device: Added support for NetPing UniPing devices (#7807)

* device: Added support for NetPing UniPing devices

* Fix svg viewbox and remove useless style cdata
This commit is contained in:
Neil Lathwood 2017-11-28 14:15:22 +00:00 committed by Tony Murray
parent 666c7b2700
commit 8d98fa5a5e
5 changed files with 1329 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 211.547 57.69838" clip-rule="evenodd" fill-rule="evenodd" image-rendering="optimizeQuality" shape-rendering="geometricPrecision" text-rendering="geometricPrecision"><path d="M5.613.287h89.9c3.098 0 5.612 2.513 5.612 5.613v44.735c0 3.1-2.514 5.613-5.613 5.613h-89.9c-3.1 0-5.612-2.513-5.612-5.613V5.9C0 2.8 2.513.288 5.613.288z" class="fil0" fill="#008e41"/><path d="M12.42 46.346V15.544h4.692v4.376c2.267-3.387 5.534-5.08 9.802-5.08 1.86 0 3.564.337 5.118 1 1.565.674 2.723 1.545 3.496 2.634.782 1.08 1.316 2.366 1.633 2.665.29 5.08v18.94h-5.23v-18.74c0-2.12-.196-3.714-.602-4.774-.406-1.05-1.13-1.89-2.16-2.514-1.038-.634-2.246-.95-3.642-.95-2.228 0-4.14.712-5.762 2.118-1.614 1.416-2.416 4.09-2.416 8.04v16.82H12.42zm55.107-9.92l5.396.663c-.85 3.156-2.425 5.602-4.722 7.344-2.304 1.733-5.245 2.604-8.82 2.604-4.504 0-8.08-1.387-10.712-4.16-2.643-2.772-3.96-6.663-3.96-11.672 0-5.188 1.336-9.208 4-12.07 2.673-2.86 6.128-4.297 10.386-4.297 4.12 0 7.485 1.406 10.09 4.21 2.613 2.8 3.92 6.75 3.92 11.83 0 .317-.01.782-.03 1.396h-22.97c.188 3.386 1.148 5.98 2.87 7.772 1.724 1.8 3.862 2.702 6.437 2.702 1.91 0 3.544-.504 4.9-1.514 1.357-1 2.426-2.604 3.218-4.812zM50.39 27.98h17.197c-.228-2.586-.89-4.537-1.97-5.824-1.664-2.01-3.822-3.02-6.466-3.02-2.393 0-4.413.802-6.046 2.406-1.634 1.604-2.535 3.753-2.713 6.436zm41.484 13.69l.752 4.615c-1.465.307-2.782.465-3.94.465-1.9 0-3.367-.296-4.416-.9-1.04-.594-1.772-1.386-2.198-2.366-.426-.97-.644-3.03-.644-6.16v-17.72h-3.83v-4.06h3.83V7.91l5.198-3.13v10.764h5.248v4.06h-5.248v18.01c0 1.494.09 2.445.268 1.02.417.248 1.01.377 1.783.377.584 0 1.346-.07 2.297-.206z" class="fil1" fill="#fefefe" fill-rule="nonzero"/><path d="M107.122 56.995V14.39h4.752v4c1.12-1.563 2.386-2.74 3.802-3.523 1.406-.782 3.12-1.178 5.13-1.178 2.633 0 4.95.68 6.96 2.03 2.02 1.354 3.534 3.265 4.554 5.73 1.03 2.465 1.544 5.17 1.544 8.11 0 3.147-.564 5.99-1.703 8.513-1.125 2.525-2.77 4.456-4.93 5.802-2.156 1.337-4.423 2.01-6.8 2.01-1.742 0-3.296-.366-4.682-1.1-1.386-.73-2.515-1.662-3.406-2.78v14.99h-5.217zm4.723-27.03c0 3.96.802 6.892 2.406 8.793 1.607 1.89 3.557 2.84 5.834 2.84 2.317 0 4.307-.98 5.96-2.95 1.654-1.96 2.486-5 2.486-9.118 0-3.932-.813-6.862-2.427-8.823-1.614-1.95-3.545-2.93-5.782-2.93-2.226 0-4.196 1.04-5.91 3.118-1.712 2.08-2.563 5.11-2.563 9.07zm28.336 15.228V14.39h5.23v30.803zm13.18 0V14.39h4.694v4.378c2.267-3.387 5.535-5.08 9.802-5.08 1.86 0 3.564.337 5.12 1 1.563.674 2.72 1.545 3.494 2.634.78 1.08 1.316 2.367 1.632 3.853.19.97.288 2.663.288 5.08v18.94h-5.227V26.45c0-2.12-.197-3.712-.603-4.772-.406-1.05-1.13-1.89-2.16-2.514-1.038-.634-2.246-.95-3.642-.95-2.228 0-4.14.712-5.762 2.118-1.614 1.417-2.416 4.09-2.416 8.04v16.822h-5.218zm32.08 2.554l5.08.753c.207 1.563.8 2.702 1.76 3.425 1.298.96 3.07 1.445 5.308 1.445 2.426 0 4.287-.485 5.604-1.445 1.318-.97 2.2-2.327 2.665-4.06.277-1.07.396-3.297.376-6.703-2.276 2.684-5.12 4.03-8.524 4.03-4.238 0-7.516-1.525-9.83-4.584-2.32-3.05-3.488-6.723-3.488-10.99 0-2.94.534-5.653 1.594-8.14 1.07-2.485 2.613-4.405 4.633-5.762 2.02-1.346 4.395-2.03 7.12-2.03 3.63 0 6.63 1.476 8.99 4.416v-3.71h4.82v26.623c0 4.792-.496 8.198-1.466 10.198-.98 2-2.523 3.584-4.642 4.742-2.12 1.16-4.723 1.743-7.822 1.743-3.673 0-6.643-.832-8.9-2.485-2.268-1.654-3.357-4.14-3.278-7.465zm4.317-18.504c0 4.04.802 6.99 2.415 8.84 1.605 1.863 3.615 2.783 6.03 2.783 2.397 0 4.407-.92 6.03-2.762 1.624-1.85 2.436-4.742 2.436-8.693 0-3.77-.83-6.612-2.505-8.522-1.672-1.91-3.692-2.872-6.05-2.872-2.315 0-4.285.94-5.92 2.832-1.622 1.88-2.434 4.683-2.434 8.396z" class="fil2" fill="#008e41" fill-rule="nonzero"/><path d="M139.284 10.575l8.925-5.152-8.928-5.15 2.98 5.15-2.98 5.152zm8.24-5.152h-4.86l-2.44-4.22z" class="fil0 str0" fill="#008e41" stroke="#008e41" stroke-width=".2"/></svg>


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 3.8 KiB

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@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
mib: DKSF-70-6-X-X-1
oid: npRelHumTable
value: npRelHumValue
num_oid: .
low_limit: npRelHumSafeRangeLow
high_limit: npRelHumSafeRangeHigh
skip_values: 0
descr: 'Relative Humidity {{ $index }}'
oid: npSmokeTable
value: npSmokeStatus
num_oid: .
descr: 'Smoke {{ $index }}'
skip_values: 5
index: 'npSmokeStatus.{{ $index }}'
state_name: npSmokeStatus
- { descr: ok, graph: 0, value: 0, generic: 0 }
- { descr: alarm, graph: 0, value: 1, generic: 2 }
- { descr: off, graph: 0, value: 4, generic: 1 }
- { descr: failed, graph: 0, value: 5, generic: 2 }
oid: npCurLoopTable
value: npCurLoopStatus
num_oid: .
descr: 'Loop {{ $index }}'
index: 'npCurLoopStatus.{{ $index }}'
state_name: npCurLoopStatus
- { descr: ok, graph: 0, value: 0, generic: 0 }
- { descr: alert, graph: 0, value: 1, generic: 2 }
- { descr: cut, graph: 0, value: 2, generic: 2 }
- { descr: short, graph: 0, value: 3, generic: 1 }
- { descr: notPowered, graph: 0, value: 4, generic: 3 }
oid: npRelayTable
value: npRelayState
num_oid: .
descr: 'Relay {{ $index }}'
index: 'npRelayState.{{ $index }}'
state_name: npRelayState
- { descr: off, graph: 0, value: 0, generic: 2 }
- { descr: on, graph: 0, value: 1, generic: 0 }
oid: npThermoTable
value: npThermoStatus
num_oid: .
descr: 'Thermo {{ $index }}'
skip_values: 0
index: 'npThermoStatus.{{ $index }}'
state_name: npThermoStatus
- { descr: failed, graph: 0, value: 0, generic: 2 }
- { descr: low, graph: 0, value: 1, generic: 1 }
- { descr: norm, graph: 0, value: 2, generic: 0 }
- { descr: high, graph: 0, value: 3, generic: 2 }
oid: npRelHumTable
value: npRelHumStatus
num_oid: .
descr: 'Relative Humidity {{ $index }}'
skip_values: 0
index: 'npRelHumStatus.{{ $index }}'
state_name: npRelHumStatus
- { descr: sensorFailed, graph: 0, value: 0, generic: 2 }
- { descr: belowSafeRange, graph: 0, value: 1, generic: 1 }
- { descr: inSafeRange, graph: 0, value: 2, generic: 0 }
- { descr: aboveSafeRange, graph: 0, value: 3, generic: 2 }
oid: npRelHumTable
value: npRelHumTempStatus
num_oid: .
descr: 'Humidity Temp {{ $index }}'
skip_values: 0
index: 'npRelHumTempStatus.{{ $index }}'
state_name: npRelHumTempStatus
- { descr: sensorFailed, graph: 0, value: 0, generic: 2 }
- { descr: belowSafeRange, graph: 0, value: 1, generic: 1 }
- { descr: inSafeRange, graph: 0, value: 2, generic: 0 }
- { descr: aboveSafeRange, graph: 0, value: 3, generic: 2 }
oid: npThermoTable
value: npThermoValue
num_oid: .
low_limit: npThermoLow
high_limit: npThermoHigh
skip_values: 0
descr: 'Thermo {{ $index }}'
oid: npRelHumTable
value: npRelHumTempValue
num_oid: .
low_limit: npRelHumTempSafeRangeLow
high_limit: npRelHumTempSafeRangeHigh
skip_values: 0
descr: 'Humidity Temp {{ $index }}'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
os: uniping
text: 'UniPing'
type: environmental
icon: netping
group: netping
- { graph: device_bits, text: 'Device Traffic' }
- { graph: device_processor, text: 'CPU Usage' }
- { graph: device_mempool, text: 'Memory Usage' }
- sysObjectId:
- .

mibs/netping/DKSF-70-6-X-X-1 Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@|4|UniPing Server Solution v3/SMS, FW v70.6.6.A-1|6|.