argument('old hostname'), $this->argument('new hostname'), ]))->setTimeout(null)->setIdleTimeout(null)->setTty(true)->run(); })->purpose(__('Rename a device, this can be used to change the hostname or IP of a device')); Artisan::command('device:remove {device spec : ' . __('Hostname, IP, or device id to remove') . '} ', function () { /** @var \Illuminate\Console\Command $this */ (new Process([ base_path('delhost.php'), $this->argument('device spec'), ]))->setTimeout(null)->setIdleTimeout(null)->setTty(true)->run(); })->purpose('Remove a device'); Artisan::command('update', function () { (new Process([base_path('')]))->setTimeout(null)->setIdleTimeout(null)->setTty(true)->run(); })->purpose(__('Update LibreNMS and run maintenance routines')); Artisan::command('poller:ping {groups?* : ' . __('Optional List of distributed poller groups to poll') . '} ', function () { // PingCheck::dispatch(new PingCheck($this->argument('groups'))); $command = [base_path('ping.php')]; if ($this->argument('groups')) { $command[] = '-g'; $command[] = implode(',', $this->argument('groups')); } if (($verbosity = $this->getOutput()->getVerbosity()) >= 128) { $command[] = '-d'; if ($verbosity >= 256) { $command[] = '-v'; } } (new Process($command))->setTimeout(null)->setIdleTimeout(null)->setTty(true)->run(); })->purpose(__('Check if devices are up or down via icmp')); Artisan::command('poller:discovery {device spec : ' . __('Device spec to discover: device_id, hostname, wildcard, odd, even, all, new') . '} {--o|os= : ' . __('Only devices with the specified operating system') . '} {--t|type= : ' . __('Only devices with the specified type') . '} {--m|modules= : ' . __('Specify single module to be run. Comma separate modules, submodules may be added with /') . '} ', function () { $command = [base_path('discovery.php'), '-h', $this->argument('device spec')]; if ($this->option('os')) { $command[] = '-o'; $command[] = $this->option('os'); } if ($this->option('type')) { $command[] = '-t'; $command[] = $this->option('type'); } if ($this->option('modules')) { $command[] = '-m'; $command[] = $this->option('modules'); } if (($verbosity = $this->getOutput()->getVerbosity()) >= 128) { $command[] = '-d'; if ($verbosity >= 256) { $command[] = '-v'; } } (new Process($command))->setTimeout(null)->setIdleTimeout(null)->setTty(true)->run(); })->purpose(__('Discover information about existing devices, defines what will be polled')); Artisan::command('poller:alerts', function () { $command = [base_path('alerts.php')]; if (($verbosity = $this->getOutput()->getVerbosity()) >= 128) { $command[] = '-d'; if ($verbosity >= 256) { $command[] = '-v'; } } (new Process($command))->setTimeout(null)->setIdleTimeout(null)->setTty(true)->run(); })->purpose(__('Check for any pending alerts and deliver them via defined transports')); Artisan::command('poller:billing {bill id? : ' . __('The bill id to poll') . '} ', function () { /** @var \Illuminate\Console\Command $this */ $command = [base_path('poll-billing.php')]; if ($this->argument('bill id')) { $command[] = '-b'; $command[] = $this->argument('bill id'); } if (($verbosity = $this->getOutput()->getVerbosity()) >= 128) { $command[] = '-d'; if ($verbosity >= 256) { $command[] = '-v'; } } (new Process($command))->setTimeout(null)->setIdleTimeout(null)->setTty(true)->run(); })->purpose(__('Collect billing data')); Artisan::command('poller:services {device spec : ' . __('Device spec to poll: device_id, hostname, wildcard, all') . '} {--x|no-data : ' . __('Do not update datastores (RRD, InfluxDB, etc)') . '} ', function () { /** @var \Illuminate\Console\Command $this */ $command = [base_path('check-services.php')]; if ($this->option('no-data')) { array_push($command, '-r', '-f', '-p'); } if ($this->argument('device spec') !== 'all') { $command[] = '-h'; $command[] = $this->argument('device spec'); } if (($verbosity = $this->getOutput()->getVerbosity()) >= 128) { $command[] = '-d'; if ($verbosity >= 256) { $command[] = '-v'; } } (new Process($command))->setTimeout(null)->setIdleTimeout(null)->setTty(true)->run(); })->purpose(__('Update LibreNMS and run maintenance routines')); Artisan::command('poller:billing-calculate {--c|clear-history : ' . __('Delete all billing history') . '} ', function () { /** @var \Illuminate\Console\Command $this */ $command = [base_path('billing-calculate.php')]; if ($this->option('clear-history')) { $command[] = '-r'; } (new Process($command))->setTimeout(null)->setIdleTimeout(null)->setTty(true)->run(); })->purpose(__('Run billing calculations')); Artisan::command('scan {network?* : ' . __('CIDR notation network(s) to scan, can be ommited if \'nets\' config is set') . '} {--P|ping-only : ' . __('Add the device as a ping only device if it replies to ping but not SNMP') . '} {--o|dns-only : ' . __('Only DNS resolved Devices') . '} {--t|threads=32 : ' . __('How many IPs to scan at a time, more will increase the scan speed, but could overload your system') . '} {--l|legend : ' . __('Print the legend') . '} ', function () { /** @var \Illuminate\Console\Command $this */ $command = [base_path('')]; if (empty($this->argument('network')) && ! \LibreNMS\Config::has('nets')) { $this->error(__('Network is required if \'nets\' is not set in the config')); return 1; } if ($this->option('dns-only')) { $command[] = '-o'; } if ($this->option('ping-only')) { $command[] = '-P'; } $command[] = '-t'; $command[] = $this->option('threads'); if ($this->option('legend')) { $command[] = '-l'; } $verbosity = $this->getOutput()->getVerbosity(); if ($verbosity >= 64) { $command[] = '-v'; if ($verbosity >= 128) { $command[] = '-v'; if ($verbosity >= 256) { $command[] = '-v'; } } } $command = array_merge($command, $this->argument('network')); $scan_process = (new Process($command)) ->setTimeout(null) ->setIdleTimeout(null) ->setTty(Process::isTtySupported() && ! $this->option('quiet')); $scan_process->run(); if (! Process::isTtySupported() && ! $this->option('quiet')) { // just dump the output after we are done if we couldn't use tty $this->line($scan_process->getOutput()); } return $scan_process->getExitCode(); })->purpose(__('Scan the network for hosts and try to add them to LibreNMS'));