPressed(64), -- Set if slot power button can be pressed to signal a toggle of the power state canSupportAllHotPlugCapabilities(126), -- Set if slot can support all Hot Plug Capabilities systemSlotCanProvide5Volts(128), -- Set if slot can provide a 5 volt supply systemSlotCanProvide3Point3Volts(256), -- Set if slot can provide a 3.3 volt supply systemSlotCanSignalIfShared(512), -- Set if the slot's opening if shared with another slot can be detected systemSlotCanSupportCard16(1024), -- Set if slot can support PC Card-16 systemSlotCanSupportCardBus(2048), -- Set if slot can support CardBus systemSlotCanSupportZoomVideo(4096), -- Set if slot can support Zoom Video systemSlotCanSupportModemRingResume(8192), -- Set if slot can support Modem Ring Resume systemSlotCanSupportPMESignal(16384), -- Set if slot can support Power Management Enable (PME#) signal canSupportAllSlotCapabilities(32640), -- Set if slot can support all Slot Capabilities canSupportAllSlotAndAllHotPlugCapabilities(32766) -- Set if slot can support all Slot and all Hot Plug Capabilities } DellSystemSlotStateSettings ::= INTEGER { systemSlotHotPlugIsUnknown(1), -- The objects capabilities are unknown systemSlotHotPlugIsHotPluggable(2), -- Set if slot supports Hot-Plug systemSlotHotPlugIsPoweredOn(4), -- Set if slot power (and corresponding LED) is ON systemSlotHotPlugIsAtAttention(8), -- Set if slot attention state (and corresponding LED) is ON systemSlotHotPlugHasPowerFaulted(16), -- Set if power on fault (and corresponding LED) was detected due to a short or overcurrent systemSlotHotPlugAdapterIsPresent(32), -- Set if adapter (card) present in slot (may not be powered) systemSlotHotPlugAdapterPresentAndPoweredOn(36), -- Set if adapter (card) present in slot and powered systemSlotHotPlugPowerButtonPressed(64), -- Set if slot power button pressed to signal a toggle of the power state systemSlotProvides5Volts(128), -- Set if slot provides a 5 volt supply systemSlotProvides3Point3Volts(256), -- Set if slot provides a 3.3 volt supply systemSlotIsShared(512), -- Set if the slot's opening is shared with another slot, e.g. PCI/EISA shared slot systemSlotSupportsCard16(1024), -- Set if slot supports PC Card-16 systemSlotSupportsCardBus(2048), -- Set if slot supports CardBus systemSlotSupportsZoomVideo(4096), -- Set if slot supports Zoom Video systemSlotSupportsModemRingResume(8192), -- Set if slot supports Modem Ring Resume systemSlotSupportsPMESignal(16384), -- Set if slot supports Power Management Enable (PME#) signal supportsPMEand3P3Vand5VandHotPluggable(16770), -- Set if slot supports Power Management Enable.... supportsPMEand3P3Vand5VhasAdapterOn(16804), -- Set if slot supports Power Management Enable.... supportsPMEand3P3Vand5VhasAdapterOnandisHotPluggable(16806), -- Set if slot supports Power Management Enable.... supportsPMEand3P3VIsSharedand5VhasAdapterOnandHotPlugable(17316) -- Set if slot supports Power Management Enable.... } DellSystemSlotType ::= INTEGER { systemSlotIsOther(1), -- the system slot type is not one of following: systemSlotIsUnknown(2), -- the system slot type is unknown systemSlotIsISA(3), -- the system slot type is an ISA bus systemSlotIsMCA(4), -- the system slot type is an MCA bus systemSlotIsEISA(5), -- the system slot type is an EISA bus systemSlotIsPCI(6), -- the system slot type is a PCI bus systemSlotIsPCMCIA(7), -- the system slot type is a PCMCIA bus systemSlotIsVLVESA(8), -- the system slot type is a VLVESA bus systemSlotIsProprietary(9), -- the system slot is proprietary systemSlotIsProcessorCard(10), -- the system slot type is a processor card systemSlotIsProprietaryMemory(11), -- the system slot type is proprietary memory card systemSlotIsIORiserCard(12), -- the system slot type is an IO Riser card systemSlotIsNuBUS(13), -- the system slot type is a NUBUS bus systemSlotIsPCI66MHz(14), -- the system slot type is a PCI 66MHz bus systemSlotIsAGP(15), -- the system slot type is an AGP bus systemSlotIsAGPx2(16), -- the system slot type is an AGPx2 bus systemSlotIsAGPx4(17), -- the system slot type is an AGPx4 bus systemSlotIsPC98C20(18), -- the system slot type is PC-98 C20 systemSlotIsPC98C24(19), -- the system slot type is PC-98 C24 systemSlotIsPC98E(20), -- the system slot type is PC-98 E systemSlotIsPC98LocalBus(21), -- the system slot type is PC-98 Local Bus systemSlotIsPC98Card(22) -- the system slot type is PC-98 card } DellSystemSlotUsage ::= INTEGER { systemSlotUsageIsOther(1), -- the slot usage is not one of following: systemSlotUsageIsUnknown(2), -- the usage of the slot is unknown systemSlotUsageIsAvailable(3), -- the usage of the slot is available systemSlotUsageIsInUse(4) -- the usage of the slot is in use } DellSystemSlotLength ::= INTEGER { systemSlotLengthIsOther(1), -- the slot length is not one of following: systemSlotLengthIsUnknown(2), -- the length of the slot is unknown systemSlotLengthIsShort(3), -- the length of the slot is short systemSlotLengthIsLong(4) -- the length of the slot is long } DellSystemSlotCategory ::= INTEGER { systemSlotCategoryIsOther(1), -- the slot category is not one of following: systemSlotCategoryIsUnknown(2), -- the category of the slot is unknown systemSlotCategoryIsBusConnector(3), -- the category of the slot is a bus connector systemSlotCategoryIsPCMCIA(4), -- the category of the slot is PCMCIA systemSlotCategoryIsMotherboard(5) -- the category of the slot is a motherboard } DellSystemSlotHotPlugBusWidth ::= INTEGER { busWidthIsOther(1), -- the bus width is not one of following: busWidthIsUnknown(2), -- the bus width of the slot is unknown busWidthIs8bits(3), -- the bus width of the slot is eight bits busWidthIs16bits(4), -- the bus width of the slot is sixteen bits busWidthIs32bits(5), -- the bus width of the slot is thirty two bits busWidthIs64bits(6), -- the bus width of the slot is sixty four bits busWidthIs128bits(7) -- the bus width of the slot is 128 bits } SystemSlotTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { systemSlotchassisIndex DellObjectRange, systemSlotIndex DellObjectRange, systemSlotStateCapabilitiesUnique DellSystemSlotStateCapabilities, systemSlotStateSettingsUnique DellSystemSlotStateSettings, systemSlotStatus DellStatus, systemSlotCurrentUsage DellSystemSlotUsage, systemSlotType DellSystemSlotType, systemSlotSlotExternalSlotName DellString, systemSlotLength DellSystemSlotLength, systemSlotSlotID DellUnsigned32BitRange, systemSlotCategory DellSystemSlotCategory, systemSlotHotPlugBusWidth DellSystemSlotHotPlugBusWidth, systemSlotHotPlugSlotSpeed DellUnsigned32BitRange, systemSlotHotPlugAdapterSpeed DellUnsigned32BitRange } systemSlotTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SystemSlotTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1200.0010 This Group defines the Dell System Slot Table." ::= { slotGroup 10 } systemSlotTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SystemSlotTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1200.0010.0001 This Group defines the Dell System Slot Table Entry." INDEX { systemSlotchassisIndex, systemSlotIndex } ::= { systemSlotTable 1 } systemSlotchassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1200.0010.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of this Dell chassis." ::= { systemSlotTableEntry 1 } systemSlotIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1200.0010.0001.0002 This attribute defines the index of the Dell System Slot in this chassis." ::= { systemSlotTableEntry 2 } systemSlotStateCapabilitiesUnique OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellSystemSlotStateCapabilities ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1200.0010.0001.0003 This attribute defines the capabilities of the Dell System Slot." ::= { systemSlotTableEntry 3 } systemSlotStateSettingsUnique OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellSystemSlotStateSettings ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1200.0010.0001.0004 This attribute defines the state of the Dell System Slot." ::= { systemSlotTableEntry 4 } systemSlotStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1200.0010.0001.0005 This attribute defines the status of the Dell System Slot." ::= { systemSlotTableEntry 5 } systemSlotCurrentUsage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellSystemSlotUsage ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1200.0010.0001.0006 This attribute defines the current usage of the Dell System Slot." ::= { systemSlotTableEntry 6 } systemSlotType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellSystemSlotType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1200.0010.0001.0007 This attribute defines the type of the Dell System Slot." ::= { systemSlotTableEntry 7 } systemSlotSlotExternalSlotName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1200.0010.0001.0008 This attribute defines name of the external connector name of the Dell System Slot." ::= { systemSlotTableEntry 8 } systemSlotLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellSystemSlotLength ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1200.0010.0001.0009 This attribute defines the length of the Dell System Slot." ::= { systemSlotTableEntry 9 } systemSlotSlotID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1200.0010.0001.0010 This attribute defines the slot identification number of the Dell System Slot." ::= { systemSlotTableEntry 10 } systemSlotCategory OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellSystemSlotCategory ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1200.0010.0001.0011 This attribute defines the category of the Dell System Slot." ::= { systemSlotTableEntry 11 } systemSlotHotPlugBusWidth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellSystemSlotHotPlugBusWidth ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1200.0010.0001.0012 This attribute defines the bus width of the Dell Hot Plug System Slot." ::= { systemSlotTableEntry 12 } systemSlotHotPlugSlotSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1200.0010.0001.0013 This attribute defines the slot speed in MHz of the Dell Hot Plug System Slot. Zero, (0) indicated the slot speed is unknown." ::= { systemSlotTableEntry 13 } systemSlotHotPlugAdapterSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1200.0010.0001.0014 This attribute defines the adapter speed in MHz of the Dell Hot Plug System Slot. Zero, (0) indicated the slot speed is unknown." ::= { systemSlotTableEntry 14 } -- -- Memory Group -- -- -- Physical Memory Array Definitions -- -- -- -- Physical Memory Array Device Definitions DellPhysicalMemoryArrayLocation ::= INTEGER { memoryArrayLocationIsOther(1), -- this device is not one of the following: memoryArrayLocationIsUnknown(2), -- the device location is unknown memoryArrayLocationIsSystemOrMotherboard(3), -- the device location is a System board or motherboard memoryArrayLocationIsISA(4), -- the device location is an ISA add-on card memoryArrayLocationIsEISA(5), -- the device location is an EISA add-on card memoryArrayLocationIsPCI(6), -- the device location is a PCI add-on card memoryArrayLocationIsMCA(7), -- the device location is a MCA add-on card memoryArrayLocationIsPCMCIA(8), -- the device location is a PCMCIA add-on card memoryArrayLocationIsProprietary(9), -- the device location is a Proprietary add-on card memoryArrayLocationIsNUBUS(10), -- the device location is a NUBUS bus memoryArrayLocationIsPC98C20(11), -- the device location is PC-98/C20 add-on card memoryArrayLocationIsPC98C24(12), -- the device location is PC-98/C24 add-on card memoryArrayLocationIsPC98E(13), -- the device location is PC-98/E add-on card memoryArrayLocationIsPC98LocalBus(14), -- the device location is PC-98/Local bus add-on card memoryArrayLocationIsPC98Card(15) -- the device location is PC-98/Card slot add-on card } DellPhysicalMemoryArrayUse ::= INTEGER { memoryArrayUseIsOther(1), -- this device usage is not one of the following: memoryArrayUseIsUnknown(2), -- the device use is unknown memoryArrayUseIsSystemMemory(3), -- the device use is System memory memoryArrayUseIsVideoMemory(4), -- the device use is Video memory memoryArrayUseIsFLASHMemory(5), -- the device use is Flash memory memoryArrayUseIsNonVolatileRAMMemory(6), -- the device use is NonVolatile RAM memoryArrayUseIsCacheMemory(7) -- the device use is Cache Memory } DellPhysicalMemoryArrayECCType ::= INTEGER { memoryArrayECCTypeIsOther(1), -- there is not one of the following: memoryArrayECCTypeIsUnknown(2), -- the device error correction type is unknown memoryArrayECCTypeIsNone(3), -- the device error correction type is none memoryArrayECCTypeIsParity(4), -- the device error correction type is parity memoryArrayECCTypeIsSingleBitECC(5), -- the device error correction type is single bit ecc memoryArrayECCTypeIsMultiBitECC(6), -- the device error correction type is multibit ecc memoryArrayECCTypeIsCRC(7) -- the device error correction type is crc } PhysicalMemoryArrayTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { physicalMemoryArraychassisIndex DellObjectRange, physicalMemoryArrayIndex DellObjectRange, physicalMemoryArrayStateCapabilities DellStateCapabilities, physicalMemoryArrayStateSettings DellStateSettings, physicalMemoryArrayStatus DellStatus, physicalMemoryArrayUse DellPhysicalMemoryArrayUse, physicalMemoryArrayECCType DellPhysicalMemoryArrayECCType, physicalMemoryArrayLocation DellPhysicalMemoryArrayLocation, physicalMemoryArrayMaximumSize DellUnsigned32BitRange, physicalMemoryArrayTotalNumberSockets DellUnsigned32BitRange, physicalMemoryArrayInUseNumberSockets DellUnsigned32BitRange, physicalMemoryArrayECCErrorNonRecoverableThreshold DellSigned32BitRange, physicalMemoryArrayECCErrorCriticalThreshold DellSigned32BitRange, physicalMemoryArrayECCErrorNonCriticalThreshold DellSigned32BitRange } physicalMemoryArrayTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PhysicalMemoryArrayTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1300.0010 This Group defines the Dell Physical Memory Array Table." ::= { memoryGroup 10 } physicalMemoryArrayTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PhysicalMemoryArrayTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1300.0010.0001 This Group defines the Dell Physical Memory Array Table Entry." INDEX { physicalMemoryArraychassisIndex, physicalMemoryArrayIndex } ::= { physicalMemoryArrayTable 1 } physicalMemoryArraychassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1300.0010.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of this Dell chassis." ::= { physicalMemoryArrayTableEntry 1 } physicalMemoryArrayIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1300.0010.0001.0002 This attribute defines the index of the Dell Physical Memory Array in this chassis." ::= { physicalMemoryArrayTableEntry 2 } physicalMemoryArrayStateCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateCapabilities ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1300.0010.0001.0003 This attribute defines the capabilities of the Dell Physical Memory Array." ::= { physicalMemoryArrayTableEntry 3 } physicalMemoryArrayStateSettings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateSettings ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1300.0010.0001.0004 This attribute defines the state of the Dell Physical Memory Array." ::= { physicalMemoryArrayTableEntry 4 } physicalMemoryArrayStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1300.0010.0001.0005 This attribute defines the status of the Dell Physical Memory Array." ::= { physicalMemoryArrayTableEntry 5 } physicalMemoryArrayUse OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellPhysicalMemoryArrayUse ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1300.0010.0001.0006 This attribute defines the use of the Dell Physical Memory Array." ::= { physicalMemoryArrayTableEntry 6 } physicalMemoryArrayECCType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellPhysicalMemoryArrayECCType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1300.0010.0001.0007 This attribute defines the error correction type used by the Dell Physical Memory Array." ::= { physicalMemoryArrayTableEntry 7 } physicalMemoryArrayLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellPhysicalMemoryArrayLocation ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1300.0010.0001.0008 This attribute defines the location of the Dell Physical Memory Array." ::= { physicalMemoryArrayTableEntry 8 } physicalMemoryArrayMaximumSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1300.0010.0001.0009 This attribute defines the size in KBytes of the Dell Physical Memory Array. 0 (zero) inicates no memory installed, 2,147,483,647 indicates an unknown memory size." ::= { physicalMemoryArrayTableEntry 9 } physicalMemoryArrayTotalNumberSockets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1300.0010.0001.0010 This attribute defines the total number of memory sockets available for the Dell Physical Memory Array. 2,147,483,647 indicates an unknown number of sockets." ::= { physicalMemoryArrayTableEntry 10 } physicalMemoryArrayInUseNumberSockets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1300.0010.0001.0011 This attribute defines the total number of memory sockets in use by the Dell Physical Memory Array. 2,147,483,647 indicates an unknown number of sockets." ::= { physicalMemoryArrayTableEntry 11 } physicalMemoryArrayECCErrorNonRecoverableThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellSigned32BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1300.0010.0001.0012 This attribute defines the value of the Dell physical memory array ECC error nonrecoverable threshold. The value is an integer representing the the number of errors detected." ::= { physicalMemoryArrayTableEntry 12 } physicalMemoryArrayECCErrorCriticalThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellSigned32BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1300.0010.0001.00013 This attribute defines the value of the Dell physical memory array ECC error critical threshold. The value is an integer representing the the number of errors detected." ::= { physicalMemoryArrayTableEntry 13 } physicalMemoryArrayECCErrorNonCriticalThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellSigned32BitRange ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1300.0010.0001.00014 This attribute defines the value of the Dell physical memory array ECC error noncritical threshold. The value is an integer representing the the number of errors detected." ::= { physicalMemoryArrayTableEntry 14 } -- -- Physical Memory Array Mapped Address Definitions -- PhysicalMemoryArrayMappedTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { physicalMemoryArrayMappedchassisIndex DellObjectRange, physicalMemoryArrayMappedIndex DellObjectRange, physicalMemoryArrayMappedStateCapabilities DellStateCapabilities, physicalMemoryArrayMappedStateSettings DellStateSettings, physicalMemoryArrayMappedStatus DellStatus, physicalMemoryArrayIndexReference DellObjectRange, physicalMemoryArrayMappedStartingAddress DellUnsigned64BitRange, physicalMemoryArrayMappedEndingAddress DellUnsigned64BitRange, physicalMemoryArrayMappedPartitionWidth DellUnsigned32BitRange } physicalMemoryArrayMappedTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PhysicalMemoryArrayMappedTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1300.0020 This Group defines the Dell Physical Memory Array Mapped Table. It references the Physical Memory Array Index." ::= { memoryGroup 20 } physicalMemoryArrayMappedTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PhysicalMemoryArrayMappedTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1300.0020.0001 This Group defines the Dell Physical Memory Array Mapped Table Entry." INDEX { physicalMemoryArrayMappedchassisIndex, physicalMemoryArrayMappedIndex } ::= { physicalMemoryArrayMappedTable 1 } physicalMemoryArrayMappedchassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1300.0020.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of this Dell chassis." ::= { physicalMemoryArrayMappedTableEntry 1 } physicalMemoryArrayMappedIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1300.0020.0001.0002 This attribute defines the index of the Dell Memory Array Mapped Address in this chassis." ::= { physicalMemoryArrayMappedTableEntry 2 } physicalMemoryArrayMappedStateCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateCapabilities ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1300.0020.0001.0003 This attribute defines the capabilities of the Dell Memory Array Mapped Address." ::= { physicalMemoryArrayMappedTableEntry 3 } physicalMemoryArrayMappedStateSettings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateSettings ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1300.0020.0001.0004 This attribute defines the state of the Dell Memory Array Mapped Address." ::= { physicalMemoryArrayMappedTableEntry 4 } physicalMemoryArrayMappedStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1300.0020.0001.0005 This attribute defines the status of the Dell Memory Array Mapped Address." ::= { physicalMemoryArrayMappedTableEntry 5 } physicalMemoryArrayIndexReference OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1300.0020.0001.0006 This attribute defines the index to the associated Dell Physical Memory Array in this chassis." ::= { physicalMemoryArrayMappedTableEntry 6 } physicalMemoryArrayMappedStartingAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned64BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1300.0020.0001.0007 This attribute defines the physical starting address in KBytes of the Dell Memory Array Mapped Address." ::= { physicalMemoryArrayMappedTableEntry 7 } physicalMemoryArrayMappedEndingAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned64BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1300.0020.0001.0008 This attribute defines the physical ending address in KBytes of the Dell Memory Array Mapped Address." ::= { physicalMemoryArrayMappedTableEntry 8 } physicalMemoryArrayMappedPartitionWidth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1300.0020.0001.0009 This attribute defines the number of memory devices that form a single row in the Dell Memory Array Mapped Address. 2,147,483,647 indicates an unknown number of memory devices." ::= { physicalMemoryArrayMappedTableEntry 9 } -- -- -- BIOS System Setup Group Section -- -- -- -- -- Chassis integrated Pointing Device Definitions -- DellSpeakerControlCapabilitiesUnique ::= INTEGER { unknown(1), -- unknown Speaker Control capabilities enableCapable(2), -- Setup BIOS is Capable of enabling Speaker Control lowCapable(4), -- Setup BIOS is Capable of setting the speaker volume low mediumCapable(8), -- Setup BIOS is Capable of setting the speaker volume medium highCapable(16), -- Setup BIOS is Capable of setting the speaker volume high allVolumeCapable(30) -- Setup BIOS is Capable of setting to any of the three volumes } DellSpeakerControlSettingsUnique ::= INTEGER { unknown(1), -- SpeakerControl state is unknown enabled(2), -- SpeakerControl is enabled low(4), -- SpeakerControl volume is low medium(8), -- SpeakerControl volume is medium high(16) -- SpeakerControl volume is high } DellNIFwakeonLanControlCapabilitiesUnique ::= INTEGER { unknown(1), -- unknown Setup BIOS wake on Lan capabilities enableCapable(2), -- Setup BIOS is Capable of enabling the NIF wake on Lan addInCardCapable(4), -- Setup BIOS is Capable of enabling wake on Lan by add in card onBoardCapable(8), -- Setup BIOS is Capable of enabling wake on Lan by on board NIF bothCapable(14) -- Setup BIOS is Capable of enabling wake on Lan by either add in or on board } DellNIFwakeonLanControlSettingsUnique ::= INTEGER { unknown(1), -- NIF wake on Lan state is unknown enabled(2), -- NIF wake on Lan is enabled addInCard(4), -- NIF wake on Lan is by add in card onBoard(8), -- NIF wake on Lan is by on board NIF addInCardOrOnBoard(12) -- NIF wake on Lan is by either } DellBootSequenceControlCapabilitiesUnique ::= INTEGER { bootSequenceUnknown(1), -- unknown Boot Sequence capabilities bootFromDisketteFirstCapable(2), -- Setup BIOS is Capable of booting by diskette first bootFromhardDriveFirstCapable(4), -- Setup BIOS is Capable of booting by IDE hard drive first bootFromDisketteORHardDriveFirstCapable(6), -- Setup BIOS is Capable of booting by IDE hard drive first bootFromDeviceListCapable(8), -- Setup BIOS is Capable of booting by a device list bootFromCDROMFirstCapable(16), -- Setup BIOS is Capable of booting by CD ROM first allFirstCapable(30) -- Setup BIOS is Capable of booting by any of the above methods first } DellBootSequenceControlSettingsUnique ::= INTEGER { bootSequenceUnknown(1), -- Boot Sequence state is unknown bootFromDisketteFirst(2), -- Setup BIOS is set to boot by diskette first bootFromHardDriveFirst(4), -- Setup BIOS is set to boot by IDE hard drive first bootFromDeviceList(8), -- Setup BIOS is set to boot by a device list bootFromCDROMFirst(16) -- Setup BIOS is set to boot by CD ROM first } DellBIOSPasswordControlCapabilitiesUnique ::= INTEGER { passwordControlCapabilitiesUnknown(1), -- unknown BIOS password capabilities passwordControlEnableCapable(2), -- Setup BIOS is Capable of enabling password changes passwordControlJumperDisableCapable(4), -- Setup BIOS is Capable of determining if password control can be jumper disabled passwordControlEnableANDJumperDisableCapable(6) -- Setup BIOS is Capable of determining if password control can be both } DellBIOSPasswordControlSettingsUnique ::= INTEGER { passwordControlSettingsUnknown(1), -- Setup BIOS password state is unknown passwordControlEnabled(2), -- Setup BIOS has password changes enabled passwordControlJumperDisabled(4) -- Setup BIOS has determined that password control has been disabled by a jumper } BiosSetUpControlTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { biosSetUpControlchassisIndex DellObjectRange, bSUCpointingDeviceControlCapabilities DellStateCapabilities, bSUCpointingDeviceControlSettings DellStateSettings, bSUCpointingDeviceControlStatus DellStatus, bSUCpointingDeviceControlName DellString, bSUCnumLockControlCapabilities DellStateCapabilities, bSUCnumLockControlSettings DellStateSettings, bSUCnumLockControlStatus DellStatus, bSUCnumLockControlName DellString, bSUCprocessorSerialNumberControlCapabilities DellStateCapabilities, bSUCprocessorSerialNumberControlSettings DellStateSettings, bSUCprocessorSerialNumberControlStatus DellStatus, bSUCprocessorSerialNumberControlName DellString, bSUCspeakerControlCapabilitiesUnique DellSpeakerControlCapabilitiesUnique, bSUCspeakerControlSettingsUnique DellSpeakerControlSettingsUnique, bSUCspeakerControlStatus DellStatus, bSUCspeakerControlName DellString, bSUCnIFwakeonLanControlCapabilitiesUnique DellNIFwakeonLanControlCapabilitiesUnique, bSUCnIFwakeonLanControlSettingsUnique DellNIFwakeonLanControlSettingsUnique, bSUCnIFwakeonLanControlStatus DellStatus, bSUCnIFwakeonLanControlName DellString, bSUCbootSequenceControlCapabilitiesUnique DellBootSequenceControlCapabilitiesUnique, bSUCbootSequenceControlSettingsUnique DellBootSequenceControlSettingsUnique, bSUCbootSequenceControlStatus DellStatus, bSUCbootSequenceControlName DellString, bSUCadministratorPasswordControlCapabilitiesUnique DellBIOSPasswordControlCapabilitiesUnique, bSUCadministratorPasswordControlSettingsUnique DellBIOSPasswordControlSettingsUnique, bSUCadministratorPasswordControlStatus DellStatus, bSUCadministratorPasswordPasswordVerifyName DellString, bSUCadministratorPasswordNewPasswordName DellString, bSUCuserPasswordControlCapabilitiesUnique DellBIOSPasswordControlCapabilitiesUnique, bSUCuserPasswordControlSettingsUnique DellBIOSPasswordControlSettingsUnique, bSUCuserPasswordControlStatus DellStatus, bSUCuserPasswordPasswordVerifyName DellString, bSUCuserPasswordNewPasswordName DellString } biosSetUpControlTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF BiosSetUpControlTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0010 This Group defines the set of single devices in a Dell chassis controlled by BIOS." ::= { biosSetUpControlGroup 10 } biosSetUpControlTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BiosSetUpControlTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0010.0001 This Group defines the Dell BIOS Control Device Table Entry." INDEX { biosSetUpControlchassisIndex } ::= { biosSetUpControlTable 1 } biosSetUpControlchassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0010.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of this Dell chassis." ::= { biosSetUpControlTableEntry 1 } bSUCpointingDeviceControlCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateCapabilities ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0010.0001.0002 This attribute defines the capabilities of the Dell pointing Device." ::= { biosSetUpControlTableEntry 2 } bSUCpointingDeviceControlSettings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateSettings ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0010.0001.0003 This attribute defines the state of the Dell pointing Device." ::= { biosSetUpControlTableEntry 3 } bSUCpointingDeviceControlStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0010.0001.0004 This attribute defines the status of the Dell pointing Device." ::= { biosSetUpControlTableEntry 4 } bSUCpointingDeviceControlName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0010.0001.0005 This attribute defines the setup BIOS name of the pointing device." ::= { biosSetUpControlTableEntry 5 } bSUCnumLockControlCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateCapabilities ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0010.0001.0006 This attribute defines the capabilities of the Dell Numeric Lock." ::= { biosSetUpControlTableEntry 6 } bSUCnumLockControlSettings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateSettings ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0010.0001.0007 This attribute defines the state of the Dell Numeric Lock." ::= { biosSetUpControlTableEntry 7 } bSUCnumLockControlStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0010.0001.0008 This attribute defines the status of the Dell Numeric Lock." ::= { biosSetUpControlTableEntry 8 } bSUCnumLockControlName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0010.0001.0009 This attribute defines the setup BIOS name of the numeric lock." ::= { biosSetUpControlTableEntry 9 } bSUCprocessorSerialNumberControlCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateCapabilities ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0010.0001.0010 This attribute defines the capabilities of the Dell Processor Serial Number." ::= { biosSetUpControlTableEntry 10 } bSUCprocessorSerialNumberControlSettings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateSettings ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0010.0001.0011 This attribute defines the state of the Dell Processor Serial Number." ::= { biosSetUpControlTableEntry 11 } bSUCprocessorSerialNumberControlStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0010.0001.0012 This attribute defines the status of the Dell Processor Serial Number." ::= { biosSetUpControlTableEntry 12 } bSUCprocessorSerialNumberControlName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0010.0001.0013 This attribute defines the setup BIOS name of the Processor Serial Number." ::= { biosSetUpControlTableEntry 13 } bSUCspeakerControlCapabilitiesUnique OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellSpeakerControlCapabilitiesUnique ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0010.0001.0014 This attribute defines the capabilities of the Dell Speaker Control." ::= { biosSetUpControlTableEntry 14 } bSUCspeakerControlSettingsUnique OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellSpeakerControlSettingsUnique ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0010.0001.0015 This attribute defines the state of the Dell Speaker Control." ::= { biosSetUpControlTableEntry 15 } bSUCspeakerControlStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0010.0001.0016 This attribute defines the status of the Dell Speaker Control." ::= { biosSetUpControlTableEntry 16 } bSUCspeakerControlName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0010.0001.0017 This attribute defines the setup BIOS name of the Speaker Control." ::= { biosSetUpControlTableEntry 17 } bSUCnIFwakeonLanControlCapabilitiesUnique OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellNIFwakeonLanControlCapabilitiesUnique ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0010.0001.0018 This attribute defines the capabilities of the Dell NIF wake on Lan." ::= { biosSetUpControlTableEntry 18 } bSUCnIFwakeonLanControlSettingsUnique OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellNIFwakeonLanControlSettingsUnique ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0010.0001.0019 This attribute defines the state of the Dell NIF wake on Lan." ::= { biosSetUpControlTableEntry 19 } bSUCnIFwakeonLanControlStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0010.0001.0020 This attribute defines the status of the Dell NIF wake on Lan." ::= { biosSetUpControlTableEntry 20 } bSUCnIFwakeonLanControlName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0010.0001.0021 This attribute defines the setup BIOS name of the NIF wake on Lan." ::= { biosSetUpControlTableEntry 21 } bSUCbootSequenceControlCapabilitiesUnique OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellBootSequenceControlCapabilitiesUnique ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0010.0001.0022 This attribute defines the capabilities of the Dell Boot Sequence." ::= { biosSetUpControlTableEntry 22 } bSUCbootSequenceControlSettingsUnique OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellBootSequenceControlSettingsUnique ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0010.0001.0023 This attribute defines the state of the Dell Boot Sequence." ::= { biosSetUpControlTableEntry 23 } bSUCbootSequenceControlStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0010.0001.0024 This attribute defines the status of the Dell Boot Sequence." ::= { biosSetUpControlTableEntry 24 } bSUCbootSequenceControlName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0010.0001.0025 This attribute defines the setup BIOS name of the Boot Sequence." ::= { biosSetUpControlTableEntry 25 } bSUCadministratorPasswordControlCapabilitiesUnique OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellBIOSPasswordControlCapabilitiesUnique ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0010.0001.0026 This attribute defines the capabilities of the Dell Administrator Password Control." ::= { biosSetUpControlTableEntry 26 } bSUCadministratorPasswordControlSettingsUnique OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellBIOSPasswordControlSettingsUnique ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0010.0001.0027 This attribute defines the state of the Dell Administrator Password Control." ::= { biosSetUpControlTableEntry 27 } bSUCadministratorPasswordControlStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0010.0001.0028 This attribute defines the status of the Dell Administrator Password Control." ::= { biosSetUpControlTableEntry 28 } bSUCadministratorPasswordPasswordVerifyName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0010.0001.0029 This attribute defines the setup BIOS name of the current Administrator Password." ::= { biosSetUpControlTableEntry 29 } bSUCadministratorPasswordNewPasswordName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0010.0001.0030 This attribute defines the setup BIOS name of the new Administrator Password. To set a new Administrator Password, a successful set of the current Administrator Password must have been done immediately preceeding this set." ::= { biosSetUpControlTableEntry 30 } bSUCuserPasswordControlCapabilitiesUnique OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellBIOSPasswordControlCapabilitiesUnique ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0010.0001.0031 This attribute defines the capabilities of the Dell User Password Control." ::= { biosSetUpControlTableEntry 31 } bSUCuserPasswordControlSettingsUnique OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellBIOSPasswordControlSettingsUnique ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0010.0001.0032 This attribute defines the state of the Dell User Password Control." ::= { biosSetUpControlTableEntry 32 } bSUCuserPasswordControlStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0010.0001.0033 This attribute defines the status of the Dell User Password Control." ::= { biosSetUpControlTableEntry 33 } bSUCuserPasswordPasswordVerifyName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0010.0001.0034 This attribute defines the setup BIOS name of the current User Password." ::= { biosSetUpControlTableEntry 34 } bSUCuserPasswordNewPasswordName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0010.0001.0035 This attribute defines the setup BIOS name of the new User Password. To set a new User Password, a successful set of the current User Password must have been done immediately preceeding this set." ::= { biosSetUpControlTableEntry 35 } -- -- -- Chassis integrated SCSI Definitions SCSIControlTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { sCSIControlchassisIndex DellObjectRange, sCSIControlIndex DellObjectRange, sCSIControlCapabilities DellStateCapabilities, sCSIControlSettings DellStateSettings, sCSIControlStatus DellStatus, sCSIControlName DellString } sCSIControlTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SCSIControlTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0020 This Group defines the Dell SCSI Table." ::= { biosSetUpControlGroup 20 } sCSIControlTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SCSIControlTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0020.0001 This Group defines the Dell SCSI Table Entry." INDEX { sCSIControlchassisIndex, sCSIControlIndex } ::= { sCSIControlTable 1 } sCSIControlchassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0020.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of this Dell chassis." ::= { sCSIControlTableEntry 1 } sCSIControlIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0020.0001.0002 This attribute defines the index of the Dell SCSI controller in this chassis." ::= { sCSIControlTableEntry 2 } sCSIControlCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateCapabilities ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0020.0001.0003 This attribute defines the capabilities of the Dell SCSI controller." ::= { sCSIControlTableEntry 3 } sCSIControlSettings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateSettings ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0020.0001.0004 This attribute defines the state of the Dell SCSI controller." ::= { sCSIControlTableEntry 4 } sCSIControlStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0020.0001.0005 This attribute defines the status of the Dell SCSI controller." ::= { sCSIControlTableEntry 5 } sCSIControlName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0020.0001.0006 This attribute defines the setup BIOS name of the Dell SCSI controller." ::= { sCSIControlTableEntry 6 } -- -- -- Chassis integrated Parallel Port Definitions -- DellParallelPortControlCapabilitiesUnique ::= INTEGER { unknown(1), -- unknown Setup BIOS Parallel Port capabilities enableCapable(2), -- Setup BIOS is Capable of enabling the Parallel Port lpt1Capable(4), -- Setup BIOS is Capable of supporting parallel port 1 lpt1andEnableCapable(6), -- Setup BIOS has enabled parallel port 1 lpt2Capable(8), -- Setup BIOS is Capable of supporting parallel port 2 lpt2andEnableCapable(10), -- Setup BIOS has enabled parallel port 1 lpt3Capable(16), -- Setup BIOS is Capable of supporting parallel port 3 lpt3andEnableCapable(18), -- Setup BIOS has enabled parallel port 1 allParallelPortCapable(30) -- Setup BIOS is Capable of supporting any of the three parallel ports } DellParallelPortControlSettingsUnique ::= INTEGER { unknown(1), -- Parallel Port state is unknown enabled(2), -- Setup BIOS has enabled the Parallel Port lpt1(4), -- Setup BIOS supports parallel port 1 lpt1Enabled(6), -- Setup BIOS has enabled parallel port 1 lpt2(8), -- Setup BIOS supports parallel port 2 lpt2Enabled(10), -- Setup BIOS has enabled parallel port 2 lpt3(16), -- Setup BIOS supports parallel port 3 lpt3Enabled(18) -- Setup BIOS has enabled parallel port 3 } DellParallelPortControlModeCapabilitiesUnique ::= INTEGER { unknown(1), -- unknown Setup BIOS Parallel Port mode setting capabilities atCapable(2), -- Setup BIOS is Capable of setting parallel port to AT mode ps2Capable(4), -- Setup BIOS is Capable of setting parallel port to PS2 mode atAndPS2Capable(6), -- Setup BIOS is Capable of setting parallel port to AT or PS2 mode ecpCapable(8), -- Setup BIOS is Capable of setting parallel port to ECP mode eppCapable(16), -- Setup BIOS is Capable of setting parallel port to EPP mode allModeCapable(30) -- Setup BIOS is Capable of enabling any of the parallel modes } DellParallelPortControlModeSettingsUnique ::= INTEGER { unknown(1), -- Parallel Port mode is unknown atModeEnabled(2), -- Setup BIOS has set the parallel port to AT mode ps2ModeEnabled(4), -- Setup BIOS has set the parallel port to PS2 mode ecpModeEnabled(8), -- Setup BIOS has set the parallel port to ECP mode eppModeEnabled(16) -- Setup BIOS has set the parallel port to EPP mode } ParallelPortControlTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { parallelPortControlchassisIndex DellObjectRange, parallelPortControlIndex DellObjectRange, parallelPortControlCapabilitiesUnique DellParallelPortControlCapabilitiesUnique, parallelPortControlSettingsUnique DellParallelPortControlSettingsUnique, parallelPortControlStatus DellStatus, parallelPortControlName DellString, parallelPortControlModeCapabilitiesUnique DellParallelPortControlModeCapabilitiesUnique, parallelPortControlModeSettingsUnique DellParallelPortControlModeSettingsUnique } parallelPortControlTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ParallelPortControlTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0030 This Group defines the Dell Parallel Port Table." ::= { biosSetUpControlGroup 30 } parallelPortControlTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ParallelPortControlTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0030.0001 This Group defines the Dell Parallel Port Table Entry." INDEX { parallelPortControlchassisIndex, parallelPortControlIndex } ::= { parallelPortControlTable 1 } parallelPortControlchassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0030.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of this Dell chassis." ::= { parallelPortControlTableEntry 1 } parallelPortControlIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0030.0001.0002 This attribute defines the index of the Dell Parallel Port in this chassis." ::= { parallelPortControlTableEntry 2 } parallelPortControlCapabilitiesUnique OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellParallelPortControlCapabilitiesUnique ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0030.0001.0003 This attribute defines the capabilities of the Dell Parallel Port." ::= { parallelPortControlTableEntry 3 } parallelPortControlSettingsUnique OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellParallelPortControlSettingsUnique ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0030.0001.0004 This attribute defines the state of the Dell Parallel Port." ::= { parallelPortControlTableEntry 4 } parallelPortControlStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0030.0001.0005 This attribute defines the status of the Dell Parallel Port." ::= { parallelPortControlTableEntry 5 } parallelPortControlName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0030.0001.0006 This attribute defines the setup BIOS name of the Parallel Port." ::= { parallelPortControlTableEntry 6 } parallelPortControlModeCapabilitiesUnique OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellParallelPortControlModeCapabilitiesUnique ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0030.0001.0007 This attribute defines the mode capabilities of the Dell Parallel Port." ::= { parallelPortControlTableEntry 7 } parallelPortControlModeSettingsUnique OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellParallelPortControlModeSettingsUnique ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0030.0001.0008 This attribute defines the mode state of the Dell Parallel Port." ::= { parallelPortControlTableEntry 8 } -- -- -- Chassis integrated Serial Port Definitions -- DellSerialPortControlCapabilitiesUnique ::= INTEGER { unknown(1), -- unknown Setup BIOS Serial Port capabilities enableCapable(2), -- Setup BIOS is Capable of enabling the Serial Port com1Capable(4), -- Setup BIOS is Capable of supporting serial port 1 enableAndCom1Capable(6), -- Setup BIOS is Capable of enabling serial port 1 com2Capable(8), -- Setup BIOS is Capable of supporting serial port 2 enableAndCom2Capable(10),-- Setup BIOS is Capable of enabling serial port 2 com3Capable(16), -- Setup BIOS is Capable of supporting serial port 3 enableAndCom3Capable(18),-- Setup BIOS is Capable of enabling serial port 3 com4Capable(32), -- Setup BIOS is Capable of supporting serial port 4 enableAndCom4Capable(34),-- Setup BIOS is Capable of enabling serial port 4 autoConfigCapable(64), -- Setup BIOS is Capable of autoconfiguring all serial ports com1OrCom3CapableAndAutoConfigCapable(86), -- Setup BIOS has enabled autoconfiguration of com1 and com3 serial ports com2OrCom4CapableAndAutoConfigCapable(106), -- Setup BIOS has enabled autoconfiguration of com2 and com4 serial ports allcomCapable(126) -- Setup BIOS is Capable of enabling or autoconfiguring all serial ports } DellSerialPortControlSettingsUnique ::= INTEGER { unknown(1), -- Serial Port state is unknown enabled(2), -- Setup BIOS has enabled the Serial Port com1(4), -- Setup BIOS has selected serial port 1 com1Enabled(6), -- Setup BIOS has enabled serial port 1 com2(8), -- Setup BIOS has selected serial port 2 com2Enabled(10), -- Setup BIOS has enabled serial port 2 com3(16), -- Setup BIOS has selected serial port 3 com3Enabled(18), -- Setup BIOS has enabled serial port 3 com4(32), -- Setup BIOS has selected serial port 4 com4Enabled(34), -- Setup BIOS has enabled serial port 4 comPortsAutoConfig(64), -- Setup BIOS has selected autoconfiguration of serial ports enabledAndAutoConfig(66) -- Setup BIOS has enabled autoconfiguration of serial ports } SerialPortControlTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { serialPortControlchassisIndex DellObjectRange, serialPortControlIndex DellObjectRange, serialPortControlCapabilitiesUnique DellSerialPortControlCapabilitiesUnique, serialPortControlSettingsUnique DellSerialPortControlSettingsUnique, serialPortControlStatus DellStatus, serialPortControlName DellString } serialPortControlTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SerialPortControlTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0040 This Group defines the Dell Serial Port Table." ::= { biosSetUpControlGroup 40 } serialPortControlTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SerialPortControlTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0040.0001 This Group defines the Dell Serial Port Table Entry." INDEX { serialPortControlchassisIndex, serialPortControlIndex } ::= { serialPortControlTable 1 } serialPortControlchassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0040.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of this Dell chassis." ::= { serialPortControlTableEntry 1 } serialPortControlIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0040.0001.0002 This attribute defines the index of the Dell Serial Port in this chassis." ::= { serialPortControlTableEntry 2 } serialPortControlCapabilitiesUnique OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellSerialPortControlCapabilitiesUnique ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0040.0001.0003 This attribute defines the capabilities of the Dell Serial Port." ::= { serialPortControlTableEntry 3 } serialPortControlSettingsUnique OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellSerialPortControlSettingsUnique ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0040.0001.0004 This attribute defines the state of the Dell Serial Port." ::= { serialPortControlTableEntry 4 } serialPortControlStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0040.0001.0005 This attribute defines the status of the Dell Serial Port." ::= { serialPortControlTableEntry 5 } serialPortControlName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0040.0001.0006 This attribute defines the setup BIOS name of the Serial Port." ::= { serialPortControlTableEntry 6 } -- -- -- Chassis integrated Universal Serial Bus Definitions -- UsbControlTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { usbControlchassisIndex DellObjectRange, usbControlIndex DellObjectRange, usbControlCapabilities DellStateCapabilities, usbControlSettings DellStateSettings, usbControlStatus DellStatus, usbControlName DellString } usbControlTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UsbControlTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0050 This Group defines the Dell Universal Serial Bus Table." ::= { biosSetUpControlGroup 50 } usbControlTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UsbControlTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0050.0001 This Group defines the Dell Universal Serial Bus Table Entry." INDEX { usbControlchassisIndex, usbControlIndex } ::= { usbControlTable 1 } usbControlchassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0050.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of this Dell chassis." ::= { usbControlTableEntry 1 } usbControlIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0050.0001.0002 This attribute defines the index of the Dell Universal Serial Bus in this chassis." ::= { usbControlTableEntry 2 } usbControlCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateCapabilities ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0050.0001.0003 This attribute defines the capabilities of the Dell Universal Serial Bus." ::= { usbControlTableEntry 3 } usbControlSettings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateSettings ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0050.0001.0004 This attribute defines the state of the Dell Universal Serial Bus." ::= { usbControlTableEntry 4 } usbControlStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0050.0001.0005 This attribute defines the status of the Dell Universal Serial Bus." ::= { usbControlTableEntry 5 } usbControlName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0050.0001.0006 This attribute defines the setup BIOS name of the Universal Serial Bus." ::= { usbControlTableEntry 6 } -- -- -- Chassis integrated IDE Definitions DellideControlCapabilitiesUnique ::= INTEGER { unknown(1), -- unknown IDE control capabilities ideControlAutoConfigOrEnableCapable(2) -- IDE controller is autoconfigurable or enable capable } DellideControlSettingsUnique ::= INTEGER { unknown(1), -- unknown IDE control settings ideControlAutoConfigEnabledOrEnabled(2) -- IDE controller is set as autoconfigurable or enabled } IdeControlTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ideControlchassisIndex DellObjectRange, ideControlIndex DellObjectRange, ideControlCapabilitiesUnique DellideControlCapabilitiesUnique, ideControlSettingsUnique DellideControlSettingsUnique, ideControlStatus DellStatus, ideControlName DellString } ideControlTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF IdeControlTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0060 This Group defines the Dell IDE Table." ::= { biosSetUpControlGroup 60 } ideControlTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IdeControlTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0060.0001 This Group defines the Dell IDE Table Entry." INDEX { ideControlchassisIndex, ideControlIndex } ::= { ideControlTable 1 } ideControlchassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0060.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of this Dell chassis." ::= { ideControlTableEntry 1 } ideControlIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0060.0001.0002 This attribute defines the index of the Dell IDE controller in this chassis." ::= { ideControlTableEntry 2 } ideControlCapabilitiesUnique OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellideControlCapabilitiesUnique ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0060.0001.0003 This attribute defines the capabilities of the Dell IDE controller." ::= { ideControlTableEntry 3 } ideControlSettingsUnique OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellideControlSettingsUnique ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0060.0001.0004 This attribute defines the state of the Dell IDE controller." ::= { ideControlTableEntry 4 } ideControlStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0060.0001.0005 This attribute defines the state of the Dell IDE controller." ::= { ideControlTableEntry 5 } ideControlName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0060.0001.0006 This attribute defines the setup BIOS name of the IDE controller." ::= { ideControlTableEntry 6 } -- -- -- Chassis integrated Diskette Control Definitions -- DellDisketteControlCapabilitiesUnique ::= INTEGER { unknown(1), -- unknown Setup BIOS Diskette Control capabilities disketteAutoConfigOrEnableCapable(2), -- Setup BIOS is Capable of enabling Diskette Control disketteReadOnlyCapable(4), -- Setup BIOS is Capable of enabling read only Diskette Control disketteAutoConfigOrEnableCapableandReadOnlyCapable(6) -- Setup BIOS is Capable of enabling a read only Diskette Control } DellDisketteControlSettingsUnique ::= INTEGER { unknown(1), -- Diskette Control state is unknown disketteAutoConfigEnabledOrEnabled(2), -- Diskette Control is autoconfigurable or enabled disketteisReadOnly(4) -- Diskette is in read only operation } DisketteControlTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { disketteControlchassisIndex DellObjectRange, disketteControlIndex DellObjectRange, disketteControlCapabilitiesUnique DellDisketteControlCapabilitiesUnique, disketteControlSettingsUnique DellDisketteControlSettingsUnique, disketteControlStatus DellStatus, disketteControlName DellString } disketteControlTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DisketteControlTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0070 This Group defines the Dell Diskette Control Table." ::= { biosSetUpControlGroup 70 } disketteControlTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisketteControlTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0070.0001 This Group defines the Dell Diskette Control Table Entry." INDEX { disketteControlchassisIndex, disketteControlIndex } ::= { disketteControlTable 1 } disketteControlchassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0070.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of this Dell chassis." ::= { disketteControlTableEntry 1 } disketteControlIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0070.0001.0002 This attribute defines the index of Dell diskette controllers in this chassis." ::= { disketteControlTableEntry 2 } disketteControlCapabilitiesUnique OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellDisketteControlCapabilitiesUnique ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0070.0001.0003 This attribute defines the capabilities of the Dell diskette controller." ::= { disketteControlTableEntry 3 } disketteControlSettingsUnique OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellDisketteControlSettingsUnique ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0070.0001.0004 This attribute defines the settings of the Dell diskette controller." ::= { disketteControlTableEntry 4 } disketteControlStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0070.0001.0005 This attribute defines the status of the Dell diskette controller." ::= { disketteControlTableEntry 5 } disketteControlName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0070.0001.0006 This attribute defines the setup BIOS name of the diskette controller." ::= { disketteControlTableEntry 6 } -- -- -- Chassis integrated Network Interface Definitions -- DellNetworkInterfaceControlCapabilitiesUnique ::= INTEGER { unknown(1), -- unknown Setup BIOS Network Interface capabilities enableCapable(2), -- Setup BIOS is Capable of enabling the Network Interface enableWithoutPXECapable(4) -- Setup BIOS is Capable of enabling the NIF without PXE } DellNetworkInterfaceControlSettingsUnique ::= INTEGER { unknown(1), -- Network Interface state is unknown enabled(2), -- Network Interface is enabled enabledWithoutPXE(4) -- Network Interface is enabled without PXE } NetworkInterfaceControlTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { networkInterfaceControlchassisIndex DellObjectRange, networkInterfaceControlIndex DellObjectRange, networkInterfaceControlCapabilitiesUnique DellNetworkInterfaceControlCapabilitiesUnique, networkInterfaceControlSettingsUnique DellNetworkInterfaceControlSettingsUnique, networkInterfaceControlStatus DellStatus, networkInterfaceControlName DellString } networkInterfaceControlTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF NetworkInterfaceControlTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0080 This Group defines the Dell Network Interface Table." ::= { biosSetUpControlGroup 80 } networkInterfaceControlTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NetworkInterfaceControlTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0080.0001 This Group defines the Dell Network Interface Table Entry." INDEX { networkInterfaceControlchassisIndex, networkInterfaceControlIndex } ::= { networkInterfaceControlTable 1 } networkInterfaceControlchassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0080.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of this Dell chassis." ::= { networkInterfaceControlTableEntry 1 } networkInterfaceControlIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0080.0001.0002 This attribute defines the index of Dell network interfaces in this chassis." ::= { networkInterfaceControlTableEntry 2 } networkInterfaceControlCapabilitiesUnique OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellNetworkInterfaceControlCapabilitiesUnique ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0080.0001.0003 This attribute defines the capabilities of the Dell network interface." ::= { networkInterfaceControlTableEntry 3 } networkInterfaceControlSettingsUnique OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellNetworkInterfaceControlSettingsUnique ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0080.0001.0004 This attribute defines the state of the Dell network interface." ::= { networkInterfaceControlTableEntry 4 } networkInterfaceControlStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0080.0001.0005 This attribute defines the status of the Dell network interface." ::= { networkInterfaceControlTableEntry 5 } networkInterfaceControlName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1400.0080.0001.0006 This attribute defines the setup BIOS name of the network interface." ::= { networkInterfaceControlTableEntry 6 } -- -- -- Local Response Agent Group Section -- -- -- -- -- Local Response Agent Definitions -- DellLocalResponseAgentCapabilitiesUnique ::= INTEGER { speakerControlCapable(1), -- the LRA is Capable of a speaker beep consoleAlertCapable(2), -- the LRA is Capable of a console alert broadcastMessageCapable(4), -- the LRA is Capable of a broadcast message osShutDownCapable(8), -- the LRA is Capable of an operating system shutdown rebootCapable(16), -- the LRA is Capable of a system reboot powerCycleCapable(32), -- the LRA is Capable of a system power cycle powerOFFCapable(64), -- the LRA is Capable of a system power off executeApplicationCapable(256), -- the LRA is Capable of executing a user mode application lraFullyCapable(383) -- the LRA is fully Capable } DellLRAThermalShutdownCapabilitiesUnique ::= INTEGER { -- If set to 0 (zero) the object has no capabilities unknownCapabilities(1), -- The objects capabilities are unknown -- The objects capabilities allow it to be set to: enableCapable(2), -- be disabled (offline) or be enabled (online) warningCapable(4), -- be capable of the chassis determined action(s) on warning. enableOnWarningCapable(6), -- enable activation of the the chassis determined action(s) on warning. failureCapable(8), -- be capable of the the chassis determined action(s) on failure. enableOnFailureCapable(10), -- enable activation of the the chassis determined action(s) on failure. enableOnWarningOrFailureCapable(14) -- enable activation of the the chassis determined action(s) on failure. } DellLRAThermalShutdownStateSettingsUnique ::= INTEGER { -- If set to 0 (zero) the object has no settings capabilities, and it's state is disabled unknown(1), -- The objects state is unknown activatedOnWarning(6), -- The objects state is activated on warning activatedOnFailure(10) -- The objects state is activated on failure } -- -- -- Local Response Agent Global Settings Definitions -- LRAGlobalSettingsTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { lRAGlobalchassisIndex DellObjectRange, lRAGlobalState DellStateSettings, lRAGlobalSettingsDisableTimeoutValue DellUnsigned32BitRange, lRAGlobalSettingsCapabilitiesUnique DellLocalResponseAgentCapabilitiesUnique, lRAGlobalThermalShutdownCapabilitiesUnique DellLRAThermalShutdownCapabilitiesUnique, lRAGlobalThermalShutdownStateSettingsUnique DellLRAThermalShutdownStateSettingsUnique } lRAGlobalSettingsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF LRAGlobalSettingsTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1500.0010 This Group defines the Dell Global Settings Local Response Agent Table." ::= { lraGroup 10 } lRAGlobalSettingsTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX LRAGlobalSettingsTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1500.0010.0001 This Group defines the Dell Global Settings Local Response Agent Table Entry." INDEX { lRAGlobalchassisIndex } ::= { lRAGlobalSettingsTable 1 } lRAGlobalchassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1500.0010.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of this Dell chassis." ::= { lRAGlobalSettingsTableEntry 1 } lRAGlobalState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateSettings ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1500.0010.0001.0002 This attribute defines the state of the Dell Global Settings Local Response Agent." ::= { lRAGlobalSettingsTableEntry 2 } lRAGlobalSettingsDisableTimeoutValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1500.0010.0001.0003 This attribute defines the timeout duration in seconds the that Dell Global Settings Local Response Agent will be disabled after a machine shutdown and reboot." ::= { lRAGlobalSettingsTableEntry 3 } lRAGlobalSettingsCapabilitiesUnique OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellLocalResponseAgentCapabilitiesUnique ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1500.0010.0001.0004 This attribute defines the set of Global Capabilities that all Local Response Agents may or may not allow to be set or reset." ::= { lRAGlobalSettingsTableEntry 4 } lRAGlobalThermalShutdownCapabilitiesUnique OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellLRAThermalShutdownCapabilitiesUnique ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1500.0010.0001.0005 This attribute defines the set of Thermal Shutdown Capabilities that the Local Response Agent supports." ::= { lRAGlobalSettingsTableEntry 5 } lRAGlobalThermalShutdownStateSettingsUnique OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellLRAThermalShutdownStateSettingsUnique ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1500.0010.0001.0006 This attribute defines the Thermal Shutdown state that the Local Response Agent supports." ::= { lRAGlobalSettingsTableEntry 6 } -- -- -- Local Response Agent Action Table Definitions -- DellLocalResponseAgentSettingsUnique ::= INTEGER { speakerControl(1), -- issue a speaker beep consoleAlert(2), -- issue a console alert broadcastMessage(4), -- issue a broadcast message osShutDown(8), -- issue an operating system shutdown reboot(16), -- issue a system reboot powerCycle(32), -- issue a system power cycle powerOFF(64), -- issue a system power off executeApplication(256), -- start a user mode application execution allLRASettingsUnique(511) -- allow all LRA settings combinations } LRAActionTableTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { lRAActionTablechassisIndex DellObjectRange, lRAActionTableActionNumberIndex DellUnsigned16BitRange, lRAActionTableUserApplicationName DisplayString (SIZE (0..256)), lRAActionTableSettingsUnique DellLocalResponseAgentSettingsUnique } lRAActionTableTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF LRAActionTableTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1500.0020 This Group defines the Dell Local Response Agent Action Table." ::= { lraGroup 20 } lRAActionTableTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX LRAActionTableTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1500.0020.0001 This Group defines the Dell Local Response Agent Table Entry." INDEX { lRAActionTablechassisIndex, lRAActionTableActionNumberIndex } ::= { lRAActionTableTable 1 } lRAActionTablechassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1500.0020.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of this Dell chassis." ::= { lRAActionTableTableEntry 1 } lRAActionTableActionNumberIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned16BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1500.0020.0001.0002 This attribute defines the action number index of the Dell Local Response Agent. These currently supported values are: 160 temperature failure action definition 168 cooling device failure action definition 172 voltage failure action definition 200 temperature warning action definition 202 voltage warning action definition 204 cooling device warning action definition 206 amperage failure action definition 208 amperage warning action definition 210 a power or cooling unit redundancy lost action definition 212 a power or cooling unit redundancy degraded action definition 214 power supply failed action definition 220 chassis intrusion action definition 228 memory device warning action definition 474 memory device failure action definition" ::= { lRAActionTableTableEntry 2 } lRAActionTableUserApplicationName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..256)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1500.0020.0001.0003 This is the name of the user application executable path and file name to execute by the Dell Local Response Agent if the value execute application was set." ::= { lRAActionTableTableEntry 3 } lRAActionTableSettingsUnique OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellLocalResponseAgentSettingsUnique ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1500.0020.0001.0004 This attribute defines the capabilities of the Dell Local Response Agent." ::= { lRAActionTableTableEntry 4 } -- -- -- Cost of Ownership (COO) Group Section -- DellCooOwnershipCodes ::= INTEGER { other(1), -- the Ownership Code is not one of following: unknown(2), -- the Ownership Code is unknown owned(3), -- the Ownership Code is owned leased(4), -- the Ownership Code is leased rented(5), -- the Ownership Code is rented offOfLease(6), -- the Ownership Code is off of lease transfer(7) -- the Ownership Code is transfer } DellCooHourDayDurationType ::= INTEGER { unknown(1), -- Duration Time Type is unknown hours(2), -- Duration Time Type is in hours days(3) -- Duration Time Type is in days } DellCooDayMonthDurationType ::= INTEGER { unknown(1), -- Duration Time Type is unknown days(3), -- Duration Time Type is in days months(4) -- Duration Time Type is in months } DellCooMonthYearDurationType ::= INTEGER { unknown(1), -- Duration Time Type is unknown months(4), -- Duration Time Type is in months years(5) -- Duration Time Type is in years } -- -- Cost of Ownership: Definitions -- CooTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { coochassisIndex DellObjectRange, cooState DellStateSettings, cooAquisitionPurchaseCost DellUnsigned32BitRange, cooAquisitionWayBillNumber DellUnsigned32BitRange, cooAquisitionInstallDateName DellDateName, cooAquisitionPurchaseOrder DellUnsigned32BitRange, cooAquisitionPurchaseDateName DellDateName, cooAquisitionSigningAuthorityName DellCostofOwnershipString, cooOriginalMachineConfigurationExpensed DellBoolean, cooOriginalMachineConfigurationVendorName DellCostofOwnershipString, cooCostCenterInformationVendorName DellCostofOwnershipString, cooUserInformationUserName DellCostofOwnershipString, cooExtendedWarrantyStartDateName DellDateName, cooExtendedWarrantyEndDateName DellDateName, cooExtendedWarrantyCost DellUnsigned32BitRange, cooExtendedWarrantyProviderName DellCostofOwnershipString, cooOwnershipCode DellCooOwnershipCodes, cooCorporateOwnerName DellCostofOwnershipString, cooHazardousWasteCodeName DellCostofOwnershipString, cooDeploymentDateLength DellUnsigned32BitRange, cooDeploymentDurationType DellCooHourDayDurationType, cooTrainingName DellCostofOwnershipString, cooOutsourcingProblemDescriptionName DellCostofOwnershipString, cooOutsourcingServiceFeeName DellCostofOwnershipString, cooOutsourcingSigningAuthorityName DellCostofOwnershipString, cooOutsourcingProviderFeeName DellCostofOwnershipString, cooOutsourcingProviderServiceLevelName DellCostofOwnershipString, cooInsuranceCompanyName DellCostofOwnershipString, cooBoxAssetTagName DellCostofOwnershipString, cooBoxSystemName DellCostofOwnershipString, cooBoxCPUSerialNumberName DellCostofOwnershipString, cooOperatingSystemUpgradeTypeName DellCostofOwnershipString, cooOperatingSystemUpgradePatchLevelName DellCostofOwnershipString, cooOperatingSystemUpgradeDate DellCostofOwnershipString, cooDepreciationDuration DellUnsigned32BitRange, cooDepreciationDurationType DellCooMonthYearDurationType, cooDepreciationPercentage DellUnsigned32BitRange, cooDepreciationMethodName DellCostofOwnershipString, cooRegistrationIsRegistered DellBoolean } cooTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CooTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0010 This Group defines the Dell Cost of Ownership: Table." ::= { cooGroup 10 } cooTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CooTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0010.0001 This Group defines the Dell Cost of Ownership: Table Entry." INDEX { coochassisIndex } ::= { cooTable 1 } coochassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0010.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of this Dell chassis." ::= { cooTableEntry 1 } cooState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateSettings ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0010.0001.0002 This attribute defines the Dell Cost of Ownership: Aquisition state of the Dell System." ::= { cooTableEntry 2 } cooAquisitionPurchaseCost OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0010.0001.0003 This attribute defines the purchase cost of the Dell System." ::= { cooTableEntry 3 } cooAquisitionWayBillNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0010.0001.0004 This attribute defines the waybill number of the Dell System." ::= { cooTableEntry 4 } cooAquisitionInstallDateName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellDateName ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0010.0001.0005 This attribute defines the install time of the Dell System. Dates are defined in the ASCII format: yyyyMMddhhmmss.uuuuuu+fff or yyyyMMddhhmmss.uuuuuu-fff where yyyy is the year, MM is the month, dd is the day, hh are the hours, mm are the minutes and ss are the seconds. uuuuuu is the number of microseconds, and +fff or -fff is the offset from UTC in minutes." ::= { cooTableEntry 5 } cooAquisitionPurchaseOrder OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0010.0001.0006 This attribute defines the purchase order number of the Dell System." ::= { cooTableEntry 6 } cooAquisitionPurchaseDateName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellDateName ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0010.0001.0007 This attribute defines the purchase time of the Dell System. Dates are defined in the ASCII format: yyyyMMddhhmmss.uuuuuu+fff or yyyyMMddhhmmss.uuuuuu-fff where yyyy is the year, MM is the month, dd is the day, hh are the hours, mm are the minutes and ss are the seconds. uuuuuu is the number of microseconds, and +fff or -fff is the offset from UTC in minutes." ::= { cooTableEntry 7 } cooAquisitionSigningAuthorityName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellCostofOwnershipString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0010.0001.0008 This attribute defines the name of the signing authority for the Dell System." ::= { cooTableEntry 8 } cooOriginalMachineConfigurationExpensed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellBoolean ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0010.0001.0009 This attribute defines the purchase of the Dell System was expensed or not." ::= { cooTableEntry 9 } cooOriginalMachineConfigurationVendorName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellCostofOwnershipString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0010.0001.0010 This attribute defines the vendor name of the Dell System." ::= { cooTableEntry 10 } cooCostCenterInformationVendorName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellCostofOwnershipString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0010.0001.0011 This attribute defines the cost center name of the Dell System." ::= { cooTableEntry 11 } cooUserInformationUserName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellCostofOwnershipString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0010.0001.0012 This attribute defines the user name of the Dell System." ::= { cooTableEntry 12 } cooExtendedWarrantyStartDateName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellDateName ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0010.0001.0013 This attribute defines Extended Warranty start date for the Dell System. Dates are defined in the ASCII format: yyyyMMddhhmmss.uuuuuu+fff or yyyyMMddhhmmss.uuuuuu-fff where yyyy is the year, MM is the month, dd is the day, hh are the hours, mm are the minutes and ss are the seconds. uuuuuu is the number of microseconds, and +fff or -fff is the offset from UTC in minutes." ::= { cooTableEntry 13 } cooExtendedWarrantyEndDateName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellDateName ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0010.0001.0014 This attribute defines Extended Warranty end date for the Dell System. Dates are defined in the ASCII format: yyyyMMddhhmmss.uuuuuu+fff or yyyyMMddhhmmss.uuuuuu-fff where yyyy is the year, MM is the month, dd is the day, hh are the hours, mm are the minutes and ss are the seconds. uuuuuu is the number of microseconds, and +fff or -fff is the offset from UTC in minutes." ::= { cooTableEntry 14 } cooExtendedWarrantyCost OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0010.0001.0015 This attribute defines Extended Warranty cost for the Dell System." ::= { cooTableEntry 15 } cooExtendedWarrantyProviderName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellCostofOwnershipString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0010.0001.0016 This attribute defines the Extended Warranty service provider name for the Dell System." ::= { cooTableEntry 16 } cooOwnershipCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellCooOwnershipCodes ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0010.0001.0017 This attribute defines ownership code for the Dell System." ::= { cooTableEntry 17 } cooCorporateOwnerName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellCostofOwnershipString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0010.0001.0018 This attribute defines the name of the corporate owner for the Dell System." ::= { cooTableEntry 18 } cooHazardousWasteCodeName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellCostofOwnershipString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0010.0001.0019 This attribute defines the name Hazardous Waste code for the Dell System." ::= { cooTableEntry 19 } cooDeploymentDateLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0010.0001.0020 This attribute defines the Deployment Time for the Dell System." ::= { cooTableEntry 20 } cooDeploymentDurationType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellCooHourDayDurationType ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0010.0001.0021 This attribute defines the Deployment Time units for the Dell System." ::= { cooTableEntry 21 } cooTrainingName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellCostofOwnershipString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0010.0001.0022 This attribute defines the training the user has for the Dell System." ::= { cooTableEntry 22 } cooOutsourcingProblemDescriptionName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellCostofOwnershipString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0010.0001.0023 This attribute defines the problem description name of the Outsourcing service provider." ::= { cooTableEntry 23 } cooOutsourcingServiceFeeName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellCostofOwnershipString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0010.0001.0024 This attribute defines the Outsourcing vendors' charge for service." ::= { cooTableEntry 24 } cooOutsourcingSigningAuthorityName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellCostofOwnershipString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0010.0001.0025 This attribute defines the name of the person who has signing authority for service." ::= { cooTableEntry 25 } cooOutsourcingProviderFeeName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellCostofOwnershipString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0010.0001.0026 This attribute defines any additional Outsourcing charge for service." ::= { cooTableEntry 26 } cooOutsourcingProviderServiceLevelName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellCostofOwnershipString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0010.0001.0027 This attribute defines service level agreement for service." ::= { cooTableEntry 27 } cooInsuranceCompanyName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellCostofOwnershipString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0010.0001.0028 This attribute defines the name of the company insuring the Dell System." ::= { cooTableEntry 28 } cooBoxAssetTagName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellCostofOwnershipString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0010.0001.0029 This attribute defines the name the Dell System asset tag." ::= { cooTableEntry 29 } cooBoxSystemName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellCostofOwnershipString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0010.0001.0030 This attribute defines the name of the Dell System." ::= { cooTableEntry 30 } cooBoxCPUSerialNumberName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellCostofOwnershipString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0010.0001.0031 This attribute defines the name of the CPU serial number in the Dell System." ::= { cooTableEntry 31 } cooOperatingSystemUpgradeTypeName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellCostofOwnershipString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0010.0001.0032 This attribute defines the name the operating system on the Dell System." ::= { cooTableEntry 32 } cooOperatingSystemUpgradePatchLevelName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellCostofOwnershipString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0010.0001.0033 This attribute defines the name of the operating system patch level of the Dell System." ::= { cooTableEntry 33 } cooOperatingSystemUpgradeDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellCostofOwnershipString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0010.0001.0034 This attribute defines the upgrade file date." ::= { cooTableEntry 34 } cooDepreciationDuration OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0010.0001.0035 This attribute defines the Depreciation duration for the Dell System." ::= { cooTableEntry 35 } cooDepreciationDurationType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellCooMonthYearDurationType ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0010.0001.0036 This attribute defines the unit of time for Depreciation for the Dell System." ::= { cooTableEntry 36 } cooDepreciationPercentage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0010.0001.0037 This attribute defines the percentage of Depreciation for the Dell System." ::= { cooTableEntry 37 } cooDepreciationMethodName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellCostofOwnershipString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0010.0001.0038 This attribute defines the method name of Depreciation for the Dell System." ::= { cooTableEntry 38 } cooRegistrationIsRegistered OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellBoolean ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0010.0001.0039 This attribute defines if the Dell System is registered or not." ::= { cooTableEntry 39 } -- -- -- Cost of Ownership: Service Contract Definitions -- CooServiceContractTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cooServiceContractchassisIndex DellObjectRange, cooServiceContractIndex DellObjectRange, cooServiceContractState DellStateSettings, cooServiceContractWasRenewed DellBoolean, cooServiceContractTypeName DellCostofOwnershipString, cooServiceContractVendorName DellCostofOwnershipString } cooServiceContractTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CooServiceContractTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0020 This Group defines the Dell Cost of Ownership: Service Contract Table." ::= { cooGroup 20 } cooServiceContractTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CooServiceContractTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0020.0001 This Group defines the Dell Cost of Ownership: Service Contract Table Entry." INDEX { cooServiceContractchassisIndex, cooServiceContractIndex } ::= { cooServiceContractTable 1 } cooServiceContractchassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0020.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of this Dell chassis." ::= { cooServiceContractTableEntry 1 } cooServiceContractIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0020.0001.0002 This attribute defines the index of the Dell Systems Cost of Ownership: Service Contract." ::= { cooServiceContractTableEntry 2 } cooServiceContractState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateSettings ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0020.0001.0003 This attribute defines the Dell Systems Cost of Ownership: Service Contract state of the Dell System." ::= { cooServiceContractTableEntry 3 } cooServiceContractWasRenewed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellBoolean ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0020.0001.0004 This attribute defines if the Dell System Service Contract was renewed not." ::= { cooServiceContractTableEntry 4 } cooServiceContractTypeName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellCostofOwnershipString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0020.0001.0005 This attribute defines the name of the Service Contract type for the Dell System." ::= { cooServiceContractTableEntry 5 } cooServiceContractVendorName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellCostofOwnershipString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0020.0001.0006 This attribute defines the name of the Service Contract provider for the Dell System." ::= { cooServiceContractTableEntry 6 } -- -- -- Cost of Ownership: Cost Event Log Definitions -- CooCostEventLogTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cooCostEventLogchassisIndex DellObjectRange, cooCostEventLogIndex DellObjectRange, cooCostEventLogState DellStateSettings, cooCostEventLogDuration DellUnsigned32BitRange, cooCostEventLogDurationType DellCooHourDayDurationType, cooCostEventLogDescriptionName DellCostofOwnershipString } cooCostEventLogTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CooCostEventLogTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0030 This Group defines the Dell Cost of Ownership: Cost Event Log Table." ::= { cooGroup 30 } cooCostEventLogTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CooCostEventLogTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0030.0001 This Group defines the Dell Cost of Ownership: Cost Event Log Table Entry." INDEX { cooCostEventLogchassisIndex, cooCostEventLogIndex } ::= { cooCostEventLogTable 1 } cooCostEventLogchassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0030.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of this Dell chassis." ::= { cooCostEventLogTableEntry 1 } cooCostEventLogIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0030.0001.0002 This attribute defines the index of the Dell Systems Cost of Ownership: Cost Event Log." ::= { cooCostEventLogTableEntry 2 } cooCostEventLogState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateSettings ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0030.0001.0003 This attribute defines the Dell Systems Cost of Ownership: Cost Event Log state of the Dell System." ::= { cooCostEventLogTableEntry 3 } cooCostEventLogDuration OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0030.0001.0004 This attribute defines duration of the event." ::= { cooCostEventLogTableEntry 4 } cooCostEventLogDurationType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellCooHourDayDurationType ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0030.0001.0005 This attribute defines the of the Cost Event Log duration type for the Dell System." ::= { cooCostEventLogTableEntry 5 } cooCostEventLogDescriptionName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellCostofOwnershipString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0030.0001.0006 This attribute defines the name of the event description logged for the event." ::= { cooCostEventLogTableEntry 6 } -- -- -- Cost of Ownership: Warranty Definitions -- CooWarrantyTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cooWarrantychassisIndex DellObjectRange, cooWarrantyIndex DellObjectRange, cooWarrantyState DellStateSettings, cooWarrantyDuration DellUnsigned32BitRange, cooWarrantyDurationType DellCooDayMonthDurationType, cooWarrantyEndDateName DellDateName, cooWarrantyCost DellUnsigned32BitRange } cooWarrantyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CooWarrantyTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0040 This Group defines the Dell Cost of Ownership: Warranty Table." ::= { cooGroup 40 } cooWarrantyTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CooWarrantyTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0040.0001 This Group defines the Dell Cost of Ownership: Warranty Table Entry." INDEX { cooWarrantychassisIndex, cooWarrantyIndex } ::= { cooWarrantyTable 1 } cooWarrantychassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0040.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of this Dell chassis." ::= { cooWarrantyTableEntry 1 } cooWarrantyIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0040.0001.0002 This attribute defines the index of the Dell Systems Cost of Ownership: Warranty." ::= { cooWarrantyTableEntry 2 } cooWarrantyState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateSettings ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0040.0001.0003 This attribute defines the Dell Systems Cost of Ownership: Warranty state of the Dell System." ::= { cooWarrantyTableEntry 3 } cooWarrantyDuration OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0040.0001.0004 This attribute defines duration of the warranty." ::= { cooWarrantyTableEntry 4 } cooWarrantyDurationType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellCooDayMonthDurationType ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0040.0001.0005 This attribute defines the Warranty duration type for the Dell System." ::= { cooWarrantyTableEntry 5 } cooWarrantyEndDateName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellDateName ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0040.0001.0006 This attribute defines the Warranty end date for the Dell System. Dates are defined in the ASCII format: yyyyMMddhhmmss.uuuuuu+fff or yyyyMMddhhmmss.uuuuuu-fff where yyyy is the year, MM is the month, dd is the day, hh are the hours, mm are the minutes and ss are the seconds. uuuuuu is the number of microseconds, and +fff or -fff is the offset from UTC in minutes." ::= { cooWarrantyTableEntry 6 } cooWarrantyCost OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0040.0001.0007 This attribute defines the Warranty cost for the Dell System." ::= { cooWarrantyTableEntry 7 } -- -- -- Cost of Ownership: Lease Information Definitions -- CooLeaseInformationTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cooLeaseInformationchassisIndex DellObjectRange, cooLeaseInformationIndex DellObjectRange, cooLeaseInformationState DellStateSettings, cooLeaseInformationMultipleSchedules DellBoolean, cooLeaseInformationBuyOutAmount DellUnsigned32BitRange, cooLeaseInformationLeaseRateFactor DellUnsigned32BitRange, cooLeaseInformationEndDateName DellDateName, cooLeaseInformationFairMarketValue DellUnsigned32BitRange, cooLeaseInformationLessorName DellCostofOwnershipString } cooLeaseInformationTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CooLeaseInformationTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0050 This Group defines the Dell Cost of Ownership: Lease Information Table." ::= { cooGroup 50 } cooLeaseInformationTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CooLeaseInformationTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0050.0001 This Group defines the Dell Cost of Ownership: Lease Information Table Entry." INDEX { cooLeaseInformationchassisIndex, cooLeaseInformationIndex } ::= { cooLeaseInformationTable 1 } cooLeaseInformationchassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0050.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of this Dell chassis." ::= { cooLeaseInformationTableEntry 1 } cooLeaseInformationIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0050.0001.0002 This attribute defines the index of the Dell Systems Cost of Ownership: Lease Information." ::= { cooLeaseInformationTableEntry 2 } cooLeaseInformationState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateSettings ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0050.0001.0003 This attribute defines the Dell Systems Cost of Ownership: Lease Information state of the Dell System." ::= { cooLeaseInformationTableEntry 3 } cooLeaseInformationMultipleSchedules OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellBoolean ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0050.0001.0004 This attribute defines if there are multiple schedules for this lease." ::= { cooLeaseInformationTableEntry 4 } cooLeaseInformationBuyOutAmount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0050.0001.0005 This attribute defines buy out amount for this lease." ::= { cooLeaseInformationTableEntry 5 } cooLeaseInformationLeaseRateFactor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0050.0001.0006 This attribute defines the Lease Information lease rate factor." ::= { cooLeaseInformationTableEntry 6 } cooLeaseInformationEndDateName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellDateName ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0050.0001.0007 This attribute defines the Lease Information end date for the Dell System. Dates are defined in the ASCII format: yyyyMMddhhmmss.uuuuuu+fff or yyyyMMddhhmmss.uuuuuu-fff where yyyy is the year, MM is the month, dd is the day, hh are the hours, mm are the minutes and ss are the seconds. uuuuuu is the number of microseconds, and +fff or -fff is the offset from UTC in minutes." ::= { cooLeaseInformationTableEntry 7 } cooLeaseInformationFairMarketValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0050.0001.0008 This attribute defines the Lease Information fair market value for the Dell System." ::= { cooLeaseInformationTableEntry 8 } cooLeaseInformationLessorName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellCostofOwnershipString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0050.0001.0009 This attribute defines the Lease Information Lessor's name." ::= { cooLeaseInformationTableEntry 9 } -- -- -- Cost of Ownership: Schedule Number Information Definitions -- CooScheduleNumberTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cooScheduleNumberchassisIndex DellObjectRange, cooScheduleNumberIndex DellObjectRange, cooScheduleNumberState DellStateSettings, cooScheduleNumberLeaseInformationIndexReference DellUnsigned32BitRange, cooScheduleNumberDescriptionName DellCostofOwnershipString } cooScheduleNumberTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CooScheduleNumberTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0060 This Group defines the Dell Cost of Ownership: Schedule Number Information Table." ::= { cooGroup 60 } cooScheduleNumberTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CooScheduleNumberTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0060.0001 This Group defines the Dell Cost of Ownership: Schedule Number Information Table Entry." INDEX { cooScheduleNumberchassisIndex, cooScheduleNumberIndex } ::= { cooScheduleNumberTable 1 } cooScheduleNumberchassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0060.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of this Dell chassis." ::= { cooScheduleNumberTableEntry 1 } cooScheduleNumberIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0060.0001.0002 This attribute defines the index of the Dell Systems Cost of Ownership: Schedule Number Information." ::= { cooScheduleNumberTableEntry 2 } cooScheduleNumberState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateSettings ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0060.0001.0003 This attribute defines the Dell Systems Cost of Ownership: Schedule Number Information state of the Dell System." ::= { cooScheduleNumberTableEntry 3 } cooScheduleNumberLeaseInformationIndexReference OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0060.0001.0004 This attribute defines the Lease Information index number to reference this Schedule Number too." ::= { cooScheduleNumberTableEntry 4 } cooScheduleNumberDescriptionName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellCostofOwnershipString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0060.0001.0005 This attribute defines the Schedule Number Information description name." ::= { cooScheduleNumberTableEntry 5 } -- -- -- Cost of Ownership: Option Information Definitions -- CooOptionsTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cooOptionschassisIndex DellObjectRange, cooOptionsIndex DellObjectRange, cooOptionsState DellStateSettings, cooOptionsLeaseInformationIndexReference DellUnsigned32BitRange, cooOptionsDescriptionName DellCostofOwnershipString } cooOptionsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CooOptionsTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0070 This Group defines the Dell Cost of Ownership: Option Information Table." ::= { cooGroup 70 } cooOptionsTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CooOptionsTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0070.0001 This Group defines the Dell Cost of Ownership: Option Information Table Entry." INDEX { cooOptionschassisIndex, cooOptionsIndex } ::= { cooOptionsTable 1 } cooOptionschassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0070.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of this Dell chassis." ::= { cooOptionsTableEntry 1 } cooOptionsIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0070.0001.0002 This attribute defines the index of the Dell Systems Cost of Ownership: Option Information." ::= { cooOptionsTableEntry 2 } cooOptionsState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateSettings ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0070.0001.0003 This attribute defines the Dell Systems Cost of Ownership: Option Information state of the Dell System." ::= { cooOptionsTableEntry 3 } cooOptionsLeaseInformationIndexReference OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0070.0001.0004 This attribute defines the Lease Information index number to reference this option with." ::= { cooOptionsTableEntry 4 } cooOptionsDescriptionName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellCostofOwnershipString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0070.0001.0005 This attribute defines the Option Information description name." ::= { cooOptionsTableEntry 5 } -- -- -- Cost of Ownership: Maintenance Information Definitions -- CooMaintenanceTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cooMaintenancechassisIndex DellObjectRange, cooMaintenanceIndex DellObjectRange, cooMaintenanceState DellStateSettings, cooMaintenanceStartDateName DellDateName, cooMaintenanceEndDateName DellDateName, cooMaintenanceProviderName DellCostofOwnershipString, cooMaintenanceRestrictionsName DellCostofOwnershipString } cooMaintenanceTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CooMaintenanceTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0080 This Group defines the Dell Cost of Ownership: Maintenance Information Table." ::= { cooGroup 80 } cooMaintenanceTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CooMaintenanceTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0080.0001 This Group defines the Dell Cost of Ownership: Maintenance Information Table Entry." INDEX { cooMaintenancechassisIndex, cooMaintenanceIndex } ::= { cooMaintenanceTable 1 } cooMaintenancechassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0080.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of this Dell chassis." ::= { cooMaintenanceTableEntry 1 } cooMaintenanceIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0080.0001.0002 This attribute defines the index of the Dell Systems Cost of Ownership: Maintenance Information." ::= { cooMaintenanceTableEntry 2 } cooMaintenanceState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateSettings ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0080.0001.0003 This attribute defines the Dell Systems Cost of Ownership: Maintenance Information state of the Dell System." ::= { cooMaintenanceTableEntry 3 } cooMaintenanceStartDateName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellDateName ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0080.0001.0004 This attribute defines the start date for Maintenance. Dates are defined in the ASCII format: yyyyMMddhhmmss.uuuuuu+fff or yyyyMMddhhmmss.uuuuuu-fff where yyyy is the year, MM is the month, dd is the day, hh are the hours, mm are the minutes and ss are the seconds. uuuuuu is the number of microseconds, and +fff or -fff is the offset from UTC in minutes." ::= { cooMaintenanceTableEntry 4 } cooMaintenanceEndDateName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellDateName ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0080.0001.0005 This attribute defines the ending date for Maintenance. Dates are defined in the ASCII format: yyyyMMddhhmmss.uuuuuu+fff or yyyyMMddhhmmss.uuuuuu-fff where yyyy is the year, MM is the month, dd is the day, hh are the hours, mm are the minutes and ss are the seconds. uuuuuu is the number of microseconds, and +fff or -fff is the offset from UTC in minutes." ::= { cooMaintenanceTableEntry 5 } cooMaintenanceProviderName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellCostofOwnershipString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0080.0001.0006 This attribute defines the Maintenance provider's name." ::= { cooMaintenanceTableEntry 6 } cooMaintenanceRestrictionsName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellCostofOwnershipString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0080.0001.0007 This attribute defines the text of the Maintenance agreement restrictions." ::= { cooMaintenanceTableEntry 7 } -- -- -- Cost of Ownership: Repair Information Definitions -- CooRepairTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cooRepairchassisIndex DellObjectRange, cooRepairIndex DellObjectRange, cooRepairState DellStateSettings, cooRepairCounter DellUnsigned32BitRange, cooRepairVendorName DellCostofOwnershipString } cooRepairTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CooRepairTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0090 This Group defines the Dell Cost of Ownership: Repair Information Table." ::= { cooGroup 90 } cooRepairTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CooRepairTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0090.0001 This Group defines the Dell Cost of Ownership: Repair Information Table Entry." INDEX { cooRepairchassisIndex, cooRepairIndex } ::= { cooRepairTable 1 } cooRepairchassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0090.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of this Dell chassis." ::= { cooRepairTableEntry 1 } cooRepairIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0090.0001.0002 This attribute defines the index of the Dell Systems Cost of Ownership: Repair Information." ::= { cooRepairTableEntry 2 } cooRepairState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateSettings ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0090.0001.0003 This attribute defines the Dell Systems Cost of Ownership: Repair Information state of the Dell System." ::= { cooRepairTableEntry 3 } cooRepairCounter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0090.0001.0004 This attribute defines the number of repairs this system has had." ::= { cooRepairTableEntry 4 } cooRepairVendorName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellCostofOwnershipString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0090.0001.0005 This attribute defines the Repair vendors's name." ::= { cooRepairTableEntry 5 } -- -- -- Cost of Ownership: Support Information Definitions -- CooSupportInformationTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cooSupportInformationchassisIndex DellObjectRange, cooSupportInformationIndex DellObjectRange, cooSupportInformationState DellStateSettings, cooSupportInformationIsOutsourced DellBoolean, cooSupportInformationType DellUnsigned32BitRange, cooSupportInformationHelpDeskName DellCostofOwnershipString, cooSupportInformationFixTypeName DellCostofOwnershipString } cooSupportInformationTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CooSupportInformationTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0100 This Group defines the Dell Cost of Ownership: Support Information Table." ::= { cooGroup 100 } cooSupportInformationTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CooSupportInformationTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0100.0001 This Group defines the Dell Cost of Ownership: Support Information Table Entry." INDEX { cooSupportInformationchassisIndex, cooSupportInformationIndex } ::= { cooSupportInformationTable 1 } cooSupportInformationchassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0100.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of this Dell chassis." ::= { cooSupportInformationTableEntry 1 } cooSupportInformationIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0100.0001.0002 This attribute defines the index of the Dell Systems Cost of Ownership: Support Information." ::= { cooSupportInformationTableEntry 2 } cooSupportInformationState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateSettings ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0100.0001.0003 This attribute defines the Dell Systems Cost of Ownership: Support Information state of the Dell System." ::= { cooSupportInformationTableEntry 3 } cooSupportInformationIsOutsourced OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellBoolean ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0100.0001.0004 This attribute defines if support is outsourced or not." ::= { cooSupportInformationTableEntry 4 } cooSupportInformationType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0100.0001.0005 This attribute defines the type of of conmponent, system or network problem that occured." ::= { cooSupportInformationTableEntry 5 } cooSupportInformationHelpDeskName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellCostofOwnershipString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0100.0001.0006 This attribute defines the help desk support Information provided." ::= { cooSupportInformationTableEntry 6 } cooSupportInformationFixTypeName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellCostofOwnershipString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0100.0001.0007 This attribute defines the method used to fix the problem." ::= { cooSupportInformationTableEntry 7 } -- -- -- Cost of Ownership: Trouble Ticket Information Definitions -- CooTroubleTicketTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cooTroubleTicketchassisIndex DellObjectRange, cooTroubleTicketIndex DellObjectRange, cooTroubleTicketState DellStateSettings, cooTroubleTicketSupportInformationIndexReference DellUnsigned32BitRange, cooTroubleTicketNumberName DellCostofOwnershipString } cooTroubleTicketTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CooTroubleTicketTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0110 This Group defines the Dell Cost of Ownership: Trouble Ticket Information Table." ::= { cooGroup 110 } cooTroubleTicketTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CooTroubleTicketTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0110.0001 This Group defines the Dell Cost of Ownership: Trouble Ticket Information Table Entry." INDEX { cooTroubleTicketchassisIndex, cooTroubleTicketIndex } ::= { cooTroubleTicketTable 1 } cooTroubleTicketchassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0110.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of this Dell chassis." ::= { cooTroubleTicketTableEntry 1 } cooTroubleTicketIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0110.0001.0002 This attribute defines the index of the Dell Systems Cost of Ownership: Trouble Ticket Information." ::= { cooTroubleTicketTableEntry 2 } cooTroubleTicketState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateSettings ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0110.0001.0003 This attribute defines the Dell Systems Cost of Ownership: Trouble Ticket Information state of the Dell System." ::= { cooTroubleTicketTableEntry 3 } cooTroubleTicketSupportInformationIndexReference OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0110.0001.0004 This attribute defines the Support Information index number to reference this Trouble Ticket with." ::= { cooTroubleTicketTableEntry 4 } cooTroubleTicketNumberName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellCostofOwnershipString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1600.0110.0001.0005 This attribute defines the Trouble Ticket number description name." ::= { cooTroubleTicketTableEntry 5 } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Remote Access Group -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Remote Access Table -- DellRemoteAccessType ::= INTEGER { remoteAccessTypeIsOther(1), -- the type is not one of the following: remoteAccessTypeIsUnknown(2), -- remote access type is unknown remoteAccessTypeIsDRSC(3), -- remote access type is DRSCard remoteAccessTypeIsDRSP(4) -- remote access type is DRSPort } DellRemoteAccessControlCapabilities ::= INTEGER { -- If set to 0 (zero) the object has no capabilities unknownCapabilities(1), -- The object's capabilities are unknown -- The object's capabilities allow it to be set to: logResetCapable(2), -- reset its onboard logs hardResetCapable(4), -- be hard reset softResetCapable(8), -- be soft reset gracefulResetCapable(16), -- be gracefully shutdown and soft reset defaultConfigResetCapable(32), -- reset to its default settings for the release version allResetCapable(62), shutdownCapable(64), -- shutdown and disable battery if PCI power is off allResetAndShutdownCapable(126) } DellRemoteAccessControlSettings ::= INTEGER { -- If set to 0 (zero) the object has no settings enabled unknown(1), -- The object's state is unknown -- Only one of the following settings may be enabled in one set request: logReset(2), -- Reset the onboard logs hardReset(4), -- Issue a hard reset to the object softReset(8), -- Issue a soft reset to the object gracefulReset(16), -- Issue a graceful shutdown and soft reset to the object defaultConfigReset(32), -- Reset the object to its default settings shutdown(64) -- Shutdown (power off) the object } DellRemoteAccessMonitorCapabilities ::= INTEGER { -- If set to 0 (zero) the object has no capabilities unknownCapabilities(1), -- The object's capabilities are unknown -- The object's capabilities allow it to be set to: extPwrSupplyMonitorIfConnectedCapable(2),-- monitor external power supply if connected extPwrSupplyMonitorAlwaysEnabledCapable(4),-- monitor external power supply always extPwrSupplyMonitorIfConnectedAndAlwaysEnabledCapable(6) } DellRemoteAccessMonitorSettings ::= INTEGER { -- If set to 0 (zero) the object has no settings enabled -- Only one extPwrSupplyMonitor setting may be enabled: unknown(1), -- The object's state is unknown extPwrSupplyMonitorIfConnectedEnabled(2), -- Monitor ext pwr supply volt probe -- if the cable is connected to the DRS extPwrSupplyMonitorAlwaysEnabledEnabled(4)-- Monitor ext pwr supply volt probe -- regardless of the plug state } DellRemoteAccessLANCapabilities ::= INTEGER { -- If set to 0 (zero) the object has no capabilities unknownCapabilities(1), -- The object's capabilities are unknown -- The object's capabilities allow it to be set to: nicCapable(2), -- supports a NIC nicDHCPCapable(4), -- can use DHCP to obtain IP address for NIC nicAndNicDHCPCapable(6) } DellRemoteAccessLANSettings ::= INTEGER { -- If set to 0 (zero) the object has no settings enabled unknown(1), -- The object's state is unknown nicEnabled(2), -- NIC is enabled nicDHCPEnabled(4), -- NIC should use DHCP to obtain IP address nicAndNicDHCPEnabled(6) } DellRemoteAccessHostCapabilities ::= INTEGER { -- If set to 0 (zero) the object has no capabilities unknownCapabilities(1), -- The object's capabilities are unknown -- The object's capabilities allow it to be set to: smtpEmailCapable(2), -- support email using SMTP tftpRemoteFloppyCapable(4), -- support remote floppy boot from TFTP server smtpEmailAndTftpRemoteFloppyCapable(6), tftpRemoteFwUpdateCapable(8), -- support remote FW update from TFTP server smtpEmailAndTftpRemoteFwUpdateCapable(10), tftpRemoteFloppyAndFwUpdateCapable(12), smtpEmailAndTftpRemoteFloppyAndFwUpdateCapable(14) } DellRemoteAccessHostSettings ::= INTEGER { -- If set to 0 (zero) the object has no settings enabled unknown(1), -- The object's state is unknown smtpEmailEnabled(2), -- SMTP client for email is enabled (R) tftpRemoteFloppyEnabled(4), -- TFTP client for remote floppy boot is enabled (R) smtpEmailAndTftpRemoteFloppyEnabled(6), tftpRemoteFwUpdateEnabled(8), -- TFTP client for FW update is enabled (R) smtpEmailAndTftpRemoteFwUpdateEnabled(10), tftpRemoteFloppyAndFwUpdateEnabled(12), smtpEmailAndTftpRemoteFloppyAndFwUpdateEnabled(14) } DellRemoteAccessOutOfBandSNMPCapabilities ::= INTEGER { -- If set to 0 (zero) the object has no capabilities unknownCapabilities(1), -- The object's capabilities are unknown -- The object's capabilities allow it to be set to: oobSNMPAgentCapable(2), -- object has an out-of-band SNMP agent oobSNMPTrapsCapable(4), -- object can send out-of-band SNMP traps oobSNMPAgentAndTrapsCapable(6) } DellRemoteAccessOutOfBandSNMPSettings ::= INTEGER { -- If set to 0 (zero) the object has no settings enabled unknown(1), -- The object's state is unknown oobSNMPAgentEnabled(2), -- out-of-band SNMP agent is enabled oobSNMPTrapsEnabled(4), -- out-of-band SNMP traps are enabled oobSNMPAgentAndTrapsEnabled(6) } RemoteAccessTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { remoteAccessChassisIndex DellObjectRange, remoteAccessAdapterIndex DellObjectRange, remoteAccessType DellRemoteAccessType, remoteAccessStateCapabilities DellStateCapabilities, remoteAccessStateSettings DellStateSettings, remoteAccessStatus DellStatus, remoteAccessProductInfoName DisplayString (SIZE (0..63)), remoteAccessDescriptionInfoName DisplayString (SIZE (0..255)), remoteAccessVersionInfoName DisplayString (SIZE (0..63)), remoteAccessControlCapabilities DellRemoteAccessControlCapabilities, remoteAccessControlSettings DellRemoteAccessControlSettings, remoteAccessMonitorCapabilities DellRemoteAccessMonitorCapabilities, remoteAccessMonitorSettings DellRemoteAccessMonitorSettings, remoteAccessLANCapabilities DellRemoteAccessLANCapabilities, remoteAccessLANSettings DellRemoteAccessLANSettings, remoteAccessHostCapabilities DellRemoteAccessHostCapabilities, remoteAccessHostSettings DellRemoteAccessHostSettings, remoteAccessOutOfBandSNMPCapabilities DellRemoteAccessOutOfBandSNMPCapabilities, remoteAccessOutOfBandSNMPSettings DellRemoteAccessOutOfBandSNMPSettings, remoteAccessSMTPServerIPAddress IpAddress, remoteAccessFloppyTFTPIPAddress IpAddress, remoteAccessFloppyTFTPPathName DisplayString (SIZE (0..255)), remoteAccessFirmwareUpdateIPAddress IpAddress, remoteAccessFirmwareUpdatePathName DisplayString (SIZE (0..255)), remoteAccessNICStaticIPAddress IpAddress, remoteAccessNICStaticNetmaskAddress IpAddress, remoteAccessNICStaticGatewayAddress IpAddress, remoteAccessPCMCIAInfoName DisplayString (SIZE (0..63)), remoteAccessMiscInfoName DisplayString (SIZE (0..63)), remoteAccessNICCurrentIPAddress IpAddress, remoteAccessNICCurrentNetmaskAddress IpAddress, remoteAccessNICCurrentGatewayAddress IpAddress, remoteAccessNICCurrentInfoFromDHCP DellBoolean } remoteAccessTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RemoteAccessTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0010 This object defines the Remote Access table." ::= { remoteAccessGroup 10 } remoteAccessTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RemoteAccessTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0010.0001 This object defines the Remote Access table entry." INDEX { remoteAccessChassisIndex, remoteAccessAdapterIndex } ::= { remoteAccessTable 1 } remoteAccessChassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0010.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of the chassis containing the Remote Access hardware." ::= { remoteAccessTableEntry 1 } remoteAccessAdapterIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0010.0001.0002 This attribute defines the index (one based) of the Remote Access hardware." ::= { remoteAccessTableEntry 2 } remoteAccessType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellRemoteAccessType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0010.0001.0003 This attribute defines the type of the Remote Access hardware." ::= { remoteAccessTableEntry 3 } remoteAccessStateCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateCapabilities ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0010.0001.0004 This attribute defines the state capabilities of the Remote Access hardware." ::= { remoteAccessTableEntry 4 } remoteAccessStateSettings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStateSettings ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0010.0001.0005 This attribute defines the state setting of the Remote Access hardware." ::= { remoteAccessTableEntry 5 } remoteAccessStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0010.0001.0006 This attribute defines the status of the Remote Access hardware." ::= { remoteAccessTableEntry 6 } remoteAccessProductInfoName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..63)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0010.0001.0007 This attribute defines the name of the product providing the Remote Access functionality." ::= { remoteAccessTableEntry 7 } remoteAccessDescriptionInfoName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0010.0001.0008 This attribute defines the description of the product providing the Remote Access functionality." ::= { remoteAccessTableEntry 8 } remoteAccessVersionInfoName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..63)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0010.0001.0009 This attribute defines the version of the product providing the Remote Access functionality." ::= { remoteAccessTableEntry 9 } remoteAccessControlCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellRemoteAccessControlCapabilities ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0010.0001.0010 This attribute defines the control capabilities of the Remote Access hardware." ::= { remoteAccessTableEntry 10 } remoteAccessControlSettings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellRemoteAccessControlSettings ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0010.0001.0011 This attribute defines the control settings of the Remote Access hardware." ::= { remoteAccessTableEntry 11 } remoteAccessMonitorCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellRemoteAccessMonitorCapabilities ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0010.0001.0012 This attribute defines the monitor capabilities of the Remote Access hardware." ::= { remoteAccessTableEntry 12 } remoteAccessMonitorSettings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellRemoteAccessMonitorSettings ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0010.0001.0013 This attribute defines the monitor settings of the Remote Access hardware." ::= { remoteAccessTableEntry 13 } remoteAccessLANCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellRemoteAccessLANCapabilities ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0010.0001.0014 This attribute defines the LAN capabilities of the Remote Access hardware." ::= { remoteAccessTableEntry 14 } remoteAccessLANSettings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellRemoteAccessLANSettings ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0010.0001.0015 This attribute defines the LAN settings of the Remote Access hardware." ::= { remoteAccessTableEntry 15 } remoteAccessHostCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellRemoteAccessHostCapabilities ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0010.0001.0016 This attribute defines the host capabilities of the Remote Access hardware." ::= { remoteAccessTableEntry 16 } remoteAccessHostSettings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellRemoteAccessHostSettings ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0010.0001.0017 This attribute defines the host settings of the Remote Access hardware." ::= { remoteAccessTableEntry 17 } remoteAccessOutOfBandSNMPCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellRemoteAccessOutOfBandSNMPCapabilities ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0010.0001.0018 This attribute defines the out-of-band SNMP capabilities of the Remote Access hardware." ::= { remoteAccessTableEntry 18 } remoteAccessOutOfBandSNMPSettings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellRemoteAccessOutOfBandSNMPSettings ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0010.0001.0019 This attribute defines the out-of-band SNMP settings of the Remote Access hardware." ::= { remoteAccessTableEntry 19 } remoteAccessSMTPServerIPAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0010.0001.0020 This attribute defines the IP address of the SMTP server provided by the Remote Access hardware." ::= { remoteAccessTableEntry 20 } remoteAccessFloppyTFTPIPAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0010.0001.0021 This attribute defines the IP address of the TFTP server providing the operating system image used by the Remote Access hardware." ::= { remoteAccessTableEntry 21 } remoteAccessFloppyTFTPPathName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0010.0001.0022 This attribute defines the file name of the the operating system image obtained from the TFTP server used by the Remote Access hardware." ::= { remoteAccessTableEntry 22 } remoteAccessFirmwareUpdateIPAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0010.0001.0023 This attribute defines the IP address of the update server providing the firmware image used by the Remote Access hardware." ::= { remoteAccessTableEntry 23 } remoteAccessFirmwareUpdatePathName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0010.0001.0024 This attribute defines the file name of the the firmware image obtained from the update server used by the Remote Access hardware." ::= { remoteAccessTableEntry 24 } remoteAccessNICStaticIPAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0010.0001.0025 This attribute defines the static IP address to be used by the onboard NIC provided by the Remote Access hardware." ::= { remoteAccessTableEntry 25 } remoteAccessNICStaticNetmaskAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0010.0001.0026 This attribute defines the netmask for the static IP address to be used by the onboard NIC provided by the Remote Access hardware." ::= { remoteAccessTableEntry 26 } remoteAccessNICStaticGatewayAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0010.0001.0027 This attribute defines the IP address for the gateway associated with the static IP address to be used by the onboard NIC provided by the Remote Access hardware." ::= { remoteAccessTableEntry 27 } remoteAccessPCMCIAInfoName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..63)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0010.0001.0028 This attribute defines the information for the PCMCIA device used by the Remote Access hardware." ::= { remoteAccessTableEntry 28 } remoteAccessMiscInfoName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..63)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0010.0001.0029 This attribute defines miscellaneous information for the Remote Access hardware." ::= { remoteAccessTableEntry 29 } remoteAccessNICCurrentIPAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0010.0001.0030 This attribute defines the IP address currently being used by the onboard NIC provided by the Remote Access hardware." ::= { remoteAccessTableEntry 30 } remoteAccessNICCurrentNetmaskAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0010.0001.0031 This attribute defines the netmask currently being used by the onboard NIC provided by the Remote Access hardware." ::= { remoteAccessTableEntry 31 } remoteAccessNICCurrentGatewayAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0010.0001.0032 This attribute defines the IP address for the gateway currently being used by the onboard NIC provided by the Remote Access hardware." ::= { remoteAccessTableEntry 32 } remoteAccessNICCurrentInfoFromDHCP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellBoolean ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0010.0001.0033 This attribute defines if DHCP was used to obtain the NIC information currently being used by the onboard NIC provided by the Remote Access hardware." ::= { remoteAccessTableEntry 33 } -- -- Remote User Administration Table -- DellRemoteUserAdminStateCapabilities ::= INTEGER { -- If set to 0 (zero) the object has no capabilities unknownCapabilities(1), -- The object's capabilities are unknown -- The object's capabilities allow it to be set to: enableCapable(2), -- be disabled (offline) or be enabled (online) notReadyCapable(4), -- not ready numericPagerCapable(8), -- support numeric paging alphaPagerCapable(16), -- support alphanumeric paging numericPagerAndAlphaPagerCapable(24), emailCapable(32), -- support electronic mailing numericPagerAlphaPagerAndEmailCapable(56), privilegeCapable(64), -- support user privileges numericPagerAlphaPagerEmailAndPrivilegeCapable(120) } DellRemoteUserAdminStateSettings ::= INTEGER { -- If set to 0 (zero) the object has no settings capabilities, and its state is disabled unknown(1), -- The object's state is unknown enabled(2), -- The object's state is disabled (offline) 0, or enabled (online) 1 notReady(4), -- The object's state is not ready numericPagerEnabled(8), -- Numeric paging support is enabled enabledAndNumericPagerEnabled(10), alphaPagerEnabled(16), -- Alphanumeric paging support is enabled enabledAndAlphaPagerEnabled(18), enabledAndNumericPagerAndAlphaPagerEnabled(26), emailEnabled(32), -- Electronic mailing is enabled enabledAndEmailEnabled(34), enabledAndNumericPagerAndEmailEnabled(42), enabledAndAlphaPagerAndEmailEnabled(50), enabledAndNumericPagerAlphaPagerAndEmailEnabled(58) } DellRemoteUserAdminControlCapabilities ::= INTEGER { -- If set to 0 (zero) the object has no capabilities unknownCapabilities(1), -- The object's capabilities are unknown -- The object's capabilities allow it to be set to: numericPagerTestCapable(2), -- support testing of the numeric paging function alphaPagerTestCapable(4), -- support testing of the alphanumeric pager function numericPagerTestAndAlphaPagerTestCapable(6), emailTestCapable(8), -- support sending a test electronic mail message numericPagerTestAlphaPagerTestAndEmailTestCapable(14) } DellRemoteUserAdminControlSettings ::= INTEGER { -- If set to 0 (zero) the object has no settings capabilities, and its state is disabled unknown(1), -- The object's state is unknown -- Only one of the following settings may be enabled in one set request: numericPagerTest(2), -- Perform a numeric pager test alphaPagerTest(4), -- Perform an alphanumeric pager test emailTest(8) -- Send a test email } DellRemoteUserAdminAlphaProtocolType ::= INTEGER { other(1), -- the alphanumeric protocol is not one of the following: unknown(2), -- alphanumeric protocol is unknown alpha7E0(3), -- alphanumeric protocol is 7E0 alpha8N1(4) -- alphanumeric protocol is 8N1 } DellRemoteUserAdminAlphaBaudType ::= INTEGER { other(1), -- the alphanumeric baud rate is not one of the following: unknown(2), -- alphanumeric baud rate is unknown alphaBaud300(3), -- alphanumeric baud rate is 300 alphaBaud1200(4) -- alphanumeric baud rate is 1200 } RemoteUserAdminTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { remoteUserAdminChassisIndex DellObjectRange, remoteUserAdminAdapterIndex DellObjectRange, remoteUserAdminUserIndex DellObjectRange, remoteUserAdminStateCapabilities DellRemoteUserAdminStateCapabilities, remoteUserAdminStateSettings DellRemoteUserAdminStateSettings, remoteUserAdminStatus DellStatus, remoteUserAdminUserName DisplayString (SIZE (0..19)), remoteUserAdminUserPasswordName DisplayString (SIZE (0..255)), remoteUserAdminUserPrivilege DisplayString (SIZE (0..31)), remoteUserAdminUserPrivilegeCapabilities DisplayString (SIZE (0..31)), remoteUserAdminAlertFilterDrsEventsMask DellUnsigned32BitRange, remoteUserAdminAlertFilterSysEventsMask DellUnsigned32BitRange, remoteUserAdminAlertFilterDrsCapabilities DellUnsigned32BitRange, remoteUserAdminAlertFilterSysCapabilities DellUnsigned32BitRange, remoteUserAdminPagerNumericNumberName DisplayString (SIZE (0..95)), remoteUserAdminPagerNumericMessageName DisplayString (SIZE (0..31)), remoteUserAdminPagerNumericHangupDelay DellUnsigned32BitRange, remoteUserAdminPagerAlphaPhoneNumberName DisplayString (SIZE (0..95)), remoteUserAdminPagerAlphaProtocol DellRemoteUserAdminAlphaProtocolType, remoteUserAdminPagerAlphaBaudRate DellRemoteUserAdminAlphaBaudType, remoteUserAdminPagerAlphaCustomMessageName DisplayString (SIZE (0..31)), remoteUserAdminPagerAlphaModemConnectTimeout DellUnsigned32BitRange, remoteUserAdminPagerAlphaPagerIdName DisplayString (SIZE (0..31)), remoteUserAdminPagerAlphaPasswordName DisplayString (SIZE (0..31)), remoteUserAdminPagerModemInitStringName DisplayString (SIZE (0..31)), remoteUserAdminPagerModemPort DellUnsigned32BitRange, remoteUserAdminEmailAddressName DisplayString (SIZE (0..63)), remoteUserAdminEmailCustomMessageName DisplayString (SIZE (0..31)), remoteUserAdminControlCapabilities DellRemoteUserAdminControlCapabilities, remoteUserAdminControlSettings DellRemoteUserAdminControlSettings, remoteUserAdminUserType DellUnsigned8BitRange } remoteUserAdminTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RemoteUserAdminTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0020 This object defines the Remote Access User Administration table." ::= { remoteAccessGroup 20 } remoteUserAdminTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RemoteUserAdminTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0020.0001 This object defines the Remote Access User Administration table entry." INDEX { remoteUserAdminChassisIndex, remoteUserAdminAdapterIndex, remoteUserAdminUserIndex } ::= { remoteUserAdminTable 1 } remoteUserAdminChassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0020.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of the chassis containing the Remote Access hardware." ::= { remoteUserAdminTableEntry 1 } remoteUserAdminAdapterIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0020.0001.0002 This attribute defines the index (one based) of the Remote Access hardware used by this Remote Access user." ::= { remoteUserAdminTableEntry 2 } remoteUserAdminUserIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0020.0001.0003 This attribute defines the index (one based) of this Remote Access user." ::= { remoteUserAdminTableEntry 3 } remoteUserAdminStateCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellRemoteUserAdminStateCapabilities ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0020.0001.0004 This attribute defines the state capabilities for this Remote Access user." ::= { remoteUserAdminTableEntry 4 } remoteUserAdminStateSettings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellRemoteUserAdminStateSettings ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0020.0001.0005 This attribute defines the state settings for this Remote Access user." ::= { remoteUserAdminTableEntry 5 } remoteUserAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0020.0001.0006 This attribute defines the status for this Remote Access user." ::= { remoteUserAdminTableEntry 6 } remoteUserAdminUserName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..19)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0020.0001.0007 This attribute defines the name for this Remote Access user." ::= { remoteUserAdminTableEntry 7 } remoteUserAdminUserPasswordName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0020.0001.0008 This attribute defines the password for this Remote Access user." ::= { remoteUserAdminTableEntry 8 } remoteUserAdminUserPrivilege OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..31)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0020.0001.0009 This attribute defines the privileges for this Remote Access user." ::= { remoteUserAdminTableEntry 9 } remoteUserAdminUserPrivilegeCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..31)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0020.0001.0010 This attribute defines the privilege capabilities for this Remote Access user." ::= { remoteUserAdminTableEntry 10 } remoteUserAdminAlertFilterDrsEventsMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0020.0001.0011 This attribute defines the DRS events filter mask for this Remote Access user." ::= { remoteUserAdminTableEntry 11 } remoteUserAdminAlertFilterSysEventsMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0020.0001.0012 This attribute defines the system events filter mask for this Remote Access user." ::= { remoteUserAdminTableEntry 12 } remoteUserAdminAlertFilterDrsCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0020.0001.0013 This attribute defines the DRS events filter capabilities for this Remote Access user." ::= { remoteUserAdminTableEntry 13 } remoteUserAdminAlertFilterSysCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0020.0001.0014 This attribute defines the system events filter capabilities for this Remote Access user." ::= { remoteUserAdminTableEntry 14 } remoteUserAdminPagerNumericNumberName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..95)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0020.0001.0015 This attribute defines the numeric pager number for this for this Remote Access user." ::= { remoteUserAdminTableEntry 15 } remoteUserAdminPagerNumericMessageName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..31)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0020.0001.0016 This attribute defines the message to send to the numeric pager for this Remote Access user." ::= { remoteUserAdminTableEntry 16 } remoteUserAdminPagerNumericHangupDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0020.0001.0017 This attribute defines the numeric pager hangup delay for this Remote Access user." ::= { remoteUserAdminTableEntry 17 } remoteUserAdminPagerAlphaPhoneNumberName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..95)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0020.0001.0018 This attribute defines the alphanumeric pager phone number for this Remote Access user." ::= { remoteUserAdminTableEntry 18 } remoteUserAdminPagerAlphaProtocol OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellRemoteUserAdminAlphaProtocolType ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0020.0001.0019 This attribute defines the protocol used by the alphanumeric pager provider for this Remote Access user." ::= { remoteUserAdminTableEntry 19 } remoteUserAdminPagerAlphaBaudRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellRemoteUserAdminAlphaBaudType ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0020.0001.0020 This attribute defines the baud rate used by the alphanumeric pager provider for this Remote Access user." ::= { remoteUserAdminTableEntry 20 } remoteUserAdminPagerAlphaCustomMessageName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..31)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0020.0001.0021 This attribute defines the message to be sent to the alphanumeric pager to inform the user of a call by this Remote Access user." ::= { remoteUserAdminTableEntry 21 } remoteUserAdminPagerAlphaModemConnectTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0020.0001.0022 This attribute defines the modem connection timeout for the alhpanumeric pager for this Remote Access user." ::= { remoteUserAdminTableEntry 22 } remoteUserAdminPagerAlphaPagerIdName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..31)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0020.0001.0023 This attribute defines the ID to be sent to the alphanumeric pager to inform the user of a call by this Remote Access user." ::= { remoteUserAdminTableEntry 23 } remoteUserAdminPagerAlphaPasswordName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..31)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0020.0001.0024 This attribute defines the password for the alphanumeric pager for this Remote Access user." ::= { remoteUserAdminTableEntry 24 } remoteUserAdminPagerModemInitStringName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..31)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0020.0001.0025 This attribute defines the initialization string to be sent to the pager modem for this Remote Access user." ::= { remoteUserAdminTableEntry 25 } remoteUserAdminPagerModemPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0020.0001.0026 This attribute defines the port for the pager modem for this Remote Access user." ::= { remoteUserAdminTableEntry 26 } remoteUserAdminEmailAddressName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..63)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0020.0001.0027 This attribute defines the email address for this Remote Access user." ::= { remoteUserAdminTableEntry 27 } remoteUserAdminEmailCustomMessageName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..31)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0020.0001.0028 This attribute defines the email message to send to this Remote Access user." ::= { remoteUserAdminTableEntry 28 } remoteUserAdminControlCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellRemoteUserAdminControlCapabilities ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0020.0001.0029 This attribute defines the control capabilities for this Remote Access user." ::= { remoteUserAdminTableEntry 29 } remoteUserAdminControlSettings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellRemoteUserAdminControlSettings ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0020.0001.0030 This attribute defines the control settings for this Remote Access user." ::= { remoteUserAdminTableEntry 30 } remoteUserAdminUserType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned8BitRange ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0020.0001.0031 This attribute defines the type of this Remote Access user." ::= { remoteUserAdminTableEntry 31 } -- -- Remote SNMP Trap Table -- DellRemoteSNMPTrapStateCapabilities ::= INTEGER { -- If set to 0 (zero) the object has no capabilities unknownCapabilities(1), -- The object's capabilities are unknown -- The object's capabilities allow it to be set to: enableCapable(2), -- be disabled (offline) or be enabled (online) notReadyCapable(4), -- not ready enableAndNotReadyCapable(6) } DellRemoteSNMPTrapStateSettings ::= INTEGER { -- If set to 0 (zero) the object has no settings capabilities, and its state is disabled unknown(1), -- The object's state is unknown enabled(2), -- The object's state is disabled (offline) 0, or enabled (online) 1 notReady(4), -- The object's state is not ready enabledAndNotReady(6) } DellRemoteSNMPTrapControlCapabilities ::= INTEGER { -- If set to 0 (zero) the object has no capabilities unknownCapabilities(1), -- The object's capabilities are unknown -- The object's capabilities allow it to be set to: trapTestCapable(2) -- support generating a test SNMP trap } DellRemoteSNMPTrapControlSettings ::= INTEGER { -- If set to 0 (zero) the object has no settings capabilities, and its state is disabled unknown(1), -- The object's state is unknown -- Only one of the following settings may be enabled in one set request: trapTest(2) -- Generate a test SNMP trap } RemoteSNMPTrapTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { remoteSNMPTrapChassisIndex DellObjectRange, remoteSNMPTrapAdapterIndex DellObjectRange, remoteSNMPTrapIndex DellObjectRange, remoteSNMPTrapStateCapabilities DellRemoteSNMPTrapStateCapabilities, remoteSNMPTrapStateSettings DellRemoteSNMPTrapStateSettings, remoteSNMPTrapStatus DellStatus, remoteSNMPTrapDestinationIPAddress IpAddress, remoteSNMPTrapSNMPCommunityName DisplayString (SIZE (0..31)), remoteSNMPTrapFilterDrsEventsMask DellUnsigned32BitRange, remoteSNMPTrapFilterSysEventsMask DellUnsigned32BitRange, remoteSNMPTrapFilterDrsCapabilities DellUnsigned32BitRange, remoteSNMPTrapFilterSysCapabilities DellUnsigned32BitRange, remoteSNMPTrapControlCapabilities DellRemoteSNMPTrapControlCapabilities, remoteSNMPTrapControlSettings DellRemoteSNMPTrapControlSettings } remoteSNMPTrapTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RemoteSNMPTrapTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0030 This object defines the Remote Access SNMP Trap Destination table." ::= { remoteAccessGroup 30 } remoteSNMPTrapTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RemoteSNMPTrapTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0030.0001 This object defines the Remote Access SNMP Trap Destination table entry." INDEX { remoteSNMPTrapChassisIndex, remoteSNMPTrapAdapterIndex, remoteSNMPTrapIndex } ::= { remoteSNMPTrapTable 1 } remoteSNMPTrapChassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0030.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of the chassis containing the Remote Access hardware." ::= { remoteSNMPTrapTableEntry 1 } remoteSNMPTrapAdapterIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0030.0001.0002 This attribute defines the index (one based) of the Remote Access hardware that uses this SNMP trap destination." ::= { remoteSNMPTrapTableEntry 2 } remoteSNMPTrapIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0030.0001.0003 This attribute defines the index (one based) of this Remote Access SNMP trap destination." ::= { remoteSNMPTrapTableEntry 3 } remoteSNMPTrapStateCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellRemoteSNMPTrapStateCapabilities ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0030.0001.0004 This attribute defines the state capabilities of this Remote Access SNMP trap destination." ::= { remoteSNMPTrapTableEntry 4 } remoteSNMPTrapStateSettings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellRemoteSNMPTrapStateSettings ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0030.0001.0005 This attribute defines the state settings of this Remote Access SNMP trap destination." ::= { remoteSNMPTrapTableEntry 5 } remoteSNMPTrapStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0030.0001.0006 This attribute defines the status of this Remote Access SNMP trap destination." ::= { remoteSNMPTrapTableEntry 6 } remoteSNMPTrapDestinationIPAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0030.0001.0007 This attribute defines the IP address of this Remote Access SNMP trap destination." ::= { remoteSNMPTrapTableEntry 7 } remoteSNMPTrapSNMPCommunityName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..31)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0030.0001.0008 This attribute defines the community for traps sent to this Remote Access SNMP trap destination." ::= { remoteSNMPTrapTableEntry 8 } remoteSNMPTrapFilterDrsEventsMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0030.0001.0009 This attribute defines the DRS events filter mask for this Remote Access SNMP trap destination." ::= { remoteSNMPTrapTableEntry 9 } remoteSNMPTrapFilterSysEventsMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0030.0001.0010 This attribute defines the system events filter mask for this Remote Access SNMP trap destination." ::= { remoteSNMPTrapTableEntry 10 } remoteSNMPTrapFilterDrsCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0030.0001.0011 This attribute defines the DRS events filter capabilities for this Remote Access SNMP trap destination." ::= { remoteSNMPTrapTableEntry 11 } remoteSNMPTrapFilterSysCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0030.0001.0012 This attribute defines the system events filter capabilities for this Remote Access SNMP trap destination." ::= { remoteSNMPTrapTableEntry 12 } remoteSNMPTrapControlCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellRemoteSNMPTrapControlCapabilities ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0030.0001.0013 This attribute defines the control capabilities of this Remote Access SNMP trap destination." ::= { remoteSNMPTrapTableEntry 13 } remoteSNMPTrapControlSettings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellRemoteSNMPTrapControlSettings ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0030.0001.0014 This attribute defines the control settings of this Remote Access SNMP trap destination." ::= { remoteSNMPTrapTableEntry 14 } -- -- Remote Dial Up Table -- DellRemoteDialUpStateCapabilities ::= INTEGER { -- If set to 0 (zero) the object has no capabilities unknownCapabilities(1), -- The object's capabilities are unknown -- The object's capabilities allow it to be set to: enableCapable(2), -- be disabled (offline) or be enabled (online) notReadyCapable(4), -- not ready dialInCapable(8), -- support dial-in dialOutCapable(16), -- support dial-out dialInDHCPCapable(32), -- support use of DHCP to obtain IP addresses dialInAuthAnyCapable(64), -- support any auth type including clear text dialInAndOutAndDialInDHCPAndAuthAnyCapable(120), dialInAuthEncryptedCapable(128), -- support only encrypted passwords (CHAP) dialInAndOutAndDialInDHCPAndAuthAnyAndEncryptedCapable(248), dialInAuthMschapCapable(256), -- support only MSCHAP dialInAndOutAndDialInDHCPAndAllAuthCapable(504) } DellRemoteDialUpStateSettings ::= INTEGER { -- If set to 0 (zero) the object has no settings capabilities, and its state is disabled -- One and only one dialInAuth setting must be enabled: unknown(1), -- The object's state is unknown enabled(2), -- The object's state is disabled (offline) 0, or enabled (online) 1 notReady(4), -- The object's state is not ready dialInEnabled(8), -- Dial-in is enabled dialOutEnabled(16), -- Dial-out is enabled dialInDHCPEnabled(32), -- Object uses DHCP to obtain IP addresses dialInAuthAnyEnabled(64), -- Object accepts any auth type including clear text enabledDialInAndOutAndDialInAuthAnyEnabled(90), enabledDialInAndOutAndDialInDHCPAndAuthAnyEnabled(122), dialInAuthEncryptedEnabled(128), -- Object accepts only encrypted passwords (CHAP) enabledDialInAndOutAndDialInAuthEncryptedEnabled(154), enabledDialInAndOutAndDialInDHCPAndAuthEncryptedEnabled(186), dialInAuthMschapEnabled(256), -- Object accepts only MSCHAP enabledDialInAndOutAndDialInAuthMschapEnabled(282), enabledDialInAndOutAndDialInDHCPAndAuthMschapEnabled(314) } DellRemoteDialUpModemDialType ::= INTEGER { remoteDialUpIsOther(1), -- the type is not one of the following: remoteDialUpIsUnknown(2), -- dial type is unknown remoteDialUpIsTone(3), -- dial type is tone remoteDialUpIsPulse(4) -- dial type is pulse } RemoteDialUpTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { remoteDialUpChassisIndex DellObjectRange, remoteDialUpAdapterIndex DellObjectRange, remoteDialUpIndex DellObjectRange, remoteDialUpStateCapabilities DellRemoteDialUpStateCapabilities, remoteDialUpStateSettings DellRemoteDialUpStateSettings, remoteDialUpStatus DellStatus, remoteDialUpPPPDialInBaseIPAddress IpAddress, remoteDialUpPPPDialInIdleTimeout DellUnsigned32BitRange, remoteDialUpPPPDialInMaxConnectTimeout DellUnsigned32BitRange, remoteDialUpDialOutModemConnectTimeout DellUnsigned32BitRange, remoteDialUpModemDialType DellRemoteDialUpModemDialType, remoteDialUpModemInitStringName DisplayString (SIZE (0..63)), remoteDialUpModemBaudRate DellUnsigned32BitRange, remoteDialUpModemPort DellUnsigned32BitRange } remoteDialUpTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RemoteDialUpTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0040 This object defines the Remote Access Dial Up table." ::= { remoteAccessGroup 40 } remoteDialUpTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RemoteDialUpTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0040.0001 This object defines the Remote Access Dial Up table entry." INDEX { remoteDialUpChassisIndex, remoteDialUpAdapterIndex, remoteDialUpIndex } ::= { remoteDialUpTable 1 } remoteDialUpChassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0040.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of the chassis containing the Remote Access hardware." ::= { remoteDialUpTableEntry 1 } remoteDialUpAdapterIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0040.0001.0002 This attribute defines the index (one based) of the Remote Access hardware that supports this Remote Access Dial Up functionality." ::= { remoteDialUpTableEntry 2 } remoteDialUpIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0040.0001.0003 This attribute defines the index (one based) of this Remote Access Dial Up functionality." ::= { remoteDialUpTableEntry 3 } remoteDialUpStateCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellRemoteDialUpStateCapabilities ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0040.0001.0004 This attribute defines the state capabilities of this Remote Access Dial Up functionality." ::= { remoteDialUpTableEntry 4 } remoteDialUpStateSettings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellRemoteDialUpStateSettings ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0040.0001.0005 This attribute defines the state settings of this Remote Access Dial Up functionality." ::= { remoteDialUpTableEntry 5 } remoteDialUpStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0040.0001.0006 This attribute defines the status of this Remote Access Dial Up functionality." ::= { remoteDialUpTableEntry 6 } remoteDialUpPPPDialInBaseIPAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0040.0001.0007 This attribute defines the base IP address of the PPP server for this Remote Access Dial Up functionality." ::= { remoteDialUpTableEntry 7 } remoteDialUpPPPDialInIdleTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0040.0001.0008 This attribute defines the PPP idle timeout value in seconds for this Remote Access Dial Up functionality." ::= { remoteDialUpTableEntry 8 } remoteDialUpPPPDialInMaxConnectTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0040.0001.0009 This attribute defines the PPP connect timeout value in seconds for this Remote Access Dial Up functionality." ::= { remoteDialUpTableEntry 9 } remoteDialUpDialOutModemConnectTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0040.0001.0010 This attribute defines the modem dial out connect timeout value in seconds for this Remote Access Dial Up functionality." ::= { remoteDialUpTableEntry 10 } remoteDialUpModemDialType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellRemoteDialUpModemDialType ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0040.0001.0011 This attribute defines the dial type for the modem used by this Remote Access Dial Up functionality." ::= { remoteDialUpTableEntry 11 } remoteDialUpModemInitStringName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..63)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0040.0001.0012 This attribute defines the initialization string to be sent to the modem for this Remote Access Dial Up functionality." ::= { remoteDialUpTableEntry 12 } remoteDialUpModemBaudRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0040.0001.0013 This attribute defines the baud rate for the modem used by this Remote Access Dial Up functionality." ::= { remoteDialUpTableEntry 13 } remoteDialUpModemPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellUnsigned32BitRange ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0040.0001.0014 This attribute defines the port for the modem used by this Remote Access Dial Up functionality." ::= { remoteDialUpTableEntry 14 } -- -- Remote User Dial In Configuration Table -- DellRemoteUserDialInStateCapabilities ::= INTEGER { -- If set to 0 (zero) the object has no capabilities unknownCapabilities(1), -- The object's capabilities are unknown -- The object's capabilities allow it to be set to: enableCapable(2), -- be disabled (offline) or be enabled (online) notReadyCapable(4), -- not ready dialInCallbackPresetNumberCapable(8), -- support callback with preset number enableAndDialInCallbackPresetNumberCapable(10), dialInCallbackUserSpecifiedCapable(16),-- support callback with user-specified number enableAndDialInCallbackUserSpecifiedCapable(18), dialInCallbackPresetNumberAndUserSpecifiedCapable(24), enableAndDialInCallbackPresetNumberAndUserSpecifiedCapable(26) } DellRemoteUserDialInStateSettings ::= INTEGER { -- If set to 0 (zero) the object has no settings capabilities, and its state is disabled -- Only one dialInCallback setting may be enabled: unknown(1), -- The object's state is unknown enabled(2), -- The object's state is disabled (offline) 0, or enabled (online) 1 notReady(4), -- The object's state is not ready dialInCallbackPresetNumberEnabled(8), -- Callback with preset number enabled enabledAndDialInCallbackPresetNumberEnabled(10), dialInCallbackUserSpecifiedEnabled(16),-- Callback with user-specified number enabled enabledAndDialInCallbackUserSpecifiedEnabled(18) } RemoteUserDialInCfgTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { remoteUserDialInCfgChassisIndex DellObjectRange, remoteUserDialInCfgAdapterIndex DellObjectRange, remoteUserDialInCfgUserIndex DellObjectRange, remoteUserDialInCfgStateCapabilities DellRemoteUserDialInStateCapabilities, remoteUserDialInCfgStateSettings DellRemoteUserDialInStateSettings, remoteUserDialInCfgStatus DellStatus, remoteUserDialInCfgPPPUserName DisplayString (SIZE (0..95)), remoteUserDialInCfgPPPUserPasswordName DisplayString (SIZE (0..15)), remoteUserDialInCfgCallbackPhoneNumberName DisplayString (SIZE (0..15)) } remoteUserDialInCfgTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RemoteUserDialInCfgTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0050 This object defines the Remote Access User Dial In Configuration table." ::= { remoteAccessGroup 50 } remoteUserDialInCfgTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RemoteUserDialInCfgTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0050.0001 This object defines the Remote Access User Dial In Configuration table entry." INDEX { remoteUserDialInCfgChassisIndex, remoteUserDialInCfgAdapterIndex, remoteUserDialInCfgUserIndex } ::= { remoteUserDialInCfgTable 1 } remoteUserDialInCfgChassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0050.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of the chassis containing the Remote Access hardware." ::= { remoteUserDialInCfgTableEntry 1 } remoteUserDialInCfgAdapterIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0050.0001.0002 This attribute defines the index (one based) of Remote Access hardware that supports this Remote Access Dial In user." ::= { remoteUserDialInCfgTableEntry 2 } remoteUserDialInCfgUserIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0050.0001.0003 This attribute defines the index (one based) of this Remote Access Dial In user." ::= { remoteUserDialInCfgTableEntry 3 } remoteUserDialInCfgStateCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellRemoteUserDialInStateCapabilities ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0050.0001.0004 This attribute defines the state capabilities of this Remote Access Dial In user." ::= { remoteUserDialInCfgTableEntry 4 } remoteUserDialInCfgStateSettings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellRemoteUserDialInStateSettings ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0050.0001.0005 This attribute defines the state settings of this Remote Access Dial In user." ::= { remoteUserDialInCfgTableEntry 5 } remoteUserDialInCfgStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0050.0001.0006 This attribute defines the status of this Remote Access Dial In user." ::= { remoteUserDialInCfgTableEntry 6 } remoteUserDialInCfgPPPUserName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..95)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0050.0001.0007 This attribute defines the PPP user name of this Remote Access Dial In user." ::= { remoteUserDialInCfgTableEntry 7 } remoteUserDialInCfgPPPUserPasswordName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..15)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0050.0001.0008 This attribute defines the PPP password for this Remote Access Dial In user." ::= { remoteUserDialInCfgTableEntry 8 } remoteUserDialInCfgCallbackPhoneNumberName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..15)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0050.0001.0009 This attribute defines the callback phone number for this Remote Access Dial In user." ::= { remoteUserDialInCfgTableEntry 9 } -- -- Remote Dial Out Table -- DellRemoteDialOutStateCapabilities ::= INTEGER { -- If set to 0 (zero) the object has no capabilities unknownCapabilities(1), -- The object's capabilities are unknown -- The object's capabilities allow it to be set to: enableCapable(2), -- be disabled (offline) or be enabled (online) notReadyCapable(4), -- not ready dialOutPPPAuthAnyCapable(8), -- support "any PPP auth including clear text" dialOutPPPAuthEncryptedCapable(16), -- support "require encrypted PPP Password" dialOutPPPAuthAnyAndEncryptedCapable(24), dialOutPPPAuthMschapCapable(32), -- support "require MSCHAP" dialOutPPPAuthAnyAndMschapCapable(40), dialOutPPPAuthEncryptedAndMschapCapable(48), dialOutPPPAuthAnyEncryptedAndMschapCapable(56) } DellRemoteDialOutStateSettings ::= INTEGER { -- If set to 0 (zero) the object has no settings capabilities, and its state is disabled -- One and only one dialOutPPPAuth setting must be enabled: unknown(1), -- The object's state is unknown enabled(2), -- The object's state is disabled (offline) 0, or enabled (online) 1 notReady(4), -- The object's state is not ready dialOutPPPAuthAnyEnabled(8), -- Ojbect supports "use any PPP authentication including clear text" enabledAnddialOutPPPAuthAnyEnabled(10), dialOutPPPAuthEncryptedEnabled(16), -- Object supports "require encrypted PPP Authentication" enabledAnddialOutPPPAuthEncryptedEnabled(18), dialOutPPPAuthMschapEnabled(32), -- Object supports "require MSCHAP PPP Authentication" enabledAnddialOutPPPAuthMschapEnabled(34) } RemoteDialOutTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { remoteDialOutChassisIndex DellObjectRange, remoteDialOutAdapterIndex DellObjectRange, remoteDialOutDialOutIndex DellObjectRange, remoteDialOutStateCapabilities DellRemoteDialOutStateCapabilities, remoteDialOutStateSettings DellRemoteDialOutStateSettings, remoteDialOutStatus DellStatus, remoteDialOutIPAddress IpAddress, remoteDialOutPhoneNumberName DisplayString (SIZE (0..95)), remoteDialOutPPPUserName DisplayString (SIZE (0..31)), remoteDialOutPPPPasswordName DisplayString (SIZE (0..31)) } remoteDialOutTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RemoteDialOutTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0060 This object defines the Remote Access Dial Out table." ::= { remoteAccessGroup 60 } remoteDialOutTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RemoteDialOutTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0060.0001 This object defines the Remote Access Dial Out table entry." INDEX { remoteDialOutChassisIndex, remoteDialOutAdapterIndex, remoteDialOutDialOutIndex } ::= { remoteDialOutTable 1 } remoteDialOutChassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0060.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one based) of the chassis containing the Remote Access hardware." ::= { remoteDialOutTableEntry 1 } remoteDialOutAdapterIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0060.0001.0002 This attribute defines the index (one based) of the Remote Access hardware that supports this Remote Access Dial Out functionality." ::= { remoteDialOutTableEntry 2 } remoteDialOutDialOutIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellObjectRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0060.0001.0003 This attribute defines the index (one based) of this Remote Access Dial Out functionality." ::= { remoteDialOutTableEntry 3 } remoteDialOutStateCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellRemoteDialOutStateCapabilities ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0060.0001.0004 This attribute defines the state capabilities of this Remote Access Dial Out functionality." ::= { remoteDialOutTableEntry 4 } remoteDialOutStateSettings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellRemoteDialOutStateSettings ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0060.0001.0005 This attribute defines the state settings of this Remote Access Dial Out functionality." ::= { remoteDialOutTableEntry 5 } remoteDialOutStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0060.0001.0006 This attribute defines the status of this Remote Dial Out functionality." ::= { remoteDialOutTableEntry 6 } remoteDialOutIPAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0060.0001.0007 This attribute defines the IP address for this Remote Access Dial Out destination." ::= { remoteDialOutTableEntry 7 } remoteDialOutPhoneNumberName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..95)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0060.0001.0008 This attribute defines the phone number for this Remote Access Dial Out destination." ::= { remoteDialOutTableEntry 8 } remoteDialOutPPPUserName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..31)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0060.0001.0009 This attribute defines the PPP user name for this Remote Access Dial Out destination." ::= { remoteDialOutTableEntry 9 } remoteDialOutPPPPasswordName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..31)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "1700.0060.0001.0010 This attribute defines the PPP password for this Remote Access Dial Out destination." ::= { remoteDialOutTableEntry 10 } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Alert Group -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Alert Variables -- alertVariables OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { alertGroup 10 } -- alertSystem OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "5000.0010.0001 Name of the system generating the alert." ::= { alertVariables 1 } alertTableIndexOID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OBJECT IDENTIFIER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "5000.0010.0002 OID for the index attribute in the table that contains the object causing the alert. This value can be used to uniquely identify the object causing the alert and to correlate different alerts caused by an object. If not applicable, the value will be 0.0." ::= { alertVariables 2 } alertMessage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..1024)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "5000.0010.0003 Message describing the alert." ::= { alertVariables 3 } alertCurrentStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "5000.0010.0004 Current status of object causing the alert." ::= { alertVariables 4 } alertPreviousStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "5000.0010.0005 Previous status of object causing the alert." ::= { alertVariables 5 } alertData OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..1024)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "5000.0010.0006 Alert data." ::= { alertVariables 6 } -- -- Alerts -- alertSystemUp TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE baseboardGroup VARIABLES { alertSystem, alertTableIndexOID, alertMessage, alertCurrentStatus, alertPreviousStatus, alertData } DESCRIPTION "Dell system has started." --Novell NMS trap annotation --#TYPE "Dell System Up" --#SUMMARY "%s" --#ARGUMENTS {2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 1001 alertThermalShutdown TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE baseboardGroup VARIABLES { alertSystem, alertTableIndexOID, alertMessage, alertCurrentStatus, alertPreviousStatus, alertData } DESCRIPTION "Thermal shutdown protection has been initiated." --Novell NMS trap annotation --#TYPE "Dell Thermal Shutdown" --#SUMMARY "%s" --#ARGUMENTS {2} --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE NONOPERATIONAL ::= 1004 alertTemperatureProbeNormal TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE baseboardGroup VARIABLES { alertSystem, alertTableIndexOID, alertMessage, alertCurrentStatus, alertPreviousStatus, alertData } DESCRIPTION "Temperature probe has returned to a normal value." --Novell NMS trap annotation --#TYPE "Dell Temperature Normal" --#SUMMARY "%s" --#ARGUMENTS {2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 1052 alertTemperatureProbeWarning TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE baseboardGroup VARIABLES { alertSystem, alertTableIndexOID, alertMessage, alertCurrentStatus, alertPreviousStatus, alertData } DESCRIPTION "Temperature probe has detected a warning value." --Novell NMS trap annotation --#TYPE "Dell Temperature Warning" --#SUMMARY "%s" --#ARGUMENTS {2} --#SEVERITY MINOR --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE DEGRADED ::= 1053 alertTemperatureProbeFailure TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE baseboardGroup VARIABLES { alertSystem, alertTableIndexOID, alertMessage, alertCurrentStatus, alertPreviousStatus, alertData } DESCRIPTION "Temperature probe has detected a failure value." --Novell NMS trap annotation --#TYPE "Dell Temperature Failure" --#SUMMARY "%s" --#ARGUMENTS {2} --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE DEGRADED ::= 1054 alertTemperatureProbeNonRecoverable TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE baseboardGroup VARIABLES { alertSystem, alertTableIndexOID, alertMessage, alertCurrentStatus, alertPreviousStatus, alertData } DESCRIPTION "Temperature probe has detected a non-recoverable value." --Novell NMS trap annotation --#TYPE "Dell Temperature Non-recoverable" --#SUMMARY "%s" --#ARGUMENTS {2} --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE DEGRADED ::= 1055 alertCoolingDeviceNormal TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE baseboardGroup VARIABLES { alertSystem, alertTableIndexOID, alertMessage, alertCurrentStatus, alertPreviousStatus, alertData } DESCRIPTION "Cooling device sensor has returned to a normal value." --Novell NMS trap annotation --#TYPE "Dell Cooling Device Normal" --#SUMMARY "%s" --#ARGUMENTS {2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 1102 alertCoolingDeviceWarning TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE baseboardGroup VARIABLES { alertSystem, alertTableIndexOID, alertMessage, alertCurrentStatus, alertPreviousStatus, alertData } DESCRIPTION "Cooling device sensor has detected a warning value." --Novell NMS trap annotation --#TYPE "Dell Cooling Device Warning" --#SUMMARY "%s" --#ARGUMENTS {2} --#SEVERITY MINOR --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE DEGRADED ::= 1103 alertCoolingDeviceFailure TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE baseboardGroup VARIABLES { alertSystem, alertTableIndexOID, alertMessage, alertCurrentStatus, alertPreviousStatus, alertData } DESCRIPTION "Cooling device sensor has detected a failure value." --Novell NMS trap annotation --#TYPE "Dell Cooling Device Failure" --#SUMMARY "%s" --#ARGUMENTS {2} --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE DEGRADED ::= 1104 alertCoolingDeviceNonRecoverable TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE baseboardGroup VARIABLES { alertSystem, alertTableIndexOID, alertMessage, alertCurrentStatus, alertPreviousStatus, alertData } DESCRIPTION "Cooling device sensor has detected a non-recoverable value." --Novell NMS trap annotation --#TYPE "Dell Cooling Device Non-recoverable" --#SUMMARY "%s" --#ARGUMENTS {2} --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE DEGRADED ::= 1105 alertVoltageProbeNormal TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE baseboardGroup VARIABLES { alertSystem, alertTableIndexOID, alertMessage, alertCurrentStatus, alertPreviousStatus, alertData } DESCRIPTION "Voltage probe has returned to a normal value." --Novell NMS trap annotation --#TYPE "Dell Voltage Normal" --#SUMMARY "%s" --#ARGUMENTS {2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 1152 alertVoltageProbeWarning TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE baseboardGroup VARIABLES { alertSystem, alertTableIndexOID, alertMessage, alertCurrentStatus, alertPreviousStatus, alertData } DESCRIPTION "Voltage probe has detected a warning value." --Novell NMS trap annotation --#TYPE "Dell Voltage Warning" --#SUMMARY "%s" --#ARGUMENTS {2} --#SEVERITY MINOR --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE DEGRADED ::= 1153 alertVoltageProbeFailure TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE baseboardGroup VARIABLES { alertSystem, alertTableIndexOID, alertMessage, alertCurrentStatus, alertPreviousStatus, alertData } DESCRIPTION "Voltage probe has detected a failure value." --Novell NMS trap annotation --#TYPE "Dell Voltage Failure" --#SUMMARY "%s" --#ARGUMENTS {2} --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE DEGRADED ::= 1154 alertVoltageProbeNonRecoverable TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE baseboardGroup VARIABLES { alertSystem, alertTableIndexOID, alertMessage, alertCurrentStatus, alertPreviousStatus, alertData } DESCRIPTION "Voltage probe has detected a non-recoverable value." --Novell NMS trap annotation --#TYPE "Dell Voltage Non-recoverable" --#SUMMARY "%s" --#ARGUMENTS {2} --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE DEGRADED ::= 1155 alertAmperageProbeNormal TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE baseboardGroup VARIABLES { alertSystem, alertTableIndexOID, alertMessage, alertCurrentStatus, alertPreviousStatus, alertData } DESCRIPTION "Amperage probe has returned to a normal value." --Novell NMS trap annotation --#TYPE "Dell Amperage Normal" --#SUMMARY "%s" --#ARGUMENTS {2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 1202 alertAmperageProbeWarning TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE baseboardGroup VARIABLES { alertSystem, alertTableIndexOID, alertMessage, alertCurrentStatus, alertPreviousStatus, alertData } DESCRIPTION "Amperage probe has detected a warning value." --Novell NMS trap annotation --#TYPE "Dell Amperage Warning" --#SUMMARY "%s" --#ARGUMENTS {2} --#SEVERITY MINOR --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE DEGRADED ::= 1203 alertAmperageProbeFailure TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE baseboardGroup VARIABLES { alertSystem, alertTableIndexOID, alertMessage, alertCurrentStatus, alertPreviousStatus, alertData } DESCRIPTION "Amperage probe has detected a failure value." --Novell NMS trap annotation --#TYPE "Dell Amperage Failure" --#SUMMARY "%s" --#ARGUMENTS {2} --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE DEGRADED ::= 1204 alertAmperageProbeNonRecoverable TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE baseboardGroup VARIABLES { alertSystem, alertTableIndexOID, alertMessage, alertCurrentStatus, alertPreviousStatus, alertData } DESCRIPTION "Amperage probe has detected a non-recoverable value." --Novell NMS trap annotation --#TYPE "Dell Amperage Non-recoverable" --#SUMMARY "%s" --#ARGUMENTS {2} --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE DEGRADED ::= 1205 alertChassisIntrusionNormal TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE baseboardGroup VARIABLES { alertSystem, alertTableIndexOID, alertMessage, alertCurrentStatus, alertPreviousStatus, alertData } DESCRIPTION "Chassis intrusion has returned to normal." --Novell NMS trap annotation --#TYPE "Dell Chassis Intrusion Normal" --#SUMMARY "%s" --#ARGUMENTS {2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 1252 alertChassisIntrusionDetected TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE baseboardGroup VARIABLES { alertSystem, alertTableIndexOID, alertMessage, alertCurrentStatus, alertPreviousStatus, alertData } DESCRIPTION "Chassis intrusion has been detected." --Novell NMS trap annotation --#TYPE "Dell Chassis Intrusion Detected" --#SUMMARY "%s" --#ARGUMENTS {2} --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 1254 alertRedundancyNormal TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE baseboardGroup VARIABLES { alertSystem, alertTableIndexOID, alertMessage, alertCurrentStatus, alertPreviousStatus, alertData } DESCRIPTION "Redundancy has returned to normal." --Novell NMS trap annotation --#TYPE "Dell Redundancy Normal" --#SUMMARY "%s" --#ARGUMENTS {2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 1304 alertRedundancyDegraded TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE baseboardGroup VARIABLES { alertSystem, alertTableIndexOID, alertMessage, alertCurrentStatus, alertPreviousStatus, alertData } DESCRIPTION "Redundancy has been degraded." --Novell NMS trap annotation --#TYPE "Dell Redundancy Degraded" --#SUMMARY "%s" --#ARGUMENTS {2} --#SEVERITY MINOR --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE DEGRADED ::= 1305 alertRedundancyLost TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE baseboardGroup VARIABLES { alertSystem, alertTableIndexOID, alertMessage, alertCurrentStatus, alertPreviousStatus, alertData } DESCRIPTION "Redundancy has been lost." --Novell NMS trap annotation --#TYPE "Dell Redundancy Lost" --#SUMMARY "%s" --#ARGUMENTS {2} --#SEVERITY MAJOR --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE DEGRADED ::= 1306 alertPowerSupplyNormal TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE baseboardGroup VARIABLES { alertSystem, alertTableIndexOID, alertMessage, alertCurrentStatus, alertPreviousStatus, alertData } DESCRIPTION "Power supply has returned to normal." --Novell NMS trap annotation --#TYPE "Dell Power Supply Normal" --#SUMMARY "%s" --#ARGUMENTS {2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 1352 alertPowerSupplyFailure TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE baseboardGroup VARIABLES { alertSystem, alertTableIndexOID, alertMessage, alertCurrentStatus, alertPreviousStatus, alertData } DESCRIPTION "Power supply has failed." --Novell NMS trap annotation --#TYPE "Dell Power Supply Failure" --#SUMMARY "%s" --#ARGUMENTS {2} --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE DEGRADED ::= 1354 alertMemoryDeviceWarning TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE baseboardGroup VARIABLES { alertSystem, alertTableIndexOID, alertMessage, alertCurrentStatus, alertPreviousStatus, alertData } DESCRIPTION "Memory device pre-failure sensor has detected a warning value." --Novell NMS trap annotation --#TYPE "Dell Memory Device Warning" --#SUMMARY "%s" --#ARGUMENTS {2} --#SEVERITY MINOR --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE DEGRADED ::= 1403 alertMemoryDeviceFailure TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE baseboardGroup VARIABLES { alertSystem, alertTableIndexOID, alertMessage, alertCurrentStatus, alertPreviousStatus, alertData } DESCRIPTION "Memory device pre-failure sensor has detected a failure value." --Novell NMS trap annotation --#TYPE "Dell Memory Device Failure" --#SUMMARY "%s" --#ARGUMENTS {2} --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE DEGRADED ::= 1404 alertMemoryDeviceNonRecoverable TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE baseboardGroup VARIABLES { alertSystem, alertTableIndexOID, alertMessage, alertCurrentStatus, alertPreviousStatus, alertData } DESCRIPTION "Memory device pre-failure sensor has detected a non-recoverable value." --Novell NMS trap annotation --#TYPE "Dell Memory Device Non-recoverable" --#SUMMARY "%s" --#ARGUMENTS {2} --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE DEGRADED ::= 1405 alertFanEnclosureInsertion TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE baseboardGroup VARIABLES { alertSystem, alertTableIndexOID, alertMessage, alertCurrentStatus, alertPreviousStatus, alertData } DESCRIPTION "Fan enclosure has been inserted into system." --Novell NMS trap annotation --#TYPE "Dell Fan Enclosure Insertion" --#SUMMARY "%s" --#ARGUMENTS {2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 1452 alertFanEnclosureRemoval TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE baseboardGroup VARIABLES { alertSystem, alertTableIndexOID, alertMessage, alertCurrentStatus, alertPreviousStatus, alertData } DESCRIPTION "Fan enclosure has been removed from system." --Novell NMS trap annotation --#TYPE "Dell Fan Enclosure Removal" --#SUMMARY "%s" --#ARGUMENTS {2} --#SEVERITY MINOR --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE DEGRADED ::= 1453 alertFanEnclosureExtendedRemoval TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE baseboardGroup VARIABLES { alertSystem, alertTableIndexOID, alertMessage, alertCurrentStatus, alertPreviousStatus, alertData } DESCRIPTION "Fan enclosure has been removed from system for an extended amount of time." --Novell NMS trap annotation --#TYPE "Dell Fan Enclosure Extended Removal" --#SUMMARY "%s" --#ARGUMENTS {2} --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE DEGRADED ::= 1454 alertACPowerCordNoPowerNonRedundant TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE baseboardGroup VARIABLES { alertSystem, alertTableIndexOID, alertMessage, alertCurrentStatus, alertPreviousStatus, alertData } DESCRIPTION "AC power cord does not have power, and the reduncancy mode for its AC power switch has been set to non-redundant." --Novell NMS trap annotation --#TYPE "Dell AC Cord No Power Non-redundant" --#SUMMARY "%s" --#ARGUMENTS {2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 1501 alertACPowerCordNormal TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE baseboardGroup VARIABLES { alertSystem, alertTableIndexOID, alertMessage, alertCurrentStatus, alertPreviousStatus, alertData } DESCRIPTION "AC power cord has regained power." --Novell NMS trap annotation --#TYPE "Dell AC Cord Normal" --#SUMMARY "%s" --#ARGUMENTS {2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 1502 alertACPowerCordFailure TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE baseboardGroup VARIABLES { alertSystem, alertTableIndexOID, alertMessage, alertCurrentStatus, alertPreviousStatus, alertData } DESCRIPTION "AC power cord has lost power." --Novell NMS trap annotation --#TYPE "Dell AC Cord Failure" --#SUMMARY "%s" --#ARGUMENTS {2} --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#TIMEINDEX 99 --#STATE DEGRADED ::= 1504 END