updates to mac accounting drawing, adding mini-graphs to interface details pages

git-svn-id: http://www.observium.org/svn/observer/trunk@472 61d68cd4-352d-0410-923a-c4978735b2b8
This commit is contained in:
Adam Amstrong 2009-09-24 14:38:17 +00:00
parent 661d0935a3
commit 29f71ad13d
13 changed files with 1379 additions and 114 deletions

View File

@ -29,7 +29,8 @@ RewriteRule ^interfaces/(.+)/ ?page=interfaces&type=$1
RewriteRule ^vrf/(.+)/(.+)/(.+)/ ?page=vrf&id=$1&opta=$2&optb=$3
RewriteRule ^vrf/(.+)/(.+)/ ?page=vrf&id=$1&opta=$2
RewriteRule ^vrf/(.+)/ ?page=vrf&id=$1
RewriteRule ^device/([0-9]+)/([a-z]+)/(.+)/(.+)/(.+)/(.+)/(.+)/(.+)/(.+)/ ?page=device&id=$1&section=$2&opta=$3&optb=$4&optc=$5&optd=$6&opte=$7&optf=$8&optg=$9
RewriteRule ^device/([0-9]+)/([a-z]+)/(.+)/(.+)/(.+)/(.+)/(.+)/(.+)/ ?page=device&id=$1&section=$2&opta=$3&optb=$4&optc=$5&optd=$6&opte=$7&optf=$8
RewriteRule ^device/([0-9]+)/([a-z]+)/(.+)/(.+)/(.+)/(.+)/(.+)/ ?page=device&id=$1&section=$2&opta=$3&optb=$4&optc=$5&optd=$6&opte=$7
RewriteRule ^device/([0-9]+)/([a-z]+)/(.+)/(.+)/(.+)/(.+)/ ?page=device&id=$1&section=$2&opta=$3&optb=$4&optc=$5&optd=$6
RewriteRule ^device/([0-9]+)/([a-z]+)/(.+)/(.+)/(.+)/ ?page=device&id=$1&section=$2&opta=$3&optb=$4&optc=$5

View File

@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
function graph_mac_acc_total ($interface, $graph, $from, $to, $width, $height, $title, $vertical) {
function graph_mac_acc_total ($interface, $stat, $graph, $from, $to, $width, $height, $title, $vertical) {
global $config, $installdir;
list($interface, $type) = explode("-", $interface);
$imgfile = $config['install_dir'] . "/graphs/" . "$graph";
$options = "--alt-autoscale-max -E --start $from --end " . ($to - 150) . " --width $width --height $height ";
$options .= $config['rrdgraph_def_text'];
@ -13,14 +12,16 @@ function graph_mac_acc_total ($interface, $graph, $from, $to, $width, $height, $
$query = mysql_query($sql);
if($width <= "300") { $options .= "--font LEGEND:7:".$config['mono_font']." --font AXIS:6:".$config['mono_font']." --font-render-mode normal "; }
$pluses = ""; $iter = '0';
$options .= " COMMENT:' In Out\\\\n'";
$options .= " COMMENT:' In\: Current Maximum Total Out\: Current Maximum Total\\\\n'";
while($acc = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
if($type == "pkts") {
if($stat == "pkts") {
$this_rrd = $config['rrd_dir'] . "/" . $acc['hostname'] . "/mac-accounting/" . $acc['ifIndex'] . "-" . $acc['mac'] . "-pkts.rrd";
} else {
$units='pps'; $unit = 'p'; $multiplier = '1';
$colours = 'purples';
} elseif ($stat == "bits") {
$this_rrd = $config['rrd_dir'] . "/" . $acc['hostname'] . "/mac-accounting/" . $acc['ifIndex'] . "-" . $acc['mac'] . ".rrd";
$units='bps'; $unit='B'; $multiplier='8';
if(is_file($this_rrd)) {
@ -28,17 +29,17 @@ function graph_mac_acc_total ($interface, $graph, $from, $to, $width, $height, $
$addy = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ipv4_mac where mac_address = '".$acc['mac']."'"));
if($addy) {
$name = @gethostbyaddr($addy['ipv4_address']);
$this_id = str_replace(".", "", $acc['mac']);
if(!$config['graph_colours'][$iter]) { $iter = 0; }
if(!$config['graph_colours'][$colours][$iter]) { $iter = 0; }
$descr = str_pad($name, 36);
$descr = substr($descr,0,36);
$options .= " DEF:in".$this_id."=$this_rrd:IN:AVERAGE ";
$options .= " DEF:out".$this_id."temp=$this_rrd:OUT:AVERAGE ";
$options .= " CDEF:inB".$this_id."=in".$this_id.",8,* ";
$options .= " CDEF:outB".$this_id."temp=out".$this_id."temp,8,*";
$options .= " CDEF:inB".$this_id."=in".$this_id.",$multiplier,* ";
$options .= " CDEF:outB".$this_id."temp=out".$this_id."temp,$multiplier,*";
$options .= " CDEF:outB".$this_id."=outB".$this_id."temp,-1,*";
$options .= " CDEF:octets".$this_id."=inB".$this_id.",outB".$this_id."temp,+";
$options .= " VDEF:totin".$this_id."=inB".$this_id.",TOTAL";
@ -48,9 +49,12 @@ function graph_mac_acc_total ($interface, $graph, $from, $to, $width, $height, $
if($optionsb) {$stack="STACK";}
$optionsb .= " AREA:outB".$this_id."#" . $colour . "::$stack";
$options .= " GPRINT:inB".$this_id.":LAST:%6.2lf%s$units";
$options .= " GPRINT:totin".$this_id.":\(%6.2lf%sB\)";
$options .= " GPRINT:inB".$this_id.":MAX:%6.2lf%s$units";
$options .= " GPRINT:totin".$this_id.":%6.2lf%s$unit";
$options .= " COMMENT:' '";
$options .= " GPRINT:outB".$this_id."temp:LAST:%6.2lf%s$units";
$options .= " GPRINT:totout".$this_id.":\(%6.2lf%sB\)\\\\n";
$options .= " GPRINT:outB".$this_id."temp:MAX:%6.2lf%s$units";
$options .= " GPRINT:totout".$this_id.":%6.2lf%s$unit\\\\n";
@ -60,6 +64,8 @@ function graph_mac_acc_total ($interface, $graph, $from, $to, $width, $height, $
$port = $_GET['if'];
$graph = graph_mac_acc_total ($port, $graphfile, $from, $to, $width, $height, $title, $vertical);
$stat = $_GET['stat'];
$graph = graph_mac_acc_total ($port, $stat, $graphfile, $from, $to, $width, $height, $title, $vertical);

View File

@ -15,11 +15,15 @@
$error_img = generateiflink($interface,"<img src='images/16/chart_curve_error.png' alt='Interface Errors' border=0>",errors);
} else { $error_img = ""; }
if(mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT count(*) FROM mac_accounting WHERE interface_id = '".$interface['interface_id']."'"),0)){
$mac = "<a href='device/".$interface['device_id']."/interface/".$interface['interface_id']."/macaccounting/'><img src='/images/16/chart_curve.png' align='absmiddle'></a>";
} else { $mac = ""; }
echo("<tr style=\"background-color: $row_colour; padding: 5px;\" valign=top onmouseover=\"this.style.backgroundColor='$list_highlight';\" onmouseout=\"this.style.backgroundColor='$row_colour';\" onclick=\"location.href='/device/".$device['device_id']."/interface/".$interface['interface_id']."/'\" style='cursor: hand;'>
<td valign=top width=300>");
echo(" <span class=list-large>
" . generateiflink($interface, $interface['ifIndex'] . ". ".fixifName($interface['label'])) . " $error_img
" . generateiflink($interface, $interface['ifIndex'] . ". ".fixifName($interface['label'])) . " $error_img $mac
</span><br /><span class=interface-desc>".$interface['ifAlias']."</span>");
@ -43,8 +47,10 @@
echo("</td><td width=100>");
if(mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT count(*) FROM mac_accounting WHERE interface_id = '".$interface['interface_id']."'"),0)){
echo("<a href='device/".$interface['device_id']."/interface/".$interface['interface_id']."/macaccounting/'><img src='/images/16/chart_curve.png' align='absmiddle'> Mac Acc</a>");
if($port_details) {
echo(generateiflink($interface, "<img src='graph.php?type=bits&if=".$interface['interface_id']."&from=".$day."&to=".$now."&width=100&height=20&legend=no&bg=".str_replace("#","", $row_colour)."'>"));
echo(generateiflink($interface, "<img src='graph.php?type=pkts&if=".$interface['interface_id']."&from=".$day."&to=".$now."&width=100&height=20&legend=no&bg=".str_replace("#","", $row_colour)."'>"));
echo(generateiflink($interface, "<img src='graph.php?type=errors&if=".$interface['interface_id']."&from=".$day."&to=".$now."&width=100&height=20&legend=no&bg=".str_replace("#","", $row_colour)."'>"));
echo("</td><td width=120>");

View File

@ -1,20 +1,37 @@
<div style='padding: 10px; height: 20px; clear: both; display: block;'>
<div style='float: left; font-size: 22px; font-weight: bold;'>Local AS : " . $device['bgpLocalAs'] . "</div>
<div style='padding: 5px; height: 20px; clear: both; display: block;'>
<div style='float: left; font-size: 22px; font-weight: bold;'>Local AS : " . $device['bgpLocalAs'] . "</div>
<div style='float: right; text-align: right;'>
<a href='".$config['base_url']."/device/" . $_GET['id'] . "/bgp/'>No Graphs</a> |
<a href='".$config['base_url']."/device/" . $_GET['id'] . "/bgp/bgp_updates/'>Updates</a> | Prefixes:
<a href='".$config['base_url']."/device/" . $_GET['id'] . "/bgp/cbgp_prefixes/ipv4.unicast/'>IPv4</a> |
<div style='margin:auto; text-align: center; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 10px;'>
<b class='rounded'>
<b class='rounded1'><b></b></b>
<b class='rounded2'><b></b></b>
<b class='rounded3'></b>
<b class='rounded4'></b>
<b class='rounded5'></b></b>
<div class='roundedfg' style='padding: 0px 5px;'>
<div style='margin: auto; text-align: left; padding: 2px 5px; padding-left: 11px; clear: both; display:block; height:20px;'>
<a href='".$config['base_url']."/device/" . $_GET['id'] . "/bgp/'>No Graphs</a> |
<a href='".$config['base_url']."/device/" . $_GET['id'] . "/bgp/bgp_updates/'>Updates</a> | Prefixes:
<a href='".$config['base_url']."/device/" . $_GET['id'] . "/bgp/cbgp_prefixes/ipv4.unicast/'>IPv4</a> |
<a href='".$config['base_url']."/device/" . $_GET['id'] . "/bgp/cbgp_prefixes/ipv4.vpn/'>VPNv4</a> |
<a href='".$config['base_url']."/device/" . $_GET['id'] . "/bgp/cbgp_prefixes/ipv6.unicast/'>IPv6</a>
| Traffic:
<a href='".$config['base_url']."/device/" . $_GET['id'] . "/bgp/macaccounting/'>Mac Accounting</a>
<b class='rounded'>
<b class='rounded5'></b>
<b class='rounded4'></b>
<b class='rounded3'></b>
<b class='rounded2'><b></b></b>
<b class='rounded1'><b></b></b></b>
echo("<div style='margin: 5px;'><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 width=100%>");

View File

@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ echo("</div>
if($_GET['optb']) {
} else {

View File

@ -20,37 +20,56 @@
$query = mysql_query("SELECT *, (M.bps_in + M.bps_out) as bps FROM `mac_accounting` AS M, `interfaces` AS I, `devices` AS D WHERE M.interface_id = '".$interface['interface_id']."' AND I.interface_id = M.interface_id AND I.device_id = D.device_id ORDER BY bps DESC");
echo("<div style='clear: both;'>");
if($_GET['optd'] == "top10") {
if($_GET['opte']) {
$from = "-" . $_GET['opte'];
} else { $from = "-1day"; }
echo("<div style='margin: auto; width: 831px;';>
<img src='".$config['base_url']."/graph.php?if=".$interface['interface_id']."&type=mac_acc_total&from=$from&to=now&width=750&height=245' />
<div style='width: 200; float: left;'>
<span class=device-head style='line-height: 30px;'>Day</span>
<a href='".$config['base_url']."/device/" . $device['device_id'] . "/interface/".$interface['interface_id']."/macaccounting/bits/top10/1day/'>
<img src='".$config['base_url']."/graph.php?if=".$interface['interface_id']."&type=mac_acc_total&from=-1day&to=now&width=150&height=50' />
if($_GET['optc']) {
$stat = $_GET['optc'];
} else { $stat = "bits"; }
echo("<div style=' margin:0px; float: left;';>
<div style='margin: 0px 10px 20px 0px; padding:5px; background: #e5e5e5;'>
<span class=device-head>Day</span><br />
<a href='".$config['base_url']."/device/" . $device['device_id'] . "/interface/".$interface['interface_id']."/macaccounting/$stat/top10/1day/'>
<img style='border: #5e5e5e 2px;' valign=middle src='".$config['base_url']."/graph.php?if=".$interface['interface_id']."&stat=$stat&type=mac_acc_total&from=-1day&to=now&width=150&height=50' />
<div style='width: 200; float: left;'>
<span class=device-head style='line-height: 30px;'>Week</span>
<a href='".$config['base_url']."/device/" . $device['device_id'] . "/interface/".$interface['interface_id']."/macaccounting/bits/top10/1week/'>
<img src='".$config['base_url']."/graph.php?if=".$interface['interface_id']."&type=mac_acc_total&from=-1week&to=now&width=150&height=50' />
<div style='margin: 0px 10px 20px 0px; padding:5px; background: #e5e5e5;'>
<span class=device-head>Week</span><br />
<a href='".$config['base_url']."/device/" . $device['device_id'] . "/interface/".$interface['interface_id']."/macaccounting/$stat/top10/1week/'>
<img valign=middle src='".$config['base_url']."/graph.php?if=".$interface['interface_id']."&type=mac_acc_total&stat=$stat&from=-1week&to=now&width=150&height=50' />
<div style='width: 200; float: left;'>
<span class=device-head style='line-height: 30px;'>Month</span>
<a href='".$config['base_url']."/device/" . $device['device_id'] . "/interface/".$interface['interface_id']."/macaccounting/bits/top10/1month/'>
<img src='".$config['base_url']."/graph.php?if=".$interface['interface_id']."&type=mac_acc_total&from=-1month&to=now&width=150&height=50' />
<div style='margin: 0px 10px 20px 0px; padding:5px; background: #e5e5e5;'>
<span class=device-head>Month</span><br />
<a href='".$config['base_url']."/device/" . $device['device_id'] . "/interface/".$interface['interface_id']."/macaccounting/$stat/top10/1month/'>
<img valign=middle src='".$config['base_url']."/graph.php?if=".$interface['interface_id']."&type=mac_acc_total&stat=$stat&from=-1month&to=now&width=150&height=50' />
<div style='width: 200; float: left;'>
<span class=device-head style='line-height: 30px;'>Year</span>
<a href='".$config['base_url']."/device/" . $device['device_id'] . "/interface/".$interface['interface_id']."/macaccounting/bits/top10/1year/'>
<img src='".$config['base_url']."/graph.php?if=".$interface['interface_id']."&type=mac_acc_total&from=-1year&to=now&width=150&height=50' />
<div style='margin: 0px 10px 20px 0px; padding:5px; background: #e5e5e5;'>
<span class=device-head>Year</span><br />
<a href='".$config['base_url']."/device/" . $device['device_id'] . "/interface/".$interface['interface_id']."/macaccounting/$stat/top10/1year/'>
<img valign=middle src='".$config['base_url']."/graph.php?if=".$interface['interface_id']."&type=mac_acc_total&stat=$stat&from=-1year&to=now&width=150&height=50' />
<div style='float: left;'>
<img src='".$config['base_url']."/graph.php?if=".$interface['interface_id']."&type=mac_acc_total&stat=$stat&from=$from&to=now&width=750&height=245' />
<div style=' margin:0px; float: left;';>
<div style='margin: 0px 0px 20px 10px; padding:5px; background: #e5e5e5;'>
<span class=device-head>Traffic</span><br />
<a href='".$config['base_url']."/device/" . $device['device_id'] . "/interface/".$interface['interface_id']."/macaccounting/bits/top10/1day/'>
<img style='border: #5e5e5e 2px;' valign=middle src='".$config['base_url']."/graph.php?if=".$interface['interface_id']."&stat=bits&type=mac_acc_total&from=$from&to=now&width=150&height=50' />
<div style='margin: 0px 0px 20px 10px; padding:5px; background: #e5e5e5;'>
<span class=device-head>Packets</span><br />
<a href='".$config['base_url']."/device/" . $device['device_id'] . "/interface/".$interface['interface_id']."/macaccounting/pkts/top10/1day/'>
<img style='border: #5e5e5e 2px;' valign=middle src='".$config['base_url']."/graph.php?if=".$interface['interface_id']."&stat=pkts&type=mac_acc_total&from=$from&to=now&width=150&height=50' />

View File

@ -59,59 +59,10 @@ if($_GET['optc'] == thumbs) {
} else {
if($_GET['opta'] == "details" ) { $port_details = 1; }
if($_GET['opta'] == "arp" ) {
$interface_query = mysql_query("select * from interfaces WHERE device_id = '$_GET[id]' AND deleted = '0' ORDER BY `ifIndex` ASC");
echo("<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=3 width=100%%><tr><th width=125>Address</th><th width=140>Hardware Addr</th><th>Interface</th><th>Remote Device</th><th>Remote Port</th>
<th width=90>Rate Up</th><th width=90>Rate Down</th></tr>");
$i = 1;
while($interface = mysql_fetch_array($interface_query)) {
$sql = "SELECT * FROM `ipv4_mac` WHERE `interface_id` = '".$interface['interface_id']."'";
$arp_query = mysql_query($sql);
while($arp = mysql_fetch_array($arp_query)) {
if(!is_integer($i/2)) { $row_colour = $list_colour_a; } else { $row_colour = $list_colour_b; }
$r_sql = "SELECT * FROM `ipv4_addresses` AS A, `interfaces` AS I, `devices` AS D WHERE I.interface_id = A.interface_id AND
I.device_id = D.device_id AND A.ipv4_address = '".$arp['ipv4_address']."' ORDER BY A.ipv4_address";
$remote = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query($r_sql));
$mac = formatMac($arp['mac_address']);
$mac_acc = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM mac_accounting WHERE `interface_id` = '".$interface['interface_id']."' AND mac = '".$arp['mac_address']."'"));
echo("<tr style=\"background-color: $row_colour; padding: 5px;\" valign=top>
<td>" . $arp['ipv4_address'] . "</td><td>" . $mac . "</td><td>".generateiflink($interface)."</td>");
if ($remote['interface_id'] == $interface['interface_id']) {
$remote_host = "local";
$remote_port = "local";
} elseif($remote['device_id']) {
$remote_host = generatedevicelink($remote);
$remote_port = generateiflink($remote);
} elseif(mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT count(*) FROM bgpPeers WHERE device_id = '".$device['device_id']."' AND bgpPeerIdentifier ='".$arp['ipv4_address']."'"),0)) {
$peer_query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM bgpPeers WHERE device_id = '".$device['device_id']."' AND bgpPeerIdentifier = '".$arp['ipv4_address']."'");
$peer_info = mysql_fetch_array($peer_query);
$remote_port = "AS".$peer_info['bgpPeerRemoteAs'];
$remote_host = $peer_info['astext'];
} elseif($mac_acc['interface_id'] == $interface['interface_id']) {
$remote_host = gethostbyaddr($arp['ipv4_address']);
if($remote_host == $arp['ipv4_address']) { unset ($remote_host); }
$remote_port = "";
} else {
$remote_host = "";
$remote_port = "";
echo("<td>".truncate($remote_host, 24, "")."</td><td>$remote_port</td>");
if ($mac_acc['interface_id'] == $interface['interface_id']) {
$style = "onmouseover=\"return overlib('<img src=\'graph.php?id=" . $mac_acc['ma_id'] . "&type=mac_acc&from=$day&to=$now&width=500&height=150\'>', LEFT".$config['overlib_defaults'].", WIDTH, 500);\" onmouseout=\"return nd();\"";
echo("<td><a $style>".formatRates($mac_acc['bps_out'])."</a></td><td><a $style>".formatRates($mac_acc['bps_in'])."</a></td>");
} else {
} else {
if($_GET['opta'] == "details" ) { $port_details = 1; }
echo("<div style='margin: 5px;'><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 width=100%>");
$i = "1";
$interface_query = mysql_query("select * from interfaces WHERE device_id = '$_GET[id]' AND deleted = '0' ORDER BY `ifIndex` ASC");

View File

@ -2,11 +2,13 @@
unset ($mac_table);
echo("ARP Table : ");
$ipNetToMedia_data = shell_exec($config['snmpbulkwalk'] . " -m IP-MIB -Oq -".$device['snmpver']." -c ".$device['community']." ".$device['hostname']." ipNetToMediaPhysAddress");
$ipNetToMedia_data = str_replace("ipNetToMediaPhysAddress.", "", trim($ipNetToMedia_data));
$ipNetToMedia_data = str_replace("IP-MIB::", "", trim($ipNetToMedia_data));
foreach(explode("\n", $ipNetToMedia_data) as $data) {
list($oid, $mac) = explode(" ", $data);
list($if, $first, $second, $third, $fourth) = explode(".", $oid);
@ -35,15 +37,14 @@
if(mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) from ipv4_mac WHERE interface_id = '".$interface['interface_id']."' AND ipv4_address = '$ip'"),0)) {
$sql = "UPDATE `ipv4_mac` SET `mac_address` = '$clean_mac' WHERE interface_id = '".$interface['interface_id']."' AND ipv4_address = '$ip'";
} else {
#echo("Add MAC $mac\n");
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `ipv4_mac` (interface_id, mac_address, ipv4_address) VALUES ('".$interface['interface_id']."','$clean_mac','$ip')");
$interface_id = $interface['interface_id'];
$sql = "SELECT * from ipv4_mac AS M, interfaces as I WHERE M.interface_id = I.interface_id and I.device_id = '".$device['device_id']."'";
$query = mysql_query($sql);
while($entry = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
@ -51,15 +52,20 @@
$entry_if = $entry['interface_id'];
if(!$mac_table[$entry_if][$entry_mac]) {
mysql_query("DELETE FROM ipv4_mac WHERE interface_id = '".$entry_if."' AND mac_address = '".$entry_mac."'");
echo("Removing MAC $entry_mac from interface ".$interface['ifName']);
#echo("Removing MAC $entry_mac from interface ".$interface['ifName']);
echo("MAC Accounting : ");
$datas = shell_exec($config['snmpbulkwalk'] . " -m CISCO-IP-STAT-MIB -Oqn -".$device['snmpver']." -c ".$device['community']." ".$device['hostname']." cipMacSwitchedBytes");
foreach(explode("\n", $datas) as $data) {
list($oid) = explode(" ", $data);
$oid = str_replace(".", "", $oid);
@ -80,18 +86,22 @@
$ip = $mac_table[$if][$mac]['ip'];
if($ip && $interface) {
$new_mac = str_replace(":", "", $mac);
echo($interface['ifDescr'] . " ($if) -> $mac ($oid) -> $ip -> $name");
#echo($interface['ifDescr'] . " ($if) -> $mac ($oid) -> $ip");
if(mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) from mac_accounting WHERE interface_id = '".$interface['interface_id']."' AND mac = '$clean_mac'"),0)) {
#$sql = "UPDATE `mac_accounting` SET `mac` = '$clean_mac' WHERE interface_id = '".$interface['interface_id']."' AND `mac` = '$clean_mac'";
#if(mysql_affected_rows()) { echo(" UPDATED!"); }
} else {
#echo(" Not Exists!");
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `mac_accounting` (interface_id, mac) VALUES ('".$interface['interface_id']."','$clean_mac')");

View File

@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
$sensor_data = shell_exec($sensor_cmd);
list($entSensorType,$entSensorScale,$entSensorPrecision,$entSensorValueUpdateRate,$entSensorMeasuredEntity) = explode("\n", $sensor_data);
if($entSensorMeasuredEntity) {
if($config['allow_entity_sensor'][$entSensorType]) {
$sql = "UPDATE `entPhysical` SET entSensorType = '$entSensorType', entSensorScale = '$entSensorScale', entSensorPrecision = '$entSensorPrecision', ";

View File

@ -580,6 +580,8 @@ function graph_bits ($rrd, $graph, $from, $to, $width, $height, $title, $vertica
$options .= $config['rrdgraph_def_text'];
if($height < "99") { $options .= " --only-graph"; unset ($legend); }
if($width <= "300") { $options .= " --font LEGEND:7:".$config['mono_font']." --font AXIS:6:".$config['mono_font']." --font-render-mode normal "; }
global $_GET;
if($_GET['bg']) { $options .= " -c CANVAS#" . $_GET['bg'] . " "; }
if($inverse) {
$in = 'out';
$out = 'in';
@ -655,6 +657,8 @@ function pktsgraph ($rrd, $graph, $from, $to, $width, $height) {
$options .= $config['rrdgraph_def_text'];
if($height < "99") { $options .= " --only-graph"; unset ($legend); }
if($width <= "300") { $options .= " --font LEGEND:7:".$config['mono_font']." --font AXIS:6:".$config['mono_font']." --font-render-mode normal "; }
global $_GET;
if($_GET['bg']) { $options .= " -c CANVAS#" . $_GET['bg'] . " "; }
$options .= " DEF:in=$database:INUCASTPKTS:AVERAGE";
$options .= " DEF:out=$database:OUTUCASTPKTS:AVERAGE";
$options .= " CDEF:dout=out,-1,*";
@ -710,6 +714,8 @@ function errorgraph ($rrd, $graph, $from, $to, $width, $height) {
$options .= $config['rrdgraph_def_text'];
if($height < "99") { $options .= " --only-graph"; unset ($legend); }
if($width <= "300") { $options .= " --font LEGEND:7:".$config['mono_font']." --font AXIS:6:".$config['mono_font']." --font-render-mode normal "; }
global $_GET;
if($_GET['bg']) { $options .= " -c CANVAS#" . $_GET['bg'] . " "; }
$options .= " DEF:in=$database:INERRORS:AVERAGE";
$options .= " DEF:out=$database:OUTERRORS:AVERAGE";
$options .= " CDEF:dout=out,-1,*";
@ -736,6 +742,8 @@ function nucastgraph ($rrd, $graph, $from, $to, $width, $height) {
$options .= $config['rrdgraph_def_text'];
if($height < "99") { $options .= " --only-graph"; unset ($legend); }
if($width <= "300") { $options .= " --font LEGEND:7:".$config['mono_font']." --font AXIS:6:".$config['mono_font']." --font-render-mode normal "; }
global $_GET;
if($_GET['bg']) { $options .= " -c CANVAS#" . $_GET['bg'] . " "; }
$options .= " DEF:in=$database:INNUCASTPKTS:AVERAGE";
$options .= " DEF:out=$database:OUTNUCASTPKTS:AVERAGE";
$options .= " CDEF:dout=out,-1,*";

mibs/CISCO-IP-URPF-MIB.my Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,708 @@
-- ******************************************************************
-- This module is used for monitoring the state of Unicast Reverse
-- Path Forwarding (URPF) checking.
-- September 2004, Michael Grobelch
-- Copyright (c) 2004 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
-- All rights reserved.
-- ******************************************************************
TruthValue FROM SNMPv2-TC
LAST-UPDATED "200411120000Z"
ORGANIZATION "Cisco System, Inc."
"Postal: Cisco Systems, Inc.
170 West Tasman Drive
San Jose, CA 95134-1706
Tel: +1 800 553-NETS
E-mail: cs-cef@cisco.com"
"Unicast Reverse Path Forwarding (URPF) is a function
that checks the validity of the source address of IP
packets received on an interface. This in an attempt
to prevent Denial of Service attacks based on IP address
URPF checks validity of a source address by determining
whether the packet would be successfully routed as a
destination address.
Based on configuration, the check made can be for existence
of any route for the address, or more strictly for a route
out the interface on which the packet was received by the
device. When a violating packet is detected, it can be dropped.
This MIB allows detection of spoofing events."
REVISION "200411120000Z"
"Initial version of this MIB module."
::= { ciscoMgmt 451 }
-- MIB Object Definitions
ciscoIpUrpfMIBNotifs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoIpUrpfMIB 0 }
ciscoIpUrpfMIBObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoIpUrpfMIB 1 }
ciscoIpUrpfMIBConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoIpUrpfMIB 2 }
-- URPF Statistics objects
cipUrpfScalar OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoIpUrpfMIBObjects 1 }
cipUrpfStatistics OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoIpUrpfMIBObjects 2 }
cipUrpfInterfaceConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoIpUrpfMIBObjects 3 }
cipUrpfVrf OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoIpUrpfMIBObjects 4 }
cipUrpfDropRateWindow OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (1..600)
UNITS "seconds"
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
"The window of time in the recent past over which the drop
count used in the drop rate computation is collected.
This global value applies for the computation of all URPF
rates, global and per-interface.
Once the period over which computations have been
performed exceeds cipUrpfDropRateWindow, every time a
computation is performed, the window slides up to end
at the current time and start at cipUrpfDropRateWindow
seconds before.
The cipUrpfDropRateWindow must be greater than
or equal to the interval between computations
Since the agent must save the drop count values
for each compute interval in order to slide the window,
the number of counts saved is the quotient of
cipUrpfDropRateWindow divided by cipUrpfComputeInterval."
DEFVAL { 300 }
::= { cipUrpfScalar 1 }
cipUrpfComputeInterval OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (1..120)
UNITS "seconds"
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
"The time between rate computations. This global value
applies for the computation of all URPF rates, global
and per-interface.
When the value of cipUrpfComputeInterval is changed,
the interval in-progress proceeds as though the value
had not changed. The change will apply to the length
of subsequent intervals.
The cipUrpfComputeInterval must be less than or equal
to the cipUrpfDropRateWindow."
DEFVAL { 30 }
::= { cipUrpfScalar 2 }
cipUrpfDropNotifyHoldDownTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32(1..1000)
UNITS "seconds"
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
"The minimum time between issuance of
cipUrpfIfDropRateNotify notifications for a
particular interface and packet forwarding type.
Notifications are generated for each interface and
packet forwarding type that exceeds the drop-rate.
When a Notify is sent because the drop-rate is
exceeded for a particular interface and forwarding
type, the time specified by this object is used to
specify the minimum time that must elapse before
another Notify can be sent for that interface and
forwarding type. The time is specified globally but
used individually."
DEFVAL { 300 }
::= { cipUrpfScalar 3 }
cipUrpfTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"This table contains summary information for the
managed device on URPF dropping."
::= { cipUrpfStatistics 1 }
cipUrpfEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CipUrpfEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"If the managed device supports URPF dropping,
a row exists for each IP version type (v4 and v6).
A row contains summary information on URPF
dropping over the entire managed device."
INDEX { cipUrpfIpVersion }
::= { cipUrpfTable 1 }
CipUrpfEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cipUrpfIpVersion INTEGER,
cipUrpfDrops Counter32,
cipUrpfDropRate Gauge32
cipUrpfIpVersion OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER {ipv4(1), ipv6(2)}
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"Specifies the version of IP forwarding on an interface
to which the table row URPF counts, rates, and
configuration apply."
::= { cipUrpfEntry 1 }
cipUrpfDrops OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
UNITS "packets"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Sum of dropped IP version cipUrpfIpVersion packets failing
a URPF check. This value is the sum of drops of packets
received on all interfaces of the managed device."
::= { cipUrpfEntry 2 }
cipUrpfDropRate OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Gauge32
UNITS "packets per second"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The rate of packet drops of IP version cipUrpfIpVersion
packets due to URPF for the managed device. The
per-interface drop rate notification is issued on rates
exceeding a limit (rising rate). This dropping may
indicate an security attack on the network. To determine
whether the attack/event is over, the NMS must
consult the managed device. This object can be polled to
determine the recent drop rate for the managed device
as a whole, in addition to querying particular interface
This object is the average rate of dropping over the most
recent window of time. The rate is computed by dividing
the number of packets dropped over a window by the window
time in seconds. The window time is specified by
cipUrpfDropRateWindow. Each time the drop rate is computed,
and at system startup, a snapshot is taken of the latest
value of cipUrpfDrops. Subtracting from this the snapshot
of cipUrpfDrops at the start of the current window of time
gives the number of packets dropped. The drop rate is
computed every cipUrpfComputeInterval seconds. As an
example, let cipUrpfDropRateWindow be 300 seconds,
and cipUrpfComputeInterval 30 seconds. Every 30 seconds,
the drop count five minutes previous is subtracted
from the current drop count, and the result is divided
by 300 to arrive at the drop rate.
At device start-up, until the device has been up more than
cipUrpfDropRateWindow, when drop rate is computed,
the value of cipUrpfDrops is divided by the time the
device has been up.
After the device has been up for cipUrpfDropRateWindow,
when drop rate is computed, the number of packet drops counted
from interval start time to the computation time is divided
by cipUrpfDropRateWindow.
Changes to cipUrpfDropRateWindow are not reflected in this
object until the next computation time.
The rate from the most recent computation is the value
fetched until the subsequent computation is performed."
::= { cipUrpfEntry 3 }
cipUrpfIfMonTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"This table contains information on URPF dropping on
an interface."
::= { cipUrpfStatistics 2 }
cipUrpfIfMonEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CipUrpfIfMonEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"If IPv4 packet forwarding is configured on an interface,
and is configured to perform URPF checking, a row appears
in this table with indices [ifIndex][ipv4]. If IPv4
packet forwarding is deconfigured, or URPF checking
is deconfigured, the row disappears.
If IPv6 packet forwarding is configured on an interface,
and is configured to perform URPF checking, a row appears
in the table with indices [ifIndex][ipv6]. If IPv6
packet forwarding is deconfigured, or URPF checking
is deconfigured, the row disappears."
INDEX { ifIndex, cipUrpfIfIpVersion }
::= { cipUrpfIfMonTable 1 }
CipUrpfIfMonEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cipUrpfIfIpVersion INTEGER,
cipUrpfIfDrops Counter32,
cipUrpfIfSuppressedDrops Counter32,
cipUrpfIfDropRate Gauge32,
cipUrpfIfDiscontinuityTime TimeStamp
cipUrpfIfIpVersion OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER {ipv4(1), ipv6(2)}
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"Specifies the version of IP forwarding on an interface
to which the table row URPF counts, rates, and
configuration apply."
::= { cipUrpfIfMonEntry 1}
cipUrpfIfDrops OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
UNITS "packets"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of IP packets of version cipUrpfIfIpVersion
failing the URPF check and dropped by the managed device
on a particular interface.
Discontinuities in the value of this variable can occur
at re-initialization of the management system, and at
other times as indicated by the values of
::= { cipUrpfIfMonEntry 2 }
cipUrpfIfSuppressedDrops OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
UNITS "packets"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of IP packets of version cipUrpfIfIpVersion
failing the URPF check but given a reprieve and not
dropped by the managed device. Depending on the
device configuration and capabilities, the following
cases may cause incrementing of the counter:
- if the managed device is configured to allow self-pings
and the managed device pings itself.
- if the managed device is configured for loose URPF (if any
interface has a route to the source), and the strict
case fails while the loose case passes.
- DHCP Request packets (src dst
will pass after initially being marked for drop.
- RIP routing on unnumbered interfaces will pass after
initially being marked for drop.
- multicast packets will pass after initially being marked
for drop
- ACL's can be applied to permit packets after initially
being marked for drop.
Discontinuities in the value of this variable can occur
at re-initialization of the management system, and at
other times as indicated by the values of
::= { cipUrpfIfMonEntry 3 }
cipUrpfIfDropRate OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Gauge32
UNITS "packets/second"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The rate of packet drops of IP version cipUrpfIfIpVersion
packets due to URPF on the interface.
This object is the average rate of dropping over the most
recent interval of time. The rate is computed by dividing
the number of packets dropped over an interval by the
interval time in seconds. Each time the drop rate
is computed, and at system startup, a snapshot is taken
of the latest value of cipUrpfIfDrops. Subtracting from this
the snapshot of cipUrpfIfDrops at the start of the current
interval of time gives the number of packets dropped.
The drop rate is computed every cipUrpfComputeInterval
When drop rate is computed, if time since the creation of
a row in cipUrpfIfMonTable is less than
cipUrpfDropRateWindow, the value of cipUrpfIfDrops is
divided by the time since row was created.
After the row has been in existence for
cipUrpfDropRateWindow, when drop rate is computed, the
number of packet drops counted on the interface from
interval start time to the computation time is divided
by cipUrpfDropRateWindow.
Changes to cipUrpfDropRateWindow are not reflected in this
object until the next computation time.
The rate from the most recent computation is the value
fetched until the subsequent computation is performed."
::= { cipUrpfIfMonEntry 4 }
cipUrpfIfDiscontinuityTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TimeStamp
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The value of sysUpTime on the most recent
occasion at which this interface's counters
suffered a discontinuity.
If no such discontinuities have occurred
since the last re-initialization of the
local management subsystem, then this
object contains a value of zero."
::= { cipUrpfIfMonEntry 5 }
cipUrpfIfConfTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"This table contains statistics information on URPF on
an interface."
::= { cipUrpfInterfaceConfig 1 }
cipUrpfIfConfEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CipUrpfIfConfEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"A row exists in this table if a row exists
in cipUrpfIfMonTable."
AUGMENTS { cipUrpfIfMonEntry }
::= { cipUrpfIfConfTable 1 }
CipUrpfIfConfEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cipUrpfIfDropRateNotifyEnable TruthValue,
cipUrpfIfNotifyDropRateThreshold Unsigned32,
cipUrpfIfNotifyDrHoldDownReset TruthValue,
cipUrpfIfCheckStrict INTEGER,
cipUrpfIfWhichRouteTableID INTEGER,
cipUrpfIfVrfName SnmpAdminString
cipUrpfIfDropRateNotifyEnable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TruthValue
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
"This object specifies whether the system produces the
cipUrpfIfDropRateNotify notification as a result of URPF
dropping of version cipUrpfIfIpVersion IP packets on this
interface. A false value prevents such notifications from
being generated by this system."
DEFVAL { false }
::= { cipUrpfIfConfEntry 1 }
cipUrpfIfNotifyDropRateThreshold OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
UNITS "packets/second"
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
"When the calculated rate of URPF packet drops
(cipUrpfIfDropRate) meets or exceeds the value
specified by this object, a cipUrpfIfDropRateNotify
notification is sent if cipUrpfIfDropRateNotifyEnable
is set to true, and no such notification for the
IP version has been sent for this interface for the
hold-down period.
Note that due to the calculation used for drop rate,
if there are less than n drop events in an n-second
period the notification will not be generated. To allow
for the detection of a small number of drop events, the
value 0 (zero) is used to indicate that if any drop events
occur during the interval, a notification is generated."
DEFVAL { 1000 }
::= { cipUrpfIfConfEntry 2 }
cipUrpfIfNotifyDrHoldDownReset OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TruthValue
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
"Setting this object to true causes the five-minute
hold-down timer for emitting URPF drop rate
notifications for IP version cipUrpfIfIpVersion on
the interface to be short-circuited. If a notification
is due and would be emitted for the interface if the
five-minutes elapsed, setting this object will cause
the notification to be sent.
This is a trigger, and doesn't hold information. It is
set and an action is performed. Therefore a get for
this object always returns false."
DEFVAL { false }
::= { cipUrpfIfConfEntry 3 }
cipUrpfIfCheckStrict OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Interface configuration indicating the strictness of
the reachability check performed
on the interface.
- strict: check that source addr is reachable via
the interface it came in on.
- loose : check that source addr is reachable via
some interface on the device."
::= { cipUrpfIfConfEntry 4 }
cipUrpfIfWhichRouteTableID OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Interface configuration indicating the routing table
consulted for the reachability check:
- default: the non-private routing table for of the
managed system.
- vrf : a particular VPN routing table."
::= { cipUrpfIfConfEntry 5 }
cipUrpfIfVrfName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..32))
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"If the value of cipUrpfIfWhichRouteTableID is 'vrf',
the name of the VRF Table. Otherwise a zero-length
::= { cipUrpfIfConfEntry 6 }
cipUrpfVrfTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"This table enables indexing URPF drop statistics
by Virtual Routing and Forwarding instances."
::= { cipUrpfVrf 1 }
cipUrpfVrfEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CipUrpfVrfEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry exists for a VRF if and only if the VRF
is associated with an interface that is configured
to perform IP URPF checking using the routing table
for that VRF."
INDEX { cipUrpfVrfName }
::= { cipUrpfVrfTable 1 }
CipUrpfVrfEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cipUrpfVrfName SnmpAdminString
cipUrpfVrfName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..32))
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"This field is used to specify the VRF Table
::= { cipUrpfVrfEntry 1 }
cipUrpfVrfIfTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"This table contains statistics information for interfaces
performing URPF using VRF table to determine reachability."
::= { cipUrpfStatistics 3 }
cipUrpfVrfIfEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CipUrpfVrfIfEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry exists for a VRF and interface if and only
if the VRF associated with the interface is configured
to perform IP URPF checking using the routing
table for the VRF."
INDEX { cipUrpfVrfName, ifIndex }
::= { cipUrpfVrfIfTable 1 }
CipUrpfVrfIfEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cipUrpfVrfIfDrops Counter32,
cipUrpfVrfIfDiscontinuityTime TimeStamp
cipUrpfVrfIfDrops OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
UNITS "packets"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of packets failing the URPF check for a VRF on
the interface and dropped by the managed device.
Discontinuities in the value of this variable can occur
at re-initialization of the management system, and at
other times as indicated by the values of
::= { cipUrpfVrfIfEntry 2 }
cipUrpfVrfIfDiscontinuityTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TimeStamp
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The value of sysUpTime on the most recent occasion at
which the URPF counters for this VRF on this interface
suffered a discontinuity. If no such discontinuities
have occurred since the last re-initialization of the
local management subsystem, then this object contains a
value of zero."
::= { cipUrpfVrfIfEntry 3 }
-- URPF Notification objects
STATUS current
"This notification is generated when
cipUrpfIfDropRateNotifyEnable is set to true and
the calculated URPF drop rate (cipUrpfIfDropRate)
exceeds the notification threshold drop rate
(cipUrpfIfNotifyDropRateThreshold). Note the
exceptional value of 0 for threshold allows notification
generation if any drop events occur in an interval.
After generating this notification, another such
notification will not be sent out for a minimum of five
minutes (note the exception to this provided by
The object value present in the notification is the
the drop rate that exceeded the threshold."
::= { ciscoIpUrpfMIBNotifs 1 }
-- Conformance Information Definition
ciscoIpUrpfMIBCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
{ ciscoIpUrpfMIBConformance 1 }
{ ciscoIpUrpfMIBConformance 2 }
STATUS current
"An SNMP entity can implement this module to
provide URPF problem diagnosis information."
MODULE -- this module
MANDATORY-GROUPS { ciscoIpUrpfMIBMainObjectGroup,
ciscoIpUrpfMIBNotifyGroup }
GROUP ciscoIpUrpfMIBVrfObjectGroup
"This group is mandatory for all implementations
that need to index URPF statistics by VRF interfaces."
::= { ciscoIpUrpfMIBCompliances 1 }
ciscoIpUrpfMIBMainObjectGroup OBJECT-GROUP
STATUS current
"The collection of common counter objects, those
needed by other objects, and the common interface
::= { ciscoIpUrpfMIBGroups 1 }
ciscoIpUrpfMIBVrfObjectGroup OBJECT-GROUP
STATUS current
"The collection of objects needed to index by
::= { ciscoIpUrpfMIBGroups 2 }
NOTIFICATIONS { cipUrpfIfDropRateNotify }
STATUS current
"The collection of objects which are used to specify
notifications for URPF."
::= { ciscoIpUrpfMIBGroups 6 }

mibs/IANAifType-MIB.my Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,518 @@
-- *****************************************************************
-- IANAifType-MIB.my: IANA Interface Type MIB
-- May 1994, Jeffrey T. Johnson
-- Copyright (c) 1994-1997, 1998, 1999, 2000-2006 by cisco Systems, Inc.
-- All rights reserved.
-- *****************************************************************
LAST-UPDATED "200603310000Z" -- March 31, 2006
CONTACT-INFO " Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
Postal: ICANN
4676 Admiralty Way, Suite 330
Marina del Rey, CA 90292
Tel: +1 310 823 9358
E-Mail: iana@iana.org"
DESCRIPTION "This MIB module defines the IANAifType Textual
Convention, and thus the enumerated values of
the ifType object defined in MIB-II's ifTable."
REVISION "200603310000Z" -- March 31, 2006
DESCRIPTION "Registration of new IANA ifType 234."
REVISION "200603300000Z" -- March 30, 2006
DESCRIPTION "Registration of new IANA ifType 233."
REVISION "200512220000Z" -- December 22, 2005
DESCRIPTION "Registration of new IANA ifTypes 231 and 232."
REVISION "200510100000Z" -- October 10, 2005
DESCRIPTION "Registration of new IANA ifType 230."
REVISION "200509090000Z" -- September 09, 2005
DESCRIPTION "Registration of new IANA ifType 229."
REVISION "200505270000Z" -- May 27, 2005
DESCRIPTION "Registration of new IANA ifType 228."
REVISION "200503030000Z" -- March 3, 2005
DESCRIPTION "Added the IANAtunnelType TC and deprecated
IANAifType sixToFour (215) per RFC4087."
REVISION "200411220000Z" -- November 22, 2004
DESCRIPTION "Registration of new IANA ifType 227 per RFC4327."
REVISION "200406170000Z" -- June 17, 2004
DESCRIPTION "Registration of new IANA ifType 226."
REVISION "200405120000Z" -- May 12, 2004
DESCRIPTION "Added description for IANAifType 6, and
changed the descriptions for IANAifTypes
180, 181, and 182."
REVISION "200405070000Z" -- May 7, 2004
DESCRIPTION "Registration of new IANAifType 225."
REVISION "200308250000Z" -- Aug 25, 2003
DESCRIPTION "Deprecated IANAifTypes 7 and 11. Obsoleted
IANAifTypes 62, 69, and 117. ethernetCsmacd (6)
should be used instead of these values"
REVISION "200308180000Z" -- Aug 18, 2003
DESCRIPTION "Registration of new IANAifType
REVISION "200308070000Z" -- Aug 7, 2003
DESCRIPTION "Registration of new IANAifTypes
222 and 223."
REVISION "200303180000Z" -- Mar 18, 2003
DESCRIPTION "Registration of new IANAifType
REVISION "200301130000Z" -- Jan 13, 2003
DESCRIPTION "Registration of new IANAifType
REVISION "200210170000Z" -- Oct 17, 2002
DESCRIPTION "Registration of new IANAifType
REVISION "200207160000Z" -- Jul 16, 2002
DESCRIPTION "Registration of new IANAifTypes
217 and 218."
REVISION "200207100000Z" -- Jul 10, 2002
DESCRIPTION "Registration of new IANAifTypes
215 and 216."
REVISION "200206190000Z" -- Jun 19, 2002
DESCRIPTION "Registration of new IANAifType
REVISION "200201040000Z" -- Jan 4, 2002
DESCRIPTION "Registration of new IANAifTypes
211, 212 and 213."
REVISION "200112200000Z" -- Dec 20, 2001
DESCRIPTION "Registration of new IANAifTypes
209 and 210."
REVISION "200111150000Z" -- Nov 15, 2001
DESCRIPTION "Registration of new IANAifTypes
207 and 208."
REVISION "200111060000Z" -- Nov 6, 2001
DESCRIPTION "Registration of new IANAifType
REVISION "200111020000Z" -- Nov 2, 2001
DESCRIPTION "Registration of new IANAifType
REVISION "200110160000Z" -- Oct 16, 2001
DESCRIPTION "Registration of new IANAifTypes
199, 200, 201, 202, 203, and 204."
REVISION "200109190000Z" -- Sept 19, 2001
DESCRIPTION "Registration of new IANAifType
REVISION "200105110000Z" -- May 11, 2001
DESCRIPTION "Registration of new IANAifType
REVISION "200101120000Z" -- Jan 12, 2001
DESCRIPTION "Registration of new IANAifTypes
195 and 196."
REVISION "200012190000Z" -- Dec 19, 2000
DESCRIPTION "Registration of new IANAifTypes
193 and 194."
REVISION "200012070000Z" -- Dec 07, 2000
DESCRIPTION "Registration of new IANAifTypes
191 and 192."
REVISION "200012040000Z" -- Dec 04, 2000
DESCRIPTION "Registration of new IANAifType
REVISION "200010170000Z" -- Oct 17, 2000
DESCRIPTION "Registration of new IANAifTypes
188 and 189."
REVISION "200010020000Z" -- Oct 02, 2000
DESCRIPTION "Registration of new IANAifType 187."
REVISION "200009010000Z" -- Sept 01, 2000
DESCRIPTION "Registration of new IANAifTypes
184, 185, and 186."
REVISION "200008240000Z" -- Aug 24, 2000
DESCRIPTION "Registration of new IANAifType 183."
REVISION "200008230000Z" -- Aug 23, 2000
DESCRIPTION "Registration of new IANAifTypes
REVISION "200008220000Z" -- Aug 22, 2000
DESCRIPTION "Registration of new IANAifTypes 170,
171, 172 and 173."
REVISION "200004250000Z" -- Apr 25, 2000
DESCRIPTION "Registration of new IANAifTypes 168 and 169."
REVISION "200003060000Z" -- Mar 6, 2000
DESCRIPTION "Fixed a missing semi-colon in the IMPORT.
Also cleaned up the REVISION log a bit.
It is not complete, but from now on it will
be maintained and kept up to date with each
change to this MIB module."
REVISION "199910081430Z" -- Oct 08, 1999
DESCRIPTION "Include new name assignments up to cnr(85).
This is the first version available via the WWW
at: ftp://ftp.isi.edu/mib/ianaiftype.mib"
REVISION "199401310000Z" -- Jan 31, 1994
DESCRIPTION "Initial version of this MIB as published in
RFC 1573."
::= { mib-2 30 }
STATUS current
"This data type is used as the syntax of the ifType
object in the (updated) definition of MIB-II's
The definition of this textual convention with the
addition of newly assigned values is published
periodically by the IANA, in either the Assigned
Numbers RFC, or some derivative of it specific to
Internet Network Management number assignments. (The
latest arrangements can be obtained by contacting the
Requests for new values should be made to IANA via
email (iana@iana.org).
The relationship between the assignment of ifType
values and of OIDs to particular media-specific MIBs
is solely the purview of IANA and is subject to change
without notice. Quite often, a media-specific MIB's
OID-subtree assignment within MIB-II's 'transmission'
subtree will be the same as its ifType value.
However, in some circumstances this will not be the
case, and implementors must not pre-assume any
specific relationship between ifType values and
transmission subtree OIDs."
other(1), -- none of the following
ethernetCsmacd(6), -- for all ethernet-like interfaces,
-- regardless of speed, as per RFC3635
iso88023Csmacd(7), -- Deprecated via RFC-draft-ietf-hubmib-etherif-mib-v3 ethernetCsmacd (6) should be used instead
starLan(11), -- Deprecated via RFC-draft-ietf-hubmib-etherif-mib-v3 ethernetCsmacd (6) should be used instead
ds1(18), -- DS1-MIB
e1(19), -- Obsolete see DS1-MIB
propPointToPointSerial(22), -- proprietary serial
eon(25), -- CLNP over IP
nsip(27), -- XNS over IP
slip(28), -- generic SLIP
ultra(29), -- ULTRA technologies
ds3(30), -- DS3-MIB
sip(31), -- SMDS, coffee
frameRelay(32), -- DTE only.
para(34), -- parallel-port
arcnet(35), -- arcnet
arcnetPlus(36), -- arcnet plus
atm(37), -- ATM cells
sonet(39), -- SONET or SDH
frameRelayService(44), -- FRNETSERV-MIB
modem(48), -- Generic modem
aal5(49), -- AAL5 over ATM
smdsIcip(52), -- SMDS InterCarrier Interface
propVirtual(53), -- proprietary virtual/internal
propMultiplexor(54),-- proprietary multiplexing
ieee80212(55), -- 100BaseVG
fibreChannel(56), -- Fibre Channel
hippiInterface(57), -- HIPPI interfaces
frameRelayInterconnect(58), -- Obsolete use either
-- frameRelay(32) or
-- frameRelayService(44).
aflane8023(59), -- ATM Emulated LAN for 802.3
aflane8025(60), -- ATM Emulated LAN for 802.5
cctEmul(61), -- ATM Emulated circuit
fastEther(62), -- Obsoleted via RFC-draft-ietf-hubmib-etherif-mib-v3 ethernetCsmacd (6) should be used instead
isdn(63), -- ISDN and X.25
v11(64), -- CCITT V.11/X.21
v36(65), -- CCITT V.36
g703at64k(66), -- CCITT G703 at 64Kbps
g703at2mb(67), -- Obsolete see DS1-MIB
qllc(68), -- SNA QLLC
fastEtherFX(69), -- Obsoleted via RFC-draft-ietf-hubmib-etherif-mib-v3 ethernetCsmacd (6) should be used instead
channel(70), -- channel
ieee80211(71), -- radio spread spectrum
ibm370parChan(72), -- IBM System 360/370 OEMI Channel
escon(73), -- IBM Enterprise Systems Connection
dlsw(74), -- Data Link Switching
isdns(75), -- ISDN S/T interface
isdnu(76), -- ISDN U interface
lapd(77), -- Link Access Protocol D
ipSwitch(78), -- IP Switching Objects
rsrb(79), -- Remote Source Route Bridging
atmLogical(80), -- ATM Logical Port
ds0(81), -- Digital Signal Level 0
ds0Bundle(82), -- group of ds0s on the same ds1
bsc(83), -- Bisynchronous Protocol
async(84), -- Asynchronous Protocol
cnr(85), -- Combat Net Radio
iso88025Dtr(86), -- ISO 802.5r DTR
eplrs(87), -- Ext Pos Loc Report Sys
arap(88), -- Appletalk Remote Access Protocol
propCnls(89), -- Proprietary Connectionless Protocol
hostPad(90), -- CCITT-ITU X.29 PAD Protocol
termPad(91), -- CCITT-ITU X.3 PAD Facility
frameRelayMPI(92), -- Multiproto Interconnect over FR
x213(93), -- CCITT-ITU X213
adsl(94), -- Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Loop
radsl(95), -- Rate-Adapt. Digital Subscriber Loop
sdsl(96), -- Symmetric Digital Subscriber Loop
vdsl(97), -- Very H-Speed Digital Subscrib. Loop
iso88025CRFPInt(98), -- ISO 802.5 CRFP
myrinet(99), -- Myricom Myrinet
voiceEM(100), -- voice recEive and transMit
voiceFXO(101), -- voice Foreign Exchange Office
voiceFXS(102), -- voice Foreign Exchange Station
voiceEncap(103), -- voice encapsulation
voiceOverIp(104), -- voice over IP encapsulation
atmDxi(105), -- ATM DXI
atmFuni(106), -- ATM FUNI
atmIma (107), -- ATM IMA
pppMultilinkBundle(108), -- PPP Multilink Bundle
ipOverCdlc (109), -- IBM ipOverCdlc
ipOverClaw (110), -- IBM Common Link Access to Workstn
stackToStack (111), -- IBM stackToStack
virtualIpAddress (112), -- IBM VIPA
mpc (113), -- IBM multi-protocol channel support
ipOverAtm (114), -- IBM ipOverAtm
iso88025Fiber (115), -- ISO 802.5j Fiber Token Ring
tdlc (116), -- IBM twinaxial data link control
gigabitEthernet (117), -- Obsoleted via RFC-draft-ietf-hubmib-etherif-mib-v3 ethernetCsmacd (6) should be used instead
hdlc (118), -- HDLC
lapf (119), -- LAP F
v37 (120), -- V.37
x25mlp (121), -- Multi-Link Protocol
x25huntGroup (122), -- X25 Hunt Group
trasnpHdlc (123), -- Transp HDLC
interleave (124), -- Interleave channel
fast (125), -- Fast channel
ip (126), -- IP (for APPN HPR in IP networks)
docsCableMaclayer (127), -- CATV Mac Layer
docsCableDownstream (128), -- CATV Downstream interface
docsCableUpstream (129), -- CATV Upstream interface
a12MppSwitch (130), -- Avalon Parallel Processor
tunnel (131), -- Encapsulation interface
coffee (132), -- coffee pot
ces (133), -- Circuit Emulation Service
atmSubInterface (134), -- ATM Sub Interface
l2vlan (135), -- Layer 2 Virtual LAN using 802.1Q
l3ipvlan (136), -- Layer 3 Virtual LAN using IP
l3ipxvlan (137), -- Layer 3 Virtual LAN using IPX
digitalPowerline (138), -- IP over Power Lines
mediaMailOverIp (139), -- Multimedia Mail over IP
dtm (140), -- Dynamic syncronous Transfer Mode
dcn (141), -- Data Communications Network
ipForward (142), -- IP Forwarding Interface
msdsl (143), -- Multi-rate Symmetric DSL
ieee1394 (144), -- IEEE1394 High Performance Serial Bus
if-gsn (145), -- HIPPI-6400
dvbRccMacLayer (146), -- DVB-RCC MAC Layer
dvbRccDownstream (147), -- DVB-RCC Downstream Channel
dvbRccUpstream (148), -- DVB-RCC Upstream Channel
atmVirtual (149), -- ATM Virtual Interface
mplsTunnel (150), -- MPLS Tunnel Virtual Interface
srp (151), -- Spatial Reuse Protocol
voiceOverAtm (152), -- Voice Over ATM
voiceOverFrameRelay (153), -- Voice Over Frame Relay
idsl (154), -- Digital Subscriber Loop over ISDN
compositeLink (155), -- Avici Composite Link Interface
ss7SigLink (156), -- SS7 Signaling Link
propWirelessP2P (157), -- Prop. P2P wireless interface
frForward (158), -- Frame Forward Interface
rfc1483 (159), -- Multiprotocol over ATM AAL5
usb (160), -- USB Interface
ieee8023adLag (161), -- IEEE 802.3ad Link Aggregate
bgppolicyaccounting (162), -- BGP Policy Accounting
frf16MfrBundle (163), -- FRF .16 Multilink Frame Relay
h323Gatekeeper (164), -- H323 Gatekeeper
h323Proxy (165), -- H323 Voice and Video Proxy
mpls (166), -- MPLS
mfSigLink (167), -- Multi-frequency signaling link
hdsl2 (168), -- High Bit-Rate DSL - 2nd generation
shdsl (169), -- Multirate HDSL2
ds1FDL (170), -- Facility Data Link 4Kbps on a DS1
pos (171), -- Packet over SONET/SDH Interface
dvbAsiIn (172), -- DVB-ASI Input
dvbAsiOut (173), -- DVB-ASI Output
plc (174), -- Power Line Communtications
nfas (175), -- Non Facility Associated Signaling
tr008 (176), -- TR008
gr303RDT (177), -- Remote Digital Terminal
gr303IDT (178), -- Integrated Digital Terminal
isup (179), -- ISUP
propDocsWirelessMaclayer (180), -- Cisco proprietary Maclayer
propDocsWirelessDownstream (181), -- Cisco proprietary Downstream
propDocsWirelessUpstream (182), -- Cisco proprietary Upstream
hiperlan2 (183), -- HIPERLAN Type 2 Radio Interface
propBWAp2Mp (184), -- PropBroadbandWirelessAccesspt2multipt
sonetOverheadChannel (185), -- SONET Overhead Channel
digitalWrapperOverheadChannel (186), -- Digital Wrapper
aal2 (187), -- ATM adaptation layer 2
radioMAC (188), -- MAC layer over radio links
atmRadio (189), -- ATM over radio links
imt (190), -- Inter Machine Trunks
mvl (191), -- Multiple Virtual Lines DSL
reachDSL (192), -- Long Reach DSL
frDlciEndPt (193), -- Frame Relay DLCI End Point
atmVciEndPt (194), -- ATM VCI End Point
opticalChannel (195), -- Optical Channel
opticalTransport (196), -- Optical Transport
propAtm (197), -- Proprietary ATM
voiceOverCable (198), -- Voice Over Cable Interface
infiniband (199), -- Infiniband
teLink (200), -- TE Link
q2931 (201), -- Q.2931
virtualTg (202), -- Virtual Trunk Group
sipTg (203), -- SIP Trunk Group
sipSig (204), -- SIP Signaling
docsCableUpstreamChannel (205), -- CATV Upstream Channel
econet (206), -- Acorn Econet
pon155 (207), -- FSAN 155Mb Symetrical PON interface
pon622 (208), -- FSAN622Mb Symetrical PON interface
bridge (209), -- Transparent bridge interface
linegroup (210), -- Interface common to multiple lines
voiceEMFGD (211), -- voice E&M Feature Group D
voiceFGDEANA (212), -- voice FGD Exchange Access North American
voiceDID (213), -- voice Direct Inward Dialing
mpegTransport (214), -- MPEG transport interface
sixToFour (215), -- 6to4 interface (DEPRECATED)
gtp (216), -- GTP (GPRS Tunneling Protocol)
pdnEtherLoop1 (217), -- Paradyne EtherLoop 1
pdnEtherLoop2 (218), -- Paradyne EtherLoop 2
opticalChannelGroup (219), -- Optical Channel Group
homepna (220), -- HomePNA ITU-T G.989
gfp (221), -- Generic Framing Procedure (GFP)
ciscoISLvlan (222), -- Layer 2 Virtual LAN using Cisco ISL
actelisMetaLOOP (223), -- Acteleis proprietary MetaLOOP High Speed Link
fcipLink (224), -- FCIP Link
rpr (225), -- Resilient Packet Ring Interface Type
qam (226), -- RF Qam Interface
lmp (227), -- Link Management Protocol
cblVectaStar (228), -- Cambridge Broadband Limited VectaStar
docsCableMCmtsDownstream (229), -- CATV Modular CMTS Downstream Interface
adsl2 (230), -- Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Loop Version 2
macSecControlledIF (231), -- MACSecControlled
macSecUncontrolledIF (232), -- MACSecUncontrolled
aviciOpticalEther (233), -- Avici Optical Ethernet Aggregate
atmbond (234) -- atmbond
STATUS current
"The encapsulation method used by a tunnel. The value
direct indicates that a packet is encapsulated
directly within a normal IP header, with no
intermediate header, and unicast to the remote tunnel
endpoint (e.g., an RFC 2003 IP-in-IP tunnel, or an RFC
1933 IPv6-in-IPv4 tunnel). The value minimal indicates
that a Minimal Forwarding Header (RFC 2004) is
inserted between the outer header and the payload
packet. The value UDP indicates that the payload
packet is encapsulated within a normal UDP packet
(e.g., RFC 1234).
The values sixToFour, sixOverFour, and isatap
indicates that an IPv6 packet is encapsulated directly
within an IPv4 header, with no intermediate header,
and unicast to the destination determined by the 6to4,
6over4, or ISATAP protocol.
The remaining protocol-specific values indicate that a
header of the protocol of that name is inserted
between the outer header and the payload header.
The assignment policy for IANAtunnelType values is
identical to the policy for assigning IANAifType
other(1), -- none of the following
direct(2), -- no intermediate header
gre(3), -- GRE encapsulation
minimal(4), -- Minimal encapsulation
l2tp(5), -- L2TP encapsulation
pptp(6), -- PPTP encapsulation
l2f(7), -- L2F encapsulation
udp(8), -- UDP encapsulation
atmp(9), -- ATMP encapsulation
msdp(10), -- MSDP encapsulation
sixToFour(11), -- 6to4 encapsulation
sixOverFour(12), -- 6over4 encapsulation
isatap(13), -- ISATAP encapsulation
teredo(14) -- Teredo encapsulation

mibs/process.pl Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
sub getfiles {
while($file = readdir(DIR)) {
if($file !~ /^\./) {
foreach $all ($file) {
system("snmpttconvertmib --in=$all --out=/etc/snmp/snmptt-d.conf");
print "$all\n";