. * * @link https://www.librenms.org * * @copyright 2021 Tony Murray * @author Tony Murray */ namespace LibreNMS; use App\Models\Device; use App\Models\DeviceGraph; use DeviceCache; use Illuminate\Support\Str; use LibreNMS\Device\WirelessSensor; use LibreNMS\Device\YamlDiscovery; use LibreNMS\Interfaces\Discovery\EntityPhysicalDiscovery; use LibreNMS\Interfaces\Discovery\MempoolsDiscovery; use LibreNMS\Interfaces\Discovery\OSDiscovery; use LibreNMS\Interfaces\Discovery\ProcessorDiscovery; use LibreNMS\Interfaces\Discovery\StpInstanceDiscovery; use LibreNMS\Interfaces\Discovery\StpPortDiscovery; use LibreNMS\Interfaces\Polling\Netstats\IcmpNetstatsPolling; use LibreNMS\Interfaces\Polling\Netstats\IpForwardNetstatsPolling; use LibreNMS\Interfaces\Polling\Netstats\IpNetstatsPolling; use LibreNMS\Interfaces\Polling\Netstats\SnmpNetstatsPolling; use LibreNMS\Interfaces\Polling\Netstats\TcpNetstatsPolling; use LibreNMS\Interfaces\Polling\Netstats\UdpNetstatsPolling; use LibreNMS\Interfaces\Polling\StpInstancePolling; use LibreNMS\Interfaces\Polling\StpPortPolling; use LibreNMS\OS\Generic; use LibreNMS\OS\Traits\BridgeMib; use LibreNMS\OS\Traits\EntityMib; use LibreNMS\OS\Traits\HostResources; use LibreNMS\OS\Traits\NetstatsPolling; use LibreNMS\OS\Traits\ResolvesPortIds; use LibreNMS\OS\Traits\UcdResources; use LibreNMS\OS\Traits\YamlMempoolsDiscovery; use LibreNMS\OS\Traits\YamlOSDiscovery; use LibreNMS\Util\StringHelpers; class OS implements ProcessorDiscovery, OSDiscovery, MempoolsDiscovery, StpInstanceDiscovery, StpPortDiscovery, EntityPhysicalDiscovery, IcmpNetstatsPolling, IpNetstatsPolling, IpForwardNetstatsPolling, SnmpNetstatsPolling, StpInstancePolling, StpPortPolling, TcpNetstatsPolling, UdpNetstatsPolling { use HostResources { HostResources::discoverProcessors as discoverHrProcessors; HostResources::discoverMempools as discoverHrMempools; } use UcdResources { UcdResources::discoverProcessors as discoverUcdProcessors; UcdResources::discoverMempools as discoverUcdMempools; } use YamlOSDiscovery; use YamlMempoolsDiscovery; use NetstatsPolling; use ResolvesPortIds; use BridgeMib; use EntityMib; /** * @var float|null */ public $stpTimeFactor; // for stp time quirks private $device; // annoying use of references to make sure this is in sync with global $device variable private $graphs; // stores device graphs private $cache; // data cache private $pre_cache; // pre-fetch data cache protected ?string $entityVendorTypeMib = null; /** * OS constructor. Not allowed to be created directly. Use OS::make() */ protected function __construct(array &$device) { $this->device = &$device; $this->graphs = []; } /** * Get the device array that owns this OS instance * * @return array */ public function &getDeviceArray() { return $this->device; } /** * Get the device_id of the device that owns this OS instance * * @return int */ public function getDeviceId() { return (int) $this->device['device_id']; } /** * Get the Eloquent Device Model for the current device * * @return Device */ public function getDevice() { return DeviceCache::get($this->getDeviceId()); } /** * Enable a graph for this device * * @param string $name */ public function enableGraph($name) { $this->graphs[$name] = true; } public function persistGraphs(bool $cleanup = true): void { $device = $this->getDevice(); $graphs = collect(array_keys($this->graphs)); if ($cleanup) { // delete extra graphs $device->graphs->keyBy('graph')->collect()->except($graphs)->each->delete(); } // create missing graphs $device->graphs()->saveMany($graphs->diff($device->graphs->pluck('graph'))->map(function ($graph) { return new DeviceGraph(['graph' => $graph]); })); } public function preCache() { if (is_null($this->pre_cache)) { $this->pre_cache = YamlDiscovery::preCache($this); } return $this->pre_cache; } /** * Snmpwalk the specified oid and return an array of the data indexed by the oid index. * If the data is cached, return the cached data. * DO NOT use numeric oids with this function! The snmp result must contain only one oid. * * @param string $oid textual oid * @param string $mib mib for this oid * @param string $snmpflags snmpflags for this oid * @return array|null array indexed by the snmp index with the value as the data returned by snmp */ public function getCacheByIndex($oid, $mib = null, $snmpflags = '-OQUs') { if (Str::contains($oid, '.')) { echo "Error: don't use this with numeric oids!\n"; return null; } if (! isset($this->cache['cache_oid'][$oid])) { $data = snmpwalk_cache_oid($this->getDeviceArray(), $oid, [], $mib, null, $snmpflags); $this->cache['cache_oid'][$oid] = array_map('current', $data); } return $this->cache['cache_oid'][$oid]; } /** * Snmpwalk the specified oid table and return an array of the data indexed by the oid index. * If the data is cached, return the cached data. * DO NOT use numeric oids with this function! The snmp result must contain only one oid. * * @param string $oid textual oid * @param string $mib mib for this oid (optional) * @param int $depth depth for snmpwalk_group (optional) * @return array|null array indexed by the snmp index with the value as the data returned by snmp */ public function getCacheTable($oid, $mib = null, $depth = 1) { if (Str::contains($oid, '.')) { echo "Error: don't use this with numeric oids!\n"; return null; } if (! isset($this->cache['group'][$depth][$oid])) { $this->cache['group'][$depth][$oid] = snmpwalk_group($this->getDeviceArray(), $oid, $mib, $depth); } return $this->cache['group'][$depth][$oid]; } /** * Check if an OID has been cached * * @param string $oid * @return bool */ public function isCached($oid) { return isset($this->cache['cache_oid'][$oid]); } /** * OS Factory, returns an instance of the OS for this device * If no specific OS is found, Try the OS group. * Otherwise, returns Generic */ public static function make(array &$device): OS { if (isset($device['os'])) { // load os definition and populate os_group \LibreNMS\Util\OS::loadDefinition($device['os']); $device['os_group'] = Config::get("os.{$device['os']}.group"); $class = StringHelpers::toClass($device['os'], 'LibreNMS\\OS\\'); d_echo('Attempting to initialize OS: ' . $device['os'] . PHP_EOL); if (class_exists($class)) { d_echo("OS initialized: $class\n"); return new $class($device); } // If not a specific OS, check for a group one. if ($os_group = Config::get("os.{$device['os']}.group")) { $class = StringHelpers::toClass($os_group, 'LibreNMS\\OS\\Shared\\'); d_echo("Attempting to initialize Group OS: $os_group\n"); if (class_exists($class)) { d_echo("OS initialized: $class\n"); return new $class($device); } } } d_echo("OS initialized as Generic ({$device['os']})\n"); return new Generic($device); } public function getName() { if (isset($this->device['os'])) { return $this->device['os']; } $rf = new \ReflectionClass($this); $name = $rf->getShortName(); preg_match_all('/[A-Z][a-z]*/', $name, $segments); return implode('-', array_map('strtolower', $segments[0])); } /** * Poll a channel based OID, but return data in MHz * * @param array $sensors * @param callable $callback Function to modify the value before converting it to a frequency * @return array */ protected function pollWirelessChannelAsFrequency($sensors, $callback = null) { if (empty($sensors)) { return []; } $oids = []; foreach ($sensors as $sensor) { $oids[$sensor['sensor_id']] = current($sensor['sensor_oids']); } $snmp_data = snmp_get_multi_oid($this->getDeviceArray(), $oids); $data = []; foreach ($oids as $id => $oid) { if (isset($callback)) { $channel = call_user_func($callback, $snmp_data[$oid]); } else { $channel = $snmp_data[$oid]; } $data[$id] = WirelessSensor::channelToFrequency($channel); } return $data; } /** * Discover processors. * Returns an array of LibreNMS\Device\Processor objects that have been discovered * * @return array Processors */ public function discoverProcessors() { $processors = $this->discoverHrProcessors(); if (empty($processors)) { $processors = $this->discoverUcdProcessors(); } return $processors; } public function discoverMempools() { if ($this->hasYamlDiscovery('mempools')) { return $this->discoverYamlMempools(); } $mempools = $this->discoverHrMempools(); if ($mempools->isNotEmpty()) { return $mempools; } return $this->discoverUcdMempools(); } public function getDiscovery($module = null) { if (! array_key_exists('dynamic_discovery', $this->device)) { $file = base_path('/includes/definitions/discovery/' . $this->getName() . '.yaml'); if (file_exists($file)) { $this->device['dynamic_discovery'] = \Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml::parse(file_get_contents($file)); } } if ($module) { return $this->device['dynamic_discovery']['modules'][$module] ?? []; } return $this->device['dynamic_discovery'] ?? []; } public function hasYamlDiscovery(string $module = null) { return $module ? isset($this->getDiscovery()['modules'][$module]) : ! empty($this->getDiscovery()); } }