-- **************************************************************************** -- aviatTextConvention.mib: Aviat Networks Common Textual Conventions -- -- Copyright © 2014 Aviat U.S, Inc. All rights reserved. -- Certain information and content may be provided by third parties to AVIAT, -- and in each case, such copyrighted work remains the property of that third -- party creator/licensor. -- All rights not expressly granted herein are reserved. Except as otherwise -- required by applicable law, any reproduction, distribution, modification, -- retransmission, or publication of any copyrighted material is strictly -- prohibited without the express written consent of the copyright owner. -- "AVIAT", "AVIAT NETWORKS" and the AVIAT logo are trademarks of Aviat -- Networks, Inc. All other trademarks or brand names may be trademarks or -- registered trademarks of AVIAT's affiliated companies in the United States -- and/or other countries. -- -- **************************************************************************** AVIAT-TEXTCONVENTION-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, Integer32, Unsigned32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI TEXTUAL-CONVENTION FROM SNMPv2-TC aviatModules FROM STXN-GLOBALREGISTER-MIB; aviatTextConventionModule MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201703282339Z" ORGANIZATION "Aviat Networks" CONTACT-INFO "Aviat Networks Customer Service Postal: 5200 Great America Parkway Santa Clara California 95054 United States of America Tel: 408 567 7000 E-mail: mibsupport@aviatnet.com" DESCRIPTION "This module defines the textual conventions used throughout the DMC Aviat Enterprise MIB. The definitions in this module are for general purpose use. Textual conventions that are for specific MIB functionality are defined in the respective MIB modules." REVISION "201703282339Z" DESCRIPTION "Added modulation2048qam and modulation4096qam modulations for WTM4000." REVISION "201507290845Z" DESCRIPTION "Added RFU side band type textual convention." REVISION "201501050910Z" DESCRIPTION "Added monitoredHotStandby protection type textual convention." REVISION "201408262329Z" DESCRIPTION "Added the textual convention AviatL1LinkAggregationType to discern whether a layer 1 link aggregation group uses the Aviat L1LA mode or PLA mode." REVISION "201401210157Z" DESCRIPTION "Initial Version." ::= { aviatModules 1 } -- **************************************************************************** -- Textual Conventions -- **************************************************************************** AviatFunctionTimer ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This specifies the status of the Function Related Timer described as follows: 0 The function is off -1 The function is permanently on (until it is manually switched off or the unit is powered off) positive value The number of seconds until the function is automatically switched Off" SYNTAX Integer32 ( -1..2147483647 ) AviatModulationType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "These are the types of modulation techniques." SYNTAX INTEGER { modulationNone (1), modulationQpsk (2), modulation16qam (3), modulation32qam (4), modulation64qam (5), modulation128qam (6), modulation256qam (7), modulation512qam (8), modulation1024qam (9), modulation256qamHG (10), modulation512qamHG (11), modulation1024qamHG (12), modulation2048qam (13), modulation4096qam (14) } AviatPowerLevel ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d-1" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The power in 0.1dBm steps." SYNTAX Integer32 AviatDecibel ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d-1" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Ratio in 0.1dB steps." SYNTAX Integer32 AviatProtectionType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The protection modes for a protected pair." SYNTAX INTEGER { nonProtected (1), hotStandby (2), spaceDiversity (3), frequencyDiversity (4), monitoredHotStandby (5) } AviatPluginModuleType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "These are the types of plugin modules." SYNTAX INTEGER { pluginModuleNone (1), pluginModuleUnsupported (2), pluginModulePOEx2 (41), pluginModulePWR (61), pluginModulePWRAUX (62), pluginModuleRACx1 (81), pluginModuleRACx2 (82) } AviatLoggingProtocolType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "These are the types of network protocols for remote logging." SYNTAX INTEGER { protocolUdp (1), protocolTcp (2), protocolTls (3) } AviatTimeOfDay ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "1d:1d:1d.1d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A time in any given day. This is in localtime. field octets contents range ===== ====== ======== ===== 1 1 hour 0..23 2 2 minutes 0..59 3 3 seconds 0..60 (use 60 for leap-second) 4 4 deci-seconds 0..9" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (4)) AviatEnabledStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A simple status value for generic use." SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled (1), disabled (2) } AviatTableIndexInteger ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An integer which may be used as a table index. If 0 then it is invalid." SYNTAX Unsigned32 ( 0..65535 ) AviatL1LinkAggregationType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The aggregation type for a L1 link aggregation group." SYNTAX INTEGER { l1la (1), pla (2) } AviatRfuSideBandType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The side band type for an RFU." SYNTAX INTEGER { highBand (1), lowBand (2), fullBand (3) } AviatYangIdentityRef ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "255t" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A reference to a Yang identity, consisting of the namespace and identity id. These are represented as a string delimited with a colon, i.e. namespace:identity" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..255)) END